Cuttin' Loose

The True Deal About Relationships

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Coaxum (Host), Dr. William Lee, Geston Pierre, Mike Polite


Series Code: CUL

Program Code: CUL000004A

00:01 Hi, my name is John Coaxum,
00:02 and welcome to my barbershop Cuttin' Loose.
00:04 You know the barbershop is the last place
00:05 where a guy can speak freely about his issues.
00:08 Today, we have an interesting conversation
00:10 entitled The Real Deal on Relationships.
00:13 You don't want to miss this, standby.
00:48 How' does it look, man?
00:49 Awesome. Good stuff, man.
00:51 You're looking good, right? Thanks for working me up.
00:52 Welcome, dude, you're welcome.
00:54 Yeah, let me get you out of that.
00:57 Good? Fresh cut.
00:58 Matter of fact, yo, yo, hol on, hold on one second,
01:00 one second, one second, how was last night, man?
01:02 Oh, dude, last night,
01:04 I went to the mall and I saw her again.
01:06 Yeah. And same girl?
01:08 Same girl. Yeah.
01:09 Looking as fine as ever. And?
01:11 I approached her, I came correctly,
01:14 I was actually dressed nice too,
01:15 and she rejected me, dude.
01:17 She rejected you?
01:18 I don't know what's wrong with her,
01:20 I'm a good looking guy, I'm a nice guy.
01:21 Yo, hold on a second, hold on,
01:22 guys, listen and check this out.
01:24 So my boy just got rejected again.
01:27 Dude, man, what is wrong with you, man?
01:29 Is it really me?
01:31 What's wrong with the women out there?
01:32 I don't know, I don't know.
01:33 Hold on a second, hold on. It is him.
01:37 But check this out, man, Korey, I don't know,
01:38 you got to ask for what women want, man.
01:40 Man, no, but I need to develop one.
01:43 I mean, that's what something
01:44 that I've been thinking about for a very long time.
01:46 No, honestly, man,
01:47 what in the world do women want?
01:48 I mean, have you ever asked yourself that question,
01:50 anybody, any time?
01:51 Yeah, and I never came up with an answer yet.
01:53 Never came with an answer.
01:54 All these years, I still didn't come with answer.
01:55 And you're married, right?
01:57 And I'm married.
01:58 Wow. Absolutely.
01:59 This is like the biggest mystery of mankind, man,
02:01 what do women want?
02:02 Yo, check this out, man.
02:04 Do you think that girls will go for a guy
02:06 that doesn't have a job?
02:09 Yes. Absolutely. Yes. Yeah?
02:11 Some of our boys got females and they got no jobs.
02:16 Would you think girls prefer a guy man
02:18 that maybe has a well-paying job
02:22 because, you know,
02:23 sometimes girls ideals are just so astronomical,
02:26 don't you guys feel that way sometimes?
02:27 Like there is one more than a guy could ever give.
02:31 I think so. Yeah.
02:33 I think women want, they want the money.
02:34 They want nice car, they want a guy that has it together.
02:37 I mean, they're looking for, you know,
02:40 all the expectations to be met right away.
02:42 Right. So I think it's hard.
02:43 You know what? I know what girls want.
02:45 They want the 666. What's that 666?
02:49 Six feet tall, six pack, and six-figure salary.
02:52 Mercy.
02:54 They want the 666. Is that right?
02:56 Dude, I'm cancelled out in the first six, man.
02:58 I'm nowhere near 6 feet tall, man.
03:00 Sorry.
03:01 I'm blessed to be married, right?
03:03 You are.
03:04 So what about a car, man, what about a car?
03:06 Have you ever wanted to get with a girl
03:08 and she didn't want to get with you
03:09 just because you didn't have a car?
03:10 Or do you know somebody?
03:12 Yo, TLC messed this up, man.
03:13 Yeah? Why?
03:16 Sitting in the passenger side
03:18 of his best friend's ride, you want to...
03:19 Wow. That thing messed this up.
03:22 I mean, females were feeling bikes in the '90s...
03:26 Okay, okay. They were feeling bikes.
03:28 And then TLC come, they wax us
03:31 and now nobody wants anything less than a Benz, a BMW.
03:35 I don't know man it's all materialistic.
03:37 Yeah. Wow, wow.
03:38 They're just like, "So what are you driving?"
03:40 Yeah. Like that matters.
03:42 You know, what about my character?
03:43 What about, you know, what I bring to the table?
03:45 What if you can pay for a taxi to get you
03:47 from point A to point B, doesn't matter, right?
03:48 Well, you're kind of bus man... We'll take Uber.
03:49 Let's take Uber. Yeah, let's take Uber.
03:51 Yeah, an Uber date, come on now.
03:53 Right. Right, right.
03:54 As long as we get there, you know...
03:56 So check this out, man, I've been wondering, man,
03:57 are girls more picky than guys?
04:02 Yeah, man, I think honestly,
04:03 the guys can be a little more stiff than girls,
04:06 you know, with the expectations.
04:08 I know for me personally, man, I had a lot of expectations,
04:10 I had a lot of nonnegotiables, you know, and so, I mean,
04:13 and nowadays too, sometimes you see girls,
04:15 they cannot just date any odd guy, as long as,
04:16 you know, decent guys, as long as he's doing okay.
04:19 I mean, you've got to remember too the odds are in our favor.
04:21 Mercy. What did you mean?
04:23 What I'm saying is there's more girls than guys.
04:26 That's all I'm saying.
04:27 So I'm saying is we have the luxury
04:29 of being a little bit more picky, you know,
04:32 say when a girl break my heart, man,
04:34 there's a tons of fish in the sea, you know...
04:36 So what are your nonnegotiables?
04:39 Well, I can tell you what used to be
04:40 my nonnegotiables before my wife came into my life.
04:44 We're all insane. We're all insane.
04:45 You know, back in the day I would say, you know,
04:48 the woman I had married had to be a virgin, you know,
04:51 and that didn't mean
04:52 I didn't date girls that weren't
04:54 I just screwed that up,
04:55 I probably won't go marry her, you know...
04:56 Right, right.
04:58 Or I would say, you know,
04:59 I really wouldn't try to marry a girl who had kids,
05:00 you know, and those are some of my nonnegotiables, man.
05:02 She had, she got to work, you know,
05:04 she don't got to bring in, you know, all kinds of money,
05:06 but at the same time
05:08 you can't be sitting around the house, man,
05:09 not doing anything,
05:10 I'm not that kind of person, not a caveman.
05:12 Got to go to work, got to go to work.
05:14 Well, yo, check this out, Mike, I mean,
05:15 I know you're married now, Will, you're married,
05:17 did you have any nonnegotiables before you got married?
05:20 These things you would not budge on whatsoever.
05:23 Not, man, for real, my girlfriend, my wife now...
05:27 But we started dating when we were in eighth grade.
05:29 Mercy. Are you serious?
05:31 Wow. Eight grade...
05:32 We kind of grew up together, right?
05:34 So I kind of, you know...
05:36 This man, don't offer the Black Notebook.
05:39 Yeah, the Notebook was dumb man, but, I mean,
05:43 we kind of grew up together so I kind of watched,
05:45 so, you know,
05:46 what she really thought about life and what not, so...
05:49 For me it was kind of easy, right?
05:51 It was kind of easy to ask, I looked at her, you know,
05:53 we've been together for so long that, obviously,
05:57 we just grown to love each other
05:59 more and more all the time.
06:00 Okay. That's fair, that's fair.
06:02 Mike, how about you, man?
06:03 Yo, my stuff is like so surface...
06:04 Compared to what you just said...
06:08 Yeah, I'm thinking about like, I got to be able to run my hand
06:11 through your hair without you getting like...
06:12 Oh, boy!
06:14 You know, I'll stand off and stuff like that, it's like,
06:16 "What are you talking about?"
06:17 I want to touch your hair, you know...
06:18 Sure, sure.
06:20 So I had to have stuff like that from breath
06:22 to actually, man, I was never the type to feel a female
06:26 who was scantily clad.
06:28 Okay, okay. You know what I'm saying?
06:30 So you're dress game had to be classy.
06:32 Sure. So those are some of mine.
06:34 Okay.
06:35 Like I said surface compared to...
06:37 I'm kind of getting there
06:39 that guys probably are little more picky than girls are.
06:41 Let me ask this other question too,
06:43 man, there is one of things that I used to hate
06:44 but, have you ever had a girl
06:46 that has tried to change you over time?
06:48 Oh, mercy.
06:50 I mean, ever tried to like change you.
06:51 Absolutely.
06:52 Like make you into somebody else that you're not.
06:54 Absolutely, absolutely, and not even over time,
06:55 I had a girl telling me one time,
06:57 we were not even really dating, we just kind of talking.
06:59 You know, we hadn't really gone there yet and she said,
07:01 "We got to do something about your diet."
07:03 My diet?
07:04 What do you mean we got to do something about my diet,
07:05 I mean, you know what I want to eat?
07:07 Oh, wow.
07:08 And two days later, "You know, those jeans,
07:10 I don't know if they really fit you if I like the way,
07:11 maybe you want to wear some different jeans."
07:13 I'm like, "Listen, man, you need to fall back."
07:16 What if I like? Yeah.
07:17 You know, but it was the worst, man, it came across too,
07:20 like she was being real aggressive.
07:21 You know, so I kind of had to let it go man,
07:22 I had to let it go.
07:24 So is that something that we brothers don't feel,
07:26 aggression in that way?
07:28 When we talk about like what women want,
07:29 do they just want control, are we saying that to where,
07:32 that is too overt, and you're like
07:35 "Yo, ex them off the list."
07:37 Yeah, I don't like people trying to change me,
07:38 I'll just be honest with you,
07:40 I am who I am, you know, it is whatever.
07:42 However, I will say this,
07:43 man, when I got married, fell in love with my wife.
07:46 Man, when she began to say,
07:47 you know, "John, you're kind of junkie.
07:49 You're kind of messy."
07:50 You know, and try to change me,
07:52 you know, clean up the house better around me,
07:53 tell me I need to do this, you know, I defer to her.
07:55 I don't know why, I guess because I loved her so much,
07:57 I respected her that all of that began to change it.
07:59 I wanted to change for her.
08:01 I don't know, did you feel that, man?
08:02 No, I do not like to be told what to do.
08:07 Not even by your wife? No, no, no.
08:11 I'm a man. No, I'm a man.
08:12 Okay, I got you, I got you.
08:14 I'm going to do, I'm going to make sure
08:15 that I'm responsible to take,
08:17 you know, my job seriously as a husband, as a father...
08:19 Sure. But don't hover me, right?
08:22 You don't have to tell me to take out the trash.
08:23 I'm going to get the job done. Sure.
08:25 So don't come hovering over me.
08:26 Oh, boy. I'm the man.
08:28 I'm going to get the job done.
08:29 You know what's the worst?
08:31 When they hover and form questions.
08:32 Yeah. So did you get that...
08:35 Or "Babe, would you mind next time
08:39 if you just do this a little differently?"
08:40 Like, man, no, I'm not going to do it differently, let me live.
08:43 Yo, honestly, one thing that I really hate, man,
08:45 is that girls be like,
08:46 I don't know if you guys ever had this before.
08:48 Ask a girl, you know, "What do you want to eat?"
08:49 "I don't know." Right.
08:51 Then you take her to a place and they're like,
08:52 "You took me to the wrong place."
08:53 Well, you didn't tell me what you...
08:55 Like how am I wrong for that, you know what I'm saying?
08:56 "Why did you take me here?"
08:58 So it is like, you never know what a girl is thinking, man.
09:00 God only knows what's going on
09:01 inside a mind of a woman, right?
09:03 But anyway, yo, let me move to this,
09:05 let me ask you guys this question.
09:06 How do you feel about being chased?
09:09 Chased by a woman.
09:11 Is that a turn off or turn on for you...
09:12 Let me say that, let me jump in...
09:14 So, I think we begin this eight grade, right.
09:16 Eight grade, who is that,
09:18 just get a ring, right, just get a ring,
09:20 and my wife, my girlfriend that time,
09:22 she was the one that pursued me.
09:24 Wow. Right?
09:25 She took my watch, she took my watch
09:27 and she, you know, she kept it
09:29 and said, "You're not getting your watch back
09:31 until you give me your phone number."
09:32 Wow.
09:34 In the eighth grade. Mercy.
09:35 And it was cool then, right?
09:36 It was cool then and I didn't get my watch back
09:39 until I gave my phone number.
09:41 And every since then, you know, we've been just like that.
09:44 But now, I look back on to that, I'm like
09:46 "No one in the world I would allow that, man."
09:52 Geston, my man, how do you feel about being chased, man?
09:56 Man... Hunter or hunted?
09:58 I want to be the hunter. Okay. All right.
10:00 So when girls try to hunt me, man, it's a turn off for me.
10:04 You know, it's flattering.
10:06 Yeah, I know I'm handsome, I know I'm cool.
10:08 I know I'm desirable, but I don't want to be...
10:11 Really? Okay.
10:12 That's why I don't get what's wrong with this girl?
10:14 I didn't thought anymore.
10:15 Clearly, you know, I'm a 666, you know...
10:18 You think so. I got you, man.
10:20 Of course, not ready for the beast yet,
10:22 but it's cool though.
10:23 But I don't like being hunted, man.
10:25 I want to be the hunter.
10:26 I want to go after what I want.
10:27 But what if this girl is everything that you want,
10:30 at least physically, she's beautiful,
10:31 let's just say, mostly everything,
10:33 she's a complete package.
10:34 If she chases you, would you deny her?
10:36 No.
10:38 Everything flips on his head.
10:40 Yeah, I guess, I don't know... All right.
10:41 But I don't like being chased, man.
10:43 I'd rather be the hunter, man. I hear you.
10:44 Mike, what about you, man?
10:46 Man, really, I don't, honestly,
10:48 I want a woman who is a planter not a harvester.
10:52 I don't mind...
10:54 Break that down, break that down.
10:55 Planting seeds... Okay.
10:57 That includes my interests... Flirting.
10:58 Exactly, exactly.
10:59 But when after you trying to harvest me,
11:01 like me in a matrix or something,
11:03 then I'm just like, "No, I need another one."
11:05 And okay, all right.
11:07 But, mostly everybody here likes to chase, right?
11:09 Yeah, yeah. Kory?
11:10 I mean, I like to,
11:12 I mean, I like a little bit of attention...
11:13 All right.
11:14 I like to know that I'm worth something
11:16 that they're attracted to me,
11:17 but I want to be the one who close the deal,
11:19 just like what Mike is saying.
11:20 Okay.
11:21 What about if a girl is playing games
11:23 and what I mean is playing hard to get.
11:26 Now you know that she wants to be with you,
11:28 you know that she likes you,
11:29 but she's just denying you at every turn,
11:32 turning you down at every turn, doesn't want to...
11:34 not letting you make advances towards her
11:37 or anything like that, how do you feel about that?
11:38 Is that okay, do you like the cat and mouse game?
11:40 As long as it doesn't last forever, man.
11:43 Eventually we got to get to the playoffs, baby.
11:44 Okay, we've read this. Hearing the whole time.
11:46 I want that ring. Right, right.
11:49 Do you guys agree? Everybody's good on that?
11:50 Yeah.
11:51 Girls kind of like Hunger Games, man,
11:53 you know, I meant, odds ever be in your favor,
11:54 we could play the games at some point,
11:57 it has to switch though.
11:58 It has to switch, it has to become legit,
12:01 transparent, vulnerable...
12:03 I'll tell you as a married man, I like to chase now.
12:05 You like to chase now?
12:07 I don't like her to chase me as a married man.
12:11 We go back and forth,
12:12 but I'll like her to pursue me now little bit more or so,
12:14 you know what I'm saying?
12:15 Yeah...
12:17 She's in the mood, you know, I'm in the mood as well.
12:18 I like that, I appreciate that now.
12:21 That's cool, man, that's cool. All right, how about this?
12:22 I was watching this video
12:24 the other day online, man, this girl...
12:27 They were sitting down. She got down on one knee.
12:30 That's all.
12:31 Hold on, hold on. Let me finish, man.
12:32 She got down on one knee, I mean she opened up the box,
12:36 there was a ring or wedding band inside...
12:38 And she proposed to the guy and he said, "Yes."
12:41 How do you guys feel about that?
12:43 Role reversal. Why not?
12:44 Dude, why can't a girl propose to a guy?
12:48 He said yes. What's the big deal?
12:49 I feel like that shows a lack of confidence, man.
12:51 So basically, what she's saying is,
12:52 "If I don't propose, you're not going to propose."
12:54 Hold on, lack of confidence in the woman?
12:56 Yes.
12:57 Yeah, like she feels like she has to control
12:59 that otherwise it's not going to happen.
13:01 That's kind of how that feels to me.
13:03 You know, if you know I'm a proposed
13:04 and you kind of sit back and wait on it.
13:06 I know most women like the build up to it,
13:08 you know, "Oh, I know he's going to propose,
13:10 I don't know what kind of ring he's going to get."
13:11 All that good stuff, she kind of just like,
13:12 "Man, let me propose him before he goes find somebody else."
13:15 That's kind of how that feels to me.
13:16 She's insecure or unsure. Now he used critical words...
13:19 Yes, he did.
13:20 Now I'm scared to say it again. Yes, he did.
13:21 You said that she is desperate. Mercy.
13:23 What do you say to that? Man, just wait.
13:26 Just wait... Yeah...
13:29 You know if you know he loves you
13:31 and you know he wants to be with you, just wait.
13:34 You know, that's... Why would you propose to a man?
13:37 If she likes it, then she go put a ring on it...
13:39 All right.
13:41 What's a time limit then, what's the time...
13:43 Hey, listen, let's just be honest,
13:45 some guys have girls waiting for a very long time.
13:47 Guys, come on.
13:49 Some guys will date a girl for 10 and 15 years,
13:52 and they might not ever propose,
13:54 what's the matter with her jumping the gun
13:56 and saying, "Hey, let's just get this thing done.
13:58 I know you want to marry me, you just didn't know it yet."
14:00 All right, two things. Yeah.
14:01 First of all, a female needs to understand a male psyche.
14:06 Appreciate what we work for. Okay.
14:09 That is just kind of like, that's a principle.
14:11 When it comes to masculinity, we appreciate what we work for.
14:14 The other thing is,
14:16 if you close the garage on the physical interaction,
14:20 we will commit faster.
14:22 Hold on, hold on, you're going to break that down.
14:26 What I'm saying is, man, we don't like ultimatums, man.
14:29 At the end of the day, you almost feel like a ring
14:31 being put in front of face is ultimatum.
14:33 You know, you will marry me or we just going to stop this.
14:36 And I've actually been in a position
14:38 where I've been given ultimatums, man,
14:40 you know, I got engaged to a girl based on ultimatum.
14:42 She told me, "Listen, no more games.
14:45 We're going to get engaged
14:46 or it's just not going to happen."
14:48 All right. And we did.
14:49 We went to one-hour counseling session
14:50 and three months later, we were broken up
14:52 because I felt like I can't marry somebody
14:54 who put me in a kind of position
14:56 to make me choose, I want to go after.
14:57 I want to get it.
14:59 I want to be the one that, you know, that did the work.
15:01 Wow. Right.
15:02 Okay, so let me ask, I got to pull this to Will, man.
15:04 Yeah. Real quick, help us now.
15:06 You've been dating your wife since eighth grade.
15:08 That's what you said, right? Eighth grade, eighth grade.
15:10 Man, I know you love her. Yeah.
15:11 I mean, you know, you care for here,
15:13 clearly you wanted to be with her,
15:14 what would have been the problem, man,
15:16 if she had proposed to you?
15:17 You were dating here for a long time anyway.
15:18 No, no, no.
15:20 Dating for long time, but as a man...
15:22 Like Mike said, the man's psyche is critical.
15:25 We're hunters by nature. Right.
15:27 You know, we don't want to, you know, reverse the role...
15:32 You know, that is the man's role, you know,
15:34 I won't be stereotypical,
15:35 but that's the man's role to be able to come to the woman,
15:37 you know, just like Adam with Eve, so to speak.
15:39 You know, guy brought Eve to Adam,
15:42 but Adam was the man.
15:43 You know, God put Adam in charge of the garden.
15:46 Adam and Eve really, but Adam, you know, He call Adam's name,
15:49 "Where are you?"
15:50 And that's our psyche, man, to be the man,
15:52 to be the progenitor, so to speak,
15:54 to be man that will stand up and protect.
15:57 I don't want my wife, let's say,
15:59 to come running to protect me, you know what I'm saying?
16:01 When burglar comes in, you know...
16:03 She jumps in front of the bullet for you.
16:04 Yeah, yeah. I kill the spiders.
16:06 Right. I got you.
16:07 You know, I do all that kind of stuff...
16:09 Because really that's how I'm built as a man.
16:11 Yo, can I follow up on the physical aspect?
16:13 Yeah, go ahead, man.
16:14 I think my sisters out there, they've just got to recognize,
16:18 one of my major motivations
16:21 when it comes to committing to you
16:23 for a lifetime is the physical.
16:26 It's the physical, experiencing you in that way,
16:29 so if you give me access
16:31 to that previous to my commitment...
16:34 Wow, man.
16:35 Then where's urgency? Right.
16:36 I don't have any urgency. Right, right.
16:38 And so I don't think a lot of sisters know that.
16:41 If you're getting the free milk, why buy the cow?
16:47 Yeah, I've heard that before, man.
16:48 I'm glad it's just guys in the room for that one.
16:50 We'll check this up...
16:52 So you guys, man, you only appreciate what you work for.
16:56 Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.
16:57 So how can we let our women know, our females,
17:01 how do we let them know this timely truth, man?
17:04 What's going on in our society, man?
17:05 It's a tough balance. Yeah.
17:06 It's this balance between keeping me entreat
17:10 and letting me pursue.
17:11 Yeah. All right.
17:13 And I think that balance is tenuous,
17:15 and there's a lot of tension there
17:17 and I don't want to be in my sister's position at all
17:20 because of that balance, it's tough.
17:21 But somehow you have to strike this balance
17:23 in between making me want more and continue my pursuit.
17:28 But yet, not flipping the role
17:29 to where now you're pursuing me.
17:31 Okay, but that's a good point.
17:32 I heard what you said, making me want more.
17:34 I see a lot of girls and women on social media
17:37 in a sense making you want more.
17:39 I mean, we see girls that go into the bathroom, you know,
17:42 they find the perfect lighting for their selfie shot
17:45 or what not, they snap the picture,
17:47 and sometimes, you know, they show a little skin,
17:49 they show a little cleavage or whatever,
17:51 and guys start to comment on that.
17:53 And a lot of girls get the sense that, you know what?
17:55 That's the way to get a man, why is that the wrong way?
17:59 You said they should entice us a little bit...
18:01 What he's saying is entice him. Okay, okay.
18:02 Let's make him want her more,
18:04 not make the world want her more.
18:07 I don't want to be unwrapping the present
18:09 on my wedding night knowing that all, kind of,
18:12 everybody else are seeing what's under the wrapping.
18:14 You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
18:16 Make me want it more,
18:17 I'm not saying text me any crazy pictures.
18:20 But what we're saying is entice me
18:22 in other ways with your character,
18:23 with your personality,
18:25 you know, I don't need to see too much cleavage though.
18:27 Got you. I don't need that thing.
18:29 Now just stop me, man,
18:30 I know that you're a social media junkie, man.
18:32 I see you on there all the time.
18:33 What do you see from our women nowadays online,
18:35 what are they doing?
18:37 Man, they are posting thirst traps with scripture...
18:43 Define thirst traps, man. Dude, like the scriptures...
18:46 Dude, you're like, okay, you're front of a mirror...
18:49 Your cleavage is intact,
18:50 you know, it's showing, revealing,
18:52 and there's like a scripture,
18:54 "I will praise the Lord for I am fearfully
18:55 and wonderfully made.
18:56 Happy Sabbath, Sabbath selfie."
18:58 Really? Right, it doesn't match.
19:00 So you're trying to entice me
19:01 with your sexuality and spirituality?
19:04 You know, so it's kind of a mixed message being sent,
19:07 you know, that if a guy knows that I love the Lord
19:09 but that I'm still attractive and I show him a little bit,
19:12 he may want me.
19:14 You know, so I don't know maybe it's about the numbers game,
19:16 they know there's a shortage in available man
19:18 and so they feel the need to outdo
19:19 each other on social media.
19:21 Right. I don't know.
19:22 Maybe. What is it?
19:24 Now that's a really big point,
19:25 I've heard a lot of girls say that there are no good men,
19:26 and you check this out,
19:28 there are no good men even in the church.
19:30 Do you agree with that, there's just no man?
19:32 I mean, you said earlier, Kory, that,
19:34 you know, we outnumber them or they outnumber us rather,
19:37 so help me understand that.
19:38 I can speak from the church I attend,
19:41 we had no young men in our church,
19:43 it's like all women.
19:44 It had to be maybe 80/20, you know,
19:46 and all of the men that were there all married men.
19:49 Some of the young ladies I know, if they go and date,
19:52 they have to date outside the church, you know,
19:54 and so you kind of just got to pray that the guy they met,
19:57 they didn't meet at the club, you know,
19:58 maybe they met him at a shopping mall
20:00 or something like that,
20:01 but the numbers, man, that is not in a woman's favor,
20:04 man, it's not.
20:05 But I don't think that's an excuse,
20:07 you know, to lower your standards
20:09 or to show yourself to be something you're really not,
20:11 you know, I don't think so.
20:12 Right, and, Mike, I know you're a chaplain,
20:14 you know, at a major school, man,
20:16 and you see guys and girls interacting all the time, man.
20:20 What do you see? What's going on there?
20:21 What's happening? How is it working?
20:23 Well, man, you know, I've tried
20:25 to edit my language a little bit,
20:27 like previous to this position I would easily say,
20:30 "Yo, my sister, you need to find
20:31 a dude who's in church."
20:32 Okay, okay.
20:34 But for example, we're on a campus
20:35 where the ratio is like three to one.
20:38 Three women to one man,
20:39 so if all women gear into their own church
20:42 or even other churches,
20:44 they so outnumber the men
20:47 that that becomes impractical at some level.
20:48 No competition.
20:50 So I've been trying to figure out what's the principle
20:52 to give instead of this blanket statistic,
20:56 this overarching statement, "Find a man in church."
20:59 What if they're not in church? What do I do now?
21:01 So I'm still trying to wrestle with that thing, man.
21:03 Okay. All right, all right, good.
21:04 Now, Kory, I got to come back to you, man,
21:05 'cause I know you have a little baby girl, man,
21:08 and I hate to bring that here, but I have to, man.
21:10 You're a brand new father, you've got a little baby girl.
21:12 Man, what do you want her desires to be for another man
21:16 as she grows up?
21:18 First of all, I'm not trying to deal with this
21:19 for a full of 18 years.
21:23 You know, but at the end of the day, man,
21:25 I think that my objective is to be the best man
21:28 I could be to my daughter
21:30 so that she looks for somebody hopefully like me.
21:32 You know, I know my wife always jokes around,
21:35 and this is just all God's grace, man,
21:37 she always jokes around, I'm just like her dad.
21:40 You know, the same kind of mannerisms,
21:42 same kind of spirituality,
21:44 I mean, the same thing he would just drop it
21:46 I had prayed for, I would too, you know.
21:48 And so that's...
21:49 She didn't go out looking for it, you know,
21:51 God kind of brought us together and it turned out that way.
21:53 But I want when my little girl, my Lord, my Lord,
21:56 I want my little girl to meet the right guy
22:00 for her to see some of me in that guy.
22:03 And not just me but of course, you know, God in me,
22:05 you know, me having been courteous,
22:07 me having been respectful,
22:08 me having given her some kind of value,
22:11 you know, so that she didn't have to be on social media,
22:13 she better not be on social media
22:15 showing off herself to the world
22:17 'cause I will find a way to hack it and shut it down.
22:18 Yeah.
22:20 What I'm saying is, I want to be
22:21 want to set the example for what she sees in a man,
22:23 and even how she pursues,
22:25 she ought to see me pursuing her mom on a daily basis,
22:28 the same way you said about dating,
22:29 my little girl ought to see me dating her mom,
22:32 and I ought to date my little girl too.
22:34 You know I'd take her on dates,
22:35 we go Legoland or wherever we need to go.
22:37 You know, but she ought to know that
22:39 there's a way to be treated, a way to be valued.
22:41 Right. Absolutely.
22:42 Will, I got to give this to you, man,
22:44 'cause I know you've been married for a long time
22:45 and you're a pastor.
22:47 I know you love God and you've got two little boys.
22:48 Man, how are you training them to interact with women
22:51 in any way or are you right now?
22:53 Yeah, I am.
22:54 I'm doing it consciously
22:55 and subconsciously for them as well, right?
22:57 Because my wife and I are together in the house,
22:59 you know, my kids love this,
23:00 this one's in my nine-year-old,
23:02 he loves it when I hug my wife and give her a kiss.
23:05 Wow. I mean he's always...
23:06 What he does is when I do it publicly, right,
23:08 and I do in front of them on purpose.
23:10 So when I do it, right, my kids are always like that...
23:15 You know, they're cracking out, they falling out, whatever.
23:18 What I realized though that is in bringing them
23:20 a sense of security though.
23:22 That is like Daddy loves Mommy.
23:24 Wow.
23:25 And Mommy loves Daddy.
23:27 So for them, even though they're laughing in
23:29 and cutting up, and having a good time,
23:31 it's like, there's a sense of...
23:34 There's a good union in the house.
23:36 It's like, I do it, I touch here,
23:37 you know, very gently...
23:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:40 You know, we play with each other all the time
23:42 and my kids love that.
23:43 You're training them. Absolutely.
23:44 I want them to recognize that, listen,
23:46 and we don't yell at each other,
23:48 you know, that is publicly, you know what I'm saying?
23:50 We won't argue, you know, what I'm saying?
23:52 In front of our kids, if we disagree with something,
23:54 you know, we are very calm and well-mannered
23:56 because I don't want my kids to anything
23:58 contrary from their father.
24:00 Well, let's talk about God, man.
24:02 We're all Christians here, we believe in God,
24:03 we believe in the Bible.
24:04 Man, I remember that story of Boaz and Ruth.
24:08 You guys remember that story, man?
24:10 What made Boaz, man, so attractive to Ruth
24:13 that she was in a sense pursuing him,
24:17 but hold on, hold on,
24:19 but ultimately, he's the one who made the choice,
24:21 what was the situation there, what was going on?
24:23 Resources. Resources.
24:25 I mean, she is attracted to the CEO of the company
24:31 she works for, pretty much...
24:33 A six-figure salary. Yes.
24:34 Okay, okay. All right.
24:36 And that's why I think,
24:37 we're sometimes too hard on our ladies
24:38 when it comes to this whole gold digger phenomenon,
24:40 like she's only here for my resources.
24:43 Now, yes, that's an extreme,
24:44 but yeah, I think we should have some resources to offer.
24:48 I think she should be able to look at us and say,
24:49 "Man, he can care for me.
24:51 He can hold me down."
24:52 Anything else about Boaz we see in that story?
24:55 He's a leader. And girls like that.
24:58 A woman needs somebody they can follow, man.
24:59 I know my wife told me that a lot of times, man.
25:01 You know, as long as, you know, your idea is not too crazy,
25:04 you know, I want to be able to be
25:05 with a man that I can support.
25:07 You know, someone I can follow into battle,
25:09 somebody who I knows will make good decisions,
25:11 financially, you know, economically for my family.
25:14 So I think him being a leader
25:15 might have been attractive as well.
25:17 Okay. All right, all right.
25:18 Well, check this out now, man, what about the first couple,
25:20 Adam and Eve?
25:22 Real quick.
25:23 When God brought Eve, what did Adam say about her?
25:29 Flesh in my flesh!
25:31 She is flesh in my flesh.
25:32 Yep, man,
25:34 Yeah, man, so he loved her, man.
25:35 He loved here.
25:36 But at the same time, yo, Eve kind of went astray
25:39 and she was separated from her husband,
25:41 what's going on in that story, man,
25:43 what points or principles
25:45 can we take away for relationships nowadays?
25:49 Stick by your man.
25:51 Okay, all right.
25:52 Adam was somewhere in the garden, right?
25:54 He was somewhere and the devil came in when they separated.
25:57 So I think a good principle is to by all means, man,
25:59 stay close,
26:01 don't allow that separation to come in.
26:04 Last question for you, guys,
26:05 man, I got a close the shop in a minute.
26:06 But I really want to know,
26:08 do you think girls are attracted to a godly man
26:10 and I mean any girl in the world?
26:12 Are most girls attracted to a godly man, and why?
26:15 I think so, some may not be rightly attracted
26:17 to a godly man or, you know...
26:19 What do you mean?
26:20 I would say speaking from the preacher's standpoint,
26:22 you just kind of attract,
26:23 you just kind of kind of attract everybody,
26:25 but I do think that it's attractive.
26:27 As human beings, I believe that God made us
26:30 with a desire to desire Him
26:33 and I think that when, you know, when God is in you,
26:35 He's in your life, I think that attracts women.
26:37 I really think so,
26:38 I think it can kind of fill that void, you know.
26:40 Well, that's a very good point, man.
26:41 Man, listen, I got to close the shop.
26:43 I love you, guys, man. Thanks for the conversation.
26:45 Man, I also want to let you guys know
26:46 that I think that we should teach our young men
26:49 to emulate the characteristics of God.
26:51 So with that, man, I appreciate you guys.
26:53 See you next time in shop. Cool man.
26:55 Thanks for the cut. Yeah, man.
26:58 Wow, I mean, today's conversation
27:01 was literally amazing.
27:03 This is why I love opening up the barbershop
27:05 because we always get the real deal on everything
27:08 guys are thinking about.
27:09 And today, we got the real deal on relationships.
27:12 Now, okay, honestly, no man truly knows everything
27:16 about what a woman wants.
27:18 That is a mystery that God has not seen fit
27:20 to reveal to us, guys.
27:22 And maybe that's for a good reason.
27:24 Let's be honest,
27:27 if you knew what every woman wanted from you,
27:28 you would change who you are
27:30 and stop being who God created you
27:32 to be to meet her standard all the time.
27:35 Furthermore, every woman has different preferences,
27:39 different opinions, and different desires,
27:42 but I can tell you one thing that will always make any true,
27:46 true woman happy,
27:48 a man that not only looks for the approval of women,
27:51 but consistently seeks the approval of God.
27:55 I want to invite you next time to join us in the barbershop.
27:58 See you next time.


Revised 2018-07-03