Books of the Book: Daniel

Daniel Chapter 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ty Gibson and James Rafferty


Series Code: DBOTB

Program Code: DBOTB000005A

00:21 Hello friends!
00:22 Welcome to Books of the Book.
00:24 I'm Ty Gibson and we are
00:25 presently engaged in a study of
00:27 the book of Daniel and with me is my co-host
00:29 James Rafferty.
00:30 So we are in Daniel Chapter 4
00:32 and it is incredible when you
00:34 look at Daniel 4 because the
00:36 book of Daniel, written by Daniel the prophet and believer.
00:39 A man who was connected with God with the exception of
00:43 Daniel Chapter 4 because Daniel Chapter 4 shows us that
00:46 God has an interest in every one, even if they aren't the
00:49 most ardent believer or follower of the Lord.
00:52 Everyone who has a radical conversion experience with God.
00:56 Daniel Chapter 4 was written by Nebuchadnezzar.
00:59 It is a testimony of his experience, his relationship
01:03 with God, and how God has worked in his life.
01:05 God has allowed Nebuchadnezzar to give this testimony as
01:09 part of this prophetic book of Daniel.
01:11 It's incredible, yes it's phenomenal because as we know
01:15 Peters says that holy men of old spake as they were moved
01:19 by the Holy Spirit.
01:20 The Holy Spirit inspires prophets and they are
01:23 called holy men.
01:25 Here we have a section of Scripture that is written by
01:29 none other than Nebuchadnezzar.
01:30 We need to give a little bit of background here so that
01:33 we remember who this is we are dealing with.
01:35 Nebuchadnezzar is a despotic dictator.
01:39 He is responsible for taking God's people captive and
01:43 enslaving them.
01:45 He has a horrific career record as a mass murderer and has
01:52 and performed a genocide no doubt.
01:53 He has moved into villages and countries and this man is
01:57 no one you would expect to be penning inspired
02:01 words in Scripture, yet right here in Chapter 4 we have
02:04 the testimony of King Nebuchadnezzar chronicling his
02:08 radical conversion.
02:09 You might not even think that Nebuchadnezzar would be
02:11 saved in heaven unless you would read this testimony
02:14 which is probably possibly why God has in His providence
02:18 allow this testimony to be part of the inspired Scripture.
02:21 But listen to this, Daniel Chapter 4 and verse 1,
02:24 listen to Nebuchadnezzar.
02:25 "Nebuchadnezzar, the king, unto all people, nations, and
02:29 "languages that do well on all the earth,"
02:30 "peace be multiplied unto you."
02:33 That sounds like Paul.
02:34 That sounds like New Testament introduction to one
02:38 of Paul's epistles.
02:39 This is a changed man, this is a converted man and do you
02:42 know why this is a converted man?
02:43 Because the testimony of Nebuchadnezzar is, I wanted to
02:47 tell you how good God is, how great God is.
02:49 He made me into a wild man and I went for seven years
02:53 eating grass while my hair grew as Eagle feathers and my
02:57 nails grew as Eagle's claws.
02:58 Isn't God good!
03:00 Yeah, it's amazing.
03:01 In other words, it takes a converted man to go through
03:04 such a horrendous trial and come out saying God is good.
03:08 We know was a horrendous trial because down in verse 4,
03:12 he says I at rest in my house and flourishing in my
03:16 palace, this guy had everything.
03:18 He was surrounded with opulence.
03:21 He could indulge himself in any earthly pleasures.
03:24 He was the king and yet he is praising God for taking him
03:30 out of that situation and by His divine providence
03:34 thrusting Nebuchadnezzar into a very terrible trial,
03:37 obviously, Nebuchadnezzar literally lost his mind.
03:41 He went insane according to his own testimony here.
03:44 Nebuchadnezzar somehow is able to look upon this
03:47 experience and praise God because he knows that through
03:51 this experience God has reached his heart and brought
03:55 him to an understanding of the truth.
03:57 He knows that God has taken him out of a false security.
03:59 And earthly security, a security that is dependent on
04:02 earthly powers or an earthly
04:04 wealth which is all going to
04:06 vanish, he knows that God has
04:07 removed him.
04:09 The reason why he is so incredibly impressed by what God
04:12 has done is because Nebuchadnezzar understands
04:15 the pride of his own heart.
04:16 This whole chapter deals with pride and it ends with
04:20 this testimony that Nebuchadnezzar gives a
04:23 summation of his testimony and basically says those who walk
04:25 in pride He's able to abase.
04:26 Nebuchadnezzar realizes looking back that he,
04:29 even though he was at rest, even though he was
04:32 flourishing, he was in a false security, that is what
04:34 we see in the world today.
04:36 Many especially in the Western countries, we see people
04:38 who are resting in a false security and one day that
04:41 security will be broken.
04:42 It will be diminished, it will be gone and there will
04:45 be nothing left.
04:46 God is seeking to reach us right now and say the things
04:49 you find security in today are meaningless in the end.
04:52 Absolutely, absolutely! If you think about it,
04:55 the average Westerner in
04:58 our world today lives at a
05:01 lifestyle level that might not be too much behind
05:06 Nebuchadnezzar at peace in his house, flourishing in his palace
05:10 We are surrounded with every provision we could possibly
05:15 imagine, we probably have available to us some of
05:19 the amenities of life that Nebuchadnezzar in his time
05:23 didn't even have in his palace.
05:25 The fact is that we are at rest in our houses.
05:29 We are at ease in our little palaces, our little worlds
05:34 in which we do not feel our need of God.
05:37 We do not feel our need of His grace.
05:40 The fact is James though, if we think about this we are
05:44 reading the testimony here in Daniel 4, of a despotic
05:48 ruler, we look upon him, and we think of some of the
05:50 horrible atrocities that he committed in his lifetime.
05:54 But from God's perspective, really there isn't this
06:00 great distinction between sinners.
06:03 The fact is, all have sinned and fallen short of
06:05 the glory of God.
06:07 Nebuchadnezzar reveals to us a carnality and a
06:11 wickedness that is the potential of all of our hearts.
06:15 If left to ourselves, apart from the grace of God,
06:18 there is not a one of us as human beings who would not
06:21 engage in the same kinds of things that Nebuchadnezzar
06:25 engaged in as this despotic ruler filled with arrogance
06:28 and pride.
06:30 He had an inflated sense of himself, and we too, as sinners
06:33 have an inflated sense of ourselves in our little worlds.
06:35 We just don't have the kind of power necessarily
06:39 that he had at his disposal, but we are all sinners in
06:42 need of this radical kind of conversion.
06:44 It's true you know, it's fallen human nature to categorize sin
06:47 to make ourselves out to be better than somebody else.
06:50 Put these different categories that God does not see.
06:53 That's what I think is really profound that Nebuchadnezzar
06:56 is giving a statement here in verse 1, "to all people,"
06:59 "Nations and languages that dwell on all the earth. "
07:02 I think what he is saying is, because we categorize sin
07:05 and because we see certain people as worse than others,
07:09 Nebuchadnezzar is probably seen as the worse of all.
07:13 The fact that he is filled with pride, there is no way
07:17 a nice man can get to the position he is in,
07:19 and of course he doesn't pretend to be nice,
07:21 in any sense of the word up unto this time.
07:23 Even Daniel was made a Eunuch by Nebuchadnezzar,
07:26 everyone was to serve Nebuchadnezzar's purpose.
07:28 If they couldn't serve his purpose they died.
07:30 In that context Nebuchadnezzar is saying, in essence,
07:34 I want all the world to know that if God can save me,
07:37 He can save you.
07:39 There is another lesson here James, in the fact that
07:42 Nebuchadnezzar is addressing all peoples, nations,
07:44 languages, that dwell
07:46 on the earth in verse 1.
07:47 He is sending out his testimony
07:49 in the form of a letter
07:50 obviously, all over the world.
07:53 The first impulse of a converted heart, I mean when we
07:57 really see our need and begin to receive the grace of God
08:02 that transformation that is wrought in our hearts,
08:06 causes to arise in us an impulse to bring others in
08:10 contact with the grace of God.
08:12 Nebuchadnezzar is eager for the whole world to become
08:18 aware of his encounter with the living God.
08:20 Amen, that is why this testimony so powerful, because,
08:23 he is making such a radical transformation.
08:26 He has such a powerful witness
08:29 to share that at his time and
08:31 his level it will have a major
08:33 affect, we do not know how many people will be in the kingdom
08:35 because of the testimony of Nebuchadnezzar.
08:38 We do know this, it's powerful.
08:44 overcome, not only by the blood of Jesus Christ,
08:46 but by the word of our testimony.
08:47 Not only do we not know how many people will be in the
08:50 kingdom because of Nebuchadnezzar's testimony, but
08:52 imagine James, what it is going to be like on resurrection
08:55 morning when Nebuchadnezzar is there among the redeemed?
08:58 Also, among the resurrected saints of all ages.
09:03 There will be those who Nebuchadnezzar was in fact,
09:08 the person who brought them into slavery and committed
09:12 horrible atrocities against them and took their lives.
09:16 They are going to be amazed, and absolutely gratified to
09:21 see that after that wicked man had taken their lives,
09:26 he was able to be reached by the grace of God.
09:29 There he is in God's eternal kingdom.
09:32 Amen, so Nebuchadnezzar is having this dream and this time
09:37 as he is troubled by it, verse 5, "I saw a dream which made me"
09:41 "afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions"
09:43 "of my head troubled me. "
09:44 He makes a decree this time to bring in all the wise men
09:47 but he doesn't threaten them with death.
09:48 So you notice a little bit of transition taking place
09:51 here in his thinking.
09:52 We have seen him, already have a dream, where he was very
09:55 angry and want all the wise men killed.
09:57 Then we saw him move from that, in his experience, that
10:00 intellectual conviction that this is truth and Daniel your
10:04 God is the God of gods, to actually see a witness of
10:09 the Son of Man with His people in the furnace.
10:12 We know that these two events really affected him
10:15 in a powerful way.
10:16 The truth and a witness of the truth.
10:18 Now, as he has his second dream, of a tree, a great tree,
10:22 that fills the whole earth and feeds and give shade to all
10:26 these animals, and basically, is a picture of his nation
10:31 as the provider for and the power that directs all of
10:35 these different nations.
10:36 He recognizes that God is ultimately showing him who He
10:41 is and what God has given to him.
10:42 He is a little bit mellower.
10:43 He brings in his astrologers and doesn't threaten them
10:47 with death, but he is still not completely directed to God
10:50 because he doesn't call Daniel in among these astrologers
10:54 and wise men.
10:55 He waits till the very last before he calls Daniel in.
10:58 I think he knows that when he calls Daniel in, he is going
11:02 to receive a clear understanding of the meaning of his
11:05 vision and he has a hunch, just like the previous vision,
11:09 that it is not necessarily going to be exactly what
11:12 he wants to hear.
11:13 He knows that if he calls Daniel in, it is
11:15 going to be the truth.
11:16 He senses that when he encounters the truth is going to
11:19 require something of him.
11:21 There is going to be responsibility involved, and so
11:24 Daniel is his last resort.
11:26 He has curiosity and wants to know the meaning of the
11:29 vision, but he knows that Daniel is truly a godly man
11:33 who will tell him the truth and no doubt a little
11:36 reluctance to hear the whole truth.
11:38 So he gives Daniel the basic dream and then he asks Daniel
11:42 to give him the interpretation.
11:44 It is interesting because it says in verse 19,
11:46 of Chapter 4, that when Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar,
11:49 when Daniel received this dream from
11:51 Nebuchadnezzar, "he was astonished for one hour and the
11:56 thoughts of his head troubled him. "
11:59 "The king spoke to him and said don't let the dream,"
12:02 "or the interpretation trouble you. "
12:04 Daniel answers, Belshazzar answers, my lord,
12:07 I really love this, "the dream be to them that hate thee"
12:11 "and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies. "
12:15 In other words, Daniel is reluctant to tell the king, the
12:20 interpretation of the dream.
12:21 Now, I really believe this is powerful.
12:23 This is a powerful witness or testimony of a
12:25 believer in God, because to often,
12:28 as followers of God, we don't have a reluctant
12:32 bone in our body.
12:34 We just want to tell it like it is and let the chips fall
12:36 where they may and if you can't handle the truth then
12:39 that's too bad sir.
12:40 We see here, in the character of Daniel, a spirit that is
12:43 different, we can see here a spirit that is concerned.
12:46 Now, if anyone had a reason to hold something against
12:48 Nebuchadnezzar, or a grudge
12:50 against Nebuchadnezzar it was
12:51 Daniel, he was the one that
12:53 was separated from his home,
12:54 from his family and made a
12:55 Eunuch, made to serve this king.
12:57 So Daniel, deep down in his heart,
13:00 has the spirit of Christ
13:01 and longs to reach the heart of the King and is
13:05 reluctant to share.
13:07 Now, I like this because this reluctance is combined with
13:10 Daniels ardent desire to obey his God.
13:15 To follow through with and share the truth.
13:17 This is what Christianity is all about.
13:19 It's about the spirit of Christ that possess a meekness
13:23 and an unwillingness to hurt people, to harm people.
13:27 To discourage people, but at the same time has a
13:30 truthfulness and honesty and integrity that wants
13:34 to honor God and do and obey exactly what God calls
13:37 us to do and say.
13:38 This is the same spirit that we witness in Jesus
13:41 when He said to His disciples,
13:44 "that there are many things that
13:46 I want to tell you but you
13:47 cannot bear them now. "
13:49 The truth was revealed to the disciples as they could
13:52 handle it, as they could bear it because the objective
13:56 of Christ's goal was to reach their hearts and bring
13:59 them to conversion.
14:00 Not merely to unload the truth concerning themselves and
14:05 to blow them away and hurt them and turn them away.
14:09 Daniel is governed by the same meekness of spirit.
14:12 He is not eager to bring before king Nebuchadnezzar the
14:16 things that will be painful and difficult for him to bear.
14:19 But he is eager for Nebuchadnezzar to receive the
14:23 truth and to be turned to the Lord, so he follows through
14:26 and does tell the truth about the matter.
14:30 It is extremely important for all of us to recognize that
14:33 it is possible, like Nebuchadnezzar, for us to merely
14:37 have an intellectual conversion friends.
14:39 Nebuchadnezzar was led finally to conversion of heart,
14:43 and that is what we are going to continue exploring as we
14:46 come back after the break.


Revised 2022-11-14