Series Code: CW
Program Code: CW000007S
00:00 (gentle acoustic guitar music)
00:05 - Oh, yes. Stay right there, no. 00:08 Stay right there, I'll be right back. 00:13 Hey, welcome everybody to A Talking Donkey International 00:16 and our new television series, "Country Wisdom." 00:19 - Let's set the tone for this new series of ours. 00:22 It's found in Proverbs 4, 00:24 "Let your eyes look directly forward 00:27 and your gaze be straight before you. 00:30 Ponder the path of your feet 00:33 and then all your ways will be sure." 00:36 - Join us now for "Country Wisdom." 00:38 (gentle acoustic guitar music) 00:45 Well, lots is going to happen today. So come on, join us. 00:51 (upbeat music) 01:00 Ain't this a gorgeous day for a ride? 01:02 - And Lily keeps trying to smash my leg. 01:05 Oh, she likes you. She just wants to say hi. 01:11 - I was thinking maybe she didn't like me. 01:13 - Nah, she likes you. - She's like, 01:14 "Why are you coming along today?" 01:15 - (indistinct) huh, baby. Yeah. 01:17 Know what I mean, it's so beautiful out. 01:19 - Oh, I am thrilled to be out here, I love it. 01:22 You couldn't ask for a better day. 01:24 Hey, you grew up in California, right? 01:27 - [Jim] I did. - So did I. 01:29 So how old were you when you had your first earthquake? 01:35 - Well, I'm not gonna tell you exactly how old, 01:36 but I was older than 50 'cause I was in 01:39 Maryland actually when I felt my first one 01:41 in a big high-rise building. 01:42 - You grew up in California and didn't have an earthquake 01:45 till you went to the East Coast? 01:47 - That's right, that's right. I lived in the far north. 01:49 No earthquakes, just a big volcano. 01:53 - I think I was in third grade, first one I remember. 01:57 And I remember it because I was in school 02:00 and I turned around because I thought the boy 02:04 in back of me that I wasn't very fond of anyway, 02:09 I thought he was sticking his- 02:13 - [Jim] Yellowjacket. - Sorry. Sorry, Jetta. 02:20 - Janice, look, he won't eat too much. 02:23 - Why does he like me? Go over to Jim. 02:27 That boy used to bug me the way that yellowjacket was. 02:31 So when I felt my desk starting to move, 02:38 because I did, I was studying and all of a sudden, 02:42 I realized you had this sensation, 02:44 where I was moving and, thank you. 02:48 - Relax, don't swat him too hard, 02:49 just move moving him away a little. 02:51 Keep talking, it'll be fine. 02:55 - And I turned around to tell him 02:57 to quit shoving my desk with his feet. 02:59 And then I realized, no! 03:01 All the kids had suddenly looked up 03:04 because all the desks were moving. 03:07 And that was the first earthquake I can actually remember 03:10 and realizing what that was. - Really? 03:12 - But you know, there were many others after 03:15 that to varying degrees. (gentle guitar music) 03:20 Because I grew up in California. 03:22 I assumed you had the same stories. 03:25 - No, I never had to worry about what kind 03:27 of foundation my house was on, but I think about that. 03:31 You talk about earthquakes and foundations 03:34 and Janine and I, many years ago, 03:37 we're in Italy and we find a really interesting place. 03:43 Tower of Pisa, right? 03:44 - [Janice] Leaning tower of Pisa. 03:45 - [Jim] Leaning, it wasn't always leaning. 03:47 They started construction I think in 1173. 03:50 - [Janice] Did you see it back before it started to lean? 03:54 - Oh, you are so dirty. No. 03:57 I don't even know that I wanna ride with you anymore. 04:01 Well, then five years later, it began, 04:04 it was leaning before they finished construction. 04:07 Before they finished construction... 04:08 Oh, there's some grass, look. 04:10 You'll love the grass, go ahead. 04:11 - Oh, didn't you give Lily enough breakfast this morning? 04:13 - Lily, there's some grass. Now you don't wanna eat grass? 04:16 You don't wanna eat grass now, okay. 04:19 But anyway, here they are before it's finished, 04:22 it's leaning, and since then, I think in 1990, 04:29 they closed it to tourists no longer. 04:30 So, that tells you we were there before 1990. 04:34 There you go, now you found a spot. 04:37 - As far as I know though, it's still leaning. 04:39 - Oh, yeah, it is. They brought in a big engineer 04:42 who actually apparently didn't know his job. 04:44 They spent a whole bunch of money, 04:47 and I think $30 million U.S. 04:50 And they kind of corrected it a little bit, 04:53 but, it just goes to show you, 04:56 you've gotta have a good foundation. 04:59 - My husband, Steve, is really interested 05:03 in issues of creation science versus evolution. 05:07 He is a scientist, he's a surgeon 05:10 and was a Chemistry major and it fascinates him. 05:13 And he's got a whole library 05:16 of books on different topics like that. 05:20 And he is always, in fact, he gave a great sermon 05:26 on Christians who think they can combine the two, 05:32 who think they can have it both ways. 05:34 But he says, if you have based your faith, 05:40 if your foundation is on evolution, 05:43 whether you're thinking pure Darwinian evolution 05:46 or whether you're thinking what people call 05:48 Theistic evolution, you want to have God involved. 05:51 So He started it, but He started it in this method, 05:55 as evolution as his tool. 05:57 But Steve said... Come on, Jetta. 06:02 Steve said, "You have to consider, with that foundation. 06:08 Then you have a completely random, directionless nature 06:16 that is supposedly natural selection, but completely random. 06:22 So it's an accident that we turned into humans 06:28 and there's no real purpose to our life. 06:31 It's a freak of nature. It's completely accidental." 06:35 - [Jim] No, you don't get to choose where you're going. 06:37 - And if that is true, where did morals come from? 06:44 - Exactly. (gentle acoustic music) 06:45 - There are people today who think that, 06:46 well, society creates morals. So basically, 06:49 it's whatever society today has decided is right or wrong. 06:54 And as you know, that changes. 06:56 It doesn't even take a generation to have that change. 06:59 Things that when I was a young mother that were, 07:04 "This is what good mothers, 07:05 how a good mother raises their children." 07:07 And nowadays it's like, "Oh, you do that 07:10 and CPS will be on your door." 07:13 - If it wasn't for the creation story, 07:18 why would anybody not want to kill? 07:20 If I like what you guys possess, 07:22 just go in and kill you and take it. 07:24 - Because if it is purely Darwinian evolution, 07:28 then whatever I can do 07:30 to further my chances of success is fine. 07:34 I'm doing what nature designed me to do. 07:38 - And nobody has any argument against that. 07:41 - No. - There is no real argument. 07:42 Either it's- - Any more than a nature. 07:45 We have coyotes around here all the time. 07:48 And I know, I have friends who have chickens 07:51 and one day you don't have as many chickens 07:53 as you had the day before or sheep. 07:56 We were just talking with your friend, Randy. 07:59 And he started with 30 sheep and is down to four 08:05 and is thrilled that one of those had twins. 08:07 It's just like right now, 08:09 we can either go this way in the road 08:11 or this way in the road. We've only got two choices. 08:14 And that's really what it is for everything that's going on. 08:18 We either believe in creation 08:20 or we believe in something else. 08:23 - My opinion and I think it's based on good evidence 08:28 as well as faith in God is that 08:31 God, as a foundation never moves. 08:34 You are never going to suddenly find yourself, 08:37 like I did sitting in that desk in third grade, 08:39 where the ground underneath me is literally moving. 08:43 But if your foundation is based 08:45 on whatever the society you are living 08:48 in today says is good or bad, 08:51 that's gonna change tomorrow. Your foundation just moved. 08:55 And that's not a very secure feeling. 08:58 - Yeah, as for me and my house, 08:59 like I said, "I'm gonna choose the Lord. 09:02 I'm gonna choose his direction and his foundation." 09:04 - I think Lily's choosing our direction. 09:07 (gentle acoustic music continues) 09:23 - I'd like to offer you this free book called 09:26 "The Great Controversy." As you read it, 09:29 you will become like Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz" 09:32 You will see what and who is standing behind the curtain, 09:36 manipulating the events of this world. 09:38 You will also discover that there is hope 09:42 and peace, during these troubled times. 09:45 Remember, the book is completely free. So don't wait. 09:49 The offer is only good while supplies last. 09:53 To obtain your copy, simply log on to 09:56 and order your copy now. 10:04 - While we're on the horses, I get a cool idea 10:07 for a visual of really what it's about 10:09 for the walk of your Christian life. 10:12 - All right. - Include some equipment. 10:14 Do you mind carrying a bag? 10:16 - It depends on how much it weighs. 10:18 - 40 pounds under. Gotta bring my Bible too. 10:22 - My backpacking days are in the rear view mirror. 10:25 - Just kidding. It aint that heavy. 10:28 Mine or if you'd like to take one of the heavy ones? 10:31 - No, I am definitely taking the low road here. 10:39 Hang on, the backpack isn't cooperating. 10:42 (gentle acoustic music) 10:49 - You got it okay? - Twisted. That's typical. 10:53 All right, were good. - All right. 10:54 (gentle acoustic music continues) 11:14 Okay. So, the first thing of course, 11:16 you gotta get the Bible. 11:17 Can't do anything without the Bible. Right? 11:20 And then, after I get this out. 11:27 - Oh, I like the color. (gentle acoustic music) 11:29 - You do, huh? - Yes. 11:34 - Let's see here. 11:40 There are so many parts and so many things in climbing. 11:47 - I don't do red, but I like the other colors. 11:51 Oh, Jim, Jim. Look! 11:54 - Oh, look at that tiny cool little lizard. 11:57 - He wants to join you. 12:03 - Oh, okay. Yeah. Next some more ropes we can worry 12:07 about that later. But I thought, when we're on horseback, 12:11 I was thinking about some of this, like I said, at the truck 12:13 and it just seemed like there's so many similarities in life 12:18 about rock climbing, and preparation 12:21 and the equipment and everything else. 12:24 What I wanted to read to you, 12:25 something in my Bible is Matthew 7:24-27 says, 12:31 "Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of mine 12:34 and does them." So God's looking 12:37 for an active situation in the Christian life. 12:40 I mean, we can talk about the things we talked 12:43 about in horseback. And as you know, 12:46 we can talk about foundations and everything else, 12:48 but this is where the rubber meets the road. 12:51 When you're really climbing life. 12:55 When you're really in there in the trenches, 12:57 how do you do this? - I have no idea. 13:01 - But you've made a lot of experience in life, 13:03 and you can translate those into. 13:05 - Well, that's why I was talking to you 13:07 about our lives are like a building 13:10 and you need to know what your foundation is. 13:14 And I have chosen one that doesn't move 13:17 because if I built my life on me as a foundation, 13:23 it'd be all over the place. 13:25 So I've made a conscious decision, Christ is my foundation. 13:30 That book is my foundation. 13:33 And if I find myself deviating, it hasn't moved. 13:39 I'm the one who's moved and that's what you have 13:41 to judge your whole life by. 13:43 Have I moved off the foundation? 13:45 Because the foundation, if it's Christ, it's staying put. 13:49 - I really liked that point you made 13:51 because all of a sudden, I flashed on, 13:53 there are guidebooks to take you in certain routes. 13:57 It shows you how long the route is, 13:59 where to set protection a lot of times and so- 14:01 - Guidebooks to climbing? - Guidebooks to climbing. 14:04 So, I've been climbing in some monstrous climbs 14:07 and you can kinda read the guidebook to find the routes 14:10 and everything, where to set things to keep you safe. 14:13 And I thought, well, here's the eternal guide book. 14:17 It shows the whole route, shows you exactly what to follow, 14:20 how to follow it and people that don't have the guidebook? 14:24 - Get lost. - And could die. 14:27 And bottom line you do. I missed following a route one time 14:33 and I was going up the rock and going up the rock. 14:34 And this is called protection. 14:36 This stuff is called protection. 14:39 There was no place to set it and I was going at 20, 30, 14:42 40, 50 feet, 60 feet. That's getting really dangerous 14:46 and I'm getting really nervous. 14:48 - Without- - Without setting anything. 14:50 It's just, if I fall, I'd go to the bottom. 14:52 And boy, I mean, it gets very scary. 14:55 - My adrenaline just went up, just how you talk about it. 14:59 - This is the guidebook. And so, 15:01 let me share more about it in the guide book. 15:03 Jesus is saying, "Build your house on the rock. 15:06 So, and the rain came and the floods came, 15:08 the wind blew and beat on that house. 15:10 And it did not fall, for it was founded on a rock." 15:14 And that rock, of course we know is who? 15:17 - Oh, Jesus. I was just amazed. 15:19 I kept waiting for you to break into song. 15:23 That was one of my kids' favorite songs. 15:25 They love to singing that because it had hand motions. 15:29 The wise man built his house upon a rock 15:31 and then they talked about the rain came down 15:32 and the floods came up, but the house stood firm. 15:37 It was actually the second verse that- 15:38 - I wasn't raised a Christian. 15:39 So I didn't get to go to all those little classes. 15:43 ♪ The wise man builds his house upon the rock ♪ 15:46 - And they're going like this. 15:48 ♪ The wise man built his house upon the rock ♪ 15:51 ♪ The wise man built his house upon the rock ♪ 15:55 ♪ And the rains came tumbling down. ♪ 15:57 - Oh, I can see the kids doing that for sure. 15:59 - Right. But his house stands firm 16:02 because it's built on a rock. 16:03 But the second verse was their favorite. 16:07 - Well, we don't have time for second verse today. 16:09 "And everyone who hears these sayings of mine," 16:12 the sayings of Jesus, "And does not do them, 16:15 shall be compared to a foolish man 16:18 who built his house on the sand. 16:20 And the rain came down, the floods came and the wind blew 16:22 and beat on that house and it fell and great was the fall." 16:26 - That's the part they like because when we got to that, 16:29 and the house on the sand went splat 16:32 and they all got to clap and go splat. 16:36 - You look at these mighty cliffs and you think about, 16:38 throughout the Bible, Jesus is compared to the rock, 16:41 the rock of my salvation. (gentle acoustic music) 16:47 In Jewish literature and Jewish history, 16:48 when they were building Solomon's temple, there's the story 16:51 that they didn't do anything at the building site. 16:54 In other words, no implements were used. 16:57 You heard no sound of chiseling. 16:59 You heard no sound of Emory or anything. 17:01 So, they did it far away at the quarry. 17:03 But some of these rocks were so massive, 17:06 five, 10, 15, 20, 30 tons, maybe more. 17:10 They'd bring them in and they fit exactly in the place. 17:13 They showed up with this one rock 17:15 and there was no place for it 17:17 and they couldn't figure it out. 17:18 Why did they send this rock? 17:20 - Couldn't figure out where it fit. 17:21 - Didn't fit, didn't fit anywhere. 17:23 So, the builder said, "Lets settle it over there." 17:25 Basically at the rubbish pile. 17:28 They go on for years and they're getting toward the end 17:30 and they need the chief cornerstone. 17:32 The stone that virtually holds up everything. 17:37 And they're looking and they're looking. 17:38 Well, they don't have anything that's strong enough. 17:40 The quarry said, "We don't have any rock 17:41 that's strong enough." (gentle acoustic music) 17:44 And as they're wandering around, they look. 17:45 And there's that stone they put out there years ago. 17:49 It's in full sun, it's in full shade, 17:51 it's in winter, it's in summer, spring and fall. 17:53 There's not a crack. There's not a blemish on it. 17:56 They say, "Well, let's just see." 17:58 They bring it over and it fit perfectly. 18:01 Jesus Christ is that chief cornerstone. 18:05 And that's what he wants to be in our lives, 18:06 the chief cornerstone. (gentle acoustic music) 18:08 - That can take anything and support us. 18:11 - That's right. That's right. 18:12 And I hope somehow today, Janice, we can convey to people 18:18 that the Christian walk is a journey, 18:22 it isn't just a one off. I'm sure in your journey, 18:25 yours hasn't been just one time thing. 18:29 - Oh, I wish I could say it's been a steady upward, but no. 18:32 Every now and then, I fall off the path and have to- 18:37 - Well, what happened? - I turned back to God 18:40 and asked for help getting back up on the path. 18:42 - Get back on the path, keep climbing, right? 18:44 Because our journey is keep going up and up and up. 18:48 God's calling us to the heavenly kingdom, right? 18:52 What John says, "In my Father's house are many mansions. 18:55 If it were not so, I would have told you 18:57 but I go to prepare a place for you. 18:59 And if I go and prepare a place for you, 19:01 I will come again and receive you to myself 19:04 and where I am, there you may be also." Phenomenal problems. 19:09 And God just doesn't throw us out on our own and say, 19:11 "Okay, now get there." Does He? 19:14 - No, because we'd all be doomed. 19:17 I never could have made it. 19:19 I can barely get on a road trip by myself, 19:24 without a good map or a navigator. 19:27 - But here's the map, right? Here's the map. 19:29 Matter of fact, the first two chapters of Genesis, 19:32 tell us where we were and how we lost our state, 19:35 how we sold out to the devil. 19:37 The last two chapters, tell us where we're going to go. 19:40 That glorious, heavenly home 19:42 and Jesus comes to take us with him 19:44 and everything in between is the guidebook. 19:46 It's the climbing route, to get to where he wants us to be. 19:52 - Good point. - It's so exciting. 19:54 I continually, as I look at all this rock 19:56 and I keep thinking about is, 19:59 Jesus led the children of Israel in the wilderness. 20:03 At one point, they got to this (indistinct) 20:05 "Lord, there is no water. We need water." Lord tells Moses, 20:09 "Go to this particular place and speak to the rock." 20:15 A couple of million people may have took him to that rock. 20:17 He spoke to that rock and all of a sudden, 20:18 water gushes out of that rock. 20:21 What kinda water was that really? 20:24 - It's just such a wonderful metaphor. 20:26 I mean, I'm sure they were amazed when it happened 20:29 but you read that in the Bible and it's like, 20:33 when I need something, when I'm in trouble 20:35 and I'm not sure how to, who to turn to, 20:39 where to go now? I can speak to God 20:44 and everything I need just flows from him. 20:47 He's just happy to give it to us. 20:51 - Years and years and years later, 20:52 Jesus stood on the temple steps and said, 20:54 "If you're thirsty, come to me. I'll give you living water." 21:00 I mean, what a promise, living water. 21:02 Water to fill us, to change us, to reinvigorate us, 21:04 to just give us so much more than we have now. 21:08 - I can remember years ago, we won't say how many, 21:12 backpacking with Steve cause his family was big 21:16 into backpacking and if I wanted to be with Steve, 21:18 I was gonna go backpacking. 21:20 So, I can remember though we'd be on a hot trail. 21:23 You can hardly wait to get to the end 21:25 or to come to a river or a stream. 21:28 And water has never tasted so good 21:30 as when you've been on a trail all day. 21:33 And all of a sudden you feel like, 21:36 "Oh, I can live now. I've got energy now." 21:39 It's like, "I have been trudging along, 21:41 barely speaking and now all of a sudden, 21:44 I'm back to being myself. 21:45 And I think of the woman at the well, 21:47 when He gave her living water, 21:49 she wasn't the same anymore. - No, never was. 21:51 - And the people in her town could tell, 21:52 which is why they listened to her 21:54 and came to see where that water came from. 21:57 - Yeah. Jesus is the living water. It's amazing. 22:01 I think about, one more story then, 22:03 I wanna show you some of this and apply it. 22:05 But Moses went up the mountain to meet with God. 22:12 God had called him up there to meet with him in person. 22:14 And as they're talking, Moses said, 22:15 "Please, God show me your face." 22:18 "Moses, I can't show you my face 22:19 because it's just so brilliant. It's so perfect. 22:22 Yeah. It'll just fry you because you still have sin in there 22:26 in your life and my glory and your sin can't combine. 22:30 But tell you what, I'll put you in this cleft 22:32 of the mighty rock. As I walk by, 22:34 I'll cover you with my hand. And as I pass by, 22:38 I'll pull my hand away and you can see my back side." 22:41 And I think about that in having God places in the rock, 22:44 the rock Jesus Christ. - Because that was safe. 22:48 - That was safe. It is safe today. 22:50 Why would anybody choose all the other stuff? 22:53 When God has a perfect place for us to hide us in Him. 22:58 - Reminds me, completely different metaphor. 23:01 But when Christ was looking over at Jerusalem and he said, 23:06 "If you would, he would just protect us." 23:10 And there's no reason not to be there. 23:13 - Yeah, exactly. But maybe I've got a pile of stuff. 23:17 Actually, I like to kinda carry it over there a little bit, 23:19 get to the rock and then kinda show you some of this 23:22 and give you an idea what it's like 23:24 and how the metaphor is really applied 23:26 to that Christian journey in climbing. 23:29 - Give me an idea of what crazy people do 23:31 in their spare time? - Yeah, exactly. 23:35 - [Announcer] Introducing Talking Donkey International. 23:38 God once used a donkey to spread his word 23:41 but he'd rather use all of us. 23:44 It's time to prepare quality programming created 23:47 to attract and reach viewers of the world, 23:49 not just those of our denomination. 23:51 Together, we can carry the final advent message 23:54 to the individuals of planet earth 23:57 and hasten the return of our Lord. 23:59 Please pray for and support the successful mission 24:02 of Talking Donkey International. 24:05 (gentle acoustic music) 24:13 - Hey, one of the biggest things I wanna tell you is 24:14 about the rope. I really like in rope is the prayer line 24:18 to God. Rope is the safety line. 24:20 I mean, you've gotta have that prayer 24:22 that everything hooked up to God 24:24 or you don't have a shot at it. 24:26 This is called a rack and rack holds all your protection. 24:30 All the different pieces that you can lock 24:32 into the rock, all the promises of God. 24:34 The more promises you store 24:35 in your heart and carry with you, 24:37 there's more places you can set protections. 24:39 - Except I couldn't climb anything, 24:41 carrying something like that. 24:42 - But I mean, we don't have a lot of time here. 24:44 So, I just wanna kinda show you how it works a little bit 24:47 and then keep me in your prayers. Climbing! 24:51 (gentle acoustic music continues) 25:05 Now Janice, here's a good place to set a little protection. 25:08 - Oh, good cause you were already scaring me. 25:10 (gentle acoustic music continues) 25:14 - Right there. 25:29 Now at this point, Janice, if I fall, 25:31 I'll fall down to that point, 25:33 but by God's grace I won't hit the bottom all the way 25:35 and that's kind of the way it is with a Christian life. 25:37 (gentle acoustic music continues) 25:44 - If you fall, I'm the one who's gonna have to go 25:46 to the hospital because I'll have a heart attack. 25:48 (gentle acoustic music continues) 26:04 - Now there's somebody else previously, 26:07 one of the good Christian brothers, (indistinct) 26:09 and so I got a little extra protection. 26:12 Bottom line, in life, you can't give on this journey totally 26:16 on your own. You need friends and Christian mates. 26:22 (gentle acoustic music continues) 26:38 (gentle acoustic music continues) 27:10 So Janice, I wish to have more time 27:11 to kinda really share all the different things 27:14 about rock climbing, about the Lord here. 27:18 Oh, thanks for bringing my Bible too, 27:20 because really I wanted to read another text here. 27:25 It's found in Psalms 18, verse 31. 27:27 "For who is God besides Jehovah? 27:30 Or who is a rock, except our God?" 27:33 - Jesus is our rock. - Absolutely. 27:36 - And we need to dig deep into him, 27:39 so that we've got that solid foundation. 27:42 He's our anchor. He's our protection, 27:44 just like you had upon there. 27:46 - Yeah. Just like earlier today, 27:48 when we're riding the horses, two different routes. 27:51 There's only two in this world. 27:53 We have to choose one and we both say, choose Jesus Christ. 27:58 (gentle music) 28:01 Hey, thanks for joining us for "Country Wisdom." 28:03 - See you next time. 28:05 (gentle music) |
Revised 2021-07-06