Carter Report, The

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR100021

00:01 The following presentation was made by John Carter
00:03 to a crowd of more than 100,000 souls.
00:06 This message is one of a truth filled series
00:09 that was delivered in the power of God's Holy Spirit
00:12 at the Sir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
00:16 One night, as the evangelist spoke about the Holy Spirit,
00:20 a giant white bird flew low over the vast audience
00:24 and the people rejoiced that God had visited His people.
00:28 Crowd surged forward to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.
00:32 A few days later, thousands were baptized
00:35 in the sea at Ela Beach.
00:37 All who attended these Holy Spirit
00:39 anointed meetings were convinced
00:41 that God's word is true
00:43 and His gospel is still the power of God
00:46 for the salvation of all who believed.
00:48 The message you're about to hear and see
00:51 will not leave you the same person.
00:53 Welcome to the Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium,
00:57 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
01:03 Jesus said "Do not let your hearts be troubled."
01:10 By nature we worry, we fret, we get depressed,
01:16 we get cast down.
01:18 We are afraid of that which is high
01:20 and that which is low.
01:23 But Jesus said "Do not let your hearts be troubled.
01:28 Trust in God, trust also in me.
01:33 In my Father's house--" that's paradise,
01:37 "are many rooms, if it were not so,
01:41 I would have told you.
01:42 I am going there to prepare a place for you.
01:49 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
01:53 I will come back
01:57 and take you to be with me
01:59 that you also may be where I am."
02:05 Going to come over here to the blackboard.
02:08 I want us to get a camera, come with me over here,
02:11 because I am going to come over here to the blackboard
02:14 and I am going to write up something
02:16 which is good because it's true.
02:18 Jesus said "I" Hey, you got a camera here,
02:25 I am going, oh, I'll put a few dots there.
02:30 I am going to prepare.
02:35 We got 40 feet of blackboard but it's not enough,
02:37 so I've got to make this little, little smaller,
02:41 I've got to abbreviate.
02:42 I go to prepare a place.
02:50 He said, "I am going there to prepare a place for you."
02:57 He said, I am going there to prepare a place
03:00 for my beloved children in PNG
03:04 and in Los Angeles and in New York City
03:08 and right across Australia and around the world,
03:12 I am going home to glory
03:14 to prepare a place for My children.
03:19 And then He said.
03:20 Going to do a little more writing now,
03:22 I like it over here, what a beautiful breeze.
03:26 I am going there to prepare a place for you
03:28 and then Jesus said "I will--"
03:33 Oh, look at this,
03:35 I will come-not very neat,
03:40 isn't, but it's okay.
03:42 I will come back and I am going to take you to be
03:47 with me in paradise, look over here,
03:50 I am going to prepare a place for you
03:57 and then Jesus said, I will come back
04:02 and I am going to take you to a place so glorious
04:06 and so wonderful, it is beyond description.
04:13 I wonder tonight, now I am going to change mode.
04:17 I've been in preaching mode,
04:18 but I am just gonna change gear here,
04:20 watch me as I change gear.
04:23 Change gear, did you see that?
04:26 I've been in preaching mode you see,
04:28 but now what I am going to do,
04:29 I'm just gonna go into teaching mode.
04:34 When I'm in teaching mode, I'm a little more subdue,
04:38 but maybe I'll jump out a gear.
04:40 I wonder what sort of place
04:44 Jesus is preparing for His people.
04:50 Paul the evangelist says in the Bible
04:53 that "God will finish His work
04:54 and cut it short in righteousness."
04:57 The Prophet Joel says,
04:58 "God will pour out His spirit in the last days,
05:01 and signs and wonders will follow."
05:03 The Carter Report believes that we are now in the end times
05:07 and His spirit is moving mightily.
05:10 During the Port Moresby campaign,
05:12 we testified that we saw the power of God revealed.
05:16 More than one hunderd thousand God hungry souls
05:18 could not get enough of the word of the Lord
05:21 as at creation the Spirit of God
05:24 moved upon the face of the waters
05:26 and God brought cosmos out of chaos.
05:30 Souls were recreated in the image of the creator.
05:33 Instead of hate, there was love.
05:36 Instead of despair, there was hope.
05:38 Instead of sorrow, there was joy.
05:40 And in the place of death, God gave life.
05:44 One night, as John Carter preached
05:46 on the person and work of the Holy Spirit
05:48 the image of a white bird was flashed on the screens.
05:51 That moment a great white bird flew low
05:55 over the astonished congregation.
05:57 Cries of joy filled the air as the audience recognized
06:00 that God had visited His people.
06:03 A mighty surge of Pentecostal power
06:05 swept the audience of 120,000 souls
06:09 and everyone present felt the warm
06:11 comforting presence of God.
06:14 The Carter Report team invites you, my dear viewer,
06:17 to be a partner in this work.
06:19 Soldiers of the cross are wanted.
06:22 Faith partners are needed.
06:24 Write to us now here at the Carter Report,
06:27 PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358
06:32 or in Australia, at PO Box 861,
06:37 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
06:40 You may also contact us online at
06:44 or email us at
06:52 and 16,
06:58 It tells us the sort of place
07:01 that Jesus is preparing for His people.
07:08 "For he was looking forward to the city with foundations".
07:12 This is talking about Abraham,
07:15 "Whose architect and builder is God."
07:20 He's looking forward towards city,
07:23 that's going to be built by God.
07:26 "Instead, they were longing for a better country--"
07:32 Heaven is called a country.
07:37 "A heavenly one.
07:38 Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God,
07:43 for He has prepared--" what does it say, say it.
07:49 He's prepared what? "He's prepared a city for them."
07:56 How amazing.
07:59 You wouldn't believe this, our lesson weren't inspired,
08:03 you wouldn't believe this
08:04 unless it was a part of the word of God.
08:08 Jesus said "I am going to go and prepare a place.
08:13 And then the Bible tells us,
08:15 He is preparing for His people, glory, Hallelujah.
08:21 He is preparing a city.
08:26 I wonder, what is that city like?
08:30 We're told in scripture Revelation 21:15-18,
08:37 Revelation 21,
08:39 actually describes the city of God.
08:46 "The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold
08:50 to measure the city, its gates and its walls.
08:56 The city was laid out like a square,
08:59 as long as it was wide."
09:02 He measured the city with the rod
09:04 and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length."
09:11 That's I believe 1,500 miles
09:18 or about 2,500 kilometers.
09:22 "And as wide and high as it is long."
09:27 This is almost incomprehensible.
09:31 "He measured its wall and it was 144 cubits thick,
09:37 by man's measurement, which the angel was using.
09:43 The wall--" Now listen to this and try to imagine this.
09:47 "The wall was made of jasper,
09:51 and the city
09:56 of pure gold,
10:01 as pure as glass."
10:08 This filled my mind
10:13 with an expectation of glory.
10:20 A city that is made of gold
10:25 and a city that is vast bigger
10:28 than all the cities in the world.
10:34 Now people ask me,
10:36 are we to take all of this literally?
10:41 Let me tell you something
10:42 as I get back into teaching mode.
10:47 God is telling us that this city is greater
10:52 and grander than we can imagine.
10:58 It is a vast, vast city.
11:02 And you know why God tells me,
11:04 it is such a vast, vast city.
11:07 You know why?
11:10 Because there is room for every one of us to go there,
11:15 if we want to go there.
11:20 You see, some person may say,
11:22 you know, I am not a great consequence,
11:25 and so may be God doesn't have a place for me in glory,
11:30 My friend, He is making heaven so wonderful,
11:33 He is making the city so magnificent,
11:37 so grand and so big,
11:42 that there is room for every person.
11:46 There is room for you and there is room for me.
11:52 Now there is something which is quite extraordinary
11:56 and quite astounding
11:59 and this is revealed by the prophet
12:01 in Revelation 21:10 and then 2.
12:08 And we're going to put that text up on the screen.
12:11 And may I say to all the people who were baptized today,
12:15 we have a new Bible for you
12:17 and you are going to get it next Saturday, a new Bible.
12:21 But look, look here now at the screen.
12:24 "And he carried me away in the Spirit
12:27 to a mountain great and high,
12:30 and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem,
12:35 coming down out of heaven from God."
12:39 It's going to come down from paradise.
12:43 It's going to come down past the cheering galaxies
12:48 and all the angels are going to cheer
12:51 and they are going to shout hallelujah, hallelujah,
12:55 the city of God is coming down to Earth. Look.
13:02 "I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem
13:05 coming down out of heaven from God,
13:08 prepared as a bride
13:11 beautifully dressed for her husband."
13:16 Then I think about this,
13:21 and my mind just can't take it all in.
13:27 Look at the screen, the vastness of the universe.
13:35 Here is this little speck of cosmic dust,
13:38 but this little speck of cosmic dust
13:42 is worth more than the universe put together
13:46 because on this planet God came down
13:50 and Christ died for our sins on the cross
13:56 and therefore it is this place that is going to see
14:01 the coming of the Holy City
14:04 as it comes down past the cheering galaxies
14:09 and is going to come down and rest on this planet.
14:14 Listen, when that happens my friend,
14:17 it is going to come down from the third heaven.
14:20 It's going to come from a part or way out beyond our universe.
14:26 It's going to come passed our cheering galaxies.
14:30 It is going to come down and land on planet Earth
14:33 where Jesus died and when that happens at last
14:39 we shall have heaven on Earth.
14:45 God is going to make a new Earth.
14:50 Did you hear this?
14:52 God is going to make a new world, a new Earth
14:58 and this is going to be the home of God's people, hallelujah.
15:05 We are going to look at a text here,
15:07 Mathew 5:5 and our blessed Lord is talking,
15:13 so listen, "Blessed are the meek."
15:17 He didn't say, "Blessed are the weak."
15:20 Jesus here is describing His children
15:24 and He calls them the meek, but they are not the weak.
15:27 He says "Blessed are the meek,
15:30 for they shall inherit the earth."
15:33 Not this earth with all its sin and crime,
15:37 but a new world that is perfect.
15:44 And there's room for you.
15:49 God's people are going to live
15:52 not on some rosy-tinted cloud,
15:57 but God's people are going to inherit a new
16:02 and a perfect and a wonderful world
16:06 and Jesus is coming back soon
16:09 and heaven soon is going to be a glorious reality,
16:14 this is the word of the Lord.
16:18 Now I want you to look at Revelation 21:1.
16:23 Look at the text, Revelation 21:1,
16:28 "Then I saw a new heaven
16:32 and a new Earth for the first heaven"
16:36 filled with its smog and bacteria and filth.
16:41 "For the first heaven and the first earth
16:43 had passed away." This whole world is going to go.
16:50 Don't love it too much my friend,
16:53 don't love that beautiful house you have got too much,
16:57 because it's going to go when Jesus comes
16:59 and the Bible says "Then I saw a new heaven
17:03 and a new earth for the first heaven
17:07 and the first earth had passed away,
17:09 and there was no longer any sea."
17:11 And so we are going to have a new Earth
17:14 and if you turn now in the Bible
17:16 to 2 Peter 3:10 and 13
17:21 and we are going to take it off the screen
17:24 and we got here tonight a vast, vast audience.
17:29 When the lights were on,
17:31 the audience goes as far as the eye can see
17:36 and they have come because the white dove
17:39 of the Spirit of God is here tonight.
17:43 So look at this text.
17:46 "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief--"
17:49 Unexpected, a thief doesn't tell you when he is coming.
17:54 "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.
17:58 The heavens will disappear with a roar.
18:04 The elements will be destroyed by fire
18:07 and the Earth and everything in it will be laid bare.
18:14 But in keeping with his promise
18:16 we are looking forward to a new heaven
18:20 and a new earth, the home of righteousness."
18:27 Listen, this whole world
18:32 is doomed to destruction.
18:36 When Jesus comes back,
18:39 there's going to be a mighty earthquake.
18:42 We talked about it last night
18:44 when I spoke about the millennium.
18:47 But the Bible tells me that the day is going to come
18:52 when God is going to get rid of sin
18:56 and Satan and sinners
19:00 who are in rebellion
19:02 against His holy name and law,
19:06 God is just, and justice cannot sleep forever.
19:12 The judgment day is coming and you better believe it,
19:15 because it is the word of God.
19:20 But the Bible tells me, look at the screen.
19:24 God will make a new Earth for His people.
19:32 God has prepared a home for you
19:37 in this beautiful new Earth.
19:41 Why is it so hard to get people to become citizens of the Earth
19:49 when it's made new, why is it so hard?
19:52 You would think people would run down the front
19:56 and say I wanted to be baptized, do it now.
20:00 I want to come to Christ now.
20:07 God wants you to be the citizen of a new world.
20:12 What will it be like when heaven on Earth becomes a reality?
20:18 What will it be like?
20:21 The Bible tells us that we will be real people,
20:25 we will not be spirits.
20:27 We will be real people with real bodies.
20:32 I can sense the Holy Spirit is here tonight.
20:37 We are going to turn to Philippians 3.
20:41 We are going notice verse 20 and 21, Philippians 3.
20:47 The Bible says, Philippians 3:20 and 21,
20:54 "But our citizenship is in heaven."
20:58 Well, it's great to be a citizen of PNG.
21:01 It's great to be citizen of Australia or America,
21:05 but I want to tell you there is a better country, that's heaven.
21:10 And the Bible tells us "our citizenship is in heaven.
21:16 And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
21:20 the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power
21:24 that enables him to bring everything under his control,
21:29 will transform our lowly bodies
21:34 so that they will be like his glorious body."
21:38 I am not going to be
21:41 a disembodied spirit the Bible says,
21:46 I am going to have a body like Jesus had.
21:53 I wonder, what sort of body did Jesus had?
21:59 You know, after the resurrection,
22:04 our Lord Jesus appeared to the disciples,
22:10 my great team have got it already for me,
22:12 I just turn around,
22:14 by the time I come back its right there.
22:17 What a super team.
22:19 Here we got it Luke 24,
22:21 "While they were still talking about this,
22:24 Jesus himself stood among them
22:27 and said to them, 'Peace be with you.'"
22:30 That's what He says to you tonight.
22:32 Peace be with you.
22:35 "They were startled and frightened,
22:38 thinking they saw a ghost.
22:42 He said to them, 'Why are you troubled,
22:45 and why do doubts rise in your minds?
22:49 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself.
22:55 Touch me and see,
22:57 a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see I have."
23:04 He was not a ghost, he was not a spirit,
23:07 he was a man with flesh and bones.
23:12 "When he had said this,
23:14 he showed them his hands and feet.
23:19 And while they still did not believe it
23:23 because of joy and amazement, he asked them,
23:27 'Do you have anything here to eat?'
23:31 They gave him a piece of broiled fish,
23:36 and he took it and ate it in their presence."
23:43 Listen, Jesus had a real body,
23:49 He could eat and He could drink.
23:54 He was not a spirit, He was a real person.
23:59 And the Bible tells me when I am resurrected or translated,
24:06 I will not be a spirit,
24:09 but I will have the same sort of body that Jesus had.
24:15 And when I go to paradise and when I go to heaven,
24:20 I am going to be a real, real person.
24:28 The good news is this,
24:31 that God's people will never get sick,
24:34 tired, depressed, anxious, lonely or die.
24:44 We've told this in Revelation 21:4-5,
24:49 think of it, never get sick, never get old,
24:55 never get arthritis, never get cancer,
25:00 never get lonely, never die.
25:04 "He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
25:09 There will be no more death or mourning or crime or pain,
25:17 for the old order of things has passed away.'
25:22 He who is seated on the throne said,
25:25 'I am making everything new!'
25:30 Then he said, 'Write this down,
25:33 for these words are trustworthy and true.'"
25:38 Look at me, God's people in this wonderful new world
25:46 will never be lonely again, never depressed,
25:53 never poor, everybody is going to be wealthy.
25:57 They will never get sick,
26:00 they will never have heart disease,
26:05 they will never have a heartache,
26:07 they will never have cancer, they won't get old,
26:11 they will have eternal youth.
26:20 Would you not like to go to heaven my friend?
26:24 Oh, the glory of that place.
26:29 Jesus died so that you and I might live
26:36 in this wonderful new world with Christ Himself.
26:42 Sometimes when I speak about this in America
26:46 or Australia or some other country,
26:49 people who are cynics by nature
26:51 may say that so much pie in the sky
26:55 and the sweet pie in by, we want our pie now.
27:02 But I remind them that for thousands of years
27:06 mankind has been trying to get his pie now,
27:11 but if you stand watching the dearest on Earth,
27:14 lowered into the open grave, I ask you the question.
27:19 Where now is your heaven on Earth?
27:25 There is no heaven on Earth until Jesus returns.
27:32 Does away with Satan and sin
27:35 and makes a beautiful new world.
27:40 Yes, in that better world we will be real people
27:47 and we will do real things.
27:50 I read about this in Isaiah 65:21-22, 17.
28:00 I am going to read it to you.
28:04 I want you to use your imagination
28:09 and think tonight you're in heaven.
28:13 "They will build houses and dwell in them." Real people.
28:23 "They will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
28:28 No longer will they build houses and others live inthem"
28:33 that happens when you build a house and you die.
28:37 "or plant and others eat.
28:40 For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people
28:47 my chosen ones will long enjoy the works of their hands."
28:54 "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth.
29:01 The former things will not be remembered,
29:04 nor will they come to mind."
29:07 And people have said to me,
29:10 what say if I get to heaven and a loved one is not there.
29:18 A husband says, what say if I get to this glorious place
29:22 and my wife is not there.
29:24 A mother says, what say if I get to this place
29:28 and all God forbid, my children have turned away from God
29:32 and they are not there.
29:34 How could I enjoy heaven?
29:38 The Bible says, the former things
29:42 shall not be remembered.
29:45 God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
29:49 the tears will come.
29:51 When a person gets there, he will look for his loved one
29:54 and oh, if the loved one isn't there
29:57 hot, salty tears will come,
30:01 but Jesus Himself with a nails scarred hand
30:05 will wipe away the tears from their eyes.
30:11 Then he will take away the memory
30:18 and they will remember it no more.
30:24 I am going to tell you a little story.
30:28 When I talk about this sometimes
30:31 people who are little cynical say, it's too good to be true,
30:35 because they do not understand that God is so great
30:39 and because I haven't seen the glory of another world,
30:44 they say it could not be true,
30:46 it could not be true, I cannot believe it.
30:52 Many years ago some Christians
30:55 in the back blocks of Abyssinia in Africa,
31:02 sends some delegates to a general conference in America.
31:07 Now these people were not like you
31:09 and they weren't like me,
31:10 they had never seen big buildings
31:13 or anything like this.
31:15 They came from the back blocks of one of the most
31:18 primitive civilizations at that time in the world.
31:23 They went to America and they saw the skyscrapers
31:27 and they saw the elevators, all the lifts,
31:30 they saw the marvels and the wonders
31:34 and they were dazed and amazed.
31:40 And when they got back to the back blocks of Abyssinia
31:43 in their little village, their church got together
31:47 on a Saturday night and they said
31:49 we want to hear your stories
31:51 because we know you must have
31:53 some wonderful stories to tell us.
31:58 Well, one delegate got up and he said,
32:00 the Americans are funny people, they are not like us,
32:05 they don't build one hut by itself,
32:09 but they one hut up against a hut,
32:12 up against another hut, up against another hut,
32:16 the rooms of a house.
32:19 Oh, one of the elders the church elders got up
32:21 and he said, that can't be so
32:23 because if one hut caught in fire,
32:27 all the other huts would catch in fire,
32:29 we can't believe that.
32:31 Well, another delegate who had been to America
32:34 got up and he said, well not only
32:36 do the Americans put one hut up against a hut,
32:40 up against another hut and so forth
32:43 but they put one hut on top of a hut
32:46 goes up high in the sky.
32:50 Another church elder got up and he said with a frown,
32:54 this cannot be true
32:57 because how would you get from the bottom hut to the top hut.
33:04 Well, another delegate got up and he said,
33:08 well, over there in America they've got a little hut
33:13 that runs up and down and takes you there.
33:19 Now this is true.
33:22 Those church people who had never seen anything
33:26 past enact that night, they passed a resolution
33:31 that in future when they send delegates
33:34 to the General Conference in America,
33:36 they would choose men and women who didn't tell lies.
33:47 What did they know?
33:50 They hadn't seen it, therefore they couldn't believe it.
33:58 I want you to know something tonight.
34:00 The great God who made the stars
34:03 can do a few things that you and I cannot understand.
34:09 And the great God who made the stars
34:12 and the God who made the universe
34:14 has told us He is going to do these things
34:18 and it is going to be better, and bigger, and more magnificent
34:25 than the human mind can comprehend or realize.
34:29 This is the word of the Lord.
34:36 Listen to me.
34:41 Now I come to the best part of it.
34:45 Look over here.
34:48 Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you.
34:54 He is preparing the place now for us in paradise.
35:00 You've got a mansion there my brother, my sister
35:04 and you've got your name on it.
35:06 Don't disappoint Him by not turning up.
35:12 I go to prepare a place for you
35:15 and then He said, "I will come again."
35:22 The best part is this, that Jesus my Lord wants us there.
35:31 He said it, John 3:16 "For God so loved the world
35:36 that he gave his only Son,
35:40 so that whoever believes in him shall not perish"
35:43 if we don't believe in Him, we will perish.
35:46 But God so loved the world that he gave his only Son
35:50 so that whoever believes in him
35:53 shall not perish but shall have everlasting life,
35:58 shall go to heaven and will live for a billion,
36:01 billion years will never, never die, this is the truth.
36:05 Jesus died for me, Jesus died for you.
36:10 Jesus made an atonement with His own blood on the cross.
36:14 I beseech you tonight,
36:16 believe in the Christ who died for you.
36:22 He wants you there.
36:26 Then in John 17:24, He talks about heaven.
36:34 John 17:24, look at the text.
36:40 "Father, I want those you have given me to be with me
36:45 where I am, and to see my glory,
36:48 the glory you have given me because you loved
36:52 me before the creation of the world."
36:55 And before the world was made He had you on his mind.
37:03 Before the world was made, before the universe was made,
37:07 billions of years ago the universe was made
37:11 and before the universe was made He thought of you.
37:20 You think of this.
37:22 You in PNG, in this stadium tonight
37:26 before He made the world he saw you,
37:31 He thought about you, He loved you.
37:37 He said to His Father, "Father, I want these people
37:41 you have given to Me to be with Me in glory.
37:46 I want them to be there because I died for them.
37:50 Can't you see it? He loves you.
37:59 There's another text we should look at tonight,
38:06 so that none of us will dare to presume on the grace of God.
38:11 That text is Revelation 22:12-17
38:16 so that none of us presume on the grace of God,
38:20 so none of us will continue to live lawless and godless lives.
38:27 Look at this text, He wants me there,
38:30 but now notice this text.
38:33 "Behold, I am coming soon.
38:36 My reward is with me,
38:38 and I will give to everyone according to what he has done,
38:41 I am the Alpha and the Omega,
38:44 the First and the Last,
38:46 the Beginning and the End.
38:48 Blessed are those who wash their robes,
38:51 that they may have the right to the tree of life
38:53 and may go through the gates into the city.
38:58 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts"
39:07 who believe in the demons and worship the demons,
39:11 the people who are tied up with the occult,
39:14 they are outside the city.
39:16 "The sexually immoral" the adulterer or the fornicator,
39:21 the sexual pervert outside the city.
39:25 "The murderers, the idolaters
39:28 and everyone who loves
39:30 and practices falsehood," the liar.
39:38 These words are written as a warning to us,
39:41 so that none of us will presume on the grace of God.
39:44 We do not teach in these meetings
39:47 a gospel of cheap grace.
39:49 We teach the gospel that saves us from sin.
39:54 "I, Jesus, have sent my angel
39:58 to give you this testimony for the churches.
40:01 I am the Root and the Offspring of David,
40:04 and the bright Morning Star.'
40:06 The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!'
40:11 and let him who hears say, 'Come!'
40:15 Whoever is thirsty, let him come,
40:18 and whoever wishes,
40:20 let him take the free gift of the water of life."
40:24 My friend you cannot earn it, you cannot buy it,
40:28 you cannot work for it, you cannot atone for it.
40:32 It is the gift of God.
40:34 It is free tonight if you will come
40:37 and if you'll take the gift.
40:42 And as you take the gift you take paradise.
40:51 Listen to me, last time
40:55 perhaps I will ever see your faces again.
41:00 The last time I will ever see you faces.
41:02 Who knows if I shall ever see you again?
41:08 There may be somebody here tonight who says,
41:12 I am too weak, I can't be a Christian,
41:19 I am too weak, you don't know me.
41:23 It's all right for you.
41:26 But you don't understand the burden I bear,
41:29 you don't understand the struggles I go through.
41:36 I am going to tell you a story about the Battle of Gettysburg.
41:41 There were two opposing generals both good men,
41:45 General Meade versus General Lee.
41:50 This was during the time of the American Civil War
41:55 and the issue was slavery
41:58 and Abraham Lincoln said slavery is an abomination
42:02 in the name of God when he said,
42:06 then he said, when I think how people can keep slaves.
42:10 He said I fear for those people because God is just
42:15 and justice cannot sleep forever.
42:18 He said, we must let the slaves go free,
42:23 said Abraham Lincoln that man of God,
42:25 the president of the United States of America.
42:29 But the south said, "No,
42:31 we are going to retain our slaves"
42:35 and America split in two,
42:39 hundreds of thousands of young men died
42:43 to do away with slavery, glory be to God.
42:52 Well, the Battle of Gettysburg
42:54 was probably the climax of the American civil war.
42:57 Brother was fighting brother,
43:00 the north against the south.
43:05 Thousands of tens of thousands
43:07 of young men were dying everyday.
43:13 Then there came the third day,
43:16 it's called Pickett's Charge because it was then
43:22 that the south made their bid of victory.
43:27 The cream of the south came out
43:30 and under the flag of the confederacy
43:33 they marched up cemetery hill,
43:38 they marched up every man, a big man,
43:41 every man, a strong man, every man, a brave man,
43:48 fighting for something that was wrong.
43:53 On the third day, 12,000 southerners,
44:00 Pickett's Charge.
44:03 And as they came up cemetery hill,
44:07 the North let them come
44:10 up the top where the soldiers of the union
44:16 holding up all glory the stars and the stripes.
44:23 And as those men from the South marched up the hill,
44:29 the North let them come closer and closer
44:33 and then they opened fire
44:39 and the ground was stained with the blood
44:43 of thousands of young men.
44:52 At that point, the South was broken.
44:58 President Lincoln sent a message to his General.
45:04 He said, pursue the enemy, break his power.
45:12 Now is your opportunity to end the war and stop the bloodshed.
45:19 Then he said three words in the telegram,
45:22 pursue, pursue, pursue.
45:33 But the union soldiers couldn't, they were totally exhausted.
45:41 And that night the moon looked down from a heavens
45:46 upon a scene of unparallel slaughter,
45:52 tens of thousands of corpses,
45:56 thousands and thousands of horses with their legs broken
46:04 and thousands, tens of thousands of young men
46:08 still alive with their legs blown off
46:12 or their arms blown off,
46:15 moaning and crying, no nurses,
46:20 crying and crying oh, God,
46:25 both sides mixed together the North and the South.
46:33 And then something amazing happened,
46:36 an old Quaker farmer was seen
46:39 going across the field of Gettysburg.
46:43 I've been to Gettysburg, I've stood there
46:47 and I've thought of that terrible, terrible day,
46:50 but I thought also the old Quaker farmer.
46:54 The old Quaker farmer was looking for his boy
46:59 and as he would go along,
47:01 he would lift up the lantern and he'd shined the lantern
47:04 and he cry out John Hartman,
47:10 thy father seeketh thee.
47:15 But he couldn't find his boy,
47:19 but then the other soldiers took up the cry,
47:21 John Hartman, where are you John?
47:24 Where are you John?
47:27 Your father is seeking you John
47:29 and one poor soldier cried out,
47:31 would took off that where my father seeking me.
47:38 So the old father kept going
47:40 across the bloody field of Gettysburg,
47:44 lifting up the lantern and crying out John Hartman,
47:50 thy father seeketh thee, where are thou John?
47:57 And then after a time of fruitless search
48:00 and the cries of the other soldiers
48:03 John Hartman your daddy is here,
48:06 John Hartman your daddy is here.
48:11 A poor wounded soldier pulled himself up on an elbow
48:21 and he cried out father, father, father, I am here.
48:31 And the old Quaker farmer with his white long locks
48:37 went over and put down the lantern
48:44 and lifted up his boy and carried him home.
48:54 Tonight, across the bloody field of human conflict,
49:02 there comes a light.
49:09 And when you look at the hand that holds that lantern,
49:13 you'll find it's unlike any other hand.
49:18 It's a hand of a man who has been crucified
49:26 and he cries out John Hartman,
49:32 thy father seeketh thee,
49:35 Mary, Tom, Bill, Moses.
49:45 Whatever your name put it there tonight.
49:50 Your father is seeking you.
49:55 He is been seeking you for so long,
49:59 some of you have been running away from him.
50:05 He is seeking you tonight
50:10 and I want you to know tonight
50:13 if you'll simply just look up to Him and say, hear Father.
50:22 He will stop, He will stoop down.
50:30 He will lift you up in those strong, strong arms
50:41 and He will carry you home to glory.
50:44 I have a message for you tonight.
50:48 Your Father is seeking you tonight over there.
50:52 He is seeking you down here tonight,
50:55 people way up the back, He is in this meeting tonight.
51:01 How many tonight will raise a hand
51:04 and say, "Oh, my Father, here I am,
51:11 lift me up, I am too weak,
51:16 I am a wounded soldier tonight Lord.
51:20 So I am asking you tonight Lord to do that which I cannot do.
51:26 Lift me up precious Lord and carry me home.
51:33 Can you raise your hand tonight if that is your prayer?
51:39 Lift me up precious Lord, carry me home.
51:46 Let us close our eyes.
51:49 Let us bow our heads in the presence of God.
51:58 Oh, our Father, we thank You tonight that You are seeking us.
52:05 We thank You tonight that You come across
52:08 the battlefield stained with the blood of billions.
52:14 And you carry the lamp of truth
52:18 and you cry out, my boy, my girl.
52:24 I am seeking you as we are praying here tonight
52:30 and this is the last time how I shall miss You.
52:37 I would like tonight those who are baptized
52:40 to come down in the front now.
52:42 I want to have my final prayer with you.
52:45 So can you all come those of you who were baptized.
52:52 And I want those
52:53 who would like to be baptized to join them.
52:58 This is our last opportunity, at least in these meetings.
53:05 So those who are baptized this morning in the ocean.
53:10 What a fine group you are, thousands baptized this morning.
53:15 But those who would like to be baptized
53:17 at some time in the future I want you to come with them
53:24 and may be tonight if you don't know Jesus as your Savior,
53:31 I am going to invite you to come also.
53:35 Oh, so many people tonight it's a vast, vast crowd.
53:40 I think these are the biggest crowds
53:42 in the history of the nation.
53:45 So many coming over here, there's still room for you,
53:49 those who are coming to Christ
53:51 for the first time, come tonight.
53:54 Those who were baptized this morning come,
53:57 those who would like to be baptized you keep coming
54:02 andthe rest are going to wait.
54:04 We never had an altar call quite like this one.
54:09 This is an amazing response,
54:13 because the Spirit of the Lord is here.
54:15 Can I see the hands of those here
54:18 who saw the white dove?
54:21 Goodness, you all saw the white dove,
54:24 put up your hands high.
54:26 Now I want to say this for television.
54:29 I want the television camera to hear this.
54:32 A white dove, a huge bird,
54:35 a huge white dove has come into this place twice
54:39 when we've been talking about the Holy Spirit.
54:42 When the dove came first a few people saw it
54:45 but some people said, "No, it couldn't be true."
54:48 But tonight you all saw the white dove.
54:52 What about out in the audience?
54:53 Raise your hand if yousaw the white dove.
54:56 You saw the white dove tonight, it's amazing. Yes.
55:01 You know what this is my friend?
55:03 It is a sign from the Holy Spirit.
55:08 It is a sign for the people of PNG from the Holy Spirit
55:12 that you and I are to follow the word of God
55:14 and to follow Jesus
55:16 and to be baptized and to keep his holy truth.
55:20 I believe in a God of miracles, what about you?
55:25 Don't you believe in miracles?
55:27 Yes, I believe in a God who works miracles.
55:32 Now people are coming still from over there.
55:35 And they are coming from over the hill,
55:37 I think from the other projector.
55:39 This is absolutely incredible and amazing.
55:44 They are pouring down everywhere so keep coming
55:47 because we don't want to miss a single soul tonight.
55:52 There's room at the cross for you tonight.
55:58 We're gonna meet in God's kingdom.
56:02 Now we are going to wait for those people to come
56:03 because we have thousands and thousands
56:07 of people coming forward tonight
56:09 and they are standing out here,
56:11 they are trying to come down in the isles.
56:13 And this is the power of the Holy Spirit
56:16 who is here tonight.
56:18 I can sense the presence of the Spirit of God,
56:21 He is bearing witness to His word,
56:24 and we say thank you God, thank you Jesus.
56:31 The Spirit of God today is moving.
56:33 He is moving wherever human hearts sense their need.
56:36 He's moving whenever and wherever souls reach out to Him.
56:40 He is moving because these are not ordinary times.
56:44 He is moving through
56:45 the proclamation of His living word.
56:48 During the Port Moresby meetings,
56:50 the Spirit of God was powerfully present.
56:53 One evening as Pastor John Carter
56:54 spoke about the Holy Spirit and his work to redeem souls,
56:58 a huge white bird flew low over the audience.
57:01 The congregation of more than 100,000 witnessed the sight
57:05 and believed that God had sent them a sign.
57:08 Tens of thousands poured forward
57:11 to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.
57:13 God today is calling you as you view this program
57:17 to come to Him in faith.
57:18 The work of the Holy Spirit
57:20 is not restricted to any one place on earth.
57:22 Wherever you are, He is there. God loves you.
57:26 He has a plan for you and a glorious future.
57:32 Thank you for joining us today.
57:34 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter
57:36 and to receive our monthly newsletter,
57:39 write to us here at the Carter Report,
57:41 PO Box 1900 Thousand Oaks, CA, 91358.
57:47 Or in Australia at PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW, 2260.


Revised 2014-12-17