Carter Report, The

Secrets Of Health And Happiness, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR100007

00:01 Some of the largest crowds,
00:02 in the history of Christianity attended "The Carter Report"
00:05 in the Sir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
00:10 Who were these people?
00:11 Well, they were earnest seekers for truth,
00:14 with hearts strangely warmed by the love of God.
00:18 They came hungry for God
00:20 and they listened to His word with a holy awe,
00:23 mingled with a divine excitement.
00:26 When the invitation to accept Christ
00:27 as Lord and Savior was given, thousands surged forward.
00:31 The fervency and devotion of these seekers
00:34 displayed the miracle-working
00:36 power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
00:39 You are now invited to join this mighty congregation
00:43 as Pastor John Carter forthrightly proclaims a message
00:46 hot from the heart of God.
00:48 Welcome to "The Carter Report"
00:50 in the Sir John Guise National Stadium,
00:53 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
01:02 We pray tonight your blessing
01:03 upon the great nation of Papua New Guinea.
01:08 We pray your blessing upon our neighbors Indonesia,
01:14 South Korea, and the Philippines.
01:18 We mention these specifically tonight,
01:21 because their ambassadors
01:24 are gracing our presence here tonight
01:27 in this vast auditorium.
01:29 And so we pray that you will bless them
01:32 and bless their countries.
01:34 We are raising our hands to heaven tonight,
01:37 because we need you.
01:39 We know our Father that our hearts cannot rest
01:42 until they rest in You.
01:45 And so tonight recognizing our need
01:50 we open up our hearts to You
01:52 and pray that the spirit of the self-fix system created
01:57 God will come into our hearts and take away our sins,
02:02 and our fears, our anxieties,
02:05 even our hates, and our angers.
02:09 And instead give us your divine peace,
02:12 your love, your grace, and your mercy.
02:17 So bless these beloved people here tonight.
02:20 And we say this prayer
02:23 in the precious name of Jesus Christ,
02:28 our Lord and our Savior
02:31 and for His sake and all the people said.
02:35 Amen and amen.
02:40 I just know that We are going to have a great meeting tonight,
02:43 but remember this,
02:45 the meetings that are coming up
02:46 for the greatest meetings you shall ever get to,
02:48 is it necessary to be baptized to be saved?
02:51 What happens to my baby if it dies unbaptized?
02:54 Tomorrow night.
02:55 Then on Friday night,
02:57 We are going to talk about where are the dead,
02:59 what is the soul, what is the spirit,
03:01 how many people are in hell tonight,
03:04 how many people are in purgatory?
03:06 I know the number.
03:07 I'll tell you on Friday night.
03:09 And then on Saturday night as Pastor Huch has said,
03:12 it is going to be a blockbuster.
03:15 We are going to have two blockbuster programs.
03:18 Antichrist in action, number one.
03:21 And number two, the strange twisted world of the occult
03:28 who are the spirits in Spiritism?
03:33 You don't want to miss this.
03:37 Paul, the evangelist says in the Bible
03:40 that "God will finish His work
03:41 and cut it short in righteousness."
03:44 The prophet Joel says,
03:45 "God will pour out His Spirit in the last days.
03:48 And signs and wonders will follow."
03:50 The Carter Report believes
03:51 that we are now in the end times.
03:54 And His Spirit is moving mightily.
03:57 During the Port Moresby campaign,
03:58 we testified that we saw the power of God revealed.
04:02 God-hungry souls
04:05 could not get enough of the Word of the Lord.
04:08 As at creation, the Spirit of God
04:11 moved upon the face of the waters
04:13 and God brought cosmos out of chaos.
04:17 Souls were recreated in the image of the Creator.
04:20 Instead of hate there was love.
04:23 Instead of despair there was hope.
04:25 Instead of sorrow there was joy,
04:27 and in the place of death God gave life.
04:30 One night as John Carter preached on the person
04:33 and work of the Holy Spirit,
04:35 the image of a white bird was flashed on the screens
04:38 at that moment a great white bird flew low
04:42 over the astonished congregation.
04:44 Cries of joy filled the air as the audience recognized
04:47 that God had visited His people.
04:49 A might surge of Pentecostal powers
04:52 swept the audience of 120,000 souls.
04:56 And everyone present
04:57 felt the warm comforting presence of God.
05:01 The Carter Report team invites you, my dear viewer,
05:04 to be a partner in this work.
05:06 Soldiers of the cross are wanted.
05:09 Faith partners are needed.
05:11 Write to us now here at the Carter Report
05:14 P.O. Box 1900 Thousand Oaks, California 91358
05:19 or in Australia at P.O. Box 861 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
05:27 You may also contact us online at
05:31 or email us at
05:39 Okay, sit back and get ready for the program.
05:42 You folks, ready?
05:44 Now listen, don't we have an understanding,
05:46 when we talk that you are going to talk back to me
05:49 or am I going to do all the talking
05:52 or is anybody going to talk back to me?
05:53 Are you folks ready tonight? Yes.
05:57 Oh, now this is getting much better.
05:58 We just kind of do that a little better,
06:00 because if we got a 100,000 people here,
06:03 I don't want to say, are you folks ready?
06:05 And you say, yes.
06:07 I want you to hit it. Now, okay.
06:09 One, two, three,
06:10 are you folks ready tonight? Yes.
06:18 Now, folks, I am not a young man anymore, you know.
06:23 You got to deal gently with me.
06:26 You know, I don't want you folks
06:28 just blowing me off the state here.
06:30 So when I ask you again, now you just do it,
06:33 just the way you did tonight,
06:35 because that's what I want from you.
06:39 Okay, here's the topic.
06:42 The Secrets of Health.
06:44 Who wants to be healthy,
06:46 long life, peace, and prosperity?
06:50 How can a person live life to the full?
06:53 Listen to me.
06:55 There are people who've come to me around the world
06:57 and I say why is it that some people
07:00 or some bodies of people or some groups of people
07:04 seemed to be blessed and they are healthy,
07:07 they live longer, and some nations in the world
07:11 they have got a life expectancy of only 30 or 40 years.
07:15 And they say, "Why is it that there is such a big difference?"
07:21 Well, my friend, some people have learned the secrets.
07:25 They have learned the secrets
07:27 that we are going to talk about tonight,
07:28 the secrets of health, long life,
07:30 peace, and prosperity.
07:33 Now every person here knows tonight
07:36 that I am a believer in the one true God.
07:40 I am a believer in the great Creator God.
07:44 And I am also believer in His Son,
07:48 the Lord Jesus Christ who came down to this world
07:52 to seek and to save that which was lost.
07:56 I am going to take my old Bible
07:58 and I am going to turn over here to John 10:10
08:04 and I am turning,
08:05 you know, there is a little breeze blowing up here
08:07 and it blows me around a little bit,
08:09 but not as much as what you folks did
08:11 a few moments ago.
08:12 But so I am turning over here to John Chapter 10.
08:16 We are going to run it up on the screen.
08:17 I am going to stand here and read it
08:19 and you can take it off the screen.
08:21 Here's my Bible, here it goes.
08:24 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy,
08:31 I have come that they may have life,
08:34 and have it to the full."
08:38 Going to come over here to the blackboard
08:41 and I am going to write up
08:42 something that I want you to see.
08:44 I am going to write this up,
08:46 so it will be reinforced in your mind.
08:50 Jesus Christ said, "I have come so that you may have life."
08:58 Have a look at this word.
09:01 It is a magnificent word that you may have life
09:06 and that you may have it to the full.
09:12 God does not want us to live a confined, narrow,
09:20 miserable, literal existence.
09:23 God wants you to have peace, and power,
09:26 and lots of love, and lots of prosperity.
09:31 Now I am going to turn to another text now,
09:34 going to turn to another text.
09:36 I am going to come over here to John 14:5, 6.
09:40 Now I am going to come out here on the runway,
09:43 this is where I take off here.
09:45 And I am going to read this text to you.
09:47 Here you read it too.
09:48 "Thomas said to him,
09:50 'Lord, we don't know where you are going,
09:53 so how can we know the way?'
09:56 Jesus answered,
09:59 'I am the way and the truth and the life.
10:05 No one comes to the Father except through me.'"
10:11 I am going to come now and I am going to put this up
10:14 somewhere on the blackboard here.
10:16 Jesus said and these are not the words
10:19 of just an ordinary man Jesus, said,
10:23 "I am the way,
10:31 the truth."
10:33 If you want to find the truth then you better find Jesus.
10:38 "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
10:44 Listen to me, my beloved friend, if you get to know Jesus Christ,
10:49 the Son of God, you are going to find life to the full,
10:54 and you are going to find the way,
10:56 and you are going to find the truth,
11:00 and you are going to find the life.
11:04 I want you to know today, I want you to know the way.
11:09 I want you to know what to say
11:11 when you think about these things.
11:13 Because Jesus said, "I am the way,
11:17 the truth, and the life."
11:20 Listen, I don't want to offend anybody,
11:22 but Jesus didn't say the church is the way.
11:26 Or some people say,
11:27 well, I am just going to trust in the church.
11:29 You better not trust too much
11:31 because churches make lots of mistakes.
11:34 Down through history churches made
11:36 lots and lots of mistakes.
11:37 The church is not the way, Jesus is the way.
11:41 Somebody says to me tonight, I don't want to offend anybody.
11:44 The person says to me tonight,
11:45 but the priest, my priest is the way.
11:48 My friend, the priest is not the way.
11:51 Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
11:55 I want you to know this.
11:57 Jesus is the way.
11:58 Somebody says in a Protestant church.
12:00 Well, I am trusting in my pastor.
12:02 My pastor is going to get me home to the kingdom of God,
12:05 so I am going to trust in the church,
12:07 and I am going to trust in the priest,
12:09 I am going to trust in the pastor.
12:11 I want to tell you, folks, something tonight,
12:12 you better learn, we all better learn to trust in Jesus
12:17 who is the way, and the truth, and the life.
12:22 Hear what I am saying?
12:23 Now I like to hear from you, that sounds good.
12:26 I am glad you are agreeing with me.
12:31 Have you heard of the great reformation?
12:36 Well, I am going to talk about that later on,
12:38 as we go along tonight.
12:40 But the great reformers had a saying.
12:43 You don't have to remember this, but it would be good if you did.
12:49 They quoted the Latin Sola Christus.
12:53 You would say what on earth does that mean?
12:54 Sola Christus, only Christ.
12:58 Sola Scriptura, only Scripture.
13:01 Only Christ, only Scripture.
13:05 I want to tell you, folks, something
13:06 when you come into these meetings.
13:08 You are not going to find out what my church believes.
13:10 I am not here to tell you what my church believes,
13:13 I am not here to tell you what the priest believes,
13:15 I am not here tell you what my denomination believes.
13:18 I am here to lead you to Jesus
13:20 who is the way, and the truth, and the life.
13:26 And when you find Jesus, my friend,
13:29 you are going to find peace, and power,
13:32 and you are going to have long life,
13:34 and you are going to have prosperity, happiness.
13:37 Listen to me.
13:39 I am sort of steamed up here tonight.
13:41 It's just sort of ready to jump out of me.
13:43 Happiness, health, long life,
13:46 peace, and prosperity are found in Jesus Christ,
13:51 the eternal Son of the Almighty God.
13:54 Hallelujah, praise the Lord.
14:00 Now there are many thieves.
14:05 Did you know there are many thieves?
14:09 Hey, you folks, out there, are you listening to me?
14:11 All of you folks standing out there,
14:14 and you folks over there in the bleachers,
14:16 you folks half a mile away,
14:17 and you folks in the parking lot,
14:19 a mile away, I want you to listen.
14:22 There are many thieves who steal, kill, and destroy.
14:28 Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal,
14:34 and to kill, and to destroy.
14:37 That's what Jesus said.
14:39 Jesus said, the thieves have been coming
14:42 and they have been stealing,
14:44 and they have been taking away from us life.
14:48 They have been taking away from us our peace,
14:51 and our joy, and our happiness,
14:54 and they have been leaving us spiritual paupers.
15:01 I am going to say some things that might offend some of you.
15:03 I don't want to offend you,
15:06 but I am here tonight not to run a popularity contest.
15:13 I am here tonight by the grace of God,
15:15 not to try to please you, but to please God by preaching
15:20 and teaching the truth.
15:22 So help me, God.
15:26 I am going to talk about some of the thieves
15:28 that are among us.
15:31 There's a thief that is called drugs.
15:38 Did you know there's a war going on south of the border,
15:42 only a couple of 100 miles
15:44 from where I live in the United States?
15:47 Every year in this dreadful war
15:50 which is being fought over drugs,
15:53 more than 10,000 people are murdered every year.
15:59 They even cut people's heads off.
16:03 Cut off their heads
16:04 and they roll their heads across the streets,
16:09 because of the insatiable demand for drugs.
16:16 A friend of mine, Javier Piraneque
16:18 should be a picture.
16:19 Today, it's hard to believe of the criminals who were caught
16:27 and they had accumulated a mass of 22 billion dollars
16:35 through the blood of men and women.
16:40 Twenty two-- I saw the picture.
16:43 Javier showed me the picture of all of these bank notes.
16:49 Twenty two billion dollars worth of--
16:55 twenty two billion dollars worth of blood.
17:00 And there is another thief in this part of the world.
17:05 Now here I am going to get close to some of you.
17:07 And I don't want to offend you.
17:10 But it's taking away the blessing of God.
17:13 It's hurting you.
17:14 It's destroying your life.
17:16 It is called the betel nut.
17:25 You think it's funny?
17:27 You really think it's funny?
17:30 I want to tell you it's a poisonous drug.
17:40 And what it is doing, it is destroying people's lives
17:45 and as they chew it.
17:47 The devil is laughing at them.
17:51 Oh, they think they are smart.
17:54 And once they start they can't stop.
17:57 But I want to tell you Jesus can take away
18:01 the curse of the drugs out of your life
18:04 including betel nut and marijuana,
18:09 and opium, and cocaine,
18:12 and all of these dreadful drugs.
18:17 There's a thief that is called promiscuity.
18:22 I want to talk to the young people.
18:25 In the western world,
18:27 it's becoming almost the thing that most people do
18:31 and that is to sleep around.
18:34 And they sleep around,
18:36 and they have no sense of faithfulness
18:41 to a single partner
18:43 and that is why AIDS in some part of the world
18:48 is almost out of control.
18:51 Because people are breaking the holy law of God
18:56 and they say, why are we so miserable,
18:59 why aren't we happy, why doesn't God bless me?
19:03 The people say it's because you won't let God bless you,
19:07 because of promiscuity.
19:09 What about dishonesty?
19:11 What a thief is dishonesty?
19:14 I think of the year 2008
19:16 when we had the tremendous worldwide financial crisis.
19:21 You know why it started?
19:23 Would you like to know?
19:24 It is because of some of the great banks
19:28 in the United States of America, and some of banks in London,
19:33 and some of the banks in Germany.
19:37 And they were stealing,
19:40 and they were lying to the people.
19:43 And therefore in the United States of America
19:46 commencing at Wall Street millions and millions
19:51 and billions of decent people lost their homes.
19:57 It's because of dishonesty, and lying,
20:01 and cheating, and stealing.
20:04 Why don't people come out and talk about these things?
20:08 Why don't we say to some of those banks,
20:10 you have been stealing from the people?
20:12 And you have been lying to the people?
20:16 I think of evil spirits how they must be laughing.
20:22 It is believed in many parts of the world
20:24 that the dead can come back and they can talk to the living,
20:29 and the living can talk to the dead
20:31 that's what they believe.
20:32 And in the United States of America
20:34 there a television programs where there are occult masters
20:41 and they introduce living people to their dead loved ones.
20:47 My friend, it is demonism, it is stealing.
20:51 It is stealing the souls of the people.
20:55 I think if crime-- I have had people say to me,
20:59 but poverty causes crime.
21:01 There maybe some truth in this,
21:03 but I want you to know it's only partially true,
21:06 because it's not so much a case that poverty causes crime,
21:10 but crime causes poverty.
21:17 The happiest people are the people
21:20 who keep the commandments of God.
21:24 I think of violence in our cities,
21:27 I think of the gangs in the United States of America.
21:32 Pastor Willie G works with the gang members.
21:36 There are more than a 100,000 gang members
21:41 in the United States of America.
21:44 Would you like to know why these gangs exist?
21:49 Because for many of those young people
21:53 it's the only family they have ever known.
22:00 You want to know a dirty little secret?
22:03 There are men, yeah, there's millions of them.
22:08 And they get women pregnant.
22:12 You don't have to be that smart to do that.
22:15 They get women pregnant
22:18 and then they walk out on the woman.
22:21 And the woman has to bring up the children.
22:24 And sometimes you have got a woman
22:26 and she is got six children with six different fathers.
22:32 And what happens to the children.
22:35 These children in the great cities of America,
22:38 they get into gang.
22:43 I want to tell you, folks, something tonight.
22:50 Sex was made
22:55 for loving people in the context of marriage.
23:03 And if you beget,
23:05 you must not forget
23:08 that you have brought a little child into the world.
23:13 They call these fathers who have children
23:16 and then walk away, they call them deadbeat dads.
23:26 If you want to be happy and if you want to have joy,
23:31 ladies and gentlemen, obey the laws of marriage
23:36 and obey the laws of God.
23:42 Lying, it's a thief.
23:48 Lying.
23:53 A man is as good as his word.
23:59 Today we expect that people at least
24:03 where I come from Los Angeles
24:05 we expect that many people are going to lie to us.
24:10 The Bible says,
24:12 "In the kingdom of God there will be no liars."
24:20 It's a thief.
24:22 It robs us of our peace.
24:25 It robs us of our joy.
24:28 And when a leader gets up and says something
24:30 the people have the right to believe,
24:33 he's going to tell the truth.
24:34 Listen to me.
24:37 A generation ago,
24:38 there was a great President of the United States.
24:44 He was loved by the people.
24:47 But then he went on television,
24:48 because an incident arose
24:50 and he lied to the American people.
24:55 The greatest sin that you can do
24:58 if you are the President of the United States
25:00 is to lie to the American people,
25:05 because the American people will forgive anything,
25:08 but they will not forgive a liar.
25:13 What happened was this?
25:16 When the news got out
25:17 that their President had been lying to them.
25:21 Congress and the Senate met together
25:24 and they said he's got to go, he's got to go.
25:28 And while he was the President, he was forced to walk away
25:33 from the White House, because he was a liar.
25:42 Listen, lying is a thief.
25:48 It steals from the people.
25:50 It steals from our souls.
25:54 I am telling you tonight.
25:56 Racism.
25:58 I know I am saying some things tonight
26:00 maybe they are going to offend some people,
26:04 but they are not going to offend people
26:05 who want to follow Christ.
26:10 Going to talk about racism.
26:14 In America and other countries
26:17 there is the phenomenon of white elitism.
26:24 Like the Klu Klux Klan
26:27 that is banned in the United States of America.
26:31 And I want you to know I hate racism.
26:40 Listen to me,
26:43 in America there has been white racism
26:49 where white people didn't want to associate with black people.
26:53 Don't they realize that Jesus was not a white man?
27:01 Jesus wasn't a white man with blue eyes and blonde hair.
27:07 Jesus was a man from the Middle East,
27:10 He was man for black people, and white people,
27:12 and brown people, and yellow people.
27:14 Jesus is the universal man.
27:20 Now I am going to go a little further.
27:22 And I know I am not going to offend any person here tonight
27:27 who wants to follow Christ.
27:30 But then there's tribalism.
27:32 I haven't seen any of it in this part of the world.
27:38 But I think of Rwanda.
27:44 There were two tribes of black people.
27:51 One tribe killed 800,000 of their brothers,
27:58 because they belong to another tribe.
28:01 Oh, God, have mercy on us.
28:06 Listen, it is not the pigmentation of your skin.
28:15 Martin Luther King said,
28:17 he said, "I pray," said Martin Luther King
28:22 "that people will not be judged by the color of their skin,
28:27 but by the content of their character."
28:34 You see, man looks on the outward appearance,
28:39 but the Lord looks on the heart.
28:43 I want you to know it doesn't matter
28:46 whether you are black, whether you are brown,
28:49 whether you are yellow, hether you are white
28:51 I want you to know we are all the children of the one God
28:56 and we are brothers and sisters
28:59 and therefore we are called to love each other.
29:05 And when you got people who are called by God
29:10 and they love each other whether they are white,
29:13 or black, or brown, or yellow
29:16 they will have life to the full,
29:19 because they will be following Jesus
29:22 who is the way, the truth, and the life.
29:26 And I say to you tonight,
29:28 God help us to be the followers of Christ.
29:33 I am talking about the some of the thieves.
29:35 I am talking about some of the thieves.
29:37 There There is a thief that is called alcohol.
29:43 The Bible says, "Wine is a mocker.
29:47 Strong drink is raging."
29:51 I admire my Muslim friends, because a part of their religion
29:56 is they do not drink alcohol.
30:04 I will tell you a story.
30:07 Years ago, in the United States of America,
30:10 there was a young man sentenced to death
30:13 to die in the electric chair?
30:16 What a death.
30:21 And a friend of mine went to see him.
30:24 This was years ago.
30:25 He started to talk to this young man
30:28 in his cell on death row and he said,
30:33 "My boy, why would you ever kill your mother?"
30:39 This boy of 24 years of age had murdered his own mother.
30:46 What a sin?
30:51 He said, "Tell me about it."
30:53 He said, "Well, I came home late at night.
30:56 I have been drinking.
30:58 My mother came out of the bedroom
31:01 and she started to nag me.
31:04 She started to preach to me.
31:06 She started to lecture me."
31:08 And he said, "I couldn't think for myself,
31:13 my mind had been stolen by the thief,
31:16 I didn't want to do it.
31:18 I didn't know what I was doing."
31:20 And he said, "I went to the counter
31:23 and I got the bread knife and I came over
31:27 and I stabbed my mother over and over again."
31:35 Then my friend said to him,
31:39 "Boy, who gave you your first drink?"
31:48 He said, "My mother gave me my first drink.
31:57 My mother taught me to drink and I killed her."
32:07 You know, I am dedicated to teaching the truth.
32:12 I am not dedicated to pleasing people.
32:14 What I want more than anything else
32:16 is to get you people home to the kingdom of God.
32:21 And I want you to come to know Christ.
32:23 I want you to have Christ in your life.
32:25 I want us to have our lives transformed by the power
32:30 and the grace of God, because Jesus is the way,
32:34 the truth, and the life.
32:36 I think of lawlessness that seems to fill the streets
32:41 of some of the great American cities
32:43 stealing, cheating, lying,
32:46 taking that which is not our own.
32:48 I think of a thief that is called adultery
32:58 where men and women hop from one bed to another.
33:07 And I wonder
33:08 why they are so emotionally torn into a million pieces.
33:15 He going from Mary
33:20 to Susie
33:24 to Beverly to Joann
33:28 and it goes on
33:29 and the women are hopping into bed with other men.
33:35 And I wonder why they are psychologically sick.
33:43 Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life
33:46 and have it to the full."
33:48 I am not here tonight
33:49 to try to get you to give up anything.
33:51 I am here tonight to get you to accept someone.
33:55 And when we accept someone He will come into out hearts
33:59 and He will change our lives.
34:01 He will make us better people.
34:04 I am going to say something that's very sensitive.
34:07 This program is going to be seen on American television.
34:10 So I am going to stick my neck out.
34:15 A lot of people in America and Australia
34:19 are not going to like what I am going to say.
34:23 The President of the United States recently
34:26 with the backing of the NAACP
34:30 said, "It was great for men to marry men,
34:36 and women to marry women.
34:40 They call it gay marriage."
34:46 But I want to tell the President of the United States
34:50 and everybody else that the Bible teaches
34:55 that a marriage is not between a man and a man,
34:58 and a woman and a woman.
34:59 A marriage is between a man and a woman,
35:04 Jesus said so.
35:06 Jesus said so.
35:08 Jesus said, "In the beginning we made them male and female."
35:12 And if you come to this meeting
35:14 and if you keep coming to this meeting
35:16 and if you follow these truths you are going to find
35:18 that I am going to tell you a man ought to marry a woman
35:22 and a woman ought to marry a man.
35:25 And we are opposed to gay marriage.
35:27 We are not opposed to homosexuals.
35:29 We love them.
35:31 We are not opposed to gay people.
35:32 We are not opposed to lesbians.
35:34 Jesus died for them,
35:36 but we are here to tell you tonight
35:38 that marriage is between a man and a woman,
35:42 and between a woman and a man, so help us God.
35:48 You know, in some parts of the world,
35:52 AIDS is almost out of control.
35:55 In some countries that I have visited
35:57 they say to me,
35:59 be careful that you don't have an accident
36:01 that you go to hospital
36:02 and you got to have a blood transfusion,
36:04 because 28% of the people in this certain country
36:08 are carrying the AIDS.
36:11 They are carrying this terrible virus
36:13 and there's no cure for it.
36:16 And if this virus gets inside you,
36:19 sooner or later you are going to come down with AIDS.
36:25 Listen to me,
36:27 Jesus loves everybody, loves homosexuals,
36:33 He loves heterosexuals, He loves lesbians,
36:37 He loves me, He loves you,
36:41 He loves the Muslims, He loves the Hindus,
36:45 He loves the Roman Catholics, He loves the Baptists,
36:49 He loves the Pentecostals, He loves the Adventists,
36:52 He loves the Lutherans, Jesus loves people.
36:58 And Jesus came to this world
37:03 because these thieves are everywhere.
37:07 These thieves are stealing from us
37:10 and they are killing us.
37:12 And why am I talking of this tonight
37:14 because I want you to be happy, I want you to have peace,
37:18 I want you to have joy,
37:20 I want you to have a great life now,
37:22 and then I want you to have a magnificent life
37:27 in the kingdom of God when Jesus comes.
37:30 Listen to me,
37:33 the happiest people in the world,
37:36 never forget this young people.
37:39 I have seen a lot the happiest people
37:43 in this world are those who follow God's ways
37:46 and keep His commandments.
37:49 And I am going to turn to Isaiah 48:18, 19
37:54 and I want you to look at these tremendous words.
37:57 Look at these words.
37:59 "If only you had paid attention to my commands,
38:02 your peace would have been like a river,
38:05 your well-being like the waves of the sea.
38:09 Your descendants would have been like the sand,
38:12 your children like its numberless grains,
38:15 their names would never be blotted out
38:17 nor destroyed from before me."
38:20 I want you to visualize tonight.
38:23 Can I get you to do this?
38:25 This is a different meeting
38:26 because I am sort of getting close to you.
38:29 I am talking about things a lot of people say,
38:32 we should not talk about.
38:35 But I am not here tonight, because I am running for offers.
38:38 I am not here tonight to be popular with you.
38:40 I am here tonight to get you into the kingdom of God.
38:44 Listen, my friend, the Bible says,
38:47 "If you follow Jesus, and if you keep His commandments
38:52 your peace is going to be like a river."
38:56 It's going to be sweet, it's going to be refreshing,
39:02 it's going to give you life.
39:05 Your children, your descendents
39:07 are going to be like the grains of the sand on the sea shore.
39:13 God is going to bless you.
39:15 People are going to say, what happened to that person,
39:18 what happened to that man who came to the Carter Report
39:21 in Port Moresby.
39:22 He looks so good.
39:25 Look at his wife, she looks so happy,
39:27 she looks even more beautiful, her skin is even nicer.
39:34 They are going to say, what happened to these people
39:37 they have something they never had before.
39:41 They have my friend, the living Christ
39:44 and His commandments.
39:47 I am going to tell you something now,
39:49 some of you know about it, but lots of you don't.
39:53 I am going to tell the story of the great reformation
39:57 that swept over Europe hundreds of years ago.
40:01 We call it by that name 'The Reformation.'
40:06 And listen to me as I tell you this,
40:08 because as these truths get into your hearts tonight
40:13 you are going to be a changed people
40:15 and you are going to be a blessed people,
40:17 you are going to be a wealthier people,
40:19 you are going to be a prosperous people.
40:21 Listen, there was a man by the name of Martin Luther.
40:26 Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic priest,
40:28 one of the most sincere people
40:30 who has ever lived on this planet.
40:33 Martin Luther started to study the Scriptures
40:35 and he became disgusted
40:37 with some of the corruptions of the church,
40:40 because the church is made up of people
40:42 like you and me, people who make mistakes.
40:44 And Martin Luther started to teach the Bible.
40:48 He started to teach about Christ.
40:50 And wherever his teachings went,
40:52 it was like a great river flowing,
40:54 because people started to feel better.
40:57 They started to look better, they started to live longer,
41:01 they started to become more prosperous.
41:03 And the marvelous thing is this wherever the teachings
41:07 of that great Protestant reformation went
41:11 it brought healing, and joy,
41:14 and prosperity, and longevity,
41:17 and the people were caught up on clouds almost to heaven.
41:22 It was a net of Almighty God.
41:26 Where the Bible went like a great flowing stream
41:30 in the desert it brought life, and health, and healing.
41:36 Listen, I am going to make a promise to you.
41:40 I raise my hand before God.
41:45 I am going to tell you this story in a moment
41:46 at a US news want you to keep it there.
41:51 Young people, old people, boys and girls,
41:57 if you will follow Christ, the crucified Christ,
42:02 the resurrected Christ.
42:04 If you will read His word, if you will obey His word
42:14 you are going to be a people marveled at.
42:19 They will say, "What happened to the people in Port Moresby?
42:26 They have become healthier, they are living longer,
42:30 they are becoming wealthier,
42:33 they are a marvel to the world
42:36 it is because they have discovered the secret of life."
42:43 Listen, there's a magazine in the United States
42:47 it is not a religious magazine and it is anything
42:50 but a religious magazine.
42:51 It is called the "US News & World Report."
42:56 There is an edition on the best hospitals
42:58 in the United States of America.
43:01 But we are not going to talk about the best hospitals
43:03 in the United States of America.
43:05 It also--listen,
43:09 it talks that those places in the world
43:16 where the people are the happiest, and healthiest.
43:25 The people with the greatest prosperity
43:30 and this magazine that is not a Christian magazine said,
43:37 "They are the countries that follow Christ."
43:46 They say, "They are the countries
43:48 that respect the Bible.
43:54 Listen to me,
44:00 when the great river of the reformation
44:04 flooded out to the world, some nations accepted,
44:10 some rejected.
44:12 The nations that rejected went down into poverty,
44:18 and crime, and drugs,
44:21 and smuggling, and murders.
44:28 But the countries that worshipped Christ
44:34 even though, they had many problems and many sins,
44:39 they became the most blessed countries in the world.
44:48 The prophet said,
44:50 "Oh, that you would hearken to my commandments,
44:52 then your peace would have been like a river,
44:56 and your righteousness as the waves of the sea."
45:01 I want to say to the man sitting back there
45:04 who's been having an adulterous relationship.
45:07 That is destroying you.
45:10 It is pulling you down.
45:12 I want to say to the woman
45:14 who is living a promiscuous life.
45:16 You are going from man to man.
45:18 You know, why you are doing this,
45:20 my dear friend, it is because you are so empty inside.
45:24 It is because you are not happy,
45:26 you are bored, you are bored.
45:29 I want to say to the people here the men and the women
45:31 who are on drugs.
45:34 You take those drugs because you need those drugs.
45:38 You take those drugs because you are not strong.
45:41 You take those drugs because you lack power.
45:44 I want to say to you tonight get on to Jesus,
45:48 get the power that comes from Jesus
45:51 and if you get the power that comes from Jesus
45:54 you will not want your alcohol,
45:56 you will not want your betel nut,
45:59 you will not want your marijuana,
46:01 you will not want those drugs,
46:03 because you will be turned on to Jesus.
46:09 Listen here it is Papua New Guinea.
46:13 Here it is the best advice
46:15 and the best news you have ever had.
46:18 This is the truth.
46:19 The most prosperous countries,
46:22 the most prosperous people
46:24 are those who honor Christ and the Bible.
46:28 That is the report of "US News & World Report."
46:32 It is the truth.
46:34 Now I have been to Russia 42 times.
46:42 I love the Russian people,
46:44 I would like to think that the Russian--
46:47 look at my beautiful friends.
46:50 I was in (indistinct) some little time ago.
46:54 They are happy people.
46:57 I found in the Solomon's the happiest people
47:00 are the people who know Christ.
47:04 When I came to PNG I have only been here for one week.
47:08 I have found some of the most beautiful,
47:10 some of the most loving people anywhere in the world.
47:15 I said to my wife, "I don't want to go home
47:19 because I love these people."
47:24 And I want you to know this.
47:27 You can tell the difference between
47:29 somebody who believes in Jesus and somebody who doesn't.
47:34 A person who believes in Jesus
47:37 and who keeps the commandments of God has got a smile.
47:42 A person who believes in Jesus
47:45 and keeps the commandments of God is faithful to his wife.
47:49 The wife is faithful to the husband.
47:52 There is no gay marriage or any of those things
47:55 that are so contrary to the Word of God.
48:02 Now I have been to Russia 42 times.
48:08 I have spoken to more atheists.
48:11 I guess, than any person living on the planet.
48:15 Hear what I said?
48:16 I have spoken to the KGB on two occasions.
48:21 I have spoken to millions and millions of atheists.
48:28 When I went to Russia,
48:30 I discovered what atheism had done to the soul of the people.
48:35 Alexander Solzhenitsyn perhaps,
48:38 the greatest Christian of the 20th century said,
48:41 "We forgot God and all these awful things came upon us."
48:48 During the time when the people forsook the Bible
48:52 and gave up Christ,
48:55 during that time that lasted around 70 years,
48:59 the atheists put to death in the Soviet Union
49:02 between 50 million and 70 million people.
49:07 When I went to Russia,
49:09 I discovered incredible poverty,
49:12 I discovered incredible alcoholism,
49:16 I discovered almost every second person was a drunk,
49:21 I discovered little orphans everywhere,
49:23 little orphans would come up to me,
49:25 whenever I was on the train going across Siberia.
49:27 When the train would come into the station,
49:29 when it was 40 degrees below, minus 40,
49:33 heaps of little children would come up to me
49:36 and they would put out their hands
49:37 because they were freezing,
49:39 because their parents were drunk.
49:44 Atheism tore the soul out of Russia.
49:53 When the atheists were ruling, when they got rid of God,
49:56 and when they got rid of Christ they brought upon Russia
50:01 a time of horror and the people became poor
50:06 and the people became sick.
50:10 It was like a living hell.
50:19 I open my heart you, I am a plain speaking man,
50:23 but nothing to hide.
50:26 My message is this.
50:28 The happiest people in this world are not the atheists.
50:33 They are not the nonbelievers, they are not the scoffers.
50:39 The happiest people are those who have faith in God,
50:44 in Jesus Christ our Lord,
50:47 and who keep the commandments of God.
50:54 You say to me, you don't understand us
50:56 here in Port Moresby.
51:00 I do understand you.
51:01 I understand you, I know you, I feel for you,
51:05 I feel the pain of some of you, I know your struggles,
51:10 I know the cries of your hearts,
51:13 and I want you to know Jesus is the way,
51:16 the truth, and the life.
51:17 And the happiest people are the people who turn to Christ.
51:22 And whose lives are changed by the power of God.
51:26 Though Though I am saying to you tonight, come to Christ.
51:29 I am saying to the young people come to Christ.
51:32 You think you are having a great time outside of Christ?
51:34 You can't be happy, you can't have peace,
51:37 you can't have joy until, you know, Jesus.
51:40 Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life,
51:45 and that they may have it,"
51:46 as it says in the King James Version,
51:48 "more abundantly."
51:51 I can give a testimony tonight
51:55 that I have been teaching these truths
51:57 for 50 years without a break.
52:00 I have spoken to millions and millions of people.
52:04 I do it not because I am paid to do it.
52:08 I am no longer a young man.
52:11 I do it because I see how God can bring joy,
52:17 and happiness, and peace,
52:20 and prosperity to people who will believe.
52:24 And I have come to Port Moresby to say to you
52:27 believe in the Christ who died for you, my beloved friends.
52:32 I beseech you believe in Him.
52:39 There's a man-- I have been to many places.
52:42 I have been to China, spoken in China.
52:47 All through Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Siberia.
52:52 I have spoken outdoors in Siberia.
52:55 I have been out on Lake Baikal, when it's been minus 40 degrees.
53:00 I have been to so many, many places.
53:02 I have spoken across the United States of America,
53:05 down in Australia in the Sydney Opera House.
53:08 I have never spoken to a group quite as good
53:11 as the group in Port Moresby.
53:13 But listen, I have been to many places.
53:17 But there is a man here tonight
53:18 who has been to places I have not been to.
53:23 When he was the young man,
53:28 he was tremendously famous by the time I think he turned 19.
53:33 Everybody was talking about him in the United States.
53:37 They called him Willie G.
53:47 Good afternoon.
53:48 My name is Debbie Blencowe.
53:50 I am a teacher
53:52 at Carr Memorial Adventist Primary School.
53:55 I enjoy coming to this meeting
53:57 from the time when the time the program started.
54:02 And it has touched my life as well as my students life.
54:06 Especially when I go back to the class,
54:09 the kids talk about what they have heard.
54:12 And they say the story that touches most was
54:15 the John 3:16 story. They really enjoyed.
54:18 I come from Gulf and I am married,
54:22 I have got three kids, and I have got a grandchild.
54:26 Thank you, Pastor Carter, for your program.
54:28 It has changed my life completely.
54:30 Thank you.
54:33 Yeah, my name is Margaret.
54:35 Well, I come from Anson Bay.
54:39 I have been coming until two weeks now.
54:42 And I am interested and I feel that
54:44 this message is really touching me
54:47 and I was born as a Catholic.
54:50 And then when I joined in Seventh-day Adventist
54:52 I can see so many good things.
54:54 I said, "Lord."
54:55 He has the plan for me.
54:57 So I came this way.
54:59 I have been struggling all through the years.
55:01 But I thank the good Lord that I am in the truth now,
55:04 so that's a list which I can give.
55:06 Thank you.
55:10 My name is Robin.
55:11 And my father's name is Taloppa.
55:15 I come from Southern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea.
55:20 I am from one of the primary schools teaching in NCD.
55:24 And I as I observe and come through the week,
55:30 during the two weeks I really enjoyed meeting.
55:33 It's really amazing.
55:34 Though I am an Adventist,
55:36 but I even gone through some of the discovers like this.
55:39 It's really brilliant for me.
55:43 I was really excited throughout the week.
55:46 And I am really blessed.
55:48 God has come this far to tell me some of the amazing discoveries
55:52 that I haven't gone through.
55:54 And I am really blessed
55:56 and I also interviewed some of the secondary school teachers
56:00 and they told me that after the meeting they said,
56:04 they will go back and become Adventist,
56:07 because they were in the wrong faults,
56:09 so they said, they want to become an Adventist.
56:11 So I am really excited.
56:14 John Carter has come with the anointing
56:17 and really blessed us and we really enjoyed the programs
56:21 that we have gone through.
56:25 Who were these people attending the Carter Report
56:28 at the Sir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
56:31 Well, they come from all walks of life.
56:34 In this great congregation of more than 100,000
56:37 we we find doctors, lawyers,
56:39 politicians, ambassadors, carpenters, students,
56:42 teachers, believers, and unbelievers.
56:45 There are husbands and wives with their families.
56:48 There are the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak.
56:53 They are being told that Christ alone is the way,
56:56 the truth, and the life.
56:58 They are hearing the words of life
57:00 and their hearts have been strangely warmed.
57:02 Sometimes they feel that their hearts will burst
57:06 and they feel compelled to hurry down to the front
57:08 to publicly confess the Savior.
57:11 They are shown in the Scriptures
57:12 that God commands men everywhere to repent and be baptized.
57:17 They respond with a holy devotion
57:19 and a passionate intensity.
57:22 Will you not join them?
57:26 Thank you for joining us today.
57:28 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter
57:30 and to receive our monthly newsletter,
57:32 write to us here at the Carter Report,
57:35 PO Box 1900 Thousand Oaks, CA, 91358.
57:40 Or in Australia at PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW, 2260.
57:47 You may also contact us online at
57:51 Remember, Jesus said, "You will know the truth,
57:53 and the truth will set you free."


Revised 2014-12-17