Carter Report, The

Visitors From Other Worlds

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR100002

00:01 Welcome to the Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium
00:03 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
00:06 More than 100,000 souls are in attendance
00:09 and John Carter is preaching the word of God.
00:11 The Great congregation sits motionless.
00:14 They are spellbound, not by the oratory of the speaker
00:17 but by the spirit of God as He bares witness to His word.
00:21 An atmosphere of divine solemnity
00:24 mingled with a holy joy pervades the stadium
00:27 and spills out to the thousands gathered outside.
00:31 Night by night, in weather fair and foul,
00:34 the old warrior preaches on.
00:36 Tens of thousands come to Christ.
00:39 Thousands are baptized in the sea at Ela beach
00:42 and still more press forward to publicly confess Christ.
00:46 Now this is your opportunity
00:49 to be a part of what many have called a new Pentecost.
00:52 Welcome to the Carter Report at the Sir John Guise Stadium
00:56 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
01:02 Are you folks ready for a great meeting tonight?
01:05 I better hear it from you.
01:08 Are you ready for a divine encounter?
01:12 Are you ready for this?
01:16 I'm glad to hear you are talking back to me tonight,
01:18 because you are just a great audience.
01:21 Tonight's topic is "Visitors from other Worlds."
01:27 And the amazing wonders of our inhabited universe.
01:35 Now listen very, very carefully.
01:39 If you want to be a happy person,
01:42 you've got to have the answers
01:44 to a number of very important questions.
01:49 And here there are, if you don't understand this,
01:52 you never going to be a happy person.
01:56 It doesn't matter so much where you were born?
02:00 What country you come from?
02:02 But it all depends upon your knowing
02:06 the answers to these questions.
02:08 Number one, who am I?
02:11 The Russians for 70 years were taught by the atheist,
02:15 that they were nothing more than a bit of junk.
02:21 At the best an animal, at the worst a machine.
02:26 Are you an animal, are you a machine
02:29 or are you a child of God?
02:33 That's what we are going to talk about tonight.
02:35 Where did I come from is a great question.
02:38 Am I the product, listen to this, this is not too deep.
02:43 Am I the product of time,
02:46 plus matter, plus chance?
02:52 Am I a cosmic accident or was I created
02:59 by an Almighty God who loves me?
03:02 Many people will tell you
03:04 that there is no purpose to your life.
03:10 Where did i come from? Why I'm here?
03:14 And where am I going? Do you know where you are going?
03:22 Do you know for a certainty
03:27 that you are living according to a divine plan
03:31 and that you are somebody important and special
03:36 even if you don't have much money?
03:39 Because one day you're going to be richer
03:43 than all the pharaohs of Egypt, did you hear this?
03:47 You are going to be richer than all the pharaohs of Egypt.
03:55 Tonight we are gonna take you to the stars.
04:00 You are gonna just love this tonight
04:03 as we lift you up, take you to the stars.
04:06 Every one of those little specks on the screen is a galaxy
04:11 composed of billions and billions
04:15 and billions of blazing suns.
04:18 Listen to me, when I was a small boy
04:22 growing up in Brisbane, Queensland.
04:26 And I married a Queenslander
04:29 and her father fought right here
04:34 in this part of the world of the Kokoda Trail.
04:39 He fought side by side
04:43 with your fathers and your grandfathers.
04:46 So I want you to know, that you and I
04:49 have got something in common together tonight.
04:53 I want you to know that.
04:57 I'm not just a foreigner, who has come in here,
04:59 but I'm your friend and I'm your brother,
05:02 I want you to know that.
05:05 Now listen to me, when I was little boy
05:07 growing up in Brisbane, which is a beautiful city.
05:10 I asked my mother the question,
05:13 because I was always interested in astronomy,
05:15 I asked her the question.
05:17 Where does the universe start? Where does the universe end?
05:21 It's a good question, because I had the idea
05:24 that somewhere out there in space there was a brick wall
05:29 and on the other side of the brick wall
05:32 it was the end of the universe.
05:35 I've asked the question, time after time since that day.
05:40 How vast is the universe? How big are the stars?
05:44 How many stars? How big are the galaxies?
05:47 How many galaxies are there?
05:50 How important is this little "Cosmic Speck of Dust"
05:55 that we call planet Earth?
05:58 You folks listening to me tonight?
06:01 This is pretty important, who is God? Where is God?
06:07 Within all of us there is the consciousness of God.
06:10 I don't care whether you are a white person in America,
06:14 a black person in America.
06:15 I don't care about the color of your skin,
06:18 because God doesn't.
06:21 I want you to know something God hates racism,
06:26 and God hates-- God hates, no He loves people,
06:29 but He hates the sin of racism, where people hate each other
06:35 because of how they look.
06:39 What is this God like?
06:43 I want you to know, He is a good God
06:46 and within every one of us
06:48 there is the consciousness of God.
06:50 We are born with it, you can't get away from it.
06:55 The great Roman Catholic theologian, St Augustine said,
06:58 "Our souls were made for God
07:01 and they cannot rest until they rest in Him."
07:04 There may be a man or a woman sitting there tonight
07:07 and you're not happy, you know what,
07:11 you think money is going to make you happy.
07:14 That's a foolish notion.
07:16 Maybe some of you are sitting here tonight
07:18 and inside you there is a vacuum and an emptiness,
07:24 only God can fill that my friend.
07:27 And not some little god out in the jungle,
07:30 not some little idol, but the great God
07:34 who made the universe.
07:40 Did you know we live in an expanding universe?
07:47 There's a great picture that was taken many years ago
07:50 of the great Professor Einstein
07:53 talking to the great Professor Hubble
07:55 after whom the telescope is named, the Hubble telescope.
08:02 The great professor is showing pictures
08:08 from the stars that showed that the universe is expanding.
08:15 It's expanding in some places almost at the speed of light
08:23 which is 186,000 miles a second.
08:29 And all of the galaxies
08:32 are moving away from each other.
08:39 We live in an expanding universe.
08:43 Many, many years scientists believed that the universe
08:48 had never had a beginning.
08:50 They believed in the Steady State theory of the universe.
08:55 So they did not believe in an origin of the universe,
08:59 such as the Bible teaches.
09:01 But this book I've got in my hands tonight,
09:04 which is the Holy Bible tells me in Genesis 1:1,
09:10 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
09:16 God created the heavens and the earth.
09:22 When it said the heavens, it meant the universe.
09:25 "In the beginning God created heavens and the earth."
09:29 The Bible spoke about a beginning of the universe.
09:34 Scientists and even Einstein until he was an old man believed
09:39 that the universe had always been there.
09:44 But Professor Hubble brought the pictures
09:47 that showed to Professor Einstein
09:50 that the universe had a beginning.
09:53 And one of America's greatest scientists Dr. Jastrow of NASA
10:00 wrote an article recently, he said,
10:02 all of this caught us by surprise, he said,
10:06 "we had not expected to find an abrupt beginning
10:10 to the universe we had always thought it was there."
10:14 He said, "Now we know,
10:18 it is true that the Bible is correct, when it says,
10:23 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.'"
10:31 I want you to know this.
10:33 Now scientists have got a name for it.
10:36 Look at these pictures from NASA.
10:39 Look at these island universes, look at these galaxies.
10:45 Those galaxies are composed a billions of blazing suns.
10:50 Not millions, but billions of blazing suns.
10:55 And the Bible says,
10:57 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
11:01 The Bible was right.
11:05 'Cause the Bible taught that there was a beginning
11:09 and scientists now know that there was a beginning
11:12 and they call it, don't be afraid of the term,
11:15 they call it, The "Big Bang."
11:19 Listen how big is the universe?
11:22 Well, we are going to have a just a little game here tonight.
11:26 And I'm going to go over here to the blackboard
11:29 and I'm going to put up a little drawing of the Milky Way system.
11:35 At the beginning of the Milky Way
11:39 there is a black hole.
11:43 It exerts a tremendous gravitational pull
11:48 and everything in the Milky Way system
11:52 is revolving around the black hole.
11:58 And 30,000 light years from the center of our galaxy
12:05 is a tiny little planet and it is called planet Earth.
12:11 It is in the only place in the galaxy
12:17 where life can survive.
12:20 If our planet was up here
12:24 towards the center of the universe,
12:26 if it was down here
12:28 we could not live, we could not survive
12:32 and in this great Milky Way system.
12:36 Now you wait for it friend, in the Milky Way system
12:40 of which we are a tiny little part
12:42 there are 200,000 million blazing suns,
12:50 and some astronomers are saying,
12:54 that is a conservative figure
12:56 may be there are 400 billion suns in the Milky Way system.
13:04 And if you go across the Milky Way system,
13:08 traveling at the speed of light.
13:10 And this is our backyard, if you go across
13:13 the Milky Way system it takes you
13:15 traveling at 186,000 miles a second
13:18 it takes you a 120,000 years.
13:24 This is our Milky Way system.
13:28 Now listen, I want to tell you folks something,
13:32 because this is sort of astounding.
13:36 How many stars could be in the universe?
13:42 How many stars up there in space?
13:47 We now know this, now wait for this.
13:54 We now know this, this is conservative.
13:58 The Milky Way alone has 200 billion stars.
14:03 But there are 200 billion galaxies like the Milky Way.
14:13 I want you to think about this.
14:16 How many stars in universe?
14:19 Well let's have a little bit of fun
14:21 here tonight in Port Moresby.
14:22 And let's do a little bit of mathematics.
14:26 Look at this how many stars?
14:28 Let's say the average number of stars
14:30 for galaxy same as in our system, 200 billion.
14:35 And we know there are 200 billion galaxies
14:39 the total number of stars in the universe is 40...
14:46 It is that?
14:50 It's an incredible figure.
14:53 This would give us
14:54 the total number of blazing suns in the universe.
15:01 And the Bible says, "In the beginning
15:04 God created the heavens and the earth."
15:07 The total number of stars it is 40 with 21 zeros
15:14 that means 40,000 quadrillion stars.
15:20 And they are expanding, everything is expanding.
15:24 I've got so much amazing stuff I can tell you.
15:28 Listen, you don't have to remember all of this stuff,
15:34 but this is absolutely true.
15:38 What we see out there tonight,
15:40 I want you go and see on the screens,
15:43 is less than 1%
15:48 of the universe
15:49 because 99% of the universe
15:52 is made up of listen,
15:56 dark matter.
15:59 God said in the book of Job,
16:02 do you know where darkness dwells?
16:08 The vast majority of the universe
16:12 is made up of stuff that we cannot photograph.
16:17 We notice there because it has a gravitational pull.
16:23 We notice there we can feel the effect of it.
16:26 Now listen to this.
16:28 Not only is there dark matter,
16:32 but there's dark energy and we don't know what it is,
16:37 but the dark energy is driving the expansion of the universe.
16:44 And it is so finely tuned, it is inconceivable
16:51 to the human mind that this could have happened by itself.
16:58 Now you've all heard of Napoleon the Great.
17:03 One day, one night he was out on the Mediterranean Sea
17:07 on one of his warships and his officers were standing around
17:12 and they were talking about the question,
17:16 "Is there a God?"
17:17 They had been in the French Revolution
17:19 and they got rid of God they thought,
17:21 "How do you get rid of God?"
17:23 You can't vote God out,
17:24 you don't have an election get rid of God.
17:28 And after a while of heated debate,
17:30 they turned to Napoleon and they said,
17:33 they said, what you think Sir, Sire?
17:38 Is there a God and Napoleon throw open his cloak
17:43 and he shrugged his arm up to the skies and he said,
17:46 gentlemen, "If there is no God,
17:49 then pray tell me who made the stars?"
17:53 That's the question I want to ask tonight
17:55 to the skeptics, to the atheists.
17:58 I want you to be intellectually honest
18:00 with yourself and with God, if there is no Creator God,
18:05 then pray tell me who made the stars?
18:11 When you look at the stars there was overwhelming evidence
18:17 that there is a great and a wonderful
18:22 and a marvelous Creator.
18:25 I'm going to take my Bible
18:27 and I'm going to turn to the Book of Isaiah 40.
18:30 And I'm going to read some texts there
18:33 and I'm going to put these texts up on the screen.
18:36 The men are going to put them there now. Isaiah 40.
18:42 The Bible says, "Surely the nations
18:45 are like a drop in a bucket;
18:47 they are regarded as dust on the scales."
18:51 We're just like dust.
18:54 "He weighs the islands as though
18:56 they were fine dust," the Bible says.
18:59 He is so big and keep on going, I want to read this text.
19:03 "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth."
19:07 The Bible thousands of years ago,
19:09 when people talked the earth was flat,
19:12 it spoke about the circle of the earth.
19:15 "And it' people are like grasshoppers.
19:20 He stretches out the heavens like a canopy."
19:24 That's the expansion of the universe.
19:26 "And spreads them out like a tent to live in."
19:32 "'To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?'
19:35 says the Holy one." Listen to these words.
19:39 "Lift your eyes and look to the heavens:
19:42 who created all these?
19:44 He who brings out the starry host one by one,
19:48 and calls them each by name.
19:50 Because of his great power and mighty strength,
19:54 not one of them is missing." He is almighty.
19:59 "Do you not know? Have you not heard?
20:01 The Lord is the everlasting God,
20:06 the Creator of the ends of the earth.
20:08 He will not grow tired or weary,
20:10 and his understanding no one can fathom.
20:15 He gives strength to the weary
20:17 and increases the power of the weak."
20:23 Then it says, even young people
20:27 will grow tired and get weary.
20:31 But those who trust in a Lord will renew their strength.
20:38 The Bible says they will soar on wings like eagles
20:43 they will run and not grow weary.
20:47 They will walk and not faint.
20:49 I want you to know this, now listen carefully.
20:52 You may say tonight, you don't understand my situation,
20:58 maybe I don't, but God does.
21:00 You may say, I've got a huge problem,
21:02 I've got a huge health problem,
21:04 I've got a huge financial problem,
21:06 I've got a huge social problem.
21:08 I want you to know this tonight,
21:10 that the God who made the universe
21:13 is bigger than your problems.
21:18 I want you to know this tonight
21:19 and I want to hear from you tonight.
21:22 I want to hear from you tonight. I want you to know tonight.
21:26 If you and I can learn to trust the Creator of the universe,
21:33 He has the solution for every human problem.
21:38 He has the solution to my problem
21:42 and He's got the solution for your problem tonight.
21:46 And the purpose of this meeting is to get us
21:49 to reach out and touch the great Creator of the universe.
21:54 Listen to me, listen to this.
21:58 Now this is going to get a bit heavy,
22:00 but I want to tell you something.
22:02 When I was a boy going to college in Australia,
22:06 I was so poor in those days.
22:11 I didn't know how I was going to pay my school fees.
22:15 I'm sure we've got students here tonight.
22:17 And some of you are poor, but no poor than I was.
22:23 I was a poor student.
22:25 I didn't know how to pay my school fees.
22:30 And one night I went out and I looked up at the stars.
22:34 I was discouraged, I was depressed, I was beaten up,
22:38 and I went out and I looked up at the stars.
22:42 And as I opened my heart up to the God who made the stars,
22:47 there came a tremendous peace in my heart.
22:51 And I knew that God was alive and the God
22:54 who made the stars would take care of me.
22:59 I want you to know tonight,
23:00 if you can learn in this meeting,
23:02 if you can learn to trust the God who made the stars.
23:07 You are going to have a tremendous peace
23:10 and you're going to have
23:12 a tremendous power and a tremendous joy.
23:15 Now what I'm going to tell you,
23:18 this you got to really think hard.
23:21 This is not just for university students,
23:24 it is not just for professors,
23:27 it's for every person here tonight.
23:29 But you got to concentrate.
23:32 Do you know what a dime is?
23:35 A dime, dime is like 5 cents.
23:41 You know, what 5 cents, about this big.
23:45 How big is a 5 cent piece?
23:49 Well, it's tiny. How heavy is it?
23:52 It's very, very light.
23:56 Think of Papua New Guinea in the mountains, is it heavy?
24:01 Tremendously heavy.
24:04 How heavy is Australia?
24:06 Very heavy.
24:07 How heavy is the world?
24:09 Tremendously heavy.
24:11 How heavy is a universe?
24:15 Incomprehensible.
24:18 If the universe were heavier, listen, if the universe
24:24 were heavier or lighter
24:27 by the weight of a dime,
24:33 we would not be here tonight.
24:36 Earth would not be here tonight.
24:40 The world would not be here tonight.
24:45 It's overwhelming.
24:49 Think of a dime and people will tell me
24:53 all of this just happened by chance,
24:56 I want to tell you none of this happened by chance.
24:59 There is a great designer.
25:07 As we look up into the stars we see so many amazing miracles
25:14 that we are forced to say, they must be a God.
25:19 And here is the second one, this is pretty heavy,
25:21 so you better just tune in there and put your thinking cap on.
25:26 We call this one the old radio dial.
25:31 I was brought up in the days
25:33 we didn't have television, thank God.
25:35 But we had radios and we would tune in the radio station.
25:41 Does anybody know what I'm talking about?
25:45 I want you to think that God is got a gravity meter.
25:51 That gravity keeps us here on the planet.
25:55 And stops our earth from going away from the sun.
26:01 I went you to the think of gravity meter
26:04 that's not a 1,000 miles across but it is a billion,
26:09 billion miles across and it's got a dime.
26:14 And it's calibrated in centimeters, this much.
26:19 How many centimeters have you got?
26:21 You got trillions, trillions and trillions
26:24 and trillions and trillions and trillions of centimeters.
26:28 Now listen to this. Listen, can you believe this?
26:32 Now this is astronomy, this is science, this is a fact.
26:38 Gravity is so fine tuned.
26:43 That if you were to turn the dial,
26:45 one centimeter to the left or to the right.
26:48 If gravity was off by one trillionth of a trillionth
26:54 of trillionth of a quadrillionth of a quadrillionth.
26:58 We would not be here tonight, the universe would blow off.
27:06 Now these new discoveries from NASA and other scientists
27:11 around the world have convinced
27:13 some of the world's greatest atheists and agnostics to say,
27:18 I'm going to come in out of the cold,
27:22 this could not have happened by itself.
27:25 I am forced to believe
27:29 that there is a great Creator God.
27:35 It is overwhelming, it is incredible.
27:39 Now I'm going to give you another one.
27:41 Now I'm not apologizing because I'm giving you solid stuff.
27:44 If you come to these meetings you are going to get the truth.
27:47 Jesus said, you will know the truth
27:49 and the truth will make you free.
27:51 You are not going to get stuff which is trivial.
27:53 You are not just gonna get a bunch of funny stories.
27:56 You are not gonna get a lot of raw emotionalism.
27:59 You are going to get the truth.
28:01 And the truth is going to bless you
28:03 and the truth is going to set you free.
28:06 This one, we call the mass density of the universe.
28:10 That's the total density of the universe.
28:13 If the mass density of the observable universe
28:17 was increased or decreased. I don't understand this.
28:23 But if it were increased or decreased
28:25 by one quadrillionth of one quadrillionth
28:31 of one quadrillionth of one quadrillionth,
28:36 life on the planet would be impossible.
28:42 There is one chance
28:44 in one with 59 zeros.
28:52 Now we are gonna put that up on the screen.
28:56 The chance of this happening by itself,
29:00 look at it, and you're going to come to me
29:03 after the lecture and say, but no there is no God.
29:07 It all just happened by itself.
29:09 I want to say it
29:11 to the university students here tonight.
29:12 I've got a reason for you to believe in the God,
29:15 who believes in you. I want you to know this.
29:19 And I'm going to tell the people of PNG something else tonight.
29:25 I've lectured to millions of people in Russia.
29:28 I saw what atheism did.
29:30 I saw how it destroyed their souls.
29:33 When the atheists were ruling Russia,
29:35 they put to death 50 million people,
29:40 50 million people.
29:44 I believe in God, not because
29:47 I've got to got emotional feeling in my stomach.
29:51 I believe in God, because of the amazing evidence
29:55 that God is giving us today through the telescopes.
30:00 Paul the Evangelist says in the Bible
30:03 that "God will finish His work
30:05 and cut it short in righteousness."
30:07 The Prophet Joel says,
30:08 "God will pour out His spirit in the last days,
30:11 and signs and wonders will follow."
30:13 The Carter Report believes
30:14 that we are now in the end times
30:17 and His spirit is moving mightily.
30:20 During the Port Moresby campaign
30:22 we testified that we saw the power of God revealed.
30:26 God-hungry souls
30:28 could not get enough of the word of the Lord,
30:31 as at creation the spirit of God
30:34 moved upon the face of the waters
30:36 and God brought cosmos out of chaos.
30:40 Souls were recreated in the image of the Creator.
30:44 Instead of hate there was love.
30:46 Instead of despair there was hope.
30:48 Instead of sorrow there was joy.
30:50 And in the place of death, God gave life.
30:54 One night, as John Carter preached on the person
30:56 and work of the Holy Spirit,
30:58 the image of a white bird was flashed on the screens.
31:02 That moment a great white bird flew low
31:05 over the astonished congregation.
31:07 Cries of joy filled the air as the audience recognized
31:10 that God had visited His people.
31:13 A mighty surge of Pentecostal power
31:15 swept the audience of 120,000 souls
31:19 and everyone present felt the warm
31:21 comforting presence of God.
31:24 The Carter Report team invites you my dear viewer,
31:27 to be a partner in this work.
31:29 Soldiers of the Cross are wanted.
31:32 Faith partners are needed.
31:34 Write to us now here at the Carter Report,
31:37 PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358
31:43 or in Australia, at PO Box 861,
31:47 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
31:50 You may also contact us online at
31:54 or email us at
32:02 Listen to this.
32:03 I want you to think of all the sand
32:07 on all the beaches in beautiful PNG, okay.
32:13 Then I want you to think of all the sand
32:15 on the Gold Coast in Australia.
32:18 Then I want you to think of all the sand in every beach,
32:24 all around the world.
32:26 Then I want you to think of all the sand
32:29 on all the different planets.
32:33 Billions and billions of planets.
32:35 I want you to think of that.
32:38 And I want you to think that one little piece of sand
32:43 is different to all the other billions and billions
32:46 and billions and trillions of other specks of sand.
32:50 And one of those little bits of sand,
32:53 it's got a mark on it.
32:55 And I come to you, and I say,
32:57 I'm gonna blindfold you.
33:00 Now I want you to go out and on the first attempt.
33:04 I want you to travel all through the universe,
33:08 billions and trillions of miles and I want you to find
33:12 that little piece of sand with the black spot on it.
33:17 You say it's utterly impossible.
33:21 The chance of that happening my friend is inconceivable.
33:26 That is that same chance
33:28 astronomers tell us of the universe creating itself.
33:36 The universe is proof
33:41 that there is an Almighty God, who made you.
33:45 I want you to think of a Boeing 747,
33:50 one of the biggest planes in the world.
33:54 I love the old Boeing 747.
33:56 I've flown so many miles in those things.
34:00 I want you to think there is a great factory.
34:05 And in that factory you've got all the parts
34:08 that make up a Boeing 747 jumbo jet,
34:13 I want you to think about this.
34:15 There are literally hundreds of thousands
34:18 may be millions of different parts.
34:22 And all of the sudden there comes a tremendous tornado,
34:27 and it picks up all the parts out of that storehouse
34:31 and it throws them all up into the air
34:35 and they fly around for a few years.
34:39 And then they come down to planet earth,
34:42 all those different parts
34:44 and they assemble themselves into a brand new 747.
34:52 You say, that's absurd,
34:55 it's just as absurd to believe that the universe made itself.
35:02 It is absolutely impossible.
35:06 I want you to notice some text in the Bible.
35:08 I'm going to come Psalm 33:6 and 9.
35:14 Now these are taken
35:16 out of the old Bible that we love.
35:19 This is a Bible believing country.
35:22 Listen, "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made,
35:28 their starry host by the breath of this mouth.
35:33 For he spoke, and it came to be
35:36 he commanded, and it stood firm."
35:41 We now know when the universe came into existent.
35:46 Listen carefully, we know it is a fact,
35:50 it is a certainty, it has been measured.
35:54 The universe came into existence
35:57 billion years ago.
36:05 There was nothing there,
36:08 scientists tell us, there was noting there.
36:11 And all of a sudden,
36:13 out of that infinite speck of cosmic power
36:19 there came a tremendous universe
36:23 of billions and billions of galaxies.
36:30 The Bible says, the Almighty God spoke
36:34 and it was done He commanded and it stood fast.
36:38 This Almighty God is a powerful God,
36:43 He's powerful enough for you.
36:45 Now we are gonna have another text,
36:46 here it is Hebrews 1:1-3.
36:49 "In the past God spoke to our forefathers
36:52 through the prophets at many times
36:54 and in various ways, but in these last days
36:57 he has spoken to us by his Son,
37:00 whom he appointed heir of all things,
37:02 and through whom he made the universe."
37:08 The Bible tells me
37:09 that this vast universe of incomprehensible glory
37:15 and power was made by God through His son Jesus Christ.
37:22 That's what the Bible says.
37:24 I want to say to you tonight my friend,
37:26 it is time for us to turn way from the problems of this world.
37:30 It is time for us to turn away from our depression.
37:33 It is time for us tonight to forget our sorrows.
37:36 It is time for us to look up into the face of God
37:41 and to believe in God.
37:44 And to have His power and have His peace.
37:49 I want to tell you folks something.
37:53 I say this because I love you.
37:56 Listen, listen carefully.
38:01 The happiest people on the face of this earth
38:04 are the people who worship the Creator
38:07 who made the universe.
38:09 The happiest people are not the cynics
38:11 and the atheists and the unbelievers.
38:14 The happiest people are the people
38:17 who believed in Christ and who believed in the Bible.
38:22 And I want you to know tonight if you will take a step of faith
38:26 and step out of darkness and believe in the creator God.
38:33 You are going to be mightily blessed.
38:38 You hear what I am saying... and let's go back.
38:42 How many stars are in the universe?
38:45 Well, there are 200 billion stars in our galaxy.
38:50 Let's take that as an average.
38:53 There are 200 billion known galaxies,
38:57 so the total stars in the universe
39:00 would be this figure.
39:02 And I'm going to go over here to the blackboard
39:05 and I'm going to have a little bit of fun.
39:09 I'm going to put up a calculated guess
39:13 of the number of the stars in the whole of the universe,
39:18 not just in our galaxy, thank you very much.
39:23 Now I'm going to put up this figure
39:25 and I'm going to get it right.
39:28 And then somebody can say it, if they want to say it.
39:32 Here it is, the total number of stars in the universe.
39:55 This is a calculated guess.
40:00 The total number that's of the planet,
40:06 that of stars in the universe.
40:09 Now we're going take this another step,
40:12 I want you to think and I want you to concentrate.
40:16 You're listening.
40:18 "Suppose one star in a million has a planet."
40:24 Let me say it again
40:25 "Suppose one star in a million has a planet."
40:31 What we're gonna do now is divide by a million.
40:35 Say, if one star in a million has a planet,
40:43 this figure here would be
40:46 the number of planets in the universe.
40:52 And did you know that thousands of years ago
40:57 the Bible spoke about life out in the galaxies,
41:02 life in another worlds, did you know that.
41:06 The Bible talks about life out there
41:09 He talks about the Father's House.
41:11 Listen to me, I'm only starting to get warmed up.
41:14 Now I am gonna tell you some things.
41:16 I am gonna turn in my Bible to Nehemiah 9:6
41:23 and we're gonna put it up on the screen,
41:25 so every person here can see it
41:27 and you can hear the word of God.
41:29 I want to say to the people of Port Moresby
41:32 that Bible has got power in it.
41:35 If you take the creator God into your life,
41:37 you've got to have a new power.
41:39 Once upon a time I was an unbeliever.
41:42 I did not always believe in God,
41:46 but then through my study of astronomy
41:48 and archeology and Bible prophecy,
41:51 I came to believe in God, so here is the text.
41:54 "You alone are the Lord." There is only one God my friend.
41:58 There is only one God all the idols that's nothing,
42:01 that's futile, it's foolishness."
42:03 You alone are the Lord.
42:05 You made the heavens, even the highest heavens,
42:08 and all their starry hosts, the earth and all that is on it,
42:13 the seas and all that is in them." Now listen to it.
42:17 "You give life to everything
42:19 and the multitudes of heaven worship you."
42:24 The Bible talks about a multitude
42:28 out there in the heavens.
42:30 Can you believe this?
42:33 I want you to see the stars,
42:35 I want you to look at the galaxies
42:36 as they come on the screen, here it is.
42:39 The Bible says out there among the galaxies
42:44 there is a multitude of intelligent beings
42:48 who worship God.
42:49 This planet is a planet in rebellion
42:54 that turned away from God
42:57 and that's why we have such a mess in the world today.
43:01 That's why we've got death, that's why we've got crime,
43:06 that's why we've got poverty, that's why we've got racism,
43:10 that's why we've got cancer.
43:12 And look at this my friend, just look at this
43:14 an island universe going back millions, even billions of years
43:21 made up of billions and billions of blazing suns
43:26 and the Bible says, the Bible says
43:29 "The host of heaven worships God the Creator."
43:33 We are not alone.
43:36 Now I am going to turn to Job 26:7.
43:42 then there is another text in Job I think 38:47.
43:45 but firstly Job 26.
43:47 This book is about 3,500 years old.
43:53 "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space,
44:00 he suspends the earth over nothing."
44:07 Bless your heart.
44:09 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation?
44:14 Tell me, if you understand.
44:19 Who marked off its dimensions?
44:21 Surely you know!
44:23 Who stretched out a measuring line across it?"
44:28 Or what were you doing?
44:31 "What were you doing when it was made,
44:33 when it's set in place, or who laid its cornerstone.
44:38 While the morning stars sang together and all the angels
44:43 all the sons of God shouted for joy."
44:47 The Bible talks-- I am gonna show you pictures.
44:52 It talks, this is thousands of years ago.
44:56 The Bible talked about a 'round world'
44:59 and it talked about a round world, hanging in space.
45:06 We hold this on the screen.
45:09 We're gonna show you picture
45:11 taken years ago, oh, what a picture.
45:16 The Bible says, He hangs the earth upon nothing.
45:22 Once upon a time people thought the earth was flat.
45:26 The Bible talks about a round world.
45:29 And it talks about this 'round world'
45:33 hanging out there in space.
45:37 It talks about our universe that had a beginning.
45:41 Even Professor Einstein for many years
45:43 believed the universe had no beginning.
45:46 Then they discovered their reality
45:48 and the truth of the big bang, it's just the scientific term,
45:53 you don't need to even use the word
45:55 but as the terms that means
45:57 when God brought things out of nothing
46:01 and He made a universe, it is a scientific fact.
46:07 The Bible asks the rhetorical question,
46:10 if you think you're smart where were you?
46:13 Where were you, when God made the heavens and the earth?
46:16 Where were you when God made the universe?
46:19 Who are you to argue to the Creator God?
46:23 What an amazing concept,
46:25 we're talking about here tonight.
46:28 Now listen my friend,
46:29 I am gonna come over now to the Book of Revelation 12:12.
46:34 that indicates
46:38 that we are not alone in the universe.
46:41 "Therefore rejoice, you heavens."
46:44 Can you read it?
46:46 Rejoice, you heavens," what does it say.
46:49 "And you who dwell in them!
46:52 But woe to the earth and the sea."
46:54 It goes on talks about the devil coming down.
46:57 But the Bible talks, it makes it very, very plain.
47:01 It says rejoice you heavens.
47:04 It's talking about the galaxies and it says "Rejoice you heavens
47:09 and you who dwell in them!"
47:14 Listen I am not speculating here tonight"
47:19 The universe had a beginning.
47:23 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
47:27 Scientists said for many years,
47:29 "No it's absurd, the universe has always been here."
47:32 Pagan religion still say,
47:34 the universe has always been here.
47:37 No the Bible said, a beginning.
47:40 We now know that we are in an expanding universe.
47:45 Everything is moving out because it had a beginning.
47:52 And the Bible says, look at this amazing pictures
47:56 from NASA of the galaxies, the island universes.
48:01 The Bible tells us that out there
48:04 somewhere there are inhabited planets.
48:09 Jesus said, I am gonna go to my Father's House
48:13 and where Jesus went--
48:17 there was a world of intelligent beings
48:22 and the Bible says one day
48:24 this earth is going to have a space age invasion.
48:30 It already has had an invasion, from beings from other worlds.
48:35 Matthew 28:1-4, you know, I am reading my Bible
48:40 because I believe the Bible is correct.
48:44 I am reading my Bible
48:45 because I believe it is proved true
48:49 by astronomy and archeology and Bible prophecy.
48:52 Well, bless your heart, tomorrow night
48:55 I am gonna talk about the next world dictator.
48:58 The coming world ruler,
49:00 I am gonna talk about the Great middleman
49:03 and the Great Stone of Destiny.
49:05 We're gonna have it on the screen, look at this.
49:09 "After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week,
49:12 Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
49:14 went to look at the tomb."
49:17 There was a violent earthquake,
49:18 for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven
49:22 and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone
49:27 and sat on it." He was in charge.
49:30 "His appearance was like lightning,
49:32 and his clothes were white as snow."
49:35 Listen to me.
49:39 We're not alone.
49:41 I am gonna talk in a few nights on the world of the occult.
49:48 I am going to talk about the spirits,
49:51 but I want you to know
49:54 that the Bible talks about beings,
49:57 we call them angels
50:00 which is the Greek word "angelos"
50:03 that means messenger.
50:08 When Jesus was raised from the dead and He was.
50:12 A mighty messenger came from another world
50:16 and he was dressed in glory
50:19 and he had just glory all over him,
50:23 he was shining like the sun
50:26 and he went and he just rolled back the stone
50:30 and he sat on the stone.
50:36 He was the visitor from another world, my friend.
50:42 We're not alone.
50:45 And the Bible teaches one day
50:47 that this earth is going to be invaded,
50:50 somebody says 'I can't believe it'
50:52 well, you better start to believe it,
50:53 because may be you gonna see it.
50:56 Come over I am gonna turn in my Bible to Matthew 25:31
51:01 and what a gorgeous night it is here
51:03 in Port Moresby with this beautiful breeze,
51:06 with this fantastic and wonderful audience.
51:09 Matthew 25:31 look at this text.
51:13 Now my friend, hear the word of the Lord, He's got power.
51:17 This is the word not of John Carter,
51:19 this is the word of the Creator of the universe,
51:23 don't mess with Him.
51:25 He knows all about you, He loves you
51:28 and He wants to come into your life and bless you.
51:32 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory
51:37 and all the angels with him,
51:39 he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory"
51:43 that's a prophecy.
51:46 It was given to us by Jesus Christ.
51:48 He said that He is going to come back to this planet.
51:52 And when He comes back to this planet,
51:55 are you listening to me.
51:56 When He comes back to this planet,
51:59 He's going to come back with all of these visitors.
52:03 All of these messengers, all of these mighty beings
52:08 and this world is going to be invaded.
52:17 To say it's a bit hard to believe, no it's not.
52:22 Great God who made the stars and do few things
52:25 that you and I can't understand my friend.
52:30 Another great prophecies John 14:1-3.
52:35 And I am going to read it to you.
52:37 You can read it off the screens.
52:38 That's why we have these giant screens.
52:41 Jesus said "Do not let your hearts be troubled."
52:44 Jesus said don't worry.
52:46 You know, why we worry?
52:48 Do you know why you worry?
52:50 It's because you don't trust in Him.
52:53 When I worry it's because I am not trusting in Him.
52:57 I am trusting in people, I am trusting in myself.
53:00 Jesus said "Do not let your hearts be troubled.
53:04 Trust in God, trust also in me.
53:09 In my Father's house are many rooms." Wow.
53:14 I believe there are universes beside our universe.
53:18 Come back to the text
53:20 "In my Father's house are many rooms,
53:23 if it were not so, I would have told you."
53:26 He's got house up there in glory.
53:29 "I am going there to prepare a place for you.
53:31 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
53:34 I will come back
53:37 and take you to be with me,
53:39 that you also may be where I am."
53:43 You know, the way to the place where I am going,
53:46 Jesus, the Son of God,
53:50 He was the Creator of the universe.
53:52 Jesus is not like any other person.
53:57 You say, oh yes, He was a great man,
53:59 He was a great guy.
54:00 No, He was not just a great man,
54:02 He was not just a great guy, He was the Son of God.
54:08 He was the Creator of the universe.
54:10 Look at the picture on the screen.
54:13 He holds the stars in His hands
54:17 if He holds the stars in His hands,
54:20 I ask you can't He hold you.
54:24 Can't He help you?
54:26 Don't you think the Lord who made the stars can help you?
54:30 Don't you know that He wants to help you?
54:33 Why are so many people today shutting Him out
54:37 and making their lives a mess?
54:43 He said, I am gonna come back to my Father's house.
54:47 You know, I could talk about this
54:49 I don't have time now.
54:52 But here is our say, here is our universe,
54:58 150 billion light years across.
55:05 God was outside our universe the Father's house
55:11 and He made this and He made lots
55:17 and lots and lots of other planets and galaxies.
55:22 And He said, I am going to come back.
55:31 I want you to know the Bible is full of prophecies.
55:34 Tomorrow night I am gonna deal
55:35 with one of the greatest of all prophecies.
55:39 I am, I am gonna talk about things that will astound you,
55:43 amaze you, fascinate you, thrill you, encourage you,
55:48 lift you up, make you feel better.
55:52 The Great Prophet Daniel written 2,500 years ago
55:57 in the City of Babylon.
55:59 He had a dream about a great metal man,
56:02 head of gold, chest of sliver, belly and thighs of bronze,
56:08 legs part of iron, part of clay.
56:12 He told the history of the world from Babylon
56:15 right down to our own day
56:18 and when you get down to our own day
56:21 down to the feet and the toes and we are living there tonight,
56:26 there came a stone...
56:32 and it struck the image.
56:35 Listen, the next we're gonna put around on the screens
56:39 so that you can see the glory.
56:41 The next great event in the history of the planet
56:46 will be the coming of the stone of destiny
56:52 and the setting up of the kingdom of God.
56:58 Christ with the angels
57:01 coming in power and coming in glory.
57:08 Thank you for joining us today.
57:10 To become a faith partner with Pastor John Carter
57:13 and to receive our monthly newsletter,
57:15 write to us here at the Carter Report,
57:17 PO. Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California, 91358.
57:24 Or in Australia at PO. Box 861,
57:27 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
57:31 That address again is PO. Box 1900,
57:33 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358.
57:37 Or in Australia at PO. Box 861,
57:40 Terrigal, NSW 2260.
57:44 You may also contact us online at
57:48 Remember Jesus said, "You will know the truth
57:51 and the truth will set you free."


Revised 2014-12-17