Participants: Pr. John Carter
Series Code: CR
Program Code: CR100004
00:01 Some of the largest crowds in the history of Christianity
00:03 attended the Carter Report in the Sir John Guise Stadium, 00:07 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 00:10 Who were these people? 00:11 Well, they were earnest seekers for truth 00:13 with hearts strangely warmed by the love of God. 00:18 They came hungry for God. 00:20 And they listened to His Word with a holy awe, 00:23 mingled with a divine excitement. 00:25 When the invitation to accept Christ 00:27 as Lord and Savior was given, thousands surged forward. 00:31 The fervency and devotion of these seekers 00:34 displayed the miracle working power 00:36 of the Holy Spirit in their lives. 00:39 You are now invited to join this mighty congregation 00:42 as Pastor John Carter forthrightly proclaims 00:45 the message hot from the heart of God. 00:48 Welcome to the Carter Report 00:50 in the Sir John Guise National Stadium, 00:53 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 01:02 Some time ago, I was speaking with a well known Hebrew scholar 01:07 who was my friend Yohanan Eldad. 01:12 And there we have a copy 01:15 of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Isaiah manuscript. 01:21 It is almost totally intact, it is all there. 01:26 I got Yohanan to read it in the Hebrew 01:29 and I read it in the English. 01:31 I took out my Bible and I read Isaiah 1 verse by verse, 01:37 he read the Hebrew verse by verse. 01:41 And I turned to him and I said to him 01:44 and he translated, I said, "Yohanan, it is the same." 01:49 He said, "Yes, this is the very word of God 01:54 that God Himself preserved for the world and for us. 02:03 Amazing. Listen, listen. 02:06 For many years, skeptics had said, 02:09 you can't believe the Bible because it is being changed 02:12 not once, it is being changed a thousand times. 02:16 The Bible they said is full of mistakes, 02:20 it is full of errors. 02:22 And then God placed in our hands 02:26 the very Bible that Jesus used from His era. 02:32 And when scholars compared our translation 02:36 of the word of God that you have in your hands 02:40 and that you have in your homes. 02:43 And when they compared it with the Dead Sea Scrolls, 02:47 the verdict was God has preserved the Bible 02:53 and it has not been changed. 02:56 Today, the word of God remains the word of God. 03:02 Thank God. Thank God. 03:07 We have it, my friend. 03:09 That was the greatest, the most wonderful discovery 03:15 I think in the history of the world 03:18 at least as far as archeology is concerned. 03:21 How can you my friend, 03:23 how can you get anything more important, 03:26 how can you get anything more illustrious, 03:29 how can you get anything more precious 03:33 than the living word of the Living God? 03:41 But the question that we're going to ask tonight is this. 03:46 Can we understand the message of this ancient book? 03:54 People tell me this. 03:56 I've heard they say an ordinary person 03:59 cannot understand the Scriptures. 04:03 They say you got to go to a seminary 04:06 and you got to go there for years, 04:08 because an ordinary person like you and me 04:13 cannot understand the word of God for ourselves. 04:20 But tonight I'm here to tell you this, 04:22 I don't care who you are. 04:25 If you come to God with an open heart, 04:29 God will give you the wisdom that you need to understand 04:34 the message of the word of God. 04:36 And He'll do this for you because you are His child 04:42 and you are the love of His life. 04:48 Did you know this, you are the love of His life? 04:52 When God looks down and sees you here tonight, 04:56 He says, I love you. 05:00 You may say nobody, nobody loves me. 05:02 Little girl said once at a party, 05:04 she said, nobody don't ever love me. 05:07 I'm here to tell you tonight God loves you, I love you. 05:13 God loves you. 05:15 You may feel a millions miles from God tonight, 05:18 I want you to know tonight that God is here 05:21 by the presence of the Holy Spirit tonight. 05:25 He's here tonight 05:27 and the message of the word of God is I love you. 05:33 Can a person understand this book? 05:36 We're gonna take the Bible, 05:38 I'm going to take my Bible that I love so much. 05:41 I read it everyday because I need to. 05:44 And I'm going to turn in my Bible to 2 Timothy 3:16. 05:50 And these are the words 05:53 of one of the greatest preachers and theologians 05:56 that the world has ever seen 05:58 and that is the Apostle Paul. 06:01 2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is God-breathed 06:09 and is useful for teaching, rebuking, 06:14 correcting and training in righteousness." 06:19 The Bible says 06:21 that the Scripture is inspired by God. 06:27 I want you to know this tonight. 06:28 The Bible is not like any other book in the world. 06:34 It's not just a book, it's science. 06:37 It's not just a book 06:38 that talks about health and all of those things. 06:41 It is not an ordinary book, 06:43 it is a book that was inspired 06:46 by the God who made the universe. 06:52 I'm here to tell you folks starting tonight, 06:54 if you take the message of the Bible into your heart, 06:58 into your home and into your soul, 07:00 you are going to be a new person. 07:06 Hey, you say to me, I can never be a new person. 07:09 You don't know what bad things that I've done. 07:11 I want you to know God knows what bad things you've done. 07:14 But God is willing to forgive you your sins 07:19 and make you into a brand new wonderful person 07:24 who knows peace and joy and happiness. 07:29 Listen to me. 07:33 God can take despair and turn it into hope. 07:39 God can take hate and the world is filled with it. 07:43 God can take hate and turn it into love. 07:48 God can take death and turn it into life. 07:54 God can take sorrow and He can turn it into joy. 08:01 Now listen to me. 08:06 I tell you these things because I know it's true. 08:11 I'm not making this stuff up. 08:14 I tell it to you because I've seen it with my own eyes, 08:18 I tell you I've seen it. 08:20 Listen, listen. 08:25 I went to Russia when the communist was still there. 08:29 You know, how many people the communist put to death 08:33 during the 70 years ofthe reign of atheism? 08:36 Don't tell me atheism is a good thing. 08:40 The Russian atheists put to death 08:43 between 50 and 70 million people, 08:48 50 and 70 million people. 08:54 I went there and I met with thousands, 08:58 hundreds of thousands, even millions 09:02 of Russians and Ukrainians. 09:06 There were people, some of them the old folks 09:09 that lived during the terrible time of Stalin. 09:13 They'd seen the blood, they'd seen the tortures. 09:18 I saw people who were so depressed 09:23 that they couldn't take their eyes off the ground, 09:27 they greeted me like this. 09:30 One night I said to a vast audience, 09:32 how many people in this vast audience, 09:34 how many suffer here from depression? 09:37 You know what? 09:39 Everybody put up his hand, even children. 09:45 Atheism tore their hearts out of Russia. 09:50 They plotted out the Son and the people were told 09:55 you are not human beings, 09:57 you are animals, you are machines. 10:01 And there is no God, and there is no heaven, 10:05 and there is no Christ. 10:11 I'm gonna tell you something. 10:13 In Kiev I spoke at the very place 10:17 where Khrushchev told the people 10:20 that the name of Christ would be plotted 10:23 from Russia and Ukraine and around the world. 10:28 Khrushchev said, atheism is going to win, Christ is dead. 10:35 But I want to tell you folks something, 10:37 Khrushchev is dead and Christ is alive. 10:41 Did you hear this? 10:43 Khrushchev is dead, Lenin is dead, Stalin is dead, 10:47 but Jesus is alive and He is coming back 10:51 in power and great glory, hallelujah. Praise God. 10:57 Now, I've run meetings in Moscow, in St Petersburg, 11:01 all the great cities of Russia and the great cities of Ukraine. 11:06 I'm going to show you a four or five minute clip 11:12 of a baptism that was held in the Dnieper River 11:17 in the very place, in the very city 11:20 where Khrushchev said, "Christ is dead 11:25 and we're going to wipe cut off His throne." 11:31 This is a baptism of people who used to be communists, 11:39 atheists, people filled with despair, 11:44 and hopelessness, and hate. 11:48 I want you to see it. 11:53 Who were this people who've come for baptism? 11:55 What had brought them to this place at this time? 11:58 They were people who had been born and bread 12:00 in atheism and communism. 12:03 They were people who had seen their nation 12:05 ravaged by the reign of monsters, 12:08 whose lives have been brutalized by the most corrupt 12:10 and oppressive system known to man. 12:13 They were young and there were old. 12:15 They were old women whose husbands had been murdered 12:18 by blood thirsty dictators. 12:20 They were young people longing for a new and better life. 12:24 They were old men who would somehow survive 12:26 the bloody purges of Marxist demons in human form. 12:29 Old soldiers who had lived through 12:31 more suffering and sorrow than we can comprehend. 12:35 They were God's children, frail, stumbling, courageous 12:39 with hearts strangely warmed by a new hope. 12:43 They were part of a great multitude of every kindred, 12:46 tongue and people redeemed by the grace of God 12:49 and washed in the blood of the Lamb. 12:53 Here in 19 of which, 50 pastors and elders 12:56 under the direction of Pastor Carter 12:57 baptized 2,817 precious souls. 13:02 For each of these new beloved brothers and sisters 13:05 along with another 671 13:08 who were baptized during the following two weeks. 13:11 We say, glory be to the Father 13:13 and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. 13:16 Let the world and the church know 13:18 we serve a mighty God 13:20 and the victory of Kiev was brought not by might 13:23 nor by power, but by His Holy Spirit. 13:26 Glory, hallelujah. 13:28 Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah, 13:34 Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, 13:42 Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah, 13:50 Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah, 13:56 Hallelujah, Hallelujah 16:20 If God can do it for atheists and communists, 16:24 He can do it for you and He can do it for me, 16:28 because the word of God 16:30 has got the power of the Almighty Creator. 16:35 And we're here tonight to talk about the power of God. 16:38 Now listen, let me tell you folks something. 16:42 Dead Sea Scrolls tells us the Bible can be trusted. 16:46 But how can we understand it? 16:47 No, it's got the power of God. 16:49 How can we understand it? 16:51 I'm going to show you a method tonight 16:53 that will help you to know that you will know in your soul 16:59 that you do understand the message of God for you. 17:04 I'm going to take my Bible over here that's on this desk 17:08 and I'm going to come over here in my Bible, 17:10 I'm using the New International Version. 17:13 And I'm going to turn over here in the Scriptures 17:16 to 1 Corinthians 2:14, here it is. 17:22 1 Corinthians 2:14, I'm going to put it up for you, 17:27 my great team are going to put it up. 17:29 But I'm going to read it here out of my Bible, 17:31 so we're just going to do this because I want you to hear it. 17:35 The Bible says, "The man without the Spirit 17:39 does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God 17:43 for they are foolishness to him, 17:46 and he cannot understand them 17:49 because they are spiritually discerned." 17:55 The Bible says a man without the Spirit of God 18:00 cannot understand the Scriptures. 18:03 That is why we open up our hearts in these meetings 18:06 to the Holy Spirit and we say, "Come, Holy Spirit." 18:12 But here we got it, the Bibles says, 18:15 it's got to be spiritually discerned. 18:19 Now I'm going to tell you something else, 18:22 I think it's in the Book of Luke, I think so. 18:25 Hey, here we go, there it is. 18:28 My guys, so good. 18:30 "And beginning with Moses," this is about Jesus. 18:32 "And all the Prophets, He explained to them 18:35 what was said in all the Scriptures 18:38 concerning Himself." 18:40 When Jesus wanted people to understand the Scriptures, 18:43 He didn't take just one little portion of the Bible, 18:47 Jesus took all Scripture 18:49 and He took a text here and He took a text there. 18:54 And He took a passage there and He put it all together. 18:58 And, my friend, when you take all the text together, 19:03 you are going to discover 19:05 the entire truth of the word of God. 19:09 You see, you should not just take one text, 19:12 some preachers take one text and they take no other text. 19:15 If you take one text, you can go in any direction, 19:18 but if you get all the text on that subject 19:22 you are going to find the will of God 19:25 and you are going to discover God's plan for your life. 19:27 Now Bible writers spoke about many things. 19:33 They spoke about forgiveness 19:36 and death and spiritism, that's Friday night. 19:42 They spoke about contacting the dead, 19:45 they spoke about the demons. 19:47 They spoke about heaven, 19:49 they spoke about the antichrist. 19:53 Next week I'm going to speak about the antichrist. 19:55 I don't know where we're going to put the crowd. 19:58 We're going to have 200,000 people here. 20:02 Bible writers spoke about family and divorce 20:06 and human sexuality and they spoke about health. 20:09 And Bible writers spoke about money and prosperity. 20:15 Now I'm going to show you how the Bible can be understood 20:19 by comparing the texts of the Bible. 20:23 This talk is an illustration of the teachings of Christ 20:29 on how to study and understand the Bible. 20:31 I'm going to talk now 20:33 about the coming of Christ the second time. 20:37 The first text I'm going to take 20:39 in the Bible is John 14:1-3. 20:45 And this is what Jesus is talking about. 20:49 Notice what He said. 20:50 "Do not let your hearts be troubled." 20:51 Do you worry? 20:53 Well sometimes I worry, but Jesus said it's wrong. 20:57 "Trust in God, trust also in Me. 20:59 In my Father's house are many rooms, 21:03 if it were not so, I would have told you. 21:05 I am going there to prepare a place for you. 21:09 And if I go and prepare a place for you." 21:12 All right, say this with me. 21:14 "I will come back and take you to be with Me." 21:21 He said this, "That you also may be where I am." 21:26 Jesus said, I will come back 21:30 and it says in the King James Version 21:33 that I love very much, 21:35 I'm going to put it up here on the blackboard, okay. 21:38 Are you having a good time here tonight? Yes. 21:42 Are you glad that you are here tonight? Yes. 21:45 I tell you God is here tonight and God is blessing us 21:48 I can feel the Spirit of the Living God in this place. 21:51 Jesus said, I will. 21:58 When He says it, you can believe it, 21:59 I will come again. 22:05 He said, I will come back, 22:11 that's why I call this talk sometimes dead, 22:16 buried, resurrected 22:20 and coming back soon to see you. 22:25 So that's the first truth. 22:27 What does the Bible say on this subject? 22:29 It's plain, the Bible says, 22:31 Jesus said, I will come again 22:33 and people say, He's not gonna come again, 22:35 you're not telling the truth. 22:36 Jesus said, I will come again. 22:39 Now the question is how will He come again? 22:42 Some people have got crazy ideas on this subject. 22:45 Some people say He's already come. 22:49 And what does the Bible say? 22:51 Well, I'm going to turn in the Bible 22:52 in my Bible to Acts 1:9-11. 22:58 I just love this book. 23:00 It's got the power of God in it. 23:02 Acts 1:9-11 and for your convenience 23:07 we're gonna put it on the screen 23:09 and we're gonna read it with you. 23:11 "After he said this, he was taken up 23:14 before their very eyes, 23:17 and a cloud hid him from their sight. 23:20 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, 23:25 when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them." 23:29 Angels, "'Men of Galilee,' they said 23:32 'why do you stand here looking into the sky? 23:35 This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, 23:39 will come back in the same way 23:42 you have seen him go into heaven.'" 23:46 The Bible says it is not going to be a different Jesus. 23:51 The Bible says it is going to be the same Jesus 23:57 and He's going to come back in the same way He went away, 24:01 He went away visibly, He went away personally 24:06 and therefore He's going to come back personally, 24:09 He's going to come back visibly. 24:11 He's not going to come back as a spirit. 24:15 On one occasion after the resurrection, 24:17 Jesus was meeting with His disciples. 24:21 And they were scared to death. 24:25 When they saw Him they thought He was a ghost or a spirit. 24:29 And Jesus said, "Handle me and see 24:33 for a spirit or a ghost doesn't have flesh and bones. 24:39 As you see that I have" and then He ate some fish. 24:46 I want you to know that Jesus is alive 24:50 and He is a real person. 24:53 And when Jesus comes back in glory, 24:57 He is coming back as a real person 25:02 and you will see Him. 25:06 Number 2, I'm gonna turn now to Revelation 1:7, 25:11 Revelation 1:7 and we're going to turn to the last book. 25:18 You know what a beautiful night I'm up here, 25:21 it's blowing me around a bit but this is about 25:24 the best place for speaking in the world. 25:27 Just beautiful climate here tonight, 25:30 a beautiful breeze blowing, we say thank You, God. 25:34 And I'm going to read now Revelation 1:7. 25:37 You're ready for this? 25:39 "Look, He is coming with the clouds, 25:42 and every eye will see Him." Wow. 25:47 "Even those who pierced Him, 25:49 and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of Him. 25:53 So shall it be! Amen." 25:56 The Bible says, the same Jesus is coming back 26:00 and then the Bible says, 26:03 He is going to come back visibly, 26:06 did you see that? 26:09 It's gonna be real birth. 26:12 When He comes back, 26:13 the people of Port Moresby are going to see Him. 26:17 That's why we need to get ready to meet Him. 26:21 The people all around the world are going to see. 26:25 He's going to come back and with the angels, 26:28 He is going to fill the heavens. 26:30 You are going to see Him. 26:35 That's why my beloved friends in Papua New Guinea, 26:41 I say to this vast audience tonight, 26:44 we shall see the King. 26:48 Now here's another text, you see I'm taking one text here 26:51 and another text here and another text here 26:53 and I'm putting all of the texts together 26:56 and we're getting the truth of God. 26:58 Now here's the text, He's going to come back, 27:00 Matthew 24:30, 31. Matthew 24:30, 31. 27:08 and you and I are going to read it out of the screens. 27:12 I'm told last night there were so many people here, 27:15 there were people in another football field 27:18 and I couldn't see it. 27:20 They couldn't see the text, they couldn't see the screens. 27:23 But they could hear the word of God 27:25 and I want them to know this tonight 27:28 even if you can't get into this place, 27:30 the word of God is with power 27:33 and the word of God will save you, 27:34 if you turn to God tonight. 27:36 Here's the text. 27:39 My guys tonight are doing such a fantastic job. 27:44 "At the time the sign of the Son of Man 27:46 will appear in the sky, 27:49 and all the nations of the earth will mourn. 27:52 They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, 27:57 with power and great glory. 28:03 He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call, 28:06 and they will gather His elect from the four winds, 28:09 from one end of the heavens to the other." 28:12 Can you just think about this? 28:17 Look at these great pictures on the screen, 28:19 isn't this tremendous? 28:21 Just imagine when Christ comes back to Papua New Guinea, 28:25 when He comes back to New York, 28:27 when He comes back to my hometown, 28:30 the city of Los Angeles, 28:32 when He comes back to Brisbane or Sydney, 28:34 the sky from north to south, 28:39 from east to west is going to be filled 28:42 with these mighty angelic messengers. 28:47 The mighty angels of God 28:49 and Christ will come in power and great glory. 28:55 My friend, it is the truth. 28:58 He is the stone, He is the mighty stone 29:02 that comes and smites the image. 29:08 The Spirit of God today is moving. 29:10 He is moving wherever human hearts sense their need. 29:13 He is moving whenever 29:15 and wherever souls reach out to Him. 29:17 He is moving because these are not ordinary times. 29:21 He is moving through the proclamation 29:23 of His living word. 29:25 During the Port Moresby meetings, 29:27 the Spirit of God was powerfully present. 29:30 One evening, as Pastor John Carter 29:31 spoke about the Holy Spirit and His work to redeem souls, 29:35 a huge white bird flew low over the audience. 29:38 The congregation of more than 100,000 witnessed the sight 29:42 and believed that God had sent them a sign. 29:45 Tens of thousands poured forward 29:48 to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. 29:50 God today is calling you, 29:52 as you view this program to come to Him in faith. 29:55 The work of the Holy Spirit is not restricted 29:58 to any one place on earth wherever you are, He is there. 30:02 God loves you. 30:03 He has a plan for you and a glorious future. 30:10 Now, I'm gonna give another text to see what we're doing, 30:13 can you see what I'm trying to do? 30:15 We are going from text to text, 30:17 we're building a case for truth. 30:19 Now we ask the question of the Bible. 30:22 You see, I'm not telling you 30:24 how a church interprets the Bible. 30:26 I'm not here tonight to tell you 30:28 what my church believes about the Bible. 30:30 I'm not here to tell you 30:31 what the Roman Catholics believe, I love them. 30:33 I'm not here to tell you 30:35 what the Baptists believe, I love them. 30:36 I'm not here to tell you 30:38 what the Methodists believe, I love them. 30:39 I'm not here to tell you 30:41 what the Adventists believe, I love them. 30:43 I'm here to tell you what the word of God says. 30:45 You get it my friend. 30:47 So we're talking tonight from the Bible. 30:51 Okay. Why will Christ return? 30:56 The Bible says He's coming back, 30:58 number one, to raise the righteous dead. 31:05 I'm turning in the Bible here to 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 31:12 first just give me a moment to find it in the Bible. 31:16 1 Thessalonians 4 and we're going to put it on the screen 31:20 and I'm going to read it from my Bible 31:23 and you are going to read it off the screen. 31:25 How does that suit you? 31:27 The Bible says, "For the Lord Himself 31:30 will come down from heaven, with a loud command." 31:36 It's gonna be pretty noisy. 31:37 "With the voice of the archangel 31:40 and with the trumpet call of God, 31:42 and the dead in Christ will rise first." 31:47 He's coming back to raise the dead. 31:53 When I was a young man living for a while in North Queensland, 31:59 I had a series of meetings in the town of Mackay. 32:03 You know it? Mackay. 32:06 A family came along there from a poor part of Europe. 32:10 And the father whose name was Jimmy 32:12 came along to the meetings 32:14 and he brought his little girl whose name was Esther. 32:22 Do you know what Esther means? 32:25 It means star. 32:30 And this little girl who came to the meetings, 32:34 this little star was just a little thing. 32:37 Those people were dreadfully poor. 32:40 They had come from this 32:42 dreadfully poor place in the Mediterranean. 32:46 My wife Beverly said to me 32:48 why don't we take her to our home for a weekend. 32:51 And we'll scrub her up and make her into a princess. 32:56 We'll do her hair and we'll clean her. 33:00 And we'll buy her new shoes 33:02 and we'll get her a pretty little dress. 33:07 That was on Saturday and Jimmy said, yes, 33:11 you can come and get my little star. 33:18 But the next Thursday the phone rang, 33:23 somebody said you need to go out to Jimmy's place 33:26 out on the sugarcane farm. 33:29 When we got out there we heard the story. 33:35 Jimmy's wife was an alcoholic. I hate alcohol. 33:42 So now you know what I think about that. 33:46 How it destroys nations, how it destroyed Russia, 33:51 how it's destroying so many people here in PNG. 33:58 Bible says, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, 34:03 whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." 34:07 Anyhow, she was drunk, 34:11 so Jimmy took little Esther with him 34:14 on the tractor that day. 34:16 Because she wanted to go with daddy 34:18 and she didn't have a mommy who looked after her 34:21 'cause she was drunk. 34:27 You know the huge big wheels these tractors have. 34:31 Well, little Esther stood with her daddy, 34:34 he sat on the seat, she stood beside him. 34:38 And as they were bumping over the ground, 34:42 the little girl fell off 34:44 and the wheel went over her body. 34:52 And she was killed, 34:54 I was asked to bury this little star. 35:02 I will never forget that little coffin 35:06 that Jimmy carried in his own arms. 35:10 And as we put that little girl down into the grave, 35:14 I told them this little star will shine again. 35:22 This little star will shine again. 35:26 I want you to know if you die with your faith in Christ, 35:30 you are going to live again. 35:32 God is going to raise you from the grave. 35:35 I want you to know, 35:36 I don't care who you are, death is not the end. 35:40 I want to tell you death is not the end. 35:44 Jesus rose from the dead 35:46 and Jesus gave the devil a licking. 35:50 Christ is alive and He's going to come back 35:53 and He's going to raise the dead. 35:56 I want you to know that. 36:00 Imagine being an atheist and having no hope, no joy. 36:05 He's coming back to raise the dead 36:08 and He's coming back. 36:09 Number two, to translate the righteous living, 36:13 that means to give them new bodies. 36:16 I'm turning now to another text, 36:17 you see one text here, one text there, one text there. 36:20 I'm turning to 1 Corinthians 15:51-55. 36:27 I'm gonna read it to you right off the screen. 36:30 These are the words of Holy Scripture. 36:35 See tonight we're not just taking a text here 36:37 and twisting it. 36:40 We're letting the Bible speaks for itself. 36:43 This is not my interpretation, it is the teaching of the Bible. 36:48 "Listen, I tell you a mystery." 36:52 The Bible says, "We will not all sleep," 36:54 that means we won't all die. 36:57 "But we will all be changed-- in a flash, 37:00 in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. 37:04 For the trumpet will sound, the trumpet will sound, 37:10 the dead will be raised imperishable, 37:14 and we will be changed. 37:16 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable 37:21 and the mortal with immortality... 37:25 then the saying that is written will come true, 37:28 'Death has been swallowed up in victory.' 37:30 ''Where, O death, is your victory? 37:32 Where, O death, is your sting?'" 37:37 Think about it. 37:39 Listen, Jesus comes back, there's a mighty earthquake. 37:44 The mossy old graves where the pilgrims sleep 37:47 shall be opened as wide as before, 37:49 and the millions that sleep in the mighty deep 37:52 shall live on this earth once more. 37:54 If you've got your faith in Christ 37:56 and if you follow Christ, pity the poor atheist, 38:00 pity the poor sinner who turns away from God, 38:04 because God's people are going to hear the voice of Christ 38:08 and they are going to wake up forever. 38:14 Then the Bible says God's people who are living on the earth, 38:20 their bodies are going to be changed. 38:24 No more white hair. 38:28 At least I got some. 38:30 No more white hair, no more wrinkles. 38:35 No more old age, no arthritis, 38:39 no cancer, no heart disease, 38:43 no funerals, no sorrow, no partings and no end. 38:51 That's why Jesus is coming back. 38:54 I believe the Stone is going to come soon. 38:57 And here's another text. 38:59 He's coming back to destroy the wicked. 39:06 I'm not gonna leave that out, 39:08 even if I offend some people I'm gonna tell it to you. 39:12 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 tells us 39:18 that when Christ comes down the heavens, 39:21 when He rides His chariot back to this planet, 39:25 He is going to destroy the evildoers. 39:31 Listen, "God is just, 39:34 He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you 39:37 and give relief to you who are troubled, 39:40 and to us as well. 39:42 This will happen when the Lord Jesus 39:45 is revealed from heaven 39:46 in blazing fire with His powerful angels. 39:52 He will punish those who do not know God 39:55 and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 40:00 They will be punished with everlasting destruction 40:05 and shut out from the presence of the Lord 40:07 and from the majesty of His power 40:11 on the day he comes to be glorified in His holy people 40:17 and to be marveled at 40:19 among all those who have believed. 40:23 This includes you, 40:25 because you believed our testimony to you." 40:29 Now listen, listen to me. 40:34 Stalin thought I can murder people, 40:38 I can kill them when I die that's the end. 40:44 Stalin my friend, it is not the end, 40:47 Christ is coming back for you 40:50 and you are going to be raised to meet Him in judgment. 40:54 I want you to know this 40:56 and I say this with great love to you 40:58 because God loves you, 40:59 Christ died for you, I love you. 41:05 If a person turns away from God 41:09 and breaks the commandments of God 41:12 and lives a life of sin, stealing, lying, 41:17 cheating, fornicating. 41:20 All of these great crimes against God 41:24 and against humanity, 41:25 the Bible tells me he can repent and he can be saved 41:30 and he can turn to God and his life can be changed. 41:35 But if a person, my friend, 41:37 dies in a state of willful rebellion against God, 41:42 He's going to wake up to the judgment of God. 41:46 And the Bible says, the fire is going to come down. 41:53 Let's have a look at that. 41:56 So to make you think, doesn't it? 41:59 The earth is going to catch on fire. 42:03 If you want to be fireproof, my friend, 42:05 get covered tonight by the blood of Jesus, 42:08 because the blood of Jesus can make you fireproof. 42:13 I want you to know this. 42:14 Can you see what we're doing tonight? 42:16 We're putting one text with another text 42:19 and we are discovering the very truth of God. 42:23 He's coming back, yes, He's coming back 42:26 and He's coming back to cleanse the earth. 42:30 We've made such a mess of it. 42:33 We filled it with pollution, 42:34 we filled it with sin, we filled it with crime. 42:39 But God is going to come back 42:40 and He is going to cleanse the earth. 42:42 I turn now to 2 Peter 3:10-13. 42:46 Can you see what we're doing from text to text? 42:49 2 Peter3:10-13. 42:55 My friend, you better not love the world too much 42:58 because God is going to cleanse it. 43:00 "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief." 43:02 People won't expect it. 43:04 "The heavens will disappear with a roar, 43:07 the elements will be destroyed by fire, 43:09 and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. 43:12 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, 43:15 what kind of people ought you to be? 43:19 You ought to live holy and godly lives 43:21 as you look forward to the day of God 43:23 and speed its coming. 43:26 That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens 43:29 by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 43:33 But in keeping with His promise 43:35 we are looking forward to a new heaven 43:38 and a new earth, the home of righteousness." 43:42 Listen to me. 43:45 I want you to know this, this is the truth. 43:49 This whole world soon is going to catch on fire. 43:52 And sinners who've turned away from the word of God 43:56 are going to be in that fire. 43:57 I'm not saying this to scare you, 43:59 I'm simply telling you because this is the truth. 44:02 You really want--does anybody want me to tell lies? 44:05 Does anybody want me to cover it up and tell fairy tales? 44:09 I'm here tonight, I'm dedicated 44:11 to preaching the truth of the word of God. 44:16 Now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, 44:20 my beloved friends, the best audience, 44:24 this vast audience of many, many tens of thousands, 44:29 last night more than 100,000, 44:31 how many tonight, I don't know. 44:34 But listen to me, what we've been doing is simple. 44:38 We've been doing what Jesus said to do. 44:41 We've been comparing the Scriptures. 44:44 We haven't been taking one text 44:46 and just twisting it to suit what my church teaches. 44:50 We are not, we are not here tonight 44:51 to talk about what churches teach. 44:55 But when you put the text together 44:57 it makes it ever so plain that Christ is coming back soon. 45:03 And He's coming back to raise the dead, 45:06 to translate the righteous living, 45:08 to destroy the wicked, to cleanse the earth 45:12 and to set up a kingdom of glory. 45:17 Hallelujah. 45:21 We're gonna read the text that we read last night. 45:26 I love it. 45:28 Daniel 2:44, 45. 45:33 What a meeting we had last night, folks. 45:37 I'll never forget it. 45:39 Here it is. 45:41 "In the time of those kings, 45:44 the God of heaven will set up a kingdom." 45:46 It's going to happen soon. 45:49 "That will never be destroyed, 45:52 nor will it be left to another people. 45:55 It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, 46:03 but it will itself endure forever. 46:06 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock 46:09 cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands-- 46:14 a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, 46:19 the silver and the gold to pieces. 46:23 'The great God has shown the king 46:26 what will take place in the future. 46:28 The dream is true 46:30 and the interpretation is trustworthy.'" 46:33 Listen. 46:34 Remember, remember, remember the great metal man. 46:41 Remember him last night, head of gold, 46:44 chest of silver, belly and thighs of bronze. 46:47 You get down my friend, you keep coming down, 46:49 Babylon, Medo-Persia. 46:53 Then you come down to Greece 46:54 and then you come down to the legs of Rome. 46:59 Then you come to the break up of the Roman Empire 47:01 into the kingdoms in the states of Europe. 47:04 We are living in the toes, the Stone is coming. 47:13 Listen to me. 47:18 Listen carefully. 47:20 Listen to me. 47:23 See how that stone becomes a mountain 47:25 and fills the whole earth. 47:27 There he is. 47:32 And I want you to get a picture now of Jesus in your minds, 47:35 of Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven. 47:38 I want you to see Him in glory. 47:42 And maybe we can put up just enough, 47:45 I thought of a picture of Jesus. 47:48 There He is. 47:50 You know it is going to be a new beautiful world. 47:56 Everybody is gonna be there. 47:59 You see the-- 48:00 all the different types of people. 48:02 God has got a big family. 48:05 He got all sorts of people in that family, 48:07 He's got short people and tall people. 48:09 He's got black people and white people. 48:12 He's got brown people and yellow people. 48:15 He's got people with white hair and people with no hair. 48:21 He is a big Father with a big family. 48:26 And He wants you to be a part of that family. 48:28 He really does. 48:33 And I want to give you something tonight, 48:36 I want to tell you something. 48:39 This is the greatest text in all the Bible. 48:41 I can sense tonight 48:42 that the Spirit of the Lord is in this place. 48:46 I can feel His mighty power. 48:49 I can feel His wondrous grace. 48:53 I can feel His mantle of power up on me tonight, 48:56 He is here. 48:57 I thank you God that You are here tonight with us. 49:04 The greatest text in all the Bible is found, 49:08 you know, in the gospel of John where Jesus said, 49:14 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, 49:20 so that whoever," that's you, 49:23 "Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, 49:28 but have everlasting life." 49:31 If you tonight will believe truly in Christ 49:36 and ask Him to come into your heart, 49:41 something wonderful is going to happen to you. 49:44 A miracle will happen in your life. 49:48 You will become a new person, 49:52 a child of God, a citizen of the kingdom. 50:00 And when Jesus comes, He'll say to you, 50:04 He'll look at you and He will say, 50:07 "My son and My daughter, 50:10 it is now time for you to come home." 50:19 We're going to do something now 50:21 and this is going to be very meaningful 50:23 for every one of us. 50:24 Would you like to have a place there in that place? 50:27 The glory land? 50:30 I'm going to pray with you tonight. 50:33 I'm going to make this a very meaningful prayer. 50:36 And I want you because you're the best audience ever 50:40 and the most respectful audience. 50:42 Goodness, folks, you don't get audiences like this 50:45 anywhere in the world. 50:46 You're so respectful, you're so quite, 50:48 you're so reverent. 50:50 You're so nice, you're so loving. 50:52 I'm gonna ask you to stand as we pray 50:55 because that's what we ought to do. 50:58 We're not gonna sit down there 50:59 when we're talking to the king of the universe. 51:03 What we're gonna do is 51:04 we're gonna have a little prayer with Him. 51:07 We're going to ask Him to come into our hearts tonight. 51:11 We are going to ask Him to bless us. 51:15 We are going to ask Him to forgive our sins. 51:18 We're going to ask Him to give us new hearts, 51:24 soft hearts, kind hearts, pure hearts and new hearts. 51:31 So what we're gonna do now. 51:34 We're just gonna be very, very quiet. 51:36 I've never seen an audience as good as you. 51:40 I think you are a wonderful group of people. 51:44 We're going to bow our heads. 51:46 We're going to close our eyes, 51:48 but we're going to open our hearts. 51:51 And we're going to ask Christ to come into our hearts tonight 51:57 and give us citizenship in the kingdom of God. 52:01 Does that sound good to you? 52:04 We're gonna bow our heads, 52:05 we're gonna close our eyes, all together. 52:12 Dear Father, in the quietness of this sacred place 52:17 because it is sacred. 52:20 It is your cathedral because You are here. 52:27 This vast audience, maybe 100,000, I don't know. 52:32 People half a mile away listening inside their cars. 52:38 People hearing the word so far away 52:42 they can't even see the screens. 52:44 But the good news is You can see them, 52:49 You know all about them. 52:51 You love them because Jesus died for them. 52:57 Help every person to know tonight 53:00 that if there had only been one lost sinner, 53:03 one lost soul, Christ would have come down from glory 53:08 and gone to the cross for that lost soul. 53:12 Oh, we're so thankful tonight. 53:15 We thank for that 53:16 He would have died for each one of us tonight, 53:20 because that tells us that every person here is important. 53:25 And that every person here can go home to glory 53:29 and have a mansion in heaven. 53:32 If we would just open up our hearts tonight. 53:36 As we're praying here 53:38 and this is a vast audience with every head bowed 53:43 and every eye closed in the presence of God. 53:47 How many tonight with me 53:49 will raise their hand and say tonight, 53:52 "Oh, Christ, come into my heart." 53:56 Would you raise your hand tonight if that's your prayer? 54:00 Lift up your hand high 54:02 and let the Lord know 54:05 He is coming soon 54:09 and He's-- He'll be looking for you. 54:12 He wants to say to you, come on home now, 54:18 I've got a place for you, 54:20 I've got a mansion for you in paradise. 54:24 Dear Father and God, 54:26 look at all these upraised hands, 54:28 tens of thousands of them. 54:31 And look at the hearts, we can't see the hearts, 54:38 but You sure can. 54:40 You know what we're thinking. 54:43 You know what we've done today. 54:45 You know our sins but You love us just the same. 54:51 So tonight, dear Father, as we keep our hands up, 54:56 we say to You, dear Lord, take away our fears, 55:01 take away our hates, take away our sins, 55:05 take away our depressions, our anxiety. 55:09 And right now fill us with Your love 55:14 and Your joy and Your peace. 55:20 And grant every one of us here tonight 55:23 in this vast, vast cathedral with the sky above us. 55:30 Grant each of us the gift of everlasting life. 55:39 We worship You, 55:42 we bless You and we praise You 55:48 in Jesus name. 55:54 And everybody say it, amen, amen. 56:03 Who are these people attending the Carter Report 56:06 at the Sir John Guise Stadium, 56:07 Port Moresby, New Papua Guinea? 56:09 Well, they come from all walks of life. 56:12 In this great congregation of more than 100,000, 56:15 we find doctors, lawyers, politicians, 56:18 ambassadors, carpenters, students, teachers, 56:21 believers and unbelievers. 56:23 There are husbands and wives with their families. 56:26 There are the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak. 56:30 They are being told that Christ alone is the way, 56:33 the truth and the life. 56:36 They are hearing the words of life 56:37 and their hearts are being strangely warmed. 56:40 Sometimes they feel that their hearts will burst 56:43 and they feel compel to hurry down to the front 56:46 to publicly confess the Savior. 56:48 They are shown in the scriptures that God commands men everywhere 56:52 to repent and be baptized. 56:55 They respond with the holy devotion 56:57 and a passionate intensity. 56:59 Will you not join them? |
Revised 2014-12-17