Books of the Book: Daniel

Daniel Overview

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ty Gibson & James Rafferty


Series Code: DBOTB

Program Code: DBOTB000001B

00:01 Welcome back friends to our continuing
00:03 study of The Book of Daniel.
00:04 In this first program,
00:06 we are giving an overview of the Book of Daniel
00:08 preparatory to study in each Chapter one after another.
00:12 James, in the first segment,
00:14 we looked at Chapters one through six of Daniel
00:17 and now in the second segment
00:19 we are going to do an overview
00:20 of Chapter seven through twelve.
00:23 And we are hitting prophecy here Ty.
00:25 We are hitting prophecy big time.
00:26 The first segment had a couple of prophecies,
00:28 the image in Daniel Chapter two,
00:30 the tree in Daniel Chapter 4.
00:33 But here, we have
00:35 from the beginning to end of Daniel seven.
00:37 We have prophecy in so detail, yeah,
00:40 and so symbolic that even Daniel himself
00:43 in verse 15 of Daniel 7 says,
00:45 "I was grieved in my spirit and my body
00:47 and the visions of my head troubled me,
00:49 I had a hard time figuring this out.
00:51 And so what happens here in Daniel 7
00:53 is he gets angelic help.
00:56 You know, when we have troubles
00:57 and we have difficulties
00:58 and we acknowledge them to the Lord.
01:00 We tell God about our troubles
01:01 and we earnestly seek Him with all our hearts,
01:04 you know, what happens?
01:05 He answers those prayers, He comes to our aid friends,
01:08 He gives us relief, He gives us instructions,
01:10 He sends messengers,
01:11 He earnestly allows us, excuse me,
01:15 He earnestly comes to us
01:17 and minister to us through His word,
01:20 that's why we are studying the Bible,
01:22 that's why getting in the word of God
01:23 and that's why praying to God is so important,
01:25 because God wants to help us with our greatest burdens
01:28 and needs in areas where human beings cannot help us.
01:31 In Daniel Chapter 7,
01:34 we have a prophecy that delineates the primary powers
01:39 from the time of Daniel to the time of the end symbolize
01:42 this time in Chapter 7 by a series of animals or beasts,
01:46 whereas in Chapter 2,
01:48 Nebuchadnezzar's dream revealed world history
01:50 in advance through an image having
01:52 different kinds of metals gold, silver, bronze, iron.
01:57 Now, we have a lion, a bear,
01:59 a leopard and a terrible beast,
02:02 a dragon like beast, a nondescript beast
02:04 and Daniel receives the interpretation
02:07 of these powers with increased focus
02:10 on the end time portion of the prophecy that God
02:14 is revealing to him and we are going to get into that
02:17 of course in greater detail
02:18 as we unpack the whole Book of Daniel.
02:20 But then Chapter 8 of Daniel
02:23 continues on with another vision.
02:25 Yes Ty, that's what we see here in Daniel Chapter 8.
02:28 We see another prophetic vision.
02:30 In fact what we're finding here is a pattern,
02:32 we have Daniel 2,
02:33 this four different metals representing four kingdoms.
02:36 We have Daniel 7,
02:37 these four beasts representing four kingdoms.
02:39 Then we have Daniel 8,
02:40 another repeat here and in a sense a repeat
02:43 and enlarge which is the principle of Bible prophecy,
02:47 repeat and enlarge.
02:48 What is happening in Daniel 8,
02:50 is Daniel is receiving another vision of kingdoms,
02:53 we have a Ram, we have a He Goat,
02:55 these represents the kingdoms of Medo-Persia
02:57 and the kingdoms of Greece. Right.
02:59 These are two of the same kingdoms
03:00 that are represented in the previous visions,
03:02 but now we are given more detail.
03:04 We also have the little horn again in Daniel 8,
03:07 more detail is given about this little horn power.
03:09 The same vision repeated and enlarged upon,
03:12 repeated and enlarged upon. And then again,
03:15 we have Daniel responding in the same way,
03:17 Daniel says, you know, I don't understand,
03:19 it's hard for me to understand
03:21 and immediately a voice comes
03:23 in verses 15 and 16 and says,
03:25 "Make this man to understand the vision."
03:28 And friends I really want to emphasize
03:30 this Ty to our viewers friends,
03:32 its important for us to recognize
03:33 that saying that prophecy is too complicated,
03:36 too difficult, too hard to understand
03:38 is not what God is wanting for us.
03:40 He has promised to give us insight and wisdom.
03:43 He has promised to send Gabriel
03:45 and angels and messengers to interpret,
03:47 to understand the vision.
03:48 It's when we look at man
03:50 and we trust in his interpretation
03:51 we go astray,
03:53 but as long as we turn to God with all our hearts
03:54 and ask for His help,
03:56 ask for understanding from the Bible,
03:58 then it is that we can comprehend this truths.
04:00 James is here in Chapter 8 of Daniel,
04:02 that will begin to get a sense
04:04 that the prophecies of Daniel
04:06 are especially for those living
04:07 at the end time segment of human history,
04:10 because we notice here James in Chapter 8 in verse 17,
04:14 that Daniel is told that the visions
04:16 referred to the time of the end.
04:19 So Daniel does not understand all the ratifications
04:23 and details of the prophecies that he is receiving.
04:25 He understands some of that,
04:27 but he sure doesn't understand
04:28 those major portions that are specifically
04:31 for those living at the end of time.
04:33 So in Chapter 8 at the conclusion,
04:36 he fainted, he was sick for a number of days,
04:38 he is astonished at the vision
04:40 and then Chapter 9 opens with Daniel entering into prayer.
04:45 Really good point,
04:46 now Chapter 9 is an incredible
04:48 combination of Christian experience of relationship
04:53 which is the first half of the book primarily
04:55 as we mention End of Prophecy.
04:57 You've got the first part of this primarily
05:00 focusing on Daniel's Christian experience.
05:02 Daniel experience as a believer,
05:04 yes, Daniel experiences as a follower of God
05:07 and so these first verses are exemplifying
05:10 what its like to be meek
05:12 and humble and yet obedient to God.
05:14 His attitude is not an attitude
05:16 of self-righteousness,
05:17 it's not an attitude of I am better than them.
05:19 Daniel is in Babylon,
05:21 because of the sins of his nation,
05:22 because they have been unfaithful to God.
05:24 There is no real indication that Daniel
05:27 as an individual has been unfaithful to God,
05:29 and yet Daniel's attitude
05:31 when he prays to God is we had sin,
05:33 its kind of this corporate attitude of,
05:35 you know, its not them and us,
05:37 but I am including myself with my nation.
05:40 I am not seeing that myself
05:42 is better than them in other words.
05:44 And is this humility,
05:45 is this attitude that teaches us
05:48 how to have a proper relationship with God
05:50 and a proper relationship with other people around us
05:53 especially with people
05:54 who may not be as obedient to God
05:57 or followers of God like we are.
06:00 Our attitude friends to our people
06:02 who may not be as strong in their faith as we are,
06:05 is to be an attitude of humility,
06:07 attitude of love and attitude of in session
06:09 and an attitude that is winning them to the Lord.
06:12 I think that Daniel's attitude
06:14 here in prayer is just so genuine,
06:17 James, he literally feels his own unworthiness,
06:22 his own sinfulness.
06:24 He knows that he is on a par with his people
06:27 and that he has not exalted above them.
06:29 But then the last part of Chapter 9,
06:32 I think is the heart of the book.
06:34 This is the mountaintop of the book of Daniel,
06:36 because here we begin to see the Messiah
06:39 that is prophesied of and I think the best
06:43 verse in the book James,
06:45 yeah, the best verse in the book.
06:46 Sir Isaac Newton said that this is the foundation
06:49 stone of Christianity.
06:51 And in verse 26 you have a summation,
06:53 not only of this Chapter,
06:55 not only of the book of Daniel,
06:56 but of the whole message of the Bible
06:59 and this summation basically in verse 26 is that
07:03 "After threescore and two weeks
07:06 shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself."
07:08 I love that not for himself which begs the question.
07:11 If Jesus didn't give His life at the cross for Himself,
07:16 if the sacrifice wasn't for Himself,
07:18 who was it for?
07:20 And the obvious answer as the Gospel
07:22 unfolds is that Jesus,
07:24 the Messiah laid down His life for us,
07:27 for the whole human race.
07:28 That is in fact the Gospel in a nutshell right there,
07:34 Jesus gave His life, but not for Himself.
07:36 You know what so profound
07:37 and so powerful about this, Ty?
07:38 And I really want to emphasize
07:40 this point for our viewers is that prophecy
07:43 is not so much about prediction
07:45 and doomsday and sensationalism.
07:48 Prophecy is about the cross,
07:49 prophecy is about Jesus Christ,
07:51 prophecy is about salvation friends,
07:53 prophecy is to direct us to Jesus.
07:56 There is a very interesting verse
07:57 that brings this out in the New Testament.
08:00 Its in John, Jesus there speaking in John Chapter 13,
08:04 and the context of it is the prophecy of sort,
08:06 it's a very short prophecy,
08:09 I mean its not a huge prophecy,
08:12 its actually one that's very restricted
08:14 at speaking of Judas
08:17 and the fact that Judas was going to betray Jesus
08:19 and Jesus was summarizing
08:21 that prophecy in relation to Judas
08:23 and he says in verse 19,
08:24 "Now I tell you before it come to pass"
08:27 and that is what prophecy is?
08:29 It's a prediction, it's a foretelling,
08:31 its Jesus telling us before it comes to pass,
08:33 so when it has come to pass,
08:35 you might believe that I am He.
08:37 The whole point of prophecy
08:38 is to reveal to us ahead of time,
08:40 not so that we'll understand the event necessarily,
08:43 because we have no choice,
08:44 but to understand the event.
08:45 But the purpose of prophecy friends is that
08:48 we would seen His predictions take place in history,
08:52 we would come to believe in Jesus Christ
08:54 as our Lord and Savior.
08:55 As Chapter 10 of Daniel unfolds James,
08:58 we have perhaps the clearest revelation
09:02 in all our scripture of the very real spiritual warfare
09:06 that goes on behind the scenes in all of our lives.
09:10 Daniel has entered into prayer,
09:13 he desires understanding of the prophecies
09:16 that he has been receiving
09:17 and he is overcome with the sense of desire to know
09:23 what these prophecies mean,
09:25 so much so that he enters
09:27 into a three week period of prayer and fasting.
09:30 And as Daniel in Chapter 10 is praying and fasting,
09:34 finally after three weeks
09:36 the angel Gabriel appears to Daniel
09:40 and tells Daniel that the reason
09:43 why there has been this delayed
09:45 answer to his prayers,
09:46 because he has been engaged in a conflict
09:51 with the prince of Persia behind the scenes.
09:53 Daniel is not aware any of this,
09:55 he is just been praying,
09:56 God please give me understanding.
09:59 Gabriel appears and says from the moment
10:00 you began praying,
10:02 from the day you began praying,
10:03 I was sent forth to answer your prayer,
10:04 but these three weeks have passed,
10:06 because I have been in a battle Daniel,
10:08 trying to break through to you
10:10 and it literally took, Michael,
10:12 your prince to join his strength to mine
10:16 in order to breakthrough to speak with you right now
10:18 and give you understanding.
10:19 You know, Ty, we've got to admit that Daniel Chapter 10
10:22 at least in my mind,
10:24 it used to be one of the lighter chapters of prophecy,
10:26 one that wasn't significant to me,
10:28 but here is where the nutrients
10:30 are for the Christian experience.
10:31 Here is a Chapter that's filled
10:34 with lessons that are practical
10:35 and powerful in understanding the Great Controversy
10:38 and understanding what its like to be go
10:41 through the sanctification experience,
10:43 to see more of Jesus
10:44 and then more of yourself in contrast
10:46 and how God use us when we see that contrast
10:49 and how God loves us in spite of who we are.
10:52 When we get to Chapter 10 friends,
10:53 you're going to be amazed
10:55 and blessed to understand
10:57 how much God loves us in spite of ourselves.
10:59 Amen. Now Chapter 11 of Daniel is just so detailed
11:04 and it's so packed with information
11:06 that sometimes people get bogged
11:08 down in all those details.
11:10 But the real issue in Chapter 11 of Daniel, James,
11:14 is to bring us to a concentrated focus on
11:17 the New Covenant in Chapter 11 in verse 22,
11:20 Jesus is referred to as the Prince of the Covenant
11:24 specifically referring to the New Covenant.
11:26 And then this power is revealed at the end time
11:29 of human history that is using its influence,
11:33 its energy, its power to wedge war
11:37 against the fulfillment of the New Covenant,
11:40 that's really the essence
11:41 of what's taking place in Chapter 11
11:43 is this Great Controversy between good and evil
11:46 centering on the New Covenant.
11:49 You are right, Ty,
11:50 and getting bogged down, its so true.
11:52 In fact, I wouldn't surprise
11:53 if we get bogged down as we go through Daniel 11
11:55 as much as we studied it,
11:56 there is just so much here
11:58 and there is no way we're going to cover it all.
12:00 We want to encourage you friends,
12:03 You can go there and get outlines on Daniel.
12:05 It will give you a lot more information.
12:07 Prophecy is still unfolding
12:09 and there is so much here
12:11 that we don't fully understand yet.
12:12 But one thing is certain,
12:14 God has an accurate knowledge of our earthly history.
12:18 He knows what's going to take place before it happens
12:22 and if you cannot trust the economic
12:25 advisors to predict the future.
12:27 If you cannot trust the leaders
12:29 of our countries to predict the future,
12:31 you can certainly trust that God can predict
12:34 and knows the future that your future is in good hands
12:37 when you place your heart in your hands in Gods care.
12:41 Now, James, when we come to Chapter 12
12:42 the final chapter of the Book of Daniel,
12:45 basically what we have here is Jesus standing up
12:49 to deliver his people at the end of time,
12:51 after the time of trouble
12:53 such as never was since there was a nation.
12:55 There is a clear indication that Daniel's book
12:57 has been sealed
12:58 and will be preserved
13:00 to be understood at the end of time.
13:02 Absolutely, Daniel Chapter 12
13:04 in essence is a summation of all the prophecies,
13:07 a promise of deliverance, a warning to those
13:11 who would turn away from God
13:13 and then instruction on how Daniel's book
13:15 is going to understood in the very end of time,
13:17 that's our time.
13:18 And we're praying that you will be blessed
13:20 as you join us to understand
13:21 this beautiful messages from God to us.


Revised 2022-10-24