Back to Our Roots


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alex Schlusser (Host), Rachael Hyman (Host), Sasha Bolotnikov


Series Code: BTOR

Program Code: BTOR000016

00:01 Have you ever wondered
00:02 what the Feast of Tabernacles is all about?
00:04 Well, if you join us today you will find out.
00:27 And welcome once again to "Back to our Roots."
00:29 I'm your host Pastor Alex Schlusser
00:32 and my co-host-- Rachel Hyman.
00:34 And we want to welcome you,
00:35 we are so happy that you have joined us today
00:37 on Back to our Roots.
00:38 Today, we have a very interesting topic.
00:42 We are gonna be talking about the Feast of Tabernacles
00:44 or as it is known in the bible Sukkot.
00:48 So, Rachel, when we talk about Sukkot
00:50 what kind of things does that bring to mind.
00:52 What do you know about Sukkot?
00:54 You know, when I was growing up in Jewish neighborhoods
00:55 I always remember the Sukkah in the backyards of Jewish family.
01:00 And what's the Sukkah?
01:02 Sukkah is a representative of, you can tell us.
01:04 Well, it's that little building,
01:06 right that they make.
01:07 That with no roof on it.
01:08 Exactly, exactly, it's a little temporary structure
01:12 that's put up during that time of the year
01:15 and the idea is to remember that our life here is temporary
01:22 that the real permanent things are the things of God.
01:26 As you mentioned you know, it's a little,
01:27 little building that has no real walls
01:31 and the roof is see through
01:33 because you want to be able to see the stars. Very fragile.
01:35 Exactly, because you know that's the way life is,
01:38 but there is definitely some very strong
01:41 biblical origins to Sukkot
01:44 and may be more importantly
01:46 boy, there is some pictures of our Messiah of Jesus
01:50 that is found in the whole idea of Tabernacles
01:53 that we are gonna explore today.
01:55 So before we go much further
01:57 I'm going to invite our brother Alexander Bolotnikov,
02:00 we call him our scholar Dr. Sasha to join us
02:04 and we are gonna begin our discussion for today.
02:06 Sasha, how are you today?
02:07 Hey, Alex. Hey, Rachel.
02:09 Hey, Sasha. Good to see you.
02:10 So Sasha, today we are talking about Sukkot
02:14 and we want to jump right in on what the Bible,
02:18 what the Torah has to say about Sukkot?
02:21 Well, Sukkot first of all has been presented
02:25 as one of the three pilgrimage festivals.
02:29 First it appears in Exodus Chapter 23
02:33 as three festivals on which every Israelite
02:38 is supposed to come before the Lord to Jerusalem.
02:45 Second of all, this festival is connected with full harvest
02:50 which in Israel is the harvest of olives and grapes.
02:57 And of course, third,
03:00 Sukkot commemorates the events of Exodus
03:06 during the Sukkot it is commanded
03:10 for Israelites to live in booths and--
03:16 Which is where we get that the name
03:19 that it's actually called right, the Sukkah.
03:20 Sukkah is a little tent, little booth
03:24 in a more fancy Tabernacle.
03:28 You know, so, this basically
03:32 and people are also told
03:36 to take the beautiful leaves, willows trees.
03:42 Like the myrtles.
03:43 The myrtles, they make such a kind of,
03:46 what is it like a bouquet or a ranch.
03:48 Probably the best way to explain.
03:50 Yeah, known as a lulav and then they have a citron.
03:55 Citron looks like a lumpy lemon.
03:57 Yes. You know, interesting.
04:00 I mean, that's what it looks like a big lumpy lemon.
04:03 And what's a citron. That's etrog.
04:06 It's a type of fruit.
04:08 Because the scripture says that
04:10 you are supposed to take the beautiful fruit, right.
04:13 And I think there have been a tradition was is that
04:16 it has this really nice smell
04:20 as well as it's like the-- it's the taste, yeah.
04:23 Yes, it kind of taste like a lemon,
04:26 but it's just beautiful. But the smell is really good.
04:29 I remember that you scratch the skin very lightly
04:32 and it has this really nice smell to it.
04:34 So are these more of like rabbinical traditions
04:37 that were taken to--
04:38 Well, it's the-- I guess we would say
04:41 it's the rabbinical interpretation
04:43 of what the Bible said.
04:44 Yeah, because the Bible says, the Bible says,
04:46 beautiful fruit and that's how Rabbi is showed
04:50 that's the beautiful fruit. Makes sense.
04:52 So, and the other aspect is that
04:56 Sukkot actually concludes the ritual year of the sanctuary
05:04 with a big celebration and you go to you know,
05:09 we talked about Exodus 23, we talked about Leviticus 23,
05:14 Exodus 23 is the pilgrimage.
05:17 Leviticus 23-- Is the feast.
05:19 Is the description, the booth and--
05:21 And Sukkot comes right on the hills of Yom Kippur
05:25 on the Day of Atonement.
05:26 And as we talked in our other program
05:29 in fact after the end of Yom Kippur,
05:32 that's when the sound, the Shofar, the ram's horn
05:37 and that's ram's horn heralds the coming of the Messiah,
05:43 so Sukkot is kind of a big messianic feast.
05:47 Which we are gonna get way into that as we move on.
05:50 And so, in the Book of Numbers Chapter 29
05:54 they show all kinds of sacrifices there you know,
05:57 you start with rams and bulls and you go 15 bulls
06:03 and you go all the way down to seven,
06:05 which makes a lots of sacrifice.
06:08 Yeah, yeah. Really.
06:10 So, I want to jump way ahead now
06:13 because I-- today, I have been
06:16 really excited about this program.
06:18 I want to spend the majority of our time now talking about Jesus
06:22 and how He is engaged in Sukkot and it's just amazing.
06:30 I need to set this up though
06:33 and talk just a little bit about
06:35 what the celebration of Sukkot was like in the first century.
06:42 There is a lot of writings.
06:44 Now, let me make it clear
06:45 that that the celebration that took place
06:48 and I'm gonna describe is not biblical.
06:51 This is rabbinic tradition, but nonetheless
06:54 this is what was happening at the time that Yeshua,
06:57 Jesus was walking on the face of the earth, okay.
07:01 It was a very old tradition that goes way back.
07:03 And that's very important to demonstrate it
07:07 because when you start looking
07:09 at the description of the Sukkot in John Chapter 7
07:15 and you compare with Book of Numbers-- They don't--
07:18 They don't match and for many years I was studying this
07:24 and I couldn't understand, what is Jesus doing?
07:28 Because it is interesting that
07:31 John 7 gives a little reference very abbreviated.
07:36 So let me set the stage before we get ahead with John 7.
07:40 So what is written and the description that were given
07:46 is that on Sukkot-- In the Mishnah.
07:48 In the Mishnah, which is rabbinic writings.
07:52 I mean it's our best snapshot of what the history
07:55 and what the worship practice was like during that time period
07:59 that Sukkot was considered a great celebration,
08:03 right, a time of rejoicing
08:05 and on the temple, the temple mount as it were
08:10 the description is that there was four giant candelabras
08:14 they had four bowls containing oil with many gallons of oil.
08:20 That the wicks were the shredded clothes
08:22 the cloths of the priest that have been worn out
08:25 would be turned into wicks
08:27 that young boys would climb up great ladders
08:31 and would fill these bowls
08:33 and these menorahs or these big candelabras would be lit
08:37 and it's said that for miles and miles
08:40 you could see the mount that Jerusalem would be lit.
08:43 Because remember, it's not like today
08:45 where you have city lights or anything.
08:46 It would be basically pretty dark,
08:48 all they had where these little oil lamps.
08:49 So during that celebration these great candelabras would be lit
08:54 and everything would be illuminated
08:56 which one was an amazing thing.
08:58 You could see Jerusalem from miles away lit up
09:02 and then it culminated
09:04 with what they call the water libation ceremony
09:07 where the priest, the high priest would lead
09:10 a cast of all the priest
09:12 and they would do all types of acrobatics
09:14 the scripture or the Mishnah.
09:16 Talks on scriptures, the Mishnah said
09:18 that they juggled, that they dance
09:20 that they did all these things
09:21 as they paraded down the steps to the Pool of Siloam, okay.
09:26 And the high priest would take a pitcher
09:30 and would dip in and bring this water, right
09:33 and they would proceed back up
09:35 where they would begin to pour out the water.
09:38 So I want to turn it over--
09:39 Upon the altar. Upon the altar.
09:41 So I want to turn over to Sasha,
09:42 because there are some biblical illusion
09:45 things that are happening here with the water libation
09:49 before we move on to Jesus.
09:51 Sasha, why don't you take it at this point?
09:53 Well, it is interesting that they were pouring the water
09:57 upon the brazen Altar of the temple.
10:01 It's old--it's against what is written in Leviticus 6.
10:07 In Leviticus 6, it says that the fire of the burnt offering
10:10 upon the altar cannot go out.
10:13 So on Sukkot, the fire actually
10:17 would be extinguished with that water.
10:20 And so in the Talmud it is--
10:23 Which again is rabbinical writing.
10:25 Yes, it is written, why are they--
10:28 on what biblical grounds do they do this
10:32 and they bring the text, it's Isaiah 12:6,
10:38 you shall pour out the water,
10:41 draw out the water from the springs of salvation. Wow.
10:47 And if you look at this text alone
10:51 you don't get what they are saying
10:53 but you have to see not only one verse,
10:57 you have to see it in a context.
10:59 The context of this is a beautiful
11:02 prophetic oracle of Isaiah that starts in Isaiah Chapter 11
11:08 and where it talks about the roots,
11:12 they shoot from the root of Jesse that comes
11:16 and the Sprit of the Lord-- Will rest upon Him.
11:19 Shall rest upon Him.
11:21 And then it says that,
11:23 that resting of the Spirit of the Lord
11:26 leads to the opening of the kingdom
11:28 where lion shall lie with the lamb.
11:32 You know, so this is what--
11:34 this is the conclusion that Isaiah 12--
11:37 I don't know who put this number 12 on this chapter
11:40 but, that's the conclusion,
11:41 that's the final like finale of this great oracle.
11:46 You know, that's like a final quote,
11:49 you shall draw the water from the springs of salvation
11:53 so it definitely talks about the great messianic kingdom
11:58 and by the way the Hebrew word for salvation
12:02 is Yeshua and that's the name.
12:05 His name. That the name Jesus.
12:06 Which is the most amazing thing because, you know,
12:09 not to digress too much but when the angel tells Mary
12:12 you shall call Him, doesn't say you shall call Him Jesus.
12:15 You shall call Him Yeshua, for He shall save His people.
12:19 And even in his name is salvation.
12:23 So, let's jump forward, Sasha,
12:25 because we are setting up the stage
12:27 for this amazing scene that's played out
12:31 and told to us in the Gospel of John 7:37.
12:35 Now let me read this passage, Sasha,
12:37 then we are gonna talk about it.
12:38 This is again John 7:37, "On the last day of the feast,
12:44 the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out,
12:47 If anyone thirst, let him come to me, and drink.
12:52 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture says,
12:56 'Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'"
13:02 So, now, let's put that back in the context
13:06 of what we just shared with the water libation ceremony
13:10 its connections to Isaiah 11.
13:12 And Sasha, when this scripture opens up and says,
13:14 on the last day of the feast the great day,
13:18 what is that talking about?
13:19 Well, again we have to go to rabbinic tradition,
13:22 that's a literally citation in Greek language
13:26 translated from Greek into English
13:28 but the original comes from Hebrew.
13:32 That's the last day of Sukkot, It's recorded in Numbers 29
13:39 it's called the Hoshana Rabbah.
13:43 So and now, that's the great day and we get from that this word.
13:49 Hosanna Hosanna, right.
13:51 So most people when we say the word Hosanna--
13:57 We think of like a praised type of word.
13:59 Yeah, exactly.
14:00 But in the reality the word Hosanna or in Hebrew Hoshana
14:06 that's the same root the same word as Yeshua
14:11 but it's in the verbal form so it's like save us please.
14:15 Yeah, or save us now. Wow.
14:17 Emphatic, so when the people cried out Hosanna or Hosianna
14:22 what they were saying in essence is save us.
14:24 Save us. That's awesome.
14:26 Save us, isn't that amazing?
14:28 That's why it's called Hoshana Rabbah.
14:29 You know, like--
14:31 And it's the great day of salvation.
14:32 Yeah, the great day of salvation.
14:34 Rab that's our make, Rab means great.
14:38 Okay, so great day of salvation.
14:40 That's the great-- great salvation.
14:42 So then listen to what Jesus said.
14:45 So He is there on the last great day Hoshana Rabbah
14:49 and He says, while the water libation ceremony is going on
14:53 they are pouring out the water on to the altar
14:56 and can you imagine being there
14:58 and Jesus may be points up in that direction
15:02 and He says, if anyone thirst let Him come to Me and drink
15:05 because whoever believes in Me as the scripture says,
15:09 which He is referring to Isaiah. Isaiah 6.
15:13 Out of His heart will flow rivers of living water.
15:17 I get goose bumps, when I think about that.
15:19 And it's interesting they go you know the song,
15:22 you Rachel, even sing this song,
15:24 Oo-shav-tem ma-yeem b'sa-sone that's exactly the text.
15:27 And that means?
15:28 You shall draw the water, draw forth the water
15:31 with rejoicing from the spring of salvation.
15:34 So, imagine this procession goes up to the hill
15:39 from the Pool of Siloam up to the temple mount
15:43 and Jesus stands by and say, I'm here, your salvation.
15:49 I'm here, you want to drink,
15:51 you don't go to that pool, you go to Me.
15:56 And what I recently discovered when I discovered that in -
16:01 it's actually a Jerusalem Talmud which is one of the authentic--
16:05 Again, rabbinic writing. Rabbinic writing.
16:07 I start, I found this interesting commentary
16:11 because it says there that the water of libation
16:17 that was poured upon the altar represented the Holy Spirit.
16:22 It--my jaw dropped when I read it.
16:26 That the rabbis used the word Holy Spirit literally,
16:30 they would use you know, they sometimes used the divine spirit
16:33 you know like Ruach Ha-Kodesh, this one the Holy Spirit
16:36 and they say referring to one of the rabbinic authorities
16:40 who says, if anybody did not visit Jerusalem
16:45 during the ceremony of libation
16:47 he does not have the Holy Spirit. Wow.
16:52 And so it's like I was reading this
16:55 and the Book of John says, when he talks about
16:58 from His mist the flow there will be water flowing
17:05 and Jesus is-- then the next verse says,
17:08 Jesus was speaking about the Holy Spirit
17:13 that the believers were supposed to receive
17:16 but not yet have received this.
17:19 Not until He is crucified and died
17:21 and He sense the whole-- He talks about.
17:24 But, that you can see that what Jesus is telling
17:29 is very well known to the Jewish community that is you know,
17:35 we are going to be talking about this in our next show,
17:37 this is, Jesus is not bringing something absolutely new.
17:41 Oh, no, they completely understood
17:44 and then as we progress in the Gospel of John,
17:47 Jesus is going to begin--
17:48 He is talking about I'm the light of the world.
17:51 In the same context of being able to point up
17:54 to these great candelabras
17:56 which was the only time of the year,
17:58 that something like this would happen
17:59 where all of Jerusalem would be lit from these
18:02 and He is declaring.
18:03 And by the way-- I'm the Lord.
18:05 And by the way the tradition of light
18:08 you know, often its-- people confuse the statement
18:10 I'm the light of the world with Hanukkah
18:13 but the tradition of light on the Sukkot
18:16 is connected with idea of creation.
18:19 Let there be light, I'm the light to the world,
18:23 you know, and it's in line
18:25 with what John records in his gospel, you know.
18:28 John refers to Genesis 1
18:30 from the very beginning of his gospel.
18:33 In the beginning was the word, he talks about creation
18:36 the next statement is light, exactly as in Genesis 1,
18:41 Let there be light.
18:42 So in Sukkot this is definitely an understanding,
18:48 Jews understand that this is not just a commemoration
18:52 of their experience in the desert.
18:55 This is also looking forward for earth made new,
19:01 you know, let there be light you know,
19:03 everything and Jesus, I'm that light.
19:06 So would you say that Christians should also
19:08 kind of may be celebrate feast like this today,
19:12 since we are also looking for the Messiah.
19:13 You know, whether the idea of celebration,
19:15 but certainly to connect and understand
19:18 how can they not be excited when they put it
19:22 in the context of exactly how Jesus revealed Himself
19:26 through what was going in the Sukkot
19:28 but when we take it even a step further.
19:31 Sasha, let's talk about how Sukkot is revealed
19:35 or spoken off at the very end.
19:37 I'm speaking of in Revelation Chapter 21,
19:41 it talks about Sukkot
19:43 and specifically there is a statement,
19:45 "Behold the dwelling place of God is with man,
19:48 He will dwell with them and they would his people
19:50 and God himself will be with them as their God."
19:54 So, is that-- that idea of dwelling
19:56 that would be you know, Sukkot, the tabernacle?
19:59 Exactly, this is-- it say, the dwelling place
20:02 they translate it in different way the word Shekinah
20:06 and Shekinah is actually often referred as a Sukkah
20:12 as that tent which God-- in which God sojourned
20:20 with His people through the desert.
20:23 And so now this image of that tent of the meeting
20:29 is transferred on to its untied typical fulfillment
20:35 which is New Jerusalem
20:39 and New Jerusalem is called that place of God's dwelling,
20:44 place of God's present
20:46 and that's basically what Sukkot is all about.
20:51 We in this season we are going through
20:55 three pilgrimage festivals,
20:58 we went, we talked about the Passover,
21:01 we talk about Sukkot, two pilgrimage festivals
21:05 there is also Shavuot but the Passover, you know,
21:09 It's like in a spring Passover indicates points to the Calvary
21:14 which is the beginning of salvation
21:18 that's our source of forgiveness.
21:20 Sukkot points to the conclusion of salvation.
21:25 So, Sukkot has always then had this messianic expectation,
21:32 this messianic fulfillment attached to it
21:34 even from a very Jewish perspective, right.
21:37 Absolutely, Absolutely.
21:38 Which I think, kind of brings around--
21:41 I wanted to talk just a little bit
21:43 because I have always been intrigued by Mathew Chapter 17,
21:47 it's typically called the Mount of Transfiguration, right.
21:52 And we know the story that Jesus--
21:54 He takes Peter and James and John
21:57 and Jesus goes up this hill or this mountain
22:03 and scripture says literally
22:04 that He is transfigured before them
22:07 but I have always imagined that this is like
22:09 the glory of God in that moment beginning to break out of Him
22:13 and He begins to shine with the glory of God, right.
22:17 And it literally says, that His face shown like the sun
22:21 and His cloths became white as light
22:25 which really sounds like descriptions
22:27 we find in Revelation, you know.
22:29 And Peter says to Jesus,
22:32 now I have always tried to picture this,
22:34 you know, here is Peter looking
22:36 and seeing Jesus like and he says,
22:37 Lord, is it good that we're here
22:40 but if You wish I will make three tents,
22:43 I will make three Sukkahs, right.
22:45 I will make three tabernacles for us,
22:47 one for You and one for Moses and one for Elijah
22:50 because the scripture says that Moses and Elijah
22:53 appeared along with Him in that moment.
22:56 And I think so often people have looked at Peter
23:00 and like, oh, poor Peter He just didn't understand.
23:03 But in a way there was a connection there.
23:06 Right, Sasha?
23:07 Yeah, there was a connection
23:08 because what Peter sees, first of all he sees
23:12 two biblical heroes that have not died.
23:20 Right, the law and the prophets.
23:21 Yeah, two prophets you know,
23:23 he sees Elijah who was translated to heaven alive
23:27 and see Moses whose body in the grave was never found.
23:31 So here they are alive.
23:34 So, Peter thinks that Jesus--
23:38 and here they see Jesus as you know,
23:41 literally divine Jesus, all right, I'm all ready.
23:45 This guy is definitely the Messiah.
23:46 Yeah, I'm already in heaven
23:48 so why not we celebrate the Sukkahs.
23:50 We make the Sukkahs and this is it, we're all done.
23:53 Yeah, so as we say we have come once again to the end
23:59 and it's my turn today to bring a song.
24:02 So I'm going to get ready
24:03 and you guys can talk about that just a little bit.
24:07 This song is Latter Rain
24:09 and Latter Rain is what actually provides
24:13 and solidifies the harvest in Israel
24:16 and since Sukkot is the feast of the last harvest
24:20 the full harvest that song is right there,
24:24 appropriate, so let's listen to Alex.
24:30 I love you, Lord with all my heart
24:37 I offer You thanksgiving
24:44 You have called me for Your own
24:52 It's through You that I live on
24:59 Oh, and I will sing Your praises once again
25:11 Oh, I love you, Lord with all my soul
25:19 I offer You Thanksgiving
25:25 You inscribed upon my heart
25:33 Remove the stony part
25:40 Oh, Lord redeem Your people return again
25:51 And I sing praises to Your name
25:59 Your glory is my refrain
26:06 Oh, Lord, pour on your people the latter rain
26:18 Oh, I love you, Lord with all my mind
26:26 I offer You Thanksgiving
26:32 And I sing praises to Your name
26:40 Oh, Your glory is my refrain
26:47 Oh, Lord, pour on your people the latter rain
27:01 Oh, Lord, pour on your people The latter rain
27:22 Lord, we do pray that You would pour out
27:24 upon all of Your people the latter rain.
27:27 You know Sukkot is all about this temporary time,
27:32 this expectation that there's got to be so much more, Rachel,
27:36 that God is going to pour out His spirit upon His people.
27:42 And we just pray that you would be so blessed.
27:45 So may the Lord bless you and may He keep you
27:48 and may the Lord make His face to shine upon you
27:50 and be gracious to you.
27:51 May the Lord lift His countess upon you
27:53 and bring you His peace.
27:55 Bless you and join us again on "Back to our Roots."


Revised 2014-12-17