Cracking the Genesis Code

How To Overcome Guilt And Failure

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CGC

Program Code: CGC000028

01:12 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
01:15 Our heavenly Father,
01:17 what a joy it is to come into Your presence
01:21 to hear Your voice speaking to us
01:24 through Your holy Word.
01:27 We ask for the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
01:31 Teach us how to truly overcome
01:34 guilt and failure.
01:38 And we ask it in the precious name of Your beloved Son Jesus,
01:42 Amen.
01:44 We want to begin our study today by turning in our Bibles
01:49 to Genesis chapter 1 and verse 26.
01:53 Genesis chapter 1 and verse 26.
01:57 We read this verse before but now we want to read it
02:01 in a slightly different context.
02:06 Genesis chapter 1 and verse 26.
02:11 We find the following words:
02:24 Now let's stop there.
02:27 "Let us make man in Our image according to Our likeness. "
02:32 How was man made originally?
02:35 He was made in the image
02:37 and likeness of God.
02:40 And by the way, if you read on in Genesis 1 and 2
02:43 you'll discover that both man and woman
02:46 were created in the image and the likeness of God.
02:52 Now notice also what we find
02:54 in Genesis chapter 1 and verse 31.
02:58 Genesis chapter 1 and verse 31.
03:02 This is the conclusion of creation
03:07 and we are going to be told what creation was like
03:11 when Jesus finished His work.
03:14 It says here in Genesis 1:31:
03:32 Everything that God made at creation was good.
03:37 There was not one taint of evil.
03:43 Every inclination of the heart of man was towards good.
03:49 He had a righteous holy nature
03:54 inclined only to good.
03:58 Now I want you to notice one further detail
04:01 as we examine the original condition of man.
04:05 Let's turn in our Bibles to Luke chapter 3 and verse 38.
04:10 Luke chapter 3 and verse 38.
04:13 This is the conclusion of the genealogy of Jesus
04:18 and we're told something here about Adam.
04:22 It says there in Luke 3 verse 38:
04:37 Very clearly Adam and Eve were created
04:42 sons and daughters of God.
04:47 And they were created good.
04:49 They were created in the image and likeness of God.
04:55 But now I want us to turn in our Bibles
04:58 to Genesis chapter 5 and let's read verses 1 to 3.
05:03 Genesis chapter 5 and verses 1 to 3.
05:08 There is a change in this passage.
05:10 By the way, this is after sin.
05:13 This is speaking about the birth of Seth,
05:16 who took the place of Abel whom Cain killed.
05:20 It says here in Genesis 5 and verse 1:
05:24 "This is the book of the genealogy of Adam
05:28 in the day that God created man.
05:32 He made him in the likeness of God. "
05:36 See, once again you have a repetition that man was made
05:38 in the likeness of God.
05:41 Verse 2:
05:42 "He created them male and female
05:45 and blessed them and called them mankind
05:50 in the day they were created. "
05:52 And now notice the difference of nuance in verse 3.
05:56 It says:
06:12 Now let me ask you: what is the difference between
06:15 Adam and Eve when they were created and Seth?
06:20 Very clearly, Adam and Eve were created in the image
06:24 and likeness of God
06:27 whereas Seth, the son of Adam
06:30 after Adam sinned, was born in the image
06:35 and likeness of his father Adam who had sinned.
06:40 There is a change in other words.
06:44 Now we need to understand that there is something wrong
06:48 with our first birth.
06:50 You see we all descend, accord- ing to the Bible, from Adam.
06:55 There's something wrong with our birth into the family of Adam.
07:01 For this reason Jesus says in John chapter 3 and verse 3:
07:18 By saying this, Jesus reveals the fact
07:21 that there is something wrong with our first birth.
07:24 There is something wrong with our birth from our mother.
07:28 And of course, our mother came from her mother
07:30 and her mother from her mother. If you go back far enough,
07:33 you end up with Adam and Eve
07:35 who sinned and transgressed against God.
07:39 So there is something wrong with our birth into Adam's family.
07:43 We're born into the image and likeness of the sinful Adam.
07:50 And by the way, the Bible makes it very clear that
07:53 there are only two families in this world.
07:55 There is the family of the first Adam... and by the way,
07:59 all of those who are born into the first Adam - whether you
08:02 like it or not - are children of the devil.
08:06 Whereas those who are born into the family of the
08:09 second Adam are children of God.
08:12 There is no middle ground.
08:13 You can't say: "I don't want to be a child of the devil
08:16 and I don't want to be a child of God.
08:18 I just want to be a child of my mother. "
08:20 It doesn't work that way.
08:21 You are either a child that is born into the family of Adam
08:25 or you are a child who is born into the family of God...
08:28 born again by a new birth.
08:32 There is something wrong - in other words -
08:35 with our first birth into the family of the sinful Adam.
08:40 We are born in his image and in his likeness
08:44 after he sinned. We are not born into this world
08:47 in the image and likeness of God.
08:50 We're born into the wrong family.
08:53 Now what do we get from this first Adam when we're born
08:57 from our mothers? Well the first thing that we get
09:00 is a sinful nature.
09:03 Notice what we find in the book of Ephesians
09:07 chapter 2 and verses 1 to 3.
09:10 Ephesians chapter 2 and verses 1 to 3.
09:15 Here the apostle Paul speaks about the condition
09:17 of those who are outside of Christ... outside the family
09:21 of Christ. It says in verse 1:
09:55 And here comes the key phrase:
10:06 By nature we are children of wrath
10:10 because we have been born into the family of the sinful Adam.
10:14 And unless we are born again we cannot see the kingdom of God;
10:19 we cannot enter the kingdom of God.
10:22 Notice also Psalm 51 and verse 5.
10:27 Psalm 51 and verse 5.
10:30 It tells us a little bit about what we inherit
10:33 from the sinful Adam. We inherit a sinful nature.
10:37 Notice Psalm 51 and let's read verse 5.
10:42 By the way, this is the Psalm where David is repenting
10:45 for the sin of adultery and the sin of murder.
10:49 It says there in Psalm 51 and verse 5:
11:03 According to the Bible we are born in sin.
11:07 We are born with a sinful nature.
11:10 We are born with a nature bent to evil.
11:13 In other words, we are born slanted towards evil.
11:18 We are born with a selfish nature.
11:21 We are born selfish.
11:23 If you don't think that we're born selfish,
11:26 just look at a little baby.
11:29 There's nothing more selfish in the world than a little baby
11:32 because in the world there is no one except for him
11:37 or for her. Little baby grows up...
11:40 two years old... they haven't reached the age
11:43 of accountability where they really understand yet
11:46 the consequences of their actions and the reasons
11:49 for their actions, and you know that they start
11:52 fighting over a toy. Why?
11:55 Because they have a selfish nature.
11:59 Because we are born with a selfish, sinful nature
12:02 slanted towards evil.
12:05 And then of course we grow up and we get married
12:07 and we start having marital discord and fights
12:11 because each one of us wants our own way.
12:15 In other words, we receive from Adam by nature selfishness.
12:21 And with this nature we cannot perform good.
12:25 Now listen to what I'm going to say.
12:27 We receive from Adam
12:30 a sinful nature.
12:31 In other words, we are born
12:33 in sin... singular.
12:35 But that sinful nature or that birth into sin
12:39 leads us to commit sins... plural.
12:44 In other words, our condition of sinfulness - our sinful
12:48 nature - leads us to commit sinful acts.
12:53 In other words, with our sinful nature with which we are born
12:57 we cannot perform the good.
13:00 It is impossible unless we are born again.
13:03 That's the reason why with our first birth
13:06 we are doomed. We cannot see the kingdom of God
13:09 and we cannot enter the kingdom of God.
13:11 It is impossible on the basis of our first birth.
13:15 So we receive from Adam a sinful nature
13:17 and then that sinful nature expresses itself in sinful acts.
13:22 And now by our sinful acts we become guilty of sin.
13:28 Notice what we find in Romans chapter 8 and verse 7
13:32 on what the sinful nature does.
13:34 You see the sinful nature expresses itself in sinful acts.
13:39 Romans chapter 8 and verse 7.
13:42 Here the apostle Paul says this:
14:03 The carnal selfish mind, the sinful nature with which
14:07 we are born, cannot be subject to the law of God.
14:11 It cannot obey the law of God.
14:13 Notice Romans chapter 7 and verses 18 and 19
14:17 which describes this same predicament.
14:20 Romans chapter 7 verses 18 and 19.
14:23 Here the apostle Paul says:
14:48 Does that describe your life?
14:51 At least at some stage of your life?
14:53 Have you ever had the experience where you just explode
14:55 and you say something. You say: "Now why in the world
14:59 did I say that? " You've never had that experience?
15:03 I've had it many times.
15:05 And I must admit that sometimes I still have it
15:08 because the Lord is still working on me.
15:11 I'm still a work in progress.
15:14 But what is it that leads me to commit that action?
15:18 It is the fact that I have what?
15:20 I have a carnal sinful nature
15:23 that expresses itself in acts of sin.
15:25 And I can decide that I want to do good
15:27 but I can't perform it.
15:29 I can decide that I don't want to perform evil
15:33 but I still perform the evil that I do not wish to perform.
15:38 In other words, from Adam I receive a sinful nature
15:41 that sins. And as the sinful nature expresses itself
15:45 in acts of sin, I become guilty of sin before God.
15:50 Notice what we find in Romans chapter 3 and verse 10.
15:55 Romans chapter 3 and verse 10.
15:58 And we read this in previous contexts,
16:00 but let's read it again.
16:02 Actually - probably - we have it memorized.
16:13 How many righteous? Not one!
16:16 And if you go on to verse 23 it says
16:18 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. "
16:22 How many people in this world have allowed their sinful nature
16:26 to express itself in acts of sin?
16:29 Every single person.
16:32 And if you say that you haven't, you just sinned
16:35 because you are a liar!
16:37 And outside the Holy City will be all liars.
16:41 We all have sinful natures
16:44 that have expressed themselves in acts of sin.
16:47 And therefore we stand guilty before God.
16:51 Notice Romans chapter 3 and verse 19. It says:
17:14 In other words, we all receive from Adam a sinful nature
17:18 that expresses itself in acts of sin.
17:22 When it expresses itself in acts of sin
17:25 we are guilty before God and we must keep our mouth shut
17:31 according to the apostle Paul.
17:32 And as a result of our guilt we must die.
17:38 Notice Romans chapter 6 and verse 23.
17:41 Romans chapter 6 and verse 23
17:44 and we'll read only the first part of the verse.
17:47 It says there:
17:58 So we receive from Adam a sinful nature
18:02 which expresses itself in acts of sin.
18:05 The acts of sin make us guilty before God.
18:09 And because we are guilty before God
18:12 the wages of our guilt is what? Is death.
18:17 That's the reason why in I Corinthians 15:22 it says:
18:27 And we're only going to read that part of the verse.
18:32 We're going to come back to that verse a little bit later on.
18:35 How many in Adam are subject to death according to scripture?
18:39 In Adam all die
18:41 because we all have a sinful nature
18:44 which has expressed itself in acts of what? Of sin.
18:48 And the wages of sin is death.
18:52 In other words, we are all on death row
18:57 waiting for the sentence to be executed upon us.
19:01 And we deserve it because we are guilty before
19:04 God's judgment bar.
19:07 Now notice Galatians chapter 5 verses 19 to 21.
19:11 Galatians chapter 5 and verses 19 to 21.
19:16 You know, we're born into this world slaves.
19:19 Do slaves have a right to inherit anything? No.
19:23 Slaves don't inherit. Who inherits?
19:26 Children. Sons. Yes.
19:29 Notice what we find in Galatians chapter 5 and verses 19-21.
19:35 Here the apostle Paul says the following.
19:38 He gives a list of sins and he says this:
20:13 It's not a complete list.
20:28 Now let's summarize what we've studied about
20:32 our relationship with the family
20:34 of Adam. First of all,
20:36 the Bible teaches that we are
20:38 all sons and daughters
20:40 of the sinful Adam.
20:41 Therefore we are in the image and likeness of the sinful Adam.
20:46 We inherit from him a sinful selfish nature...
20:50 the core of our being.
20:52 That sinful nature expresses itself in acts of sin.
20:57 We are born into Adam's family slaves.
21:01 And because we are slaves we have no right to inherit
21:05 anything other than the death which Adam and all of his
21:10 descendants deserve. We are all on death row
21:14 so we desperately need to change families.
21:21 Are you with me or not?
21:23 How many of you believe that we need to change families?
21:25 If you want to be saved,
21:27 you have to be born into a different family.
21:30 You have to be born into a new family.
21:33 Not into the family of the old, sinful Adam
21:36 in his image and likeness but into another family.
21:41 Now the question is: how do we change families
21:44 and what are those two families?
21:46 Go with me to Romans chapter 5 and verses 18 and 19.
21:50 John... not John... Romans. Did I say John?
21:55 Romans chapter 5 and verses 18 and 19.
22:00 I want you to notice here that the apostle Paul
22:03 is describing two Adams.
22:07 We find in verses 18 and 19...
22:09 I wish we had time to study the whole chapter
22:11 but we don't... It says in verse 18:
22:26 Did the sin of Adam have any consequence for us?
22:28 It most certainly did! It says here:
22:39 That's what we've been talking about.
23:09 How many Adams are there? There are two Adams.
23:12 We are born into which family?
23:15 The family of the first Adam.
23:17 Somehow, if we don't want to be condemned,
23:20 if we want to have life, we have to find a way
23:23 to be born into what? Into the family of the second Adam.
23:29 Because justification and life come through the second Adam.
23:34 We must be born into His family.
23:37 We must be born AGAIN!
23:40 The question is: how are we born again?
23:44 Well, let's go in our Bibles to Romans 6...
23:47 the very next chapter.
23:49 See, what the apostle Paul does is in Romans 5
23:52 he speaks about the two Adams.
23:55 He says we're all born into the family of the first Adam.
23:58 We're born slaves.
24:00 We're born in his image and likeness.
24:02 We don't have any right to inherit anything.
24:04 We're all on death row.
24:06 We're all condemned.
24:08 There's no hope for us
24:10 if we're born into the family of the first Adam.
24:12 But he says there's another Adam,
24:14 and this Adam... we can be born into His image and likeness.
24:17 We can be born into His family.
24:19 We no longer are slaves... we are children
24:21 and we have a right to inherit all things
24:23 if we're born into His family.
24:25 And now Paul in Romans 6 is going to say
24:27 "Do you want to know how you can change families? "
24:30 He's going to explain it.
24:32 Notice Romans chapter 6 and verse 3.
24:37 Romans chapter 6 and verse 3.
24:40 Here the apostle Paul is going to talk about
24:42 the ceremony that God has given us to change families.
24:46 The official adoption ceremony.
24:48 Notice Romans chapter 6 and verse 3:
25:06 Let me ask you: why did Jesus die?
25:08 What did Jesus pay for by His death?
25:13 What did He pay for?
25:15 He paid for sin. How many sins?
25:18 He paid for all of the sins of the world when He died.
25:21 Now when I'm baptized
25:23 I am what according to this verse?
25:27 Once again it says: "Do you not know that as many
25:30 of you as were baptized into Christ Jesus
25:32 were baptized into His death. "
25:35 In other words, when I am baptized
25:37 God looks at me as if I had died with Jesus on the cross.
25:42 And because Jesus died for all of the sins of the world
25:45 if I died with Him
25:48 the result is that all of my sins are what?
25:52 All of our sins are paid for
25:54 because when Jesus died on the cross He paid for all sins.
25:58 So if I died with Jesus on the cross
26:01 my sins were crucified along with Him.
26:05 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
26:07 This is wonderful! When I'm baptized it means
26:10 that God looks at me and He says:
26:12 "You should have been on that cross
26:13 but because you're baptized you are recognizing that Jesus
26:17 was nailed on that cross and I reckon you nailed on that cross
26:21 with Him. And I don't punish the same sin twice.
26:24 I punished them in Him. "
26:26 In other words, folks, what baptism does
26:29 is that it includes us in the death of Jesus.
26:34 It incorporates us into the death of Jesus
26:37 so that the Father looks at Jesus and He says: "Oh,
26:40 You died for sin and he was baptized.
26:43 And when he was baptized I reckoned him dead with You
26:46 on the cross... so he also died to sin. "
26:49 Now let me ask you: is this good news or what?
26:52 This is wonderful news!
26:53 Now notice what the apostle Paul continues saying
26:56 in Romans chapter 6 and verse 4.
26:59 "Therefore we were buried with Him... " Notice...
27:04 "through baptism. " It doesn't say like Him.
27:06 It says we were crucified with Him.
27:10 It says we were buried with Him how?
27:14 "through baptism into death"
27:18 Now let's stop there for a moment.
27:19 We were baptized into His what? His death.
27:24 In other words, when Jesus was crucified, when He was buried,
27:27 when I'm baptized God looks at me as being
27:31 crucified and buried.
27:32 God reckons me as being in Him.
27:35 I'm accepted in the beloved.
27:38 God looks upon me as if I had never sinned
27:41 because Jesus bore those sins in my place.
27:44 When I am baptized, in other words, I am incorporated
27:48 into what Jesus Christ did. But the news is even better.
27:52 You see, what Jesus did on the cross
27:54 was to take my guilt away.
27:57 He paid for all of my sins.
28:00 And when I am baptized, all of that guilt that Jesus bore
28:03 on the cross now is put to my account.
28:07 His righteousness is put to my account.
28:09 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
28:11 So the guilt that I receive from Adam is gone.
28:14 But you say: "I still have that sinful nature
28:16 that expresses itself in acts of sin.
28:19 What do we do about that? "
28:20 Well, let's go back to Romans chapter 6 and verse 4.
28:24 Let's read once again from the beginning of the verse.
29:12 In other words, what Jesus did on the cross
29:14 has a double blessing for us.
29:17 First of all, when Jesus died
29:19 on the cross He took care of
29:21 all of the guilt of the sins
29:23 that I have ever committed.
29:24 But secondly, when Jesus was
29:26 raised from the dead by the power of the Father
29:30 Jesus - who now lives - is able to give us power
29:34 to overcome the sinful nature
29:37 which we have received from Adam.
29:39 We receive a double blessing.
29:40 We are saved from the guilt of sin
29:42 and we are saved from the power of sin.
29:46 In other words, at baptism what God does is
29:49 when we are buried in the waters of baptism
29:52 God the Father looks at me and He says:
29:54 "I don't look at your sins any more because Jesus
29:56 took those sins to the cross. "
29:58 And also when Jesus died and resurrected
30:02 and I am baptized the Father says:
30:05 "Look, that Spirit that resurrected Jesus from the dead
30:09 now that you are coming forth from the watery grave
30:13 that same Spirit is going to give you power
30:15 so that sin will no longer enslave you. "
30:19 Now I want you to notice a couple of other verses
30:22 that speak about this double blessing.
30:24 Go with me to John chapter 3 and verses 5 and 6.
30:29 Here Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus.
30:31 John chapter 3 and verses 5 and 6.
30:35 Here Jesus says to Nicodemus:
31:01 What must we be born of?
31:03 We must be born of the what? Of the water
31:06 and of the Spirit.
31:09 What does the water do?
31:11 The water buries our guilt.
31:13 What does the Spirit do?
31:15 The Spirit gives us power in our lives to overcome
31:19 the sinful nature.
31:21 Now go with me to Acts chapter 2 and verse 38.
31:25 Acts chapter 2 and verse 38.
31:28 Here we find another reference to the double blessing
31:31 of baptism. Here Peter is speaking and he says this:
32:04 So at baptism God gives us a double blessing.
32:07 First of all, all of the sins that we have ever committed
32:11 are reckoned placed on Jesus
32:14 and they no longer are held against us.
32:17 God looks at us in Jesus.
32:20 He looks upon us as if we had never sinned.
32:23 He gives us a blank page.
32:26 He gives us the righteousness of Jesus.
32:29 The moment of baptism, in other words, is the moment
32:32 in which my sins are reckoned nailed to the cross
32:37 with Jesus. But God does more!
32:40 I mean if God just forgave my guilt and left me with the
32:42 unaided sinful nature I would continue committing what? Sin.
32:47 And that wouldn't do any good.
32:49 I would continue accumulating guilt.
32:51 So at baptism God buries my sins.
32:54 He buries the guilt but He gives me a power
32:57 with which I can overcome what?
33:01 I can overcome sin.
33:02 Now one problem that I've found with people is that they
33:05 tell me: "Well Pastor, you know
33:07 I know that the Bible says that when I'm baptized
33:10 God erases the past basically. He doesn't hold anything
33:14 that I've ever done against me. I know that that's true
33:17 but I just don't feel that God has forgiven me. "
33:21 Let me tell you folks: feelings have nothing to do with this.
33:25 We need to accept by faith that God says that when we are
33:30 baptized He reckons our sins buried with Jesus,
33:34 nailed to the cross with Jesus,
33:36 and that He's pouring out His Spirit upon us.
33:39 We need to accept it not because we feel it
33:42 but because He says it.
33:45 In other words, we need to live by faith.
33:48 We don't live by feelings... we live by faith
33:51 and trust in His word.
33:54 Now I want you to notice the blessings that we receive
33:57 when we are included in the second Adam.
34:00 You see, baptism is the incorporation ceremony
34:03 into the second Adam's family.
34:06 See, I'm born the first time from the first Adam.
34:08 That's my first birth.
34:10 Can't see the kingdom of God; can't enter the kingdom of God.
34:13 It's impossible.
34:14 But when I'm baptized, that's the official adoption ceremony.
34:18 When I'm baptized, that's the moment when I'm born
34:21 into the second Adam's family.
34:23 Now the sins that I've committed are buried in the water.
34:28 In other words, the guilt that I receive from Adam is gone.
34:32 Secondly, the sinful nature which expresses itself in sin
34:36 is overcome through the Holy Spirit
34:39 that is given at the moment of baptism.
34:41 But there's more. Notice Galatians 3:26-27.
34:47 Galatians chapter 3 verses 26 and 27.
34:51 You know, this is a wonderful thing that we're able to join
34:54 the family of Jesus, the family of the second Adam.
34:57 The family of the saved.
34:59 The family of those who will have everlasting life.
35:02 Notice Galatians chapter 3 and verses 26 and 27.
35:07 It says here, and we've read this before in another context.
35:12 It says:
35:21 What do we become through faith in Christ Jesus?
35:24 We become what? Sons of God.
35:27 What must we have been before?
35:29 Sons of Adam, of course.
35:32 Are we saved in Adam?
35:34 No... we're lost.
35:36 Now notice what it continues saying...
35:38 OK, we're sons of God by faith
35:41 but is there something that we need to do to express our faith?
35:44 Yes. There's an official ceremony.
35:46 It says in verse 27:
35:57 How do we become members of the family of the second Adam
36:02 Jesus Christ? It is by faith.
36:04 But we show our faith by being what? By being baptized.
36:09 And by the way, when we're baptized
36:11 we become sons and daughters of God.
36:15 Notice what we find in the book of Galatians
36:20 chapter 4 and verse 6.
36:22 Galatians chapter 4 and verse 6
36:25 where the apostle Paul is continuing the argument
36:27 of the passage that we just read
36:28 from the last couple of verses of chapter 3.
36:31 It says in Galatians chapter 4 and verse 7:
36:34 "Therefore you are no longer a... " What? "a slave
36:39 but a son. " In other words, when we're incorporated
36:44 into the family of Jesus we are no longer slaves
36:48 but we are what? We are sons.
36:51 And do you know what we become? I've mentioned this before.
36:53 When we are baptized into Christ we become brothers and sisters
36:57 of Jesus. Isn't that wonderful?
37:04 Now is Jesus the Son of God?
37:06 So what happens if I'm His brother or His sister?
37:11 We have the same Father.
37:13 See? Adam isn't our father any more.
37:17 Our father is God.
37:19 We are brothers and sisters of whom? Of Jesus.
37:22 In other words, we are incor- porated into the family of God
37:25 and we become brothers and sisters of Jesus.
37:30 Now, do we have a right to inherit all things?
37:35 Absolutely. Notice what it continues saying in Galatians
37:39 chapter 4 and verse 7.
37:41 Galatians chapter 4 and verse 7.
37:43 "Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son.
37:47 And if a son, then... " What?
37:52 "an heir of God
37:55 through Christ. "
37:57 In other words, do we have
37:58 rights of inheritance?
38:00 Will we inherit eternal life?
38:02 Will we inherit the kingdom?
38:03 Will we inherit all good things? Yes we will...
38:07 because we're not longer slaves, we're sons.
38:10 The guilt has been buried.
38:11 The power has been overcome.
38:14 We are sons and daughters of God brothers and sisters of Jesus.
38:18 How important is baptism?
38:20 Listen folks, it is the official adoption ceremony.
38:24 It is the transition between our old family
38:28 and our new family.
38:30 Notice what we find in Romans chapter 8 verses 16-17
38:35 on this same issue of inheritance.
38:37 Romans chapter 8 verses 16 and 17.
38:42 Here the apostle Paul say that everything is through Jesus.
38:44 We have to join Jesus. We join Jesus in baptism.
38:48 Notice chapter 8 of Romans and verses 16 and 17.
39:17 And so now as sons and daughters of God
39:20 we have all of the rights of inheritance.
39:22 But there's more.
39:24 If we were born into the image and likeness of the
39:27 first Adam, when we are born into the second Adam's family
39:31 in whose image and likeness will we be?
39:34 Go with me to the book of Romans chapter 8 and verse 29.
39:40 Romans chapter 8 and verse 29.
39:43 Very important verse that describes what happens
39:47 when we join the family of Jesus.
39:49 It says there in verse 29 of Romans 8:
40:03 What are we going to be conformed to?
40:06 We are "conformed to the image of His Son. "
40:09 In whose image were we when we were born into the
40:11 first Adam's family? We were in his image and likeness.
40:15 But when we are born into the family of Christ
40:18 in whose image are we conformed?
40:30 And so now when we're born into the family of Jesus
40:32 we're born in the image and likeness of Jesus.
40:36 We are no longer in the image and likeness of the original
40:40 sinful Adam. Now you are saying: "But Pastor Bohr,
40:44 we have a problem. Many times I don't
40:47 reflect the image of Jesus. "
40:50 Yes, but God reckons you as being in the image of Jesus.
40:54 And then do you know what God does?
40:55 He transforms and changes you step by step
40:59 as you behold Jesus every day.
41:01 Go with me to II Corinthians chapter 3.
41:04 And this process will not end until this body is changed
41:07 into the likeness of the perfect body of Jesus.
41:10 It's a process... the process of sanctification.
41:13 The image of Jesus is reproduced more and more in us.
41:17 But when we're baptized God recognizes us
41:21 as being in the image and likeness of His Son.
41:24 We are no longer reckoned in the sinful family of Adam.
41:28 Notice what we find in the book of II Corinthians
41:32 chapter 3 and verse 18.
41:35 II Corinthians chapter 3 and verse 18.
41:39 Here the apostle Paul says:
41:56 Are being what? How are we transformed?
42:00 How? By what?
42:19 What happens when we behold Jesus each day?
42:22 The more we behold Him?
42:24 We are transformed into His what? Into His image.
42:28 But it's done from glory to glory.
42:32 The more we behold, the more we are changed into His image.
42:37 It's not that we're striving to be in His image.
42:41 Each day we are reflecting more and more His what?
42:46 His image and His likeness.
42:49 In other words, when I'm baptized the process begins.
42:52 I'm considered in the image and likeness of Jesus.
42:55 I've gotten rid of that first Adam... the image
42:58 and likeness of the first Adam.
43:00 And then as I behold Jesus each day I grow to be like Him
43:04 more and more.
43:06 And then what happens to the sentence of death?
43:10 Listen, if when I'm baptized the death of Jesus is reckoned
43:14 as mine, do I have to die any more?
43:17 I might die physically but am I going to suffer
43:19 everlasting death? Am I going to suffer second death?
43:22 No. In fact, we find in I Corinthians chapter 15
43:26 verse 22- the last part of the verse that I didn't read -
43:29 it says: "For in Adam all... " What?
43:32 "all die. But In Christ all shall be... " What?
43:38 "all shall be made alive. "
43:40 "He who has the Son has life. "
43:43 "He who does not have the Son does not have life. "
43:47 In other words, when I am reckoned in Jesus
43:49 now I'm not on death row any more.
43:52 I have the sentence of life given in my favor.
43:56 And so what does baptism do? Wow! What a blessing.
44:02 It leads me to shed that first Adam.
44:05 It leads me to bury my guilt.
44:08 In it I receive the power of a new nature
44:12 through the Holy Spirit to overcome sin.
44:14 Instead of a slave now I'm a son.
44:17 As a son, no longer am I disinherited.
44:20 I have a right to inherit every- thing that belongs to Jesus.
44:24 Furthermore, from the moment that I am baptized
44:27 at that moment I'm reckoned in the image of Jesus
44:30 and as I behold after my baptism day after day
44:33 I'm changed more and more into the image of Jesus.
44:36 And I don't have to fear death any more
44:39 because in the second Adam we are all made alive.
44:44 How important then is baptism?
44:47 You know some people say: "Ah, baptism. Yes... no...
44:51 it doesn't make any difference. "
44:53 It makes a huge difference
44:55 because it is the official adoption ceremony
44:59 into the family of God.
45:01 If you say: "I don't have to be adopted, "
45:03 that's like going out on the street and seeing this cute kid
45:05 and saying 'I think I'll take him home with me. ' "
45:07 You can't do that.
45:09 Do you have to go through an official adoption process?
45:13 Do you have to sign documents?
45:15 Do you have to do this publicly? You most certainly do.
45:18 And it's the same with Jesus. Now the question is:
45:21 I'm going to go through this very quickly. We're not even
45:23 going to read the verses.
45:25 How should a person be baptized?
45:27 You know, there are many churches that baptize
45:31 by infusion. That is by pouring.
45:33 There are churches that baptize
45:35 also by sprinkling,
45:37 by aspersion.
45:39 Are those proper modes of baptism?
45:42 They most certainly are not.
45:44 Let me give you the Biblical evidence
45:45 without reading the verses.
45:47 Do you know that Romans chapter 6 and verse 4 speaks
45:52 of baptism as a burial?
45:54 Have you ever seen a burial where they lay someone on the
45:57 ground? They sprinkle a little bit of dirt on their head?
46:00 A burial means what?
46:02 To be buried under the ground.
46:05 And in baptism, you're buried under the water.
46:09 Incidentally, the word baptism
46:11 comes from the Greek baptizo
46:13 which means to immerse or to submerge.
46:17 The very word means to submerge.
46:21 Furthermore, we find clearly in scripture that Jesus was
46:25 baptized by immersion.
46:26 You read Mark chapter 1 verses 9 through 11.
46:29 We don't have time to read it
46:31 but it says there that Jesus went into the water
46:34 and He came up out of the water.
46:37 "Up out of the water" it says.
46:40 So much for the idea that Jesus is standing on the banks
46:42 of the Jordan and John the Baptist has a little cup
46:46 and he's pouring water over the head of Jesus.
46:48 That's not the Biblical perspective.
46:50 Do you think it's important for us to be baptized
46:52 the way God says we're supposed to?
46:55 Ah, who cares? Sprinkling... infusion...
46:57 just with the Holy Spirit. Who cares?
47:01 Do you think we need to accept God's terms?
47:03 You see Christians these days... they have the idea that
47:05 you know, "God doesn't really care how I worship;
47:08 God doesn't care which day I keep;
47:10 God doesn't care how I'm baptized;
47:11 God doesn't care what I eat;
47:13 God doesn't care where I go.
47:15 You know, God accepts me just as I am and He leaves me
47:18 just like I am, too. "
47:21 Does God expect us to obey His terms?
47:24 He most certainly does.
47:25 And in baptism He expects us to be baptized the way He says
47:29 we're supposed to. By the way, in John 3 verse 23 it says:
47:42 Now if he's baptizing by sprinkling he wouldn't need
47:45 much water. But the fact is that there was "much water. "
47:49 The Jordan River some places has very little water.
47:52 But there was much water there because it was necessary
47:55 to submerge or to immerse people.
47:57 I could tell you the story of the Ethiopian eunuch -
48:00 it's found in Acts 8:38-39-
48:02 where Philip is sent to indoctrinate or to teach
48:06 this Ethiopian who had gone to Jerusalem to celebrate
48:10 a Hebrew feast and he was on the way back to Ethiopia.
48:13 And Philip was led to him to explain to him
48:15 Isaiah chapter 53.
48:18 And when the Ethiopian sees that Isaiah 53 is centered in Jesus
48:23 he says to Philip: "What's in the way for me
48:26 being baptized? I want to be baptized. "
48:28 And so as the chariot was moving along
48:30 they found this place where there was water.
48:33 They stopped the chariot, and the Bible says that
48:36 both Philip and the eunuch went into the water
48:39 and they came out of the water.
48:43 That is the proper mode of baptism.
48:45 And we have to do it on God's terms.
48:47 You know, there are churches who think that it's appropriate
48:50 to baptize infants.
48:53 Babies.
48:54 "Oh who cares. As long as you're baptized God doesn't mind. "
48:58 Listen folks, the Bible gives at least four conditions
49:02 in order to be baptized. Let me mention them here quickly.
49:04 Matthew 28 verses 19 and 20
49:07 says that in order for someone to be baptized
49:09 they must be made disciples and they must be taught.
49:13 "Go ye therefore and teach all nations
49:16 baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son,
49:20 and the Holy Spirit. " In other words, there must be teaching.
49:23 Can you teach a baby
49:24 the principles of the gospel?
49:26 Obviously not... especially when they're newly born.
49:29 Secondly, in Acts 2:38 it says that we're supposed to
49:33 repent of our sins. Can a little baby repent?
49:36 No! And by the way, on the Day of Pentecost
49:38 all of those who were baptized were adults.
49:40 Jesus was baptized an adult.
49:42 Every person in the Bible who was ever baptized
49:45 was baptized an adult
49:47 or at least they had reached the age of accountability.
49:50 Matthew 3:6 says that in order to be baptized we must confess
49:56 our sins. Can a little baby say: "I'm sorry for crying so hard
49:59 Daddy. I'll be more patient next time. " Of course not.
50:04 You must confess your sins.
50:06 Only a person who has reached the age of accountability of
50:09 reason can do that. And furthermore, Mark 16:16
50:13 says that we must believe in order to be baptized.
50:17 A little baby cannot believe.
50:19 All of the baptisms in the Bible were done with adults.
50:23 Which means that in order for baptism to have significance
50:27 for us we must be immersed. And we must be baptized
50:31 when we understand what baptism truly means.
50:35 Now the question is: how important is baptism?
50:39 Go with me to Mark 16 and verse 16.
50:43 Mark 16 and verse 16.
50:47 Here we find a very important expression
50:52 that is given by Mark.
50:55 Mark 16 and verse 16.
50:58 I want you to remember the elements
50:59 because we're going to come back to this.
51:01 It says there, Jesus speaking:
51:18 Did you notice that?
51:20 "He who believes and is baptized will be... " What?
51:23 "will be saved. " Now let's notice those same 3 words
51:27 in Acts chapter 16. Acts chapter 16
51:31 and let's read verses 30 to 33.
51:34 Acts 16:30-33.
51:36 This is speaking about the Philippian jailer...
51:40 remember that Paul and Silas were thrown into jail.
51:43 And at night there was an earth- quake and the jail opened up.
51:47 And I want you to notice what happens to the jailer
51:49 and his family. Chapter 16 and verse 30:
51:53 "And he brought them out and said:
51:56 'Sirs, what must I do to be saved? '
52:00 So they said... " Now notice this:
52:03 "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
52:06 and you will be saved... you and your household. ' "
52:11 Do we find two of the same words that were in Mark 16?
52:15 "He who believes and is baptized will be... " What?
52:20 "saved. " Here it says... the apostle Paul says:
52:23 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be" What?
52:27 "saved. " Notice verse 33.
52:29 It says: "And he took them the same hour of the night
52:33 and washed their stripes and immediately
52:36 he and all his family were... " What? "were baptized. "
52:41 Did the apostle Paul believe in baptism?
52:44 Did he just say: "Oh, just believe in Jesus.
52:46 You'll be saved. You don't have to worry about being baptized. "
52:50 No. He said: "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
52:54 You will be saved. " And then he what?
52:57 And then he baptized them.
52:59 By the way, do you know that the great apostle Paul
53:00 himself was baptized?
53:02 Notice Acts chapter 22
53:05 and verse 16.
53:06 Acts chapter 22 verse 16.
53:08 Was the apostle Paul a notorious sinner
53:12 before his conversion?
53:13 Did he accumulate a lot of guilt?
53:16 Oh, I wish I could tell you the story of all the guilt
53:19 that he accumulated by killing God's people
53:22 and imprisoning God's people.
53:24 But I want you to notice that when he meets Ananias
53:28 that he is encouraged to do something.
53:31 It says here in Acts chapter 22 and verse 16:
53:59 What happens when we are baptized?
54:02 Our sins are what? Are washed away.
54:06 In other words, the guilt is gone
54:08 and we receive like the apostle Paul
54:10 the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
54:16 That's why Jesus says that whoever is not born of the water
54:20 and of the Spirit cannot see the kingdom of God.
54:24 And then He goes on to say
54:26 that whoever is not baptized of the water and of the Spirit
54:30 cannot enter the kingdom of God.
54:34 Is baptism then indispensible?
54:37 Baptism by immersion. Yes.
54:40 And let me tell you what happens at baptism.
54:42 Two things happen at baptism.
54:44 Number one: you are joined to Christ personally.
54:49 You become His brother and His sister.
54:52 That's the first meaning of baptism.
54:54 The second meaning of baptism is
54:57 that when we are buried in the waters and we come forth
55:00 to newness of life we join the body of Christ
55:04 which is His what? His church.
55:08 So baptism means union with Christ
55:11 and it means union with His church which teaches the truth
55:15 of God. Now let's notice that.
55:18 Let's go in our Bibles to Colossians chapter 1
55:20 and verse 18. Colossians chapter 1 verse 18.
55:25 And we'll read three verses as we draw this to a close.
55:28 The apostle Paul says this:
55:37 What is the body of Jesus?
55:39 The body of Jesus is the... What? The church.
55:43 Now how do we join the body of Jesus?
55:46 Go with me to I Corinthians chapter 12 and verses 12 and 13.
55:51 I Corinthians chapter 12 and verses 12... actually
55:56 verses 13 and 14.
55:59 I Corinthians chapter 12 and verses 13 and 14.
56:04 Here the apostle Paul says this:
56:30 Now how do we join the body of Christ
56:32 according to this?
56:34 "We were all baptized into one body. "
56:39 And what is the body? The body is the church.
56:43 By the way, do you know that in Acts chapter 2 verses 41 and 47
56:46 it says that on the Day of Pentecost
56:49 3,000 souls were added to them?
56:54 And then it says in verse 47
56:56 that God added to the church those who would be saved.
57:01 So baptism means union with Christ personally
57:06 and it also means union with His church...
57:10 with His body.
57:12 Union with Jesus and union with His church.
57:15 In other words, we become members of His family.
57:19 What a marvelous blessing this is!


Revised 2014-12-17