Celebrating Life in Recovery

Falling In Love With Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cheri Peters (Host), Charley Romani, Sarai Romani


Series Code: CLR

Program Code: CLR000048A

00:10 Welcome to Celebrating Life in Recovery,
00:11 my name is Cheri your host.
00:12 Sometimes we have issues that are so big we think
00:15 that God can even reach that area and
00:17 I'm telling you He can.
00:19 Come in and join us it is way cool.
00:49 Welcome back!
00:50 You know I was reading in Psalms 51 where God says,
00:54 according to your loving kindness, according to your
00:58 mercies, according to all that kind of stuff, please,
01:01 please wash me clean.
01:03 And I love that because when I came to Christ
01:06 I was such a mess and I thought, how are You ever
01:08 going to ever do this.
01:09 And it goes on to read, and I'm not going to read the
01:11 whole thing because I'm not good at that,
01:13 but I went on to read in that Psalms about all this
01:15 stuff that had happened in David's life,
01:18 and I was of course thinking about my own life.
01:20 It got to the part where it says whatever you decide
01:23 about Me, what ever Your judgments are about Me,
01:25 they are 100% right on.
01:28 Then I read that He decides that I'm not guilty.
01:33 Then he laid all that on Christ, Christ took it all.
01:36 He said I just want to wash you clean and want to
01:38 restore in you all the stuff.
01:40 I want to give you a new heart, and a new mind,
01:42 and all those kind of things.
01:44 And by the time I get to that part I'm just delighted.
01:46 I'm thinking are you kidding me, with everything in my
01:49 background you are going to restore all that back to me?
01:52 You are going to not only just fix the heart inside me,
01:56 you're going to actually give me a new one
01:58 and I'm so grateful.
01:59 Then I read this part where it says, the reason I'm
02:02 going to do that is because I want you to turn around
02:04 and help someone else, bring someone else out of the
02:08 very thing that you came out of.
02:10 Please let them know that I'm bigger than that,
02:12 let them know that I can restore you.
02:13 So right now I'm letting you know, God is bigger
02:15 than that and He can restore you.
02:17 A want to introduce you to some friends of mine
02:19 who have come from some pretty intense places,
02:22 but God is bigger.
02:25 So I wanted to say that I'm so glad Sarai you are
02:28 on the program and Charlie.
02:29 I have heard your testimony, and I have heard where
02:31 you come from, I've heard where you are, and I have
02:35 been in your place of Ministry, and been blessed by you.
02:38 but I'm going to take you all the way back,
02:40 Sarai and ask you where did you first start turning toward God?
02:45 I actually first started turning toward God at a
02:49 brothel called the Chicken Ranch, where I was an
02:51 employed prostitute, a legal prostitute
02:53 near Nevada, near Las Vegas.
02:56 But that's not really, I would have to back up because
03:00 if I just start here it will be a little confusing.
03:03 Cheri: right, and you were young at that point?
03:05 I was 21 years of age when I came to know Jesus.
03:09 Cheri: prostitute working in Vegas and so when you
03:13 say I have to go back, take us back how do you get
03:16 to that point at 21 years old?
03:18 For me how I got to that point, my mom raised me
03:23 as an Orthodox Jew.
03:25 My dad had a form of Satanism as his religion and
03:28 his lifestyle and he was also an alcoholic.
03:31 So I grew up all one side of my family, strict rules
03:37 according to the Old Testament by the book.
03:40 My mom was a severely hurt woman, had schizophrenia,
03:45 have a lot of issues that she was dealing with.
03:48 That obviously when you have a dad - so let me,
03:52 when you just say, a cause a lot of people.
03:54 Because I have a lot of junk in my own life so when
03:57 someone says my mom was schizophrenic,
04:00 are you talking about diagnosed schizophrenic and
04:02 if you are, what does that mean for somebody that
04:04 doesn't know, what does that look like in your home?
04:07 Would it look like my home is a lady who goes in
04:12 fits of severe depression were she can't get out
04:14 of bed for 3 or 4 days at a time.
04:16 When she comes out of that depression she begins
04:22 to hallucinate and she is paranoid and thinks that
04:24 people are trying to get her.
04:27 Cheri: even her children at times.
04:29 Even her children are trying to get her, her husband,
04:31 outside people from the synagogue whatever
04:34 are trying to get her.
04:35 Now that is what she was diagnosed, I don't know
04:39 that she was all that paranoid or schizophrenic in
04:43 reality knowing what I know now.
04:46 But it took some time to get to what I know now.
04:49 With my dad having a form of Satanism I was used
04:54 in several rituals that would cause him to have more
05:00 power in his group of people that he belonged to.
05:04 In these rituals he would do things like hit me
05:10 over the head on a weekly basis and crack my head
05:14 open and wait for the blood to let out.
05:16 He would take me to a graveyard and there were be a
05:20 group of people and it would take several of us young
05:24 girls, I was probably 3 or 4 years old at the time,
05:27 and they would bury us alive.
05:29 They would have a small pipe sticking out of the
05:32 coffin and they would literally go through the whole
05:34 thing of burying us and we did not realize there
05:37 was a pipe sticking through it.
05:39 It was all a part of, in their twisted little covenant,
05:43 it was more of a scare tactic type of thing to go
05:47 through the mock ritualistic things.
05:51 What is really interesting to me and I didn't know
05:53 this for a while, is that in some of those satanic
05:56 cults is that energy, that fear comes off people and
06:00 they suck it into their own person.
06:03 There is a belief that they get energy from that fear.
06:06 So the fear can't be token, it has to be realized
06:10 Sarai: it has to be real for it to count, - exactly.
06:12 You know when you said that,3 and 4 years old my heart
06:15 just went oh man, because for some reason you see it
06:19 in the movies and you don't think it is actually real.
06:22 You want to block that and say that couldn't possibly
06:25 happen and yet I'm looking at you and saying, I'm sorry.
06:29 So how did, what happened from that point?
06:32 Well I would like to explain the rituals and what got
06:36 me to the point of prostitution is there were those
06:41 type of issues, those type of things running through a
06:44 graveyard thinking there were dead bodies hanging from
06:46 trees and I am trying to escape.
06:47 and there are several children, and it's these types of
06:52 issues, having a goats inners cut out and being
06:55 placed inside of a goat with different incantations
06:59 spoken over you, things to those affects.
07:01 So on one hand I am going through this stuff and then
07:06 on the other hand with my mom, it's rigid Judaism.
07:10 It is following the ten Commandments, it is sacrifices.
07:15 Having my pet pigeons in the backyard and having them
07:18 sacrificed every time I committed a sin come every time
07:21 I spoke back to my parents - because she literally
07:24 - she literally went according to the law.
07:27 She would take my sister and I and ties to a pepper tree
07:31 out our backyard and lash us 39 times according to law.
07:35 Just things like this, she would put us in potatoes
07:39 sacks and put fireplace ashes inside of the potato
07:44 sack, and place us inside of it, and put us in a large
07:47 outdoor barbecue that is about 3 or 4 times the size of
07:50 this table, and leave us out there for days at a time.
07:53 To repent in sack cloth and ashes - wow!
07:57 Life has to appear normal, I'm sorry did you
08:01 want to say something?
08:02 Life at the same time, going to Temple would have
08:06 to appear normal.
08:07 So for me what I was able to do without knowing it,
08:13 I was able to disassociate.
08:17 When I say disassociate, I mean - God bless you for that.
08:21 - Praise God for that.
08:23 Cheri: you know a lot of people do not understand that.
08:25 You know a child coming from that much junk, if you
08:28 don't find something that is going to work for you,
08:30 you will literally die.
08:32 Because it's how can I survive this, and you said I
08:35 survive this by dissociation, but explain to us
08:38 what does that mean?
08:39 It means, look at this glass of water.
08:42 If I am going through such terrible trauma that I
08:46 can't bear it and you just think of this little
08:49 girl saying I can't believe this is happening to me.
08:50 It can't be happening, this is not real, this isn't
08:52 happening and you are just looking into this glass
08:55 and it literally can go way.
08:57 You just I would look at the light, or I would look
09:02 at something and I will go away in this other part of
09:05 me, the other part of myself would take up and
09:09 imagine itself to be strong enough to handle
09:11 whatever the pain was that was going on.
09:16 Whether it was sexual abuse at the time, the fear,
09:19 the panic, what ever it was.
09:22 At the time of my first suicide attempt where it
09:27 finally became known to other people,
09:29 I was 4 years old.
09:30 I had my first suicide attempt, I had slit my arms
09:33 from my wrist all the way up to my elbows with a steak knife.
09:37 They had to end up taking me in to a hospital to get
09:42 stitched up and that was the first time anything.
09:45 Cheri: let me just say something, before I ended up
09:48 going into nursing program and worked Psyche for awhile
09:53 I worked a children's unit and I couldn't believe when
09:56 3 and 4-year-old come into the hospital with suicide attempts.
09:59 So the only reason I want to say that is for a lot of
10:01 people they'll say no way not that young.
10:04 I'm just here to validate you, yes that young.
10:08 Kids sometimes don't even know what it means, I just
10:11 can't do this anymore.
10:13 You just said as a child I can't do this, I can't
10:17 survive one more day.
10:18 Right, and it was severe, I don't know for was on a
10:22 daily basis or every week or every few months, but it
10:26 but it was continuous enough
10:27 and it was one thing after another.
10:31 The Judaism stuff going on with my mom.
10:33 He was the Satanism stuff going on with my dad.
10:35 I had two older brothers that were sexually abusive to my
10:40 sister and I and then they would involve their friends.
10:43 We were gang raped on the way to school.
10:45 On a normal school day you would get up, make your
10:47 breakfast and get out the door.
10:49 You would walk three blocks to the school and a block
10:52 away from school there we are with five guys that are
10:56 my brothers friends coming and gang raping us and
10:59 dumping us in the large green garbage dumpsters and
11:02 piling rocks on top so we couldn't get out.
11:04 Then a garbage truck would come by and find us there.
11:08 This was a daily life type of thing, so at the age,
11:13 I could go back into a lot of different stuff but I
11:17 won't go into it were sake of time for the show.
11:19 But that is just to give you an idea.
11:21 My mom had been an actress before she was a big
11:28 movie star, singer, dancer in Spain before coming
11:31 to the United States.
11:33 It was all about performance, it was all about you
11:37 are here to please your man.
11:39 All woman is good for is having sex and you need
11:42 to be good at it, so we were trained.
11:44 My sister and I were trained that you need to
11:47 look good, you need to sound good,
11:48 this is what it was about.
11:51 That along with all of the sexual abuse stuff
11:54 going on, later getting into pornography by the
11:58 time it was 8 years old, I was in full-time
12:00 pornography with my brothers.
12:03 I finally got placed in a home for abused kids
12:09 this is after about 30 different foster placements
12:12 when it started showing in school, not being able to
12:17 concentrate, not being able to - so someone
12:21 stepped in at one time.
12:23 Sarai: Several times, at the first foster place I
12:27 was about 9 years old at the first foster placement.
12:32 It was where my parents ended up divorcing when
12:35 I was 6, but the custody battle went on all the
12:39 way until I was 15, but neither one of
12:43 them really wanted us.
12:44 In all fairness I need to say this, my mom was a
12:47 sick lady, but she loved me with a passion which is
12:52 really hard for some people to understand.
12:54 She loved me more than anyone could ever imagine
13:01 and there is something about who I am now that came
13:05 from what ever lovingness I have in me,
13:08 that has stayed with me came from her.
13:11 She is dead now, she committed suicide when
13:14 I was 21, but I wanted to put that in there
13:17 as part of my testimony.
13:18 Your mom, it sounds like she tried to do the best she could
13:23 through this schizophrenia, through the mental
13:25 illness and I just want to say thank you for saying
13:27 that because a lot of people really struggle with that.
13:31 A lot of people really want to do the right thing,
13:33 want to say the right thing, want to love their kids.
13:35 They are twisted with generational mental illness.
13:39 See this is how I see it, I think that my mom's heart
13:42 was that she wanted so much for us not to suffer
13:45 the way that she did.
13:46 That she wanted us to have a strong biblical foundation
13:48 and she did the best she could, but she was functioning, Her
13:53 idea of Judaism, was functioning through schizophrenia.
13:55 It was a major dysfunction, it wasn't true Orthodox Judaism.
14:00 True Orthodox Judaism is nothing like that,
14:04 for those that practice it today, but in her heart
14:07 and her mind she really believed that she was doing us a favor.
14:12 She thought she was training us, and there's all
14:14 different religions do that, but when ever you
14:17 have rules without relationship it's going
14:21 to be a problem right?
14:22 Whenever you have law without mercy it is not going
14:26 to work, it's going to breed resentment, it will breed
14:29 something that isn't what God is all about.
14:35 True Judaism is about God, so that being said
14:42 I have to get back on track.
14:43 Cheri: and you know I'm glad, just glad you said that.
14:46 Especially you get that reality on top of that
14:50 a lot of us deal with, we are a little tweaked,
14:53 we're bipolar, we've got a little bit of depression from
14:56 family generations and then you add religious
14:58 into the mix of that and you haven't brought
15:01 that just said God help me and got into a true
15:05 relationship that everything gets tweaked.
15:08 That sounds like that happen with your mom and
15:10 definitely with your dad the whole Satanism, you
15:13 were just in the middle of all that.
15:15 So I ended up being placed in, I don't know keeping
15:18 track, but somewhere between 20 and 30 foster homes.
15:21 It didn't work out, I was shut down and just
15:26 rock on a bed back-and-forth and not speak.
15:29 I was a self-elected mute for a very long time,
15:32 things to that affect.
15:34 The last placement I was back with my mom,
15:38 and I don't know what the surrounding situation was.
15:41 She had tried to kill me, to smother me with pillows and
15:45 stuff and my sister got involved and called the police.
15:48 That was the last time I was ever at home.
15:51 From there I got placed in home for abused kids,
15:54 and in this home I was in it turned out to be a
16:00 cover, also, for a Satanic occult.
16:02 But it was more on the New Age level of stuff.
16:06 So what do you mean by that? What did that look like?
16:09 That look like the officer of the day, which is the one
16:12 who kept rounds of the premises, he came to me whenever
16:21 somebody was being disciplined, for something or watched,
16:28 suicide watch, any of these things you are put in a room
16:30 with a counselor, house parent, an officer of the day.
16:33 A moment took place where the officer of the day and I
16:38 were in the room at the same time, where we shouldn't
16:40 have been there by ourselves.
16:42 He very quickly made comments to me, and he said,
16:47 you're my princess and you are not of this world,
16:52 but I'm going to show you who your real family is,
16:56 and if you really want to meet them you will have
16:59 to go through me.
17:00 Then that was it, it was that quick of a interview
17:06 type of thing that he had with me.
17:07 That was the very start.
17:09 After a long period of a couple years, I had learned
17:13 Astra Body Projection and all this other stuff.
17:17 At least part of me had.
17:18 So there is the main Satanism and there is that also
17:24 so I was one confused puppy, but the thing is
17:28 I'm so compartmentalized.
17:32 When you and I were talking that I'm very controlling.
17:34 Well I'm a very controlling person but you have to
17:41 understand in my mind this part of me deals with
17:46 physical pain, this part of me deals with emotional
17:48 pain, this part of me deals with religious aspects,
17:50 this part of me, it is all compartmentalized and
17:54 that is what makes up a multiple personality.
17:57 That's how you survived - that's how I survived
17:59 what I was going through.
18:01 The bad part about that is that you don't know,
18:04 I could be talking to you and have a conversation,
18:09 but the next minute I am not me anymore.
18:12 I'm somebody else and having a conversation with him
18:15 and I have no recollection of who you are,
18:18 or who I was five minutes ago.
18:20 So my life from my earliest memories is what I call
18:26 waking up and then you have to just cover up for
18:29 why you weren't there.
18:31 I could be in school and I'm trying to play catch-up,
18:34 because as far as I know I just got there.
18:36 Something triggered me, somebody walked up behind me,
18:41 scared me and made another part of my mind switch over.
18:45 And now I'm somebody else trying to say okay I recognize
18:50 this room, I don't know what day it is, I don't know
18:54 don't know what we're talking about, but it went like
18:58 that my whole life.
18:59 Okay, at the age of 21, well let me just back up
19:05 a little bit more.
19:07 This was my life and an issue happened at the home
19:15 I was in, okay, for abused kids.
19:17 For whatever reasons I believe that I was about to be
19:24 made to disappear, because I was catching on to some things.
19:27 I was starting to talk to God for the first time and
19:32 I was starting to realize...
19:34 Cheri: let me just ask you Sarai, when you say
19:37 starting to talk to God, where do you think that
19:40 God was in any sense a part of the picture,
19:44 or did your mom give you enough of the face of God
19:46 that you can move in and say God.
19:49 Sarai: I don't know she gave me a face of God,
19:51 I think my mom, I think between my mom and my dad both
19:58 I got the gist that God was there and Satan was there,
20:02 and both were very powerful.
20:04 I didn't know which side was which.
20:06 Okay, it was the typical view of the sacrifice,
20:16 you must sacrifice yourself type of view of God,
20:20 but there was some sane part in me still
20:24 that I believe God put there.
20:26 A part that cries out to Him, you know how the
20:28 Bible says that God has given everybody
20:29 a measure of faith, okay.
20:32 With that little measure that I had in me at about the
20:37 age of 16 or 17, I would be sitting outside smoking a
20:41 cigarette and looking at the heavens and seeing those
20:44 stars and saying why am I like this, why?
20:48 It was just the beginning, I never stayed for an answer.
20:51 It was the questioning began, okay - Amen.
20:54 I think that is the first time I remember looking back
20:59 now that I can say God started my recovery at that point.
21:04 He started interjecting in my life and it was at the
21:08 very first time I started asking.
21:10 Cheri: you know I'm going to be brazen enough to say you
21:14 recognized Him at that point, because I think that I
21:17 look back and I think He was there so long before that.
21:21 Sarai: oh He was, I didn't mean it to be like that it
21:23 just was where I could physically see issues were God
21:26 was really intervening, there have been other things
21:29 that He was doing all along which I will bring up later,
21:32 but if I can say that's where it actually started
21:36 just a little bit.
21:37 In a foster home, smoking cigarettes
21:39 - in a home for abused kids, it's an institution.
21:41 I didn't get any help anyway I was fearing for my life.
21:46 I started to realize that a whole occult thing was
21:50 going on and I was starting to pull away.
21:53 I was saying I don't want this, I don't want to be
21:55 like this and I started to pull away.
21:59 I needed to run away, I was fearing for my life.
22:02 I got married to a kid from school, first guy I could
22:07 find it would run away with me physically and marry me.
22:11 During that time, the first year we were together,
22:15 right after we're married he went to boot camp and
22:19 decided to drop out of school, his mom was going
22:21 to sign him into the Army.
22:22 He goes, during the first three months he was
22:26 in boot camp, his mother was murdered.
22:28 She was stabbed over 70 times and his little 12-year-old
22:33 brother was almost completely decapitated.
22:36 He blamed me and said if it hadn't been for me
22:39 he would have been there to protect his mom.
22:41 It just seen my life seem to go from
22:44 one trauma to another.
22:46 Cheri: I just have to say that there are people
22:51 in the café and watching is that what I have seen
22:55 happen in my own life in other people's lives is
22:58 that where are so traumatized and so chaotic and so
23:00 dysfunctional that the only people I draw into my life
23:06 are people that are chaotic and
23:07 dysfunctional and traumatized.
23:09 So when somebody says my life went from one trauma
23:11 to the next is because of that.
23:13 Because as soon as God pulls us out and we become
23:16 healthier it's almost like we pull in people that
23:18 are healthier and the trauma decreases some.
23:21 So if you feel, if you're watching and you feel that
23:24 your life goes from one trauma to the other,
23:26 one chaos to the other just know that that
23:29 is common for all of
23:30 us and God says I promise you, I promise you that
23:34 I want to bring you out of that.
23:36 So I just wanted to say for a lot of us we think
23:39 what is wrong with me?
23:41 And I am sure Sarai you were sitting there and
23:43 saying what is wrong with me, why is it that there is
23:46 one more thing and one more thing and one more thing.
23:48 Actually to me it was normal life, to me and I hate
23:54 to say but it's true, I can look back now and say
23:57 wow I can't believe my life was like that.
23:58 But at the time from where I come from has
24:01 followed suit for where I was at.
24:03 But I went through that, we stayed together, he wanted to
24:11 have a baby really badly, and I wanted to have a baby.
24:14 Turned out I couldn't have children.
24:16 He got one of my best friends pregnant, let me just
24:21 stop here and say, every man that I had ever known in
24:25 my life, every woman I had ever known in my life was
24:28 sexually dysfunctional.
24:30 There was not one person that I know of that wasn't
24:34 perverted sexually in one form or another.
24:37 This was huge to me, alright, because my mother had
24:43 instilled in me that all woman is made for is to
24:46 sexually please her husband and keep him there, okay.
24:50 And it is all about what she looks like and how she can
24:52 perform, so not been able to have children was huge.
24:55 That was a real even trying to make it in a
24:59 non-abusive world, trying to get out of that
25:03 seemed impossible to me because of my view how people are.
25:08 So I went from that husband and ended up getting a
25:14 divorce from him and with it a few weeks as married
25:16 again to my second husband.
25:18 He ended up seeking, he was in the Army,
25:23 we got stationed in Las Vegas.
25:25 He started seeing prostitutes, and my way of
25:28 vindicating myself is well if you'd rather pay money
25:33 to see a prostitute, then I'll just become one.
25:35 If that's what you want, if that's what it takes then
25:39 that is what I need to become.
25:41 I was so used to trying to become perfect, what ever I
25:45 needed to be too pleased whoever I was with,
25:47 that's what I did.
25:48 So that is how I ended up in a brothel.
25:51 Cheri: can I say can I say little bit about this
25:54 disassociate disorder now are people are not going to
25:56 understand this, and I understand you too well.
25:59 But a disassociate disorder is when you disassociate
26:03 and become the prostitute, or the dancer, or the church
26:09 secretary, what ever it is your personality takes on,
26:12 you take that on with absolutely no moral questions.
26:15 You know what I mean, so it is like as you step in you
26:19 don't step in with a right or wrong, you step in as
26:21 this is what a prostitute is and this is how it is
26:23 and how you look and how you perform.
26:26 Should dissociate became that, it added that to your
26:30 group, then I just wanted people to know that this is not
26:33 a right or wrong decision,
26:34 this is you are this and you are good.
26:37 So here I am in the brothel and here's the next big
26:46 phase, or big thing that happened.
26:48 Over the years, I believe that all the demonic
26:56 activity that was going on in my life had so attached
26:59 itself to me that I was demon possessed.
27:03 In that demon possession, because it seem like
27:06 something beyond myself, okay there was an anger and
27:09 rage that was beyond me and I don't know
27:11 how else to explain that.
27:13 But it's like being a multiple, you're one altar behind,
27:17 you are one step back from whoever is at the surface
27:20 doing life, okay.
27:21 But there felt like there was something else
27:23 guiding you or pushing you.
27:25 I knew that it was demonic.
27:28 one night I went out to the pool area at the brothel
27:32 and I talked to God probably for the first time that I
27:38 had actually had a real prayer, a real hitting the
27:42 breaking point for me.
27:43 I had been planning to commit mass murder of all the
27:50 people that I felt ever hurt me in my life,
27:52 or who had failed me.
27:53 I have been collecting an arsenal of weapons I kept in the
27:57 trunk of my car, but there was a part of me that
28:01 didn't want to do that, but I felt so pushed, so
28:05 compelled constantly.
28:07 Whether it was through nightmares, or the voices,
28:09 or whatever, but they were not voices on the outside,
28:11 like schizophrenic voices on the inside.
28:14 So with whatever sanity I felt like I had left,
28:19 I think of the demoniac, you know that he's somehow
28:23 communicated this to the Lord too, but he wanted help.
28:27 Cheri: That little tiny particle - that little tiny
28:29 particle, that little seed of faith knowing that God gave
28:33 that little measure as small as a mustard seed is all it took.
28:36 But I cried out every God's name that I had ever
28:40 heard and said this is my plan.
28:41 I do not know what I do with my life, I don't know how I got
28:46 myself to this place.
28:47 I don't understand anything but I need the real God to
28:51 please stand up, if You can do something with my life,
28:54 I'll serve you forever.
28:56 I cried out Satan's name, Allah, Buddha, everything
29:02 that I could think of and I didn't cry out Jesus
29:05 because I had been raised to believe that Jesus was
29:07 just a false prophet and that He was the enemy.
29:11 And that He had no power and somewhere in me knew
29:15 that Satan had more power than Jesus, at least
29:18 in my opinion at that time.
29:20 Cheri: isn't that weird how the devil does that?
29:23 It really is but look what God did!
29:25 It was like a movie screen flashed in front of my face.
29:29 I don't know if that was a trance or what anybody wants
29:31 to call it, I don't care but it was a movie screen in
29:34 front of my face and I saw those little yellow VW bug,
29:37 car and it had a bumper sticker on the back that says
29:40 smile Jesus loves you.
29:42 Well you know I'm a bumper sticker girl...
29:46 Cheri: how funny is that?
29:48 Because God use that of all things, of all the things that
29:53 God could use, God used that for me and it was incredible.
29:57 And I said okay Jesus too, what ever or whoever the real
30:01 God is please stand up I'm going to give you 3 days
30:03 and then I am going to go out and commit this act.
30:06 I was going to commit the murders and then suicide.
30:08 So my heart and mind were made up, I threw out my
30:12 cigarette and went back inside and went to work.
30:15 Got a couple hours sleep, got up for the morning
30:18 shift and the working girls had their own kitchen
30:22 and in our kitchen we have a phone booth.
30:24 In that phone booth there was a number that only
30:28 the working girls knew, you personally had to give
30:31 out that phone number.
30:32 I had been in Alabama with the military in my
30:36 ex-husband and stuff and so I had a real strong
30:39 Alabama accent at the time when I begin working.
30:42 The name Bammer kind of stuck as my working name,
30:46 so only people that really knew me knew to call me
30:50 Bammer and knew that phone number.
30:52 Well that next morning, that was 3 hours after I had
30:55 prayed that prayer, I went in to breakfast and the
30:58 phone rang and one of the other girls answered the
31:00 phone and said, Bammer the phone is for you.
31:03 I'm thinking who's calling me, my husband isn't going to
31:06 call me, it's not his time to call.
31:09 So I went to the phone, the voice on the phone says
31:13 you don't know me and I can't believe I am calling you,
31:17 I can't even believe there's a Bammer, the person was
31:20 just tweaked mentally over the fact that there
31:24 was this person, she says all I know is that I became
31:28 a Christian a year ago and I have been praying for a
31:31 year that God would use me and God gave me this name
31:35 and this phone number and told me to tell you that
31:36 Jesus heard your prayer.
31:38 And I said who is this?
31:42 And they were not the words that I used
31:45 - and you know even as I'm saying that I just want
31:48 to say I so have a crush on God, how could you not
31:50 love Him for that?
31:52 Oh you can, but she said, after I said who is this,
32:01 she said my name is Lisa and when she said that I hit
32:09 the floor because I knew from her saying her own name,
32:13 if you ever have a sister or brother that says your name
32:15 all the time and they have a special way of saying your
32:18 name that you know it is them.
32:20 That person turned out to be my sister who I had not seen for
32:24 years, because she had run away and left me behind.
32:29 She had been my protector for so many years through
32:32 all the abuse, but she saw her moment when she hit
32:35 13 and she bailed.
32:36 She became a Christian a year earlier and had been
32:41 praying for me, - not knowing it was you
32:44 - praying for me not knowing it was me.
32:45 And she called that payphone and God had given it
32:48 to her prophetically, and she called that payphone
32:50 and said Jesus heard your prayer.
32:52 When I finally stood up and realized this is Lisa isn't it?
32:58 And she said, shut up, long story short she was in
33:05 Ridgecrest California and it was my week off that was coming up
33:11 from the brothel and I flew out there and went to see her.
33:15 One of the first thing she did was take me through
33:17 the prophecies in Isaiah, because when we were raised
33:21 as Jews right, we had to memorize a quarter of the book
33:24 of Isaiah in Hebrew for our Bat Mitzvah.
33:28 So they left out much of the prophecies of Jesus.
33:33 We weren't giving that version - exactly.
33:36 So she took me through and she said look what they
33:39 left out, because that were somewhere my mind still had
33:40 it memorized, because you have to do the chanting thing
33:44 word is called cantering and you have to learn all that.
33:47 So she took me through Isaiah and showed me the
33:50 prophecies, and she took me through the road to Romans
33:52 and showed me what my salvation was going to depend on
33:57 me looking at what Jesus had done for me.
34:00 Then she took me through the book of Revelation and
34:03 scared the daylights out of me.
34:06 According to what I had believed and she had believed at
34:10 the time about Hell being a place and not an event.
34:17 The next day she said would you please come to church
34:20 with us, that was a Saturday that I was there and Sunday
34:24 we went to Little Pentecostal Holiness Church and I
34:26 ended up giving my life over to Lord at that time,
34:30 I literally crawled up the aisle of her small little church.
34:35 I had like 3,000 dollars in the back of my pants
34:38 pockets and I don't know much about little churches
34:42 but they really struggle for money.
34:44 This pastor was incredible because he said,
34:48 he took an offering at the end
34:51 I'm already up there crying and
34:52 said the sinner's prayer.
34:53 You know I'm wanting Jesus and I pull out 3,000 out of
34:58 my back pocket and his hand goes, honey, and his hands
35:00 shaking and he's going I can't take this.
35:02 He's saying, because you know what Jesus will never ever
35:08 forgive me if I ever give Satan a foothold to think
35:11 that you purchased your salvation.
35:13 That stayed with me all through my Christian life.
35:18 Cheri: we are going on a break just because I wanted
35:22 to say that I want to come back and get into exactly how did
35:27 God take this child, that is fragmented,
35:31 that is disassociated, just so damaged and
35:35 how did integration happen, and how did healing happen.
35:38 That is my favorite part about God because I just think
35:40 that each one of us has this junk.
35:43 You definitely have more junk than the average bear you know
35:46 that so I'm just going to - I got more joy too so it's
35:50 okay - I love that, I love that.
35:52 You know I just wanted to say we're going to take a
35:54 break right now I feel like I need to take a breath, to
35:59 take a breath and come back and hear what God does with
36:02 all this, it's incredible it's incredible.


Revised 2014-12-17