Back to Our Roots

Conversion: The Born Again Experience

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alex Schlussler (Host), Rachel Hyman (Host), Sasha Bolotnikov


Series Code: BTOR

Program Code: BTOR000007

00:01 When a Jew comes to Christ is he still Jewish?
00:05 What do the scriptures have to say about this?
00:07 Stay tuned with us on Back To Our Roots
00:09 and learn some interesting things.
00:32 Welcome to Back To Our Roots.
00:36 I'm Pastor Alex Schlussler
00:37 and I'm Rachel Hyman, minister of music,
00:40 and we are so happy that you've joined us today.
00:43 Our program today is going to be really, really interesting.
00:47 Rachel, today we're talking about conversion
00:50 and the born again experience.
00:52 And what exactly... what does that mean
00:55 when we speak about being converted?
00:57 And what did Jesus mean when He was talking about
01:01 that you must be born again?
01:03 You know, Rachel, both of us have similar experiences,
01:08 similar testimonies being raised Jewish
01:11 and at some point in our lives God revealing Himself
01:15 through whatever circumstances it may have been.
01:18 And you know, within Judaism this idea of conversion
01:23 is such a delicate thing.
01:27 When we speak in the context of being converted
01:30 from one thing to another
01:33 it really sends almost shockwaves.
01:36 Almost like you're joining the enemy's ranks.
01:38 Exactly. And I remember just even this thought
01:42 that how could I ever do that?
01:44 You know, it's very interesting
01:47 that one of my first experiences
01:50 after I had become a believer
01:53 the natural tendency - and I know you expressed this
01:56 to me in the past - is that we...
01:58 as a Jewish person that comes to Jesus
02:02 it's very hard initially to reconcile
02:05 "OK, I'm now a follower of the Christ... that's Christian. "
02:09 Right? That's what it literally means.
02:11 "And how can I be a Christian and be a Jew? "
02:14 Um-hmm. So I know that I went through this process of
02:17 really kind of pushing that aside.
02:20 How did that affect you?
02:21 Well yeah, it makes sense because Christendom portrays
02:25 Christianity as something that's totally separate from Judaism.
02:29 And so we just grow up with that mentality. And so
02:31 when we see that Jesus does fulfill the Messianic prophecies
02:34 and we accept Him as our personal Savior as a Jewish
02:37 person it just makes us feel like we're joining a totally
02:41 different religion because that's what's been represented
02:45 to us. But then as we study the scriptures deeper
02:48 we can clearly see that "Wow, this isn't a totally
02:51 separate religion. " Right.
02:52 And you know, for me it's interesting because
02:56 I don't know so much that I thought about the religious
02:59 part of it because, you know, we've talked about this
03:03 in previous programs that there is this interesting component
03:07 that exists within Judaism
03:09 and that is that yes, Judaism is a religion
03:12 but it also - being Jewish - is an ethnicity.
03:16 That's right. You know, unlike Christianity
03:20 where you're a Christian and you can be an Italian
03:24 and you can be Jamaican and, you know, whatever it is -
03:27 right - and you would never see yourself as
03:31 well once I accepted Jesus now I am no longer Italian
03:34 or German or whatever it is. Right.
03:36 But when a Jew comes to Jesus there is this paradox,
03:41 this thing that we face: that how can we be Jewish
03:44 and be Christian? Yet who we are at a core level -
03:49 our ethnicity, our culture - is being Jewish.
03:53 Which even though you know my heritage is Italian
03:56 and German I still would probably defer to the fact
04:01 that I'm Jewish first - hmmm -
04:03 and then those other things come. Right.
04:05 I remember very early going into a church
04:09 and a really blessed sister welcoming me.
04:14 And she said: "Oh, you used to be Jewish! "
04:19 Like saying: "Oh I heard you used to be Jamaican. " Right.
04:22 "But now you're a Christian. " Right.
04:24 So when we talk about conversion -
04:27 we're going to get into this in just a couple minutes -
04:29 what really is conversion? Because obviously we're not
04:34 talking about an external thing.
04:36 We're not talking about an ethnic thing. That's right.
04:39 We're not really talking about cultural - no - which
04:42 you know within the Seventh- day Adventist church
04:43 Seventh-day Adventism has its own culture.
04:46 Right. Very much so.
04:48 So when somebody becomes a Seventh-day Adventist
04:51 does that mean that who they were culturally
04:55 gets left behind?
04:57 Maybe sometimes depending on if it goes against the Bible
05:00 I guess. Exactly. Of course. If anything within your culture -
05:04 and I think that holds true across the board -
05:06 is contrary to the Biblical teaching
05:10 then you know obviously those are things that God will
05:12 work with us and leave behind. Right.
05:14 But you know of course... Judaism...
05:16 well and any other thing: being Italian, being Jamaican,
05:19 being German, being French. You know there's components
05:21 of who a person is - right -
05:23 that I think always stays with them.
05:26 And they're never expected to leave that behind. Right.
05:28 And they shouldn't be demanded to either. Exactly.
05:33 We have our resident theologian with us as always:
05:37 our brother Alexander Bolotnikov.
05:39 Great friend of ours. We call him Sasha.
05:41 Sasha, why don't you come on out and join us?
05:43 And we're going to get into the meat of this.
05:46 How are you today, Sasha? Well, I am good.
05:49 I'm glad to be with you again.
05:51 I'm glad to see you're looking good in lavender I guess
05:54 that is? Light purple.
05:57 Our brother Sasha... he is... I kid and I say he's our
06:02 resident theologian but all kidding aside
06:04 Sasha, it's such a privilege and a honor that you're able
06:07 to be with us. Sasha is completing his Ph. D.
06:11 but let me tell you: it's as if he has several of them
06:14 because I've known very few people that have a command
06:17 of both the Old and New Testament
06:20 and the rabbinic writings the way that you do
06:23 that brings such a beautiful perspective to our discussion.
06:26 So thank you so much, Sasha.
06:28 Sasha, today we're talking about this idea of
06:31 conversion and the born again experience.
06:34 And I'd like you to talk just a little bit.
06:37 We know that God instructs His people through the Torah.
06:41 Again the Torah - when we speak of that - that is the first five
06:44 books of the Old Testament but it also can include
06:47 all of the Old Testament depending on the context.
06:50 And he speaks in context of conversion of the nations.
06:55 Sometimes the term goyim is used, and I know that that
06:59 has had some negative connotation.
07:01 But truly the Hebrew word goyim literally means the nation.
07:05 And there's the Jews in the Bible and then there is
07:08 the nations so of course this isn't derogatory.
07:11 So talk to us a little bit about how God through the Torah
07:14 does speak about the conversion of the nations.
07:18 The Torah is very clear
07:20 that the major role - the major idea - why God has chosen
07:25 the nation of Israel is to preach the truth about Him.
07:31 About Him as the Creator of heaven and earth.
07:34 I'm sorry to interrupt you. I just want to back up
07:37 just a little bit and let's clarify. When we say the nation
07:40 of Israel we're not talking about the physical country.
07:43 Right. We're talking from an Old Testament perspective:
07:46 God's chosen people.
07:48 And you know we can use that term.
07:50 Yes. Just so people don't get confused.
07:51 The old, theoretical Biblical Israel. Yes; OK.
07:56 Twelve tribes of us. Yes, go on. Sorry, Sasha.
07:58 So this theoretical state was selected by God
08:03 for the sole purpose of actually bringing the entire world
08:07 into the knowledge of the Creator of heaven and earth
08:12 and His plan of salvation.
08:14 For this reason God commanded to build such a sanctuary
08:19 so that everyone could see in symbols
08:23 His plan of salvation.
08:25 And the only way for a non-Israelite -
08:31 a pagan, because all other nations are pagan
08:35 by definition - the only way to change his/her way
08:40 was to join the ranks of Israel.
08:44 So Israel wasn't just genetic descendants of Abraham.
08:49 We read in the book of Exodus chapters 12 and 13
08:54 that after the last plague -
08:57 the killing of the firstborn -
09:02 there were many, many non-Israelites, Egyptians,
09:06 who heeded the command of God
09:09 and took the lambs to their houses and slaughtered them.
09:14 Well you would think that after God and Moses
09:17 have proved to be right and true with nine plagues,
09:21 right? - yeah - that by the time you get to the last one
09:23 which is that the firstborn's going to die, I bet there was
09:27 a lot of Egyptians and whoever was there saying:
09:30 "You know what? Moses has been right 9 times.
09:33 I'm not going to take a chance on this happening. "
09:35 Yeah, you'd think so. Exactly. Listen, that's the idea.
09:38 God never had a goal in the Old Testament to have some kind
09:42 of a higher class nation and a lower class nation.
09:46 Everybody could actually... But it was a certain way.
09:50 Everybody come in to the ranks, you know.
09:53 Yeah, they had to circumcise their males.
09:56 That's why 14 days were given.
09:59 You know, warning was advanced enough to be able to do it.
10:03 And as a result we know the Bible says...
10:06 Exodus 13... Exodus 12
10:09 great multitudes of other people left Egypt
10:15 with the people of Israel. Right.
10:16 And they integrated into these twelve tribes somehow. Right.
10:22 And that's the great example from the Torah.
10:27 Right. Well and we also know that the way God situated
10:32 the tabernacle and all the tribes around it
10:35 it must have been an incredible sight.
10:38 I've heard estimates of excess of over two million
10:40 people - something like that - right - that had gathered.
10:46 Can you imagine? The tents and the tabernacle in the middle.
10:49 This would have been such an amazing sight for anyone.
10:53 And God really had situated them kind of in the crossroads
10:57 of the known world, right? Where all the trading was going on.
11:00 So people would pass by and they would see this
11:02 which would given them an opportunity to say:
11:05 "Wow, what's going on here? We want to press in
11:07 and find out. " And that's exactly the location where
11:11 God wanted to be the homeland, the country for His people.
11:16 Not somewhere... He could have destroyed Egypt
11:18 afterward and said: "Now it is your land.
11:22 It's so comfortable. Here is this river Nile flows through.
11:26 You have ideal conditions for agriculture. "
11:29 You know even when Abraham and his father Terah left Ur
11:34 of the Chaldees it was in Mesopotamia two rivers:
11:38 Tigris and Euphrates. Comfortable conditions.
11:41 No, God told them to go to this place.
11:44 This is not a really hospitable place. Right.
11:48 Just teeny little river Jordan compared to the Nile.
11:52 You know, rains are falling on a pattern.
11:56 May not fall and you have hunger.
11:58 No, God said: "Go and you stay there
12:01 because this is where everybody crosses this area
12:05 on the trade route and that's how My glory will be known. "
12:10 As we're looking at this progression and we're following
12:14 how God is desiring to bring people and to bring the nations
12:18 in to know Him, to become His people,
12:22 you know I think about from the Biblical perspective
12:27 one of the most beautiful stories about someone who was
12:31 not one of God's people but desired is the story of Ruth.
12:35 The Moabite woman who through circumstances finds herself
12:40 in a situation where she literally cries out:
12:43 "I want your people to be my people. "
12:45 So talk to us about... 'cause I know that along with that
12:49 there's some other parallel stories to that.
12:51 What about? Ruth is a very, very beautiful story...
12:56 a paradoxical story
12:58 of this Moabite woman who married into the Jewish family,
13:04 a family of those who actually left Israel
13:08 to look for something better. They left Bethlehem;
13:12 went to Moab, the foreign land.
13:15 And this woman, and she and another, there were two brothers
13:19 these two women married in.
13:21 And God didn't bless this family out there, you know.
13:25 The father, Elimelech, died.
13:27 The two brothers died.
13:30 So this lady Naomi - a widow - with absolutely nothing.
13:36 No rights, no land, nothing.
13:38 She just returns back to her homeland.
13:41 She wants to just come back, just stay there.
13:44 Beg. You know, be just a pauper.
13:47 And so she says to her widowed daughters-in-law
13:52 "Oh my daughters, I have nothing for you.
13:54 Just go back to your parents. "
13:56 And one decides to go and the other said: "No.
14:00 I want to follow because I see something in your God.
14:04 Your God is my God
14:06 and your people are my people. "
14:09 And actually when she enters with Naomi
14:14 there was this man Boaz who actually got romantically
14:20 attracted... she became romantically attractive to him.
14:24 Just as I have explained: "Just because, wow, you didn't
14:28 see any... you didn't see some riches.
14:31 You made this heroic act
14:35 of actually becoming a member of the community of Israel
14:40 not out of richness but out of utter poverty.
14:44 But somehow God spoke to you and called you in. "
14:48 And you know the story ends with them being married.
14:52 And Ruth the Moabite is the grandmother of king David.
14:57 Right. She's entered into the Messianic line
15:00 even as someone from the nations. It's just so beautiful.
15:05 And it's not only Ruth but
15:09 we have the story before: Rahab - right -
15:12 the harlot, the temple prostitute.
15:15 You know, if she was in Israel she would have been stoned
15:20 to death for doing it. But since she was pagan
15:23 she didn't know better. But when she realized
15:27 the might of God of heaven and earth
15:30 during the time when He destroyed the Egyptians
15:33 at the Red Sea, oh she changed her heart and she went
15:38 and she followed the Lord.
15:40 And it says: "Rahab and all her family" - big family -
15:44 "lives among Israel until this time. " Beautiful.
15:47 And once again we have this beautiful story
15:51 of God's desire to take the people that weren't His people
15:54 in the beginning and to bring them in... to draw them in.
15:58 We're going to jump way forward now in history
16:03 and I want to talk about a story that maybe
16:06 some people would not connect with this.
16:08 But I think you're going to find this very interesting.
16:10 What I'm talking about is found in the gospel of Matthew.
16:13 primarily. It's also in John but Matthew chapter 21.
16:17 And this is the story of Jesus coming into what is known as
16:21 the court of the Gentiles. This was the large area
16:25 in front of the area that was restricted to only Jews.
16:29 That's why it's called the court of the Gentiles.
16:31 This is the place where God allowed the nations to come
16:35 and worship Him... to come towards Him.
16:38 And this of course is the story of Jesus coming in
16:41 and being very upset - putting it mildly.
16:45 Gospel of John says that He fashioned cords into a whip
16:49 and He drives these so-called money changers.
16:51 These are the people that are exchanging the currencies
16:55 from the nations out 'cause these are typically
16:57 the people, primarily the Jews that are coming in,
17:00 and they're exchanging their money for temple money
17:02 so that they can buy the sacrifices
17:05 so they can do the things they need to do.
17:07 And the exchange rate is always speculative.
17:12 Probably to the benefit of the exchangers, right?
17:15 Yeah, and the animals are extremely overpriced.
17:19 Well, and the people had to do what they had to do.
17:21 But Jesus comes in, and we know the story of Him
17:24 overturning the tables, whipping them out.
17:26 And He's saying: "My house shall be called a house of prayer
17:30 but you have made it a den of robbers. "
17:33 But in the other translation it says: "My house...
17:36 My Father's house should be a house for all nations. "
17:38 And this is the real clue that we need to pick up.
17:41 Because what Jesus is angry about is not...
17:45 Some people might think: "Oh, they were buying and
17:47 selling on the Sabbath. " Or... Let me tell you,
17:50 the reason why our Messiah was angry
17:54 was because these people had taken over the area
17:58 that God had set aside for the nations to come
18:02 and to press in to Him and they were excluding them.
18:05 This is why it was called the court of the Gentiles.
18:07 It's interesting. If we look in the book of Isaiah 56-
18:11 um-hmm - where Jesus takes this "My house will be the house of
18:15 prayer... " Which is what He's drawing it from.
18:17 Yeah, we have to read the whole statement.
18:20 The whole statement starts with the fact that
18:22 Isaiah talks about the Gentiles who keep the Sabbath,
18:27 who follows the laws of the Torah.
18:30 And he will be brought to the temple because God wants
18:34 every nation. And talking about the conversion, this is...
18:38 Isaiah is a great gospel I would say... gospel.
18:41 It's not talking about the Messiah but the conversion
18:44 of all the nations. And the conversion is always upward
18:47 to Israel - exactly - to the people, to Israel...
18:52 not out of Israel. Right. Hmm.
18:55 I want to move ahead because I had mentioned
18:57 the gospel of John. As we get past that
19:00 it's interesting what happens now.
19:02 After Jesus has done this the Pharisees, they come
19:06 and they question Him. And they ask Him directly
19:08 "In what authority have You done this? "
19:11 You know, and we're introduced to a man by the name of
19:14 Nicodemus in this story. And Nicodemus begins to speak out.
19:19 Sasha, take it away from there.
19:21 What happens at this point? Well it's interesting.
19:24 The Pharisees are not happy with what Jesus has done
19:28 because He is not of their "click. "
19:31 And so: "Who gave You authority? "
19:34 "Why are You doing this? "
19:35 Nicodemus is the one that usually in Christianity
19:39 Nicodemus is negatively portrayed.
19:41 No, he is not negative. He is the one who acknowledges
19:45 "Your authority comes from God. "
19:49 He calls him Rabbi. Right. Now this is what
19:52 launches this dialogue now that Jesus is going to have
19:55 with Nicodemus that Jesus Himself brings up this idea
19:59 of the born again experience, right? Exactly.
20:01 And Jesus explains to him. Jesus is not trying to rebuke
20:04 Nicodemus and say: "You are so bad. "
20:06 But Jesus explains to him what did He want to illustrate
20:11 in His cleansing of the temple.
20:14 He shows: "Look, even you have to born again. "
20:18 Be born again. "I have cleared the temple
20:23 for the Gentiles who want to have this conversion experience
20:28 so that they would enter into the Passover.
20:31 All this cleansing. Two times it is described in the gospels
20:34 always before the Passover. Right.
20:36 'Cause the Passover was the time - as we talked before -
20:40 that the Gentile enters into the house of Israel.
20:43 He participates from the eating of the Passover lamb
20:49 and now he is the same. That was that final step
20:52 of someone entering in. Yeah, he is no longer Gentile;
20:56 he is a Jew now. "Well, what about you, Nicodemus?
21:00 You were born to it. You don't have to go through this
21:04 stuff. You were born; you were circumcised on the 8th day.
21:08 What about you? Do you think you don't need conversion
21:13 experience? " That's what the message to Nicodemus. Right.
21:17 And He uses the term "to be born again. "
21:19 And of course, Nicodemus is: "What are You talking about?
21:22 I'm an old guy. What are you saying? I'm supposed to enter
21:25 back into my mother's womb? " Exactly, because the discussion
21:29 is Nicodemus feels all right. It is them who needs to have
21:33 this experience. I was born. " "No, you need to
21:37 be born again. It doesn't matter whether you're born
21:42 and who you were born by. "
21:43 And you know, isn't that the bottom-line truth?
21:48 It's true! Because, you know, a lot of Jews are told that
21:51 since they're the "chosen ones" you know that they're
21:54 immediately saved because they're a "son of Abraham. "
21:58 But in reality, that's not what saves them.
22:01 Whether you're a Jew, whether you're Muslim... whether you're
22:04 whatever... Buddhist... you have to have that experience.
22:09 Yeah, the scripture is very clear:
22:10 there aren't multiple ways, there's only one way
22:13 to the Father and that is through our Messiah Yeshuah.
22:18 Through Jesus. And conversion is not some kind of a political
22:21 action. Exactly. Conversion is our building our relationship
22:26 with our Creator: God of heaven and earth.
22:29 Right. With our Redeemer, Jesus. And this really points to
22:33 a really important thing that I think ultimately what Jesus
22:37 is saying even to Nicodemus
22:39 and the scriptures are saying to us
22:41 is that we have to establish - each individual - this
22:45 relationship, this personal relationship with God
22:49 the Father. This was what Jesus was talking about
22:51 with Nicodemus: this born again personal experience.
22:54 The truth is is that you can't inherit it.
22:57 The truth is that there will be no grandchildren in the
23:01 kingdom of God. It's all first generation...
23:05 no matter how old you are!
23:06 A lot of Christians come to me and they say "Oh, you're Jewish?
23:10 You're so blessed. You're the chosen one.
23:12 I mean you're so much more special than I am. "
23:15 I'm like: "Not really. "
23:17 No, not at all. I mean we are all
23:22 sinners - that's right - saved by Messiah.
23:25 So I hate to cut this off but time has gotten away from us
23:30 once again. Great topic.
23:32 So today is my opportunity to bring a song.
23:37 Yeah, I think you have the traditional Jewish song
23:39 MikaMocha, right? I do. So I'm going to go get ready.
23:42 Sasha, why don't you tell us about this song?
23:44 MikaMocha is the song that is taken from the...
23:48 the words are taken from the book of Exodus chapter 15:11.
23:51 "Who is like You, O Lord? "
23:54 Ummm... beautiful.
23:57 All right, Alex. Praise God!
23:59 Who among the gods is like you, O Lord?
24:03 Who is like You? Majestic in holiness;
24:07 awesome in glory; working wonders.
25:08 Who is like Thee,
25:13 O Lord, among
25:17 the gods?
25:23 Who is like Thee
25:28 O Lord? There is
25:32 none else.
25:38 You are awesome
25:43 in praise,
25:45 doing wonders.
25:51 O Lord, who is
25:55 like Thee,
26:00 O Lord?
27:12 Wow! Beautiful Hebrew/ English song!
27:15 Amen. Who among the gods is like Thee?
27:17 Friends, we're so happy that you joined us today.
27:21 I hope that you were touched and moved
27:24 just understanding truly what it means when God is speaking
27:28 of us converting. It's coming to Him
27:32 and this born again experience that is a personal one.
27:36 So on behalf of myself and Rachel and Sasha
27:39 may the Lord bless you and may He keep you.
27:41 May the Lord make His face to shine upon you
27:45 and be gracious to you.
27:46 May the Lord lift His countenance upon you
27:49 and bring you His peace.
27:52 Have a wonderful, blessed day
27:54 and come back again and join us next time
27:57 on Back To Our Roots.


Revised 2014-12-17