Cuttin' Loose

Man Up

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Coaxum (Host), Chapin Michael Smith, Dr. Duane Mangum, Jason McCracken


Series Code: CUL

Program Code: CUL000001A

00:01 Hi, my name is John Coaxum,
00:02 and welcome to my barbershop "Cuttin' Loose."
00:04 As you know, the barbershop is one of the last places
00:07 where a guy can come and speak freely about his issues.
00:10 Our topic today is "Man Up."
00:13 Come and join us.
00:46 Check this out, man.
00:49 Oh, yeah, man. It's good.
00:50 I'm ready, I'm ready. Thanks, man.
00:52 Looking good man, looking good.
00:53 It's one of my best cuts, man,
00:55 so I'm gonna give this one to you for free.
00:56 As a matter of fact, guys, I know it's late man,
00:58 but I' just sit right here, man.
01:00 I just want to talk to you about something.
01:01 Man, it has been something on my heart lately.
01:04 Man, just about the men in our community.
01:08 It just seems like manhood is changing,
01:10 like we don't have strong leaders anymore,
01:12 like the men aren't setting forth a good example.
01:14 Anybody, you know what I'm talking about,
01:16 have you seen that lately?
01:17 Yeah, recently my grandmother told me,
01:18 she went to the grocery store and she saw a young man,
01:21 who is in there with his pants hanging down,
01:23 and she tried to say something to him.
01:25 He cursed her out, you know.
01:26 So you know, that was really disheartening to her
01:28 to see a young man
01:30 as she was just trying to encourage to pull his pants up,
01:32 but he kinda just went off on her.
01:34 Yeah.
01:36 So Mike, man you are a community chaplain man,
01:37 what are you seeing in the neighborhoods
01:39 all around us, what's going on?
01:40 I think in the community there's just a lot,
01:42 a lack of respect for authority,
01:46 there's this idea that, "I'm my own man,
01:49 and that I have control of my own situation."
01:53 And so as a result of that,
01:55 "I don't need to respect anybody,
01:57 but I'm demanding respect," you know,
01:59 "I have my pants hanging down, I come out of the house,"
02:02 you know, "ungroomed," you know, "but I want respect."
02:06 "You know, I don't have my education,
02:08 don't have the things in order,
02:09 whatever issues are going on in my life
02:12 or within the lives of the black man,
02:14 I'm always demanding that someone else respects me."
02:18 So demanding respect but not giving it in the dress,
02:20 pants hanging down and stuff like that.
02:23 I mean, Brother McCracken, man,
02:24 it's good to see you by the way.
02:26 Man, I know you are the director of Enrollment
02:28 at Pine Forge Academy.
02:29 What are you seeing there?
02:31 I know there's a lot of young black boys that go there
02:32 and the surrounding community, what's going on?
02:34 Right, we have a mentorship program at our school
02:37 that we are teaching the young men
02:39 how to respect each other.
02:40 But the issues that we are seeing now
02:43 with young black males,
02:45 is that they don't have any role models.
02:48 And so we have to be their role models,
02:51 everyday, we have to dress a certain way,
02:53 shirt and tie, jackets, pants,
02:56 our shoes have to be shine, why?
02:58 Because we are trying to show them
03:01 that we can help them grow while they are watching us.
03:05 But right now in the black community,
03:07 you don't have role models.
03:09 What are role models in the black community?
03:11 A person standing on the corner?
03:12 A person in a barbershop?
03:14 A person in a church?
03:15 Well, not really.
03:17 A role model is a person that's gonna show
03:19 respect, integrity, and honesty,
03:22 and make sure that they can emulate
03:25 or imitate that particular person.
03:28 Yeah. We have a lot of issues.
03:29 Dr. Mike, you are a clinical counselor, man.
03:32 So I know you are seeing a lot of people
03:33 and you have a lot of wisdom on this.
03:35 Help me out, please.
03:36 Well, I think the reality is, is that we black men,
03:39 young men, they get a lot of their values from television.
03:42 A lot of values from what, the media.
03:45 You know, different streams of urban stuff
03:47 that's coming on,
03:48 where you can kind of treat woman,
03:50 and kind of way you can speak to woman,
03:51 and kind of way,
03:53 so that's where they are getting their model from.
03:54 You know, and I've dealt with young men that,
03:56 you know, they disrespect their moms.
03:58 Because they want to come in their house when they want,
04:00 and they want to do what they want.
04:02 They don't want to have any accountability.
04:03 So you know, they say,
04:04 "listen, let me live my life,"
04:06 you know, "I'm seeing so and so on television.
04:07 They do that, you know, they're making a lot of money,
04:10 so why can't I dress like them?"
04:12 Right, you bring up a really good point,
04:14 you know, I'm young, I'm recently married,
04:16 you know, trying to figure out
04:17 what it means to be a man, as well.
04:20 Is the world, is TV, is music,
04:23 are they giving us right examples
04:26 of what a man should be?
04:28 I think they are not.
04:29 I think what the world is trying to tell us is that,"
04:31 I want to condition you to be what you should not be,
04:34 but because you are buying into it,
04:37 I'm gonna continue to put it down your throat."
04:39 And so because we are being mislead,
04:41 young black men, older black men,
04:44 you know, they want to be young,
04:45 they are being misled by some of the value system
04:48 that the world has given them.
04:49 And so on the outside they may be a male,
04:52 but on the inside they don't understand
04:54 what God created them to be in His image.
04:57 So hold on a second.
04:58 You are saying, it's possible to be masculine but not a man.
05:01 Yes. Without a doubt. Wow.
05:03 Mike, what are you saying, man?
05:04 TV, movies, man, what is the representation
05:07 that our young men are getting,
05:08 because I mean, you know, they go to the movies
05:09 every weekend, man,
05:11 they are getting most of their influence from the TV screen,
05:13 what's going on there?
05:15 Yeah, I think, for me when you look at media,
05:18 when you look at the image of the black man,
05:20 it's a macho, I'm in control, black man.
05:25 I'm the type of guy
05:27 that in controlling my situation
05:30 I'm not gonna be able to...
05:31 I will not submit to the leading of,
05:35 as Jason said, a mentor.
05:36 The leading of, a mother or a grandmother
05:40 who has experience in life to guide me in the right way.
05:43 And so what TV and media is showing,
05:45 is they are showing a black man as this macho,
05:49 I'm in control...
05:50 A guy doesn't need anybody.
05:52 Right, I don't need anybody.
05:53 Yeah, what's that old saying that says that
05:55 "I'm the captain of my soul."
05:56 And so with me being in charge,
05:58 no one else can tell me what to do,
06:00 they can't tell me how to dress,
06:01 where to go, what to do,
06:03 what time to come into my house, anything.
06:05 And what happens is then that becomes
06:07 a dangerous path towards, "I'm in control.
06:11 I'm demanding respect."
06:13 And when I don't get those things
06:15 then I lash out
06:17 in certain behaviors, that you know,
06:20 that are very dangerous in our community.
06:21 Now we have crime, we have domestic violence,
06:24 we have a list of things
06:25 that the black man begins to lash out
06:28 because he's not getting the respect,
06:31 he's macho,
06:32 and then he wants everyone else to do, like the thing,
06:36 the world revolves around me.
06:39 Okay, now let me challenge you for a minute, man,
06:41 because you know, since I've been growing up,
06:43 in my community, you know, my family, my cousins,
06:45 it's always been passed down to generations, man,
06:47 that to be a man.
06:49 Yeah, you've gotta be strong.
06:50 You gotta be macho.
06:52 And you can't, you know, show your feelings on your sleeve,
06:54 you are not supposed to cry.
06:55 I mean really, if I would,
06:57 you know, fall down and scrape my knee,
06:58 you know, my family would probably
07:00 expect me to get up,
07:02 and be a man, and dry up those tears.
07:03 And I would assume that,
07:05 you know, most young boys or men's families
07:07 would tell them the same thing.
07:09 Is there anything wrong with that
07:10 being macho, being a man?
07:13 Let's see what's Jason says.
07:15 Well, you know, I grew up with black and white TV...
07:19 Okay. I mean, my age is, I'm 60.
07:22 Okay. So I'm the old man here...
07:24 Sure.
07:25 So I grew up in black and white TV.
07:27 So what my image in black and white TV was
07:29 "The Hercules, the Superman."
07:32 But look what happened when I watch television
07:36 and I saw The Little Rascals.
07:38 And Spanky, the Buckwheat,
07:42 the little guy on television right there
07:44 was not my role model.
07:46 So when they said, "You have to be strong,
07:49 you can't cry, you are man."
07:51 I had to keep all of that inside of me,
07:56 and then when I cry, I'm angry, I'm mad.
08:01 Those kinds of emotions are very negative.
08:06 It's okay to cry at a funeral.
08:09 It's okay to cry at a wedding.
08:12 It's okay to cry when you see
08:14 somebody rejoicing in the truth...
08:17 Right. Right.
08:18 But crying is a part of an emotional response.
08:23 But in the black community, if you cry you are not a man.
08:28 Oh, man. That's so true. That's so true.
08:29 Or if you show any emotion, you are not a man...
08:33 Right. Right. Absolutely. You know. Yeah.
08:35 I've got to come back to you, Doc,
08:37 I mean, you are kinda like the resident expert,
08:38 it's just so great that you are here.
08:40 Man, I'm sure that you have counseled some young black men
08:45 or you've been around some young black men
08:46 in your profession, who have not emoted.
08:49 They've been through things in their life, man,
08:51 but they've been taught not to cry.
08:53 And eventually, probably what happens is they implode.
08:55 Is that true? Yeah, men, they do implode.
08:58 I think they get so stressed on the inside,
09:00 they never let it out.
09:02 So it comes out in other ways.
09:03 It comes out in anger.
09:05 It comes out whether they're frustrated.
09:06 The thing about stress is that, stress that's internal,
09:09 it can come out and it can be very volatile.
09:11 It can be like, a forced fire.
09:14 And everybody that's in front of it
09:16 can be the casualty of this thing
09:18 that they've kept inside of them.
09:20 So it's very important
09:21 that they allow themselves to talk about it,
09:24 to find somebody to talk to, because if not,
09:26 the level of anger and the level of stress
09:29 put together can cause people to die.
09:32 Wow. Yeah.
09:33 Absolutely man, crying will increase, man.
09:35 We also revert to social vices man,
09:37 when we haven't emoted,
09:39 when we haven't dealt with the things in our past
09:40 and we are taught not to cry.
09:42 Let me ask this too, may be,
09:43 I don't know if you all feel me on this or not.
09:45 But isn't that kinda funny that,
09:47 guys, or men have kind of
09:49 reverted to a child like behavior?
09:51 In other words, we measure our manhood,
09:54 probably by the toys that we have,
09:55 I heard somebody say the other day.
09:57 You know, if we have a nice car then we are a man.
09:59 If we have a good paying job, that's when we are a man.
10:02 If we've got the nice Jordans on,
10:03 then we are a man.
10:05 Is that true, or do you see that at all?
10:07 I think from...for what I see within the community,
10:11 the acquisition of wealth,
10:13 acquisition of things is an admirable thing,
10:18 you know, but it has to be done
10:19 in the proper order and in the right way.
10:22 So for an example, you can acquire your wealth,
10:25 and acquire the things you want when society says,
10:28 you've earned it.
10:30 You have your degree,
10:31 you've got a job, you have 401(k),
10:33 you are planning for the future,
10:35 you bring children into the world
10:36 at the right time,
10:38 you have a wonderful, you know, family.
10:39 All of those positive things are also part of the community.
10:43 So now our communities are also enhanced.
10:45 When you try to acquire those things through force,
10:49 or skipping a step,
10:50 or taking it from somebody else,
10:53 then you find yourself in that lashing out,
10:56 that the doc is talking about.
10:58 Because I've lost control,
11:00 because I don't have my education,
11:02 because I've lost control
11:03 because I want respect and demand respect,
11:06 then I lash out by trying to,
11:10 by trying to acquire those things the wrong way.
11:14 And so now when I have those things,
11:18 I now demand respect from the wrong people.
11:21 Okay, fair enough, fair enough.
11:23 Director McCracken, what are you
11:25 teaching the young guys at Pine Forge,
11:28 in light of what Mike has said about timing?
11:31 He said, you know, getting success,
11:33 and getting money, having a good job,
11:35 having a nice car, there's nothing wrong with that,
11:36 but timing is important.
11:38 What are you telling them there as they grow up?
11:39 Well, in my class, I prepare the young men for life.
11:44 I'm giving them the indication that,
11:46 first of all, you can't have a nice car,
11:49 you can't have a nice house,
11:51 you can't have these things
11:52 unless you go through the proper channels.
11:54 Number one, you have to have good education,
11:56 and number two, you have to plan for these things,
11:59 because society is telling us
12:00 that you need these things to make you better.
12:03 That's not true.
12:04 What I'm saying is,
12:06 if you're trying to make it in life,
12:08 trying to have a lot of money,
12:09 trying to acquire lot of things,
12:11 your education is very important,
12:13 but you have to plan.
12:14 Five years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years,
12:17 but you can't have it on the spot.
12:19 You can't just get a job
12:21 and then you're gonna buy a nice car,
12:22 but you don't have a nice house.
12:24 You can't just have a job and then all of a sudden,
12:26 "Oh, I'm gonna try to buy a house."
12:27 You can't buy a house when you don't have good credit.
12:29 So all of a sudden you gonna say,
12:30 "Oh, well, what I'm going to do?"
12:32 Well, you can't do these things
12:34 unless you follow the business model,
12:38 and I'm teaching them
12:39 a business model in that classroom,
12:41 in order for them to reach these things.
12:43 But here is the secret.
12:44 The secret is not so much acquiring these things,
12:49 the secret is letting God help you get it.
12:52 Wow, and that's a point I really want to go through,
12:54 but I gotta say these to you guys,
12:56 I want to be real for a moment.
12:57 You know, one of the main things
12:59 that young guys are taught,
13:01 that ride of passage, from boyhood to adulthood,
13:04 from young man to man is sex...
13:07 Correct.
13:09 You know, if you are still a virgin by a certain age,
13:12 you are not a man.
13:13 If you haven't slept with the whole bunch of girls,
13:15 then you are not a man.
13:17 How troublesome is that for our society?
13:21 Well, I think our society has built this up,
13:24 to require us to be at a certain level,
13:28 not requiring what we have to sacrifice and give up.
13:31 So what happens when you have a young person,
13:34 that feels that way,
13:35 and they go out in this destructive behavior,
13:37 to have sex.
13:39 Not only are they having sex,
13:41 but they are hurting the next person
13:42 that they are having sex with,
13:43 and they are creating environment where,
13:45 you look for low self esteem,
13:47 you look for manipulation and control,
13:49 'cause most of the times when you are young,
13:51 you don't know what sex is.
13:53 You know, you are just jumping in, and jumping out,
13:55 and so you are not doing it out of care,
13:58 you're doing out...
13:59 I need to fulfill this need,
14:01 or I need to make sure that my boys accept me
14:03 into this fraternity,
14:05 because that's what it really is.
14:06 We are getting accepted into a fraternity
14:08 that later on, down the road,
14:09 teaches us in relationship destructive behavior.
14:12 Sure. Sure. Yeah.
14:14 And as doc pointed out, it's a lashing out again.
14:18 The lashing out of making an impulsive decision,
14:23 because I'm searching for belonging,
14:27 I'm searching for love in the wrong place.
14:30 I'm searching for a connection,
14:33 a relationship,
14:34 and instead of doing it as Elder McCracken said,
14:37 the right time and do the process
14:39 in the right way,
14:41 I skip over the step of courtship,
14:44 I skip over meeting the family, I skip over the dating phase,
14:48 I skip, we need to talk about
14:51 our future together,
14:52 as a young woman or a young man.
14:54 Our education, home ownership, credit, all that's...
14:57 I skip over all those things
14:59 and seek after sex and love,
15:02 with a risky behavior of bringing children
15:05 into the world
15:06 before I'm prepared and then expect everyone else,
15:11 and every other organization,
15:12 everything else to take care of my wrong decision.
15:17 Okay, well, let me put it this way,
15:19 let me ask you guys a few questions,
15:20 you just answer yes or no.
15:21 Help me understand, all right?
15:23 So I can be a virgin and still be a man?
15:26 Yes. Yes.
15:27 I cannot have a job and still be a man?
15:34 Who says yes, who says no?
15:36 I say yes... You say yes.
15:37 I say yes, because if we determined
15:40 whether the person is a man by a job,
15:43 then we are not giving him the opportunity
15:45 to gain those particular skills,
15:47 or to gain the education to get a job.
15:50 But I think it comes it too though,
15:52 we've been branded
15:53 by what society says what we are not.
15:57 And society doesn't tell us what we are first,
15:59 we talk about what we are not, more than what we are.
16:02 And so what happens is that we build this mindset up,
16:06 that because I don't have all these labeling things,
16:09 within the black community.
16:11 We are the perpetrators a lot of times.
16:14 You know, we that are older, we already label our young men,
16:17 we are not giving them a opportunity to say,
16:19 why you don't have this, or can I help you?
16:22 Yeah, I mean, I think you know,
16:23 for me it was a lot of older guys in the community,
16:27 who would kinda say, you haven't had sex yet,
16:29 you haven't done this yet,
16:31 that or the third, it really wasn't my boys,
16:32 because they were, you know, same age as me, not doing.
16:34 There was really, the older guys
16:36 were kinda pushing that.
16:37 But guys, let's transition a minute,
16:39 let me see something here.
16:40 I mean, if the world is giving us no right example
16:43 of what a man is to be, then where do I get it from?
16:47 If I'm a young guy and I'm searching, help me out.
16:49 I know you guys are all Christians,
16:51 so I'm assuming what you are gonna say, but help me.
16:54 Well, I think one of the examples
16:56 in the Bible for me was the Apostle Paul,
16:59 before he became the Apostle Paul,
17:00 we understand that he was well educated,
17:03 but he had a different perspective about being a man,
17:06 about being in power and authority.
17:08 So he persecuted the Christians,
17:10 and so but on that Damascus road journey,
17:13 he met God in a way that he never met God before...
17:16 Knocked him off his course.
17:17 Knocked him off his course,
17:19 which in during those times I heard,
17:20 one brother said to me one time,
17:22 that was really critical,
17:23 When you got knocked off your beaks,
17:25 and so in being that man, he had to humble himself,
17:29 he had to submit himself to a higher power,
17:31 something that was greater than him.
17:32 You know, I think what the problem is,
17:34 when you really become a man,
17:35 you submit yourself to someone that's higher than you.
17:39 And God is the creator God, so when you submit,
17:41 when Paul submitted to him, his whole life changed.
17:44 He had a total different perspective
17:46 on what he should be doing,
17:48 and then, he came into his purpose.
17:50 He started growing in his purpose as a real man.
17:52 So basically, man, what you are saying is that,
17:54 a man is someone who knows how to humble himself,
17:57 who recognizes that really
17:59 he is not in control of anything,
18:00 and he submits himself to a higher power.
18:02 That's what you are saying? Yes.
18:04 Absolutely, good. Well, Mike?
18:05 Yeah, one of the things
18:07 that I want to clear also with doc was that,
18:09 when you look throughout the entire Bible,
18:11 of all the men in the Bible, all the men had flaws,
18:16 all the men had issues,
18:18 you know, they had all kinds of sins and issues
18:20 they were dealing with, and in those things,
18:23 when you realize your flaws,
18:25 and you realize that there
18:26 is a higher standard to live by,
18:28 then you allow those flaws to change
18:31 and affect change in your life.
18:33 In our society, our men live with their flaws
18:38 but do not change.
18:39 They stay in their flaws,
18:42 and when they stay in their flaws,
18:43 it's very dangerous.
18:45 When you say that you are flawed,
18:46 that you have no education, go out and get the education.
18:50 When you say that you had a baby out of wedlock,
18:53 then do what you need to do to make sure that you,
18:55 the woman, and the baby are taken care of.
18:57 But don't stay there, and just say that,
19:00 I'm gonna stand by my situation and hope that things change.
19:03 What you're saying that, really God is the one
19:06 who can help you out of that situation...
19:07 Out of the situation.
19:08 Because it's your own actions
19:10 that got you in the predicament that you are in.
19:12 Well, most guys you know,
19:13 they really don't want to kneel before God.
19:15 And, guys, I mean, feel me
19:16 on this seriously, seriously man.
19:18 Is like so weak, guys see it rather,
19:20 as weak to be standing in church lifting your hands,
19:24 you know, lovey-dovey with Jesus,
19:27 I mean guys don't get down with that.
19:28 So director McCracken,
19:30 I mean, how do we engage a young man
19:34 to fall in love with God
19:36 when everything about church,
19:38 everything about worship,
19:39 seems for lack of a better word,
19:41 I've heard it before, kinda, you know, sissy and weak.
19:43 How do we engage him?
19:45 He has to, first of all, black male has to realize
19:48 that he is living in an hostile environment.
19:52 That hostile environment has the devil, and it has Christ.
19:58 Once he understands that he is living in a world
20:01 that is not in favor of him, then he has to now say,
20:06 I need a higher power to help me.
20:09 Well, when he realizes the higher power is available,
20:13 then he can look at Jesus and the Bible.
20:15 Jesus was homeless.
20:17 People don't realize that...
20:19 Didn't really have a job.
20:20 Jesus didn't have the kind of clothes
20:22 that we have today or the money.
20:24 He was God, He owned everything.
20:26 So He didn't have to worry about that.
20:28 But His mission was to seek and to save.
20:32 When the male realizes that he is going to be saved,
20:38 he has to seek out Jesus first.
20:40 I can tell you this.
20:42 When I went to college, I ran out of money.
20:46 And I ran out of money to the point,
20:48 where I was homeless...
20:49 Wow. I'm a great pathfinder.
20:51 I took my tent, I took my backpack,
20:54 and I went into the woods, and I was homeless.
20:58 The young men told me,
20:59 Jay, come over to the dorm and take your showers.
21:02 So I'd take my showers, but I'd sleep in the tent,
21:05 and I would go out and colport and sell books.
21:08 Come back in that tent and...
21:10 I was homeless.
21:11 But I realized that Jesus was homeless too.
21:14 So hey, if He was homeless I can be homeless.
21:16 But it still made me a man.
21:19 "Man Up" means I'm still a man, because God made me a man.
21:24 And of course, I'm here 35 years later,
21:26 to tell the young men,
21:28 that even though you are depressed,
21:31 you are in a society that hates you,
21:33 there was a God who lived just like you,
21:36 and He wants to save you.
21:38 So looking onto Jesus, the Bible says,
21:42 the author and the finisher of our faith.
21:46 Look to Him first.
21:48 That's the first thing. Number one.
21:50 Look to Him.
21:51 Now He is going to take your faith to another level,
21:56 and He is gonna finish your life.
21:58 Wow.
21:59 So God will handle our lives for us,
22:02 make us into a man,
22:03 make us successful if we follow Him.
22:06 Follow.
22:07 I really wished that we could get
22:09 more young black men to accept that.
22:13 So one of the things
22:14 I want to piggyback off of doc was that,
22:16 we are all called to a purpose.
22:18 I think the issue within our black community
22:20 is that our men don't know
22:22 the reason why they are alive...
22:24 Wow.
22:25 What is their purpose for living?
22:27 Right.
22:28 And how do they progress towards that purpose.
22:30 In that progression, there is a need for education.
22:34 A need for proper grooming.
22:36 A need for making sure that you are making the right decisions
22:39 to progress towards your purpose.
22:41 When you are not within your purpose,
22:44 then you act differently, you make impulsive decisions.
22:48 You do things that are not conducive
22:50 and positive for the community.
22:53 And so a lot of our black men
22:54 simply just don't know what their purpose is?
22:57 And when they realize that their purpose
23:00 really is God ordained, and divine,
23:03 that God has a purpose for them,
23:06 then what happens is they begin to live their purpose,
23:09 not under their own fruition, not under their own guidance,
23:15 but by the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
23:17 and by the guidance of God in their lives.
23:20 Allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within.
23:22 That's a really humbling thought, man,
23:24 that God has a purpose for each of our lives,
23:28 and we are just not here, you know, breathing in air,
23:31 we are not just existing.
23:33 God allowed us to be born for a purpose.
23:37 If every man in the world had that,
23:38 I believe would have a much better world.
23:40 What do you think? Oh, yes.
23:42 You know, and I also want to say this too.
23:44 You mentioned Jesus, you know Jesus, I mean,
23:47 the epitome of a man who knew what His purpose was.
23:50 Yes, He did.
23:52 I mean following His Father,
23:53 following the direction of the Spirit,
23:55 doing everything,
23:56 and it allowed Him to make all the right choices,
23:59 to stay away from bad people and influences,
24:01 to stay away from relationships.
24:03 Knowing His purpose helped Him a tremendous deal.
24:06 So I want to ask you guys right now,
24:07 you guys are, I would consider
24:09 fairly successful in your careers
24:12 and where you are in life.
24:14 Tell me, just real brief, how did God make you a man.
24:18 I want to start with Jason McCracken.
24:21 How did God make you a man?
24:22 Not your society, not your parents, God.
24:24 I'm gonna give you an illustration.
24:26 Is that okay? Sure.
24:28 When I was in high school,
24:30 I went to a program
24:33 where we can make a vase out of clay.
24:38 So my teacher said, "I want you to go over there
24:40 and pick out a lump of clay."
24:42 So I had to go and dig the clay out.
24:44 I had it in my hand.
24:46 It was just ugly.
24:48 They gave me a wheel,
24:49 the larger wheel at the bottom and a smaller wheel up here.
24:51 So I had to take my feet and kick it.
24:53 She said, "Now what I want you to do
24:55 is throw that lump of clay on top of that wheel
24:58 but make sure you hit the middle."
25:01 So I said, "Okay."
25:02 So boom, I hit it.
25:03 "No" she said, "No, no, no.
25:05 It's wobbling. Take it off."
25:06 So I took a string and pulled it off.
25:09 And I'll start all over again.
25:10 Put water.
25:12 And then I had to rub it
25:13 and I threw it right on the middle.
25:15 I hit the middle and then,
25:17 I had to take my hand, with water
25:20 and tried to make sure it was perfectly in that middle.
25:24 It took a lot of time...
25:26 It was wobbling here and there...
25:28 So finally I was under control.
25:32 Then when it was time to make the vase,
25:35 I dipped my hand in, and bring it up.
25:39 God makes us like that.
25:42 But when it's finished, we pull it off.
25:45 We put in a kiln, that's firing,
25:50 that's taking charge now.
25:52 That's molding that man.
25:56 When he comes out of that kiln,
25:59 he is a man.
26:00 But one other step.
26:02 Puts it back in the kiln, because they have to glaze it.
26:07 That is character.
26:09 When it comes out, it's made.
26:12 So God tests us
26:13 and then He puts us through fire,
26:15 in order to mould us, drape us.
26:16 Makes us.
26:17 After His wheel. Absolutely.
26:19 So real quick just a sentence or two,
26:20 because I got to close the shop in a minute, guys.
26:22 But just tell me real quick, how did God make you a man?
26:24 God made me a man
26:25 because He taught me where to draw life from.
26:27 Sure. I drew it from Him.
26:29 Not from the things I could have in my life,
26:31 not from people,
26:32 the way I drew it from His word.
26:34 Amen.
26:35 That allowed me to become the man I am today.
26:37 Amen. Real quick, Mike.
26:38 For me, God restores.
26:40 Joel 2:25-27.
26:42 Whenever I make my mistakes,
26:44 whatever issues life has thrown at me,
26:46 I thank God that when, what the devil has taken,
26:49 when the locusts have eaten it,
26:51 God says that He will restore that
26:53 which the locusts have eaten.
26:54 All right. Thank you so much.
26:55 God makes us a man.
26:57 That's powerful.
26:59 I got to close the shop, guys, I'll see you next time.
27:01 Thank you.
27:03 The world offers many views, on what manliness is about.
27:07 Physical stature, riches, sexual prowess,
27:10 being strong, or being fearless,
27:13 but Micah 6:8
27:14 seems to indicate three requirements for a true man.
27:17 It says, this is the whole duty of man.
27:20 To do justice, or have integrity.
27:22 To love mercy, to be quick and to forgive,
27:25 and have compassion for others, and to walk humbly with God.
27:29 Or in other words,
27:31 be obedient to the will of God in all areas of life.
27:34 Whatever the world's definition of manhood is,
27:37 it will always fall short of God's ideal.
27:40 Not to mention, that God's standards have eternal value.
27:45 In all areas of your life,
27:47 seek to find whatever God's purpose is for your life.
27:50 And then and only then will you be a true man.
27:54 God wants to make something great out of you,
27:57 don't waste it by not following His plan.


Revised 2018-05-30