Participants: Pastor Stephen Bohr
Series Code: CGC
Program Code: CGC000049S
01:12 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:15 Our Father in heaven, once again we draw near to Your throne 01:18 pleading for the presence of Your Holy Spirit 01:21 in our study today. 01:23 As we discuss the time of Jacob's trouble, we ask that You 01:30 will help us to understand what this time will be like, 01:33 and the preparation that will be necessary to go through this 01:38 period victoriously. 01:40 We ask that Your Holy Spirit will speak to us, 01:43 and instruct us, because we ask it in the precious name 01:47 of Jesus Your Son, Amen. 01:50 In our last lecture we studied about the story of Jacob 01:56 and Esau. And we noticed that Jacob and Esau, 02:01 these two brothers, actually represent two different 02:06 characters that people on planet Earth will have throughout the 02:12 course of history, and particularly at the end of time. 02:15 In other words, Jacob and Esau represent two different types 02:20 of characters that will distinguish one group 02:24 from another upon this earth, particularly in the end time. 02:28 And, of course, the struggle between Jacob and Esau 02:32 represents the final struggle in controversy between those people 02:38 with those two character manifestations: the righteous, 02:41 and the wicked. 02:42 Now I just want to review a little bit about what we studied 02:46 in our last lecture to set the stage for what we're going 02:49 to discuss in our lecture today. 02:51 First of all I would remind you about the character of Esau. 02:56 Esau believed that the law of God was a yoke of bondage, 03:02 and he actually believed that the law of God restricted 03:07 his freedom and his liberty. 03:09 He wanted to proclaim his freedom from rules 03:13 and regulations. 03:14 We also notice that Esau had no particular interest in the 03:20 responsibilities connected with the birthright. 03:23 The responsibilities involved being a righteous ruler over 03:29 his household, being the spiritual leader, 03:32 the priest of his house, and having the privilege of 03:36 being the progenitor of the Messiah. 03:38 He could care less about any of these responsibilities. 03:42 And we actually noticed that Esau lived for the here and now 03:47 instead of being forced on the sweet by and by. 03:51 Now the character of Jacob was different. 03:55 Even though we know that Jacob sinned against God 03:59 when he stole the birthright from his brother, 04:01 and he deceived his father, Jacob was not given over to sin. 04:07 In fact, Jacob appreciated the duties of the birthright. 04:12 He actually understood what it meant to be the ruler, 04:17 the righteous ruler of the household. 04:19 He understood what it meant to be a spiritual leader, 04:23 or priest of the household. 04:25 And he understood the awesome responsibility of being the 04:29 progenitor of the Messiah. 04:30 In other words, being a member of the holy line which would 04:34 bring the Messiah into the world. 04:35 And, of course, we studied last time that Esau was a very 04:40 hardened and rude person, whereas Jacob is described as 04:45 being docile and mild. 04:48 We also studied last time that the life of Jacob is really 04:53 an illustration of God's people, particularly at the end of time, 04:59 but actually beginning at the very origin of human history. 05:03 Let me just review some of those elements. 05:05 First of all, Jacob lost his home, his sweet home because 05:11 of his sin, but on the way away from his home he repented. 05:17 He truly repented of his sin, and he confessed his sin to God, 05:21 and God forgave his sin. 05:24 At Bethel God gave Jacob marvelous promises that he was 05:29 going to bless him, that he was going to eventually bring him 05:32 back to his home in Canaan, that from him would come an 05:36 innumerable multitude, and that God would protect him 05:40 from his enemies. 05:41 We also noticed that Jacob ended up in Laban's house, 05:45 a type of Satanic figure, a deceiver, a conniver, 05:50 a very wicked individual who changed Jacob's salary 05:54 repeatedly for his own purposes, who feigned love for his 05:58 daughters, but really didn't love them. 05:59 He was interested more in money and material resources 06:04 than anything else. 06:05 And, of course, the life of Jacob was very, very difficult, 06:09 very trying in the house of Laban, but it was a blessing 06:13 to him because he learned how to trust God. 06:16 He also learned how to be firm, and how to remain unmoved 06:24 in the midst of trials and tribulations. 06:27 And then, of course, we noticed in our study last time 06:31 that Jacob, after spending twenty years at the household 06:36 of Laban, God commanded him to go back to the land of Canaan. 06:41 And, of course, this is where we come to the portion of the 06:46 lecture that we want to emphasize today, and that is 06:49 the event that took place immediately before Jacob 06:53 entered the land of Canaan, or re-entered his lost home. 06:58 However, before we study this event at the very 07:03 end of the experience of Jacob, there's something that I need 07:08 to underline, which is extremely important for us to understand; 07:11 what we're going to discuss in our lecture today, 07:13 and that is that when Jacob had to leave home, 07:17 and he was on his way to Laban's house, God showed him 07:23 this dream of a ladder. 07:25 And after showing him the ladder that bridged heaven and earth, 07:29 God was saying to Jacob, Jacob even though you've sinned, 07:31 you've repented, and communion between heaven and earth, 07:35 between you and me, has not been broken. 07:38 There is an open communion. 07:40 Immediately after this dream God gave Jacob certain promises. 07:46 And I would like to read these promises as they're found 07:49 in Genesis 28:13-16. 07:53 There are basically four of them. 07:55 Remember that he's just left his home because of his sin. 07:58 He's on the way to Laban's house; this satanic figure. 08:02 And he's going to spend twenty years away from home. 08:06 And when he gets to Bethel God gives him this dream, 08:09 and He gives him these promises. 08:12 It says there in Genesis 28:13, And behold the Lord stood above 08:17 it, that is above the ladder, and said, I am the Lord God 08:22 of Abraham, your father, and the God of Isaac. 08:26 The land on which you lie, I will give it to you, 08:30 and to your descendents. 08:31 Notice first of all the promise of the land. 08:35 Verse 14 continues: Also your descendents... 08:40 Actually, the King James Version says your seed. 08:43 Shall be as the dust of the earth, and you shall spread 08:47 abroad to the west and to the east, to the north and to the 08:51 south. So He says you're going to have innumerable posterity, 08:56 is another promise. 08:57 And then notice, And in you, and in your seed all the families 09:03 of the earth shall be blessed. 09:05 So you have three promises: the land, an innumerable 09:10 posterity, and the blessing. 09:13 But there's one more promise that God made to him. 09:15 Verse 15: Behold I am with you, and will keep you wherever you 09:22 go, and will bring you back to this land, for I will not leave 09:28 you until I have done what I have spoken to you. 09:33 And so as Jacob is leaving home, God is giving Jacob these 09:39 wonderful promises. 09:40 First of all the promise that the land where he had left 09:46 would once again be his; that he would return home. 09:49 Secondly, an innumerable posterity. 09:52 In the third place a blessing. 09:56 And in the fourth place, God promises not to leave Jacob; 10:00 not to forsake him, but to protect him, and to keep him 10:04 along the way. Now let's go to the very end of the twenty year 10:09 period that Jacob spent in Laban's house. 10:13 He's left Laban's house, and now he's returning to Canaan, 10:17 and he's about to enter the land of Canaan. 10:20 God has told him to return. 10:23 In other words, his home which he has lost, 10:25 he is about to recover. 10:27 And as he's there about to enter the land of Canaan, 10:31 where he was cast out of because of his sin, 10:34 he has this experience that is told in Genesis 32. 10:41 In fact, there he's told that his brother Esau is coming 10:46 against him with four hundred armed men. 10:49 In fact, let's read this in Genesis 32:6, chapter 32:6. 10:58 It says: 11:13 Now when Jacob hears that his brother Esau is coming against 11:17 him... By the way, you remember that Esau said, the day will 11:21 come when I will kill my brother Jacob. 11:24 In other words, he was filled with hatred against his brother. 11:27 When Jacob hears this, the Bible tells us that Jacob is very 11:31 distressed, and anxious. 11:33 In fact, let's read it as it's found in Genesis 32:7. 11:39 And we're going to read just the first part of the verse. 11:42 It says here: 11:49 Now the fear that Jacob had is that his sins were so great 11:55 that God was not going to be able to fulfill the promises 11:59 that he had given when Jacob had left home. 12:02 Now God had told him that he was going to 12:04 fulfill these promises. 12:05 But now Jacob, as he's about to enter the land of Canaan, 12:09 his lost home, he begins to fear that when Esau comes 12:14 against him, Esau is going to destroy him, because his sins 12:18 are so great that God is not going to fulfill the promises 12:23 that He made to him twenty years 12:25 earlier. And so it says, that Jacob was greatly afraid 12:29 and distressed. In fact, Jacob knew that he could not be 12:34 presumptuous and demand that God fulfill His promises. 12:37 Let's notice Genesis 32:10. 12:42 When Jacob hears that his brother is coming, and he feels 12:47 his unworthiness, and that he cannot actually even force God 12:51 into fulfilling His promises, the Bible tells us that Jacob 12:55 confesses his unworthiness to God. 12:59 Notice Genesis 32:10. 13:02 He says to God in his prayer, I am not worthy of the least 13:08 of all Thy mercies, and of all the truth, which You have shown 13:13 Your servant. He says, because I'm a sinner, I'm not worthy. 13:17 I'm not worthy for You to fulfill your promises with me. 13:21 I'm not worthy for You to protect me from Esau, 13:25 but God, when You promise You always fulfill Your promises. 13:30 and so he confesses his unworthiness, and he prays 13:34 for God's mercy. 13:36 In fact, notice Genesis 32:11. 13:41 He prays to God for deliverance from his brother. 13:44 It says there, Jacob praying to God: 14:00 And then I want you to notice in verse 12, that Jacob actually 14:04 claims the promise of God. 14:06 Notice verse 12, for You said, I will surely treat you well, 14:15 and make your descendents as the sand of the sea, 14:18 which cannot be numbered for multitude. 14:21 In other words, Jacob is saying, Lord I'm afraid of my brother 14:25 Esau. He's coming to destroy me. 14:28 I'm unworthy even to be speaking to You because of my sinfulness. 14:32 But You have promised that You're going to take me back 14:36 to the land, that You were going to keep me, 14:38 that you were going to give me an innumerable 14:42 host of descendents, that you were going to bless me, 14:45 and now I am claiming those promises, not because I am 14:50 worthy, but because You are worthy; not because I am good, 14:54 but because You are good. 14:56 And so Jacob is there praying, pouring his heart out to God, 15:04 and suddenly a man shows up, and the man lays hold of Jacob. 15:12 And, of course, Jacob thinks it's an enemy, and so he begins 15:16 wrestling with this man. 15:17 Let's notice Genesis 32:24 on this wrestling match. It says: 15:32 In fact, actually, the wrestling match lasted the better part 15:36 of the whole night. 15:38 And Jacob is wrestling with this man, and suddenly the man 15:42 touches his hip, and his hip is thrown out of joint. 15:48 And Jacob says, Oh Oh, this is no ordinary man that I'm 15:53 fighting with. This is a super- natural being. 15:56 In fact, notice what we're told in Genesis 32:25: 16:05 By the way, this is the angel who says, that he could not 16:11 prevail with Jacob, not Jacob with the angel. So it says: 16:20 That is the angel. 16:31 Isn't that interesting that even after he threw his hip out of 16:36 join, Jacob still wrestles with him. 16:39 And Jacob says, this is a super- natural being that I'm 16:44 struggling with, but he did not let him go. 16:46 He hung onto him. 16:48 In fact, notice Genesis 32:26. 16:52 In spite of the excruciating physical pain that Jacob is 16:56 feeling, in spite of the psychological anguish because 16:59 of the load of his sins, and knowing that his brother Esau 17:03 is coming to destroy him, and knowing that he can only depend 17:07 on the promises of God, not because he is good, 17:09 but because God is faithful to His promises. 17:12 We find now in Genesis 32:26 that the angel, or this being, 17:19 this man, as he's called, says to Jacob: 17:28 That is Jacob said: 17:35 Quite a struggle! 17:36 Not willing to let loose of this angel, because he knows 17:42 now that he's more than a human being; 17:44 he's a super-natural being. 17:46 And he wants to have the assurance of God's blessing. 17:49 By the way, God had already given him the assurance of 17:52 his blessing when he left his home and arrived at Bethel. 17:56 By the vision, or the dream of the ladder, God had told Jacob 18:00 I am with you. Your sin is forgiven. 18:03 The bridge between heaven and earth is closed. 18:06 In other words, you can communicate. 18:08 The communion is open. 18:09 But for twenty years Jacob was not able to forgive himself 18:13 for his sin. And so now he's not sure. 18:15 Now I want you to notice in Genesis 32:27, 28, when Jacob 18:23 says to this man, as he's called, I will not let you go 18:27 until you bless me. 18:29 We find in Genesis 32:27, 28, that the name of Jacob 18:35 is changed. It says: 18:54 In other words, when Jacob struggles, and wrestles with 18:59 this man, and refuses to let him go, in spite of the 19:03 excruciating physical pain, and the psychological load of sin 19:07 that is upon him, the angel says, listen, your name will 19:11 no longer be called the supplanter, the one who wants 19:15 to take someone else's place, because now your character 19:18 has changed. You've felt your unworthiness, 19:22 and you're clinging to the promises of God that He gave 19:25 you at Bethel. And so He says, now your name will no longer 19:29 be supplanter, because that's not what you're like anymore. 19:32 He says, your name will now be called Israel, which means 19:37 the Prince of God. 19:39 In other words, there's a change of name when Jacob wrestles 19:44 with this man and prevails against him. 19:48 Now I want you to notice also that Jacob is blessed 19:54 by this man. It says in Genesis 32:29: 20:04 In other words, Jacob wants to know this being's name. 20:16 Now after this episode, it's interesting to notice the name 20:19 that Jacob gave to that place where he wrestled with this man. 20:24 By the way, I mentioned a little earlier that it was with an 20:27 angel, but really in Genesis 32, if you just stick to Genesis 32, 20:31 it says that he struggled with a man, but we're going to notice 20:35 now that this was much more than a common, ordinary man. 20:39 In fact, notice Genesis 32:30, 31, the name that Jacob gave 20:44 that place. It says: 20:51 An now he explains why. 20:54 By the way, Peniel means face of God. He says: 21:06 Who was that man? 21:09 That man, according to this was God, because it says here 21:14 that Jacob saw God face to face. 21:19 And you say, you mean it was God? 21:21 Doesn't it say in Exodus that Moses was not able to see 21:25 the face of God, because he would be destroyed? 21:28 Who was this being? 21:29 Well, it will help us to go to the book of Hosea 12:3, 4, 21:35 because not only does the Bible say that this was a man, 21:38 not only does the Bible tell us that this was God, 21:41 but it gives another name to this being. 21:44 Hosea 12:3, 4. It says here: 21:51 That is Jacob. 22:01 Who did he struggle with? 22:03 With God, but now notice what it says: 22:14 Who did Jacob struggle with? 22:17 He struggled with the what? with the angel. 22:21 Now you say, wait a minute! 22:23 Was it a man, was it God, or was it an angel? 22:27 The Bible says all three. 22:29 Now the question is, who was this individual? 22:32 This individual was none less than Jesus Christ, 22:38 who is identified in the Old Testament by the name 22:43 Michael the Archangel. 22:46 And in several passages He is called the angel of the Lord. 22:51 In other words, in the Old Testament Jesus, 22:55 in His pre-incarnate state is identified as the angel of God's 23:00 presence. He's identified as Michael, the archangel, 23:05 and as the angel of the Lord. 23:07 Now I must make it clear that Jesus is Everlasting God, 23:10 He's Eternal God. 23:11 He's just not a common, ordinary angel. 23:13 He just fulfilled the function of an angel 23:17 in the Old Testament, the commander of the Lord's host. 23:20 And, so actually Jacob had struggled with Michael 23:25 the archangel. And I want you to remember that, 23:27 because we're going to come back to it in a few moments. 23:30 Now we need to go forward in history to see how this 23:37 experience that we've just described from Genesis 32 23:41 will be fulfilled with God's people, because the Bible tells 23:46 us that there's gong to be another time of trouble, 23:48 which is prefigured, or which is illustrated, small scale, 23:53 in the experience of Jacob as he was about to enter 23:57 the land of Canaan. 23:58 Now what I need to do is go to Daniel 11, and we're going to 24:03 read chapter 11 and verse 44, and then we're going to go 24:08 to Daniel 12:1, the very next chapter, and there's a sequence 24:14 here that I want you to see, which is very important. 24:17 And, by the way, we need to learn as we study the Bible to 24:22 read the Bible structurally. 24:24 We need to learn to read and see the sequence of events; 24:28 how things are organized, the order of things as they appear. 24:32 And that's what we're going to notice now. 24:34 We're going to make three comparisons. 24:36 First of all we're going to take a look at Daniel 11:44, and 24:40 Daniel 12:1, and we're going to notice the sequence of events. 24:43 Then I'm going to go to Revelation 14 and 15. 24:47 And I'm going to show you in Revelation 14 and 15 that 24:50 same sequence of events. 24:52 And then we're going to go to the book, The Great Controversy, 24:55 that classic book which presents the true scenario 24:59 of end time events. 25:01 And I'm going to show you that that book gives the identical 25:04 same sequence as Daniel 11 and 12, and Revelation 14 and 15. 25:08 Now notice Daniel 11:44. 25:12 It's speaking about the king of the north. 25:15 And, of course, we don't have time to discuss all of the 25:18 implications about the king of the north, but the king of the 25:21 north represents that end time power which is going to rule 25:25 the world. It's a religious power, and it's going to be a 25:29 persecutor of God's people. 25:31 Notice Daniel 11:44: 25:40 In other words, there's going to be some news from the east, 25:44 and from the north, which is going to trouble 25:46 the king of the north. 25:47 And what is he going to do as a result? It says: 26:00 Do you see the points here? 26:02 1. There are certain tidings, or there's certain news 26:07 from the north and the east that trouble the king of the north. 26:11 And then the king of the north, in consequence of those tidings, 26:15 goes out to what? Goes out to destroy many. 26:20 And, by the way, the word many refers to God's faithful people. 26:23 And then we have Daniel 12:1. 26:26 There are three events in this verse that I want to underline. 26:31 It says there: 26:38 What's going to happen when the king of the north goes 26:40 to annihilate many? 26:41 Michael shall what? shall stand up. 26:44 By the way, that expression, stand up, is interpreted early 26:49 in the book of Daniel, in verses 3 and 4 the expression stand up 26:53 means, begin to rule, or take over the kingdom. 26:58 In other words, the standing up of Michael here, 27:02 means that Jesus is now taking over His what? 27:06 He's taking over His kingdom. 27:08 And then, notice, it continues saying: 27:33 So notice, the king of the north hears these tidings 27:37 from the north and the east; he's distressed. 27:40 In consequence he goes out to destroy and annihilate many. 27:45 When he goes out to destroy and annihilate many, 27:48 Michael stands up and He begins to rule. 27:51 In other words, He ceases to be a priest, 27:54 and now He becomes a what? a king. 27:57 And then when He stands up there's a terrible time of what? 28:00 a time of trouble that there hasn't been since the beginning 28:05 of the world, according to this. 28:07 And, by the way, who is the one who stands up? Michael. 28:11 What is Michael called? 28:13 For example, in Jude 9 He's called Michael the Archangel. 28:18 And then notice in Daniel 12:1 the third element. 28:23 Once again, it says, At that time Michael shall stand up, 28:26 that great prince who stands watch over the sons of Your 28:29 people, and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never 28:32 was since there was a nation, even to that time. 28:35 And now notice: 28:45 The question is, delivered from whom? 28:49 In context, delivered from whom? 28:52 Who has gone out to destroy and annihilate many? 28:57 The king of the north. 28:58 So God's people are gong to be delivered from whom? 29:02 From the power of the king of the north. 29:04 So let me review, because this sequence is of critical 29:07 importance. Daniel 11:44 says that certain tidings 29:12 from the north and the east are going to bother 29:14 the king of the north. 29:15 As a consequence he's going to go out to destroy 29:19 and annihilate many. 29:20 When he does that Michael is going to stand up, 29:24 Michael the Archangel, and Michael the Archangel is Jesus. 29:28 Standing up means that He's going to cease to be a priest, 29:31 and now He's going to be what? 29:32 He's going to be a king. 29:34 He's going to begin to rule. 29:36 And then, of course, you have a time of trouble, 29:38 such as never was since there was a nation. 29:41 And at that time, during the time of trouble, God's people 29:45 will be what? will be delivered, everyone who is found 29:48 written in the book. 29:49 That is the sequence. 29:50 Now lets notice the same sequence in Revelation 14:15. 29:57 Revelation 14:15. 30:00 By the way, do you know what the tidings from the north 30:02 and from the east really are? 30:04 The seal of God in Revelation 7; the angel comes 30:13 from what direction of the compass? 30:15 He comes from the east; from the rising sun. 30:18 And the loud cry of Revelation 18 comes from heaven. 30:25 By the way, in antiquity heaven was north, because God sits 30:29 in the sides of the north. 30:32 And so, really, the tidings from the north and from the east 30:35 are the three angels' messages, particularly intensified by 30:42 the message of this angel of Revelation 18, which brings the 30:46 sealing message, which is going to separate the righteous 30:50 from the unrighteous. 30:51 And so the tidings in Revelation 14 would be the 30:54 three angels' messages. 30:56 By the way, when the three angels' messages are finished, 30:59 is humanity divided into two groups? 31:03 Revelation 14-20 says yes. 31:06 You have the harvest of the earth, and you have the what? 31:09 And you have the grapes of the earth. 31:11 By the way, have you ever noticed in Revelation 14 31:15 that the grapes are outside the city, outside the holy city, 31:19 and the righteous are inside the holy city? 31:22 Why do you suppose the wicked have come and surrounded 31:25 the city? By the way, this is the church; 31:28 it's spiritual Jerusalem. 31:29 Why have the wicked come there? 31:31 Because they want to what? 31:34 They want to destroy those who are found where? 31:37 inside the city; the righteous. 31:40 And so I want you to notice that the three angels' messages 31:43 intensified by this message that comes from the north 31:46 from heaven; intensified by this sealing message which comes 31:49 from the east, troubles the religious powers of the world, 31:53 and they gather around God's people, 31:55 symbolized by Jerusalem, with the intention of what? 31:58 of destroying them. 32:00 And then I want you to notice something very interesting. 32:03 As soon as the three angels' messages are finished, 32:07 in Revelation 15, you have the closing of the 32:12 heavenly temple service. 32:13 Have you ever noticed in Revelation 15:5-8 that it says 32:19 that the temple was filled with smoke, and no one could enter 32:24 the temple until the seven last plagues had been poured out? 32:28 So you have the what? the closing of probation. 32:33 Let me ask you, when probation closes, does Jesus cease to be 32:37 high priest, and does He take over His position as king? 32:42 He most certainly does! 32:43 He changes His garments from His priestly garments 32:46 to His kingly garments. 32:48 And that's in Revelation 15; the closing of the door. 32:52 And then, of course, you have the time of trouble. 32:56 In Revelation 16 the time of trouble is the period 33:00 of the seven last plagues. 33:02 Are you seeing the sequence that we have here? 33:05 The three angels' messages are the tidings. 33:08 This separates humanity into two groups. 33:12 The wicked come against the church, 33:14 represented by Jerusalem, to attempt to destroy it. 33:17 At that time Jesus closes the sanctuary service. 33:21 He becomes king over His people. 33:25 And as a result you have the time of trouble, 33:28 which is the period of the plagues. 33:30 Now let me ask you, does Revelation indicate that God's 33:34 people will come victorious from this period? Absolutely! 33:38 You can read in Revelation 15:2-4. 33:41 It says that there's a group who are victorious over the beast, 33:46 and over his image, and over his mark. 33:48 Are those the powers which wanted to destroy God's people? 33:51 Absolutely! And so you find the same structure and sequence 33:56 in Revelation 14 and 15, as you found in Daniel 11. 34:00 But it gets even more amazing when we look at what is said 34:04 in the book, The Great Controversy. 34:05 I'm just going to give you the pages. 34:07 In The Great Controversy you have a chapter, which begins on 34:12 page 603, and the title of that chapter is, The Final Warning. 34:18 It's a whole chapter about the sealing. 34:21 That's the angel that comes from the east, and about that mighty 34:26 angel who comes from heaven. 34:28 That's Revelation 18:1-4. 34:30 That's page 603, it's called The Final Warning. 34:34 Those are the tidings from the north and the east, 34:36 incidentally. Interestingly enough, immediately after that 34:41 you have on page 613, after that chapter you have the 34:45 chapter which is called, The Time of Trouble. 34:51 And on page 613 Ellen White says... 34:55 By the way, she begins that chapter by quoting Daniel 12:1. 34:59 You find Ellen White saying on page 613, first of all, 35:03 that everyone has been sealed with the seal of God, 35:07 or has received the mark of the beast. 35:09 All of humanity has been divided into two groups. 35:12 And then she says, on pages 614 and 615, that the wicked are 35:20 enraged against God's people. 35:22 Interesting, same identical sequence, in the correct order. 35:27 And then on page 616 she says, Then God's people will be 35:32 plunged into those scenes, which are called in the Bible, 35:35 the time of Jacob's trouble. 35:37 And she goes on to talk about the experience of Jacob. 35:41 Interestingly enough, in the book, The Great Controversy, 35:44 page 635, the next chapter is titled, God's People Delivered. 35:52 And finally, on page 637, Ellen White quotes Daniel 12:2 35:58 where it speaks about many who sleep in the dust of the earth 36:01 shall be raised; some to everlasting life, 36:04 and some to everlasting shame and contempt. 36:07 Very interesting that in The Great Controversy you have the 36:11 identical sequence that you have in Daniel 11 and 12, 36:15 and Revelation 14 and 15. 36:18 Let me review what Ellen White has to say. 36:20 She speaks about the final warning; those are the tidings 36:23 from the north and from the east. 36:24 Then begins the chapter on The Time of Trouble. 36:27 She speaks about humanity divided into two groups. 36:31 She speaks about the door of probation closing. 36:34 Then she says that the wicked are enraged with the righteous. 36:38 Then she says the righteous will be plunged 36:40 into the time of trouble. 36:42 And then she speaks about the experience of Jacob 36:45 in Genesis 32 as prefiguring what's going to happen 36:49 to God's people. 36:50 And then in the very next chapter she titles it, 36:52 God's people delivered. 36:54 And then she speaks about the special resurrection 36:56 of Daniel 12:1, 2. 36:59 In this way, in three different lines of argument, 37:04 we an see what these prophecies are actually talking about. 37:08 They're talking about the final onslaught of the wicked against 37:12 God's people after the close of probation, and the trials 37:16 that God's people are going to have when the wicked come 37:18 against them just like Esau was coming against Jacob. 37:22 And God's people are going to go through the same type of 37:26 experiences that Jacob went through during this period. 37:29 In fact, let's notice several things that the Bible has to say 37:34 about the time of Jacob's trouble. 37:36 Notice Jeremiah 30:6-9. 37:39 This is actually where we get the name, 37:41 the time of Jacob's trouble. 37:44 It says here in verse 6: 38:04 Are you catching what he's saying here? 38:07 He's saying that men are like they're in labor. 38:10 And their faces; they're in anguish, in other words, 38:14 in pain, and their faces are pale. 38:16 And then notice what it continues saying: 38:29 By the way, is this similar terminology to what we read 38:31 in Daniel 12:1, even though Jacob's name is not mentioned, 38:35 it's the same terminology. It says: 38:53 By the way, those are the yoke and the bonds of Esau. 39:00 That is Israel. 39:08 Who would David the king be at this point? 39:10 David the king would be Jesus Christ. 39:13 Now there are many Christians who believe in the rapture idea. 39:18 They say that the church will be taken out of this world 39:21 before the tribulation. 39:23 The folks who believe this are setting themselves up to be 39:29 caught in the time of trouble without the necessary 39:32 preparation to go through this period, 39:34 because the time of trouble is going to be the worst period 39:37 of distress, and anguish, and tribulation in the history 39:42 of planet earth. 39:43 There's no other period, no matter how bad it got, 39:46 that is even faintly similar to this, and the devil knows it. 39:52 And so the devil tries to convince the church that Jesus 39:55 is going to take the church out of the world before the 39:57 tribulation, so that when they're caught in the 40:00 tribulation, they don't have the necessary preparation: 40:03 faith and perseverance in order to go through 40:07 this time successfully. 40:08 Notice Matthew 24:21, 22 describing this period. 40:15 It is the worst in intensity in the history of the world. 40:19 It says here: 40:22 That word is magoli in Greek, where we get the word megaphone. 40:41 That is those days of the tribulation. 40:53 Is this going to be a terrible time of trial and anguish 40:56 for God's people? 40:57 It's going to be just like the experience of Jacob, 41:00 only it's not going to be only on the borders of literal 41:03 Canaan; it's going to be on the borders of the heavenly Canaan; 41:08 A severe time of trouble when the enemies of God's people are 41:12 coming against them, and we will go through the same 41:15 experience, anguish, wondering whether God will be able to 41:18 fulfill His promises, because of our sinfulness, 41:21 and our unworthiness, and when we cry out to God day and night 41:26 for deliverance. 41:27 We will wrestle with God in prayer. 41:29 But, of course, we need to learn that now, and that's what Jacob 41:34 learned to do in the house of Laban. 41:36 That's where he developed a character. 41:38 He learned to be industrious. 41:40 He learned to be patient in affliction. 41:42 He learned to be patient when he was mistreated, and therefore, 41:45 he was ready for this period, at the end, 41:48 before he entered Canaan. 41:50 Now notice Psalm 91:14-16, Psalm 91:14-16. 41:57 This is known as the Psalm of the tribulation, 41:59 and it has several very important points. 42:03 It says here in verse 14: 42:07 God is speaking. 42:13 Notice: because we have set our love upon God... 42:20 What? Is that a key word? Absolutely! 42:33 What did Jacob say to the being that he was struggling with? 42:37 He says, tell me your what? Tell me your name. 42:41 And then it continues saying, he shall call upon me. 42:46 Did Jacob do that? Yes, he did. 42:48 He shall call upon me... 42:55 There's the same word: time of trouble. 43:11 And, of course, it says there in Psalm 91 that no plague will 43:16 afflict God's people. 43:17 You know, some people are afraid of going through 43:20 the tribulation. They say, I hope God lays me to rest 43:22 before that time comes. 43:23 Don't be so quick! 43:27 You know, some people say it's going to be such a terrible 43:29 time, you know, I hope God will allow me to go to the grave 43:31 and then I'll resurrect when Jesus comes, because it's going 43:34 be a terrible period. 43:35 I don't want to live during the period of the plagues. 43:37 I don't want to live without an intercessor. 43:39 Listen folks, we are going to live without an intercessor, 43:42 but we're not going to live without a protector, 43:44 because God protected Jacob, and God is going to protect 43:48 His people, and God is going to listen to His people. 43:52 We'll be able to claim the promises of God. 43:54 By the way, this period is described in Isaiah 54:7, 8, 43:59 Isaiah 54:7, 8. It says here: 44:07 This is God speaking about Israel. 44:26 And so, for a moment, it's going to look like God withdrew 44:30 His face, and His presence from us. 44:32 By the way, did Jesus go through that same experience? 44:35 Absolutely! Did Job go through that same experience? 44:38 Do you remember the story of the widow in Luke 18, 44:41 who kept on coming, and coming, and coming to the judge 44:45 for justice, and finally he did her justice? 44:48 Well, it's going to be the same during the time of trouble, 44:51 folks. The answer will not come immediately. 44:54 God's people will have to prevail in prayer. 44:57 They will have to wrestle with God. 45:00 They will have to have perseverant, unshakable, 45:03 unbreakable faith as they pray to God, and they have to claim 45:07 God's promises, no matter how they feel, because Ellen White 45:12 says that we're going to feel unworthy. 45:14 We're going to feel like we can't even claim God's promises. 45:16 And the devil is going to whisper, come on, you're too 45:19 sinful for God to protect you, and fulfill His promises 45:22 with you. But we must trust what God says, rather than trusting 45:26 our feelings and our emotions. 45:28 By the way, this end time experience is going to be just 45:31 like the experience of the three friends of Daniel, 45:34 in the valley of Durah. 45:35 Allow me to mention that just for a few moments here. 45:39 Do you remember that Nebuchadnezzar, who, by the way, 45:43 for awhile lived like a beast, raised up an image, 45:47 and he commanded everyone to worship the image that he had 45:52 built, and everyone who would not worship the image, 45:55 was to be what? was to be killed. 45:58 Let's notice when the three young men come before 46:02 Nebuchadnezzar, what they say. 46:05 Daniel 3:15, Nebuchadnezzar says: 46:30 There's the word again. 46:35 Notice what the three young men say, verses 16-18. 47:02 Let me ask you, was that a severe time of trial and anguish 47:06 for these three young men? 47:09 It most certainly was. 47:11 Did they claim God's promise? 47:13 Do you know they claimed the promise in Isaiah that says: 47:15 though you go through the fires, you will not be burned. 47:17 Now their feelings told them that they were going to be 47:21 burnt, but they trusted and relied on the promises of God. 47:27 This is the experience that God's people are going 47:30 to go through. The time of Jacob's trouble is the same 47:34 time that the three young men went through their experience, 47:37 and the same experience on a worldwide scale at the end 47:41 over the beast, his image, his mark, 47:44 and the number of his name. 47:46 By the way, who was that fourth person in the fiery furnace? 47:51 Notice what we find in Daniel 3:25. 47:54 Nebuchadnezzar says: 48:06 Was that the same person that Jacob struggled with? Yes? 48:11 Is it the same individual who will rise to deliver His people 48:16 in Daniel 12:1? Is it the same one that is going to deliver 48:21 His people at the end of time? Absolutely! 48:24 By the way, do you know what He's called a little later on 48:27 in chapter 3? Notice Daniel 3:28. It says: 48:39 Excuse me? Who sent His what? angel. 48:45 Who is the angel? the Son of God, according to this. 48:49 Is this the same being that struggled with Jacob? 48:52 Yes, because that individual is called man. 48:55 Here you have son of man. 48:56 That individual is called God; this is the Son of God, 49:00 and that individual is called the angel; 49:02 here you have the angel. 49:03 This experience is an illustration of the time of 49:07 trouble that Jacob went through, and that God's people will go 49:11 through at the end of time. 49:12 By the way, there's another experience in Daniel which is 49:14 similar to this one, which illustrates the same point: 49:17 when Daniel was thrown into the lions den. 49:24 In fact, the next morning, after Daniel had been thrown into 49:29 the lions den, the king comes and he says, hey Daniel, 49:34 has the God whom you serve continually, 49:38 been able to deliver you from the lions? 49:42 There you have the key word again. 49:44 And at the end of the experience, notice what the king 49:48 says in Daniel 6:27. 49:50 He says, speaking about God. 50:08 Did God fulfill His promises? Yes, He did. 50:13 Do you think it was an easy experience for Daniel to think 50:15 about being thrown into a den of hungry lions? 50:18 If you don't think they were hungry, you continue reading 50:21 the story about when the princes were thrown in. 50:23 The Bible says that they hadn't even reached the ground, 50:25 and the lions were having them for cat food. 50:29 They were gobbling them up. 50:31 Those lions were starving. 50:34 They were hungry. 50:35 But that night that Daniel spent in the lions den 50:38 they acted just like kitty cats. 50:41 Now, let's notice Revelation 7: 13-17. 50:46 This speaks about this end time generation. 50:48 Folks, God's people are going to come victorious 50:51 out of this period. 50:52 That's the point that I want to emphasize. 50:55 If we have the faith of Jacob; if we learn to trust God 50:59 like Jacob; if we learn to confess our sins, 51:02 and to repent from sin, no matter how far down we feel, 51:06 we can trust the promises of God. 51:08 God is going to deliver His people in the midst of this 51:10 terrible end time tribulation. 51:12 It says in Revelation 7:13: 51:34 By the way, the Greek says, these are the ones that came out 51:38 of the tribulation, the great one. 51:42 That's the way it says in Greek. 51:43 They've come out of the tribulation, the great one. 51:46 And now notice: 52:18 Will God fulfill His promises with His people? 52:21 You can take it to the bank. 52:23 But when do we need to learn to trust the promises of God? 52:28 If we come to that time, and we haven't learned to trust, 52:32 we're not going to suddenly trust. 52:34 The time to feel our unworthiness, the time to 52:38 repent of sin, the time to confess our sins, the time to 52:43 develop an unshakable, and unbreakable faith is now, 52:47 because at that time it's going to be too late. 52:50 In fact, in The Great Controversy we find that the 52:53 author says that some will come to this period without the 52:58 necessary preparation, and they will cry out in anguish to God. 53:02 Remember what Esau did when he lost the birthright? 53:06 He cried out with a bitter cry. 53:09 They will cry out to God, because they'll see that they've 53:11 lost the inheritance. 53:12 And she says that everyone around them will simply 53:16 make fun of them as they hear them crying out in anguish. 53:22 I pray to God that we won't be of those who manifest this 53:28 attitude of Esau, but that, rather, we'll be like Jacob 53:31 and hang on to the hand of God, and say, I will not let you go 53:35 until You bless me! 53:36 In fact this experience is going to take place all over again. 53:40 Revelation 13:15. Let's read that. It says: 53:59 Are you going to have a trial again over the beast, 54:02 and over his image? Yes, you are. 54:04 Is it going to be a trial over worship? It most certainly is. 54:07 Is our life going to be in danger? Absolutely! 54:11 In fact the powers of the earth will gather 54:14 against God's people. 54:15 Now do you remember when Jacob overcame that he was 54:19 given a new name? 54:20 Notice Revelation 14:1. 54:24 Those who go victoriously through this end time 54:27 tribulation receive a new name. 54:31 In fact it's the name of God. 54:32 It says in Revelation 14:1: 54:43 And, by the way, those are those who will be alive 54:44 when Jesus comes. 54:55 So is God going to give us a new name? Of course! 54:58 You can read it in Revelation 3:12 as well. 55:01 The message to the church of Philadelphia: He who overcomes 55:05 will receive My new name, it says there. 55:08 And so our names will be changed. 55:11 I don't know what mine will be, but it's going to be changed. 55:15 And it's going to manifest and reveal the victory that we have 55:20 gained over the flesh, over the world, and over the devil. 55:24 Now allow me to read you a statement from 55:27 The Great Controversy in closing. 55:29 This is found on pages 622 and 623. 55:51 Isn't that true that we usually think that things are 55:54 going to be worse, and they really aren't as bad 55:56 as we thought? She says here: 56:30 And then she says this: 57:19 You say that's a hard goal to reach, 57:22 but in Christ we can do all things. |
Revised 2023-11-20