Participants: Cheri Peters (Host), Leo Schreven
Series Code: CLR
Program Code: CLR000022
00:11 Welcome to Celebrating Life in Recovery,
00:12 I'm Cheri your host and today were going to talk about 00:15 the stumbling around on our own garbage all the time. 00:18 If you're stumbling around, if you struggle with this, 00:21 stay with us because it's amazing. 00:22 Get free of it! 00:51 Again this is my favorite part of the show and last time 00:53 we had Leo on we talked about all different things. 00:57 Making decisions, really starting and doing it right. 01:00 Challenging what you believe about yourself. 01:03 Stop, stop every single thing about your past and make 01:07 everything new, find out who you are and really get a 01:09 clue of that, ask God and ask people around you. 01:12 Figure out what you want to do, what you're passionate 01:15 about doing and then do it. 01:16 Hey, what a concept. 01:18 The end of that show Leo, I want to first say thank you 01:21 for coming back on the show. 01:23 On the end of that show you start to talk about health, 01:26 weight and getting FIT. 01:28 I'm thinking don't end it now. 01:32 So tell us a little bit about health. 01:34 A lot of health in a few minutes. 01:35 I think the most powerful concept when I was 17 I gave 01:39 my heart to God at 15 and started getting my life around. 01:42 At age 17 I read something in the Bible that blew my 01:44 mind, and I'm growing up in the 70s and 60s. 01:46 The concept was in 1 Corinthians were Paul says your 01:50 body doesn't belong to you it belongs to God. 01:52 You are to take care of it and then he went on to say, 01:54 it's the temple of the Holy Spirit. 01:56 So two things hit me, number 1 I was raised on the 01:58 concept, your body you can do whatever you want. 02:00 Eat what you want, drink what you want abort your babies 02:02 or whatever and all of a sudden here's this concept that 02:05 says it's not yours it belongs to God. 02:06 I just decided to accept that and the day I accepted it 02:10 it blew my mind, because it was so out of a parameter 02:12 I had been taught all my life. 02:13 But then I discovered something powerful, I'm into 02:16 power, you know that. - right! 02:17 Victory and living 100% and what I read this I realized 02:21 the Holy Spirit of God says I'm going to dwell inside 02:24 of you, well if I've got God's Spirit inside of me 02:26 that is endless power, endless joy, endless love and 02:29 endless everything it's like some people say 02:31 I'm dumb enough to believe it. 02:34 I just accepted it and I just realized that if I take care 02:37 of this body and put in it what it should be put in it, 02:39 make the right choices, I can have that source of power. 02:42 All I can tell you is this, most people physically are 02:45 living at 10% when they could be living at day 100%. 02:46 To me even when I started working harder, I'm doing 02:51 more projects and every single thing about health goes by 02:55 the wayside, and when it goes by the wayside I start 02:59 feeling not good, I'm staying up too late and doing all 03:02 that stuff and then someone says, well just eat right. 03:06 I'm thinking, isn't there an easier way? 03:09 Can I have something easier than that because that seems 03:12 too hard. - right! 03:15 Well again it goes back to that pain and pleasure 03:17 principle, we did in one of the seminars. 03:19 - we'll go over that again. 03:20 Go over that again? Will you have to associate pain 03:22 because two forces control all of our behaviors 03:24 either pain or pleasure. 03:26 Everything you do or don't do in your life is 03:27 because of pain or pleasure. 03:28 The reason we eat so much, and each too often, and eat 03:30 the stuff is not good for us is because it's pleasure. 03:32 So you have to start associating pain to fat, to being in a 03:36 condition, pain of not feeling good and pleasure of having 03:38 a healthy body, once you taste it, like you said, 03:40 you begin to realize everything else in your life is 03:44 related to your physical health. 03:45 I don't hesitate to say spiritually many people 03:47 struggle, emotionally people struggle, they do not realize 03:50 what an impact that the food has on our emotional and our 03:54 spiritual life, even in our finances. 03:56 I mean many areas of our life. 03:57 So once you get a healthy body and you start feeling good, 04:00 you say man, I will never go back the way I was because 04:02 this is a great way to live. 04:03 You do this show and I get home and think I'm trying that, 04:06 right? My favorite thing is Dreyer's ice cream, oh man. 04:10 This could be a Dreyer's ice cream commercial. 04:13 I'm eating it and thinking okay this is not good for me. 04:15 I need to not think pleasure, I need to think pain. 04:19 You know its first it is in my mouth and I'm taking 04:24 a bite and it tastes so good I'm thinking how, 04:26 what is he talking about? 04:28 But then all of a sudden I thought, when I gain weight 04:31 I don't feel good, I feel slow and sluggish. 04:34 When my clothes are too tight I have to go up a size. 04:37 I hate that and I really don't have the same energy. 04:40 The same passion that stuff, than I thought it is all 04:44 because of this bite that last. 04:47 The good flavor lasts seconds, man! 04:49 Yeah you look at that every time you take a bite, 04:52 that Ben & Jerry's or Dreyer's whatever and this is nothing 04:56 but fat and you're turning into this blimp. 04:58 You associate that kind of pain as stuff going through 05:00 your blood vessel like sludge. 05:02 You're trying, - no matter how nice the package is, 05:05 it's a lie. 05:06 Again massive pleasure feelings isn't good, so I don't 05:10 have to say too much about the health principles because 05:11 3ABN teaches the stuff to everybody. 05:13 You have some great classes on this program and 05:16 good eating but there are couple elements 05:18 I find people leave out. Number one is the 05:19 is the exercise part, you can have the healthiest 05:21 diet, you can do everything right as far as 05:23 your eating and drinking but if you're not exercising 05:25 you are going to miss a large portion of the feel-good 05:28 that God put in us. 05:30 The endorphins come through exercise and both aerobic and 05:33 anaerobic exercise because many people miss that as well. 05:35 Aerobic as will keep your heart healthy, that's where the 05:37 you get the heart rate up and you sustain it for 05:40 a period of time like a half hour. 05:41 Of course anyone watching this consult with your 05:43 physician and make sure you do it right. 05:45 I get a health professional, but that is one thing. 05:47 But anaerobic is what releases the HGH package to our system. 05:50 HGH is the fountain of youth and is the most amazing 05:54 thing, they have studies at the anti-aging institute in 05:56 Geneva Switzerland, Miami, Florida and they are taken 05:59 70-80-90-year-old men and women and they dress them in 06:02 swimsuits and bikinis and it's not pretty. 06:04 Their skins hanging down and they are all flabby and 06:07 they take those people and put them on a strict vegan diet 06:09 and the exercise them aerobically and anaerobically 06:12 because anaerobic puts HGH back into your system. 06:14 Explain what Anaerobic is for people. 06:17 Anaerobic are short burst exercises that you can only 06:20 sustain for short period of time. 06:21 They build specific muscle groups, like chin-ups, 06:23 lifting weights, push-ups. 06:25 You can only do them for 3 or 4 minutes. 06:26 What you are doing is building muscle groups. 06:29 As soon as you do that you enter anaerobic capacity for 06:31 about 20 seconds, automatically the system kicks in. 06:34 The HGH in your system, because it stops producing, 06:38 and our body stops producing it, about age 30. 06:40 That's why we start this slow march to the grave. 06:42 If you get released in your body again, 06:44 and that is the only way they have discovered to do it 06:46 is by anaerobic exercise. 06:47 When you taste that I can't tell you what it does 06:51 for you. - when you start feeling what it feels like, 06:53 to be well, to be in health. 06:54 Yeah I plan to never die. 06:58 You know some people are so tired all the time and it 07:01 is so normal for them that this is just the way it is. 07:05 You are like no! It is so not the way it is. 07:08 Your greatest wealth is your health. 07:09 You can have 100 million bucks in the bank but if you 07:11 don't have the health you can't enjoy it. 07:12 I'm 47 today and I feel better than I did when I was 16. 07:14 I run 3 miles a day, I eat right and exercise 07:18 anaerobically as well. 07:19 I take a portable gym everywhere I go. 07:20 Everyday I put HGH's back in my system and you can 07:24 literally feel great the rest of your life and 07:26 that is how it should be. 07:27 I thought looking at studies of serotonin level and 07:28 people were saying that you can increase your serotonin 07:31 level by what you eat and exercise. 07:33 It's a serotonin that makes you feel good about life. 07:36 I feel like living today, I feel like smiling today, 07:40 I want to go out and do something today because 07:42 those levels are up. 07:43 The balance between health and fitness and how you feel 07:46 in your emotional and all other areas of your life is 07:49 how you are successful. 07:50 There is such an incredible relationship between those. 07:52 Many people don't realize it, but reason they are not 07:54 going anywhere in life is because her body is so 07:55 polluted, their brain is so lame they can't comprehend 07:57 even the simplest things. 07:59 So getting control of your physical body, eating right 08:01 and exercising right is such an advantage. 08:04 I have friends that come up and they will be smoking 08:07 weed all day, smoking weed and thinking about how they 08:11 are going to change the world. 08:13 So it feels like they've done everything, 12 hour 08:15 sitting there, but they feel like they are exhausted 08:18 by that time, thinking of ways to change the world. 08:20 They realize when they get into recovery, you really 08:23 haven't physically moved your body much. 08:25 You know sitting before porn addictions all those 08:28 computers, or video game addictions, any of that stuff 08:31 is that when you talk about change from an addictive 08:34 lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle you physically 08:37 are going to have to move. 08:38 And you can be blessed by it! 08:41 Yeah, you can't imagine, you can't imagine. 08:42 Just taste it, it's one of those things you have to 08:44 taste in order to feel healthy. 08:45 Most people who ever tasted it knows what it's like. 08:48 And so don't quit. - exactly! 08:50 When you get addicted to it, that is a nice thing, when 08:52 you associating pleasure with lifestyle, I can't live 08:54 without running, I live every day for it. 08:55 I can't live without my exercise because I just feel 08:58 so run down. - I see you, you run you can't walk. 09:01 Oh yeah it is great. 09:02 What is really fun about that is to say that we have 09:06 covered a number of things, making decisions, taking 09:08 ownership of your issues, and choosing to do something 09:12 different, and then being physically healthy as far 09:15 as what you eat and exercise. 09:17 Anything else we need to cover? 09:19 Well we could talk about hours about health and fitness. 09:21 For one thing we are into a mode of instant change. 09:24 Everything has to be instant, instant and our whole 09:27 society wants instantaneous gratification. 09:29 It doesn't work that way, someone didn't 09:30 get fat overnight. 09:32 They got fat over a period of time, eating too much sugar. 09:35 Eating too much cholesterol or whatever, not enough 09:38 exercising and so one of the things I want to encourage 09:40 people to do with health and fitness is to don't try to 09:42 see this as an instant thing I can do today. 09:44 No, you take it one step at a time. 09:46 One day you make it a decision you're going to quit 09:48 eating dessert for a week. 09:49 Next day you make another choice and that is to exercise 09:52 five days a week. 09:53 Next day I'll take another step in to add the culmination 09:55 of small steps builds what you want. 09:58 The same thing with your dieting, diets don't work. 09:59 They work on a false premise, you don't get heavy 10:02 overnight and you're not going to lose it overnight. 10:03 So set a goal of six to eight months and make it 10:06 achievable and I have some great stories. 10:08 I met a lady, I want to you this great story. 10:10 I want is to encourage the audience. 10:12 We were in Glorieta Center in New Mexico, they wheeled in 10:15 a lady who was manic-depressive, she was grossly overweight, 10:18 she was diabetic, she had several heart attacks 10:22 so she was a mess. 10:24 She was like only 42 years old and she went through the 10:27 whole seminar and the whole time she sat there like this. 10:28 I never knew if I got through to her even. 10:30 So we're teaching the Power seminar and going through the 10:32 principles and 13 months later at the Albuquerque Camp 10:35 Meeting, the Texaco Camp Meeting I was doing my first 10:38 seminar and this lady comes running down the aisle. 10:40 It's a big tent you know and she is running down 10:42 the aisle and I don't know she's mad or happy. 10:44 She jumps on me, just jumps on me and wraps her legs 10:47 around me and I don't let women do that to me. 10:49 I'm to get her off and I can't figure out who it is. 10:51 I get her off me and she says to you remember me? 10:53 I said no. She said she remembered Glorieta about 10:55 13 months ago? I said yeah. 10:56 She said remember the lady they brought in the wheelchair? 10:58 I see yeah do you know her? 10:59 I know are really well she said. 11:01 Well how is she doing? 11:02 You won't believe it I'm the lady. - oh man! 11:05 She said I am, she had lost 142 pounds and she was no 11:12 longer a diabetic and she was running around 11:14 that place like a spring chicken and 11:16 I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 11:17 She said all I did was follow your principles and one 11:19 day I looked at my physical body and said is this going 11:21 to be my destiny, no way. 11:29 She said followed all those things one step at a time and 11:33 look at my life and said this was not going to be my 11:34 destiny and I'm going to change it. 11:35 Just by make you one decision, one day at a time 11:37 I have lost 142 pounds and this is where I am today. 11:40 People really believe that, that is not possible for 11:43 them, and every single person that I have ever been 11:47 around that has decided I'm going to try it. 11:50 I'm just good change some things, every single person, 11:53 myself included, everything changes. 11:55 Everything changes and so I don't even care who it is. 11:58 I don't care who it is I don't care how disabled you 12:01 think you are, change your mindset, change the way that 12:05 the you treat yourself, the way you think, 12:08 treat your body, definitely the food you put in your 12:10 mouth, and getting out and exercising. 12:12 For some people if they only sit in the chair and move 12:15 their legs around in your arms around, do that. 12:18 It's a step, it's a step. - do something! 12:21 God will bless it, what's interesting is when you go 12:24 back to the Holy Spirit from God which show us that He 12:27 guides us, I could not, not love sweets. I love sweets. 12:34 If you give me something healthy to eat, all that stuff 12:37 and you give me ice cream, man ice cream anytime. 12:41 So then all of a sudden I'm thinking, what you said was 12:44 right that ice cream is killing me, especially if 12:47 I don't have time to do a lot of things and that is 12:49 all I'm eating, its killing me. 12:50 So it's like being able to say finally, God I am 12:54 powerless, I'm powerless against this ice cream. 12:58 I'm thinking I'm a heroine addict in recovery and 13:00 now it is ice cream, and God said, I will honor that. 13:04 I said, please just take it away from me. 13:06 I know what even try to figure out anything else anymore. 13:09 God has taken that away from me, I don't know if it's 13:13 going to be everyday but so far it's like He is saying, 13:16 Cheri thanks for giving that to Me. 13:18 It's amazing to me because I never thought 13:21 I would get victory over that. 13:23 Yet you can get victory over it and that's the good news. 13:25 Okay we are going to go onto the next thing. 13:28 In your power seminar where - well you just mentioned 13:31 something else and that was our belief systems. 13:32 I think that is a key area as well because most of us 13:36 our born with hundreds of false beliefs and we have 13:38 programmed our entire life with these beliefs systems. 13:40 We say we can't do it, God doesn't love me, I can afford 13:42 it and all these negative belief systems. 13:44 When it comes to really beginning to grow and overcome 13:47 I have victory in these areas of our lives, your belief 13:50 systems, it's critical to change those as well. 13:52 The Bible talks about this in hundreds and hundreds of 13:56 versus, God taught to believe on His name believe in 13:59 His Scripture the word and the light. 14:01 But there is something else that's really neat. 14:02 When you start to study the Word believe in the Bible, 14:04 you begin to see the power in our belief as well. 14:07 God says as you believe, so it will be done. 14:10 We've vastly underestimate that, 14:12 as I believe it will be done? 14:13 We don't realize that what I believe these false 14:16 negative beliefs, it will be done in my life. 14:18 If we believe in God's empowerment, the same thing is 14:19 going to happen. 14:20 If I believe nobody's ever going to love me I'm going 14:22 to pick people that won't love me. 14:23 Exactly, exactly the lull of attraction that is in 14:26 play here, which is a biblical principle as well. 14:28 Jesus says all things are possible to him that believes. 14:31 How much is possible? All things! 14:33 Most people don't believe that and so when it comes to 14:36 your belief system one of the most powerful illustrations 14:38 as I saw this, and this will really bless those that 14:40 are recovering from addictions. 14:42 There was an interview the TV program did with these two 14:46 boys, they had grown up in a single parent home. 14:48 They were eleven months apart, there were dad was in jail. 14:50 Their dad was a murderer, their dad was a drug dealer 14:52 and he was just a bad dude. 14:54 The two boys grow up in a single-parent home and the one 14:57 ends up just like his dad, he ends up in jail and strung 14:59 out on drugs a really messed up life. 15:00 The other one turns out to be extremely successful. 15:03 He is the manager of the company in Boston. 15:05 Lovely wife and two kids, great health everything 15:07 in his life was perfect. 15:09 They were so intrigued by these two boys turning out so 15:11 different that they decided to interview them. 15:12 So they did the one guy in jail and the other 15:15 in his office in Boston. 15:16 They went through a series of questions and they asked 15:18 both boys the same questions. 15:19 One of the questions was, 15:20 why has your life turned out like this? 15:22 The amazing thing is both boys gave the same answer. 15:24 Their answer was what else could I become with 15:27 a dad like I had? 15:28 See, but one believed his dad is a murderer, 15:31 a whore monger, a drug user what else can I be? 15:33 I'm like you meant I didn't have a chance. 15:35 The other guy says my dad is a drug dealer, my dad is 15:37 a murderer, what else can I become but successful, 15:39 because I didn't want to turn out like him. 15:40 Their beliefs overrode every other area of their life. 15:44 I find this to be so true, especially for coming 15:47 out of addictions, whatever you believe is what's 15:49 going to happen to you. 15:50 God talks about this over and over again in the Bible. 15:53 Again our culture has taught us that the events 15:55 around us that control our life. 15:57 You were born under unfortunate circumstances where 15:59 you were a victim of this, no! 16:01 It's only what you believe about those things. 16:03 We had a young lady who did a lot of work in high school 16:05 with our all power program. 16:07 This young lady almost killed herself, she was bulimic 16:09 and anorexic from the constant binging in purging 16:12 she almost killed herself. 16:13 Down to 70 pounds and ruined her voice and I asked her 16:16 if I could interview her and ask you some personal 16:18 questions and she said sure. 16:19 I asked where did you get this idea that you were fat 16:21 and ugly and had to lose weight? 16:24 She was a very attractive girl and should have been 16:26 very confident about her appearance. 16:27 She said Leo you won't believe but it goes back to my 16:29 freshman year in high school. 16:31 She said I had a crush on a guy on the football team 16:33 and I wanted him to like me. 16:34 So I decided to get close to him, 16:36 I'll become a cheerleader. 16:37 So I was cheerleading out there one day with my friends 16:39 having fun and practicing and this boy came by and 16:41 I smiled and winked at him. 16:42 She said he looked at me and said you girls got big 16:44 rear ends and thought that was funny and went 16:46 laughing on his way. 16:47 She said I was so crushed at what he said, 16:49 I was dumb enough to believe him. 16:51 She said once I believed it I'd look in the mirror and 16:54 see I had a big rear and I had to lose it. 16:55 She said I started to binge to purge and almost 16:58 killed myself because I believed this guy. 17:01 This is what happens once we accept the belief 17:03 it becomes an unquestioned command in our nervous 17:06 system and we act on it whether it's true or not. 17:09 So this is where it is critical, especially if we are 17:12 recovering to get out of these false belief systems. 17:14 Abusive situations, why do women go from one bad situation 17:17 to another one, because they believe my husband said I'm 17:19 this, my husband called me a blank this and a blank that 17:21 and we can't use the words on the TV obviously, 17:23 but what a woman hears that over and over again 17:26 she begins to believe it and pretty soon and that is 17:27 what she attracts to herself. 17:29 We have to get in the Bible where God says all things are 17:31 possible to them that believe. 17:32 God says I've loved you with an everlasting love. 17:35 God says I present you faultless. 17:37 God says your precious to Me and a child of the King. 17:40 When we begin to get these true belief systems, which I find are 17:43 only in the Word of God, forget what cultures taught you, 17:46 forget all the pressures out there and you can change your 17:49 life so powerfully so beliefs are a huge part of it. 17:51 Somebody was tell me one time that our subconscious mind 17:55 is where we hold these beliefs, right? 17:56 You have talked about that, and that your subconscious 17:59 mind is like your very best friend. 18:02 I thought what does that mean, your very best friend. 18:04 Every day when I wake up what ever I truly believe, my 18:07 subconscious mind, like my best friend will try to prove 18:11 it true for me, and if it is negative everything in my 18:15 environment of the subconscious mind says see, see, see. 18:18 it's like a matter of saying I want to live my life. 18:21 I want to live my life where when I look at somebody 18:27 I know it is because they are safe and friendly and they 18:29 love life and all that stuff to prove that positive thing. 18:33 So when you taste it does make a difference. 18:36 I couldn't imagine going back and living my life in defeat 18:41 again, I'm done, I'm done. 18:44 Okay so what's the next one? 18:45 You brought up another point that I do want to leave 18:47 because it was so good. 18:48 Your brain can't tell the difference between something 18:50 you believe, or something that is an actual part of your 18:53 real physical life at this point. 18:54 That's why beliefs are so powerful. 18:56 Getting into the subconscious, that's another seminary 18:57 teaching that is powerful, we do a whole seminar on 19:00 just the subconscious, most people don't realize 19:02 how this works. 19:03 Your subconscious works 24 hours a day and it responds 19:06 basically to pictures and images that are received 19:08 through the conscious mind, through your eyes and your ears. 19:11 Those are the two main avenues that go into your soul. 19:13 So whatever goes into your eyes and your ears ends up 19:15 in your subconscious mind, and especially if it has 19:17 any degree of emotion. 19:18 - It's like have a file cabinet back here. 19:20 Yes, this massive file cabinet. 19:22 Let me compare this again, a lots of us has all kinds 19:24 of file cabinets of all our life. 19:26 Here's what happens, let's compare it to a car that's 19:30 easy way to illustrate it. 19:31 The conscious mind is like the driver, but the 19:35 subconscious is the car itself so anywhere you go is in 19:37 the actual car, but the driver steers or directs and 19:41 releases the power. - right! 19:42 So you have to realize that every action you take, 19:44 everything you do or don't do is being driven by your 19:47 subconscious mind, so whatever you put into it, it is 19:50 going to come out in your words and actions and attitudes and 19:53 everything else. 19:54 So if you put in these limited beliefs, that is like 19:56 a car that is going down a limited road with the brakes 19:58 on all the time, so release the brakes and put 20:00 in a positive release and awe, it's amazing. 20:03 I'm going to ask you to do something because the first 20:05 time I did it, it was absolutely mind-boggling to me. 20:09 Somebody said, Cheri I want you to do some positive 20:12 affirmations when I was coming in off the streets and 20:15 my addictions or whatever. 20:16 And I'm thinking all right, get a piece of paper and 20:18 write something, just write something good about 20:20 yourself and I was dumbfounded. 20:23 I thought, you know I can't think of anything. 20:25 They said write something like I am sweet, 20:28 and I thought what? I'm what? 20:31 That didn't work for me. 20:32 So somebody made a joke, and I want you to think about 20:35 this, think of paper and you are going to put a line 20:39 down the middle with positive on one side and you are 20:40 going to write I'm an incredible, sensual, 20:43 creative woman of God or a man of God. 20:45 Think about that just writing that down. 20:48 Now slow down, stop for a minute and think if there is 20:51 anything negative that comes up in your mind. 20:53 I had four pages of negative every time I said that one 20:58 positive, and so someone was saying when you do that, 21:01 and you have four pages, I'm not sweet, I'm stupid, 21:04 I'm not a good wife, my parents didn't love me, I never 21:08 had a good relationship with what ever. 21:10 That whole four pages is what really moves you around 21:13 in this world and that's what you have to challenge, 21:16 that four pages of stuff, all of stuff that comes on 21:18 the negative side is to be done with that. 21:20 It's all lies and when I started challenging that they 21:25 were all lies and that I was not stupid, 21:27 I'm not worthless, I'm not, not loved. 21:28 The fact the God of the universe says Cheri I'm crazy about you. 21:32 I think you're fabulous and so being able to say that 21:34 you have to really know what drives you. 21:37 So you're asking for inside into these very core issues 21:41 so you can let go of them. 21:43 One of the best ways to let go is to associate pain to 21:45 them, and only ask questions like what if I lost in my 21:47 personal life due to this belief, 21:48 what's this cost me financially. 21:50 How many irrepairable mistakes do I make because 21:53 I have this goofy belief in my life. 21:54 What does it cost me, mostly what does it cost me and 21:57 how am I going to spend eternity. 21:59 Really associate pain into that, but every false belief 22:01 you have and turn it into a positive one. 22:03 If you say I am stupid, turn around and say I am smart 22:05 because I'm created in the image of God. 22:07 And I am. - exactly! - I love that give me five. 22:10 That's your new believe. 22:11 Always replace the old with the new one. 22:14 We can't afford it, how can we afford it? 22:17 Replace it with a new one. 22:18 Hey God I'm ugly, replace it with God doesn't make junk. 22:21 You always have to get a new belief system in there. 22:22 That's definitely true. - but you know even what I 22:25 found out is that being able to challenge all those lies 22:27 is that I don't have to lie to replace it. 22:30 You know what I mean? Someone says well what if I am 22:33 ugly, you're not ugly you might just have a big nose. 22:36 I have a big nose, you know what I mean? That's okay! 22:39 It's like being able to say somehow figure out how to 22:45 change that around and not lie to yourself, because I'm 22:47 smart, my subconscious is smart. 22:49 If I lie myself and say you know your sweet. 22:52 I'm really not sweet, I may be nice but I can't lie to 22:56 myself, it's just telling yourself that truth and the 22:59 truth will set you free. 23:00 And that is the point, a truth, we often think truth is 23:03 a lie but again following Jesus, Jesus can't lie. 23:08 God can't lie, if I base my belief systems on the Bible 23:11 and the Bible principles I can never go wrong. 23:13 The power of our beliefs you cannot underestimate. 23:15 I was just reading the other day a story of this guy who 23:17 got locked in this carrier, what do you call the back of 23:21 trucks with freezer compartments and all? 23:23 The guy accidently closed the door on him and he freaked and 23:27 realized I'm going to die, I'm going to freeze in here 23:29 tonight and sure enough they found him the next morning 23:32 frozen to death. 23:34 Guess what? The temperature in there was 68°. 23:36 They had never put the freezer on during the night, 23:39 they never started the engine. 23:40 This guy so believed that he was trapped, he's so believed 23:43 I'm going to freeze in here that he literally had every 23:45 symptom that he had actually froze to death at 68°. 23:48 They do this study at the University of Kentucky 23:51 with the medical College. 23:52 You probably heard about this where they take the 23:53 two pills, the purple pill and the white pill. 23:55 One is a super stimulant and the other one is a 23:57 a tranquilizer and they tell the students were going 23:59 to give you these pills. 24:00 They do this every year and there's about 24:01 a hundred students altogether. 24:02 So 50 of them go on the tranquilizers, 24:04 50 of them go on the super stimulant. 24:07 And they tell these guys over here they're going to be 24:09 wired, you're going to be bouncing off the walls. 24:10 And you guys are going to be dopey and can hardly 24:11 stay awake and they don't tell the students 24:13 they reversed the ingredients. 24:14 Over 50% of the student body develops physical reactions 24:18 in expectation of what they thought they were given. 24:20 So those on the super stimulant, actually on a 24:22 tranquilizer, were actually wired when they should be 24:24 asleep in your beliefs are so powerful they can even 24:28 override a drug in your body. 24:31 So again using those in the right way what an asset. 24:35 God says I want you to know who you are. 24:37 I want that to set you free, I want that to infiltrate 24:40 your family and your churches. 24:42 All these are possible. - Amen, Amen! 24:44 Let's go on to the next one, you have a ton, 20 24:47 different things in this power seminar that you do. 24:51 So we are just going to cover as much as we can. 24:52 But when let's take a break, because I know we are 24:55 getting close, let's take a break and come back. 24:57 And we are also going to come back and ask, 25:00 there are a lot of people here at the café that have 25:02 questions for Leo and we are going to ask questions 25:04 so stay with us. 25:11 Think you've seen it all? Think again. 25:14 Cheri Peters is back for a second season of 25:18 Celebrating Life In Recovery with more lives 25:21 more stories and more miracles. 25:24 Watch the shocking, the inspiring, and the incredible. 25:28 Check your local listings to find out when 25:31 Celebrating Life In Recovery comes to you and get 25:34 ready for another dose of reality, Cheri style. 25:52 You know what I would like to talk about now? 25:54 We have talked about all kinds of different things 25:57 on the show already about goal setting, about disciplining 26:00 your life and all that stuff. 26:01 Yeah one of my favorite topics, it actually is 26:03 my favorite topic. 26:04 It was hard for me to get, it was hard for me to 26:06 understand the importance of it. 26:08 Yeah, goal setting, the Bible says without a vision 26:09 the people perish. - right, right! 26:11 And they tell us there are only two kinds of people in 26:12 life who never amount to anything. Number one there 26:14 are those who cannot do anything except for what they are told. 26:16 Number two there are people cannot even do what 26:18 they are told, so the point is this. 26:20 People that get ahead in life and live a life of victory 26:23 in power often it is because they have got goals and are very 26:26 clear about those goals. They are excited about their future. 26:29 Again God says without a vision the 26:32 people are going to perish. 26:33 One of the best illustrations of that, they did a survey, 26:35 actually the IRS was studying. 26:38 For those of you do not know the IRS, it is the 26:39 US government's tax line. 26:40 At any rate they were studying that morgues did most of 26:44 their business during January and February and 26:46 they thought they weren't reporting their income right 26:48 because all the income was in January and February then 26:50 all the rest of the year. 26:51 As they studied this they found out that more and more 26:54 people over age 65 die in January and February more than 26:57 all the other 10 months put together. 26:59 Why? - well here's what they found out. 27:01 They found out that in January and February the nights 27:04 are long and the days are short and the weather is 27:06 gloomy and people give up then croak and die. 27:08 - ouch! - then you come to springtime about April and 27:13 May Easter - people wake up. - exactly! 27:15 The grandkids are coming home, in the fall you got 27:17 Thanksgiving and everybody's is that grandma and 27:19 grandpa's house and then you have Christmas. 27:20 But between New Year's in April Thursday nothing going 27:23 on and they just die because they have nothing to look 27:25 forward to, it's subconscious. 27:27 So they began to realize that if they don't have 27:29 something to look forward to, it makes all the difference. 27:31 We discovered, yeah especially people that are addicts, 27:34 if they don't have something to look forward to. 27:36 In fact one of the greatest reasons for frustration and 27:38 anger and resentment, to take it out on society, 27:41 they take it out on their spouses or whatever, 27:43 is people do not know where they are going. 27:44 They have no vision and life. 27:46 - you know what I have to say with addicts, I don't know 27:49 if you run across this, is everything has been instant 27:52 gratification for so long that we don't even know how 27:55 to wait for something. - right, right! 27:57 Goal setting gets us out of that parameter, you can set 28:01 short-term goals of course a weeklong or even 28:04 a day long, but here's the amazing thing. 28:06 Most people's goals I find is to make it through the day, 28:08 most people's goals is to make it through the day 28:11 so I can go home and watch television. - ouch! 28:14 It's a terrible truth. 28:16 - I know but I don't like it anyway. 28:18 Did you ever notice most people accomplish their goal 28:20 every day, - oh shut up! 28:23 most people's goal is to make it through the week 28:26 so they can get drunk on Friday nights. 28:28 It's amazing how many people accomplish their goal. 28:30 They do not realize how powerful this is, once they 28:33 have set the goal and they go home and get drunk tonight 28:34 or whatever, they get there usually. 28:36 Those are limiting goals, goals are like weeds that grow 28:39 in the garden, they are just there automatically. 28:40 Most people spend their whole life harvesting weeds when 28:43 in the same soil along with a few exciting goals, 28:45 Godly goals, principal goals, they can have this 28:47 incredible harvest in every area of their life. 28:49 So we encourage people that God made you in such a way, 28:52 in fact we talk a lot about this on 3ABN. 28:54 What God's greatest promise? What does God love to do? 28:56 One thing, He loves to create. 28:58 Isn't that right? God creates, our God can do this 29:00 because our God made the stuff that false gods are made out of. 29:02 anyway, that will catch up with you tomorrow. 29:04 I did, yeah I got it. 29:06 God loves to create but He also made us in His image. 29:10 Isn't that right? - yeah! 29:11 So we can also create, and of course most profound example is 29:15 procreation, two people can create another life. 29:17 But more than that we limit, it is much broader, as I think- 29:20 I create, has that ever dawned on you? 29:22 This is exciting, as I think I create. 29:24 You take this production right here, this was a thought 29:28 that was in your brain a number of years ago. 29:31 The thoughts become things, the things you can see 29:34 and touch and experience. 29:36 Again it is only a thought here, now a living breathing 29:39 reality and that goes into every area of your life. 29:42 As you think you create and God made you in 29:43 His image in that way. 29:45 When you begin to set exciting goals in your spiritual life, 29:47 and exciting goals in your financial life, and exciting 29:50 goals in your physical life and all the dimensions of 29:52 life that God has given you it takes you out of this mundane 29:55 mode where people are watching TV and vegetating their life 29:59 away he gives you something to look forward to and 30:00 to take action to accomplish it. 30:02 Which is incredible because I remember taking classes. 30:05 Like when I started setting goals I remember taking the 30:07 same class four different times because I wasn't really 30:09 good at making sure they happened. 30:11 As I stuck with it I learned to set goals and actually got 30:14 through to the other end. 30:16 Someone said well what if I set a goal and go back to 30:20 school and fail? Who cares go back again. 30:23 There's no such thing as failure. 30:24 Let's do that in the next seminar, 30:26 or the next part we talk about. 30:27 To me it was interesting that any little thing that 30:31 I succeeded in I felt great. 30:34 I felt that this is going to be different and 30:36 I can feel the difference and feel the change. 30:38 But it is a matter of literally, would you say to 30:41 someone not only set goals but write them down, 30:43 tell somebody, make sure. - they have to be written. 30:46 In fact they have discovered that writing a goal is 30:48 actually 50% of accomplishing it. 30:50 They don't know how this works, but it's basically this 30:52 principle, I can't hit a target unless I know where 30:55 it is, right? - Exactly! 30:56 As soon as I know what the target is I can start 30:58 moving that direction, something happens when 31:00 I write down a goal. 31:01 The fundamental principle in all the goals setting is that 31:03 you have to write it down, you are 50% they're simply by 31:05 virtually putting it on paper. 31:07 Suddenly then your mind knows where to go, you know what 31:09 direction to start moving and you may take a small journey 31:12 this way or that way, but you are moving toward that goal 31:14 and eventually you're going to get there. 31:16 So the other discipline they teach you after you have 31:18 written it down is then you have to take an action 31:21 every single day, it can be a small one but every 31:24 action gets you there. 31:25 I was up in Alaska one time, this is so cool. 31:27 We were hiking in this remote island called 31:29 Baranof Island and there was about 6 inches of snow. 31:31 We came around the corner and there was a grizzly bear 31:34 there, he spooked he was going around us and we are 31:36 walking on this riverbed because these things often 31:39 come behind you and hunt you. 31:40 It's a very met remote area and you have to carry guns. 31:43 Anyway we were going up this river and I hear a sound 31:45 suddenly, I think it's the bear. 31:46 We get our position and there's woods on both sides, 31:49 and suddenly I see what it is. 31:52 It's this little trickle coming through the snow, 31:53 it was warming up and we were walking on the creek bed 31:55 and this little trickle comes in the snow like this. 31:57 I thought wow this is amazing and then another little 31:58 one comes over here at joins this one. 32:00 Another one comes over here joins us one and pretty 32:01 soon it's 3 inches wide and another one comes. 32:03 Then at 6 inches wide and after about two minutes 32:05 is about a foot wide and in five minutes this thing 32:08 was a raging 30 foot river. 32:09 We saw the river, that's how it works in your life. 32:11 You can take what little action today, 32:13 a little trickle that comes down. 32:14 In another action tomorrow, a little one tomorrow. 32:16 In fact almost little actions coming together helps you 32:18 to accomplish your goal in ways you never thought were 32:21 possible. - isn't that exciting? It's so exciting. 32:23 Jesus says that you have faith as a grain of mustard 32:25 seed nothing shall be impossible unto you. 32:27 I believe that is part of what goal setting is. 32:29 You set up Godly goal, a Biblical goal, 32:32 a goal that is exciting to you. 32:33 If you want to discover what God's created you to be, you 32:36 got to find a goal that is big enough and grand enough 32:38 and exciting enough to get you to push beyond your normal 32:39 limits and to achieve your full God given potential. 32:42 Coming into recovery, I was in the restroom at church 32:46 one day and there was a girl sitting on the floor crying. 32:50 I remember thinking how sad this is. 32:52 Is there anything I can do? 32:53 She looked up at me and said, how are you going to 32:56 understand any of this you've had such a perfect life. 33:00 I thought, I wanted to stop and say God how did you do 33:03 that? How did you do that, coming from where I came 33:05 from for someone to say that? 33:07 I didn't want to disregard her because I wanted to be 33:10 there, but I wanted to celebrate and 33:11 that is what you are saying is that when you start 33:14 doing that pretty soon your life is changed in you may 33:16 not even know how far it has changed. 33:18 But God will change every single thing. 33:20 The look on your face, the texture of your skin, 33:23 the light in your eyes, all that stuff is different. 33:26 How exciting is that? But it is a matter of making 33:29 that commitment and that's what you're saying. 33:31 The other show is taking the responsibility in making that 33:34 commitment and actually doing something, doing anything. 33:37 Goal setting has changed my life. 33:39 It is the single most powerful tool there is in the Bible. 33:42 I've seen it change entire churches, most churches do not 33:45 have any goals, but have no baptismal goals, they have no 33:47 growth goals, they have no church planning goals, 33:49 no goals and that is why they just sit there week after 33:52 week doing the same dumb thing and it drives you nuts. 33:55 He didn't mean dumb things, go ahead. 33:58 The same old dead songs, the same old rituals and I don't 34:04 believe in that I am sorry, I serve big God. 34:05 I serve God that is powerful to serve and I'm tired of 34:09 status quo, if I read my Bible right God said through 34:12 Israel there is a blessing if Israel follows through He 34:14 would bless them among all the people on this earth. 34:16 If the church doesn't know where it's going, 34:19 it's business doesn't know where it's going, 34:21 if the individual life does not know where it is going, 34:23 physically and mentally emotionally and spiritually and 34:24 financially, in all these areas. 34:25 If they don't know they're never going to get there. 34:27 You can't hit a target if you don't know where it is. 34:28 So goal setting changes everything. 34:30 Somebody was talking about dieting and we talked about 34:34 health when we started. 34:35 I can't do that, I'm just not smart enough, two brain 34:38 cells it doesn't work for me. 34:39 So I'm thinking, so as I am sitting there someone says 34:44 instead of thinking about dieting add something good to 34:49 your plate everyday, one thing. 34:51 So now I had one thing good to my plate everyday and 34:54 as that changes, pretty soon my plate looks healthy. 34:57 So it is that same principle, add one thing, don't 35:01 overwhelm yourself, don't make yourself crazy with this. 35:04 Add one good thing and then pretty soon you'll tasted it 35:07 and want something better. How fun is that? 35:09 - It's fun, it's fun. - Okay go ahead. 35:11 The reason I want to go back is the part about what 35:14 about if I fail, everybody always asked that question. 35:16 What if I fail? Because many people have failed. 35:18 People are afraid to even try for fear of failure. 35:21 Failure is a huge fear, we have so many fears in our life 35:23 right now and again I go back to the Bible principle, 35:26 God has not given us a spirit of fear but 35:27 power, love and of a sound mind. 35:29 That is where we are to live. - power of sound what? 35:31 The power of a sound mind. 35:34 I'm going to make a statement and this will blow the 35:37 audience away, it's the absolute truth. 35:38 There is no such thing as failure, it is a complete lie. 35:42 It is a complete delusion, it doesn't exist. 35:44 Now we have been programmed since birth that we can fail. 35:46 There is no such thing as failure biblically. 35:49 Shut up! Everybody knows the fear failure keeps people 35:54 from doing anything. 35:56 I'm sorry it's simply not true. 35:57 I'll prove it unequivocally to this audience, 35:59 will that be all right? 36:00 Let me ask you a question, what would you attempt to do, 36:02 what would all of you attempt to do if you could not fail? 36:05 You do anything, isn't that right? 36:07 The truth is it is impossible to fail. 36:10 Let me explain it to you this way. What is failure? 36:12 Your culture has taught you one thing, I'd tried 36:15 something and it didn't work so I failed. 36:16 It's a lie, it's an illusion. Here is the truth. 36:19 Failure is only a temporary defeat. 36:21 Everybody here say that with me. 36:24 Failure is only a temporary defeat. 36:27 Let me put it to you this way, Cheri, say you attempt 36:30 to do something and it doesn't work. 36:32 Have you failed yes or no? Yes! 36:34 What did I just teach you? This is horrible. 36:37 Temporary defeat. Yeah failure is only a what? 36:40 Temporary defeat so what you are saying is that the 36:43 only thing stops me is my belief system that 36:46 doesn't make me get up and do it again. 36:48 That's right let me go through it again. 36:49 When you attempt to do something and it doesn't work, 36:52 did you fail, yes or no? No! - exactly! 36:57 You only had to what? A temporary defeat. 37:01 Ah right now follow me. If you had a temporary defeat, 37:03 do you realize you actually succeeded? 37:06 Now I dare you to prove me wrong because now you know 37:09 one way that doesn't work. 37:11 Now you know one way not to try therefore are you now 37:14 closer to your gold and you were a just a minute ago, 37:16 yes or no? Yes! - absolutely! 37:18 You run the play a second time, it doesn't work the 37:21 second time, did you failed yes or no? No! 37:23 You only had a temporary defeat, very good. 37:25 Now I know two ways. - now you know two ways. 37:27 So have you actually succeeded? Yes! 37:29 Because now you are even closer than you were a minute 37:30 ago. You see what happens to most people is they try 37:32 once and it doesn't work, I've failed. 37:35 I'm a failure God must hate me and they fall into this 37:37 trap of believing they actually failed. 37:39 It's a lie of Satan. 37:40 When you realize I just had a temporary defeat, no big 37:42 deal, I learned from my experience and I will grow 37:44 from this and give it a second attempt. 37:46 You may have to go through a hundred temporary defeats 37:48 but you're going to get there were people have 37:50 long ago left off. 37:51 That is the difference where someone is the victorious 37:53 in Christ and one that is not. 37:55 I am so close on some issues then. 37:57 Well praise God, Thomas Edison he had over 38:01 14,000 temporary defeats. 38:03 We are sitting under all these gorgeous lights in the 38:05 studio, he had this crazy idea that you could actually 38:07 contain light in a bulb. 38:08 They said hey we got candles, candles have worked for 38:11 5000 years, good enough. 38:12 No, no he, in fact if you look at the artist drawing of 38:16 this studio it was on the third floor. 38:17 Every time he had temporary defeat key threw it out the 38:19 window and there was a land slide of these failed attempts 38:22 from ground zero all away to his third floor level. 38:24 He never gave up, 14,000 temporary defeats until 38:27 he finally got it, and this is how life is with God. 38:30 It's a sanctified life and yes you may have a temporary 38:33 defeat and fall flat on your face. 38:35 You may stumble, when I first gave my heart to God 38:38 I had the foulest mouth is the world. 38:39 I cussed four hours after my baptism, it was terrible. 38:42 But it was a temporary defeat in God knew my heart and 38:46 that I didn't want to do this. 38:48 I'm growing in Your grace, please take this in for my 38:50 life, I claim victory over it. 38:51 Yeah I had temporary defeats for a while, but everyone 38:53 I finally got the victory. 38:55 This goes into every area of your life, so don't give up. 38:57 There is no such thing as failure, it doesn't exist. 38:59 We are going to open it up for questions. 39:02 But I want to say thank you so much because everything you 39:04 are talking about is a paradigm shift, we have to think 39:07 differently, we have to challenge everything we believe 39:10 now and say if it hasn't worked in the past, let it go. 39:13 Exactly follow God's word and the principles and it. 39:16 Okay Trent you had a question. 39:17 Yeah Leo you are a busy man, right? - yes. 39:20 How much do you travel? About 320 days a year. 39:23 Well I ask because you are talking about healthy eating, 39:28 exercise, and or aerobic anaerobic and you are say that 39:33 a lot of people don't feel well enough to do it. 39:35 They don't want to start, they can't do it or don't 39:37 feel like it, what about the people that are busy 39:39 like you for example? 39:41 How do you take care that? You say you take a gym with 39:43 you when you're on the road. How do you find time for all 39:45 the exercise, eating right and everything when 39:47 you are constantly traveling? 39:49 Really I don't think there's hardly anybody in the world 39:51 busier than I am and I can say that because 39:54 I meet a lot of people. 39:55 There are several key things, 39:57 I have three disciplines in my life. 39:58 Nothing, and I mean nothing breaks those 3 disciplines. 40:02 Number one is my daily time with God, that's where 40:04 I receive my daily strength. 40:05 The other is my proper diet, I don't care how you live 40:07 or your travel or what you do, if you plan in advance 40:09 you can take food with you and you can eat right. 40:12 I've learned to master that, I keep an extra backpack with 40:15 me and take a lot of natural food with me wherever I go. 40:17 I can master that, third thing is my exercise. 40:20 Even here, I got here exhausted this morning, 40:22 just exhausted because I just came from New Zealand and 40:24 I have been on an airplane for 39 hours. 40:26 I got up this morning at 5:30 and I knew, I don't care what 40:30 happens I always exercise, end of conversation. 40:33 If I exercise and eat right and have my spiritual time 40:35 with God, those are three disciplines and never break. 40:37 End of conversation: so it is a matter of choice again. 40:39 A matter of discipline of your life. 40:41 We have talked all about that. 40:43 You can say, I am tired and I can pick it up tomorrow, 40:46 and as soon as you do that you start letting things drop. 40:50 You can't compromise one time, end of conversation. 40:53 You don't ever compromise and those are three areas 40:55 I don't compromise, ever. 40:56 It is a choice in which you live like that 40:59 it's a wonderful feeling. 41:00 It's funny you said that because when you said that 41:03 I thought about every single person with an addiction. 41:06 We don't compromise getting high, we don't compromise 41:09 getting on line, and all that stuff but if we get 41:12 healthy we think we can compromise. 41:14 It's the same, once healthy and one is not. 41:17 One of the things that you said really impressed my 41:20 husband, and my husband is a great guy. 41:21 He heard you say I wouldn't compromise that devotional 41:25 time and he started to add that to his own life and it is 41:28 amazing because he has so changed. 41:31 Not that I even knew he needed that, but it was like that 41:34 makes such a difference in someone's life. 41:36 That's my paycheck, how cool is that. 41:38 We have more questions, Tim you had a question. 41:41 When you are talking about setting your goals earlier, 41:46 we have a fallen nature were Satan loves to trap us in our 41:52 own, by ourselves, putting speed bumps and roadblocks in 41:57 front of us and we are so prone to believe it. 41:59 Or so, okay already lost so how do you get above that? 42:05 Cheri: We just believe our own garbage. 42:08 Tim: how do we get above that because we are so 42:11 apt to believe it. 42:13 Leo: you hit one key point, I think, that is the stumbling 42:17 block, you talked about Satan did this and Satan does that 42:21 to us, I could care less about the devil. 42:23 I don't give him the time of day, he is a fallen foe and 42:27 he is under my feet and God says stomp him. 42:29 He says I give you authority over serpents and scorpions, 42:32 Satan is the biggest serpent in the Bible. 42:34 So what I think we're dealing with is defeated mental 42:37 system that all of us have been program with so don't feel 42:39 bad about it, it is normal. 42:40 When you constantly say Satan this and he put this speed 42:44 bump, I don't see speed bumps, I don't see Satan. 42:46 He is a nobody, he is a nothing in my life, 42:48 all I see is God, all I see is the Bible with 42:50 God's principles. 42:52 It is a matter of focusing here, and training the mind to 42:55 quit focusing on the negativity of Satan this, the devil 42:57 this and the devil is tripping me up here and he doing 42:59 this in my life, forget it, it doesn't exist. 43:02 God has made you in His image. 43:04 God says I'm the God of unlimited possibilities. 43:07 You have to start focusing and believing the Word of God, 43:10 what it says about you and forget Satan. 43:13 That's why Jesus says get thee behind me Satan 43:15 and he doesn't have the time of day. 43:17 So starting to stand on the promises of God, and by the 43:19 way you cannot do this apart from a Christian perspective. 43:21 There are all kinds of self-help books out there and 43:24 I have studied them all, 43:25 New Age gurus and all this other stuff. 43:26 A lot of that stuff is good, I'm not knocking it but I am 43:29 saying if you missed that spiritual element of knowing 43:32 who you are and who God created you having that identity may be 43:36 the real issue we're dealing with is identity, 43:38 we are teaching in our seminar. 43:39 If your identity is that I am a sinner, I'm no good, 43:42 I have all these problems in my life that is what you are 43:44 going to be, but the day you say hey! 43:46 This is what the Bible says about me and I don't have to 43:48 worry about speed bumps, I don't have Satan in my life. 43:51 The Bible says the devil cannot touch you. 43:54 I'm covered by Jesus and the devil cannot touch me. 43:57 I stand on that promise and what the devil comes knocking 44:00 at your door don't answer it, send Jesus. 44:02 Jesus opens the door and says who are you? 44:04 I'm the devil. What do you want? I'm here to say Leo. 44:06 Leo doesn't live here anymore, I live in this house and 44:08 you can go you know where. 44:12 So it is a matter of retraining the brain to stand on 44:15 the unfailing Word of God. 44:17 Somebody told me and it's interesting is imagine the 44:22 the devil as a cosmic David Copperfield. 44:24 He's an illusionist and every single thing he puts in front 44:28 of me, like he could screw up my whole past but all I have 44:32 to do is say Jesus, God what's this? 44:36 It is gone, there is definitely no power, no ability to 44:40 trip me up anymore, but I have to hold onto who I am in 44:44 Christ. So I always think about that. 44:46 I also think about, but what if there are a billion bad 44:51 angels around me, God says I'm around you. 44:54 - it doesn't exist. - it doesn't exist. 44:57 All allusions and all lies, the biggest discipline is, 45:01 it only comes through time and the word, 45:02 it comes through positive? People to church and 45:05 programs like here on 3ABN. 45:06 The more you fill your mind with positive affirmations, 45:10 rather than the past and what the devil tries to throw in 45:13 your face just don't give him the time of day. 45:14 It's a training of the brain, the training of the mind to 45:17 do that, and think that's were the Bible talks so much 45:19 God says be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. 45:22 Notice He didn't state be transformed by the renewing of 45:24 your behavior, and we often focused on our behavior. 45:27 That's what you are doing in your question. 45:28 Focus on renewing the mind and behavior becomes automatic. 45:31 That's how simple it works, being renewed in the spirit 45:35 of your mind, let this might be in you that was in 45:37 Christ Jesus, it is totally transforming the mind 45:38 and behavior becomes automatic. 45:40 It's funny when I first got into recovery I used to think 45:44 the devil moved me from here to here and tempts me. 45:48 Then I read a part of the Bible that said you are drawn 45:52 away by your own lust and I thought oh shut up. 45:55 So it's me how and I'm thinking as I read that, the more I 46:00 started looking at the things that really draw me were the 46:04 things that I liked doing, found pleasure in those things. 46:08 Gods says change that and you won't be drawn so easily. 46:12 I thought even that is my ability to make decisions. 46:16 God wants to empower me and saying it really is you, 46:19 not that the devil is not out there doing some stuff, 46:22 but most the time I'm drawn by my own desires. 46:24 One the most critical points in the life of victory 46:27 and power I have found consistently, and I say this 46:29 with great respect and I don't want anyone to take 46:31 offense at this. 46:33 Christian people use God or Satan as the ultimate 46:36 excuse for all their behaviors and 46:38 they don't take responsibility. 46:40 Oh the devil did this in the devil did this, and no he 46:42 didn't, you made a foolish choice and you're reaping 46:43 the painful results of it. 46:45 It's really tough because you say it straight up. 46:49 I say that in loving compassion because I see people 46:53 struggling their whole life, I've prayed about it, 46:56 I've asked God to help me, it's like God is not even there. 46:58 They get all mad at God and God said hey 47:00 I told you what to do and you are not opening My law, 47:02 you are not following My principles and you are reaping 47:05 these painful results, change it I cannot do that for you. 47:09 God is not going to come in there and say I'm glad you 47:13 prayed not to listen to the filthy rock song, 47:14 He is not going to turn the dial 47:15 He says I impart My righteousness to you and you 47:19 turn the knob you see, so we often blame God and the Devil 47:22 for things that God and the devil had nothing to do with. 47:25 These are our choices, take responsibility. 47:28 I'll give you something for my husband you can use and 47:29 I'll tell Brad you can use it. 47:31 We are playing golf, he's teaching me how to play right? 47:33 I love it and he loves it and he's very good. 47:36 I looked down and I am thinking Brad, I'm going to use 47:40 my driver right? He says yeah. 47:42 Well what about the Sand trap and the water on the other 47:44 side? He says what Sand trap? 47:46 I'm thinking, He said you can't see it, you have to see the 47:50 green. What you're saying is the Sand trap is there and 47:53 the water is there, I'm not denying the realities around 47:55 me, but I'm just seeing the green. - exactly, exactly! 47:58 Okay we have another question. Henry you had a question. 48:01 Yeah Pastor is sounds really good when you said that we 48:03 are not actually, we are always defeated. 48:08 We are not actually failures. 48:11 But what do you tell someone what they have been defeated 48:15 so much that they are losing their hope on this belief. 48:19 I'm trying to understand your question right, you were so 48:23 discouraged and so down because of your past life. 48:25 - because they were defeated so much in their life that 48:27 they are actually losing their hope from this belief. 48:29 They are like maybe I am failure, they are going 48:32 back to their old way. 48:33 Yeah and that is what it is, only you can give yourself 48:35 a title, if you are going to give yourself a title 48:38 I am a failure and write this down in your journal 48:40 I am failure, that is what you will be. 48:42 So it is a total choice, and again I can choose to say 48:45 that I am a winner in the game of life. 48:47 I am perfect through Jesus Christ, 48:48 I have victory in Christ now and I can sit with Christ 48:52 in the heavenly realm. 48:53 I can choose what belief system I have and that belief 48:56 system will determine my destiny. 48:57 So a person in that same condition again even though they 49:00 failed over and over again and they think they have failed 49:02 they have to realize there is no such thing as failure. 49:04 That's what we talked about earlier. 49:05 They have had a lot of temporary defeats, but God is the 49:07 God of new beginnings and if you have planned A and blow 49:09 it doesn't matter because God has a plan B. and if you 49:11 blow that He's got plan C. 49:12 God is always got a plan for your life. 49:14 It is never too late to make a new beginning I don't care 49:17 how dark or shameful your past might be. 49:19 So again it is conditioning the mind to believe 49:23 the word of God rather than the lies and things of Satan. 49:26 That may sound very elementary but it really boils down 49:28 to that simple principle. 49:30 What is interesting to me, I did 10-15 years in recovery 49:33 and before I realized that I had to take responsibility. 49:37 I went down every road and looked at everything and felt 49:41 like is this working, am I supposed to do this. 49:44 I'd grab another self-help book and got into another 49:47 group and all those things and God at one point finally 49:50 said to me, Cheri, I never sent you down that road. 49:53 So sometimes I think when someone is failing or feeling 49:56 that they are failing is to ask them to stop and really 49:59 as God and listen, is what do I do now? 50:02 I don't know what you think about that but I think a lot 50:05 of people get into their mind that I need to be this, 50:08 our need to do this because my father wanted me to be 50:11 this or whatever and it's like being able to stop and put 50:14 all that out and get a good idea of who I am in Christ 50:18 and in what direction. 50:19 It's amazing to me because I never would have believed 50:22 that God had the plans He had my life. 50:24 I had to let go of all the things I believed about where 50:28 I was going and who I was, my successes and failures and 50:33 saying okay God, now what? 50:34 I'm blown away because all that is good and I'm thinking 50:38 I want to get up now and say God what is it today because 50:42 I am excited about that. 50:43 Thing that you touched on and it is real powerful, 50:46 we teach in our seminars and I think we brushed on it in 50:49 one of the programs, but even victory in people's lives. 50:51 This basically is the question you are asking, how do I 50:53 get this victory, how do I get out of this mental state 50:55 I'm in and all the failures that I have had? 50:57 Most churches I think are at fault in this too because 50:59 they teach to go home and pray about it, ask God to help 51:02 you, ask God to give you strength and He's going to. 51:04 That is pure heresy, all right 51:06 I don't read that anywhere in the Bible. 51:08 The Bible says thanks be to God - you have someone 51:11 yelling at the television screen right now so you have 51:14 to explain it, go ahead I'm ready. 51:15 The Bible says thanks be to God which gives us the 51:19 victory, victory is a gift from God. 51:22 I don't have to ask God for it, He is waiting for me to 51:24 claim it, why do I have to ask Him for something 51:27 He has already given me? 51:28 I open my wallet, we have done this before. 51:29 I open my wallet and say Cheri I'm going to give you, 51:32 I've only got New Zealand money, I'm going to give you 51:34 a $10 bill, I gave to her and it is hers now right? 51:37 Did she work for it? No! 51:39 How did she get it? I gave it to her. 51:41 Victory is a gift, thanks be to God which gives us the 51:44 victory so we have train people to say hey God is 51:46 standing here with this massive smile on His face and 51:48 His arms open wide saying, you do not have to struggle 51:50 with this pornography, you don't have to struggle with 51:52 drugs, you don't have to struggle, I'm giving you the 51:54 victory, take it! Alright! 51:57 It took me 15 years to really believe that and it was 51:59 true, I could have done it before but 52:02 I did not believe it. 52:04 We complicate it, and ask God to help you, ask God to give 52:06 you strength, where's that in the Bible, I don't read that 52:08 anywhere in the Bible. 52:09 God says I already did it for you, just take it. 52:11 The second step, He says in Romans 6: 11, I reckon that 52:14 you are dead to sin. 52:15 Whenever I am tempted, we all get tempted that is normal. 52:18 That's the neuro pathways kicking in and our old habits 52:20 that are built into our nervous system, when that comes up 52:23 don't fight it just simply say hey God said I am dead and 52:26 I can't do it. - I have victory here. - exactly! 52:28 God gave me the victory and I'm dead. 52:29 Dead people can't get angry. 52:31 Dead people can't smoke marijuana. 52:33 Did people can't look at pornography, I am dead. 52:36 The third part is Romans 13:14 God says don't make 52:39 provision for the flesh. 52:40 My flesh wants alcohol, tobacco, my flesh wants lust, my flesh 52:43 wants whatever, I had to get rid of the things that feed 52:45 my flesh, that is my part to cooperate with God. 52:47 So when I realize the steps to victory are literally that 52:50 simple where I accept the victory and I'm dead to whatever 52:53 I am tempted to how I say God I'm dead but thank you for 52:55 giving me the victory and you walk on the word of God 52:57 and that also changes everything. 53:00 Does that make sense? 53:01 Again it is so simple and we make it so complicated. 53:04 Like that is basic psychology how else can you put it. 53:08 What is interesting because it is so simple and basic and 53:11 all that stuff, but I believe, and tell me what you think 53:15 about this, I believe there is a part of me that so didn't 53:18 want to give something up that I would sabotage myself. 53:21 I had to come to the place where I thought, 53:24 God it is me isn't it? I sabotaged it, I get my security 53:29 here and this is where I feel empowered and You are asking me 53:32 to give it up. 53:33 I may give up three of these things but I'm holding two 53:35 and wondering why am still defeated. 53:37 It's like those other two, God says I will stay with you 53:40 until you can feel safe enough, secure enough that you 53:44 will give Me the other two. 53:45 Because I want your life to be victorious. 53:47 But we do hold on to things and it's absolutely 53:51 unbelievable, to me, how much I sabotage myself, 53:55 but I'm done. The day you said I am done this is the 53:58 greatest day of your life because that's when God can say 54:01 are right now I can do something for you. 54:03 It's like a person praying for victory and they are 54:07 constantly breaking God's law, God operates on fixed laws and 54:09 I let go of this book, it falls down every time because a law 54:11 called gravity and it is the same thing with our minds. 54:14 If I'm watching 42 hours of TV filled with glorification 54:17 of sin and crime, profanity, immorality, nudity, 54:20 and all these other things and listening to murder 54:23 mysteries, or reading murder mysteries, and listening to 54:25 country and Western music, the most depressing 54:27 music in the world. 54:28 Like all this stuff if I'm filling my mind with nothing 54:31 but negativity sin and evil I can pray tell the cows 54:33 come home and there is nothing God can do for me. 54:35 If we can't lie to ourselves and say why isn't God helping 54:39 me? God is just saying I so want to help and I have to 54:43 say the law of time, we're out of time. 54:45 I love having you on the show, but I want to continue this 54:50 because the law of reaping what we sow is so evident. 54:56 When I waste time, when I watch TV and put it all those 55:01 images and do that kind of stuff. 55:03 When I watch the news every single day and am bombarded my 55:07 mind with all the stress and I wonder why I'm stressed and 55:11 miserable and God is saying I know, owh, owh just ask Me. 55:15 Because I'm miserable when you keep putting this in, 55:18 and you have to trust Him, trust Him. 55:20 Fast On your television. 55:22 Fast on all the stuff that is negative in your head. 55:26 Fast on all that just for a few days and see what happens. 55:29 We will be right back and I want you to stay with us 55:32 because we are not done yet, we'll be right back. 55:40 Cheri Peters uses the book, 'Coming Of The Comforter' 55:43 as a guide for the second season of Celebrating Life In 55:46 Recovery, written by Lee Roy E. Froom is a 320 page book 55:50 that offers every sinner the knowledge that the 55:52 Holy Spirit is available to all. 55:54 3ABN now offers this book to you for a suggested donation 55:58 of only $13 postpaid within the US. 56:01 Call 3ABN at 618-627-4651 or go online to 56:22 It is incredible to me that the choice really is mine. 56:26 God made it that way and I don't want to say that in some 56:29 way that it is all about us, but God gave us the ability 56:34 to choose, gave us the ability to be healthy or not and 56:38 He respects that and says that if something is not working 56:41 for you, like we have talked about in this whole show, 56:44 figure it out. 56:46 Sit down and write until you can't write anymore. 56:49 Until you get a picture of what it is in front of you that 56:52 is not working and then choose different. 56:55 Literally choose different, every part of it. 56:57 When I first got into recovery and decided that I'm going 57:01 to eat better, I'm going to get more fluids in, I'm going 57:05 to try to get all these toxins out of myself and I started 57:08 feeling better and it was, oh man this is cool. 57:11 When I started in my mind getting rid of the things that 57:14 I am no good, not wanted, nobody loves me and that stuff, 57:18 you know what that is so not true. 57:20 If you are out there and you are my friend I thank you for 57:23 loving me, I have people all around the world that love me 57:26 and I would have never allowed that to happen if I were to 57:29 operate in my old beliefs system. 57:30 So if you are struggling with that, you have to trust what 57:35 Leo had to say today. 57:36 Trust the fact that you can make decisions, that you can 57:39 set different goals, you can believe different things 57:42 about yourself and the world around you. 57:44 You can actually get up and shut the TV off, not 3ABN! 57:48 But you can shut the TV off and say to yourself that I no 57:53 longer am going to let my mind get flooded by whatever. 57:56 I'm going to start checking what comes in and what goes 58:00 out and I'm not going to be critical, I'm not going to be 58:03 angry, I'm going to start really paying attention to that. 58:06 I'm going to bring my shoulders down and relax because 58:09 my life is different today because God said so. 58:12 I love that, God says so and all I have to do is to accept 58:15 it and accept it in a way that will change everything. 58:19 Until next time, always remember that God is crazy about 58:23 you and always remember I am too, bye and God bless! |
Revised 2014-12-17