Back to Our Roots

The Temple Restored

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alex Schlussler (Host), Rachel Hyman (Host), Sasha Bolotnikov


Series Code: BTOR

Program Code: BTOR000008

00:01 Have you ever heard that someday the temple would be
00:04 rebuilt and then Messiah would return?
00:06 Stick around 'cause today on Back To Our Roots
00:09 we're going to be talking about exactly that.
00:33 Welcome to Back To Our Roots.
00:36 I'm Pastor Alex Schlussler and I'm Rachel Hyman,
00:38 minister of music, and we welcome you to our program.
00:41 Today we are going to be dealing with a very controversial topic
00:47 amongst not just believers but even non-believers.
00:51 And it's the idea of will a literal physical temple
00:55 be rebuilt in Jerusalem at some point
00:59 before Messiah returns?
01:02 Rachel, I don't know if you've ever heard people talking about
01:06 this but I know that this is a real hot topic.
01:09 Have you ever run into that with anyone?
01:10 Yeah, probably the most awkward thing I hear is that, you know,
01:13 Jesus can't return until all the Jews return to Jerusalem
01:17 and after the temple has been rebuilt.
01:19 That's been interesting. And I've even received some
01:22 personal criticism for being Jewish and staying in America.
01:27 Well I'm Jewish too, but I haven't had anyone say that.
01:29 But I have heard that. We're going to talk about that view
01:32 because there are several difference concepts, ideas,
01:36 and views about the timing.
01:39 Before we get into that I wanted to take us
01:41 just a little bit through kind of the history
01:43 of how the temple came to be from a Biblical perspective.
01:47 You know, we have to go back to the book of Exodus.
01:49 And the children of Israel... they've made their way
01:52 and they're wandering through the desert.
01:54 And it's God who has this desire and He speaks to Moses
01:59 and tells Moses: "Look, I want you to build Me a dwelling
02:02 place. I want to have a place that I will be able to dwell
02:06 in the midst of My people. "
02:07 Which is such a beautiful thing. Amen. God always has this
02:12 desire to want to be with us, to dwell with us.
02:15 So the scripture tells us that God specifically
02:18 gave Moses a pattern. And it's patterned after
02:23 a heavenly tabernacle - a heavenly temple -
02:26 that exists and told Moses with great detail.
02:29 If you go into the book of Exodus, book of Numbers,
02:32 there's beautiful descriptions of all the things
02:35 that God did. And very particular.
02:38 All the ornamentation of the Mishkan which is the
02:41 tabernacle in the wilderness. In Hebrew the Mishkan.
02:44 And how God stayed with them. And as we progress
02:48 through the Torah... through the Bible -
02:50 remember the Torah is the first five books of the Bible -
02:53 as we progress through this we eventually make our way
02:59 to the time of David.
03:01 The psalmist... David the king.
03:03 And David, scripture tells us, gets a passion in his heart
03:07 that he wants to build a permanent place
03:09 where God's presence can dwell in the midst of the people.
03:13 Because prior that it's a tent.
03:15 You know, and I think maybe David's looking around
03:17 at all the other great civilizations
03:19 and maybe he's got some jealousy for his God, you know?
03:22 Yeah. There's always been that tendency, you know.
03:25 My God's bigger than your god... I don't know.
03:27 So David gets in his heart to do it, and God speaks to David.
03:32 Says: "You know what David? Your heart is great
03:34 that you want to do this but you're not going to be able
03:37 to do it because you're a man of war.
03:38 But David, your son, Solomon, I will use him. "
03:42 And of course we know that Solomon brought all of the
03:46 resources together and built this beautiful temple -
03:50 sanctuary - for God.
03:53 Which by the way I think in other programs
03:55 we may delve deeper into everything that has to do
03:58 with that but not in this particular program.
04:01 Then unfortunately, as happened so often,
04:07 the Hebrews are judged for so many reasons,
04:11 and God uses Babylon to judge them.
04:14 And the beautiful temple that was built by Solomon
04:17 is destroyed and the Jews are put in captivity.
04:20 And it's a period of time that they spend there in captivity.
04:24 And then finally God moves upon Babylon... upon the hearts
04:28 of the king and the leaders there and the Jews begin
04:32 the process - through Ezra and Nehemiah - to head back
04:36 and to start rebuilding the temple.
04:39 Um-hmm. And they do rebuild it, but it's never quite like it was
04:43 until we get right around that first century period:
04:46 the time of Herod... king Herod the Great.
04:49 And he really goes over the top.
04:53 And that's why that temple which is the second temple
04:57 is known as Herod's temple.
04:58 And this is the temple that existed in the time that Jesus
05:02 walked the earth. And all the narratives and all
05:04 the stories that we see in the gospels really center around
05:07 that temple. And then, of course, once again
05:12 there is judgment that takes place.
05:14 And in 70 AD Rome completely destroys the temple.
05:19 And not very... shortly after that the Jews are all banished
05:23 from Jerusalem. And it's really not until modern history
05:27 that they're able to return and, you know, Israel as a country
05:32 is established. And we still have the Temple Mount,
05:35 the place that many people see pictures of.
05:38 We see the Jews against what's know as the Western Wall.
05:42 And this is actually the outside retaining wall
05:46 of the Temple Mount.
05:50 There's lots of controversy exactly where the temple itself
05:53 existed during the time... And again,
05:58 we're not going to go really deep into that.
06:00 But at this point I'd love to bring out our scholar:
06:05 Alexander Bolotnikov. He's been with us on our shows.
06:10 We know him as Sasha.
06:12 Brother, why don't you come on out and join us?
06:14 'Cause Sasha will add a whole 'nother level of depth
06:19 to our discussion. Good to see you Alex, Rachel.
06:23 Good to see you, Sasha. Good to have you once again.
06:25 Sasha, today we're talking about this idea of the temple
06:30 and the possibility or the probability
06:34 that many people think some day in the future
06:37 the temple is going to be rebuilt.
06:39 And you know, it's very interesting that
06:41 there's... from a Jewish perspective and from a Christian
06:45 perspective... you know, there's a lot of divergence.
06:47 I know that the orthodox Jews
06:50 believe that for the temple to be rebuilt
06:53 that Messiah has to come back first...
06:55 which is exactly the opposite of a large part of Christianity,
06:59 correct? Exactly. The difference between...
07:03 and many Christians do not realize this...
07:06 that there is a totally different mindset in Judaism
07:11 regarding the rebuilding of the temple.
07:13 In fact, the person who actually developed this
07:18 whole idea in Judaism, his name was in the European style
07:23 Moses Maimonides. He lived in the 12th century...
07:27 11th, 12th century.
07:28 Very famous scholar/philosopher.
07:30 He was the one who actually presented this idea
07:34 that there has to be a war going on between Israel and Arabs.
07:39 And he was actually talking, encouraging the Jewish community
07:43 which at this time was scattered across
07:46 that Jews will be able to gather back to Israel,
07:51 to the Promised Land and then there will be a great war.
07:54 And at the climax of this war Messiah shall come.
07:58 And He shall set His foot on the top of this
08:03 golden dome on the rock, and this golden dome will
08:07 evaporate and He will rebuild the temple
08:12 as an act of a miracle.
08:13 Wow! So, OK...
08:16 Is there? Did he get these ideas from scripture?
08:21 Was there any scriptural - you know - basis behind it?
08:26 Maimonides doesn't have... There is no literal scripture
08:30 foundation for this. And often these words -
08:35 especially in today's ultra orthodox Judaism -
08:39 they're considered as prophetic. OK.
08:42 In fact, there are some ultra orthodox Jews
08:45 who are so dead set against the current state of Israel
08:49 just because they believe that until Messiah comes
08:53 they... it cannot happen.
08:55 Wow! Interesting; interesting. So, Sasha, let's talk about
08:59 what the Bible does have to say
09:01 about whether there will be a rebuilding of the temple
09:05 or not. I know that there are some specific things.
09:10 Ezra has things that he says prophetically
09:15 that seem to talk about the temple.
09:18 What can you tell us about that?
09:20 Well, the largest piece of information that talks
09:24 about the rebuilding of the temple is found
09:28 in the book of Ezekiel. This is a very, very large
09:31 magnificent prophecy that spawns from
09:35 Ezekiel chapter 40 to the end of the book - chapter 48.
09:41 It takes time and effort to actually read through this
09:44 because Ezekiel literally documents his vision.
09:49 And Ezekiel is a prophet of Babylonian captivity.
09:53 The people are there in Babylonian captivity.
09:56 And basically Ezekiel is taken in his vision
10:02 to the destroyed Jerusalem. Um-hmm. And he is led by
10:07 a heavenly being - an angel - who has a measuring rod.
10:13 And basically this heavenly being measures the dimensions
10:18 of the future temple. So like 3-4 chapters
10:21 is meticulous details about... which basically outline
10:27 the blueprint of the future temple.
10:29 So what temple is this prophecy speaking about?
10:32 I guess that's the big question.
10:34 Yeah, that's the big question and there is lots of discussion
10:38 about this because first of all
10:42 this temple is way, way much bigger
10:47 than the one which we know as Herod's temple. OK.
10:53 One other... And that's why many Christians who read this
10:58 they believe that there will be another temple
11:01 after the destruction of Herod's temple in 70 AD.
11:05 This is that idea of a third temple that will be rebuilt.
11:08 Yeah, that's the source.
11:11 Well, there is another source. We may talk about this later -
11:14 in the letter of Thessalonians -
11:16 but it's a little bit different issue.
11:18 But the main source of the Old Testament prophecy
11:23 is taken from that large prophecy because they see that
11:27 such a huge temple was never built.
11:30 But for a Christian to think that there will be a rebuilt
11:35 temple it will present a major problem. Right.
11:39 If you compare the size of the altar...
11:42 They have this dimensions of the altar
11:45 which is going to be in the new temple.
11:48 This is a huge altar. It's like somewhere in the vicinity of
11:53 ten by ten by ten feet.
11:56 This is huge!
11:58 The original was like... no, twelve by twelve feet.
12:04 The original was basically six by six by six feet.
12:09 So it was much, much smaller in dimension.
12:12 And then it goes into all the ordinances of sacrifices. Right.
12:17 Which that in itself presents a huge problem.
12:20 Yeah, for Christians. This is something, Rachel, that
12:23 I have never been able to understand
12:25 you know from many areas within Christianity.
12:28 And they start talking this whole idea that, yes, the temple
12:31 has to be rebuilt - um-hmm - and that sacrifice will be
12:35 re-established. Right away my mind goes to
12:39 OK, so how does this coincide with the idea that
12:43 Messiah is the perfect Lamb, the once-and-for-all sacrifice?
12:47 And things like in Hebrews is how it talks about that.
12:50 This is the perfect sacrifice.
12:51 That it never has to be done again.
12:53 So why would there be any need for the sacrificial system
12:59 to be re-initiated again?
13:01 And such a magnificent sacrificial system.
13:03 What will these lambs and all these sacrifices symbolize
13:08 if Jesus is already alive? Exactly.
13:10 And we know that the epistle of Hebrews talks about
13:14 Him being a High Priest in heaven. Right.
13:18 And even today among the Jews who are actually also planning
13:22 to rebuild the temple but in a little different way.
13:25 I have to notice that there is an institute. Yes.
13:30 It's called Machon HaMikdash: the Temple Institute.
13:34 The Temple Institute. Yeah, I've heard of that.
13:36 And I always take the tour groups to this institute
13:41 and have... My friend, the director of this institute,
13:44 always likes to talk about this.
13:45 And he uses the phrase: "As soon as we get permission. "
13:52 And that shows the difference.
13:54 See, there are many Christians and preachers I see
13:58 who instigate Jews to actually attack the Palestinians
14:02 and fight. But let it be known to Christians that
14:06 orthodox Jews are not going to go up to the Temple Mountain.
14:10 They are waiting for the Messiah to actually come
14:14 first and clear this place up.
14:16 You know, it's interesting you bring that up.
14:18 You know, I've been over there as well.
14:20 And they've gone to the pains to build this giant menorah -
14:24 um-hmm - and all the articles that the priests would
14:28 use. And they have the costume for the high priest
14:30 made and the banner that he wore across his head.
14:35 Kadosh L'Adonai: holy to the Lord. Yeah.
14:38 I mean I have seen all of that stuff, and they really...
14:40 They're ready. They're ready.
14:41 They think that this is going to happen.
14:43 And again, even just the logistics that this could even
14:49 happen. It's more probable that the orthodox Jewish view
14:54 that Messiah would come and evaporate the dome...
14:57 You know, because for that to be destroyed or to move...
15:02 can you imagine what the Middle East would look like
15:05 as far as the war and the things that would happen?
15:08 Just when they've tried to go up there
15:11 all kinds of things have happened.
15:14 And the problem is: actually they had an opportunity.
15:17 Remember the 1967 war? Right.
15:21 Moshe Dayan was on the top of the Temple Mount.
15:26 He completely had this area under control.
15:30 And he specifically consulted with the government
15:34 asking: "Shall we blow it up? Is this our chance? "
15:38 And the government, of course, contacted Rabbinate of Israel.
15:42 And the Rabbinate of Israel said - which is the rabbis,
15:45 the group of rabbis - yeah - and they said
15:47 "No way you're going to do it! "
15:49 Because they knew what is going to happen.
15:52 First of all, they understand that by their own hand
15:56 they cannot do it because right by the wall there
15:59 there are graves... there is a big cemetery. Right.
16:04 So you start tearing this thing down
16:07 you will end up in contact with dead bones.
16:11 And that goes against Jewish law. Exactly.
16:14 By Levitical law you make yourself unclean so you build
16:17 a temple which is inherently unclean to begin with.
16:23 They understood it perfectly.
16:24 That's why they're not even trying to do anything
16:27 until Messiah comes. Right.
16:29 Which I think becomes and is the greatest part of this
16:33 is getting the concept of the order
16:39 of how the Bible speaks about what things are going to happen
16:42 when. Well, but coming back to the prophecy of Ezekiel -
16:47 yes - and that's very substantial to understand:
16:50 that it is not only a blueprint of the temple
16:54 but what happens next.
16:56 Because when it goes all the way to chapter 46 and 47
17:02 we have a change of topic from the blueprint and from
17:07 the ordinances of sacrifice we go into the description of
17:11 the transformation of the land.
17:15 And you see that Ezekiel is seeing
17:18 that outside of the temple - right from the Most Holy -
17:22 right from underneath the ark
17:26 there is a little stream that flows down.
17:30 And it flows out of the temple
17:32 and Ezekiel is led in the vision
17:36 by the stream. And he sees that this stream
17:39 gets deeper and deeper and deeper
17:42 and goes all downstream down to Jericho
17:46 through the Judean desert.
17:48 And Ezekiel describes how the Judean desert
17:51 turns into a blooming garden.
17:55 And then it flows straight into the Dead Sea.
17:59 And if you - Alex - have been at the Dead Sea
18:03 you probably haven't seen any single living organism.
18:06 No, of course not. There's nothing.
18:08 That's why it's called dead. Yeah, 'cause there's so much
18:10 salt in it, you know. It's the result of Sodom and Gomorrah
18:14 judgment. You know what's an amazing thing
18:16 about the Dead Sea? Not to cut you, but...
18:19 I know the first time that I was there
18:21 and you ride the road that's heading down. You see it
18:24 and let me tell you: it is the most beautiful-looking body
18:27 of water. It's got this amazing color of blue,
18:30 right? Um-hmm, yeah! And then when you get up to it
18:34 first of all the stink is unbelievable
18:37 because of the salt and the sulphur.
18:40 You get out of the tour bus and start making your way there
18:43 and it's like: "What is that smell? "
18:45 And then you get down and, you know, you've seen pictures
18:48 of people floating. The salinity is so high
18:50 and, of course, there's nothing living in the water.
18:53 To me that's one of those great ironies: something that
18:56 looks so beautiful yet is completely dead.
18:59 But in the prophecy of Ezekiel
19:01 the water from that stream enters the Dead Sea
19:05 and makes it livable. It desalinates.
19:09 And it ends up with this vision that he sees
19:12 in the area of Ein Gedi all the way down to the south
19:17 fishermen fishing the fish there.
19:20 So you can see that this was a great plan
19:24 that God had for the people of Israel after their return
19:29 from Babylon. So that's what the idea was?
19:32 And that's what this prophecy is?
19:33 Yeah, we talked about the old covenant. How the temple,
19:37 how the land of Israel was supposed to become
19:41 center of the entire - I would say in Christian lingo -
19:46 preaching of the gospel across the world. Right.
19:49 Israel was supposed to be an example
19:52 for all people to follow so that everybody according to Isaiah
19:57 would go up to the mountain of the Lord so that from Zion
20:01 the Torah would come.
20:02 So God had this... God was giving to the people of Israel
20:07 this chance, after all these troubles of idolatory
20:11 they went through... You know, come back,
20:14 come clean, and He would again bless the nation
20:19 so that they would become that model country for the
20:23 entire world. And there in the midst is this picture
20:28 that Ezekiel has of this temple - exactly -
20:30 that provides rivers of living water and so on.
20:34 The only problem was that it required unity. Hmmm.
20:39 Everyone was supposed to leave Babylon
20:43 and go to Jerusalem and start working.
20:47 But you know, in the book of Ezra
20:50 there is an episode when they laid the foundation of the
20:54 temple - um-hmm - the older people who were there
20:57 when they saw the Solomon's temple they started weeping
21:00 'cause it's just so small. In comparison to what?
21:04 Because such a small number actually left the comforts
21:09 of Babylon. That's the thing that a lot of people don't
21:12 realize also is that when...
21:13 When the Hebrews, when the Jews
21:16 left Babylon there was a large percentage that didn't leave
21:20 because they were comfortable. And wow!
21:25 You know, that again paints such a picture for us.
21:29 You know, how so many people... they don't want to come out
21:31 of the world. They don't want to come out of Babylon
21:34 and go to where God has for them.
21:37 Which God was promising to them this beautiful place
21:40 with this beautiful temple with the waters that would
21:43 turn the Dead Sea alive and all of this
21:46 yet they remained where it was comfortable.
21:49 Because of a lack of faith. Yeah. And comfort.
21:52 Yeah, but on the other hand the prophecy is being fulfilled.
21:56 And it's modified... that's where the new covenant comes.
22:00 The new covenant is not only making a centralized
22:05 country of Israel. The new covenant through salvation
22:09 which is offered on Calvary provides the transformation
22:14 not only of the Dead Sea and the Judean desert
22:17 but the entire world. Exactly.
22:19 A new heaven and a new earth.
22:20 So John the Revelator sees
22:25 the river the same as Ezekiel.
22:28 And on both sides of the river there are trees
22:33 that provide fruit for food and for medicine.
22:37 He sees the same thing, but he sees it
22:40 on a scale of the entire world
22:43 not on a scale of only one small country.
22:46 Wow! God's plan is always so much better.
22:48 Right. And you know, it's such a shame that people take
22:53 this idea of God's plan being so much bigger
22:56 and have to distill it down to see it the way...
22:59 you know, in such a limited... Because really when you're
23:02 thinking about: OK, they're going to build some kind of
23:04 re-established temple - physical - on the Temple Mount
23:09 as opposed to what you're describing it is once again
23:12 it's humankind putting God in a box.
23:15 Limiting and not seeing how huge God... what He really
23:20 is going to do. So you know we're getting close now
23:25 to ending it. And I want to... just the last thing here
23:30 again. You know, is... Sasha, does there really need to be
23:35 a new physical temple rebuilt?
23:37 Absolutely not.
23:39 We have a High Priest - our Lord, Yeshua, Jesus -
23:44 who is now ministering in the great heavenly temple
23:48 that cannot... is not susceptible to destruction.
23:52 Right. Rachel, I know you have another wonderful song for us
23:54 today. Why don't you go over and get ready.
23:56 And Rachel's going to be singing a song all about Miriam
23:59 and how as the children of Israel had made their way
24:03 through the Red Sea Miriam led the women
24:07 as they danced and they prayed.
24:09 Miriam Danced.
24:20 And the women dancing with their timbrels
24:24 followed Miriam as she sang her song.
24:27 Sing a song to the One whom we've exalted.
24:31 Miriam and the women danced and danced the whole night long.
24:37 And Miriam was a weaver of unique variety.
24:41 The tapestry she wove was one which sang our history.
24:45 With every strand and every thread she crafted her delight.
24:49 A woman touched with spirit, she dances toward the light.
24:55 And the women dancing with their timbrels
24:59 followed Miriam as she sang her song.
25:03 Sing a song to the One whom we've exalted.
25:07 Miriam and the women danced and danced the whole night long.
25:13 When Miriam stood upon the shores and gazed across the sea
25:17 the wonder of this miracle she soon came to believe.
25:21 Whoever thought the sea would part with an outstretched hand
25:24 and we would pass to freedom and march to the Promised Land?
25:31 And the women dancing with their timbrels
25:35 followed Miriam as she sang her song.
25:39 Sing a song to the One whom we've exalted.
25:42 Miriam and the women danced and danced the whole night long.
25:48 And Miriam, the prophet, took her timbrel in her hand
25:52 and all the women followed her just as she had planned.
25:56 And Miriam raised her voice in song. She sang with praise
25:59 and might: "We've just lived through a miracle!
26:02 We're going to dance tonight. "
26:07 And the women dancing with their timbrels
26:11 followed Miriam as she sang her song.
26:14 Sing a song to the One whom we've exalted.
26:18 Miriam and the women danced and danced the whole night long.
26:23 And the women dancing with their timbrels
26:26 followed Miriam as she sang her song.
26:30 Sing a song to the One whom we've exalted.
26:34 Miriam and the women danced and danced the whole night long.
26:40 Miriam and the women danced and danced the whole night long.
26:48 Amen! Rachel, what a great song!
26:52 God is good. Amen; amen.
26:54 Martin, thank you once again for joining us.
26:58 It's been a wonderful program today.
27:00 You know, I want to recommend to those of you watching
27:03 that the next time someone comes up and says:
27:07 "What do you think about the temple being rebuilt? "
27:09 you just look 'em right in the eye and say:
27:12 "The temple will not be rebuilt because our Messiah
27:16 is the perfect Lamb and we don't need
27:19 the sacrificial system again. "
27:21 So we look forward to having you join us.
27:24 Our next program is going to be all about the Shabbat.
27:28 It's going to be exciting. Rachel, thank you so much
27:30 for being with me once again. No problem. It's always a joy.
27:34 Sasha, Martin: again thank you so much.
27:37 And may the Lord bless you and may He keep you.
27:40 May the Lord make His face to shine upon you
27:42 and be gracious to you.
27:43 May the Lord lift His countenance upon you
27:45 and bring you His peace.
27:56 Bless you. Shalom.


Revised 2014-12-17