Participants: Pr. John Carter
Series Code: CR
Program Code: CR100016
00:01 Some of the largest crowds, in the history of Christianity
00:04 attended "The Carter Report" 00:05 in the Sir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 00:10 Who were these people? 00:11 Well, they were earnest seekers for truth, 00:14 with hearts strangely warmed by the love of God. 00:18 They came hungry for God and they listened to His word 00:21 with a holy awe, mingled with a divine excitement. 00:26 When the invitation to accept Christ as Lord and Savior 00:28 was given, thousands surged forward. 00:32 The fervency and devotion of these seekers displayed 00:35 the miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. 00:39 You are now invited to join this mighty congregation 00:43 as Pastor John Carter forthrightly proclaims a message 00:46 "Hot from the heart of God." 00:48 Welcome to "The Carter Report" 00:50 in the Sir John Guise National Stadium, 00:53 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 01:30 Through the valley of the shadow 01:34 To the mountains of His faith 01:39 The shepherd boy of Judah loved to sing 01:48 In his words of adoration 01:52 And his simple songs of praise 01:57 He glorified Jehovah as his King 02:07 A giant slayer 02:11 a psalm sayer 02:16 For the God of Jacob set apart 02:25 A joy bringer a psalm singer 02:33 A man after God's own heart 02:47 The boy became a ruler 02:51 Anointed for the throne 02:56 And though he sinned 02:58 He never turned away 03:05 The Lord forgave his servant 03:09 He smiled upon his own 03:14 For the God of David is a God of grace 03:23 To the giant slayer 03:28 the psalm sayer 03:32 For the God of Jacob set apart 03:39 Oh, Lord a joy bringer 03:46 A psalm singer 03:49 God called him a man after His own heart 04:02 And from his seed would come a Savior 04:07 A light unto the nations He would be 04:16 And from his land would come a ruler 04:21 The King of our salvation 04:25 Jesus Christ is He 04:37 Make me a giant slayer 04:46 A psalm sayer 04:50 For the God of Jacob set apart to Jesus 05:00 A joy bringer a psalm singer 05:07 God make me a man after your own heart 05:16 Lord make me a man after your own heart 05:25 A man after your own 05:34 Own heart 05:47 This calls for wisdom. 05:48 You got to have some wisdom from God. 05:52 You can't work this out by yourself. 05:55 This calls for wisdom. 05:57 If anyone has insight 05:59 and insight comes from the Holy Spirit. 06:05 I want to tell you tonight. 06:07 I can sense the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon me tonight. 06:13 I feel that the Holy Spirit is upon me tonight. 06:17 And I can feel that the Holy Spirit 06:20 is giving you insight because He's here. 06:25 We got a 100,000 people here tonight. 06:27 And they are receiving the Holy Spirit. 06:30 And God is opening blind eyes. 06:37 Paul, the evangelist says in the Bible that 06:40 "God will finish His work 06:42 and cut it short in righteousness." 06:44 The prophet Joel says "God will pour out His Spirit 06:47 in the last days, and signs and wonders will follow." 06:50 The Carter Report believes that we are now in the end times 06:54 and His Spirit is moving mightily. 06:57 During the Port Moresby campaign, 06:59 we testify that we saw the power of God revealed. 07:03 More than 100,000 God-hungry souls 07:05 could not get enough of the word of the Lord. 07:08 As at creation, the Spirit of God moved 07:11 upon the face of the waters 07:13 and God brought cosmos out of chaos. 07:17 Souls were recreated in the image of the Creator. 07:20 Instead of hate, there was love. 07:23 Instead of despair, there was hope. 07:25 Instead of sorrow, there was joy. 07:27 And in the place of death, God gave life. 07:30 One night, as John Carter preached on the person 07:33 and work of the Holy Spirit, 07:35 the image of a white bird was flashed on the screens. 07:38 At that moment, a great white bird 07:41 flew low over the astonished congregation. 07:44 Cries of joy filled the air, as the audience recognized 07:47 that God had visited His people. 07:49 A mighty surge of Pentecostal power 07:52 swept the audience of 120,000 souls 07:56 and everyone present felt the warm 07:59 comforting presence of God. 08:01 The Carter Report team invites you, 08:03 my dear viewer, to be a partner in this work. 08:06 Soldiers of the cross are wanted. 08:09 Faith partners are needed. 08:11 Write to us now, here at the Carter Report, 08:14 PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358. 08:19 Or in Australia at PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260. 08:27 You may also contact us online at 08:31 or email us at 08:40 Ha, there it is. 08:41 I only have to think about it and it appears. 08:44 There we have the period of the Dark Ages 08:47 and these dates, my friend, are approximate dates. 08:52 History doesn't start or close with a date. 08:56 But that great church became a world power in the year 538 09:02 and ruled for 1260 years 09:07 and it comes through until 1798. 09:12 And that great time period of more than a thousand years, 09:17 that great time period of 1260 years 09:21 is what historians call the Dark Ages. 09:29 The noonday of that great church 09:33 was the midnight of the world. 09:40 During the Dark Ages, 09:42 millions of earnest devoted Christians 09:47 were put to death because they would not bend. 09:51 They would not budge. 09:52 They would not bow down to Baal 09:55 and because they believed 09:58 in reading their Bibles. 10:03 Revelation 13:7 tells us 10:07 that the beast persecutes non-conformers. 10:12 Revelation 13:7, I want you to know tonight. 10:17 I want to be a non-conformist for Jesus. 10:24 I want to stand with Jesus, 10:27 even if I'm standing with the minority 10:31 because with Jesus, one man and Jesus make a majority. 10:38 Hear what I'm saying? 10:39 Look at this text. 10:42 "He was given power to make war against the saint." 10:47 He makes war. 10:49 The false woman makes war against the true woman. 10:53 The harlot church makes war against the bride of the lamb. 10:59 And there you have a picture of the bloody Spanish inquisition. 11:05 Says here, "He was given power to make war 11:08 against the saints and to conquer them. 11:10 And he was given authority over every tribe, 11:14 people, language and nation." 11:17 He ruled the world. 11:20 And when he ruled the world, 11:23 it was a time of darkness and religious terrorism. 11:31 I would remind you tonight 11:33 that even though this great church persecuted. 11:38 The religion of Jesus never persecuted a single soul. 11:46 God never forces us. 11:49 You can come into this meeting tonight and you can say, 11:52 "I will not do, what God tells me to do." 11:57 God will never force you. 12:01 Jesus said, "I haven't come to destroy men's lives, 12:07 but to save them." 12:12 The religion of Jesus 12:14 never persecuted a single soul. 12:20 The fifth identification mark is Revelation 13:2 12:26 "This church receives her power from the dragon." 12:32 Revelation 13:2, 12:35 this is the word of the Lord. 12:40 "The beast I saw resembled a leopard," 12:43 add a bit of Greek. 12:46 "But had feet of those of a bear" Medo-Persia 12:50 "and a mouth like that of a lion." 12:51 Babylon and he cries, 12:55 "The dragon gave the beast his power 12:57 and his throne and great authority." 13:02 The Bible tells me that this great church 13:06 did not get his power from Jesus, 13:11 but this great church got his power from the dragon. 13:18 Now listen, the dragon is Satan, 13:24 but Satan works through earthly powers. 13:29 And in the days of Jesus, 13:33 Satan was working through 13:35 the power of pagan Rome. 13:42 And history tells me 13:46 that this great religious system, 13:52 god-head power not from Jesus, but from pagan Rome. 14:00 It's going to be hard for you to see that, 14:04 but it's over there in the city of Rome. 14:07 And it has there and if you look at it hard, 14:10 you can see, it says Caesar. 14:13 It's got the name Caesar. 14:14 And then, it's got his title Pontifex Maximus. 14:22 Pontifex Maximus is the title 14:25 of the Caesars of Rome, the dragon. 14:33 What happened was? 14:35 The church got all the power of pagan Rome 14:40 and pagan Rome was so-called converted 14:44 and pagan Rome gave her authority and her power 14:51 and her prestige to the church. 14:56 Not the church of Jesus, but the counterfeit church. 15:00 And if you notice up here, look at this. 15:03 It's got the name of Sixtus. 15:07 One of the popes at it calls him Pontifex Maximus. 15:14 You can see it with your own eyes. 15:17 Out over here on this screen, 15:20 you can see Constantine, 15:23 the Roman emperor giving 15:25 his authority to the church. 15:32 This is history. 15:35 We're not talking about people living today. 15:37 We are talking about the facts of history. 15:41 As Jesus said "You will know the truth 15:43 and the truth will make you free." 15:46 You see, the dragon gave him his power 15:52 and his throne and his great authority. 15:58 Every word of the prophecy came to pass. 16:04 I tell you, this is the word of the Lord. 16:09 Now listen, the Bible says that this power would receive 16:14 a fatal or a deadly wound as it says 16:17 in the King James Version. 16:19 You read about this in Revelation 13:3, 16:26 Revelation 13:3. 16:30 "One of the heads of the beast seemed 16:32 to have had a fatal wound." 16:35 People say where did that happen? 16:36 I talked about it the other night. 16:39 This great system ruled the world 16:42 from 538 right through until 1798. 16:48 And then General Berthier, 16:50 one of the generals of Napoleon Bonaparte 16:53 marched down to Rome and took the Pontiff prisoner, 16:59 after the 1260 years. 17:02 You say it's incredible. 17:04 I can't believe this, my friend. 17:07 Believe in the God who believes in you. 17:11 If there's a person here tonight and you've come here 17:13 and you say, I don't believe the Bible. 17:16 Well, you better believe it now because history proves 17:21 that the prophecies of the Bible are absolutely correct. 17:26 And just a bit before then, a great Roman Catholic monk 17:32 by the name of Martin Luther 17:35 started to preach the word of God. 17:39 Now tomorrow night I'm going to talk 17:43 on how long does it take to be saved. 17:47 A part of that talk is going to be what Martin Luther taught. 17:52 The best meeting that I give in this entire series, 17:55 I think, is the meeting tomorrow night. 18:00 That the preaching of Martin Luther 18:03 and those great reformers gave to that great church, 18:09 a moral wound. 18:14 Did you know this, my Protestant friends, 18:17 Martin Luther taught virtually everything, 18:20 I am teaching and preaching in these meetings? 18:24 He said "We must follow the Bible and the Bible alone." 18:30 And he said that "That great church was the power 18:36 that was described in the prophecies of the Bible." 18:41 Those churches don't teach it today 18:44 because they are afraid to teach it. 18:46 But I want you to know today, 18:48 we are standing on the word of God. 18:53 God help us tonight. 18:56 And the next great truth is this, identification mark. 18:59 The Bible says that that fatal 19:03 or that mortal wound would be healed. 19:06 Let us read this, there it is point number 7. 19:10 But you know I got it there in yellow. 19:12 "But the fatal wound had been healed. 19:14 The whole world was astonished and followed the beast." 19:18 The Bible says that that great church that went down in 1798, 19:23 according to Bible prophecy and because of the preaching 19:29 of the great prophecies of the Bible. 19:32 The Bible says that great power 19:36 is going to come back with all the might, 19:42 with all the intolerance of the Dark Ages. 19:46 And that great power is going to enforce 19:49 the Mark of the Beast. 19:51 But I want you to know that Jesus is going 19:56 to arise in power and strength. 19:59 And He is going to slay the beast 20:02 and He is going to save His people. 20:04 Want you to know this. 20:06 I want you to know tonight that we are on the winning side. 20:11 We have read the back of the book and we win. 20:16 Now listen. Point number 8, I think it is. 20:20 The Bible says that this great church 20:23 has got a man 20:25 and his number is 666. 20:33 Are you ready for this? 20:35 Revelation Chapter 13, at the end of the Chapter. 20:42 This calls for wisdom. 20:43 You got to have some wisdom from God. 20:47 You can't work this out by yourself. 20:50 This calls for wisdom. 20:52 If anyone has insight 20:55 and insight comes from the Holy Spirit. 21:01 I want to tell you tonight. 21:02 I can sense the anointing of the Holy Spirit 21:07 upon me tonight, I feel that the Holy Spirit 21:11 is upon me tonight, and I can feel that the Holy Spirit 21:16 is giving you insight because He is here. 21:20 We got a hundred thousand people here tonight 21:22 and they are receiving the Holy Spirit 21:25 and God is opening blind eyes. 21:31 "This calls for wisdom. 21:33 If anyone has insight, 21:34 let him calculate the number of this church the beast, 21:38 for it is man's number. 21:40 His number is 666." 21:46 The number of total apostasy. 21:52 Now listen carefully. 21:56 There are many superficial preachers in the world today. 22:00 They've given up preaching these truths 22:03 because they don't want to appear to be unpopular. 22:08 I want to say tonight, we're standing on history 22:11 and we're standing on the truth. 22:13 What I am showing you tonight on 666 is the tip of the iceberg. 22:20 Am I exhausting this? 22:22 No, no, no. 22:25 Am I discarding this? 22:28 No, no, no. 22:31 I'm going to tell you the truth. 22:35 History tells me. 22:37 Glad that you folks are with me tonight, a great crowd, 22:41 a people of all religions here tonight, God loves you. 22:48 The official title for more than 1,000 years 22:53 of the leader of that great church, 22:55 you can read this in all of their literature. 22:59 My friend Pastor Harold Harker has done 23:03 a tremendous amount of study of these things. 23:08 He has gone to Rome. 23:10 He has gone to the archives with other scholars. 23:15 Now this great truth has been acknowledge 23:18 by some of the greatest scholars of our age 23:22 in the last thousand years. 23:27 The official title of the leader of the great church, 23:32 I'm going to put it up here on the blackboard. 23:35 Here we go. 23:37 Let's get our camera over here. 23:40 Vicarius, V-I-C-A-R-I-U-S, 23:48 just enough room. 23:49 Vacarius, that means Vicar. 23:53 Filii, Filii. This is in Latin, of course, 23:58 Vacarius Filii Dei. 24:04 And you can read this in the literature 24:06 of this great organization. 24:09 In fact, I have a magazine put out 24:11 by that great church and it says, 24:13 "The official title of the Pontiff 24:17 is Vicarius Filii Dei, which means 24:23 the Vicar of the Son of God." 24:26 He is the Vicar of Christ Himself. 24:32 You say, "But, are you sure?" 24:34 Absolutely sure. 24:39 Vicarius Filii Dei. 24:44 That is the title of the great leader of that church 24:48 that is called in Bible prophecy, "The Beast." 24:54 Now we're going to come over here to the blackboard. 24:57 These Latin letters have numerical value. 25:02 V is--who knows? 25:06 Come on, tell me loud. 25:09 Yeah, that's good. 25:10 V is five, I is one, C is a hundred, 25:15 A is zero, R is a zero, I is one, 25:20 U is the same as V, W, this is 5, S is nothing. 25:28 F, nothing, I is one, L is 50, this is 1, this is 1. 25:34 D is 500, E is nothing, I is 1. 25:41 Now we're going to put them up also on the great screens 25:47 and you'll see it so plainly that you'll shout Hallelujah. 25:51 Here we've got it. 25:53 Vicarius Filii Dei. 25:58 You added up at it comes to, 26:01 there you've got it, 666. 26:12 Listen, this is only for people who've got insight. 26:18 This is only for people who have received the anointing 26:23 of the Holy Spirit upon themselves. 26:29 Now let me say something as we go a little further. 26:35 If that were the only bit of evidence, 26:39 I would not be arguing this case tonight. 26:42 The God put it in there, so that we would have 26:47 the final bit of prove, so that we would 26:49 no longer walk in the darkness. 26:55 The Beast is the great church of the Dark Ages. 27:00 The Mark of the Beast is the mark 27:03 of that great church that persecutes. 27:08 Now the next question we are--I've got to get back 27:11 into teaching mode. 27:13 What is the mark of the great Roman Church? 27:17 Because that will be the mark of the beast. 27:22 Before we can discover the Mark of the Beast, 27:25 we must discover the Mark of God. 27:30 Because the Mark of the Beast is a great counterfeit, 27:36 every truth said God has, antichrist has a counterfeit 27:42 instead of the Bible antichrist has tradition. 27:50 The Mark of the Beast is the counterfeit 27:53 of the Mark of God. 27:55 God has a mark which is God's sign or God's seal. 28:01 This mark of authority--God, I tell you, has a mark. 28:07 God's seal or God's mark contains three elements. 28:13 God's name, number one. 28:17 Number two, God's title. 28:20 Number three, God's dominion. 28:25 Now, when a king in ancient times sent out a letter, 28:31 he put his seal on it. 28:34 His name, his title and his dominion. 28:37 For an instance, Barack Obama, that's his name. 28:44 Title, the President, his dominion, 28:48 the United States of America. 28:52 Elizabeth, the Queen, that's her title. 28:57 Elizabeth, the title is queen. 29:02 And her dominion, Great Britain, and her dominions. 29:07 And so a seal contains 29:10 three important elements name, title, dominion. 29:17 Please, don't forget that. 29:20 Because right now we are going to turn 29:22 to the commandments of God, 29:24 because the Mark of the Beast is the opposite 29:28 of the commandments of God and you'll see, 29:34 Exodus 20:8-11. 29:38 And we are looking for God's seal 29:42 that has His name, His title and His dominion. 29:51 Augustine said, "Our souls were made for God 29:54 and they cannot rest until they rest in him." 29:57 Within every heart, there is a void that only God can fill. 30:01 This is why so many came to the Carter Report meetings 30:05 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 30:07 The crowds were greater than those attending 30:10 the Olympic Games in London. 30:12 They came because everyone is a winner when Christ is Lord. 30:17 If you, my dear friend, would like to be a faith partner 30:20 with us in this extraordinary work, 30:23 or if you'd like to receive a DVD of today's message, 30:26 please write to John Carter at P.O. Box 1900, 30:30 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358 or in Australia, 30:35 at P.O. 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260. 30:41 You may also contact us online at 30:46 Please include your gift to help 30:48 light God's candle in dark places. 30:52 Remember, I told you before. 30:54 If you want to escape the Mark of the Beast, 30:56 then keep the commandments of God because you love Jesus. 31:00 Exodus 20, we're going to have a look at it. 31:07 Exodus 20:8-11. 31:14 Notice these words. 31:17 Before we read these words, 31:18 I would remind you that when God gave the Ten Commandments, 31:23 He came down in great fire and splendor 31:26 and majesty on Mount Sinai. 31:29 He spoke the Ten Commandment with His own mouth 31:32 and He wrote the Ten Commandments 31:34 with His own finger. 31:35 He came down because we couldn't go up to Him. 31:39 He came down and He gave us His law 31:44 and He gave us His mark. 31:46 Now we're looking for God's--what is it? 31:48 Name, His title and His dominion or territory. 31:54 Here we go. 31:56 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy." 32:01 People would say, "Why did God say remember?" 32:04 Because He knew we would forget. 32:08 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 32:10 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 32:15 but the seventh day is the Sabbath 32:17 to the Lord your God." 32:19 There His name. 32:21 "On it you shall not do any work neither you, 32:25 nor your son, or your daughter, 32:27 nor your man servant or made servant, 32:30 nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 32:33 For in six days the Lord." 32:38 There is His name. 32:41 The amazing awesome name of the great Creator God, 32:47 The Lord, He made. 32:51 If He made it, we have discovered His title. 32:56 His title is the maker or the creator. 33:04 The Lord. His name, His title, the maker and His dominion, 33:10 there it is, heaven and earth. 33:15 And it goes on and it talks about, 33:17 "The sea, and all that is in them, 33:20 but He rested on the seventh day. 33:22 Therefore the Lord blessed 33:25 the Sabbath day and made it holy." 33:30 Listen, listen. 33:34 Only, only in the Sabbath, 33:41 do we have the seal of Almighty God? 33:46 Nowhere else in the scriptures do we have His name, 33:52 His title and His dominion? 33:54 Therefore I tell you today, 33:57 I tell you tonight on the authority of Holy Scripture, 34:01 the seventh day Sabbath found in the heart 34:05 of the commandments is the seal 34:08 or the sign or the mark of God. 34:14 Now we turn to Ezekiel 20:12 and 20. 34:20 Ezekiel 20:12 and 20. 34:27 Look now, look now. Look now. 34:32 "Also I gave them my Sabbaths as a sign, 34:38 my mark between us, so that they would know 34:43 that I the Lord made them holy." 34:46 You say, I was told. 34:48 It doesn't matter. 34:50 My friend, it matters to God, it is the mark of God. 34:54 It is the seal of God. 34:55 It is the sign of God. 34:58 Then He says here in verse 20, 35:00 "Keep my Sabbaths holy." 35:01 This is not John Carter talking, 35:03 this is Almighty God talking to you here tonight 35:07 in this vast auditorium with a hundred thousand people. 35:11 "Keep my Sabbaths holy that they may be a sign between us. 35:17 Then you will know that I am the Lord your God." 35:22 Listen to me, listen. 35:26 I think I should come over here to the blackboard. 35:30 Just about run out of blackboard, 35:31 but I'm going to come over here. 35:33 I'm going to write up the Bible says, "The seventh." 35:38 We've got camera in here. 35:39 "The seventh day Sabbath." 35:44 I never said it. 35:46 God said it. 35:48 Don't you want to obey God? 35:50 The seventh day Sabbath is the seal, 35:57 it is sign, 36:02 it is the mark of Almighty God. 36:10 God says, "Remember the Sabbath." 36:14 Now listen, listen, listen. 36:16 I want you to look at three texts. 36:19 Genesis 2:1-3. Genesis 2:1-3. 36:24 "Thus the heavens and the earth 36:26 were completed in all their vast array. 36:28 By the seventh day God had finished the work 36:30 he had been doing, so on the seventh day 36:33 he rested from all his work that--all his work. 36:36 And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, 36:41 because on it he rested from all the work of creating 36:45 that he had done in the very beginning of time when God-- 36:50 Look at this beautiful picture. 36:51 When God made the world, 36:53 the Bible tells me right back 36:55 there in the very beginning of time. 36:57 The Bible tells me that "God blessed the Sabbath day." 37:01 And the Bible tells me, 37:03 "He blessed the seventh day and He made it holy 37:05 because it is His day, it is His mark, 37:09 it is His sign that He is the Creator 37:14 and He is the Lord." 37:16 Why do we worship Him tonight? 37:18 Because He is the Lord, 37:21 and that's what the Sabbath stands for. 37:23 Isaiah 58:13, Isaiah 58:13. 37:30 "If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath." 37:33 Walking around, breaking the Sabbath 37:35 as people are doing today. 37:37 "And from doing as you please on my holy day, 37:42 if you call the Sabbath a delight 37:45 and the Lord's holy day honorable 37:50 and if you honor it by not going your own way 37:54 and not doing as you please or speaking idle words." 37:59 The Bible tells me that, "God has got a day. 38:03 It is His holy day and that day was given to us, 38:08 so that we would never forget that He is our God, 38:12 He is our Creator and He sent Jesus to redeem us." 38:18 Now here's another text I want you to see, Revelation 1:10. 38:25 This is in the last book in the Bible. 38:30 "On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, 38:33 and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet." 38:38 This is what I'm gonna tell you, sorry. 38:40 Many of my wonderful friends say to me, 38:43 Christian friends, "But that day, some day." 38:45 No, it's not. 38:47 Jesus never kept the first day, 38:50 none of the apostles kept the first day, 38:52 none of the early Christians kept the first day, 38:55 none of the prophets ever kept the first day, 38:58 they love Jesus and they kept the Sabbath day. 39:04 But then, my friend, after hundreds of years, 39:06 there came the great state church 39:10 and the great state church persecuted the true church. 39:17 For a long, long time the great truth of the Sabbath 39:24 was almost lost, but down through the ages, 39:30 God has always had a remnant. 39:34 You will remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. 39:37 Listen, seventh day Sabbath 39:46 is the sign, it is the seal, it is the mark, 39:53 and the Mark of the Beast is the great counterfeit. 39:59 Over here, there is the seal of God, 40:03 there is the mark of God. 40:07 But in Daniel 7:25, we are told that the antichrist 40:14 will change the Sabbath, 40:17 and the counterfeit Sabbath 40:22 is his mark of his authority. 40:32 I want you to look at Daniel 7:25. 40:37 "He will speak against the Most High and oppress His saints." 40:43 You know it's true. 40:46 "And try to change the set times and the laws." 40:52 The only part of the Ten Commandments 40:54 that talks about times is the holy seventh day Sabbath, 41:01 the seal, the sign, the mark of God. 41:06 But the Bible says, "The great counterfeit church 41:12 with the blasphemous hand would strike 41:16 at the very heart of the law of God." 41:21 Listen, after Martin Luther there came 41:26 a great church council, The Council of Trent, 41:30 hold by the popes and they debated for years. 41:36 How shall we answer Martin Luther? 41:40 Shall we do it by the Bible? 41:45 How can we silence these heretics? 41:50 Some of the cardinal said, "Let's go to the Bible." 41:53 But no. Another cardinal got up and he said, 42:00 "We do not go by the Bible because we the Catholic Church 42:06 changed the Sabbath from 42:09 the seventh day to the first day. 42:15 And this is the proof that we are the true church 42:20 because we can even change the law of God." 42:26 And, youth, can you believe it? 42:30 More recently, one of the great leaders of the church said. 42:36 Now listen to this. 42:37 We gonna put it up on the screen. 42:40 "Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change 42:45 was her act and the act is a mark of her 42:51 ecclesiastical power and authority 42:56 in religious matters." 43:00 They say, "We did it. 43:05 It is our mark." 43:10 Now, will the Mark of the Beast be in forced? 43:15 In Revelation 13, there is portrayed 43:22 a picture of a world coming together. 43:29 "I saw another beast coming up out of the earth. 43:32 He had two horns like a lamb, he spoke like a dragon. 43:36 This is a power that rises in the last days. 43:39 He exercised all the authority 43:41 of the first beast on his behalf, 43:43 and made the earth and its inhabitants 43:44 worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 43:50 And he performed great and miraculous signs, 43:52 even causing fire to come down from heaven 43:54 to earth in full view of men. 43:56 Because of the signs he was given power 43:59 to do on behalf of the first beast, 44:00 he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. 44:04 He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast 44:07 who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 44:11 The image is a copy. 44:13 He was given power to give breath 44:15 to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak 44:18 and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 44:23 He also forced everyone, small and great, 44:25 rich and poor, free and slave, 44:27 to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 44:31 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, 44:35 which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." 44:39 This is the crises of the ages. 44:44 The Bible says, "In the last days, 44:48 there will come a great world government." 44:53 Later, later by this great organization, 45:00 church and state will unite and I will say, 45:04 we will save the world for God from terrorism. 45:11 And they will say, "You must follow our laws. 45:14 You much give up the truths of the Bible. 45:17 You must accept our authority. 45:21 You must do what we tell you to do. 45:23 You must surrender your soul to us. 45:28 And the earth would sign of our authority 45:33 is the counterfeit Sabbath." 45:40 It's coming. 45:42 Soon the world is going to be divided into two groups. 45:48 I've got this in my heart, Christ versus antichrist. 45:55 God's law versus man's law. 46:00 God's Sabbath versus man's Sabbath. 46:04 Can you not see--can you not see at last 46:09 that if you want to escape the Mark of the Beast, 46:14 you must follow Jesus and keep the commandments of God 46:19 including the Seventh-day Sabbath, 46:22 which is the seal, the sign, the mark of God 46:27 because you have been washed in the blood of Christ 46:31 and you're saved and you're filled 46:35 with the Holy Spirit. 46:40 Years ago in Australia, there was a little boy 46:46 who went to some small religious meetings 46:49 in a little country town. 46:53 And one night the minister said, 46:55 "Are they people here who have requests for prayer?" 46:58 We've done this here too. 47:00 The little boy put up his hand and the minister said-- 47:03 There's only 30 or 40 people there. 47:05 "What do you want little boy?" 47:07 He said, "I want you to pray for my daddy 47:09 because my daddy is a drunk and he beats my mummy." 47:14 What a coward to beat a woman. 47:18 What a coward? 47:20 That's what alcohol does to people. 47:24 And so they prayed for this little boy's daddy 47:29 that he would come to Christ. 47:34 But there was somebody in that meeting a church member 47:37 who talk too much, we have them 47:44 and he knew this man, 47:47 the man who beat his wife. 47:51 And he went to this man 47:52 the next day at work and he said, 47:55 "Your little boy told us all about you and we're praying 48:00 for your soul that you'll come to God and repent." 48:06 And that night when the father got home from work, 48:10 he went to his little boy, he said, 48:11 "You're praying about me down on those stupid religious meeting?" 48:15 "Yes, daddy." He said, 48:17 "If you ever mentioned my name again, 48:19 I'll beat you and beat you and beat you 48:21 and beat you to an inch of your life." 48:28 The little boy kept going to those meetings. 48:32 He couldn't get God out of his head 48:35 and he couldn't get his daddy out of his head. 48:39 And the father got worse, drank more. 48:42 One night the minister said, 48:44 "Are they those who want prayer?" 48:46 The little boy said, "Yes, I want prayer. 48:49 I want prayer for my daddy, he's getting worse." 48:53 And the next day the same fizzy body with the long tongue 48:59 went and saw that man at work and he said, 49:04 "Our little boy told us to pray for you." 49:07 He said, "Jim, why don't you, give up the booze? 49:10 Why don't you give up the drinking? 49:12 We're praying for you." 49:18 That night, that man didn't go home, the father. 49:22 He went to the bar. 49:24 He went to the pub. 49:25 He went to the hotel and he got loaded on alcohol. 49:31 And when he went home, his wife had stayed up 49:35 and hurry his meal in the oven and the little boy 49:39 was upstairs in bed and the man, brave man that he was, 49:45 he bust in the backdoor and his wife said, 49:48 "Jim, here's your dinner." 49:50 And he shoved her aside and she fell over. 49:53 And the man went up the stairs 49:56 and he went into the little boy's bedroom 49:59 and he got the little boy out and he took off his belt 50:04 and he started to beat him, 50:05 beat him, beat him, beat him. 50:09 The little fellow was crying, "Daddy, daddy, daddy." 50:12 And he was beating him. 50:14 And when the little boy fell over, 50:16 he gave him a few kicks. 50:22 And then he rushed down the stairs 50:26 and out the backdoor and into the darkness. 50:33 And the mother stood at the bottom 50:34 of the stairs and she was weeping. 50:43 And after what seemed an eternity, 50:45 she looked up the stairs 50:48 and there was her little boy 50:52 in his pajamas, 50:55 stained red with blood. 51:00 And he held out his arms to his mother and he said, "Mummy." 51:06 And he was crying. 51:08 He said, "Mummy. 51:12 Mummy, I've just shed my first blood for Jesus." 51:28 Maybe it's time for some of us 51:30 to shed our first blood for Jesus. 51:37 Maybe it's time for us to say, 51:43 "I'm going to follow Christ. 51:47 I know people are going to be against me. 51:49 I know, maybe I'm going to be persecuted. 51:53 Maybe people are going to hate me because 51:55 I'm going to follow Jesus and keep His commandments." 52:00 But I'm deciding tonight to shed my first blood for Jesus. 52:07 I want you to remain seated tonight 52:11 and I'm going to pray for you. 52:13 I don't want you to stand up tonight. 52:14 I just want you to bow your head 52:16 and you'll see why in a moment. 52:18 But, would you please bow your head? 52:21 What we're gonna do? 52:23 We're gonna bring you to God in prayer. 52:26 Look at me. I can't tell you 52:28 much more than I've told tonight. 52:31 I've opened my heart to you. 52:33 I poured out my soul. 52:36 I've shown you the prophecy. 52:39 It's an unpopular truth, but it is the truth of God. 52:42 Jesus is unpopular in the world today. 52:47 But tonight, I want to send Jesus a message home. 52:50 Lord, whatever you tell me to do, 52:52 Jesus, I'm going to do it 52:54 even if it hurts, even if I bleed. 52:59 I want you to remain seated. 53:01 I want you to bow your heads 53:04 and I want you to tell the Lord tonight, 53:08 you're going to shed your first blood for Jesus. 53:13 Dear, Father, tonight 53:16 here we are in this vast, vast stadium. 53:21 We know that Your presence is here tonight. 53:25 We know that the Holy angels have got here tonight. 53:29 We know that they're keeping us safe. 53:33 We know that the devil is mad tonight 53:35 because the mask has been torn off his face. 53:41 And tonight Jesus is holding out His hands to us and He's saying, 53:46 "If you love Me, keep My commandments." 53:52 Lord, many of us have just been so we remiss, 53:58 we've been so indolent in our faith. 54:02 We wanted to be named Christians, 54:03 but we've never intended to follow You. 54:07 But tonight, Lord, we want to tell You, 54:10 by Your grace we're going to follow You. 54:14 We thank you, precious Lord, for coming down 54:19 and dying for us on the cross. 54:23 We thank you that You shed your blood for us, 54:26 so that we can be saved by grace. 54:29 And tonight, we want to tell you with that little Australian boy, 54:36 tonight I'm going to shed my first blood for Jesus. 54:39 I'm going to follow Christ even if it hurts. 54:43 Bless these dear people here tonight, Lord. 54:47 As tonight we tell You that by the grace of God, 54:51 as for me and my house we will serve the Lord, 54:57 we will get the mark of God in our foreheads. 55:01 We will go home to glory with Jesus. 55:06 When the great test comes upon us 55:07 and it's coming any day soon. 55:09 We are going to stand for Jesus 55:11 then because we made up our minds for Jesus now. 55:18 Bless these people, Lord, for Jesus sake, amen. 55:27 The Spirit of God today is moving. 55:30 He is moving wherever human hearts sense their need. 55:33 He is moving whenever and wherever 55:35 souls reach out to Him. 55:37 He is moving because these are not ordinary times. 55:40 He is moving through the proclamation 55:42 of His living word. 55:44 During the Port Moresby meetings, 55:46 the Spirit of God was powerfully present. 55:49 One evening, as Pastor John Carter 55:51 spoke about the Holy Spirit and His work to redeem souls, 55:54 a huge white bird flew low over the audience. 55:58 The congregation of more than 100,000 witnessed 56:00 the sight and believed that God had sent them a sign. 56:04 Tens of thousands poured forward 56:07 to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. 56:10 God today is calling you, as you view this program 56:13 to come to Him in faith. 56:15 The work of the Holy Spirit is not restricted 56:17 to any one place on earth wherever you are, He is there. 56:21 God loves you. 56:23 He has a plan for you and a glorious future. 56:31 Thank you for joining us today. 56:32 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter 56:35 and to receive our monthly newsletter, 56:37 write to us here at The Carter Report, PO Box 1900, 56:42 Thousand Oaks, California 91358 56:46 or in Australia at PO Box 861, 56:50 Terrigal NSW 2260. 56:55 That address again is PO Box 1900, 56:57 Thousand Oaks, California 91358 57:02 or in Australia at PO Box 861, Terrigal NSW 2260. 57:09 You may also contact us online at 57:14 Remember, Jesus said, 57:16 "You will know the truth 57:17 and the truth will set you free." |
Revised 2014-12-17