Participants: Pr. John Carter
Series Code: CR
Program Code: CR100015
00:01 The following presentation was made by John Carter
00:03 to a crowd of more than 100,000 souls. 00:06 This message is one of a truth filled series 00:09 that was delivered in the power of God's Holy Spirit 00:12 at the Sir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 00:16 One night, as the evangelists spoke about the Holy Spirit, 00:20 a giant white bird flew low over the vast audience 00:24 and the people rejoiced that God had visited His people. 00:28 Crowd surged forward to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. 00:32 A few days later, thousands were baptized 00:35 in the sea at Ela Beach. 00:37 All who attended these Holy Spirit anointed meetings 00:40 were convinced that God's word is true 00:43 and His gospel is still the power of God 00:46 for the salvation of all who believed. 00:48 The message you're about to hear and see 00:51 will not leave you the same person. 00:54 Welcome to the Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium, 00:57 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 01:02 Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. 01:04 And we have another tremendous audience here tonight. 01:08 The audiences just seemed to get more and more and more. 01:13 I've been told on real authority 01:16 that we're getting crowds in excess of a 100,000 people. 01:22 That's a big crowd, isn't it? 01:25 And you're part of the greatest crowd, 01:28 I think that I've ever spoken to anywhere in the world. 01:31 And also the crowd is so great 01:33 that we're thinking of setting up 01:36 another overflow over there. 01:39 We've got an overflow way down the back, 01:41 but we're thinking of setting up an overflow over on this side, 01:44 but we're still working on that. 01:46 I want to give you just the warmest welcome tonight. 01:49 I want to say that I'm tremendously glad to be here. 01:53 Tonight, I'm going to talk about from Bible Prophecy, 01:58 "The Mark of the Beast 02:00 and the man with the number 666." 02:07 Now before I go any further tonight, I want to say this. 02:10 The greatest truth in the Bible is not the truth about 02:14 "The Mark of the Beast," 02:16 even though that is tremendously important. 02:19 It's a part of God's last message to a dying world, 02:24 but the most important message you can get tonight is this, 02:28 that God loves you. 02:30 The Bible tells me that, "God so loved the world 02:34 that He gave His only son, so that whoever believes in Him 02:39 shall not perish, but have everlasting life." 02:43 And so I want you to know tonight, 02:45 God loves you and Jesus died for you. 02:50 Now tonight I'm going to come near to the desk. 02:53 What a beautiful breeze here in Port Moresby. 02:57 The breeze is just gorgeous. 02:59 And it's so cool and it makes you feel good to be alive. 03:05 Now this is a part of the program 03:08 on "The Mark of the Beast" to those watching on television. 03:13 So I'm going to turn now to Matthew 24 03:18 that is called by Bible scholars, 03:21 "The Little Apocalypse" 03:23 because it talks about the end of the world 03:27 and the great events that take place. 03:30 So I'm going to give this right now 03:33 and then I'm going to get my friend, 03:36 Pastor Willie to come out and sing. 03:38 What a blessing he is? Matthew 24:9 and onwards. 03:42 Are you listening to me tonight? Yes! 03:45 Come on, are you listening? Yes! 03:47 Oh, boy, I think you are. 03:49 Jesus said, "Then you will be handed over 03:52 to be persecuted and put to death." 03:56 He is talking here to His disciples. 03:59 His disciples are in all parts of the world. 04:04 "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted 04:07 and put to death, you will be hated by all nations 04:12 because of me," said our Lord. 04:16 Then He said, "At that time many will turn away from the faith." 04:21 Jesus said, "A lot of people who once believed 04:25 are going to turn away from the faith 04:27 and they're going to give up because of the great persecution 04:32 that comes upon the church. 04:34 At that time many will turn away from the faith 04:39 and will betray and hate each other." 04:42 The Bible teaches that the greatest crisis 04:45 in the history of the world is upon us. 04:49 "And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 04:54 Because of the increase of wickedness, 05:00 the love of most will grow cold," Jesus said. 05:04 "But he who stands firm to the end will be saved." 05:09 Verse 14, "And this gospel of the kingdom 05:14 will be preached in the whole world 05:18 as a testimony to all the nations, 05:22 and then the end will come." 05:24 So Jesus said this, "The gospel of the kingdom 05:28 is going to be preached all around the world." 05:32 And the gospel of the kingdom is being preached right here 05:35 to night in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. 05:39 Jesus said, "It would happen and it is happening here tonight." 05:44 And Jesus went on to say, 05:47 "So when you see standing in the Holy place 05:50 'the abomination that causes desolation.'" 05:54 That's the antichrist. 05:57 "Spoken of through the prophet Daniel- 06:00 let the reader understand." 06:03 And then Jesus said in the verse 19, He says, 06:08 "How dreadful it will be for those pregnant women 06:13 and nursing mothers in those days." 06:16 Because of the great time of trouble. 06:19 Jesus said, "Pray that your flight 06:21 will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath." 06:26 People-- God's people 06:28 will be keeping the Sabbath during the final test. 06:33 I want you to know that. 06:34 And then verse 21, "For then there will be great distress, 06:38 unequaled from the beginning of the world 06:41 until now-and never to be equaled again." 06:46 So Jesus said-- I want you to hear this. 06:49 Jesus said, "A great crisis is coming on the world." 06:55 And you may say to me tonight. 06:57 Why have you come so far from the United States of America? 07:02 And why have you brought your team from America and Australia? 07:06 Because we believe we are standing 07:09 on the brink of the greatest crisis 07:12 in the history of the world. 07:14 And it seems evident from this verse 07:17 that the Sabbath is going to be an issue. 07:20 Because Jesus said, "Pray that you won't have to flee 07:23 in the winter or on the Sabbath" 07:27 because it remains as a Holy day. 07:31 And then verse 29, Jesus said, 07:35 "Immediately after the distress of those days, 07:39 the sun will be darkened, 07:41 and the moon will not give its light, 07:43 the stars will fall from the sky, 07:47 and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 07:50 At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky 07:55 and all the nations of the earth will mourn. 07:58 They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, 08:03 with power and great glory." 08:07 Now listen to the next verse. 08:10 "And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, 08:15 and they will gather His elect from the four winds, 08:18 from one end of the heavens to the other." 08:22 Now, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to know this 08:27 and I tell it to you from my heart. 08:32 I believe in Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. 08:39 I'm not here tonight to talk about 08:41 my own opinions or my own views. 08:45 I'm here tonight because I want to be true to the Christ 08:50 who sent me to preach. 08:52 And Jesus tells me, "Right in the last days 08:57 there is going to come a time of persecution." 09:03 And Jesus said that, "The abomination of desolation, 09:08 the great Antichrist is going to come against God's church." 09:14 And then Jesus said, 09:16 "There's going to be such a time of trouble, 09:18 such as never was since the beginning of time." 09:22 We are here tonight to tell you and to show you 09:28 that there is a way of escape. 09:32 I want you to know that. 09:34 And Jesus said, "After this great time of trouble." 09:40 Jesus said, "That He is going to come back 09:44 in power and great glory and He is going to come back 09:49 with the mighty angels of heaven." 09:52 And Jesus said, "He is going to gather His people, 09:56 His elect and He is going to take them home to glory." 10:02 Can any person say tonight hallelujah? 10:06 Can you say hallelujah? Hallelujah! 10:09 Now we're going to talk about "The Mark of the Beast" tonight. 10:13 We're going to deal with some strong material tonight. 10:18 But I've got good news for you. 10:20 God loves us and Jesus is coming again 10:27 to take us home to glory. 10:29 Praise the Lord. Amen and amen. 10:36 Now I am going to ask this vast audience tonight 10:40 to do something special. 10:41 I've asked you several nights. 10:45 There are some key subjects 10:49 and this is one of the key subjects, 10:52 "The Mark of the Beast." 10:54 Whenever I speak on the occult, I say to the audience. 10:59 The devil hates this subject. 11:01 He doesn't want you here for this meeting. 11:04 And I say to the audience, I want you to pray 11:07 right through the meeting 11:09 that the angels of God are going to surround 11:13 this vast auditorium, and God is going to come 11:18 and keep us safe 11:20 and the Spirit of God is going to come 11:22 and speak to our hearts. 11:25 And so tonight, I'm asking every person here tonight 11:29 who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ 11:32 as I am preaching tonight from the Word of God 11:36 and I can feel tonight 11:37 that the Spirit of God is in this place. 11:40 And I can feel tonight that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. 11:45 I can sense this tonight. 11:48 I can sense tonight the divine anointing. 11:53 Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place 11:57 and God wants to bring to you tonight a message 12:03 that is going to save you and a message 12:07 which is going to deliver you from this present evil world 12:12 and take you home to glory. 12:14 So be it amen. 12:34 Come and fill our homes with Your presence 12:40 You alone are worthy of our reverence 12:47 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 12:54 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 13:01 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 13:09 We will serve the Lord 13:20 Lord, we vow to live holy 13:26 Bowing our knees to You only 13:33 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 13:40 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 13:47 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 13:55 We will serve the Lord 14:02 Staying together, praying together 14:08 Any storm we can weather 14:12 Trusting in God's Word We need each other 14:20 Fathers and mothers Sisters and brothers 14:26 In harmony and love 14:31 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 14:38 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 14:45 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 14:53 We will serve the Lord 15:00 Staying together, praying together 15:06 Any storm we can weather 15:10 When we're trusting in God's Word 15:14 We need each other 15:18 Fathers and mothers Sisters and brothers 15:24 In harmony and love 15:29 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 15:36 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 15:43 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 15:51 We will serve 15:54 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 16:01 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 16:08 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 16:16 We will serve the Lord 16:22 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 16:29 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 16:36 As for me and my house We will serve the Lord 16:44 We will serve the Lord 16:51 We will serve the Lord 16:58 We will serve the Lord 17:13 Paul the evangelist says in the Bible 17:15 that "God will finish His work 17:17 and cut it short in righteousness." 17:19 The Prophet Joel says, 17:21 "God will pour out His spirit in the last days, 17:23 and signs and wonders will follow." 17:25 The Carter Report believes that we are now in the end times 17:29 and His spirit is moving mightily. 17:32 During the Port Moresby campaign, 17:34 we testified that we saw the power of God revealed. 17:38 God hungry souls 17:41 could not get enough of the word of the Lord 17:43 as at creation the Spirit of God 17:46 moved upon the face of the waters 17:48 and God brought cosmos out of chaos. 17:52 Souls were recreated in the image of the creator. 17:56 Instead of hate, there was love. 17:58 Instead of despair, there was hope. 18:00 Instead of sorrow, there was joy. 18:02 And in the place of death, God gave life. 18:06 One night, as John Carter preached 18:08 on the person and work of the Holy Spirit 18:10 the image of a white bird was flashed on the screens. 18:14 That moment a great white bird 18:16 flew low over the astonished congregation. 18:19 Cries of joy filled the air as the audience recognized 18:23 that God had visited His people. 18:25 A mighty surge of Pentecostal power 18:27 swept the audience of 120,000 souls 18:31 and everyone present felt the warm comforting presence of God. 18:36 The Carter Report team invites you, my dear viewer, 18:39 to be a partner in this work. 18:41 Soldiers of the cross are wanted. 18:44 Faith partners are needed. 18:46 Write to us now here at the Carter Report, 18:49 PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358 18:55 or in Australia, at PO Box 861, 18:59 Terrigal, NSW 2260. 19:02 You may also contact us online at 19:06 or email us at 19:15 I have a conviction tonight 19:18 that the Spirit of the Lord is here. 19:22 I know when the Spirit of the God comes 19:24 and blesses His people 19:27 and I have a conviction I can feel the presence of the Lord. 19:32 The greatest test for God's people is still ahead. 19:36 Conflicts over religious liberty are not new. 19:40 The last conflict in the world is over religious liberty. 19:47 You go back to the days of the Roman Empire 19:51 and the Christians were persecuted for their faith. 19:54 The Christians would not bend, they would not bow, 19:59 they would not budge and they were thrown 20:02 to the lions in the Circus Maximus. 20:06 God does not always deliver us in this life time, 20:12 but He will deliver us one day in the kingdom of God. 20:17 I want you to know that. Deliverance is coming. 20:21 During the Dark Ages, the Great State Church 20:25 put to death millions and millions of earnest Christians. 20:32 A vast number of earnest Roman Catholics 20:36 who insisted in thinking for themselves, 20:40 like you folks do. 20:42 And reading their Bibles for themselves 20:45 and who would not bow their knee to Baal. 20:48 Millions of them were butchered 20:50 by the Great State Church in the Dark Ages. 20:54 The Pilgrim Fathers came to America 20:58 because they wanted to escape 21:00 the persecution in the old world. 21:03 They wanted to get away 21:05 from that system of church and state. 21:09 They wanted to found the country, 21:11 the United States of America, which would be a church, 21:18 a church without a pope 21:21 and a state, a state without a king. 21:27 They wanted to breathe free air 21:29 and that's what I want to breathe. 21:31 I was born in liberty 21:34 and I want to be able to breathe and live in liberty. 21:40 History records, listen to this, 21:44 because we're all involved in this. 21:46 We're not here to point the finger at any special group. 21:51 Not at all. 21:52 History records, that Catholics, 21:56 Orthodox, Protestants, Jews, 22:01 Moslems, Hindus, and Atheists 22:05 have persecuted nonconformists 22:10 who were considered a threat. 22:14 I've shown you pictures how in the Soviet Union 22:17 tens of millions were butchered 22:20 for their faith in Christ by the atheists. 22:26 In many parts of the world, 22:28 people are denied the privilege of worshipping Christ. 22:33 According to the dictates of their consciences 22:36 around the word today Christian churches are still being burnt 22:43 and Christians are being murdered for their faith. 22:48 You say, is it true? Absolutely. 22:52 The Bible teaches the just ahead is the last great conflict. 22:59 Now, what we're going to do tonight? 23:01 We're going to talk about the Mark of the Beast. 23:05 We're going to talk about 23:06 how you and I can escape the Mark of the Beast. 23:10 And in this meeting, we want to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. 23:15 I'm going to turn in my Bible, in the Holy Bible. 23:20 We say, "What is--" you may say, 23:23 "What is your authority in these meetings? 23:27 Is it your church?" No, no, no. 23:31 "What is your authority?" 23:34 It is, my friend, the Word of God, the Bible. 23:39 I want you to know this, whether you are a Roman Catholic, 23:43 whether you are a Protestant, whether you are a Jew, 23:47 whether you are an unbeliever. 23:50 You're welcome here tonight. 23:53 And I want you to know something. 23:55 God loves you and we love you too. 23:59 As you come into this meeting, 24:01 I hope that you'll feel surrounded 24:04 by an atmosphere of acceptance and love. 24:08 We're going to turn in the Holy Bible to Revelation 14:14. 24:14 And we've got this giant screens here, 24:17 so you can see the Word of God with your own eyes. 24:21 "I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, 24:26 and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man as Jesus 24:30 with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand." 24:38 The Bible tells me that Jesus is going to come back 24:42 as the Lord of the harvest. 24:45 And in this symbolic portrayal of the second coming of Christ, 24:51 He comes back with a sharp sickle 24:54 because He comes back as the Judge of all men. 25:00 I want every person here tonight 25:02 to know the 100,000 people, plus people 25:06 who are here tonight, I want you to know 25:09 we have a case pending at the judgment bar of God. 25:15 And the Bible says, 25:17 "It is appointed unto men once to die 25:19 and after that the judgment." 25:22 But the Bible teaches that Christ is going to come back 25:26 and He comes back with a sharp sickle in His hand. 25:31 But before He comes back to this planet in His mercy, 25:36 in His overwhelming love, 25:41 He sends a great warning message to the world. 25:46 Because in Revelation 14:9-12, 25:52 you have God's last warning message 25:56 before the second coming of the Christ. 25:59 Revelation 14:9-12. "I beseech you." 26:05 Look at the text. A third angel. 26:10 Now there are three angels in this chapter. 26:13 The first chapter teaches the everlasting gospel 26:17 which is the good news that Christ died 26:21 for our sins on the cross. 26:24 And if you and I come to Christ, 26:26 we will receive forgiveness for our sins. 26:30 The message of the second angel is a warning against 26:34 a great religious system that is called Babylon, the mighty city. 26:41 But here we have the third angel's message. 26:45 "A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice. 26:50 'If anyone worships the beast.'" 26:54 Anyone includes the Adventists, the Baptists, the Methodists, 27:01 our beloved friends in the Roman Catholic Church. 27:05 It includes the Pope of Rome. It includes President Obama. 27:12 It includes everybody. It includes you here tonight. 27:17 No person can escape this great message. 27:21 "If anyone worships the beasts and his image--" 27:26 People say, you shouldn't preach it. 27:30 Do you want me to go against God? 27:33 Do you want me to have my hands stained 27:37 with the blood of lost souls because I was a spiritual coward 27:44 and I wouldn't stand here and preach the Word of God? 27:51 Look at it. 27:52 "If anyone worships the beast and his image 27:57 and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, 28:03 he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, 28:09 which has been poured full strength 28:13 into the cup of his wrath. 28:15 He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence 28:22 of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 28:26 And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. 28:33 There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast 28:39 and its image or for anyone 28:42 who receives the mark of his name. 28:48 And in contrast, this calls for patient endurance 28:53 on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments 28:58 and remain faithful to Jesus." 29:01 You won't believe this, but I have people, 29:06 even ministers of religion of my own church 29:13 and they say, "We should not preach that." 29:16 I say to them, "You are going against the Word of God 29:23 and God will judge you 29:26 for your disobedience to the Word of God." 29:30 My friend, I'm glad to hear that you with me tonight. 29:34 I'm glad to hear that you with me. 29:37 But the Bible says, "If I don't preach it, 29:41 God is going to raise up somebody else 29:43 who is going to preach it." 29:44 But it's going to be preached. 29:46 And I want you to know, 29:47 it has been preached today around the world. 29:51 Now the Bible tells us there is a contrast 29:56 to the Mark of the Beast. 29:58 Going to come over here to my blackboards. 30:01 And I want a camera to come with me 30:03 because I want you to see this 30:05 and I want you to see it real good. 30:10 The Bible here talks about the Mark, 30:16 "The Mark of the Beast." 30:21 And someone says, 30:22 "Well that term beast is an insulting term" 30:26 It is not. 30:28 It is not in anyway derogatory. 30:33 In Bible Prophecy, a beast represents a kingdom 30:39 or a power, political or religious. 30:44 And so the term beast is rather innocuous. 30:49 It simply means a great power. 30:53 And there you've got here on the blackboard, 30:55 the Mark of the Beast, 30:57 but there is something that is the contrast 31:00 to the Mark of the Beast. 31:02 And the Bible says, 31:04 "The very opposite of the Mark of the Beast, 31:07 here we got it, the commandments. 31:11 Not a man, 31:13 but the commandments of Jesus Christ. 31:19 The commandments of God. 31:22 Now, if you want to escape the Mark of the Beast, 31:25 what you've got to do? 31:27 You've got to get over here and you've got to keep 31:30 because you love Jesus, you got to keep the commandments of God. 31:37 I want you to see that. 31:39 You know, it's as plain as the nose on your face. 31:45 You'll never, never get the Mark of the Beast, 31:49 if you follow Jesus and you keep the commandments of God. 31:57 But the problem is, we've got people telling us today 32:00 that the commandments don't matter anymore. 32:03 Those people are getting you ready, 32:06 if you believe them for the Mark of the Beast. 32:12 When I read the Bible, 32:14 the Bible has a lot to say about the commandments of God. 32:19 Now I want to clear up something. 32:22 We are not saved by our works. 32:26 We're not saved because we are good enough. 32:29 We are saved because Christ is good enough 32:33 and because Christ died for our sins. 32:37 According to the scriptures 32:39 we're saved by the grace of God. 32:43 But we are not saved to disobey God 32:47 and to break His commandments, 32:50 we're saved to love God and to keep His commandments. 32:56 You see. 32:57 Keeping God's commandments is the proof 33:03 that I am saved by the blood of Jesus. 33:08 Hear what I'm saying tonight? 33:13 In God's sight, it doesn't matter 33:15 whether you are black, white or brown 33:17 or some shade in between. 33:19 Inside, we are all the same. 33:22 The human heart needs more than things. 33:25 We need God to fill the big black hole within us. 33:29 More than 100,000 souls every night 33:32 attended the meetings in Port Moresby 33:35 because Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. 33:39 If you would like to partake of the blessings they received, 33:42 then write today for your DVD of this program. 33:46 If you would also like to help light a candle in a dark place, 33:49 then please include your gift. 33:51 You can write to John Carter 33:54 at PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358 34:00 or in Australia at PO Box 861, 34:04 Terrigal, NSW 2260. 34:07 This program is made possible by viewers like you. Thank you. 34:15 Now, what we are going to do right now? 34:18 We're going to look at the commandments not of the church, 34:23 but the commandments of God. 34:26 And we're going to turn to a great text 34:28 over here, Exodus 20. 34:31 Now, you know, we're going to have 34:33 a great baptism this coming Sabbath. 34:35 This coming Saturday, we're going to have a baptism. 34:38 You need to be in that baptism. 34:42 Now the Bible tells me in this verse here 34:45 that "God ought to be first in our lives." 34:49 And that's what I'm preaching tonight. 34:51 Because I want you to be saved. Exodus 20:1-3. 34:57 Exodus 20 is the chapter 35:00 in the Bible on the Ten Commandments. 35:03 Hey, is anybody listening here tonight? 35:06 Is anybody listening here tonight? 35:09 I want to say, God is good. All the time! 35:12 All the time. God is good! 35:14 Maranatha. Jesus is coming! 35:16 Jesus is coming. Maranatha! 35:19 Praise the Lord, I tell you tonight. 35:21 Now look at these Ten Commandments. 35:23 Can't you feel tonight 35:25 that the presence of the Lord is in this place? 35:28 Can you say, amen? Jesus is here tonight. 35:33 Can you say that tonight? Amen. 35:36 Let me hear an amen here tonight. 35:39 Amen! Look, here we have it. 35:41 The Ten Commandments, "And God spoke all these words. 35:44 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, 35:52 out of the land of slavery.' 35:54 That's what God is done for His people. 35:56 He's brought us out of the slavery of sin. 36:00 "You shall have 36:03 no other gods before me." 36:09 The Bible says, "Unless Jesus is Lord of all, 36:16 He is not Lord at all." 36:21 And the Bible tells me, "Godmust be first in my life." 36:27 But the Bible also tells me, "If I put the church, 36:34 if I put the theologians, if I put this organization 36:40 or that organization ahead of God, 36:44 I am preparing my soul 36:48 to receive the Mark of the Beast." 36:53 But if a person puts Christ's first 36:56 and if that person who puts Christ first, 36:59 keeps the commandments of God, 37:02 He will never ever, ever get the Mark of the Beast. 37:08 This is the Word of the Lord. 37:13 Now we're just going to goes through this little slower now. 37:19 I'm going to move from preaching mode, 37:23 I'm gonna change down a gear. 37:26 And I'm going to go now into teaching mode. 37:32 Are you ready? 37:34 We're going to talk now about the identity of the beast. 37:39 Remember, beast is not a derogatory term. 37:44 It simply means a power or a kingdom. 37:50 The beast. 37:51 We have a number of identification marks. 37:55 The first is found in Revelation 13:1-2, 38:00 that describes graphically the beast. 38:05 Here it is, "The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. 38:09 And I saw a beast, a power coming up out of the sea." 38:16 Now the next verse. Roll it on. 38:20 "He had ten horns, seven heads with ten crowns on his horns, 38:26 and on his head a blasphemous name. 38:30 This is the great beast that places upon 38:35 men and women of mark in the last days. 38:38 We have to now find out who the beast is? 38:44 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, 38:50 but had feet like those of a bear 38:55 and a mouth like that of a lion. 38:58 The dragon gave the beast his power 39:01 and his throne and great authority." 39:06 Behold on the giant screen. 39:10 Behold the beast. 39:16 Now you won't see that beast in the zoo. 39:20 That beast is the antichrist beast. 39:26 This beast has many different characteristics. 39:32 He's made up of Greece, the leopard. 39:37 He's made up of Medo-Persia, the bear. 39:42 He speaks with the mouth of Babylon, the lion 39:46 and he is found in Europe, 39:50 the ten horns of Europe you see. 39:55 And then Revelation 13:4, Revelation 13:4 tells us 40:02 the beast accepts worship. 40:07 Now we shall see this. Revelation 13:4. 40:13 "Men worshipped the dragon, now that's the devil. 40:17 Because he'd given authority to the beast 40:21 and they also worshiped the beast. 40:25 "We gonna stop." 40:29 Worship has got nothing to do with the state. 40:33 Worship is something to do with the church. 40:39 This power is a religious power 40:45 because men and women 40:48 give their spiritual allegiance to the beast. 40:55 Point number 3, Revelation 13:5, 41:01 the beast of his church power 41:04 rules for 1,260 years. 41:10 And we should look at this Revelation 13:5, 41:14 and then after that we will go 41:16 to the Book of Revelation a little bit further. 41:19 Here we go, "The beast was given a mouth 41:23 to utter proud words and blasphemies." 41:26 He says, "He can forgive your sins." 41:28 He says, "We hold upon this earth, 41:33 the place of God almighty" says the beast 41:38 and to exercise his authority for 42 months." 41:43 Now listen to me. 41:46 In a Biblical prophetic month, there are 30 days, 3-0, 41:53 and if you multiply 42 by 30, 41:58 you have 1,260 days, as you can see here. 42:04 The women-- Oh, now, listen. 42:08 I've got to get back to teaching mode. 42:12 In Bible Prophecy, there are two women. 42:15 A woman represents the church. 42:18 You say, "I belong to a church." 42:21 Hey, you may belong to the wrong one. 42:25 Because the Bible says, 42:27 "There is the woman who pretends to be God's church 42:31 and there is the true church." 42:34 The Book of Revelation Chapter 12, 42:36 you have the true church of God, but over here on this side, 42:41 you have the harlot that rides upon the state. 42:48 So the Bible says, in Bible Prophecy, 42:50 there are two women. 42:52 One is the bride of Christ 42:54 and the other one is the great counterfeit. 43:00 We can come back to Revelation 13, 43:03 Revelation 12, Revelation-- now that will do nicely. 43:08 "The beast was given--" 43:10 These men here who're doing the projectors 43:12 and who do the computers get 15 out of 10 every night 43:17 because they do such a fantastic job. 43:20 Yes, let's say, thank you to the men tonight 43:23 working all the controls here in this giant auditorium. 43:27 "The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words 43:29 and blasphemies and to exercise 43:32 its authority for forty-two months." 43:34 Now we will go to Revelation Chapter 12, 43:37 the woman that is the church. 43:39 This is talking about God's church. 43:42 "The woman fled into the desert 43:44 to a place prepared for her by God, 43:47 where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days." 43:52 And there you have the true church 43:54 being persecuted by the antichrist. 43:59 History tells me, and I think I may even have a diagram here 44:03 that I'm going to popup on the screen, 44:05 where it talks about 1,260 days. 44:09 Oh, the 1200-- Oh, there it is. 44:12 I only have to think about it and it appears. 44:15 There we have the period of the Dark Ages. 44:18 And these dates, my friend are approximate dates. 44:23 History doesn't stop or close with a date, 44:26 but that great church became a world power in the year 538 44:33 and ruled or 1,260 years 44:37 and it comes through until 1798. 44:42 Now that great time period of more than a thousand years. 44:48 Their great time period of 1,260 years 44:52 is what historians call the Dark Ages. 45:00 The noonday of that great church 45:04 was the midnight of the world. 45:11 During the Dark Ages, millions of earnest, 45:16 devoted Christians were put to death 45:19 because they would not bend, they would not budge, 45:23 they would not bow down to Baal, 45:26 and because they believed 45:28 in reading their Bibles. 45:34 tells us 45:37 that the beast persecutes nonconformist. 45:42 Revelation 13:7, I want you to know tonight. 45:48 I want to be a nonconformist for Jesus. 45:55 I want to stand with Jesus 45:57 even if I'm standing with the minority 46:02 because Jesus, one man and Jesus make a majority. 46:08 Hear what I'm saying? Look at this text. 46:12 "He was given power to make war against the saints." 46:17 He makes war. 46:19 The false woman makes war against the true woman. 46:23 The harlot church makes war against the bride of the lamb. 46:29 And there you have a picture 46:31 of the bloody Spanish inquisition. 46:35 It says here, "He was given power 46:37 to make war against the saints and to conquer them. 46:41 And he was given authority over every tribe, people, 46:45 language and nation." 46:47 He ruled the world and when he ruled the world 46:54 it was a time of darkness and religious terrorism. 47:01 I would remind you tonight 47:04 that even though this great church persecuted 47:08 the religion of Jesus never persecuted a single soul. 47:16 God never forces us. 47:19 You can come into this meeting tonight 47:22 and you can say, "I will not do what God tells me to do." 47:28 God will never force you. 47:31 Jesus said, "I haven't come to destroy men's lives, 47:37 but to save them." 47:43 The religion of Jesus 47:45 cnever persecuted a single soul. 47:51 The fifth identification mark is Revelation 13:2. 47:56 This church receives her power from the dragon. 48:02 Revelation 13:2, 48:06 this is the Word of the Lord. 48:11 "The beast I saw resembled a leopard." 48:14 Add a bit of Greece? 48:16 "But had feet of those of a bear." 48:18 Medo- Persia. 48:20 "And a mouth like that of a lion." 48:22 Babylon, antichrist. 48:25 "The dragon gave the beast his power 48:28 and his throne and great authority." 48:32 The Bible tells me that, 48:34 "If this great church did not gain his power from Jesus, 48:41 but this great church got his power from the dragon." 48:48 Now listen, the dragon is Satan, 48:54 but Satan works through earthly, earthly powers. 48:59 And in the days of Jesus, Satan was working 49:06 through the power of pagan Rome. 49:13 And history tells me 49:16 that this great religious system 49:23 got her power not from Jesus, 49:26 but from pagan Rome. 49:31 It's going to be hard for you need to see that, 49:34 but it's over there in the City of Rome 49:37 and it has there and if you look at it hard, 49:40 you can see its says, "Caesar." 49:43 It's got the name Caesar and then it's got his title, 49:48 Pontifex Maximus. 49:52 Pontifex Maximus is the title of the Caesars of Rome. 50:00 The dragon, what happened was the church 50:07 got all the power of pagan Rome 50:11 and pagan Rome was so called converted, 50:15 and pagan Rome gave her authority 50:19 and her power and her prestige to the church. 50:26 Not the church of Jesus, but the counterfeit church. 50:30 And if you notice up here, 50:32 look at this, it's got the name of Sixtus, 50:38 one of the popes and it calls him, 50:42 Pontifex Maximus. 50:45 You can see it with your own eyes. 50:48 And over here on this screen you can see Constantine, 50:53 the Roman Emperor giving his authority 50:59 to the church. This is history. 51:05 We're not talking about people living today. 51:08 We are talking about the facts of history. 51:11 And Jesus said, "You'll know the truth 51:14 and the truth will make you free." You see? 51:19 The dragon gave him his power 51:23 and his throne and his great authority. 51:29 Every word of the prophecy came to pass. 51:34 I tell you, this is the Word of the Lord. 51:39 Now listen, the Bible says 51:42 that this power would receive a fatal or a deadly wound 51:47 as it says in the King James Version. 51:50 You read about this in Revelation 13:3. 51:56 Revelation 13:3. 52:00 One of the heads of the beasts 52:02 seemed to have had a fatal wound. 52:05 People say, "When did that happened? 52:07 I talked about it the other night." 52:10 This great system ruled the world from 538 52:15 right through until 1798 and then General Berthier, 52:20 one of the generals of Napoleon Bonaparte, 52:24 marched down to Rome and took the Pontiff prisoner, 52:30 after the 1,260 years. 52:33 You say, "It's incredible, I can't believe this, my friend, 52:37 believe in the God who believes in you. 52:41 If there's a person here tonight 52:43 and you've come here and you say, 52:44 "I don't believe the Bible." 52:46 Well, you better believe it now because history proves 52:52 that the prophecies of the Bible are absolutely correct. 52:57 And just a bit before then a great Roman Catholic monk 53:02 by the name of Martin Luther 53:06 started to preach the Word of God. 53:09 Now tomorrow night I'm going to talk 53:13 on how long does it take to be saved? 53:17 A part of that talk is going to be 53:19 what Martin Luther told. 53:22 The best meeting that I give in this entire series, 53:26 I think is the meeting tomorrow night. 53:30 But the preaching of Martin Luther 53:34 and those great reformers 53:37 gave to that great church a moral wound. 53:44 And did you know this, my Protestant friends? 53:47 Martin Luther taught virtually everything 53:51 I am teaching and preaching in these meetings. 53:55 He said, "We must follow the Bible and the Bible alone." 54:01 And he said that "Their great church was the power 54:07 that was described in the prophecies of the Bible. 54:11 Those churches don't teach you today 54:14 because they are afraid to teach it, 54:16 but I want you to know today 54:19 we are standing on the Word of God. 54:23 God will help us tonight. 54:26 And then the next great truth is this, 54:29 identification mark. 54:30 The Bible says that that fatal 54:33 or that mortal wound would be healed. 54:37 I'm gonna read this. There it has point number 7. 54:40 But you know I got it there in yellow. 54:42 "But the fatal wound had been healed. 54:45 The whole world was astonished and followed the beast." 54:48 The Bible says that that great church 54:51 that went down in 1798, according to Bible prophecy 54:57 and because of the preaching 54:59 of the great prophecies of the Bible. 55:03 The Bible says that great power 55:06 is going to come back with all the might, 55:12 with all the intolerance of the Dark Ages. 55:16 And that great power is going to enforce 55:20 the Mark of the Beast. 55:22 But I want you to know 55:24 that Jesus is going to arise in power and strength. 55:29 And He is going to slay the beast 55:32 and He is going to save His people. 55:35 Want you to know this. 55:36 I want you to know tonight 55:38 that we are on the winning side. 55:41 We have read the back of the book and we win. 55:46 Now listen. Point number 8, I think it is. 55:51 The Bible says that this great church 55:54 has got a man and his number is 666. 56:10 Who are these people attending the Carter Report 56:13 at the Sir John Guise Stadium, 56:14 Port Moresby, New Papua Guinea? 56:16 Well, they come from all walks of life. 56:19 In this great congregation of more than 100,000, 56:22 we find doctors, lawyers, politicians, ambassadors, 56:26 carpenters, students, teachers, believers and unbelievers. 56:30 There are husbands and wives with their families. 56:33 There are the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak. 56:38 They are being told that Christ alone is the way, 56:41 the truth and the life. 56:43 They are hearing the words of life 56:44 and their hearts are being strangely warmed. 56:48 Sometimes they feel that their hearts will burst 56:51 and they feel compel to hurry down to the front 56:53 to publicly confess the Savior. 56:56 They are shown in the scriptures 56:57 that God commands men everywhere to repent 57:00 and be baptized. 57:02 They respond with the holy devotion 57:04 and a passionate intensity. 57:07 Will you not join them? 57:12 Thank you for joining us today. 57:14 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter 57:17 and to receive our monthly newsletter, 57:19 write to us here at the Carter Report, PO Box 1900, 57:23 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358, 57:28 or in Australia at PO Box 861, 57:32 Terrigal, NSW 2260. 57:36 That address again is PO Box 1900, 57:39 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358, 57:43 or in Australia at PO Box 861, 57:47 Terrigal, NSW 2260. 57:51 Remember Jesus said, "You will know the truth 57:54 and the truth will set you free." |
Revised 2014-12-17