Catching Up To Jesus

John's Great Disappointment

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CUTJ

Program Code: CUTJ000001

00:34 Father in heaven, we thank You for the awesome privilege
00:37 of being in Your house of worship on Your holy Sabbath.
00:41 What a beautiful day.
00:43 So crystal clear and sunny.
00:46 We just ask that the sunshine of Jesus will shine in this place.
00:51 Give us clear minds and tender hearts
00:54 to receive the word of truth.
00:57 And we thank You for hearing and answering our prayer,
01:00 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus.
01:04 Amen.
01:08 Every knowledgeable Seventh-day Adventist
01:12 has heard of the Great Disappointment
01:16 of October 22, 1844.
01:21 At that time, a group of believers known as Millerites
01:27 expected Jesus to come to this earth for His second coming.
01:36 And yet, we know that October 22, 1844 passed,
01:41 and that group was bitterly disappointed
01:46 when Jesus did not come according to their preaching
01:50 and according to their expectations.
01:54 Among those who preached this message
01:56 and belonged to the movement were several of the great
02:01 pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:05 Among them, James and Ellen White,
02:09 Joseph Bates, J.N. Loughborough, and Hiram Edson.
02:17 After the disappointment, those who had belonged to the
02:21 movement who did not abandon it restudied the prophecies
02:28 that they had studied before which seemed to indicate
02:31 that Jesus was going to return on October 22, 1844.
02:37 And they discovered that they has been wrong about
02:42 the event which was going to take place at that date.
02:47 They found that their timing was correct,
02:50 but the event which was going to transpire,
02:54 they were wrong about.
02:57 Now, to many in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
03:01 particularly some of our scholars, this event,
03:07 October 22, 1844, and its posterior explanation
03:14 have become an embarrassment.
03:18 They wish that the event and its explanation
03:21 could be expunged from Seventh-day Adventist history.
03:26 "After all," they say, "how can a church
03:29 which claims to be the remnant church of Bible prophecy
03:33 have its origin in a great disappointment?
03:38 How could that be God's remnant church?"
03:44 In fact, in the early 1960's an evangelical theologian
03:49 by the name of Donald Grey Barnhouse,
03:52 who was editor at that time of Eternity Magazine,
03:56 actually called the explanation of the Great Disappointment
03:59 by the pioneers, "The greatest face-saving explanation
04:06 in human history."
04:10 Yet, in the series that we're going to study beginning today
04:15 titled, Catching Up With Jesus, we are going to see
04:21 that in the formative years of the Christian church
04:25 there were three other great disappointments that occurred.
04:32 And no Christian theologian today will question
04:36 the fact that even though these disappointments existed,
04:41 that God was not involved directly and positively
04:46 in those movements.
04:49 In our next series, which begins today,
04:53 we're going to study six topics related to the movements
04:59 of Jesus through the Hebrew Sanctuary.
05:03 In fact, we're going to follow Jesus through five stages
05:07 of His ministration in the Sanctuary.
05:09 We're going to begin when He presents Himself in the court
05:12 as the perfect unblemished lamb.
05:17 Then we will move on to the moment that He comes to the
05:20 altar to be sacrificed as the Lamb of God
05:23 who takes away the sin of the world.
05:26 Then we will follow Jesus into the Holy Place
05:30 on the day of Pentecost.
05:33 Later on we will follow Jesus into the Most Holy Place
05:37 in 1844 to begin the judgment of the dead.
05:41 And finally in our last stage we will follow Jesus
05:45 into the Most Holy Place to observe His judgment
05:49 of the living.
05:51 In other words, we're going to follow Jesus in five stages
05:54 that He marches through in the Hebrew Sanctuary.
05:57 The perfect Lamb, His death, the day of Pentecost,
06:00 the beginning of the judgment of the dead in 1844,
06:03 and the judgment of the living which will take place
06:06 very, very soon.
06:09 Now at each of these stages we're going to notice
06:12 that there are common denominators.
06:15 And I want to share those common denominators
06:18 that characterize all five of these experiences,
06:22 perhaps with the exception of the last one.
06:24 There's one or two details in the last stage,
06:28 the judgment of the living, where God's people are
06:30 finally going to catch up with Jesus.
06:32 I'll come back to that in a moment.
06:36 At each of these stages, when Jesus is going to begin
06:41 that stage of His ministration, there are specific Bible
06:46 prophecies which pointed to that work of Jesus
06:51 that He was going to begin in the Sanctuary.
06:53 Specific Bible prophecies.
06:56 Secondly, before Jesus actually took that step
07:01 in that Sanctuary service, there was great publicity
07:06 announcing that something very important was going to occur.
07:11 There was a great religious revival leading up to
07:14 Jesus beginning that phase of His work.
07:17 Because it was necessary to point people
07:19 to the fact that Jesus was going to begin
07:22 something very significant.
07:25 At each stage there is an opening or a closing of a door
07:30 in the Sanctuary.
07:32 And there were three doors; the door to the court,
07:35 the door to the Holy Place,
07:36 and the door to the Most Holy Place.
07:38 At each one of these stages there is an opening of a door
07:42 or a closing of a door in the Sanctuary.
07:46 We're going to notice that at each of these stages,
07:49 with the exception of the last stage,
07:52 God's professed people initially misunderstand
07:57 the work which Jesus is about to begin.
08:01 They're preaching it, they're announcing it,
08:05 there's this great religious revival,
08:07 but those who are announcing the message
08:10 actually do not fully understand what Jesus
08:13 is really going to do.
08:17 At each stage God chooses always humble instruments
08:22 with very little formal education
08:25 to proclaim the message.
08:27 He bypasses those in academia.
08:31 He bypasses those who belong to the religious establishment.
08:36 At the first stage He raises up John the Baptist.
08:39 Home schooled.
08:41 Second stage, He uses babes to announce that Jesus
08:45 is the king of Israel as He marches into Jerusalem
08:49 in the triumphal entry.
08:50 From the mouths of babes, we're told in Scripture.
08:56 When He enters the Holy Place the announcement is made by
08:58 Simon Peter, a fisherman.
09:01 When He begins His work in the Most Holy Place;
09:04 William Miller, a farmer.
09:07 And finally, the last stage when He's going to judge the living,
09:11 we're told by the spirit of prophecy that God will use
09:14 few great men.
09:18 At each stage, the individual or individuals that God calls
09:22 to announce what Jesus is going to do
09:25 are home schooled and very little educated.
09:30 But they allow themselves to be used by the Lord.
09:34 At each stage, as Jesus marches through the Sanctuary,
09:39 the church of the day outright rejects the message.
09:43 In other words, the religious establishment of the day
09:46 opposes the religious revival and rejects the message
09:50 which God is sending through His instrument.
09:54 And the reason why is because the church of the day and age,
09:56 the established church, has no spiritual discernment.
10:02 And therefore, they continue their meaningless religious
10:04 ceremonies, oblivious to what Jesus is about to do.
10:11 Finally, what takes place in all of these cases
10:16 is that eventually a small remnant, after they're
10:20 disappointed because Jesus does not fulfill their expectations,
10:25 a small remnant catches up with Jesus and understands fully
10:32 what Jesus is doing at that stage.
10:35 And they follow Jesus through the open door
10:39 to understand fully what He's doing at that moment.
10:44 Each stage portrays a different function of Jesus.
10:49 The first stage amplifies His perfect life.
10:55 The second stage deals with His vicarious death.
10:59 The third stage deals with His intercessory ministry
11:03 in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary and His
11:05 empowering of the church to preach the gospel.
11:08 The fourth stage involves the judgment of the dead.
11:13 And the fifth stage deals with the judgment of the living.
11:20 So those are the common denominators
11:22 of these movements of Jesus through the Sanctuary.
11:26 Once again, I would like to review them
11:28 because they're very important.
11:30 We're going to come back to them on a regular basis.
11:33 Each stage is announced by specific Bible prophecies.
11:37 At each stage there's a religious revival to announce
11:40 that something is going to happen.
11:41 Jesus is going to do something to attract attention to Him.
11:44 At each stage there's an opening or closing
11:47 of a door in the Sanctuary.
11:49 At each stage God's people initially
11:52 misunderstand what they're preaching.
11:54 They don't fully understand the import of what they're saying.
11:57 At each stage God chooses humble instruments,
12:01 to proclaim the message, with little formal education.
12:06 At each stage the religious establishment of the day
12:08 rejects the message.
12:10 At each stage there's a great disappointment
12:13 that takes place when Jesus does not fulfill the expectations.
12:17 But at each stage, after the disappointment
12:19 there's a small remnant who catches up with Jesus
12:23 and fully understands what He is doing.
12:28 So 1844 was not unique.
12:32 What happened in 1844 happened three other times
12:36 early in Christian history.
12:40 And I'd like to share the first of those occasions
12:44 in our study this morning.
12:47 I would like to speak first of all about the prophecy
12:50 which indicated that Jesus was going to present Himself,
12:57 as He came through the door of the Sanctuary,
13:01 of the court of the Sanctuary, to present Himself
13:04 as a lamb without blemish.
13:08 You see, the death of Jesus could have no value
13:11 unless He lived a perfect life.
13:12 Because it would have been an imperfect sacrifice.
13:15 So the first movement of Jesus into the Sanctuary
13:17 is when He comes into the court.
13:20 By the way, there were specific Bible prophecies that pointed
13:23 to this aspect of the ministration of Jesus.
13:27 Notice Leviticus 21:21.
13:31 Leviticus 21:21
13:33 It's speaking here about the priest
13:36 that offered the sacrifice.
13:38 Actually, the priest not only offered the sacrifice,
13:40 he had to examine the victim to make sure that the
13:44 victim had no blemish.
13:45 And unblemished priest had to examine the sacrifice
13:50 to make sure that the sacrifice had no blemish.
13:53 Notice Leviticus 21:21.
14:14 So notice that the priest who was going to offer the sacrifice
14:18 had to be himself without defect.
14:22 But there was more.
14:24 The victim which he was going to sacrifice
14:27 also had to be without defect.
14:30 Notice Leviticus 1:10.
14:33 Leviticus 1:10
14:35 It's speaking about the sacrifices of animals
14:38 that belonged to the flock.
14:40 And it says there in Leviticus 1:10...
15:02 So in the ceremonial service, which was a prophecy
15:05 about Christ, you had to have a perfect priest,
15:10 unblemished priest...
15:11 Not morally speaking, but physically speaking,
15:14 in the Old Testament.
15:15 Which represented the perfect character of Christ
15:19 in the New Testament.
15:21 But the unblemished priest had to examine the victim
15:25 to make sure that the victim was unblemished.
15:29 In other words, had no defect.
15:32 Now the question is, when and where
15:37 were these prophecies fulfilled of the perfect unblemished
15:41 priest and the unblemished sacrifice?
15:45 Well the fact is that this was fulfilled when John the Baptist
15:50 introduced Jesus on the banks of the Jordan.
15:54 Go with me to John chapter 1 and we'll read verses 29 and 36.
16:01 John 1:29, and we'll also read verse 36.
16:10 It says there...
16:35 What was the message of John the Baptist?
16:37 "Repent, because the Lamb of God is here."
16:43 He presented Jesus as the Lamb of God.
16:46 Well let me ask you, was Jesus a priest?
16:51 Certainly He was.
16:53 Was He an unblemished priest?
16:56 See, the unblemished priest in the Old Testament
16:58 represented the fact that Jesus was to be an unblemished priest,
17:02 in terms of not having sin.
17:04 Notice what we find in Hebrews 7:26.
17:09 It's speaking about Jesus.
17:10 Hebrews 7:26
17:15 It says there...
17:21 And what characteristic does this High Priest have?
17:36 Was Jesus an unblemished priest?
17:40 Yes He was.
17:41 In fact, the Old Testament unblemished priest
17:43 pointed to Jesus who would be an unblemished priest.
17:47 But let me ask you, was Jesus also an unblemished sacrifice
17:51 when He offered His life?
17:52 Was He an unblemished lamb?
17:54 Yes He was.
17:56 Notice what we find in 1 Peter 1:18-19.
18:01 1 Peter 1:18-19
18:06 This is a passage which is very, very well known.
18:09 It says there...
18:25 But how were we redeemed? Notice...
18:40 Did Jesus live a sinless life?
18:42 He did.
18:44 You see, He was the perfect priest
18:46 and He was the perfect victim, the perfect sacrifice.
18:51 In fact, notice what we find in Hebrews 4:15.
18:54 You probably don't even have to look this up,
18:56 because it's quoted so many times.
18:59 It says there in Hebrews 4:15...
19:19 So the unblemished priest and the unblemished sacrifice
19:22 in the Old Testament represented the fact that Jesus was
19:25 going to be the unblemished priest, and He was
19:28 going to be the unblemished victim as well.
19:32 I'd like to ask a question.
19:34 Did John the Baptist fully understand this?
19:40 Did John the Baptist fully understand what he was
19:42 preaching when he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God
19:45 who takes away the sin of the world.
19:47 Look, here's the perfect unblemished Lamb."
19:49 Did John the Baptist understand fully what he was preaching?
19:54 He didn't.
19:55 In fact, in Desire Of Ages, page 112, we find this
20:00 very interesting statement.
20:03 When John the Baptist said, "Behold, the Lamb of God..."
20:20 John the Baptist did not understand
20:22 the import of his words, interestingly enough.
20:25 Now let me ask you, did the mission of John
20:29 have great publicity?
20:31 Yes.
20:33 Was it necessary for the eyes of people to be focused on Jesus
20:36 as the Lamb of God?
20:37 Certainly.
20:38 Even though John the Baptist didn't fully understand
20:40 what he was preaching, how Jesus was going to be a lamb,
20:43 it was still necessary for there to be publicity.
20:45 So he went out into the desert and he preached.
20:49 And the message reached Jerusalem, Judea,
20:51 and the surrounding areas.
20:52 Notice what we find in the gospel of Matthew 3:5-6.
20:59 This was a greatly publicized event.
21:02 Matthew 3:5-6
21:07 It says there...
21:21 Was there a great religious revival
21:23 as a result of the preaching of John?
21:25 There most certainly was.
21:27 It says here, all Jerusalem, Judea, all the region
21:30 around the Jordan went out to him.
21:32 There was this enthusiasm because they knew
21:34 that the Messiah would come only after the
21:39 forerunner had come, Elijah had come first,
21:42 to prepare the way.
21:43 So they said, "John the Baptist, he lives in the desert
21:46 like Elijah, he dresses like Elijah, he eats like Elijah.
21:49 This must be the Elijah which is going to prepare the way."
21:52 And there was a great revival and enthusiasm.
21:57 And John preached that Jesus was the Lamb of God,
22:01 but he did not fully understand what he was preaching.
22:06 Ellen White, speaking about the extent of the reach
22:09 of the message of John, says in, Desire Of Ages, page 104...
22:26 Great religious revival,
22:28 pointing to Jesus as the Lamb of God;
22:31 the preaching of John the Baptist.
22:35 And yet, did John fully understand in what sense
22:39 Jesus was going to be the Lamb of God?
22:42 We already read, he didn't.
22:46 He was wrong about the kind of kingdom
22:49 that the Messiah was going to establish.
22:52 He did not understand that the Messiah's kingdom
22:54 would come in two stages.
22:57 A first coming as King of suffering,
22:59 of the kingdom of grace,
23:01 and His coming later as King of glory.
23:06 He did not understand in what sense the Messiah
23:09 was going to establish His kingdom.
23:11 He believed He was the Lamb of God,
23:13 he preached He was the Lamb of God,
23:14 but he failed to understand the sense in which
23:18 He was the Lamb of God in all of its fullness.
23:21 In fact, John the Baptist thought that Jesus
23:23 was going to destroy the Romans and He was going to put
23:26 His throne in Jerusalem and He was going to rule
23:29 over the world in righteousness.
23:32 We catch this in Matthew chapter 3, if you go with me,
23:35 Matthew 3:12 where John the Baptist is preaching.
23:39 This is at the beginning of his ministration.
23:42 And it says there in Matthew 3:12...
23:49 Speaking about the Messiah.
24:05 In other words, when Messiah comes
24:07 He's going to save the righteous,
24:09 and the wicked He's going to burn with fire.
24:11 He believed that was going to happen with the first coming
24:14 of the Messiah.
24:17 Did he misunderstand what he was preaching?
24:20 He most certainly did.
24:22 He was wrong about the kind of kingdom that the Messiah
24:25 was going to implement.
24:26 Surprise, surprise.
24:28 There's nothing new under the sun.
24:31 Desire Of Ages, page 103, Ellen White has this
24:35 very interesting statement about John's understanding
24:39 of what he was doing.
24:41 She says...
25:10 Expected Him to come in glory, to establish a kingdom of
25:14 righteousness, according to this.
25:17 He did not fully understand the nature of Messiah's kingdom.
25:21 In another statement that we find in, Desire Of Ages,
25:24 page 136, Ellen White amplifying the misunderstanding
25:28 of John says, "During the weeks that followed
25:31 the baptism of Jesus, John, with new interest,
25:36 studied the prophecies and the teaching of
25:39 the sacrificial service."
25:40 See, after Jesus was baptized he says, "I need to understand
25:43 a little bit more about this lamb concept,
25:46 what kind of a lamb He's going to be;
25:48 this perfect unblemished lamb."
25:51 And then she says, "He did not distinguish clearly..."
26:16 In other words, he's studying the prophecies, saying,
26:18 "I know this fellow is the Messiah,
26:20 and I know He's the Lamb of God, but I need to understand
26:24 a little bit better in what sense He is the Lamb."
26:27 And he struggled with Scripture,
26:29 but he did not fully understand.
26:33 And therefore, John was bitterly disappointed.
26:41 So you thought 1844 was the first great disappointment.
26:46 But as Jesus begins His ministry in the Sanctuary
26:49 you have the idea of a disappointment
26:52 from the very start.
26:54 And we're going to notice at the cross
26:55 another disappointment.
26:57 In the Holy Place, another disappointment.
27:00 1844, another disappointment.
27:02 It follows this very pattern
27:03 that we're studying this morning.
27:05 So if you say that the Adventist Church cannot be the
27:07 remnant church of prophecy because it started
27:09 with a disappointment, you're going to have to disqualify
27:12 all of Christianity.
27:14 Because all of Christian movement originated
27:18 in a series of disappointments,
27:20 where eventually God's people caught up and understood
27:24 the true import of what Jesus was going to do.
27:28 John was deeply disappointed because the Messiah
27:31 did not come according to his expectations.
27:35 Therefore, Matthew chapter 11, he gathers some of his disciples
27:39 and he says, "Fellows, come here."
27:42 He's in prison at this time.
27:44 He says, "I want you to go and find Jesus.
27:50 And I want you to ask Him a question,
27:52 because I'm having my doubts about Him"
27:55 Matthew 11:2-3 has the story.
27:58 Matthew 11:2-3
28:16 Now wait a minute.
28:18 Hadn't he announced triumphantly,
28:20 "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
28:23 The spotless Lamb, here He is."
28:27 And now he's disappointed.
28:28 Because Jesus isn't measuring up to what he thought
28:32 He was going to do.
28:34 So he sends his disciples, "Ask Him whether He's
28:36 the one we're expecting, or whether the Messiah is another."
28:41 Matthew 11:3-5 tell us what Jesus did.
29:10 Concerning this, in Desire Of Ages, page 214,
29:15 Ellen White makes this very penetrating remark.
29:44 In another statement on page 215, she says this...
30:25 See, Jesus was fulfilling prophecy in a different way
30:27 than he expected.
30:30 And by the way, there were specific prophecies that
30:32 pointed to the work of John the Baptist.
30:34 Isaiah 40:1-3; a voice that cries into the wilderness.
30:41 Also the book of Malachi chapter 3 where God says
30:44 that He's going to send His messenger to prepare the way
30:47 for the Lord.
30:48 Specific prophecies that pointed to the mission and ministry
30:52 of John the Baptist.
30:56 Now the good news is that even though John the Baptist
30:59 was bitterly disappointed, which is the term that
31:04 Ellen White uses, he did not lose his faith.
31:11 Many of his followers did.
31:12 Many of those who had become excited in the desert
31:15 when he was preaching said, "Oh yeah, the Messiah is here."
31:17 They jumped on the bandwagon.
31:18 After a while when Jesus didn't fit in with what they viewed
31:23 as the mission of the Messiah, they all fizzled out.
31:27 But John the Baptist was not one of them.
31:30 In fact, Ellen White says in, Desire Of Ages, page 216...
31:44 He knew that there was an explanation.
31:47 He didn't know exactly what it was yet,
31:50 but he was searching.
31:52 Now let me ask you, what did the religious establishment
31:54 of the day do with John's message?
31:58 The established church of the day and age.
31:59 The Jewish church, is you please.
32:01 How did they react to the message of John the Baptist?
32:04 They rejected it outright.
32:09 You have some people say, "Oh no, how could that
32:11 little group of Adventists in 1844 be God's true church?
32:17 And say that all of Christendom in that day and age was wrong."
32:23 We're going to notice that at every stage
32:24 the established church was wrong.
32:27 And there was a small remnant that was right.
32:31 Not only in 1844, but at each stage that Jesus enters
32:36 His ministry this takes place.
32:38 Let's notice how they reacted to the message of John,
32:40 the religious establishment.
32:42 Notice Matthew 11:18.
32:44 Matthew 11:18
32:49 They even went so far as to say that John the Baptist
32:51 had a demon.
32:55 By the way, I've heard people say that about
32:58 the ministry of Ellen White too.
33:02 People who once walked with us.
33:06 There's nothing new under the sun.
33:10 It says there in Matthew 11:18...
33:22 How did the religious establishment respond
33:24 to his message?
33:25 They rejected it outright.
33:27 The established church rejected the message.
33:30 Luke 7:29-30 is another text which speaks about the reaction
33:34 of the religious leaders.
33:37 Luke 7:29-30
33:40 There was no problem with the people.
33:42 The people enjoyed the message of John.
33:44 But the leadership was the problem.
33:46 The hierarchy of the church, if you please.
33:49 It says in verse 29-30 of Luke 7...
34:02 In other words, the common ordinary people had no
34:04 problem with John.
34:06 Who had the problem with John?
34:08 Notice verse 30...
34:13 By the way, in Christ's day those were the preachers.
34:17 "But the Pharisees and lawyers..."
34:19 The lawyers were the theologians.
34:23 "...rejected the will of God for themselves,
34:27 not having been baptized by John."
34:33 How did the religious establishment
34:35 react to the message of John?
34:37 They rejected it outright.
34:41 Notice Matthew 17:12.
34:44 Matthew 17:12
34:45 Another text that speaks about how the religious establishment
34:48 responded to the message of John.
34:53 Matthew chapter 17 and we'll read verses 11-13.
35:01 It says there...
35:24 How did they treat John?
35:27 They did to him whatever they wished.
35:35 Notice that whoever rejected John the Baptist
35:38 also rejected Jesus.
35:42 Is it just possible that if we reject the testimony of Jesus
35:45 we are going to reject Jesus?
35:49 You show me one prophet in the Bible that the people loved.
35:54 Just one.
35:55 Anybody want to try?
35:58 There's no prophet in the Bible the people loved.
36:01 They were hated by the very people to whom they were sent.
36:07 So if Ellen White is not loved that much in the
36:09 Adventist church, she was on the right track.
36:14 Because if everybody loved her, she would most likely
36:16 be a false prophet because she would be telling people
36:20 what they want to hear.
36:25 Do I need to apologize for being so bold?
36:29 Good. Because I'm not.
36:34 Verse 12, "But I say to you that Elijah has come already,
36:37 and they did not know him but did to him
36:40 whatever they wished..."
36:45 If you reject the prophet, you reject Jesus,
36:48 is what it's saying.
36:59 Now let me ask you, was the reason for the disappointment
37:03 ever explained to John?
37:05 And what method did God use to explain the reason
37:09 for the disappointment?
37:12 Well the fact is that John was in prison,
37:15 as we've already noticed, and he sent his disciples
37:19 to ask Jesus whether He was the Messiah.
37:22 And Jesus, according to, The Desire Of Ages,
37:26 did not answer that question right away.
37:27 He said, "Stick around today and watch."
37:33 And then at the end of the day Jesus spoke these words
37:36 in Matthew 11 beginning with verse 3, Jesus said this,
37:41 showing them what He wanted them to see,
37:46 He says, "Go and tell John the things which you hear and see:
37:54 The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed,
37:59 and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up,
38:04 and the poor have the gospel preached to them."
38:08 And then He warns John.
38:10 "And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me."
38:16 Now you say, "What's so significant
38:17 about the answer of Jesus?"
38:20 What's significant is the fact that Jesus is actually
38:24 paraphrasing Isaiah 61:1-2.
38:30 You know, when Jesus said, you know, "I'm healing the lame
38:32 and the lepers," and all of these things,
38:36 He was actually paraphrasing a prophecy from the Old Testament;
38:39 Isaiah 61:1-2.
38:41 So what He's telling the disciples of John is,
38:44 "You go tell John that this individual is doing
38:48 what Isaiah 61 says He's suppose to be doing."
38:53 In fact, allow me to read that passage from Isaiah 61:1-2.
38:57 By the way, this is the very passage that Jesus
38:59 began His ministry with in Nazareth.
39:04 You can find it in Luke chapter 4.
39:07 It set the tone for the ministry of Jesus.
39:11 It says there in Isaiah 61:1-2...
39:26 "...good tidings..." which can also be translated,
39:29 "the gospel."
39:30 To preach the gospel to the poor.
39:32 Is that one thing that Jesus told the disciples
39:34 of John to go tell John?
39:37 Absolutely.
39:41 "...the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor;
39:45 He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
39:48 to proclaim liberty to the captives,
39:51 and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
39:54 to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD..."
39:58 So Jesus is paraphrasing a passage of the Old Testament
40:01 that refers to His ministry.
40:03 He's explaining to John the Baptist
40:05 that he needs to hang in there because He is the Messiah.
40:08 And He's using Scripture to persuade him.
40:15 Ellen White has this remarkable statement to make in,
40:17 Desire Of Ages, page 217.
40:22 She says that John recalled the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-2.
40:28 She specifically says so.
40:29 And that's not surprising because the disciples
40:32 of John quoted that verse or paraphrased that verse
40:35 when they went back to talk to John.
40:39 She says that he understood that the works of Christ...
40:56 Same book, Desire Of Ages, page 224,
41:00 Ellen White has this to say...
41:30 How did God explain the disappointment to John?
41:34 By using what?
41:36 Scripture.
41:38 He took him to Scripture.
41:39 The angels led him to Scripture.
41:42 And he came to understand that Jesus was the Messiah,
41:46 how the Messiah was going to come,
41:47 and what He was going to do.
41:49 And therefore we're told in, Desire Of Ages,
41:52 that John died in peace.
41:56 He did not die a disappointed man.
41:59 Because Scripture explained the reason for the disappointment.
42:04 Are you seeing a pattern in this story?
42:06 Hmmm.
42:09 Specific prophecies of the Old Testament
42:11 that point to the Lamb, unblemished Priest.
42:18 And that John would be the one who would preach this message
42:22 about the Lamb.
42:24 A great religious revival...
42:27 ...pointing to Jesus.
42:29 And John is preaching what he doesn't fully understand.
42:32 He's mistaken about what kind of kingdom
42:34 Jesus is going to establish.
42:39 Everybody jumps on board.
42:41 Many of them by emotion.
42:44 The religious establishment says, "We don't want any of it.
42:48 We don't believe any of his message."
42:51 And after a while John is disappointed because
42:53 Scripture isn't fulfilled the way he thinks
42:55 it's going to be fulfilled.
42:58 Afterwards God comes, through the ministration of angels
43:04 and through the disciples of John,
43:06 and explains to him prophecies of Scripture
43:10 from the Old Testament.
43:12 And John says, "Ah, it makes sense."
43:17 Instead of dying a disappointed man,
43:19 he dies in full assurance that Jesus is the promised Messiah.
43:26 Do you think that this is just coincidence?
43:30 That's why I called this series, Catching Up To Jesus.
43:37 We're going to find, folks, in our study together
43:39 that God's people are always catching up to Jesus.
43:43 You know, Jesus doesn't want that to happen.
43:45 When Jesus moves, He wants His people to move right with Him.
43:52 But God's people are slow of understanding.
43:55 Therefore Jesus can't wait, because He has a calendar
43:58 that He needs to fulfill.
43:59 So He says, "See you later.
44:03 You'll catch up some day.
44:04 You'll have an understanding of prophecy."
44:06 He says, "I'm going to go do what I'm going to do."
44:08 So He goes in and He begins to do the work.
44:10 And He knows that through a study of prophecy
44:13 people will say, "Oh, now I get it."
44:18 And so now the people are going to follow Him
44:20 and they're going to catch up with Him.
44:23 Interestingly enough, John catches up with Jesus
44:26 there in the court.
44:28 And we're going to notice in future studies
44:30 that when Jesus died on the cross, the hopes of everybody
44:34 were dashed.
44:36 Afterwards, Jesus catches up to two disciples
44:38 on the road to Emmaus.
44:40 He opens up beginning at Moses and all the prophets,
44:42 He told them all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.
44:46 They say, "Oh, now we get it."
44:50 And so now they follow Jesus to the stage of His ministry
44:53 at the altar.
44:55 The same thing we're going to notice happened
44:58 when Jesus entered into His ministration in the
45:01 Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
45:03 Then the disciples didn't even understand
45:05 what Jesus was going to do in heaven.
45:07 Ten days before, they say, "Lord, are you going to
45:09 restore the kingdom to Israel at this time?"
45:12 Hello!
45:15 And then when the Spirit is poured out, the others say,
45:18 "What could this mean?"
45:21 Others said, "Oh, they're drunk."
45:24 They didn't understand...
45:26 ...until Peter stood up and started preaching
45:29 prophecies from the Old Testament.
45:31 "Oh, now we get it."
45:34 And the disappointment is turned to joy.
45:38 So what's so unique about 1844?
45:42 Nothing.
45:44 Just because the Seventh-day Adventist Church
45:46 originated in a disappoint means nothing.
45:50 Because at each stage in the ministry of Jesus
45:52 you have the same phenomenon occurring.
45:55 And you would expect it to happen in 1844.
45:59 Wouldn't you?
46:01 Now allow me to say this:
46:05 When Jesus gets to the fifth stage of His ministration,
46:09 we're going to notice, which is the judgment of the living,
46:16 there will no longer be any catching up.
46:20 Because you will either be caught up...
46:25 ...or you will be left behind forever.
46:30 Because once Jesus finishes His judgment of the living,
46:34 the door of the Most Holy Place is going to close.
46:39 And there will be no more opportunity
46:41 for God's people to catch up.
46:45 So in the final stage, there is no catching up.
46:49 In the final stage we're either with Jesus,
46:52 we enter with Him into His final stage of ministration
46:55 in the Most Holy Place when He begins the judgment
46:58 of the living, or we will be left behind forever.
47:07 Now I'd like to read a passage that we find in, Desire Of Ages,
47:12 pages 224-225.
47:15 Some people say, "How could Jesus ignore John the Baptist
47:19 in prison?"
47:21 Well we've noticed that angels came and they comforted him.
47:24 He died in peace, he died a happy man.
47:27 But some people, you know, they say, "How could that happen?
47:30 Why didn't Jesus at least go visit him?
47:33 Why didn't Jesus go deliver him?
47:35 Why didn't He encourage him when he was discouraged?"
47:41 Ellen White has this to say about this experience.
47:45 You've heard this statement many times before.
47:47 You know, when we have calamities come to our lives,
47:49 let's praise the Lord.
47:53 Because there's always a silver lining.
47:55 There's a plan even though we can't see it at the moment.
48:01 She says...
48:23 So when we get into eternity, into heaven,
48:27 when all our trials are over and we have a chance to
48:32 speak with Jesus face to face...
48:36 That's my second most favorite hymn, by the way.
48:38 The first is, Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Him.
48:40 The second is, Face To Face.
48:43 When we have a chance to talk to Him face to face,
48:45 Jesus is going to say, "So I suppose that you're wondering
48:48 why I allowed that calamity to come to your life."
48:52 Notice I didn't say, "Why I sent that calamity to your life."
48:55 "Why I allowed that calamity to come to your life."
48:58 Jesus is going to say, "Now let me explain it."
49:00 And He's going to give an explanation.
49:01 And we'll say, "Lord, thank You for doing it that way."
49:06 See, the trouble is, we're not able to see the future.
49:13 We're not able to see all of the circumstances
49:16 of why things happen the way they do.
49:17 So God doesn't explain everything.
49:20 He says, "Trust Me.
49:22 And some day I will explain it."
49:25 So He says, "Hang in there."
49:26 And John the Baptist hung in there...
49:30 ...until he was able to understand fully
49:33 what was transpiring.
49:34 Ellen White continues saying,
49:36 "Not Enoch, who was translated to heaven..."
50:25 You know, this brings to mind something very interesting.
50:28 Do you know when Ellen White wrote the book, Desire Of Ages?
50:33 And where?
50:35 She wrote it in Australia...
50:39 ...near Avondale College...
50:42 ...where these days Ellen White is not too popular...
50:46 ...and greatly disliked in some circles.
50:51 Do you know that when she wrote, she was suffering
50:55 with rheumatoid arthritis.
50:59 She was in constant agonizing pain
51:03 when she wrote, Desire Of Ages.
51:05 The interesting thing is, she wrote the most beautiful
51:07 things about Jesus when she was experiencing the worst pain.
51:13 Because she was sharing in the sufferings of Jesus.
51:20 So Ellen White says, "And of all the gifts that heaven
51:23 can bestow upon men, fellowship with Christ
51:26 in His sufferings is the most weighty trust
51:29 and the highest honor."
51:30 So it's honor to suffer with Him.
51:35 In fact, the Bible says that if we suffer with Him,
51:39 we will reign with Him.
51:43 See, He was a suffering Messiah before He was
51:46 the glorious Messiah.
51:47 We must be the suffering people before we are glorified.
51:50 We must share in His sufferings.
51:53 It's a blessing to us.
51:56 Is it not a blessing?
51:58 You say, "No it isn't.
51:59 I don't enjoy being in pain."
52:02 I'm not saying that we enjoy it.
52:04 What I'm saying is that it brings us closer to Jesus,
52:07 if we look at it the way we should.
52:11 Because He went through it far worse than we do.
52:16 Now allow me in closing to mention one final thing.
52:18 Why was it important for Jesus to fulfill this stage
52:22 of His ministry; present Himself as a perfect unblemished lamb?
52:27 See, at each stage Jesus performed something
52:29 that is going to qualify Him for the following stages.
52:32 Jesus couldn't suffer the death on the cross
52:34 without living a perfect life.
52:36 The sacrifice had to be perfect.
52:38 Jesus could not begin His intercession in the Holy Place
52:42 unless He offered His blood with which He could minister.
52:46 And He could not begin the process of cleansing
52:48 the Sanctuary unless He had His blood that He could use
52:50 to cleanse the Sanctuary.
52:52 So in other words, each step of Jesus is a building
52:55 or a stepping stone.
52:58 Now why was it important for Jesus to live a perfect life
53:03 as the Lamb of God?
53:05 Let me put it succinctly.
53:09 The Bible says that the law is holy and just and good.
53:17 And the law demands perfection.
53:20 Doesn't the law demand perfection?
53:23 It does demand perfection.
53:25 How many of those present here are able to offer
53:27 perfection to the Lord?
53:32 No hand comes up. Praise the Lord.
53:36 You know, some of the hands of the Pharisees
53:37 would have gone up.
53:40 "Oh yeah, I'm ready."
53:43 The fact is that the law demands a perfect life.
53:51 None of us in this world have that perfect life
53:53 to offer the law.
53:55 And therefore, the law says you must what?
53:58 You must die.
54:00 So what did Jesus do?
54:03 He came to this world to live the life that we should live.
54:07 And He could do that for all human beings
54:09 because He took the place of all.
54:11 He created us all, so He could take the place of all.
54:15 When He made Adam and Eve, He made us all.
54:17 Because we all come from Adam and Eve.
54:21 I mean, if you want to make a monkey of yourself, that's fine.
54:25 But my Bible tells me that I was created in the
54:27 image and likeness of God.
54:31 And so Jesus lived a perfect life...
54:35 my place...
54:38 that He could offer His life, His perfect life,
54:41 in place of my imperfect life so that He could represent me
54:46 in heaven and I could be accepted in the Beloved,
54:50 and God could look at me as if I had never sinned.
54:54 Is that good news?
54:56 If you were willing to accept that, you would
54:58 never be depressed.
55:01 Wow.
55:03 You know, a psychiatrist once said, "If people
55:05 would be willing to accept the forgiveness of God,
55:08 half of them could go home tomorrow."
55:14 Because God forgives; but we can't forgive ourselves.
55:18 If God says that He's faithful and just to forgive our sins
55:21 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness
55:22 if we confess our sins, take it to the bank.
55:26 Because God does not make a promise He's not able to fulfill
55:28 or willing to fulfill or will not fulfill.
55:32 So Jesus lived a perfect life
55:35 so that we could be accepted in the Beloved.
55:37 That's why He had to live as the unblemished lamb.
55:41 And by the way, Jesus officiated in His own sacrifice.
55:45 In the Old Testament you needed two symbols;
55:47 a priest and a lamb.
55:50 But both of those symbols are gathered in Jesus,
55:52 because the Bible says that Jesus offered Himself,
55:55 in the book of Hebrews.
55:57 He was the unblemished Priest
55:58 who officiated His own sacrifice.
56:03 And you know, Jesus not only lived that perfect life
56:07 so that His life, His perfect life, could stand in place
56:11 of my imperfect life, but Jesus lived as a perfect lamb
56:16 because He wants to take that life and He wants to
56:18 impart it to us.
56:21 Not only impute, not only that His life stands in place
56:23 of my life and I can continue living as the devil.
56:27 No.
56:29 The gospel contemplates full recovery from sin.
56:33 His perfect life is so that He can represent me.
56:36 His life can stand in place of my life.
56:37 But also so that He can take that life,
56:40 through the Holy Spirit, pour it into my heart
56:43 so that then His life can shine through my life.
56:47 And that could not happen unless Jesus had lived a perfect life.
56:52 So His perfect life makes it possible
56:54 for His righteousness to be imputed to us,
56:57 and it makes it possible for His righteousness
56:59 to be imparted to us.
57:02 That's why that first stage was so critically important.
57:07 In our next study we're going to talk about
57:09 the death of Jesus at the altar.
57:12 It's going to be fascinating.
57:14 We'll go through the same process all over again.
57:17 And we'll see that there's nothing new under the sun.
57:21 That Jesus fulfills His ministry by stages.
57:24 And each one of them is extremely significant for us.


Revised 2016-05-23