Cracking the Genesis Code

The Base Crime Of Amalgamation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CGC

Program Code: CGC000039

01:13 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:16 Father in heaven, we thank you so much
01:17 for the privilege of being here today to study Your Holy Word.
01:21 And as we study about the base crime of amalgamation
01:24 which led to the flood we ask for the guidance
01:27 of Your Holy Spirit.
01:29 Give us, Lord, a willingness to obey Your Word.
01:34 We thank you for hearing our prayer for we ask it
01:37 in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:40 We want to begin our study today at Genesis chapter 6
01:44 and verse 5. Genesis chapter 6 and verse 5.
01:49 Here we find a description of the mental attitude
01:54 of those who lived before the world-wide flood in Noah's day.
02:00 And it tells us there in this very well-known verse:
02:20 This sounds pretty much like
02:22 a world where most minds
02:26 were identified with evil.
02:29 Now notice Genesis chapter 6
02:31 and verses 11 and 12
02:34 on the aftermath or the result of this condition
02:38 of the corruption of the minds
02:40 of those who lived before the flood.
02:42 It says in verse 11:
03:05 So we see that every intent of the heart of man
03:08 was only evil continually.
03:11 And as a result, the Bible tells us that the earth
03:14 was filled with violence.
03:17 Now the question is: what led to this situation
03:21 in the world? In other words, what led to the thoughts
03:25 of man, of the heart of man being only evil continually?
03:29 And what led to the corruption of the earth?
03:33 Genesis chapter 6 has the answer to this question.
03:39 We find in Genesis 6 verses 1 through 4
03:42 an explanation of the cause for this deplorable condition
03:47 in the earth. We're going to begin at Genesis 6:1.
04:13 And now notice.
04:15 Immediately after saying that the sons of God
04:17 entered to the daughters of men
04:18 we're told:
04:30 And then it comes back to speak
04:31 about the sons of God and the daughters of men in verse 4:
04:34 It says:
04:52 So very clearly, what led to this wicked condition
04:56 referred to in Genesis 6:5
04:59 was what we find in the first four verses:
05:02 the sons of God entering in to the daughters of men.
05:07 Now the expression "entering in to the daughters of men"
05:10 means to have sexual relations.
05:13 It's a technical term in the Old Testament
05:15 that means to have sexual relations.
05:18 And so basically, what Genesis 6:1-4 is telling us
05:22 that the sexual connection or the intermarriages between
05:28 the sons of God and the daughters of men
05:31 is what led the human race to be in this condition
05:35 where every intent of the thoughts of the heart
05:38 was only evil continually
05:40 which led to the corruption of the earth and the filling
05:43 of the earth with violence.
05:45 In other words, this wickedness resulted from the amalgamation
05:50 of the sons of God with the daughters of men.
05:55 Now of course the question comes up:
05:57 who were the sons of God and who were the daughters of men?
06:04 Allow me to tell you first of all that Jewish tradition -
06:07 which is not always reliable by the way -
06:09 as well as some contemporary scholars
06:14 believe that the sons of God were actually fallen angels
06:20 and the daughters of men were human women.
06:24 And so these fallen angels went in and had sexual relations
06:30 with these human women.
06:32 And the result was a hybrid... a combination of fallen angel
06:38 and human. And they say that these are the giants
06:42 that are spoken of in Genesis chapter 6.
06:44 Now I want to tell you
06:46 that I do not believe in this interpretation.
06:48 I believe that there is a better interpretation
06:51 within its context that harmonizes with the beliefs
06:55 of most of the older Bible commentators.
06:58 Now allow me to give you several reasons why
07:01 I do not believe that the sons of God were fallen angels
07:04 and I do not believe that we can say that they actually
07:09 cross bred with human women.
07:12 First of all, the argument that the giants
07:15 came from this relationship does not hold water
07:19 when you study and read carefully Genesis 6:4.
07:23 Let's notice Genesis 6 and verse 4 once again
07:26 and you'll see that the giants existed before the sons of God
07:30 went in to the daughters of men.
07:32 It says there in verse 4:
07:43 Were there giants before the sons of God
07:46 came in to the daughters of men?
07:47 Absolutely. So the giants - the nephilim
07:51 by the way in Hebrew - were not the result of cross breeding
07:54 between fallen angels and human women.
07:58 The second reason is because the word nephilim
08:01 which is translated giants here
08:06 actually is used also to describe
08:09 the inhabitants of Canaan... the giants in Canaan.
08:12 Have you ever read about the giants in Canaan?
08:14 In Numbers chapter 13
08:17 the word nephilim is used.
08:19 Now all of the giants before the flood died in the flood.
08:22 So where did the nephilim come in the Promised Land?
08:25 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
08:27 Giants simply means individuals that lived in the land of Canaan
08:31 who were renowned for their wickedness
08:34 just like before the flood.
08:36 Furthermore, we know that angels do not cross breed.
08:41 Jesus said that angels do not marry and are not
08:45 given in marriage.
08:47 And so Jesus is explicit that angels cannot have
08:51 sexual relations with human beings.
08:53 But there are other reasons why we must understand
08:56 that the sons of God are not fallen angels.
09:00 The daughters of men, yes, are human women
09:02 we're going to notice, but the sons of God are not angels.
09:06 Now let me go through those reasons here very quickly.
09:09 First of all we have the immediate context.
09:12 The immediate context of Genesis 6 is found in
09:15 Genesis 4 and 5. In Genesis 4 we have the genealogy
09:20 of Seth, the son of Adam.
09:23 In Genesis chapter 5 we have the genealogy
09:26 of Cain... the wicked Cain.
09:29 And then in Genesis 6:1-4
09:32 we have the sons of God and the daughters of men.
09:35 Obviously the sons of God are the descendants of Seth.
09:39 The daughters of men are those who belong to the genealogy
09:45 of Cain. And by the way, there are three women
09:48 mentioned in the genealogy of Cain which is very significant
09:52 we're going to notice as we study along.
09:54 So the immediate context indicates that the sons of God
09:58 are the descendants of Seth
10:00 and the daughters of men are the descendants of the lineage
10:03 of Cain. Another reason why we believe
10:07 that the sons of God are actually the righteous
10:10 holy line of Seth whereas the daughters of men
10:14 represents the wicked descend- ants of the lineage of Cain
10:17 is because Genesis is the story of the battle between
10:21 two seeds. We have the seed of the serpent
10:24 which are the followers of Satan
10:26 and the Seed of the woman.
10:28 We have Cain... we have Abel.
10:30 We have the builders of the Tower of Babel...
10:35 Abraham.
10:36 You have Isaac... Ishmael.
10:39 Jacob... Esau.
10:41 Joseph... his brothers.
10:43 And all of these are human beings.
10:46 In other words, we have a righteous seed
10:48 and a wicked seed.
10:50 And so the sons of God and the daughters of men
10:52 must fit within this seed idea
10:56 in the book of Genesis.
10:59 And so the immediate context shows that the sons of God
11:02 are the lineage of Seth; the daughters of men
11:05 are the lineage of Cain. The wider context of Genesis
11:08 shows that there are two seeds:
11:11 the seed of the righteous and the seed of the wicked
11:13 which fits very well with this idea in Genesis 6.
11:17 But then, of course, we have the broadest context.
11:21 In scripture when the Bible speaks about the sons of God
11:26 it is not always referring to angels.
11:29 In fact, let's notice in the New Testament
11:32 John chapter 1 and verses 12 and 13.
11:36 John chapter 1 and verses 12 and 13
11:40 who the sons of God are.
11:43 And we're talking here spiritually.
11:46 It says there in John 1:12 the following:
12:13 This text is telling us that to be a child of God
12:16 means to have been born again into God's family
12:20 like the lineage of Seth.
12:23 Now notice also what we find in the book of Romans
12:27 chapter 8 and verse 14
12:29 on who the sons of God are.
12:32 Romans chapter 8 and verse 14.
12:36 Here the apostle Paul says this,
12:39 Romans 8 and verse 14:
12:50 So who are the sons of God? The righteous or the wicked?
12:54 They are the righteous who have been born again.
12:58 The daughters of men are those who are born according to
13:02 the flesh but they belong to the lineage of Cain.
13:05 In other words, they belong to the wicked seed:
13:10 the unregenerated, the unconverted.
13:13 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
13:14 And so very clearly for all of these reasons
13:18 we know that the sons of God were actually not angels.
13:23 Let me review. Number one: we noticed that there were
13:28 giants before the sons of God went in to the daughters of men.
13:32 Number two: we noticed that there were giants in Canaan.
13:36 And all of the giants before the flood were destroyed
13:38 in the flood. And the ones in Canaan
13:41 were not hybrids of angels versus humans.
13:43 They were human beings.
13:45 Three: Jesus said that angels are not married
13:49 nor are they given in marriage.
13:50 Number four: the immediate context shows
13:53 that the sons of God are the righteous lineage of Seth
13:57 whereas the daughters of men are those women from the
14:00 genealogy of Cain.
14:02 Number five: the wider context of Genesis shows
14:06 that the battle is between a righteous seed
14:08 and a wicked seed all throughout Genesis.
14:11 Number six: the widest context of scripture shows that the
14:14 sons of God are those who have been born again
14:17 into Christ's kingdom. Now I find it interesting
14:21 that Bible scholars
14:26 many centuries ago usually believed that
14:31 the sons of God were actually the righteous
14:34 whereas the daughters of men
14:35 were the descendants of the wicked.
14:38 Now I'd like to give you just a couple of examples of this.
14:42 The first one is from Martin Luther.
14:44 Have you ever heard of Martin Luther?
14:46 By the way, I could read you from Zwingli.
14:48 I could read you from John Calvin.
14:50 I could read you even from some Roman Catholic scholars
14:53 that say the same thing.
14:55 But this is what Martin Luther said:
15:14 In other words, the lineage of the righteous.
15:17 I also have a statement from that great Bible commentator
15:21 Ellen White in the journal Signs of the Times
15:25 for February 20, 1879.
15:27 She's even more explicit than Martin Luther and some of
15:30 the other reformers. She says this:
16:58 Now let's go back to Genesis chapter 6 and verse 2.
17:03 There are several other things that I want us to focus on
17:07 in this fascinating passage.
17:10 Genesis chapter 6 and verse 2.
17:13 It says there:
17:21 Did it catch their eye?
17:24 There's something in these women
17:26 that caught the eye of the sons of God.
17:45 Is there something about the daughters of men that
17:49 appealed to the eyes of the sons of God?
17:52 Yes. Now let me ask you this:
17:54 do you think that there were also daughters of God?
18:00 Listen, if there's sons of God there's daughters of God.
18:04 If there's sons of God...
18:08 by the way, if there's also the daughters of men
18:12 there are also what? Sons of men.
18:16 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
18:19 Now my question is this:
18:21 why did the sons of God think that the daughters of men
18:26 were beautiful and they didn't think that the daughters of God
18:29 were beautiful? Are you with me tonight or not?
18:34 Obviously there was something external
18:37 in the daughters of men that the sons of God saw
18:41 that they did not see in the daughters of God.
18:46 Because there WERE daughters of God.
18:47 No doubt, because the holy line
18:49 continued all the way through the days of Noah.
18:53 And so they saw something
18:55 in the daughters of men
18:56 that they did not see in the
18:58 daughters of God. There was something external.
19:00 It says they: "saw that they were beautiful. "
19:03 In other words, the daughters of men were real eye-catchers.
19:09 Of course the big question is: what was it that caught
19:12 the eye? Now allow me to say this:
19:15 over 75 times in the book of Genesis
19:20 the meaning of a name is underlined.
19:24 In Genesis the meanings of names are of critical importance.
19:29 I'll give you some examples.
19:31 You have for example Adam saying:
19:34 "She shall be called woman
19:37 because she was taken from man. "
19:40 You have also the name Eve: mother of all living
19:45 it's explained. You have the name Babel
19:48 which means what? Interpreted in Genesis says confusion.
19:52 You have Peniel which means what?
19:56 The face of God where Jacob meets God face to face
20:00 and he survives.
20:02 You have the name YHWH-Yireh
20:04 which means the Lord will provide
20:08 in the story of the sacrifice of Isaac.
20:10 You have the name Bethel which means "house of God. "
20:14 You have the name Jacob which means supplanter
20:18 and then it's changed to Israel, prince of God.
20:20 Sarah... Sarai... Abraham... Abram.
20:24 Time after time after time in Genesis
20:26 names are very significant.
20:29 Now where do we have to go in order to understand
20:34 who these daughters of men were?
20:36 Listen folks, we have to go back to the genealogy of Cain.
20:42 Do you know why we can't go back to the genealogy of Seth?
20:45 Because there's no women in the genealogy of Seth.
20:49 And we're talking about the daughters of men.
20:51 Sons of God... daughters of men.
20:54 By the way, do you know that in Genesis 11
20:58 we also have the sons of men?
21:00 Do you know sons of men were just as wicked as
21:02 the daughters of men? Only in Genesis 6 the emphasis is
21:06 that the sons of God - the righteous -
21:08 started intermarrying with the wicked descendants of Cain.
21:12 In Genesis 11 the emphasis is that their male counterparts -
21:16 the sons of men - were the ones who built the Tower of Babel.
21:19 And by the way, there's a very close connection
21:22 between the two groups because in Genesis 6
21:24 it says that these were men of renown.
21:27 And in Genesis 11 the identical Hebrew expression
21:31 is used where the builders say: "Let us make for ourselves
21:35 a name. " And so you have a clear connection
21:40 between Genesis 6 and Genesis 11.
21:42 Genesis 6 you have the daughters of men.
21:45 In Genesis chapter 11 you have the sons of men.
21:47 In Genesis chapter 6 you have the sons of God.
21:52 And of course, the sons of God should have remained distinct
21:56 and different but they actually had
22:00 sexual relations and inter- married with the daughters
22:05 of men who are the women that are found in the genealogy
22:09 of Cain. Now let me ask you this:
22:13 Do you think it might just be important for us to examine
22:17 the meaning of the names of the three women
22:21 in the genealogy of Cain?
22:24 Remember, the sons of God saw something in the daughters
22:28 of men that they did not see in the daughters of God.
22:31 They'd say: "Wow! These are really good lookers. "
22:35 Why did they see that in the daughters of men
22:38 and not in the daughters of God?
22:40 There must have been some external reason.
22:43 Are you with me or not?
22:45 Now let's examine the names of the women
22:48 in the genealogy of Cain.
22:52 The first of them is in Genesis chapter 4 and verse 19
22:56 if you'll go with me there.
22:57 Genesis chapter 4 and verse 19.
23:01 It's speaking here about Lamech.
23:05 And we find the following words: Genesis 4:19.
23:15 By the way, he's the first
23:16 polygamist that we know about
23:18 in scripture. Or bigamist at least.
23:26 Let's stop there with the word Adah
23:29 or Adah in Hebrew.
23:32 That word is used elsewhere in the Old Testament
23:36 but not as a proper name.
23:39 It is used as a noun and as a verb.
23:43 The identical Hebrew word.
23:45 Do you know how it's translated?
23:48 To deck with jewels
23:52 or to ornament.
23:57 Hello? Why would Adah be called
24:02 to deck with jewels?
24:04 By the way, let's notice in the Old Testament
24:07 other occurrences of this word.
24:09 Notice Exodus chapter 33.
24:12 The great apostasy of Israel at the foot of Mt. Sinai.
24:17 You remember when they worshiped the golden calf?
24:20 Exodus chapter 33 and I want to begin reading at verse 1.
24:26 "Then the Lord said to Moses: 'Depart and go up from here
24:31 you and the people whom you have brought out of the land
24:35 of Egypt to the land of which I swore to Abraham,
24:39 Isaac and Jacob saying to your descendants
24:41 I will give it. And I will send My angel before you.
24:45 I will drive out the Canaanites and the Amorites
24:48 and the Hittites and the Perizzites,
24:50 and the Hivites and the Jebusites.
24:51 Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey
24:56 for I will not go up in your midst lest I consume you
25:01 on the way for you are a stiff-necked people. ' "
25:05 What did God say about them? They were a what?
25:08 A stiff-necked people.
25:10 Do you know what stiff-necked means?
25:13 Oh... hard hearted. Unconverted is what it means.
25:17 Notice verse 5:
25:20 "For the Lord... " Oh, by the way, let me read verse 4.
25:25 It says:
25:39 Identical word... "his ornaments. "
25:43 What did they do when God said "you're unconverted? "
25:46 They took off their ornaments.
25:49 Notice verse 5...
25:50 why did they take them off?
26:28 What did they take off
26:30 as a sign of conversion - as a sign that they realized
26:33 that they were a stiff-necked people?
26:35 They took off their ornaments.
26:39 Do you know that this word Adah is constantly used
26:41 in the Old Testament to refer to Israel in apostasy
26:45 wearing ornaments and wearing jewelry.
26:48 Let's notice several other instances.
26:51 Notice Jeremiah chapter 4 and verse 30.
26:54 Jeremiah chapter 4 and
26:56 verse 30.
26:58 The same word Adah.
27:00 And notice what it says.
27:02 God is speaking about the destruction of Israel
27:06 for their sins. And by the way, this chapter
27:08 is also speaking about the destruction of the world.
27:11 It says: "And when you are plundered
27:13 what will you do? Though you clothe yourself
27:17 with crimson; though you adorn yourself
27:21 with Adah of gold... " with ornaments of gold...
27:26 "though you enlarge your eyes with paint
27:30 in vain you will make yourself fair.
27:34 Your lovers will despise you.
27:36 They will seek your life. "
27:39 Once again let me ask you: are ornaments connected with
27:42 apostasy from God?
27:44 They most certainly are.
27:46 Notice also what we find in the book of Ezekiel
27:50 chapter 23 and verse 40.
27:52 Ezekiel chapter 23 and verse 40.
27:57 It says here in this verse:
28:00 "Furthermore you sent for men... " God is talking about
28:03 apostate Israel... "Furthermore you sent for men
28:07 to come from afar
28:09 to whom a messenger was sent.
28:14 And there they came. "
28:16 And what did Israel do to impress them?
28:19 "And you washed yourself for them, painted your eyes,
28:23 and adorned yourself with Adah. "
28:28 Once again... with ornaments.
28:32 What is Israel trying to do here?
28:35 She's trying to impress the foreign nations.
28:38 The apostate men from foreign nations.
28:41 And so she paints her eyes and she puts on these adahs
28:45 or Adah.
28:47 Let's read one more.
28:49 Hosea chapter 2 and verse 13.
28:52 Hosea chapter 2 and verse 13.
28:56 Here we find a very important verse
28:59 because it closely links the idea of using ornaments
29:03 with apostasy.
29:04 It says here in the book of Hosea chapter 2 and verse 13
29:09 the following: "I will punish her
29:12 for the days of the Baals to which she burned incense.
29:18 She decked... " By the way, the word here
29:21 Adah is decked...
29:23 It's a verb here.
29:25 "She decked herself with her earrings
29:30 and jewelry and went after her lovers
29:34 but Me she forgot says the Lord. "
29:40 So let me ask you: what does the name Adah mean?
29:44 It means to deck yourself with jewelry
29:47 or it means to adorn yourself.
29:49 Is that significant when we study about the daughters
29:53 of men? Absolutely.
29:55 Because it gives us the characteristic of at least
30:00 one of these women who were of the apostate line of Cain.
30:05 I'm sure you're wondering
30:06 about the meaning of the other two names.
30:09 Well, the next name according to Genesis 4:19
30:13 is Zillah. Now the word Zillah
30:18 can come possibly from two different Hebrew words
30:22 because you have vowels that are added
30:26 and the consonants are the same in Hebrew for these two words.
30:30 So the vowels are the ones that change.
30:32 And so it can mean one of two things.
30:34 It can either mean shadow
30:37 or it can mean to tingle or to quiver.
30:42 Now that's a funny name.
30:44 To tingle or to quiver?
30:46 Well allow me to say that this word is used constantly
30:50 in the Old Testament to describe musical instruments.
30:56 It is used to describe for example cymbals
31:01 and bells. Is it just possible that
31:05 the reason why the name Zillah is given to this woman
31:10 which means to quiver or it means to tingle
31:14 that perhaps music is being emphasized here
31:18 because these women were involved with a lot of music
31:23 and dancing? I believe that the connection
31:28 with music is interesting.
31:29 And by the way, if you go throughout the Old Testament
31:34 you'll find that dancing with the exception of David
31:37 is usually presented in a very negative light.
31:40 It's also connected with apostasy.
31:43 For example, when Israel was at the foot of Mt. Sinai
31:46 and they were worshiping the golden calf
31:48 there was lots of music. And what were they doing?
31:51 They were dancing.
31:52 If you go to Isaiah chapter 3
31:54 it speaks about the women of Israel that are decked
31:58 from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet.
32:01 You can read it in verses 16 through 18.
32:04 I mean, there's not a part of the body that they didn't
32:05 cover with something.
32:07 And it says that they go and - you know - they mark the step
32:10 with their feet. In other words, they dance.
32:12 Now of course, you know what happened with John the Baptist
32:15 when Salome came in and danced for the king.
32:19 The result was the death of John the Baptist.
32:21 And so I'm just wondering whether perhaps
32:24 the reason why the name Zillah means to tingle or to quiver
32:29 and it's connected with musical instruments
32:31 that perhaps we might have some aspect having to do with
32:34 dancing. That was not absolutely clear...
32:38 but the third one is besides Adah.
32:43 The third name is found in Genesis 4 and verse 22.
32:47 Genesis chapter 4 and verse 22
32:51 we have the name of the third woman...
32:53 the third daughter of men.
32:55 It says there: "And as for Zillah
32:59 she also bore Tubal-Cain... "
33:02 and then it says... "an instructor of every craftsman
33:06 of bronze and iron. And the sister of Tubal-Cain
33:11 was... " Whom? "was Naamah. "
33:16 Now I'm not going to read the texts.
33:17 I'm just going to give you a couple of examples.
33:20 This word is used to describe the physical beauty
33:24 of the lovers in the book Song of Solomon.
33:29 Actually the Hebrew word means
33:33 to be sweet, to be lovely, to be beautiful.
33:39 Does this connect with Genesis chapter 6 where it says
33:42 that the daughters of men were beautiful? Absolutely.
33:46 And by the way, it's very interesting that this word
33:49 is used several times in the Old Testament to describe
33:53 external physical beauty.
33:57 Not internal beauty but external beauty.
34:02 And so you have these three names of the daughters of men
34:06 in the genealogy of Cain.
34:08 You have one that means to be decked with jewels/ornaments.
34:12 You have the other which means to quiver
34:16 and it has to do with musical instruments.
34:19 And you have the other one which means to be lovely
34:22 or delightful or beautiful.
34:26 What is it that attracted the eyes of the sons of God then?
34:31 is my question.
34:33 It must have been the external appearance
34:36 of the women in the lineage of Cain.
34:42 By the way, in Genesis 6 verse 2
34:44 where it says that the sons of God saw that the daughters
34:47 of men were beautiful that's the very word that is used
34:52 to describe Bathsheba in II Samuel 11:2
34:57 where it says that David looked
34:58 out from the porch of the palace
35:01 and he saw Bathsheba
35:03 and she was "very beautiful. "
35:07 Of course, she was naked according to scripture.
35:11 Now I find it interesting that Jewish tradition
35:14 even though they have wrong who the sons of God are
35:17 they caught this point.
35:19 I want to read you 2 statements
35:21 that are found in the Jewish writings
35:25 primarily of the inter-testamental period:
35:28 the period between the Old and the New Testaments.
35:30 The first one is from the Targum of Reuben
35:33 chapter 5 and verses 5-7.
35:36 This is what they say:
35:37 "Flee therefore fornication my children.
35:40 Command your wives and your daughters
35:43 that they adorn not their heads and faces. "
35:46 Notice? "That they adorn not their heads and faces
35:50 to deceive the mind.
35:52 Because every woman who uses these wiles
35:56 has been reserved for eternal punishment.
35:58 For thus they allured the watch- ers who were before the flood. "
36:05 How did they allure the watchers before the flood?
36:09 By adorning their heads and their what?
36:13 And their faces according to this.
36:15 The other statement is from the Targum of Pseudo-Jonathan
36:19 chapter 6 and verses 1-2.
36:21 This is really interesting. It says:
36:23 "And it came to pass when the sons of man began
36:26 to multiply on the face of the ground
36:29 and beautiful daughters were born to them
36:32 that the sons of the great ones saw that the daughters of men
36:35 were beautiful. " Now notice this...
36:39 I read once again that: "the sons of the great ones
36:42 saw that the daughters of men were beautiful
36:44 with eyes painted and hair curled
36:50 walking in nakedness of flesh. "
36:53 It kind of reminds you of Bathsheba.
36:55 Now they were talking about pornography at this period of
36:59 time... moral corruption
37:02 Hollywood style before the flood.
37:06 And it says: "And they conceived lustful thoughts
37:10 and they took wives of all whom they chose. "
37:15 Folks, what is it that attracted the sons of God?
37:18 It was the artificial beauty both according to scripture,
37:23 the meaning of the names, as well as Jewish tradition.
37:27 It was the external appearance, the artificial beauty
37:32 of these women who adorned themselves on the outside.
37:36 And you say: "Well, how do you know that? "
37:38 Let me ask you: does it say that the sons of God
37:40 looked at the daughters of God?
37:43 Do you think all of the daughters of God were ugly?
37:46 Why didn't they look at the daughters of God?
37:49 There must have been something eternally what?
37:52 Different! But you know what happens?
37:55 You know the daughters of God when they saw that the sons
37:58 of God were going after the daughters of men:
38:00 "We've got to keep up. "
38:03 And so they started adorning themselves too.
38:05 You say: "How do you know that? "
38:06 Listen: because when the flood came
38:09 there were only four couples left.
38:13 Which means that the daughters of God soon started doing
38:17 the same thing. And as a result, the whole human
38:22 race was what? Was corrupted before the Lord.
38:24 Do you understand the reason for the flood?
38:27 It was because the sons of God - they took the initiative -
38:31 the converted ones took the initiative to join
38:33 with the women of the world
38:36 because of their external characteristics.
38:38 And the result of this amalgamation
38:41 was the corruption of the human race.
38:43 Every intent of the thought of the heart of man
38:47 was only evil continually.
38:49 The problem of adornment was a pre-flood problem.
38:54 The problem of the world coming in among God's people
38:57 is not only a contemporary problem.
39:00 It is a problem that existed before the flood
39:02 and it actually led ultimately to the flood.
39:07 By the way, the church joining the world
39:10 never converts the world.
39:13 It always converts the church to the world.
39:17 And that's exactly what was happening here before the flood:
39:21 the church was converted to the world.
39:23 And by the way, God called Noah to rebuke the world.
39:29 He was a preacher of righteousness
39:31 II Peter chapter 2 and verse 5 says.
39:34 In fact, in Hebrews 11:7 it says he condemned the world.
39:38 Do you suppose that he condemned this intermingling
39:40 of the sons of God with the daughters of men?
39:43 Do you think that Noah had anything to say
39:46 about being attracted by this external appearance
39:49 on the part of the sons of God?
39:51 No doubt...
39:53 because the Bible says that this is the main reason
39:55 that led to the what? That led to the flood.
39:59 Now I'd like to ask a question.
40:02 Is the flood a type of what's going to happen at the end
40:05 of time? Yes.
40:09 Jesus said in Matthew 24
40:12 "As it was in the days of Noah
40:15 so also shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. "
40:21 Is it just possible that before the second coming
40:26 Christians are going to do the same thing that the sons of
40:31 God did before the flood?
40:33 That they're going to be attracted by the lures of the
40:36 world? By the tinsel and glitter of the world?
40:41 Of worldly women or worldly men?
40:46 And as a result, link up with worldly people
40:50 and in this way dwindle the number of true Christians
40:54 on planet earth? "As it was in the days of Noah
40:58 so also shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. "
41:01 Has God given a message to His people
41:04 to present to the world to warn the world about this?
41:07 Yes. Do you know where it's found?
41:09 It's found in the three angels' messages
41:11 of Revelation chapter 14.
41:13 "Fear God and give glory to Him
41:17 for the hour of His judgment has come. "
41:20 By the way, do you know on the Day of Atonement
41:22 the Israelites were supposed to attire themselves in a very
41:26 simple way. And we are NOW in the Day of Atonement.
41:31 And that angel says: "Worship Him who made the heavens,
41:35 the earth, the seas, and the fountains of water. "
41:37 And then it calls God's people to come out of Babylon.
41:41 And it says whoever does not come out of Babylon
41:44 will end up worshiping the beast, his image,
41:47 and receiving the mark... and as a result will be lost.
41:50 Now let's take a closer look at this.
41:53 God is going to have a warning message
41:55 for the world just like Noah did.
41:58 People are going to have to present a politically-incorrect
42:02 message to those who are blending with the world,
42:05 who are adopting the methods of the world,
42:06 the lifestyle of the world.
42:08 The dress of the world, the adornment of the world.
42:11 The evangelistic methods of the world.
42:15 The music of the world if you please.
42:17 All of this was involved before the flood.
42:20 Is God going to have a group of people that are not going to
42:23 fall for this? Yes, and here's where things
42:27 get very interesting.
42:29 Do you know how these men are described in Revelation
42:33 chapter 14 and verses 4 and 5? Go with me there
42:36 to Revelation 14 verses 4 and 5.
42:38 These are those who will be
42:39 alive when the world is destroyed.
42:41 They will survive the destruction of the world
42:44 like Noah and his family
42:46 survived the destruction at the time of the flood.
42:49 Revelation chapter 14 and I'd like to read verses 4 and 5.
42:53 They're known as the 144,000.
42:56 We've studied these before in the seminar: the 144,000.
42:59 And notice the interesting thing about them.
43:03 It says: "These are the ones
43:07 who were not... " What? "defiled with women
43:14 for they are... " What? "virgins. "
43:20 Did the sons of God defile with the daughters of men
43:23 before the flood?
43:24 Is God going to have a group of individuals in the end time
43:27 that will NOT BLEND with women?
43:33 By the way, where it says women it's not saying that
43:35 that they weren't married. It's saying that they're not
43:37 having adulterous relationships with the apostate churches.
43:44 How are those apostate churches garbed by the way?
43:49 Go with me to Revelation chapter 17.
43:53 Revelation chapter 17. It says that they did not
43:56 become defiled with women.
43:57 They're virgins. They're like before the flood.
43:59 You know, they were not attracted by the worldliness
44:04 of the culture. Notice Revelation chapter 17
44:08 and verse 4 speaking about this apostate woman.
44:13 By the way, she has daughters also.
44:15 It says there in verse 4:
44:40 Are these apostate churches going to be garbed very
44:44 similarly to the daughters of men before the flood?
44:47 Yes. Is God going to have a group of people
44:50 that do not become defiled with these
44:53 just like Noah and his family? Absolutely yes!
44:57 By the way, this is the reason why God says
45:00 in II Corinthians "Be not unevenly yoked with... " What?
45:05 "Be not unevenly yoked with unbelievers. "
45:09 But it's become very common for the church today
45:12 to import the practices and the culture of the world.
45:16 The music of the world... as long as it's christened.
45:19 The adornment of the world; the fashion of the world.
45:24 The evangelistic methods of the world if you please.
45:28 It seems like everything is invading the Christian church.
45:33 Is God going to have a group of individuals
45:36 who are faithful and say: "We're going to keep dress,
45:39 we're going to keep music, we're going to keep entertainment
45:43 if you want to call it that... we're going to keep all of this
45:45 only Christian and we're not going to blend
45:48 with these things in the world. "
45:51 I pray to God that we WILL have those kinds of people.
45:55 By the way, this issue is also - the issue of adornment -
46:00 is also addressed in the New Testament.
46:03 Go with me to I Peter chapter 3 and verses 3-5.
46:09 I Peter chapter 3 and verses 3 through 5.
46:13 You know, some people say: "Well, this is Old Testament. "
46:16 You know, I find that interesting.
46:17 People... anything that demands a change or a sacrifice
46:20 was for the Jews. The Sabbath? For the Jews.
46:26 Tithe? For the Jews.
46:29 Unclean foods? For the Jews.
46:32 Modesty? For the Jews.
46:36 Anything that demands a change in the life
46:39 that leads us to live differently than the world
46:42 people say that that was for the Jews
46:44 as if God expects less from us
46:47 than He expected from Israel.
46:49 Notice what we find in II Peter chapter 3...
46:54 Oh, not II Peter. I Peter chapter 3
46:57 and let's read verses 1 and following.
47:02 It says here:
47:04 "Wives, likewise be submissive to your own husbands. "
47:09 That in itself is politically incorrect.
47:11 "Then even if some do not obey the word
47:16 they without a word may be won by the conduct
47:19 of their wives
47:22 when they observe your chaste conduct
47:26 accompanied by fear... "
47:31 By the way, do you know what the word there is?
47:33 It's the word cosmos.
47:37 Cosmos. You know what cosmos translates?
47:41 World.
47:44 By the way, we get the word cosmetics from it
47:49 in case you were wondering.
47:52 It says: "Do not let your adornment be merely... "
47:55 And the New King James says "merely. "
47:58 See, they add that. The original doesn't say merely.
48:01 See, merely indicates that you can have it as long as
48:04 you have the other. Notice it's in italics
48:08 in the New King James and in the King James?
48:10 Really it says: "Do not let your adornment be outward. "
48:29 What is the adornment that God looks upon positively?
48:34 The adornment of the what? Of the heart.
48:49 Not outward adorning but what? Inward adorning.
48:53 Notice what the apostle Paul says in I Timothy 2:9-10.
48:58 I Timothy chapter 2 and verses 9 and 10.
49:02 The apostle Paul has the same counsel
49:04 that we just read in Peter.
49:07 Once again, I Timothy chapter 2 and verses 9 and 10.
49:12 The apostle Paul says this:
49:15 "I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere
49:19 lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting. "
49:22 That's verse 8. "In like manner also
49:25 that the women adorn themselves in... " What?
49:31 "in modest apparel with propriety and moderation.
49:36 Not with braided hair or gold
49:40 or pearls or costly clothing
49:44 but which is proper for women professing godliness with... "
49:50 What? "with good works. "
49:53 Once again, the adorning should not be external.
49:56 It should be what? It should be internal.
50:00 Allow me to say a few things about Christ.
50:03 Do you know that the whole Old Testament sanctuary was
50:06 a symbol of Jesus?
50:08 You remember in John 2 Jesus said:
50:14 He was talking about the temple of His what?
50:16 About the temple of His body.
50:19 Did Jesus have any external physical attraction
50:22 that people were drawn towards?
50:26 By the way, do you have any physical description of Christ
50:28 in the gospels
50:30 that say what color of hair He had?
50:33 Color of eyes? His height?
50:37 There's really no physical description of Christ
50:40 in the gospels, but do you know what description there is?
50:43 There's abundant description of His character.
50:47 What He was like.
50:49 How He loved and was kind and was at peace
50:53 and had joy. In other words, all of the
50:56 character qualities of Jesus shine forth in the gospels.
51:01 And it says in Isaiah chapter 53 and verse 2
51:04 that there is in Him no comeliness that we should
51:08 desire Him. What is Jesus trying to teach us?
51:12 He's trying to teach us that our adornment should not be what?
51:16 External!
51:19 Our adornment should be eternal... internal...
51:23 it should be... and eternal by the way also.
51:25 That should be the thing that attracts people to us...
51:28 not the outside.
51:30 Because folks, I dare to say that many of those
51:33 who decorate themselves outside
51:36 are trying to cover up a problem inside.
51:43 How beautiful it is to see a woman who has natural beauty
51:46 and just has a kind, loving spirit.
51:51 How beautiful it is to see men that way also.
51:56 Do you know that the Hebrew
51:57 sanctuary outside
51:59 was a pretty ugly building?
52:01 It was made of badger skins
52:03 according to Exodus 26 verse 14.
52:06 Have you ever seen a badger?
52:09 Brown... but when you looked inside the sanctuary
52:15 oh, there was the gold and the silver.
52:18 And the precious fabric and the precious stones
52:21 were inside the sanctuary not outside.
52:25 And that's the way Jesus was.
52:28 His beauty was not outside.
52:30 His beauty was inside and shone outward.
52:36 By the way, does the apostle Paul say that we are
52:38 temples of the Holy Spirit? Yes.
52:42 I Corinthians chapter 6 verses 19 and 20 says:
53:11 Are we to glorify God with our body?
53:14 Absolutely.
53:17 Now why did I call this presentation
53:19 The Base Crime of Amalgamation?
53:22 Well because before the flood the sons of God amalgamated
53:26 or had illicit relationships with the daughters of men.
53:29 But there's another reason.
53:31 You see, Ellen White has a quotation where
53:36 she talks about the main reason for the flood,
53:39 and this statement has been misunderstood.
53:41 People have accused Ellen White of saying that
53:43 Ellen White believed that before the flood there was
53:45 cross breeding between human beings and animals.
53:49 Allow me to read how she describes it.
53:52 This is found in the book Spirit of Prophecy volume 4
53:55 page 69. She says: "But if there was one sin
53:59 above another which called for the destruction of the race
54:02 by the flood... " If there was one sin...
54:06 destroyed the world by a flood, she says...
54:08 "it was the base crime of amalgamation
54:13 of man and beast. "
54:16 Notice she doesn't say of man with beast.
54:18 She says of man and beast.
54:21 Man with man and beast with beast.
54:24 "which defaced the image of God. "
54:28 Let me ask you: the blending of the righteous with the
54:31 unrighteous... does this deface the image of God?
54:35 Oh, it sure does.
54:38 Led to the loss of everybody before the flood
54:41 except four men. It says: "Which defaced the image of God
54:46 and caused confusion everywhere.
54:49 God purposed to destroy by a flood
54:52 that powerful, long-lived race
54:54 that had corrupted their ways before Him. "
54:57 She calls, in other words, the blending or the amalgamation
55:02 of man and beast "the base crime of amalgamation. "
55:07 And those who accuse Ellen White... they say:
55:09 "A base crime cannot be a sexual relationship between
55:13 a man and a woman. That's too strong an expression
55:16 to be describing a sexual relationship between
55:18 a man and a woman. So it must be that when
55:20 Ellen White says amalgamation of man and beast
55:23 she means amalgamation of man WITH beast. "
55:26 The fact is that Ellen White only uses one other time
55:30 the expression base crime.
55:32 Do you suppose we should allow Ellen White to interpret
55:34 Ellen White? Absolutely!
55:37 We have to do the same with Ellen White as we do with
55:39 the Bible. The only other time that she uses the expression
55:43 base crime to describe something
55:45 is when Potiphar's wife tried to entice Joseph
55:50 to have sex with her.
55:52 She calls that a base crime.
55:54 So is a base crime in the mind of Ellen White
55:57 crossing a believer with an apostate? Yes!
56:02 In fact, let me read you that statement.
56:04 Volume 1 Spirit of Prophecy page 131
56:06 she says, speaking of Joseph: "He would not be persuaded
56:11 to deviate from the path of righteousness
56:14 and trample upon God's law by the inducements or threats.
56:18 And when he was accused
56:21 and a base crime was falsely laid to his charge
56:25 he did not sink in despair. "
56:29 So let Ellen White interpret Ellen White.
56:31 When she says that there was amalgamation of man
56:35 she means of righteous with unrighteous.
56:37 And beast? Yeah, there was probably cross breeding of
56:39 animals. Now allow me in the few seconds that we have left
56:42 to give you some principles of how we're supposed to
56:45 choose the right attire.
56:47 First of all, it should be clean.
56:50 Secondly, orderly and neat.
56:53 Third, simple and not extravagant.
56:56 Fourth, modest. That means not revealing too much.
57:01 Five, economical.
57:03 Not cheap... economical.
57:05 Six, durable.
57:07 Seven, healthful.
57:09 Not too tight. Protect us from cold and heat.
57:12 Eight, tasteful.
57:14 Nine, appropriate to the occasion.
57:18 And ten, it should bring honor and glory to God.


Revised 2014-12-17