Carter Report, The

Dark Deeds Of The Antichrist Revealed, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR100013

00:01 Some of the largest crowds in the history of Christianity
00:03 attended the Carter Report
00:05 in the Sir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
00:09 Who were these people?
00:11 Well, they were earnest seekers for truth
00:14 with hearts strangely warmed by the love of God.
00:18 They came hungry for God.
00:20 And they listened to His Word with a holy awe,
00:23 mingled with a divine excitement.
00:25 When the invitation to accept Christ
00:27 as Lord and Savior was given, thousands surged forward.
00:32 The fervency and devotion of these seekers
00:34 displayed the miracle working power
00:37 of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
00:39 You are now invited to join this mighty congregation
00:43 as Pastor John Carter forthrightly proclaims
00:45 the message hot from the heart of God.
00:48 Welcome to the Carter Report
00:50 in the Sir John Guise National Stadium,
00:53 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
01:02 It never fails to amaze us the tremendous crowds
01:05 have come night after night.
01:07 I was talking to one of the local leaders
01:11 and he told us that he felt
01:13 we had far in excess of 100,000 people here last night.
01:17 And the crowds have been like this
01:20 night after night after night.
01:22 The topic tonight is a big topic,
01:25 my friends, "Dark Deeds of Antichrist Revealed."
01:28 We are going to show you from Bible prophecy
01:31 and from the statements and confessions of the church.
01:34 Now the great church, actually changed the law of God.
01:38 And this is affected around the world,
01:40 millions and millions of people, including so many people
01:44 here in the great land of Papua New Guinea.
01:46 But tonight God is going to open our eyes,
01:49 and God is going to bless us and He's going to lead us
01:52 a little deeper into the great truth of God.
01:55 Now let me just get you folks there--what should I say?
01:59 Let's have a little talking now again, shall we?
02:04 God is good.
02:05 All the time.
02:06 All the time.
02:08 God is good.
02:09 God is good.
02:11 Maranatha. Maranatha.
02:12 Jesus is coming.
02:14 Jesus is coming.
02:15 Maranatha. Jesus is coming.
02:17 Maranatha. Maranatha.
02:20 Jesus is coming.
02:22 Maranatha. Jesus is coming.
02:24 Jesus is coming.
02:26 Maranatha. Halleluiah.
02:28 Praise the Lord.
02:29 Praise the Lord.
02:32 You folks are really with it tonight.
02:34 I tried to trick you, did you notice that?
02:36 I tried to trick you.
02:39 But you folks are just so much on the board tonight
02:42 that you're just really a wonderful audience.
02:46 Pastor Hawker told you
02:47 a little bit about our crew here.
02:51 We're based in the city of Arcadia which is a part
02:54 of Los Angeles County in the United States of America.
02:58 There we have a worship center
03:00 and we have a television production center
03:02 and a radio production center.
03:04 These television cameras, we have our
03:07 five television cameras that we're using
03:09 in this series of meetings.
03:11 These come from our center in Arcadia.
03:14 They came a long, long way for this series.
03:18 And we're planning to make a complete television series.
03:22 And with this series we hope and expect
03:26 we'll be showing right across the PNG on television.
03:31 It's not being done live, of course,
03:33 because we're going to put the series together
03:35 and make it a super, super
03:38 wonderful series for the glory of God.
03:41 What we're going to do right now
03:42 is just sit back and relax and enjoy.
03:48 Willie G, one of America's great singers.
03:52 When he was 19, he was one of the most famous singers
03:57 in the United States of America, "Willie G. with Thee Midniters."
04:03 And since those days, he's been working
04:05 for the gang members, leading people to Christ.
04:08 And singing the gospel, right around the Los Angeles,
04:13 and across the United States of America,
04:16 and right around the world.
04:17 And so please, would you make him feel right at home?
04:20 Would you please welcome, Pastor Willie Garcia?
04:43 I know the plans
04:47 I have for you,
04:51 declares the Lord
05:00 I know the plans
05:04 I have for you,
05:08 declares the Lord
05:18 Plans to prosper you
05:27 Plans never to harm you
05:35 Plans to give you a hope, and a future
05:43 These are the plans
05:47 These are the plans
05:51 These are the plans
05:54 That I have for you
06:04 Thank you Jesus
06:09 Hallelujah. I know the plans
06:15 I know the plans
06:17 I have for you
06:21 Declares the Lord
06:24 Oh, I know the plans
06:30 I know the plans, I have for you
06:32 That's God word
06:38 Declares the Lord
06:48 Plans to prosper you
06:54 That's God's word
06:56 That's God's word Plans never to harm you
07:01 And His promises He never failed
07:03 He'll never let us down
07:05 Plans to give you
07:09 A hope and a future
07:12 These are the plans
07:15 These are the plans These are the plans
07:19 These are the plans These are the plans
07:22 These are the plans That I have for you
07:49 Come on, somebody.
07:52 Can you just reach up and touch
07:53 the presence of Almighty God
07:55 that's in this place tonight? Somebody?
08:09 Plans to prosper you
08:11 That's God word That's God word
08:14 Plans never to harm you
08:18 And His promises He never failed
08:20 He'll never let you down
08:22 Plans to give you Yeah
08:26 Your hope and your future
08:29 Because these are the plans
08:31 These are the plans These are the plans
08:36 These are the plans These are the plans
08:40 That's God's word
08:42 These are the plans
08:43 Every promises He made to man
08:46 These are the plans
08:47 These are the plans
08:54 That I have for you
08:58 That I have for you
09:02 Thank you, Lord
09:07 Thank you that You're restorer of the people
09:11 These are the plans
09:24 Our topic tonight is "Dark Deeds of Antichrist Revealed."
09:32 We're going to take this slow and easy tonight my friends.
09:37 This is a tremendous, even a formidable truth.
09:41 I'm going to tell you tonight from the word of God.
09:45 How the great state church of the Middle Ages
09:49 tampered with the times in the law of God.
09:55 This will truly amaze you.
10:00 People have said to me as they come to the meetings,
10:02 we are amazed that all of these great truths
10:06 that you're presenting are fair and squarely based
10:10 upon the Word of God.
10:13 In these meetings we believe with all our hearts
10:17 that a person must build his faith
10:20 not upon the teachings of the church,
10:23 but upon the commandments of God in the faith of Jesus
10:27 to the law and to the testimony.
10:30 If they speak not according to this word,
10:32 it is because there is no light in them.
10:35 So tonight, "Dark Deeds of Antichrist Revealed,"
10:40 as I look out tonight, we see a tremendous audience.
10:44 Some of the local pastors told me last night,
10:47 some of the local leaders told me that we had well over 100,000
10:53 people here tonight in this vast stadium
10:56 and standing outside the stadium.
10:58 And tonight on this Sunday night,
11:01 we have once again a capacity crowd
11:04 inside this great stadium.
11:07 Now before we go any further, we're gonna stand to our feet
11:10 and we're going to pray and we're going
11:12 ask the Lord to bless us.
11:16 We're sure, we need the presence of God in this place tonight.
11:24 What a great crowd it is?
11:28 What we're gonna do now is bow our heads
11:32 and we're going to close our eyes and at the same time
11:38 we're going open up our hearts.
11:40 I want you to do some thing tonight
11:42 as I explain this tremendous subject.
11:45 I want you to pray that the Spirit of God
11:48 will come into the meeting.
11:51 I want you to pray that the Spirit of God will bind
11:55 the strong man whose name is Satan.
11:58 And that Jesus will be glorified in this meeting tonight.
12:03 And we will see the Spirit of God
12:05 move across this vast audience.
12:08 Are you with me, my friends?
12:11 Let us bow our heads and let us pray.
12:15 Our Father in heaven, we thank You
12:17 for this magnificent evening.
12:20 We thank You for this gentle breeze.
12:23 We thank You for the coolness of the night.
12:26 We thank You for Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord,
12:31 who came into this world to save sinners
12:34 of whom we are chief.
12:36 We thank You tonight that God
12:38 so loved the world that He gave His only Son,
12:42 so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
12:46 but have everlasting life.
12:49 We pray tonight that the mighty Spirit
12:51 of the living God will come into this meeting
12:54 that He will move across this vast audience
12:58 and that the name of Jesus will be magnified and glorified
13:04 as the truth is preached.
13:06 Bless every person here tonight with the forgiveness of sins
13:10 and the indwelling peace that can only come
13:13 from our relationship with Jesus.
13:16 And so tonight we worship You,
13:18 we bless You, and we praise You
13:21 and we thank You in Jesus' name, amen.
13:27 Please be seated.
13:31 The topic is "Dark Deeds of Antichrist Revealed,"
13:35 when the great antichrist church changes the law of God.
13:40 But firstly I want to answer the question,
13:44 how can I be saved and how can I go to heaven?
13:50 And the text is Ephesians 2:8-10.
13:55 And I want you to notice this text
13:57 on the giant screens here tonight.
14:01 The Bible says, this is the great Apostle Paul talking.
14:04 He says, "For it is by grace you have been saved,
14:10 through faith, and this not from yourselves,
14:14 it is the gift of God."
14:18 You see we are saved, how?
14:20 The Bible says, it is by number one grace,
14:24 you have been saved through faith,
14:26 that's number two, through faith.
14:29 And this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."
14:34 We can never pay for our salvation,
14:37 we can never earn our salvation,
14:39 "It is the gift of God not by works,
14:43 so that no one can boast.
14:46 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
14:51 to do good works, which God prepared
14:54 in advance for us to do."
14:57 Listen to me, I want you to hear this,
15:01 I want you to hear it good.
15:02 Are you all listening to me?
15:05 Come on, I want you to talk to me.
15:06 Are you listening to me? Yes.
15:09 The Bible says, "We are saved by grace."
15:13 We are not saved by our works.
15:16 We are not saved by being good enough.
15:20 The Bible says, "We are saved by grace
15:23 and grace is the gift of God."
15:26 Salvation is a free gift and if you and I will turn
15:31 to Jesus tonight with all our hearts,
15:34 we are going to be saved by grace.
15:38 And how do we accept this gift of salvation?
15:40 The Bible says, "We accept it through faith."
15:45 We come to Christ, just as we are.
15:47 And faith says, I believe, I will trust in Christ.
15:52 So we are saved by grace, that's the merit and the means
15:57 of salvation is by faith.
16:00 We accept it by faith.
16:02 Can you hear what I am saying tonight?
16:05 And the Bible says, it's not by works,
16:08 because our works are not good enough.
16:11 But the Bible says, "We are created
16:14 in Christ Jesus to do good works.
16:18 Good works do not save us, but good works
16:22 are the fruitage of salvation."
16:26 I want this to sink down
16:28 into the molecules of our minds tonight.
16:33 Good works, obedience to the law of God
16:37 that is the fruitage of a right relationship with God.
16:42 I want to tell you a little story.
16:45 It's a story about a beautiful Armenian family,
16:50 and about a beautiful Armenian girl.
16:54 Notice this over here, grace, faith, works.
16:58 Now let me tell you about the beautiful Armenian girl.
17:02 This is a story when I first heard it,
17:06 it just moved upon my heart.
17:10 This happened about 100 years ago.
17:14 There was an awful war in that part of the world.
17:18 The father and the mother and the children
17:21 were shot to death.
17:24 It was a terrible thing.
17:27 The girls were given away to the soldiers
17:30 and the soldiers raped them.
17:33 The oldest girl was kept by the captain for himself.
17:41 And by the mercy and by the grace of God
17:47 after some months this girl was enabled to escape
17:51 from this captain who'd murdered her father
17:55 and her--all of her brothers and had given
17:59 the girls away to the soldiers.
18:04 And through the help of the British,
18:06 she found refuge in a British hospital.
18:10 And they trained her to be a nurse.
18:13 And one night this beautiful Armenian nurse
18:17 was walking down the ward and she was holding up
18:20 the candle and all of sudden the candle light shine upon
18:24 a face that she recognized too well.
18:28 He was the captain who'd murdered her father,
18:34 her mother, and her brothers,
18:37 and who had violated the sacred temple of her body.
18:43 And he was dangerously sick and she thought to herself,
18:46 I can kill him tonight.
18:51 What would you have done my friend?
18:54 She thought I can kill him tonight,
18:57 but she was a Christian.
19:00 And so she nursed him back to health.
19:04 And the doctors marveled at her devotion.
19:08 And when this man recovered,
19:09 when he became conscious because he'd been in a coma.
19:15 The British doctor brought this Armenian girl
19:18 to this captain and said, but for this girl's devotion,
19:23 captain, you would be dead and he went white.
19:28 And when the doctor left he insisted her,
19:30 why didn't you kill me?
19:34 And she said because I belong to Christ.
19:39 Hatred is not healed by hatred.
19:45 Anger is not healed by anger.
19:48 She said, "I belong to the Christ who said,
19:53 'Love your enemies
19:56 and forgive them.'"
20:01 Now my friend, I want you to notice something,
20:04 a lot of people do a lot of talking about being Christians.
20:12 But that girl had Christ in her heart
20:15 and she was a true Christian
20:19 because she loved her enemies.
20:24 And this made such a tremendous impact upon that captain,
20:31 who was not a Christian that he said to the nurse
20:35 if this is your religion, I want to learn more about
20:40 this Christ that you talked about.
20:46 What did she do?
20:49 She showed him grace.
20:52 She showed him mercy.
20:56 The Bible tells me we ought to show grace to people
21:00 who did terrible things to us.
21:03 This is what it means to be a Christian in PNG,
21:07 and in Sydney, and in Los Angeles.
21:13 And we must learn to show grace to our enemies,
21:18 because we are saved by grace,
21:23 by the mercy and by the love of God,
21:26 not because we deserve it but because Christ loves us.
21:34 So the Bible says, "For by grace you have been
21:38 saved through faith and that not from yourselves,
21:43 it is the gift of God not by works,
21:47 but we are created in Christ Jesus
21:50 to do good works."
21:52 Good works are the fruitage
21:54 of a right relationship with God.
21:56 And I want you to hear this tonight
21:58 and I don't want you to forget it.
22:01 I want you to know tonight that the law of God
22:05 is sacred and eternal.
22:08 Now I'm going to take my Bible,
22:10 I've used this Bible for many years
22:12 and it's just about worn out,
22:16 but I just don't want to get a new one.
22:18 And my friends are gonna put the text on the screen
22:23 and I'm going to stand here and I'm going to read it out
22:26 on my Bible because that does me good.
22:29 Romans 3:31 says, "Do we, then,
22:35 nullify the law by this faith?
22:38 Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law."
22:45 The Bible tells me that faith in God
22:50 does not do away with the law of God.
22:57 I am saved by grace not to break the commandments,
23:00 but I am saved by grace to obey the commandments.
23:05 So I'm going to come over here to the blackboard
23:08 and I'm going to write up this point because it is so important
23:13 and I want you to get a camera close,
23:15 so the people can see it a mile away, okay.
23:19 The Bible says, that the law of God
23:26 as summarized in the Ten Commandments,
23:30 the law of God is eternal.
23:36 That means that nobody can do away with the law of God,
23:42 because the law of God is eternal.
23:47 We're going to see tonight that the great church
23:51 of the Dark Ages in an act
23:54 of presumption and blasphemy
23:59 has attempted to change the law of God
24:03 and has fooled the whole wide world.
24:08 Now what we're going to do now is this,
24:11 I'm just going to go slow tonight.
24:14 I'm in the teaching mode tonight.
24:17 I'm just going to go slow and easy
24:21 and I want you folks to think it through
24:24 and I want you to see the truths of the Bible.
24:27 I don't want you to follow me,
24:30 but I want you to follow Jesus Christ, our Lord.
24:34 Now we're going to have a revision
24:36 of the meeting last night on the antichrist.
24:40 Remember last night, now I'm not trying to prove
24:43 this to you right now, because I did that last night
24:47 when we had more than 100,000 people.
24:51 In Daniel 7, you have the little horn power
24:55 and he is the antichrist.
24:57 And in Daniel 7, we started last night
25:00 with the lion and the lion is symbolic
25:04 of the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar.
25:08 That is Babylon that ruled the world
25:10 between 605 and 538 BC, this is history.
25:16 And after the lion came, the rapacious bear
25:20 and that was Medo-Persia.
25:22 And that came on the world scene under Cyrus
25:25 the great and it ruled the world,
25:27 it was a mighty power.
25:29 This is history in advance.
25:31 And after the bear came the leopard and this leopard
25:35 had four heads and four wings
25:38 and this was the power of Greece.
25:41 And the four wings represented the break up
25:44 of the Grecian Empire into those kingdoms.
25:48 You know, when Alexander was dying,
25:49 his general said, "Who shall have the kingdom?"
25:52 And he said, "It is going to go
25:54 to the strongest and the four wings represent
25:57 the four roaring generals, Cassander, Lysimachus,
26:00 Seleucus and Ptolemy and don't you forget it.
26:03 Now after Greece came the monster.
26:08 And there he is on the screen.
26:10 And this is the iron monarchy of Rome.
26:14 Are you with me?
26:16 Do you remember this?
26:17 And the Roman beast had ten horns.
26:21 And the ten horns are parallel to the ten toes
26:26 of the great image of Daniel 2.
26:29 And we spent a night talking about
26:31 this about a week ago.
26:32 Now folks this is as plain as the nose on your face.
26:38 Anybody can understand this, if he's got a heart for God.
26:42 Now there you got the ten kingdoms.
26:45 The Bibles said, the ten horns are ten kings that will come out
26:50 of the great power of the Roman Empire.
26:53 There you got it.
26:55 And the Bible tells us that another king came up in Europe
26:58 and he overthrew three of those kings
27:01 and that power is the power of the antichrist.
27:07 Now look at me.
27:09 In the Bible, antichrist does not mean against Christ.
27:14 Did you hear this?
27:16 Antichrist does not mean against Christ,
27:20 it means in the place of Christ.
27:26 The antichrist is a power that presumes
27:30 to have the authority of Jesus Christ and the truth.
27:37 So just remember this,
27:38 because this is really, really important.
27:42 The Bible tells me that-- now we're gonna go through
27:46 these points and we're gonna do it fast because
27:49 we spend an hour last night.
27:51 But this is a revision to stir up your pure minds.
27:55 The first point, he is a sinister counterfeit.
28:01 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.
28:06 Now look at the screen.
28:10 "Don't let anyone deceive you in any way,
28:14 for that day will not come,"
28:16 that is the day of Christ return.
28:19 "Until the rebellion occurs
28:21 and the man of lawlessness is revealed."
28:24 The antichrist is against the law of God.
28:28 Did you hear this?
28:29 The antichrist is against the law of God,
28:32 the Bible say so.
28:34 The man doomed to destruction.
28:36 He may think that he can change the law of God.
28:38 But the Bible says that God is going to destroy him.
28:42 Did you hear what I said?
28:44 "The man doomed to destruction.
28:45 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything
28:49 that is called God or is worshiped,
28:53 so that he sets himself up in God's temple,
28:57 proclaiming himself to be God." Amazing.
29:03 The antichrist is the great pretender.
29:07 The antichrist is the great counterfeit.
29:11 The antichrist is the great deceiver,
29:14 the great charlatan.
29:17 And the Bible says that the antichrist
29:20 is found in the bosom of the Christian church,
29:26 that's the best place for the antichrist to hide
29:31 in the very bosom of the Christian church.
29:35 We talked about this last night.
29:36 Remember, we are not talking about people today.
29:40 We are not criticizing people today.
29:42 We are talking about the facts of history
29:45 and this has been understood by thousands and thousands
29:49 of Roman Catholic and Protestant scholars.
29:55 So he is a sinister counterfeit.
29:57 Number 2, he is a European power.
30:02 He comes up among the ten horns.
30:04 Number 3, he comes up after 500 AD.
30:09 The Bible says, and after them,
30:12 that was in Daniel 7:8 I believe.
30:15 And then he becomes greater than all the kings of Europe.
30:20 This is what the Bible says, he starts small but he becomes
30:25 a tremendous king.
30:27 And you can read that also in the scriptures in Daniel 7:20.
30:31 The Bible says, in Daniel 7:24,
30:35 that he is different to every other king in the world.
30:41 Look at this text.
30:44 I just got a great team.
30:46 They know what I am going to say next,
30:48 so they put it up.
30:50 "The ten horns are ten kings
30:53 who will come from this kingdom," that's Europe.
30:56 And remember this was written
30:58 a 1,000 years before it happened.
31:02 "After them another kings will arise,"
31:06 after them, it's around 500 AD. Different.
31:09 He is different because he is a religious king
31:12 and he is in the church.
31:16 He lurks in the garb of religion.
31:21 "Different from the early ones, he will subdue three kings."
31:25 And they were, you know, who they were?
31:27 The Heruli, the Vandals and the Ostrogoths.
31:33 And we made it very plain last night
31:37 that there was a power that arose
31:40 on the ruins of the Roman Empire.
31:44 And this power got inside the Christian church.
31:51 It goes on to say,
31:53 I think I'm down to point 5, he's greater.
31:57 Point 6, he's different.
32:00 Point 7, he rules for 1,260 days,
32:04 prophetic days of 1,260 years.
32:10 And this time period goes from five--this is approximate
32:14 from 538 right through until 1798 and that time period
32:20 is called by historians "The Dark Ages,"
32:26 the noon day of that church
32:28 was the midnight of the world, never forget it.
32:35 When you turn away from God, it's always midnight.
32:39 Point number 8, he is a union of church and state.
32:47 A union of church and state.
32:51 And in Revelation 17, you have a graphic picture
32:59 of a woman riding on the beast.
33:03 And in the Bible prophecy, a good woman is the good church.
33:08 My friend, I want to belong to the good woman.
33:13 You see. I want to be a part of God's church.
33:17 But the Bible tells me, there is a counterfeit church.
33:22 And in Revelation 17, the woman,
33:26 the church rides upon the beast.
33:32 For more than a thousand years in Europe,
33:35 when the truth of God almost went out.
33:41 The church controls the state and put to death millions
33:49 of people who would not bow
33:52 the knee to Baal.
33:57 There's no doubt about it.
33:59 This is the great church of the Dark Ages,
34:05 no doubt about it.
34:08 And point number 9 tells me,
34:11 it is the great city that reigns over the kings of the earth.
34:19 The text is Revelation 17:18, here it is.
34:26 I'm not giving you all the text,
34:28 because we went through this last night.
34:30 It says, the woman or the church,
34:34 you saw, you say, does everybody believe
34:37 that woman is the church in Bible prophecy,
34:39 every Roman Catholic scholar, every Protestant scholar?
34:43 They all know, even Jewish scholars
34:45 know this that in Bible prophecy a woman is a symbolic
34:50 of the church, you see.
34:52 "The woman you saw is the great city
34:58 that rules over the kings of the earth."
35:02 Now listen this is not speculation,
35:05 I'm not making this up.
35:06 This is the word of God.
35:08 This is the word of the Bible prophecy.
35:12 The city that reigned over the kings of the earth
35:18 in the days of Jesus and the apostles
35:22 was one city and one city alone,
35:26 it was the city of Rome.
35:34 The city of Rome.
35:39 And the Bible says that right there in that great city
35:46 would be the heart of the worldwide system
35:53 that would deceive the world
35:56 and change the commandments of God.
36:03 Now, we talked about this last night.
36:08 So tonight, I'm not trying to prove it to you.
36:11 I think I did this last night.
36:13 Point number 10, this church persecutes Daniel 7:25.
36:21 This church will wear out the saints of the most high.
36:27 History tells the bloody tale
36:33 of millions of innocent Roman Catholics,
36:38 Protestants and even Jews, who were put to death
36:45 by that great church that ruled from Rome.
36:52 And I would remind every person here tonight,
36:55 it was the preaching of these great prophecies
37:01 that gave birth to the United States of America,
37:06 the land of freedom.
37:09 And the people who founded the United States of America,
37:13 went to America to get away from that.
37:19 They went to America.
37:20 Did the Pilgrim Fathers-- because they were tired
37:25 of religious bigotry and persecution.
37:29 And they got on this little boat
37:32 and they sailed across the ocean.
37:35 And they went to America to start up a new type of country
37:41 where they would have a church without a pope
37:47 and a state without a king.
37:55 All of this my friend is predicted in the prophecy.
38:00 This is the Saint Bartholomew's massacre.
38:04 I took this in the Vatican.
38:09 I went into this room where they elect
38:11 the popes with an ambassador from
38:15 one of the great Latin American countries.
38:18 And I took this picture
38:21 of these innocent saints of God
38:26 being slaughtered for their faith.
38:31 The Bible says in Revelation 17,
38:35 "I looked and the woman was drunk with a blood of the saints
38:43 and with those who followed Jesus."
38:49 And during the Dark Ages this-- and we are not talking about
38:53 people who are living today.
38:57 But we are talking about a system
39:00 that existed in the Dark Ages, which is still alive today.
39:05 And the Bible says, now look at this picture here.
39:09 On the left hand side, you have the woman.
39:12 The woman in Bible prophecy is the church.
39:16 And they've got it right around the wrong way.
39:20 But there is the church holding across
39:27 and holding the flame of persecution.
39:35 I took these pictures in Rome.
39:40 The Bible says, "One of the identification marks
39:45 of this great power is that she would persecute
39:51 the saints of God and she did.
39:56 Point number 11, the Bible says,
39:59 she would receive a deadly wound.
40:04 And point number 12 says,
40:06 the deadly or a mortal wound would be healed,
40:10 that's Revelation 13:3.
40:14 And let me come over here, and let's bring a camera,
40:16 and I want you to get this up close.
40:19 I want my dear friends here to see this.
40:22 The Bible says that this great power
40:26 would rule for 1,260 years.
40:32 And this great church became a world power
40:39 in the year 538 AD
40:43 and if you add 1,260 years onto that,
40:47 it brings you through unto 1798.
40:54 History tells me that in 1798, General Berthier,
41:01 one of the generals of Napoleon Bonaparte
41:05 march down into Rome
41:07 and took the pontiff prisoner in the year 1798.
41:14 And that great system received
41:18 a deadly or a mortal wound.
41:23 But the Bible says that the mortal wound will be healed
41:28 and that power will come back
41:31 with all the force of the Dark Ages.
41:35 Now remember my friends,
41:37 it was the teaching of this great prophecy
41:40 that changed the course of history
41:44 and gave birth to the great democracies.
41:50 And the reason I am preaching
41:52 and I am teaching this great prophecy tonight
41:57 is because I want your eyes to be opened
42:01 and so that when you leave this meeting,
42:04 you will say, "Thank you Jesus.
42:07 I now know the truth
42:09 and the truth have set me free."
42:14 Now point number 13,
42:19 this church changes God's Law.
42:24 As Daniel 7:25 and we'll major on that tonight.
42:29 And point number 14 is
42:31 this great monolithic system of church and state.
42:39 This great ecclesiastical power
42:42 endures to the second coming of Christ
42:48 and that's Daniel 7:25-27.
42:55 And I say it with confidence and love
43:00 recognizing that God has His people in every church.
43:05 And that God has a big family and God loves everybody.
43:12 I say there is only one power that fulfills
43:16 all the specifications of the prophecy.
43:19 The church of the Dark Ages that lives on
43:25 and still has a worldwide
43:30 and a growing influence.
43:34 Now I take my old Bible.
43:41 Now listen to me.
43:43 Tonight, I take my stand upon the Bible.
43:50 I believe in Christ and I believe in the Bible.
43:57 I believe that the Bible
44:00 and the Bible alone is the authority
44:05 for every Christian man and woman.
44:09 My authority tonight is not the tradition of the church,
44:15 but it is the Holy Bible.
44:19 I want you to know that.
44:23 And I'm glad you're with me tonight.
44:28 I'm gonna turn now to Daniel 7:25,
44:32 here we go.
44:34 Daniel 7:25,
44:42 "He will speak against
44:44 the Most High and oppress his saints."
44:47 That's the persecutions.
44:51 "And try to change the set times and the laws.
44:57 The saints will be handed over to him for a time,
45:02 times and half a time, or 1,260 years."
45:07 The Bible says, God says, your judge,
45:15 my judge says the great Creator of the universe.
45:23 The God who made us and the God
45:26 who gave His Son to die for us.
45:28 He tells us that this power will try to change
45:36 the set times and the laws.
45:39 And let me come over here to the blackboard.
45:43 I've got 40 feet of blackboard here
45:45 but it's not enough.
45:47 But I'm going to write this up.
45:49 The Bible says that the great church
45:54 of the Dark Ages will try.
46:00 He will try to change the set times
46:07 and the law of God.
46:13 Now when it says the set times,
46:16 it means the times that are found in the law of God.
46:22 The law of Almighty God.
46:31 This power would become so presumptuous,
46:36 so arrogant that this great church
46:40 would think that she had the ability
46:44 and the authority to change the law of God.
46:50 Now I'm going to turn
46:51 in the Holy Bible to Exodus 31:18.
46:59 Exodus, I'm gonna take this slow now
47:03 because I'm gonna give you some amazing material.
47:06 So I'm just going to talk softly and I want you to concentrate.
47:13 "When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai,
47:17 he gave him the two tablets of the Testimony,
47:22 the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God."
47:28 Can you imagine it?
47:31 Almighty God came down from heaven.
47:36 He came down in fire
47:39 and thunder, lightning.
47:44 And He spoke the Ten Commandments
47:48 with His own mouth.
47:49 Can you imagine that?
47:52 God spoke the Ten Commandments with His own mouth
47:56 and He spoke and wrote them.
48:01 He spoke the Ten Commandments with His mouth
48:04 and He wrote the Ten Commandments
48:07 with His own finger.
48:10 Amazing.
48:14 They must be tremendously important.
48:17 Just get the picture my friends in PNG.
48:22 Almighty God, the Creator of the universe,
48:26 He comes down to this earth and He starts to speak.
48:32 And as He speaks the words of the Ten Commandments
48:39 come out of His holy mouth.
48:42 And then He takes these tablets of stone
48:46 and He starts to write on the tablets of stone,
48:51 the Ten Commandments.
48:57 The Bible says that the antichrist
49:01 would actually try to change the commandments of God.
49:09 Now the Bible makes it plain, that the commandments of God
49:15 are certain and eternal.
49:21 Romans 7:7, and this is a text in the New Testament.
49:27 So we take the New Testament,
49:28 we take the old, we take it all together.
49:31 We don't cut pages out of the Bible, we believe it all.
49:36 Romans 7, "What shall we say, then?
49:40 Is the law sin? Certainly not.
49:43 Indeed I would not have known
49:46 what sin was except through the law.
49:51 For I would not have known what coveting really was
49:55 if the law had not said, 'Do not covet.'"
49:59 That is the tenth commandment.
50:03 The Apostle Paul-- now you're going to meet people
50:06 and they're going to tell you that the Ten Commandments
50:09 are abolished that my friend is the devil's lie.
50:15 The Bible says, Paul says,
50:17 you and I would not know
50:19 what sin was except for the Ten Commandments of God.
50:25 God gave us the Ten Commandments,
50:27 so that we can see what sin is
50:30 and so we can flee to the Savior
50:33 and have our sins washed away in the precious blood of Jesus,
50:38 so we can be saved by grace.
50:42 So I want to say tonight with all the great churches
50:47 and all the great theologians,
50:50 I want to say with all the great prophets,
50:52 I believe in the commandments of God.
50:59 Listen. Listen.
51:03 I was brought up in the Church of England,
51:06 in Australia that's the church
51:13 of my old motherland, Great Britain.
51:19 I remember the priest standing up the front
51:22 and he would open up the prayer book,
51:25 the Church of England prayer book
51:27 and he would read the Ten Commandments.
51:31 You shall not make yourself a graven image.
51:35 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
51:38 Remember the Sabbath day,
51:40 by keeping it holy and so forth.
51:43 And each time he read one of the Ten Commandments,
51:47 the congregation would cry out from the prayer book.
51:50 "Lord, have mercy upon us
51:54 and incline our hearts to keep this law.
51:59 Every great church in Christendom
52:03 has taught that the Ten Commandments
52:06 are eternally binding, my friend.
52:11 It is a heresy.
52:13 It is a lie to suggest that the Ten Commandments
52:18 of Almighty God have been done away with.
52:23 The Bible tells me God wrote them
52:27 with His own finger on tables of stone
52:32 and He spoke them with His own mouth.
52:35 This is the word of the Lord.
52:38 Now, I have an important question to ask
52:43 this vast audience here tonight.
52:48 And I want you to answer me.
52:50 Has any church the authority
52:55 to change the law of God?
53:00 Going to say it again.
53:02 Listen, has any church
53:08 the authority to change the law of God?
53:13 Tell me plain. Tell me plainer.
53:18 No. Tell me even more...
53:21 more, more.
53:23 No.
53:29 But this great church of the Dark Ages
53:34 did not think like you.
53:37 The Bible says, he would think himself
53:40 able to change the times and the law.
53:45 Now there's a text in Deuteronomy,
53:48 I'm gonna pop it up here on the screen, God says.
53:51 Deuteronomy 4:2, these are the words of the Lord,
53:57 "Do not add to what I command you."
54:00 God says, "Don't add to what I command you,
54:04 do not subtract from it, but keep the commandments,
54:07 keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you."
54:16 Almighty God, our Lord, our Creator,
54:23 our Redeemer tells us to keep the commandments of God,
54:28 keep the Ten Commandments, don't add to my commandments,
54:33 do not subtract from my commandments.
54:35 These are the commandments that I spoke with my own mouth
54:40 and then I wrote with my own finger.
54:42 But the Bible says that this great church
54:46 would think himself able to change the times
54:53 and the laws of Almighty God, that's the prophecy.
55:01 Now, what we're going to do is easy.
55:08 But you'll need to concentrate
55:10 and remember I show this to you
55:12 because I want you to follow Christ and the truth.
55:16 I don't want you to follow me.
55:19 But you'll need to concentrate.
55:22 We are going to compare God's law,
55:26 the Ten Commandments with man's law,
55:30 man's commandments is found in the Bible
55:35 and is found in the Roman catechism.
55:41 The Ten Commandments
55:44 are found in the Bible in Exodus 20.
55:50 That this great church has catechism.
55:54 And those wonderful people who read from the catechism,
55:58 those earnest beautiful Christians
56:02 often do not know what the Bible says
56:05 because they get it from the catechism.
56:17 The Spirit of God today is moving.
56:20 He is moving wherever human hearts sense their need.
56:23 He's moving whenever
56:25 and wherever souls reach out to Him.
56:27 He is moving because these are not ordinary times.
56:30 He is moving through
56:32 the proclamation of His living word.
56:34 During the Port Moresby meetings,
56:36 the Spirit of God was powerfully present.
56:39 One evening as Pastor John Carter
56:41 spoke about the Holy Spirit and his work to redeem souls,
56:44 a huge white bird flew low over the audience.
56:48 The congregation of more than 100,000 witnessed the sight
56:51 and believed that God had sent them a sign.
56:55 Tens of thousands poured forward
56:57 to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.
57:00 God today is calling you as you view this program
57:03 to come to Him in faith.
57:05 The work of the Holy Spirit
57:06 is not restricted to any one place on earth.
57:09 Wherever you are, He is there. God loves you.
57:13 He has a plan for you and a glorious future.
57:19 Thank you for joining us today.
57:21 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter
57:23 and to receive our monthly newsletter,
57:26 write to us here at the Carter Report,
57:28 P.O. BOX 1900 Thousand Oaks, CA, 91358.
57:34 Or in Australia at P.O. BOX 861 Terrigal, NSW, 2260.
57:42 You may also contact us online at
57:46 Remember Jesus said, "You'll know the truth
57:49 and the truth will set you free."


Revised 2014-12-17