Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Ryan Mack
Series Code: DAS
Program Code: DAS000015A
00:27 Hello, and welcome to Dollars and Sense.
00:29 I'm your co-host, Yvonne Lewis. 00:31 And our primary host is Ryan Mack, 00:34 our Financial Literacy expert, who has been bringing us 00:37 tremendous information. 00:39 If you haven't been watching this series, 00:41 you've got to start watching it. 00:43 After today you're going to want to see all of the 00:45 episodes in this series. 00:48 Because Ryan has just been bringing... 00:50 blessing us with information. 00:52 So thank you, Ryan, for all this. 00:54 Thank you, too. This has been a great time. 00:55 I've been having such a good time on the show. 00:58 Oh, well, we've been blessed by all the info 01:00 you've been giving us. 01:02 And today we have a Scripture we're going to open with, 01:05 but what are we going to talk about today? 01:07 Well, today we're going to do a roll reversal today. Oh! 01:10 And because I need some... one of the... 01:14 When there is no health there is no wealth. 01:17 So we have to understand that all of the things we put in our 01:21 bodies, and this is something that I need to pay attention to 01:24 as well, because I have not been walking the most 01:27 clean life healthy. 01:28 And I need to get back in shape. 01:30 I need to get... And I know a lot of viewers out there 01:32 need to get in shape. 01:33 Because a lot of discussions about health care reform is 01:36 going on right now. 01:37 And, you know, are they going to do something 01:39 with Affordable Care Act? 01:41 Are they going to keep it? get away with it? 01:42 Well, you know what? 01:43 Let's let them do what they need to do in Washington, 01:45 but let's do what we can do at home. Right. 01:47 We have, we can do our own health care reform by just 01:50 eating healthy foods. 01:51 And I need to get back on track. 01:53 I need to get on track with that. 01:55 And I know you're a health care expert. 01:56 So, and it talks about it in the Scripture. 01:59 And it says here in 1 Corinthians 6:19, 02:12 And that really resonates with me, 02:14 because we only get one body. 02:16 That's right. You know, I'm 39 years old. 02:19 And, you know, I don't lose weight as fast 02:23 as I once did before. 02:24 I'm back in the gym and I'm finding that, 02:25 this hidden basketball that's not in my stomach 02:29 down here is not going away as fast as I would like it. 02:32 And I'm like, Wow! What, you know, How do I get rid of this? 02:35 And somebody said, Well, Ryan, you have to change your diet, 02:38 you know? So you have to change what you're eating. 02:41 I have some statistics here that talks about almost over 15% 02:47 of our communities have Diabetes. 02:50 We have, in the African American community, we have 50% obesity. 02:55 Nearly... 50%? 50% yeah. 02:59 51% obesity in the African American communities. 03:02 In 200930% of African Americans are more likely to die from 03:06 heart disease as compared to non-Hispanics, white males, 03:10 and we have nearly twice the risk of 03:12 prostate cancer than white males. 03:14 So I know that we have to, as an African American male 03:18 I need to pay, I need to start paying attention to this stuff. 03:20 Absolutely. In fact we're the forerunners for 03:23 disease in this country. 03:24 So hypertension, heart disease, cancer, diabetes; and we run in 03:31 the front of the larger communities. 03:34 So we really need to look at it. 03:36 But you know what? 03:38 Just as you've been sharing Scripture and principles from 03:42 the Bible, the Bible teaches us how to eat, too. Yeah, it does. 03:46 ...and how to be healthy. 03:47 And how better, where better to get the information from than 03:51 the Creator Himself? Right, right. Right? 03:53 And so what sort of things, because I research financial 03:58 principles in the Bible, but, and I've read the Bible, 04:01 but I really haven't researched all of the healthy things. 04:04 What, from your perspective as a health care expert, 04:07 what should I be learning from the Bible, or taking out of it? 04:11 Right. Well, the first thing is man's original diet. 04:16 Let's look at... this is, the Bible is the manual. It is. 04:21 Right? It's our life's manual. 04:23 And just like you have a car; you have to look at the manual 04:26 to see how to operate that car. 04:28 We can look in the Bible. 04:29 So man's original diet is in Genesis 1:29. 04:33 Would you read that? 04:34 Yeah, absolutely. Genesis 1:29 says, 04:55 So, we've got fruit, nuts, grains, and seeds. 05:00 Those were part of man's original diet. 05:05 There was nothing dead. 05:06 There was no Mickey D's, or KFC in the Garden of Eden. 05:10 No Whoppers in there? 05:11 No Whoppers! Oh, dog gone it! 05:14 There, all there was in the beginning to eat were the nuts, 05:20 seeds, grains, and fruit. 05:22 Then after sin vegetables were introduced. 05:26 Our bodies were changed after sin, 05:29 so vegetables were introduced into the dietary. Wow! 05:33 Still no meat. And so this was after sin? 05:35 This is after sin. See, I never knew that. 05:37 So, and we still have yet no meat. No meat. 05:41 Wow! It's still a plant based diet. 05:43 Now look at what science is saying about plants. 05:48 There's a Dr. Quillin, Patrick Quillin, who wrote a book 05:51 about the hidden secrets of the Bible, 05:54 or health secrets in the Bible. 05:56 And he said that in the plants, a tomato for example, 06:01 has all of these different antioxidants, 06:08 over 10,000 in one tomato. 06:10 One tomato? One tomato. 06:12 Lycopene is one. And Lycopene is very good. 06:15 You mentioned the prostate for men. 06:18 Lycopene is very important. 06:20 Lycopene comes from the tomato. 06:22 So I am juicing, and I heard that tomatoes 06:24 are good for prostate. 06:25 So I'm on the right track. 06:27 I actually just bought, not too long ago I got some of those 06:29 baby tomatoes, those green tomatoes. 06:31 Oh good, good, good. 06:32 Okay, so Lycopene's. 06:34 Lycopene, Lycopene is good. 06:35 And usually if we can eat a very, besides being plant based, 06:42 a lot of raw foods. 06:44 So don't cook all of your foods. Okay. 06:47 Let's have some raw foods. 06:48 Let's have salads, and let's have organic. 06:51 Why? Because organic fruits and vegetables don't have the 06:54 herbicides and pesticides on them. 06:57 So we're getting... We want to bring food 07:00 back to its purer state. 07:02 And so when you do that, when you have organic fruits and 07:05 vegetables, and you're juicing. 07:07 And you've been juicing. 07:08 When you juice, juice organically. 07:11 That's really good. 07:12 Now, those Cheetos you said you like? 07:14 Yeah, I love some Cheetos. 07:15 You know, we have a program... 07:17 I shouldn't be eating them as much as I do. 07:18 My goodness! We have a program on Dare to Dream called 07:22 A Taste of Paradise. 07:24 And the first part of that is raw food preparation, 07:28 and the second part is cooked. 07:31 And then the raw food. 07:32 One of the things that Evita Teezeno, who is the host of that 07:35 segment, and she teaches things like Cheesy Kale Chips. 07:40 So you make Kale Chips, and they taste cheesy, 07:44 but it's made with Nutritional Yeast. 07:45 And it's delicious. 07:47 So I'll make sure that you... 07:48 Does it still stick to your fingers afterwards 07:50 so I can at least... 07:51 You can kind of lick your fingers and get that yeah, yeah. 07:53 You can do it. You can do it, yeah, yeah, yeah so... 07:56 That has to be a part of the whole process. 07:59 Absolutely! Okay, okay. 08:00 It's the experience, alright. 08:02 We're going for the experience. 08:03 So yeah, so there are all these things that God has given us; 08:07 these seeds. And think about seed. 08:10 In a seed there's life, right? 08:12 You plant a seed and life springs forth, right? 08:15 Is that why they say, the Chia seeds, 08:17 and all those things that you put in? 08:18 Great for you! Chia seeds, even have more Omega 3 fatty acids 08:25 than the flax seed. 08:26 Now explain the whole Omega 3 fatty acid. 08:29 What is that, like what is it? 08:30 That is important to the cellular membrane. Okay. 08:35 It builds it. That's what... 08:37 You know, when people many times... 08:40 Well, my background is naturopathic medicine, 08:44 and traditional Chinese medicine. 08:45 I don't practice the... I don't practice either 08:48 one of them anymore. 08:50 But the naturopathic medicine I still kind of use some of the 08:56 principles from, and the herbs from the Chinese. 09:00 And with the naturopathic you learn that if you give the body 09:04 what it needs, it can heal itself. 09:07 That's how God created us. 09:09 So if you give, there's certain physicians who will say, 09:14 or nutritionists who will say, Well, this isn't 09:19 good for everything. 09:20 I don't subscribe to the idea that certain things are 09:24 good for everything. 09:25 But in the case of Omega 3 fatty acids, 09:28 it's good for everything, because it works on the cell. 09:32 So it builds up the cellular membrane. 09:34 And then the cellular membrane... 09:36 Cancer? For anything! 09:38 It's anti-inflammatory and inflammation. 09:41 They're finding a connection between inflammation and cancer. 09:45 And so you want to make sure that you give the individual 09:49 cell what it needs. 09:51 Cells make up tissues. 09:52 Tissues make up organs. 09:54 I had a friend of mine, and she was diagnosed 09:57 with breast cancer. 09:59 She had the operation and then she said she was not 10:02 going to do the chemo. 10:05 So she opted out of the chemo and the radiation, and she went 10:10 somewhere to some place in Mexico, or something. 10:13 And really it was just a place, all they did was just juice. 10:17 I mean they juiced like four or five times per day. Uh huh. 10:21 And she had to continue that when she came back. 10:23 So when she came back she literally, and they said that 10:26 you have to make them fresh right on the spot, 10:28 and you had to drink them on the spot. 10:29 So she was always making juices 10:32 four or five times a day. 10:33 And she had the blender with her and everything. 10:35 But she's healthy now! 10:36 She beat it! And it's just, I believe it was in stage 3 or 4. 10:41 It was like, Wow, this was, it was very advanced. 10:44 I forgot exactly the stage, but it was a very advanced cancer 10:47 that when they said, you know. 10:48 But the next thing I looked up and she's still living, 10:51 and she's doing fine. 10:53 And so is there something to that? 10:56 Is there something to it? 10:57 I mean I, that's what made me say, Hey, you know, if you did 11:01 that and all you did was juicing, hey, sign me up! 11:05 Sign me up! And I'm starting to do that for me, too. 11:08 We hear antidote after antidote of people who have used the 11:14 natural means to reverse conditions. 11:17 You know, I'm not one who says never do traditional medicine, 11:22 or only do natural medicine. 11:26 I feel like there is a place for both. 11:30 I like integrated medicine, actually. 11:33 Because you've got the research on the one hand, 11:36 but now the research is really corroborating the idea 11:40 of a plant based diet, and how beneficial these plants can 11:45 be to the human body. 11:46 Because you... Plants come from the earth. 11:50 Where were we created from? The earth? 11:52 The earth. So I had a couple of patients who had rare cancers. 11:59 And I put them both on... They were both preachers. 12:04 They were Baptist ministers actually, 12:05 and at different times. 12:07 And one had a very rare blood cancer, and another one 12:12 had intestinal cancer. 12:14 Do you know I have a step father, he had blood cancer. 12:17 Myoplastia or something of that nature. 12:21 And that was... Multiple Myeloma? 12:22 I believe that might be it. Yeah. 12:24 It's very rare and he's doing better now. 12:28 Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, praise the Lord for that. 12:31 Yeah, praise the Lord. 12:33 But you can... there's certain things you can do. 12:35 And this Dr. Quillin talks about how there are antioxidants in 12:43 vegetables and fruits, and phytochemicals in these 12:47 fruits and vegetables that are healing to the body. 12:50 They're actually healing. 12:51 So many times if you're really sick you need to go into, 12:56 and again, discuss this with your physician, because we are 12:59 not trying to give you any information that contradicts 13:03 your doctor's information. 13:04 Your physician knows about you. 13:07 So you talk to your physician before you make any changes. 13:10 But there are certain things that can support your body when 13:14 you're going through chemo, when you're going through radiation, 13:17 or before chemo, or before radiation, or surgery. 13:20 That things that you can do to support the body, and one thing 13:24 that many physicians recommend are the Omega 3 fatty acids. 13:28 The brain needs it to function. 13:31 I mean, every cell of the body needs it. 13:33 Is there, because it seems as if, I guess professional 13:39 medicine, right, there is some what of a disconnect between 13:44 natural and professional medicine where... 13:48 Allopathic? Yeah. So they're always battling against each 13:52 other in terms of which one is the right one to do. 13:54 And, you know, because a lot of times, and then if you also 13:58 talk about the amount of money that goes into prescription 14:02 drugs, and the amount of dollars that go towards purchasing 14:08 prescription drugs, we can't even bid on our drugs. 14:10 Our current president's talking about that now, and how we have 14:13 to be able to bid on to get cheaper drugs, right? 14:15 So, I mean, so who are we to believe in all these things? 14:19 I mean it's so many things going around where are we supposed to 14:22 listen to doctors, or do we listen to you? 14:24 Who do we believe in all that stuff? 14:26 We believe the word of God. Yeah. 14:27 We believe the word of God, because the word of God is, 14:31 that's our source for everything. Yeah. 14:34 Now, when you go to the... God has given us physicians, 14:38 I mean Luke was a physician. 14:39 So God has, there's no need to not go to your physician. 14:44 But the things that we can do to support the body we should do. 14:49 Right. Increasing our fruits and vegetables, nuts, 14:53 raw nuts not roasted. 14:56 So I should be eating the fruits as opposed to those Cheetos. 14:58 Absolutely! And veggies. Yeah. 15:01 You know? Like you can grow veggies. 15:03 They taste really good. 15:05 Like I could eat a bowl of turnip greens. 15:06 A good grilled veggie collaborative or salad. Yeah! 15:11 That's actually pretty good. 15:13 It's delicious. You can... there are all kinds of things you 15:17 can do with raw foods to make them more palatable, 15:21 to make them taste like... 15:23 Evita has this mock tuna salad that is made with sunflower 15:28 seeds and kelp, and things like that. 15:31 Kelp is great for the thyroid. 15:32 Kelp? Kelp. It's great for the thyroid. 15:35 I haven't juiced with that one yet. 15:37 I'm going to start eating... I need to start 15:38 getting some of that. 15:39 You might want to put that in your vegetables or something. 15:42 I don't know about juicing it. 15:43 Really? It would make it fishy, kind of fishy tasting. 15:45 I don't know about that. Okay. 15:47 You know what I'm saying? 15:48 I don't think that's so good. 15:49 But you can sprinkle that in your beans. 15:52 Like I use certain sea vegetables in my beans, 15:57 and that tastes good, too. 15:59 So beans and, you know, legumes, nuts, seeds, 16:05 fruits and vegetables. 16:07 And don't, if you have, if you have diabetes you should stay 16:12 low on the glycemic index. 16:15 In other words, you print out, go to the computer and print out 16:18 the glycemic index, and then if you want some fruit 16:22 eat berries: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries. 16:25 Don't eat a lot of bananas. 16:27 And, you know, you should eat apples but... 16:29 Not a lot of bananas? 16:31 Not a lot of bananas. 16:32 Because bananas are high on the glycemic. 16:34 How much does exercise? because my brother he had 16:38 Phase 1 diabetes, is that?... 16:41 Type 1? Type 1 diabetes. 16:43 Okay, that's different from Type 2. 16:45 But it hadn't advanced yet. 16:47 So he would work out. 16:48 And the doctor had told him, Hey, you know what? 16:51 You have Type 1, so we want to start prescribing you 16:56 this drug. Insulin? Insulin. Yeah. 16:57 He said, Well, no, let me just work out. 16:59 So he worked out, and he actually stayed healthy. 17:02 And it didn't advance for a long time. 17:05 Well, then he had an illness, so then it naturally advanced it. 17:08 But for a long time the doctor was saying, You know, 17:11 you're doing a good job of monitoring it. 17:13 And I don't know the terms of what he was saying, but somehow 17:17 he was able to not use the insulin for a long time. 17:20 Wow! That's a blessing! 17:22 Right. Type 2 is easier to turn around. 17:26 Type 2 is diet related. Okay. 17:31 And with Type 2 you can, there are certain supplements you can 17:37 take that can turn it around. 17:38 But you also need more fiber in your diet. 17:41 You also need less processed food. 17:43 You know, eating out of boxes all of the time. 17:47 Just go back to pure, natural foods: lots of fiber, 17:52 lots of green vegetables, and walking. 17:56 Walking and exercise is critical. 17:59 If you're diabetic you need to do exercise. 18:02 That helps to keep the blood sugar... 18:05 See the, with Type 2 Diabetes it's not so much an issue that 18:09 the pancreas isn't making enough insulin, it's that the cells 18:15 are insulin resistant. 18:16 So it can't really, they can't absorb the 18:20 insulin that's being made. 18:21 So the pancreas could be making enough, 18:23 but the body can't absorb it. 18:26 I have to say, when I've been trying to work out. 18:29 I've been, I have a Roop on Facebook. 18:32 It's called Strong 60. 18:34 Okay. So the goal of it was to start the year off strong 18:37 for the first sixty days, and then, now the first sixty days 18:40 was done, we've got to do the next sixty days. 18:42 And it just keeps going. Okay. 18:43 It never stops. So since I've been working out, and I've been 18:47 pretty, I've been doing 3 to 4 days a week. 18:48 So that's been good for me. 18:50 And, you know, we all have these schedules, and we're all busy, 18:54 and everybody's too busy, but all of a sudden you're too busy 18:56 to take care of your temple, right? 18:57 So I say, No more excuses, Ryan. 18:59 No more excuses for being too busy. 19:01 You can work out. You can find some time. 19:03 This is important. This is a priority. 19:04 But since I've started to work out, I've had a lot of things 19:08 that it seemed like were going wrong, not going wrong. 19:12 Right? Like, you know, I've been to the doctor and they said, 19:14 No, you're fine and everything. 19:16 But my foot... I'd wake up and like I had my, you know, 19:20 sometimes you have ailments, and like my foot was just 19:22 hurting for some reason. 19:23 That doesn't hurt anymore. 19:24 Maybe you're getting neuropathy or something. 19:27 Well, whatever it is, since I started working out it's gone. 19:29 Praise the Lord. And I don't feel it again. 19:31 Praise the Lord! I mean its all gone. 19:32 And so, and I mean, I feel myself having more energy. 19:36 I feel myself, I mean I'm more alive, I'm more exuberant. 19:39 I'm like, Wow, you know what? This is just because for a long 19:42 time I'll be at home working on my computer. 19:45 And, you know, I mean my excuse was always, Okay, 19:49 Ryan, you're too busy. 19:50 You have to get this done. 19:52 You have to do that. 19:53 And I would work many hours. 19:54 I would get up at 4 or 5 in the morning, and would get on my 19:56 laptop, and the next thing you know its... 19:58 I would start working at 8 o'clock. 20:00 I would go out in the field and get back home at 6 or 7. 20:03 And I'd get back on my computer, and I'd go to bed. 20:05 And start the same thing all over again. 20:06 And the process just kept going and going. 20:08 Nothing in there said anything about diet. 20:10 I would skip meals. 20:12 I would skip working out. 20:13 And I just felt myself; I just felt different. 20:16 Uh huh. I felt different. 20:17 And since, I mean literally since this year, 20:21 I've just felt better, and I, it's nothing but God, but saying 20:26 like, I gotta do this, you know? 20:27 So I guess exercise is important. 20:30 Exercise is critical. 20:32 And the more you move toward a plant based diet, 20:36 along with exercise, you know, you start feeling more alive. 20:41 You're feeding, that blood stream goes everywhere. 20:45 You want clean blood. Right. 20:47 What cleans, what gives you clean blood, or clean food? 20:50 Right. You know, when we eat properly, and we can get some 20:55 good supplementation, we can detox the body. 20:59 We want to keep that acid alkaline relationship right. 21:04 We want to just get that exercise in. 21:07 All these things, and even thoughts. 21:10 How a man thinketh in his heart... 21:11 You know, as a man thinketh in his heart so is he? Uh huh. 21:14 Thoughts that are positive are really important. That's true. 21:18 So it's all of these things that we do to keep this temple, 21:24 to honor God in our temples. 21:26 And it's easy to kind of fall off, you know, and get, 21:29 you know, get off on another thing. 21:31 But we just get back up again, you know? 21:35 So there's, and like I wrote this article 21:37 for Huffington Post. 21:38 And I was in Brooklyn and I was walking down the 21:42 street and I looked. 21:44 I was on the corner, and there was... 21:46 I was on Fulton and Franklin. 21:49 And I looked up, and on one corner there was 21:53 crown fried chicken. 21:54 On the next corner there was Kennedy fried chicken. 21:57 On the third corner there was Popeye's fried chicken. 22:00 Literally on the corner of all... 22:02 And then out on the other corner there was a stand. 22:06 It had guy rolls, and fried foods, 22:08 and all this other just, just junk. 22:10 And I said, Wow! And I labeled the article, 22:14 Four Corners of Heart Disease. 22:15 And this was back before gentrification in that 22:20 particular part of the town. 22:22 Now, post gentrification, when folks were a little bit more 22:25 influenced on moving into the neighborhood. 22:26 Of course, they get juice bars, and they get, you know, 22:29 the nice greeneries. 22:31 And their grocery store all of a sudden starts having all 22:33 of these fresh fruits and vegetables to eat. 22:35 And that was my neighborhood, so I was thankful for it, 22:38 that I would have access to that. 22:40 But what's your advice to those individuals who are in rural 22:44 America, or Appalachia, or urban America where there's 22:47 like a food desert? Yes! 22:49 And there's, they don't have access to a lot 22:51 of the healthier food. 22:52 What are some things they should do? 22:54 That's such a great question. 22:55 Because they literally are food deserts. 22:58 And I've heard stories of people who have to ride the bus 23:02 or train for thirty minutes to go into another neighborhood 23:05 to get decent vegetables. 23:06 Go to your grocery store and tell that manager that you want 23:10 better fruits and vegetables in there. 23:13 And have your neighbors do the same thing. 23:16 You can also start, like your own little garden in your 23:19 apartment, like on the terrace. 23:21 You can grow some herbs, fresh herbs and fresh vegetables. 23:25 They're almost like portable gardens. 23:26 It almost looks like a small shoe box, right? 23:28 Right, that's right. 23:30 That's cost efficient, and it's growing food. 23:31 And that's the true principle of self-determination, right? 23:35 That's right. And I can do all this. 23:37 Boy, God is good! God is good. 23:39 And He's given us what we need. 23:40 All we have to do is just, you know, read the word. 23:43 Find out if you're eating... Go back to the word to find 23:46 out what meats should I be eating? 23:48 Or should I even be eating meats? 23:50 But if you are eating meats, go back to Leviticus 11, 23:53 and look at the clean meats versus the unclean meats. 23:56 You know, and there are things that we should not put into our 23:59 bodies, and there are reasons for that. 24:01 But it's all there. 24:04 Leviticus 11 tells you what meats are clean 24:07 and what meats aren't clean. 24:08 So we can do a plant based diet. 24:12 We can do our supplements, like Omega 3 fatty acids. 24:17 We can eat our seeds and help give us some more energy, 24:23 because we're tired all the time. 24:24 And the other thing is rest. 24:26 We don't get enough rest. 24:28 Um, I need that. So rest is critical. 24:30 Because that's when the body repairs. 24:32 The more rest I get the better you feel. 24:35 That's right. I used to be able to say, Ah, I need four hours 24:39 and that's good enough for me. 24:40 No, no, in fact they're showing, science is showing that if 24:44 you're not getting enough sleep your body can actually go into 24:48 a pre-diabetic state, because you're not getting enough rest. 24:52 You've got to rest. 24:54 So we've got to take control of our lives, 24:56 I mean regardless of the schedule. 24:58 And you're inspiring me right now to say, Ryan, 25:00 you need to take control. 25:02 You're not too busy to do it. 25:04 You're not too busy to focus on God's temple... That's right. 25:07 ...and get things done. 25:09 I mean, and so what's your perspective on... 25:11 because it seems as if you have a movement. 25:14 And you have a book out. 25:16 And so there's this movement that you're inspiring others 25:19 to do to follow what you're doing. 25:21 But it just doesn't seem like it's a national movement. 25:24 But we can, we'll have a national movement to change 25:27 policy, and political policy. Yes. 25:29 We'll have a national movement to do, to demand of others. 25:33 But we don't have a national movement of what we can do 25:37 for ourselves, right? 25:38 And so what's your thoughts on how we can make sure that the 25:41 message keeps getting out there more? 25:42 Because we need to do more for ourselves. 25:44 This is God's temple. 25:45 It's too important to let go by the wayside. 25:47 Read. There are great books out there. 25:50 One, it's old but it's really good. 25:52 It's called Counsels on Diet and Foods. 25:55 It's written by Ellen White. 25:56 It is an excellent book on the relationship between food 26:01 and spirituality, and then how to eat, and some of the foods 26:04 we should be eating. 26:06 Talk to your friends and family, get other people too, 26:12 and get accountable. 26:14 We've got to get our families in health. 26:15 We've got to get our families more healthy. 26:17 We have, I know I have to. 26:18 I've got to... We've got some friends... I mean Thanksgiving 26:21 time, and around Christmas time we eat. 26:23 We like to get around the table. 26:24 And that food there, I think you would look at it and say, 26:28 Whew, my goodness! 26:29 Well, you know, we can do healthy substitutions. 26:32 My thing is, and this is what we do on Dare to Dream, 26:36 we try to give you good tasting food so that you don't, 26:41 you might wish you had some other food, 26:44 but you're happy with what you have, too. 26:46 So there are great, great things. 26:48 I can't believe our time is just about up. 26:50 I thank you so much for everything. 26:52 And this has been inspiring to me. 26:53 Well, praise the Lord! 26:55 I'm so glad, and I know you have a Takeaway. 26:57 Let's go to it. Good. 27:04 Today I'm announcing that I will make a change for the better. 27:08 I will limit my intake of fatty foods 27:10 and commit to a healthy diet. 27:11 I will make a commitment to satisfy my snack cravings with 27:14 vegetables and healthy juicing. 27:16 I will go to the gym at least three times a week. 27:18 I will lose 20 pounds in the next three months. 27:21 And I will begin to train my mind to accept the fact that I 27:24 don't need food just because I'm watching a 27:26 football game or a movie. 27:27 I hope that many of you are with me on this. 27:29 Because I am tired of seeing and hearing about poor health 27:32 conditions that have caused someone to have their foot 27:34 amputated because of poor health or diabetes. 27:37 We only have one body. 27:38 This all the body we get. 27:40 We might as well take care of it. 27:41 Who's with me? Let's do our part to do our own health care 27:44 reform with healthy living. 27:46 Please email us at: 27:50 Or chat with us on a Dare to Dream Network Facebook page, 27:53 and let us know how your progress is coming along. 27:55 As always, be the change. 27:57 And remember, the purpose of life is a life of purpose. 28:00 Be blessed. |
Revised 2021-05-20