Books of the Book: Daniel

Daniel Chapter 8

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ty Gibson & James Rafferty


Series Code: DBOTB

Program Code: DBOTB000009B

00:01 Welcome back friends, as we
00:03 continue our study of Daniel
00:04 Chapter 8 James, we have now
00:06 come to verses is 13 and 14.
00:07 It is very fascinating here.
00:09 We have a conversation that occurs between two angels.
00:13 The conversation has for it's subject the power of the
00:18 little horn and the things the little horn has
00:20 been doing against the people of God.
00:23 And against the mediatorial Ministry of Jesus Christ in
00:27 the new covenant, so in verse 13, Daniel says,
00:31 "I heard a Holy One speaking, and another Holy One said"
00:35 "to that certain one who was speaking, how long will the"
00:40 "vision be concerning the daily sacrifices and the"
00:44 "transgression of desolation, the giving of both the"
00:47 "sanctuary and the host be trampled underfoot. "
00:49 Now we need to understand the content of the question.
00:53 The question is regarding how long the little horn power
00:58 will be allowed, or able to could continue it's work,
01:01 of persecuting God's people, defaming the character of God,
01:05 casting the truth of the new covenant to the ground,
01:07 and defiling the sanctuary Ministry of Christ.
01:11 How long the angel is asking, will this terrible state
01:15 of affairs be allowed to continue.
01:17 Then in verse 14, another angel answers this one,
01:21 and he gives a time prophecy.
01:23 "And he said to me, for 2300 days, then shall the
01:28 sanctuary be cleansed. "
01:30 Now the subject again is the work of the little horn and
01:34 what it is doing.
01:35 One of the things the little horn has done is cast
01:38 sanctuary to the ground.
01:39 Has defamed the sanctuary ministry of Christ and
01:42 interposed between the people and the mediatorial
01:45 Ministry of Jesus.
01:47 So the question is, How long will this go on?
01:49 The answer to the question is 2300 days will pass then
01:55 the state of affairs will be rectified, the sanctuary
01:59 will be cleansed, the little horn will at that point,
02:04 not be able to continue on in it's work.
02:07 It is really interesting Ty, because there is a lot of
02:10 confusion here in Daniel's mind.
02:13 He is struggling to understand this.
02:14 It says in verse 15, "that it
02:16 "came to pass and I, even I"
02:18 "Daniel had seen the vision"
02:19 "and sought for the meaning,"
02:21 "then, behold there stood before me the appearance of a"
02:23 " man. And I heard a man's voice,"
02:24 "between the rivers Ulai, which called, and said,"
02:27 "Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. "
02:30 "So he came near and stood: and when he came, I was"
02:33 "afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me,"
02:37 "Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end"
02:42 "shall the vision be. "
02:45 "Now as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep"
02:49 "on my face toward the ground: but he touched me, and"
02:52 "set me upright. "
02:54 "And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall"
02:56 "and be in the last end of the indignation: for at that"
02:59 "time appointed the end shall be. "
03:00 What you have here, as you have a vision Ty, extending
03:04 from Daniel's time, Media Persia, all the way down to
03:08 the very end up time.
03:09 So this angel that comes to make him understand, Gabriel
03:13 comes to make him understand is going to begin with Media
03:16 Persia and then he is going to take him all the way down
03:19 to the end of time.
03:21 That is why you begin in verse 20, with the ram which
03:24 thou saw a Media Persia, verse 21, but rough goat being
03:27 the Kings of Grecia, and one being broken verse 22,
03:31 stood up in its place, four nations will come out of
03:34 this nation and four Kings will arise, four general's
03:38 will take over after Alexander the great died.
03:41 They stand but they don't have the same power he had.
03:44 And verse 23 goes into the latter end of the kingdom.
03:47 The interpretation is going from Media Persia all the way
03:50 down past Greece and past pagan Rome, all the way down to the
03:53 very end of time.
03:55 Now the fact that the angel indicates to Daniel that the
03:59 vision he just received extents the very end of time,
04:04 that is a direct contextual proof that the 2300 days is
04:09 not literal days.
04:11 If from the time we are speaking of here,
04:14 we were to count 2300 literal days,
04:16 we wouldn't come to the end of time.
04:18 The fact that this prophecy extends, as angel says,
04:22 to the very end of time implements for us a principle of
04:26 Bible prophecy interpretation and that is that the 2300
04:30 days are to be interpreted as 2300 years.
04:35 And that is the only way we can see that the prophecy
04:38 would, in fact, extend to the end of time.
04:41 It is the day for a year principal and we find it in the
04:44 Old Testament, in the New Testament confirmed by Christ.
04:47 We will study more on that we get to Daniel 9.
04:49 But you are right, that prophecy is not understood by
04:53 Daniel at first, he is confused about this.
04:55 That is one of the reasons I think Gabriel comes.
04:59 Because what makes it clear in his mind is this final
05:02 interpretation, these final verses that talk about this
05:07 dark power that rises up, dark sentences that rises up
05:11 at the end of time and seeks to destroy the holy and the
05:16 mighty people, and that it says magnifies himself,
05:19 in verse 25, "in his heart, and by peace shall destroy"
05:22 "many: he shall stand up also against Prince of princes;"
05:25 "but he shall be broken without hand. "
05:27 Yes this is a powerful prophecy James.
05:29 It is a very clear indication
05:33 of how the gospel saves human
05:35 beings and how it is that God
05:38 conquers evil and His enemies.
05:41 We notice here the prophecies that the little horn is
05:44 identified as a power that uses cunning, and deceit,
05:47 and persecution, or force and coercion.
05:50 But it is very, very beautiful that when Daniel is told
05:54 by the angel, that the little horn power will eventually
05:58 be overcome and conquered by God, it says he will be
06:02 conquered, or broken without hands, the King James
06:05 version says, or as the new King James version renders it,
06:09 that he will be broken without human means.
06:11 What does it mean by, without human means?
06:13 Well the human means are the principles, the methods that
06:19 are being used by the little horn.
06:22 Deceit and force primarily.
06:24 God will conquer this little horn power without the use
06:28 of deceit, without the use of force.
06:30 God uses the power of truth to draw people to Himself
06:35 and bring people to the worship of the one
06:37 and only true God.
06:38 God uses the power of His love manifested in Christ,
06:42 as Jesus died on the cross to reveal to us that God
06:46 literally loves every member of the human family more
06:50 than His own life, now that is power.
06:52 That is a power that is not anything like what we see
06:56 in the little horn as it uses force, manipulation, deceit,
07:01 in order to further it's ends.
07:03 So this is beautiful, God is going to win the great
07:06 controversy, but not by the same principles and methods
07:09 that His enemies have used.
07:12 You see this Ty so clearly not only here in Daniel 8,
07:16 but we also see in Daniel 2.
07:18 You have the same basic phrase in Daniel Chapter 2 when
07:21 the interpretation is given of this stone.
07:24 It is cut out of the mountain it says, without hand.
07:27 This stone of course represents Jesus Christ.
07:31 Jesus Christ is the stone.
07:33 Jesus Christ is the rock and when He comes again,
07:36 He comes again to destroy, or consume all of these
07:39 kingdoms and it says in verse 45, "for as much as thou"
07:42 "saw that the stone was cut out without hands. "
07:45 Same idea, broken without hands, broken cut out and hits
07:51 the image and breaks it to pieces.
07:52 The stone, in the New Testament, is Christ.
07:55 He is the rock, He is the stone.
07:57 So again it is talking about His kingdom,
07:59 and Jesus Christ, of course has come to bring down the
08:02 kingdom of darkness, dark sentences,
08:04 the power of darkness to establish the truth,
08:07 but not by force of arms.
08:08 His disciples said,
08:10 Master should we fight with the sword?
08:12 He said I can call a legion of Angels right now.
08:14 Well why don't you?
08:16 Because those that kill with the sword will
08:18 be killed with the sword.
08:19 Christ came to usher in that kingdom that is based on
08:22 the principal of love.
08:23 Amen, Amen! Jesus was none other than God in the human
08:29 flesh, and if it were in His heart to do so, He could
08:35 have used force, but rather He submitted willingly to
08:40 be led as a lamb to the slaughter.
08:42 As we see Jesus exalted on the cross before us in willing
08:46 self-sacrificing love, praying Father forgive them for
08:51 they know not what they do.
08:52 We are encountering a whole different kind of power then
08:57 that which we see exercised by human political systems
09:01 and religious systems.
09:02 We are encountering the power of the grace of God to melt
09:07 the human heart, to soften the human heart,
09:10 and to draw us to Him in voluntary worship rather
09:14 than forced worship.
09:16 We are also encountering a whole different mediation.
09:18 We are encountering a mediation
09:21 of priesthood that is not
09:22 requiring you to confess
09:23 your sins and go do some
09:25 penance, but a priesthood that
09:26 is saying Father forgive them
09:28 for they don't know what they're doing that is soliciting
09:32 forgiveness even in our sins, even in our transgressions,
09:35 even in our wickedness God is pursuing us and drawing us
09:39 to come to Him for grace, this unmerited favor.
09:43 That is why the new covenant is so vital.
09:45 That is why this power needs to be exposed and understood
09:49 because it is a power that is based upon works.
09:52 It is based on a human system.
09:54 It is based upon what we need to do to merit God's favor,
09:58 or to be meritorious in His sight in order to earn,
10:01 to some degree, salvation.
10:03 But we can't earn salvation in any way.
10:06 Salvation is a free gift from God, given to us unmerited
10:10 favor, given to us as we see Him as the complete truth
10:14 and sacrifice for sins.
10:16 Now James, as Daniel 8 closes
10:18 Daniel says that he was
10:21 literally sick for days.
10:22 That's incredible isn't it?
10:24 He is sick because he wants
10:26 to understand what God has just revealed to him.
10:28 But Daniel is thinking in the more immediate context of
10:33 the captivity of Israel.
10:34 So that is why he is struggling right here, because
10:38 according to Jeremiah Israel is captive for 70 years.
10:41 According to this vision he has just been given,
10:44 it is 2300 days.
10:46 The 2300 days taken literally doesn't fit with the 70
10:49 years, that is just a few years.
10:51 He still, in this vision, he is still under Belshazzar
10:54 and it doesn't connect in his mind.
10:57 It is making him sick because he only has one other
10:59 alternative, Daniel knows the
11:00 day for a year principle.
11:02 He recognizes that, as the angel
11:04 says, this is going to concern
11:06 your people in the latter days.
11:08 He is starting to think, you mean the temple is not
11:10 going to be built for 2300 years?
11:12 How does this all come together?
11:15 It literally makes him sick.
11:17 And James that leaves us then with the vital connection
11:20 between Daniel Chapter 8 and Daniel Chapter 9.
11:23 We don't have time to conclude Chapter 9,
11:27 but we know this much, that Daniel closes Chapter 8 by
11:32 telling us that he is very interested in having greater
11:36 understanding regarding the time period that has been
11:40 outlined in Chapter 8, the 2300 day prophecy.
11:43 Yes, so what we are going to see here is that Daniel
11:45 seeks for greater understanding,
11:47 in fact here's an interesting point.
11:49 We don't have time to get in Chapter 9,
11:51 but what is interesting is that in the transition from
11:54 Chapter 8 to Chapter 9 we have that change of rulership.
11:58 We go from Belshazzar to Darius.
11:59 It was in the first-year Darius when Daniel began to
12:02 pray that the decree went forth were he wasn't supposed
12:05 to pray to anyone for 30 days.
12:07 That is interesting! It is very serious.
12:09 Daniel realizes something significant is going to be
12:11 revealed to me and that is why Satan is seeking to
12:14 stop me from understanding this.
12:15 Friends, there are times in our lives when there are
12:18 significant developments that are going to take place.
12:21 Satan wants to stop, or hinder us in our spiritual
12:23 growth, and he will do everything he can to sever
12:26 our connection with God through prayer
12:28 and through faith in Him.
12:29 We need to pray through the darkness.
12:31 We need to pray through the attacks of the enemy.
12:34 We need to persevere, following Daniel's example because
12:38 dear friends, God is eager to hear and to answer our
12:42 prayers and to bless us above all that we could ever
12:46 possibly ask or think through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Revised 2022-11-14