Celebrating Life in Recovery

Communication To See God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cheri Peters (Host), Matthew Gamble


Series Code: CLR

Program Code: CLR000053C

00:13 Welcome back!
00:14 You know what I think that just cracks me up
00:15 God works with a little pothead and now I know,
00:19 I know not only did He walk you through that stuff,
00:22 but brought to into theology,
00:24 you are at Andrews University.
00:26 Talk a little bit about that but I want to,
00:28 how faithful was God and what did it mean to
00:31 communicate with Him?
00:32 God has been absolutely amazing through it all.
00:35 I remember one day, I am now up at Andrews,
00:38 I happened to be studying theology.
00:39 I am just praying, just with eyes open and dialoguing
00:44 with God all my bunk and I feel Him impressing me,
00:47 saying, Matthew you need to get baptized.
00:50 I want you to be a baptized follower of Me.
00:54 So I get back home from spring break and call the Pastor
00:57 up and said hey I'm thinking about getting...
01:00 don't even think about it he told me,
01:01 just hop in the water.
01:03 But as I'm not ready, I've got issues...
01:05 Just hop in the water.
01:07 I get baptized March 23 of 1996, 6 months later
01:11 after I met Jesus.
01:13 I call it again, my AAA method from atheist to agnostic
01:18 to Adventist and I remember telling the Pastor,
01:20 Pastor I need to stand out here in the water.
01:23 I just prayed because I had just read in the Bible
01:25 where it said God will cast your sins to the
01:28 depths of the ocean.
01:29 That you are a new creature in Christ.
01:31 - He doesn't even remember them any more.
01:33 Exactly, so please take all my sins.
01:36 Now, I had mentioned pornography and that had been
01:39 my secret sin that no one knew about.
01:42 My secret sin.
01:44 So I begged Him especially please take this out
01:47 of my life, I never went to deal with it again.
01:50 I walked out of there a new creature.
01:51 Now I wish I could tell you today that I've not gone
01:55 back into that issue of my life, but it plagued me.
01:59 I'm trying to be a follower of Christ and Jesus started
02:03 opening the door for me to go tell my testimony
02:05 everywhere
02:06 - and you're still having a hard time with it
02:07 and it was almost like a binge, an alcoholic binging on alcohol
02:11 I would go through these binge cycles and I just want to
02:15 let people know today, that as He grants me the victory of
02:20 what He is revealing to me more is the sins that
02:22 are deeper inside, the pride and just unpacking things.
02:27 - you know what I'm going to say, I'm going to say
02:29 thank you for being on the program and I'm going to
02:31 take it back from you.
02:32 The reason I'm going to take it back from him,
02:33 is that I love the work in progress, I love the fact
02:37 that God steps in and say, I know everything about you.
02:40 Do you think that you're going to stand up and be
02:42 perfect right away? You're not! I love you.
02:45 Everything about you I love and as you stand up,
02:47 and as you trust Me, we will dialogue through this
02:50 prayer, through this communication, and I will start
02:53 opening up everything for you,
02:55 even your lying your manipulating,
02:57 your pride, your sexual sins and
02:59 all that kind of stuff I will give you victory in a way
03:01 that you stand up and say how did You do that?
03:03 How did You do that and sometimes you won't even know
03:05 how He did that.
03:06 But He is faithful and nothing turns Him off about you.
03:09 I just want you to know that and be blessed ask Him.
03:13 Start talking to Him I don't care how you do it.
03:15 But pray.
03:17 Until next time always remember that God is crazy about
03:20 you and me too!
03:21 Bye and God bless!


Revised 2014-12-17