Cracking the Genesis Code

Globalism And New World Order

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CGC

Program Code: CGC000017

01:12 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:14 Father in heaven, we thank You so much for this beautiful day
01:19 that You have given us.
01:20 We're thankful that in spite of the sin in this world
01:24 there still is so much beauty to thank You for.
01:27 We just ask that as we open Your Holy Word, and we study about
01:33 the Tower of Babel and end time Babylon,
01:36 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us and help us to
01:39 understand how from antiquity You were preparing to bring
01:43 the Seed into the world to bless all nations.
01:45 We thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayer, for we ask it
01:49 in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:52 We'd like to begin our study today in the book of
01:58 Genesis 9:1, Genesis 9:1.
02:05 This verse is describing God's plan for Noah and his family,
02:12 and their descendents after the flood.
02:15 And we find the following words:
02:34 You notice that God's plan after the flood was that humanity
02:39 should scatter abroad over all of the earth,
02:42 and fill the earth.
02:45 Now the Tower of Babel episode took place approximately
02:52 one hundred years after the flood.
02:55 And as we read Genesis 11, we discover that human beings
03:01 did exactly the opposite of what God had told them to do.
03:06 Instead of scattering abroad over all of the earth,
03:10 they conglomerated together, they consolidated
03:14 together in one place.
03:15 Let's go in our Bibles to Genesis 11:1, 2,
03:22 Genesis 11:1, 2. It says:
03:36 Actually, a better translation is "as they journeyed
03:39 toward the East," because if you look at the geography,
03:43 you'll discover that Mt. Ararat is in Turkey, and Babylon,
03:50 where the Tower of Babel was built,
03:51 is actually southeast from Turkey.
03:54 And so a better translation, as many modern versions have it,
03:58 is that they traveled towards the east. It says that they:
04:09 Now undoubtedly the reason why they decided to dwell there was
04:13 because Ararat is a place where there are many mountains.
04:18 The land is not so fertile.
04:20 Therefore they looked for more fertile ground.
04:24 It's interesting to notice that Genesis 11 begins by saying
04:28 that they all spoke the same language.
04:31 Now if you look at the world today you'll discover that
04:35 people who speak the same language tend to band together.
04:39 Language unites people in a national unity.
04:45 It's much more natural to unite people who speak the same
04:48 language and the same dialect.
04:51 We're going to find in this story, however, that the devil
04:57 had a very special plan in mind, taking into account that there
05:02 was one language and one speech.
05:05 And that is that the devil, instead of wanting them to
05:09 spread abroad over the earth, he wanted them to consolidate
05:13 together in one place.
05:15 Because when you have this type of consolidation,
05:18 apostasy is much easier when people band together.
05:24 And, of course, ultimately the devil's purpose was to
05:28 demoralize the human race, to totally corrupt the human race
05:31 shortly after the flood, as he had tried to do before the flood
05:35 in order to make the Holy line, from which the Messiah would
05:40 come, disappear from human history.
05:43 The whole Tower of Babel episode needs to be understood
05:47 in the light of Genesis 3:15.
05:49 The devil, in this story, is trying to consolidate humanity
05:54 in open rebellion against God, to destroy the Holy line,
05:59 to totally corrupt and demoralize the world,
06:02 so that the promised Messiah, who would crush the serpent's
06:06 head, would not be able to come.
06:09 Now it's interesting to notice who the builder of the city
06:16 and the Tower of Babel was.
06:19 If we go back to Genesis 10: 8-11, we discover the name
06:25 of the builder of the city of Babylon and of this tower.
06:29 It says there in Genesis 10:8:
06:58 And then several other cities are mentioned as well.
07:03 And, by the way, the cities that are mentioned are the worst
07:06 enemies of Israel in the Old Testament.
07:10 Now Nimrod was a descendent of Ham, and the line of Ham
07:15 was the most wicked line of the three sons of Noah.
07:20 Of course, Shem continued the Holy line.
07:23 Ham brought into existence the kingdom of Babylon, Assyria,
07:28 also other kingdoms that were inimical to God,
07:32 and inimical to God's people.
07:34 Now it's interesting to notice that the name Nimrod means
07:39 rebellion. In Hebrew the name Nimrod means rebellion.
07:44 And, of course, this whole enterprise at the Tower of Babel
07:47 was a rebellious enterprise.
07:50 Now lest you think that that's not important,
07:53 over seventy times in the book of Genesis we find God
07:57 emphasizing the meaning of a name.
08:00 In Genesis names are not just given to identify people.
08:04 Names are given in order to describe the character of the
08:07 bearer of the name.
08:09 And in Genesis you have God changing names very frequently
08:12 when the character changes.
08:14 And so the name Nimrod, rebellion,
08:17 is very, very important.
08:19 This descendent of Ham, who was intent on establishing
08:23 an apostate religion against God.
08:26 By the way, later Babylonian tradition said that Nimrod
08:31 married a woman called Semiramis.
08:33 And when both of them died, the Babylonian belief came
08:38 that Nimrod went to the sun and became the sun god,
08:43 and Semiramis went to the moon, and she became the moon goddess.
08:47 In other words, we have this apostate idolatry,
08:52 which originated with Nimrod at the Tower of Babel;
08:56 the intention of the devil to totally
08:58 demoralize the human race.
09:01 Now go with me back to Genesis 11, and I'd like to read verses
09:06 3 and 4, Genesis 11:3, 4.
09:10 It continues saying here:
09:26 Now probably some of you have been to Israel.
09:29 And one thing which really strikes you when you go
09:31 to Israel is the amount of stones that you have there.
09:35 There seem to be rocks everywhere, and most of the
09:39 ancient edifications were made out of rock.
09:42 But we're talking here about the Valley of Mesopotamia.
09:46 We're talking about a place where even today there's not
09:50 an abundance of rocks, but construction
09:53 is made with bricks.
09:55 And, of course, there's a lot of asphalt because of the
09:57 tremendous amount of oil.
09:59 You know, the geographical location today would be Iraq.
10:03 And so this is historically true, what is being said here.
10:07 Now notice verse 4:
10:16 Notice that word ourselves, this is a selfish enterprise.
10:31 There it is again!
10:37 What didn't they want to happen?
10:39 They did not want to be what?
10:41 They did not want to be scattered
10:43 on the face of the earth.
10:44 They wanted to consolidate in one great apostate united
10:50 system against God.
10:52 You might call this a New World Order.
10:54 It was no longer a patriarchal type of existence where each
10:59 household basically was independent
11:01 of the other household.
11:02 This is the first time that you have a
11:03 monarchy in human history.
11:05 Now I want you to notice a very interesting statement
11:10 that I found in the book, Patriarchs and Prophets.
11:12 By the way, this is my favorite book on Old Testament history.
11:17 It's tremendous. It has incredible insights.
11:19 It's been given away here in the seminar to several people.
11:22 Allow me to just read you this statement.
11:25 It's found on page 119 of the book, Patriarchs and Prophets.
11:28 It says this: God had directed men to disperse
11:33 throughout the earth to replenish and subdue it.
11:37 But these Babel builders determined to keep their
11:42 community united in one body, and to found a monarchy
11:49 that should eventually embrace the whole earth.
11:53 Monarchy, that means one ruler governing over all
11:57 of the world, basically.
11:59 It continues saying: Thus their city would become the metropolis
12:04 of a universal empire.
12:07 Its glory would command the admiration and homage
12:11 of the world and render the founders illustrious.
12:16 The magnificent tower, reaching to the heavens,
12:20 was intended to stand as a monument of the power and wisdom
12:26 of its builders, perpetuating their fame
12:30 to the latest generations.
12:32 The word ourselves in this verse indicates that this
12:38 was a selfish enterprise.
12:40 They wanted to bring glory and honor to themselves.
12:43 They wanted to establish a universal empire
12:47 in apostasy against God.
12:49 In fact, later on in history, over a thousand years later,
12:54 another Babylonian ruler named Nebuchadnezzar established
12:59 what is known as the Neo-Babylonian Empire
13:02 in the same geographical location.
13:05 And we catch a little bit of the spirit of the original builders
13:08 by looking at the spirit that Nebuchadnezzar had.
13:11 Notice Daniel 4:30, Daniel 4:30.
13:18 Here we have Nebuchadnezzar's spirit.
13:20 It's the same spirit as the Babel builders.
13:23 It says here, Nebuchadnezzar speaking about his kingdom,
13:27 The king spoke saying, Is not this great Babylon that I have
13:35 built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power,
13:41 and for the honor of my majesty?
13:45 He had the same spirit as the original builders:
13:49 selfish, wanting to exalt himself.
13:53 Now you'll notice that they wanted to build the tower
13:55 to reach unto the heavens.
13:57 You need to understand this in the light of the flood.
14:00 The fact is that perhaps they wanted to build the tower
14:05 so high that they could explain the reason for the flood
14:09 which was scientifically absurd.
14:12 But even more importantly, in their minds, they felt that
14:15 they needed to build a tower taller than what the waters
14:19 of the flood had reached, so that in case there should be
14:22 another flood, they would be able to climb up on the tower,
14:26 and they would be able to deliver
14:28 themselves from destruction.
14:30 In other words, they distrusted the Word of God when God said,
14:34 I will not send another flood upon the earth, they said,
14:38 Let's build a tower just in case.
14:41 It was a project totally built upon selfishness.
14:47 Now you notice here that they say that they want to make
14:50 themselves a name.
14:52 Probably a better translation would be, they wanted their
14:56 reputation to become known.
14:58 They wanted to become renowned.
15:00 Now these individuals, the builders of the Tower of Babel,
15:03 were actually sharing the same spirit as the sons or the
15:09 daughters of men in Genesis 6.
15:14 I want you to notice Genesis 6, the giants that came from the
15:20 relationship between the Sons of God, and the daughters of men.
15:23 Genesis 6:2. It says there: That the Sons of God saw the
15:32 daughters of men, that they were beautiful.
15:34 And they took wives for themselves of all they chose.
15:38 Who intercrossed here? or interbred? the Sons of God,
15:45 and whom? and the daughters of men.
15:48 Now I want you t notice verse 4.
15:49 There were giants, nephilim, is the word.
15:53 There were giants on the earth in those days,
15:56 and also afterwards.
15:58 So you noticed that the giants were not only the result of the
16:01 relationship between the Sons of God, and the daughters of men,
16:03 they existed both before and after these giants.
16:06 But now notice the expression, it says, verse 4 again:
16:11 There were giants on the earth in those days,
16:13 and also afterward when the Sons of God came in to the daughters
16:16 of men, and they bore children to them.
16:18 Now here comes the key portion: Those were the mighty men who
16:23 were of old. Men of what? men of renown.
16:28 It's the identical expression that is used in Genesis 11:
16:31 Let us make a name for ourselves.
16:32 In other words it really says, they were men with a name,
16:38 or with a reputation.
16:40 And if you read the very next verse you can see what kind of
16:43 reputation they had.
16:44 Every intent of the imagination of their hearts
16:47 was only evil continually.
16:50 That's the type of name that they had.
16:52 They were wicked. They were renowned for their iniquity.
16:57 By the way, the expression, Sons of men is used for
17:02 the builders of the Tower of Babel.
17:04 Did you notice that? Sons of men?
17:05 Now in Genesis chapter 6 you have Sons of God,
17:10 Daughters of men. Here you have Sons of men.
17:15 Do you think maybe there were Daughters of God also?
17:18 Have you ever stopped to wonder why the Sons of God looked at
17:24 the Daughters of men and they didn't pay any attention
17:27 to the Daughters of God?
17:28 Later on in this series I'm going to explain the reason why.
17:32 The Daughters of men, which are descendents from the lineage of
17:36 Cain, had something attractive that the Daughters of God
17:39 did not have, and it had to do with their external appearance.
17:43 Now the Sons of men here are the male counterpart of the
17:49 Daughters of men of Genesis chapter 6.
17:51 The Daughters of men are the descendents of Cain;
17:54 the women descendents of Cain.
17:56 The Sons of men here are the male descendents of whom?
18:00 of Cain. If you read Ecclesiastes 8:11,
18:05 it says that because the sentence is not given
18:09 against the wicked immediately, their heart,
18:12 the heart of the Sons of men, is set to do evil.
18:16 In other words, the expression, Sons of men, in Genesis
18:19 represents the wicked.
18:22 Now we need to take a look at Genesis 11:5.
18:29 Let's continue our analysis of this passage.
18:32 Genesis 11:5. It says here:
18:49 See the expression, Sons of men? represents the wicked,
18:52 the male counterpart of the Daughters of men.
18:56 The Sons of God are the what? they are the righteous,
18:59 according to what we've studied.
19:01 Now notice verse 6:
19:09 Were they united in this enterprise?
19:11 They most certainly were.
19:13 They were united in rebellion against God.
19:20 What kept them glued together?
19:22 The fact that they spoke the same language.
19:25 You see, they didn't need to scatter over all of the earth,
19:28 because they all spoke the same language.
19:31 But now notice what God says.
19:34 And this is what they...
19:37 What God is saying is this is only the beginning
19:43 of what they intend to do.
19:45 And unless I nip this thing in the bud, it is going to
19:50 totally get out of control.
19:52 The world is going to become totally corrupted,
19:55 and then the holy line will disappear,
19:57 and there will be no Messiah.
20:00 And so it says: This is what they...
20:12 Basically, their master plan was to establish a One World
20:18 Government in alienation from God, totally united in iniquity,
20:25 and to erase from the world the memory of God.
20:30 But God knew what they were doing.
20:33 And so God looks and He says, they all have one language,
20:37 they all have one intention, they all have one purpose,
20:40 so I'm going to do something to nip this in the bud before
20:43 they carry it so far that the knowledge of God disappears
20:48 from the earth. And so in Genesis 11:7
20:52 we find what God does.
20:54 And, of course, we're all acquainted with this story.
20:57 It says in verse 7:
20:59 God is speaking.
21:13 And that's exactly what God did.
21:16 Now I want you to imagine what this must have been like.
21:20 They were building this gigantic tower, and probably it had
21:26 reached a height where they had to communicate by levels.
21:31 In other words, one person communicating to another person
21:34 lower on the tower.
21:35 And, of course, they passed along the materials for the
21:39 building of the tower.
21:40 And suddenly, by a divine miracle, their language
21:45 is confused. In other words, they're given the capacity of
21:47 speaking, probably, many of the languages that we have
21:51 in the world today.
21:52 And so the one that's at the top level says to the next one,
21:57 Hey, pass me some bricks.
21:59 And the one on the lower says ¿Qué fue lo que dijiste?
22:03 And then he talks to the one below him,
22:08 and he's talking in French.
22:10 And the one below him is speaking in German.
22:12 You can imagine the confusion, and the division that came
22:17 as a result of God doing this.
22:20 In fact, they had to quit their enterprise of building the city,
22:27 and building the tower.
22:29 And they scattered over all of the earth.
22:33 We're going to notice that in the next verse.
22:35 They scattered over the whole earth, and they formed societies
22:39 according to the languages which they spoke.
22:42 Now why was this God's plan?
22:45 Listen folks, it's much less likely that you're going to
22:49 have a consolidated worldwide universal rebellion against God
22:55 when you have many nations, and many tongues,
22:58 and many peoples.
22:59 A universal rebellion against God is much easier when you
23:04 have everybody consolidated and gathered together
23:08 as one, to war against the God of heaven.
23:11 And so God says, If I scatter them abroad over the earth,
23:15 this will, at least for a long period of time, keep them from
23:20 consolidating one evil civilization to totally erase
23:25 from the earth the knowledge of God, which will mean that
23:28 the holy line will disappear, and the Messiah that I have
23:32 promised will not come.
23:33 Notice Genesis 11:8 on this point; why God did this.
23:39 It's explained in Genesis 11:8. It says:
23:46 The intention was not only to confuse the languages,
23:50 it was to scatter them.
23:58 God is saying, Listen, if you don't want to scatter,
24:01 I'll do it for you.
24:03 And they ceased building the city.
24:07 And now notice verse 9, critically important.
24:16 Does that have prophetic significance?
24:19 Does Revelation speak about Babel?
24:23 It calls it Babylon, yes.
24:27 And so it says: Therefore it's name is called Babel,
24:31 because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth.
24:44 So now consolidated rebellion against God,
24:48 a universal rebellion against God, was made extremely
24:53 difficult, not impossible, because in the end time it's
24:56 going to happen, but very, very difficult before the Messiah
24:59 should come that the whole world gathered together
25:02 in apostasy against God.
25:05 Now do you know that every nation of the world
25:08 branched out from Babel?
25:11 You know, it's interesting.
25:14 The apostate religion of Babel has been exported to every
25:17 nation in the world.
25:18 That's why you find common practices among religions
25:23 that are radically different.
25:25 You have, for example, the rosary.
25:29 Now I don't know what denomination you belong to,
25:31 but just to give you an example, do you know that Hindu's
25:35 use beads in their prayers?
25:38 Did you know that Muslims use beads in their prayers?
25:42 I saw it myself, with my own eyes.
25:44 Do you know that Buddhists use beads, or a type of rosary,
25:51 in their prayers, as also do Roman Catholics?
25:54 Now the question is, How do you have such radically different
25:57 religions all having a common practice?
26:00 The answer is that all of the nations of the world originated
26:05 at Babel, and the religious practices, which the nations
26:09 have in common, many of them contrary to the word of God,
26:13 originated with a common ancestry at the Tower of Babel,
26:18 including worshipping the Sun god, Nimrod.
26:24 That proliferated all throughout Old Testament history.
26:29 By the way, notice Genesis 10: 32, where we are told this.
26:33 Genesis 10:32. It says there were families...
26:54 All nations were divided on the earth after the flood.
26:57 So where did all nations come from?
26:59 All nations came from the experience
27:02 at the Tower of Babel.
27:03 Now there's something that I want you to notice,
27:06 which is very significant.
27:07 Immediately after the Tower of Babel episode is spoken of,
27:13 it ends in Genesis 11:9.
27:17 The very next verse...
27:19 Don't miss this point.
27:20 The very next verse presents the genealogy of Shem.
27:27 Now you say, Why is that important?
27:32 For the simple reason that the Babel builders were descendents
27:36 of whom? of Ham.
27:39 They were the ones who built Babylon.
27:43 The descendents of Shem would eventually be whom? Israel.
27:51 And so in this early period you have the devil establishing
27:57 his system, known as Babylon, and God preparing the world
28:04 by establishing His people, the Shemmites.
28:08 And, of course, all throughout the Old Testament,
28:11 and into the book of Revelation, the final war is between
28:15 Israel and what? and Babylon.
28:18 And so in Genesis 11 you have the lines drawn.
28:23 You have the builder of Babylon, Nimrod, the rebellious one,
28:28 and then you have the genealogy of Shem, from whom Abraham
28:32 will come, and from whom eventually
28:35 the Messiah will come.
28:36 So you have the idea of the two seeds already in Genesis 11.
28:41 Already God working to establish His people, and the devil
28:44 working to establish his people to war against
28:48 the people of God.
28:49 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
28:51 Now it just so happens that living there in the area where
28:55 the Tower of Babel was built, was a man called Abraham.
29:03 Let's go to the book of Acts 7: 2-4, Acts 7:2-4.
29:12 It speaks about this man Abraham.
29:14 By the way, you have three genealogies in the Bible which
29:19 are of crucial significance: you have the genealogy in Genesis 5,
29:23 which gives you the lineage from Seth all the way down to Noah.
29:29 And then you have the genealogy in Genesis 11, which gives you
29:33 the line from Shem, the son of Noah,
29:38 all the way down to Abraham.
29:40 And then in Matthew chapter 1 you have the genealogy
29:43 from Abraham all the way down to the times of Jesus Christ.
29:48 In other words, God is showing that He was preserving the Holy
29:52 Seed, even in the midst of rebellion and apostasy,
29:56 even when it looked like the Babel builders were going to
29:58 demoralize the world in its infancy.
30:01 God says, I'm not going to allow it.
30:03 I'm going to scatter them all over the earth.
30:05 And then, from this very region, in Genesis 12:1, immediately
30:10 after the Tower of Babel episode, God extends to Abraham
30:14 a call. Now notice Acts 7:2.
30:20 Stephen is speaking here.
30:35 Do you know what the word Mesopotamia means?
30:37 It means, the land between two rivers.
30:40 And the two rivers are the Euphrates and the Tigris.
30:45 So where did he live?
30:47 Where did Abraham live?
30:48 He lived in Babylon. That's right.
30:51 Now notice verse 3.
30:53 And said to him... What does God say to Abraham?
31:04 What land is that?
31:05 The land of what? Canaan.
31:08 What was in Canaan? Bethlehem.
31:12 What was in Canaan? Jerusalem.
31:17 Who would come to Bethlehem and Jerusalem? the Messiah.
31:22 So God calls Abraham.
31:25 He says, Come out of Babylon and I will take you to Canaan.
31:32 Notice verse 4:
31:38 See, there's another instance where it shows
31:41 that this is Babylon.
31:54 So God calls Abraham out of Babylon and He takes him
31:59 to Canaan, to the promised land.
32:01 And God promises He's going to establish a nation from him.
32:05 And, unfortunately, Christians have missed the point.
32:09 They focus on the nation instead of the reason why
32:13 God called the nation.
32:14 You see, God did not call Israel simply because
32:18 He preferred Israel.
32:20 He called Israel because by preserving this people
32:24 with the truth, and with the holy line, eventually from this
32:28 people established in Canaan, in Jerusalem, the Messiah
32:32 would come to the world.
32:34 In other words, the center of choosing Israel was not Israel.
32:38 It was Israel's Messiah.
32:40 Are you understanding what I am saying?
32:41 Now, why did God take Abraham out of Babylon to Canaan?
32:47 Notice what we find in Joshua 24:2, 3, Joshua 24:2, 3,
32:58 and it clearly explains the reason why God took him out.
33:01 It says there, beginning in verse 2:
33:19 What river is that?
33:20 When the Bible speaks of "the river," it's the Euphrates.
33:27 And then what does it say?
33:32 What was happening with the lineage of Abraham?
33:36 It was becoming corrupted by other gods and idolatry.
33:39 Whose agenda was this? Satan.
33:42 Did Satan know that Abraham was a member of the holy line?
33:45 He certainly... Why would he want to corrupt him
33:48 with other gods? What is the devil's battle cry?
33:53 To prevent the Seed from coming, because the Seed
33:57 is going to crush his head.
33:59 Are you understanding this?
34:00 See, there's more than meets the eye here.
34:03 God didn't call Abraham to come out of Babylon to go to Canaan
34:07 because God wanted to have a favored people, Israel.
34:10 The purpose of Israel was to proclaim the message of the
34:13 coming Messiah to the world, so that when the Messiah would
34:16 come the world would be ready to receive Him.
34:18 You're not with me tonight.
34:21 So it says in verse 3: Then I took your father Abraham
34:29 from the other side of the River;
34:30 that is from the Euphrates.
34:38 It says here. Actually it's seed.
34:45 Now notice Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 12:1-3.
34:53 By the way, what we're discussing in our lecture today
34:55 is critical for understanding Bible prophecy.
34:58 You need to remember what we're studying, because most Bible
35:01 prophecy today that is taught, centers on Israel.
35:04 But it misses the point, because prophecy does
35:08 not center on Israel.
35:10 Prophecy centers on Israel's Messiah.
35:14 The prophecies of the Old Testament are Messianic.
35:17 Jesus said, If you believe Moses, you would believe Me,
35:22 because Moses wrote about Me.
35:24 Beginning at Moses, and all of the prophets, He expounded on
35:28 them in all of the scriptures the things concerning Himself.
35:32 Now notice Genesis 12:1-3:
35:40 You see, God called him out.
35:52 Now notice:
35:53 And then He says you will be a what?
35:55 God blesses him so that he can become a blessing. It says:
36:08 Jews
36:10 No! It says, all the what?
36:18 Now if you read through Genesis you'll discover that time
36:21 and again it not only says that in you all of the nations of the
36:25 earth will be blessed, it says, in your seed all the nations
36:30 of the earth would be blessed.
36:31 The only reason why God says that they were going
36:34 to be blessed through Abraham is because from Abraham
36:37 came whom? from Abraham came the Messiah.
36:42 Now it's interesting to notice that God chooses Abraham,
36:45 an individual. From that individual He forms a huge
36:50 nation, and that nation is to focus on preparing the world
36:55 for the coming of whom? of an individual.
36:58 It begins with an individual, spreads to a people,
37:03 to bring the message about the Messiah to the world,
37:05 and then brings attention to an individual at the end.
37:09 And then we're going to notice that that individual,
37:13 who is Jesus, then calls a people on the Day of Pentecost
37:19 to proclaim the message of the Messiah to the whole world.
37:23 In other words, the plan begins with an individual,
37:26 goes to a nation, to prepare the world for the coming of the
37:30 Messiah. The Messiah, the individual comes, and then when
37:33 Jesus comes He calls a people just like He called the Jewish
37:37 nation, to proliferate His message to the whole world
37:41 about the Messiah who has come.
37:43 The only difference between Israel in the Old Testament,
37:45 and the church is that Israel in the Old Testament was to prepare
37:48 the world for the coming Messiah.
37:50 The church is supposed to proclaim to the world
37:53 the Messiah who has come.
37:54 Now this is exciting, isn't it?
38:01 Now notice Galatians 3:16.
38:05 Lest you are wondering whether I'm on target or not,
38:08 notice Galatians 3:16.
38:12 The scriptures tell us this very clearly.
38:15 It says there in verse 16:
38:22 To whom were the promises made?
38:24 To Abraham and his what? and his Seed. And now notice:
38:41 To whom were the promises made?
38:42 The promises made were made to Abraham and his Seed.
38:46 And who is the Seed of Abraham? Christ, who is at the very
38:50 center of the call of Abraham.
38:52 It is Jesus Christ.
38:56 By the way, do you know that in 2 Corinthians 1:20 it says that
39:00 all of the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Jesus Christ.
39:06 By the way, do you know that God made four basic
39:10 promises to Abraham?
39:11 You have them on your list.
39:12 We don't' have time to read them.
39:13 We'll come back to them, by the way, in our next lecture
39:16 where we'll deal more specifically with Abraham
39:18 and the covenant promises.
39:19 God, first of all, promised him the blessing; that from him
39:24 would come the blessing.
39:25 That's in Genesis 12:3.
39:28 Secondly he promised him the land.
39:32 The blessing, the land.
39:37 And some people say He promised him the land of Canaan.
39:39 Listen folks, Abraham knew that God was promising him
39:43 much more than the land of Canaan.
39:44 It says in Romans 4:13 that Abraham knew that God had
39:50 promised him that he would be the heir of the world.
39:52 And in Hebrews 11 it says that Abraham looked for a city,
39:57 a heavenly city, whose builder and maker is God.
40:02 He knew that the center of the promises was not old Jerusalem,
40:06 but new Jerusalem.
40:07 In other words, God promised him not only that little stretch
40:11 of land over there known as Israel, He promised him
40:14 the whole world, of which that land was a down payment.
40:18 So He promised him the blessing.
40:21 He promised him the land.
40:22 By the way, He promised him that he would have
40:25 dominion over his enemies.
40:27 He would regain kingship in other words.
40:30 And He also promised him that he would have a Seed through whom
40:35 all of the nations of the earth would be blessed.
40:38 Four basic promises: the blessing, the land, dominion,
40:43 and the Seed. Now allow me to share with you some
40:47 very interesting information.
40:48 You know, people ask, Did the heroes of the Old Testament
40:51 really understand that all of this was
40:54 pointing to the Messiah?
40:56 That they were called only with the intention of bringing
41:00 the Messiah, the knowledge of the Messiah to the world?
41:02 I'm going to share some information with you.
41:05 I'm not going to read it right now because we don't have
41:07 the time to read it, but you have it on your list of texts.
41:09 It's also in the copy of the lecture.
41:11 I hope that you go through that copy of the lecture.
41:13 But there's an expression that is used all throughout the Bible
41:16 and it's the expression, to call upon the name of the Lord.
41:20 To call upon the name of the Lord.
41:23 The first time that this is used is in Genesis 4:26
41:28 where it says that Seth called upon the name of the Lord.
41:33 Then you find in Genesis 12:8 that Abraham called
41:41 upon the name of the Lord.
41:42 You find in Genesis 26:25 that Isaac called upon
41:49 the name of the Lord.
41:50 In 1 Kings 18:36, 37 it says that Elijah called
41:56 upon the name of the Lord.
41:57 Do you know that each time they call upon the name of the Lord,
42:00 there's a common denominator?
42:01 They raise an altar, they offer a sacrifice, and then they call
42:05 upon the name of the Lord.
42:06 What did those sacrifices represent when they called
42:10 upon the name of the Lord?
42:11 They represented whom? Jesus.
42:14 And does anybody doubt this?
42:17 In Acts 2:21 Peter on the Day of Pentecost is preaching this
42:22 tremendous sermon, and Peter quotes this phrase from the
42:30 Old Testament: Call upon the name of the Lord,
42:32 and he says that everyone who...
42:39 And who is the Lord in that text? It is Jesus.
42:44 So upon whom did Seth, Abraham, Isaac, Elijah, and all of the
42:50 Old Testament heroes call?
42:52 They called upon the name of Jesus.
42:55 By the way, the apostle Paul also, in Romans 10:11-13,
43:01 speaks about calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus
43:05 in order to be saved.
43:06 So all of these Old Testament heroes understood,
43:10 very clearly understood, that the sacrifices represented
43:16 the coming of the Messiah, who was going to die
43:18 for the sins of the world.
43:20 Incidentally, we're explicitly told in John 8:56, as Jesus is
43:27 speaking with the Jewish leaders He says, Abraham what?
43:45 Did Abraham understand Christ's day?
43:51 Did he understand that all of these promises were to be
43:53 fulfilled in and through the Messiah?
43:56 The Bible says, Yes.
43:58 So Abraham understood that Israel was not at the center.
44:02 Jesus was at the center.
44:04 Calling upon the name of the Lord, upon offering a sacrifice,
44:08 represents the fact that Jesus dies for our sins,
44:10 and we call upon His name to receive
44:14 forgiveness for our sins.
44:16 That was at the very center of the lineage of those who
44:21 were faithful to God.
44:22 By the way, the New Testament makes it very clear that Jesus
44:28 is the one who brings the blessing of Abraham.
44:31 Let's read Galatians 3:13, 14.
44:36 It could not be any more explicit than this.
44:39 Galatians 3:13, 14.
44:55 There you have the sacrifice of Christ, right?
44:56 Now notice verse 14:
45:14 Jesus took the curse upon Him so that the blessing of Abraham
45:20 could come upon everyone who what? who believes in Jesus.
45:25 All of these prophecies were Messianic.
45:28 And so you have in the Old Testament the devil doing his
45:33 utmost to keep the Seed from coming.
45:37 He knows that God is choosing Abraham, and so he corrupts
45:42 the holy line, even Terah, the father of Abraham.
45:45 God says, I'm going to take you out of there, and I'm going to
45:47 bring you to the land of Canaan, to preserve pure the faith,
45:51 and to prepare Canaan for the coming of the Messiah,
45:54 where He will be born, and where the Holy Spirit
45:56 will be poured out.
45:57 And so God takes Abraham out.
45:59 Are you understanding what's happening here?
46:02 By the way, the Tower of Babel made things a lot
46:06 more difficult, too.
46:07 It made it impossible for rebellion to consolidate,
46:09 but it also made it very difficult
46:11 to proclaim the gospel.
46:12 Because now you couldn't proclaim the gospel in
46:20 in a multiplicity of languages.
46:23 The question is, how could you do it?
46:25 This is where the Lord intervened.
46:28 Notice Acts 1:8, Acts 1:8.
46:35 Do you know that God undid the curse of Babel
46:38 by giving a gift to the church?
46:41 Acts 1:8. Here Jesus is speaking to His disciples. He says:
47:09 Now they're going to witness about the Messiah
47:11 to the whole world.
47:12 But there's a problem at Babel.
47:15 All of the languages were confused.
47:18 How could these fishermen, who spoke Arabic, proclaim the
47:23 message to the whole world, where the
47:24 languages were confused?
47:27 What did God give on the Day of Pentecost?
47:30 By the way, do you know that there were thirteen nations
47:34 on the Day of Pentecost gathered there, to whom the disciples
47:38 were preaching to?
47:39 You can read it in Acts 2.
47:41 There were thirteen nations mentioned by name,
47:44 each with its own language.
47:46 And suddenly God gave the apostles the capacity to speak
47:53 instantaneously, and perfectly, the languages of those peoples.
47:59 In other words, what God did at Babel, confused the languages,
48:05 scattered people into different nations so that evil could not
48:08 consolidate, so that the Messiah could come, which complicated
48:13 the preaching of the gospel.
48:14 Now on Pentecost God says, The Seed is already come.
48:17 He's done what He needs to do.
48:19 And so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to bridge the gap.
48:22 I'm going to give the gift of tongues
48:24 so that my followers can preach the gospel to the uttermost ends
48:28 of the earth, in the languages of all of the nations.
48:31 Wow! You see how God is working here?
48:36 It's amazing how God is weaving a pattern here, very clearly.
48:42 And now He calls a people to take His message
48:45 to the whole world; the message of Jesus who has come,
48:50 in contrast to the Old Testament, the Jews were chosen
48:55 to preach the Messiah who would come.
48:57 But it's the same Messiah!
48:59 Now we must go in the few minutes that we have left
49:03 to the end time. Do you know that the book of Revelation
49:07 tells us that at the end of time there is going to be
49:13 a gigantic consolidation, and unification of the world
49:18 of one great apostate system against God?
49:22 I'm going to go through the details very quickly.
49:24 I wish we had the time to read all of the texts, but I'm just
49:28 going to paint the picture for you.
49:29 We're going to be studying these things in much more detail
49:32 as we go along in this seminar.
49:34 We're going to talk about the beast, the image to the beast.
49:36 We're going to talk about the dragon.
49:37 We're going to talk about the battle of Armageddon.
49:39 We're going to talk about the millennium.
49:40 We're going to deal with all of these issues piece by piece,
49:43 but what I want you to see now is the global picture of what
49:47 Revelation portrays is going to happen.
49:49 You're going to have, once again, the same experience as
49:52 the Tower of Babel, only it's not going to be in one
49:55 geographical location.
49:56 It is going to be a whole world united in rebellion against God,
50:00 in spite of all of the languages.
50:04 One gigantic worldwide economic system, political system,
50:10 national system. It's going to be amazing, with the intention
50:17 of uniting the world in rebellion against God.
50:23 Let me portray the picture for you.
50:25 Revelation 17:5. Don't even bother to look for the text.
50:28 They're in your list, and they're in the lecture.
50:31 All of this is explained in the copy of the lecture.
50:33 I hope that you'll take the time to study it.
50:35 It's very important!
50:37 Revelation 17:5 says that the final power,
50:40 which will rule the world, is called Babylon.
50:43 And it says in Revelation 17:1 that Babylon
50:52 sits upon many waters.
50:54 In Revelation 16:12 it says that the many
50:59 waters are the Euphrates.
51:01 Any relationship between Genesis 11 and Revelation 17?
51:07 Yeah, this harlot represents an apostate religious system.
51:13 She's seated, which means that she governs
51:17 upon the waters of the Euphrates, but it's not the
51:21 literal Euphrates.
51:22 Because the angel explains that waters represent multitudes,
51:26 nations, tongues, and peoples.
51:29 In other words, she's ruling over all of these nations that
51:33 came from what happened at the Tower of Babel.
51:36 She sits upon the Euphrates, and she gives her wine to all
51:42 of the nations of the world.
51:43 Revelation 18:2, 3.
51:46 The wine represents her apostate false religious teachings
51:50 that makes the nations drunk with her wine.
51:54 Now do you suppose that God is going to have a people
51:58 who are going to warn against this worldwide apostate system?
52:03 It's no coincidence, folks, that it says that the harlot sits
52:09 upon many waters, and it interprets the waters in
52:12 Revelation 17:15 as multitudes, nations, tongues, and peoples.
52:17 Revelation 14:6-12 warns against this system, by saying that
52:24 God sends three messages, by three angels.
52:28 And these messages are to go to every nation, kindred,
52:32 tongue, and people.
52:34 The very words that are used to describe where the harlot sits.
52:37 So is God going to have two groups at the end of time,
52:41 just like at the Tower of Babel?
52:44 He most certainly is.
52:45 He's going to have one group, like the descendents of Shem,
52:49 who are faithful to God, who preserved the holy line
52:53 of Messiah, spiritually speaking.
52:55 And then there's going to be the Babel builders who are in
52:58 apostasy against God.
53:00 Are you understanding me or not?
53:02 Tremendous! And those who are building Babylon, this harlot,
53:08 and the kings of the earth, and it says in Revelation 18,
53:10 the merchants of the earth, are all working together.
53:13 It says in Revelation 17 that they will all have one mind.
53:18 Did they have that at Babel? Yes.
53:22 They will have one mind in apostasy against God.
53:26 And you will have the same experience that took place
53:29 in the days of Daniel, when Nebuchadnezzar raised an image
53:32 in honor of himself, and he commanded everyone to worship,
53:36 and whoever did not worship was to be killed.
53:38 Remember that that happened in Babylon
53:42 where the Tower of Babel was built.
53:44 Revelation 13 picks up on that, and it speaks about an image
53:49 which is built by the beast.
53:53 And the beast commands everyone to worship his image.
53:56 And whoever does not worship the image will be killed.
53:59 You see, it's picking up on what happened in ancient Babylon.
54:02 Only in the end time it's not going to be a literal image
54:05 we're going to study.
54:06 It represents a worldwide system in apostasy against God.
54:12 So God raises up a people to preach to those upon whom this
54:17 apostate religious system sits.
54:19 And God actually calls His people to come out,
54:23 just like He did with Abraham.
54:25 Notice Revelation 18, so interesting, so many things
54:30 to discuss, and so little time to discuss them.
54:33 Notice Revelation 18:4, 5. It says:
54:49 Is God going to call a people out of Babylon in the end time?
54:53 Yes. By the way, do you know that Babylon has three parts?
54:57 Revelation 16:13 says that Babylon has three parts.
55:00 It's the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, and we're
55:06 going to have a whole lecture on each one of them
55:07 in this series, because we need to know who they are.
55:11 It's a triple coalition which unites the whole world
55:17 in rebellion against God, and God says:
55:31 For her sins have reached to heaven,
55:34 and God has remembered her iniquities.
55:38 And, by the way, like the Tower of Babel came crashing down,
55:42 end time Babylon will also come crashing down.
55:48 Notice our final passage: Revelation 16.
55:51 We'd better not be in Babylon if it's going to
55:53 come crashing down.
55:54 We'd better make sure that we accept God's call to come out.
55:58 Notice Revelation 16 and beginning with verse 17,
56:02 the seventh plague, the culmination of this whole
56:05 end times scenario. It says:
56:31 See, now the city that was united is what?
56:33 is divided into three parts.
56:56 That's about fifty pounds.
57:03 Babylon will fall just like at the beginning.
57:10 And then God will take His people home,
57:12 where they will live with Him forever.
57:15 Folks, we'd better be absolutely sure that we are not in Babylon.
57:20 Let's be on God's side!


Revised 2014-12-17