Series Code: CW
Program Code: CW000008S
00:00 (light airy music)
00:05 - Ooh yes, stay right there. 00:08 Stay right there. 00:09 I'll be right back. 00:13 Hey, welcome everybody to Talking Donkey International. 00:16 In our new television series, Country Wisdom. 00:19 - Let's set the tone for this new series of ours. 00:22 It's found in Proverbs 4. 00:24 let your eyes look directly forward 00:27 and your gaze be straight before you. 00:30 Ponder the path of your feet. 00:33 And then all your ways will be sure. 00:36 - Join us now for Country Wisdom. 00:38 (light airy music) 01:05 - I am so glad that you knew 01:08 how to get up to this little Lake, Jim. 01:10 It is gorgeous up here. 01:12 - Ain't it spectacular. 01:13 - You know, on the way over here 01:15 I was hearing things 01:18 that you just. - Really? 01:19 Just kidding - I was hearing 01:21 sounds of nature. 01:24 What can you hear when you stop and listen? 01:28 - There are some birds. 01:30 - There are. 01:31 I heard mallards, which are kind of everywhere. 01:34 They're not that exciting cause they're too common. 01:37 But I also heard and saw spotted sandpipers. 01:42 And then of in the trees here steller's jay 01:46 which are just beautiful. 01:48 And if you listen really closely, 01:50 way off, 01:52 I could hear red-breasted nuthatch. 01:54 They're so cute, 01:56 they're like these little honky (Janice honking) 01:59 which bores you - No. 02:00 - but I love birds. 02:01 - When you just said honk honk honk. 02:03 That's one thing I can't hear. 02:04 There's no honking. 02:06 There's no sirens. 02:07 There's no clang, clang, clang. 02:09 There's no, you know, all that hustle 02:10 and bustle that crazy going on all the time. 02:12 It is just peaceful. 02:15 - Did you find yourself relaxing? 02:18 - Oh yeah. 02:19 You can't help it - As I got out 02:20 of the car at the trail head 02:23 and you just breathe. 02:25 I mean, I breathe all the time obviously, 02:28 but I breathed. 02:31 - Yeah, no, you know, when you're in the city 02:32 when you're in all that stuff, you just find yourself 02:35 your whole mind, everything is going continually 02:38 your muscles tight, everything's tight. 02:40 Your brain is tight and 02:41 and you get up here - and you know 02:42 - and you're just like yeah - I get so used to it. 02:44 I'm not even aware of how tense my neck is. 02:47 How on the go, I am pulling in 02:49 and out of parking lots 02:50 cause I got a long list of errands. 02:52 And it's just so normal, you know 02:55 to be at that level of stress and nervous energy, I guess. 03:00 - But you know, you did stop, 03:02 like you're saying you listen 03:04 and hearing nothing other than nature. 03:07 - There's a little Creek. 03:09 In fact, I think there's more than one. 03:10 We passed one and there's another one over here. 03:13 - It's amazingly soothing. 03:15 You know, now you're a birder. 03:17 There's no doubt. 03:18 When you start whipping off the numbers of birds. 03:20 In a good day, how many birds can you find and identify? 03:24 - Well, you know, just a few days ago, 03:26 my husband and I went out on what we call a big day. 03:29 And it's where you start in the morning 03:31 and you go to different habitats. 03:33 So you've got high deserty areas 03:35 around where we live 03:36 but you can easily get up into mountains 03:38 and areas that are called riparian, 03:41 it means it's along water and you hit different areas. 03:45 And we got 108 species. 03:47 - 108. 03:48 - Yes. 03:49 And we weren't even doing hard birding. 03:52 We've done days where we started, 03:54 in fact, we were in place 03:55 at the first spot we wanted to bird before light. 03:58 - I call that a fanatical, that's. 04:00 - That's Steve that's, you know 04:02 I'd rather sleep in, which was the compromise we made. 04:05 I said do we have to be there at dawn? 04:07 - A normal person, by just coming out and relaxing, 04:10 How many birds in one area 04:11 could you identify without killing yourself 04:13 and going around a lot? 04:14 - Let me tell you, we got into birding 04:16 when our younger son was in the fourth grade 04:18 and his teacher was teaching a segment on birds. 04:22 And he had this contest where the kid 04:25 who could identify, learn and identify the most birds 04:28 by the end of that quarter, 04:30 would get a set of walkie-talkies. 04:32 And Lauren decided those walkie-talkies 04:35 were going to be his. 04:36 So I went to Walmart and picked up a bird book 04:40 and a pair of cheap binoculars 04:42 and said, well okay, you know 04:45 we'll go out and we'll help you. 04:47 So after church, like just a couple of days later 04:51 I remembered that our pastor enjoyed birding. 04:54 And so Lauren went up and said, 04:57 "Could we go for out this afternoon? 05:00 Would you take us and show us some birds?" 05:02 And Paul said," Well, sure, I'd love to." 05:06 And I said, well, how many do you think we can get? 05:08 Like just around town, you know, and close by? 05:11 And he goes, "Well, we should easily get 25 or 30." 05:16 You know, I didn't know 05:17 that there were 25 or 30 different species at that point. 05:20 I knew robins. 05:22 I knew a scrub jay, 05:24 although I called them blue jays 05:26 which turned out not to be quite accurate 05:28 they're scrub jays. 05:30 We came home with about 30 birds 05:32 in just maybe four hours of being around town. 05:36 And I was shocked because I had never paid attention. 05:39 I'm always driving to my next errand. 05:41 So busy I wasn't listening to what's out there. 05:45 - Speaking of listening, do you hear that now? 05:47 - Another bird? 05:49 - No, listen. 05:51 It's the wind. 05:53 - Oh! Yeah, through the pine trees. 05:55 I love that sound. 05:56 - And we're up in nature, 05:57 what does wind represent in the Bible? 06:00 - The Holy Spirit. 06:01 - The Holy Spirit. 06:02 And when your in nature, 06:03 the word says, "Come apart a while." 06:06 Why? 06:07 So that we can calm down, 06:07 we can drain all that garbage 06:09 out of our hearts, our minds and everything. 06:11 So we can begin listening to that still small ones. 06:14 - And you know, when you're around your daily life 06:16 if you live, especially in an urban area, 06:19 but even at home, if the television is always going 06:22 if you always have something running in the background 06:25 if you're always in headphones, listening to music 06:28 you can't hear that voice. 06:30 - Very true. 06:31 Very true. 06:32 Now, speaking of coming apart, 06:33 let's get in the boat and let's go out and check out, 06:35 I wanna see some of the Lily pads. 06:36 - All right. 06:38 I saw a few out there that were in bloom. 06:39 (light airy music) 06:45 - I wrote a little book a while back called, 06:47 "Overcoming the 3 D's 06:49 Depression, Discouragement Despair." 06:50 It's helped thousands of people. 06:53 If you'd like a copy 06:54 you can log on to 06:57 and for a small gift, it can be yours. 06:59 Please do it today. 07:01 (light airy music) 07:13 Hi. I'm Jim Ayer. 07:14 My good friend, Terry Cantrell 07:16 and I have traveled the world together filming 07:18 from Egypt to Zanzibar 07:19 from Costa Rica to Brazil, India and beyond. 07:22 For years, we've captured stories 07:25 of uplifting God of heaven. 07:26 Stories are touch, change lives. 07:29 Now on a new adventure, and you're invited. 07:32 We started Talking Donkey International. 07:34 Talking Donkey as a medium ministry, 07:36 dedicated to sharing Jesus Christ 07:38 in a unique and powerful way, out of the ordinary. 07:42 Just like a talking donkey. 07:44 Like us I'm guessing you're tired 07:46 of the same old cookie cutter programs 07:47 that line the Christian airways. 07:49 The gospel is exciting. 07:51 It's time to jump out of the mold and let the donkey talk. 07:55 When that happens people will pay attention. 07:57 It's way out of the ordinary. 07:59 And we're inviting you to become 08:00 a part of this exciting 08:02 and innovative outreach to the world. 08:04 People are tired of watching the same old thing. 08:06 Become a financial partner with us today. 08:08 And together we will change Christian TV forever. 08:12 Give the donkey a voice. 08:16 (airy instrumental music) 08:40 - You know, it's kinda nice that we have this end 08:42 of the Lake to ourselves. 08:44 But you know, it's also nice 08:46 that a couple of families have come in over there, 08:49 bringing their kids up here to have a day at the Lake. 08:52 - Yeah. 08:55 You know, it really is. 08:56 The thing is Christ said, 08:58 " Come apart a while to a desert place." 09:03 - But dessert can just mean empty. 09:05 It doesn't have to mean hot and Sandy. 09:08 - Exactly. 09:09 What it meant really especially is, 09:11 the disciples had just been through a grueling time, 09:14 a good time. 09:15 Jesus had sent them out to do battle with demons 09:19 to heal the sick, to raise the dead, 09:21 to do a huge number of things. 09:25 Their week had been so grueling 09:27 because basically he'd sent them out 09:30 to cast out demons, heal the sick 09:33 raise the dead. 09:34 I mean a tremendous amount of things. 09:37 They'd been watching Jesus do all these things, 09:39 but they hadn't been involved themselves. 09:42 And so now all of a sudden was there opportunity 09:45 and it had been a, you know, they'd had some trials 09:47 and problems and just dealing with life 09:49 and the cities and everything like this. 09:52 So Jesus said, 09:53 come apart - I thought 09:53 my week was hectic. 09:55 But I haven't thought about what their time was like 09:58 - You know of course, 10:00 I can't help to but bring the Bible right? 10:01 And I was looking at some of these things 10:04 and he says, "Come with me by yourselves 10:08 to a desert place, to rest a while." 10:11 To rest, you know. 10:12 To take just a little rest 10:14 but now they've to been other places, 10:16 and I'm sure they'd rested, 10:17 but you know it wasn't going 10:20 to the pleasant watering hole of the day. 10:23 There wasn't going to some city place or location. 10:25 But it was a real quiet, 10:28 Like you said, an area of solitude, OF just relaxing. 10:33 And the thing we can't miss 10:34 Jesus said, "Come apart with me." 10:38 We can come apart. 10:40 You know, we can, we can do all kinds of stuff 10:43 but unless you take Jesus with you, 10:45 it doesn't matter a lot. 10:47 - You won't really have complete rest. 10:50 It's that peace. 10:51 You know, the Bible says, "Peace that passes understanding." 10:55 And I'm sure there are a lot 10:57 of people who come out in nature and feel a sense of peace 11:01 but peace with a capital P is what God gives you. 11:07 And I think you can find it much more easily out here. 11:10 - I know for myself, you know 11:11 I was totally involved in so many things. 11:14 God had brought me out of being an alcoholic 11:16 a drug dealer and a thief and all kinds of things. 11:19 Then I became a Christian 11:21 and I found success in business. 11:22 And boy, was I successful. 11:25 I mean, I was rolling in money. 11:27 I was lobbying on Capitol Hill, in Washington 11:30 rubbing shoulders with the senators 11:32 and congressmen and doing all this stuff. 11:35 But I really started realizing 11:37 I'd lost that peace with Jesus. 11:40 I worked, I worked, I worked. 11:42 I was in real estate. 11:44 I was in the top 4% of Coldwell Bankers 11:47 in all the United States. 11:48 - Wow! 11:49 - And I found that, 11:50 hey, I could be writing a contract at midnight. 11:53 You know, I'd do all these things. 11:55 And the problem is that doesn't get you 12:01 that time with Christ. 12:02 It doesn't get you that relaxation with Christ. 12:05 - No, it doesn't. 12:06 And we can fill our lives with so much, 12:10 you know just like you said, 12:12 sometimes it seems like for every item 12:14 on my list that I cross off, I've added two or three more. 12:17 The list never gets shorter. 12:19 Unless I make time. 12:21 Schedule time where 12:24 I'm going to spend an hour with my "Bible" 12:27 and you might think I can't take an hour out of my day. 12:30 There's so much to do. 12:32 And there are way too many days that I do that. 12:36 But I think especially, 12:37 that's why it's so good to come out here. 12:39 A place like this. 12:41 Because you can't be doing those other things. 12:44 You don't have to think about business or your to do list. 12:50 Have I ever told you about the book I read recently? 12:55 "The Three Day Effect"? 12:58 - No, I think you'd briefly mentioned it. 13:01 - This is what I'm talking about. 13:03 A woman named Florence Williams. 13:05 She writes, she's a science writer. 13:07 And she knew from, I guess, anecdotal evidence 13:13 river raft guides, backpackers, 13:16 who all talked about the effect of being out in nature. 13:19 And they all mentioned this third day magic. 13:23 Some of them called it 13:25 and where you just really, 13:27 have finally gotten into a different rhythm 13:30 and let go of everything that was tying you down at home. 13:36 But she wanted to know, is there really something to it? 13:39 So she got some scientists. 13:41 And they developed some portable equipment. 13:44 She went out with two different groups. 13:47 One is a group that works 13:49 with women who have been traumatized, 13:52 whether through addiction, domestic violence, trafficking 13:56 and they take these women out into nature. 14:00 And then another group was run by veterans 14:04 and they take these guys out, 14:06 who are all suffering from PTSD 14:08 and they take them out rock climbing 14:10 and hiking and cause guys like that a little bit more. 14:14 I think the women in their group get pampered a little bit. 14:18 - You'd like that part, right? 14:19 - Oh, you bet, 14:20 You bet I'd be at the spa. 14:22 But they talked about that same thing. 14:26 They said the first day, 14:28 everybody's actually still a little tense 14:30 because this is new territory. 14:31 They're doing something out of their comfort zone. 14:34 They're not sure, 14:35 should I have come? 14:36 Some of them had to get talked into going on these trips. 14:40 But the second day they begin to relax. 14:44 And they said the third day, 14:46 they're finally talking to each other, 14:48 making new connections with people. 14:52 Talking about things 14:53 that they never would have talked about at home. 14:56 So what she did with these scientists, 15:00 they actually had these caps, EEG caps. 15:03 Portable stuff, they had in a tent a whole lab 15:06 where they could analyze. 15:08 They were doing blood pressure. 15:09 They were measuring heart rates. 15:12 They were watching brainwave patterns. 15:15 and seeing if the three day effect was real or not. 15:18 And they found 15:19 - You got a little bug 15:20 on your neck. - I could feel it 15:21 - There you go. You're 15:22 so lucky that I'm not leaping 15:23 out of this canoe and tipping the whole thing over. 15:26 - I knew how bad it was. 15:27 And I said, well, shall I tell you, 15:28 and I though no. 15:29 You did good. 15:30 - It's the one thing in nature I do not like 15:32 - Bugs, huh? 15:33 - Bugs. 15:35 But she found that there really is 15:38 a three-day effect. 15:40 That-- 15:41 - A three day effect. 15:42 - heart, on the third day, 15:44 you can measure the difference in heart rates, 15:48 in blood pressure, in brainwave. 15:52 Now she was talking about scientific things, 15:54 you know, alpha waves and theta waves. 15:58 And you know, that was literally over my head, 16:01 not just in my head, 16:03 but the point was about the third day 16:07 they began having brainwave patterns that were, 16:11 I think it was more theta than alpha 16:13 but don't hold me to that. 16:14 But their brains were in a spot where they were no longer 16:19 that focusing anxious kind of thoughts 16:22 the to-do list kind of thoughts. 16:25 It was where they say your mind is wandering. 16:29 You've relaxed enough 16:31 that you've begun to literally start thinking 16:35 about other things. 16:36 - You're not attached to that next to do list. 16:39 - Right. 16:40 - You let go of them. - And of course 16:41 creativity happens when your brain is in those waves 16:45 because that was another thing they had noticed 16:47 is that, people who took at least three days 16:49 out in nature, 16:51 came back, not just physically refreshed 16:55 but mentally refreshed and felt much more creative. 17:00 Another thing they did, they gave them tests before 17:05 and after. 17:07 They did word puzzles, they did number puzzles. 17:13 Things like giving you a string of words, 17:17 anywhere five to seven words 17:19 and then telling you now remember those. 17:21 And then a couple of minutes later coming back 17:23 and saying now what were those words I gave you? 17:27 And seeing if you could remember the pattern. 17:31 They did things like, 17:33 count backwards for one minute 17:37 from start at thousand and count backwards by sevens. 17:43 And they would see how far someone could get 17:45 in the space of a minute. 17:46 - Ooh, wow! 17:47 - And some of them didn't do well at all. 17:52 Like could maybe get down three numbers 17:56 three groups of seven down in the space of a minute. 18:00 Then at the end they did the same type of test, 18:05 not identical. 18:07 So it's not like you, 18:08 Oh yeah, I did that same string of words before, 18:12 or that same number pattern. 18:13 They would do it by a different number pattern. 18:16 And in fact, three days later 18:19 when they were doing the new tests 18:21 they made them just slightly harder. 18:24 And yet people were scoring two and three times better. 18:28 - Really? 18:28 - Yes. 18:29 Their memory was better. 18:32 They could focus better. 18:34 So they were able to actually prove scientifically 18:40 that nature has a healing effect. 18:43 - Wow! 18:44 - Not only that they said about the third day, 18:46 you know I mentioned those veterans 18:48 who began finally opening up and talking, 18:51 because they were saying nature is the best therapy. 18:54 One of the guides said, "A week in the wilderness 18:56 is worth a year of therapy." 18:59 And they proved that was really true 19:01 because around it campfire at night. 19:05 The third night these guys started talking about, 19:09 I came back from my second tour in Iraq 19:13 and my wife said, I wasn't the same guy. 19:16 And she left. 19:17 I lost my job. 19:19 I was drinking too much. 19:21 I didn't want to leave the house. 19:23 Things like that. 19:24 And here they were admitting that to each other 19:27 and supporting each other. 19:29 And they carried it over even when they went home 19:33 because some of those guys stayed in touch. 19:35 She followed up with them six months later. 19:38 And some of those guys said, like one of them 19:41 he said his wife had, she rode rodeo. 19:45 And in fact, when he had first joined the military 19:48 she bought a horse to have something to do 19:51 because she knew she was going to miss him. 19:53 She knew it was going to be a hard adjustment. 19:55 She bought herself a horse and began doing rodeos. 19:59 When he came back, he would barely leave the house. 20:04 When he got back from that trip with the veterans group 20:08 he said, "You know, I was outside my comfort zone 20:12 but if I can do that, I can go with her sometimes. 20:16 You know, that's her thing, but I can support her." 20:19 So he began going with her, 20:21 even though he didn't really want to be around people. 20:25 And he didn't really want to go someplace new 20:27 but he began doing it 20:29 because that trip out backpacking helped. 20:34 There was a psychologist, 20:35 a social psychologist that she quoted 20:39 because the scientist, Florence Williams 20:42 the science writer, 20:44 she said, "What do you do 20:46 If you have family, you have a job. 20:48 You don't live anywhere near real wilderness. 20:51 How do you carry that over?" 20:54 The social psychologist who had also been studying nature 20:58 and its effect on people's emotions. 21:01 She said, "You can find it anywhere." 21:04 She said she tells people to go out 21:07 and look for moments of awe, 21:12 whether that is just seeing a flower box 21:15 on the sidewalk, as you're walking to work and noticing it 21:21 or finding a park and going for a walk, 21:23 taking your dog for a walk every day. 21:26 And instead of just marching along 21:27 thinking about what you have to get done tomorrow. 21:30 Notice your surroundings. 21:32 Notice the sunset. 21:34 Those are moments of awe. 21:36 - I've written in my Bible this thought, 21:37 either you come apart and rest awhile 21:40 or you'll come apart. 21:43 - Yes. 21:44 - I mean that, that's what you're saying. 21:45 That's what really happens. 21:47 You need to come and spend that time with God. 21:49 Spend that time out in nature, which you know 21:51 we've talked about before. 21:52 It's kind of God's second book. 21:55 Matter of fact, I had a Matthew 11:29 21:57 it says, "Learn in me 21:58 I am gentle and lowly in heart 22:00 and you will find rest into your souls." 22:03 Rest into your souls. 22:04 I mean, that's amazing, you know, 22:05 that we can find rest in God. 22:09 - And into our inner being, our core and just relax 22:15 because God's got it. 22:16 - Now, one of the things, you know, as you get out in nature 22:19 what I've seen is it helps you rest too. 22:23 Physically helps you get sleep. 22:26 Today I think there are more people-- 22:28 - Yes, they found that they all began sleeping better. 22:30 - There are more people that are taking sleeping pills 22:33 and everything else, 22:34 just trying to get a little bit of sleep 22:36 and that doesn't really work. 22:38 But if you start really sleeping, 22:40 I mean there's tremendous amount of studies 22:42 to show what sleep really does. 22:46 You end up with a sleep deprivation 22:49 and it hurts your diet. 22:50 It hurts your attitude. 22:53 It hurts everything in life. 22:54 Your whole health system goes down the flusher as well. 22:57 - Well, I think you know of our younger son Lauren, 23:01 he does sleep studies. 23:03 He works at a hospital and that's his job. 23:05 And he said, if people understood the effect that sleep has 23:11 or the lack of it. 23:12 - The lack of it, yeah. 23:13 - On them physically and emotionally, 23:14 he said, they've taken much more seriously. 23:16 - Well, one of the things that people find, 23:19 people have such trouble with weight gain. 23:21 If they got better sleep, the weight gain would go down. 23:25 And here's another interesting thing too 23:26 is basically if you quit eating late at night 23:31 if you have that last meal of the day four hours 23:34 before you go to sleep, you will be able to sleep better. 23:36 And guess what? 23:37 That last meal doesn't go to fat. 23:39 And it goes to more energy, 23:41 which is a tremendous benefit as well. 23:43 - Well, it's also related mental, physical spiritual. 23:48 There was something that really struck me 23:50 in the "Three Day Effect" 23:52 the book. 23:54 In the section talking about what you can do 23:57 no matter where you live, this social psychologist said 24:01 "I can't always get away for a week." 24:03 You know, how many people can afford to do that, 24:06 to take a week off whenever they need it. 24:09 She said her goal, she had started taking 24:13 just setting aside a 24 hour period every week. 24:18 I thought, well, that's not an original idea, 24:21 because I think in the Bible 24:24 God had that idea first. 24:26 - Yeah. 24:27 Matter of fact, I was thinking about that. 24:29 Let me read you a text. 24:30 " Thus, the heavens and the earth were completed. 24:33 And by the seventh day 24:34 God had finished the work he'd been doing. 24:36 And on that day, he rested from all of his work." 24:39 God rested on that day. 24:41 And then, then his Eden couple joined in with him 24:44 and in sharing that beautiful day of rest, 24:47 then later on the apostle, Paul 24:49 makes some interesting statement in the book of Hebrews. 24:51 You know he said, 24:52 he weaves together kind of three concepts. 24:54 The concept of we have a rest from enemies, 24:59 we have a physical rest and we have a rest in Jesus Christ. 25:03 And then you think about Christ 25:05 talked about many things, especially in Isaiah. 25:08 Now he talks about in Isaiah 66, 25:11 he said, look, here's the situation. 25:13 When we're in heaven, we will have a special day 25:17 every seventh day to come together 25:20 with God and from one new moon to another, every 30 days. 25:23 So 30 days and seven days, one Sabbath 25:25 and we'll all come together to worship God 25:28 and to join together with him. 25:30 And isn't it interesting 25:32 that through all of this God has a plan 25:36 a total plan to come apart a while to rest in him 25:40 to spend time with him. 25:41 You know, especially once a week 25:43 and scientists talk about there's a circadian rhythm 25:46 you know, in nature a seven day cycle. 25:50 Isn't it interesting when we follow God 25:52 when we learn of him and the things he has prepared for us. 25:56 (gentle piano music) 26:08 - I felt like Satan was constantly nipping at my heels 26:11 and I just couldn't catch my breath. 26:13 I was grieving I felt scared, confused, 26:16 anxious, and depressed. 26:18 My life was literally turned upside down and falling apart. 26:21 I didn't know what to do, but I knew who had the answers. 26:26 Can you relate? 26:28 This amazing study guide changed my life in 12 weeks. 26:32 I caught my breath, 26:34 my faith grew stronger, 26:35 my confusion turned to clarity, 26:37 my anxiety lessened, my depression eased. 26:40 I let myself be held in the arms of Jesus 26:43 and he calmed my aching heart. 26:47 Are you ready for dramatic change in your life? 26:49 This 12 week study guide will guide you 26:53 on your journey of transformation. 26:55 This study is packed with powerful content to lead you 26:59 on an encounter with Jesus. 27:01 Jesus will use this study 27:02 as a tool to change your life as he did mine. 27:07 Order your copy today to experience your transformation. 27:10 log on to 27:18 (gentle music) 27:28 - That was great. 27:29 I loved being out there on that Lake. 27:32 It was just so peaceful. 27:35 - You can just feel the tension drain away, can't you? 27:38 - So calm out there. 27:39 I wish I didn't have to go back home. 27:42 - I urge you give it a try. 27:44 Come apart a while with Jesus Christ. 27:46 Experience him in nature. 27:47 Experience him in the wind and the trees 27:50 and the smell and in just the nothingness. 27:53 It's absolutely wonderful. 27:54 (gentle instrumental music) 28:01 Thanks for joining us for Country Wisdom. 28:03 - See you next time. 28:04 (Gentle instrumental music) |
Revised 2021-07-06