Participants: Pr. John Carter
Series Code: CR
Program Code: CR100008
00:01 Welcome to the Carter Report
00:02 at the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 00:06 More than 100,000 souls are in attendance 00:09 and John Carter is preaching the word of God. 00:12 The great congregation sits motionless. 00:14 They are spellbound not by the oratory of the speaker, 00:18 but by the Spirit of God as He bears witness to His word. 00:21 An atmosphere of divine solemnity 00:24 mingled with a holy joy pervades the stadium 00:28 and spills out to the thousands gathered outside, 00:31 night by night in weather fare and foul. 00:34 The old warrior preaches 00:36 on tens of thousands come to Christ. 00:39 Thousands are baptized in the sea at Ela Beach 00:42 and still more pressed forward to publicly confess Christ. 00:46 Now this is your opportunity 00:49 to be a part of what many have called a new Pentecost. 00:52 Welcome to the Carter Report 00:54 at the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 01:04 Now I've been to Russia 42 times, 01:10 I've spoken to more atheists, 01:12 I guess than any person living on the planet. 01:17 You heard what I've said? 01:18 I have spoken to the KGB on two occasions. 01:23 I've spoken to millions and millions of atheists. 01:29 When I went to Russia, I discovered 01:33 what atheism had done to the soul of the people. 01:37 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, perhaps the greatest Christian 01:41 of the 20th century said, "We forgot God 01:45 and all of these awful things came upon us." 01:49 During the time when the people forsook 01:53 the Bible and gave up Christ. 01:57 During that time that lasted around 70 years, 02:01 the atheist put to death in the Soviet Union 02:04 between 50 million and 70 million people. 02:09 When I went to Russia, 02:11 I discovered incredible poverty. 02:14 I discovered incredible alcoholism. 02:18 I discovered almost 02:19 every second person was a drunk. 02:23 I discovered little orphans everywhere. 02:25 Little orphans would come up 02:26 to me when I was on the train going across Siberia. 02:29 When the train would come into the station 02:31 when it was 40 degrees below, 02:33 minus 40, heaps of little children 02:36 would come up to me and they would put out their hands 02:39 because they were freezing 02:41 because their parents were drunk. 02:46 Atheism tore 02:49 the soul out of Russia. 02:54 When the atheist were ruling, when they got rid of God 02:58 and when they got rid of Christ, 03:00 they brought upon Russia a time of horror 03:05 and the people became poor and the people became sick. 03:12 It was like a living hell. 03:17 Some years ago, the Carter Report 03:20 produced an award winning documentary. 03:24 It received Three Angels awards 03:26 and two Tele awards in Hollywood. 03:30 I'm going to show you 03:31 a four minutes segment from this video. 03:34 Some of the video is not good 03:38 because it's from Soviet footage and it's many years old. 03:43 But you'll get the picture. 03:44 This is the award winning video. 03:47 "Victory at Kiev." 03:48 A four minute segment on what atheism 03:52 did to the soul of the Russian people? 03:54 Look at that. 03:58 It is a city that's had more than 04:00 its share of trouble and suffering. 04:02 Hundreds of thousands of brave Ukrainians 04:04 died defending Kiev against the onslaughts 04:06 of Nazi storm troopers. 04:08 More than 100,000 perhaps, 04:10 even 300,000 Jews were murdered at this Keiv site 04:13 by the German forces that occupied 04:15 Ukraine from 1941 to 1944. 04:19 Even more Ukrainians were slaughtered by the Communists 04:21 who carried out a reign of terror 04:23 against intellectuals and dissidents. 04:25 This peaceful forest just outside 04:27 the city's boundaries is the resting place 04:29 for a multitude of victims whose only crime was the desire 04:32 for political and religious freedom. 04:35 Tens of thousands were transported here, 04:37 made to kneel and then shot 04:39 in the back of the neck by the Communists. 04:42 During 1932 and 1933, 04:45 8 million Ukrainians died of starvation. 04:48 This genocide occurred when the Marxist government 04:51 in Moscow decreed that the bountiful harvest 04:53 of the Ukraine were to be sent to Russia. 04:56 A number equivalent to the population 04:58 of the New York City perished because they were forbidden 05:02 to eat the food, the bread and the potatoes 05:04 that they have produced with their own hands 05:07 on their own lands. 05:09 Stalin was living like in czar in the Kremlin, 05:11 remarked that it was impossible to avoid breaking eggs 05:14 when making an omelet. 05:16 He further observed that the death 05:17 of a million people was just a statistic. 05:21 For 70 years the godless Marxist 05:24 carried out a war of terrorism 05:26 against all who professed faith in God. 05:28 Millions were sent to prison where they were beaten, 05:31 frozen, interrogated, tortured and starved. 05:34 The soil of the former Soviet Union 05:36 is drenched with the blood of a great multitude 05:39 of martyrs who did not count their lives 05:41 dear unto themselves. 05:43 More recently communist incompetency 05:45 combined with the callous disregard for human life 05:48 caused the deaths of at least a 125,000 persons. 05:52 Just 60 miles from Kiev 05:54 is the city of Chernobyl-- beside a fort carelessly 05:58 constructed maintain nuclear reactors. 06:01 On April 26, 1986 at 01:23 AM a meltdown occurred. 06:07 The great concrete containment shield 06:08 over reactor number 4 was blasted into fragments. 06:12 A cloud of radioactive gas many times more deadly 06:14 than that of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 06:17 exploded into the atmosphere. 06:19 Workers were in inadequate protective clothing 06:22 were ordered by the communists authorities 06:24 into the area of greatest contamination. 06:27 Armed with shovels and brooms these people 06:29 who had been promised a workers paradise waged war 06:33 against chunking fragments of Uranium 06:35 that were scattered like monstrous autumn leaves 06:37 over an apocalyptic landscape. 06:40 They died in agony a few hours or days later. 06:43 It's estimated that at least a 125,000 died 06:47 as a direct result of the meltdown, 06:49 others still suffered without hope or compensation. 06:53 These children in Kiev are victims 06:55 of the worst nuclear accident in history. 06:58 They live in orphanages with a minimum of medical care. 07:01 All this suffering has prepared the soul of the Ukrainian 07:05 for the gospel of Jesus Christ 07:07 that alone gives light in darkness and hope in despair. 07:12 John Carter an Australian pastor and evangelist 07:15 went to Kiev during January 1995. 07:19 It was his mission to explore the possibilities 07:21 of conducting a citywide crusade. 07:24 He had in March of 1991 07:26 conducted the first evangelistic series of meetings 07:28 in the Soviet Union, when he proclaimed 07:31 God's word at the Palace of Culture in Moscow. 07:34 Subsequent Carter Report meetings in Nizhni Novgorod, 07:37 Russia resulted in more than 5,000 baptisms. 07:42 The baptism in June of 1992 07:45 when 2,530 precious Russian souls confessing Christ 07:49 were baptized in the Volga River 07:52 was an historic occasion. 07:54 At that time, it was the largest baptism 07:56 since 988, when Prince Vladimir 08:04 It's sort of an amazing story, isn't it? 08:07 It's an amazing story. 08:12 Now I open my heart to you. 08:15 I'm a plain speaking man but nothing to hide. 08:20 My message is this. 08:22 The happiest people in this world 08:25 are not the atheist. 08:28 They're not the nonbelievers. 08:30 They're not the scoffers. 08:33 The happiest people are those who have faith in God, 08:38 in Jesus Christ our Lord 08:41 and who keep the commandments of God. 08:46 Now, I'm going to tell you about two Russians. 08:51 The first person is-- 08:56 This man-- when I went to Russia 08:59 I didn't know who he was, never met him. 09:02 This man was the leader of the Russian mafia. 09:07 Can you believe it? 09:09 The leader of the Russian mafia, 09:12 but no joy, no peace, no happiness, only fear. 09:17 Somehow with the miracle of God-- 09:21 he got some of our videos. 09:24 It's amazing all I can say is that God is great. 09:27 He got some of our videos and he looked through 09:29 the videos and this man who had an army of 400 mafia members, 09:35 400 mafia members with machine guns. 09:42 And as he heard about Christ, the ways of truth and the life. 09:49 As he heard about the great truth 09:50 that I talked about last night 09:52 that Christ died for our sins on the cross. 09:58 You know what happened? 10:00 God touched his heart, his life was changed. 10:07 He is now a teacher of the truths 10:09 that you're hearing here tonight. 10:11 And he has got peace and joy and happiness. 10:15 The leader of the Russian mafia, 10:19 he had a friend his name is-- 10:25 Oh, God bless you. 10:27 When you look at him close, there's a scar down his face 10:31 where a bullet went right down through 10:34 the jaw bone out through his mouth. 10:37 His body is covered with scars. 10:39 Today they are preachers of the gospel of Christ. 10:46 You say to me, you don't understand us 10:49 here in Port Moresby. 10:53 I do understand you. 10:54 I understand you. 10:55 I know you. 10:57 I feel for you. 10:58 I feel the pain of some of you. 11:01 I know your struggles. 11:03 I know the cries of your hearts. 11:05 And I want you to know Jesus is the way, 11:09 the truth and the life. 11:10 And the happiest people are the people who turn to Christ 11:14 and whose lives are changed by the power of God. 11:19 So I'm saying to you tonight, come to Christ. 11:22 I'm saying to the young people, come to Christ. 11:24 You think you're having a great time outside of Christ. 11:27 You can't be happy. 11:28 You can't have peace. 11:30 You can't have joy until you know Jesus. 11:33 Jesus said "I have come that they may have life 11:37 and that they may have it" as it says 11:40 in the King James Version "more abundantly." 11:43 I can give a testimony tonight 11:47 that I have been teaching these truths 11:50 for 50 years without a break. 11:52 I have spoken to millions and millions of people. 11:57 I do it not because I'm paid to do it. 12:01 I'm no longer a young man. 12:04 I do it because I see how God 12:09 can bring joy and happiness and peace 12:12 and prosperity to people who will believe. 12:17 And I've come to Port Morseby to say to you, 12:20 believe in the Christ who died for you my beloved friend. 12:24 I besiege you, believe in him. 12:29 Now there's a man, I have been to many places. 12:35 I've been to China-- spoken in China, 12:40 all through Europe. 12:42 Russia, Ukraine, Siberia, 12:45 I've spoken outdoors in Siberia. 12:48 I have been at on Lake Baikal, 12:49 when it's been minus 40 degrees. 12:52 I've been to so many, many places. 12:54 I've spoken across the United States of America 12:57 down in Australia in the Sydney Opera House. 13:00 I've never spoken to a group quite as good 13:03 as the group in Port Moresby. 13:06 But listen, I've been to many places 13:09 but there is a man here tonight, 13:11 he's been to places I haven't been to. 13:16 When he was the young man, he was tremendously famous 13:23 by the time I think he turned 19. 13:26 Everybody was talking about him in the United States. 13:30 They called him Willie G. 13:33 Some called him little Willie. 13:41 He was so popular that he went to the very top 13:44 of the music world but he hadn't gone to the place 13:49 where God wanted him to go. 13:52 And I'm going to ask him to come now 13:54 and tell you the story of his involvement with the gangs. 13:59 My friend, please welcome from Los Angeles, 14:03 a true soldier of Christ, Pastor Willie Garcia. 14:11 Pastor Garcia, we are on it. 14:14 I want to tell you not only do we love you but we like you. 14:19 God bless you, Pastor Carter. 14:20 This is just a tremendous honor 14:23 for me to be here in Port Moresby, 14:26 Papua New Guinea with you, and this beautiful people, 14:29 and to be able to just share with them how Jesus Christ 14:32 got a hold in my heart 14:33 and pulled me out of the depths of hell. 14:35 Tell me this--you say they're beautiful people. 14:39 I reckon they're about the most beautiful people 14:42 I have ever met. When you come here, each evening 14:44 and look at over an audience 14:46 that is often more than a 100,000. 14:49 If we have an audience here of 80,000 some nights 14:52 we say boy, not much of a crowd tonight. 14:56 But listen, once in Los Angeles which is a city, 15:02 a huge city, the population of Los Angeles 15:05 is more than three times all of Papua New Guinea. 15:08 It's crammed into a relatively small place. 15:12 It's a place of we're gonna put some of these pictures 15:15 on the screen so we get homesick for a little while. 15:18 It's a place of skyscrapers. 15:22 And that it's a place of beautiful homes 15:25 like Beverly Hills and there it got a place-- 15:29 It's a place of mountains 15:31 and there it is have a look at this Willie, there it is. 15:34 There's L.A.--wow, look at these freeways. 15:40 Aren't you glad to be out of that for a little bit? 15:42 Yes, for a while. 15:44 I love Los Angeles but I'm glad to be here. 15:46 I drive those freeways usually once a day 15:49 and they're goodness to me it's an experience. 15:52 I'm blessed that I'm still alive. 15:54 Tell me, about your involvement 15:57 in gangs as a young man. 16:00 Actually, I was pulled out 16:03 of the gangs as a young man. 16:05 I started in the entertainment industry 16:08 when I was 9 years old. 16:10 Nine years age, nine years of age. 16:12 Nine years of age, but I grew up 16:14 in a very notorious neighborhood called 38 Street. 16:18 And movies had been made regarding 16:21 the sleepy lagoon incident. 16:23 A tremendous movie 16:24 some I would say-- a little over 30 years ago 16:28 called Zoot Suit was made and it was a portrayal 16:33 of the gangs from the area 16:36 that I grew up in as a young man. 16:38 Tell me, you mentioned this to me the other day. 16:42 There're places I couldn't go and you couldn't go 16:46 because they're so dangerous. 16:47 Tell us about some of these 16:50 dangerous places in Los Angeles. 16:52 There are three notorious gangs, prominent gangs. 16:57 There's a lot of others but three, 16:59 the Bloods, the Crips and 18th Street. 17:03 And they have branches if you will of their gangs 17:08 that are spread out throughout the Los Angeles area. 17:13 I met several gang members when I was doing 17:16 Bible studies for the California Youth Authority. 17:19 When I first got saved, a young man and myself, 17:23 we would go to the youth authorities 17:24 and to the prisons and do Bible studies. 17:27 And we met a lot of these young guys. 17:28 So when they got out of jail, 17:30 we wanted to follow up on them. 17:33 And when we would go to the Ramona Gardens 17:35 or the Estrada Courts or the Pueblo Del Rio, 17:38 these are projects there in the Los Angeles area. 17:42 It was a frightening experience because we were besieged upon 17:48 by these gang members. 17:50 We were looked at as outsiders 17:52 but when we mentioned the name, they backed off. 17:57 When you mentioned the name, tell us about this? 18:00 When we mentioned the name of the individual 18:02 we were seeking, they backed off. 18:05 And they went and they got him 18:07 and brought him and he gave us the okay. 18:10 He said, these guys are all right. 18:12 They ministered to me while I was in jail. 18:15 And they opened the doors for us. 18:18 We found an opening 18:19 how we could get into the neighborhoods 18:21 and start to reach these gang members 18:24 who are living hopeless lives of desperation, 18:29 because they sensed themselves, 18:30 they feel like they're outsiders that nobody cares for them. 18:34 This is the way they have lived for generations. 18:37 And we go with the gospel of Jesus Christ 18:40 and we go with the intent of breaking the curse 18:43 of generations over their lives. 18:46 Jesus in the 9th Chapter of John, 18:49 the disciples approached Him and they said Rabbi, 18:52 who sin this man or his parents that he was born blind. 18:56 And Jesus said, "Neither this man 18:59 nor his parents but that the works of God 19:02 should be revealed in him." 19:05 And so this is the message that we take to them 19:08 that they've been living blind, 19:10 every thief that you've mentioned here tonight. 19:14 I was a victim of all my life 19:18 but you didn't mentioned success. 19:21 Success was the biggest thief that I experienced in my life 19:27 and when it couldn't fill the hole in my heart 19:29 that's when I turned to immorality and drugs 19:33 and alcohol and promiscuity and everything 19:37 that the world offers. 19:38 All we're searching but never 19:40 able to come to the knowledge of the truth 19:42 and that's the way these young gang members are. 19:45 And they are grooming each other. 19:47 That's all they've ever known, 19:49 their fathers, their uncles, 19:50 their brothers, their cousins. 19:52 This is a lifestyle that they've lived 19:54 and so they've lived a hopeless until someone 19:57 is able to bring a message to them. 19:59 And we just ask them simply, are you alive? 20:04 And they would, of course, I'm alive, you know. 20:07 I say, well, then there is hope for you. 20:10 Solomon said, "To him that is joined to the living." 20:13 In Ecclesiastics 9:4, "there is hope." 20:17 It is better to be a live dog than a dead lion. 20:23 Pastor Willie, of course there are-- 20:27 there's crime also in Port Moresby. 20:30 There are young people who are caught up 20:32 with drugs-- same is in Los Angeles, 20:36 the gangs of New York same is in Mexico 20:40 where they have this dreadful, dreadful crime way 20:45 with all the drugs and the gangs and killings and the guns. 20:50 I want you to look out there and tell the young people 20:54 here tonight as well as their parents 20:58 tell them what you think about Christ. 21:02 And give them a message from your own heart. 21:06 Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me. 21:11 That's what I was longing for all of my life. 21:15 I thank God for an older brother who told me, 21:20 you have a gift, you don't have to stand on the corner. 21:25 You don't have to hang out with those guys. 21:28 You don't wanna be like me. 21:30 You don't want to be like them. 21:31 You have a gift, you want to do something with your life. 21:35 Listen, everything that you're searching for is in Christ. 21:40 I believe with all my heart 21:43 that when God created you and I, 21:46 He created us intentionally to be miserable without Him. 21:51 He made absolutely sure 21:52 that nothing or no one to take His place in our lives. 21:59 One of the things that I hear the most from individuals 22:03 that I ministered to that God brings in my path 22:06 is they tell me I want to change Brother Willie, 22:08 but I don't know how. 22:12 And so they look for change in beetle nut 22:16 or Jack Daniel's or Jose Cuervo or heroine 22:21 or cocaine or an illicit affair and they're still left 22:28 unfulfilled because God never created 22:31 those things to fulfill or satisfy. 22:34 Only Jesus can satisfy the longing of your soul. 22:40 And my friend, you'll never know 22:44 what I'm talking about unless you're willing tonight 22:49 to taste and see for yourself. 22:53 You can't live of a doctor Carter's 22:55 experience or my experience. 22:58 The good news tonight is that God has an experience for you. 23:02 He wants to touch you deeper and more intimately 23:06 than you have ever experienced Him before in your Life. 23:09 This goes beyond change. Yeah. 23:14 Only Jesus can transform you. 23:19 That's what you need in your life. 23:21 Not just a change you need to be transformed 23:26 by the power of the risen Christ. 23:29 Tonight, you're listening, and you're looking to a man 23:33 that 32 years 4 months and 16 days ago 23:39 said yes to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 23:45 And I'm thoroughly convinced that no one 23:48 in this precious place of Papua New Guinea 23:52 will ever be the same or anyone viewing this telecast, 23:56 you'll never be the same. 23:58 No one remains the same after they've been exposed 24:01 to the gospel of Jesus Christ, 24:03 because the word of God is alive, 24:05 it's powerful, it's sharper than two edged sword. 24:09 It penetrates to the division of the soul. 24:12 The spirit in the joints and the marrow 24:15 and as a discerner of the thoughts 24:17 and the intents of the heart. 24:21 My friends, God know 24:22 what's tracing through our minds tonight. 24:26 He knows the burdens that you carry around 24:29 in your heart tonight. 24:32 And I want you to know that there is a willingness 24:35 always on the part of God 24:37 to enter into the human condition, 24:40 into the human situation and transform it forever. 24:45 There is nothing temporary about Christ 24:49 and what He is capable of doing in your life 24:53 if you will just give Him permission, tonight. 24:56 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. 25:01 Hallelujah, thank God. 25:04 Thank God, thank God, Stay here with me. 25:11 We're going to put up a text on the screen 25:12 I'm going to jump down a little bit my friends 25:15 down there in the operating room. 25:17 We're gonna come through. 25:19 Well, I'm gonna read this 25:21 and then we gonna jump a little further. 25:22 Look at this text Willie, "Seek the Lord 25:24 while he may be found, call on him while he is near." 25:28 Is he near tonight folks? 25:30 "Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. 25:34 Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, 25:36 and to our God," for he will what folks, tell me. 25:40 "Freely pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 25:44 neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. 25:47 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, 25:49 so are my ways higher than your ways 25:51 and my thoughts than your thoughts. 25:54 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven 25:57 and do not return to it without watering the earth. 26:00 And making it bud and flourish, 26:02 so that it yields seed for sower and bread for the eater, 26:06 so is my word that goes out from my mouth. 26:09 It will not return to me empty, 26:12 but will accomplish what I desire and achieve 26:16 the purpose for which I sent it. 26:19 You will go in joy and be led forth in peace, 26:22 the mountains and the hills will burst in song before you, 26:28 and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. 26:32 Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, 26:35 and instead of the brier the myrtle will grow. 26:39 This will be for the Lords renown, 26:42 for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed."' 26:47 Pastor Willie, God can do it. 26:49 Yes, He can, yes, He can. 26:51 "I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live. 26:55 Yet, not I but Christ lives in me and the light 26:59 that I now live in the flesh, 27:01 I live by the faith of the son of God 27:04 who loved me and gave himself for me." 27:08 Hallelujah, can you say hallelujah. 27:12 Let me hear you say hallelujah. 27:15 Hallelujah. Hallelujah. 27:18 Hallelujah. Hallelujah. 27:20 Hallelujah. Hallelujah. 27:22 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 27:25 Now listen, we're gonna have another text. 27:28 I like you so much and I think 27:30 we're gonna do this together. 27:31 Now, we're gonna stay together for while. 27:33 We're going to put up the greatest text in the Bible, 27:38 Pastor G. Okay, 27:42 "For God so loved the world." 27:47 Hey, how about you folks saying it with me. 27:49 Is that possible? 27:51 "For God so loved the world 27:55 that he gave his one and only Son, 27:58 that whoever believes in him shall not perish 28:02 but have everlasting life." 28:04 Now Pastor Garcia, I'm gonna tell the folks 28:07 here story, okay. 28:10 So, I'm gonna tell them story 28:12 and you can just encourage me along a little bit. 28:14 If you think I'm sort of slacking or something or, 28:17 you know, stumbling, you can just push me along 28:20 a little bit and get me going, all right. 28:22 You're ready for the story. 28:25 It was in London, it was a cold, cold night. 28:28 There was a little bit snowfall. 28:31 And there was a homeless little boy. 28:34 Just there he is. a little guy like this, 28:36 a homeless, little boy, well, that little boy 28:39 was in America but this one is gonna do fine. 28:41 We're gonna say he was in England. 28:42 That's just fine. 28:44 A homeless little boy, had nowhere to sleep that night, 28:47 Pastor Garcia, and nowhere to go. 28:50 That's why little kids get into drugs. 28:53 That's why they get into gangs when they grow up 28:55 because their parents are in drugs, 28:57 they're drinking, they're chewing beetle nut, 29:00 all other sorts of drugs and they and these drugs 29:05 so cloud their minds, they can't think straight. 29:07 That's what happens to people. 29:09 Anyhow, this little boy was sort of freezing 29:14 and a policeman came along and said, 29:17 little boy go home. 29:19 He said, sir I ain't got a home. 29:21 Oh, he said, yeah of course you must have a home, 29:22 go home to your mommy. 29:24 He said, I ain't got a mommy. 29:26 Well, he said, go home to your daddy. 29:28 He said, I ain't got a daddy. 29:31 Now, this big policeman, 29:32 this bobby as they call them in England was a Christian. 29:36 Now he said boy, I want you go to certain house. 29:39 Oh, little boy said, there were rich people there. 29:42 Oh, he said, I've got a friend there, 29:44 I want you to go a certain house. 29:47 And I want you to go and knock on the door 29:49 and when the person comes out I want you to say, 29:53 John 316 told me to come. 29:58 You folks still listening? 30:01 John 316-- is this a story. 30:03 Yeah, it is. 30:05 All right you better; better enjoy this story 30:07 because if you don't enjoy this story I'm done for. 30:10 So he said, the little boy went to the door, 30:13 big house, big house, knocked on the door 30:18 and out came a big man. 30:21 He said, what do you want boy. 30:23 And he said, please sir, John 316 told me to come. 30:29 Oh, said the man. 30:31 John 316 told you to come. Yes, sir. 30:35 He said, well you come in boy there's John 316 30:39 and I've been friends for a long time. 30:43 So the little boy came in. 30:45 He was freezing. 30:47 Now these good folks here don't know 30:49 what it's like to be freezing 30:51 but if you're unlucky enough to be born in London, 30:53 you're freezing most of the time. 30:55 So anyhow this is little boy he was ragged 30:58 and he goes inside freezing. 31:03 And the man says, boy come 31:05 stand over here next to this big fire. 31:08 Because I'm going to go and get some things ready for you. 31:11 So the little boy comes in. 31:13 He comes and backs up to this big fire. 31:18 And as he stands next to this big fire. 31:20 He says to himself, Pastor Garcia, he says, 31:25 "I don't know who this John 316 is." 31:30 But he sure can make a cold boy warm. 31:36 Cold boy warm and after a while a big lady 31:43 comes in the sort of big soft comfortable, ample lady. 31:50 And she comes in and she says, 31:53 well now boy, it's time for you to have a bath. 32:00 Oh, he said, "I've never had a bath." 32:02 Well, this is going to be a new experience for you boy 32:05 because John 316 says you got to have a bath. 32:09 So she takes him and the man-- well she went out of the room 32:14 so he wasn't embarrassed. 32:15 And there is a big bathtub full of hot soapy water. 32:21 And so the man takes the cloths off the little boy 32:24 and some of the cloths are sort of struck to his skin. 32:27 You know, get the cloths off and he puts the boy 32:32 in this big soapy tub and the man 32:36 starts to scrub him all over. 32:39 He scrubs his head, he scrubs his toe. 32:41 He scrubs his back, he scrubs his front. 32:44 He scrubs his legs, he scrubs his arms. 32:47 He scrubs his face, scrubs him everywhere. 32:50 He scrubs, scrubs, scrubs. 32:53 When he finished scrubbing him, 32:55 he goes and he says, boy now you just get out 32:58 there and get a towel and there 32:59 were this big hot beautiful towels. 33:02 He said, now boy you get out there and dry yourself up. 33:06 So the boy gets out. 33:08 He thinks to himself, I still don't know 33:12 who this John 316 is but he sure 33:17 can make a dirty boy clean. 33:21 Yes, yes. Dirty boy clean. 33:24 Cold boy warm. 33:26 Dirty boy clean. Yes. 33:29 Well, anyhow the man comes in with some pajamas. 33:33 He didn't know if they were. 33:35 He puts on these pajamas. 33:38 Boy is nice and clean, he is warm and takes him 33:40 into the kitchen that's the best place to eat. 33:42 There is a huge big table and it's covered with food. 33:47 Oh, the food. 33:52 It's as good as the food 33:53 they serve me here in Papua New Guinea. Wow! 33:57 So notice this. 33:58 All this great food. 34:01 The little boy have never seen food like this. 34:03 This is Irish Jew and all that sort of stuff. 34:06 So the man gives him big plate of this food 34:09 and hot bread with butter. 34:14 Mmm Let's do this again. 34:17 Mmm Oh, you got it. 34:20 That's the way. 34:21 So the little boy eats all of this stew 34:24 and then the man said, you want some more boy. 34:27 Yes sir. So he has some stew 34:29 and then he never had this before. 34:33 He had white stuff... ice-cream, 34:39 Mmm Little more. 34:42 Mmm Yeah, that's bit better. 34:44 So he has some ice-cream and some fruit 34:51 and after his little tummy is bursting out, 34:54 he says to himself. 34:59 Still don't know who John 316 is. 35:02 But he sure can make an empty boy full, 35:09 an empty boy full. 35:12 And then after he has eaten, he is warm, he is full, 35:15 the big lady, beautiful big lady, 35:19 the real mother who is great to hug little boys. 35:22 She comes in and she says now bedtime for you. 35:26 She takes him into this beautiful bedroom 35:28 he'd never been in the bedroom before 35:30 and puts him in the bed he'd never been in before. 35:33 There were crisp white sheets. 35:36 And what the British call a big eider down. 35:40 You know, he snuggled into it. 35:45 And the little boy gets into bed. 35:47 He'd never been in bed before Pastor Garcia 35:53 and as he snuggles into bed and as he goes to sleep he says. 36:00 I still don't know who John 316 is. 36:05 But he sure can give 36:09 a tired boy rest. 36:14 Yes. Now, I want you to come over here with me. 36:21 John 316 did it for Pastor Garcia 36:26 on the streets of Los Angeles. 36:30 I've said some pretty tough things tonight. 36:32 I said because I love you. 36:35 But John 316 is the solution to the all of our problems. 36:41 John 316 can make 36:44 cold people warm. 36:49 John 316 can make 36:53 dirty people clean. 36:59 John 316 can make empty people full. 37:07 And John 316 can give 37:11 tired people rest. 37:15 I recommend to you tonight the wonderful gospel 37:21 of John 316. 37:28 And we're going to pray about. 37:31 Aren't you blessed here tonight? 37:34 And we've talked about the thieves. 37:36 I tell you I'm opposed to the thieves. 37:40 But tonight we're not just gonna leave 37:42 with it talking about thieves. 37:44 We're introducing the Savior. 37:48 Who can make us warm and clean and full and give us rest. 37:56 We're going to pray together. 37:59 We're going to close our eyes. 38:02 We're going to talk to the Lord in prayer. 38:05 And as we talk to the Lord in prayer-- 38:07 just have a look at that screen there friend. 38:11 Look at this Brother Willie. 38:13 He is the Christ for everybody, isn't He? 38:16 He is the Christ for everybody. 38:18 He is the Christ for black people 38:20 and white people and brown people 38:22 and everybody in between. 38:26 He is the way the truth and the life. 38:29 And He has come so that we will have life 38:33 and have it more abundantly. 38:36 Let us stand up as we pray. 38:39 Every one of us standing for prayer. 38:41 We don't sit down in the presence of the King. 38:45 But when we're praying to the King we stand up. 38:50 Are you glad that you're here tonight? Yes. 38:54 What we're going to do we're going to bow our heads. 38:59 We're going to close our eyes 39:02 and we're going to open our hearts. 39:04 And my appeal to you tonight is to accept 39:07 the Christ of John 3:16. 39:11 I want you now to bow your heads. 39:13 Nobody move please 39:14 in the presence of God, no movement. 39:18 No movement in the presence of almighty God. 39:24 Our Father in heaven, we thank You Tonight 39:28 that You've been here. 39:31 We thank You that Jesus is the way, 39:33 the truth and the life. 39:36 He is the solution to every human problem. 39:40 That when Christ comes into the life 39:42 He doesn't simply modify it, but He transforms the life. 39:47 He takes cold people and He makes them warm inside. 39:54 He takes people who are dirty with sin. 39:58 And He washes away the sin with His own blood 40:00 and He makes them clean. 40:04 We thank You tonight that this transforming Christ 40:08 can take us when we're empty desperately empty inside. 40:14 And He can fill us up with peace and joy and happiness. 40:20 And we thank you tonight that the God the Christ of John 3:16 40:26 can give people who are weary with sin 40:29 and weary with the struggle and weary with the world, 40:33 He can give them rest. 40:37 That's why we are praying here tonight. 40:40 How many will raise their hand and say, 40:41 oh I want John 316 in my life? 40:45 Would you rise you hand tonight if that's your prayer. 40:48 Oh, God tonight I want John 316, 40:52 I want to be clean, I want to be warm. 40:55 I want to be full. 40:57 I need him tonight. 41:00 I need to be filled with him. 41:02 I want his rest tonight. 41:03 I can't go home tonight Lord until you give me John 316. 41:08 Raise your hands my people. 41:11 Oh, my Father, take these upraised hands, 41:16 take these upraised hearts because tonight 41:20 we are accepting John 316 into our lives. 41:25 We're accepting Christ. 41:28 The way the truth and the life 41:30 who came to give us the more abundant way of living. 41:34 Oh, Christ come into our hearts tonight, 41:37 transform us tonight. 41:39 Change us tonight. 41:41 Make us into new people tonight. 41:44 Make us into the very children of God 41:46 who reflect the image of the Savior. 41:50 So Father, we're raising our hands and our hearts. 41:57 We thank You for saving us. 42:07 I feel moved tonight I didn't know 42:10 what I was gonna do with this stage. 42:14 But I feel tonight that there may be some people 42:16 here who need prayer. 42:20 You need, you really need prayer 42:21 and you need the touch of God upon your lives. 42:25 This is little different to last night. 42:27 This is saying to people who say. 42:30 Oh, I need prayer tonight, I need prayer. 42:33 I've got problems, I need prayer. 42:36 Would you like to come down to the front now for prayer? 42:40 We're gonna have a little music. 42:41 Bob you can play, but those who need prayer, 42:46 they need the touch of this Christ. 42:50 I want to pray for you. 42:52 I want to pray the Spirit of God upon you, 42:54 that God will touch you. 42:56 I don't care where you are but I want you to come tonight. 43:02 You've heard Pastor Garcia's testimony. 43:04 If it worked for him on the streets of Los Angeles 43:08 with all the gang members, it can work for you tonight. 43:13 Just as I'm without one plea-- I've come. 43:15 Look at them coming Pastor Garcia. 43:18 But you're coming for prayer. 43:22 And we're going to pray the blessing of God upon you. 43:24 If you need a blessing tonight my friend. 43:28 If your heart is crying out and you're saying oh God 43:31 I need a blessing. 43:33 And I want all my friends and security people 43:35 to move back a little bit. 43:37 Let the people come, let them come to Jesus. 43:42 Let them come for prayer. 43:44 Let them have the touch of God. 43:48 There may be a mother here 43:49 who is worried about her daughter 43:51 and you need prayer for your daughter. 43:53 Come and represent your daughter 43:56 and let me pray for your daughter. 44:00 And there may be a father here who is worried, 44:02 sick about his wife or worried about his children. 44:07 Let me pray for them tonight. 44:10 Even if your children can't come tonight 44:12 come and represent your children. 44:15 And let us pray tonight for your children. 44:18 for lost boys and lost girls. 44:21 Oh, we don't want anybody missing tonight 44:23 I feel desperate tonight that every person 44:26 is gong to be blessed and every person 44:28 is going to be saved. 44:31 And every person is going to be transformed 44:33 by the power of the Holy Spirit. 44:37 Remember, Jesus said, 44:39 "I've come that they may have life inhibit to the full." 44:44 And the Bible tells us, "If we turn to God 44:47 he will forgive our sins." 44:50 My friend look at Pastor Garcia, 44:54 little Willie famous singer 44:57 around the world... 45:02 famous when he was 6 or 7. 45:06 Delivered, from the gangs of Los Angeles. 45:11 A hundred thousand young men in gangs 45:14 with guns and drugs and they're filled 45:19 with fear and hatred. 45:22 And Pastor Garcia told you tonight for those gang members. 45:28 There is a solution it's the solution 45:31 that I need-- it's what you need. 45:33 It is the living Christ in the heart. 45:37 So my friends come tonight. 45:40 I'm appealing tonight, 45:44 please listen to me. 45:48 For the mother who is worried about her daughter-- 45:54 may be she is million miles from God from come her tonight. 45:59 Come represent your daughter. 46:03 Father, come represent your son. 46:07 Husband come represent your wife if she is not here tonight. 46:13 I don't care who it is but come tonight. 46:18 There may be somebody here tonight 46:19 who is struggling with drugs, 46:23 alcohol all of these terrible things. 46:27 I want you to know, our Christ is stronger than any drugs. 46:33 He can give us victory over our sins. 46:37 He can deliver us. 46:38 He can make us into new people. 46:43 I'm just so glad to be here tonight. 46:45 I feel the presence 46:46 of the Spirit of God in this place. 46:50 Can you say something to these people, Pastor Garcia? 46:53 Say them, gives them a word 46:55 from God tonight. 46:57 Hallelujah, I'm so grateful 47:02 that you've responded and recognized 47:04 that this is your hour of visitation. 47:07 God has not abandoned you, 47:08 God has not forgotten about you. 47:11 He knows every detail of your life. 47:14 He wants to do a miracle in your life, 47:17 would you give him permission. 47:19 Would you let God do the miracle 47:21 that you need tonight in your life. 47:25 Would you just open your heart tonight? 47:30 Open your heart tonight and say Lord I'm yours. 47:35 I need you, be my Lord, be my Savior, 47:43 my healer, my deliverer, my soon coming king. 47:50 Amen. Hallelujah. 47:54 Pastor Garcia, they're still coming over her. 47:56 There are so many people coming 47:58 way back in this audience. 47:59 I don't know how many are here tonight-- 48:01 more than I could ever count. 48:04 People are coming and right up to here. 48:07 Right up to the stage they coming and they're coming. 48:13 You know the words of that hymn that Bob Bradbury is playing, 48:17 "Just as I am, with that one plea, 48:21 but that thy blood was shed for me, 48:24 and that thou bidst become to thee, 48:28 O Lamb of God, I come, I come just as I'm. 48:33 I come with all my sins. 48:35 I come with all my mistakes. 48:38 I come with all my failings. 48:41 I come with my drug problem. 48:44 I come with my adulteries. 48:47 I come with my crimes and my sins and whatever it is. 48:49 I come as I'm. 48:51 And then when I come I don't stay as I am, 48:54 because Christ changes me. 48:57 He changes me inside. 49:00 Look at me. 49:03 Inside us, we're the same as you are. 49:09 We know your feelings. 49:11 We know your pain. 49:13 We know your struggles. 49:14 We know your suffering. 49:19 We know something else that what Christ did for us, 49:25 He can do for you. 49:29 We going to have a prayer in a moment 49:31 for there're people coming 49:32 and I don't want to stop appealing, 49:35 while somebody is still trying to get down. 49:37 Some people have to walk about half a mile to get here. 49:42 There's still hundreds of people coming. 49:48 But we're going to pray for you tonight. 49:51 We're going to bring you to God. 49:54 And as you take the living Christ 49:56 into your life tonight by faith, 49:59 He will radically change you. 50:03 He'll turn you inside out. 50:05 He'll make you into a new person. 50:15 Now we're gonna have prayer together. 50:23 We're gonna have prayer and the music is going to stop 50:26 and we're just gonna pray together. 50:36 Isn't it beautiful here? 50:40 Here we're in God's cathedral. 50:44 I want to say that the person 50:45 in the bleaches way down there at the end. 50:50 God seek you tonight. 50:53 He loves you. 50:55 He's got a plan and a purpose for you. 50:58 I want to say to the people way back there near the road, 51:03 I can't see you but God can. 51:06 He knows what you're thinking. 51:09 He loves you. 51:10 He cares for you. 51:13 And as you take him into your heart tonight 51:15 your life's gonna be changed forever. 51:19 I want to say to the people over there 51:20 who would love to come down but can't. 51:24 God knows everything about you. 51:27 Everything you've done. 51:30 What you're thinking now and he loves you 51:35 and John 316 can work for you tonight. 51:40 Every person here-- we're going to pray 51:44 for these people here. 51:45 But this prayer is going to include 51:48 everybody in this vast arena. 51:51 Nobody is left out. 51:55 So can we bow our heads? 52:00 This is a special prayer. 52:07 Dear Father God. 52:12 We're so glad we're here tonight. 52:16 We thank you for John 3:16, that "God so loved the world 52:22 that He gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in him 52:26 shall not perish but have everlasting life." 52:32 I want to thank you for Pastor Garcia's testimony. 52:37 From the streets of Los Angeles, 52:41 this desperate pockets of sin and crime in this vast city, 52:48 where it's not safe for people to go, 52:52 where young men kill each other. 52:54 Thank you for bringing Garcia here tonight 52:57 not only to sing to us, but to tell us that Jesus 53:02 saves because Jesus saved him. 53:08 Tonight, dear Father, 53:12 bless the lost boys and girls. 53:16 Bless the sons and the daughters who don't know You. 53:22 Bless the fathers and the mothers 53:24 who are struggling and who are worried and who are concerned. 53:30 Put Your spirit upon these people here tonight. 53:32 My Father, I pray put Your spirit upon them 53:36 tonight my Father I pray and heal them. 53:42 Wash them in the blood of Christ. 53:45 Save them forever, forever and ever and ever 53:49 and right their name. 53:51 All their names in the book of life 53:53 I besiege you tonight dear Lord. 53:58 In the name of Jesus tonight we bind the strong man. 54:04 We bind the evil spirits in Jesus name. 54:10 Not in our name but in the name of the power of Jesus 54:15 we bind those spirits that have been 54:17 afflicting your people here. 54:21 And in the name of Jesus, we say to these people, 54:25 be healed, be forgiven, be saved. 54:33 Come into their hearts right now Lord. 54:37 This vast congregation and what is that Lord 54:40 I don't know, hundred thousand, I don't know. 54:43 But every person here tonight Lord, 54:45 fill them with the Holy Spirit. 54:48 And change their lives dynamically, 54:52 dramatically, absolutely for Your glory 54:57 and for their good. 55:01 Fill them with Your peace and take them home 55:06 with joy knowing that every person 55:10 here tonight is now a child of God. 55:15 And he's going to home with Jesus when he comes. 55:19 Bless them dear Lord. 55:20 Bless them, bless them. 55:25 We thank You. We worship You. 55:27 We praise You. 55:29 We give you glory. 55:30 And we commit them into your hands in Jesus' 55:34 holy and mighty name, 55:43 amen, amen. 55:49 The Spirit of God today is moving. 55:52 He is moving wherever human hearts sense their need. 55:54 He's moving whenever and wherever souls 55:57 reach out to Him. 55:59 He is moving because these are not ordinary times. 56:02 He is moving through the proclamation 56:04 of His living word. 56:06 During the Port Moresby meetings, 56:08 the Spirit of God was powerfully present. 56:11 One evening as Pastor John Carter 56:13 spoke about the Holy Spirit and his work to redeem souls, 56:16 a huge white bird flew low over the audience. 56:19 The congregation of more than 100,000 witnessed 56:22 the sight and believed that God had sent them a sign. 56:26 Tens of thousands poured forward 56:29 to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. 56:31 God today is calling you as you view this program 56:35 to come to Him in faith. 56:37 The work of the Holy Spirit is not restricted 56:39 to any one place on earth. 56:41 Wherever you are, He is there. 56:43 God loves you. He has a plan for you and a glorious future. 56:51 Thank you for joining us today. 56:53 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter 56:55 and to receive our monthly newsletter, 56:58 write to us here at the Carter Report, 57:00 P.O. BOX 1900 Thousand Oaks, CA, 91358. 57:07 Or in Australia at P.O. BOX 861 57:11 Terrigal, NSW, 2260. 57:15 That address again is P.O. BOX 1900 57:18 Thousand Oaks, CA, 91358. 57:22 Or in Australia at P.O. BOX 861 57:26 Terrigal, NSW, 2260. 57:30 You may also contact us online at 57:35 Remember Jesus said, "You'll know the truth 57:37 and the truth will set you free. |
Revised 2014-12-17