Books of the Book: Daniel

Daniel Chapter 5

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ty Gibson and James Rafferty


Series Code: DBOTB

Program Code: DBOTB000006A

00:21 Welcome friends to Books of the Book!
00:23 We are so glad you joined us
00:25 for study of the book of Daniel.
00:27 I'm Ty Gibson and with me is my
00:28 co-host James Rafferty.
00:29 It is good to be here Ty and
00:31 we are in Daniel Chapter 5.
00:32 We are dealing here with another
00:34 Chapter in the experience and
00:37 the life of a Babylonian ruler.
00:39 This time it is Belshazzar.
00:41 This chapter is really interesting because it dwells on
00:45 a different aspect of God's character.
00:47 God is a God of love and His love, that loving aspect
00:51 of God's character, the foundation of who He is, of His
00:55 Government is manifested in two different ways.
00:58 In mercy and in Justice.
01:00 Mercy and justice seemed to be opposites, but they come
01:03 together to form that character of love.
01:06 The foundational principle of love that is the essence
01:09 of who God is.
01:10 Daniel Chapter 5 James, I think is a study in contrast
01:14 in that sense.
01:15 We see in Chapter 4, the previous chapters of the book
01:20 of Daniel, the gradual, but finally radical conversion
01:24 of King Nebuchadnezzar as he comes under the influence
01:28 of God's mercy and grace.
01:30 Then we come to Chapter 5 and we have this contrast with
01:34 his son, or actually his grandson Belshazzar, who is
01:39 himself a witness to God's mercy, to God's grace.
01:44 He saw, knows the history of his grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar.
01:49 He knows God's influence, His mercy, His grace.
01:52 He knows it intellectually as a witness to it.
01:57 Yet Belshazzar does not respond to God's mercy, as did
02:01 Nebuchadnezzar, but in fact responds in such a way that
02:05 ultimately works his ruined.
02:06 Yes, and one of the reason of this is found right here
02:09 in the opening verses, Daniel 5:1.
02:12 "Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand"
02:15 "of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand. "
02:19 And it says in verse 2, "Belshazzar, while he tasted"
02:23 "the wine, commanded to bring the Golden and Silver vessels"
02:27 "which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out"
02:30 "of the temple which was in Jerusalem; that the king,"
02:32 "and his princes, he is wives, and his concubines,"
02:35 "might drink therein. "
02:37 It's no secret James, everybody knows that alcohol
02:41 impairs judgment.
02:42 The language here is, "while he tasted the wine. "
02:47 That is that Belshazzar, while under the influence of
02:51 alcohol, while under the influence of this massive party
02:56 he is holding with just drunkenness at every turn.
03:00 He is under the influence of alcohol and his judgment
03:04 is severely impaired and he begins to make decisions
03:08 that are in a sense, not even in a sense, directly
03:12 defining the God of heaven that he has witness as an
03:16 influence in Nebuchadnezzar's life.
03:18 He defines the God of heaven and enters into a state
03:22 of mind and a series of actions that are disrespectful
03:26 and irreverent and takes the vessels of the House of God,
03:30 the temple of God in Jerusalem, and he makes them a part
03:33 of his drunken feast.
03:34 Absolutely and what is interesting Ty, is the principal
03:38 we find in the Bible.
03:39 In the book of Proverbs we are
03:42 warned against partaking of
03:44 alcoholic drinks, alcoholic beverages.
03:47 Not even to look upon wine when it ferments, or changes,
03:50 because the influence that it has upon us tends in the
03:53 wrong direction and I am sure a lot of people out there
03:56 listening, myself included, who can point to the
03:59 influence of alcohol, the influence of drugs and say
04:02 I made decisions in my life, I took actions in my life
04:06 that were detrimental.
04:07 I possibly never recovered from, but they have taken my
04:10 life in a direction that I never wanted or intended.
04:13 If I wouldn't been under the influence of those drugs or
04:16 alcohol, I would have gone in a completely different
04:19 direction, it's ruined my life, it's impaired me.
04:23 I want to say to all those people right now that it
04:26 doesn't mean that God cannot recover you from that.
04:28 That is why it is so important for us to recognize,
04:31 that yes there is a place where we could make decisions
04:34 that bring us to a destiny that is not in harmony
04:37 with God's will a destiny of being lost which is what we are
04:40 going to find here with Belshazzar.
04:41 There is also a place for God can recover us.
04:44 God longs to recover us from the decisions we made while
04:48 under the influence of these drugs.
04:50 So we have here in Daniel
04:52 Chapter 5 a studying contrast
04:54 between the conversion of
04:56 Nebuchadnezzar and now the very clear rebellion,
05:01 and irreverence of Belshazzar.
05:04 And we have here a clear indication or contrast between
05:09 the affect of God's mercy and now the necessity of God
05:13 responding in justice.
05:15 So as Belshazzar is engaged in this drunken feast, as he
05:19 enters in to these irreverent actions shaking as it were,
05:24 his fist at the God of heaven, suddenly something
05:26 astounding takes place.
05:28 In verse 5, "in the same hour the finger of a man's hand"
05:33 "appeared and wrote opposite the lamp stand, on the"
05:37 "plaster of a wall of the king's palace; and the king"
05:41 "saw the part of the man's hand that wrote. "
05:44 Amazing, just out of nowhere, no doubt under the
05:47 influence of alcohol, he is doing a double take and
05:50 wondering is this real what I am witnessing?
05:54 But obviously he is not the only person who has seen it.
05:57 There are a thousand of his guests here at this feast.
06:01 They are all witnessing this blood curdling, haunting
06:05 thing that is taking place.
06:06 Imagine what you would feel, what I would feel, if all
06:10 of a sudden out of nowhere a hand, a bodiless hand begins
06:15 writing across the wall?
06:16 And he is filled with fear, and one of the reasons why
06:20 he is so filled with fear is because he does not
06:23 understand what the writing means.
06:25 So here comes this bodiless hand and it is writing these
06:28 words ME'- NE, ME'- NE, TE'- KEL, U-PHAR'- SIN
06:31 and he is trying to understand.
06:32 He has no understanding of what these words actually mean.
06:35 He knows that it is significant.
06:37 This is a supernatural event that is taking place.
06:40 Probably his conscious is awakened at that moment and
06:44 he is brought to sobriety in a second.
06:48 He is wondering what does this mean, it can't be
06:51 a positive thing, it must be fearful foreboding of the
06:54 future, but What does it all mean?
06:56 There's nothing as scary, nothing is fearful as not
07:00 understanding what the future holds.
07:02 He is so terrified in fact, that verse 6 of Daniel
07:07 Chapter 5 says, "... the joints of his hips were loosened. "
07:13 Another version says that his loins were loosened.
07:17 Some commentators say that maybe he became incontinent
07:21 at this point because he was so afraid.
07:23 So it says they are in verse 6,
07:25 "and his knees knocked against each other. "
07:28 I mean this guy was terrified.
07:30 Sin has that affect on us.
07:32 When the consciences heavy laden with guilt and
07:36 condemnation, somewhere in our hearts we know that we
07:40 are wrong and are walking contrary to the will of God.
07:44 That weight of guilt upon our conscience, it has the
07:48 potential to produce terror and fear in us when we
07:52 finally come face to face with the truth.
07:54 As you say that his conscious, to some degree,
07:57 is awakened right now and he knows he's in trouble.
08:00 He knows in his heart that something is taking place
08:03 there that is not in his favor.
08:04 It is really interesting because at this point,
08:06 Belshazzar wants to understand what the writing is.
08:10 There are probably many times in our lives, and many
08:13 times in the lives of our viewers, when we are not
08:16 interested in knowing what God has to say about our future.
08:19 We are not interested in understanding the prophecy.
08:22 Or understand this mysterious writing that comes from
08:25 heaven as we understand now, in the context of this
08:28 prophecy of this book, that this writing is from God.
08:31 It is a warning from God.
08:32 We are not interested and that is why it is so important
08:35 for us to recognize.
08:36 You see a lot of people think
08:38 that the prophecy in the
08:39 Bible is all doom and gloom.
08:41 It is written to make us afraid.
08:43 The truth of the matter is it is uncertainty about the
08:47 future, it is lacking in knowledge, and lacking the
08:51 understanding we need to be afraid of.
08:53 Belshazzar story is bringing this out.
08:55 God has not given us prophecy to scare us.
08:57 God has revealed prophecy to prepare us for what is ahead.
09:00 You look at our situation in the world today at any time
09:03 and you think we don't know what is going to happen.
09:05 We do not know what the economic future of this country,
09:08 of the world is and that is scary.
09:10 To be able to see what the future holds even if it isn't
09:13 the best, it gives a little bit of peace because it gives
09:17 us a sense of what we need to do in order to prepare.
09:21 Even if it is the worst, we can do something to prepare
09:25 for it, not knowing it all is even scarier.
09:28 That is why when the king seeks for the interpretation and
09:31 can't find one, it says verse 9, "then was king Belshazzar"
09:35 "greatly troubled, and his countenance was changed in him,"
09:38 "and his lords were astonished. "
09:40 In other words, as fearful and afraid as he was the first
09:43 time, he was even more afraid when nobody could be found
09:46 to interpret this writing.
09:49 Just like his grandfather before him, Nebuchadnezzar,
09:53 he calls in the wise men,
09:55 the astrologers and they cannot
09:56 give the interpretation and
09:58 somehow he had to know the
09:59 history, he had to know the
10:01 history, but somehow he doesn't even think of Daniel.
10:06 His queen comes to him and says there is a man, verse 11
10:11 "there is a man in your kingdom, in whom is the Spirit"
10:16 "of the holy God;"
10:18 then the queen calls his attention to Daniel.
10:20 Immediately Daniel, of course, is called upon and
10:22 brought in before the king.
10:25 The king begins pleading with Daniel for an interpretation
10:29 of the dream, and as the interpretation comes to the
10:32 king it is not what he wants to hear.
10:35 Obviously, it says in verse 10, that the queen was
10:39 not in the banquet.
10:41 "Now the queen by reason of the words in the king and"
10:43 "his lords come into the banquet house. "
10:45 So it appears that she was not under the influence of
10:48 these drugs of alcohol and the party atmosphere.
10:51 She was not a part of that so she can still recollect,
10:55 she's still can remember, she can pinpoint to the king this
10:59 man named Daniel, when the king is out of his senses,
11:02 he has lost his senses.
11:03 He knows about Daniel, he knows the history but he has
11:06 forgotten, and this is the influence drugs
11:07 can have upon us.
11:09 He has forgotten about everything that God has wrought.
11:11 He is forgot everything that God has done.
11:12 He should know, but he doesn't know.
11:14 I love the way she identifies Daniel.
11:15 He has identified by the same terminology repeatedly
11:19 throughout the story with Nebuchadnezzar
11:21 and now with Belshazzar.
11:23 This is the one in whom is the Spirit of the holy God.
11:28 Wouldn't that be a incredible if in our daily lives and
11:32 our interactions with people who don't know and
11:36 necessarily believe in the Lord, wouldn't it be great
11:39 if we were living in such a way, with integrity,
11:44 as Daniel did, purposing in our hearts not to
11:48 defile ourselves, as Daniel purposed in his heart,
11:50 but walking in integrity.
11:52 Not just walk in integrity in any haughty religious,
11:56 spiritually superior sense because we have seen in
12:00 previous studies James, Daniel is a humble man who is
12:04 not filled with resentment and bitterness for the fact
12:08 that he has been taken as a slave into Babylon.
12:11 Then he was made a Eunuch, made to serve the king.
12:15 Daniel, in the first time we encounter his response
12:18 to his enemies, is Lord don't destroy the wise men.
12:22 King Nebuchadnezzar don't destroy the wise men.
12:25 Then again later on he is concerned that Nebuchadnezzar
12:29 see the truth but at the same time he is reluctant to
12:32 tell him the whole truth because he knows it is not
12:35 what Nebuchadnezzar wants to hear.
12:37 Here Daniel has built a reputation.
12:39 His reputation is, this is the one in whom,
12:42 this is a man in whom is the Spirit of the holy God.
12:45 Verse 12, "for as much as an excellent spirit. "
12:47 An excellent spirit, What is an excellent spirit?
12:50 Each just far surpasses the spirit of a normal person.
12:53 "And knowledge, and understanding, interpreting"
12:55 "of dreams, and showing of hard sentences, and dissolving "
12:59 "of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king"
13:02 "named Belshazzar: now let Daniel be called,"
13:05 "and he will show the interpretation. "
13:07 I love that, this woman is speaking as someone who is
13:10 convicted, someone who believes
13:12 in Daniel, believes in Daniel's
13:14 God and perhaps that is why she
13:16 was not part of this banquet.
13:17 Part of this party, part of coming under the influence
13:21 of these lords and these rulers who were under the influence
13:24 of alcohol and worshiping the gods of gold and silver
13:27 and brass and iron and wood and stone.
13:29 They cannot see, they cannot hear, and of course we do
13:33 the same today, we worship gold and idols, and worship silver.
13:36 We worship metal, we worship our cars, we worship our
13:39 Oscars and worship our trophies, all the things of this world.
13:43 The sports and the celebrities and technology and in
13:47 a sense we are just out of our senses as was Belshazzar
13:51 and his lords and his princes.
13:53 But this woman is within reason.
13:55 She has got her senses about her
13:56 She is intelligent and she is thinking, she is seeing Spirit,
14:00 she is seeing what is in Daniel and the true
14:03 understanding and knowledge and so she is separated
14:06 from the banquet and she is now trying to bring Belshazzar to
14:09 understand and to seek for this man named Daniel.
14:12 There is another lesson here James, that all of us need
14:14 to consider and that is if we conduct ourselves in
14:18 integrity and in mercy, even though we are believers,
14:23 all of us are surrounded with people who don't
14:25 necessarily believe.
14:27 Wouldn't it be great, if when they come to a time of need,
14:31 when they realize their need for the Lord,
14:33 that they would immediately think to call upon that
14:37 individual, that person, this individual,
14:40 because there is an excellent spirit in them and we
14:43 have witnessed in them something that attracts us.
14:46 We know they may have the answer and may be able to
14:49 direct us to the right source of
14:51 understanding and knowledge.
14:53 That is what we need friends, we need to conduct
14:56 ourselves in such a way, as believers,
14:59 that people know that they can turn to us in their times
15:03 of need and struggle and pain and don't need to be
15:06 afraid to turn to us for fear of condemnation.
15:10 As Chapter 5 of Daniel continues to unfold,
15:13 we are going to see that Belshazzar does not respond
15:17 in an appropriate way to the vision that God gives
15:21 to the hand writing on the wall.
15:22 We are going to see here also that God is good,
15:26 God is merciful and He continues to have a plan that
15:29 we want ourselves to play into.
15:31 So stay with us and we will be right back
15:33 in just a moment.


Revised 2022-11-14