Back to Our Roots

What Is The Hebraic View Of Evil, Suffering, And The Resurrection?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alex Schlussler (Host), Rachel Hyman (Host), Sasha Bolotnikov


Series Code: BTOR

Program Code: BTOR000012

00:01 From a Hebraic view how do we understand
00:04 evil, suffering, death, and the resurrection?
00:07 Stay tuned with us on Back To Our Roots and you'll find out.
00:31 Welcome once again to Back To Our Roots.
00:34 I'm Alex Schlussler, pastor of the Plantation SDA church
00:37 and I'm Rachel Hyman, minister of music.
00:40 And we want to thank you once again for joining us
00:42 on our program.
00:44 Today we are covering a little bit deeper topic
00:48 than we have in the past. Rachel, today we're going to be
00:50 talking about what is the Hebraic view of evil,
00:54 suffering, death... and then ultimately we're going to talk
00:58 about the resurrection.
01:00 Heavy topic. It is.
01:02 You know, even Jesus spoke to the people in the first century
01:08 said: "You know, one of the things... you're going to live
01:10 in the world you're going to have tribulation,
01:12 you're going to have problems. "
01:13 And we know that there is an evil one
01:18 that exists for the sole purpose of taking as many
01:22 of God's children as he can away from God.
01:25 You know, of course we're talking about Satan. Um-hmm.
01:28 Today we want to look at some different views.
01:32 And we want to start in particular at understanding
01:37 who does scripture... how does scripture explain
01:41 who Satan is. All right. And we're going to...
01:45 we're going to jump right into this today.
01:47 And I want to ask our good friend Alexander Bolotnikov -
01:51 we know him as Sasha. He is a regular on our program.
01:56 Sasha, why don't you come join us?
01:58 Good to see you again Alex, Rachel.
02:02 Good to see you Sasha.
02:04 Sasha has just completed his Ph. D.
02:10 his doctoral dissertation, and I know he's very happy
02:12 that's done. Yeah, seven years.
02:15 Sasha is also a pastor in the Ohio Conference.
02:18 Yes. Yep... AND Sasha is a new papa.
02:21 Yes. Yes. So we're very happy for you, Sasha.
02:26 Today, Sasha, we're talking about the Hebraic perspective
02:31 on evil, on suffering, and on death and then
02:35 ultimately we want to get to understanding the resurrection
02:39 and how understanding the resurrection from a proper
02:42 perspective helps to understand these things.
02:47 So Sasha, we started off by talking about Satan
02:52 and who is he. And I know that from a Christian perspective
02:57 who Satan is. Is there a parallel
03:02 perspective within Judaism?
03:04 Or even maybe with a Hebraic understanding
03:07 that you could say: "OK, here is how Satan is described. "
03:11 Or does that even exist?
03:13 Yes it does. There are two perspectives.
03:16 We have to probably talk about the Hebrew scriptures first -
03:21 OK - and then a little bit rabbinic understanding.
03:24 OK. Because in a way... they differ a little bit.
03:32 But Hebrew Bible is very consistent.
03:36 The only time the word Satan actually appears
03:41 it's in the very very first book of the Bible.
03:44 It's the book of Job.
03:46 And it's an ancient book
03:49 and Jewish tradition
03:54 and many Christian scholars agree
03:56 that the book of Job was written
04:00 or at least edited by Moses
04:04 and precedes Genesis.
04:06 And it's interesting from the theological perspective.
04:11 Basically it's like God starts the Bible
04:14 explaining what has happened.
04:17 Why are we in such a dire state?
04:20 And here we have right in the very first chapter
04:26 God literally confronting Satan.
04:32 And then we see what Satan can do. Exactly; exactly.
04:37 So we understand the story in the book of Job
04:44 and I have to tell you: I've preached on this many many times
04:47 because I think from our perspective
04:50 this makes it very clear. And maybe in some ways
04:53 we're getting ahead of ourselves a little bit, but I think
04:56 that it's very clear in the book of Job that Satan can't
04:59 do anything that God doesn't allow him to do.
05:02 Because in fact in the book of Job
05:04 Satan is found wandering here and there.
05:07 And then he comes into the court I guess where God is.
05:11 This is how it's described in the book of Job. Right? Yeah.
05:15 And he comes there and Satan is really
05:20 I don't know I see him almost like he's boasting
05:22 about the things that he's doing.
05:24 And God says: "Have you ever considered My servant Job
05:27 that he's so righteous? " And doesn't Satan then say:
05:30 "Look, I can pull him away...
05:33 I can pull him away from You. "
05:35 See, the big problem... the biggest issue...
05:38 the biggest question, dilemma in the book of Job
05:43 is whether the love of God and the love of man to God
05:48 is sincere. Um-hmm. And this is the dilemma.
05:53 You see, you cannot... The word love
05:57 can't put it in imperative. I can ask...
06:00 Describe what you mean when you say that.
06:02 I can say: "Rachel, please stand up. "
06:05 "Rachel, please sit down. "
06:07 I can't tell Rachel "Please love this individual. "
06:11 Can't do that! Right.
06:13 So love is our internal choice
06:17 and you can't just beat yourself into the chest:
06:21 "I love... " Right. And that's what Satan
06:26 by the way, the Hebrew word ha-Satan is the rebellious one.
06:31 OK. And later on we have two more occasions
06:36 where Satan is presented typologically,
06:42 mythephorically. In the book of Isaiah chapter 14...
06:45 And that's probably the best known. Right? Yeah, yeah.
06:48 The story that he's been cast out.
06:50 Yeah, that is...
06:54 His name in Hebrew is Helel Ben-Shachar:
07:00 the Morning Star, the Son of Dawn.
07:04 OK. That was his name.
07:06 He was... And Ezekiel in chapter 28
07:10 describes him that this creature
07:15 was an anointed cherub.
07:18 And cherub is not just any angel.
07:21 Cherubs are described only
07:25 in connection with the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant.
07:29 Yes. And we have in Ezekiel the cherubs carrying
07:34 God's throne. So we do have cherub
07:38 by the name Son of Dawn -
07:41 OK - literally very, very close to God.
07:45 Now does it talk in the scripture about what...
07:47 what his position was? What he did?
07:49 He's there in heaven. He's created
07:53 as you say a cherub. But is there any description
07:56 about? He's there in heaven... what is he doing?
07:59 What does it say? Well, it is described that God
08:04 has really adorned him with all kinds of precious stones.
08:10 And it is interesting that the similar precious stones
08:14 are found on the garment of a high priest later on.
08:19 So it does indicate by this
08:24 and he is anointed the same way as a mashiach. Right.
08:29 As we've talked about anointed in the past.
08:31 Yeah, the same way. Anointed high priest.
08:33 So he is in... It doesn't say literally the highest position -
08:38 right - but the way how Ezekiel describes the adornment
08:42 and anointing and the way that he is covering cherub.
08:48 The covering cherubs are described in the book of Exodus.
08:54 The two cherubs standing... Sure, over the mercy seat
08:58 with wings bended. So that's what he was doing.
09:01 He was covering. He was one of them
09:04 until the iniquity was found in him. Right.
09:09 Now before we get into it 'cause I know scripture is going
09:13 to go into where he actually starts boasting himself:
09:15 "I will ascend above the Most High. "
09:18 Isaiah actually talks... Let me ask you before you get into that
09:23 one thing that I've heard and I don't know if this is just
09:27 people passing this around or what your opinion on this is
09:30 that I've heard Satan described as not just the anointed one
09:34 but the one who was in charge of music in heaven.
09:38 Is that a scriptural thing or is that just something that
09:41 kind of has been passed around?
09:43 This is more traditional.
09:44 Scripture doesn't say about him being in charge of music.
09:48 OK, OK... that's fine.
09:51 Let's move on and I want to talk a little bit about
09:53 how the actual fall. How he begins to boast himself -
09:58 you know - above God or his desire to elevate himself
10:02 above God. Isaiah describes this because
10:07 Ezekiel just says: "until iniquity was found in you. "
10:11 So what kind of iniquity?
10:14 Well Isaiah describes that he actually wanted
10:19 to sit on the highest throne of heaven
10:23 and be like the Most High.
10:27 Now you know, I find this... Whenever I've read that
10:31 I find that really interesting because I have always
10:34 I guess you know maybe through assumption or how I read
10:38 the scriptures, thinking about the created beings - the angels,
10:43 the cherubs - did God give them free will?
10:47 And that was something that I always debated with myself:
10:49 that they were compelled... That God didn't create them
10:53 to do that. That was something that was different
10:56 about humanity that He gave us this free will.
10:59 But then when you read about what happens with Satan
11:04 he is exhibiting free will because he is putting himself
11:09 up. He is exalting himself above God.
11:12 Oh yeah, he definitely has free will.
11:15 He definitely has somewhat his own ways
11:19 of seeing himself, you know, deprived from something.
11:25 Now do you think that he was unique?
11:29 That who God created him to be was different
11:32 than the other angels?
11:34 Have you ever thought about that? What do you think?
11:36 Apparently he was unique
11:38 because there were only two cherubs.
11:41 And you know, the only other names of particular... We have
11:46 Michael - Mikael - and we've already talked about this -
11:51 right - but this refers to Jesus Himself. Right.
11:55 And then there is Gabriel. You know, the Gabriel - right -
11:59 which is just meaning the man of might,
12:05 the man of strength.
12:06 And so these are basically three beings
12:12 that are described as angelic beings. But Gabriel
12:17 is never referred as a cherub. OK.
12:21 You know, the thing that we want to be real cautious with
12:25 this is 'cause you know there are some that teach that...
12:28 that Satan and that Jesus were more or less created equal
12:34 as brothers. And we want to make sure that...
12:38 And of course Jesus was not created!
12:39 And we want to make sure that people clearly understand this.
12:43 But, but... As we talked before
12:46 through Jesus God appears to be
12:52 as Hebrews puts it "Brother to His creation. "
12:58 So Jesus as Michael... this is the way how...
13:03 The same way as God came and incarnated Himself
13:08 into human flesh - right - and He was among us
13:12 the same way God was among angels.
13:16 So it's very important to understand
13:18 if you do hear this type of dialogue that first of all
13:23 that Jesus in no way... He wasn't a creation of God.
13:29 This is God... Jesus IS God.
13:32 Satan as a cherub is a created being - yeah -
13:36 and very, very different. And that's possibly why
13:41 the Hebrew scripture doesn't give us the answer.
13:44 But there is a verse in Philippians - um-hmm -
13:49 Philippians chapter 2 that talks about
13:53 Jesus being a glory of God
13:59 and He did not consider it to be a theft. Right.
14:05 So it seems to me in a way
14:08 that someone else might have some doubt
14:11 and accuse Him saying: "You appear like an angel.
14:15 Why am I not equal to You? "
14:18 Which then we understand that this becomes
14:20 really the controversy that has stirred - yes -
14:23 this accusation that exists that really isn't true.
14:28 Let's talk just, Sasha, real briefly.
14:32 This Jewish perspective of who Satan is
14:37 is really important for us to move forward and to really be
14:41 able to understand. Because of some things that have happened
14:45 historically why the Jews responded the way that they did.
14:48 So what, you know... We as Christians
14:52 we have this perspective and we clearly see
14:54 that Satan is the enemy of our soul.
14:57 That he is enemy against God.
14:59 The thing that he wants more than anything
15:01 is to take all of God's children.
15:03 Take them away from God; lead us away.
15:08 I mean Satan knows the Bible. He knows what happens in the end.
15:11 Yeah, that's really the only way that he can get back at God
15:14 is by stealing His children. Yeah, that's right.
15:15 That's right. To say: "I know I'm going to lose
15:18 and I'm going to take as many of God's precious ones
15:20 as I possibly can. "
15:22 Now this is a Christian per- spective of understanding that.
15:26 Is there any type of parallel within Judaism
15:31 that would run consistent with that?
15:35 Do they have that view?
15:36 The only... To me it's kind of interesting,
15:40 you know, but the only time - the only "once" -
15:44 the word Satan, the story about Satan
15:47 appears in the entire rabbinic corpus or rabbinic writing
15:51 and it's like a story. It's not in the Bible.
15:54 But the type of story is called agada. Yes.
16:01 And it describes... it comments on
16:06 Genesis 22: the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac.
16:11 And how Abraham... it took him 3 days to walk from Beersheba
16:16 where he was to the Mount Moriah.
16:19 And the rabbis ask: "Why is it taking him that long? "
16:24 And they try to answer by saying:
16:26 "Satan was preventing. " Interesting.
16:31 And so it's interesting. I can't go into this in detail.
16:35 But what I find really interesting is everything that
16:39 I've read and how I understand this
16:41 is that the Jewish perspective
16:45 is not so much that we have this created being -
16:48 this cherub, Satan, this one who is the enemy
16:51 of our souls against God -
16:53 as they describe it as the "evil inclination. "
16:57 Well, this is also rabbinic theology.
17:00 And that's why when we talk about rabbinic view
17:03 sometimes there are two positions that exist.
17:06 Sure. And this one is so rare to be found.
17:10 This is not very well known.
17:12 As far as Satan... a view of seeing Satan. Yes.
17:14 That's why I say it's a unique story. It's found in one place
17:20 and one midrash. But the majority of the rabbis
17:24 took a different opinion and they depersonalized Satan.
17:29 As you were saying about this "evil inclination"
17:33 yetzer hara: that exists. Exactly.
17:35 What do they say about temptation then?
17:37 Who is the tempter? Or how does somebody get tempted?
17:40 Well that runs in the line with this "evil inclination" -
17:44 exactly - that is constantly drawing us, is trying to draw us
17:47 away from God. Now putting this in context
17:51 now and understanding that from that perspective
17:54 there is no entity... there is no enemy of God
17:59 as we would understand it. There is this inclination.
18:02 Basically from this perspective also
18:04 is where you get the idea that people are essentially born good
18:07 and as their life goes on it's the "evil inclination" that
18:10 draws them into temptation, draws them away from God.
18:14 There is a whole ramification of thinking this way.
18:19 And when you have this view that you discount Satan -
18:23 that you don't see that there really is an enemy
18:26 in that perspective - then when things go terribly wrong
18:31 who can you look to?
18:35 You know, we would have things go wrong and we would say:
18:38 "Yes, ultimately God has control but you know
18:42 the other side is we live in a fallen world.
18:44 We live in a world that's filled with sin. "
18:46 And we don't... When we under- stand we don't turn our anger
18:49 towards God. Now when you don't have that
18:52 you have nowhere to go but to turn your anger towards God.
18:56 And what I'm leading to and we really haven't touched on this
19:00 at all in any of our shows but there was a horrific event
19:04 that happened to the Jewish people... and I'm talking about
19:07 the Holocaust during World War II.
19:08 Yeah, six million were... Six million lost their lives.
19:12 Now I do... We're all Jewish here
19:15 and I don't want to belittle this but I also want people
19:17 to understand that I've read that there were as many as
19:20 50 million people died as a result of World War II.
19:25 But this was something that was systematic.
19:29 This was to destroy a people.
19:32 This wasn't as a result of war. And I always bring that out
19:34 because I've heard people throw that back.
19:36 "Yeah, look at the total numbers. "
19:38 This was a unique thing that happened.
19:40 But you know, we say it's unique
19:41 but you know what? The reality is
19:44 is that this isn't the first time that I think the enemy
19:48 threw everything he had at the Jewish people.
19:52 We can go back at least two times or three times
19:55 I can think of in scripture. We have in Moses' day
19:59 we have Pharaoh looking to kill all the children
20:03 trying to find Moses.
20:04 We go forward and we have the whole story of Esther.
20:07 And the Medieval times... Well, we're jumping even way later.
20:11 But we have the story of Esther in the Bible where
20:13 Haman wants to kill the Jewish people and God
20:16 uses Esther - this little Jewish woman -
20:19 to save the people. And then we move into the New Testament
20:22 when Jesus was born we have Herod, the king,
20:25 sending out trying to find and kill all the babies
20:28 that were a certain age.
20:30 But all of these things... realize every time this happened
20:32 it was Satan's attempt to foil God's plan -
20:36 thinking that he could - to stop Moses coming.
20:39 Right? Then try to eliminate all of God's people.
20:42 And then to try and stop Messiah from coming
20:45 again... because Satan knew that a Redeemer would come.
20:48 He just didn't understand I don't think
20:51 at that time how exactly He would come.
20:54 Well... As you mentioned we go into the medieval period
20:57 and it gets really worse.
20:58 And we could spend a whole lot of time just talking about that
21:01 but where I wanted to get... my point in saying all of that
21:04 was that because of this view that it's this evil inclination
21:09 and that it's not Satan the way that the Jews
21:14 as a people handled the genocide -
21:16 the way that the Jews as a people handled what happened
21:19 in the Holocaust, unfortunately was many, many, many Jews
21:24 turned away from God. Yeah, they turned to atheism
21:28 and said: "Where was God when our parents,
21:34 our grandparents, suffered in gas chambers of Hitler? "
21:39 And this is really the answer to why one of the main reasons
21:45 why it is so difficult for Jews as a whole
21:49 to look past and to see. Sometimes it's not even so much
21:53 about Jesus. And sometimes it goes even further
21:56 because it's their ability to accept that God
22:00 when He appears to have allowed this to happen
22:04 in their mind: "Why would I turn to Him? Why would I trust Him? "
22:07 And that's why Job's example
22:10 when he didn't know about Satan.
22:13 The interesting thing about the book of Job:
22:15 Job doesn't know what happened in heaven
22:20 as is described in the first chapter.
22:22 But... and he doesn't understand
22:24 why are these sufferings coming.
22:27 What did I do to deserve this? Yeah.
22:29 And he kind of says: "Well God is doing it
22:34 because He's in control of everything. "
22:36 But even though he thinks this way
22:39 he still makes this claim at the very center of the book:
22:43 "I know my Redeemer liveth. "
22:46 I love it. "At the last day He will restore me
22:51 and I will see Him. "
22:53 That's the first text in the first book of the Bible
22:57 talking about the solution of all this problem of evil:
23:00 the resurrection from the dead.
23:02 So... and that segue is great
23:05 because our time is slipping away.
23:07 So fast it goes by. And we do want to take just a little bit
23:11 and talk about this Hebraic view of the resurrection
23:14 because some people think that this is unique
23:17 to being a Christian that we think of the resurrection
23:19 of the dead. But that's very common in Judaism.
23:23 Yes. Oh in the synagogue the major prayer is
23:25 "Blessed are You O Lord who resurrects the dead. " Exactly.
23:30 This is one of the major prayers.
23:32 This is the Blessed Hope of every praying believing Jew.
23:37 Absolutely. Beautiful. Alex, I guess you're going to
23:41 sing us one of your songs again? I do.
23:43 Actually this song is not one that I wrote.
23:46 This is a traditional song and it's taken from liturgy.
23:51 Sasha... MELEKH OZER. Can you tell them just a little -
23:53 yes - while I get ready? This is taken from the 18 Blessings.
23:58 And it's actually talking about God as a King
24:04 who is ready to help
24:08 and who is our shield.
24:10 Blessed are You O Lord, Shield of Abraham.
24:14 Beautiful. Amen; amen.
24:48 O King, Redeemer, Savior, and Shield.
24:52 O King, Redeemer, Savior, and Shield.
24:57 Blessed art Thou, blessed art Thou,
25:02 Shield of Abraham.
25:06 Blessed art Thou, blessed art Thou,
25:11 Shield of Abraham.
25:15 O You are the Mighty One forever, O Lord.
25:19 Yes, You are the Mighty One forever O Lord.
25:24 You raise the dead that are sleeping in their graves.
25:29 You are mighty to save.
25:33 Yes, You raise the dead
25:35 that are sleeping in their graves.
25:38 You are mighty to save.
26:17 You raise the dead that are sleeping in their graves.
26:22 You are mighty to save.
26:26 You raise the dead that are sleeping in their graves.
26:31 You are mighty to save.
26:34 Oh yes, and You are mighty to save.
26:39 O Lord, You are mighty to save.
26:45 Beautiful! That's right.
26:46 No other name underneath heaven.
26:48 That's it! Amen; amen.
26:50 Lord, we are so happy and blessed that You care so much
26:56 for us. That You look down and You raise us up
27:00 when nothing else... Well, we want to thank you once again
27:04 for joining us on Back To Our Roots.
27:07 Today maybe has been a little challenging for some.
27:11 But you know, God is the God of all things.
27:14 His desire is that none should be left behind.
27:18 And He's stronger than Satan. Amen!
27:20 I always take heart - as we said - in the book of Job
27:23 that Satan had to go to God to ask permission. Amen?
27:27 So you know, we should never give him more power
27:31 than he is due. God is in control always.
27:35 So on behalf of myself, Rachel, and Sasha
27:41 we want to say thank you for joining us.
27:43 May the Lord bless you and may He keep you.
27:45 May the Lord make His face to shine upon you
27:47 and be gracious to you.
27:49 May the Lord lift His countenance upon you
27:51 and bring you His peace.
27:53 Shalom and thank you for joining us.


Revised 2014-12-17