Carter Report, The

The Man Who Wrote His Own Life Story Before He Was Born -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR100005

00:01 Welcome to the Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium,
00:03 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
00:06 More than 100,000 souls are in attendance
00:09 and John Carter is preaching the word of God.
00:12 The great congregation sits motionless.
00:14 They are spellbound not by the oratory of the speaker,
00:17 but by the Spirit of God as he bears witness to His word.
00:21 An atmosphere of divine solemnity
00:24 mingled with a holy joy pervades the stadium
00:27 and spills out to the thousands gathered outside,
00:31 night by night in weather fare and foul.
00:34 The old warrior preaches on
00:36 tens of thousands come to Christ.
00:39 Thousands are baptized in the sea at Ela Beach
00:42 and still more pressed forward to publicly confess Christ.
00:46 Now this is your opportunity to be a part of
00:49 what many have called a new Pentecost.
00:52 Welcome to the Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium
00:56 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
01:17 As the mountains surround Jerusalem
01:24 So the Lord surrounds His people
01:32 As the mountains surround Jerusalem
01:39 So the Lord surrounds His people
01:46 Surround us, Lord
01:54 Surround us, O Lord
02:02 We need to be in Your presence
02:09 Surround us, O Lord
02:20 Be there trust in the Lord
02:22 Shall be like Zion
02:27 As the mountains surround Jerusalem
02:34 So the Lord surrounds His people
02:42 As the mountains surround Jerusalem
02:49 So the Lord surrounds His people
02:56 Surround us, Lord
03:04 Surround us, O Lord
03:12 We need to be in Your presence
03:18 Surround us, O Lord
03:27 Surround us Surround us, O Lord
03:34 Surround us, O Lord
03:42 We need to be in Your presence
03:49 Surround us, O Lord
03:57 Surround us
03:59 O surround us, Lord
04:04 Surround us, O Lord
04:11 We need to be in Your presence
04:19 Surround us
04:23 Surround us, Lord
04:27 We need to be in Your presence
04:32 Surround us, O Lord
04:43 Surround us, Lord
04:50 Thank you Lord
04:54 For You never fail in love
04:57 Surround us, keep us
05:09 Surround us, Lord
05:14 Surround us, Lord
05:17 in heaven the praises of your people.
05:21 Hallelujah.
05:24 You're mine
05:27 You're worthy
05:31 Surround us, Lord
05:45 Who are these people attending the Carter Report
05:48 at the Sir John Guise Stadium, Port Moresby, New Papua Guinea?
05:51 Well, they come from all walks of life.
05:54 In this great congregation of more than 100,000,
05:57 we find doctors, lawyers, politicians, ambassadors,
06:01 carpenters, students, teachers, believers and unbelievers.
06:05 There are husbands and wives with their families.
06:08 There are the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak.
06:13 They are being told that Christ alone is the way,
06:16 the truth and the life.
06:18 They are hearing the words of life
06:19 and their hearts are being strangely warmed.
06:22 Sometimes they feel that their hearts will burst
06:26 and they feel compel to hurry down to the front
06:28 to publicly confess the Savior.
06:31 They are shown in the scriptures
06:32 that God commands men everywhere to repent and be baptized.
06:37 They respond with the holy devotion
06:39 and a passionate intensity.
06:41 Will you not join them?
06:47 I have sense tonight
06:49 that the Spirit of the Lord is in this place.
06:54 I believe this tonight that God is going to come
06:58 and visit us with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
07:03 And I believe that God is going to move here tonight
07:06 as He has never done before.
07:08 The topic tonight is an amazing topic,
07:11 "The Man Who Wrote His Own Life Story
07:16 before He Was Born."
07:19 Who was Jesus?
07:23 Seems impossible.
07:25 How can a man write his own life story
07:28 before he was born, you see.
07:31 It's an absurdity, except, except, except,
07:35 except if he were God.
07:41 Now we're going to answer the question, who was Jesus?
07:45 Was He just a good man or was He the God man?
07:52 I'm going to tell you a story my friend of roaring camp.
07:57 That was a famous camp many, many years ago
08:00 in the great United States of America.
08:03 It happened in California.
08:06 They discovered gold up there in the hills.
08:11 And when the miners went there,
08:13 they were so intent upon becoming wealthy
08:17 and getting gold that they forgot everything.
08:21 And soon they did generated almost into animals.
08:28 Fighting, killing, stealing, then they came a coach rolling
08:35 down from the hills a Wells Fargo coach.
08:39 And as it rolled down the hill it got out of control
08:45 and it came tumbling down the hill.
08:47 The driver of the coach was killed
08:49 and in the coach there was a man
08:53 and his wife and a little tiny baby.
09:00 Everybody was killed except the little baby who is thrown out.
09:08 The miners heard about it and they went out
09:10 and they found the man and his wife dead.
09:13 They found the driver dead and they found
09:16 the little baby very much alive.
09:21 And so they carried the little baby
09:22 back to roaring camp, roaring camp
09:26 because the people were roaring all the time
09:29 like wild animals, like animals roaring, fighting.
09:37 When they took the little baby back
09:39 they had a committee meeting.
09:42 When we don't know what to do we have a committee meeting
09:45 So they had a committee meeting
09:47 and they said what are we gonna do with this little baby,
09:51 because those men those miners hadn't had a bath.
09:56 They hadn't had a shave.
09:58 They hadn't cleaned their clothes for months and months.
10:02 And so finally they picked out a miner
10:06 who seemed to be the least offensive,
10:09 the least obnoxious
10:12 and they said you're going to be
10:14 the baby's father and the baby's mother.
10:19 And so he didn't want to do it but they gave him the baby.
10:24 And he took the baby back to his filthy hut.
10:29 He was this beautiful, beautiful child.
10:33 His clothes were clean, the baby was perfect.
10:38 But when he went inside the hut,
10:40 it was quite apparent
10:41 that everything there was not perfect.
10:44 The bed was filthy.
10:46 There were dirty dishes lying in the sink.
10:50 He said what I've got to do.
10:52 I've got to start to clean up my filthy hut, my cabin.
10:57 So he started to clean it up and then he looked at the mirror
11:02 that he hadn't looked at for months
11:04 may be a year or two and he saw how filthy he was.
11:11 And so he did something that almost killed him.
11:13 He went down to the creek and he had a bath.
11:17 And he washed himself up. He found some soap.
11:22 And he cleaned up the bed.
11:24 He washed the bed and he washed everything.
11:27 He washed the hut
11:30 because of a beautiful little baby who had come.
11:36 When the other miners saw that he got clean
11:40 they started to clean up themselves.
11:42 They started to make an amazing discovery.
11:46 They discovered that soap was made to take the dirt off.
11:50 So they cleaned up
11:51 and after they cleaned up they discovered
11:53 that-- you see this camp had no women at all.
11:56 That's what happens to men when you don't have any women.
12:00 God gave us women. We couldn't live without women.
12:04 In fact we wouldn't be here without women.
12:07 But this man, he said, he looked around
12:09 and they saw they had poverty.
12:11 How they had gone down so low
12:14 that they started to clean up because of a little baby
12:20 who had come from far away.
12:23 They named that little baby "The Luck."
12:29 There's no such thing as luck
12:31 but they named the baby "The Luck."
12:34 Because he brought them luck. He turned their lives around.
12:45 Two thousand years ago,
12:49 little baby boy came into this world.
12:55 And He is being changing lives ever since.
12:59 Wherever He goes, He cleans people inside, outside.
13:07 He takes away the crime and the roaring
13:12 and the hatred and the violence.
13:21 Because there's nobody like Him.
13:25 And we're going to discover tonight
13:29 that He is the man who wrote his own life story
13:33 before he was born.
13:37 Jesus who became a carpenter
13:41 was born of a Jewish peasant girl in 5 6 or 7 BC.
13:48 He lived before He was born. What?
13:53 Yes, He lived before He was born.
13:56 I'm going to take my Bible
13:59 which is the New International Version
14:02 and I'm going to turn to John 17:3-5.
14:07 I tell you tonight my friend,
14:09 this is the greatest meeting so far.
14:12 We will not have a meeting that will surpass this meeting.
14:16 John 17:3-5 the Bible says-- I'm going to read it here
14:24 and you can read it on the screens.
14:27 "Now, this is eternal life that they may know you,
14:31 the only true God,
14:33 and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
14:37 I have brought you glory on earth
14:39 by completing the work you gave me to do.
14:43 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence
14:47 with the glory I had with you before the world began."
14:55 My friend, billions of years ago,
14:59 billions of years ago
15:01 before the creation of the cosmos Christ was there.
15:09 The Christ whom we serve
15:10 in this meeting tonight is not just a man.
15:14 He is a man
15:15 but He is also the almighty Creator
15:19 and the Son of God.
15:23 And the Bible says, Jesus says,
15:27 I was there before the world was made,
15:31 before the stars were made.
15:34 And it was Jesus who inspired the prophets of the Bible.
15:39 He inspired the prophets of the Old Testament.
15:44 And the prophets of the Old Testament
15:47 predicted all the great and marvelous
15:51 and major events in the life of Jesus Christ.
15:57 And thus through the prophets of the Old Testament
16:01 Jesus Christ the great Creator
16:04 wrote His own life story before He was born.
16:08 My friend He is completely distinct.
16:14 There's nobody else like Him.
16:16 And tonight what we are going to do,
16:18 we are going to notice some amazing prophecies
16:21 that prove that Jesus Christ is the Messiah,
16:26 the Son of God and our coming King.
16:29 Number one it was predicted
16:32 hundreds of years before He came to this earth
16:36 that He would be born in a certain little town.
16:40 And I'm going to turn to Micah 5:2,
16:45 I have got it here in my Bible.
16:47 But what I'm going to do I'm going to come out here
16:51 and I'm going to read it with you off the great screen.
16:54 We've got this here because we want you to see it
16:57 with your own eyes.
16:59 "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
17:03 though you are small among the clans of Judah,
17:07 out of you will come for me
17:10 one who will be ruler over Israel,
17:13 whose origins are from of old."
17:16 The King James Version says from the days of eternity
17:21 billions and billions and billions of years ago
17:25 He was there.
17:29 Bible says that this Almighty God would come down
17:34 and He'll be born in the little town of Bethlehem.
17:38 But His parents you see up there on the screen
17:40 they lived in Nazareth
17:43 and Mary was pregnant and about to have a child.
17:47 And they had to go back to their own hometown
17:50 and that was Bethlehem.
17:51 And so, look at the screen
17:54 they started on the perilous journey
17:57 when would the baby be born.
18:00 May be the baby would come too soon but baby came...
18:06 at the right time in the right place.
18:10 Jesus was born in Bethlehem according to the Word of God,
18:16 according, to this prediction that goes back
18:19 hundreds and hundreds of years before the coming of Christ.
18:24 It is an amazing story,
18:27 but every word of it my friend is true.
18:30 Number two, here is the second great truth,
18:34 the second great prediction.
18:37 His conception, his conception was completely unique.
18:44 I turn in the Bible tonight to the Prophet Isaiah
18:47 and I'm going back 2700 years.
18:51 Hundreds of years, before Jesus was born.
18:55 Isaiah 7:14 and I want you to notice it with your own eyes.
19:01 I want you to see it my beloved friends
19:04 hear the word of the Lord.
19:07 "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign.
19:11 The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son,
19:16 and will call him Immanuel." And that means God with us.
19:23 History, tells us,
19:25 that Joseph was engaged to this beautiful young peasant girl,
19:31 her name was Mary.
19:35 And the Bible tells us
19:37 that before they were married he discovered,
19:42 he discovered to his chagrin that she was pregnant
19:48 and therefore he was going to put her away.
19:54 But God sent down from glory an angel
19:58 and the angel said Joseph don't be afraid
20:01 to take this girl as your wife
20:05 because that which is conceived in her womb is not from you,
20:12 it is from the Holy Spirit.
20:16 And we call this the virgin birth.
20:19 People say to me, they say to me
20:22 do you really believe in the virgin birth?
20:24 They say it's impossible.
20:25 Listen, please I think that the great God
20:31 who made the stars can do a few things
20:33 that you and I can't understand.
20:37 It's like you know,
20:38 a little ant from Port Moresby comes along
20:42 and climbs up into one of our television cameras
20:45 and he starts to talk about the television camera.
20:48 He goes home to his wife tonight and he says, you know,
20:51 they've got television cameras down there in this big stadium
20:54 and he starts to discuss the television cameras.
20:57 What does an ant know about the television station?
21:00 What does an ant know about the television cameras?
21:02 What does an ant know about anything?
21:05 Now the Bible tells me,
21:07 that the Almighty God can do a few things
21:09 that human ants can't comprehend and they cannot understand.
21:15 Now we are going to come to this great prophecy,
21:18 number three.
21:19 It was predicted-- listen to this.
21:23 The very year when He would commence
21:26 His mission and His destiny.
21:29 This prophecy comes from about 2,500 years ago
21:34 and it comes from the great city of Babylon.
21:39 And I'm going to turn now
21:40 and we're going to get it on the screen
21:43 but right here in my Bible, here it is.
21:47 Right here, I want you to see it in Daniel 9,
21:52 and its verse-- I think its verse 24
21:55 but we're going to put this up on the screen
21:58 and I want you to see it once again.
22:02 Now this goes back about 2,500 years ago.
22:06 We're going to do now some mathematics,
22:08 it's not hard.
22:10 I can understand it, its plain to me
22:12 and if it's plain to me
22:14 it's going to be plain to you too.
22:15 It says, "Seventy 'seven'"
22:18 of 490, 490 days, seventy weeks.
22:25 "are decreed for your people."
22:27 they were the Jews "and your holy city"
22:30 Jerusalem "to finish transgression,
22:33 to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness,
22:37 to bring in everlasting righteousness,
22:40 to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy."
22:46 Now listen, "Know and understand this
22:52 from the issuing of the decree to restore
22:57 and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,
23:02 the ruler, that's the Messiah comes,
23:05 there will be seven 'sevens' and sixty-two 'sevens'"
23:09 And we're gonna leave it there. I could read on.
23:12 But it says, "That from a certain decree."
23:16 I'm going to come over here to the blackboard
23:19 and I want you to come with me
23:21 and I'm going to do a little bit of mathematics
23:24 here on the blackboard.
23:26 The Bible tells us
23:28 when the great Messiah would come.
23:32 The Bible says, it would be a period of 483 days.
23:40 And when God gave the Bible prophecies
23:43 He did in symbolism and a day equals a year.
23:48 And these 483 days represent 483 years.
23:55 And the Bible says, it would be
23:57 from the decree to restore and to build Jerusalem.
24:01 Now, listen to me real good.
24:04 Jerusalem had been overthrown and along came a king
24:09 by the name of Artaxerxes Longimanus
24:14 and in the year, look at this in the year 457.
24:21 This is exciting, 457 BC he made a decree
24:27 that Jerusalem should be restored.
24:29 And the Bible says, add 483 years on to that
24:34 and if you do that it brings you through to the year 27AD.
24:41 Now, this was written 2,500 years ago.
24:45 If somebody is going to say to me tonight,
24:47 oh, what on earth happened in 27A.D?
24:51 What on earth happened 483 years
24:56 after the decree of Artaxerxes Longimanus?
24:59 I'm going to tell you.
25:02 Jesus, the Son of God was in the carpenter shop
25:10 and as He worked away at the carpenter shop
25:14 He heard the voice of God and the clock of heaven struck
25:20 and the clock of heaven said,
25:23 it is now-- the time is fulfilled.
25:29 The kingdom of heaven is at hand
25:32 and Jesus put down His tools
25:36 and He went down to the Jordan River
25:38 and He went and He saw a man by the name of John the Baptist
25:43 and He said John, I want you to baptize me
25:48 because God has now anointed me
25:52 and God has called me with my mission.
25:56 And as Jesus came up out of the water,
26:01 Jesus said, the time is fulfilled
26:05 and the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
26:12 Nobody else, the date is certain
26:16 we know that Jesus was baptized in 27AD.
26:20 Because according, to Jewish recting
26:22 the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar is 27AD.
26:31 I'm not guessing tonight. I'm not speculating.
26:35 I'm not telling you a fairy story.
26:37 I'm not here to entertain you.
26:39 I'm here to tell you tonight
26:40 that Jesus is the almighty Son of God
26:44 because He fulfills the prophecies of the Bible.
26:50 He is the God man who wrote His own life story
26:56 before He was born this is the word of Lord.
27:02 Prophecy number four, He was rejected, for a start,
27:08 "He was very popular."
27:10 And then the tide of popular opinion turned against Him.
27:14 The religious leaders turned against Him.
27:20 If you turn to Isaiah 53:3
27:25 and that was written 2,700 years ago,
27:31 you read these words.
27:33 "He was despised and rejected by men."
27:36 You just imagine if God comes down as a man
27:40 and what happens they'll reject him.
27:43 "He was despised and rejected by man,
27:46 a man of sorrows and familiar with sufferings.
27:50 Like one from whom man hide their faces
27:53 He was despised and we esteemed him not."
27:57 He came to his own people.
28:00 The people who prophesied to be the people of God.
28:03 The people who were the custodians
28:06 of the Holy Scriptures
28:07 the people who were the custodians
28:10 of the holy law of God.
28:11 You know, what they did they reject Him
28:14 and finally they put Him on a cross.
28:20 Every word, every word of the prophecy came to pass.
28:26 There is only one person who fulfills
28:29 the specifications of the prophecy
28:31 and that is the man Christ Jesus, nobody else.
28:37 Prophecy number five, the Bible says,
28:41 He would be betrayed by a friend.
28:46 Can you believe it?
28:48 The Bible says, we're gonna see this here it is.
28:52 Psalms 41:9, "Even my close friend whom I trusted."
28:58 What was his name? Judas.
29:03 "He who shared my bread
29:05 has lifted up his heel against me."
29:10 Jesus did everything for Judas. He loved him. He cared for him.
29:15 He shared his own food with him.
29:17 But the Bible says that the Messiah
29:20 would be betrayed by His own close friend
29:24 and Jesus was betrayed by Judas--Judas Iscariot.
29:32 Number six, thousands of years,
29:36 hundreds of years before He was born,
29:39 it was predicted by the Spirit of Christ
29:42 that the Messiah would be sold for 30 pieces of silver.
29:50 The God who made the universe, God who made the stars.
29:55 What a time we had the other night
29:57 when we showed the glory of the heavens.
29:59 "And the Lord said to me"
30:01 look on the screens Zachariah 11:13
30:03 "'Throw it to the potter' -the handsome price
30:07 at which they priced me.
30:09 So I took the thirty pieces of silver
30:12 and threw them into the house of the Lord to the potter."
30:17 History tells us the story, Judas Iscariot sold Jesus
30:24 to the Jewish hierarchy for 30 pieces of silver.
30:32 Every word of the prophecy came to pass
30:37 and when Jesus was finally taken and arrested.
30:43 Judas was overcome with remorse and he took the 30 pieces
30:48 and he came running and he ran into the temple
30:53 and he threw the 30 pieces of silver down.
31:00 Every word I tell you, every word
31:06 of the prophecy came to pass.
31:09 Jesus is the only person my friend,
31:12 who fulfills the specifications of the prophecies?
31:17 Prophecy number seven, He would be accused
31:21 by false witnesses that's exactly what happened.
31:26 Psalm 35:11 says, Psalms 35:11,
31:33 "Ruthless or false witnesses."
31:37 In the King James Version it says false witnesses.
31:42 There's no sin worse than the sin of betraying a friend.
31:48 There is no sin worse than the sin where a person
31:53 becomes a pathological liar.
31:58 There will be no liars in the kingdom of God.
32:01 Only the blood of Jesus can save a liar.
32:06 By cutting in the lying away from his life.
32:09 "Ruthless witnesses come forward,
32:11 they question me on things I know nothing about."
32:17 When Jesus stood before the Roman Governor,
32:21 the hierarchy cursed at Him and they brought him
32:25 lying witnesses it was a kangaroo caught
32:30 and they bought in the lying witnesses and one man said well,
32:35 he said he's going to rebuild the temple and so many days.
32:39 He is going to do this.
32:40 He is going to that-- they made up lies.
32:48 Jesus is the man who wrote His own life story
32:54 before He was born.
32:57 Prophecy number eight, He was silent when accused.
33:02 Isaiah the prophet one of the greatest
33:05 of all the prophets if not the greatest.
33:06 Isaiah 53:7 gave this prediction about Jesus.
33:14 "He was oppressed" this is God in human flesh.
33:20 "He was oppressed and afflicted yet he did not open his mouth,
33:28 he was led like the lamb to the slaughter,
33:31 and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
33:35 so he did not open his mouth."
33:40 When he stood before the hierarchy
33:43 and they kicked Him and they whipped Him
33:46 and they spat on His face.
33:48 And when the Roman soldiers tore out His beard
33:54 they were amazed because He stood
33:57 there with a God like divinity
34:00 with a God like dignity.
34:06 And He was silent, so silent
34:10 that the Roman governor Pilate that cowardly man
34:16 insult the Lord by washing his hands.
34:21 The Roman Governor Pilate and he said don't you know,
34:25 I have the power to relish you or crucify you.
34:30 Jesus said you could have no power against Me
34:34 unless it was given to you from above.
34:38 He was silent when He was accused.
34:41 He was silent when He was beaten.
34:44 Jesus my friend is the only person in all the world
34:48 who can fulfill these prophecies.
34:51 Prophecy number nine, He was struck and spat upon.
34:56 I want you to think about this.
34:59 I know in a vast audience like this
35:01 there will be many, many people
35:03 who do not really believe in Jesus.
35:06 You say to me tonight why should I believe in Jesus?
35:09 I want to tell you why because Jesus believes in you.
35:17 I would tell you why you ought to believe in Him
35:19 because He went through hell, because He loves you.
35:25 What more can He do?
35:30 The Bible says we're gonna read the text,
35:34 He was struck and spat upon.
35:38 Isaiah 15:6 and I want you to read it with me.
35:45 "I offered my back to those who beat me."
35:49 This is talking about the creative God
35:52 who came down to this world.
35:53 "I offered my back to those who beat me,
35:56 my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard.
36:02 I did not hide my face
36:05 from mocking and spitting."
36:10 When he stood in the presence of the Roman Governor Pilate
36:14 and in the presence of the Jewish hierarchy
36:18 who hated Him because
36:20 He is threatened their power base.
36:23 They were a bunch of corrupt religious rulers.
36:30 And then the Roman soldiers started to beat Him
36:35 and when the whip went around His face,
36:41 the lumps of lips and bone that caught in his beard
36:46 and had ripped out his beard.
36:51 Who is this man?
36:55 This is Christ.
36:57 This is God.
37:00 Why He is going through this?
37:02 To save us.
37:04 We who are so hard in our hearts
37:07 and so sinful in our ways.
37:14 Thousands of years before He came down,
37:19 He wrote his own life story before He was born.
37:26 It was predicted this is the tenth prophecy
37:30 that He would be crucified.
37:37 And in the Book of Psalms written a thousand of years
37:41 before He was born in Bethlehem
37:45 we read these words Psalm 22:16.
37:52 Psalm 22:16, "A band of evil men
38:00 has encircled me, they have pierced
38:03 my hands and my feet."
38:09 When those words were written my beloved friends,
38:12 crucifixion was unknown.
38:16 They didn't crucified people back in those days.
38:22 But the Roman soldiers at the instigation
38:26 of the religious hierarchy took this Son of God
38:31 and they laid Him on a cross, a wooden cross.
38:39 It was the worst of suffering and as He hung up on the cross
38:44 the sin of the world of Port Moresby,
38:48 and Sydney, and Melbourne, and New York,
38:50 and Los Angeles, the sin of all of us is laid on Him.
38:55 For one brief moment in time
39:00 He was unfold on the cross
39:04 like a wounded eagle. Why?
39:10 Because He loves you so.
39:12 Will you not come to Him?
39:14 Will you not believe in Him?
39:17 Will you not follow Him?
39:22 If there had been only one lost soul,
39:26 He would have gone through that for that one lost soul.
39:30 Who is this man they crucified?
39:36 Jesus, the Son of Man, the Son of God,
39:43 the Creator of the universe, and He went through
39:48 that because He loves us.
39:57 Who was this man?
39:59 More than a man.
40:01 It was predicted He be crucified with criminals.
40:05 Prophecy number 11, Isaiah 53:12.
40:15 "Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
40:19 he will divide the spoils with the strong,
40:23 because he poured out his life unto death,
40:26 he was numbered with the transgressors.
40:30 For He bore the sin of many
40:31 and made intercession for the transgressors."
40:35 He was crucified between two thieves
40:43 so that you and I might know that we are never alone
40:48 that He came to die for sinners.
40:55 Somebody may say tonight in this great audience,
40:57 the vast audience, probably a 100,000 people in tonight.
41:01 You may say,
41:06 what shall I do to accept Him.
41:13 Believe in Him, believe in Him.
41:17 Prophecy number 12 written by Isaiah
41:19 700 years before He was born.
41:22 Isaiah 53:5-6 that He would be our substitute.
41:28 He would come and He would take our place
41:31 that He was pierced.
41:33 Think of the words my friend
41:35 you're never going to be the same after this meeting.
41:36 "But he was pierced for our transgressions,
41:40 he was crushed for our iniquities,
41:43 the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
41:46 and by his wounds we are healed."
41:52 More than a hundred years ago in the great city of London,
41:56 every morning you would see
41:57 on the mighty bosom of the Thames River
42:00 a little boat that stank it was called the sludge vessel.
42:04 All the sewage of that great city
42:07 was put inside the sludge vessel and it went out
42:11 into the Atlantic and it got rid of this sludge.
42:17 The sludge and the filth and the sin the evil,
42:22 the lying, the stealing, the crime, the blasphemy,
42:27 the commandment breaking, all of those sins,
42:30 our pride, our religious self righteousness
42:34 was put upon Him.
42:38 He was sinless.
42:40 He was holy.
42:42 He was God in human flesh but He bore our sin.
42:46 He has already bore your sin.
42:48 You don't have to pay the price for you sins,
42:52 He has already paid the price for you sins.
42:55 He paid it.
42:59 Prophecy number 13, it was predicted
43:03 that the people would cast lots for his clothing.
43:07 Can you believe it?
43:08 Cast lots for his clothing, His beautiful robe.
43:13 Psalm 22:18 written 3000 years ago
43:17 the prophet inspired by the spirit of Christ said
43:21 "They divide my garments among them
43:23 and cast lots for my clothing."
43:26 As he hung up on the cross, the Roman soldiers sat down
43:31 and they gambled over the only thing
43:34 that he possessed in this world and that was His robe.
43:40 They didn't tear it, they gambled for it.
43:46 It is written.
43:50 It was predicted thousand years before He died
43:55 that not one of his bones would be broken.
43:59 Psalm 34:20 written by King David
44:03 who was also a prophet.
44:05 You read these words, Psalm 34:20
44:09 hear the word of the Lord.
44:11 "He protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken."
44:17 Jesus was crucified on the Friday.
44:21 And before the Sabbath came in,
44:24 this is what happened.
44:27 They came to look at those men the three men,
44:30 the two criminals and the Christ.
44:35 And they had a custom they would not leave the bodies up
44:38 there on the Sabbath because they believed in keeping
44:41 the Sabbath while they crucified the man
44:43 who'd given them the Sabbath.
44:47 And so what they did was this the Roman soldiers
44:50 went around and they broke the legs of the thieves
44:53 and they took those men down and they left them lying
44:57 on the ground under the cross and when the sun went down
45:01 on the Sabbath Saturday sunset they would put up
45:04 those men again and they may live
45:07 on those crosses in hell for a week.
45:13 It was a terrible death.
45:17 A terrible death, there was no death like crucifixion.
45:21 So when they came to Jesus, they discovered
45:25 that He was dead already.
45:30 And a soldier took a spear and thrust it in His side
45:33 and out came blood and water.
45:35 He died of a broken heart.
45:37 His great heart ruptured.
45:42 But they did not break his legs
45:46 exactly as it had been predicted by the Prophet David
45:51 a thousand years before the Christ died.
45:55 It was predicted that He would be buried with the rich.
46:01 The Prophet Isaiah 2,700 years ago,
46:05 700 years I tell you before He was born.
46:10 Isaiah 53:9 made this fascinating prediction.
46:17 "He was assigned a grave with the wicked
46:20 and with the rich in his death, though he had no violence,
46:25 nor was any deceit in his mouth."
46:28 He died with the wicked, He died with the thieves
46:32 but after He died some rich people came along
46:36 and they said let us take Him.
46:40 Let us take Him because we love Him
46:46 and a rich man gave Christ his own tomb
46:50 and He was buried in the tomb of a rich man
46:55 because of the Bible prophecy my friend.
46:58 Listen to me, I appeal to you.
47:02 There is nobody else in all of the world,
47:05 there is nobody else in all of creation
47:08 who fulfills the specifications of this prophecy
47:13 and all of these prophecies.
47:15 I'm here tonight to bear the testimony to the truth
47:19 that Jesus Christ is the Almighty Son of God.
47:25 He is the Messiah, He is our Lord
47:29 and He is our coming King
47:32 and tonight I'd say, hallelujah.
47:38 Thank God for Jesus.
47:40 My friend, He is the man who wrote His own life story
47:43 before He was born it was predicted--
47:46 now here we come hallelujah.
47:49 It was predicted in Psalm 16:10-11
47:54 "That he wouldn't stay in the grave
47:56 but that He would get up out that grave."
47:59 It was predicted that death could not hold Him in the grave.
48:05 It was predicted He would come up.
48:08 Look at the text Psalm 16
48:11 and Jesus inspired these prophecies.
48:15 "Because you will not abandon me to the grave,
48:20 nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
48:24 You have made known to me the path of life.
48:28 You will fill me with joy in your presence,
48:32 with eternal pleasures at your right hand."
48:35 Listen, my friend.
48:38 They put him in the tomb
48:41 and the Roman soldiers put a seal on the tomb.
48:45 They said we have got rid of that troublemaker
48:47 and people have been saying that for thousands of years.
48:50 We've got rid of that troublemaker,
48:52 Jesus and they put a big stone on the mouth of the tomb
48:57 and then they seal the tomb.
49:00 They sealed it with a mighty seal of mighty Rome
49:06 but you wait for it.
49:09 On Sunday morning there was a tremendous earthquake.
49:16 And a mighty angel came down from the courts of glory
49:24 and all that tomb all the tomb was shaking
49:28 and all of a sudden that stone rolled away
49:33 and Jesus got up out of the sleep of death
49:38 and Jesus walked to the mouth of that tomb
49:42 and Jesus cried out,
49:44 I'm the resurrection and the life.
49:52 Listen my friends, Jesus is alive.
50:00 We don't serve a dead Christ.
50:03 We serve a living Christ.
50:05 And I want you to know tonight
50:07 I can feel His presence in this place.
50:45 Through the valley of the shadow
50:49 Through the mountains of His faith
50:54 The shepherd boy
50:56 of Judah love to save
51:03 In his words of adoration
51:07 And his simple songs of praise
51:12 He glorified Jehovah
51:16 as His King
51:22 A giant slayer
51:27 A Psalm sayer
51:31 For the God of Jacob set upon
51:40 A joy bringer
51:45 A Psalm sayer
51:48 A man after God's own heart
52:02 The boy became a ruler
52:06 Anointed for the throne
52:11 And though you sinned
52:13 He never turned away
52:20 The Lord forgave his servant
52:24 He smiled upon his servant
52:30 For the God of David
52:32 is a God of grace
52:39 To the giant slayer
52:43 The Psalm sayer
52:47 For the God of Jacob set upon
52:54 Oh, love A joy bringer
53:01 A psalm singer, yeah, yeah.
53:04 God called him a man
53:07 after his own heart
53:17 And from His seed will come a Savior
53:22 A light unto the nations
53:26 He'll be And from His land
53:32 would come a ruler
53:36 The king of our salvation
53:40 Jesus Christ is He
53:52 Make me a giant slayer
54:01 A Psalm singer
54:05 For the God of Jacob
54:08 sent upon to the Jesus
54:15 A joy bringer
54:19 A Psalm singer
54:22 God make me your man
54:24 after your own heart
54:31 Lord make me your man
54:34 after your own heart
54:41 Oh, man after
54:47 your own heart
55:02 Paul the evangelist says in the Bible,
55:05 that "God will finish His work
55:06 and cut it short in righteousness."
55:09 The Prophet Joel says, "God will pour out His spirit
55:11 in the last days, and signs and wonders will follow."
55:15 The Carter Report believes that we are now in the end times
55:19 and His spirit is moving mightily.
55:21 During the Port Moresby campaign we testify
55:24 that we saw the power of God revealed.
55:27 God hungry souls
55:30 could not get enough of the word of the Lord
55:33 as at creation the Spirit of God moved upon
55:36 the face of the waters and God brought cosmos out of chaos.
55:41 Souls were recreated in the image of the Creator.
55:45 Instead of hate there was love.
55:47 Instead of despair there was hope.
55:49 Instead of sorrow there was joy.
55:52 And in the place of death God gave life.
55:55 One night as John Carter preached on the person in work
55:58 at the Holy Spirit the image of a white bird
56:01 was flashed on the screens.
56:03 That moment a great white bird
56:05 flew low over the astonish congregation.
56:08 Cries of joy filled the air as the audience recognized
56:12 that God had visited His people.
56:14 A mighty surge of Pentecostal power swept the audience
56:18 of 120,000 souls and everyone present
56:22 felt the warm comforting presence of God.
56:26 The Carter Report team invites you my dear viewer
56:28 to be a partner in this work.
56:31 Soldiers of the cross are wanted.
56:33 Faith partners are needed.
56:35 Write to us now, here at the Carter Report,
56:38 PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358
56:44 or in Australia at PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260.
56:52 You may also contact us online at
56:56 or email us at
57:04 Thank you, for joining us today.
57:05 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter
57:08 and to receive our monthly newsletter,
57:10 write to us here at the Carter Report
57:13 P.O. Box 1900, Thousand Oaks CA 91358
57:19 or in Australia at P.O. Box 861,
57:23 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
57:28 That address again is P.O. Box 1900,
57:31 Thousand Oaks, CA 91358
57:35 or in Australia at P.O. Box 861,
57:39 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
57:43 You may also contact us online
57:45 at
57:47 Remember Jesus said, "You'll know the truth
57:50 and the truth will set you free."


Revised 2014-12-17