Catching Up To Jesus

The 1844 Disappointment

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CUTJ

Program Code: CUTJ000004

00:35 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
00:37 Our Father and our God, what a joy it is
00:40 to be in Your presence.
00:41 Father, what a privilege it is in a country where we have
00:46 freedom, to come and worship according to the dictates
00:50 of our own consciences.
00:51 Father, we know that these privileges are
00:55 going to disappear soon.
00:57 I ask, therefore, that you will help us to take advantage of
01:01 every opportunity in these times of prosperity.
01:03 I ask, Father, that as we open Your Holy Word this morning
01:07 that Your Spirit will be with us to guide us.
01:09 Help us to understand the importance of
01:12 what happened in 1844.
01:14 We thank You, Father, for hearing and answering our
01:17 prayer, for we ask it in the precious name of Your
01:20 beloved Son Jesus, Amen.
01:25 Well, it's been awhile since I've had the opportunity
01:28 of sharing with you.
01:29 It's been several weeks.
01:31 This is Part 4 in a series which is called,
01:35 Catching Up to Jesus.
01:38 And basically we've noticed that there's a pattern in each
01:42 one of these studies.
01:44 We've noticed that as Jesus moves through the sanctuary,
01:49 step by step, there are certain things that happen
01:53 invariably at every step.
01:56 We studied first of all how Jesus presented Himself in the
02:00 court as the perfect unblemished Lamb.
02:03 And how John the Baptist announced this Lamb of God,
02:09 who takes away the sin of the world.
02:11 Then we went on to talk about when Jesus presented Himself
02:16 at the altar to be sacrificed.
02:18 And we noticed that the triumphal entry announced
02:21 that Jesus was about to be crucified.
02:24 Then in our third study we followed Jesus from the court
02:28 into the holy place on the Day of Pentecost.
02:31 And we noticed that Peter, and others announced what Jesus
02:35 was undertaking on the Day of Pentecost.
02:38 We've noticed, as we've followed Jesus through each step through
02:43 the sanctuary, that there are certain common
02:45 denominators that take place.
02:47 First of all, there are specific prophecies that pointed to that
02:51 work which Jesus was going to perform; unmistakable prophecies
02:56 about the work that He was going to accomplish.
03:00 We noticed, also, that before the event takes place
03:04 there was great publicity to announce that something very
03:09 important was going to happen.
03:11 We noticed, however, that those who were proclaiming the message
03:14 really did not fully understand what they were proclaiming.
03:18 They were misunderstanding on many of the things
03:24 that they were preaching.
03:26 They did not comprehend them.
03:27 And, therefore, we've noticed that at each step they were
03:31 profoundly disappointed when what they had preached did not
03:36 transpire as they had expected, because of their
03:39 misunderstanding of prophecy.
03:41 We noticed, also, that at each stage the religious
03:45 establishment, the church of the day rejected the message
03:49 which was given by these individuals,
03:52 or by this individual, if it was one person.
03:55 We also noticed that after the disappointment,
03:58 once again the individuals involved in proclaiming
04:03 the message actually went back to Scripture, they studied the
04:07 prophecies that they had preached, and they understood
04:09 many things which they had not comprehended at first
04:13 when they proclaimed the message.
04:15 And we noticed that God, at the end, always had a small remnant
04:21 which followed Jesus into that stage of His work.
04:25 Another thing which we noticed is that God, at every stage,
04:30 used humble instruments to proclaim the message.
04:34 He never used the highly educated individuals.
04:38 With the case of when Jesus presents Himself as the Lamb,
04:42 as the unblemished Lamb, it was John the Baptist, who lived in
04:45 the desert, and he was homeschooled.
04:47 In the case when Jesus was going into Jerusalem in His triumphal
04:51 entry, it was the children that announced this was the king.
04:55 The least expected!
04:57 When Jesus entered the holy place at the Day of Pentecost
05:00 it was Peter, a fisherman; highly uneducated,
05:03 and yet very committed to the Lord.
05:05 Now, as I mentioned, we're going to study today about the
05:10 entrance of Jesus into the most holy place of the sanctuary.
05:15 You noticed that we're following a certain progression.
05:18 Jesus, first of all, presents Himself as the
05:21 perfect Lamb in the court.
05:22 Then He advances and He dies on the altar of sacrifice,
05:27 as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.
05:30 Then Jesus enters the holy place of the sanctuary
05:33 on the Day of Pentecost, which means that the next stage
05:37 in the ministry of Jesus we would expect to be His entrance
05:41 into the most holy place.
05:43 I want you to notice that at each stage
05:45 there's a door that opens.
05:46 When Jesus enters the court the door of the court opens.
05:51 When Jesus enters the holy place, the door of the holy
05:55 place opens, and the door to the court closes.
05:58 And we're going to notice that in 1844, when Jesus opens the
06:02 door to the most holy place, the door to the holy place closes.
06:07 Now the first thing that I want us to notice is the fact that
06:11 there were abundant prophecies, which pointed to the event
06:15 which was going to take place in 1844.
06:18 Allow me to share some of those prophecies with you.
06:21 The first of them is found in Daniel 7:9-14, Daniel 7:9-14.
06:30 By the way, the context of this is you've had in Daniel 7
06:34 a lion, which is Babylon; you've had a bear, Medo Persia;
06:38 you've had a leopard, Greece; you've had a terrible dragon
06:40 leopard, Greece; you've had a terrible dragon beast,
06:43 which is Rome; and then the dragon beast has sprouted ten
06:47 horns, those are the ten divisions of Rome; and then you
06:50 have the little horn coming up among the ten,
06:52 and it rules 1,260 years.
06:57 So this event is taking place after the 1,260 years.
07:04 Now notice what the passage says, Daniel 7:9-14.
07:41 And now I want to jump down to verse 13. Daniel says:
08:11 Now this event is clearly taking place after 1798,
08:15 because it's after the lion, the bear, the leopard,
08:19 the dragon beast, the ten horns, and the 1,260 year
08:22 dominion of the little horn.
08:24 In other words, this is taking place a short time
08:27 after the year 1798.
08:30 Now this passage speaks about the judgment, but it does not
08:33 tell us when that judgment begins.
08:36 There was a prophecy, which in the Bible clearly pointed to
08:40 the date of the beginning of the judgment,
08:42 and that's Daniel 8:14, a very well known verse
08:49 for Seventh-day Adventists.
08:50 In fact this verse is what makes Seventh-day Adventist's
08:53 what we are; it's the central verse of the
08:56 Seventh-day Adventist church.
08:57 And I believe probably most of us can recite
09:00 this verse from memory.
09:02 It says there: And he said to me...
09:04 This is the angel speaking to Daniel.
09:14 Now, we're not going to study the prophecy of the 2300 days.
09:18 I'm assuming that probably most of us have an
09:20 understanding of it.
09:22 This prophecy begins in the year 457 BC, with the going forth
09:26 of the word to restore and build Jerusalem.
09:29 And if you go 2300 years forward after that,
09:33 you come to the year 1844.
09:37 In other words, Daniel 8:14 gives the date for the beginning
09:41 of the judgment, whereas Daniel 7:9-14 describes
09:47 the judgment as it took place at that specific date.
09:53 Now there were other prophecies which pointed to this judgment;
09:56 for example, Daniel 12:4.
10:00 It speaks about a little book.
10:01 And this little book was supposed to be sealed
10:05 until the time of the end.
10:06 Let's read there, Daniel 12:4. It says:
10:15 By the way, this book is particularly the portion of
10:20 Daniel that has to do with the 2300 days.
10:23 This is at the conclusion of the book of Daniel, so it must
10:26 have to do with the book of Daniel. It says:
10:32 In other words, this book, the book of Daniel.
10:37 It wasn't going to be sealed forever.
10:39 At the time of the end something was going to happen. It says:
10:46 Be what? increased.
10:47 Knowledge of what?
10:49 It must be knowledge of the little book, because this verse
10:52 tells us that this little book of Daniel would be sealed
10:56 till the time of the end.
10:57 In other words, no one would be fully able to understand it
11:00 until the time of the end.
11:01 But at the time of the end the little book would be unsealed,
11:05 and knowledge of that little book would greatly what?
11:09 increase. We find another prophecy, which points to this
11:13 time when the book of Daniel would be opened,
11:15 especially Daniel 8:14.
11:18 Notice Revelation 10:1, 2.
11:21 It speaks about the moment when this little book is opened.
11:24 And, by the way, I need to give you some context.
11:27 Revelation 10:1, 2 is taking place after the blowing
11:33 of the 6th trumpet.
11:34 Now why is that important?
11:37 Simply because the trumpets describe church history,
11:40 from the days of the apostles, till the very end of time,
11:44 which means that if this is taking place at the moment of
11:47 the sixth trumpet, it must be very close to what?
11:51 It must be very close to the end of church history,
11:54 not at the beginning of church history.
11:57 Now notice Revelation 10:1, 2, where it speaks about the
12:01 opening up of the little book of Daniel 12, which was sealed.
12:05 It says there:
12:26 And so the prophecy of Revelation 10 is speaking about
12:30 a little book, which is what? opened in the time of the end,
12:34 because this is the period of the sixth trumpet, which is at
12:38 the end of church history.
12:40 Now there was another prophecy which pointed to
12:43 this moment in time.
12:45 It has to do with the sixth church of Revelation.
12:47 Do you know what the sixth church of Revelation is?
12:50 It's the church of Philadelphia.
12:52 Now most scholars agree that the churches also describe church
12:57 history from the days of the apostles till the end of time,
13:00 which means that if Philadelphia is the sixth church, it must be
13:04 referring to an event that takes place when?
13:07 at the very end of church history.
13:10 Now lets read Revelation 3:7-9, and I want you to notice that
13:15 there is an open door that is placed before this church.
13:19 It says there, in Revelation 3:7:
13:45 That is before the church of Philadelphia, the sixth church,
13:48 the church towards the end of time.
13:50 What has God placed before it?
13:54 A what? an open door.
13:56 It can't be the open door to the holy place, because that
13:58 was open at Pentecost.
13:59 It must be a door which comes after this. So it says:
14:14 Now one further prophecy that I want us to look at regarding
14:18 the opening of a door, and the opening of a little book
14:22 having to do with the judgment is Revelation 11:19.
14:27 And, interestingly enough, this is at the very end of the series
14:34 on the seven trumpets.
14:36 This is part of the interlude that started in Revelation 10.
14:40 Remember I mentioned that Revelation 10:1, 2,
14:43 is at the moment of the sixth trumpet.
14:46 Well, Revelation 11:19 is also part of the sixth and seventh
14:52 trumpet, which mean that we're dealing with events at the very
14:56 end of church history.
14:57 Notice Revelation 11:19 to see which was the door that was
15:02 opened at this moment. It says there:
15:09 Which means that it must have been what? closed.
15:14 And what was seen when the door was opened?
15:27 Question: Where was the ark of the covenant?
15:30 The ark of the covenant was in heaven, but in which apartment,
15:33 according to the sanctuary service?
15:35 It was in the most holy place.
15:37 And so at the very end of church history you have a door which
15:41 opens, which leads to the place where the
15:43 ark of the covenant is.
15:45 And you also have a little book, which is opened to explain
15:48 Daniel 8:14, The hour of His judgment is come,
15:52 or the sanctuary shall be what? the sanctuary shall be cleansed.
15:57 All of these prophecies pointed to the fact that Jesus,
16:01 towards the end of the church age, was going to enter the
16:05 most holy place, and the prophecies of Daniel,
16:08 Daniel 8:14, were going to be opened before the view of those
16:14 who were listening to the message.
16:16 Now the question is, after 1798 was there a great religious
16:23 movement that proclaimed these very prophecies? Absolutely!
16:28 Beginning around the year 1830, there appeared
16:33 in the United States, and many people don't realize that it
16:38 was also in other parts of the world, a movement which has
16:42 come to be known as the great second advent awakening.
16:46 Most people are acquainted with the Millerites,
16:49 with William Miller.
16:51 But this was actually not only, so called, Miller's preaching,
16:56 but it was an interdenominational,
16:58 international movement.
17:01 And the main message they got from Daniel 7, the passage that
17:06 we read, Daniel 8:14 was central: Unto 2300 days
17:12 and the sanctuary shall be cleansed.
17:13 And another central verse was Revelation 14:7 which says,
17:19 Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour
17:22 of His judgment has come.
17:25 So this movement grew like grass fire all across New England,
17:31 where primarily most of the people in the United States
17:34 lived at that time.
17:36 And they preached, The hour of His judgment is come.
17:38 Unto 2300 days the sanctuary is going to be cleansed.
17:43 But they were mistaken about what they were preaching.
17:47 You say, Well, then they couldn't have been of God.
17:52 Well, then John the Baptist couldn't have been of God
17:54 either, because he didn't understand
17:56 what he was preaching.
17:57 The people who proclaimed the triumphal entry;
18:01 they were wrong, too.
18:02 Peter and the disciples thought that Jesus was going to
18:07 re-establish the kingdom.
18:09 It says in Acts 1, Are you going to restore the
18:11 kingdom to Israel now?
18:12 They misunderstood, and yet they were used of God to proclaim
18:17 the message, even though they did not fully
18:19 understand the message.
18:20 You see, William Miller and his followers believed that what was
18:24 going to happen in 1844, the cleansing of the sanctuary,
18:27 was the cleansing of the earth, because they understood that the
18:29 sanctuary was the earth, and the cleansing was the fire that was
18:33 going to descend from God to purify the world.
18:36 That's what they believed.
18:38 And they believed that that was going to happen, first of all,
18:41 in the spring of 1843.
18:45 And then they revised it and they said, No, it's going to
18:48 happen in the fall of 1844.
18:51 October 22, 1844 they said, Jesus is going to come,
18:55 He is going to cleanse this world full of sin,
18:58 and He's going to establish His everlasting
19:02 kingdom on planet Earth.
19:03 They preached the message.
19:06 They did it with power.
19:07 But they were mistaken about the event which was
19:11 going to take place.
19:12 They did not fully understand what they were preaching.
19:14 Allow me to read you a statement from Ellen White.
19:17 This is found in Early Writings, page 42, where she speaks about
19:21 the open and the shut door. I quote:
19:44 Unfortunately, the Millerites did not understand this.
19:48 They understood that Jesus was going to cleanse the earth,
19:52 because the earth was the sanctuary, and that Jesus was
19:56 going to set up His everlasting kingdom on planet Earth.
19:59 Interestingly enough, if you look at whom God chose to preach
20:04 this message, was not the super intelligent or those who have
20:09 been highly trained in the schools.
20:10 God chose a simple farmer by the name of William Miller.
20:14 You say, How in the world could God use a simple farmer?
20:17 I mean, Why did He bypass all of the people who were educated?
20:23 Perhaps it was for the very reason that He bypasses many
20:26 of those people today.
20:27 It's because they know so much that they're not teachable.
20:30 They will not allow God to instruct them.
20:32 Now allow me to read you some thing about William Miller.
20:35 You know, some people say, Oh, William Miller, you know,
20:38 He didn't know what he was saying.
20:39 He was superficial.
20:40 Allow me to read you, from William Miller himself,
20:43 the fear that he had in preaching this message. He says:
20:58 That is that Jesus was going to come in 1844...
21:18 Once they started preaching this message that the sanctuary was
21:22 going to be cleansed in 1844, it grew like grass fire.
21:26 Allow me to read you this statement from Ellen White,
21:28 who participated in this movement.
21:30 And I'm going to read several statements from her,
21:32 and from the pioneers, because they were there:
21:34 been there, done that.
21:36 In other words, they know what they're talking about,
21:38 because they experienced it.
21:40 Ellen White had this to say about the publicity of this
21:44 great event, which they understood was
21:46 going to take place.
22:09 And then Ellen White says:
22:15 By the way, this was all orchestrated by God.
22:19 It was all planned by God.
22:22 Prophecy contemplated that this movement needed to arise to
22:26 proclaim this message.
22:27 And somebody says, How in the world could God tell them to
22:31 proclaim a message when He knew that they
22:34 were going to be wrong?
22:35 Well, why did Jesus stage the triumphal entry?
22:39 He's the One who told the disciples to go get the donkey
22:43 that He was going to ride on.
22:44 He was the One who allowed the people to proclaim Him king;
22:48 Hosanna the King, the Son of David.
22:51 Did Jesus know that they were going to be
22:53 severely disappointed? Of course He did.
22:55 So how could this movement be of God?
22:57 How could Jesus orchestrate this event if He knew that it
23:00 was going to lead to a disappointment?
23:02 He did the same thing in 1844.
23:05 He says, These people, they don't understand fully,
23:07 but I'm going to go ahead.
23:09 I'm going to publicize it, because afterwards they'll
23:12 study, and they'll come to comprehend
23:14 what truly took place.
23:16 So actually we might say that God Himself orchestrated this
23:21 disappointment by telling them to proclaim a message,
23:24 which God knew was not going to be fulfilled as they expected.
23:28 In another statement that we find in Early Writings,
23:32 page 229, we find the tremendous publicity
23:36 in the growth of this movement. It says:
23:50 Now notice this:
23:54 See, she's going to compare this with what happened with John.
24:19 Even though we noticed that he misunderstood how the Messiah
24:22 was going to come.
24:30 I'd like to read a couple of other statements
24:33 from the Spirit of Prophecy.
24:34 Ellen White went through this experience.
24:36 She was only seventeen years old when she went
24:40 through this experience.
24:41 This is a statement that we find in The Great Controversy,
24:45 pages 400 and 401. She says:
24:50 By the way, that's a Tsunami.
25:50 Notice that.
26:12 In fact many of them sold all of their possessions to help other
26:15 people pay their debts.
26:17 Many of them took all of the money they had and they invested
26:20 it in printing presses to publish, Unto 2300 days,
26:25 and the sanctuary shall be cleansed.
26:28 Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of
26:30 His judgment is come.
26:32 In other words, they put their money, and their efforts,
26:35 and their talents, and their strength where their mouth was.
26:38 They really believed this.
26:39 This led Ellen White, in The Great Controversy,
26:42 page 401, to state:
27:04 Of course, she's writing this in the 1880's. She says:
27:27 There's no doubt whatsoever, as you take a look at what
27:30 happened in this movement, that it was guided by God.
27:33 It was choreographed by God.
27:35 It was inspired by the Spirit of God.
27:38 And yet, October 22, 1844 came, and of course,
27:45 Jesus didn't come, because we're still here today.
27:49 We're still at Fresno Central Church today, so obviously their
27:54 expectations were not met.
27:56 Allow me to read you a couple of statements:
27:59 one from William Miller, and the other one from Josiah Litch,
28:04 after the first disappointment, because they were disappointed
28:06 when Jesus did not come about the year 1843.
28:10 Notice what William Miller had to say.
28:20 But I just can't see where I'm wrong!
28:23 I know I've studied Scripture.
28:25 By the way, he studied for thirteen years, verse by verse,
28:30 with Cruden's Concordance, and he would not go beyond a verse
28:35 until he fully understood it.
28:36 Then he would go to the next verse.
28:38 Day and night, it was his passion to study the Bible.
28:42 This wasn't some lightweight Bible student.
28:45 This was a heavyweight Bible student.
28:47 So he says, I'm willing to confess that Christ did not
28:50 come in 1843, but I can't see where I'm wrong.
28:54 Josiah Litch, one of the leaders in this movement said,
28:58 Before concluding the book...
29:00 That is William Miller's book.
29:21 And so here they're proclaiming this message.
29:25 They're persuaded that it is of God.
29:27 They're absolutely certain.
29:29 And after the first disappointment they say,
29:31 We can't understand the reason why this was not fulfilled
29:35 according to our expectations.
29:37 We've studied it carefully.
29:39 Of course, we all know that the year 1844, October 22, 1844
29:46 passed, and these people were bitterly disappointed.
29:51 Do you know that in Revelation 10, after the opening of that
29:55 little book, towards the end of the sixth trumpet,
29:59 at the very end of the church age, we're told about that
30:03 disappointment which was going to happen?
30:05 Notice Revelation 10, Revelation 10:8-11, Revelation 10:8-11.
30:13 Remember this is happening towards the
30:15 end of the church age.
30:16 It is in the period of the sixth trumpet.
30:18 And the sixth trumpet is towards the end of church history.
30:23 Notice Revelation 10, verses 8-11.
30:41 What is this little book again, before we continue reading?
30:44 It's, well, it's Daniel, yes, but it's especially Daniel 8-12.
30:49 I don't have the time to get into that right now.
30:52 It's the portion of Daniel that has to do with the
30:55 2300 day prophecy, which could not be understood back then,
30:59 because it could only be understood at the moment
31:02 of its fulfillment.
31:03 So what you have here is that portion of the book of Daniel
31:06 having to do with the judgment, having to do
31:09 with the 2300 day prophecy.
31:11 And now notice verse 9.
31:20 What does that mean, eat it?
31:23 Do you go around eating books?
31:27 How do you eat books?
31:28 By assimilating the message, right?
31:31 So it says, once again.
31:54 This was the bittersweet experience of 1844.
31:59 What could be sweeter than believing that Jesus was
32:03 going to come in power and glory?
32:04 He was going to cleanse the earth,
32:06 and establish His kingdom on earth forever and ever.
32:09 What could be sweeter than the idea of the coming of Jesus?
32:12 And yet this experience, when they ate the book it was sweet
32:15 in the mouth, but it became a bitter
32:18 experience in the aftermath.
32:21 Perhaps the words of Hiram Edson, one of the lesser known
32:25 pioneers, will explain the deep disappointment that these
32:29 people went through.
32:31 And I read his very words.
33:11 Can you hear the excitement in his writing?
33:14 He continues saying:
33:25 You can imagine, dong, dong, dong.
33:30 Finally it hits midnight, and Jesus has not come!
33:37 Once again: Our expectations were raised high...
34:02 See, we can point the finger at them and say,
34:04 Oh, look at those people!
34:06 They were all deceived!
34:07 You know, but unless we had gone through that experience,
34:10 we can never understand what they went through.
34:13 They loved Jesus. They wanted to see the coming of Jesus.
34:16 And perhaps that colored their interpretation
34:19 of Bible prophecy. He continues saying:
35:19 Can you almost imagine what it must have been like for these
35:25 people to stand and expect the glorious coming of Jesus,
35:30 and to have their hopes blasted in this way?
35:35 Another lesser known pioneer was Washington Morse.
35:40 And I'd like to read his words.
35:41 The reason I'm reading so much is because these people can
35:44 describe it much better than I can, because they were there.
35:47 They experienced it.
35:49 This is what Washington Morse said.
35:57 Notice the word bitter; was a bitter disappointment.
36:04 Notice: True believers had given up all for Christ,...
37:06 Do we love the second coming of Jesus that much?
37:10 Do we weep like children because Jesus has not come?
37:16 Notice the words of William Miller after the disappointment.
37:20 He says:
37:52 Do you know what happened with the majority of those who had
37:56 belonged to this movement?
37:57 They forsook the movement, and they said that the movement was
38:02 not of God, because they had preached falsehood.
38:06 Jesus had not come, and their disappointment showed that this
38:10 was all a delusion.
38:12 Let me ask you, After the triumphal entry,
38:14 is that the same case?
38:16 Did most of the people forsake the movement of Jesus
38:19 after the triumphal entry?
38:21 They most certainly did.
38:22 And many of those who were crying out, Hosanna to the Son
38:28 of David, to the king of Israel, just a few days later were
38:32 crying out, Crucify him, crucify him.
38:35 So there's nothing new under the sun.
38:38 When people tell you as Adventists, Oh, your church
38:40 can't be the right church, because your church
38:43 started with a disappointment.
38:44 Well if that's the case, then none of these
38:48 movements were of God.
38:49 John the Baptist did not understand
38:51 what he was preaching.
38:53 He was disappointed.
38:54 The people who announced the triumphal entry did not fully
38:57 understand what they were preaching.
38:58 They were disappointed.
39:00 Before the Day of Pentecost the disciples were expecting Jesus
39:04 to establish His kingdom, and when He didn't and He left,
39:07 they were disappointed.
39:09 So what makes 1844 so unique?
39:12 The fact is that God was in all of these movements.
39:16 He knew that God's people had not caught up to Him yet.
39:19 So He says, I'll have them preach anyway,
39:21 because I'm going to do something important.
39:24 It's important for the world to know!
39:26 And so I'm going to let them go ahead, preach.
39:29 And then afterwards they'll come back and they'll catch up to Me.
39:33 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
39:35 You see, there's nothing new under the sun.
39:37 And by the way, listen to what I'm going to say.
39:40 Like at every other stage, the religious establishment,
39:44 the churches in 1844 rejected the message outright.
39:49 Just like the Jewish nation rejected the message of
39:52 John the Baptist, just like they rejected Jesus when He was going
39:57 to die on the cross after the triumphal entry, just like they
40:02 rejected the message of Peter on the Day of Pentecost.
40:05 The religious establishment actually threw Peter and John
40:08 in jail, and they beat them, and they forbade them to preach
40:12 this message in the name of Jesus.
40:14 Nothing new under the sun.
40:16 All of the Protestant churches in 1844 said this was a great
40:21 delusion; this was a falsehood.
40:23 And Seventh-day Adventists later became the laughing stock
40:27 of the religious world, because of this belief of what
40:31 took place in 1844.
40:34 In fact, Ellen White and her whole family were
40:37 disfellowshiped from the Methodist Church in 1842
40:41 for only attending a tent meeting where William Miller
40:46 was preaching his message.
40:48 Allow me to read you some statements from Ellen White
40:51 on her feelings of the aftermath of the 1844 disappointment,
40:56 and the reaction of the religious movements of the day.
40:59 She says in Early Writings, page 249:
41:06 That is the message that Jesus was going to come.
41:21 She also says:
41:43 Have you ever noticed that after the first angel's message says:
41:46 Fear God and give gory to Him, for the hour of His
41:49 judgment has come.
41:50 The rejection of that message leads to a second message,
41:53 Babylon is what? Babylon is fallen.
41:56 And listen folks, in the message to the church of Philadelphia
42:00 when the door is opened, and a small remnant enter through the
42:04 open door with Jesus, it says there that the religious
42:07 establishment becomes the synagogue of Satan,
42:11 which is another way of expressing that the religious
42:15 establishment became Babylon at that time.
42:18 Because they rejected the idea of entering with Jesus
42:23 through the open door into the most holy place,
42:25 and the correct understanding of what took
42:28 place October 22, 1844.
42:30 Ellen White says this about the reaction of the
42:34 churches of his day:
42:42 That is the three angels' messages.
42:55 And then she goes back. She says:
43:02 After the Day of Pentecost.
43:26 You see, the mind of the Christian world today is not
43:29 in the most holy place, and the work that Jesus
43:31 is performing there.
43:32 They believe that Jesus is still in the holy place;
43:35 that all He's doing is His intercessory ministry.
43:39 And according to this statement that I just read,
43:43 they offer their prayers, fully believing that Jesus
43:46 is hearing their prayers.
43:48 But they're sending the prayers to the apartment
43:49 where Jesus isn't.
43:50 Early Writings, page 234, Ellen White speaks about
43:55 the opposition, and the aftermath. She says:
44:38 Now let me ask you, What happened after 1844?
44:42 There was a small remnant that went back to the drawing board.
44:50 It was a very small remnant.
44:52 Let me ask you, Was it a small remnant that went back to the
44:55 drawing board on the Day of Pentecost?
44:59 There were a hundred and twenty gathered in the upper room.
45:02 Just a few! And as they re-studied prophecy during the
45:08 ten days before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
45:10 those who had been sincere, and truly loved the Lord,
45:14 but had been disappointed, they decided that they would
45:16 study Scripture again.
45:18 And suddenly the text that they had used to describe the second
45:23 coming of Jesus in power and glory, they said those texts
45:26 were not saying that at all.
45:27 They began to understand the sanctuary service.
45:31 They began to understand the Hebrew feast.
45:34 They said, Before Jesus can come, the Day of Atonement needs
45:38 to take place, and that happens in the most holy place
45:41 of the heavenly sanctuary.
45:43 We were wrong about the event!
45:45 We were right about the timing, October 22, 1844, but we were
45:50 mistaken about the event which was going to take place.
45:53 In fact, the very next morning after the disappointment,
45:56 Hiram Edson, after he had cried all of the tears that he
46:03 had inside out, he and another individual walked across a field
46:09 to try and comfort some of the believers in another place.
46:13 Notice that they didn't just sit down and sob and say,
46:15 Oh, poor us! Jesus didn't come!
46:18 They said, Let's go comfort some other people, and then maybe
46:20 we'll be comforted, too.
46:23 And as he was crossing that field...
46:25 Some people say it was a corn field.
46:27 He simply says a field.
46:28 I want to read his words to you about what he saw. He says:
47:16 In other words, he said, I saw distinctly and clearly
47:19 that Jesus, instead of coming to the earth,
47:21 He went from the holy to the most holy place of the heavenly
47:26 sanctuary to perform a final work before His second coming.
47:31 By the way, many people say, Oh, this idea of the
47:34 investigative judgment in 1844, you know,
47:36 that was a creation of Ellen G. White.
47:38 If you don't have Ellen White you can't prove from the Bible
47:43 that the investigative judgment, or the judgment,
47:46 began October 22, 1844. I beg to differ.
47:52 A careful study of Scripture will reveal Scripture after
47:56 Scripture, after Scripture which shows that in 1844 Jesus entered
48:01 to perform a work of judgment in the heavenly sanctuary
48:04 before He comes in power and glory.
48:07 In actual fact, allow me to share with you that on
48:11 February 7, 1846 a very special article that every Seventh-day
48:17 Adventist should read was published in the Day Star Extra,
48:20 one of the publications that was made after the disappointment.
48:25 That's February 7, 1846.
48:27 Three individuals authored this article.
48:30 The names of them were Hiram Edson, whom I've already
48:35 mentioned, Franklin Hawn, and O. R. L. Crosier.
48:41 For those of you who are getting this presentation on DVD,
48:47 you'll see a nice little copy of that pamphlet
48:50 where that study is.
48:52 Do you know that before Ellen White ever got any vision
48:55 explaining any of this, these individuals wrote this article,
48:59 in-depth article, with all of the Biblical arguments.
49:04 They did not have the benefit of the Spirit of Prophecy.
49:06 With all of the Biblical arguments proving that Jesus
49:10 in 1844, began the process of investigative judgment in
49:15 the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary.
49:18 Every Adventist should read that article.
49:20 You'll be amazed at the Biblical foundation of it.
49:23 It has no visions from Ellen White.
49:26 It has no quotations from her writings.
49:28 In fact, you know, she did not actually share any of the
49:33 visions that she had about this before this article was written.
49:38 And then, of course, the pioneers who had belonged to
49:42 this movement decided that they would sit down and they would
49:46 study these passages from Scripture.
49:49 And I'd like to share with you a few of these texts
49:53 that they had misunderstood.
49:55 For example, I don't know if you've noticed the passage in
49:58 Daniel 7, after the lion, the bear, the leopard, the dragon
50:03 beast, the ten horns, the 1260 years of the little horn.
50:07 It says there that Daniel saw the Son of man coming upon
50:13 the clouds of heaven, but it doesn't say that He's
50:15 coming to the earth.
50:16 It says there clearly that He went to the Ancient of Days
50:21 to receive the kingdom.
50:22 Question: Where does the Ancient of Days live?
50:26 He lives in Heaven.
50:27 So wherever Jesus went, it wasn't to the Earth.
50:31 It was where? To a certain place in Heaven
50:34 where His Father was.
50:35 They said, How did we miss this?
50:37 Probably it was because they desired
50:40 the coming of Jesus so much.
50:41 They kind of tainted Scripture to fit their points of view.
50:45 But they saw that Jesus wasn't going to come to this earth,
50:48 but that Jesus was going to go to His Father, and then He was
50:52 going to receive the kingdom.
50:54 They began studying the prophecy of Leviticus 16;
50:58 the scapegoat ceremony.
51:01 They said, Now wait a minute, there had to be a
51:04 preliminary judgment.
51:05 The people had to be judged on the Day of Atonement,
51:07 on Yom Kippur, before the priest came out to
51:10 bless the congregation, so it must mean that there has to be
51:13 a judgment before the second coming.
51:14 Then they started studying Revelation 14:7.
51:18 They said, Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of
51:22 His judgment has come.
51:24 Now how could they have the judgment has come when we're
51:27 preaching it if it refers to the second coming of Jesus?
51:31 So the judgment begins as the Gospel is being proclaimed.
51:34 Because the Everlasting Gospel is preached and it says,
51:37 the hour of His judgment has come.
51:39 The judgment takes place before the second coming of Jesus.
51:41 How could we miss this?
51:44 And then they read Luke 12, if you want to go with me there.
51:49 Luke 12:35-37, Luke 12:35-37.
51:59 Here Jesus is speaking to His disciples,
52:01 and notice what He says.
52:04 It says there, Jesus speaking: Let your waist be girded,
52:09 and your lamps burning; and you yourselves be like men who wait
52:16 for their master...
52:17 Now notice this:... who wait for their master, when he will what?
52:23 That's important!... when he will return from the wedding;
52:29 and when he comes and knocks, they may open
52:32 to him immediately.
52:34 You see, they had thought that the parables of Jesus about
52:37 the wedding represented the second coming of Jesus.
52:41 Jesus is going to come and He's going to marry His people.
52:44 Now that sounds pretty reasonable, except for the fact
52:48 that here it says, Jesus says to His disciples, You be like those
52:52 who are waiting for the master to what?
52:56 to return from the wedding.
52:58 In other words, where does Jesus marry His people?
53:01 He marries His people in Heaven by performing a work of
53:07 investigative judgment, and showing, revealing to the
53:10 universe who are His, and then when His are clearly revealed to
53:16 the Universe, then Jesus says, Now I'm married to them.
53:20 Now I'm going to come, and I'm going to pick up my bride.
53:24 Very clearly they saw here in Luke 12 that Jesus was not
53:28 coming to marry His people, Jesus was going to get married
53:32 to His people in the heavenly sanctuary,
53:34 and then He was going to come.
53:36 And then, interestingly enough, the Seventh-day Adventist church
53:42 started discovering all sorts of doctrines which are distinctive
53:45 to the Seventh-day Adventist church.
53:50 Do you know that shortly after 1844 suddenly they say,
53:54 Now wait a minute, the Christian world says that the law
53:55 was nailed to the cross.
53:57 But if Jesus went into the most holy place the ark is there,
54:00 and inside the ark were the ten commandments,
54:03 so the ten commandments must still be binding.
54:07 Now wait a minute! If the ten commandments are in the ark
54:10 of the covenant, and at the center of the ten commandments
54:13 was the Sabbath, that must mean that in the heavenly sanctuary
54:16 the ten commandments are there, the Sabbath is there,
54:18 so it must mean that if Jesus is in there before the ark of the
54:21 covenant, the Sabbath must still be binding.
54:26 And they began to say, Now wait a minute, if the judgment began
54:29 in 1844, and Christ is revealed to the Universe,
54:36 who accepted it and who didn't?
54:38 Well then people didn't go to heaven
54:41 or to hell when they died.
54:42 Why would He call a judgment to separate the righteous from
54:45 the unrighteous at a certain point in church history,
54:50 if they already went to heaven or to hell when they died?
54:54 So suddenly they discover the dead know not anything.
54:57 And then they studied the pot of manna.
55:00 God gave manna for several purposes.
55:02 One of the purposes was to teach His people health reform,
55:05 to teach them a simple diet, a healthy diet.
55:10 Israel, of course, they wanted the rich foods from Egypt.
55:13 And we know the story.
55:14 Somebody said, Now wait a minute, in the sanctuary there
55:17 was a pot of manna.
55:18 What does that teach us?
55:19 And they discovered health reform.
55:21 They said, Now wait a minute, if the hour of His judgment is
55:24 come, the judgment took place on the Day of Atonement
55:27 in the most holy place of the sanctuary.
55:29 Then where is Jesus performing the work of judgment?
55:32 Oh, He's performing it in the most holy
55:34 place of the sanctuary.
55:35 Suddenly all of the distinctive truths of the
55:37 Seventh-day Adventist church came to view.
55:40 How does the religious world look upon these distinctive
55:44 truths of the Seventh-day Adventist church?
55:46 Oh no, nobody can keep the law of God.
55:49 Some say, Ah, the law was nailed to the cross.
55:52 They say, No, the Lord's Day.
55:55 That's the day we're supposed to keep; the first day of the week.
55:57 They say, Oh, when you die, if you were good your soul is
56:04 And if you were wicked your soul is zipped off right to hell.
56:08 And if you were semi-righteous, or semi-wicked
56:11 then you go to purgatory.
56:14 And if you hadn't reached the age of accountability
56:17 you're going to limbo.
56:20 It's amazing how human beings can invent all of
56:22 these different stages.
56:25 But going into the most holy place makes it clear,
56:27 and that is that Jesus will set aside His own in the judgment,
56:32 not because He needs to know, but because He wants to reveal
56:36 before the Universe that He was right in saving these people.
56:40 He's not going to leave any loose ends.
56:42 And only after He has said, These are mine!
56:45 Do you agree? Jesus says, Now I'm going to go pick them up.
56:50 I've married them. Now I'm going to go,
56:53 and I'm going to claim my bride.
56:55 So 1844 was a very special date for the Seventh-day Adventist
57:00 church; very highly criticized, not on the outside,
57:03 but within the Seventh-day Adventist church.
57:05 Far be it for us to do so without first sitting down
57:10 and studying it from the perspective of holy Scripture.
57:14 Now what does Jesus do there in the heavenly sanctuary?
57:19 In our next subject we're going to study what Jesus is doing,
57:23 The Judgment Of the Living, so don't miss
57:26 the next exciting episode.


Revised 2016-09-29