Behold the Lamb Presents

Women's Ordination -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Shelton (Host), Kenny Shelton


Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000067

00:41 Hello, and welcome, to Behold the Lambs Presents.
00:44 I'm Chris Shelton your host
00:46 and we want to welcome our study guests
00:48 from here in the United States and around the world.
00:51 We simply love that you've chosen
00:54 to spend this quality time with us today in study.
00:58 And today's message is one that has
01:00 well that's brought about a lot of sincere
01:03 hard felt studies and even some debates
01:05 in several protestant churches in our recent history.
01:09 The topic entitled
01:11 of today's message is "Women's Ordination."
01:15 It's a challenging topic as we sit
01:17 and compare Bible passages.
01:19 They clearly show God using women in authoritative roles,
01:23 you know, generally occupied by men
01:26 as well as being called as for prophets and teachers
01:30 and with the very subordinate picture
01:33 that Paul portrays of women
01:35 in the early New Testament church.
01:38 This is also multiplied with the written history
01:41 of Christ calling and using many sincere godly women
01:46 in the formation of the Seventh-day Adventist church
01:49 as well as the fact that there's still fulfilling
01:52 vital roles in our church today.
01:55 Ellen G. White wrote that it was in Portland, Maine
01:58 that she was given her first vision
02:00 and was called into the field.
02:02 She said that in Portland, Maine
02:05 is where the Lord had ordained her.
02:07 So is there a balance found in the scripture
02:10 to all this important concern of women's ordination.
02:14 And is it possible, think about this,
02:17 is it possible that the answer lies
02:20 as to the office in which women maybe ordained.
02:24 Get out your notepads and endure to peer the heaven
02:27 right now as we begin our study with Pastor Kenny Shelton.
02:31 But first we are so blessed to listen to a song
02:34 that is entitled "Come Let Us Reason"
02:37 as sung by Stephanie Dawn from the 3ABN Worship Center.
02:58 Come, let us
03:01 Reason together
03:07 That's what God says
03:12 Come, let us
03:15 Reason together
03:21 Says the Lord
03:27 Come, let us
03:30 Reason together
03:35 That's what God says
03:41 Come, let us
03:44 Reason together
03:49 Says the Lord
03:55 Though your sins be as scarlet
04:02 They shall be as white as snow
04:08 Though they be red like crimson
04:16 They shall be as wool
04:27 Come, let us
04:30 Reason together
04:36 That's what God says
04:41 Come, let us
04:44 Reason together
04:50 Says the Lord
04:55 Though your sins be as scarlet
05:02 They shall be as white as snow
05:08 Though they be red like crimson
05:15 They shall be as wool
05:27 Come, let us
05:30 Reason together
05:36 That's what God says
05:41 Come, let us
05:44 Reason together
05:51 Says the Lord
06:09 Thanks again for joining us here at Behold the Lamb
06:11 and we're always grateful and thankful for the good music
06:14 that comes before the preaching part of it
06:16 and I know it's a blessing to you.
06:17 We pray to prepare your heart and your mind
06:20 to receive the message.
06:22 You've heard my wife say already
06:23 this message is you know could be
06:25 kind of wall to with many many people
06:27 but it's one we need to approach.
06:29 And if you have in a while it'll be good to go over
06:31 because it's a subject that's being going on for oh,
06:34 close to probably 40 years
06:36 and lot of people have no idea--
06:37 Women's Ordination.
06:39 So we need to really, as soon as we say that
06:41 I noticed they'll be some people
06:42 that'll be a wall that would be put up.
06:44 Don't, don't let that happen.
06:46 You want to, I want to know
06:47 what God's word has to say on it
06:49 when it comes to ordaining women as elders or pastors.
06:53 Now, we're doing at the clear minds, clear hearts
06:56 let God's word speak to us.
06:59 You know, it's good that we read the Bible
07:00 and as we do is we have prayer here in just a moment.
07:04 In Matthew 16:18, it says,
07:07 "Upon this rock I will build my church."
07:10 Now, remember upon this rock I will build my church
07:13 and as you continue on 1 Corinthians 10:4
07:15 says "that rock is Jesus Christ."
07:18 Let's have prayer to gear.
07:19 Let's pray the Holy Spirit
07:21 will lead us and guide us into all truth.
07:24 All preconceived ideas put aside.
07:26 Let's try to balance up the scripture
07:28 and see what God has to say on this subject.
07:30 Will you pray with me please?
07:32 Loving Father in heaven,
07:33 we thank You for the privilege of prayer.
07:36 We thank You that You promised to hear our voice
07:39 and You promised to answer.
07:40 Lord, we want to know what is truth.
07:42 We want to be guided by Your sweet Holy Spirit.
07:45 We want our minds illuminated. We want heaven to speak to us.
07:49 And Lord, we may be approaching some territory today
07:51 that some people just really don't want to.
07:54 And maybe they went so far into it
07:55 that they want to turn back
07:57 but Lord, we do want to hear Your voice
07:59 in regardless of what is taking place
08:01 that we'll listen to Your voice,
08:03 we'll hear Your word
08:04 and that we will so adjust our life
08:06 whatever it takes.
08:08 We thank You for those who watch and those who listen,
08:10 thank You for the sweet promise that thy Holy Spirit now.
08:13 I ask for forgiveness of any sin,
08:15 anything in my heart life that needs not be there
08:18 because I really need to hear from heaven.
08:20 I thank You Lord, for hearing
08:21 for answering prayer in Jesus name, amen.
08:24 Isn't that wonderful
08:25 that we can go to the Lord in prayer?
08:27 Isn't that wonderful we know
08:28 we have a Savior who cares for us,
08:30 a Savior that wants us to know Him
08:32 better and better each and every day
08:34 and the importance of knowing
08:36 what the Bible teaches on certain subjects.
08:40 Because sometime you know we want to please
08:42 where people pleaser rather than God pleasers.
08:45 And so you know we may have
08:46 that you say also right motives.
08:48 But you know we want to please God
08:50 more than we want to please man, don't we?
08:51 So when we talk
08:52 about the subject of Women's Ordination,
08:55 remember we're specifically talking
08:58 about ordaining elders women as elders and pastors.
09:03 I'll mention this as we go.
09:04 But you know Scripture
09:05 doesn't make a difference between elder/pastors.
09:09 So you have to incorporate both of those
09:11 when we talk about the ordaining of.
09:13 Now if there is an ordaining of
09:15 then we need to see it in scripture
09:17 it needs to be consistent,
09:18 there needs to be weight of evidence
09:20 that we can use.
09:21 Now remember some of you it's interesting,
09:23 some people use because when the Bible
09:26 is silent on a subject
09:27 you feel you have every right
09:29 to go any direction that you want to.
09:31 No, that's not so.
09:32 If the scriptures are silent then you need to be silent
09:35 and I need to be silent.
09:37 Oh, that makes sense to you, because we can't project.
09:40 God-- the Bible said
09:41 God reveals those things to us, right,
09:43 that He wants us to know and understand.
09:45 So we have no right and we don't want to do it here
09:47 to go where God hasn't already led
09:49 or had shown us the right direction.
09:51 Now for those of you maybe our new Christians
09:53 we're gonna spend this first.
09:54 This is three parts
09:55 so three hours we're gonna spend on it.
09:57 And so we're gonna examine several different areas
09:59 so if the questions are not answered in the first part
10:03 it's because we're setting up a platform standard.
10:06 Right, we want to look at this and set a real solid platform
10:09 on why we think this is important.
10:12 Now, when you talk to man the new members ordination
10:16 what does it really mean?
10:18 You realize there's some people
10:19 you'll say well, this is so elementary.
10:21 There're people in the world that maybe never heard
10:23 the word ordained and what it really means.
10:27 Now when someone is ordained as it were in the church
10:30 it doesn't mean that anything is
10:32 when you're ordained in hands or laid on
10:34 that any new graces are added or new qualifications are added
10:37 or you know any virtue is added in that.
10:41 But remember Jesus set this all up.
10:44 And so we want to follow it.
10:46 Ordain simply means it set apart.
10:48 It means called, you know, called of God is appointment.
10:53 God has appointed
10:54 and so when we are when we're chosen
10:57 when we appoint and when we set apart
11:00 it actually, is the act of the church.
11:04 An act of what? An act of the church.
11:07 And a person is functioning in that capacity.
11:10 You know, the laying out of hands you hear that lot.
11:12 We're not gonna go into bunch of detail
11:13 but the laying on of hands
11:14 we look at to perform a function
11:17 in behalf of the church.
11:19 So remember when the laying out of hands
11:21 your being set aside to fulfill a certain role
11:24 or a certain function in the church.
11:27 Now remember ordination is an act, it is a commission,
11:32 it's recognizing the call of God.
11:36 And so being ordained by the church
11:38 what does that mean?
11:39 That means the church recognizes you
11:41 and gives you authority
11:42 as it were to serve as a representative.
11:46 And let me make this real clear remember
11:48 God is more is important right, He's most important.
11:51 And that God chooses and God ordains
11:53 and He sends forth.
11:55 And there will be many, many people used in these last days
11:59 who have never been ordained that will finish the work.
12:02 Ordination doesn't mean that you're you may also
12:04 and you're qualified to do something.
12:06 God ordains you and I think
12:08 it's very important for us to realize
12:10 that we can serve God we can serve God
12:14 the calling He put on your life without being ordained.
12:18 So really ordination in the Adventist church
12:21 we will say is simply the Adventist church
12:23 recognizing that you are going to be representative of them.
12:27 So they send okay, you can go and speak in behalf of the Lord
12:31 so they recognize who you are.
12:32 So it's kind of a simple thing then isn't it for us.
12:34 Ordinations, remember we just read
12:37 upon this rock I will build my church.
12:40 So any doctrine, any teaching,
12:42 anything that we do must be build upon what?
12:44 On the rock, the solid rock of Jesus Christ
12:47 and we mentioned Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:4.
12:50 "And that rock is Christ."
12:54 The Acts of the Apostle page 595 says this.
12:58 "Upon the foundation of Christ Himself had laid,
13:03 the apostles built the church of God."
13:06 See how in harmony, spirit of prophecy
13:08 and the Bible in harmony together
13:09 upon the foundation that rock you see the apostles,
13:13 you know the Jesus lay
13:14 the apostle begin to build the New Testament church.
13:18 You know the question of women's ordination
13:21 you know these elders and there's pastors boy,
13:24 it's almost like dynamite.
13:26 I never see people get so excited about it
13:29 and they will say well, are you know what,
13:30 it's not new we just mentioned to be this is not new.
13:35 It again goes back you know long longer period than this
13:38 but at least 40 years it goes back.
13:40 And some action had been taken
13:42 then we will talk about that in a moment.
13:44 And the question is to me
13:45 is almost like a ticking time bomb.
13:49 People get all excited about it for many.
13:52 It's so many the subjects really
13:54 that many people will not get involved with period
13:57 because, they know its' so wallow.
13:58 So they know that's explosive
13:59 and so they're afraid to even approach it
14:01 but let me tell you
14:03 when you're not approaching something
14:04 you know people who are forced something
14:06 they continue to work and continue to be motivated.
14:09 Some say I don't' want to get involved
14:10 because I'm gonna be misunderstood.
14:13 Now, I'll just tell you right now
14:14 I know when I present this
14:15 and we go two, three hours of this some of you who gonna--
14:18 now be careful you may be calling me some names.
14:21 But you know what if it's grounded
14:22 and rooted in the Word of God
14:24 listen, don't be calling
14:25 the messenger any kind of names.
14:28 Let's look and say what is this here
14:30 we're looking at what the Bible says here.
14:32 I don't want to be labeled.
14:33 I know you don't want to be labeled.
14:35 I don't want to be called, you know
14:36 they say black balled or you know ousted out
14:39 but we want to see
14:40 what God really has to say on it.
14:43 And again some believe
14:44 silence is the best thing we can do.
14:46 I just be quiet on this thing.
14:48 Is it, remember I just mentioned
14:50 while we're silent many times and this is a problem.
14:53 If I'm on God's people lot of time we become silent
14:56 and again while we are silent the enemy is still working.
14:59 He's still working to continue to push
15:02 what he wants to see take place.
15:04 He is pushing opinions of men.
15:07 He's pushing doctrines and commandments of men.
15:09 We don't want that.
15:10 We want the certain Word of God.
15:13 Wouldn't we-- wouldn't we--
15:15 let me ask you wouldn't we better
15:17 would be better off if we did
15:19 what John 5:39 tells us to search the scripture.
15:25 For search the scripture with a determination
15:27 to know what is truth.
15:31 A lie is not gonna help you. Side tracking is not good.
15:35 There is always you know consequences to pay.
15:37 So are we not better off to say
15:39 I really want to know what it says.
15:41 And if it doesn't say here I don't want to project
15:42 and other wants to say
15:44 well it seems like we're in ought to.
15:47 And on this subject it's gonna challenge some of you.
15:50 Remember there's lot of steps
15:51 have been taken over these years right here
15:54 and just to simply say you know we're not challenged.
15:56 We are challenged.
15:57 We're challenged to say
15:59 we have been going in the right direction
16:00 or we have not been going in the right direction
16:03 and if we are not going in the right direction
16:04 then we must making about face and that's not easy.
16:09 It's not easy only by the grace of God
16:12 and the love for the truth are we are willing to say
16:14 well, may be we have just acted little too quickly here.
16:17 Now the challenge comes about
16:20 because the Bible first challenges me.
16:21 It's challenged me every time I read it.
16:24 I'm challenged by and I know maybe you're too.
16:27 Because the Bible said first of all Kenny,
16:29 here is what has to be, you must have a willing mind.
16:32 If you read that in 2 Corinthians 8:12.
16:34 First it's going to take
16:36 those of you who are closed mind
16:37 blessed your heart no one rose from the dead
16:39 you're gonna believe anyway.
16:41 But if you have a willing mind to really, really know
16:45 what has been instituted here as scriptural
16:49 and if it is and let's continue on with it
16:51 if not let's correct it.
16:53 Then we must have a willing mind.
16:55 Then we must accept the word with all readiness of mind
16:59 that the Book of Acts 17:11 tells us.
17:03 If we first ever have a willing mind,
17:04 if we just will accept these truth
17:07 with all readiness of mind and heart
17:09 you know what the results will be
17:10 the Bible is clear on that in Philippians 2:2.
17:13 Do you know what it says?
17:14 It said, "We're going to be in one accord
17:16 and we're going to be" what?
17:17 "And one mind." One mind and one accord.
17:20 Is it unity of big part
17:22 of what we're talking about here?
17:23 Any subject that comes up among us
17:25 as God's last day people that divides and separates
17:28 we need a firm foundation.
17:30 We need to be able to stand together
17:32 not let it divide us.
17:35 You know we must desire the quick willing in the sin.
17:39 We must have an eager readiness that Bible talks about.
17:44 And you know what this does.
17:45 This will produce a love for the truth
17:49 in 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
17:51 A love for the truth
17:54 not what we would like the results to be.
17:59 Now I mentioned unity.
18:02 How important is unity to you? How important is unity to me?
18:05 But we know the Bible it's just very, very important.
18:07 God said it's going to be in His church before He comes.
18:11 But you know what happens? This is a key point here.
18:13 A key point we are talking about an ordination right here
18:17 is simply can we be unified on this subject?
18:21 Can we move forward?
18:22 Will we follow what the Bible has to say?
18:24 Or when we hear something that we don't want to hear
18:28 that we begin to refuse it.
18:31 That reminds me so much of remember Steven
18:33 you know when he before he was stoned.
18:36 You know Steven was boy, what a man of God that he was.
18:39 And Steven was defending the truth.
18:43 He was as he was defending the truth.
18:45 He-- you know, what he was doing
18:48 he was defending the truth
18:50 in the front of the priest and the rulers.
18:54 Wow, how heavy that would be today.
18:57 The religious leaders he was defending the truth.
19:00 Wow, you know what happened.
19:04 As these priests and rulers heard this truth
19:07 because they had been doing and teaching other things
19:12 they were filled with hatred and jealousy
19:16 and envy instead of yelling to,
19:19 listen, instead of yelling to the evidences
19:22 they were determined to silence his voice.
19:26 Interesting, you'll realize there'll be people
19:28 who will hear this, who are not in agreement with it.
19:31 They're not going to take scripture,
19:33 they're not going to take spirit of prophecy,
19:34 they're just not going to be in agreement
19:36 and they do exactly what Steven did.
19:37 They may not say well physically
19:39 we're gonna pick a stone of it.
19:40 But they're gonna try to silence the voice.
19:44 Remember, it's not the messenger's voice
19:45 that we're interested in.
19:46 It's voice of God, instead it.
19:48 This is the what so-- so, so very, very important.
19:51 And do you realize when they try to
19:52 when he was telling this truth what they accused him of.
19:58 They said he was preaching
20:00 delusive and dangerous doctrine.
20:04 Some people will say, well, listen delusive
20:06 and dangerous doctrines that's you're preaching.
20:09 We need the silence.
20:11 Instead of that say, what is it that's been said?
20:13 Let's look in the Word of God.
20:15 I can say to you
20:16 this is probably the most sensitive
20:21 and may be the most emotional subject
20:24 that I have ever had to approach
20:26 and I know there's so many different ones
20:28 but I'm talking about personalities
20:30 and people when I say that because of what,
20:32 because of friends, because of family
20:35 but whole views that maybe are different
20:38 than the one that you hold or the one that maybe I hold
20:40 and we don't want to necessarily make anyone
20:43 you know get aggravated with us
20:46 or you know we're not out right to hurt anyone
20:49 but sometime when you disagree people get hurt
20:52 rather, than say I really want to know what this is all about.
20:57 It's hard to tell someone I disagree with you.
21:01 And here is why.
21:04 Because someone what, will get hurt.
21:07 But sometime you know when we think about
21:09 we don't want to be at the same time
21:11 perceived as being you know as intolerant,
21:16 dogmatic some people say.
21:17 You know that's just simply mean
21:19 assertive without approve
21:20 or this is my opinion this is the way it is.
21:23 I don't want you to think along that line today.
21:25 I'm interested in what God says about it.
21:28 What the Holy Spirit-- you will understand
21:29 what I'm saying and I know you're too
21:31 if you really get down to it.
21:34 Many people discuss this subject
21:36 without weighing evidence, without any kind of research.
21:41 And here's what they do many times
21:42 because they don't want to get into themselves
21:44 they ask somebody that should know
21:47 and there is too many people,
21:48 that my opinion that should know
21:51 that's not giving the right advice.
21:54 It comes to the office. It comes I hear these things.
21:58 And I'm saying no wonder why they would give that kind.
21:59 So somebody then wants to study for themselves.
22:01 They ask somebody to suppose to be in the know.
22:05 And then they comment you know
22:08 such illustration they'll say
22:10 well, yeah, but I know my friends doing this job
22:13 and they're doing a good job
22:16 that position must agree with them.
22:19 They say what we see no problem with it.
22:23 You know what, that may be so.
22:26 But it's not whether in this subject
22:29 that a person can do the job or not
22:33 or whether they're doing a great job or not.
22:36 The question goes back to is it biblical.
22:39 Is women's ordination as elders and pastors
22:42 is it really biblical
22:44 regardless if man said that it is and man has done it?
22:48 Is it biblical that's what it comes down to?
22:51 So doing a great job
22:53 and there's not made void the Word of God.
22:56 Being qualified as they say
22:59 does not make void the Word of God.
23:01 Because we can if somebody can do it
23:03 better than somebody else
23:04 doesn't make void the Word of God.
23:08 So you know we can see here as we stay.
23:09 This is not-- you know
23:11 if you want to you know study it
23:13 and come out and say
23:14 this is what I found in the Word of God
23:16 some people are afraid to do it
23:18 because there will be repercussions.
23:21 I don't know about you but you know what,
23:23 I don't to take the repercussions of man
23:25 than repercussions of God anytime.
23:28 Every subject is important, every truth is important
23:32 and I feel this to be faithful to scripture
23:37 has always been the key
23:40 to receiving the blessings of God.
23:42 Did somebody hear that?
23:43 We say well, we received the blessings of God
23:45 you know this is going great this is going good over here
23:47 so it must be the--
23:48 you know setting the seed here so God must be blessing
23:50 or lot of time God allows us to set in seeds
23:56 and to do things and He is trying to teach us
23:59 and corrects us while we're there.
24:00 It's not because you're doing everything right or I'm doing
24:02 we need to think along this line we need to think.
24:06 Remember, the key to the blessings of God is what,
24:09 being faithful to scripture, being faithful to scripture.
24:14 And then you talk about once we grasp,
24:17 did a whole of it, what the Bible teaches
24:20 can simply just simply say something like--
24:23 you know, everybody I talk to who say,
24:26 well, thus sayeth Lord and we should.
24:28 But can we simply set aside a thus sayeth the Lord
24:32 once we regress this is the truth
24:34 can we just set it aside
24:36 and say it doesn't matter anymore
24:38 and here is what I hear.
24:39 People say well, I know what it says but--
24:43 some people will say yeah,
24:44 but you know what culture makes the difference.
24:47 Culture-- remember thus sayeth the Lord and culture
24:51 and what does that simply mean?
24:53 Example, your background
24:56 I hear people say because of my background
24:58 I was born in an other country
25:00 and you know my training I was trained this way.
25:04 And some will say, well
25:05 we call our taste and our habits
25:07 and our practices our skills are concept of something
25:14 a certain class of people or we could even cover
25:18 this is for a certain period of earth's history
25:21 or certain period of time
25:22 even though Bible doesn't say that we might project that
25:25 and this is might be for certain civilization.
25:29 Let me just, you know, today just think we here today
25:33 because of what, because of cultures
25:37 we've come to some conclusions.
25:38 We say because of culture's around the world
25:41 and this may be little hard for some to bear
25:43 but just stay with me for a moment.
25:45 Some churches, some conferences,
25:48 some unions, some divisions
25:50 believe that some-- we're talking about
25:54 some women and ordinating
25:56 and ordination of elders and pastors
25:58 they'll say they're just not ready yet.
26:02 They're not yet ready to go forward
26:06 of ordaining women into the gospel ministry.
26:09 So now just that just opens up a question for me.
26:13 So a group of people say there is,
26:15 this the folks over here
26:17 because of their culture and their background
26:18 and there's some different part of the world
26:20 they're just not ready yet.
26:23 What part is it okay to ask you a question?
26:26 I hope it is.
26:28 You should be asking questions.
26:30 What part does culture play when trying to find out
26:36 what the Bible really says on the subject?
26:39 What part does culture really play?
26:42 You know, may I say this boldly
26:43 and some of you jump off your seats.
26:44 It's so bad. Absolutely, nothing.
26:48 Culture absolutely nothing
26:51 when it comes to the Word of God.
26:52 I will talk little bit more about that.
26:55 I believe this a person who loves and fears
26:57 God will consider what the Scriptures
26:59 reveal regardless of where they're at.
27:02 But we use these excuses sometime.
27:04 Why do we use these excuses?
27:07 Let me give you another illustration here.
27:09 I remember a few years ago
27:10 my wife and I were in other country.
27:12 And we were preaching and teaching
27:15 on this one of the subjects and you know a controversial
27:17 and sometime I get myself in these things.
27:20 And I want to believe this
27:21 because it's a Holy Spirit wants us
27:22 and we're seeing great things happen by the way.
27:24 But we were in this another country
27:25 and we were preaching on you know
27:27 the right kind of dress for a Christian
27:29 and make up and jewelry and all these things
27:32 that people want to fight today.
27:35 And people were interested in what they were hearing
27:39 and the question bit again to come to us real quickly
27:42 and there's you know they said yeah,
27:44 but we are in different country here
27:46 and we have different cultures here in this country
27:48 and we are told that it's okay by this group over here.
27:52 What do you think?
27:54 Oh, my you open a Pandora's Box when you ask me that.
27:58 What do you think?
27:59 Well, my thinking myself is, you know, it's not poured
28:03 what I think but God's Word don't you see.
28:05 Don't you think it's important?
28:06 I do.
28:07 But they say as what do you think about it.
28:10 The answer is really simple,
28:12 you didn't have to go through some theological dissertation
28:16 and try to get somebody now.
28:17 If the answer is very simple it does matter what country
28:21 or what culture or what someone says is okay, why?
28:27 Because we all have the same God,
28:29 because we all have the Holy Scripture,
28:31 because we all have the same Holy Spirit
28:33 that in John 16:13 it says "will lead us into all truth."
28:38 Now somebody could say
28:39 well, I'm insensitive, that's not it.
28:42 The enemy has let us away from that thinking
28:45 that where the Bible condemn something in other country
28:48 because they do whatever the customs
28:50 is its okay to say God's word doesn't mean what it says?
28:53 No. I beg no, it doesn't.
28:57 It's the same God same Holy Spirit,
28:59 same Word of God.
29:02 Holy Spirit, John 16:13 we just mentioned
29:04 this leaders and all truth.
29:07 And sometime we fail here.
29:09 We make exceptions where God doesn't make
29:13 exceptions in order, to please.
29:17 Now think about this with me.
29:18 In order to please many times the powerful.
29:23 In order to please those in high positions. Wow.
29:29 In order to please those with the loudest voices.
29:33 In order my mom always said
29:35 the squeaking wheel get's the oil.
29:36 Is somebody still with me?
29:39 Does somebody that squeaking all of the time
29:41 and so you just kind of let him
29:43 have a certain amount to get them to be quite.
29:46 No, I know none of you would do that,
29:48 okay, but it happens they keep coming back,
29:51 they keep just coming back and pretty soon we'll say oh,
29:54 I know God's word says this but you know that He will,
29:56 He will understand. Yes He will.
29:58 Some of us say well we make exceptions to the rule
30:01 and without even acknowledging it
30:03 because that's where the big money is at.
30:06 Oh, we dare not rebuke somebody with big money.
30:11 Maybe we might feel
30:12 that we're going to loose many people.
30:16 That's church members if we take this stand.
30:19 So we just lower the standard, right,
30:22 and we then you know what we say
30:23 as we lower the standard we call it love intolerance.
30:28 Really, do you love God?
30:30 You're not going to lower standards.
30:31 You're going be raising the standard.
30:32 Remember, my precious friends, faithfulness in Scripture
30:37 to God's Scripture His word is our strength.
30:40 Faithfulness, to God is what? Is our strength.
30:45 Regardless, remember,
30:46 we mentioned here ordination here.
30:47 You don't have to be ordained other than by God.
30:51 God's going to use those who have never been ordained
30:53 to finish the work.
30:54 He probably use more of those and he will--
30:56 those who have been ordained.
30:59 Mercy, we think about this. We don't have to.
31:02 We can work for God because he calls us to work--
31:05 faithfulness, in God, faithfulness in Scripture.
31:09 So when it comes to women's ordination
31:14 should we not in order to maintain unity,
31:22 should we not allow?
31:23 And I know this is little touchy
31:24 but oh, I have just--
31:26 well, I've got to talk about it.
31:29 Should we allow as it were as a governing body?
31:35 Should we not allow each division to decide
31:38 whether they will ordained individually.
31:42 They call qualified individuals
31:44 listen, without regard to gender.
31:49 Did somebody get that?
31:53 Now, you know, but we want to maintain unity
31:56 and we want to get everything all worked out.
31:57 So maybe we all too just let every little division
32:00 every little group decide which way they want to go.
32:03 It's an issue the Bible or it's not.
32:05 It is truth or it's not.
32:07 If it's truth so big, praise God it's wonderful.
32:11 But how can we come to grips to say well
32:14 in order to please and make this group happy.
32:16 If you want to do a go ahead and if you don't over here.
32:18 I'm not trying to be ugly about it.
32:19 I just want you to think along with me.
32:21 Does that sound right?
32:22 Does that match you up with Scripture?
32:23 I don't think so.
32:25 And in fact we have to add those words
32:27 and they've been added in without regard to gender.
32:31 Otherwise it doesn't make any difference.
32:32 What God's word says it does, it does.
32:35 And then I have to say this what sense.
32:38 What sense does it make as a worldwide,
32:43 as a worldwide organization.
32:46 You know, God said His last day
32:47 people they're gonna be worldwide isn't it.
32:49 Praise God for that.
32:50 We need the organization
32:51 and we need the working together,
32:52 we need the unity.
32:54 But it has to be based upon principles of God's word.
32:59 So what sense does it make as a worldwide organization
33:02 then that ministers-- as a minister ordination
33:07 can be restricted to certain areas?
33:10 Did some of you get that?
33:13 Say some ministers are ordained
33:15 but then man says that ordination is restricted
33:19 to certain area over here.
33:21 Did you get what I talked about while ago?
33:23 Go all the what?
33:25 Oh, I heard somebody say
33:26 go all the world and preach the gospel.
33:28 I'm starting to get excited now.
33:29 It's good.
33:30 As a worldwide organization
33:32 I'm just saying does it makes sense
33:33 or trying to make people happy
33:35 or trying to keep people in certain places?
33:39 And I understand you got to be careful
33:42 because you got lot of things going on.
33:45 Lot of different people in the world
33:46 I hear from them trust me.
33:49 But think--
33:53 You think about how can we be restricted?
33:57 And you say in order to maintain organization
33:59 we have to be restricted.
34:00 And we can only go here. We can go here.
34:02 We go to you know this part of the line and over here.
34:04 You can't go no. You're going to all the world.
34:10 You see we think about does this not open the doors
34:15 when areas are restricted or you ordain this
34:17 and you can only do over here and you cannot.
34:19 Your ordination only pertains to that, that, that.
34:21 Does it not open more doors to more problems?
34:25 It doesn't settle any at all.
34:28 It just simply opens issues that we need to approach.
34:33 We need to settle these things once
34:35 and for all regardless of what side.
34:36 We say, oh, we want to be on God side.
34:39 Let's look at several important facts
34:43 before drawing any conclusions.
34:45 Would you do that with me?
34:46 Let's look at certain facts
34:48 this is the way I want to way it out
34:49 is the facts that we have.
34:52 So we've got to get our mind in.
34:54 So okay, now Lord, I want to hear these things
34:56 and I want to see whether they be so.
35:00 And if they are then I want to follow that.
35:02 But you know some of you are going to say
35:04 yeah, but I've already maybe received that
35:07 or I have already been appointed as a local woman
35:10 of this local elder of this church.
35:13 If it's not scriptural then you need not take that position,
35:17 it's such simple even though you've already been appointed.
35:20 It's okay to say "oh Lord I didn't know that
35:22 but now I understand
35:24 and so I want to do the right thing."
35:26 Do you realize what unity would exist
35:28 among God's last day people if all of us
35:31 spiritual enough that we could say
35:32 "oh, wow, we went this direction
35:34 but we should have been going that way."
35:37 And then explain why.
35:39 Man what respect you could have of that kind of leadership.
35:42 How you want to fall in line and say,
35:43 "oh, praise God, that's wonderful."
35:46 Issues need to be settled. Let's look at several of them.
35:50 Number one, historically.
35:53 Number one, historically as a people
35:56 we did not have women elders.
36:02 Not picking on-- we did not it's either truth or it's not.
36:05 Historically speaking we did not have women elders.
36:08 Many served in several important roles
36:12 my wife mentioned so many important roles
36:15 and they did it without ordination.
36:19 We're going to explain these in parts 2 and 3--
36:21 much more than we are today.
36:22 So we're just not even scratching it.
36:24 I'm just trying to convince you
36:25 by the power of the Holy Spirit right now
36:27 that we need to be open to the Holy Spirit,
36:30 we need to hear the spirit of the living God.
36:32 And say God, whatever you say that's what I want to do.
36:35 I want to follow You.
36:36 That's what the blessings are at.
36:38 That's where I can receive these blessings.
36:42 So many wonderful jobs and I say this--
36:45 I realize in the church and the organization
36:48 and some of the job that's done,
36:49 women do a whole lot better job than men do.
36:52 But I'm saying is it scriptural
36:53 here women's ordination as elders and pastors.
36:56 Not talking about many of them
36:57 I'm talking about two specific things
36:59 which really is one, ordination of.
37:04 Now think about historically speaking for years
37:08 some have been working
37:10 I want to say behind the scenes
37:11 and of course it eventually comes out.
37:14 Let me go back and I said
37:15 at the beginning across the 40 years
37:18 that would evidences of things that took place.
37:20 But you know there are years prior to that
37:21 there was lot of talk that's going on.
37:23 Let's go back to the year shall we, 1975.
37:27 It was voted on to allow--
37:29 listen-- women to be ordained as local elders.
37:36 Local, so they put their ordination into
37:40 maybe this the one little local church here.
37:43 Why, if you ordained by God or ordained by the church
37:48 but they said local elders.
37:51 And then that seem to quite the stem tight for a little bit
37:55 but then in 1984 the annual counsel reaffirmed
38:02 and opened it up a little bit wider
38:04 than it had been before
38:06 with churches wishing to ordain.
38:10 So you see it was it, it was just local
38:12 and then more people more ladies.
38:18 Said oh, let's open a little bit wider
38:20 so anyone wishing to--
38:23 now again is it biblical or is not.
38:25 That's not that it, are we wish,
38:26 we want to hold it, were you qualified
38:28 and we're schooled it has nothing to do
38:29 we're educated, it has nothing to do with that.
38:33 It has do whether it's biblical or not.
38:36 And so as we, we see the now we're it's leading us
38:39 into the discussion of women's ordination.
38:43 Remember, first it was local
38:45 and then it opened up to
38:47 many by that it kind of wants to
38:50 and then from that aspect it went.
38:51 So that's the way it always works.
38:53 It's always progressing.
38:54 It starts out a little bit and then pretty soon.
38:55 Now it's to the point of ordaining elders,
38:59 women elders and women pastors.
39:01 And remember what I said
39:03 "slash" if no difference in scripture
39:05 you can't find different definition.
39:07 So I think that's very important
39:08 for us to realize.
39:10 Now why did I remember why did I put it like this.
39:12 You know elders and elder and pastor
39:15 because again what scripture doesn't make
39:17 a difference between the two.
39:19 And now we jump up in 1994 at the annual counsel.
39:24 A request was made to the General Conference
39:26 to let each division decide whether or not to listen,
39:32 ordain qualified women without regard to gender.
39:38 Now you'll say, oh, well somebody go,
39:40 oh, that's wonderful it's not but well think with me.
39:43 Now why has it come to this point?
39:46 It's causing quite amount of disunion.
39:50 Lot of people there's lot of talk going on.
39:52 You may not be around. But I'm telling you.
39:54 There is and because you've got
39:58 some that are happy and some that are unhappy
40:00 we're trying to please everybody
40:02 rather than say what does God's Word says
40:04 this is where we stand.
40:06 This is where we're going to stand.
40:07 This is what God's Word says.
40:09 Why can't we do that regardless of the outcome of--
40:11 I'm saying let's stand on God's Word.
40:15 Remember it wasn't settled that's why these steps
40:17 and now this came about
40:18 because we allowed women to be ordained
40:21 what first as local elders but listen but not as pastors.
40:26 So how can you ordain the local elder
40:28 and then you can't you won't ordained them as a local pastor
40:31 because they're one in the same in Scripture
40:33 elders and pastor.
40:34 See, it's another problem there.
40:36 Because now you have the women elders
40:39 and now they're saying what.
40:40 Well, there's no difference so I should be a pastor.
40:43 I should be ordained as a pastor.
40:46 See situation just becomes so difficult
40:50 because now we must either allow that means what?
40:58 Go forward just accept what is already taken place
41:02 or I'm gonna use this word
41:03 that you don't want to hear we have to recant.
41:08 And my it's been an awful lot of years
41:10 and there's a lot of things that have went on.
41:15 So either we're to the point now
41:16 that we have to allow it
41:18 but remember when you allow what is already taken place
41:21 means that what, there is going to be more growth
41:24 and that's where we're at today.
41:27 Because we haven't setting precedence.
41:28 We haven't set this is the issue
41:30 this is the way that the Bible teaches.
41:32 And what we're going to have to what?
41:34 We're going to have to recant.
41:36 Now remember when you recant what does that do?
41:39 Well, some people say, well, it destroys.
41:42 They'll say what? It destroys our credibility.
41:46 Lot of people in the world and not only in the church
41:48 we never to admit them maybe we've made a mistake
41:51 or maybe we went the wrong direction.
41:52 And you know we'll say
41:54 well maybe our heart was in the right place
41:55 we meant well but we didn't line up with scripture
41:58 we didn't see it then but now we see it.
42:00 So wouldn't it be better say, well, I see that now right now.
42:03 Oh, my maybe we should recant.
42:09 I'm telling you this my brothers and sisters
42:11 to recant on something that maybe we have done.
42:14 And that's not Scriptural.
42:15 You're not going to loose credibility.
42:18 You're going to gain it.
42:21 Because people are going to see that as a people of God
42:23 that want to do the right thing
42:25 and they're going to get behind that.
42:28 And I remind you again any deviation
42:33 from the truth of God will be disastrous.
42:38 It will be-- any what?
42:42 I can't say it enough
42:43 because I realize some people are not grasping it.
42:46 Any deviation from the truth is going to be disastrous.
42:50 It may not be that moment
42:52 as we see these things been leading up for years.
42:56 And it has continue to progress until it was causing
42:58 you know division among God's people.
43:04 So if women can be ordained as elders,
43:10 if they can then they can be ordained as pastors.
43:14 That makes sense doesn't it?
43:15 If they can then sure they can be.
43:17 If Scripture allows.
43:22 If it is unbiblical we must oh,
43:26 I beg we must change our position.
43:29 We must line up with the Word of God
43:33 regardless of the cost.
43:36 God's-- you know God has a blueprint here for us
43:41 and that blueprint must be followed
43:43 without any kind of compromise.
43:46 I feel, I think, they're good,
43:49 it's wonderful, it's a best.
43:51 What does God's Word say?
43:53 This is what caused so much grief in this world
43:56 and causes among us today.
43:59 We have people who think well, its okay.
44:02 What does God's word say about it?
44:06 And if it's in God's word
44:07 and it is then it should be clear.
44:09 He doesn't just reveals He reveals to us.
44:13 If you want to study deep enough,
44:14 if you can get rid of your preconceived ideas of what
44:18 well it seems like it ought to emotions
44:20 and feelings and that, that the.
44:22 No, what does God's word say?
44:25 If we're wrong then God help us
44:26 we need to change our position,
44:28 we need to line up with the Word of God.
44:30 This is what I say. Right, there is a blueprint.
44:32 Let's follow that blueprint
44:34 and know without any type of compromise.
44:38 We cannot compromise the Word of God.
44:42 Now I will say this "I'm sure all of us agree.
44:45 I'm sure we all agree with that.
44:46 Oh, that's exactly right."
44:48 Do you know what? I will say this.
44:50 Your heart will soon be revealed.
44:53 You just said you just thought "oh I do I want to know.
44:57 And if it's what God said
44:58 then you know what your heart is going to be revealed
45:00 in little while as we do these studies.
45:03 As we really dealt in
45:04 and really begin to uncover some things.
45:07 But true unity, true harmony in the church,
45:10 comes about because we live in and we agree on truth.
45:17 Does that makes sense?
45:18 Unity comes did you get the church
45:20 comes about because we agree on and in truth.
45:24 As so long as I wonder
45:26 it's not unity the enemy is present.
45:28 So how can we continue to go on and on and on and on
45:31 and just well they think the way they want,
45:32 this division can do what they way,
45:34 they do what they want.
45:35 Why can't we come up with the thus sayeth the Lord
45:37 and say this is what the Bible says.
45:41 I don't want to be too difficult for you
45:43 but I want to please think
45:45 we must unity real unity man, sayeth the third time comes
45:50 because we agree on and in truth.
45:54 And we're willing to let our little selfish thoughts
45:56 and what we think are to happen
45:57 and because of the issue of ordination of women
46:03 raises a lot of questions and they need to be answered.
46:06 They should be answered.
46:07 But they have to be answered according to the Word of God.
46:09 We guess we have some time to go into few of those.
46:11 Let's just do but number one of four, five, six, seven--
46:14 here let's go in according to the time that we have.
46:17 This we know. I stand on this.
46:21 This we know.
46:23 There is no, record of any women
46:28 being ordained as an elder or pastor
46:31 in the New Testament.
46:33 Somebody didn't get that.
46:36 There is no record of any women being ordained
46:40 as elder or pastor in the New Testament.
46:44 Second point, in the Old Testament
46:48 women were never ordained as priest.
46:53 See there is reasons for all these.
46:54 Somebody would say "oh, it's the time in which live.
46:56 And that's the way they were educated."
46:58 I want you to say keep your mind and heart open
47:01 there are reasons why.
47:04 Three, Jesus--
47:07 Jesus did not appoint a single woman
47:12 to be an apostle, a disciple.
47:15 Disciple we have many men and women, apostle.
47:18 Never one.
47:19 Even though they were present and around Him
47:23 and played such an important vital role
47:26 in getting the Gospel preached to the world.
47:30 A vital role they played but it's interesting here
47:33 Jesus did not appoint a single women.
47:36 Men were in the New Testament, right,
47:39 ordained as elders and pastors but all of the sudden
47:41 now it's like the New Testament doesn't mean anything.
47:45 Let's go just a little bit deeper.
47:48 It deserves some thinking here.
47:51 You remember what a disciples
47:52 there was a time coming where that came
47:54 when that was one that needed to be replaced
47:56 do you remember that.
47:57 I sure you do. That going into One Apostle.
48:00 Acts Chapter 1 talks about that.
48:02 And with when this appointment came to
48:06 appointment of one who had left
48:09 a male was chosen.
48:14 There were women present at that time at that meeting
48:17 in Acts Chapter 1
48:18 but a male was still chosen to replace the one who is left.
48:25 These are worth thinking about.
48:26 There's a reason.
48:27 Remember, the Bible there're examples
48:29 for us to follow.
48:31 Five, gets heavy duty,
48:33 oh we're get lot more heavy duties
48:34 as we get into this but listen
48:36 Paul's letter interesting I think about there's a lot.
48:41 People love Paul.
48:43 They love to talk about it
48:44 except when they don't want to hear something.
48:47 Then they say how confusing he is
48:48 and why didn't but isn't just plain language
48:51 where we can understand it.
48:52 Just give us simple English. You ever heard that.
48:56 Well, if we just said it simply he'll know how.
48:57 You know, Paul
48:58 and I've heard all kinds of excuses about this.
49:00 And I'll think I've probably made some in times past.
49:03 But notice what Paul says it.
49:04 Now listen, I'm not going to go into detail
49:06 we don't have time today.
49:07 But I will on this verse.
49:09 Now let me just read it to you.
49:11 1 Timothy 2:12, now remember Paul writing to Timothy
49:16 and to Titus-- it contained information-- listen,
49:21 it contained information that only men could function
49:25 or hold the office of an elder or pastor.
49:30 Only, now either he was oh, be careful.
49:33 He is either out of his mind.
49:35 He was even not led by the Holy Spirit or he was.
49:40 Information he gives does not allow a women
49:42 to fulfill that office.
49:45 And you will see as we study on the reasons why.
49:48 In fact, he said it seems rather harsh.
49:53 Paul said this in 1 Timothy 2:12.
49:56 He said, "But I suffer not a woman to teach."
50:03 And then he goes on.
50:07 "Nor to allow usurp authority over the man."
50:10 Assume that,
50:12 "Over the man, but to be in silence."
50:16 What does that mean?
50:18 Usurp authority to assume authority
50:22 over the man but to be in silent.
50:24 You'll say hear
50:25 that's some thing is wrong with this guy.
50:26 All the other time you read these writings
50:27 oh, how wonderful he is.
50:28 You know man, they did not communicated
50:30 with Christ Himself.
50:32 He was led by the Holy Ghost.
50:33 He was ordained by the Holy Spirit first
50:36 but because Paul would had a worldwide work
50:38 as it were in where he was at.
50:39 What happened?
50:41 He had an ordination of men too.
50:44 But all of the sudden here wasn't to be bit silent
50:47 and then he gives you couple of reasons over these
50:49 we will dissect as we go.
50:50 So please just don't turn it off.
50:53 Now he either said I suffer not a woman to teach,
50:55 or to you have authority over the man
50:57 but being silence.
51:00 And then in verse 13, same chapter.
51:02 He gives a reason why-- he says
51:03 "For Adam was first formed, and then Eve."
51:07 And then verse 14 he says "Adam was not deceived,
51:11 but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
51:16 So he gives two reasons
51:17 for why he is making this statement.
51:19 He either is another guidance of the Holy Spirit
51:21 or he is not.
51:22 Let's not try to make excuses
51:23 and try to say well that's the way
51:25 it was in the day and...
51:29 A woman being deceived was in transgression.
51:33 Do we really believe today that Jesus Christ
51:36 is the one who organized the New Testament Church?
51:39 We just read when we start, do you remember,
51:41 from this rock I will build my church.
51:43 The rock is Jesus Christ. Oh, yeah.
51:47 And we realize as Jesus build or organized this church
51:51 He chose as representatives, He chose as leaders,
51:55 He chose leaders and He gave them authority
51:58 to speak in His name.
51:59 Do you remember reading those things?
52:01 Sure, Matthew 16:18-19-- Ephesians 4:11-13.
52:07 Jesus organized the first church.
52:11 The New Testament church interesting.
52:15 So as He organizes we look about
52:17 you know any then deviation from this Gospel order
52:21 can and will cause dissension.
52:24 So wouldn't it be saved?
52:26 Somebody stay when they wouldn't it saved
52:28 if we follow the way that Christ set up the church.
52:31 Wouldn't it be saved rather than making excuses and--
52:39 Acts of the Apostles page 87 says this.
52:41 It brings out to me it's real good food for thought
52:44 concerning the time of Pentecost
52:47 and the unity that existed.
52:50 Notice what it says.
52:51 It says, "Despite the former prejudices
52:54 all were in harmony with one another.
52:57 Satan knew that so long as this union right
53:01 continued to exist,
53:03 he would be powerless to check
53:05 the progress of the gospel truth."
53:07 See the enemy knows this today too
53:09 as long as there is unity among the believers
53:13 the enemy cannot hold back the gospel.
53:17 He saw to take advantage of I'm reading on
53:20 former habits of thought in the hope
53:25 therefore he might be able to introduce
53:27 notice in to the church elements of disunion."
53:32 New teachings so what did the enemy.
53:36 He is seen that as we work together
53:38 and we have unity that we can stick together
53:40 that he cannot prohibit the Gospel
53:42 from going to all over the world.
53:44 But so then he begins to introduced.
53:46 You know remember former habits and thoughts
53:50 of those who may be belonged to another church
53:52 or another denomination and he wants to bring those in
53:55 and all of the sudden we are starting to hear
53:56 some new teachings.
54:01 Praise God for everybody that He is bringing in.
54:04 Praise God for all of those people
54:06 but listen there is a word of caution quickly
54:08 before we have our prayer here.
54:10 Many people who come in to this movement today
54:13 they bring in with them some baggage
54:16 of their former believes of their church.
54:19 The style, the thought, the words, the phrases.
54:22 You know and eventually things are said like this,
54:25 well, we used to do this in our my old church.
54:31 Again does that line up with God's word
54:34 if not let's leave it behind.
54:36 He's called you out of that.
54:39 Now if that in mind we're gonna have to end
54:40 because our time is running out.
54:42 That's the just the first part we're getting into it.
54:44 It get's deeper and maybe more difficult for some
54:46 but hopefully it will be more enlightening.
54:48 Now I want you to pray with me right now
54:50 that our hearts and minds will be open to receive that
54:52 which God has in mind.
54:54 So we can't just have
54:56 what we wanted to be a certain way.
54:58 We look at the New Testament church
55:00 and how Jesus set it up and we want to follow that.
55:02 We get a more depth in that but let's pray about it now
55:04 that our hearts and minds will be opened to receive
55:06 that which we've heard.
55:08 Merciful Father in heaven,
55:09 we thank You for Your precious word.
55:10 We thank You that you set the example
55:12 and so we need to follow in Your footsteps.
55:14 And as we love You and we want to serve You
55:16 so we pray your Holy Spirit
55:17 now we'll continue to impress us
55:19 the need to follow your word
55:21 regardless of what the majority may do.
55:23 We love You and we want to follow You.
55:25 Help us now and we pray that things we have heard
55:27 that we may be decipher them by the Holy Spirit
55:29 in Jesus name we pray and for His sake, amen.
55:33 Now praise the Lord.
55:34 We're always glad that you spend sometime with us.
55:36 We enjoy your cards
55:37 and you letters and your phone calls
55:39 and we get them and lot of books
55:40 that we send out.
55:41 And we're thrilled to be able to do that.
55:42 We'll be able to thrill to come into your house.
55:44 We're thrilled that people are saying
55:45 we're watching these programs and watching 3ABN
55:47 and we're watching you all the time.
55:49 Well, we praise God for that.
55:50 We feel our responsibility to
55:52 you know to just bring the truth out.
55:54 As the Bible teaches us.
55:55 And it's very important that we do that
55:57 in this hour that we live.
55:58 We appreciate you we love you,
55:59 we appreciate those again those cards and letters
56:01 and your offerings that you send,
56:03 praise God for that.
56:04 Helps us to continue to get this message into all the world
56:07 and continue to help us, to do that.
56:09 Pray for us we'll be praying for you.
56:10 We'll see you next time.
56:14 Hello and welcome back, friends.
56:16 Today's message was the first of the three part series
56:19 that we have entitled "Women's Ordination."
56:22 Pastor Kenny began today to bring to us
56:25 what he's been studying
56:27 and to the Lord's guidance on this subject.
56:29 The good news there is more to come.
56:32 So if the question of women's ordination specifically
56:36 to the office of an elder or pastor
56:38 doesn't quite seem clear in your mind just jet.
56:41 Please plan to tune in
56:43 for the next two studies on this topic
56:46 or better yet call us today
56:47 and order this three part series
56:49 for your very own.
56:51 This series is entitled "Women's Ordination"
56:54 and it's being made available to you
56:56 for a love gift of just $23 or more.
56:59 Having this series on hand as a tool
57:01 that you may use to help others
57:03 as well as yourself over and over again.
57:07 And always please always remember that
57:09 every donation that you make to Behold The Lamb ministries
57:13 enables us to continue to bring these timely messages to you
57:18 and then many other friends around the world.
57:20 All you to do is contact us here at the ministry
57:24 by calling us in the United States
57:26 at area code 618- 942-5044.
57:31 That's central standard time
57:33 or write to us at Behold the Lamb Ministries
57:36 PO Box 2030, Herrin, IL 62948.
57:42 You may also email us
57:44 at BeholdtheLambMinisteries
57:47 or you may order these messages on our website
57:50 at www.
57:55 My precious friends until next time
57:57 may our Lord continue to bless you and yours.


Revised 2014-12-17