Carter Report, The

The Next 1,000 Years in Bible Prophecy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR100020

00:01 Welcome to The Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium
00:03 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
00:06 More than 100,000 souls are in attendance
00:09 and John Carter is preaching the word of God.
00:12 The great congregation sits motionless.
00:14 They are spellbound,
00:15 not by the oratory of the speaker
00:17 but by the Spirit of God as He bares witness to His word.
00:21 An atmosphere of divine solemnity
00:24 mingled with a holy joy pervades the stadium
00:27 and spills out to the thousands gathered outside.
00:31 Night by night, in weather fair and foul,
00:34 the old warrior preaches on.
00:36 Tens of thousands come to Christ.
00:39 Thousands are baptized in the sea at Ela beach
00:42 and still more press forward to publicly confess Christ.
00:46 Now this is your opportunity
00:48 to be a part of what many have called a new Pentecost.
00:52 Welcome to the Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium
00:56 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
01:02 Okay we're going to have a prayer together.
01:05 I want you to bow your heads.
01:07 I want you to close your eyes
01:09 and we're going to talk to our Father in heaven.
01:12 Our Father in heaven,
01:14 we thank You for all the blessings.
01:17 We thank You for the rain that has come down.
01:20 The earth needs the rain, so it can be refreshed.
01:24 But I want to thank You tonight Lord
01:27 that the rain of the Holy Spirit
01:30 is going to come into this meeting tonight.
01:34 I want to thank You tonight that Jesus is here
01:37 and we as a great congregation of a vast, vast audience.
01:43 We're going to say you right now,''
01:45 welcome Holy Spirit.'' You are welcome in this place.
01:50 We want you to come Holy Spirit.
01:53 We want you to bless us tonight.
01:55 We want to know that you're here.
01:57 We want you to speak to our hearts
02:00 and we want you to lead us home to the kingdom of God.
02:03 I want to thank You tonight.
02:05 Dear Lord for this amazing audience,
02:09 even though it's been raining so very heavily,
02:13 not a person has got up and run away
02:16 because these people are the soldiers
02:20 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
02:23 And so God tonight bless them, reward them
02:27 and at last save them in the kingdom of God,
02:30 we beseech you for Jesus sake. Amen.
02:37 Paul the evangelist says in the Bible
02:40 that "God will finish His work
02:41 and cut it short in righteousness."
02:44 The Prophet Joel says,
02:45 "God will pour out His spirit in the last days,
02:47 and signs and wonders will follow."
02:49 The Carter Report believes that we are now in the end times
02:54 and His spirit is moving mightily.
02:56 During the Port Moresby campaign,
02:58 we testified that we saw the power of God revealed.
03:02 More than one hundred thousand God hungry souls
03:05 could not get enough of the word of the Lord
03:08 as at creation the Spirit of God
03:10 moved upon the face of the waters
03:13 and God brought cosmos out of chaos.
03:16 Souls were recreated in the image of the creator.
03:20 Instead of hate, there was love.
03:22 Instead of despair, there was hope.
03:24 Instead of sorrow, there was joy.
03:27 And in the place of death, God gave life.
03:30 One night, as John Carter preached
03:32 on the person and work of the Holy Spirit
03:34 the image of a white bird was flashed on the screens.
03:38 That moment a great white bird flew low
03:41 over the astonished congregation.
03:43 Cries of joy filled the air as the audience recognized
03:47 that God had visited His people.
03:49 A mighty surge of Pentecostal power
03:52 swept the audience of 120,000 souls
03:55 and everyone present felt the warm
03:58 comforting presence of God.
04:00 The Carter Report team invites you, my dear viewer,
04:03 to be a partner in this work.
04:06 Soldiers of the cross are wanted.
04:08 Faith partners are needed.
04:11 Write to us now here at the Carter Report,
04:13 PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358
04:19 or in Australia, at PO Box 861,
04:23 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
04:27 You may also contact us online at
04:31 or email us at
04:38 The topic tonight, there it is on the screen,
04:43 ''The Next 1,000 years in Bible Prophecy.''
04:49 The devil and his wife on vacation.
04:55 Did you know that devil has a wife?
04:59 You didn't know that, well come on talk to me
05:00 about it a little bit.
05:02 I am telling you tonight
05:03 even though it's sort of trying to rain here
05:06 and even though it has been raining,
05:07 just look here I want you to know tonight,
05:10 that the Bible says, that the devil has a wife
05:14 and she is going on vacation.
05:17 Jesus has a wife
05:20 and that is the Bride of the Lamb,
05:23 that is the true church, but the Bible tells me,
05:27 that Satan is married
05:29 to the great apostate counterfeit church.
05:33 The Bible says, ''The woman was dressed
05:36 in purple and scarlet,
05:39 and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls.
05:44 She held a golden cup in her hand,
05:48 filled with abominable things
05:50 and the filth of her adulteries.''
05:54 This is the great harlot church
05:57 and the Bible says the day is coming
06:00 when the harlot church and Satan
06:03 are going to go on a first vacation.
06:08 He's going to be alive, but she's going to be dead.
06:15 Because the Bible says, during the millennium
06:19 there will be no people living on the planet earth.
06:27 The amazing thing is in the Bible
06:30 that we have a chapter that talks about the millennium.
06:35 It is Revelation 20:1-3.
06:42 This is the chapter in the Bible on the millennium.
06:48 You folks, doing okay out there?
06:51 Everybody okay, I know you're wet,
06:52 but are you okay? I want you to be okay.
06:55 Now look at the text.
06:56 ''And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven,
07:00 having the key to the Abyss or the bottomless pit
07:04 and holding in his hand a great chain.
07:08 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent,
07:11 who is the devil, or Satan,
07:15 and bound him for a thousand years.''
07:22 The Bible tells me
07:24 that Lucifer is going to be thrown
07:28 into the bottomless pit and he's going to be
07:32 bound with a mighty chain,
07:35 the Bible says, for a thousand years.
07:38 Now I am going to come over here to the blackboard.
07:41 I don't know if all of our cameras are working tonight,
07:45 but if we can get a camera over here to the blackboard.
07:50 I'll be so, so, so happy
07:53 this line
07:55 long, long, long line.
08:02 This great line
08:05 represents the 1,000 years
08:12 when Satan is going to be bound.
08:19 Can you see that on the screen?
08:20 Can you answer please? Is this coming on the screen?
08:23 Yeah. Oh, this is great.
08:25 Satan is bound with a chain of his own devising
08:32 and the Bible says he's thrown
08:35 into the bottomless pit for a 1,000 years
08:39 and this great time period
08:41 is called by scholars and theologians,
08:45 ''The millennium.''
08:48 Now millennium means 1,000 years.
08:52 And there we've got it up there on the screen
08:55 and Jesus my friend is going to conquer Lucifer
09:00 and He's going to throw him in to the abyss for a 1,000 years.
09:07 Now we have a question. Who is Satan?
09:15 The Bible says, Satan is a mighty angel
09:19 who once stood in the very presence of God.
09:24 He was right there my friend
09:27 at the very centre of the universe.
09:31 But the Bible tells us in a way
09:33 that is incomprehensible to the human mind,
09:38 he indulged in thoughts of pride
09:41 and he said ''I will be like the Most High God.''
09:46 He wanted to be like God,
09:48 but not to have the character of God.
09:52 And the Bible says that Satan led a tremendous rebellion
09:57 and one-third of the angels of God were deceived by Satan.
10:03 And they joined with him in rebellion against God.
10:08 And these evil angels were cast down to this earth
10:14 and they are the spirits in spiritism.
10:17 But the Bible says that Jesus is Lord over all
10:22 and the Bible says a day is coming
10:25 when Satan is going to be bound
10:28 and thrown into the abyss for a 1,000 years.
10:34 Now we must ask the pertinent question.
10:41 When does the millennium take place?
10:46 The Bible tells me, that the millennium,
10:50 the 1,000 year period starts with a resurrection
10:55 and it closes with a resurrection.
10:58 Look at this text.
11:00 ''I saw thrones on which were seated those
11:03 who had been given authority to judge.
11:07 And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
11:12 because of their testimony for Jesus
11:15 and because of the word of God.
11:18 They had not worshiped the beast or his image
11:21 and had not received his mark
11:24 on their foreheads or their hands."
11:27 They will be put to death.
11:30 The conflict in the last days is so great
11:33 that some of the saints of God are put to death
11:37 because of their fidelity to Christ and His law.
11:42 The Bible says, they came to life
11:45 and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
11:50 The rest of the dead, the wicked, did not come to life
11:54 until the thousand years were ended.
11:57 This is the first resurrection."
12:00 Notice this as I go to the giant blackboard,
12:03 because I want to make this crystal clear tonight,
12:07 and I want a camera to come with me.
12:10 I feel tonight that the Spirit of the Lord is in this place.
12:16 Even though it is raining
12:17 I want you to know the Spirit of the Lord is in this place.
12:22 The Bible tells me that the millennium starts
12:27 with the first resurrection and after 1,000 years
12:32 the Bible tells me, I want a camera here,
12:36 the Bible tells me
12:37 there is the second resurrection.
12:44 Now when does this resurrection take place?
12:49 Will it starts at the beginning of the millennium
12:53 as we have pointed out.
12:56 But there is another text in Revelation 20
13:00 and I think it may be verses 4 and 5.
13:03 But it's in the sequence.
13:06 And we're going to put this up now on the screen.
13:09 Here it is.
13:12 ''They came to life," these are the saints of God,
13:16 "and reigned with Christ a thousand years.''
13:21 And so the saints of God come to life
13:25 at the beginning of the millennium.
13:27 But the Bible says the rest of the dead
13:31 and they are the wicked are not raised
13:37 until after the 1,000 years.
13:42 So there are two resurrections.
13:46 The first one is the resurrection of the righteous.
13:51 And the second resurrection
13:54 is the resurrection of the damned.
14:00 The Bible tells me every person is going to be raised.
14:07 We have an appointment with God, I tell you tonight.
14:10 Can't you feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit here tonight?
14:15 I can feel that the Holy Spirit is here tonight
14:19 and the Bible tells me
14:20 every person is going to be raised.
14:23 Why are these meetings being run?
14:26 Because my friend I want us to come to Christ
14:30 who died for our sins on the cross,
14:33 so that we can go home with Him to glory.
14:39 Look, when are the righteous raised?
14:47 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
14:54 "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven
14:57 with a loud command, with a voice of the archangel,
15:02 and with the trumpet call of God,
15:04 and the dead in Christ will rise first.''
15:09 The Bible tells me that the righteous are raised.
15:15 Now I am going to come over here to the blackboard again.
15:18 The Bible tells me that the righteous are raised
15:22 in the first resurrection and the Bible says,
15:26 this happens when Jesus comes back
15:32 in power and great glory
15:36 and we call this 'the second coming of Christ.'
15:43 Oh, I just want to pour out my heart here tonight.
15:48 I want you to know that Jesus is coming soon
15:53 and He's going to come in great power and great glory
15:58 and I am going to put a picture up here on the screen.
16:02 And I want you to think of the coming of Jesus.
16:06 Just look at that. He's going to come in power.
16:11 He's going to come in glory.
16:15 Every person is going to see Him.
16:17 If you're living, you're going to see Him coming in power
16:23 and great glory and when Jesus comes back,
16:28 He's going to raise the dead.
16:36 But the Bible says, look at this
16:40 ''Blessed and holy are those who have part
16:45 in the first resurrection.''
16:47 Oh my friend I want to come up in the first resurrection,
16:51 don't you?
16:53 That's why you're here tonight.
16:55 ''Blessed and holy are those who have part
16:58 in the first resurrection.
16:59 The second death has no power over them,
17:03 but they will be priests of God and of Christ
17:07 and they will reign with him for a thousand years.''
17:13 And so I want you to see this tonight.
17:17 The righteous are raised when Jesus comes.
17:20 They're raised with glorious bodies.
17:25 They will never get sick again.
17:29 The white hair is going to be gone.
17:33 They will experience the eternal youth
17:38 and so they come up out of their graves
17:42 when Jesus comes.
17:47 And they reign with Jesus for a 1,000 years,
17:50 they are caught up to meet Jesus the Bible says.
17:55 I say it again, they are caught up
17:58 to meet Jesus in the clouds
18:01 and God's people are taken to paradise to spend a vacation
18:07 with the Lord Jesus Christ for a 1,000 years.
18:14 But the Bible says, the rest of the dead
18:19 and the Bible call these people the wicked,
18:24 the ungodly, the lawless.
18:29 The Bible says they are not conscious
18:33 of the second coming of the Christ.
18:36 The Bible says, 'they sleep on.'
18:43 They're not conscious of the fact that Jesus has come.
18:50 They sleep on for a 1,000, a 1,000 years.
18:57 Now listen, the human race can be divided into two classes,
19:04 the good and the bad, the righteous
19:07 and the wicked, the saved and the lost,
19:10 the penitent and the self righteous,
19:12 the obedient and the disobedient.
19:18 And the Bible tells us, these classes,
19:22 two classes the good and the bad,
19:25 two great classes of humanity in the world,
19:29 the Bible says they can be divided again.
19:33 Group A, you've the righteous dead.
19:40 The righteous who are sleeping in their graves.
19:43 Now and we have the righteous living,
19:46 those who love Jesus
19:48 and those who keep the commandments of God.
19:52 And then you have Group B,
19:54 the wicked living, those people living on the earth today
20:00 who hate God, who will not believe in Jesus Christ
20:06 and who despise the commandments of God.
20:10 And then you have the wicked dead.
20:17 Vast numbers who died without Christ,
20:22 who died hating God or not coming to God
20:28 or not believing in God, not surrendering to Christ.
20:32 The Bible says the wicked dead.
20:36 What happens to each of these classes?
20:38 I wonder when Jesus comes back the righteous dead are raised.
20:44 Oh my friend, I'll shout,
20:46 I just feel like shouting Hallelujah.
20:50 When I think I had Jesus is going to come back
20:53 and the righteous dead are going to be raised in glory.
21:00 Now we're going to put up a text about that
21:02 before we go any further.
21:03 We're going put up 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
21:10 The Bible says, ''For the Lord himself
21:13 will come down from heaven, with a loud command,
21:17 with the voice of the archangel
21:20 and with the trumpet call of God,
21:22 and the dead in Christ will rise first.''
21:25 And so the dead are resurrected from their graves
21:29 and they are caught up
21:32 to be with Jesus in heaven for a 1,000 years.
21:38 What about the righteous living?
21:43 What happens I wonder to the righteous living?
21:47 The Bible says, "After that, we who are still alive
21:51 and are left will be caught up together
21:53 with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
21:57 And so we will be with the Lord forever."
22:01 The righteous dead are resurrected
22:06 and the righteous living are translated,
22:10 their bodies receive the touch of Almighty God
22:17 and in a moment they are made
22:20 eternal, immortal.
22:25 And so the righteous dead resurrected.
22:30 The righteous living translated
22:34 are caught up by the Spirit of God
22:37 and they are taken home to be with Jesus in glory.
22:44 Now, the wicked living.
22:49 What happens to those vast numbers in the world
22:53 who disobeyed God's commandments
22:56 and who have no faith in Christ it says,
23:01 here it is 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10
23:04 ''God is just, He will pay back trouble to those
23:08 who trouble you and give relief to you
23:10 who are troubled, and to us as well.
23:13 This will happen when the Lord Jesus
23:16 is revealed from heaven in blazing fire
23:20 with his powerful angels.
23:24 He will punish those who do not know God
23:27 and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
23:33 They will be punished with everlasting destruction
23:38 and shut out from the presence of the Lord
23:40 and from the majesty of His power on the day
23:45 he comes to be glorified in his holy people
23:50 and to be marveled at among all those who have believed.
23:56 This includes you, because you believed
24:00 our testimony to you.''
24:02 Look at me, listen to me.
24:06 When Jesus comes back, He's confronted by a world
24:11 that has rejected His commandments.
24:13 He's confronted by a world of ungodly sinners.
24:18 And the Bible says when Jesus comes back,
24:22 the fire of God is going to go fast
24:26 and the fire of God
24:28 is going to consume the wicked.
24:35 This is the word of the Lord.
24:41 Then we come to the wicked dead.
24:43 What happens to the wicked dead
24:45 when Jesus comes back?
24:49 The Bible says,
24:52 the rest of the dead sleep on,
24:58 the wicked sleep on during the millennium
25:02 completely oblivious to the fact that Christ has returned
25:08 and the saints have gone home to glory.
25:13 Therefore the Bible tells us that during the millennium,
25:21 on this earth there is not
25:24 a single solitary soul.
25:29 Ah, except Satan and his angels.
25:37 There are no living human beings on the earth
25:44 during the millennium.
25:45 And the question we need to ask ourselves
25:49 with penetrating honesty is this,
25:52 ''Where am I going to spend the millennium?''
25:56 Am I going to spend it with Jesus in paradise
26:01 or am I going to spend it as a corpse
26:05 with Satan on the earth?
26:09 Look at this.
26:10 During the millennium, Satan is bound.
26:16 The righteous are in heaven.
26:18 And the wicked dead on the earth.
26:21 What does it mean when it says that Satan is bound?
26:29 He's bound by a chain of His own making.
26:36 He's got nobody to tempt.
26:39 The righteous are in glory
26:42 and the wicked are on this earth, dead corpses.
26:50 So I ask you the question tonight.
26:54 If you die tonight,
26:55 will you come up in the first resurrection?
26:58 Or will you come up in the second resurrection?
27:01 During the millennium, will you be with Christ in glory
27:05 or will you be with Satan on this earth?
27:09 Can you not see why I have a message of urgency
27:15 to appeal to every person here,
27:17 to come to Christ and be baptized
27:21 and keep the commandments of God?
27:25 Now what happens during the millennium?
27:32 The Bible tells me that during the millennium
27:37 the earth is completely devastated and broken down.
27:42 The Bible says, ''This is what the Lord Almighty says,
27:46 Look! Disaster is spreading from nation to nation,
27:50 a mighty storm is rising from the ends of the earth.'
27:54 At that time those slain by the Lord will be everywhere--
27:58 from one end of the earth to the other."
28:01 When Jesus comes back, there is a tremendous earthquake
28:05 and a tremendous storm that destroys everything.
28:10 It says here, "They will not be mourned
28:13 or gathered up or buried,
28:15 but they will be refuse lying on the ground."
28:18 And you say to me why are there no funerals?
28:23 Why doesn't somebody bury them?
28:29 Because there's nobody here on the earth.
28:33 God's people are safe in heaven.
28:37 The wicked are dead corpses, but during the millennium,
28:43 Satan and his angels are caste down
28:47 up on this earth with no one to tempt,
28:54 bound by the chain.
28:57 Look at the text.
28:58 "I looked at the earth, and it was formless and empty,
29:03 the bottomless pit of void, the abysses and at the heavens,
29:08 and their light was gone.
29:10 I looked at the mountains, and they were quaking,
29:13 all of the hills were swaying.
29:16 I looked, and there were no people,
29:19 every bird in the sky had flown away.
29:23 I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert,
29:27 all its towns lay in ruins before the Lord,
29:30 before his fierce anger.
29:34 This is what the Lord says, 'The whole land will be ruined,
29:37 though I will not destroy it completely.'''
29:40 Because judgment day is still coming.
29:44 I'm going to come over here to the blackboard.
29:45 The Bible tells me that during the 1,000 years
29:50 Satan is bound upon this earth and there are no people here.
29:57 The Bible says, I looked and there were no people,
30:03 because the righteous are in heaven
30:08 and the wicked or corpses on the earth.
30:12 My friend, the devil has done its best here tonight
30:18 to close down this meeting.
30:21 He's done his best,
30:24 because he knows that a large number--
30:26 thousands of people here are planning to be baptized,
30:30 so he said what I am going to do because he says,
30:33 I am the prince of the power of the air.
30:36 I am going to send a storm
30:39 and I am going to drive them out.
30:44 But the people of God are strong.
30:49 The people of God in Port Moresby are saying,
30:53 as for me and my house,
30:57 we will serve the Lord and be obedient, hallelujah.
31:03 Praise the Lord.
31:06 Look at this text, ''Behold, I come like a thief!
31:09 Blessed is he who stays awake
31:11 and keeps his clothes with him,
31:13 so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.'
31:17 Then they gathered the kings together to the place
31:20 that in Hebrew is called Armageddon."
31:22 That's the last great battle.
31:24 "The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air,
31:28 and out of the temple came a loud voice
31:30 from the throne, saying, 'It is done!'
31:35 Then there came flashes of lightning,
31:38 rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake.
31:45 No earthquake like it has ever occurred
31:48 since man has been on earth,
31:51 so tremendous was the quake.
31:54 The great city split into three parts,
31:56 and the cities of the nations collapsed."
31:59 New York, Melbourne, Sydney, Los Angeles, Port Moresby,
32:04 everything is going to go down when Jesus comes.
32:10 "God remembered Babylon the Great
32:15 and gave her the cup filled with the wine
32:18 of the fury of his wrath.
32:21 Every island fled away
32:24 and the mountains could not be found.
32:27 From the sky huge hailstones
32:30 of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men.
32:35 And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail,
32:38 because the plague was so terrible".
32:42 Listen my friend.
32:45 When Jesus comes, the earth is going to be totally,
32:50 absolutely devastated.
32:54 Think of the hailstorm.
32:56 Each stone about 40 kilos a hundred pounds.
33:02 There is a massive earthquake and the Bible says
33:06 the islands are moved out of their place.
33:09 Vast islands are moved.
33:14 And great mountain chains
33:16 go down into the ocean.
33:22 So the earth is totally destroyed when Jesus comes.
33:27 This earth becomes the bottomless pit,
33:34 this earth becomes the abysses.
33:41 This earth broken down, destroyed,
33:47 uninhabited by human beings becomes the home of Lucifer
33:54 and His angels for a 1,000 years,
33:57 with no one to tempt.
34:01 So tonight, Hallelujah
34:06 I can see some stars up there now.
34:09 I can see some stars. I can see some stars.
34:15 Listen to me.
34:18 Listen, little star breaking through the clouds.
34:24 We need to ask ourselves the question.
34:26 Will I come up in the first resurrection
34:28 or the second resurrection? Am I ready to die tonight?
34:34 I should ask the question
34:36 where am I going to spend the millennium in paradise
34:39 with Christ my Lord
34:41 or am I going to spend it with Lucifer.
34:47 It's a corpse.
34:51 I want you to notice the screen.
34:55 We're going to talk about the end of millennium
34:59 what happens after the 1,000 years.
35:01 Point number one, Satan is released out of his prison.
35:06 We got a text for you on that.
35:09 The Bible says, ''He threw him into the Abyss,"
35:13 the bottomless pit, the abysses
35:16 "and locked and sealed it over him,
35:19 to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore
35:23 until the thousand years were ended.
35:26 After that, he must be set free for a short time.''
35:31 Come with me now and notice this,
35:33 When the thousand years are over,
35:35 Satan will be released from his prison.
35:41 When Jesus comes follow me now,
35:44 I want you to see this, when Jesus comes
35:47 there is the resurrection of the righteous.
35:50 I want to be raised with the righteous.
35:53 The Bible tells me the earth is devastated.
35:59 The wicked are destroyed
36:02 and the righteous are taken home to glory.
36:06 The righteous that are raised in glory.
36:10 And the righteous living are translated,
36:13 they are given new bodies
36:16 and they're going to be with Christ for 1,000 years.
36:21 But the Bible tells me
36:23 that the devil and his wife who is now a corpse.
36:29 The antichrist church is cast here upon the earth.
36:36 The Bible tells me there are no people on the earth.
36:40 The earth is a howling waste land, it is a wilderness.
36:47 But the Bible says at the end of the millennium there-
36:53 can you see this on camera?
36:55 There is the second resurrection
36:58 and that is the resurrection of the wicked
37:02 and the Bible says that Lucifer or Satan
37:07 is released for a short time.
37:15 How was he released?
37:19 His binding was the taking from him
37:23 the capacity to deceive people.
37:28 But now he is locked up
37:31 to think of his evil deeds for a 1,000 years.
37:35 But then the Bible tells me, he's released
37:39 because the wicked are resurrected.
37:46 "The rest of the dead, the wicked, did not come to life
37:50 until the thousand years were ended
37:53 and they come up a mighty army.
38:00 Billions, Hitler is there, Stalin is there,
38:08 Nietzsche is there, the inquisitors
38:12 who tortured the saints of God are there.
38:17 Judas who denied the Lord is there.
38:22 Pilate who washed his hands off the blood of the Lord.
38:27 Pilate is there.
38:31 Will you be there?
38:36 Ordinary people are there.
38:39 People who had no time for God,
38:42 people who had no time to obey God.
38:46 People who said, I will be baptized one day but not now,
38:50 I will do it tomorrow, which never comes.
38:58 Every person who lived and loved a lie
39:01 is going to be there.
39:03 The person who's sinned against his conscience
39:06 is going to be there.
39:07 The person who said not tonight
39:10 I will get saved by and by will be there.
39:15 Satan is free, the wicked are resurrected
39:17 and then something amazing happens.
39:20 The Bible tells me at the end of the millennium,
39:24 the New Jerusalem comes down from paradise.
39:29 And it comes pass the cheering galaxies
39:33 and they say glory, glory, glory,
39:37 the New Jerusalem is coming.
39:40 Look at the screen.
39:44 The Bible says, it's the home of the saints
39:49 and the New Jerusalem is vast, vast city.
39:53 Hope we're gonna talk about
39:55 tomorrow night, we're gonna talk about
39:56 heaven you're gonna be here my friend.
40:00 And so the city descends
40:02 and it comes to rest on the earth.
40:08 And a great army surrounds the city lead by Satan himself.
40:14 There will be a host of generalism, amoralism,
40:20 maybe they will have atomic weapons,
40:23 I don't know, but the Bible says,
40:26 they're going to march up
40:28 and they are going to surround the city.
40:34 You're going to be there,
40:37 either inside the city or outside the city.
40:40 We're all going to be there my friend,
40:42 because the Bible says,
40:44 inside the city you have the people of God
40:48 who love Jesus, who follow His commandments,
40:52 who've dedicated their lives to Christ.
40:55 They are safe inside the city. Look at this.
41:00 "When the thousand years are over,
41:01 Satan will be released from his prison
41:04 and will go out to deceive the nations
41:06 in the four corners of the earth."
41:09 They've just been resurrected and he says to them,
41:12 'we can overthrow the city of God,
41:15 we can kill God's people
41:18 and we will knock out off His throne.
41:25 I want you to know on that occasion in history,
41:32 every person has ever lived will be there.
41:36 The Bible says, calls them Gog and Magog, Gog,
41:40 to gather them for battle.
41:42 In number they are like the sand on the seashore.''
41:45 You say it doesn't sound then
41:49 that the majority are on the side of God.
41:51 No they are not.
41:53 The majority have never been on the side of God,
41:57 but a remnant.
42:03 So they march up, they march up
42:07 and they surround the city. I want you to pause.
42:10 The devil has tried hard tonight to drive you out.
42:14 He's tried to stop you from coming to this meeting.
42:17 But I want you to know tonight,
42:19 I feel the anointing
42:21 of the Holy Spirit of God in this place.
42:25 I feel tonight that the Lord is here.
42:28 And I feel tonight that the Lord is speaking to our hearts.
42:34 And I want to ask yourself this question.
42:39 Where will I be?
42:41 Inside the city with God's people
42:44 or outside the city with the lost
42:48 and the damned lead by Lucifer.
42:53 Every person is going to be there.
42:56 Can't you see why I appealed as I do?
43:00 Can't you see why I say to people come to Christ now,
43:04 don't put it off?
43:06 Can't you see that sometimes I appear to be frantic?
43:09 Can't you see that I have a hunger
43:12 that you and I will come to Christ tonight?
43:15 Can't you see why I urge people to come down the front?
43:19 Can't you see?
43:24 can't you see that the devil is playing with some of you?
43:32 Can't you see that he doesn't want you to be baptized?
43:35 Can't you see?
43:40 People outside the city will be able to look inside the city?
43:45 Judas will be there and he will see Jesus inside
43:48 and he will say ''I could have been inside with Jesus,
43:51 but I sold Him for 30 pieces of silver.''
43:58 Pilate will be there, he will say
44:00 that's the man I crucified, I could have been inside
44:04 but I'm outside with the devil.
44:08 There will be people from Port Moresby
44:12 and Sydney, and Melbourne, and New York,
44:14 and Los Angeles and London,
44:17 who look inside from outside, they will be outside.
44:21 They will look inside the city and they will see husbands
44:24 and wives and children.
44:27 And they will say ''oh, oh, oh,
44:30 I could have been inside with my loved ones,
44:34 but I said no to God.''
44:39 The Bible says, there's weeping
44:40 and gnashing of teeth, no wonder.
44:45 And then the last great judgment takes place.
44:51 We're going to look at the text, "Then I saw a great white throne
44:55 and him who sat on it.
44:58 Earth and the sky fled from his presence,
45:02 and there was no place for them.
45:04 And I saw the dead, great and small,
45:08 standing before the throne, and books were opened.
45:12 Another book was opened, which is the book of life.
45:15 The dead were judged according to what they had done
45:18 as recorded in the books.
45:22 The sea gave up the dead that were in it,
45:25 and death and Hades
45:27 gave up the dead that were in them,
45:30 and each person was judged according to what he had done.''
45:37 The great throne
45:38 is set on the wall of the New Jerusalem.
45:41 And Jesus sits on the throne and the books are opened.
45:49 My friend there's a record of every life.
45:52 There's a record of your life, there's a record of my life.
45:56 We can hide our lives from our loved ones,
45:58 but we cannot hide our lives from God.
46:02 He reads your heart tonight, He reads my heart.
46:08 You cannot hide nothing from God.
46:13 And then the swaying multitude things, oh, oh, oh.
46:18 Why did I put it off? Why did I turn away?
46:23 And then the spell is broken
46:25 and the mighty army marches on
46:29 lead by prince Lucifer.
46:34 The Bible says, ''They marched across the breadth of the earth
46:39 and surrounded the camp of God's people,
46:44 the city he loves.
46:46 But fire came down from heaven and devoured them.''
46:52 They marched up billions of them,
46:55 billions-they march up the big majority
47:00 and they surround the city of God
47:03 and they think, we're the strongest,
47:06 we can knock God off his thrown.
47:08 And all of a sudden my friends there is roar from the skies
47:14 and the fire comes down from heaven
47:18 and it licks up the dust.
47:24 And the New Jerusalem rises up above it
47:28 and rides upon the flames, but because Jesus is there,
47:34 the people are safe inside in the city.
47:39 But the wicked lead by Satan are consumed by the fire.
47:53 Can I ask you this?
47:55 Where are you planning to be
47:59 inside the city or outside the city?
48:06 And then something wonderful happens.
48:11 Our God makes a new world.
48:16 ''Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
48:20 brand, brand new, for the first heaven
48:24 and the first earth had passed away.
48:28 And there was no longer any sea.''
48:32 The almighty created God, the God of the stars,
48:37 the God of the universe speaks
48:41 and a new world appears
48:48 and the New Jerusalem settles down upon that new world.
48:52 The capital of the new world for the new people of God.
49:05 Let me ask you tonight, there are two resurrections.
49:11 Which resurrection are you coming up in?
49:13 The first resurrection or the second?
49:17 Somebody says, I am not going to come up in any, yes you're.
49:21 You have an appointment with God. I do.
49:24 Either we come up in the first or we come up in the second.
49:27 If we come up in the first, we're saved.
49:29 If we come up in the second, we're lost.
49:33 The next question is this.
49:37 Where am I going to spend the millennium?
49:40 Am I going to spend it in paradise
49:43 with Jesus and God's people
49:48 or am I going to spend it with Satan
49:50 and the evil angels
49:53 on this earth as a corpse?
49:59 And the next great question is this.
50:02 Will I be inside the city or outside the city?
50:12 Tonight, in the name of the God of heaven,
50:18 who sent me to Port Moresby to preach the gospel.
50:23 I beseech every person here tonight to come to Christ.
50:30 I beseech every person here tonight
50:32 that hasn't been baptized
50:33 as Jesus was baptized to get baptized tomorrow.
50:38 Don't put it off my friend.
50:43 ''Behold, I am coming soon! Jesus said.
50:47 My reward is with me,
50:49 and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.
50:53 I am the Alpha and the Omega,
50:56 the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
51:01 Blessed are those who wash their robes,
51:03 that they may have the right to the tree of life
51:06 and may go through the gates into the city.
51:11 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts,
51:16 the sexually immoral, the murderers,
51:19 the idolaters and everyone who loves
51:21 and practices falsehood.
51:25 I, Jesus, have sent my angel
51:27 to give you this testimony for the churches.
51:31 I am the Root and the Offspring of David,
51:33 and the bright and Morning Star.''
51:37 The Spirit and the bride say,
51:40 'Come!' And let him who hears say,
51:45 'Come!' Whoever is thirsty, let him come,
51:52 and whoever wishes,
51:54 let him take the free gift of the water of life.
52:00 Listen to me.
52:05 This is the last Friday meeting,
52:12 if you're thirsty come,
52:16 if you're hungry tonight, then come.
52:21 I invite you tonight in the name of Him
52:24 who sent me to preach to come to Christ.
52:28 Jesus said, "For God so loved the world
52:32 that He gave His only Son,
52:34 so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
52:39 but have everlasting life."
52:41 My friend this Christ died for you and for me.
52:48 He says, if you believe
52:54 and if you're baptized you'll be saved.
52:57 He said, if you love Me, keep My commandments.
53:03 And so tonight
53:06 I am asking every person here tonight to come to Christ
53:11 and to make it right with God tonight.
53:15 Listen to this story. Happened in Australia.
53:22 There was a minor
53:24 who went to a series of religious meetings,
53:27 not big meetings in a church there were
53:31 and the minister spoke about coming to Christ
53:34 and not putting it off.
53:36 He spoke about the great issues of life and death
53:39 that I have spoken about tonight.
53:45 When everybody had gone home, this man stayed wouldn't go,
53:50 and the minister said friend
53:51 we're closing up, you got to go now.
53:53 He said, I can't go home until I settle it.
53:59 I have got to settle it he said tonight.
54:05 So the minister read to him John 3:16
54:08 and some other text and they got down on their knees
54:11 and this man gave his life to Christ.
54:14 And he went home with peace and joy in his soul.
54:19 The next day he went down into the mine
54:22 and there was a tremendous explosion.
54:29 When they brought him up his body was broken.
54:34 He was dying and when his wife got to him,
54:39 she saw that his lips were murmuring.
54:43 She got close, she said ''Do you have a message?''
54:47 And he said ''yes,
54:50 I am glad I settled it last night.''
54:56 My friend you'll be glad if you settle it tonight.
55:03 And I want to say to the man way over there,
55:07 the man outside the boundaries of this great stadium.
55:12 You'll be glad too, if you settle it tonight
55:17 and if you come to Christ.
55:20 We're now going to have a prayer together.
55:23 And I am going to bring you all to God.
55:26 I want to say tonight, Jesus has been here
55:30 and Jesus has given us the victory.
55:33 In spite of the rain we had the best meeting yet.
55:40 So I want you please to stand up
55:45 and I want us all to be reverent.
55:46 Please no whistling.
55:49 We're standing in the presence of the Lord.
55:53 I am surely the Lord is in this place.
56:01 We're going to bow our heads,
56:06 we're going to close our eyes.
56:09 And tonight I want to appeal to those people here tonight,
56:14 who haven't been baptized to come to Christ tonight
56:19 and be baptized and join God's church,
56:22 God's people who keep the commandments of God
56:26 and have the faith of Jesus.
56:28 We're going to bow our heads.
56:29 Are there any here tonight
56:31 in this vast audience we're all wet.
56:34 But how many tonight will raise their hands
56:35 and say tonight, please pray for me,
56:38 I need prayer tonight. Can you raise your hand?
56:42 Lift up your hand where ever you're
56:44 and say ''Oh, God I am standing in need of prayer tonight.''
56:50 Keep your hands up and we're going to pray.
56:53 ''Our Father, we thank You tonight
56:56 that Your Spirit has been in this place
56:59 and even though the rain tried to drive us out,
57:03 Jesus has given God's people the victory.
57:07 Nobody has left because these people are genuine
57:12 and true and they have true faith in Christ.
57:16 They are the soldiers of the cross,
57:18 bless them tonight.
57:22 Thank you for joining us today.
57:23 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter
57:26 and to receive our monthly newsletter,
57:28 write to us here at the Carter Report,
57:30 PO Box 1900 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358.
57:36 Or in Australia at PO Box 861,
57:40 Terrigal, NSW, 2260.
57:43 You may also contact us online at
57:47 Remember Jesus said, ''You will know the truth,
57:50 and the truth will set you free.''


Revised 2014-12-17