Participants: Pr. John Carter
Series Code: CR
Program Code: CR100006
00:01 The following presentation was made by John Carter
00:03 to a crowd of more than 100,000 souls. 00:06 This message is one of a truth filled series 00:09 that was delivered in the power of God's Holy Spirit 00:12 at the Sir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 00:16 One night as the evangelist spoke about the Holy Spirit, 00:20 a giant white bird flew low over the vast audience. 00:24 And the people rejoiced that God had visited His people. 00:28 Crowd surged forward to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. 00:32 A few days later 00:34 thousands were baptized in the see at Ela Beach. 00:37 All who attended these Holy Spirit anointed meetings 00:40 were convinced that God's word is true 00:43 and His gospel is still the power of God 00:46 for the salvation of all who believe. 00:48 The message you're about to hear and see, 00:51 will not leave you the same person. 00:54 Welcome to the Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium, 00:57 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 01:05 Falling in love 01:09 with Jesus 01:14 Falling in love 01:16 with Jesus 01:21 Falling in love 01:24 with Jesus 01:27 Was the best thing I've ever, ever done 01:36 Falling in love 01:39 with Jesus 01:44 Falling in love 01:46 with Jesus 01:51 Falling in love 01:54 with Jesus 01:58 Was the best thing I've ever, ever done 02:06 In His arms, I'm so protected 02:14 In His arms, I'm never disconnected 02:21 In His arms, 02:24 I'm so protected 02:28 That there's no place I'd rather, rather be 02:36 Falling in love 02:39 with Jesus 02:44 Falling in love 02:46 with Jesus 02:51 Falling in love 02:54 with Jesus 02:58 It was the best thing I've ever, ever done 03:06 Oh, the best thing I've ever done 03:10 Falling in love 03:17 The spirit of God today is moving. 03:20 He is moving wherever human heart sense their need. 03:23 He is moving whenever and wherever 03:25 souls reach out to Him. 03:26 He is moving because these are not ordinary times. 03:30 He is moving through the proclamation 03:32 of His living word. 03:34 During the Port Moresby meetings, 03:36 the Spirit of God was powerfully present. 03:39 One evening as Pastor John Carter 03:41 spoke about the Holy Spirit and His work to redeem souls, 03:44 a huge white bird flew low over the audience. 03:48 The congregation of more than 100,000 witnessed 03:50 the sight and believed that God had sent them a sign. 03:54 Tens of thousands poured forward 03:57 to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. 03:59 God today is calling you as you view 04:02 this program to come to Him in faith. 04:04 The work of the Holy Spirit is not restricted 04:07 to any one place on earth. 04:08 Wherever you are He is there. God loves you. 04:12 He has a plan for you and a glorious future. 04:20 I've a sense tonight that the spirit 04:22 of the Lord is in this place. 04:26 I believe this tonight, that God is going to come 04:30 and visit us with the presence of the Holy Spirit. 04:35 And I believe that God is going to move here tonight 04:38 as He's never done before. 04:40 The topic tonight is, an amazing topic, 04:43 "The man who wrote his own life story 04:48 before he was born, who was Jesus." 04:56 It seems impossible. 04:57 How can a man write his own life story before he was born? 05:02 You see, it's an absurdity. 05:05 Except, except, except, except, 05:11 if he were God. 05:14 Tonight we're going to answer the question, who was Jesus? 05:17 Was He just a good man 05:19 or was He the God man? 05:25 It was predicted, this is the 10th prophecy, 05:29 that He would be crucified. 05:37 In the Book of Psalms, written 1000 years 05:40 before He was born in Bethlehem. 05:45 We read these words, Psalm 22:16. 05:51 Psalm 22:16. 05:57 "A band of evil men has encircled me, 06:01 they have pierced my hands and my feet." 06:09 When those words were written, my beloved friends, 06:12 crucifixion was unknown. 06:15 They didn't crucified people back in those days. 06:22 But the Roman soldiers at the instigation 06:25 of the religious hierarchy took the Son of God 06:30 and they laid Him on a cross, a wooden cross. 06:39 It was the worst of suffering. 06:41 And as He hung upon the cross, 06:43 the sin of the world at Port Moresby, 06:47 in Sydney, and Melbourne, and New York, and Los Angeles, 06:50 the sin of all of us was laid on Him. 06:55 For one brief moment 06:58 in time He was unfold on the cross 07:03 like a wounded eagle. Why? 07:09 Because He loves you so. 07:12 Will you not come to Him? 07:14 Will you not believe in Him? 07:16 Will you not follow Him? 07:21 If there had been only one lost soul. 07:26 He would have gone through that for that one lost soul. 07:29 Who is this Man they crucified? 07:36 Jesus, the Son of man. 07:40 The Son of God. 07:42 The Creator of the universe. 07:46 And he went through that because He loves us. 07:56 Who was this Man? More than a man. 08:01 It was predicted He would be crucified with criminals. 08:05 Prophecy number 11, Isaiah 53:12. 08:14 "Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, 08:18 he will divide the spoils with the strong, 08:22 because he poured out his life unto death, 08:26 he was numbered with the transgressors. 08:29 For he bore the sin of many, 08:31 and made intercession for the transgressors." 08:34 He was crucified between two thieves. 08:43 So that you and I might know that we are never alone, 08:47 that He came to die for sinners. 08:54 Somebody might say tonight in this great audience, 08:57 this vast audience, probably 100,000 people in tonight, 09:01 you may say, what shall I do? 09:12 Accept Him, believe in Him, believe in Him. 09:16 Prophecy number 12, written by Isaiah, 09:19 700 years before He was born. 09:21 Isaiah 53:5-6, that he would be our substitute. 09:27 "He would come and He would take our place, 09:30 but He was pierced." 09:33 Think of the words, my friend, 09:34 you're never going to be the same after this meeting. 09:36 "But he was pierced for our transgressions, 09:39 he was crushed for our iniquities, 09:43 the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, 09:45 and by His wounds we are healed." 09:52 More than 100 years ago in the great city of London, 09:55 every morning you would see on the mighty bosom 09:58 of the Thames River, a little boat that stank, 10:02 it was called the sludge vessel. 10:04 All the sewerage of that great city 10:07 was put inside this sludge vessel and it went out 10:11 into the Atlantic and it got rid of the sludge. 10:17 The sludge and the filth and the sin, 10:20 the evil, they're lying, they're stealing, the crime. 10:25 The blasphemy, the commandment breaking 10:28 all of those sins are pride. 10:31 Our religious self-righteousness was put upon Him. 10:37 He was sinless, He was holy. 10:41 He was God in human flesh but he bore our sin. 10:45 He has already born your sin. 10:47 You don't have to pay the price for your sins. 10:51 He has already paid the price for your sins. 10:55 He paid it. 10:58 Prophecy number 13. 11:01 It was predicted that the people would cast, 11:04 lots for his clothing, can you believe it? 11:07 Cast lots for his clothing, His beautiful robe. 11:12 Psalms 22:18 written 3,000 years ago, 11:16 the prophet inspired by the Spirit of Christ said, 11:20 "They divide my garments among them 11:22 and cast lots for my clothing." 11:26 As He hung upon the cross, the Roman soldiers sat down 11:30 and they gambled over the only thing that he possessed 11:35 in this world and that was His robe. 11:40 They didn't tear it, they gambled for it. 11:45 It is written. 11:50 It was predicted 1,000 years before He died, 11:54 that not one of His bones would be broken. 11:58 In Psalms 34:20 written by King David, 12:02 who was also a prophet. 12:04 You read these words Psalms 34:20, 12:08 hear the word of the Lord. 12:11 "He protects all His bones, not one of them will be broken." 12:17 Jesus was crucified on the Friday. 12:21 And before the Sabbath came in, this is what happened. 12:27 They came to look, at those men, the three men, 12:30 the two criminals and the Christ. 12:34 And they had a custom, they would not leave 12:36 the bodies up there on the Sabbath, 12:39 because they believed in keeping the Sabbath, 12:41 while they crucified the Man who'd given them the Sabbath. 12:46 And so what they did was this. 12:47 The Roman soldiers went around and they broke the legs 12:51 of the thieves and they took those men down, 12:55 and they left them lying on the ground under the cross. 12:58 And when the sun went down on the Sabbath, 13:02 Saturday sunset they would put up those men again 13:05 and they might live on those crosses in hell for a week. 13:13 It was a terrible death. 13:17 A terrible death, there was no death like crucifixion. 13:21 But when they came to Jesus, 13:24 they discovered that He was dead already. 13:29 And a soldier took a spear and thrusted in His side 13:33 and out came blood and water. 13:35 He died of a broken heart. 13:37 His great heart ruptured. 13:41 But they did not break His legs. 13:45 Exactly is it had been predicted by the Prophet David, 13:50 a 1000 years before the Christ died. 13:54 It was predicted that He would be buried with the rich. 14:01 The Prophet Isaiah 2,700 years ago, 14:04 700 years I tell you, before He was born. 14:09 Isaiah 53:9 14:13 made this fascinating prediction. 14:16 "He was assigned a grave with the wicked 14:19 and with the rich in His death, 14:22 though he had done no violence, 14:24 nor was any deceit in his mouth." 14:27 He died with the wicked, He died with the thieves. 14:31 But after He died some rich people came along and they said, 14:36 "let us take Him, 14:39 let us take Him because we love Him." 14:45 And a rich man gave Christ his own tomb 14:49 and He was buried in the tomb of a rich man, 14:54 because of the Bible prophecy, my friend, 14:58 listen to me I appeal to you. 15:01 There is nobody else in all of the world. 15:04 There is nobody else in all of creation who fulfills 15:09 the specifications of this prophecy 15:13 and all of these prophecies. 15:15 I'm here tonight to pay a testimony to the truth 15:19 that Jesus Christ is the all mighty Son of God. 15:24 He is the Messiah, He is our Lord 15:28 and He is our coming King. 15:31 And tonight I say, hallelujah. 15:37 Thank God for Jesus. 15:39 My friend, He is the man, who wrote His own life story 15:43 before He was born. 15:44 It was predicted, now here we come, hallelujah. 15:48 It was predicted in Psalms 16:10-11. 15:53 That He wouldn't stay in the grave, 15:55 but that He would get up out of that grave. 15:58 It was predicted that death could not hold Him in the grave. 16:04 It was predicted, He would come up. 16:07 Look at the text. 16:09 Psalms 16 and Jesus inspired these prophecies. 16:14 "Because you will not abandon, 16:16 you will not abandon me to the grave, 16:20 nor will you let your Holy One see decay. 16:24 You have made know to me the path of life, 16:27 you will fill me with joy in your presence, 16:31 with eternal pleasures at your right hand." 16:34 Listen my friend, they put Him in the tomb, 16:40 and the Roman soldiers put a seal on the tomb, 16:44 they said we've got rid of that troublemaker. 16:46 People have been saying that for thousands of years. 16:50 We've got rid of that troublemaker Jesus, 16:52 and they--they put a big stone on the mouth of the tomb 16:56 and then they seal the tomb. 16:59 They sealed it with a mighty seal of mighty Rome. 17:06 But you wait for it. 17:08 On Sunday morning, 17:11 there was a tremendous earthquake. 17:15 And a mighty angel came down from the courts of glory. 17:23 And all that tomb, all the tombs were shaking 17:27 and all of a sudden that stone rolled away 17:32 and Jesus got up out of the sleep of death and Jesus 17:38 walked to the mouth of that tomb and Jesus cried out, 17:43 "I am the resurrection and the life." 17:52 Listen, my friends, Jesus is alive. 17:59 We don't serve a dead Christ. 18:02 We serve a living Christ. 18:04 And I want you to know tonight, 18:06 I can feel His presence in this place. 18:11 Jesus is alive. 18:13 He wants to come to you. 18:15 He wants to help you with your problems, He's alive. 18:19 And the Bible says, this living Christ 18:23 is coming back in power and great glory. 18:30 Now listen to me, listen to me. 18:34 There are four possibilities concerning 18:36 the resurrection of Christ. 18:40 Number one, that the Jews 18:43 came and stole His body? 18:48 But if that is true, why didn't the Jews 18:51 produce the body and destroy the infant Christian church. 18:56 A dead Christ would have finished off Christianity. 19:03 No, the Jews didn't get the body. 19:06 The second possibility is that the Romans took the body. 19:11 The Roman soldiers say--some people say, 19:13 the Romans came and stole the body. 19:15 Well, the Romans wanted Him dead. 19:20 When the disciples started to preach 19:21 the resurrection of the dead, 19:23 the Romans could have finished that. 19:25 They could have wiped-out the Christian church by saying, 19:28 "Hey here is the dead body." 19:33 The Romans did not steal the body. 19:35 The third possibility is, 19:37 that the disciples stole the body? 19:40 That's what the Jews said, 19:42 the disciples came and stole the body. It's a lie. 19:49 Can you imagine, 11 dispirited broken, frighten, 19:55 crushed, disillusion men with the women, 20:00 storming the tomb, overpowering the Roman soldiers 20:05 and taking the body of Christ, it's an utter impossibility. 20:12 The Jews didn't get the body. 20:14 The Romans didn't get the body. 20:17 The disciples didn't get the body. 20:22 The body was resurrected by the power of God. 20:28 Jesus walked out of that tomb and because He lives, 20:34 we shall live also. 20:36 Now listen as you've never listened before. 20:40 All these predictions are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. 20:44 If there is somebody here tonight and you say, 20:46 I don't know what I can believe. 20:47 My friend, you can believe the truth. 20:51 Jesus said, "You will know the truth, 20:53 and the truth will make you free." 20:56 The truth liberates us. 20:58 I want to say to every person tonight 21:01 that Jesus is the Son of God. 21:03 He's the creator of the universe. 21:05 He's the Savior of the world and He loves you 21:10 and He wants to save you tonight. 21:14 Listen, you've all heard of the Battle of Waterloo. 21:22 When the British fought the French. 21:26 Wellington was fighting Napoleon. 21:30 And for a while nobody knew 21:32 which way the battle was going to go. 21:35 Went back and forth all through that day of blood and horror, 21:41 but in the end the British won. 21:46 Wellington defeated Napoleon. 21:51 And the British had set up signal points, 21:55 were they can send signals. 22:01 After the battle as the night came on, 22:05 the British send signals back to the homeland 22:09 because their homeland was in fear. 22:12 What happens if Napoleon wins the battle? 22:15 We will be invaded by the forces of Napoleon, 22:18 we will be destroyed. 22:22 And so the British on the continent 22:26 send a message back to Britain and they flashed it out 22:30 and this is how it went out, it went out Wellington. 22:38 There it is, Wellington defeated. 22:46 Then the clouds came down. 22:51 And the people in England were filled with fear. 22:55 Wellington is defeated, Napoleon is going to invade us. 23:02 But then the clouds were lifted, and the message went out again, 23:08 Wellington defeated Napoleon. 23:16 It was victory, it was victory, victory. 23:21 Listen to me. 23:25 On Friday before the Sabbath came in, 23:29 when our Christ died. 23:34 The clouds of discouragement and the message went out, 23:41 Jesus, Jesus defeated. 23:49 That's what the devil thought. 23:51 And the clouds came down. 23:55 Across the universe went this message. 23:59 Jesus defeated. 24:02 It was the worst day in the history of the universe, 24:06 Jesus defeated. 24:08 But on Sunday morning when Jesus walked out of the tomb, 24:14 the clouds were lifted and the message went out 24:18 from star to star, Jesus defeated 24:24 Satan and death. 24:31 Jesus defeated? No, no, no. 24:34 Jesus defeated, Wellington defeated? 24:38 No, no, no. 24:41 Jesus defeated Satan and death. 24:48 Now listen to me, 24:53 I feel a terrible 25:00 conviction upon myself now. 25:08 I don't want you to go home, 25:11 until I pray with you 25:14 and give you the opportunity to accept this Christ. 25:20 Who died for us, who bled for us, 25:24 who rose from the death for us. 25:28 Tonight as never before, 25:31 we're going to have a prayer. 25:35 I'm gonna get you to stand 25:38 and I'm going to pray for you. 25:42 I'm going to pray tonight that in someway the spirit of God 25:45 will come into this meeting and take over this meeting 25:50 and use these poor stuttering lips of clay 25:55 to lead us all home to the Kingdom of God. 26:00 I want you all to stand. 26:04 The people have asked me the question. 26:06 Why have you come 10,000 more miles from Los Angeles? 26:11 Why have you come here? 26:12 I've come here to tell you that God loves you. 26:16 And that Jesus died for you. 26:20 Jesus said, "For God so loved the world, 26:23 that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, 26:27 but have everlasting life." 26:29 I tell you tonight, if you and I will come 26:32 to Christ tonight, a miracle will happen in our lives. 26:39 So I want you to bow your heads. 26:43 What I love about this audience is that it is so respectful 26:46 as far as worshiping God. 26:50 People don't move, it's the best audience in the world. 26:55 I want you to bow your heads. 26:57 You maybe half a mile from me back there, 27:00 in this huge congregation. 27:05 But I want you to hear, people are standing up here, 27:08 people are over there, they're on the hills, 27:10 they're on the streets. 27:12 And surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. 27:16 I can feel His mighty power. 27:20 Please bow your heads, close your eyes, 27:25 and think of Christ on the cross. 27:31 Our father, I'm completely 27:36 unworthy to present this message to this vast audience. 27:42 I want to thank You tonight for seeing John Carter. 27:48 And coming down from glory, 27:52 and giving your life for this sinner. 27:57 I want to thank You tonight for coming down from glory, 28:01 from Yours truly, throne and glory. 28:04 Where You were the creator of the universe, 28:08 and dying for the people of Port Moresby. 28:14 I want to thank You tonight, that if they had been 28:17 only one sinner here, they would have been 28:21 across and a savior in agony. 28:29 Oh, how You love us. 28:32 I cannot understand this, My Father. 28:36 But I want to thank You tonight. 28:41 And Lord, I don't have the words tonight. 28:45 I don't know what to say, but take over the meeting 28:49 now and talk through me. 28:56 As we're praying here tonight in the presence of God. 29:02 Every head bowed and every eye closed. 29:07 How many will raise a hand and say tonight, 29:10 I will believe in Jesus and I will accept Him 29:14 as my Lord and my Savior? 29:17 Would you raise your hand tonight? 29:20 Lift up your hand high. 29:23 I want you to send a message home tonight to Jesus. 29:29 Oh Jesus, look at the hands tonight. 29:33 Jesus look at the hands, You're alive tonight, 29:37 Your spirit is here tonight. 29:40 Look at all my brothers and sisters 29:42 here in this great auditorium. 29:45 We're raising our hands tonight to accept You 29:51 as our own personal Lord and Savior. 29:57 I'm going to ask you now to do something else. 30:00 I do this all around the world, I've done it in Moscow, 30:03 I've done it in St. Petersburg, I did it in Honiara 30:07 a few months ago, I do it in Los Angeles. 30:11 If you feel tonight you have a special need 30:17 and you need prayer and you need strength to follow Christ. 30:24 I'm going to ask you to come down 30:26 to front here for prayer, 30:28 because I want to pray with you. 30:31 And I'm going to ask you just to come now, very quietly. 30:38 Come now. Think how He came for you. 30:43 I want the ushers to move back further, 30:46 let the people come, give them some more room. 30:49 Ushers comeback a little bit. Come forward, my dear friends. 30:57 Comeback a little bit ushers. Let the people come. 31:01 Let the little children come. Let them come. 31:06 Don't keep them away from me. Let them come, let them come. 31:11 I want them close to me, because I love them. 31:18 My friends, have you heard of the Via Dolorosa? 31:23 That's the road that Jesus walked 31:24 when He went to the cross, when He carried the cross. 31:29 The Via Dolorosa, it means the way of sorrows. 31:34 Jesus walked a long, long way for you. 31:40 Maybe we can walk a little way for Him tonight. 31:45 I know, it's so hard for you to come. 31:47 Some of you have to come about half a mile. 31:51 But I want you to come and as you come tonight you say, 31:54 I'm coming because I'm going to follow Christ. 31:59 There's still plenty of room over here. 32:01 I want you to come. 32:03 Remember, He came down from heaven for you, 32:08 can't you come a little closer to Him? 32:13 Think of Him on the cross. 32:16 Think of the pain and all the sorrow, 32:20 and think how He loved you so. 32:25 And when you realized that you want to come to Him, 32:28 there's so many people coming now, 32:29 they're coming over there. 32:32 I don't want anybody to hold back. 32:36 There's room at the cross for you, friend. 32:41 And there's room over here still for you to come. 32:45 And tonight we're coming here 32:47 because we're saying, I need Christ. 32:52 Christ died for me. 32:56 And tonight I'm going to come 32:57 and I'm going to give Him my heart. 33:01 And as you give Christ your heart tonight, 33:04 a miracle is going to happen in your life. 33:08 But there are so many people coming over there, 33:12 just keep on coming. 33:23 Either wards, turn your eyes upon Jesus. 33:28 Look full in His wonderful face. 33:32 The things of earth will grow strangely dim, 33:40 in the light of His glory and grace. 33:47 May be tonight, there's somebody here 33:52 and you're holding back, 33:56 and there's a voice talking to you. 33:59 You know what that voice is? 34:01 It's a voice of the Spirit of God. 34:05 And I want you to listen to the voice of the Spirit of God 34:08 tonight and I want you to say, 34:12 Lord I'm coming home, I'm coming to You. 34:21 And as we come down to front here, 34:25 we're gonna have a special prayer 34:26 for these people, we're gonna have a prayer for everybody. 34:31 But we want you to come down here for a special prayer. 34:36 You ask me this question tonight. 34:40 What purpose is there in coming forward? 34:44 Would you like me to tell you? It is an act of faith. 34:51 It is an output act of faith. 34:54 And as I come with my feet, as I come with my body, 35:01 so it helps my soul to come. 35:07 So I want you to come by faith tonight 35:10 and there is still hundreds of people coming. 35:14 We're gonna wait for you. 35:18 I'm so glad to be here tonight, aren't you? 35:22 Can't you tell tonight that God is here, my friend? 35:27 Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place, 35:30 I can feel Him here tonight. 35:34 Souls are coming to Christ and souls are being saved. 35:41 Listen to me or look at me. You folks here, look at me. 35:47 We're all sinners. We're all sinners. 35:51 I'm a sinner. We're born this way. 35:56 But when you and I come to Christ and confess our sins, 36:01 He forgives our sins, He washes us. 36:07 Let me tell you something quite amazing. 36:10 Say a man comes into this meeting tonight, 36:13 he's a murderer. 36:16 Can you imagine that? He's a murderer. 36:20 He came to this meeting tonight with a heart of stone, so hard. 36:26 But when he heard about Christ tonight, 36:30 that hard stone heart started to soften. 36:35 And he said, O Lord, I'm just a sinner. 36:38 I know I deserve hell. 36:42 But, Lord, forgive my sin and I accept Jesus as my savior. 36:50 You know, what God does? 36:52 God puts His arms around him, and God says, 36:56 welcome home, my son. 36:59 I forgive you and I give you the gift of everlasting life. 37:06 Remember, the greatest text, 37:09 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, 37:16 so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, 37:21 but have everlasting life." 37:23 This is yours tonight if you believe with all your heart. 37:31 There are still people coming. 37:35 But right now, I want to make an appeal 37:38 perhaps to a man or a woman 37:40 who is way back there in the bleaches. 37:43 I know it's hard for you to come, 37:47 that's why you need to come. 37:50 The very act of coming is an act of faith. 37:54 And as you come by faith, God is going to bless you. 38:00 And as you and I believe tonight, 38:03 a miracle happens in the heart. 38:08 God changes their hearts. 38:11 God takes away the hard stony heart. 38:17 Did you know, inside we're all the same. 38:23 And we need the blood of Christ. 38:28 Would somebody else like to come tonight? 38:30 There are still people coming. 38:34 I don't want to stop this appeal until you come. 38:38 I don't want to miss that anybody. 38:40 I don't want somebody to say, 38:42 if he'd waited another minute I would've come. 38:45 So I want to wait for you tonight. 38:51 Listen to the words. 38:58 Give me Jesus. 39:04 You can have all this world, but give me Jesus. 39:10 And when you have Jesus tonight, 39:13 you're the wealthiest person in the world, 39:17 because you have everlasting life. 39:22 I want to wait for those people who are coming. 39:24 I see that some are coming slowly, 39:27 that's because maybe there are some here tonight 39:30 you're resisting and you're saying, 39:31 I just don't want to do this publicly. 39:34 It's a little embarrassing. 39:36 My friend, think of Christ on the cross tonight, 39:40 and come forward to accept Him and believe in Him tonight. 39:47 They're still coming over there. 39:50 Come my friends, come to Christ tonight. 39:55 Is there anybody over there? 39:57 Maybe you can't get out of there because, 40:00 you know, you're just in so tight. 40:03 But so many people, thousands, tens of thousands, 40:05 probably 100,000, all in a small space and you're saying, 40:09 I just can't move, well, God understands that. 40:12 But if you can move, there's people coming over there. 40:16 I want you to come. 40:26 Thank you. 40:29 Isn't it beautiful here? The breeze. 40:33 The presence of God, knowing that Christ has met with us. 40:39 Folks are still coming, keep coming, 40:42 because I'm gonna pray for these people now. 40:45 So many here, they're still coming over there. 40:49 I know that there are thousands 40:51 who want to come, they can't get down. 40:54 God understands. 40:56 How many down the front here tonight 40:59 have got a real special need and you need prayer? 41:03 Can you raise your hand, if you got a special need? 41:09 Let me include this great audience, 41:11 those who've got special need tonight, 41:13 you want to raise your hand? 41:16 You may have some problem in your life 41:17 and you need God's blessing. 41:20 Maybe there's someone here tonight 41:22 who need the touch of God upon your life for healing? 41:26 Doesn't matter what the problem is. 41:29 Our Christ is more than sufficient 41:34 for any and every problem. 41:37 And tonight, we're standing down here 41:39 because we're saying and you're raising your hands 41:42 tonight to say, I truly believe in Christ. 41:48 I want to say to the whole audience tonight. 41:50 As far as my voice can go, I want us to--we did it before, 41:55 I want just to confirm it. 41:57 I want to see the hand of every person tonight who'd say, 42:01 I accept Jesus as my Lord and my Savior. 42:05 Would you raise your hand as you say that tonight? 42:09 I want to see 100,000 hands. 42:14 I want you to send home a message to God tonight. 42:18 God we heard Your voice and we thank You for Jesus. 42:23 And tonight, we're following Him 42:26 and we're going to be with Christ in paradise. 42:30 Now I want you to bow your heads, 42:32 all of you now, put your hands down, 42:38 and we're going to say a special prayer for you. 42:43 Dear Father God, we thank You 42:46 for this extraordinary meeting tonight. 42:50 We thank You for our magnificent Christ. 42:55 We thank You that the creative God, 42:58 the one who made the cosmos, 43:02 became a man of flesh and bones and blood. 43:07 He was born as a little baby in the Middle East, 43:12 that He was a man for all men and for all women. 43:18 We thank You that our Christ died on the cross for our sins, 43:26 because it tells us He loves us so. 43:31 Dear Lord, put in the hearts 43:32 of my brothers and sisters here tonight 43:34 the message, God loves me. 43:39 Christ died for me. Christ is washing my sins away. 43:46 He is changing my heart. 43:49 He is making me into a new person. 43:54 And tonight I accept by faith the gift of the forgiveness 43:59 of my sins and the gift of everlasting life. 44:06 My Father, bless these precious and wonderful people, 44:14 watch over them, fill them with joy. 44:18 And at last, Dear Father, save everyone of them 44:22 without any missing, in the kingdom of God. 44:28 We worship You, we bless You, 44:32 we praise You and we thank You, 44:36 in Jesus name, amen. 44:44 Augustine said, "Our souls were made for God 44:47 and they cannot rest until they rest in Him." 44:50 Within every heart, there is a void 44:52 that only God can fill. 44:54 This is why so many came to the Carter Report meetings 44:58 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 45:00 The crowds were greater than those attending 45:03 the Olympic Games in London. 45:05 They came because everyone is a winner, 45:08 when Christ is Lord. 45:10 If you my dear friend, would like to be a faith partner 45:13 with us in this extraordinary work 45:15 or if you like to receive a DVD of today's message. 45:19 Please write to John Carter, at P.O. Box 1900, 45:23 Thousand Oaks California, 91358, 45:27 or in Australia, at P.O. Box 861, 45:30 Terrigal, NSW 2260. 45:34 You may also contact us online at 45:39 Please include your gift to help light 45:41 God's candle in dark places. 45:51 Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome 45:53 the distinguished members of the new parliament 45:57 of Papua New Guinea. 46:00 We are delighted that they're here this evening. 46:04 And we bid them a warm welcome. 46:09 Today is an historical day for this great nation 46:13 of Papua New Guinea because it has a new government 46:18 and these men and these ladies who were standing here today 46:23 are believers in the Bible and believers in Christ. 46:28 They share the same faith with us here tonight. 46:32 And so we welcome them tonight, 46:36 not only as distinguished parliamentarians, 46:39 but we welcome them tonight 46:41 as brothers and sisters in Christ. 46:45 I've been told and you'll pardon my smiling because, 46:49 when you get politics you have different parties. 46:54 We have some folks here tonight representing the government 46:57 and some folks representing what we call in Australia 47:02 and in this part of the world, the loyal opposition. 47:05 We have different parts of the government. 47:09 All government, every one of you here. 47:12 Oh, when I'm told there's no opposition here, 47:14 this whole government. 47:17 But I was going to tell you that even though in politics 47:20 we have many parties, in this part of the world 47:23 right here with all these people, 47:25 all these people, 100,000 people out there, 47:28 we have one party and that's Jesus party. 47:33 And so we believe that you represent Jesus' party. 47:38 Now if you forgive me for turning towards the audience. 47:44 I would like to read some texts out of the Bible. 47:47 And I read them for the audience, 47:50 but I read them especially for you my dear friends. 47:54 And I'm going to turn to a number of texts, 47:57 and the first text 47:59 is Proverbs 14:34. 48:08 And I want the congregation and the great audience to hear this. 48:12 "Righteousness exalts a nation, 48:15 but sin is a disgrace to any people." 48:19 The Bible teaches that the happiest people 48:23 in all this world are the people who follow the ways of God, 48:29 and the people who follow the righteous laws of God. 48:33 And we pray tonight that this great nation 48:36 will be greatly blessed by God, because the leaders 48:40 of this nation follow the laws of almighty God. 48:45 I want to read you a text now out of Isaiah 48, 48:50 I dedicate it to you. 48:53 "If only you had paid attention to my commands, 48:56 your peace would have been like a river, 48:59 your righteousness like the waves of the sea. 49:03 Your descendants would have been like the sand, 49:06 your children like its numberless grains, 49:09 their name would never be cut off 49:11 nor destroyed from before me." 49:14 The people who keep the commandments of God, 49:18 the laws of God and the laws of the country 49:21 are the happiest people in all the world. 49:24 They have peace, longevity, and health, and prosperity. 49:32 Now I'd like to read from the words of King David 49:35 and here is a man who was a prophet of God, 49:39 but you could say, he was also 49:42 and I don't think it's stretching the truth, 49:45 he was also a politician. 49:49 Let me read to you what David said, I love these words. 49:52 I like to dedicate these words to you precious people 49:56 here tonight, and to this nation. 50:01 Here it is. 50:04 "Then our sons in their youth will be like 50:07 well-nurtured plants, and our daughters 50:10 will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace. 50:16 Our barns will be filled with every kind of provision. 50:20 As sheep will increase by thousands, 50:23 by tens of thousands in the fields, 50:26 our oxen will draw heavy loads. 50:30 There will be no breaching of walls, 50:33 no going into captivity, no cry of distress in our streets. 50:39 Blessed are the people of whom this is true, 50:44 blessed are the people whose God is the Lord." 50:49 I want to say to all of you tonight 50:53 that we pray that God will bless you. 50:56 We believe that the blessing of God that comes upon us, 51:00 comes upon us because of our fatalities 51:03 to the word of God, to the truth of the scriptures. 51:07 And we pray that God will bless you and your ministry 51:11 in your own families and in your ministry 51:14 in the great government of Papua, New Guinea. 51:18 We consider it to be a privilege 51:20 to be associated with you tonight. 51:23 May God bless Papua New Guinea. What we're going to do now? 51:29 We want this vast audience 51:31 and we don't want anybody moving please. 51:35 We're going to stand for prayer. 51:37 And this is going to be a prayer 51:39 for the nation of Papua New Guinea. 51:42 We're going to pray for our parliamentarians 51:44 and for the government, 51:46 and for all those who serve in any capacity at all. 51:50 We want the audience to respectfully and quietly 51:55 stand as we pray with heads bowed. 52:04 Oh, mighty God and heavenly Father, 52:09 we thank You for Your great grace and Your great love. 52:13 We thank You for our Christian faith 52:17 and for the great advent faith, 52:20 that Christ will come again in power and glory. 52:23 Now our Father, as we place hands upon 52:27 these fine upstanding men and women, 52:31 we pray that You will fill them 52:34 with the spirit of the living God. 52:37 We pray that You will fill my sister 52:39 with the Spirit of Christ here. 52:42 We pray that You will fill my brother here 52:45 with the Spirit of the living God 52:47 that he will feel the power of God within Him 52:50 and that he will be a man of God who reads the scriptures. 52:55 We pray that You will bless my brother here tonight 52:57 that he will be like Daniel, that he would dare 53:01 to be a Daniel and that it need be to stand alone 53:05 that he will not seek to do that which is easy, 53:08 but that which is right, empower him to do this. 53:13 Bless my brother here tonight, 53:14 Dear Father, with health and strength and wisdom, 53:17 and a double portion of the spirit, 53:19 may the spirit of God come upon him, 53:21 as upon Elijah of old, that he will serve 53:25 the Lord God and the people of God. 53:29 Bless my sister here tonight, Lord, help her to seek 53:32 first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness 53:35 knowing that all these other things will be added to her 53:39 and this country as well, bless her. 53:42 Bless my brother here. 53:44 We are thankful tonight that we are brothers and sisters 53:47 that we're not distant relatives, 53:49 but that we are blood brothers in Christ. 53:53 So bless my brother, fill him Lord with the Spirit of God. 53:57 Bless my brother here Lord, as he takes his place 54:00 in parliament, that he will have 54:02 this spirit of wisdom, the spirit of courage, 54:06 the spirit of discretion, 54:08 but may the Spirit of the living God moves through him. 54:11 Bless my sister here tonight. 54:13 May she know tonight that she is a child 54:16 that the Most High God and God has called her 54:19 with all the rest of her brothers and sisters, 54:22 like Esther in the palace of those 54:25 wonderful Persian kings that we, 54:27 we've talked about in these meetings. 54:29 May she know that she has come 54:31 to the kingdom for such a time as this. 54:35 We think of all of our brethren here tonight. 54:39 But we think especially of Papua New Guinea. 54:42 Lord, we love these people. 54:48 They are your people. 54:50 We pray that You will give to this nation 54:54 wisdom, and peace, and righteousness. 55:01 We pray that You'll give 55:02 to this nation ever increasing prosperity. 55:08 We pray that the time will come around the world, 55:13 when we will see a gathering of souls 55:15 into the Kingdom of God, especially here in PNG. 55:21 We believe that the Spirit of God 55:23 is alive and well in this part of the world. 55:27 And we dedicate these good men and women, 55:31 not only to the work of the government, 55:34 but to the work of the Kingdom of God, 55:38 and the preaching of the gospel. 55:40 So bless them, bless the prime minister, 55:45 bless the cabinet, bless every person 55:49 who participates in the government, 55:52 help them to know that we stand by their sides. 55:57 We pray for them and we uphold them. 56:01 And might have be that this great audience here 56:04 of around 100,000 tonight in this great auditorium 56:09 and out in, the outer fields in the buildings, 56:13 beyond in the soccer field beyond, 56:15 might it be that all of these people here will be loyal, 56:20 faithful, law abiding citizens 56:25 of the great nation of Papua New Guinea. 56:29 Bless them, bless them all. 56:32 Watch over them and keep them by the grace of God and at last, 56:37 Dear Father, when Jesus comes, 56:43 save them with us in the Kingdom of God. 56:47 So we worship You, we bless You, 56:51 we praise You, and we give You glory 56:54 and we commit these honest ministers 56:57 of the government into Your hands 57:01 in Jesus name, amen and amen. 57:10 Thank you for joining us today. 57:12 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter 57:14 and to receive our monthly newsletter, 57:17 write to us here at the Carter Report, 57:19 P.O. Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California, 91358. 57:25 Or in Australia at P.O. Box 861, 57:30 Terrigal, NSW 2260. 57:34 That address again is P.O. Box 1900, 57:37 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358. 57:41 Or in Australia at P.O. Box 861, 57:45 Terrigal, NSW 2260. 57:48 Remember Jesus said, "You will know the truth 57:51 and the truth will set you free." |
Revised 2014-12-17