Cracking the Genesis Code

Abraham And The Covenant Promises

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CGC

Program Code: CGC000018

01:12 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:14 Our Father in heaven, we thank You for the wonderful day that
01:19 we have received from Your hand.
01:21 We thank You for life, not only physical life,
01:25 but spiritual life.
01:26 We thank You for the book of Genesis.
01:29 It's so important in these last days.
01:32 We ask that as we study another episode from this wonderful
01:37 book, that Your Holy Spirit will be with us to instruct us,
01:40 to teach us the things that we need to know
01:43 as we live in these last days.
01:45 We thank You for hearing our prayer
01:48 for we ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:52 I'd like to begin our study today at Genesis 1:26, 28,
02:02 Genesis 1:26, and then we'll jump down to verse 28.
02:08 There are four points that I want to underline in these
02:13 two verses as we begin our study.
02:15 Verse 26 says: Then God said, Let us make man in our image,
02:23 according to our likeness: and let them have dominion...
02:30 That's the first idea that I want us to notice: dominion.
02:33 That means kingship, rulership.
02:36 Let them have dominion.
02:37 And then it speaks about the territory.
02:40 Second point: their territory.
02:42 It says: over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air,
02:48 over the cattle, over all the earth, and over every creeping
02:54 thing that creeps on the earth.
02:56 Two points: 1. God gave man dominion.
03:01 2. His dominion was exercised over planet Earth.
03:07 Now we want to notice also verse 28, verse 28.
03:13 It says: Then God blessed them.
03:15 This is the third element that I want you to notice.
03:18 God blessed them, and God said to them,
03:20 And God said to them...
03:22 Fourth element... Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth...
03:29 And then the same idea is repeated as at the beginning
03:33 of verse 26... and subdue it: have dominion over the fish
03:37 of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living
03:41 thing that moves on the earth.
03:44 Four ideas: 1. Dominion 2. The territory, the earth.
03:50 3. The blessing. 4. A multiplicity of descendents.
03:59 And, of course, the idea was that the descendents would
04:02 be holy and righteous, just like Adam and Eve.
04:06 But then sin came into the world, and Satan took the plan,
04:14 which belonged to God, and ruined it.
04:18 The devil took dominion over the earth.
04:21 The devil took over the territory of the earth.
04:26 Instead of the blessing three times in Genesis 3 and 4,
04:29 we find the word curse.
04:31 And instead of filling the earth with a race of righteous
04:36 and holy people, the Bible says that the earth was filled with
04:40 people, but it was a violent and iniquitous race like Satan.
04:45 And so the fourfold plan of God was spoiled.
04:50 Instead of man having dominion, Satan took dominion.
04:54 Instead of man owning the earth, Satan stole the earth.
04:57 Instead of the blessing came the curse.
05:00 And instead of a multitude of holy descendents,
05:03 there was a multitude of a corrupt race, which eventually
05:07 led to the worldwide flood.
05:09 But God had set forth a plan to recover these four things
05:17 which Adam and Eve, and their descendents lost.
05:21 And what we want to study in our lecture today is how God
05:27 revealed the way in which He was going to restore dominion,
05:32 restore the earth, restore the blessing,
05:36 and restore a multitude of righteous people,
05:41 filling the whole earth.
05:43 Now in order to understand how God was going to counteract what
05:47 the devil had brought in, we need to go to Genesis 22,
05:52 which will be the central chapter of our study
05:56 in our lecture today.
05:57 This is the famous story of the almost sacrifice of Isaac.
06:03 Because we know that Isaac was not actually sacrificed.
06:10 Now I'm going to go through this story quickly, and I'm going to
06:13 underline certain points in the story which are very important
06:17 for what we're going to talk about in the second half of our
06:22 study, or the second half of our lecture.
06:24 So pay particular and special attention to the details
06:29 that I'm going to mention in the first half, because we're going
06:32 to do a parallel in the second half of our study.
06:36 The first thing that we need to realize is that when Isaac was
06:40 born Abraham was an old man.
06:45 He was actually 120 years old according to scripture.
06:50 So we have an individual whom we might call the ancient
06:55 of days, who has a son.
06:58 And, by the way, that son, according to Galatians 4,
07:03 was born by the intervention of the Holy Spirit.
07:07 You can read there in Galatians 4.
07:10 It says that Isaac was born according to the Spirit,
07:14 whereas Ishmael was born according to the flesh.
07:17 As you remember, Sarah could not have children.
07:21 And so the Holy Spirit worked a special miracle so that Sarah
07:26 could have this child, Isaac, the son born
07:30 according to the Spirit.
07:31 The son born according to the promise, he's also called,
07:35 in Galatians chapter 4.
07:36 Now let's go to Genesis 22 and examine several interesting
07:41 details about this story.
07:44 Genesis 22, and I would like to begin at verse 2, Genesis 22:2.
07:51 Actually, let's start at verse 1 for the context.
07:55 Now it came to pass after these things, that God tested Abraham,
08:00 and said to him, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
08:06 Then He said:
08:15 Now there's something wrong there, because Isaac was not
08:21 Abraham's only son.
08:23 Now the Hebrew word that is used here for only is the word
08:28 yachid, which does not mean the only, numerically,
08:34 but it actually should be translated the precious son,
08:38 the unique son, the special son.
08:43 Unique would probably be a better translation.
08:46 So God is saying, Take your unique son,
08:49 your one of a kind son.
08:53 We know that Abraham had another son who was Ishmael.
08:57 And so Isaac was not the only son numerically.
09:01 Actually, this is speaking about Abraham's special, unique,
09:07 one of a kind son.
09:09 Now I want you to notice that according to Hebrews 11:17
09:14 Isaac is called the only begotten son.
09:20 Notice the book of Hebrews 11: 17, Hebrews 11:17.
09:42 By the way, the word only begotten is one word
09:45 in Greek, monogenes.
09:47 It also means special, or unique son.
09:52 It has nothing to do with begetting.
09:54 It has to do with status.
09:56 So notice that the New Testament agrees that Isaac was Abraham's
10:02 only begotten son; his special son, in other words.
10:07 Now let's go back to Genesis 22: 2, and continue studying
10:13 the details of this story.
10:15 Genesis 22 and notice verse 2.
10:30 In other words, this is the only begotten,
10:33 beloved son of Abraham.
10:37 Now I want you to notice also Genesis 22:2
10:43 another interesting detail. It says:
10:50 ...your unique son, your special son, your one of a kind son,
10:57 In other words, Your beloved only begotten son.
11:04 Now let's stop there for a minute.
11:06 Go to the land of Moriah.
11:10 At this time Abraham lived in Beersheba.
11:12 From Beersheba to Moriah there are forty-seven miles
11:18 as the crow flies, which means that Abraham, in spite of the
11:23 fact that he was an old man, must have been in good shape
11:26 in order to make that trip in three days,
11:29 according to what this story says.
11:31 Now I want you to notice that specifically,
11:34 God told him to go to Moriah.
11:37 Now why, specifically, to Moriah?
11:40 Well, go with me to 1 Chronicles 21:18, 26,
11:49 1 Chronicles 21:18, 26.
11:56 There's a very interesting detail here that we need to
11:59 notice in order to understand why God sent Abraham to Moriah.
12:04 It says in verse 18:
12:17 Where was David supposed to build an altar? on the threshing
12:22 floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
12:25 Now why is that important?
12:27 Go with me to 2 Chronicles 3:1, 2 Chronicles 3:1. It says:
12:40 This is Solomon's temple, so called.
12:59 What was built on Mount Moriah?
13:03 What was built there was Solomon's temple.
13:06 And what was offered in Solomon's temple?
13:09 Sacrifices of animals were offered.
13:13 That means that the very place where Abraham took his son
13:17 is the place where the sacrificial system,
13:20 which pointed to Christ, was established.
13:22 On that very mountain, later on, the temple was established.
13:27 Now I want you to notice, once again, going back to
13:31 Genesis 22:2, that this was a sacrifice for sin
13:39 that Abraham was going to offer.
13:41 Notice Genesis 22:2 again.
14:00 Notice that he was supposed to offer Isaac as a burnt offering.
14:05 Now in Israel they had thank offerings, and they also
14:08 had sin offerings.
14:10 This was not a thank offering.
14:13 God was asking Abraham to offer Isaac as a sin offering.
14:18 And you say, How do we know that?
14:20 Well, because the same expression is used in
14:23 Leviticus 1:3, 4, if you'll go with me there.
14:26 Leviticus 1:3, 4. It says here:
14:32 If this offering is a burnt sacrifice...
14:37 Same expression.
14:38 ...of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish:
14:43 he shall offer it of his own free will at the door of the
14:48 tabernacle of meeting before the Lord. Verse 4:
15:05 So the idea of Isaac going to Mount Moriah with Abraham
15:10 was so that Isaac would be offered not as a thank offering,
15:14 but offered as a sacrifice for sin.
15:18 This was a sin sacrifice, in other words, on Mount Moriah.
15:23 Now there's other interesting details of this story.
15:26 Go with me to Genesis 22:4, Genesis 22:4.
15:34 How long did the ordeal last?
15:38 It says there in verse 4:
15:51 Notice that this suffering and agony of Abraham lasted for
15:56 a period of three days, according to the story.
15:59 Not only that, we just read that on the third day Abraham
16:05 looked at the place and he saw the place how? afar off.
16:10 Let's go back to Genesis 22 and notice that
16:14 very important detail.
16:16 Genesis 22:4 again.
16:19 It says, Then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes,
16:23 and saw the place afar off.
16:25 And then notice verse 5.
16:39 So these lads that went with Abraham, they're observing
16:42 what is happening on Mount Moriah from afar off.
16:47 I want you to remember that, there are witnesses to this,
16:51 and they're standing afar off.
16:54 Notice Genesis 22:6, another very interesting detail.
17:00 Chapter 22 and verse 6. It says:
17:10 Who carried the wood?
17:13 The wood was carried by Isaac.
17:16 The father placed the wood upon Isaac, and Isaac carried
17:20 the wood, and then he was bound to the wood.
17:24 Notice, it says in verse 6 again, So Abraham took the wood
17:29 of the burnt offering, and laid it on Isaac his son; and he took
17:34 And notice what happens with Abraham. It says:
17:38 That is Abraham took.
17:46 So we notice here that Isaac bears the wood upon which
17:51 he is going to be placed, but Abraham has the instrument
17:56 which are going to be used to slay his own son.
17:59 In other words, the father is going to slay his son,
18:02 but his son bears the wood, and then his son is placed
18:06 upon the wood. Now notice Genesis 22:7 when they arrive
18:12 at this location, Genesis 22:7.
18:42 Where is the ram for the burnt offering?
18:45 Now it's very interesting in the answer that Abraham gave that
18:50 Abraham is giving a prophetic answer.
18:53 Notice verse 8, verse 8. It says here:
19:06 For what? Now, now!
19:12 Listen to that! All these details are important.
19:26 In other words, God is going to provide a substitute.
19:29 God is going to provide a ram, or a lamb as an offering,
19:33 as a sin offering. He's saying to Isaac,
19:36 Don't you worry about it.
19:38 So they arrive at the place of execution.
19:42 I want you to notice that this is an execution.
19:44 This is not a natural death.
19:45 It says there in Genesis 22:9:
20:02 Notice that he's bound to the wood.
20:10 Can you imagine what must have been going through
20:13 the heart of Abraham at this time?
20:14 The son of the promise, the son through whom the promises
20:18 were going to be fulfilled that God made to Abraham,
20:22 and now God is telling Abraham to lift up his hand against his
20:27 own son. It must have been a terrible ordeal for Abraham
20:31 to do this. The father lifting up his hand against his unique,
20:37 only begotten, beloved son there on Mount Moriah.
20:42 And so the Bible says that Abraham raised his hand
20:47 to slay his son. Now there's a detail that is not directly
20:51 in the story, which I need to emphasize before we continue
20:56 with the story. Let me ask you, do you suppose that when Abraham
21:00 told Isaac, Now Isaac, You are the sacrifice.
21:04 You are the sin offering.
21:07 Do you suppose it could have been quite simple for Isaac
21:11 to escape from his father?
21:12 Do you think he could have escaped? of course!
21:16 Abraham was an old man.
21:18 Isaac could have said, Not me!
21:21 And he could have taken off.
21:23 But when they arrived at the place, and the father reveals
21:27 his plan to his beloved son, his unique son, and he says,
21:31 son, you are the sacrifice.
21:34 Isaac submissively places himself in his father's hands,
21:39 and he says, Your will be done.
21:43 Allow me to read you a statement in that classic book
21:48 that I've read from before.
21:49 It's a history of the Old Testament up to the time
21:52 of Solomon. Patriarchs and Prophets, page 152.
21:58 The author says this:
22:46 He said, Father, Your will be done.
22:50 And so we notice in Genesis 22: 10 that Abraham raises up
22:56 his hand to slay his own son as a sin offering.
23:01 Notice once again, Genesis 22:10:
23:14 Notice the son is on the wood.
23:16 The son has borne the wood, but the one who is going to
23:18 actually execute the sentence upon him is his own father.
23:23 And it says in verse 11:
23:48 And then we have some very significant words.
23:54 Now listen to what I'm going to say.
23:57 Isaac, we're going to find, actually is a symbol of Christ,
24:03 but he's also a symbol of us.
24:08 He's a symbol of Christ, and I'm going to explain what I mean.
24:12 He a symbol of Christ in the sense that, you know,
24:19 he's the only son, he's the beloved son.
24:21 He's going to be offered as a sin offering.
24:24 He submissively places himself in the hands of his father.
24:27 In that sense he's a symbol of Christ.
24:29 But Isaac was never actually sacrificed.
24:34 There was a substitute offered in place of Isaac.
24:39 In two senses Isaac is a symbol of Christ.
24:43 First in his submission, and his willingness to die
24:46 at the hands of his father.
24:48 And secondly, we're going to notice in a minute, that he also
24:51 symbolizes Christ in the fact that on the third day in figure,
24:56 he resurrected from the dead.
24:58 But when it comes to the sacrifice itself,
25:01 Isaac did not die.
25:03 A substitute was found.
25:05 Now go with me to Hebrews 11: 19, Hebrews 11:19.
25:14 Here's where we find the idea that Isaac actually
25:18 resurrected the third day.
25:19 You say, How could he resurrect if he didn't die?
25:21 Listen, in the mind of Abraham, he was as good as dead.
25:25 And on the third day Abraham got his son back alive,
25:30 in his mind. Notice verse 17 of Hebrews 11.
25:37 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac:
25:42 and he who had received the promises offered up
25:46 his only begotten son, of whom it was said, In Isaac your
25:51 seed shall be called.
25:52 Concluding, now notice this:
26:10 In other words, Isaac restored to his father alive
26:14 on the third day, symbolized in figure, the resurrection
26:19 of Jesus, who once again is in communion with His Father
26:24 when He resurrected on the third day.
26:26 So, actually, Isaac, in the mind of Abraham,
26:30 resurrected figuratively on the third day.
26:34 And so you have this marvelous story of Genesis 22.
26:40 Now my question is, Why did God give this story?
26:42 Is this only a story showing that Abraham loved God
26:47 more than he loved his own son?
26:49 Is this really even a story about Abraham and Isaac?
26:53 Or is this story far more profound than the historical
26:59 circumstances which took place approximately 1900 years
27:03 before the birth of Jesus?
27:04 Now before I answer that question we need to go back
27:07 to Genesis 22 and examine one further concept before
27:13 we do the parallel.
27:14 Genesis 22 and I would like to read verse 13.
27:30 A what? a ram. Do you know what a ram is?
27:33 It's a male sheep.
27:35 That's what a ram is.
27:48 Couldn't escape.
27:56 Instead of his son.
27:59 Was there a substitutionary sacrifice on Mount Moriah?
28:04 Yes, there was. In place of Isaac a ram was offered,
28:11 according to this. And then it says in verse 14:
28:19 Jehovah-Jireh in Hebrew.
28:30 Do you know if you look at the diagram of Solomon's temple,
28:34 so called, because it was really the Lord's temple.
28:37 You know we talk about Noah's flood, and Jacob's ladder,
28:40 and Solomon's temple.
28:42 The fact is that it was God's ladder, it was God's flood,
28:44 and it was God's temple.
28:46 But anyway, for the sake of understanding, Solomon's temple
28:50 was built in a direction from east to west.
28:59 The western wall supposedly is still there today.
29:02 And northeast of the temple was what was known
29:06 as the sheep gate.
29:08 And just outside the city,
29:11 I've been there where the sheep gate was.
29:13 Just outside the city to the north and to the east
29:16 is where they kept the sheep that they brought
29:19 for the sacrifices.
29:20 Now if you go to Jerusalem today you'll discover that what
29:23 is north and east of the temple site is the place of the skull
29:29 and the garden tomb, interestingly enough.
29:34 So geographically the very place where Abraham found this ram,
29:40 and offered him on Mount Moriah, is the place where Jesus was
29:44 taken from the sheep gate to die for the sins of the world,
29:49 which was represented by the temple on Mount Moriah.
29:52 Now the question is, did Abraham understand that this story was
29:57 far more profound than just simple history?
30:00 Notice John 8:56, John 8:56.
30:09 Here Jesus is entertaining a conversation with
30:12 the Jewish people, with a group of Jewish people.
30:15 And Jesus says them:
30:30 Did Abraham understand that this whole story actually
30:35 pointed to Jesus Christ the Messiah? Absolutely!
30:39 It says so very clearly here in John 8:56.
30:44 Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he was glad to see my day.
30:49 By the way, Galatians 3:8 says that God preached the gospel
30:54 to Abraham in the Old Testament; that God was going to justify
30:59 the Gentiles by faith.
31:00 So much for the idea that there was no idea in the Old Testament
31:06 that God was going to save the Gentiles, and He was going to
31:08 establish the Christian church.
31:10 That that was just revealed after Jesus died on the cross,
31:13 on the Day of Pentecost.
31:15 Oh, by the way, I have a Plan B for the church now.
31:16 The fact is that the gospel was preached to Abraham,
31:19 and the idea that the gospel was going to go to the nations was
31:22 already contained when God gave this experience to Abraham.
31:25 Now what is this story really pointing to?
31:28 Before I tell you, I'm going to just mention the four promises
31:32 that God made to Abraham.
31:33 We're not going to read the verses.
31:35 But listen to what I'm going to say.
31:37 It's interesting that every time in the book of Genesis that
31:42 either Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob raised up an altar, immediately
31:46 after they made the sacrifice God makes the promises.
31:49 And when they don't raise up an altar, there was always a
31:53 Messianic prophecy connected with the promises.
31:56 For example, immediately after this story of Genesis 22,
32:00 immediately after, God gives Abraham four promises.
32:05 Immediately after Jacob saw that ladder between heaven
32:10 and earth, you find God giving him the promises.
32:13 What God was trying to teach is that the promises were going
32:17 to come through the Messiah, through the sacrifice,
32:21 through Him who was truly Jacob's ladder,
32:24 through Him who truly is represented by Isaac.
32:28 Now let's make the parallel between what happened on
32:33 Mount Moriah, and what happened with Jesus.
32:36 By the way, the four promises that God made to Abraham:
32:40 1. He promised that Abraham's, and his seed,
32:44 would have dominion over their enemies.
32:47 Interesting. Is that what Adam lost?
32:50 What was going to be restored through the seed?
32:53 dominion. That's in Genesis 22: 17 immediately after this story.
32:57 The second thing that God promised Abraham:
33:00 He promised him the land.
33:02 And most Christians that study this assume that God was
33:05 promising Abraham that little strip of land in the
33:07 Middle East known as Israel.
33:09 But the fact is that Abraham understood that that was
33:11 only a down payment.
33:13 That was only a little sample of what God really
33:17 was promising Abraham.
33:18 Because in Romans 4:13 it says that God promised Abraham
33:23 that he would be the heir of the world.
33:24 In Hebrews chapter 11 it says that Abraham,
33:27 and all of the other heroes up to the time of Abraham,
33:30 they did not consider Canaan their homeland.
33:33 It says that they looked for a city whose builder
33:37 and maker was God.
33:38 And when they left their country it says that they knew that they
33:42 were searching for a homeland, a heavenly homeland.
33:45 In other words, Abraham was not looking for Jerusalem
33:48 as the fulfillment of God's promise.
33:50 He wasn't looking at that little strip of land.
33:52 Actually, God was promising Abraham that he would have
33:55 dominion over all of the enemies, including the devil;
33:58 that he was going to also inherit all of the earth.
34:03 And, by the way, God also promised Abraham that
34:07 through his seed the blessing would come
34:10 to counteract the curse.
34:11 Do you see how this is counteracting what we have
34:13 in Genesis chapter 1, what we read?
34:15 dominion, the earth, the blessing, an innumerable
34:21 multitude of righteous people?
34:24 So God says to Abraham, Now, as a result of this experience,
34:29 and what it means, I'm telling you that you're going to have
34:32 dominion through your seed over the enemies.
34:34 That you are going to recover the earth through your seed.
34:38 That you are going to have a blessing come to humanity
34:43 through that seed, and that you are also going to have a group
34:48 of people that no man can number,
34:51 like the stars of heaven, according to the promise.
34:54 And so what God is telling Abraham is that what was lost
34:58 by Adam and Eve, is going to be restored
35:01 through Abraham and his seed.
35:03 Now we need to understand that Abraham
35:04 is not the key figure.
35:05 Abraham is only mentioned as bringing these things because
35:12 from Abraham comes Jesus.
35:15 Abraham could never bring these things.
35:17 The devil defeated him because Abraham lied.
35:21 Abraham was a bigamist.
35:27 Are you following me?
35:31 So Abraham is only central insofar as he's the instrument
35:36 that God uses to bring the Seed into the world, to recover and
35:40 restore that which was lost.
35:41 Now let's do the parallel of this story.
35:44 We're not going to read all of the verses.
35:45 You have them written down.
35:46 But I'm going to tell you the content of each verse.
35:48 Matthew 1:18 says that Jesus was born according to the
35:54 action of the Holy Sprit.
35:55 He's the child of the Holy Spirit.
35:58 He was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
36:01 According to Mark 1:11, when Jesus was baptized the words
36:08 were heard from heaven that said, This is my what?...
36:20 Furthermore, in John 3:16, that verse that everybody can repeat
36:24 from memory. The most famous verse of the Bible. It says:
36:40 So is Jesus conceived by the work of the Holy Spirit
36:44 like Isaac? Absolutely!
36:46 Was Jesus the beloved Son?
36:49 Actually, the Father said it twice in the ministry of Jesus.
36:52 Once again on the Mount of Transfiguration the words
36:55 were heard, This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him.
37:01 And Jesus is the only begotten Son.
37:04 Now He's not the only Son that God the Father has,
37:07 but He is the unique Son, the special Son.
37:10 He's the Son of the promise, the Son through whom all of the
37:14 promises given to Abraham will be fulfilled.
37:17 By the way, do you know that the sacrifice of Christ was offered
37:21 as a burnt offering, which had a sweet smelling savor to God?
37:26 Notice Ephesians 5:2, Ephesians 5:2.
37:34 The apostle Paul says:
37:50 whom? to His Father. Notice:
38:01 Now let me ask you, how long did the ordeal of Christ
38:06 and His Father last?
38:07 Matthew 12:40 speaks about the ordeal of Jesus lasting
38:16 how long? three days and three nights.
38:21 Three days and three nights!
38:23 God the Father, and Jesus His Son, agonized.
38:28 The Father struggling with the idea of delivering up His Son.
38:33 Three days, just like the in the Old Testament story.
38:39 Now let me ask you, did Jesus place Himself submissively
38:44 in the hands of His Father?
38:45 He most certainly did.
38:47 You have, for example, in the Garden of Gethsemane.
38:51 By the way, do you notice that Isaac said in Genesis 22,
38:56 My father, here's the wood and the fire,
39:02 but where is the offering?
39:05 Where's the sacrifice?
39:06 Where's the animal?
39:07 Isaac addressed his father as my father.
39:12 When you go to Matthew 26 you find Jesus saying,
39:19 My Father, if this cup can pass from Me, let it be so.
39:26 If I could escape from having to give My life from suffering,
39:32 Father may it be so.
39:35 My Father, He said three times He prays this prayer.
39:37 My Father, He says, Nevertheless, not My
39:42 will be done but Yours.
39:44 Jesus, though He could have escaped, presented Himself
39:49 into the hands of His Father submissively.
39:53 By the way, who bore the wood?
39:58 Go with me to John 19:17.
40:00 Of course all of this is no coincidence.
40:02 I say that facetiously, incidentally.
40:07 We have here prophecy, folks.
40:09 The center of this story is Jesus.
40:11 Now notice John 19:17. It says:
40:23 What was the cross made of? wood.
40:39 So who bore the wood?
40:40 Who was nailed to the wood?
40:43 Jesus, by His own consent, by His own willingness,
40:48 He presented Himself into the hands of His Father.
40:51 Now let me ask you, who actually was executing
40:55 the sentence upon Christ?
40:58 Go with me to Isaiah 53, Isaiah 53.
41:03 This is a very well known Messianic prophecy.
41:07 You see, like Abraham bore the knife and the fire,
41:11 He was the one who was going to execute His Son.
41:14 The one who turned against Jesus was His own Father,
41:17 because Jesus was occupying the place
41:19 that I should have had.
41:22 Now notice Isaiah 53:4:
41:39 Jesus suffered under the sentence of His own Father.
41:43 His Father raised His hand against Him.
41:46 And the hand of the Father was not stayed in the case of Jesus.
41:50 The Father followed all the way through.
41:53 Now why did Jesus do this?
41:55 Remember that on the mountain, the name of the mountain was
41:58 Yahweh-Yireh, the Lord will provide.
42:01 For whom did Jesus do this? Notice verse 5:
42:21 In other words, Jesus is the great substitute,
42:24 the one that was offered in our place, so that we do not have
42:29 to suffer the death sentence.
42:31 Notice 2 Corinthians 5:21 on this point.
42:36 The apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:21 speaks these
42:42 marvelous words. He says:
42:56 See, the One who knew no sin the Father make sin.
43:08 By the way, do you know that when Jesus suffered on the cross
43:14 there were witnesses who watched it from afar off?
43:18 Go with me to Mark 15:40, Mark 15:40.
43:25 See, this is a reenaction of the story that we find on
43:29 Mount Moriah, only what happened on Mount Moriah is a shadow
43:32 or a figure, of what Jesus did for the whole human race.
43:35 Mark 15:40 says this:
43:45 The same expression!
43:54 So there were witnesses contemplating this from afar.
43:59 What day of the week did Jesus resurrect?
44:02 The first day of the week.
44:04 But what was the day with reference to His sufferings?
44:07 It was the third day.
44:08 Did Abraham receive Isaac back resurrected
44:13 in figure on the third day?
44:14 Did we find that expression in Hebrews 11? Yes.
44:17 Now notice what the apostle Paul says in
44:19 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4, 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4.
44:27 Here the apostle Paul says this:
44:46 Do you suppose that one of those scriptures was the story of
44:48 Genesis 22, that indicated that He was going to resurrect
44:51 on the third day? Hebrews 11 seems to indicate so.
44:55 That the fact that Jesus was resurrected the third day is
44:59 foreshadowed in the story of Genesis 22.
45:01 And, by the way, it's also foreshadowed in the story of
45:04 Jonah, where he was in the belly of the great fish
45:08 three days and three nights, and the third day the great fish
45:13 cast him out. See, he couldn't even stand this prophet.
45:17 Not even the fish!
45:18 The fish got indigestion!
45:19 Because this prophet was a bitter man, and so he spewed
45:23 him out on the third day.
45:25 And he lived in spite of the fact that he'd been in that
45:29 tomb, so to speak, for three days and three nights.
45:33 Notice Romans 8:32, Romans 8:32.
45:37 Can you imagine, folks, what it must have been like for God
45:40 the Father to raise His hand against His
45:42 own Son in our place?
45:44 The Lord will provide, as a substitute for our sins?
45:49 Notice what we find in Romans 8:32.
45:54 Here it speaks about what the Father did with His own Son.
45:58 We're told there by the apostle Paul this:
46:07 See that breathes what we find in Genesis 22.
46:18 Do you see the idea of substitution there?
46:20 Do you also see that it's the Father who is delivering up
46:24 His special Son? It says, He who did not spare His own Son,
46:28 but delivered Him up for us all,
46:34 That is with Jesus.
46:41 Who is at the center of the story of Isaac and Abraham?
46:45 At the very center of this story is Jesus Christ.
46:49 Now do you remember the four promises that
46:51 God made to Abraham?
46:52 First of all He made the promise that through Abraham
46:56 and his seed dominion would be restored.
46:59 Secondly He promised that through Abraham and his seed
47:02 the earth would be recovered.
47:04 Third He promised that through the seed of Abraham a blessing
47:08 would come upon the human race to counteract the curse.
47:12 And He promised that through Abraham a multiplicity of seed,
47:16 which no one can number, would come as a result
47:21 of Abraham and his seed.
47:22 Now let me ask you, were those promises made to the Jewish
47:27 nation, or were they made for the human race through Jesus?
47:32 Actually, the promises are centered in Christ.
47:35 You see the churches miss the point when
47:38 they center on Israel.
47:39 They say, God has to give the land to Israel.
47:41 He has to bless Israel, literal Israel, I'm referring to.
47:45 He has to restore the land to Israel.
47:48 He's got to defeat the enemies of Israel.
47:51 The fact is it's Jesus who fulfills these promises
47:54 with the whole human race, not only with one people.
47:58 Now notice Galatians 3:16.
48:02 Prophecy is not centered in Israel.
48:04 Prophecy is centered in Jesus.
48:05 Notice Galatians 3:16.
48:10 To whom were the promises made, and in whom are they fulfilled?
48:14 It says there:
48:33 To whom were the promises made?
48:34 They were made to Abraham and his seed.
48:37 And who is that seed?
48:39 That Seed is Jesus Christ.
48:42 This is the reason why the apostle Paul says in
48:44 2 Corinthians 1:20, He says that:
48:51 In Jesus. Never for Israel without Jesus.
48:56 Only fulfilled in and through Jesus Christ.
49:00 Did you know, by the way, that these four promises that God
49:05 made to Abraham will be fulfilled through Jesus?
49:07 Let me just mention several verses here,
49:11 as we draw this to a close.
49:14 Luke 1:71-73. When the birth of Jesus was announced
49:20 in the temple the Priest said, he praised the Lord.
49:26 He said, God has sent us a Seed of Abraham to deliver us
49:32 from the hand of our enemies.
49:33 So who delivers from the enemies?
49:37 F16's?, military power? No!
49:45 Through Jesus, it says, the enemies would be subdued.
49:49 By the way, that means dominion.
49:53 And Daniel 7:26, 27 says that Jesus will recover the dominion
49:57 of the whole world, and He will restore dominion to His people.
50:01 Dominion will be given to the Saints of the Most High.
50:06 God also promised Abraham that he would inherit the world.
50:11 Through whom does he inherit the world?
50:13 By divine right? Because they happen to belong
50:18 to a certain people, or a certain nation, they're going
50:21 to be given the earth, or the land? No.
50:24 This is only fulfilled through whom?
50:27 It is only fulfilled through Jesus Christ.
50:30 Because all of the promises are yea and amen in Jesus.
50:35 All of the promises have been made to Christ.
50:38 The meek shall inherit the earth.
50:41 But they inherit the earth because of what Jesus has done.
50:46 Jesus is at the very center.
50:48 By the way, who removes the curse?
50:53 Galatians 3:13, 14 says that we have been saved from the curse.
51:03 Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law,
51:07 having become for us a curse; taking our sins upon Himself.
51:15 And then verse 14 says:
51:18 That the blessing of Abraham might come upon
51:21 all those who believe.
51:23 How is it that the blessing of Abraham comes upon all of those
51:27 who believe? How is the curse removed?
51:29 It's removed by receiving Jesus and accepting Him in my place
51:34 as He who was cursed for my sins.
51:37 The curse is removed through Jesus.
51:40 The earth is restored through Jesus.
51:43 The blessing is restored through Jesus.
51:46 Dominion is restored through Jesus.
51:49 By the way, is there going to be a great multitude of redeemed
51:52 people that no one can number, in fulfillment of the
51:55 prophecy given to Abraham?
51:57 You've read Revelation 7:9, where John sees a great
52:02 multitude which no man could number,
52:04 from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
52:09 And a little bit later on it explains how these individuals
52:14 got to be in heaven.
52:16 It says that they have washed their robes, and they have made
52:21 them white in the blood of the lamb.
52:24 So the innumerable host comes as a result of what
52:29 Jesus has done.
52:31 The removal of the curse, is as a result of what Jesus does.
52:34 It says in the heavenly city there will no longer be any
52:37 curse. The meek will inherit the earth.
52:40 The meek will have dominion over the earth.
52:43 The earth will be restored.
52:44 But none of this is given to Israel as a literal nation.
52:48 It is given to those who receive Jesus.
52:51 They are fulfilled only in and through Jesus Christ.
52:56 Now, go with me to Galatians 3:29, Galatians 3:29.
53:02 You know, there's a lot of speculation today in Bible
53:06 prophecy. People say, oh, yeah, you know, God is going to
53:09 fulfill all of His promises to the literal Jews
53:12 over there in Israel.
53:15 You know, there are people that are blessed by God.
53:18 And, you know, God has given them a multiplicity
53:21 of descendents. And God has given them the land.
53:25 And there's all kinds of talk along this line.
53:29 But let me ask you, are these really the promises given to
53:32 Abraham, which are fulfilled with the literal Jewish people?
53:34 Absolutely not! Notice Galatians 3:29.
53:38 Very important verse!
53:40 Galatians 3:29. The apostle Paul says this:
53:57 If you are what? Christ's.
54:08 I guess that disqualifies everyone in the Middle East
54:13 who rejects Christ.
54:14 Because it says clearly in this verse that those who are
54:20 Christ's are Abraham's seed.
54:22 And they inherit the promises through Jesus.
54:26 So what happened in 1948 has no prophetic significance.
54:33 And what the churches are saying is being fulfilled over
54:37 there in the Middle East is no fulfillment of any prophecy,
54:42 or any promise of God.
54:43 Because scripture says that all of the promises are Yea,
54:47 and Amen in Jesus, the Seed.
54:50 No promise is fulfilled outside Jesus.
54:53 If you join Jesus the promises are yours.
54:56 If you are not in Christ, the promises are not yours.
55:00 So is it just possible that the religious world today
55:05 is focusing in, wrongly, upon Israel as the fulfillment
55:10 of prophecy rather than those who have received Christ
55:14 as the fulfillment of prophecy.
55:16 I believe so. Now let's go to Galatians 4:6, 7.
55:25 This will be our last verse.
55:27 Galatians 4:6, 7, and actually, we'll read verses 4 through 7
55:37 so that we can catch the context.
55:39 It says here: But when the fullness of the time had come,
55:44 God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law,
55:49 to redeem those who were under the law that we might receive
55:53 the adoption as sons.
55:55 And because you are sons God has sent forth the Spirit
56:00 of his Son into your hearts crying out, Abba, Father.
56:05 Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son.
56:10 And if, now notice this, and if a Son then an heir
56:16 of God through Christ.
56:17 What do we need to become in order to inherit the promises?
56:23 We have to become sons and daughters of God.
56:26 How do we become sons and daughters of God?
56:28 In the previous chapter the apostle Paul says that all those
56:33 who have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ.
56:35 He says that we are Sons of God through Jesus Christ
56:39 in verses 26 and 27 of Galatians 3.
56:42 And so we must receive Jesus.
56:45 In this way we become His brothers and sisters,
56:48 and thus through Him, we are Sons and Daughters of God,
56:50 and through Jesus, according to Galatians 4:7, we inherit what?
56:55 all of the promises of God through Him.
56:58 We will live in that land restored to the redeemed.
57:02 We will once again have dominion over the earth.
57:06 We will live in a place where there's no longer any curse.
57:09 And God's people, from every nation, kindred, tongue,
57:12 and people, an innumerable host, will be there redeemed,
57:16 and will be able to live with Jesus forever and ever.
57:21 Isn't this good news?


Revised 2014-12-17