Series Code: CW
Program Code: CW000009S
00:00 (gentle music)
00:13 - Hey, welcome everybody to Talking Donkey International 00:16 and our new television series, Country Wisdom. 00:19 - Let's set the tone for this new series of ours. 00:22 It's found in Proverbs 4, 00:24 let your eyes look directly forward 00:27 and your gaze be straight before you. 00:30 Ponder the path of your feet 00:33 and then all your ways will be sure. 00:36 - Join us now for Country Wisdom. 00:38 (gentle music continues) 00:42 (gentle music) 00:43 (water burbles) 00:47 (raindrops splash) 00:51 (thunder rumbles) 00:53 (gentle music) 01:02 - Jim, I've gotta be honest here. 01:05 My day did not start off well 01:08 and so far it's not getting any better. 01:11 - I don't appreciate that. 01:14 - Started off with my dogs deciding that, 01:17 way before my alarm was set to go off, 01:21 they thought that there was some intruder in the backyard. 01:24 So they jump off the bed, 01:26 running across me, to get to the pet door, 01:30 barking their heads off. 01:32 I realized, oh, it's getting a little light. 01:36 Every 10 minutes after that, 01:38 one of them was growling or barking, 01:41 ruining my day. 01:43 - You've told me at one time, but how many dogs do you have? 01:46 - [Janice] Four. 01:47 - [Jim] Four, so four dogs, 01:49 four dogs were running across you. 01:49 - Yes, yes. 01:51 And they don't weigh that much by themselves 01:53 but when the whole herd decides to launch you... 01:58 Then, when I did finally get out of bed, 02:02 grumbling, 02:05 I go in the bathroom, 02:06 I can't get the heater to work and it was chilly. 02:10 So, fortunately the hot water heater did work. 02:13 I got a shower. 02:14 That was like the only bright spot in the day. 02:18 I can't find the jeans I want to wear, my favorite pair. 02:22 They're no place. 02:24 They're not in my closet, they're not in the drawer, 02:25 I'm storming around my bedroom and bathroom. 02:30 Finally, ended up waking up my husband 02:32 because of my stomping. 02:36 I go downstairs to feed the dogs and the cats 02:41 and I'm out of cat food. 02:43 The container is empty. 02:45 - I'm sorry to be laughing at you but you're- 02:46 - No, 02:48 I'm glad you're enjoying it 'cause it was not funny. 02:51 I have two cats who are staring at me, 02:53 one of them is a Siamese yelling, 02:55 "Where's my breakfast?" 02:58 And I can't find cat food, so I'm going, 03:01 okay, you get tuna today, I guess, or something. 03:04 Eggs, milk, cats like that kind of thing. 03:08 And I ended up slipping on something 03:12 that was spilled on the kitchen, 03:15 almost breaking my neck. 03:16 It's like you're grabbing the counter 03:17 and you look around hoping nobody's seen, 03:19 this graceful swan dive that you just did. 03:23 Then, I come out here with you, 03:25 we're supposed to be coming up to view this, 03:29 what, the eddies, the mountains, something? 03:31 There's no view Jim. 03:32 Have you looked? 03:34 There's no view. 03:35 - [Jim] You're right, there's no view. 03:37 - [Janice] And the weather keeps getting worse. 03:38 This isn't what I was expecting. 03:42 So far, 03:44 it's a fairly horrible, what's that book? 03:46 Judith Viorst wrote it, 03:47 the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 03:50 This is it. 03:51 - This is it? 03:53 This is it, well, uh-oh. 03:55 - Because, you're supposed, what? 03:58 - We've got real troubles. 04:00 - Worse than being out of milk, 04:01 when you're in the mood for Cheerios? 04:03 - The road's gone. 04:06 - [Janice] How are we supposed to get across? 04:08 Why did you bring me here? 04:10 Uh, why did I agree to come? 04:13 Go ahead, Jim. 04:14 I suppose you're gonna tell me that, 04:16 God has something to teach me. 04:20 (Jim laughs) 04:21 - He actually probably does, you know, but listen, 04:24 here's the situation, 04:26 at least as I see it, but since you asked, 04:28 I have permission to- 04:29 - The situation is it's a horrible, no good, very bad day. 04:32 - Do I have permission to, 04:33 share with you what the Bible talks about and- 04:36 - Go ahead. 04:37 - Okay, okay. 04:37 All right. 04:39 (upbeat music) 04:51 - [Commentator] Introducing, Talking Donkey International. 04:53 God once used a donkey to spread his word. 04:56 But he'd rather use all of us. 04:58 Our experience team has preached, taught 05:01 and filmed in countries around the globe. 05:04 In partnership with you, 05:05 our mission is to share the life-saving love and hope, 05:08 found only in Jesus Christ, 05:10 with everyone in this lost and dying world. 05:13 Your financial partnership with Talking Donkey, 05:15 will enable this exciting ministry to proclaim 05:18 that Jesus is coming soon. 05:21 It's time to prepare quality programming, 05:23 created to attract and reach viewers of the world. 05:26 Together, we can carry the final advent message 05:29 to the individuals of planet Earth 05:31 and hasten the return of our Lord. 05:34 Please pray for and support the successful mission 05:37 of Talking Donkey International. 05:42 - There really are some good Biblical accounts 05:44 of people had terrible troubles. 05:47 I don't wanna get you excited but a lot worse than, 05:50 probably you've been having. 05:51 (Jim laughs) 05:52 But, Job is a really incredible example. 05:56 He was a friend of God's, 05:57 God loved this man with all of his heart. 06:00 One day the devil came and said, 06:02 the only reason Job loves you, 06:04 is because you treat him so good. 06:06 You put a hedge around him, you put a fence around him. 06:10 And the Lord said, okay, I'll take the fence away, 06:11 but don't take his life. 06:14 Well, what ensued was unbelievable. 06:17 His 10 children were all killed. 06:20 All the houses, there were tornadoes, 06:21 everything blew everything down. 06:23 Raiders came in, took all of his wealth, took everything. 06:28 And basically in another scene, 06:30 the devil strikes him with boils from head to foot. 06:32 Now I've never had a boil 06:34 but it sounds like it's pretty bad. 06:36 The Biblical description you see, 06:37 he sat on a bed of ashes and with a potsherd, 06:41 you know, a piece of pot and scraped his sores. 06:45 That's all- 06:47 - You're not making the day better yet. 06:48 - Hey, he just, you know, he couldn't hardly move. 06:51 I mean, it was just, it was unbelievable. 06:55 But then to top it off 06:56 and maybe I shouldn't say it this way, but, 06:58 the one the devil didn't take is his wife. 07:02 And the wife said, 07:03 "Why don't you just curse God and die?" 07:05 There was no help from the wife whatsoever. 07:09 And so this went on. 07:11 You begin reading Job, Job cries out to God. 07:15 In the very beginning, Job cries out to God, 07:17 "Lord, please help me." 07:19 And for 37 chapters, God is absolutely silent. 07:25 God never says a word. 07:28 - Well, we've all had times, 07:29 where we felt like God wasn't saying anything. 07:33 - Well, yeah, yeah. 07:34 - At least we're not hearing anything. 07:35 - You know, the children of Israel, I love, 07:38 that's an amazing story. 07:39 - [Jim] God calls them out of Egypt, 07:40 He calls them out of slavery. 07:44 They're on their way to the promised land. 07:47 They get up to the edge of the Red Sea, it's a huge, 07:50 body of water, they've got to cross somehow, 07:53 but they've got a problem. 07:54 It's just, it's, nighttime is coming, 07:57 the Egyptian army is pursuing them, 07:59 with all of their chariots. 08:00 Those guys are hot, they're mad, they're ready for a fight. 08:03 And they're bearing down on the Egyptians who are slaves. 08:07 They have no implements of war, they have nothing. 08:11 What's gonna happen next? 08:12 I mean, they began crying out to Moses. 08:14 Moses, what's the matter? 08:16 You brought us out here to kill us out here 08:18 because there weren't enough graves in Egypt? 08:22 And Moses talks to God and basically, 08:26 the word of God is, be quiet and allow me to work, 08:31 stand back and watch God at work. 08:35 I'm not saying anything to you. 08:36 - It's all gonna be quiet, huh? 08:38 - I'm just sharing. 08:39 - Thought went through my head, 08:41 are you telling me to stop griping? 08:42 - Well, I didn't say that. 08:45 And anyway, in the next scene, 08:48 God tells Moses, raise up your staff. 08:49 He raises up that staff, the whole sea parts 08:54 and the children walked through on dry ground, dry ground. 08:57 And in the next scene, the Egyptian army is pursuing them, 09:01 Moses drops his staff 09:03 and God drowns the entire Egyptian army. 09:05 Now I think of one situation in New York, 09:07 there was a street preacher. 09:10 This street preacher was telling this very story and, 09:12 he's telling everybody in New York about it 09:14 and everybody would listen on the street corner. 09:16 One atheist came up to him and said, 09:18 "You, stupid old man," 09:20 he said, 09:21 "Don't you know, it was the Reed Sea not the Red Sea, 09:23 "and there was only a foot of water." 09:25 And the old man, "Really?" 09:27 And the atheist went away thinking, yeah, I'm pretty cool, 09:31 I shut that man down. 09:32 The next day he's walking by the street corner 09:35 and the old man's preaching on the street, he says, 09:37 "Guess what?" He said, 09:38 "God drowned the whole Egyptian army in one foot of water." 09:41 (Janice laughs) 09:43 You know, it really, 09:44 it's all about a lot of perspective, you know? 09:46 And it's that, God is in charge 09:48 and God can handle any situation in life, 09:51 even when it's a no good rotten, horrible, terrible, 09:54 whatever few other things you threw in there, you know. 09:57 - A day like this? 09:59 - Yeah, admittedly, it's a horrible day. 10:01 But there are so many situations in the Bible 10:07 that give comfort and courage 10:08 to those that are having troubles. 10:11 You know, I think of King David. 10:14 David, what a man of God. 10:18 As a young man, he was anointed to be King of Israel. 10:22 Wasn't King yet, but he was anointed to be King. 10:25 But now the King is getting more jealous of him, 10:28 all the time. 10:30 This went on and on and on until, 10:33 virtually David had to flee for his life. 10:35 He goes and he hides in a bunch of caves and he just, 10:40 he just camp, down there. 10:44 He's pursued all the time and guess what? 10:45 He's pursued for 10 years. 10:49 Get this, he's anointed as the King of Israel, 10:52 he's living in a cave with 500 or 600 other guys, 10:56 hiding away from the quote, bogus King. 11:01 In Psalms 22, I believe it is. 11:04 He writes to God, my God, my God, I cry out to you 11:09 and you don't answer. 11:11 You don't answer. 11:14 And you wonder sometimes 11:16 that God allows, that silence of God, 11:21 sometimes we cry to the Lord. 11:23 Matter of fact there's a, the story of, 11:27 I call it the Syrophoenician woman. 11:30 Syrophoenician woman had a daughter who was just, 11:33 oh, she had a daughter, the Bible says was terribly vexed, 11:36 with a devil. 11:37 Now I don't know exactly what that had been like 11:39 but apparently the devil would tear at her 11:41 and this child was, 11:43 you know, fits and throw her on the floor and everything. 11:45 And you can imagine, you're a mother. 11:47 What would that do to you as a mother? 11:49 - Oh, it just rip your heart out. 11:51 - Yeah, and that's exactly what this mother, 11:55 was happening to her but she heard about Jesus. 11:57 She began building up some faith that maybe he can, 12:00 he can help my daughter. 12:02 So he went one day and he found, 12:04 or she found Jesus and she says, 12:06 "Lord, Lord, please help me, 12:08 "my daughter is grievously vexed with the devil 12:10 "and you can help." 12:12 He doesn't even say anything to her. 12:16 Then he ignores her and then pretty soon he says, 12:17 "Woman, I don't wanna cast my bread to the dogs." 12:23 He refers to her as a dog. 12:24 Not only does first time, not answer, 12:26 then, basically, woman you're a dog, go away. 12:28 - Now that's harsh. 12:29 - Now the 12, if you were, 12:31 the 12 ordained ministers of the church, 12:34 they say, she's bothering us. 12:36 Lord, get rid of her, send her away. 12:39 As a mother, how would that make you feel? 12:42 - You know, I'd do anything for my daughter. 12:45 - Yeah, exactly and this woman did. 12:47 She hung right in there, she continued to press and said, 12:50 "Lord, but even the dogs, 12:53 "eat the crumbs off the master's table." 12:56 And pretty soon Jesus said, 12:57 "Woman, great is your faith." 13:00 Great is your faith, 13:02 he hadn't told that to anybody in Israel, 13:04 but here is this Syrophoenician woman, 13:06 great is your faith, be it done to you 13:08 and her daughter was made whole that very instant. 13:12 That woman hung in there with God. 13:14 Matter of fact, Martin Luther, not Martin Luther King 13:17 but the old Martin Luther, the preacher, says, 13:21 this woman bundled up all the promises of God, 13:24 threw 'em at his feet 13:26 and dared Jesus step over them. 13:28 And Jesus couldn't do it. 13:30 He granted that request to that woman. 13:33 You know, tremendous stuff of God, tremendous stuff. 13:37 And then probably, probably one of them that, 13:42 that means so much to me is, I think about Jesus. 13:47 You know, our example. 13:52 In his life, you know, 33 1/2 years, that's how old he was. 13:58 33 1/2 years, but at age 30, he went into public ministry. 14:02 Man, it was like, 14:03 the devil started throwing everything at him, 14:05 including the kitchen sink, you know. 14:07 Just everything. 14:09 - So you think he had bad days? 14:11 - Oh, it's like from the moment he stepped into, 14:14 public limelight, it was a bad day. 14:17 It was all a bad day. 14:18 - Hadn't thought about it like that. 14:21 - And, but you know what? 14:23 He found some very good friends during his time. 14:27 He found one, Martha, Mary and Lazarus. 14:30 Remember them? 14:31 You know, he liked them so much 14:35 because he could go to their home 14:37 and he could find solace and quiet and peace. 14:41 All the other stuff is dumping on him continually, 14:43 all the time. 14:44 So he needed that little respite to just get away. 14:47 He could be himself as a word, Jesus was always himself, 14:50 but you know what I mean, he could just relax. 14:52 Yeah, He could just relax and be at peace and at home. 14:56 One day, he's out with the disciples, 14:59 he's, they're a long ways away 15:02 and Lazarus gets sick and he is really sick. 15:07 And Martha sends a runner to please go tell Jesus. 15:10 All she says to tell Jesus is, 15:12 your friend Lazarus is sick. 15:17 Well, the servant gets out there to Jesus. 15:20 They've got a little campsite and the servant tells Jesus. 15:24 And Jesus said, okay, that was it. 15:27 Servant goes away. 15:29 The disciples say that, Lord aren't we going? 15:32 No, no, I'm not going right now. 15:36 And one day passes, two days pass, 15:41 three days pass. 15:43 And, wow. 15:46 Fourth day he said, well you know, the, 15:50 Lazarus is sleeping now, I think we'll go. 15:52 The disciples say, well, he's sleeping, 15:54 then Lord, he's getting better. 15:56 No, he explained to them, now he's dead. 16:00 See the Bible really says when you're asleep, that's death. 16:03 Death is a sleep. 16:06 You don't travel up to heaven and spend time there 16:08 and then come back later on or anything else. 16:11 You're, just go to sleep in Jesus, 16:13 waiting until the resurrection day. 16:15 But that's a whole nother study. 16:16 (Janice chuckles) 16:17 But, he heads out 16:19 and the disciples are thinking, what is going on? 16:22 Well, just before he gets to the home 16:24 of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, 16:26 the ladies hear about it because a runner says, 16:28 Jesus is coming. 16:30 Well, Mary gets up and she runs out. 16:32 A lot of the people there thought, well, you know, 16:36 she's going out because she's going to the graveside. 16:39 Well, so some of the mourners come out 16:41 but there is Jesus and Mary and, Lord, if you'd been here, 16:46 he wouldn't have died. 16:48 Well, that was true. 16:49 Death couldn't be in the sight of Jesus. 16:51 Jesus broke up every funeral he ever attended 16:54 and says, well, do you believe? 16:57 Yes, I believe. 16:59 Says, 17:00 she said, I know there's gonna be a resurrection morning. 17:03 No, no, do you believe? 17:05 Yes Lord. 17:06 They go down that graveside, 17:09 they roll away the stone 17:10 and Jesus calls Lazarus out of that tomb. 17:14 He'd been dead all that time 17:16 but the creator, God of the universe, put life back in him 17:19 and rose him, right up there, right in front of everybody. 17:23 I mean, it was so exciting. 17:25 It had been a very bad day for Martha and Mary. 17:29 It had been a bad day for- 17:31 Lazarus, a few days ago, you know, he kicked the bucket. 17:33 (Jim laughs) 17:33 But God raised him up. 17:36 And now we're in a situation that, 17:39 Jesus, is just about time for him 17:42 to give the ultimate sacrifice. 17:45 He spends that time, 17:48 well, it's so amazing because he knew exactly 17:52 in his own mind, what was going to happen. 17:54 So he has, what we've referred to as the last supper. 17:59 - [Jim] And at that last supper, 18:02 he gets together with the disciples. 18:04 And the first thing he does, 18:06 he gets a bowl and he gets down 18:09 and he begin washing the feet of the disciples. 18:13 And the disciples are going, what are you doing? 18:16 - It should have been the other way around. 18:18 - Yeah, they should have been the ones to do that 18:19 but they were too proud. 18:21 You know, that they're in the company of Jesus. 18:25 You know, we don't do anything like this 18:27 but now all of a sudden, Jesus wants to touch their hearts 18:31 and say, look, just relax in life here, 18:33 trust me for everything. 18:36 He gets down, begins washing Peter's feet. 18:38 Peter said, "Lord, you have no, no, you can't wash my feet." 18:43 Jesus said, 18:44 "If I don't wash your feet, Peter, 18:46 "you have no business with me." 18:48 And then Peter, like typical Peter, 18:49 Lord, wash all my whole body. 18:51 - Right. 18:52 - Take it all, Lord. 18:54 He begins washing the other disciple's feet 18:56 and pretty soon he gets around, 18:59 all the way around the disciples, except to one. 19:03 He begins washing the feet of one disciple, 19:06 who is having a few problems. 19:07 Do you remember who that might've been? 19:09 - I'm going to guess, Judas? 19:11 - Yeah, he's washing the feet of Judas 19:14 and we know that right at that moment, for just a moment, 19:17 feelings begin to raise up in Judas 19:20 because he was the one who had betrayed Jesus. 19:23 He's sold him for 30 pieces of silver. 19:27 He was ready to confess his sins 19:29 but then pride got in the way, again. 19:32 I can handle life, I can deal with this, I'm in control. 19:37 And he just repulsed everything God wanted to do. 19:40 They got up, they sat down at the table 19:43 and they began eating. 19:44 And Jesus said, one of you here, is going to betray me. 19:48 Well, and he did that so that the disciples would know later 19:51 that Jesus was God, also. 19:53 - [Both] He knew what was going to happen. 19:55 - Yeah. 19:56 And he finally says, you know, what you're going to do, 19:58 do it fast. 20:00 He heads out, goes away. 20:03 And later on, disciples are out at the, 20:09 in all of the vineyards and everything. 20:12 And Terry and I have been to those areas, 20:14 we've filmed in some of those areas 20:15 and the olive trees are just, 20:17 well, I mean they're monsters, olive trees, huge. 20:21 - [Jim] There Jesus was out there, 20:22 in the middle of the night 20:24 and he tells the disciples, you wait right here. 20:27 But his heart is so weighed down, he can't hardly stand it. 20:31 And the reason is, 20:32 he's taking on the sins of the whole world. 20:36 That he's going to be the sacrifice. 20:38 It's all him. 20:40 And as I told you earlier, 33 1/2 years old, 20:44 what young man wants to die? 20:45 All of this weight is on him now. 20:47 It begins to crush him because he was taking your sins 20:51 and my sins because, I can't do anything about my sins. 20:55 I'm born into sin. 20:57 You're born into sin. 20:58 And, you know, the things we talk about, 21:00 the very bad, ugly, horrible day and everything, 21:04 can you compare that 21:05 to what was happening to Jesus right now? 21:07 In Revelation it says, he took the cup. 21:12 That cup is the, it says the indignation of the Father. 21:15 And that indignation, 21:17 is all of the wrath of God upon those who finally say, 21:20 I don't want anything to do with you, God. 21:22 Get out of here. 21:23 I don't want your sacrifice. 21:26 Jesus drank that cup, 21:28 so that whoever comes to him, 21:31 sins are washed away. 21:32 Jesus sheds his blood for everyone. 21:36 And he went to the rock where he grabbed the ground, 21:40 he even clutched the ground and we're told that, 21:41 out of the pores, he sweat blood. 21:44 His vessels were breaking. 21:46 The consternation was so bad on what was going on, 21:49 He cried out to the Father, 21:50 " Father, please help me. 21:52 "Let this cup pass from me, if there's any other way." 21:57 And you know what, there was silence, not a word from God. 22:02 The second time, same thing, cried out to the Father, 22:05 "Please Father, if there's some way, 22:08 let this cup pass from me." 22:11 Again, silence in the water. 22:14 Third time, same situation. 22:18 Jesus, finally, 22:21 he's resolved to do it. 22:23 He gained that victory right there. 22:25 The biggest victory was not with Jesus hanging on the cross, 22:29 the victory was gained right there 22:31 in the garden of Gethsemane. 22:32 - When he decided to go through with it. 22:33 - When we decided to go through with it. 22:35 Take your sins and my sins 22:36 and the weight of the world on his shoulder. 22:39 God who had done nothing, 22:41 God who just simply created us from the beginning 22:44 and the devil came and messed it all up. 22:45 God says, I wanna save you. 22:48 I wanna save you. 22:50 And he gets up, 22:53 heads with the disciples 22:55 and all of a sudden, 22:56 here's all the rabble coming to take Jesus. 22:59 They grab Jesus, several other scenes happen and go on 23:02 but finally we see Jesus in that final scene, 23:05 hanging on the cross. 23:07 As he's hanging on the cross, he cries out, 23:10 "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" 23:14 Well the Father hadn't forsaken him 23:16 but the Father didn't say anything 23:18 because Jesus was taking that sin 23:21 of the unrepentant sinner. 23:24 Taking those sins, dying that death, 23:27 that you and I don't have to die, if we accept Jesus. 23:31 But he suffered through all that. 23:32 You talk about a bad day, 23:34 I mean, that was a bad day. 23:38 And as he hung on that cross, He looked out at everyone 23:43 and he knew as he hung his head 23:45 that his sacrifice, many would accept his sacrifice 23:49 and be with him in God's kingdom. 23:53 And that is what gives us cheer. 23:56 That should give us hope. 23:58 Even when we don't hear the voice of God, 24:00 even when we don't have God's apparent arm around us 24:04 but it really is. 24:06 And now that even starting to sun, 24:09 little sunshine right now, right? 24:11 - Yes Pollyanna, there's sun. 24:13 (Jim chuckles) 24:14 - But that's the, that's the situation. 24:17 Now we can't let things in this life get us discouraged 24:22 because God is with us. 24:23 God will help us. 24:25 God will get us through to the other side. 24:29 - We have to get through to the other side here. 24:31 - Yeah, let's go see if we can find a place, huh? 24:34 - I'll follow you. 24:35 - Okay. 24:39 I wrote a little book a while back called, 24:41 "Overcoming The 3Ds: Depression, Discouragement, Despair". 24:45 It's helped thousands of people. 24:47 If you'd like a copy, 24:48 you can log on to 24:51 and for a small gift, it can be yours. 24:54 Please, do it today. 24:58 - [Commentator] Introducing Talking Donkey International. 25:00 God once used a donkey to spread his word, 25:03 but he'd rather use all of us. 25:06 It's time to prepare quality programming, 25:09 created to attract and reach viewers of the world, 25:12 not just those of our denomination. 25:14 Together, we can carry the final advent message 25:17 to the individuals of planet Earth 25:19 and hasten the return of our Lord. 25:22 Please pray for and support the successful mission 25:25 of Talking Donkey International. 25:28 - Praise the Lord, Janice. 25:29 I think we've got a way out. 25:31 You may get your feet a little wet, but- 25:33 - Oh, is that all? 25:34 - Yup. 25:37 - And my, oh great, I got a drip right down my neck. 25:41 (Jim sneezes) 25:43 - You want me to help you a little? 25:44 - Yes. 25:45 - There, do it so in case, there you go. 25:49 - There, there, here. 25:52 Oh, I'm going to break into the hallelujah chorus. 25:55 (Jim laughs) 25:57 Oh. 26:00 Remember what I was saying about I don't know, 26:02 why I let you talk me into these things? 26:05 - Yeah. 26:06 - But I was listening, I was paying attention. 26:09 - Oh, good and we made it. 26:11 - Yes. 26:12 From up there, I didn't see how we'd get across. 26:17 I'm glad you were here with me 26:19 or I would have still been over there crying. 26:21 But you did put it in perspective for me. 26:27 There were some people that you know, 26:30 God cared about and loved. 26:32 I mean, Jesus himself, son of God, 26:36 had moments where he felt like he'd been abandoned. 26:41 That it was, must've just seemed like everything was black 26:45 and yet he didn't give up. 26:48 He didn't give up on us, God doesn't give up on us. 26:52 And even if you're having a, 26:55 horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day, 27:00 it helps to remember that this isn't all there is. 27:04 - Exactly, we'll get through this. 27:05 - Five minutes from now, it could be different. 27:08 Five minutes from now, there might be sun 27:12 and someday, we know there's gonna be sun, 27:18 the sun. 27:18 - Amen. 27:19 Well, let's get in the warm truck, huh? 27:22 - That'll make the day a lot better. 27:27 - Hey, did you have the keys? 27:29 - No, you have 'em. 27:33 Jim, you've got the keys, right? 27:35 Please tell me you have the keys. 27:38 (Janice sighs) 27:42 - Oh man. 27:43 (gentle music) 27:48 No, I don't have the keys. 27:49 (Janice screams) 27:54 - Stop laughing, 27:57 it's not funny. 27:59 (gentle music continues) 28:02 - Hey, thanks for joining us for Country Wisdom. 28:05 - See you next time. 28:08 (gentle music continues) |
Revised 2021-07-07