Carter Report, The

Spirits, Demons And The Occult

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR100011

00:01 The following presentation was made by John Carter
00:03 to a crowd of more than 100,000 souls.
00:06 This message is one of a truth filled series
00:09 that was delivered in the power of God's Holy Spirit
00:12 at the Sir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
00:16 One night, as the evangelists spoke about the Holy Spirit,
00:20 a giant white bird flew low over the vast audience
00:24 and the people rejoiced that God had visited His people.
00:28 Crowd surged forward to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.
00:32 A few days later, thousands were baptized
00:35 in the sea at Ela Beach.
00:37 All who attended these Holy Spirit anointed meetings
00:40 were convinced that God's word is true
00:43 and His gospel is still the power of God
00:46 for the salvation of all who believed.
00:48 The message you're about to hear and see
00:51 will not leave you the same person.
00:53 Welcome to the Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium,
00:57 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
01:01 The topic is "Spirits, Demons and the Occult."
01:06 Millions of people believe in the western world
01:09 that a dead loved one has spoken to them.
01:12 Many people in PNG believe the same.
01:17 I ran a series of meetings in the Sydney Opera House,
01:21 then I moved into the suburb of Concord.
01:24 A lady came to the meetings and one night she stayed behind
01:27 and she said Pastor Carter I want to ask you a question.
01:33 I had spoken on this subject.
01:37 She said I don't believe anything that you said tonight.
01:41 My question is, will you please explain my experience?
01:47 She said, that is my question, please explain it.
01:50 She said, my husband and I were very close together.
01:53 We were married for many years.
01:57 She said, I missed him a great deal
01:59 but then I stopped the grieving and I was moving on in my life.
02:05 And then she said, one evening in my home
02:10 I was sitting at the kitchen table
02:11 and I looked to the kitchen door and there was my husband.
02:17 He'd been dead by then for a number of years.
02:20 He came in she said,
02:22 he was dressed in the old clothes
02:24 that he used to wear
02:26 and he said you don't need to be afraid, it's me.
02:30 And he sat down and he talked to her about things
02:33 that only he and she knew.
02:37 She said, I do not believe what you told here tonight
02:40 because I have seen the evidence with my own eyes.
02:47 I told that beautiful lady
02:49 that she was not talking to her dead husband,
02:53 she was talking to a deceiving demon.
02:59 And tonight our eyes are going to be opened to another world.
03:05 Our eyes are going to be opened
03:08 to the discovery of amazing truths.
03:14 Paul the evangelist says in the Bible,
03:17 that "God will finish His work
03:18 and cut it short in righteousness."
03:21 The Prophet Joel says, "God will pour out His spirit
03:24 in the last days, and signs and wonders will follow."
03:27 The Carter Report believes that we are now in the end times
03:31 and His spirit is moving mightily.
03:33 During the Port Moresby campaign
03:36 we testify that we saw the power of God revealed.
03:40 God hungry souls
03:42 could not get enough of the word of the Lord
03:45 as at creation the Spirit of God
03:48 moved upon the face of the waters
03:50 and God brought cosmos out of chaos.
03:54 Souls were recreated in the image of the Creator.
03:57 Instead of hate there was love.
03:59 Instead of despair there was hope.
04:01 Instead of sorrow there was joy.
04:04 And in the place of death God gave life.
04:07 One night as John Carter preached
04:10 on the person in work at the Holy Spirit
04:12 the image of a white bird was flashed on the screens.
04:15 That moment a great white bird
04:19 flew low over the astonish congregation.
04:21 Cries of joy filled the air as the audience recognized
04:24 that God had visited His people.
04:26 A mighty surge of Pentecostal power
04:29 swept the audience of 120,000 souls
04:33 and everyone present felt the warm
04:35 comforting presence of God.
04:38 The Carter Report team invites you my dear viewer
04:41 to be a partner in this work.
04:43 Soldiers of the cross are wanted.
04:45 Faith partners are needed.
04:48 Write to us now, here at the Carter Report,
04:51 PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358
04:56 or in Australia at PO Box 861,
05:00 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
05:04 You may also contact us online at
05:08 or email us at
05:16 It is of vital importance
05:18 that we listen to the voice of God
05:22 and not the voice of evil spirits
05:26 who come in the form of beautiful loved ones.
05:30 We're going to turn in the Holy Scriptures
05:32 and I have here my copy, my wonder copy of the NIV.
05:39 And I'm turning to Isaiah 8:19, 20.
05:45 As we did in the last meeting on the antichrist,
05:48 I'm going to talk rather slowly
05:51 because this is fraught with so much.
05:54 This is fraught with eternal consequences.
05:57 "When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists,"
06:01 and they do that here in PNG "who whisper and mutter,
06:07 should not a people inquire of their God?
06:11 Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?
06:16 To the law and to the testimony!"
06:18 That means the Bible.
06:20 "If they do not speak according to this word,
06:23 they have no light of dawn."
06:26 The Bible says this.
06:28 When people come along to you and they say,
06:32 I can bring back a dead loved one
06:36 and the spirit of the dead loved one will come back
06:40 and you can actually talk to your dead loved one.
06:42 The Bible says, "Do not go to the dead."
06:47 The Bible says, "Go to the living word of the living God."
06:53 That is why when we deal with subjects
06:55 here like antichrist in action,
06:59 dark deeds of antichrist revealed,
07:02 what happens five minutes after death.
07:04 I do not refer for my authority to the teachings of my church
07:10 or any other church.
07:12 Our authority in these meetings is the living word
07:16 of the living God, the Holy Bible.
07:21 Now Jesus once had an encounter with the devil
07:24 and you can read about that in the Book of Matthew.
07:28 Matthew 4.
07:30 "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit"
07:33 that means the holy spirit "into the desert
07:35 to be tempted by the devil."
07:37 People say I don't believe in the devil.
07:39 Well, Jesus did. You don't know more than Jesus.
07:43 "To be tempted by the devil.
07:45 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.
07:49 The tempter came to him and said,
07:51 'If you are the Son of God,
07:54 tell these stones to become bread.'
07:57 Jesus answered, 'It is written,
08:03 Man does not live on bread alone,
08:06 but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
08:11 When Lucifer a beautiful creature,
08:15 if you saw Lucifer tonight he would not look like a dragon.
08:21 We saw the dragon that represented Rome,
08:23 but Lucifer would not look like a dragon
08:27 he would look a handsome, fine, wonderful person.
08:33 He would have a melodious voice.
08:37 He would even quote the Bible when it suited him.
08:42 And perhaps he would even heal the sick
08:46 because he has so much power.
08:49 Jesus said, "Don't listen to the demons,
08:53 listen to the Bible.
08:55 It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone,
09:03 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
09:08 And so tonight I take my stand on the Bible the Word of God.
09:15 I would remind you tonight and I think this last night
09:18 when I spoke about this, "Every religion in the world
09:22 believes in the immortality of the soul."
09:27 The ancient Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Greeks,
09:32 The Romans, the Muslims, the Hindus,
09:34 our beloved Roman Catholic friends,
09:37 most Protestants believe in the immortality of the soul.
09:40 Virtually, every religion
09:42 believes in the immortality of the soul
09:45 with one notable exception
09:47 and that is the religion of the Bible.
09:53 The Bible does not teach the doctrine
09:55 of the immortality of the soul,
09:58 the Bible teaches the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead
10:03 and the coming of Christ.
10:05 Now what we're going to do now,
10:08 we're going to have a little summary
10:11 of some of the material I presented last night.
10:15 I'm teaching this tonight, I'm not preaching,
10:18 I'm just teaching and I'm trying to make
10:21 the Word of God plain for you.
10:24 The first truth on the state of the dead is this.
10:27 The dead know nothing.
10:30 And we've got a text for that in the Bible.
10:33 The dead know nothing.
10:36 "For the living know that they will die,"
10:39 what does the Bible say "but the dead know nothing."
10:46 Some people tell me that dead know everything.
10:49 Some people tell me the dead are in hell
10:51 or in purgatory or even in heaven.
10:55 Wherever they are if the dead are alive and conscious,
10:59 the dead know a great deal
11:02 but the Bible says, the Word of God says,
11:05 the dead know nothing.
11:08 The devil doesn't want you to believe this.
11:11 He wants you to be deceived.
11:13 Truth number two, God alone is immortal.
11:18 I do not have an immortal soul.
11:21 1 Timothy 6:14-16.
11:24 People say but I do have an immortal soul.
11:27 Where did you get that from, my friend?
11:29 Not from the Bible but from the antichrist church.
11:33 Look at this, "To keep this command without spot
11:37 or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,
11:42 which God will bring about in his own time--
11:46 God, the blessed and only Ruler,
11:49 the King of kings and Lord of lords,
11:52 who alone is immortal."
11:57 Why don't people believe this,
12:00 it's because their eyes have been closed
12:05 by the traditions of men
12:07 but tonight God is opening our eyes
12:11 as the Spirit of God comes and teaches us the truth.
12:16 The dead know nothing, number two.
12:18 And God alone is immortal. That is the Word of God.
12:24 The third truth is this,
12:26 the departed saints are sleeping.
12:32 Let me say it again, the departed saints,
12:35 your loved ones are sleeping. They are unconscious.
12:41 I'm going to give you two texts,
12:42 one in Acts 7 and one in John 11.
12:47 And here is the first one.
12:50 This talks about the death of one of the saints of God.
12:55 "While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed,
12:58 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.'
13:03 Then he fell on his knees and cried out,
13:05 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them.'
13:08 When he had said this," he went straight to heaven.
13:13 Well it doesn't say that.
13:15 Then why do so many people believe it?
13:17 When he said this
13:18 the Bible says "He fell asleep."
13:25 So the Bible teaches that the saints of God
13:31 cannot help us
13:33 because they are sleeping unconscious
13:37 awaiting the coming of Jesus Christ, Hallelujah.
13:42 Now we're going to read another text.
13:44 Gonna put up another text. Here it is.
13:48 This is talking about Jesus and his friend Lazarus.
13:52 We talked about this last night.
13:54 My friend, believe what Jesus said.
13:59 "After He had said this, He went on to tell them,
14:02 'Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep,
14:07 but I am going there to wake him up.'
14:12 His disciples replied, 'Lord, if he sleeps,
14:15 he will get better.'
14:18 Jesus had been speaking of his death,
14:21 but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.
14:27 So then he told them plainly, 'Lazarus is dead.'"
14:33 Listen to me, listen to me,
14:36 there you got Lazarus coming out of the tomb.
14:39 Lazarus wasn't in hell. He wasn't in purgatory.
14:42 You know why he wasn't in purgatory?
14:44 There's no such place.
14:47 He wasn't in limbo, there's no such place.
14:50 It's a tradition of the church.
14:53 And the Bible tells me
14:54 Jesus said, my friend Lazarus is sleeping,
14:59 And then He said, Lazarus is dead.
15:04 And so Lazarus was not in heaven,
15:07 Lazarus was not in hell,
15:10 Lazarus was not in purgatory or limbo.
15:14 Lazarus was sleeping
15:17 and he was awaiting the resurrection
15:20 when Jesus would come and raise him up.
15:23 Praise God.
15:25 Listen, want to say this to every person tonight.
15:30 The Bible says, Saint Stephen,
15:35 he's not in heaven. He's sleeping.
15:40 Saint Peter is not in heaven, he's sleeping.
15:46 My friend, I do not want a church
15:51 that is built upon Saint Peter because Peter is a dead man.
15:57 I want a church that is built
16:00 upon the living Jesus Christ, you see.
16:05 So Saint Peter and I'm looking forward
16:10 one day to meeting Peter at the feet of Jesus.
16:15 Saint Peter is sleeping. Saint John is sleeping.
16:19 Saint Paul is sleeping, they're not in heaven.
16:23 Saint Mary is sleeping.
16:26 Mary, the mother of Jesus is sleeping,
16:31 therefore she cannot save us because she is simply sleeping
16:37 awaiting the coming of Christ, you see.
16:40 Now I'll give you a text.
16:43 1 Corinthians 15:3-6.
16:50 Can you see how plain the Bible is?
16:52 1 Corinthians 15, "For what I received
16:57 I passed on to you as of first importance"
17:00 this is pretty important "that Christ died for our sins
17:05 according to the Scriptures, that He was buried,
17:09 that He was raised on the third day
17:12 according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Peter,
17:17 and then to the Twelve.
17:20 After that, He appeared to more than five hundred
17:23 of the brothers at the same time,"
17:25 they are the saints "most of whom are still living,
17:30 though some" listen to it "have fallen asleep."
17:37 Not all of the saints had died at time.
17:42 Some were still living, many were still living.
17:46 But the Bible says, that some had fallen asleep.
17:52 So the Bible teaches that the saints are sleeping,
17:57 that is why I don't pray to the saints,
18:00 because the saints cannot save me,
18:03 only Jesus Christ my Lord can save me.
18:08 And so the saints are sleeping in the grave
18:12 and they're waiting their resurrection.
18:15 I tell audiences around the world
18:17 people have to go through mental gymnastics
18:22 to explain one of these texts.
18:25 You can't get away from the Word of God.
18:28 The devil tonight doesn't want you to understand this,
18:31 but Jesus wants us to understand tonight
18:35 and Jesus wants us to be saved.
18:39 And here is the next truth.
18:41 David, the patriarch is not in heaven.
18:45 People say, no he is in heaven.
18:47 I say, do you think he's--yes he's in heaven.
18:50 David the great saint in the Bible he must--
18:54 he is in heaven that's what the church says.
18:56 But Acts 2:34, says he is not in heaven.
19:04 "David" look at it
19:07 "did not ascend to heaven."
19:12 That's the Holy Spirit speaking to us tonight.
19:17 Its no good praying to David,
19:19 it is no good praying to Saint Peter or Mary
19:23 and its no good trying to contact your loved ones
19:26 because the Bible says they are in a state of unconsciousness.
19:33 And God's people are sleeping, are waiting their resurrection
19:38 and the coming of Christ.
19:39 This is the Word of the Lord. And here is the fifth truth.
19:47 Death is not our hope.
19:49 In the Bible, death is called the last great enemy
19:54 that Jesus slays when He comes the second time,
19:58 1 Corinthians 15.
19:59 The resurrection is our hope,
20:01 1 Thessalonians 4:13 and 16.
20:07 I'm giving you text after text
20:10 so that your faith may rest not in the church, not in me,
20:14 but in the Word of God in Jesus Christ. Here it is.
20:18 "Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant"
20:21 that's what Jesus would say if He was here tonight.
20:24 I don't want you to be ignorant.
20:26 We do not want you to be ignorant
20:28 "about those who fall asleep."
20:31 The people who die.
20:33 "or grieve like the rest of men,
20:35 who have no hope."
20:36 My friend, we got hope tonight
20:38 because "The Lord himself will come down from the heaven,
20:41 with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel
20:45 and with the trumpet call of God,
20:48 and the dead in Christ will rise first."
20:51 That is the Word of the Lord.
20:54 But the saints are sleeping
20:56 until the blessed hope the coming of Jesus.
21:01 I'm just looking forward to seeing my dad.
21:07 My dad was an unbeliever almost all his life
21:10 and then towards the,
21:13 the end of his life about 10 years before he died
21:16 my dad came to one of my meetings
21:19 and thank you God, my dad gave his life to Christ.
21:24 And I'm going to see my dad. I'm going to see my mom.
21:29 They're going to be a young, good looking, wonderful couple.
21:36 My dad was very sick before he died
21:39 but my dad is going to be running down
21:43 the streets of the New Jerusalem
21:45 and he's being--he will be holding my mother's hand
21:49 and by the grace of God I want to introduce
21:54 every one of you here in PNG to my mom and dad.
21:58 I really do.
22:01 But I can't talk to my mom or dad tonight
22:03 because they are sleeping.
22:05 But the devil wants you,
22:08 he wants me to be deceived by an evil spirit.
22:13 The Bible says, point number six.
22:16 "All who sleep in death, will be resurrected."
22:19 Every person here you can walk out of this meeting tonight.
22:23 I don't think you're going to--
22:24 but somebody could walk out of this meeting tonight
22:27 and that person could say, I don't care about God.
22:30 I'm not going to follow God.
22:31 I'm not going to believe in Jesus Christ.
22:34 I'm not going to believe in the Bible.
22:37 I'm going to go my own way
22:38 and I'm going to shut that out of my mind.
22:40 My friend, you're still going to be resurrected.
22:45 The day He's going to come when every person here
22:49 is going to be resurrected and stand before
22:53 the judgment throne of Almighty God
22:57 so listen carefully what you're hearing tonight,
23:01 because every person here tonight
23:04 has a case pending at the judgment bar of God.
23:09 All who sleep will be resurrected.
23:13 Now we're going to read the text. Here it is.
23:16 "I tell you the truth,"
23:17 oh, I want someone to tell me the truth.
23:21 I don't want a preacher lying to me.
23:23 I don't want somebody deceiving me
23:25 and then I'll end up being lost.
23:28 "I tell you the truth, a time is coming
23:31 and has now come
23:34 when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God
23:37 and those who hear will live.
23:41 For as the Father has life in himself,
23:44 so he has granted the Son to have life in himself."
23:49 "Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming
23:53 when all who are in their graves will hear his voice
23:57 and come out" that include you.
24:00 And the Bible says,
24:02 "Those who have done good will rise to live,
24:05 and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned."
24:11 So I want to say this to you today
24:14 in the name of God I say to you sitting over there,
24:17 right over there in that stand,
24:19 I say to you sitting over there on the bleachers.
24:22 I say to the person
24:24 who is a mile away and you can hear my voice.
24:27 I say to the hundred thousand or more people
24:30 that are jammed here in this vast arena.
24:34 I want to say it to you.
24:36 I want you to hear it tonight, Christ died for us.
24:40 He came down, He died on the cross.
24:43 And the Bible wants us tonight
24:45 to come to Him and believe in Him.
24:48 And when Jesus comes, He wants to resurrect us
24:51 to the resurrection of eternal life
24:54 and He wants to take us home to glory.
24:56 Can you say, amen. Please, Jesus.
25:00 Amen. Please, Jesus.
25:02 Please, Jesus, come soon and take us home to glory.
25:08 Tonight we are preaching and we are teaching
25:11 from the living Word of the living God.
25:15 A mother was explaining to her little boy
25:20 the subject of death.
25:23 Because this little boy's dad had just died
25:27 a few months before
25:28 and the little boy was broken hearted.
25:32 And that Christian mother sat down
25:34 and she was crying out of the sincerity
25:39 of her heart to explain death to her boy.
25:44 And she said, you know, son, we're all missing daddy.
25:52 But she said, I want to tell you something.
25:56 You know, how you loved to play outside
25:58 when its summer. It's so cold in winter.
26:03 And when summer comes
26:04 you play all day long out under the sun
26:08 and I've got to go to the back door
26:11 and I've got to call out, come on home son.
26:14 Come home son, its supper time.
26:18 And you would come home and you would sit down
26:21 with mommy and daddy at the table
26:25 and we would have dinner together.
26:28 And sometimes you were so,
26:31 so tired that you would go to sleep
26:34 when you're having a dinner
26:37 and your daddy would pick you up
26:40 and he carry you into the bedroom
26:43 and he puts you into your own bed
26:45 and he would undress you.
26:49 And you would know nothing until the next morning
26:53 when the sun was shining through the windows.
26:59 She said, that's what it's like with death.
27:05 After the hot summer of this world
27:08 and we become so tired and God says,
27:15 the time has come and we fall asleep
27:23 and God picks us up in His great arms
27:27 and He takes us into the bedroom and we sleep.
27:31 And we don't know anything
27:34 until the sun is shining through the windows
27:39 and Jesus has come.
27:45 Death is a sleep
27:49 and the dead are unconscious.
27:53 Our loved ones are not in pain. They are not in hell.
27:59 They are not in purgatory.
28:01 They are not in a conscious existence.
28:05 They are sleeping
28:08 awaiting the blessed resurrection
28:10 when Jesus comes.
28:13 Therefore... therefore
28:19 if the dead are unconscious,
28:24 who are the spirits in spiritism?
28:27 Now I want you to pray.
28:32 "There is a world of unseen spirits,
28:40 good and bad."
28:43 When I turn in my Holy Bible
28:47 to Revelation 12:7-9,
28:54 I read there of an unseen world
28:59 of good and bad spirits.
29:03 Revelation 12:7-9,
29:05 and we're going to take it for you
29:08 because we have such a vast audience of these giant screens.
29:13 "And there was war in heaven." Can you believe it?
29:18 It was a war in heaven. Somebody doesn't like you.
29:22 Somebody doesn't want you to be saved.
29:25 Somebody wants you to be saved.
29:27 And there was war in heaven.
29:30 "Michael, Christ and his angels fought against the dragon,"
29:34 that's the devil "and the dragon and his angels fought back.
29:42 But he was not strong enough," to face God
29:45 "and they lost their place in heaven.
29:47 "There was a tremendous war, listen.
29:50 "The great dragon was hurled down--
29:53 that ancient serpent called the devil,
29:55 or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.
30:01 He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him."
30:09 I can show you in the Bible that during this tremendous war,
30:15 the war of the universe,
30:20 there was a mighty angel of tremendous beauty
30:26 and astounding intellect and somehow in a way
30:32 that we cannot comprehend. He became the great rebel.
30:38 He became proud.
30:40 He was filled with anger and poison
30:44 because he was jealous of Jesus Christ.
30:51 And the Bible says, that this mighty angel
30:56 was successful in deceiving
31:00 one third of the angels of heaven.
31:05 That means millions and billons of mighty angels
31:11 went over to the side of the devil
31:15 or to Lucifer and they are, they are the demons
31:21 that we are talking about tonight.
31:24 Are you listening to me?
31:26 There are two sides and the war continues.
31:30 There is Christ and there is antichrist.
31:34 There is Jesus and there is Satan.
31:38 And in this meeting tonight there is a tremendous war
31:43 going on in the hearts of men and women,
31:47 but I want you to know tonight
31:49 that Jesus Christ is a billion times
31:53 stronger than the devil
31:55 and Jesus is winning this battle.
31:58 I want you to know this.
32:01 Evil angels are on a mission to deceive and to destroy.
32:08 They're out to get you.
32:10 Second Thessalonians 2:9,
32:14 these evil angels are on a mission
32:18 to deceive and to destroy.
32:21 And we're going to read this text
32:23 and here it comes up on the giant screens.
32:27 "The coming of the lawless one" that's the antichrist"
32:33 will be in accordance with the work
32:35 Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles,
32:42 signs and wonders."
32:45 This mighty angel has the ability to do
32:50 mighty signs and wonders
32:53 and he can even deceive millions and billions of people
32:58 unless they are students of a Word of God.
33:03 Unless they are standing on the Word of God
33:06 they will be deceived.
33:09 Listen, evil angels have the power
33:13 to impersonate good people, even your dead loved ones.
33:21 Evil angels have the power to impersonate good people,
33:25 even your dead loved ones who know nothing.
33:29 Second Corinthians 11:14, I want you to see this.
33:35 "And no wonder, for Satan himself
33:39 masquerades as an angel of light."
33:42 If you could see Satan tonight,
33:45 he is not a dragon, he is not a monster,
33:48 he would look like a beautiful angel of light.
33:52 And these demons, these angels
33:55 who turned against God can impersonate the dead
33:59 and they can make it appear
34:01 as though they are your loved ones
34:04 and they can bring you convincing messages
34:06 because they know everything about you.
34:09 But I want you tonight to stand on the Word of God
34:13 and I want you to turn your back on Lucifer
34:16 and I want you to turn your back on these evil angels
34:19 and I want you to cry out Jesus save me.
34:22 I'm going to believe in Jesus
34:25 and I'm going to trust in Jesus tonight, amen.
34:28 Can you say that?
34:31 Listen, millions are deceived
34:34 because they believe that dead are alive.
34:39 And when I talk on this subject the devil hates it.
34:45 Before I ever talk on this subject
34:47 I have opposition.
34:49 I have problems that arise.
34:56 Sometimes the opposition
34:59 almost pushes me down into the ground
35:02 and I've got to say, Lord, help me.
35:07 And the devil comes and he tries to stop me
35:11 preaching this message.
35:15 But I'm determined tonight to preach the truth,
35:18 because God loves you and I love you.
35:21 And I want to see you saved in the Kingdom of God
35:25 and so pray with me tonight
35:27 that the power of Satan is going to be broken
35:30 in the lives of every person here tonight.
35:32 Oh, Jesus, please.
35:35 Now we're going to show you
35:37 how the king of Israel was deceived by a demon.
35:41 Are you ready for this?
35:43 We're going to come to a text.
35:45 We're told here it is.
35:47 This is 1 Samuel 28:3-16 is the long passage
35:52 and I'm going to read it real slow,
35:54 so you don't miss it. All right.
35:58 Now Samuel was what? He was dead.
36:01 And if he was dead how much did he know?
36:05 Zero. He didn't know a thing.
36:07 Samuel was sleeping,
36:09 awaiting the resurrection. He still is.
36:12 "Now Samuel was dead" He was a prophet to God,
36:14 had to be, had on one occasion.
36:18 "and all Israel had mourned for him
36:20 and buried him in his own town of Ramah.
36:24 Saul had expelled the mediums and spiritists from the land."
36:27 Because God said, get them out of the land
36:30 because that's devil worship.
36:32 If a person believes in the spirits
36:34 he's really worshiping the devil.
36:37 "The Philistines assembled and came
36:39 and set up camp at Shunem,
36:41 while Saul gathered all Israelites
36:44 and set up camp at Gilboa." They're gonna have a big fight.
36:48 "When Saul saw the Philistine army,
36:51 he was afraid, terror filled his heart."
36:53 No wonder he turned from God.
36:56 "He inquired of the Lord, but the Lord did not answer him
36:59 by dreams or Urim or prophets."
37:01 My friend, we need to obey God and not turn away from God.
37:05 "Saul then said to his attendants,
37:08 'Find me a woman who is a medium,"
37:09 and you can find them here in Port Moresby.
37:12 You can find them plenty of them
37:14 in Papua New Guinea.
37:15 Find me a woman or a man who is a medium,
37:18 so I may go and inquire of her.'
37:21 'There is one in Endor,' they said."
37:23 She's called the witch of Endor.
37:25 "So Saul disguised himself, putting on other clothes,
37:28 and at night he and two men went to the woman.
37:31 'Consult a spirit for me,' he said.''
37:34 This was the greatest sin he could ever have done.
37:37 "And bring up for me the one I name.'
37:41 But the woman said to him,
37:42 'Surely you know what Saul has done.''
37:44 The king of Israel.
37:46 "He has cut off the mediums and spiritists from the land.'"
37:49 Because they are of the devil.
37:52 "Why have you set a trap for my life
37:54 to bring about my death?"
37:55 That's what the woman says to the king
37:58 but she doesn't know he's the king.
38:00 "Saul swore to her by the Lord,
38:03 'As surely as the Lord lives,
38:04 you will not be punished for this.'
38:07 Then the woman asked, 'Whom shall I bring up for you?'
38:12 'Bring up Samuel,' he said." So now he's consulting the dead.
38:18 Notice what happens.
38:20 "When the woman saw Samuel,
38:22 she cried out at the top of her voice and said to Saul,
38:25 'Why have you deceived me?
38:27 You are Saul!''
38:33 Notice what it says.
38:34 "The king said to her, 'Don't be afraid.
38:39 What did you see?'"
38:40 apparently he never saw it at this time.
38:43 "The woman said, 'I saw a spirit
38:48 coming up out of the ground.'
38:55 'What does he look like?' he asked.
38:59 'An old man wearing a robe is coming up,' she said.
39:05 Then Saul knew it was Samuel,
39:08 and he bowed down and prostrated himself
39:11 with his face to the ground.
39:15 Samuel said to Saul,
39:19 'Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?'
39:24 'I am in great distress,' Saul said.
39:28 'The Philistines are fighting against me,
39:30 and God has turned away from me.
39:33 He no longer answers me, either by prophets or by dreams.
39:38 So I have called on you to tell me what to do.'
39:42 Samuel said, 'Why do you consult me,
39:47 now that the Lord has turned away from you
39:52 and become your enemy?'"
39:56 Listen, I'll tell you why it wasn't the prophet.
40:02 If a person supposed to go to heaven when he dies,
40:06 the spirit would have come down from heaven.
40:09 But this thing came up out of the ground.
40:14 You know why it came up out of the ground?
40:18 It wasn't the prophet, it was a demon.
40:24 And listen to me carefully. Everybody listening?
40:29 Whenever I preach on this subject,
40:32 the demon start to stir the hearts
40:36 to their followers.
40:40 Listen to me.
40:42 This thing that came up out of the ground
40:49 and drove the power of death
40:53 into the heart of the king was not the dead prophet
40:58 but a deceiving spirit.
41:04 Look at me.
41:06 If here you go along to consult a spiritist
41:12 and he brings up a loved one.
41:15 That loved one starts to talk to you
41:17 and tells you intimate details
41:21 you be tempted to say it must be my loved one
41:24 because only my loved one who could know this.
41:28 But I'm here to tell you tonight
41:29 the power of the demons is such
41:33 that they can even impersonate our loved ones
41:36 and therefore we must take our stand tonight
41:41 not on tradition but on the Holy Word of God
41:45 and we must cling to Jesus Christ
41:48 and we must turn from the demons
41:51 and the evil spirits and from the occult
41:54 and we must believe in Christ and Christ alone.
41:59 Listen, listen.
42:02 The power of evil deceiving spirits
42:05 is manifested in many ways.
42:07 Let me tell you some.
42:09 The ascended masters--
42:11 I was running a series of meetings in Australia
42:14 in the great city of Melbourne.
42:17 Some people came along
42:19 and they said we want you to join us.
42:22 I said what do you mean?
42:23 They said, the masters, some of the great people
42:27 who ever lived, who have died
42:30 comeback and they talk to us.
42:34 And now we can get outside of our bodies
42:38 and we can travel around the countryside
42:41 and one night we are planning to come
42:44 and visit you as spirit beings.
42:47 I said no, you won't because I belong to Jesus.
42:51 And they said, we want you to join us.
42:54 I said, I'm not joining you because I have joined Jesus
42:59 and I'm holding on to the Bible, the ascended masters.
43:04 Then there is incubus
43:09 and that is when a demon materializes
43:13 and has intimate relationships with a woman.
43:17 You say, no. Yes, it happens.
43:21 Then there is channeling
43:23 and the new age and the gods of the heathen
43:30 and the gods of the pagans and the images
43:38 and in parts of the world
43:41 they even worship the dead ancestors
43:45 and they keep skulls and the skulls talk to them.
43:50 And they say this is our God.
43:54 Yes it is, it is the devil.
43:58 And there are some countries
44:00 that are completely infested with demonism.
44:06 I was in a country not very long ago
44:08 when my dear friend Pastor Hawker and I
44:11 went to a great temple
44:15 and the priest of the temple said
44:17 when I strike the gong the demons are going to come
44:23 and we worship those Gods.
44:26 He said, come in.
44:28 We said we will not step into your place
44:31 because we worship Christ.
44:34 Now, as we stood outside he struck the gong
44:39 and immediately the hair on the back of my neck stood up
44:44 and I was conscious of an evil presence.
44:48 The demons are real and there are demons
44:52 that are ruling in PNG, in parts of this great country.
44:58 And you and I tonight must say
45:00 that we're going to follow Christ
45:02 and we're going to follow the Bible
45:04 and we're going to turn from demonism
45:07 and the worship of our ancestors as they do in some countries.
45:14 Then people pray to the dead,
45:19 spiritism praying to the dead and people pray for the dead.
45:25 My friend, I do not pray for my father.
45:32 I do not pray for my mother.
45:36 I've had people come to me and they've offered me money
45:38 if I'll pray for their loved ones I tell them this.
45:44 Once a person has died his fate is eternally sealed.
45:51 Therefore we do not pray for the dead
45:54 because they are safe in the hands of God.
45:57 We pray for the living.
46:00 Therefore my friend tonight we pray for the living,
46:04 we pray for you, but we do not pray for the dead
46:07 and we do not pray with the dead.
46:09 This is a form of demonism.
46:13 Then south of the border in the United States of America
46:17 a couple of hundred miles from where I live,
46:20 the people there go to the cemeteries
46:23 on the night of the dead
46:25 and Halloween which is a pagan satanic cult
46:31 and they go there
46:32 and they take food and they take wine
46:36 and they pray to the dead. And the devil laughs.
46:43 Then there is astrology where people consult the stars.
46:49 I'm going to read you a text in Isaiah 47:13 and 14.
46:55 Going to put it up on the screen,
46:57 because in America, Australia,
47:00 millions of people consult the stars
47:03 because of their ignorance of the Word of God,
47:06 because they are deceived by demons. Listen.
47:11 "All the counsel you have received has only worn you out!
47:16 Let your astrologers come forward,
47:19 those stargazers who make predictions month by month,
47:24 let them save you from what is coming upon you."
47:27 Isaiah says.
47:28 "Surely they are like stubble, the fire will burn them up."
47:32 The fire is going to burn up the astrologers
47:35 and those who practice astrology.
47:37 "They cannot even save themselves
47:40 from the power of the flame.
47:47 Here are no coals to warm anyone,
47:50 here is no fire to sit by."
47:55 Would you like to know why millions of people do this?
47:58 It is because they do not follow the Word of God,
48:03 they follow the teachings of men.
48:06 They're not aware of the fact that there is a great battle
48:10 going on between Christ and Satan.
48:13 And Satan doesn't want you tonight to get baptized.
48:17 There are people here who ought to be baptized.
48:20 We're going to have a baptism in a week's time.
48:24 And Satan doesn't want you to make a decision for Christ.
48:27 He doesn't want you to be baptized.
48:30 He doesn't want you to give your heart completely to Him.
48:38 But I want you to know tonight that our God is alive.
48:44 And there's another text I'm going to put up.
48:48 Here it is. Here it is, Deuteronomy.
48:52 Everything here is from the Bible
48:54 and I'm so glad that I'm talking
48:56 to a super intelligent audience.
49:00 We've got university professors. We've got college students.
49:04 We've got housewives.
49:05 We've got doctors. We have politicians.
49:09 We've members of the government.
49:10 We've ambassadors.
49:12 We have the best audience in the world here tonight.
49:15 Now look at this text, Deuteronomy 18.
49:20 "When you come into the land
49:21 which the Lord your God is giving you,
49:24 you shall not learn to follow
49:26 the abominations of those nations.
49:29 They shall not be found among you
49:32 anyone who makes His son
49:35 or His daughters pass through the fire
49:38 an ancient occult practice,
49:41 or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer,
49:49 or one who interprets omens,
49:53 or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells
50:00 or a medium, or a spiritist,
50:05 or one who calls up the dead.
50:13 For all who do these things
50:16 are an abomination to the Lord."
50:27 Don't you know tonight
50:33 that God has brought you to this meeting
50:38 because He loves you
50:41 and He wants you to be saved in His Kingdom?
50:46 He loves you, He loves you, He loves you.
50:52 But there's another power tonight
50:54 who wants to bring you down to hell with himself.
50:58 His name is Lucifer.
51:00 He's the archenemy of Christ
51:04 and the archenemy of men and women.
51:08 He wants you.
51:14 The Christ died for you.
51:20 Some years ago I was visiting a lady
51:24 in the city of Gosford, north of Sydney.
51:28 That lady had once known the truth of the Bible.
51:31 She had once been a Christian. Listen carefully.
51:36 Nobody is laughing about this tonight.
51:41 And she came to my meetings
51:42 and she said I want you to come to my home
51:44 because I'm in deep trouble.
51:47 So a friend of my Dr. John Hamann
51:49 who had been up in Malaysia where they have demons,
51:52 very plain there in the temples.
51:55 John and I went to her home in the evening.
51:59 The children were frightened and they were cowering
52:02 like little rabbits in the living room.
52:06 I sat down with this women, I said how can I help you?
52:09 She said, you see the curtain railings.
52:12 Yes, I see them.
52:14 You notice how they've got like a spear on the end.
52:16 Yes, I know.
52:18 Well, said, at night time they come out by themselves
52:21 and they come around after me and try to spear me to death.
52:26 I said, what do you mean?
52:27 She said, in the name of God I used to be a Christian.
52:31 I turned away.
52:33 And then I got into the occult and I went along
52:37 and I listen to mediums and I consulted the dead.
52:45 Then she said, at night time when I get into bed--
52:50 this woman was divorced.
52:52 Didn't have her husband.
52:53 She said, when I get into bed
52:56 often a man appears
53:01 and tries to get into bed with me
53:04 and he grabs hold of me by the throat.
53:11 And she said, I scream out. She said, I'm terrified.
53:17 What shall I do?
53:20 I said, let's get down on our knees.
53:23 Dr. John Hamann and I got down on our knees.
53:26 I got my Bible, I started to read the Bible
53:29 and I started to pray.
53:31 But as I prayed she went into like a coma.
53:36 She went into a trans.
53:37 She couldn't hear me
53:39 because the spirits were present in the room
53:43 and she had given herself to them.
53:46 Don't laugh about this.
53:50 John Hamann said to me later, when I went to that room,
53:57 the hair on my neck stood up, stuck straight up.
54:01 I said, mine too.
54:03 I said, I had a sense
54:05 of the presence of something evil.
54:07 My friend, I know there is a living God,
54:11 I know there is a living devil
54:14 and I know that there is a war going on.
54:21 We prayed for this woman.
54:23 We prayed for her, we went back.
54:28 I moved away.
54:30 I prayed God that she gave herself to Christ
54:38 because only Christ can save us.
54:40 I want you to know if there's somebody here tonight
54:43 and you're playing with the devil.
54:45 No, the devil is playing with you.
54:49 That if you throw yourself into the hands of God
54:53 and believe the truths of the Bible
54:55 that the dead know nothing.
54:57 And if you believe that Jesus is greater than the devil
55:00 and if you cling to Him you will be saved
55:03 and the devil will be cast out of your life.
55:11 Can you raise your hands tonight to say?
55:15 In the great controversy between Christ and Satan
55:18 here in PNG tonight I choose to be on the side of Christ.
55:25 Can you raise your hands tonight?
55:28 Can you say, everybody back as far as we can see,
55:34 you folks over there on the hill,
55:36 those of you outside the stadium,
55:38 so many of you.
55:40 How many will raise their hand and say tonight,
55:42 I'm choosing the Lord Jesus Christ.
55:46 Let us pray. Let's close our eyes.
55:49 Keep your hands up.
55:52 Tonight our Father we've had two tremendous meetings,
55:57 the antichrist, the Lord open up their eyes.
56:00 Now we've had a meeting that exposes the devil himself
56:06 and we know that devil today is very active in New York City
56:10 and Los Angeles and Port Moresby.
56:15 With this country like many other places
56:18 has had a history of spiritism,
56:22 where many people even pray to their dead ancestors.
56:26 But tonight Lord, we're not choosing dead people,
56:33 we're choosing a living Jesus.
56:36 We're raising our hands tonight
56:38 because Lord we're saying come into our hearts.
56:44 Thank you, for joining us today.
56:46 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter
56:49 and to receive our monthly newsletter,
56:52 write to us here at the Carter Report,
56:54 PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks,
56:57 California, 91358
57:00 or in Australia at PO Box 861,
57:04 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
57:08 That address again is PO Box 1900,
57:12 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358
57:16 or in Australia at PO Box 861,
57:19 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
57:23 You may also contact us online at
57:28 Remember Jesus said, "You will know the truth
57:31 and the truth will set you free."


Revised 2014-12-17