Cracking the Genesis Code

The Enoch Generation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CGC

Program Code: CGC000050

01:12 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:13 Our Father and our God, what a privilege it is to come together
01:18 to open Your Holy Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit,
01:23 to discover what Your will is for us in these last days.
01:28 We ask that as we study the story of Enoch,
01:33 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us and teach us the
01:37 lessons which will be useful, and profitable, as we live in
01:42 these last days of human history.
01:45 We thank You, Lord, for the promise of Your presence,
01:48 and Father, we just ask, we plead, that You will be with us.
01:53 In Jesus' name, Amen.
01:55 We want to begin our study today by turning in our Bibles to
02:01 Revelation 12:17.
02:04 As we've studied before in this seminar, this verse is actually
02:09 a pickup on Genesis 3:15.
02:12 And it's actually speaking about the end time remnant of God
02:19 on planet earth; the remnant that will go through the final
02:23 tribulation, and will actually be in this world
02:28 when Jesus comes.
02:29 It says here in Revelation 12:17:
02:35 That is the devil.
02:38 The woman represents the church.
02:44 Or the remnant of her seed.
02:47 The remnant is the last portion of God's people.
02:51 And now notice that this remnant has two characteristics.
02:55 It says:
03:03 Notice that the end time remnant will keep the commandments
03:06 of God, and will have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
03:11 Now the question is, what is the testimony of Jesus Christ?
03:15 We know that the commandments of God
03:18 means the ten commandments.
03:20 But the testimony of Jesus; we need to take a look at what
03:23 the Bible has to say about that.
03:25 What is the testimony of Jesus?
03:27 Well, let's turn in our Bibles to Revelation 19:10,
03:33 Revelation 19:10.
03:36 Here we have a clear explanation as to what the testimony of
03:40 Jesus is, which the remnant will possess in the end of time.
03:45 It says there, by the way, a majestic being appears
03:49 to John, who is the writer of the book of Revelation,
03:53 and we find these words about the encounter:
03:55 And I fell at his feet to worship him, but he said to me,
04:01 That is the angel said to John, See that you do not do that.
04:06 I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren, who have the
04:11 testimony of Jesus.
04:12 What do the brethren of John have?
04:15 They have the testimony of Jesus.
04:18 And then it says, Worship God, for the testimony of Jesus
04:24 is the spirit of prophecy.
04:27 So here we have a definition of what the testimony of Jesus is.
04:32 It is the spirit of prophecy, which means that the end time
04:35 remnant is going to keep the commandments of God,
04:38 the ten commandments, and they are going to have the testimony
04:41 of Jesus, which is the gift of prophecy,
04:44 or the spirit of prophecy.
04:46 Now there's a third characteristic that this
04:49 end time remnant is going to have, and that characteristic
04:53 is found in Revelation 14:12, Revelation 14:12.
05:00 And, by the way, this verse repeats one detail which we
05:03 already read in Revelation 12: 17.
05:07 It says here, speaking about the end time remnant:
05:18 We've already seen that in 12:17.
05:29 So the end time remnant has faith; not any old kind
05:34 of faith, but the faith of Jesus, the faith that Jesus had.
05:39 And so we find three characteristics in these verses,
05:43 about the end time remnant: they keep the commandments of God,
05:47 they have the testimony of Jesus,
05:49 which is the gift of prophecy, or the spirit of prophecy;
05:52 and they also have an unbreakable faith,
05:56 the faith of Jesus.
05:58 Now in order to understand fully this end time generation,
06:03 we have to go to the time before the flood.
06:06 And I'd like to invite you to go with me to Genesis 6:5.
06:13 We're actually going to talk about one of the most
06:16 spectacular events recorded in the Old Testament.
06:20 Now allow me to give you just a little bit of a chronology
06:23 about this event.
06:25 It took place 987 years after creation.
06:30 That means that it took place 669 years before the flood.
06:37 And, actually, it would further mean that it happened 549 years
06:44 before Noah began preaching, 124 years before the flood.
06:50 Now we're going to talk about this event in our study tonight.
06:56 It's really spectacular.
06:58 And let's take a look, once again, at Genesis 6:5 and read
07:05 about the condition of the world before the flood.
07:07 It says there:
07:24 So the condition of the world before the flood was in a dire
07:29 situation. The world had become almost totally corrupted,
07:33 according to this.
07:35 Now we find in Matthew 24:37-39 that the condition of the world
07:41 before the flood is actually symbolic, or representative,
07:45 of the condition of the world before the second coming
07:49 of Christ. Notice Matthew 24: 37-39. It says:
08:04 Now did you notice here that there's a comparison between
08:08 the days of Noah, and the coming of the Son of man?
08:12 It continues saying:
08:34 Now what I want you to notice is that the world was in a
08:40 condition, in the days of Noah, similar to the condition
08:44 it will be in shortly before the second coming of Christ.
08:47 Now with this in mind, we want to study the story about a very
08:53 special hero that we find recorded in Genesis 5.
08:59 His name is Enoch.
09:02 Now before we take a look at Enoch, we need to notice some
09:06 very interesting details that we find in Genesis 5.
09:10 We're going to discover that before the flood, there were two
09:16 different types of faithful people.
09:20 Two different types of righteous people.
09:23 And you're saying, I thought there was only one kind of
09:26 righteous person. Well, in a certain sense there is,
09:30 but in the sense that we're noticing tonight, we're going
09:33 to see that there were two categories of righteous people.
09:37 The first category of righteous persons are those who died
09:43 before the coming of the flood, which represents, by the way,
09:47 the second coming of Jesus, as we read in Matthew 24.
09:51 Let's go in our Bibles to Genesis 5, and let's read
09:56 several verses in this chapter about what happened with many
10:01 of these heroes that are mentioned here,
10:04 actually the genealogy, which eventually will end up
10:07 with Jesus Christ.
10:08 We'll begin at verse 5.
10:10 We're going to jump to several verses here. It says:
10:21 Let's go to verse 8.
10:30 Verse 11:
10:38 Let's go to verse 14.
10:46 Verse 17.
10:55 Verse 20.
11:02 Verse 27.
11:10 Verse 31.
11:18 And then we jump to Genesis 9: 29. It says:
11:29 So you'll notice that before the flood, one category of the
11:34 believer was the believer that died before
11:38 the coming of the flood.
11:40 But I want you to notice that there is a second kind
11:44 of believer before the flood.
11:46 Notice Genesis 5:24.
11:50 I skipped over one individual in this genealogy of Genesis 5.
11:55 Genesis 5:24, the second category of believer.
12:02 It says here in Genesis 5:24:
12:14 Now did you notice that?
12:17 And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.
12:21 And somebody might say, well, when it says that God took him,
12:26 it means that he died and God took him to heaven with him,
12:30 because, you know, we speak today about when a person dies,
12:34 God took him. Now is that exactly what the Bible is trying
12:38 to teach here? Absolutely not!
12:40 You say, how we do know that?
12:41 Because there's a text in Hebrews 11:5, which explains
12:46 Genesis 5:24. Go with me to Hebrews 11:5.
12:52 Here it is explicit. It says here:
13:04 Now is that clear?
13:06 He didn't die and then was taken.
13:09 Here it says, very clearly:
13:30 And so you have two different types of believers
13:34 before the flood.
13:35 You have those who die and go to the grave before the flood,
13:40 and then you have those, represented by Enoch,
13:44 who actually is taken to heaven without seeing death.
13:50 Now, obviously, Enoch is in a special category, because he is
13:57 the lone exception in this list.
14:00 All of the rest died, but Enoch was transported to heaven
14:05 without seeing death.
14:08 What made Enoch so special?
14:12 Well, before we answer that question, allow me to tell you
14:15 that the Bible has very little to say about Enoch.
14:20 There are actually only four passages, or verses,
14:25 in scripture that mention Enoch.
14:27 Allow me to mention those for you.
14:30 The first is Genesis 5:21-24.
14:33 We just read from there.
14:35 The second place where Enoch is mentioned, is in Luke 3:37.
14:40 This is the genealogy of Jesus.
14:42 Only His name is mentioned there.
14:44 And then you have Hebrews 11:5, which is the verse that we just
14:49 read, where it says that he didn't see death,
14:51 that God actually took him.
14:53 And finally, a very significant verse is found in Jude 14, 15.
15:02 And so we have four passages that speak about Enoch:
15:06 Genesis 5:21-24, Luke 3:37, Hebrews 11:5, and Jude 14, 15.
15:14 And so you might say, how can you preach a whole sermon
15:17 on Enoch, if the Bible has so little to say about him?
15:22 Well, even though we only have four verses that mention Enoch,
15:26 those four verses are filled with information,
15:31 and with meaning.
15:32 And so we're going to take a look at the characteristics
15:37 that distinguish Enoch, in a special way, from the other
15:42 people who are mentioned as dying before the flood.
15:46 There are four specific things which are mentioned in these
15:51 verses about Enoch, who was transported to heaven
15:55 from among the living.
15:57 Those four things that are mentioned are:
16:00 1. He walked with God.
16:04 2. He pleased God.
16:08 3. He had faith in God.
16:13 4. He had the testimony of Jesus, or the gift of prophecy.
16:20 Now we get these details from the texts, from the four texts
16:26 that are mentioned in scripture.
16:27 And so we want to take a look at these characteristics.
16:31 Notice Genesis 5:24 once again.
16:36 We read this verse before to show that God took Enoch,
16:39 but now let's notice the first part of this verse.
16:43 It says, and Enoch did what?
16:47 And Enoch walked with God, and he was not for God took him.
16:55 Now I might mention a very important detail,
16:58 and that is that in Genesis 5 we are told that Enoch walked
17:05 with God, after he had Methuselah, for 300 years.
17:11 That's significant, because Enoch lived to be 365 before
17:16 he was taken to heaven by God.
17:18 It doesn't say that the first 65 years he walked with God,
17:22 although, undoubtedly, he walked with God.
17:24 But there was a special sense ion which Enoch walked with God
17:28 from the 65th year of his life, through the 365th
17:33 year of his life.
17:34 And you say, what was that?
17:37 Well, in our second text book, the book
17:39 Patriarchs and Prophets, Ellen White explains that when Enoch
17:45 had Methuselah, he understood better than ever before,
17:50 how God feels for His children, because now Enoch had a son,
17:57 and he could understand the father son relationship so much
18:02 better in the light of having a son.
18:05 He knew what it was like for God to feel
18:08 for His earthly children.
18:10 And so we're told here that in a special sense,
18:13 he walked with God after he had Methuselah.
18:18 Now notice also, Hebrews 11:5.
18:22 Not only did he walk with God, but we're told that he did
18:26 something else. Actually, it's the same thing as walking with
18:29 God, but a different expression is used.
18:32 It says in Hebrews 11:5, By faith Enoch was taken away
18:38 so that he did not see death, and was not found
18:43 because God had taken him.
18:45 And now notice this.
18:47 For before he was taken he had this testimony,
18:52 that he pleased God.
18:56 What does it mean to walk with God?
18:58 It means to what? to please God.
19:02 In other words, Enoch walked with God, Enoch pleased God,
19:08 but do you know that Enoch also had faith in God.
19:12 Notice what we find in Hebrews 11:6, Hebrews 11:6.
19:18 After saying that Enoch pleased God, notice what we
19:22 find in this verse.
19:39 So Enoch pleased God, and without faith it is impossible
19:45 to what? to please Him.
19:46 So you'll notice three characteristics so far,
19:50 and we're going to notice that they're very closely related.
19:52 First of all, he walked with God.
19:55 Secondly, he pleased God.
19:59 In the third place, he had faith, because without faith
20:04 it is impossible to please God.
20:06 Now the fourth characteristic is found in Jude, verses 14 and 15.
20:12 This is that little book right before the book of Revelation.
20:15 Jude 14 and 15. It says here about Enoch:
20:31 Now let's stop there just for a moment.
20:33 What did Enoch do?
20:34 He prophesied. Do you know who he was prophesying about?
20:39 Actually, he was prophesying about two groups.
20:41 The first group of wicked people that he was prophesying about
20:45 was the pre-flood race that we've already read about
20:49 in Genesis 6:5 that every intent of the hearts,
20:52 and their imaginations was only evil continually.
20:57 He was prophesying about them.
20:59 But he was also prophesying about a wicked generation
21:02 shortly before the second coming of Jesus, because as it was
21:06 before the flood, so also will it be at the coming
21:09 of the Son of Man.
21:10 So he's looking at both of these groups.
21:13 And so it says, Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied
21:18 about these men, also saying, Behold, the Lord comes
21:23 with ten thousand of His saints,...
21:26 To execute what?
21:31 To execute what?
21:37 Did Enoch preach the judgment?
21:41 He most certainly did.
21:44 He was a prophet that announced the judgment, and so it says,
21:47 To execute judgment on all.
21:49 Now let's stop there.
21:53 Was Enoch a prophet? Yes, he was.
21:58 Did he then have the testimony of Jesus?
22:02 Did he rebuke iniquity?
22:05 Did he announce that God was going to come in judgment?
22:08 Absolutely! And so we notice four characteristics
22:12 about Enoch: first of all he walked with God.
22:16 Secondly, he pleased God.
22:18 In the third place, he had faith, because without faith
22:23 it is impossible to please God.
22:25 And in the fourth place, he was a prophet, and so he had
22:29 the testimony of Jesus.
22:31 But now we need to take a look at what all of
22:35 these things mean.
22:36 What does it mean to walk with God?
22:39 What does it mean to please God?
22:41 What does it mean when the Bible says that Enoch had faith?
22:47 And let's understand a little bit better what the testimony
22:51 of Jesus is, what the gift of prophecy is.
22:54 And so, first of all, we want to notice what it means to
22:57 walk with God, because Enoch is a symbol of
23:01 the end time generation.
23:03 Now notice Amos 3:3, the book of Amos 3:3.
23:10 What does it mean to walk with God? It says here:
23:23 Must you be of one mind with God in order to walk with God,
23:29 according to this verse?
23:30 Can you be at odds with God, and be walking with God?
23:35 Absolutely not! Now there's a very, very interesting
23:39 characteristic about the expression, walking,
23:42 in the Old Testament, as well as in the New.
23:45 Almost every time that the expression, walk, is used
23:52 in this sense of walking with God, it has to do with keeping
23:58 God's commandments.
24:00 I want to read several verses from scripture that illustrate
24:05 this point. Go with me to Deuteronomy 10:12, 13,
24:10 Deuteronomy 10:12, 13.
24:14 Walking with God is linked with keeping God's commandments.
24:18 It says there in Deuteronomy 10:
24:53 Do you notice all of the parallel expressions
24:56 in this verse? You have, for example, to fear the Lord
25:01 your God. To walk in all His ways.
25:05 To love Him, to serve Him with all your heart,
25:10 and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments
25:13 of the Lord. So let me ask you, what does it mean
25:16 to walk with God?
25:18 It means to fear Him.
25:20 It means to walk in His commandments.
25:23 It means to love Him.
25:25 That was true of Enoch.
25:27 That was the experience of Enoch walking with God.
25:32 Now let's notice two or three other texts.
25:35 Notice Deuteronomy 13:4, Deuteronomy 13:4.
25:42 Here God is speaking to His people, and He says:
25:53 And do what?
25:57 That's the expression we found in Revelation 12:17.
26:00 And then what does it say?
26:11 What does it mean to walk with the Lord?
26:13 It means to keep His commandments, to obey His voice,
26:18 to serve Him, and to hold fast to Him.
26:22 Would that be what Enoch did if he walked with God?
26:25 You see, you let scripture explain scripture.
26:28 When you find the expression, walk with God, you have to see
26:31 what it means to walk with God, in the light
26:33 of all of scripture.
26:34 Notice Psalm 78:10.
26:37 Here it's even more explicit, what it means to walk with God.
26:42 It says in Psalm 78:10, speaking about Israel:
26:56 What do you walk in?
26:58 You walk in God's law, according this.
27:01 Let me ask you, did Enoch walk in God's law?
27:05 Did he keep God's commandments?
27:07 Did he obey the voice of the Lord?
27:09 Yes, if you compare these scriptures with Genesis 5,
27:13 you'll notice that he did.
27:14 You see, when you only have that expression, he walked with
27:17 God, you have to go to other places in scripture that explain
27:20 what it means to walk with God.
27:22 Notice also, Psalm 119:1, Psalm 119:1.
27:29 It says here: by the way, this is David, the Psalmist,
27:32 who is writing.
27:41 Blessed are those who walk how? who walk in the law
27:45 of the Lord. Was Enoch a law keeper?
27:48 Was he obedient to God's commandments?
27:52 He most certainly was.
27:54 By the way, does this remind us of Revelation 12:17?
27:57 The people who keep the commandments of God,
28:00 in the end time generation?
28:02 Now notice 1 John 2:3-6, because somebody might say,
28:06 well, this was just Israel in the Old Testament.
28:09 So let's notice a text from the New Testament: 1 John 2:3-6.
28:15 It says here:
28:23 How do we know that we know God? If we what?
28:28 By the way, this is the same author of Revelation 12:17,
28:32 the same writer, not the same author, because God is the
28:35 author, but the same writer.
28:36 Now notice this:
29:08 Is walking with God linked here with keeping God's commandments?
29:14 It most certainly is.
29:15 So when Genesis tells us that Enoch walked with God,
29:20 it's another way of saying that Enoch obeyed God, and kept His
29:25 what? and kept His commandments.
29:28 Is that one of the characteristics of the end time
29:31 generation that will live before the second coming,
29:33 like Enoch lived before the flood?
29:36 Absolutely! But now we need to take a look at what it means to
29:40 please God. And, by the way, walk with God, and please God,
29:43 are synonymous. I don't know whether you caught that.
29:46 In Genesis we're told that Enoch walked with God.
29:49 In Hebrews we're told that before Enoch was translated
29:53 he pleased God.
29:54 So to walk with God is the same as what? It's the same as
29:59 to please God. Now what does the Bible mean when it says,
30:02 that a person pleases God?
30:05 Notice 1 John 3:22, 1 John 3:22.
30:12 It says here:
30:32 What is pleasing in the Lord's sight?
30:35 Keeping His what? His commandments.
30:39 Does that square with what it means to walk with God?
30:42 Absolutely! And so it says here, that God answers our prayers
30:47 because we keep His commandments and we do those things
30:50 that are pleasing in His sight.
30:52 By the way, this is the way Jesus lived.
30:55 Notice John 8:29, John 8:29, It says here:
31:02 Jesus is speaking:
31:13 Now why hasn't the Father left Him alone?
31:24 Is pleasing God, or rather does pleasing God, have anything to
31:29 do with obeying God, and doing what God expects us to do?
31:37 Absolutely! Jesus Himself says so.
31:40 He says, the Father has not left me alone, for I always do
31:45 those things that please Him.
31:47 By the way, the apostle Paul tells us that those who are in
31:51 the flesh cannot please God.
31:53 The expression, to live in the flesh, means that you haven't
31:58 been converted. It means that you have a fleshly existence.
32:02 You have a selfish nature that is dictating your behavior.
32:05 Let's notice Romans 8:7, 8, Romans 8:7, 8. It says here:
32:29 Is the fleshly nature in conflict with the law of God?
32:34 Absolutely! And then notice:
32:43 Are you catching the connection here between the fleshly person,
32:47 and keeping the commandments of God?
32:50 The fleshly person cannot keep the commandments of God,
32:53 which means that they cannot do what?
32:56 They cannot please God, according to this.
32:59 And, by the way, if you go to Galatians 5, you're going to
33:03 notice what the works of the flesh are.
33:06 They are actually violations of the ten commandments.
33:10 Notice the list that the apostle Paul gives, and I'm reading from
33:13 the NIV because there's some words in the New King James
33:16 that are difficult to understand.
33:18 This is the list: sexual immorality, impurity,
33:23 debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord,
33:32 jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissentions, factions,
33:40 envy, drunkenness, orgies, and then he says, and the like.
33:47 Those are the works of the flesh.
33:49 Let me ask you, are all of those violations of God's
33:52 ten commandments?
33:53 Those people who practice these things, are they really pleasing
33:57 God? No, because they're living according to the flesh.
34:00 And living according to the flesh brings as a result
34:04 the works of the flesh.
34:06 And so we find that Enoch walked with God.
34:11 He pleased God, which basically means that Enoch obeyed God's
34:16 commandments. It means that Enoch followed the will of God.
34:22 He feared the Lord.
34:23 He loved the Lord.
34:24 He obeyed the Lord.
34:26 He kept His commandments.
34:28 He walked with Him, in other words.
34:30 Allow me to read you a very interesting statement from our
34:33 second text book, Patriarchs and Prophets, page 85, on Enoch.
34:37 It says here:
35:00 And now notice this.
35:19 In other words, walking with God meant that he walked
35:24 with God in all the areas of life,
35:26 and in all of his relationships.
35:29 And, of course, when we remember that the law of God is a law of
35:32 relationships, because basically it means to love God,
35:35 and to love our neighbor, we understand that Enoch loved
35:38 God and his neighbor, and it was manifested in obedience
35:41 to the commandments of God.
35:43 Now we also have found that Enoch had faith, because without
35:50 faith it is impossible to please God.
35:53 Now what kind of faith did Enoch have?
35:56 And where was his faith focused?
35:58 It says, by faith Enoch.
36:00 Okay, that's fine, but, you know, where was his faith
36:03 focused? Well, in order to understand this we need to
36:07 understand what faith is.
36:09 Go with me to Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:1.
36:14 This is the standard definition for faith. It says here:
36:29 What is faith? The substance of things that you what?
36:34 That you hope for.
36:36 The evidence of things that you have not what? seen.
36:41 So must Enoch have hoped for something
36:46 that he didn't have yet? Of course!
36:48 Must he have desired to see something that at that point he
36:53 did not see? Of course!
36:56 And the question is, where was his faith focused?
36:59 Oh, there's this beautiful statement that's found in
37:04 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 87.
37:06 I want to read it to you.
37:07 It's beautiful! It says here:
37:20 Did you notice that?
37:37 Where was his faith focused?
37:40 Was he hoping for heaven? Yes.
37:43 Could he actually see heaven with his physical eyes? No.
37:48 But did he see heaven with the eye of faith?
37:51 He most certainly did.
37:53 He longed for heaven.
37:54 She continues saying:
38:12 In other words, his faith was a hope that someday he could
38:17 live with God in heaven, which he could not see with his
38:22 physical eyes, but which he grasped by faith.
38:25 Have you ever heard the expression, he's so heavenly
38:29 minded, he's no earthly good?
38:31 You know, I like to change that around, and I like to say,
38:34 he's so earthly minded, he's no heavenly good.
38:38 And the fact is that Enoch, he was heavenly minded,
38:42 but that did not keep him from fulfilling his daily duties
38:46 of love to God, and love to his fellow human beings.
38:49 But he knew that this world was not his home.
38:52 His faith was focused on eternal realities,
38:55 not the phantoms of this world.
38:58 So we've noticed three characteristics:
39:01 1. Enoch walked with God.
39:05 That means keeping his commandments.
39:07 2. Enoch pleased God.
39:09 That means that you don't walk according to the flesh,
39:12 but according to the Spirit.
39:13 It means that you're not at enmity with the law of God,
39:17 but you're in love with the law of God.
39:18 3. Enoch had faith.
39:20 His faith was focused on heavenly realities.
39:24 Even though he was on earth, he was walking with the king
39:27 in the New Jerusalem, by faith.
39:29 By the way, are these the very three characteristics that we
39:33 started our study with?
39:34 What is the end time generation going to have?
39:38 They are going to keep what? the commandments of God.
39:43 Are they going to have the faith of Jesus? Absolutely!
39:47 Are they going to be the Enoch generation? Of course!
39:51 But there's one more characteristic,
39:53 and that is in Jude 14 and 15.
39:57 Let's read this passage again. It says here:
40:12 By the way, this is after the millennium.
40:15 I won't get into that.
40:20 The execution of the judgment against the wicked is when?
40:23 Not at the second coming, but after the millennium.
40:36 If I could just make a parenthesis there.
40:39 Is there going to be a huge panorama above the Holy City
40:42 where the wicked are going to be convicted
40:44 of their unrighteousness?
40:46 Yes, you see, usually we apply this to the second coming
40:49 of Christ, but technically in context, it's applying to events
40:54 after the millennium.
40:55 And so verse 15 says:
41:12 Did Enoch warn the world of a coming judgment,
41:17 and the need that people had of committing their lives
41:20 to the Lord? Absolutely!
41:22 Would you expect that in the end time the Enoch generation
41:27 would also have in their midst a prophet who would announce
41:31 the judgment, and the need to prepare for that judgment,
41:35 so they were on the right side? Of course!
41:38 Now allow me to read you some interesting statements about
41:42 this aspect of Enoch.
41:44 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 85.
41:47 I just love this chapter about Enoch.
41:49 There's so much wonderful light in it about Enoch.
41:53 It says here, Through, now notice this:
41:56 Through, now notice this:
42:12 He did it through the Holy what?
42:14 Through the Holy angels.
42:16 And now notice this:
42:33 What did Enoch have according to this?
42:37 By the what? By the Spirit of Prophecy.
42:40 Is that the identical expression that we found about the end time
42:45 remnant in Revelation 12:17, and Revelation 19:10? Absolutely!
42:52 By the way, was Enoch a fearless rebuker of sin?
42:58 He most certainly was.
42:59 Allow me to read you this statement:
43:01 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 86.
43:03 See, today we live in a world of political correctness,
43:06 where nobody wants to call sin by its right name,
43:09 but Enoch did not get caught up in that game.
43:13 Enoch told things in love like they were.
43:17 And he rebuked sin, and he called sinners to allow
43:21 the Holy Spirit to change their lives, so they would be found on
43:25 the right side in the coming judgment.
43:28 We find this statement:
44:00 What was it? It was the Spirit...
44:33 In this way Enoch was similar to Noah, who also condemned the
44:38 world, as it says in the book of Hebrews, and he became the heir
44:43 of the righteousness that is by faith.
44:46 One further statement from Patriarchs and Prophets,
44:49 page 87, talks about the holiness of Enoch. It says:
45:05 What was he seeking?
45:06 Purity of soul that he might be what? in harmony with heaven.
45:50 Wow! Do you know that the same author of
45:56 Patriarchs and Prophets, Ellen White, says this in the journal,
46:00 Signs of the Times, April 8, 1899. Notice:
46:17 That was the experience of Enoch.
46:19 He became totally disconnected in his affections,
46:23 and in his mind, with this world.
46:26 He loved God so much.
46:28 He wanted to please God so much.
46:31 He wanted to keep God's commandments so much.
46:33 He had so much faith in what he could not see,
46:37 and what he hoped for, that God finally said to Enoch,
46:40 Enoch, you're not a citizen of earth anymore,
46:43 you're only a citizen of heaven.
46:45 Come up here, and we'll continue walking on the street of gold
46:49 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
46:51 The Enoch generation will be just like that.
46:56 They will walk with God, they will please God,
47:00 they will have the faith of Jesus,
47:02 and they will have the testimony of Jesus, which they will
47:06 proclaim to a world that is living in rebellion.
47:10 Now do you remember that at the beginning of our study
47:14 we noticed that there were two different categories
47:18 of believers before the flood?
47:19 There were those who died, and there was the individual who was
47:25 translated to heaven from among the living.
47:28 Do you know that Enoch represents those
47:33 who in the end time will be translated to heaven
47:37 without seeing death?
47:38 You know, it kind of reminds me of that scene on the mount of
47:43 transfiguration. You've read that; where Jesus is at the top
47:49 of this high mountain, and suddenly down from heaven
47:53 come two individuals: Moses and Elijah.
47:57 Let's pick up the story as it's found in the gospel of
48:02 Matthew 17:1-3. It says:
48:22 By the way, you can read that in Revelation 1,
48:24 the glorified Christ; His face shines as the sun.
48:27 Jesus, here, was glorified in a preliminary way. And so it says:
48:47 Now why Moses and Elijah?
48:49 Well, if you go to the Old Testament you'll notice that
48:53 Moses, at the end of his life, because of his sin, died,
48:59 and he was resurrected, and he was taken to heaven.
49:04 You can find that by carefully reading Deuteronomy 34:5, 6,
49:08 and also Jude 9, where it says that there was a battle
49:12 over the body of Moses, because Michael the archangel had come
49:15 to resurrect Moses.
49:17 And so you have Moses, who died, resurrected, and ascended to
49:21 heaven. But then you have that other individual, Elijah,
49:24 where we're told in 2 Kings 2 that Elijah, a chariot of fire
49:30 came down and it picked up Elijah, and it took him
49:34 to heaven without experiencing death.
49:37 In these two individuals you have represented the two groups
49:41 of people that will be in this world, of the righteous people
49:44 that will be in this world when Jesus comes.
49:46 You have those who died in Christ, and will resurrect,
49:49 and you have those who are alive and remain.
49:53 In fact, let's notice what the apostle Paul has to say about
49:56 this: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.
50:05 It says here:
50:11 By the way, that Lord Himself, is the same Lord that was
50:14 transfigured on the mount of transfiguration.
50:22 Ah, what's the name of that archangel? Michael.
50:27 The same one who fought over the body of Moses. And so it says:
50:38 There you have represented, by those who died
50:42 before the flood, and you have those represented by Moses.
50:47 And then notice verse 17:
50:51 Those are represented by whom?
50:54 By Enoch and who else? and Elijah.
51:09 Is there going to be an Enoch generation at the end of time
51:14 who will bear the same characteristics as the original
51:17 Enoch before the flood? Absolutely!
51:19 In fact, allow me to read you a statement from
51:22 Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 88 and 89, corroborating what
51:26 we just studied from scripture.
51:28 This is a very significant statement.
51:30 Notice what it says:
51:35 That is Enoch.
51:50 Did you catch that?
51:51 The state of holiness which must be attained by those who
51:56 shall be redeemed from the earth.
51:57 By the way, do you know that there's only one type of
52:00 person who's going to be alive when Jesus comes?
52:02 the 144,000, and they will have gained a total victory over sin.
52:09 Now notice what this continues saying:
52:11 Then...(at the second coming, shortly before
52:14 the second coming).
52:59 Is there going to be a whole generation like Enoch
53:02 who are going to warn the world through the gift of prophecy,
53:08 who are going to obey God, manifest His pure character,
53:11 not live according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit?
53:14 Absolutely! She continues saying:
53:32 This is the generation that Jesus is waiting for
53:36 with a longing desire.
53:39 Now you say, how in the world do we ever reach this state?
53:43 Well, it's actually not as complicated as many people
53:46 think. You see, the way that we reach this state is by that
53:51 which we listen to and watch.
53:53 You know, if our eyes are focused on earthly things
53:58 we will be earthly minded.
54:00 If our eyes are focused on heavenly things
54:04 we will be heavenly minded.
54:06 We all know that little song, Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
54:11 Look full in His wonderful face.
54:14 And what will be the consequence?
54:16 And the things of earth will grow what? will grow strangely
54:21 dim in the light of His glory and grace.
54:25 Notice 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Corinthians 3:18.
54:31 Here it's speaking about the secret.
54:33 It's such a simple secret, but we find so difficult to follow
54:38 the council of God. It says here:
54:50 What do we behold? the glory of the Lord.
54:52 Do you know what the glory of the Lord is?
54:54 The glory of the Lord is His character.
54:57 It's His character.
54:59 You can read that in Exodus when Moses went to the top
55:03 of the mount: Exodus 32.
55:05 By the way, is the glory of God contagious?
55:10 You know, when Moses went up there and spent forty days
55:14 with the Lord, he came down from the mountain, and what was
55:17 happening with his face?
55:18 His face was shining, or glowing, because he had
55:21 been with the Lord.
55:22 If we want our faces to shine, and to glow, what do we have
55:26 to do? We have to spend time with the Lord because His
55:32 glory is contagious.
55:34 Now notice: but we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a
55:39 mirror the glory of the Lord, are being... what? transformed.
55:44 That's the word metamorphous in Greek.
55:46 It's a total and radical change.
55:48 We are being transformed into the same image,
55:53 from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
55:58 We are what we watch and what we hear.
56:03 If what we watch and hear is spiritually in tune with God,
56:09 we will reveal the character of God.
56:11 If what we watch and hear is focused upon the things
56:16 of this world, we will be worldly minded;
56:19 we will be carnally minded.
56:20 It is a psychological principle of life.
56:23 We are composed of what we eat physically,
56:26 and we are composed of what we eat spiritually,
56:29 through our eyes, and through our ears.
56:32 And Enoch had his focus in the right place.
56:36 His focus was on heaven.
56:39 Once again I read that statement that I read before from
56:44 Signs of the Times.
56:45 You know, do you long for heaven?
56:47 Do you long for Jesus to come?
56:49 There's nothing in this world that is worth hanging onto,
56:53 folks. It's all going to burn when Jesus comes.
56:56 I want you to notice that statement as we close.
57:06 Just one view, just a glimpse.


Revised 2014-12-17