Hello, and welcome to Behold the Lambs Presents. 00:00:42.12\00:00:44.92 A program that is dedicated to preparing a people to me 00:00:44.93\00:00:48.84 our Lord and Savior at His soon return. 00:00:48.85\00:00:51.64 And I want to give you a warm welcome 00:00:51.68\00:00:53.58 for tuning to today. 00:00:53.59\00:00:54.79 I'm Chris Shelton, your host. 00:00:54.80\00:00:56.89 And today's message is a third in a five, 00:00:56.90\00:00:59.45 four part series, excuse me, that we have entitled, 00:00:59.46\00:01:03.03 "The Plain, Straight Testimony Must Live." 00:01:03.04\00:01:06.57 And it is presented by 00:01:06.58\00:01:07.55 my husband, Pastor Kenny Shelton. 00:01:07.56\00:01:10.01 During this series, we have been learning 00:01:10.02\00:01:12.06 about our God given responsibility 00:01:12.07\00:01:14.63 as individuals as well as the church. 00:01:14.64\00:01:17.80 We've studied about the sin problem 00:01:17.81\00:01:20.07 and how it separates us from God. 00:01:20.08\00:01:22.77 I believe that we are getting a much clearer vision 00:01:22.78\00:01:26.31 of just how important it is 00:01:26.32\00:01:29.02 in our walk with Christ to get sin 00:01:29.03\00:01:30.92 and all of its various forms completely out 00:01:30.93\00:01:34.42 of our minds and out of our lives. 00:01:34.43\00:01:37.01 We realize this is truly a spiritual battle 00:01:37.02\00:01:40.57 that we cannot, that we cannot overcome on our own, 00:01:40.58\00:01:45.40 we must have a living relationship with Christ, 00:01:45.41\00:01:49.33 we must have His spirit living within us to fight for us, 00:01:49.34\00:01:53.40 and we must constantly be 00:01:53.41\00:01:56.26 in His word claiming His promises for victory. 00:01:56.27\00:02:00.43 I'd like to share just one of those 00:02:00.44\00:02:02.31 beautiful promises and this is found in 00:02:02.32\00:02:04.18 the Book of Psalms Chapter 51 and verses 10 through 12. 00:02:04.19\00:02:08.57 Read along with me, would you? 00:02:08.58\00:02:10.46 It reads. 00:02:10.47\00:02:11.84 "Create in me a clean heart, O God, 00:02:11.85\00:02:14.45 and renew a right spirit within me. 00:02:14.46\00:02:18.14 Cast me not away from thy presence, 00:02:18.15\00:02:20.68 and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. 00:02:20.69\00:02:23.71 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, 00:02:23.72\00:02:27.56 and uphold me with thy free spirit." 00:02:27.57\00:02:31.18 You know, brother and sisters, 00:02:31.19\00:02:33.02 we need to learn to claim verses such as these, 00:02:33.03\00:02:36.33 because there is truly a transforming power 00:02:36.34\00:02:39.96 in God's word, and in many cases, 00:02:39.97\00:02:43.19 you know, God is just simply waiting for us 00:02:43.20\00:02:45.74 to call upon Him for help, likewise, 00:02:45.75\00:02:49.06 we pray that His transforming power 00:02:49.07\00:02:52.30 will touch your heart today 00:02:52.31\00:02:54.55 in a very special way as we present 00:02:54.56\00:02:58.06 "The Plain, Straight Testimony Must Live," part three, 00:02:58.07\00:03:01.39 but first we are blessed to listen 00:03:01.40\00:03:04.08 to a song that is entitled "Learning to Lean" 00:03:04.09\00:03:07.10 as sung by Donna Shurley and Jack Crosby 00:03:07.11\00:03:10.44 and brought to us from the 3ABN Worship Center. 00:03:10.45\00:03:15.06 Learning to lean, Learning to lean, 00:03:19.80\00:03:26.15 I'm learning to lean on Jesus Finding more power 00:03:26.16\00:03:42.04 than I've ever dreamed I'm learning to lean on Jesus. 00:03:42.05\00:03:57.56 A joy I can't explain is filling my soul, 00:03:57.57\00:04:06.85 Since the day I met Jesus, my King His blessed 00:04:06.86\00:04:18.26 Holy Spirit is leading my way, 00:04:18.27\00:04:25.12 He's teaching and I'm learning to lean. 00:04:25.13\00:04:35.04 Learning to lean, Learning to lean, 00:04:35.05\00:04:43.48 I'm learning to lean on Jesus Finding more power 00:04:43.49\00:04:57.57 than I've ever dreamed I'm learning to lean on Jesus. 00:04:57.58\00:05:13.28 There's glorious victory each day now for me, 00:05:13.29\00:05:22.45 As I dwell in His peace so serene, 00:05:22.46\00:05:31.39 He helps me with each task if only I ask, 00:05:31.40\00:05:40.90 Every day now, I am learning to lean. 00:05:40.91\00:05:50.64 Learning to lean, Learning to lean, 00:05:50.65\00:05:56.94 I'm learning to lean on Jesus Finding more power 00:05:56.95\00:06:13.17 than I've ever dreamed I'm learning to lean on Jesus, 00:06:13.18\00:06:26.63 I'm learning to lean on Jesus. 00:06:26.64\00:06:38.04 Welcome, praise the Lord. 00:06:43.35\00:06:44.53 We're glad you joined us today. 00:06:44.54\00:06:45.79 We have an exciting study and as you've already heard, 00:06:45.80\00:06:48.74 you know, this is the third part of a four part series, 00:06:48.75\00:06:52.20 talking about the plain, dealing with 00:06:52.21\00:06:53.92 "The Plain Straight Testimony." 00:06:53.93\00:06:55.57 Where? In the church, among God's people. 00:06:55.58\00:06:58.51 So, you know, this is an issue that we have to deal with 00:06:58.52\00:07:01.79 as God's people. 00:07:01.80\00:07:03.25 Because, you know, the hour in which we live. 00:07:03.26\00:07:05.33 The Lord is what? Purging a people. 00:07:05.34\00:07:07.58 He's cleansing a church, He wants to use you, 00:07:07.59\00:07:10.16 He wants to use me, and while sin is running ramped 00:07:10.17\00:07:13.28 in the church and we are allowing it to, 00:07:13.29\00:07:15.24 God cannot bless us. 00:07:15.25\00:07:16.96 Why don't we pray ask the power 00:07:16.97\00:07:18.84 of the Holy Spirit now to be with us? 00:07:18.85\00:07:21.16 This is very, very important for those you maybe who are 00:07:21.17\00:07:23.79 new in the faith that you always pray 00:07:23.80\00:07:26.41 and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance 00:07:26.42\00:07:28.95 before you get into the word. 00:07:28.96\00:07:30.24 That's what we're going to do. 00:07:30.25\00:07:31.22 I'm going to kneel right here and where it's possible. 00:07:31.23\00:07:32.88 Why don't some of you kneel with me and if not 00:07:32.89\00:07:34.89 send up a prayer right quick that the Holy Spirit 00:07:34.90\00:07:37.05 will help us as we study the word of God together. 00:07:37.06\00:07:42.59 Kind loving heavenly Father, once again as we come 00:07:42.60\00:07:44.86 before thee, we sense our need of a Savior, 00:07:44.87\00:07:47.95 we invite the Holy Spirit 00:07:47.96\00:07:49.26 to come near to our hearts, to our minds. 00:07:49.27\00:07:52.03 How desperately we need the understanding of scripture. 00:07:52.04\00:07:55.38 We do not want to be deceived, 00:07:55.39\00:07:57.13 we live in an hour where the enemy is working overtime 00:07:57.14\00:08:00.63 and the only safe guard 00:08:00.64\00:08:02.23 that we have are the scriptures, 00:08:02.24\00:08:04.53 help us to hide them deep in our heart and in our mind, 00:08:04.54\00:08:06.98 help us to understand what truth is, 00:08:06.99\00:08:09.01 and then help us in our understanding 00:08:09.02\00:08:11.31 of the responsibility that we have 00:08:11.32\00:08:13.44 as a child of God belonging to the remnant church. 00:08:13.45\00:08:17.54 Give You praise, give You honor, give You glory, 00:08:17.55\00:08:19.97 open up the ears, eyes, and the minds 00:08:19.98\00:08:21.65 of every individual who hears this message 00:08:21.66\00:08:23.98 that we maybe convicted 00:08:23.99\00:08:25.78 and converted in Jesus' name, amen. 00:08:25.79\00:08:30.39 Again, we always invite you to be sure 00:08:30.40\00:08:32.10 and take a pencil and paper 00:08:32.11\00:08:33.28 and you will hear this all the time 00:08:33.29\00:08:34.99 because I know that we cover things rather quickly, 00:08:35.00\00:08:37.44 we have just a certain amount of time, 00:08:37.45\00:08:39.23 lot of material. 00:08:39.24\00:08:40.76 So in this series, please, keep this in mind, 00:08:40.77\00:08:43.88 we're only, we're only scratching the surface 00:08:43.89\00:08:46.69 of the material that is available for your study 00:08:46.70\00:08:49.73 and for mine on this subject and it's vital. 00:08:49.74\00:08:52.48 So we're trying to pick out the vital important topic 00:08:52.49\00:08:55.49 in this, in the series that we're doing right now 00:08:55.50\00:08:57.83 because it's vital to the church. 00:08:57.84\00:08:59.21 And so I just encourage you to make sure you right down 00:08:59.22\00:09:01.94 what you can and then study 00:09:01.95\00:09:03.24 to show yourself approved unto God. 00:09:03.25\00:09:06.50 Recap, you know, on this series here 00:09:06.51\00:09:08.64 we've been trying to recap in case you missed last week. 00:09:08.65\00:09:12.06 And here's a recap. 00:09:12.07\00:09:13.04 Here's, here's what we learned and this is 00:09:13.05\00:09:14.43 also a lot in a matter of, you know, 45 or 50 minutes, 00:09:14.44\00:09:17.23 but we're gonna recap it. 00:09:17.24\00:09:18.54 And number one, the names of those who sinned, 00:09:18.55\00:09:21.07 notice this, and refuse to repent should not 00:09:21.08\00:09:24.85 be retained on the church books." 00:09:24.86\00:09:26.95 Oh, that's big and that will stir up 00:09:26.96\00:09:29.10 a little group over here that are gonna have 00:09:29.11\00:09:30.84 their heads and their mouth talking to, 00:09:30.85\00:09:32.29 hey, listen, we prove that from God's word 00:09:32.30\00:09:35.26 and from the Spirit of Prophecy. 00:09:35.27\00:09:37.25 Names of those who refuse to do what? 00:09:37.26\00:09:39.57 To repent should not be retained on the church books. 00:09:39.58\00:09:43.15 Number two, destruction of Jerusalem, you know, 70 A.D. 00:09:43.16\00:09:47.53 that's that stands as a warning to Modern Israel, 00:09:47.54\00:09:50.20 that's us Modern Israel is a warning right here, 00:09:50.21\00:09:52.78 that the correction through His chosen instruments. 00:09:52.79\00:09:56.37 Remember, God chose us 00:09:56.38\00:09:58.25 to deal with the sin issue in the church. 00:09:58.26\00:10:01.34 And failure to go along with His chosen instruments 00:10:01.35\00:10:04.33 cannot be disregarded without punishment. 00:10:04.34\00:10:07.57 So, if we disregard what the messenger 00:10:07.58\00:10:10.03 of God is telling us today, 00:10:10.04\00:10:11.49 there's going to be punishment, 00:10:11.50\00:10:13.88 and there is going to be loss. 00:10:13.89\00:10:15.06 God will allow it to happen. 00:10:15.07\00:10:16.16 Number three, because of neglect of the father. 00:10:16.17\00:10:19.11 You remember, Eli the priest, 00:10:19.12\00:10:21.07 because he did not fulfill his parental duty 00:10:21.08\00:10:25.68 and responsibility, to reprove and you know it says, 00:10:25.69\00:10:28.61 "We learn to restrain his two sons that it caused 00:10:28.62\00:10:33.51 disaster to come up on all of Israel." 00:10:33.52\00:10:36.63 Keep that in mind because we're studying here 00:10:36.64\00:10:38.48 about "Plain Straight Testimony" 00:10:38.49\00:10:41.07 must exist in God's church, must live. 00:10:41.08\00:10:44.89 Now remember, because of Eli not doing his job 00:10:44.90\00:10:48.23 as a father, as a priest, and because of his two sons, 00:10:48.24\00:10:52.48 Israel suffered, so that shows what, 00:10:52.49\00:10:55.18 if there's sin existing in and around God's people 00:10:55.19\00:10:57.91 and you don't deal with it, everyone is going to suffer. 00:10:57.92\00:11:01.51 Number three, number four, those who profess 00:11:01.52\00:11:04.05 to be entrusted with the safe keeping 00:11:04.06\00:11:06.54 of God's Ten Commandments." 00:11:06.55\00:11:08.22 Who is that? 00:11:08.23\00:11:09.71 Those who say, 00:11:09.72\00:11:11.76 ''We're guarding the Ten Commandments." 00:11:11.77\00:11:13.71 You know, we, God has given to us right here. 00:11:13.72\00:11:15.94 Notice this, "Must not flatter themselves, 00:11:15.95\00:11:18.40 and I've heard people say this a lot, 00:11:18.41\00:11:20.22 that "God will preserve them from divine judgment." 00:11:20.23\00:11:23.62 We've learned this, why? 00:11:23.63\00:11:25.00 If they refuse to correct wrongs. 00:11:25.01\00:11:28.25 They say, well, because we, the Ten Commandments 00:11:28.26\00:11:30.75 and we're advocating the Ten Commandments, 00:11:30.76\00:11:32.15 God is not going to reprove us. 00:11:32.16\00:11:34.05 Oh, friends, you remember what we've read there 00:11:34.06\00:11:36.38 in Jeremiah Chapter 7. 00:11:36.39\00:11:38.18 What did they, God's people say back then? 00:11:38.19\00:11:40.47 The temple, the temple, the temple like that 00:11:40.48\00:11:42.35 was going to protect them and keep them. 00:11:42.36\00:11:44.81 We have to and God reproves us, 00:11:44.82\00:11:46.60 we have to correct those things. 00:11:46.61\00:11:48.84 Number five, we must be sighing and crying 00:11:48.85\00:11:50.89 for all the abomination that be done. 00:11:50.90\00:11:53.47 Notice, sighing and crying for the abomination 00:11:53.48\00:11:55.84 that be done as they're affecting 00:11:55.85\00:11:57.98 us spiritually, and that, 00:11:57.99\00:11:59.98 we're talking sighing and crying, dear friends, 00:11:59.99\00:12:01.74 I don't know how many is doing that today, 00:12:01.75\00:12:03.02 but we need to pray that God will help us along that line. 00:12:03.03\00:12:05.25 Seven, if we develop a pure love for God, 00:12:05.26\00:12:08.93 think about this, and we become jealous 00:12:08.94\00:12:11.39 for His honor and for His glory, 00:12:11.40\00:12:14.53 and we're lifting up His name. 00:12:14.54\00:12:16.49 The Holy Spirit, listen to this, 00:12:16.50\00:12:18.37 the Holy Spirit will give you and will give me 00:12:18.38\00:12:21.71 clear insight to sin in the church, 00:12:21.72\00:12:25.64 sin in our own life. 00:12:25.65\00:12:27.30 But we have to love him with all of our heart, 00:12:27.31\00:12:29.91 He'll give us a clear view of wrongs and sin among us. 00:12:29.92\00:12:34.19 See, some people can't understand 00:12:34.20\00:12:35.65 that there's sin among us, 00:12:35.66\00:12:36.77 they don't understand because we're so, what? 00:12:36.78\00:12:38.43 Clouded by the old enemy and things of this world, 00:12:38.44\00:12:41.76 but if we put God first and we love Him, 00:12:41.77\00:12:43.59 He will make those things clear. 00:12:43.60\00:12:45.53 We also studied something 00:12:45.54\00:12:46.63 that was very, maybe shocking to some. 00:12:46.64\00:12:48.13 Number nine, eight, idolatry. 00:12:48.14\00:12:50.70 What is idol? 00:12:50.71\00:12:52.11 Idol can be anything that that we put before God, 00:12:52.12\00:12:55.03 anything that we won't give up. 00:12:55.04\00:12:57.99 Now think about that just for a second. 00:12:58.00\00:13:00.58 And we even covered some of these things 00:13:00.59\00:13:02.34 about idols, you remember? 00:13:02.35\00:13:03.81 Demon worship, part of, was what? 00:13:03.82\00:13:06.93 Trying to have communication with the dead. 00:13:06.94\00:13:09.69 We talked about needless ornaments of gold and silver 00:13:09.70\00:13:13.86 and jewelry, think about it, image making, 00:13:13.87\00:13:18.07 false doctrine, gambling, horse racing. 00:13:18.08\00:13:20.35 You remember all these things, tobacco, alcohol, 00:13:20.36\00:13:22.37 drugs, appetite, lust of the flesh, 00:13:22.38\00:13:25.95 we talked about theater going, human talent, oh, 00:13:25.96\00:13:29.87 how we lift up human beings rather than the name 00:13:29.88\00:13:31.56 of Jesus, selfishness, idolizing of what? 00:13:31.57\00:13:35.13 idolizing of men, too much important 00:13:35.14\00:13:37.55 to placed upon holidays. 00:13:37.56\00:13:38.78 All of these things deal with idolatry 00:13:38.79\00:13:41.58 or the abomination, sighing and crying 00:13:41.59\00:13:44.03 for the abomination done within the church. 00:13:44.04\00:13:46.15 Number nine, last one, we're going over. 00:13:46.16\00:13:47.63 It says, "When trouble arises 00:13:47.64\00:13:49.41 between church members? 00:13:49.42\00:13:50.52 And I'll tell you, I don't know, 00:13:50.53\00:13:51.70 I've been in the movement a longtime, 00:13:51.71\00:13:54.05 I don't think I've ever seen or maybe even heard of this 00:13:54.06\00:13:58.27 being implemented, that when trouble rises 00:13:58.28\00:14:01.36 between church members and we're kind of 00:14:01.37\00:14:03.05 going back and forth, notice those, 00:14:03.06\00:14:04.93 the church members are to be, 00:14:04.94\00:14:06.32 notice the word, suspended from the church 00:14:06.33\00:14:10.29 until the issues are worked out, why? 00:14:10.30\00:14:11.92 Because it causes all kinds of division, 00:14:11.93\00:14:13.95 people start taking sides, gossiping and backbiting. 00:14:13.96\00:14:17.50 But you know, if we just simply follow 00:14:17.51\00:14:19.47 God's word and it's tough. 00:14:19.48\00:14:22.00 Oh, we don't want to, somebody, 00:14:22.01\00:14:23.64 we're interested in what God thinks about us, aren't we? 00:14:23.65\00:14:25.95 And some people, they're not calling sin 00:14:25.96\00:14:28.10 by the right name, 00:14:28.11\00:14:29.34 found a quote I want to share with you. 00:14:29.35\00:14:30.73 And I'm doing quickly here today, 00:14:30.74\00:14:32.06 there's so much to cover, but. 00:14:32.07\00:14:33.36 In Four Testimonies 185, notice this, 00:14:33.37\00:14:36.35 "Those who seek to cloak sin and make it appear less 00:14:36.36\00:14:41.94 aggravating to the mind of the offender are doing 00:14:41.95\00:14:46.04 the work of the false prophet and may expect 00:14:46.05\00:14:49.81 the retributive wrath of God to follow such a course." 00:14:49.82\00:14:53.76 What does that mean? 00:14:53.77\00:14:55.41 In other words, you know, somebody into something 00:14:55.42\00:14:57.30 they shouldn't be into and it's just dead wrong 00:14:57.31\00:14:59.18 and you try to make light of it. 00:14:59.19\00:15:00.96 Or pat him on the back and say, yeah, well, 00:15:00.97\00:15:02.86 God knows it's gonna be all right. 00:15:02.87\00:15:04.66 Friend, you cannot do that. 00:15:04.67\00:15:07.27 You make it appear less 00:15:07.28\00:15:08.68 aggravating to the, to the offender. 00:15:08.69\00:15:11.23 We have to let the offender know that it's offensive to God 00:15:11.24\00:15:14.43 and that God wants us to give us victory in those areas. 00:15:14.44\00:15:17.17 You know, no man can be forced to sin. 00:15:18.26\00:15:20.34 We've been, we've been going through these issues. 00:15:20.35\00:15:22.40 And I hear people saying, "Well, he force me 00:15:22.41\00:15:24.09 "into the corner, he made me do it, 00:15:24.10\00:15:26.17 situation dictated that I do these things." 00:15:26.18\00:15:28.67 No man can be forced to sin. 00:15:28.68\00:15:31.20 First of all, he must consent, 00:15:31.21\00:15:34.40 the act is first played out where? 00:15:34.41\00:15:36.12 Good, in the mind and then, 00:15:36.13\00:15:38.18 you know, when this is done 00:15:38.19\00:15:39.16 then it affects man's reasoning, his power, 00:15:39.17\00:15:41.58 his moral powers, and then he's subject 00:15:41.59\00:15:43.95 to the enemy, he's weaken. 00:15:43.96\00:15:47.02 Friend, we don't want to be weaken, temptation. 00:15:47.03\00:15:49.18 However strong, when I read this, it just jarred me. 00:15:49.19\00:15:52.24 Temptation, regardless of how strong 00:15:52.25\00:15:54.80 is never an excuse for sin. 00:15:54.81\00:15:57.35 Wow! See, God knows the natural heart. 00:15:57.36\00:16:00.95 He knows what you're going through right now. 00:16:00.96\00:16:03.60 See, some of you're saying, boy, we receive some letters 00:16:03.61\00:16:06.00 and, boy, when we just read an email the other night, 00:16:06.01\00:16:08.10 it just, it made you weep when you got done, 00:16:08.11\00:16:10.49 what this individual had been through and going through. 00:16:10.50\00:16:12.89 And just the heart cry was there is no hope for me 00:16:12.90\00:16:16.64 because I'm so vile, I'm so dirty, I'm an abuser, 00:16:16.65\00:16:20.16 I've hurt my children, I've hurt my grandchildren, 00:16:20.17\00:16:22.45 hurt everybody that come in contact with. 00:16:22.46\00:16:25.02 Friend, let me encourage you, there is hope for you today, 00:16:25.03\00:16:27.08 there is hope for me today, we've got to get beyond 00:16:27.09\00:16:29.96 looking at ourself, we've got, 00:16:29.97\00:16:31.39 we've got to get to the point of looking 00:16:31.40\00:16:32.76 to the promises of God and how good He is 00:16:32.77\00:16:34.95 and how much He loves you and loves me. 00:16:34.96\00:16:37.14 There is hope for you today, 00:16:37.15\00:16:38.59 regardless of how low maybe you have sunk. 00:16:38.60\00:16:43.00 God's willing to reach down in the mud 00:16:43.01\00:16:44.92 and drag you and me up, praise God, 00:16:44.93\00:16:46.53 dust us off, clean us off. 00:16:46.54\00:16:49.86 God can pull us out of these situations. 00:16:49.87\00:16:51.88 We can count on God. 00:16:51.89\00:16:53.47 Oh, I tell you, I get encouraged 00:16:53.48\00:16:54.45 when I read the word in Psalms 34 verse 15, 00:16:54.46\00:16:57.34 notice this, it says, 00:16:57.35\00:16:58.32 "The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous." 00:16:58.33\00:17:02.13 Somebody didn't get that. 00:17:02.14\00:17:03.81 The eyes of the Lord are over what? 00:17:03.82\00:17:06.99 Are over the, oh, over the righteous 00:17:07.00\00:17:10.00 and His ears are open to their cry. 00:17:10.01\00:17:13.83 Interesting, He chooses the word here 00:17:13.84\00:17:15.46 and He's writing here under inspiration, He said, 00:17:15.47\00:17:18.24 "The Lord's eyes are over the righteous." 00:17:18.25\00:17:21.19 Those who are trying to do the right thing, 00:17:21.20\00:17:23.77 God hears their cry. 00:17:23.78\00:17:26.03 And I said, cry, what does that really mean 00:17:26.04\00:17:27.52 in original language? 00:17:27.53\00:17:28.72 It says, help, they're needing some, 00:17:28.73\00:17:30.82 they're needing some help, they want to be freed 00:17:30.83\00:17:33.68 from the trouble that they're in and God hears them, 00:17:33.69\00:17:36.86 isn't that wonderful? 00:17:36.87\00:17:40.13 Somebody said sometime, I just can't seem to help it, 00:17:40.14\00:17:42.62 sin is just there, we don't know 00:17:42.63\00:17:43.90 how to deal with the sin issue. 00:17:43.91\00:17:45.24 And you're saying, how can sin just, 00:17:45.25\00:17:47.58 how could it be eradicated from my life? 00:17:47.59\00:17:49.54 Let me just give you a one line 00:17:49.55\00:17:50.76 and I'm telling it's very interesting. 00:17:50.77\00:17:52.33 Five Testimonies, 177, makes this powerful statement. 00:17:52.34\00:17:56.94 "If we would not commit sin." Where are you at today? 00:17:56.95\00:18:00.40 Where am I at today? Think about it with me. 00:18:00.41\00:18:03.25 If I would not commit sin, otherwise, 00:18:03.26\00:18:05.92 I don't want to commit sin, and Lord, 00:18:05.93\00:18:07.56 I don't want to commit it, so if I would not commit sin, 00:18:07.57\00:18:10.19 notice this, here's the key. 00:18:10.20\00:18:12.06 "I must shun its very beginnings." 00:18:12.07\00:18:16.76 If I would not sin, what? 00:18:16.77\00:18:18.46 I must shun its very beginnings, 00:18:18.47\00:18:21.68 sin has a beginning. 00:18:21.69\00:18:23.53 Oh dear, friend, sin has what? 00:18:23.54\00:18:27.24 It has a beginning. And then it goes on. 00:18:27.25\00:18:30.71 "Every unholy thought must be instantly repelled." 00:18:30.72\00:18:36.05 Instantly repelled, you can't think on it, 00:18:36.06\00:18:38.28 you can't meditate on something that's evil, 00:18:38.29\00:18:40.15 something you know it's not right, 00:18:40.16\00:18:41.86 the devil will have you in just a moment. 00:18:41.87\00:18:43.81 You're not that big that you can fight him, 00:18:43.82\00:18:45.62 you need help, and I need help. 00:18:45.63\00:18:48.92 Friend, this is James 1:15. 00:18:48.93\00:18:52.58 If we don't instantly cry out for help, 00:18:52.59\00:18:55.81 if we would not sin, if we're gonna, say, 00:18:55.82\00:18:58.96 well, we can't shun it from the very beginning, 00:18:58.97\00:19:00.85 we're gonna have to dilly dally around with it. 00:19:00.86\00:19:03.21 Look, what the results will be? 00:19:03.22\00:19:04.95 James 1:15, it said, when lust hath, what? 00:19:04.96\00:19:08.57 Has conceived, it bringeth forth, what? 00:19:08.58\00:19:11.62 Sin. And then the Bible says, and sin, 00:19:11.63\00:19:14.82 when it is finished, bringeth forth, what? 00:19:14.83\00:19:18.16 Death. Oh, we don't know that. 00:19:18.17\00:19:21.16 Question, if you ever fallen in the sin, have you ever? 00:19:21.17\00:19:24.71 Oh, don't say, no, no, I have. 00:19:24.72\00:19:27.11 Yes, you have. 00:19:27.12\00:19:28.57 Bible said, "All have sinned 00:19:28.58\00:19:29.55 and come short of the glory of God." 00:19:29.56\00:19:31.04 So let's be realistic, shall we, 00:19:31.05\00:19:32.82 let's put it on the line, we're all worthy of death, 00:19:32.83\00:19:34.87 we've all sinned come short to the glory of God, 00:19:34.88\00:19:37.18 but we're looking in God's word, 00:19:37.19\00:19:38.36 what, to gain the victory, 00:19:38.37\00:19:39.66 what, in the church and among God's remnant people 00:19:39.67\00:19:42.33 that we may be what He would have us to be. 00:19:42.34\00:19:45.65 And so the question that you fallen in sin? 00:19:45.66\00:19:47.67 If so, here's what to do. 00:19:47.68\00:19:49.66 Now notice here, without delay, without delay, 00:19:49.67\00:19:52.80 if you've fallen, without delay go to God 00:19:52.81\00:19:54.89 and beg and plead for pardon and for mercy. 00:19:54.90\00:19:59.12 And, you know, what? He's a merciful God. 00:19:59.13\00:20:01.45 Don't delay, don't put it off, do it right now. 00:20:01.46\00:20:04.41 Well, God said in Jeremiah 3:22, 00:20:04.42\00:20:06.89 He said, "Return, ye backsliding children, 00:20:06.90\00:20:11.01 and I, and I will heal your backsliding." 00:20:11.02\00:20:15.98 See, that's just, that's just such wonderful, 00:20:15.99\00:20:18.29 wonderful good news. 00:20:18.30\00:20:20.26 He's talking to the backslider, 00:20:20.27\00:20:21.90 He's talking to you today if you're a backslider. 00:20:21.91\00:20:25.54 He is saying, all you have to do is just no matter, 00:20:25.55\00:20:27.32 didn't matter what you've done, 00:20:27.33\00:20:29.23 didn't matter how vile you are. 00:20:29.24\00:20:31.25 He just wants you to put aside, 00:20:31.26\00:20:32.55 return to me and I'll heal your backsliding. 00:20:32.56\00:20:35.47 Oh, friend, that's such good news today, 00:20:35.48\00:20:38.17 that ought to make your day a good day, 00:20:38.18\00:20:40.52 I pray that it does. 00:20:40.53\00:20:42.18 You know, the Bible says, we need to be sanctified. 00:20:42.19\00:20:45.31 You read that scripture, John 17:17, 00:20:45.32\00:20:47.80 sanctify them through, what? 00:20:47.81\00:20:50.07 Good, Thy truth, Thy word is truth. 00:20:50.08\00:20:53.79 So we're sanctified by knowing 00:20:53.80\00:20:54.77 what truth is by the word of God. 00:20:54.78\00:20:57.55 See, there's an obligation as we do this plain 00:20:57.56\00:21:00.70 straight testimony must live. 00:21:00.71\00:21:03.36 There's an obligation concerning 00:21:03.37\00:21:05.12 God's people to search out sin. 00:21:05.13\00:21:07.79 We've been talking about searching sin out, and what? 00:21:07.80\00:21:11.86 Bringing it to the point to where we can ask God 00:21:11.87\00:21:14.02 to get us victory over that or we have God's displeasure. 00:21:14.03\00:21:18.74 Any sin that's in the church, 00:21:18.75\00:21:21.69 you can't just can't blindly close your eyes, 00:21:21.70\00:21:23.92 put on a pair of shade, you know, 00:21:23.93\00:21:25.35 the rose colored glasses and just like, 00:21:25.36\00:21:27.63 well, we're just going to see. 00:21:27.64\00:21:29.43 God said, there are certain people 00:21:29.44\00:21:31.08 in the church, not everybody. 00:21:31.09\00:21:32.55 We're gonna get to that in a moment. 00:21:32.56\00:21:34.32 God has people that He designates to deal with sin 00:21:34.33\00:21:38.79 because they know how to deal, 00:21:38.80\00:21:40.84 because He gives them wisdom on how to deal 00:21:40.85\00:21:43.45 with the issue, not everybody has that, 00:21:43.46\00:21:46.12 it's a gift that God gives to the power of the Holy Spirit. 00:21:46.13\00:21:49.74 Now we've read this many times, 00:21:49.75\00:21:51.57 but I'm gonna do like the old radio person longtime, 00:21:51.58\00:21:54.33 he used to say, "Here's the rest of the story." 00:21:54.34\00:21:57.01 So the first part you've heard many times, 00:21:57.02\00:21:58.48 but I'm gonna read it every chance I get. 00:21:58.49\00:22:01.36 Three Testimonies 269 says, "The plain, straight testimony 00:22:01.37\00:22:05.64 must live in the church," what? 00:22:05.65\00:22:07.98 It must live in the church 00:22:07.99\00:22:09.78 or the curse of God will do, what? 00:22:09.79\00:22:13.19 Will live in the church. 00:22:13.20\00:22:14.32 You want the curse of God to live in the church, 00:22:14.33\00:22:16.30 because you don't want to deal with issues. 00:22:16.31\00:22:19.76 Well, I don't know, I want the blessings of God. 00:22:19.77\00:22:22.56 Notice, it says, "Oh, surely, surely as it did 00:22:22.57\00:22:25.46 in ancient Israel because of their sins." 00:22:25.47\00:22:28.32 Now, here's the rest of the story of that quote, listen. 00:22:28.33\00:22:32.01 "God holds His people as a body, 00:22:32.02\00:22:37.31 responsible for the sins existing 00:22:37.32\00:22:40.44 in individuals among them." 00:22:40.45\00:22:42.54 Did you get it? Somebody didn't get it. 00:22:42.55\00:22:49.94 Listen, God holds His people, that's all of us, as a body, 00:22:49.95\00:22:56.22 the body of believers, responsible for the sins 00:22:56.23\00:23:01.07 existing in individuals among them. 00:23:01.08\00:23:05.78 I'm responsible to you, you responsible to me, 00:23:05.79\00:23:08.79 I'm robbing you of a blessing, 00:23:08.80\00:23:10.00 you're robbing me of a blessing, 00:23:10.01\00:23:11.12 we can't afford that. 00:23:11.13\00:23:14.52 Wow! How about the overseer of the flock, 00:23:14.53\00:23:19.66 overseer the flock has to keep a watchful eye 00:23:19.67\00:23:22.30 and how difficult that is, because the enemy of souls 00:23:22.31\00:23:25.95 realizes every member. 00:23:25.96\00:23:27.51 Listen carefully, every member with hurt feelings. 00:23:27.52\00:23:31.20 Oh, we've all been there. Yes, you have. 00:23:31.21\00:23:34.40 Every person that's been slided or every disagreement, 00:23:34.41\00:23:39.06 differences of, you know, opinion, 00:23:39.07\00:23:41.33 causes little friction in the church, 00:23:41.34\00:23:43.68 the enemy is very well aware of that, 00:23:43.69\00:23:46.48 and it will sidetrack us from doing 00:23:46.49\00:23:48.19 what we need to be doing. 00:23:48.20\00:23:50.69 You don't have so much time, so much, so much energy, 00:23:50.70\00:23:52.95 and if you keep the pastor, and the elders, the deacon, 00:23:52.96\00:23:54.60 everybody busy just trying to pad everybody, 00:23:54.61\00:23:56.99 oil them a little bit, grease them up, 00:23:57.00\00:23:58.94 somebody is not with me. 00:23:58.95\00:24:01.09 Keep them from squeaking, then we're neglecting 00:24:01.10\00:24:03.77 the cause of Christ and what we should be doing 00:24:03.78\00:24:05.71 by giving this message to the world. 00:24:05.72\00:24:08.70 The overseer of the flock. 00:24:08.71\00:24:09.70 Now let me read a quote, very interesting, 00:24:09.71\00:24:11.40 Five Testimonies 237 says this, 00:24:11.41\00:24:14.29 "The work of Christ's servants 00:24:14.30\00:24:16.63 is not merely to preach the truths." 00:24:16.64\00:24:20.58 So talking about leaders here and those who maybe preaching, 00:24:20.59\00:24:22.74 or those who are teaching, listen, notice, 00:24:22.75\00:24:24.38 it's not just really merely to preach the truths. 00:24:24.39\00:24:27.93 "They are to watch." Oh, friend, Lord help us. 00:24:27.94\00:24:31.08 "They are to watch for souls for whom 00:24:31.09\00:24:33.90 they must give an account." 00:24:33.91\00:24:38.93 Everybody comes through that door one day. 00:24:38.94\00:24:42.27 One day, I'm gonna have to give an account to God, 00:24:42.28\00:24:48.32 for what I did or didn't do maybe to help them up. 00:24:48.33\00:24:51.09 Bottom-line, people make decisions on their own, 00:24:51.10\00:24:52.99 but, you know, what? 00:24:53.00\00:24:53.97 You have better than everything you can, 00:24:53.98\00:24:56.00 I need to do everything that I possibly know to do 00:24:56.01\00:24:58.21 to win them and to keep them in the cause of truth, why? 00:24:58.22\00:25:01.02 Because I'm gonna have to give an account to God. 00:25:01.03\00:25:04.88 It says the pastor, the leader, 00:25:04.89\00:25:06.41 the servant, the preacher. 00:25:06.42\00:25:08.35 Now notice this, "He is to reprove." 00:25:08.36\00:25:11.25 Some people say, well, now you can, 00:25:11.26\00:25:12.48 in other words, pros reprove, that's sensor, that's correct. 00:25:12.49\00:25:16.96 Can go up to Audrey, and I can say, 00:25:16.97\00:25:18.60 "Audrey, now here's what God's word says here." 00:25:18.61\00:25:21.37 I can go to Brother Jim say, 00:25:21.38\00:25:22.42 "Brother Jim, this is what the word says.'' 00:25:22.43\00:25:25.72 That's what the pastor suppose to do, 00:25:25.73\00:25:28.13 the shepherd to watch the sheep, 00:25:28.14\00:25:30.84 so they don't get in trouble, so they don't hurt themselves 00:25:30.85\00:25:32.96 and hurt other people and cause the displeasure of God 00:25:32.97\00:25:36.03 to come upon the body of the leaders. 00:25:36.04\00:25:37.89 That's why I think we're not seeing miracles 00:25:37.90\00:25:39.94 to take place in the church, a lot of things 00:25:39.95\00:25:42.62 are not happening out of the power, 00:25:42.63\00:25:43.95 because all power, oh friend, 00:25:43.96\00:25:45.62 we haven't seen anything what God wants 00:25:45.63\00:25:47.68 to do for His people. 00:25:47.69\00:25:50.10 I want to be involved now, I want to see things 00:25:50.11\00:25:52.10 happen for the cause of Christ, 00:25:52.11\00:25:53.39 I want to see souls comeback to God. 00:25:53.40\00:25:55.75 Notice, the pastor here he's suppose to reprove, 00:25:55.76\00:25:58.27 that's correct, he's suppose to rebuke people, 00:25:58.28\00:26:00.52 don't want to be rebuked, 00:26:00.53\00:26:02.13 that's admonish, that's charging. 00:26:02.14\00:26:03.98 This is what God's word has said. 00:26:03.99\00:26:06.93 He's to exhort, you know what? 00:26:06.94\00:26:08.84 Second Timothy 4:2, tells you exactly the same thing. 00:26:08.85\00:26:11.25 He's to exhort. Notice the exhorting. 00:26:11.26\00:26:13.97 Exhorting simply means is here, 00:26:13.98\00:26:15.72 I'm going to, I'm going to invite, I'm going to invite. 00:26:15.73\00:26:21.89 I'm going to, I'm going to have an interest in 00:26:21.90\00:26:25.29 and I'm going to be praying for. 00:26:25.30\00:26:29.28 And I'm going to do with all longsuffering, 00:26:29.29\00:26:32.59 not gonna be difficult to deal with, 00:26:32.60\00:26:36.64 but what if the leaders neglect to do 00:26:36.65\00:26:38.44 what God has asked them to do? 00:26:38.45\00:26:40.66 What if we neglect to search out sin 00:26:40.67\00:26:43.14 that's existing among them? 00:26:43.15\00:26:45.33 Listen to what Three Testimonies 269, 00:26:45.34\00:26:47.30 see somebody you're not going to get away with it, 00:26:47.31\00:26:49.10 some of the ministers and, you know, 00:26:49.11\00:26:50.37 pastors and so on, don't by myself too. 00:26:50.38\00:26:53.26 We're just, you're just not gonna get away with it, 00:26:53.27\00:26:55.60 you think you can lay back, you know, 00:26:55.61\00:26:57.08 because I've talk to many. 00:26:57.09\00:26:59.14 Many have say sometime, boy, I wished I had 00:26:59.15\00:27:00.81 the courageto do what I need to do. 00:27:00.82\00:27:02.15 Listen, courage comes from knowing God, 00:27:02.16\00:27:04.20 courage comes from the very throne room of God, 00:27:04.21\00:27:06.67 courage is simply doing what God has asked you to do, 00:27:06.68\00:27:11.73 and He's ask you to do deal with issues 00:27:11.74\00:27:13.24 that are in the church, problems. 00:27:13.25\00:27:15.91 What if we neglect to do it? 00:27:15.92\00:27:18.50 Let's consider a couple of things here quickly first. 00:27:18.51\00:27:21.36 Of course, if we don't do what we're suppose to do 00:27:21.37\00:27:23.19 Matthew 15 verses 13 and 14 00:27:23.20\00:27:25.80 talks about blind leaders what, doing what? 00:27:25.81\00:27:28.35 You know, leading the blind, 00:27:28.36\00:27:29.33 what happens to them? 00:27:29.34\00:27:30.58 They'll fall in the ditch. 00:27:30.59\00:27:33.00 They're blind leaders, and you know, 00:27:33.01\00:27:34.14 this is talking about whether it's a vphysically 00:27:34.15\00:27:35.14 or whether it's mentally. 00:27:37.11\00:27:39.30 Because mentally, you know, to be blind, 00:27:39.31\00:27:42.10 is sometime that we are just inflated with pride. 00:27:42.11\00:27:45.90 We want to just be-- you know, we're going to be careful, 00:27:45.91\00:27:47.86 we've got too much pride here, 00:27:47.87\00:27:50.13 and so that causes us to be blind, 00:27:50.14\00:27:52.31 that causes us to not have a living connection with God. 00:27:52.32\00:27:56.90 Self conceit, we consider ourself 00:27:56.91\00:28:00.09 a little more high minded. 00:28:00.10\00:28:03.28 Oh, yeah there are people in the pulpit, 00:28:03.29\00:28:04.81 you better believe it, we just need to look 00:28:04.82\00:28:06.23 at it in such and say, "God, help us." 00:28:06.24\00:28:11.02 This quote 3:269 says, "If the leaders of the church 00:28:11.03\00:28:14.76 "neglect to diligently search out the sins 00:28:14.77\00:28:18.53 "which bring the displeasure of God upon the body. 00:28:18.54\00:28:22.66 They become responsible for that sin." 00:28:22.67\00:28:25.90 Now, brother, we've got, we've got a problem here, 00:28:25.91\00:28:27.67 sister, we've got a problem here, 00:28:27.68\00:28:30.50 if we know that it's going on and we refuse to deal with it, 00:28:30.51\00:28:34.27 then it's what? 00:28:34.28\00:28:35.70 We become responsible for that sin, 00:28:35.71\00:28:37.77 and I've always said, Lord, have mercy on me, 00:28:37.78\00:28:39.41 I can't stand somebody else. 00:28:39.42\00:28:42.16 I'm dealing for eternal life with myself here 00:28:42.17\00:28:45.17 and I know you are too. 00:28:45.18\00:28:47.03 But you can't, we can't just be indifferent, 00:28:47.04\00:28:49.27 we can't be non shellacked about it. 00:28:49.28\00:28:51.40 We can't turn our heads and say, it's them, 00:28:51.41\00:28:54.46 that's their business, so that, it's your business, 00:28:54.47\00:28:58.46 they're in your body, they're in your church, 00:28:58.47\00:29:00.24 it's your business, it's my business. 00:29:00.25\00:29:03.69 The leadership has something to do, 00:29:03.70\00:29:06.83 but, you know, this work, oh, 00:29:06.84\00:29:09.11 it must be done in love. 00:29:09.12\00:29:11.84 Bible says, we have to have compassion. 00:29:11.85\00:29:15.10 You realize this, that's why everybody is not up to saying, 00:29:15.11\00:29:18.30 they need to go to this person and talk with them 00:29:18.31\00:29:20.10 because they don't, they have grace and they, 00:29:20.11\00:29:23.08 they're timid maybe and they're a little bit backward 00:29:23.09\00:29:26.18 and they're a little bit shy. 00:29:26.19\00:29:27.44 Well, God maybe hasn't called you to do it, 00:29:27.45\00:29:29.53 but be careful, be careful here, 00:29:29.54\00:29:32.13 many really, they don't have the love to correct lesson. 00:29:32.14\00:29:36.82 To correct and win a brother at the same time, 00:29:36.83\00:29:41.40 correct and what? 00:29:41.41\00:29:42.65 And to win, not correct and lose 00:29:42.66\00:29:44.37 or doing such a way that you're heartless 00:29:44.38\00:29:46.15 and they run out the door, you boot them out. 00:29:46.16\00:29:49.08 There's a difference here. 00:29:49.09\00:29:52.06 This is not an easy task, we all know how they need 00:29:52.07\00:29:54.31 the spirit of the living God. 00:29:54.32\00:29:56.29 In Proverbs 18:19, it says, 00:29:56.30\00:29:58.13 "A brother that is offended." 00:29:58.14\00:30:00.12 Notice this, "Is harder to win than a strong city." 00:30:00.13\00:30:04.87 Wow, of what? 00:30:04.88\00:30:07.06 A brother that is offended is more difficult than to what? 00:30:07.07\00:30:11.10 Conquer a strong city. 00:30:11.11\00:30:15.33 But James 5 says, 19 and 20, if you do this in love 00:30:15.34\00:30:18.79 and you work with him, and you plead with him, 00:30:18.80\00:30:21.26 it says, "If any err from the truth, and one convert him." 00:30:21.27\00:30:26.84 Now I'm gonna go for time sake, 00:30:26.85\00:30:27.82 you read it all here, it said, 00:30:27.83\00:30:28.88 He shall save a soul, what? 00:30:28.89\00:30:30.85 From death, and shall hide a multitude of sin. 00:30:30.86\00:30:34.59 This is what it's all about. 00:30:34.60\00:30:36.45 It's not just say, Well, we're gonna throw people out. 00:30:36.46\00:30:38.40 No, we want to bring the attention. 00:30:38.41\00:30:40.16 This is what God's word says, 00:30:40.17\00:30:41.91 For them to repent and come back to God, 00:30:41.92\00:30:43.73 let His smile be upon on the church, 00:30:43.74\00:30:45.69 let His Spirit to be operating, 00:30:45.70\00:30:47.27 working in the church, let the Spirit of God 00:30:47.28\00:30:49.54 do some things that need to be done in your life and mine. 00:30:49.55\00:30:52.43 Let the Holy Spirit, bring conviction upon you 00:30:52.44\00:30:54.80 and conviction upon me that I find it necessary 00:30:54.81\00:30:57.64 to make some changes, that I need these changes, 00:30:57.65\00:31:00.34 I want these changes, I want God's blessing. 00:31:00.35\00:31:02.98 Oh, friend, are you following it today? 00:31:02.99\00:31:04.68 This is what God wants from you and from me, 00:31:04.69\00:31:07.99 but we must follow the counsel, 00:31:08.00\00:31:10.54 just a beautiful little passage there in Jude 00:31:10.55\00:31:12.85 that just before Revelation, verses 22 and 23, 00:31:12.86\00:31:16.87 one Chapter there. 00:31:16.88\00:31:18.10 Here's the difference, it says, 00:31:18.11\00:31:20.38 "And some have compassion, making a difference." 00:31:20.39\00:31:23.81 We're talking about dealing now with sin 00:31:23.82\00:31:25.32 and the church and maybe who is doing 00:31:25.33\00:31:27.09 or has God called certain ones to do it. 00:31:27.10\00:31:29.37 Notice, it says, "Some here have compassion, 00:31:29.38\00:31:32.37 "making a difference, notice, and others saved with fear, 00:31:32.38\00:31:37.35 pulling them out of the fire." 00:31:37.36\00:31:40.61 What does that mean? 00:31:40.62\00:31:42.70 It said, there are some who they have pity 00:31:42.71\00:31:46.13 and they have mercy and, but they, 00:31:46.14\00:31:48.84 they weren't kind of separate from the issue. 00:31:48.85\00:31:51.58 See they said, making a difference, 00:31:51.59\00:31:53.43 in other words, they can't just stand up and say, 00:31:53.44\00:31:55.59 oh boy, there is, you know, God's word says such and such. 00:31:55.60\00:31:59.28 They want to with, they want to withdraw, 00:31:59.29\00:32:01.58 that's what that word means. 00:32:01.59\00:32:02.56 They want, they hesitate to go 00:32:02.57\00:32:06.38 and talk to that person, but instead there is others 00:32:06.39\00:32:09.79 in the church, notice this, 00:32:09.80\00:32:11.58 they'll say with fear, realizing, 00:32:11.59\00:32:14.02 they need to be careful 'cause they're gonna fall, 00:32:14.03\00:32:15.94 be careful if they take their eyes off of Jesus 00:32:15.95\00:32:18.09 and they pull them out of the fire. 00:32:18.10\00:32:22.14 Man, there is a, there is a difference. 00:32:22.15\00:32:25.14 Here's where we can see that God has laid the burden 00:32:25.15\00:32:27.74 on some to correct and to search out wrongs. 00:32:27.75\00:32:35.21 And those who maybe don't feel compelled to get involved, 00:32:35.22\00:32:37.93 God hasn't called you, but listen, 00:32:37.94\00:32:39.75 I wanted to be just, 00:32:39.76\00:32:40.77 we need to get real straight with this. 00:32:40.78\00:32:44.58 If God hasn't called you to do it, 00:32:44.59\00:32:46.57 do not get in the way of those whom God calls. 00:32:46.58\00:32:52.85 I hope that's really clear because sometimes people say, 00:32:52.86\00:32:55.72 well, I just don't feel that way at all. 00:32:55.73\00:32:57.19 Well, God has let, you realize that 00:32:57.20\00:32:58.36 God doesn't lay every burden on you 00:32:58.37\00:33:00.18 or every burden on me that He lays on somebody else. 00:33:00.19\00:33:03.22 We just have to match it up, is this what God's word says, 00:33:03.23\00:33:06.26 then God may have told this individual to deal this way, 00:33:06.27\00:33:09.59 but He hasn't laid it on my heart, 00:33:09.60\00:33:12.74 doesn't mean it's wrong, just simply me, 00:33:12.75\00:33:14.15 has He laid on your heart and my heart. 00:33:14.16\00:33:16.03 Now let me just read something here to help you 00:33:16.04\00:33:17.89 understand it, to help me understand it. 00:33:17.90\00:33:19.92 Three Testimonies 270, says, "Some make it a point, 00:33:19.93\00:33:23.89 "you've got in church, to question and doubt 00:33:23.90\00:33:27.02 "and find fault because others do the work 00:33:27.03\00:33:31.34 that God has not laid on their hearts." 00:33:31.35\00:33:34.98 Did you get it? Not laid on them. 00:33:34.99\00:33:38.05 "They stand directly in the way and hinder those 00:33:38.06\00:33:41.41 "whom God has laid the burden of reproving and correcting, 00:33:41.42\00:33:46.88 "prevailing sins in order that His frown 00:33:46.89\00:33:50.85 may be turned away from His people." 00:33:50.86\00:33:53.57 So when there is sin prevailing and throngs in 00:33:53.58\00:33:55.87 the church not dealt with, dealt with the frown of God, 00:33:55.88\00:33:58.61 that means there is no blessing, 00:33:58.62\00:33:59.86 there is no Holy say, "Well, we have the Holy Spirit." 00:33:59.87\00:34:01.68 No, you don't. You can't have the Holy Spirit 00:34:01.69\00:34:04.03 if the frown as it were or disapproval of God 00:34:04.04\00:34:06.74 is upon the congregation. Why? 00:34:06.75\00:34:09.65 Because you and I are not doing our job. 00:34:09.66\00:34:12.21 But don't get into the way of those whom God lays it on. 00:34:12.22\00:34:15.60 Did you get that? 00:34:15.61\00:34:17.25 There are those who find fault with those 00:34:17.26\00:34:18.60 who are dealing with the sin issue right here, 00:34:18.61\00:34:21.52 but God hasn't laid it on them 00:34:21.53\00:34:22.59 so they don't want to, you know, 00:34:22.60\00:34:24.47 surely you guys are not suppose to do this. 00:34:24.48\00:34:28.72 There are people that God chooses to do it. 00:34:28.73\00:34:31.55 Question, what, why is God laid this on some people, 00:34:31.56\00:34:36.23 maybe not others? 00:34:36.24\00:34:39.83 You think that God made us individuals wants us 00:34:39.84\00:34:43.01 to stand free from the wrongs and sins 00:34:43.02\00:34:47.92 that are prevailing in and around in the mud. 00:34:47.93\00:34:50.38 Does God wants to be free in him? 00:34:50.39\00:34:52.09 Oh, I think so. 00:34:52.10\00:34:53.71 Does he want you to rejoice 00:34:53.72\00:34:54.86 and be exceedingly glad? I think so. 00:34:54.87\00:34:58.02 But, let me tell you, those who stand 00:34:58.03\00:34:59.85 for what is right 00:34:59.86\00:35:01.25 among the people of God, oh, dear friend, 00:35:01.26\00:35:04.52 they're going to meet opposition, 00:35:04.53\00:35:06.60 they always have and they always will, and note, 00:35:06.61\00:35:09.81 I must tell, I'm gonna be frank with you right now 00:35:09.82\00:35:11.60 and you maybe dealing with this 00:35:11.61\00:35:12.62 in your church right now. 00:35:12.63\00:35:13.80 You're going to meet opposition 00:35:13.81\00:35:15.24 only you know what? 00:35:15.25\00:35:16.22 They maybe members of the church, 00:35:16.23\00:35:17.65 but you're meeting opposition from the unconverted, 00:35:17.66\00:35:20.95 not the converted, the converted understand 00:35:20.96\00:35:23.35 the necessity of having a smile 00:35:23.36\00:35:26.40 as it were of God upon His church. 00:35:26.41\00:35:30.14 The unconsecrated is the one 00:35:30.15\00:35:31.47 that's gonna cause you trouble. 00:35:31.48\00:35:32.49 So, well, we don't have go that far now. 00:35:32.50\00:35:34.41 Oh, but this is a work that must be done. 00:35:36.00\00:35:41.09 We have to see the malignancy of sin 00:35:41.10\00:35:44.47 and we have to come to the point 00:35:44.48\00:35:45.89 where we hate sin. 00:35:45.90\00:35:49.49 Friend, if you come to the point 00:35:49.50\00:35:50.47 where you hate sin, if you come to the point 00:35:50.48\00:35:52.49 where you rather die than knowingly sin. 00:35:52.50\00:35:55.85 Friend, if we haven't, we need some more help. 00:35:55.86\00:35:59.20 This is not trying to, trying to judge you, 00:35:59.21\00:36:01.30 this is not trying to hammer you over the head, 00:36:01.31\00:36:03.38 this is trying to make you really look in the mirror 00:36:03.39\00:36:05.15 and seeing yourself for what you really are, 00:36:05.16\00:36:06.76 what I really am. 00:36:06.77\00:36:07.92 I am saying no, I don't know 00:36:07.93\00:36:08.94 if I am come to the point where I hate sin, 00:36:08.95\00:36:11.30 'cause if you really hate sin, 00:36:11.31\00:36:12.51 you will stay away from it, you'll run if you have to. 00:36:12.52\00:36:15.81 You'll go the opposite direction 00:36:15.82\00:36:16.97 if you have to, you'll go the 1,000 miles as it were. 00:36:16.98\00:36:20.85 Stay well, just a little book that I read. 00:36:20.86\00:36:23.74 And I hope, if you don't have it, 00:36:23.75\00:36:25.16 you need to give us a call. 00:36:25.17\00:36:26.14 It's called 'Steps to Christ' oh, 00:36:26.15\00:36:28.04 it's a beautiful little book about the life of Christ. 00:36:28.05\00:36:31.02 Here's what it says page 54, 00:36:31.03\00:36:32.89 it says, He God hates sin. 00:36:32.90\00:36:35.62 Does God hate sin yes, but he loves the sinner, 00:36:35.63\00:36:40.67 you heard that all your life noticed, 00:36:40.68\00:36:43.28 God He gave Himself in the person of Christ, 00:36:43.29\00:36:47.90 that all who would might be saved. 00:36:47.91\00:36:51.27 How beautiful that is, He hates sin 00:36:51.28\00:36:54.27 but loves the sinner, and He gave, 00:36:54.28\00:36:55.83 Jesus Christ to redeem us. 00:36:55.84\00:36:57.74 From the curse of the law, that we might be saved. 00:36:57.75\00:37:02.14 Oh, friend, God wants his church to be pure, 00:37:02.15\00:37:07.81 see none but the glorified, none but the sinless 00:37:07.82\00:37:10.98 will enter the kingdom of God. 00:37:10.99\00:37:14.41 I want his blessing, I want the privilege 00:37:14.42\00:37:16.42 of being in the presence of God. 00:37:16.43\00:37:18.30 I want to know when I come to church 00:37:18.31\00:37:20.10 that I'm gonna be standing on Holy ground, 00:37:20.11\00:37:22.10 not because I'm there, not because 00:37:22.11\00:37:23.84 you're there some people think it's Holy ground 00:37:23.85\00:37:25.31 because you come in 00:37:25.32\00:37:26.35 and you're so Holy and so righteous. 00:37:26.36\00:37:27.78 No, friend, you're not, you're filthy rages, 00:37:27.79\00:37:29.56 but the Bible says, need to get off our high horse. 00:37:29.57\00:37:34.04 Realize we come in, 00:37:34.05\00:37:35.02 because of the presence of the Holy Spirit 00:37:35.03\00:37:38.14 people don't get up on Sabbath morning, 00:37:38.15\00:37:39.90 they sleep and when they come in late 00:37:39.91\00:37:41.95 and all burned up 00:37:41.96\00:37:42.93 and I don't know what's going on. 00:37:42.94\00:37:44.39 Friend, need to get up early, need to prepare the heart, 00:37:44.40\00:37:46.95 the mind and the soul. 00:37:46.96\00:37:48.20 Because the ground on which you walk is Holy, 00:37:48.21\00:37:50.29 the presence of God is there. 00:37:50.30\00:37:51.85 If you want it there, if you believe it 00:37:51.86\00:37:53.54 and you're praying for it, it's a special time, 00:37:53.55\00:37:55.81 it's a time you can't hardly wait to get there. 00:37:55.82\00:37:57.94 You won't see how late you can come 00:37:57.95\00:37:59.87 and just get in a few minutes of service, 00:37:59.88\00:38:01.49 you can see how early you can come 00:38:01.50\00:38:02.76 and get more in the presence of God, 00:38:02.77\00:38:04.15 that's how I feel about it. 00:38:04.16\00:38:05.53 How would it, where would it be for us today 00:38:08.59\00:38:11.06 if we just spend simply follow the counsel 00:38:12.44\00:38:16.70 given in God's Holy word. 00:38:16.71\00:38:17.89 The counsel of the Holy Spirit, 00:38:17.90\00:38:20.97 now let me just go into a few of the problems 00:38:20.98\00:38:22.80 that might arise in the church 00:38:22.81\00:38:24.09 and how we must deal with it. 00:38:24.10\00:38:25.74 The counsel of scripture not men, 00:38:25.75\00:38:28.11 but how scripture tells us we're to deal with it. 00:38:28.12\00:38:31.11 You remember the New Testament Church, 00:38:31.12\00:38:32.58 oh, we can learn so much. 00:38:32.59\00:38:35.25 The New Testament Church is an example 00:38:35.26\00:38:36.98 of how we should pattern our church today. 00:38:36.99\00:38:40.52 Jesus set it up. 00:38:40.53\00:38:42.32 Now notice when the problem arose in a local church, 00:38:42.33\00:38:47.24 notice the Bible gives what I'm talking about 00:38:47.25\00:38:49.65 in Antioch and of course other churches. 00:38:49.66\00:38:52.95 When dissension arose in a local church, 00:38:52.96\00:38:56.51 you know what, and the people 00:38:56.52\00:38:57.81 could not come in agreement. 00:38:57.82\00:38:59.65 They sat down and they had business meetings 00:38:59.66\00:39:01.42 but they couldn't come to grips with it. 00:39:01.43\00:39:03.01 All of a sudden there's going to be 00:39:03.02\00:39:03.99 some real problems there, you know what they did. 00:39:04.00\00:39:06.78 The matter was, Oh, I love it, 00:39:06.79\00:39:08.57 the matter was not allowed to cause division 00:39:08.58\00:39:12.66 in God's church, what did they do. 00:39:12.67\00:39:15.83 The problem was referred to a general counsel 00:39:15.84\00:39:18.97 of the local churches. 00:39:18.98\00:39:21.12 Of maybe the pastor, and the elders, 00:39:21.13\00:39:22.94 pastor and elder, pastor and elder 00:39:22.95\00:39:24.53 and maybe deacons, and they come together 00:39:24.54\00:39:26.03 and they sat down and they began to discuss 00:39:26.04\00:39:28.84 the issue and to find a resolution. 00:39:28.85\00:39:33.50 Well, friend think about it, 00:39:33.51\00:39:34.48 we're gonna resolve this, this problem. 00:39:34.49\00:39:37.00 and it's very, very clear 00:39:39.27\00:39:40.24 as you read the spirit of prophecy it says, 00:39:40.25\00:39:41.64 the pastors, the elders, the leader, 00:39:41.65\00:39:43.41 the apostles lead out in the responsibility with this. 00:39:43.42\00:39:48.38 And if we followed this counsel, 00:39:48.39\00:39:50.42 there would never be division in the church, 00:39:50.43\00:39:52.69 oh, somebody may leave because they're offended. 00:39:52.70\00:39:55.91 But they would not be any problems in the church 00:39:55.92\00:39:57.87 and to cause any kind of division 00:39:57.88\00:39:59.81 because we'd have confidence 00:39:59.82\00:40:01.01 that the Holy Spirit was leading 00:40:01.02\00:40:02.22 and guiding in that church. 00:40:02.23\00:40:04.58 It was so simple if we follow it, 00:40:04.59\00:40:06.44 actually Apostles 96 makes this comment, 00:40:06.45\00:40:08.62 listen carefully to it, it says, 00:40:08.63\00:40:10.25 the efforts of Satan to attack the church 00:40:10.26\00:40:13.11 in isolated places where met by concerted action 00:40:13.12\00:40:17.68 on the part of all. 00:40:17.69\00:40:19.54 The plan of the enemy was to disrupt 00:40:19.55\00:40:22.41 and to destroy were thwarted. 00:40:22.42\00:40:25.26 Or was defeated or was frustrated. 00:40:25.27\00:40:28.72 Why, because the congregation said what? 00:40:28.73\00:40:31.91 We'll not going to let this be anything 00:40:31.92\00:40:33.73 that would divide us and separate us. 00:40:33.74\00:40:35.83 Would need a little more counsel, 00:40:35.84\00:40:36.84 we're gonna get men right, 00:40:36.85\00:40:37.86 that love Jesus, we're gonna sit down, 00:40:37.87\00:40:39.51 we're gonna discuss the issues 00:40:39.52\00:40:41.54 and then we're going to. 00:40:41.55\00:40:42.52 Well, whatever the answer might be is the end result, 00:40:42.53\00:40:44.95 that's what we're going to follow. 00:40:44.96\00:40:47.74 And it says here that the enemy was defeated, 00:40:47.75\00:40:50.41 that means he was run out. 00:40:50.42\00:40:51.80 It was frustrated because he wants division 00:40:51.81\00:40:54.07 to cause separation. 00:40:54.08\00:40:55.57 We are strong in the movement, 00:40:55.58\00:40:57.78 when we put our shoulders together, 00:40:57.79\00:40:59.21 we're strong when we believe the truth of God's word. 00:40:59.22\00:41:02.47 You see this is what the Holy Spirit wants to do 00:41:02.48\00:41:04.38 as we stand together, the devil is afraid of that. 00:41:04.39\00:41:07.58 This Bible passage gives some qualifications 00:41:07.59\00:41:10.31 for a man who would make a wise leader. 00:41:10.32\00:41:13.23 And I want you to just jot it down 00:41:13.24\00:41:14.76 when you have time, our time is running out. 00:41:14.77\00:41:16.59 Deuteronomy Chapter 1, verses 16 and 17, 00:41:16.60\00:41:20.04 but it just talks about we're looking for men 00:41:20.05\00:41:22.32 who love God with all their heart, 00:41:22.33\00:41:23.84 their soul and mind. 00:41:23.85\00:41:24.86 And because of the Spirit of God in them, 00:41:24.87\00:41:26.64 they're able to judge righteously. 00:41:26.65\00:41:29.70 This is what God's looking for, 00:41:29.71\00:41:31.75 not look at each individual and feel sorry for this 00:41:31.76\00:41:34.24 and oh, this situation. 00:41:34.25\00:41:35.49 Well, this just came to me, and this is over here, 00:41:35.50\00:41:37.50 look at the situation as it is 00:41:37.51\00:41:39.11 and deal based upon God's word 00:41:39.12\00:41:41.29 and that's the final rule. 00:41:41.30\00:41:43.87 Wow! I've never forgotten this, 00:41:43.88\00:41:47.58 and I don't want you to forget 00:41:47.59\00:41:48.56 that God is leading a people. 00:41:48.57\00:41:51.96 He's leading you if you want to be lead, 00:41:51.97\00:41:54.40 he's leading me if I want to be lead. 00:41:54.41\00:41:57.07 He's dealing with us, time is so, 00:41:57.08\00:41:59.35 so very short and He gives us instructions 00:41:59.36\00:42:02.75 as we need instructions to guide us. 00:42:02.76\00:42:07.02 And you know what, he uses visible leaders, 00:42:07.03\00:42:12.04 he uses what? 00:42:12.05\00:42:13.02 He uses visible leaders, 00:42:13.03\00:42:16.60 but they always must receive their instructions 00:42:16.61\00:42:22.25 from the invisible leader. 00:42:22.26\00:42:25.10 See you say, well, he's the leader 00:42:25.11\00:42:26.49 or he's this, he's that. 00:42:26.50\00:42:27.84 He needs to harmonize with scripture 00:42:27.85\00:42:29.40 or he's not what God wants him to be. 00:42:29.41\00:42:32.31 God chooses visible leaders, but what? 00:42:32.32\00:42:34.82 They must listen to the invisible leader, 00:42:34.83\00:42:37.31 are you getting that? 00:42:37.32\00:42:38.91 We must choose the right and follow the right. 00:42:38.92\00:42:41.76 We must be obedient and obedience brings prosperity 00:42:41.77\00:42:45.82 and disobedience brings death. 00:42:45.83\00:42:47.79 The scripture's very, very clear about that. 00:42:47.80\00:42:50.44 Have you ever wondered 00:42:50.45\00:42:52.32 why God doesn't bring new souls into church. 00:42:52.33\00:42:55.98 Oh, you've heard some of this before, 00:42:55.99\00:42:57.10 but this is, we're dealing with 00:42:57.11\00:42:58.70 the plain straight testimony. 00:42:58.71\00:43:01.11 You know, we've dealt with, you know, 00:43:01.12\00:43:02.72 we talk theater going, we're talking about jewelry, 00:43:02.73\00:43:04.64 we're talking about all these horse racing 00:43:04.65\00:43:06.24 and gambling and appetite. 00:43:06.25\00:43:07.84 And all these other tests, it runs some people out, 00:43:07.85\00:43:10.26 they can't take it. 00:43:10.27\00:43:11.93 It causes a shaking among God's people. 00:43:11.94\00:43:16.16 But you wonder why there's not people coming in, 00:43:16.17\00:43:18.75 there's got to be people coming in. 00:43:18.76\00:43:20.81 Because God said, He would bless 00:43:20.82\00:43:22.20 and if there's not what's wrong. 00:43:22.21\00:43:24.95 Book of Evangelism page 110, says this, 00:43:24.96\00:43:28.76 "The Lord does not now, notice this, 00:43:28.77\00:43:31.24 work to bring many souls into the truth. 00:43:31.25\00:43:33.40 Oh, it breaks your heart, why? Why? 00:43:33.41\00:43:39.91 The next line says, because of the church members. 00:43:41.13\00:43:46.65 How sad, God does not now work to bring 00:43:46.66\00:43:53.57 souls into the truth because of the church members, 00:43:53.58\00:43:59.25 who have never been converted, 00:43:59.26\00:44:03.55 and those who were converted but have backslidden. 00:44:03.56\00:44:09.16 See, if they're backslidden 00:44:10.82\00:44:12.63 we need to deal with that, don't we. 00:44:12.64\00:44:15.19 If they're not converted, we need to be having classes 00:44:15.20\00:44:17.56 and point them to Jesus Christ, 00:44:17.57\00:44:20.23 he can't work with the unconverted, 00:44:20.24\00:44:24.14 he doesn't bring them in, 00:44:24.15\00:44:25.20 because we're allowing it to continue on. 00:44:25.21\00:44:27.71 Because we want numbers, 00:44:27.72\00:44:29.41 numbers are everything, and it's not. 00:44:31.59\00:44:33.64 Jesus never used numbers. 00:44:33.65\00:44:35.43 We're in such a-- work needs to be done 00:44:37.78\00:44:41.32 before God can bless and bring in a people in. 00:44:41.33\00:44:44.89 Our work's got to be done and it has to be, 00:44:44.90\00:44:47.43 we have to bring it to the people's attention to say, 00:44:47.44\00:44:49.75 there is a work, we've not arrived yet. 00:44:49.76\00:44:52.14 He's not here yet. 00:44:52.15\00:44:53.94 There are some changes that need to be made. 00:44:53.95\00:44:57.95 Once again, why does the church still need to make, 00:44:57.96\00:44:59.97 keep a watchful eye of all the things that are, 00:44:59.98\00:45:02.42 that are going on? 00:45:02.43\00:45:04.60 Dealing with the sin issue. 00:45:04.61\00:45:06.92 Why do we have to, as we're truly out of faith 00:45:06.93\00:45:09.27 'cause church, some churches seem happy 00:45:09.28\00:45:10.94 and they're just having socials. 00:45:10.95\00:45:12.36 And they're just having picnics, 00:45:12.37\00:45:13.66 and fellowship, not anything wrong with that, 00:45:13.67\00:45:15.35 but if you follow me here, 00:45:15.36\00:45:16.38 they're doing all these other things right here 00:45:16.39\00:45:17.97 and nothing going on. 00:45:17.98\00:45:20.06 The sin issue, more important fellowship launch, 00:45:20.07\00:45:25.04 more and more important, friend, 00:45:25.05\00:45:26.19 than all these other things put together, 00:45:26.20\00:45:27.89 maybe you can combine them and work it all out. 00:45:27.90\00:45:29.83 But, friends, you can't substitute it 00:45:29.84\00:45:32.18 where you lack spirituality sometime, 00:45:32.19\00:45:34.00 when we lack the power of the Holy Spirit, 00:45:34.01\00:45:35.74 we make it up by having 00:45:35.75\00:45:36.80 all kinds of socials and everything else. 00:45:36.81\00:45:38.35 Let me just lay it out, Straight Testimony divides, 00:45:38.36\00:45:40.70 that's right, it does, it separates. 00:45:40.71\00:45:42.85 It's the church's duty to deal with the erring. 00:45:46.61\00:45:50.03 Now we just have 10 minutes or so less, 00:45:50.04\00:45:51.68 so don't anybody get sleepy on me there at home, 00:45:51.69\00:45:53.72 no it's not gonna happen. 00:45:53.73\00:45:56.06 We need to, we need to be wide awake 00:45:56.07\00:45:57.48 to this because what? 00:45:57.49\00:45:58.56 Church is responsible. Are you the church? 00:45:58.57\00:46:00.40 People of the church, that's you, that's me. 00:46:00.41\00:46:03.72 You want God's blessing or don't you? 00:46:03.73\00:46:06.09 And once you finally know there's an issue. 00:46:06.10\00:46:07.32 Do you want to know how to handle it, 00:46:07.33\00:46:08.73 based upon God's word that we do 00:46:08.74\00:46:10.60 the right thing and not what? 00:46:10.61\00:46:12.07 Throw somebody out for eternity. 00:46:12.08\00:46:14.96 Oh, it's heavy duty, oh, I know it is. 00:46:14.97\00:46:16.79 But it has to be done. 00:46:16.80\00:46:18.38 I'm talking about my own life. 00:46:18.39\00:46:20.99 Beautiful book, Desire of Ages, 00:46:21.00\00:46:23.06 805 and 806 says this, "On the church." 00:46:23.07\00:46:26.92 That's God's people. 00:46:26.93\00:46:27.95 "In its organized capacity, 00:46:27.96\00:46:29.94 He places the responsibility for individual members." 00:46:29.95\00:46:33.22 Where? On the body here. 00:46:33.23\00:46:34.89 He places, what? 00:46:34.90\00:46:36.68 Responsibility for individual members. 00:46:36.69\00:46:40.17 Now listen, toward those who fall into sin, 00:46:40.18\00:46:43.06 listen, the church has a duty, 00:46:43.07\00:46:45.83 to warn, to instruct, and to if possible to, what? 00:46:45.84\00:46:50.84 Restore. It's our duty to warn, 00:46:50.85\00:46:55.47 it's our duty to instruct, and it's our duty, 00:46:55.48\00:46:58.37 if possible to restore. 00:46:58.38\00:47:00.33 Every time you go to brothers, 00:47:00.34\00:47:01.84 now, oh, it's with the what, 00:47:01.85\00:47:03.71 you want to winning back to the cause of Christ, 00:47:03.72\00:47:06.02 you want to see Him on the fire. 00:47:06.03\00:47:07.29 Maybe the way He used to be. 00:47:07.30\00:47:09.48 You want to see the power of God 00:47:09.49\00:47:10.93 working inside of Him, it's not condemning, 00:47:10.94\00:47:12.96 it's not, oh, you're this, oh, you're that, 00:47:12.97\00:47:14.61 it's because you care. 00:47:14.62\00:47:16.17 The Bible, we're talking about sighing and crying, 00:47:16.18\00:47:19.20 it hurts you when you see 00:47:19.21\00:47:20.37 somebody leave the cause of truth. 00:47:20.38\00:47:22.20 It should be hurtful. 00:47:25.02\00:47:26.26 We read all this in the scripture. 00:47:29.22\00:47:32.41 We have to deal faithfully with the wrong doings, 00:47:32.42\00:47:36.50 we have to warn every soul that's in danger. 00:47:36.51\00:47:39.00 And, of course, we leave the decision up to them, 00:47:41.01\00:47:43.78 but we need to call sin right now by its right name, 00:47:43.79\00:47:46.57 there's no doubt about it, 00:47:46.58\00:47:48.31 declare what God-- listen, declare what God has said, 00:47:48.32\00:47:52.88 dear friends, about lying, about Sabbath breaking, 00:47:52.89\00:47:56.38 about stealing, about idolatry, 00:47:56.39\00:47:58.92 and every other evil. 00:47:58.93\00:48:01.67 This is what we're supposed to do. 00:48:01.68\00:48:03.11 Look Galatians 5:21, what does it say, 00:48:03.12\00:48:05.29 it tells us here, ''They which do such things 00:48:06.74\00:48:10.58 shall not inherit the kingdom of God." 00:48:10.59\00:48:13.90 Oh, friend, doesn't it weigh heavy on you? 00:48:13.91\00:48:16.22 Isn't it a little bit of maybe, you say, 00:48:16.23\00:48:18.19 a very little bit emotional, you get real excited about, 00:48:18.20\00:48:20.37 yes, it does because I'm talking life 00:48:20.38\00:48:21.87 and death issues here. 00:48:21.88\00:48:23.24 We have to, Desire of Ages, read all that, 00:48:26.42\00:48:29.43 805 and 806, it says, 00:48:29.44\00:48:31.04 "We have to deal faithfully with what?" 00:48:31.05\00:48:33.72 With lying and Sabbath breaking 00:48:33.73\00:48:35.30 and all these evils in the church, 00:48:35.31\00:48:37.06 you've got to deal faithfully with the members. 00:48:37.07\00:48:39.90 Oh, friend, how we've neglected that time with, 00:48:39.91\00:48:41.72 will it work it's way out. 00:48:41.73\00:48:43.77 Two years later, it's still in the same shape 00:48:43.78\00:48:45.64 and there's nobody coming to the church 'cause what? 00:48:45.65\00:48:47.37 We haven't dealt with the sin issue, 00:48:47.38\00:48:49.72 we have to deal, God wants us to. 00:48:49.73\00:48:52.46 See, God is particularly when I read my Bible, 00:48:52.47\00:48:54.64 that's what I find out here. 00:48:54.65\00:48:57.32 He deal, He's particular with those 00:48:57.33\00:48:58.80 who claim to be members of the remnant church. 00:48:58.81\00:49:01.39 He's particular with his ministers, 00:49:03.55\00:49:07.41 and we have to be taught that the Holy Spirit. 00:49:07.42\00:49:09.51 The Holy Spirit is walking up and down the isles, 00:49:12.42\00:49:17.74 and it's watching, it's recording, 00:49:17.75\00:49:19.74 Holy Spirit is recording. 00:49:19.75\00:49:21.42 What's going through your mind and what you're doing? 00:49:21.43\00:49:23.10 Whether, yeah, that's right, 00:49:23.11\00:49:25.26 whether it's candy wrappers or chewing gum 00:49:25.27\00:49:27.38 or you're writing your boyfriend or girlfriend 00:49:27.39\00:49:29.70 a little note. 00:49:29.71\00:49:32.19 You're fooling around with the phone 00:49:32.20\00:49:33.43 or you're doing something else 00:49:33.44\00:49:34.81 that you shouldn't be, be doing there, 00:49:34.82\00:49:36.33 or you're day dreaming, combing somebody's hair. 00:49:36.34\00:49:39.52 You know what you know I'm talking about here. 00:49:39.53\00:49:41.34 You're distracting somebody else. 00:49:41.35\00:49:43.31 Did you know that? You think maybe not. 00:49:43.32\00:49:45.54 You're distracting somebody. 00:49:45.55\00:49:46.86 Every little hand that's raised, 00:49:46.87\00:49:48.00 every head that's turned, somebody sees you, 00:49:48.01\00:49:50.22 somebody is distracted and devil will use that, 00:49:50.23\00:49:52.47 dear friend, against you and against me. 00:49:52.48\00:49:55.02 God's ministers ought to be men of action, 00:49:58.33\00:50:01.53 not sit idly by, doing nothing, 00:50:01.54\00:50:03.07 men of action and men of righteousness. 00:50:03.08\00:50:05.62 They need to be Christ centered, 00:50:05.63\00:50:08.09 in words, and in action. 00:50:08.10\00:50:11.50 That's the only way a person can qualify 00:50:11.51\00:50:13.42 to be soul winner for Jesus 00:50:13.43\00:50:14.60 and a minister in the church of God. 00:50:14.61\00:50:16.53 So as the body believers, it says here, 00:50:18.57\00:50:20.23 we've been reading the church in its organized capacity, 00:50:20.24\00:50:23.06 as it come to bear together with the church 00:50:23.07\00:50:24.57 and we're all discussing, you see, 00:50:24.58\00:50:25.94 when it comes to that point time. 00:50:25.95\00:50:29.15 They're gonna deal with some tough issues here. 00:50:29.16\00:50:34.02 And these tough issues are the ones that, 00:50:34.03\00:50:35.60 you know, the devil is trying to tear apart the, 00:50:35.61\00:50:37.96 the peace and the prosperity and, 00:50:37.97\00:50:40.14 you know, the church, the togetherness 00:50:40.15\00:50:43.37 that we have many times, he's trying to tear us apart, 00:50:43.38\00:50:45.69 he can't stand that. 00:50:45.70\00:50:48.13 There's no unity with the devils of hell, 00:50:48.14\00:50:50.34 you know that. 00:50:50.35\00:50:53.39 We have to remember that God has given His people 00:50:53.40\00:50:56.41 authority on this earth, authority to deal with sin, 00:50:56.42\00:51:01.28 inside the church. 00:51:01.29\00:51:03.02 Oh, heavy duty, huh! 00:51:03.03\00:51:04.50 Jesus said this in John 20:23, 00:51:04.51\00:51:08.33 He said, "Whosesoever sins ye remit." 00:51:08.34\00:51:11.67 That's talking about forgiveness and lay it aside. 00:51:11.68\00:51:14.20 Remember, the church can't forgive sin, 00:51:14.21\00:51:15.88 don't anybody get the wrong idea. 00:51:15.89\00:51:18.50 We're talking about organized capacity 00:51:18.51\00:51:19.93 dealing with that, we take them to God, 00:51:19.94\00:51:21.34 you know that. 00:51:21.35\00:51:24.08 It says that, "They are remitted." 00:51:24.09\00:51:25.98 That means they're separated unto them. 00:51:25.99\00:51:28.96 "Whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained." 00:51:28.97\00:51:32.70 Now this is the passage, I don't think, 00:51:32.71\00:51:34.08 we don't have time today to go into, 00:51:34.09\00:51:35.76 but, boy, this caused controversy among many, 00:51:35.77\00:51:38.26 many people and it should not. 00:51:38.27\00:51:40.41 Remember, individual little church doesn't forgive sin, 00:51:40.42\00:51:42.82 only the blood of Jesus Christ can do that, 00:51:42.83\00:51:45.00 dear friends. 00:51:45.01\00:51:47.61 Matthew 18:18 says, "Verily I say unto you, 00:51:47.62\00:51:49.99 Whatsoever ye shall what? 00:51:50.00\00:51:51.09 Bind on earth shall be bound, where? 00:51:51.10\00:51:53.31 In heaven, whatsoever you shall loose on earth 00:51:53.32\00:51:55.44 shall be loosed in heaven." 00:51:55.45\00:51:58.81 Here we see the binding and the loosening 00:51:58.82\00:52:02.02 that's committed to the church, 00:52:02.03\00:52:04.43 so the church does what? 00:52:04.44\00:52:05.84 Have a responsibility, deal with these issues. 00:52:05.85\00:52:08.87 Matthew 18:17 says, keep this in mind, 00:52:08.88\00:52:11.65 The decision that the people of the church 00:52:11.66\00:52:13.56 make can only be, what? 00:52:13.57\00:52:16.69 Ratified by heaven. And that says what? 00:52:16.70\00:52:20.58 If they follow the principles of heaven. 00:52:20.59\00:52:23.42 So don't go anywhere, 00:52:23.43\00:52:24.40 if we follow the principles of heaven 00:52:24.41\00:52:25.97 written down in God's word 00:52:25.98\00:52:27.40 and we follow those then God says, 00:52:27.41\00:52:29.41 this is okay and that's the right way to deal with it. 00:52:29.42\00:52:33.08 If not, God is not going to ratify it, 00:52:33.09\00:52:34.45 He's not going to say, well, that's okay. 00:52:34.46\00:52:35.90 If the church says it, and they're still living in sin. 00:52:35.91\00:52:37.59 No, He's not going to do that, you know that. 00:52:37.60\00:52:40.14 So what if the church deal with, you know, 00:52:40.15\00:52:42.49 it opens sin there, let's say in the church and remember, 00:52:42.50\00:52:45.11 what are the steps that we should do, you know, 00:52:45.12\00:52:48.17 according to scripture? What shall we do? 00:52:48.18\00:52:49.55 Matthew 18, you know, the step, right? 00:52:49.56\00:52:51.00 Matthew 18:15 says, 00:52:51.01\00:52:52.30 "Moreover if thy brother shall transgress, 00:52:52.31\00:52:55.74 or you know, trespass against thee, 00:52:55.75\00:52:58.00 go tell it to him and his fault between he 00:52:58.01\00:53:00.60 and thee alone and if he shall hear thee, 00:53:00.61\00:53:02.96 thou has gained a brother." 00:53:02.97\00:53:04.63 Wow! Don't go do what? 00:53:04.64\00:53:07.35 Tell it between he and thee, what? Alone. 00:53:07.36\00:53:10.58 Oh, so many of you can't wait to tell to everybody else 00:53:10.59\00:53:12.95 except the guilty party where you think is guilty. 00:53:12.96\00:53:16.71 You're doing the work of the devil, 00:53:16.72\00:53:17.77 there's no doubt about it. 00:53:17.78\00:53:19.77 Jesus makes it plain, 00:53:19.78\00:53:21.61 how a Christian is to deal with a fellow believer, 00:53:21.62\00:53:25.84 who has maybe wronged him personally, 00:53:25.85\00:53:28.35 who's heard him, who's sinned against him, 00:53:28.36\00:53:31.25 happens in the church, 00:53:31.26\00:53:32.23 we're dealing with issues now. 00:53:32.24\00:53:33.58 There's close connection here 00:53:35.61\00:53:36.68 in Matthew 18 and 2:12 through 14, 00:53:36.69\00:53:40.03 now we don't have time to get into, 00:53:40.04\00:53:41.29 got a couple of minutes left here. 00:53:41.30\00:53:42.81 But it talks about the sheep. You just have to read it. 00:53:42.82\00:53:44.89 The sheep who went astray, you remember those? 00:53:44.90\00:53:47.54 And how we must deal with them in order 00:53:47.55\00:53:49.77 to what for the church to be a pure people, 00:53:49.78\00:53:52.94 to be what God wants him to be, 00:53:52.95\00:53:55.18 fit for the use of the master. 00:53:55.19\00:53:58.08 Friend, are we fitting in there? Are we studying? 00:53:58.09\00:54:00.15 Are we saying that we're doing the right thing 00:54:00.16\00:54:01.72 that God would have us to do? 00:54:01.73\00:54:04.36 So, when a brother sins or a brother's in air, 00:54:04.37\00:54:06.68 he's doing wrong, he's gone astray. 00:54:06.69\00:54:08.51 We have an obligation then to try to win him, what? 00:54:08.52\00:54:11.77 As a brother back to Christ. 00:54:11.78\00:54:13.11 We have an obligation and so often we, 00:54:13.12\00:54:16.86 somebody leads, we never talk to them, 00:54:16.87\00:54:18.43 we never do anything to try to win him back. 00:54:18.44\00:54:21.41 Is God's gonna holds us accountable. 00:54:21.42\00:54:23.01 Friend, I believe that God is. 00:54:25.25\00:54:27.43 You see that the Straight Testimony, 00:54:27.44\00:54:30.83 the point in testimony must live in the church. 00:54:30.84\00:54:34.30 So that God can live in our hearts 00:54:34.31\00:54:35.96 and in our minds, and be the kind of people 00:54:35.97\00:54:37.40 we need to be, to be the soul winners, 00:54:37.41\00:54:39.49 time's running out, we need to get real with God, 00:54:39.50\00:54:42.56 gonna be talking more about this in part four, 00:54:42.57\00:54:44.33 you won't want to miss that. 00:54:44.34\00:54:45.31 But, I want to pray with you right now, 00:54:45.32\00:54:46.67 those of you have a heavy heart, 00:54:46.68\00:54:48.18 those of you, you need special prayer, 00:54:48.19\00:54:51.17 something really troubling you today 00:54:51.18\00:54:52.46 and you need special prayer. 00:54:52.47\00:54:53.77 I want to pray for you right now. 00:54:53.78\00:54:55.81 Let's do it together, shall we as I kneel. 00:54:55.82\00:54:57.42 Loving, heavenly, Father, 00:54:58.86\00:55:00.06 we thank You for Your precious word today, 00:55:00.07\00:55:01.84 we realize sometimes it's pointed like a, 00:55:01.85\00:55:03.52 it's like a sword, two-edged sword. 00:55:03.53\00:55:05.26 But, Father, I pray for those who are in need, 00:55:05.27\00:55:07.24 those who are lifting their heart right now to You. 00:55:07.25\00:55:09.03 They're crying out, oh God, save me. 00:55:09.04\00:55:10.97 There needs to changes in my church, 00:55:10.98\00:55:12.56 there needs to be changes in my life, 00:55:12.57\00:55:14.35 please invite the Holy Spirit to come in right now, 00:55:14.36\00:55:16.88 I pray that will do that right now. 00:55:16.89\00:55:18.53 And the spirit will come in and we'll express 00:55:18.54\00:55:20.89 what needs to take place 00:55:20.90\00:55:22.05 so that You can abide with them. 00:55:22.06\00:55:24.51 Thank You for hearing and for answering prayer 00:55:24.52\00:55:26.41 for every viewer in the precious name of Jesus, 00:55:26.42\00:55:28.61 we thank You, amen. 00:55:28.62\00:55:31.14 Now don't forget we, you know, we do, 00:55:31.15\00:55:33.99 we like your comments, we like your thoughts, 00:55:34.00\00:55:36.75 your phone calls, your emails, 00:55:36.76\00:55:38.05 all that you, you know, you have questions, 00:55:38.06\00:55:39.71 please feel free to do that. 00:55:39.72\00:55:41.44 It's very important that you do so. 00:55:41.45\00:55:43.18 We know that we're reaching God's people, 00:55:43.19\00:55:45.24 true and the honest are gonna respond to the call. 00:55:45.25\00:55:48.48 And as, you know, this program is gonna be 00:55:48.49\00:55:51.26 brought by the freewill offerings of God's people 00:55:51.27\00:55:53.92 and that's how Behold the Lamb is supported, 00:55:53.93\00:55:56.43 by the offerings of God's people. 00:55:56.44\00:55:57.96 So continue to, you know, pray about it, 00:55:57.97\00:56:00.45 do what you can do to help this ministry, 00:56:00.46\00:56:01.66 we'll continue to bring these programs to you. 00:56:01.67\00:56:03.75 And if we can be of any kind of a blessing 00:56:03.76\00:56:05.35 or in a service for you, be sure and give us a call, 00:56:05.36\00:56:07.58 you'll see the names and, numbers on the screen. 00:56:07.59\00:56:09.81 Until then, we love you, 00:56:09.82\00:56:10.90 God loves you, and I'll see you next time. 00:56:10.91\00:56:13.49 Hello, once again. 00:56:16.59\00:56:17.88 And what a blessing it was to be 00:56:17.89\00:56:20.06 in the presence of the Lord 00:56:20.07\00:56:21.50 and to learn from His word today. 00:56:21.51\00:56:23.92 He's leading and guiding us back unto His image, why? 00:56:23.93\00:56:28.68 Friends, it's because He loves you 00:56:28.69\00:56:30.96 and He loves me so very much, 00:56:30.97\00:56:33.18 and He is doing all that He could do to give us 00:56:33.19\00:56:37.15 the heavenly life that He intended for us 00:56:37.16\00:56:39.79 to have before sin entered the picture. 00:56:39.80\00:56:43.06 And isn't it time that you listened, 00:56:43.07\00:56:45.71 isn't it time that you heeded His calling? 00:56:45.72\00:56:49.41 And as always we want to help you in anyway 00:56:49.42\00:56:51.87 we possibly can in your walk with the Lord. 00:56:51.88\00:56:54.62 We want you to have this series of four sermons 00:56:54.63\00:56:58.42 that we have entitled 00:56:58.43\00:56:59.71 "The Plain Straight Testimony Must Live," 00:56:59.72\00:57:02.61 and it's available to you 00:57:02.62\00:57:03.95 for just a small gift at $29.00 or more. 00:57:03.96\00:57:07.85 And for those of you who are not aware of it, 00:57:07.86\00:57:10.45 Pastor Kenny and I, 00:57:10.46\00:57:11.75 we do travel to various churches 00:57:11.76\00:57:13.71 for weekend meetings or evangelistic crusades. 00:57:13.72\00:57:16.97 So, if your congregation would appreciate having us 00:57:16.98\00:57:20.37 attend your special event in person. 00:57:20.38\00:57:23.05 The contact information is the same and here it is. 00:57:23.06\00:57:26.40 You may call us at 618-942-5044, 00:57:26.41\00:57:31.72 that's Central Standard Time in the United States 00:57:31.73\00:57:34.85 or write us at Behold the Lamb Ministries, 00:57:34.86\00:57:37.80 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948. 00:57:37.81\00:57:42.79 You can also contact us by an e-mail, 00:57:42.80\00:57:45.85 that's BeholdTheLamb- Ministries@Yahoo.com 00:57:45.86\00:57:48.83 or visit us online, you can even order online, 00:57:48.84\00:57:52.39 and that's www. BeholdTheLambMinistries.com. 00:57:52.40\00:57:57.38 And as always, until next time, friends, 00:57:57.39\00:57:59.81 may our precious Lord 00:57:59.82\00:58:01.50 continue to richly bless you and yours. 00:58:01.51\00:58:05.15