Back to Our Roots

The Temple

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alex Schlusser (Host), Rachael Hyman (Host), Sasha Bolotnikov


Series Code: BTOR

Program Code: BTOR000024

00:01 What was the role of the temple in Hebrew worship?
00:04 Today we'll be talking about that on
00:05 "Back to our Roots."
00:06 Join us.
00:27 Hello and welcome once again to
00:29 "Back to our Roots."
00:30 I'm your host Alex Schlusser and this is my co host--
00:33 Rachel Hyman.
00:34 And we're so happy
00:35 that you've chosen to join us today.
00:37 Today we're going to be talking about the temple.
00:42 Now I am not talking about the one
00:44 that's down the corner,
00:46 that as you would go worship on Sabbath.
00:49 We're talking about "The Temple",
00:51 the temple that existed not only in the time of Jesus
00:55 but even going back to that at the time of David
00:58 and even going back beyond that to the time of Moses,
01:02 that was called the Tabernacle in the Wilderness
01:03 or in Hebrew the Mishkan.
01:06 So we want to begin by trying to understand, Rachel.
01:12 What the role of the temple was in that period of time.
01:16 And the simple answer to that,
01:20 it was a place that housed the altar.
01:23 It was a place where the children of Israel
01:26 could come worship.
01:28 But you know another really interesting thing is that
01:31 when we talk in terms
01:32 of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness
01:34 especially God had placed that
01:36 right in the crossroads of the known world,
01:39 so that as all the caravans would travel
01:42 back and forth carrying their goods and everything,
01:45 they would come by.
01:46 Can you imagine what it must have been
01:48 to see the camp of the Hebrews
01:50 with millions of people encamped around the tabernacle
01:53 and the pillar of smoke by day and the fire by night,
01:57 how it must have drawn people.
01:59 It was the ultimate evangelistic campaign going on,
02:03 produced by God and God alone, amen.
02:05 I want to invite our resident scholar Alexander Bolotnikov,
02:12 Sasha, Dr, Alexander.
02:15 How are you, Rachel, today?
02:16 I am fine, good. How are you Alex?
02:18 I am good, Sasha. How are you doing?
02:19 Very good.
02:21 Good, we're going to once again talk about
02:23 one of those subjects that
02:24 I know you have so much to say.
02:27 We're gonna try and keep a leash on you today.
02:30 So it doesn't get out of control
02:31 but I know you just it's overflowing.
02:36 The temple, the sanctuary whatever we want to call it
02:41 and you can correct anything
02:42 that I say wrong at this point, okay.
02:45 So I opened up by saying
02:46 that the primary role of this house
02:49 of this tabernacle both in the wilderness
02:53 and as we move forward in history
02:54 to a brick and mortar to an established place
02:59 was really to house the altar of sacrifice.
03:02 Yeah absolutely,
03:04 in fact according to Deuteronomy Chapter 12,
03:09 this is the only place to conduct sacrificial service
03:17 which typified the plan of salvation
03:22 and redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus
03:26 the Calvary.
03:27 So God had told through Moses I guess
03:31 that there was no other place
03:33 that they could bring their offerings,
03:35 their sacrifice.
03:36 Absolutely and there is another very important aspect.
03:42 Temple was the place of ritual service
03:45 but was not a place for worship.
03:49 Because there was no place for worship at the temple
03:54 it was like the altar--
03:56 So that brings in and I ask you a question
03:59 that I am sure will throw a lot of people
04:01 because you know that in many places
04:03 the place where people worship the part of the building
04:09 where people work it's typically called what?
04:11 The sanctuary, that's as a least number.
04:14 Yeah, because as you're saying the sanctuary,
04:18 the place where God's presence
04:20 throughout the place where offerings took place
04:22 really was not for public worship at all.
04:26 Absolutely. Where did they worship?
04:28 Well, it's a very interesting question
04:34 they worship God on every Sabbath at Levitical towns,
04:40 Levi, yeah Levites,
04:42 remember the tribe of Levi was not settled in one place,
04:47 they were scattered in towns close to proximity
04:51 where people live and Levites were supposed to go,
04:55 teach them the word of God
04:57 and that was on the weekly basis
04:59 and that's what people would come in and do
05:02 and only two occasions
05:06 where people would go to the temple.
05:08 One occasion somebody committed a serious sin,
05:12 they will have to bring a sin offering
05:14 and in other occasion is the pilgrimage
05:17 three times a year they would go
05:20 during Passover during Shavuot,
05:23 Pentecost and during Sukkot.
05:25 They would go specifically to the temple
05:27 where the glory of God resided and what did they do then,
05:33 they did you know if we call it a worship or wasn't,
05:38 it was more of a barbeque party.
05:42 Well, they would-- Interesting.
05:43 Yeah they would take a peace offering,
05:45 you know unlike a sin offering
05:47 which was eating by the priest,
05:49 peace offering you give only the right shoulder
05:55 to the priest and breast
05:57 and the rest you take for your family
06:00 and by the way you invite friends,
06:02 because it has to be eaten right way,
06:03 so they would camp around in the little villages around,
06:08 you know like--
06:09 Was it really like a party I mean are you joking?
06:11 Well, not a party--
06:13 Now the scripture does say that you want to celebrate.
06:16 Okay. Well, they celebrate.
06:18 Remember the description of Samuel
06:22 when he was doing peace offering
06:25 and soul wondering and how Samuel anointed him,
06:29 you know, they are at this meal,
06:32 it was a festive meal they would probably had the bull
06:36 and the entire village was eating
06:38 but that village of Rama was you know
06:41 maybe half a mile from the temple.
06:43 So that's how it was happening
06:45 but that was the only unique place you could do it.
06:50 Don't even dare to do it anywhere else you know.
06:54 So, let me ask you some,
06:55 since we have already said
06:56 that the primary role of the temple
06:58 was to house the altar of sacrifice.
07:01 I know that in passages in the Bible
07:05 before Deuteronomy the message
07:07 the mention of altar of sacrifice comes up, right.
07:11 Oh, yes, oh, yes.
07:13 Well, you first have Abraham mainly,
07:18 Abraham and building altars
07:21 all across the land of Canaan
07:23 through which he wander around, you know in Bethel,
07:27 in Shechem and things like this.
07:31 But then with Moses in Exodus,
07:36 it all took a little different shape
07:38 because through building of a tabernacle,
07:42 you know, it was only altar
07:44 and then the tabernacle was added to it
07:48 which showed another dimension
07:51 of the typological service of plan of salvation.
07:57 Sasha, can you really quickly,
07:59 I know this is deep and broad,
08:01 but real quickly kind of start us
08:04 from outside in the courtyard
08:08 and walk us in what someone would see
08:10 as they move from the opening of the court
08:12 to the altar of sacrifice and so on.
08:15 Can you just, I know that's a lot
08:16 but let's kind of just do it briefly.
08:19 You enter there is a little area
08:23 and that's straight away is your brazen altar.
08:26 That's when the sinner brings the sin offering
08:30 and then beyond this brazen altar
08:34 a regular Israelite cannot go in
08:37 so beyond this altar you walk,
08:41 you can pass the lever
08:42 that's where the priest would wash,
08:45 have ritual washing.
08:46 So it's a big ball of fire. Yes, yes.
08:48 And then you hit what's--
08:51 during Moses was a tabernacle,
08:54 during Solomon it was that temple building.
08:58 That everyone is familiar with the pictures.
08:59 Yes, so you walk through the door,
09:03 you end up in the holy compartment
09:07 which has on the left seven candled menorah.
09:11 Right.
09:12 On the right the table for the twelve breads
09:17 known in English as the showbread.
09:19 And then right at the end in front
09:23 there was a veil that separates the holy of holy,
09:28 holies and in front of it
09:31 it's small golden altar of incense.
09:35 Then only once a year the high priest
09:38 walks into the most holy
09:41 in which there is the Ark of the Covenant
09:44 inside the Ark tablets with Ten commandments
09:49 and besides the Ark there is the Torah scroll.
09:53 Right, right.
09:55 The average priest could they enter
10:00 into the first compartment of the sanctuary?
10:04 When the priest is on duty,
10:07 doing the daily service and the daily service includes
10:12 administration of the burn
10:14 offering of the lamps evening and morning.
10:18 Then he needed to keep up the flame
10:22 on the menorah and he needed to put the incense
10:27 at the altar of incense.
10:30 That's regular priest does.
10:33 Weekly service includes removing
10:35 and eating the bread from the table of the showbread
10:41 and also putting the new bread, that's on every Shabbat.
10:46 Interesting, interesting.
10:47 Moses is commanded by God to build a sanctuary
10:53 and he says a place that I might dwell
10:56 amongst my people, right.
10:57 Oh yeah,
10:58 that's a very important statement
11:00 and you even have Mishkan, Mishkan to dwell.
11:06 Well, dwell doesn't carry this interesting connotation.
11:11 This root, trilateral Hebrew verbal root shakan
11:16 it means to neighbor--
11:19 To neighbor. Yeah, you first avoid.
11:23 So God says to Moses,
11:24 build me a tabernacle that I might neighbor with you.
11:28 Yeah, exactly that what it all, God wants--
11:30 That I can live with you--
11:31 God wants to be our neighbor
11:33 and in fact if you look at the Israeli camp,
11:38 they had a tents and God had tent then they--
11:42 He had a big one.
11:43 Well, yeah, but it was still a tent.
11:46 But then they would realize,
11:48 hey I build for myself a palace of stone--
11:53 How can God live in a tent?
11:55 Yes. Yeah.
11:56 So, Moses has this through the command of God.
12:00 Now the verses in the Bible are pretty extensive
12:06 as far as the explanations of
12:08 the what the sanctuary of components were,
12:12 how it was to be built,
12:13 God gives very specific details He doesn't leave anything
12:16 to Moses as imagination and He actually says that
12:19 you know it's a pattern based on what?
12:22 On.
12:23 This is a pattern that is based on the temple in heaven.
12:27 Exactly.
12:29 In particular Psalm 18 speaks very clearly
12:33 that God has, you know,
12:36 the temple in heaven
12:38 and the Book of Revelation is very clear,
12:41 shows throughout that
12:43 John sees different furniture and the--
12:47 how the ark is there and everything so it's--
12:50 So you mentioned about David,
12:54 that David realized that he's built himself a house yet
12:57 God is still dwelling in a tent, I am curious.
13:03 Was there a difference in the wall of the Mishkan
13:07 the sanctuary in the wilderness
13:09 versus the wall of the established stone temple
13:14 or was it exactly the same thing.
13:16 The main difference is that the Mishkan
13:20 in the desert the sanctuary,
13:23 the tabernacle was in the midst of the camp.
13:27 So it was in proximated to anybody
13:31 who needed to come to it right away.
13:34 As soon as they move to the land of Israel,
13:37 they got scattered so somebody may live
13:42 50-80 miles away from the a Mishkan
13:45 so it doesn't have,
13:46 that's why I said there was no--
13:49 it wasn't the place of the worshiping anymore.
13:51 It lost its accessibility to the people.
13:54 Now do you think that could be reason
13:57 why now we see the development of synagogues
14:02 and things like that spread out
14:04 because the people have been removed from that proximity
14:07 or do you think that even in the time of the Mishkan,
14:10 there was something like that going on.
14:13 What happened in the time of Mishkan
14:18 probably known as not necessarily
14:21 but in the time of Israel definitely,
14:24 but we don't know about synagogues
14:26 until the time of Ezra which is 5th-4th century.
14:32 Okay.
14:33 What we know is based on the Book of Deuteronomy
14:37 and based on what we know
14:39 from the Book of Judges and Kings
14:41 that the priest and Levites were supposed to carry out
14:45 the responsibility of teaching the Torah to the people,
14:50 but you mentioned important aspect
14:53 what we have in Ezra,
14:56 we have an example particularly
14:58 in the Book of Nehemiah Chapter 8
15:00 it's recorded how Ezra organized
15:03 the public reading of the Torah
15:06 which was not connected to the temple
15:10 and that is specifically a good illustration
15:14 of how today in Jewish world,
15:17 the temple is absolutely separate from the synagogue,
15:22 because the synagogue is the place
15:23 where the Torah is read, where people study,
15:26 where people learn and the temple
15:29 is where people take care of their sin.
15:32 So let me ask you this question
15:35 and let me make it as a statement
15:37 but kind of as a question though.
15:39 So the participation that one had
15:42 in the sacrificial rituals what,
15:44 centered around the temple,
15:46 was that an indicator of whether someone
15:48 was connected literally to a Jewish community or not,
15:51 or they could be outside of the community, right,
15:54 and participate in temple offerings
15:57 but never be connected to Judaism as a whole.
16:00 Well, when we talk about Judaism
16:02 and we're switching now to a period
16:05 what is known as intertestamental period
16:08 because that's, that's where the difference,
16:10 you know, when--
16:11 You know and that's the period
16:12 between the Prophet Malachi, right, and the gospels.
16:17 Yeah, first century, that's where the change occurs
16:20 because and again it's all access,
16:23 issue of accessibility.
16:25 You have the desert and the camp,
16:29 everybody can walk through the Mishkan,
16:32 then you have Israel twelve tribes
16:34 or some people live far away,
16:36 then three times a year,
16:38 and then you have somebody living in the diasporas
16:42 somewhere in the today's Spain.
16:46 Can this probably go to the temple
16:49 three times a year, not a chance.
16:52 Many people in when they moved away from Judea,
16:57 they didn't have access to temple.
16:59 And the only thing that connected them
17:02 to the faith was synagogue
17:05 and so synagogue took this more primary role
17:11 and especially it became even more acute
17:15 when you have the Maccabean Wars
17:20 when we talked about 170 BC
17:23 where priest lost credibility
17:27 and the scripture began to be taught by the Pharisees,
17:31 interpreters of the scripture.
17:33 I am curious, Sasha.
17:35 So since we're talking now that the temple
17:38 wasn't so much central to the community,
17:41 it was for the rituals and worship.
17:42 Absolutely no.
17:43 Okay, so certainly we know that
17:46 there are different instances in the gospel narratives
17:48 where we find Jesus at the temple, okay.
17:52 So tell me about that?
17:55 Well, first time in the gospel
17:57 we see Jesus as I say at the temple studying with rabbis
18:03 at the age of 12, that's the age
18:06 when boys prepare for their Bar Mitzvah.
18:09 Right, but I though that the temple really
18:14 was more for worship.
18:16 So where there places around the temple
18:19 or in the vicinity of the temple
18:20 where people would still come together and study.
18:22 Well, we have to talk about Herodian Temple.
18:25 It was much bigger than the temple
18:28 which was originally restored after the Babylonian captivity.
18:32 What Herod did, he made a massive addition
18:35 around the temple,
18:37 he built the wall, he built the square,
18:39 so that whole square known today,
18:42 known even today as a temple mount.
18:46 Now they have mosques, there are stuff like this
18:48 but it's still a temple mount.
18:50 So that's square housed the temple proper
18:55 and it housed all additional buildings.
18:59 So then it would, I guess, Sasha,
19:01 would kind of be like that if you go to a small town
19:04 and in the center is the courthouse, right,
19:07 but if you were to call the whole town the courthouse,
19:10 that's kind of what's happening.
19:11 Exactly.
19:12 So in the proximity of the temple that was it,
19:15 but really for practical reasons,
19:17 Jesus isn't meeting people
19:19 and speaking with people at the temple.
19:21 Oh, absolutely.
19:22 He's in Solomon's portico, he's in these places,
19:24 that are the outskirts around the temple.
19:26 Yes, Solomon's portico was a synagogue,
19:30 was one of the synagogues
19:31 where Pharisees taught
19:34 and that's where people would go.
19:39 Even Jerusalem, it's like apostles.
19:41 They go to the temple to pray.
19:44 So that was the place when Jesus as a boy,
19:47 you know, I must be about my father's business and all,
19:49 He's in that area.
19:51 Yeah, that's where they studied the Torah,
19:53 that's where they have prayers, everything.
19:56 And only, you know,
19:58 we have the mention of the actual sacrificing
20:02 when Paul takes-- he goes with this, know--
20:07 For the Nazirite vows.
20:08 For the Nazirite vows.
20:09 Then they go into the area
20:12 where the altar is and there was all kinds of troubles.
20:16 This kind of reminds me a little bit,
20:18 I know it's on The Temple but typically today
20:20 wherever there is Jewish synagogues,
20:22 Jews try to build the community around it,
20:25 so they didn't have to drive anymore,
20:27 they just walk.
20:28 And they see the temple today as a place of,
20:31 you know, prayer and worship
20:32 and all of these things.
20:34 And we have to say that in American Judaism
20:37 particularly Reform Judaism,
20:41 they often use the title temple for the synagogue.
20:46 Right, but that's not really biblically correct.
20:48 It's biblically, and they know it's not correct biblically.
20:51 But, but, if you think about it,
20:52 I think their rational to that is, you know,
20:55 because now sacrifice has been substituted
21:00 by prayer and giving, right.
21:02 It's still a temple I guess in their mind.
21:03 So for them that's where they bring their offering.
21:07 In the sense, in Reform Judaism I ask this question,
21:12 I've studied in reform school,
21:14 so I ask this question of why is the temple,
21:17 and they say just to remember the temple so they--
21:23 And that's a big part of Judaism,
21:24 there is so much of it that's about remembering what was,
21:27 you know, even in the commands of God gifts,
21:31 you know, regarding Passover and many things.
21:33 You know, that you talk about it to your children,
21:34 let them remember and so on.
21:36 But it is interesting that orthodox synagogues
21:38 are not called temple.
21:41 Orthodox synagogues are called shul.
21:43 And in Yiddish shul means school.
21:46 Oh, that's school.
21:48 So I want to talk also about the disciples
21:53 and their role around the temple,
21:55 you know, on the first trip
21:57 that I made to Israel many years ago,
21:59 one of things that they did is they took us around,
22:02 I guess it's to the southern side of the old city
22:06 and the wall there I remember that the doors
22:10 that used to exist, they're long since closed up,
22:13 but there is all the stairs there.
22:16 And it's pretty commonly thought that
22:18 this is the place that Peter preached
22:21 and that the 3,000 people heard and got saved,
22:27 which brings, you know,
22:28 this idea of their role in the temple
22:36 again probably separating the temple itself
22:39 from all the buildings and all the things
22:41 that exist around it.
22:45 Well, the gospels and the Book of Acts
22:49 constantly talk about Jesus
22:51 and disciples going to the temple.
22:54 In fact the Gospel of John is very meticulous in particular
22:58 about Jesus being at the temple
23:02 during every holiday, every holiday, every festival.
23:06 Right, and we have already talked about that
23:08 and when we talked about Sukkot.
23:09 Exactly, but never in scripture
23:14 do we see Jesus even attempting to offer
23:16 sacrifices at the temple.
23:18 Oh, never.
23:19 Yeah, I have often wondered the answer to that.
23:23 That's indicative to the fact that temple
23:28 as a place for sacrifice has lost its significance more
23:35 so it lost its significance
23:40 because the priest were not anymore in the authority.
23:46 And so that's why, you know,
23:51 Judaism focus on the teachers of the Torah
23:54 and while these teachers were around the temple,
23:57 you know, these are Pharisees
24:00 but the Sadducees they were in the temple
24:03 and they were not popular among the people.
24:07 Well, we're gonna-- once again
24:09 we've come to the end of the program.
24:12 You know, I think we need to make this a two hour program,
24:14 right, so we can cover everything but we don't.
24:17 So, Sasha, if you could introduce the song for me,
24:20 I am gonna go sing.
24:22 That's Alex is gonna sing from Psalms 117.
24:26 "Praise the Lord, All The Nations."
26:58 Amen.
26:59 Praise the Lord, all ye nations.
27:03 You know, Rachel, there is a passage
27:05 that says there is a time when every knee will bow
27:09 and every tongue will confess to the glory of God,
27:12 the Jesus, our Messiah is Lord.
27:14 Amen. Amen.
27:16 Friends, I hope and I pray that
27:19 you have enjoyed our program today
27:23 that you maybe glean something
27:25 that you have never heard before,
27:27 but more importantly remember this.
27:29 That yes there was an earthly temple.
27:31 Yes, there is heavenly temple,
27:34 but God has called us to be that tabernacle,
27:37 that temple in the wilderness to bring His light
27:40 and His glory wherever we go to those who need it.
27:44 And may the Lord bless you and may He keep you
27:47 and may the Lord make His face
27:48 to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
27:51 May the Lord lift His countenance upon you
27:53 and bring you His peace.
27:55 Have a wonderful day.
27:57 God bless you and join us again.


Revised 2014-12-17