Catching Up To Jesus

Who Shall Be Able To Stand?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CUTJ

Program Code: CUTJ000005

00:34 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
00:35 Father in Heaven, what a joy it is to be in Your presence.
00:40 What an awesome privilege to gather together as Your people
00:45 to sing praises to Your name, to speak with You in prayer,
00:50 and to hear Your voice speaking to us through
00:54 the study of Your Holy Word.
00:55 We ask, Father that as we open that Word this morning,
00:59 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us
01:01 to instruct us, and to guide us.
01:03 And we thank You, Father, for hearing,
01:06 and for answering our prayer, for we ask it in the precious
01:09 name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.
01:14 I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles with me to the
01:18 book of Revelation 6, Revelation 6, and I would like to begin
01:26 reading at verse 15.
01:30 We find here a description of the second coming of Jesus
01:35 in power and glory to this earth.
01:40 And I want you to notice that the passage ends by asking
01:45 a very important question.
01:48 I'm reading, once again, from Revelation 6:15.
01:53 It says there: And the kings of the earth, the great men,
01:59 the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men,
02:04 every slave, and every free man, hid themselves in the caves
02:10 and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the
02:13 mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him
02:19 who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.
02:24 And now comes the question: For the great day of His wrath
02:29 has come; and who shall be able to stand?
02:34 Notice that immediately following the description of the
02:39 coming of Jesus in power and glory, when multitudes on planet
02:44 Earth are hiding in the caves, and they're begging for the
02:47 rocks to fall upon them, the question is asked,
02:51 The great day of His wrath is come;
02:54 and who shall be able to stand?
02:58 Now where would you expect to find the
03:00 answer to this question?
03:02 I think the best place to look for it would be in the
03:06 immediately succeeding context.
03:09 When this awesome event takes place, who is going to stand?
03:14 The answer is found in the very next chapter,
03:18 chapter 7, and verses 1 to 4. It says there:
04:06 And then in the succeeding verses you have a list of those
04:13 who belong to the 144,000, tribe by tribe of Israel.
04:19 In other words, those only who are sealed with the seal of the
04:25 living God will be able to stand when the winds of strife are
04:30 released, when Jesus comes once again to this earth.
04:35 Now the Bible has a lot to say about this special group
04:40 that will be alive, and will stand when Jesus comes.
04:44 Revelation 7 is not the only place where the
04:49 144,000 are mentioned.
04:51 Now somebody might be wondering, Who is this
04:55 group of the 144,000?
04:57 When is this group going to live?
05:00 The Bible gives us a very important hint as to when this
05:06 group is going to live on planet Earth.
05:09 We've already noticed one hint, and it is than when Jesus comes
05:13 they are going to be able to stand, which seems to indicate
05:17 that they are going to be alive when Jesus comes.
05:20 If they were dead they wouldn't have to stand.
05:22 But there's a passage in Scripture, which is explicit
05:26 about when these individuals are going to live.
05:29 The fact is they are those who will be alive when Jesus comes.
05:34 Notice Revelation 15, and I would like to begin reading
05:39 at verse 2, Revelation 15:2.
05:43 It speaks about this same group: the 144,000, who will be able
05:48 to stand when Jesus comes.
05:50 It says there in Revelation 15:2, And I saw something like
05:56 a sea of glass mingled with fire:...
06:00 And now here comes the key.
06:02 ...and those who have the victory over the beast,
06:07 over his image, and over his mark, and over the number
06:14 of his name, standing on the sea of glass,
06:17 having harps of God.
06:20 They sing the song of Moses the servant of God,
06:24 and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous
06:28 are Your works, Lord God Almighty.
06:32 Just and true are Your ways, O King of saints.
06:37 This passage makes it very clear that this select group is going
06:43 to live during the final trials on planet Earth.
06:48 You say, How do we know that?
06:49 Because we're told that they gained the victory
06:52 over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark,
06:57 and over the number of his name.
06:59 Now we know from Revelation 13 that this happens
07:04 at the very end of time.
07:06 The trial over the mark of the beast takes place in the closing
07:10 scenes of the history of this world.
07:13 And so we know that the 144,000 are going to stand,
07:18 and are going to remain firm when Jesus comes.
07:22 They will be victorious in the struggle with the beast,
07:26 and with the image to the beast, which is placed by the land
07:30 beast of Revelation 13.
07:32 They will resist the mark of the beast,
07:34 and the number of the beast.
07:36 In other words, this is the last generation; those who will be
07:40 alive when Jesus comes.
07:42 They are the ones which are spoken of of the Apostle Paul
07:45 when he says, Then those who are alive and remain,
07:49 shall be caught up with them in the clouds to meet
07:53 the Lord in the air.
07:54 Now there's another passage in the book of Revelation,
07:58 which describes this group of the 144,000.
08:02 By the way, we're not dealing with literal Israel here.
08:06 We are dealing with spiritual Israel.
08:08 In other words, we're not dealing with literal Israelites,
08:11 and we're not dealing with a literal number.
08:13 The Apostle Paul made it clear that a Jew is the one who is one
08:18 inwardly, and circumcision is the circumcision of the heart.
08:23 The Apostle Paul made it clear that if we are Christ's,
08:27 then we are Abraham's seed.
08:29 In other words, Scripture makes it very clear that the end time
08:32 generation is not going to be composed of literal Israelites,
08:36 but rather spiritual Israelites, who have accepted Jesus Christ
08:41 as Savior and Lord.
08:43 Now there's another passage in Revelation which describes this
08:47 group who will be alive when Jesus comes.
08:50 It's found in Revelation 14:1-5.
08:54 And before we read this passage, allow me to share with you that
08:59 the passage that we read in Revelation 7 emphasizes the
09:03 sealing of the 144,000.
09:06 In other words, the winds of strife are about to be released.
09:09 When they're released you have the tribulation period
09:13 culminating with the second coming of Jesus Christ.
09:16 And the Bible tells us that before the winds are let go,
09:20 before the strife of the time of trouble comes, and the coming of
09:23 Jesus takes place, they are going to be sealed to protect
09:27 them in the midst of the disasters that are going to
09:31 happen in this world, and to prepare them to
09:33 stand when Jesus comes.
09:35 So in Revelation 7 the emphasis is upon the sealing of this
09:40 group so that they can go through the tribulation
09:43 protected by God, and they can stand when Jesus comes.
09:47 But the passage in Revelation 14 emphasizes another dimension
09:52 of this special group.
09:53 It deals with the character of the 144,000,
09:58 the character of these end time Israelites
10:01 who will be alive when Jesus comes.
10:04 Let's read Revelation 14, and beginning with verse 1.
10:08 It says there:
10:17 I want you to remember that; standing on Mount Zion.
10:29 Now in Scripture a name is an indication of the character,
10:34 which means that this group, having the seal of God,
10:38 or the name of God on their forehead, means that they have
10:42 the character of God in their lives.
10:45 Notice verse 2. And I heard a voice from heaven like the
11:13 And now notice the characteristics.
11:20 By the way, don't worry, it doesn't mean that
11:23 you were never married.
11:25 You know, marriage does not defile you if you're
11:28 married biblically.
11:30 When it says that they were not defiled with women,
11:33 it means that they did not commit spiritual adultery
11:36 with the apostate churches which are symbolized as a woman,
11:41 and her daughters in Revelation 17.
11:43 In other words, they broke their relationship, their marriage
11:47 relationship with Christ, and they had these apostate churches
11:52 called Babylon in Revelation, and they had
11:54 relationships with them.
11:56 And so it's saying here that they did not assimilate the
12:00 teachings and practices of these women,
12:04 or of these apostate churches.
12:07 So it says, once again in verse 4, These are the ones who were
12:12 not defiled with women; for they are virgins.
12:22 And then notice, it says:
12:31 And now comes a very key characteristic.
12:39 The Greek word is pseudo, which means lie. In other words:
12:55 What a character manifestation.
12:57 They remain pure in their relationship with Jesus.
13:01 They did not assimilate the teachings and practices of
13:05 the apostate churches, which are spoken of in the
13:08 book of Revelation.
13:09 They follow the Lamb wherever the Lamb goes.
13:14 They have the name, or the character of God
13:17 on their foreheads.
13:18 In other words, they have a sterling character,
13:20 a character which reflects that of Jesus Christ.
13:24 Now go with me to Psalm 15 where this same group is mentioned,
13:29 now not by number, but by characteristics.
13:33 Did you notice that in Revelation 14 the 144,000 are
13:39 standing on Mount Zion, the mountain of the
13:42 Lord with the Lamb?
13:43 Now notice Psalm 15, and I would like to read
13:48 the first few verses.
13:50 Psalm 15, and I would like to read through verse 5.
13:56 Psalm 15:5. It says this: Lord,... Notice the question.
14:09 See, it starts with a question, just like we
14:12 noticed in Revelation 6.
14:14 Who will be able to stand?
14:16 Those who stand will stand where? on Mount Zion,
14:19 according to Revelation 14.
14:21 Here the question is asked, Who may dwell in Your holy hill?
14:25 Notice the answer, the character manifestation.
14:38 Remember that the 144,000 had no lie on their lips? It says:
15:05 In other words, he keeps his word and does not change.
15:12 In other words, he doesn't take advantage of people by charging
15:15 a huge amount of interest.
15:27 Does this have any relationship with the question,
15:31 Who shall be able to stand?
15:32 It ends by saying, He shall not be moved.
15:36 You'll notice the question begins with asking,
15:38 Who will stand on the holy hill?
15:41 And the answer is those who have these character manifestations
15:46 that are referred to here in Psalm 15.
15:50 You know folks, soon Jesus is going to come.
15:54 And we've taught that for decades.
15:58 In the history of the Adventist church, for over 160 years,
16:02 we've been teaching that Jesus is coming soon.
16:05 But the question is, by our lifestyle do we really believe
16:09 that Jesus is coming soon?
16:11 By the way that we talk, by the way we act, by the way that we
16:15 administrate our money, by the way in which we treat our
16:18 neighbor, are we really revealing that we are expecting
16:21 Jesus to come soon in power and glory?
16:24 Folks we are going to have to live in the midst of a consuming
16:29 fire, according to Scripture.
16:30 Because God is a consuming fire.
16:33 And unless the Holy Spirit comes now and consumes sin in our
16:37 lives, we will be consumed by the fire when Jesus comes.
16:41 In fact, go with me to one of my favorite passages of Scripture,
16:45 Isaiah 33, Isaiah 33, and I want to begin reading at
16:51 Verse 12, Isaiah 33:12.
16:53 You know, many churches teach that the wicked are going to
16:56 burn in the fires of hell forever.
16:58 They're going to writhe, and they're going to turn,
17:00 and they're going to scream out in anguish and in pain,
17:02 because they're going to be burning in the
17:04 flames forever and ever.
17:05 Well, I have news for you, it's not the wicked who are
17:08 going to be in the flames forever, it's the righteous
17:11 who are going to be in the flames forever.
17:12 You say, Now what kind of heresy is this?
17:15 Well, let's allow the Bible to tell us.
17:19 Isaiah 33, and let's read beginning at verse 12.
17:24 Speaking, first of all about the wicked, it says:
17:45 Notice, not the sinners among the Philistines,
17:47 and the Babylonians, and the Egyptians. It says:
17:56 And now notice two questions.
18:09 How would you answer that question?
18:11 Most churches would say, The wicked.
18:14 But notice the answer in verse 15.
18:22 Notice again the idea of the mouth; no lie in the mouth,
18:26 and the actions. It says:
18:48 So you shut your ears and your eyes from seeing evil, and from
18:53 hearing evil, according to this passage. Notice verse 16.
19:00 That's Mount Zion, the high place of the earth
19:03 according to Scripture.
19:11 And then it says in Verse 17:
19:22 By the way, that is Heaven, in case you were wondering.
19:26 So once again, the idea of living with the devouring fire,
19:31 the idea of living with God, who is a consuming fire,
19:35 is connected with the special ethical lifestyle,
19:40 which we must have in order to be ready for Jesus to come,
19:44 in order to stand, according to Scripture.
19:47 Are we really dedicating time to working on our character?
19:55 Are we dedicating time to Jesus, so that Jesus can come
19:59 and cleanse us, and purify us from all sin, so that when the
20:04 tribulation comes, so that when Jesus comes, we will be able
20:08 not to hide in the caves and cry for the rocks to fall upon us,
20:12 but to say, Lo this is our God, we have waited for Him,
20:17 and He will save us.
20:19 I pray to the Lord that it will be the second and not the first.
20:23 Now go with me to the book of Joel, where you have the same
20:26 idea all over again.
20:28 You see, the Bible is full of the idea that we need to
20:31 prepare, in a special way, to stand when Jesus comes.
20:36 You know, we have in the New Testament several texts.
20:39 We have Hebrews 12 where it says that we need to live in
20:43 peace with everyone, and we need to develop sanctification,
20:46 without which no one will see the Lord.
20:49 Jesus said, Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
20:53 John says anybody who has this hope in him of the coming of
20:58 Jesus must purify himself, even as He is pure.
21:02 In other words, the New Testament is full of the idea
21:05 that there's a special preparation that needs to take
21:08 place before Jesus comes.
21:10 There's a special refining of the character
21:12 that needs to take place.
21:14 You know, most churches will tell you, You know, just accept
21:17 Jesus Christ and you will be saved; you and your house.
21:20 They'll say, You know, I'm not perfect; I'm just forgiven.
21:25 You know, that a recipe for failure, if you ask me.
21:28 Because it's an excuse to not live a life in harmony
21:32 with the life of Jesus.
21:34 You know, I've quoted that verse many, many times,
21:37 I can do almost all things through Christ,
21:39 who strengthens me.
21:40 You know, I like to quote it that way, because that way I
21:44 notice who's awake and who isn't.
21:45 What does the text say?
21:48 I can do all things except overcome sin, through Christ
21:52 who strengthens me.
21:54 There is no parenthetical statement there folks.
21:56 And people say, Well, I have a weak human nature.
22:00 You know, if we're going to sin until Jesus comes,
22:03 because we're so weak, God understands that we have
22:06 a carnal nature; we have a sinful nature.
22:08 So are you telling me that God isn't powerful enough
22:11 for you to gain the victory over your carnal nature?
22:13 You're actually limiting the power of God by saying that God
22:18 cannot give us power to overcome sin, and to have a clean life
22:22 in order to stand when Jesus comes.
22:24 Now let's go to the book of Joel, the book of Joel,
22:28 and I want to read, beginning at chapter 2, and verse 1.
22:33 Joel 2:1. That's one of those minor prophets, you know,
22:38 that takes awhile to find in your Bible.
22:41 And so it's taking me a little longer than usual.
22:44 I'm here at Joel 2, and I want to read at verse 1.
22:48 And what I want you to notice here, folks, is that in Joel 2,
22:52 we find the description of the second coming of Christ.
22:56 And we're going to see that this passage ends at the same
22:59 point as Revelation 6.
23:01 It's the same event, but it's described in different language.
23:05 Notice Joel 2:1. Blow the trumpet in Zion,...
23:12 By the way, is Jesus when He comes,
23:15 is He going to blow the trumpet?
23:16 Yes, He will come with the trump of God: 1 Corinthians 15,
23:21 and 1 Thessalonians 4.
23:39 Notice, the day of the Lord is is the same as
23:41 the day of His wrath in Revelation 6. It says:
24:08 A fire... By the way, this is talking about Jesus coming with
24:12 the hosts of heaven.
24:13 You can find another description of it in Revelation 19,
24:16 beginning with verse 11.
24:18 It speaks about Jesus coming on a white horse,
24:20 and behind Him are the armies of Heaven.
24:23 And so it continues saying here in verse 3:
24:41 In other words, once they go by, the earth is a wilderness.
24:44 The earth is desolate.
24:46 Is that what's going to happen when Jesus comes to the earth?
24:49 Is the earth going to be a desolate wilderness? Absolutely.
24:52 Verse 3, the last part.
24:55 Surely nothing shall escape them.
25:00 See, there's the connection with Revelation 19.
25:15 The Bible says that Jesus will come with fire.
25:21 Coming for the battle of Armageddon
25:23 according to Revelation.
25:31 Does that sound similar to what we read in Revelation 6,
25:34 people hiding in the caves, and crying for the rocks
25:37 to fall upon them? Absolutely. Notice verse 7.
25:58 In other words, there is no weapon that can do them damage.
26:02 This is a supernatural army, in other words. Verse 9.
26:14 Now notice this. This isn't some local historical event. It says:
26:30 You know, there's a few verses right before Revelation 6:15
26:34 that speak about signs in the sun,
26:36 and the moon, and in the stars.
26:38 Verses 13-14, which we didn't read as we began our study.
26:42 There's no doubt that this passage is describing the same
26:46 event as Revelation 6.
26:48 Notice once again verse 10.
26:52 The earth quakes before them, the heavens tremble;
26:56 the sun and moon grow dark, and the stars
26:59 diminish their brightness. And now notice:
27:06 Oh, so this is the Lord's army.
27:08 This isn't any human army.
27:19 And now notice:
27:25 And what's the question?
27:30 Is this the same question that we found in Revelation 6?
27:34 Absolutely. Both passages are describing the coming of Jesus.
27:39 And the question is asked, Who will be able to stand
27:43 when this day comes?
27:45 Well, the fact is where would you expect to find the answer
27:48 to this question in the book of Joel?
27:50 How about verse 12?
27:52 The very next verse.
27:54 You see, in Revelation 7 you have the answer.
27:57 It speaks about the sealing of the 144,000.
28:00 It doesn't tell us much about their character other than
28:03 the winds are being held back so that these individuals can be
28:07 sealed on their foreheads.
28:08 Then the winds are going to be released, and a cataclysm is
28:12 going to take place on planet Earth, which culminates with
28:15 the second coming of Jesus.
28:16 But here in Joel 2 we have additional details that we don't
28:21 have in Revelation.
28:23 We are told how to prepare to stand in this
28:28 great day of wrath.
28:29 Let's go back to Joel 2, and let's read
28:32 beginning with verse 12.
28:37 In other words, in the light of what I've spoken,
28:40 in the light of what I've said.
28:45 What do we need to do?
28:52 By the way, do you know that when Jesus has our
28:55 heart He has everything?
28:57 From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
29:01 So if He has your heart, you have no
29:02 problems with your mouth.
29:03 Where your treasure is, there will your heart be.
29:07 If He has your heart, the money will come pouring
29:10 out of your pockets, and the church budget
29:13 will never be behind.
29:15 Maybe we have a heart problem.
29:18 Maybe we need to call the heavenly Cardiologist
29:22 to perform a little bit of heart surgery here in our church.
29:27 Don't you think? No, I don't see or hear very many Amen's.
29:31 Everybody is ready.
29:33 Notice verse 12 again.
29:35 Now therefore, says the Lord, turn to me with all your heart,
29:39 ...Notice... with fasting,...
29:42 You say, Well, are we supposed to fast since 1844?
29:47 as we're preparing for the coming of Jesus?
29:49 as we're preparing for the tribulation? No.
29:51 Do you know, fasting has two dimensions
29:53 according to Scripture.
29:54 1. Isaiah 58, which I won't go to, says that fasting means
30:01 helping those individuals who are hungry,
30:04 and thirsty, and in need.
30:06 It means depriving ourselves of food and drink,
30:10 to give food and drink to those who don't have it.
30:12 In other words, it's speaking about practical piety,
30:17 practical Godliness.
30:19 Also the servant of the Lord has told us that the true fast,
30:23 which God approves, is partaking of the food, healthy food,
30:29 fruits and vegetables, which God has made for our enjoyment.
30:33 In other words, fasting means partaking of the foods that God
30:37 has made for our spiritual health.
30:40 In other words, it says here very clearly,
30:43 because the condition of our body has a lot to do with the
30:46 condition of our mind, and the condition of our mind has to do
30:50 with our communication with God.
30:52 Once again, it says: with fasting,... With what?
30:56 ...with weeping, and with mourning.
30:59 You know, one thing I cannot understand these days is that
31:02 everybody says that in the worship service today
31:05 you have to be jumping, and you have to be raising your
31:08 hands, and praising the Lord, and having a jolly good time.
31:11 Now there's nothing wrong with singing in the worship service.
31:15 We had some wonderful singing today in the worship service.
31:17 There's nothing wrong with praising the Lord, but this is a
31:20 time to afflict the soul.
31:23 This is a time to examine our life to see if our life is in
31:27 harmony with the beautiful, glorious
31:30 character of Jesus Christ.
31:31 Notice what it continues saying.
31:34 It says: with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning:...
31:39 And then it says in verse 13:
31:48 In other words, don't have a superficial response to the
31:53 Lord of rending the garments, ripping your clothes.
31:56 He says you need to rip your heart.
32:19 And now notice verse 15.
32:24 This is speaking about the trumpet which is blown on
32:26 the feast of trumpets, announcing the day of atonement.
32:34 Because on the day of atonement there was fasting.
32:38 On the day of atonement everybody was required
32:41 to come and assemble.
32:46 This was to be done in preparation for
32:48 the day of atonement.
32:55 In other words, even the children are to be brought
32:58 on the day of atonement.
32:59 And listen newly weds, if there are any.
33:09 In other words, you have to come and gather together
33:11 for the day of atonement, no matter who you are.
33:15 And then it says, in verse 17, and now the
33:18 Lord is speaking to me.
33:44 That's what needs to be happening now
33:46 among God's people.
33:47 I don't know whether many of you have perhaps seen on the
33:51 Internet a special, I hate to call it a program,
33:56 but let's do, a program called Operation Global Rain.
34:00 This was begun by two of our ministers here in the
34:05 Central California Conference, and the idea is that not only
34:08 the churches in Central California Conference,
34:11 but the churches all over the world...
34:13 That's why it's called Global Rain.
34:14 ...are to pray for the outpouring of God's
34:18 Holy Spirit without measure; the outpouring of the
34:21 latter rain with power.
34:23 But do you know that the Bible says that there's a preparation
34:26 that needs to take place in order to
34:28 receive the latter rain?
34:30 It's not only a matter of praying.
34:32 It's a matter of dedicating time to Jesus, contemplating Jesus,
34:37 spending time in His Word, spending time witnessing,
34:41 investing our means, our strength, putting everything
34:44 on the altar of sacrifice.
34:46 And then when we have been emptied of self,
34:49 Jesus will be glad to come in and occupy the vacuum
34:54 which has been left in our heart.
34:55 In other words, the Holy Spirit will not occupy half a heart.
34:59 Jesus is not satisfied with half of our heart.
35:02 Let me ask you, What happens if in your garden half of
35:04 your garden has weeds, and half of the garden is okay?
35:10 You know, eventually the weeds will what?
35:12 The weeds will take over your garden.
35:14 And so it is with the heart.
35:16 That's why constantly in the Bible God says that we're
35:19 supposed to give Him our whole heart, the entire heart.
35:23 And, as I mentioned before, when we give Him our heart,
35:26 He has everything.
35:27 Because the heart is the center of decisions,
35:31 the center of will, the center of choices.
35:34 In other words, when He sits on the throne of the heart,
35:37 Jesus, by my permission, is the One who is making the decisions.
35:42 So God is expecting His people in this day and age to prepare
35:50 for that awesome event, which has been described as the
35:54 judgment of the living.
35:56 You know, it's an awesome thing to think that you're going to be
35:59 judged while you're dead, because your case is closed.
36:04 But imagine what it's going to be like with those who will be
36:08 judged from among the living.
36:12 Allow me to read you a statement,
36:13 a very significant statement from the Spirit of Prophecy.
36:16 And some people criticize this statement.
36:18 They say, Oh, no, that could never happen.
36:21 You know, we have this defeatist attitude, don't we,
36:24 about overcoming sin?
36:25 It's because we don't want to make the
36:26 sacrifice to overcome sin.
36:28 You see, it's a struggle.
36:30 You say, Oh no, it's a piece of cake!
36:32 Just give your life to Jesus, and everything will pan out.
36:34 Don't you think so!
36:36 It's a struggle. The Bible describes that it's a
36:39 struggle to give up self.
36:40 It's a struggle to give up my desires, and my will.
36:46 It's a struggle to say, Your will be done
36:48 rather than my will.
36:49 I want you to notice this statement.
36:51 It's an awesome statement.
36:53 For those who are going to be judged alive, folks,
36:56 we know from the Spirit of Prophecy that we will have to
36:59 live during the time of the tribulation
37:01 without an intercessor. Say, Wow!
37:06 Now listen up! I'm not trying to scare you.
37:08 We're to live without an intercessor, but we will not
37:13 live without a protector.
37:16 See, some preachers in the Adventist church have given
37:18 the idea that when probation closes Jesus is gone,
37:22 and we're left here by ourselves.
37:24 No, no, the presence of Jesus and His Spirit will be with us,
37:29 but there will be no more intercession for sin,
37:32 because the sanctuary service will be closed.
37:36 Those awesome words will have been pronounced;
37:38 He who is filthy, let him be filthy still.
37:41 He who is unrighteous, let him be unrighteous still.
37:45 He who is holy, let him be holy still.
37:47 He who is righteous, let him be righteous still.
37:50 The door will have closed.
37:52 The sanctuary service will be finished.
37:55 Jesus will have finished not only His intercessory
37:58 ministry, but the judgment.
38:00 And now will be the time to come and claim His own.
38:04 Notice this powerful statement, Great Controversy, page 623.
38:10 The servant of the Lord says this: Now... When? Tomorrow?
38:17 No, now... While our great high priest is making the atonement
38:24 for us, we should seek to become perfect in Christ.
38:31 Perfect. Nobody can be perfect.
38:33 Now I realize that we're not going to have sinless flesh
38:36 before Jesus comes to transform this body into the likeness
38:39 of His glorious body.
38:41 I'm not talking about holy flesh.
38:43 I'm talking about a holy character.
38:45 We will still have sinful flesh, but a holy
38:49 character in sinful flesh.
38:51 This is the marvel of the gospel.
38:53 The gospel not only forgives, the gospel cleanses,
38:56 the gospel perfects, the gospel gives victory over sin
39:02 through Jesus Christ our Lord.
39:03 She continues saying, notice this: Not even by a thought
39:10 could our Savior be brought to yield to the
39:14 power of temptation.
39:16 Not even by a thought did Jesus yield to temptation.
39:20 Then she speaks about us.
39:21 She says, Satan finds in human hearts some point
39:25 where he can gain a foothold.
39:27 Some sinful desire is cherished by means of which his
39:31 temptations assert their power.
39:33 Notice, some sinful desire is cherished... There's the key.
39:38 means of which his temptations assert their power.
39:41 See, you cherish sin, and then he tempts you, and as a result
39:45 his temptations gain a foothold.
39:48 She continues saying, but Christ declared of Himself:
39:52 The prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in Me.
39:58 Satan could find nothing in the Son of God that would enable
40:03 him to gain the victory.
40:06 He had kept His Father's commandments,
40:08 and there was no sin in Him that Satan could
40:13 use to his advantage.
40:16 And she's talking about cherished sin.
40:17 There was no cherished sin there through which Satan could
40:21 use to take advantage.
40:23 And then she says this.
40:24 This is awesome. She says: This is the condition in which
40:28 those who must be found who shall stand
40:32 in the time of trouble.
40:34 Not even by a sinful thought.
40:41 And you say, Pastor this is impossible.
40:43 And you're right. For human beings this is impossible.
40:48 It is impossible to do good with our sinful heart
40:53 that cherishes sin.
40:55 We cannot gain the victory.
40:57 With our sinful human nature unaided, we are attempting an
41:02 impossibility to live righteously.
41:05 However, once we have been born again, and we have invited
41:11 Jesus to come into our hearts, and day to day we spend time
41:16 with Jesus, Jesus begins the process of expelling
41:20 sin from our hearts.
41:23 And His will is merged with our will, His choice is merged with
41:32 our choice, His life is merged with our life,
41:36 and suddenly we're not living our life;
41:39 He's living His life in us.
41:42 But we have to, folks, meet the conditions.
41:48 And, unfortunately, we're not meeting the conditions.
41:51 Let's just do an inventory of our lives.
41:56 What did we dedicate most of our time to this last week?
42:00 To our job? That's okay.
42:02 Nothing wrong with our job.
42:04 Recreation? Television?
42:09 How much of our time that we dedicate, or yeah we say,
42:16 our time; it's really God's time.
42:17 How much of our time did we dedicate to study the Bible?
42:24 How much of our time did we dedicate
42:28 to come to prayer meeting?
42:29 How much of our time did we dedicate to speak
42:35 to others about Jesus?
42:38 How much of our time did we dedicate to just behold the
42:42 beauty of Jesus in contemplation,
42:44 just reflecting upon His beauty?
42:47 You know, if you're like me, the amount of time that we dedicated
42:52 to the Lord is practically nothing, and we expect to
42:58 reflect the character of Jesus without spending time with Him?
43:02 You know, Scripture makes it very clear how this awesome goal
43:08 that God gives us is made possible.
43:10 In 2 Corinthians 3, if you go with me there,
43:14 this is one of my favorite passages of Scripture.
43:16 2 Corinthians 3:18, we have the secret, 2 Corinthians 3:18.
43:27 Here the Apostle Paul is speaking about
43:29 the process of sanctification, and he says this:
43:32 But we all, with unveiled face beholding, as in a mirror
43:41 the glory of the Lord,...
43:44 What are we beholding with unveiled face?
43:47 ...the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same
43:54 image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
44:00 How are we transformed into the same image of Jesus?
44:04 By beholding we become changed.
44:10 In other words, we reflect in our life that which we dedicate
44:15 our time and our efforts to.
44:18 We are what we allow to enter through our five senses.
44:24 The five senses are the avenues to the soul,
44:27 and what comes in makes us what we are.
44:30 As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
44:36 By the way, the word that is used here for transformed is
44:42 the Greek word metamorphosis.
44:46 Do you know what a metamorphosis is?
44:49 It's when a pollywog becomes a frog.
44:54 Now you explain that one to me.
44:57 Does a frog look like a pollywog? No.
45:01 It's when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.
45:07 Let me ask you, how much do a butterfly and a
45:11 caterpillar look alike? Not at all.
45:13 It is a total, and radical transformation that takes place.
45:19 That's what this is talking about.
45:22 As we behold Jesus, we are transformed.
45:27 We are changed from glory to glory into the same image.
45:33 Now go with me to Acts 3:19, Acts 3:19.
45:45 You see what Jesus is doing today folks,
45:47 Jesus is forgiving sin, isn't he?
45:53 Isn't that what happened in the sanctuary every day?
45:56 It's called the daily service.
45:58 People would come.
45:59 They would place their hand on the head of the lamb.
46:01 Then they would slay the lamb.
46:02 The blood was taken into the sanctuary.
46:04 That way sin was placed in the sanctuary.
46:06 The person could go home.
46:07 He was cleansed from his sin.
46:09 He could say, Praise the Lord, I'm free!
46:13 But once a year those sins that had entered the sanctuary needed
46:17 to be blotted out from the sanctuary.
46:19 Not from the life, because they'd been taken from the life
46:22 when the individual confessed the sin.
46:23 The sins were forgiven.
46:25 The individual didn't have to say, Am I forgiven?
46:27 Am I not forgiven? No.
46:30 The Bible tells us, If we confess our sins, He is faithful
46:34 and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us
46:36 from all unrighteousness.
46:37 And so the daily service illustrates forgiveness,
46:42 remission of sin, if you please.
46:45 But on the Day of Atonement, the sanctuary was cleansed from
46:50 the presence of sin.
46:51 The sins in the sanctuary were blotted out.
46:54 Now notice the book of Acts.
46:57 Let's go to the book of Acts, and I want you to notice
47:01 something very interesting here.
47:02 Acts, first of all chapter 2, and verse 38, Acts 2:38.
47:08 And then we'll go to chapter 3.
47:10 Acts 2:38 says: Then Peter said to them, Repent,
47:18 and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus
47:23 Christ for what? for the remission of sins.
47:28 By the way, that same word is aphesis in Greek.
47:31 It's translated many times in the New Testament forgiveness.
47:35 Remission means forgiveness.
47:36 So it says:... for the remission of sins, and you shall receive
47:40 the gift of the Holy Spirit.
47:43 So Peter preached that the people, when they repented,
47:47 they would receive what? remission,
47:49 or forgiveness of sins.
47:51 But do you know that God wants to do more than just
47:54 remit, or forgive sins?
47:55 The day is coming when He is going to want to blot out
47:59 sin from the sanctuary.
48:01 And in order to blot it out there, it has to be
48:04 blotted out from here.
48:06 He's never going to blot out anything in heaven that has not
48:11 been blotted out on earth.
48:13 The earthly temple has to be cleansed, if the heavenly temple
48:18 is going to be cleansed from the record of sin.
48:21 Go with me to Acts 3 now, and notice
48:24 something very interesting.
48:25 Acts 3:19, Acts 3:19, and this verse merits a total sermon
48:36 just on this one verse.
48:37 And maybe I'll do that some day, because there's several steps
48:40 here that are very important. Here Peter says:
48:52 Do you know what converted means?
48:54 It means to turn around and go in the opposite direction.
48:58 So if your life is going in the wrong direction, your marriage,
49:04 your habits, whatever it is, if you're going in one direction,
49:09 the direction of sin, conversion means making a U-turn,
49:13 and coming in the opposite direction away from that.
49:16 And so it says: Repent therefore, and be converted.
49:20 And now notice this: that your sins may be what? blotted out.
49:26 Do you know that that expression, blotted out,
49:28 is not the same as remission in chapter 2, verse 38,
49:31 and it's the same person who is speaking, Peter.
49:34 It must be that he's trying to teach a separate lesson from
49:39 the idea of remission of sin.
49:41 He says, Repent and be converted that your sins
49:43 may be blotted out.
49:44 So is repentance and conversion a condition
49:47 for the blotting out of sin? Yes.
49:50 Repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.
49:55 And now notice what it continues saying.
49:57 Repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.
50:01 And then what comes as a result of the blotting out of sins?
50:04 So that... Is the blotting out of sins a condition for what
50:11 we're going to talk about now?
50:12 Is it a condition? So that, what does so that mean?
50:15 It means that you have to do this,
50:16 in order for this to take place.
50:17 By the way, that expression, blotted out, does not mean to
50:23 forgive or to remit, it means to wipe out.
50:27 It's the same word that is used in Revelation 21:4 where
50:32 it says that God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
50:41 Notice, the tear is gone.
50:44 It's talking here about blotting out sin, not forgiveness.
50:49 Forgiveness is receiving, received every day
50:51 in the daily service.
50:53 This is talking about the yearly service.
50:54 It says, Repent and be converted, that your sins
50:58 may be blotted out, so that... notice... times of refreshing
51:04 may come from the presence of the Lord.
51:06 What are those times of refreshing?
51:08 What event is being described here, the times of refreshing?
51:11 Somebody want to tell me what it means?
51:15 It's talking about the outpouring of what?
51:19 of the Holy Spirit are the times of refreshing.
51:22 So let me ask you, Do we need to repent, and turn around our
51:28 life through the power of the Lord, and have our sins blotted
51:33 out so that the times of refreshing can come to us?
51:38 Absolutely. And you say, No wonder we haven't received
51:43 the times of refreshing.
51:46 See God can't fill what's full.
51:49 We're full of self in everything that we do:
51:53 the way we use our time, the way we use our money,
51:56 the way we use our talents, the way we use our influence.
51:59 Everything is centered in ourselves.
52:01 So how can God give us the times of refreshing unless
52:05 sin has been remitted, unless sin has been blotted out,
52:08 because of victory over sin.
52:10 And now notice the next event.
52:13 It says, once again, Repent therefore and be converted
52:17 that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing
52:22 may come from the presence of the Lord...
52:24 And now notice this.
52:25 ...and that... What does that mean? and that?
52:34 It says, so that what? notice.
52:38 ...and that He may send whom? Jesus Christ,
52:44 who was preached to you before.
52:47 And then it says, in verse 21: whom heaven must receive,...
52:53 That is His ascension.
52:54 ...until the times of restoration of all things.
52:57 That's when He comes.
52:59 ...which God has spoken by the mouth of all His prophets
53:02 since the world began.
53:04 Four steps in this verse: repent and be converted.
53:07 That's the condition.
53:09 So that, if you repent and your life is turned around,
53:12 you've gained the victory through the
53:14 power of God over sin.
53:16 Sin is blotted out, and now you're prepared to receive what?
53:20 the refreshing, the latter rain.
53:23 And as a result of receiving the latter rain,
53:27 what is God going to do?
53:28 He is going to send Jesus back to this earth to restore
53:34 all things as they were at the very beginning.
53:39 So there's a work for us as we bring this to a
53:43 conclusion this morning.
53:45 You know, we've been talking about catching up to Jesus.
53:48 Do you know that this message about going into the sanctuary,
53:54 gaining the victory over sin, and having your sins blotted
53:59 out from the sanctuary, that's the message of Revelation 18.
54:02 God is going to have a people who receive the power of the
54:03 Holy Spirit, who are going to go out and they're going to fill
54:06 the earth with the glory of the Lord.
54:07 Ellen White says that that's the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
54:10 And they will say, Babylon is fallen, is fallen.
54:13 And they will make the call, Come out of her my people,
54:18 so that you can experience the same experience
54:20 that God has given to those who have entered
54:23 the most holy place with Jesus Christ.
54:26 Do you know how the churches are going to react to that message?
54:31 Allow me to read you a statement from the Spirit of Prophecy.
54:34 When that message is proclaimed to the world,
54:38 Ellen White says this: The clergy will put forth almost
54:45 super human efforts to shut away the light
54:48 lest it should shine upon their flocks.
54:51 By every means at their command they will endeavor to suppress
54:57 the discussion of these vital questions.
55:00 Nothing new under the sun.
55:03 It happened in all of the previous four stages.
55:05 It's going to happen at the end of time as well.
55:08 So God is going to publicize this event through a people.
55:12 And, by the way, allow me to say this: There will be no more
55:16 catching up to Jesus after this point.
55:23 The people who experience what we've talked about this morning,
55:26 they will have fully caught up to Jesus.
55:28 They will be in the most holy place with Jesus, and they will
55:31 be experiencing forgiveness, and victory over sin.
55:37 Because as soon as Jesus is finished with this work,
55:40 the Bible tells us that the door of probation is going to close.
55:46 And we're told in Revelation 15 that the temple is going to
55:50 be filled with smoke.
55:52 And no one will be able to enter the heavenly temple until the
55:58 seven last plagues are ended.
56:01 So now is the time, folks, for us to dedicate our lives totally
56:08 and completely on the altar of sacrifice,
56:11 without any reservations.
56:12 You know, if we were on an airplane, and we start losing
56:19 altitude because two of the engines went out,
56:21 and it only has three engines.
56:23 You know, it's a 727.
56:27 And the pilot says, We have to start throwing things overboard.
56:33 Would you be willing to throw overboard your precious things,
56:38 or would you rather have the plane crash
56:40 and die in the plane crash?
56:41 I'll be you anything, we'd throw over anything that we had
56:45 in order to survive.
56:47 And yet we're on a plane ride to heaven, and we're so loaded
56:52 down that the plane is in a crash mode, and we hang onto
56:56 all of our stuff, and all of our money, and all of our talents,
57:01 and all of our influence.
57:02 We hang onto it as if we're going to make it to heaven
57:05 with an overloaded airplane.
57:08 It's time, folks, to put everything
57:10 on the altar of sacrifice, to get serious about the Lord,
57:14 and to dedicate our all, without reservations, to Him.
57:19 And I pray to God that this will be a reality for those of us
57:24 who are gathered here, and those who will be watching
57:27 this programming on television.


Revised 2016-09-01