Catching Up To Jesus

The Pentecostal Disappointment

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CUTJ

Program Code: CUTJ000003

00:35 Shall we bow our heads for prayer.
00:37 Our Father in heaven, what a joy it is to be
00:40 in Your house of worship.
00:42 How wonderful it is to hear the rain.
00:46 And Father, we ask that the abundant rain of Your Spirit
00:50 will be with us this morning as we open and study Your Word.
00:54 We thank You, Father, for the promise that You will be with us
00:57 if we ask in faith.
01:00 And we do so in the precious name of our
01:03 beloved Savior, Jesus.
01:05 Amen.
01:08 Our study today is number three in the series,
01:11 Catching Up To Jesus.
01:14 And basically, what I would like to do, as we begin,
01:17 is review some of the things that we've studied so far,
01:22 some of the common denominators or common elements.
01:26 We've studied about Jesus entering the court
01:31 of the Sanctuary...
01:34 ...and being examined to make sure that He is the perfect
01:37 Lamb who has no stain of sin.
01:41 And if you remember, we studied about how John the Baptist
01:45 introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God.
01:49 Then in our last study together, we noticed that Jesus
01:53 went to the altar, which is the cross.
01:56 And He actually died as the perfect Lamb.
01:59 So these two stages are stages of the ministry of Jesus
02:03 in the court.
02:05 His examination as the perfect Lamb,
02:08 and His death; sacrificed upon the altar.
02:13 And we noticed in our first two studies that there are several
02:17 common denominators in the two subjects that we studied.
02:22 First of all, we noticed that there were definite prophecies
02:26 which pointed to the work that Jesus was going to perform.
02:30 There were prophecies which pointed to Jesus
02:33 as the perfect Lamb.
02:34 There were prophecies which pointed to the death of Jesus
02:37 on the cross.
02:39 But we noticed that these prophecies were misunderstood
02:44 by those who were called to proclaim and announce them.
02:49 And because the prophecies, though they were proclaimed,
02:52 were not understood, the result was a great disappointment.
03:00 We noticed also that God, in each case, called humble
03:04 instruments to proclaim His message.
03:07 In other words, He did not call the doctors,
03:10 the theological doctors, of the day and age.
03:13 He called individuals who had been home schooled.
03:17 He even called children to announce that Jesus
03:20 was the Messiah in the triumphal entry.
03:24 We noticed that at each stage there was great publicity
03:28 about what Jesus was going to do at that particular stage
03:32 of His ministry.
03:34 We also noticed that the established church
03:37 of the day and age rejected the message
03:40 which was being proclaimed.
03:43 And then we also noticed that after the disappointment,
03:47 God's people re-studied the prophecies about what Jesus
03:52 was going to do.
03:53 And as they re-studied Bible prophecy,
03:56 they said, "How could we miss this point
03:59 about what Jesus was really going to do?"
04:03 In other words, there was a remnant which remained
04:06 and studied the word of God, and finally understood
04:09 what Jesus was doing at that particular moment.
04:15 Now in our study today, we're going to move on
04:18 to the aspect of Christ's ministry where He moves
04:23 into the Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
04:27 We're going to deal with prophecies that speak about
04:30 His resurrection, His ascension, and His installation at the
04:34 right hand of His Father.
04:36 In other words, the door to the court now is going to close
04:39 because Jesus has been presented as the perfect Lamb,
04:44 He's lived a sinless life, He's already died
04:47 at the altar.
04:49 Therefore, His work in the court is finished.
04:51 The door to the court closes.
04:53 And now He is going to enter through the door
04:56 into the Holy Place of the Sanctuary
05:00 to perform His ministry there as Intercessor
05:03 and Priest and Empowerer of the church.
05:08 Now there were specific Bible prophecies of the Old Testament
05:12 that pointed to the fact that Jesus was going to resurrect,
05:16 He was going to ascend, He was going to sit
05:19 at the right hand of God, and He was going to
05:22 pour out the Holy Spirit upon His church
05:25 from the Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
05:28 You say, "Where are those prophecies?"
05:30 As we begin, I would like to read three specific ones.
05:36 The first is in Joel 2:28-32.
05:40 Here it speaks about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
05:45 It says there...
06:31 This passage clearly speaks about a time when God
06:35 was going to pour out His Holy Spirit upon His people.
06:41 Another prophecy of the Old Testament which pointed
06:45 to what Jesus was going to do in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary
06:50 is found in Psalm 16:8-10.
06:55 This passage explicitly says that Jesus was not
06:59 going to remain in the grave.
07:00 He was going to resurrect and He was going to sit at the
07:03 Father's right hand.
07:05 Notice Psalm 16:8.
07:09 Here, David the psalmist is speaking.
07:35 The word, "soul," there is translated in the NIV, "me."
07:40 "You will not leave me in Sheol..."
07:43 That is, the grave.
07:50 Very clearly, the flesh of Jesus would rest in hope,
07:54 because His flesh would not see corruption.
07:58 He would not be allowed to remain in Sheol,
08:01 or in the grave.
08:03 And then it continues saying, "You will show me the
08:07 path of life; Your presence is fullness of joy;
08:12 at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
08:18 Very clearly, He was not going to remain in the grave.
08:22 He was going to resurrect.
08:24 And He was going to sit at the Father's right hand
08:27 where there are pleasures forevermore.
08:30 Another prophecy from the Old Testament
08:33 which pointed to the ascension and enthronement of Jesus
08:37 is Psalm 110:1.
08:40 Psalm 110:1
08:43 It says there...
08:57 There's two Lords in this text.
08:59 "The Lord said to the Lord."
09:01 It's really the Father speaking to His Son, Jesus Christ.
09:06 And then when you go to verse 4, it says,
09:08 "You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek."
09:13 In other words, He's going to sit at the right hand
09:14 of His Father to be Priest after the order of Melchizedek.
09:20 So there were very clear prophecies that Jesus
09:23 was going to resurrect, His body was not going to see corruption,
09:28 He was going to ascend to heaven,
09:30 He was going to sit at the Father's right hand,
09:33 He was going to be Priest, and He was going to pour out
09:37 the Holy Spirit upon His people.
09:41 And yet, unfortunately His followers did not
09:46 fully understand these prophecies.
09:50 Not even ten days before these prophecies were fulfilled
09:54 did they understand what these prophecies meant.
09:58 And you say, "How is that?"
10:00 Go with me to Acts 1:6 and you'll see it very clearly.
10:05 Jesus gathers His disciples; He's about to ascend.
10:10 He spent 40 days on planet earth.
10:12 He's explained Scripture to them during the 40 days.
10:15 And yet they don't understand
10:17 really what Jesus is going to do.
10:19 Notice the questions that the disciples asked Jesus.
10:25 Then they asked Jesus, Acts 1:6, "Will You restore the kingdom
10:33 to Israel at this time?"
10:36 In other words, "Are you going to sit on the throne of David?
10:39 Are you going to take over the kingdom on planet earth
10:42 and rule in Jerusalem?"
10:45 Well Jesus had just spent 40 days with them.
10:48 You would think that they would know what these prophecies
10:51 that we began with meant.
10:54 And yet they didn't.
10:56 Ellen White has a very interesting comment
10:59 about this question that the disciples asked Jesus.
11:03 It's found in a pamphlet, and the name of the pamphlet is,
11:06 Redemption, Or the Ministry of Peter
11:09 and the Conversion of Saul.
11:10 This is what she says.
11:12 "When Jesus opened the understanding of the disciples
11:16 to the meaning of the prophecies concerning Himself,
11:20 He assured them that all power was given Him
11:23 in heaven and on earth, and bade them go preach
11:27 the gospel to every creature."
11:30 And now here comes the key portion of the comment.
11:32 "The disciples, with a sudden revival of their old hope
11:39 that Jesus would take His place upon the throne of David
11:43 at Jerusalem, inquired, 'Wilt thou at this time
11:49 restore again the kingdom to Israel?'"
11:56 They didn't know what Jesus was going to do in heaven.
11:59 They did not understand these prophecies,
12:02 even though Jesus had spent 40 days with them.
12:05 In fact, even on the day of Pentecost before Peter preached,
12:09 they still didn't understand.
12:11 Because you'll notice in Acts 2:11,
12:15 when the Holy Spirit is poured out
12:17 the people asked, "Whatever could this mean?"
12:22 "What could this mean?"
12:24 And others who were present there said,
12:26 "Oh, they're just drunk."
12:28 So they still didn't understand until, as we'll notice,
12:32 Peter explained the meaning of the prophecies
12:36 with which we began our study.
12:41 Now I'd like to say that as a result of not understanding
12:44 these prophecies, and saying to Jesus,
12:48 "Will You restore the kingdom at this Time?"
12:52 the disciples were disappointed in their expectations.
12:57 In fact, Jesus did something just opposite
13:00 of what they were expecting.
13:03 He told them, "Go to Jerusalem, go to the upper room.
13:07 Wait there for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit."
13:11 And then Jesus, instead of taking over the throne
13:14 of the kingdom in Jerusalem, we're told in Acts 1:9-11
13:20 He ascends to heaven and He leaves the disciples.
13:26 No doubt they were heartbroken.
13:28 "We thought this fellow was going to
13:29 take over the throne.
13:31 And instead of taking over the throne, now He's left."
13:35 By the way, let me ask you, had Jesus told them
13:37 that He was going to leave?
13:39 Of course He had. All during His ministry.
13:41 By the way, had He told them that He was going to die?
13:44 Yes. Were there prophecies that He was
13:46 going to be a perfect Lamb?
13:47 Yes.
13:49 But they did not understand these prophecies.
13:52 And so Jesus, instead of taking over the throne,
13:55 He leaves for heaven.
13:57 And then the disciples gather in the upper room,
13:59 as Jesus had said, and so they say, "We need to go
14:02 back to the drawing board.
14:04 We need to pray and we need to search Scripture
14:09 to see if we can understand exactly what Jesus is doing."
14:14 And they started remembering that Jesus had said
14:16 He was going to leave.
14:17 "But what is He going to do up there?
14:20 Here we thought He was going to take over the kingdom."
14:24 Now let me ask you, was what Jesus was going to do
14:29 in heaven greatly publicized on earth?
14:33 Oh yes it was.
14:36 It was publicized on the day of Pentecost.
14:39 Notice what we find in Acts 2:1-4.
14:44 Do you remember that John the Baptist announced
14:46 that Jesus was the Lamb of God who was going to
14:48 take away the sin of the world?
14:50 Do you remember that in the triumphal entry
14:52 there was announced that Jesus was the King?
14:55 And that He died on the cross?
14:57 They didn't understand exactly what was happening.
15:00 Well the fact is that there was an earthly announcement
15:03 that Jesus was going to begin a new phase of His ministry
15:07 in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
15:09 And it was announced powerfully on earth.
15:13 Notice Acts 2:1-4.
15:33 I want you to remember that word, "wind."
15:51 Two natural phenomena; wind and fire.
15:55 Very important.
16:10 Two phenomena on the day of Pentecost.
16:13 Wind and fire.
16:18 This is happening on earth.
16:20 But we're going to notice that it really is an announcement
16:23 of something that is happening where?
16:25 Something that Jesus is doing in heaven.
16:29 You see, when Jesus changes His ministry,
16:31 there's an announcement on earth of what exactly He's doing.
16:37 Now we're told that as a result of the mighty rushing wind
16:41 and the tongues as of fire, they all began to speak
16:45 in different tongues.
16:47 By the way, these were languages.
16:51 Do you know when is the first time in Scripture that
16:53 God gave the gift of tongues?
16:57 At the tower of Babel.
17:02 "What!"
17:03 Yes.
17:06 Were the languages of the world established at Babel?
17:10 Yes they were.
17:12 So the gift of tongues was given at Babel.
17:15 Of course, at Babel the purpose was to divide people.
17:17 At Pentecost, it was to unite people.
17:21 But still, it was the gift of tongues.
17:23 Now I want to read you a very significant statement
17:26 from, Signs of the Times, March 20, 1879.
17:29 Because I want you to understand what happened at Pentecost.
17:32 Why there was this mighty rushing wind
17:34 and why there were tongues of fire.
17:37 Who confused the languages at Babel?
17:39 Who gave the gift of tongues at Babel?
17:42 Notice this statement.
17:44 Speaking about the builders.
17:56 Excuse me?
17:58 Who confused the languages?
18:00 Two angels.
18:02 She continues saying...
18:26 Who confounded... Who gave the gift of tongues?
18:29 The angels confounded their language.
19:12 This is after the languages were confused.
19:25 Who was it that gave the gift of tongues at the tower of Babel?
19:30 God, through the ministration of what?
19:32 Of angels.
19:34 Now do you remember the wind and the tongues of fire?
19:37 Go with me to Psalm 104:3-4.
19:42 Psalm 104:3-4
19:45 I want to talk for a moment about the
19:48 ministration of the angels.
19:49 We need to understand the ministration of the angels
19:51 in order to understand what happened at Pentecost.
19:55 Psalm 104:3 says, speaking about God...
20:11 What are clouds symbolically in Scripture?
20:14 Angels.
20:33 Now allow me to tell you something
20:34 about that word, "spirits."
20:36 It's the Hebrew world, "ruach,"
20:39 which very frequently in the Old Testament
20:41 is translated, "winds" or "wind."
20:46 And in the New Testament, the very word that is used for
20:48 the Holy Spirit is also used to speak about
20:52 the ministering spirits; the ministration of the angels.
20:56 So this could very properly be translated,
21:00 "...who makes His angels winds..."
21:04 And then it explains, "...His ministers a..." What?
21:09 "...a flame of fire."
21:14 What is represented by the winds?
21:18 Angels.
21:20 What about flames of fire?
21:25 Angels.
21:27 "Are you saying, Pastor Bohr, that God on the day of Pentecost
21:31 gave the gift of tongues through the ministration of the angels?"
21:36 That's exactly what I'm saying.
21:38 And in a few moments I'm going to explain to you
21:41 what happened on the day of Pentecost.
21:43 By the way, consistently in Scripture the angels
21:46 are associated with fire, as is the Holy Spirit.
21:50 Notice for example 2 Kings 6:17-18.
21:53 Jerusalem was surrounded at this time.
21:56 And the people were afraid that the enemy was going to
21:59 overwhelm the city.
22:01 And Elisha prayed to the Lord that He would open the eyes
22:04 of his servant so that his servant could see
22:07 that Jerusalem was well protected.
22:09 Notice 2 Kings 6:17-18.
22:12 It says...
22:38 What were those chariots of fire?
22:41 Those chariots of fire were angels.
22:44 You say, "Well, how do we know that?"
22:46 Well, for the very simple reason that Psalm 68:17 says,
22:49 "The chariots of God are twenty thousand,
22:52 even thousands of thousands.
22:55 The Lord is among them as in Sinai, in the Holy Place."
22:59 The chariots of God are His angels.
23:01 These chariots of fire were angels marching above the city
23:05 of Jerusalem.
23:07 By the way, in Ezekiel 1:12-13, the four living creatures
23:11 which are the commanders of the angelic host
23:13 are also compared with fire.
23:17 Notice Ezekiel 1:12-13.
23:20 It says there...
23:51 Interesting that in the Old Testament the angels
23:54 are called, winds, and they are called, flames of fire.
24:00 The very two phenomena that took place when?
24:03 On the day of Pentecost.
24:05 It is not a stretch to think that if on the day of Pentecost
24:09 there's the phenomena of wind and fire,
24:12 and the languages, the gift of speaking languages,
24:15 is given to the disciples, then it must be angels.
24:19 Because as we read, back at the tower of Babel
24:22 God, through the ministration of the angels,
24:25 gave the gift of tongues at Pentecost.
24:30 Now I want to share with you some very interesting statements
24:34 where Ellen White actually, in commenting about Pentecost,
24:40 she speaks about the work of the angels at Pentecost,
24:43 and then in the same breath she speaks about the work
24:46 of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
24:48 In other words, the Holy Spirit is accomplishing His work
24:52 through the ministration of the angelic host.
24:56 Listen to this statement.
24:58 My Life Today, page 58. My Life Today, page 58.
25:05 "When the truth of God..."
25:13 Now pay close attention.
25:25 Did you catch that point?
25:50 Notice this statement.
25:51 Volume 2 of Selected Messages, page 57.
25:55 She says...
26:04 When who comes among us?
26:24 Are you noticing what she's saying?
26:26 She's saying that what happened on the day of Pentecost
26:29 was that God unleashed the heavenly host.
26:33 By the way, up till this point, who had claimed
26:36 rulership of this world?
26:38 The devil did.
26:41 He said, "This is my world,
26:42 and I can give it to whomever I please."
26:45 But when Jesus died on the cross, what did He do?
26:48 He took away the kingdom from the devil.
26:50 And this actually gave Jesus the right to what?
26:54 To invade the territory of Satan,
26:57 to unleash on the day of Pentecost
26:59 all of the angelic host.
27:03 In other words, on the day of Pentecost
27:06 all of heaven's angels were unleashed by orders
27:10 of the Holy Spirit.
27:12 And thousands, the Bible says, were converted in one day.
27:16 Winds and tongues of fire, symbolically speaking.
27:21 Allow me to read you another few statements on this point.
27:25 This one is found in the book, Maranatha,
27:28 a devotional book, page 212.
27:32 Ellen White says here, "Before the work is closed up,"
27:36 now she's speaking about the end...
27:55 What is going to be poured out?
27:57 The Holy Spirit.
27:58 Who will be in our midst?
28:00 Angels will be in our midst.
28:04 One more statement.
28:05 Review and Herald, January 20, 1891.
28:09 She says, "After the outpouring of the Holy Spirit..."
28:15 You say, "Why were thousands converted?"
28:17 We'll listen to what she continues saying.
28:39 Isn't that an amazing statement?
28:42 I'll read it again.
28:48 Who were the ones that spoke in the ear of the people
28:50 who were converted?
28:52 The Holy Spirit through what?
28:54 Through the ministration of the angels.
28:57 She says, "Angels of God that excel in strength,
29:01 clothed with the brightness of heaven,
29:04 came to the help of the church and swept back
29:07 the forces of Satan."
29:10 And then she says, "The work of the Holy Spirit
29:11 was not limited..."
29:44 In other words, the chain of command is,
29:46 the Holy Spirit unleashes the angelic host
29:50 to speak to the host who need to receive Jesus Christ
29:54 as their Savior and Lord.
29:56 And then the angels win these converts to the Lord.
30:01 And then these individuals become servants
30:05 and instruments in the hands of the Holy Spirit
30:08 to reach other people.
30:11 You know, what happened on the day of Pentecost
30:14 was actually an earthly announcement
30:17 of a heavenly event.
30:18 Usually we focus on what happened on earth.
30:21 You know, you listen to preachers on television,
30:24 these television preachers talk about what happened
30:26 on the day of Pentecost.
30:27 And they focus on the fact that everybody started
30:30 speaking in other tongues, and that there were tongues of fire,
30:33 and there was a mighty rushing wind,
30:35 and that the church received the Holy Spirit,
30:37 and they went out to preach.
30:38 But do you know what?
30:40 The key event was not what happened on earth,
30:41 but what happened in heaven.
30:42 The earthly event was an announcement
30:44 of a heavenly event.
30:47 What was announced by the Holy Spirit
30:49 being poured out by the tongues of fire,
30:51 by the mighty rushing wind, by the unleashing of
30:54 the heavenly host, was the fact that Jesus
30:56 had ascended to heaven, He had sat down
30:59 at the right hand of His Father.
31:00 He was now the intercessor of His people.
31:03 And now He was pouring out the Holy Spirit
31:05 as a sign that He had been installed in the Holy Place
31:09 to perform His work.
31:10 In fact, let me read you from, Acts of the Apostles, page 38.
31:14 Ellen White caught this point.
31:16 There's not very many scholars that have caught this connection
31:18 between the heavenly event and the earthly event.
31:21 Ellen White caught it very clearly.
31:23 She says this...
31:47 What is a token?
31:50 Sign.
31:52 Indication, if you please.
31:55 Once again...
32:14 So was the change in ministration of Jesus
32:17 announced with great earthly publicity?
32:21 Just like His death on the cross?
32:23 Just like the moment that He had presented Himself
32:26 as the perfect Lamb of God who has no sin?
32:29 Absolutely.
32:31 Were the prophecies misunderstood?
32:33 Yes.
32:35 Were God's people disappointed?
32:37 Yes.
32:38 Was there publicity?
32:40 Yes, there was publicity.
32:42 Now let me ask you, how did the established church
32:45 of the day and age receive the message
32:51 which was imparted on the day of Pentecost?
32:56 It was the Jewish church of the day.
32:57 They said, "Oh, this is wonderful.
32:58 Yeah, Jesus just went to heaven and He began
33:01 His ministry up there."
33:03 Is that the way the church reacted?
33:05 No.
33:07 The church of the day and age actually rejected
33:12 what Jesus was doing in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
33:16 You see, if we're going to follow Jesus through the
33:20 Sanctuary, we have to follow Him in order.
33:22 First, you have to accept Him as the perfect Lamb.
33:25 Because He lived the life that you and I should live.
33:29 Second, we must accept Him as our sacrifice.
33:32 He died in my place.
33:35 And then I am ready to go into the Holy Place
33:38 and to accept Him as my Intercessor
33:41 and my representative before the Father.
33:43 I can now claim the benefits of His sacrifice.
33:47 But I can't follow Him into the Holy Place of the Sanctuary
33:50 and accept Him as my Intercessor unless first of all I understand
33:55 that He lived the life I should live and He died the death
33:58 that I should die.
34:00 And because the Sanhedrin and the leaders of the
34:04 Jewish nation refused to follow Jesus into the court,
34:07 they reject the message of John, they reject the message
34:11 of the triumphal entry, they were unprepared
34:14 to understand what Jesus was beginning to do
34:18 in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
34:21 In fact, you know the story, after the day of Pentecost
34:24 the Sanhedrin got together and they told Peter and John,
34:29 "Don't talk about this anymore.
34:31 Keep your mouth shut.
34:33 Don't speak in the name of Jesus.
34:35 There are too many people that are accepting this message."
34:38 In other words, the message was rejected
34:43 by the established church.
34:46 And it was only a small remnant that accepted the message
34:50 and understood that Jesus had moved into the Holy Place
34:54 of the Sanctuary.
34:57 Allow me to read you an interesting statement
34:59 that we find in the book, Great Controversy, page 430.
35:04 By the way, was there a shut door and an open door here
35:07 at Pentecost?
35:09 What door was shut?
35:11 The door of the court.
35:12 Had Jesus fulfilled the work of the court?
35:14 Had He finished? Yes.
35:17 In fact, what did He say on the cross?
35:18 It is what?
35:20 It is finished.
35:21 He's saying, "I finished the work of living a perfect life
35:24 and dying for sin.
35:26 It is finished."
35:28 At that moment He's about to close the door of the court,
35:31 because He's finished His ministration there.
35:33 But now that door is closed.
35:36 Is there another door opened?
35:37 Yes, it's the door to the Holy Place.
35:39 He's going to do His work, not as sacrifice,
35:42 but as Priest.
35:45 And in our next study together we're going to notice
35:47 that the door to the Holy Place is closed
35:50 and another door, the door of the Most Holy Place,
35:53 opens in 1844.
35:55 And this whole experience is repeated all over again.
36:00 The religious establishment rejects the message.
36:03 And it's only a small remnant that follows Jesus through
36:07 the open door into the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
36:10 There is nothing new under the sun.
36:14 Allow me to read you Ellen White's description
36:16 of what happened to the Jewish nation,
36:19 to the established church of the day and age
36:21 when Jesus moved into the Holy Place.
36:23 They were oblivious that Jesus had moved.
36:26 She says this...
36:44 See, Jesus died.
36:45 Did Jesus pay the debt for every human being on planet earth?
36:49 So everybody is going to be saved.
36:52 No. Do you have to claim what Jesus did?
36:56 Yes.
36:57 You see, now Jesus is accepting His clients, so to speak.
37:01 People that claim for themselves what He did on the cross.
37:05 The perfect life He lived.
37:07 We come in repentance to Him, and now His sacrifice
37:10 is credited to my account because I have asked Him
37:14 to be my Intercessor before the Father.
37:17 So she continues saying, "When Jesus, at His ascension,
37:20 entered by His own blood into the heavenly Sanctuary..."
37:31 I want you to remember that expression.
37:33 In our next subject we're going to come back to that.
38:26 Because they did not follow Him into the court,
38:29 they did not follow Him into the Holy Place.
38:33 And by the way, it is a process.
38:36 You have to follow Jesus first into the court.
38:39 You have to understand that He lived a perfect life,
38:42 that He paid the debt for sin,
38:44 and that now you can receive Him as your
38:46 representative in heaven.
38:48 You can claim what He did and make it your own, individually.
38:53 The Jewish nation, the established church,
38:56 rejected this.
38:58 Now let me ask you, on the day of Pentecost
39:03 was the disappointment of the disciples
39:07 clarified by a study of Scripture?
39:13 Did they fully come to understand what Jesus was doing
39:15 on the basis of re-evaluating and understanding Scripture?
39:21 Absolutely.
39:22 You say, "How's that?"
39:25 Well, have you ever read Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost?
39:32 I'm sure that you have read Acts chapter 2...
39:35 ...beyond verse 11.
39:39 You know, in verse 11 and verse 13, the people
39:42 who were present there said, "What can this mean?"
39:46 Some said, "Oh no, they're just drunk."
39:48 And Peter is going to say, "It can't be drunk.
39:49 It's nine o'clock in the morning.
39:54 There has to be some other explanation."
39:57 And then Peter stands up.
39:59 And Peter takes those verses with which we began
40:02 our study today and he says, "Okay, folks,
40:07 what we didn't understand when we asked Jesus,
40:10 'Will you restore the kingdom to Israel at this time,'"
40:13 he says, "now we understand."
40:15 In those ten days they had studied the prophecies
40:17 after Jesus left.
40:20 And now Peter says, "Now those prophecies
40:23 from the Old Testament, I'm going to tell
40:24 you what they really mean."
40:26 Did Scripture clarify what Jesus was doing?
40:30 Absolutely.
40:31 Allow me to read you from Acts 2:16-21.
40:35 You tell me if this is the same passage from Joel chapter 2.
40:40 Here, Peter says...
41:22 Is this the same passage from Joel chapter 2?
41:27 Peter is saying, "What you see right here
41:29 is exactly what was prophesied.
41:31 It's taking place right now."
41:32 Jesus is in heaven and He's poured out the Holy Spirit.
41:35 This is an indication of something that has
41:37 happened in heaven.
41:38 Jesus has entered the Holy Place and He has begun
41:41 His ministration there.
41:42 Now notice Acts 2:25-28.
41:47 Tell me if we've read this passage before.
41:49 Acts 2:25-28
41:55 This is Jesus.
42:26 Is that the same passage that we noticed from the Old Testament?
42:29 Psalm 16?
42:31 Here, Peter is saying, "Now we know that pointed to Jesus.
42:35 He died, His body saw no corruption, He resurrected,
42:40 and He sat down at the right hand of God.
42:43 And the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is an indication
42:46 of the work that He has begun to do
42:49 in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary."
42:51 Now you remember the third verse, Psalm 110:1?
42:55 Notice Acts 2:34-35.
43:00 Acts 2:34-35
43:06 In other words, Psalm 16 wasn't talking about David.
43:09 David wasn't talking about himself.
43:25 Interesting.
43:27 Do God's people now understand these prophecies
43:32 and comprehend what Jesus is doing at this point
43:36 in the heavenly Sanctuary?
43:37 They most surely do.
43:39 In other words, after the disappointment
43:41 they study Scripture and their concepts are clarified.
43:47 They say, "We were wrong about what Jesus was going to do.
43:50 He was not going to sit down on the throne of David
43:53 in Jerusalem as King.
43:55 He has gone to sit next to His Father on His throne
43:59 in order to present the cases of all of those who come to Him
44:03 before the Father.
44:04 And to send the Holy Spirit, through the ministration
44:07 of the angels, to give power to His people
44:10 to let the world know what Jesus is doing."
44:13 By the way, Revelation 3:21 points to the moment that
44:17 Jesus took His place next to the Father.
44:19 It says there in Revelation 3:21...
44:37 So this text from the New Testament clearly shows
44:40 that Jesus fulfilled prophecy.
44:42 He sat at the Father's right hand.
44:45 Furthermore, the Bible speaks about an open door
44:49 through which Jesus went.
44:50 It's not only Ellen White.
44:51 Notice Revelation 4:2.
44:54 And we've spoken about this passage of Revelation 4
44:56 previously, so I won't get into a lot of detail.
45:00 Here, John says...
45:11 Like whom?
45:12 Like the Son of Man.
45:14 By the way, was a door opened in order for this scene
45:19 to take place?
45:20 Notice Revelation 4:1.
45:23 Revelation 4:1
45:25 "After these things I looked, and behold, a door
45:28 standing open in heaven.
45:30 And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet
45:33 speaking with me, saying, 'Come up here, and I will
45:36 show you things which must take place after this.'"
45:40 So there's an open door.
45:41 And by the way, if you continue reading in Revelation 4,
45:44 you're going to notice that there where the door
45:47 is opened are found the seven candlesticks.
45:52 And the altar of incense is in there.
45:55 Which apartment was the candlestick found in?
45:59 In the Holy Place.
46:00 Where was the altar of incense located?
46:03 In the Holy Place.
46:05 So the door which is opened here, through which John goes
46:10 and eventually sees Jesus arrive at the throne,
46:14 is none other than the door that leads to the Holy Place
46:19 of the Sanctuary.
46:20 In other words, the door to the court has been closed
46:22 and the door to the Holy Place has been opened.
46:26 In other words, Jesus is saying, "The Sanctuary
46:29 is now open for business.
46:34 Now you can claim the payment that I made."
46:38 By the way, did Jesus pay the debt for all of humanity?
46:41 Of course.
46:43 Did He buy the gift of salvation for everyone?
46:46 Of course He did.
46:49 He paid for it, didn't He?
46:51 Infinite price.
46:53 He paid for everyone.
46:56 Does that mean that everybody is going to accept the payment?
47:00 You see, what happens on the day of Pentecost, folks,
47:02 is that now people can individually
47:04 claim what Jesus did.
47:07 You can claim His perfect life.
47:09 You say, "Jesus, my life is a mess.
47:11 It's full of sin.
47:13 I'm sorry.
47:15 Take Your life and credit it to my account,
47:19 and impart it into me so I can live it.
47:23 Jesus, I deserve death.
47:27 But now in repentance I claim Your death
47:32 so that I don't have to suffer it."
47:34 At that moment, Jesus goes before the Father.
47:37 He represents me.
47:40 And the Father doesn't look at me, the Father looks at Him.
47:43 Is that good news?
47:45 Can I get half of an amen?
47:49 That's good news.
47:50 That's what's happened since Pentecost.
47:53 People can come to Jesus,
47:56 and Jesus will receive their prayers.
47:58 In fact, let's notice a few text from the New Testament
48:01 which amplify this point.
48:02 Hebrews 9:12. Hebrews 9:12.
48:06 And I'm reading from the King James Version.
48:08 It says there...
48:25 Many versions say Most Holy Place.
48:26 Not a good translation.
48:37 Notice Hebrews 7:25.
48:40 Speaking about what Jesus does for us today.
48:42 Folks, what Jesus is doing today is, He wants us
48:46 to claim what He paid for.
48:48 He wants us to take what He paid for and put it on our account.
48:53 It says in Hebrews 7:25, "Therefore, He is also able..."
49:11 Those who come to Him.
49:20 Notice Romans 8:34.
49:22 There are so many text that speak about this.
49:25 Romans 8:34
49:27 "Who is He who condemns..."
49:45 So the court points to Jesus as the perfect Lamb.
49:49 It points to Jesus as the perfect sacrifice.
49:52 The Holy Place points to Jesus as our only Intercessor
49:56 when we claim Him personally as our Savior and as our Lord.
50:02 But that is not all that Jesus is doing in the
50:04 Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
50:05 He's not only receiving our prayers in repentance,
50:09 He is also pouring out the power of His Spirit
50:12 so that we can tell other people about what He's doing.
50:17 What did Jesus say in Acts 1:7 to His disciples?
50:24 Actually, let's read verse 8, Acts 1:8.
50:47 What good is it for Jesus to be performing a work
50:49 in the Holy Place if nobody knows about it?
50:53 On the day of Pentecost Jesus is explaining through Peter
50:56 what He went to heaven to do until 1844.
51:02 But if only they know about it, what about the world?
51:06 So Jesus says, "I'm not only going to represent you,
51:09 I'm empowering you through the Holy Spirit,
51:13 through the ministration of the angels, millions of them
51:15 just waiting to work with you, for you to go and tell the world
51:21 about Me living a perfect life, dying on the cross of Calvary,
51:26 and now they can come and they can claim what I have done
51:30 and make it their own."
51:32 Wow!
51:34 Not only forgiveness, but power.
51:37 In fact, notice Acts 5:31-33.
51:41 Acts 5:31-33
51:43 Very interesting.
51:44 Here, Peter is explaining to the Jews who are listening to him
51:48 what Jesus is doing in heaven.
51:52 This is Jesus.
52:11 Let me ask you, do we need to confess our sins
52:13 in order to be forgiven from our sins?
52:16 Do we have to repent of them first?
52:18 Do we have to bring them to Jesus?
52:20 Of course we do.
52:22 That's what this is talking about.
52:25 Verse 32, "And we are His witnesses to these things,
52:29 and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those
52:34 who obey Him."
52:35 By the way, was the sorrow of the disciples turned into joy
52:39 when they understood what Jesus was doing?
52:42 Was the sorrow because Jesus had left turned into joy?
52:45 Notice John 16:20. Very interesting.
52:48 Jesus had told them that they were going to be disappointed,
52:51 they were going to be sad and they were going to be
52:53 filled with sorrow, but their sorrow on Pentecost
52:55 would be turned to joy because they would understand Scripture.
52:58 Notice John 16:20.
53:01 "Most assuredly I say to you that you will
53:05 weep and lament..."
53:09 "There's sadness coming. I'm leaving.
53:11 You're going to weep and lament."
53:14 "...but the world will rejoice..."
53:16 In other words, "When you weep and lament,
53:18 the world is going to make fun of you."
53:22 "...and you will be sorrowful,
53:24 but," now notice this, "but your sorrow
53:28 will be turned into..." What?
53:31 "...your sorrow will be turned into joy."
53:37 So was their bitter disappointment
53:41 at the idea that Jesus did not fulfill their expectations
53:44 changed into joy when they understood the true meaning
53:49 of these prophecies?
53:50 Absolutely.
53:51 Their sorrow was turned to joy.
53:53 And when we study the next time about 1844,
53:56 we're going to notice that after the bitter disappointment
54:00 because Jesus did not fulfill prophecy according to
54:03 their expectations, they went back to the drawing board,
54:07 they studied Scripture, they understood that Jesus
54:10 had gone into the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary
54:13 to begin His final ministration in the Sanctuary.
54:16 And their sorrow was turned into joy.
54:20 They felt like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
54:23 "Did not our hearts burn within ourselves
54:26 as He opened unto us the Scriptures?"
54:29 By the way, when Peter preached about what Jesus was doing
54:33 in heaven at that moment,
54:37 was there a huge number of converts
54:40 that came to Jesus as clients now?
54:43 Did it spread?
54:44 Of course it did.
54:47 It says that there were three thousand that day
54:49 who came to understand what Jesus was doing.
54:53 Because Peter spoke about the sacrifice of Jesus,
54:56 he spoke about what Jesus had done in the court.
54:58 He said now He's gone to heaven.
54:59 He's interceding.
55:00 Now you can get forgiveness of sins.
55:03 He's willing to intercede for you.
55:06 So when Peter finishes his sermon,
55:11 the men say, "Well what do we need to do
55:14 in the light of this new revelation
55:16 about what Jesus is doing in the Holy Place?
55:18 What should we do?"
55:20 This is a case of people asking the pastor,
55:23 "What do I need to do?"
55:27 What did Peter say?
55:29 "Be baptized...
55:31 ...for the forgiveness of sins, and you will
55:33 receive the Holy Spirit."
55:35 I'm dreaming for the day when we have three thousand people
55:37 coming to me and saying, "What shall we do?"
55:41 And I'll say, "Arise, be baptized...
55:45 ...for the forgiveness of sins,
55:46 and you will receive the Holy Spirit."
55:48 Not a case of me begging people to be baptized,
55:51 but people coming and saying, "I want to be baptized.
55:55 I want to follow Jesus into the Holy Place of the Sanctuary."
55:58 Now allow me to read you Acts 2:36-39 in closing.
56:04 Peter here explains what's happening on Pentecost.
56:17 Notice, now they understand the meaning of prophecy.
56:55 So there's nothing new under the sun.
56:58 Three disappointments...
57:02 ...because of false expectations.
57:04 Three explanations of the disappointments.
57:07 Sorrow turned into joy.
57:09 Now in our next study together, we're going to study the great
57:12 disappointment of 1844.
57:15 And you're going to find that it follows the exact sequence
57:18 of the first three that we've studied.
57:20 People say that the Adventist view can't be true
57:24 because of 1844.
57:25 We'll see that is not the case.


Revised 2016-06-20