Welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents, 00:00:39.97\00:00:42.63 I'm Chris Shelton your host and yes we hope 00:00:42.64\00:00:46.00 that is your heart felt desire to break 00:00:46.01\00:00:49.26 the enemy's power over you in your life 00:00:49.27\00:00:51.86 but how can this be done. Every time 00:00:51.87\00:00:55.14 we turn around, intentional or not, 00:00:55.15\00:00:57.40 it just seems like we make the wrong decisions 00:00:57.41\00:01:00.93 and in some areas of life, life continues 00:01:00.94\00:01:03.98 to scroll out of control. We've all 00:01:03.99\00:01:07.16 been there, battling with the enemy its real, 00:01:07.17\00:01:10.53 we are engaged in a spiritual warfare 00:01:10.54\00:01:13.88 for our eternal souls. The enemy is doing 00:01:13.89\00:01:17.18 all he possibly can to keep you off 00:01:17.19\00:01:20.79 the straight and narrow road that leads to 00:01:20.80\00:01:22.96 eternal life. Why? Because he knows that 00:01:22.97\00:01:26.17 he's a scapegoat, you can read all about 00:01:26.18\00:01:28.65 this scapegoat in Leviticus chapter 16. 00:01:28.66\00:01:32.52 The enemy knows that his day is coming 00:01:33.61\00:01:35.89 when all who make it to heaven will have 00:01:35.90\00:01:38.80 their sins placed upon the scapegoat for him 00:01:38.81\00:01:41.82 to receive the due punishment; 00:01:41.83\00:01:44.22 therefore he would rather that you be 00:01:44.23\00:01:46.93 punished for your sins in the lake of fire 00:01:46.94\00:01:49.41 then for him to be. And I believe that 00:01:49.42\00:01:52.18 he is just so full of jealousy, 00:01:52.19\00:01:54.51 just so full of hatred for all that 00:01:54.52\00:01:56.88 God's stands for, that he just 00:01:56.89\00:01:59.59 can't stand it for us to one day live in the 00:01:59.60\00:02:03.59 heavenly atmosphere that he lost 00:02:03.60\00:02:05.59 because of his wrong choices. 00:02:05.60\00:02:08.10 Therefore if we desire heaven be our home 00:02:08.11\00:02:12.11 some day we must learn how to break the power 00:02:12.12\00:02:15.89 of the enemy over our actions, 00:02:15.90\00:02:18.12 over our decisions, our thoughts, our desires, 00:02:18.13\00:02:21.27 over any avenue that he may open to your soul. 00:02:21.28\00:02:25.90 That's why, today's message is so vital, 00:02:25.91\00:02:30.14 so get out your Bibles and lets study along 00:02:30.15\00:02:33.06 with Pastor Kenny as he reveals the message 00:02:33.07\00:02:35.72 that God has placed upon his heart. 00:02:35.73\00:02:37.80 It is entitled breaking the power of the enemy. 00:02:37.81\00:02:41.39 To help prepare our hearts for this message 00:02:41.40\00:02:44.07 we're once again blasting with music from 00:02:44.08\00:02:47.61 3ABN's worship center and today's special 00:02:47.62\00:02:50.18 music is entitled New Jerusalem and 00:02:50.19\00:02:53.95 it is sung by Brother Christian Berdahl. 00:02:53.96\00:02:56.63 I saw the Holy City Descending from the sky 00:03:20.00\00:03:30.35 So brilliant with the light of God 00:03:30.36\00:03:36.85 The city is His bride. There is no temple 00:03:36.86\00:03:45.28 in this town. No sun, no moon, no lamp 00:03:45.29\00:03:51.51 For God's own glory is it's light 00:03:51.52\00:03:57.62 Illuminated by the Lamb And God Himself 00:03:57.63\00:04:06.64 will wipe the tears From every weeping eye 00:04:06.65\00:04:13.14 No death, no pain, no mourning cry 00:04:14.33\00:04:19.64 And every tear made dry 00:04:19.65\00:04:26.57 And now our God will dwell with them 00:04:27.59\00:04:32.45 The new Jerusalem And He Himself will 00:04:32.46\00:04:40.51 walk with them The new Jerusalem 00:04:40.52\00:04:48.85 And so let all of those who thirst 00:04:56.52\00:05:03.42 Come now and drink for free 00:05:03.43\00:05:08.03 And to the one who overcomes 00:05:08.04\00:05:13.75 Come now and you will see 00:05:13.76\00:05:18.64 Behold the old has passed away 00:05:19.60\00:05:24.30 Now everything is new. The Alpha and 00:05:24.31\00:05:31.93 Omega's words Are trustworthy 00:05:31.94\00:05:36.78 and so true. And God Himself will wipe 00:05:36.79\00:05:44.71 the tears. From every weeping eye 00:05:44.72\00:05:49.50 No death, no pain, no mourning cry 00:05:50.67\00:05:55.77 And every tear made dry And now our God 00:05:55.78\00:06:06.27 will dwell with them The new Jerusalem 00:06:06.28\00:06:13.29 And He Himself will walk with them 00:06:13.30\00:06:18.59 The new Jerusalem And now our God will 00:06:18.60\00:06:27.19 dwell with them The new Jerusalem 00:06:27.20\00:06:33.89 And He Himself will walk with them 00:06:33.90\00:06:39.14 The new Jerusalem The new Jerusalem. 00:06:39.15\00:07:01.47 Thank you for joining us once again, 00:07:29.94\00:07:32.27 we're thrilled to be able to spend this time 00:07:32.28\00:07:34.45 with you and we always look forward 00:07:34.46\00:07:37.39 to you know receiving your response 00:07:37.40\00:07:40.33 to the program. So, why don't you sit down, 00:07:40.34\00:07:42.20 get the pencil and paper, you might have a 00:07:42.21\00:07:44.13 question or comment we are more than happy 00:07:44.14\00:07:46.33 to look at that and to respond to you. 00:07:46.34\00:07:48.60 You know, I believe that God's people 00:07:48.61\00:07:51.11 have a lot on their heart and a lot on their 00:07:51.12\00:07:53.80 mind and you may want to share that. 00:07:53.81\00:07:56.03 Feel free to do it, again we're glad 00:07:56.04\00:07:58.11 that you are with us wherever you may be, 00:07:58.12\00:07:59.74 we are gonna be studying about the breaking 00:07:59.75\00:08:02.11 the power of the enemy. How does a 00:08:02.12\00:08:05.74 individual break the power of the enemy? 00:08:05.75\00:08:08.38 Can an individual or is it going to take 00:08:08.39\00:08:10.81 some outside help. We're gonna be looking 00:08:10.82\00:08:13.15 at this after we have prayer. 00:08:13.16\00:08:14.93 So, if you can why don't we just pray 00:08:14.94\00:08:16.96 together, I'm gonna kneel and if you can, 00:08:16.97\00:08:18.85 fine, if you can't prayer where you're at, 00:08:18.86\00:08:20.62 we're gonna ask for the power 00:08:20.63\00:08:21.66 of the Holy Spirit. Kind loving heavenly Father, 00:08:21.67\00:08:26.21 we thank you for the privilege of sharing 00:08:26.22\00:08:28.37 your word today, they are words of life. 00:08:28.38\00:08:30.99 We pray for their knowing of the high 00:08:31.00\00:08:33.11 Holy Spirit trace will open my heart, 00:08:33.12\00:08:35.32 my mind, may I be able to hear your 00:08:35.33\00:08:37.44 sweet spirit, the words that need to be spoken 00:08:37.45\00:08:39.82 as you open the ears of the each 00:08:39.83\00:08:41.78 and everyone and the eyes of those around 00:08:41.79\00:08:43.58 the world that are seeking to make heaven 00:08:43.59\00:08:46.11 their home. Now for the anointing of thy spirit 00:08:46.12\00:08:49.59 we give you praise and honor and glory 00:08:49.60\00:08:52.30 and we pray as this program is anointed 00:08:52.31\00:08:55.28 that it will reach thousands, 00:08:55.29\00:08:57.17 ye millions of people around the world. 00:08:57.18\00:08:59.65 We thank you for that privilege 00:08:59.66\00:09:00.85 in Jesus name, Amen. Always a question, 00:09:00.86\00:09:07.16 a lot of times people make phone calls 00:09:07.17\00:09:09.09 and usually when they make these calls 00:09:09.10\00:09:11.70 they're in some kind of a dilemma. 00:09:11.71\00:09:13.08 Something is going on in their life 00:09:13.09\00:09:14.88 and they have questions and they usually 00:09:14.89\00:09:17.87 boils down to the little bottom like is that 00:09:17.88\00:09:20.74 the devil is raking havoc over their life. 00:09:20.75\00:09:24.58 They want to know how they can gain 00:09:24.59\00:09:28.06 the victory over the enemy. Well just a real 00:09:28.07\00:09:31.35 short quick answer could be for us today 00:09:31.36\00:09:33.63 well you know just see how Jesus did it. 00:09:33.64\00:09:36.39 But lets just go a little bit more here 00:09:36.40\00:09:38.48 in depth as we live day by day by every word 00:09:38.49\00:09:41.62 that proceeds out the mouth of God. 00:09:41.63\00:09:43.99 And then we focus on how Jesus would have us 00:09:44.00\00:09:48.56 to be working along with him because Jesus 00:09:48.57\00:09:51.99 realizes that the devil is a real problem 00:09:52.00\00:09:54.61 in this world. You know the devil has an awful 00:09:54.62\00:09:57.49 lot of assaults and he brings them against us, 00:09:57.50\00:10:00.74 he has delusions they're many, 00:10:00.75\00:10:03.25 the things that he's working in every area. 00:10:03.26\00:10:05.34 He is busy in every aspect of life, 00:10:05.35\00:10:08.32 he doesn't leave one area uncovered. 00:10:08.33\00:10:11.46 So, where ever you maybe your weakness 00:10:11.84\00:10:13.78 might be he is going to be there 00:10:13.79\00:10:15.61 and the good news is that we can be weak 00:10:15.62\00:10:18.62 in a certain area but through Jesus Christ 00:10:18.63\00:10:21.02 it can become our strongest point. 00:10:21.03\00:10:23.19 But is there working, he's there chiseling 00:10:23.20\00:10:25.31 away, doing all that he can, he is constant, 00:10:25.32\00:10:28.95 he is consistent and he is also the accuser 00:10:28.96\00:10:33.32 of the Brethren, 00:10:33.33\00:10:35.78 tells us. So, we have an accuser of what? 00:10:35.79\00:10:38.77 Of the brethren. So the devil is always going 00:10:38.78\00:10:42.19 about accusing someone. He is bringing something 00:10:42.20\00:10:45.08 up to God, oh these are your people, 00:10:45.09\00:10:48.38 these are your children, well look what they did. 00:10:48.39\00:10:51.17 Look what they're doing, he is the accuser 00:10:51.18\00:10:54.33 of the brethren. Now the devil realized because 00:10:54.34\00:10:58.80 the Bible tells us in Revelation 12:12, 00:10:58.81\00:11:00.98 it says the devil has come down to you 00:11:00.99\00:11:04.36 having great wrath and then it says because. 00:11:04.37\00:11:08.71 Now the devil has great wrath, 00:11:08.72\00:11:10.51 why does he have such great wrath because 00:11:10.52\00:11:13.21 he knows his time is what? Short. 00:11:13.22\00:11:17.15 He knows that he has just a short time to go. 00:11:17.16\00:11:21.93 You know that tells me, he already knows 00:11:21.94\00:11:24.25 he's defeated, he already knows 00:11:24.26\00:11:26.35 that he is a loser and yet he's still trying 00:11:26.36\00:11:29.10 to lure the world through his delusions, 00:11:29.11\00:11:31.07 through his temptations and through the lust 00:11:31.08\00:11:33.59 of the eye and lust of the flesh, 00:11:33.60\00:11:35.09 he's still taking the world captive. 00:11:35.10\00:11:37.03 But he knows he has just a short time, 00:11:38.82\00:11:41.37 do you know that you just have a short time. 00:11:42.99\00:11:45.30 Let's not say well the enemy knows 00:11:45.31\00:11:47.63 more than we know here, we're not trying 00:11:47.64\00:11:49.34 to give him any praise and lift him up. 00:11:49.35\00:11:51.54 This is reality of it, the devil knows 00:11:51.55\00:11:54.08 his time is short and so he is working constantly 00:11:54.09\00:11:57.25 and consistently, oh! Much more than 00:11:57.26\00:12:00.53 many so called Christian, we think 00:12:00.54\00:12:03.44 we have all the life span, we're gonna be 00:12:03.45\00:12:05.99 here forever and ever and ever. 00:12:06.00\00:12:07.26 Are we really consistent in our walk with God? 00:12:07.27\00:12:10.14 Are we aggressive in the cause of God? 00:12:10.15\00:12:12.46 Do we realize our time is short 00:12:12.47\00:12:14.25 and we must haste we must redeem the time? 00:12:14.26\00:12:17.39 The devil does. Oh! He loves us to sit back 00:12:17.40\00:12:21.28 and to do nothing, and because he knows 00:12:21.29\00:12:24.49 his time is short, because he was cast out 00:12:24.50\00:12:27.80 to this earth. Revelation 12:17 says 00:12:27.81\00:12:31.71 he went to make war with the remnant of her 00:12:31.72\00:12:33.41 seed those who keep the commandments of God, 00:12:33.42\00:12:35.55 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 00:12:35.56\00:12:38.04 Two identifying marks as you know of the 00:12:38.05\00:12:40.75 God's last day remnant church, 00:12:40.76\00:12:42.30 you don't have those two identifying mark 00:12:42.31\00:12:44.50 you cannot possibly be God's last day 00:12:44.51\00:12:46.86 remnant church. Not talking about just names 00:12:46.87\00:12:49.72 on the door I'm talking about identifying marks 00:12:49.73\00:12:52.12 that the Bible gives. So the devil is angry, 00:12:52.13\00:12:55.17 the devil is working on what, 00:12:55.18\00:12:56.79 people who keep and I'm talking about all ten by 00:12:56.80\00:13:00.46 God's grace. You think about works no not all 00:13:00.47\00:13:03.53 we're talking about what? We're obeying 00:13:03.54\00:13:05.53 because we love him. We are going to be obedient 00:13:05.54\00:13:08.33 to God, the devil was disobedient, 00:13:08.34\00:13:11.27 he didn't keep the laws of heaven 00:13:11.28\00:13:14.04 and he was cast out and if you're not by 00:13:14.05\00:13:16.25 God's grace, you're not looking to beholding 00:13:16.26\00:13:17.89 that Ten Commandments you see and eying 00:13:17.90\00:13:20.23 those things up and looking and saying, 00:13:20.24\00:13:21.73 God help me with these issues. 00:13:21.74\00:13:23.20 Wow! We're not even gonna make it to heaven 00:13:24.05\00:13:26.71 are we, to be cast out. Something we need to 00:13:26.72\00:13:29.75 contemplate and think on today. 00:13:29.76\00:13:31.43 The Bible said, he was cast out to this earth 00:13:31.44\00:13:33.59 and you know what he did, he planted 00:13:33.60\00:13:37.62 his standard of rebellion right here 00:13:37.63\00:13:42.60 on this thing we call earth, this planet. 00:13:42.61\00:13:44.91 He planted a rebellious standard 00:13:45.75\00:13:49.19 and he's saying, I'm going to rally the world 00:13:49.20\00:13:51.92 around my standard. We're talking about 00:13:51.93\00:13:56.26 breaking the power of the enemy 00:13:56.27\00:13:58.29 but he's come down with great power, 00:13:58.30\00:13:59.95 he's planted a standard, that's his law, 00:13:59.96\00:14:05.37 man made rules and regulations, 00:14:05.38\00:14:06.80 this is not God's, but God's also 00:14:06.81\00:14:08.32 has a standard. And we're gonna rally around 00:14:08.33\00:14:11.66 one or the other, you're gonna rally around 00:14:11.67\00:14:13.98 the old enemy and his standard all around God 00:14:13.99\00:14:18.93 and his standard, what is it going to be, 00:14:18.94\00:14:21.05 are you going to break the power of that enemy 00:14:21.06\00:14:24.41 in your life, then we have to so regulate 00:14:24.42\00:14:27.92 our life by the grace of God. 00:14:27.93\00:14:30.00 Come in harmony with scripture. 00:14:30.01\00:14:32.02 The enemy, the Bible said was cast out 00:14:33.57\00:14:37.15 of heaven, you know he was cast out of heaven, 00:14:37.16\00:14:38.78 yeah because he was rebellious, 00:14:38.79\00:14:40.24 he wouldn't go along with God's rules 00:14:40.25\00:14:42.07 and regulation that's put in a very 00:14:42.08\00:14:43.97 simple way, that's true. And when he was 00:14:43.98\00:14:47.11 cast out, he had, he no longer had any right 00:14:47.12\00:14:49.88 to be in the courts of heaven. 00:14:49.89\00:14:52.20 Why? Because he rebelled, because 00:14:53.37\00:14:55.39 he was disobedient, yet the world is saying 00:14:55.40\00:14:57.62 we no need to be obedient. 00:14:57.63\00:14:59.21 But the devil was cast out because of 00:14:59.97\00:15:01.55 disobedience. So, there is something 00:15:01.56\00:15:04.07 we need to look at here a little bit closer 00:15:04.08\00:15:07.32 today as we see we need to break that 00:15:07.33\00:15:09.61 power of the enemy. The enemy knew 00:15:09.62\00:15:12.96 that when he came to this world he is going 00:15:12.97\00:15:14.84 to set up his you guys call his empire 00:15:14.85\00:15:17.36 this world and he said, I'm going to destroy 00:15:17.37\00:15:21.60 as many people as I can or what? 00:15:21.61\00:15:25.48 I'm going to take down as many people as I can. 00:15:25.49\00:15:28.52 And you know the one's that he was wanting to 00:15:30.89\00:15:32.55 take down those that were created 00:15:32.56\00:15:35.82 in the image of God that's all mankind 00:15:35.83\00:15:38.04 isn't it. Because we were created in the 00:15:38.05\00:15:40.90 image of God the devil hates you 00:15:40.91\00:15:44.68 and so he's picked a fight with you 00:15:45.46\00:15:48.47 and he's either going to win or you're going 00:15:49.06\00:15:51.67 to win. He chooses many avenues in which 00:15:51.68\00:15:55.48 to defeat you and a lot times this always 00:15:55.49\00:15:58.20 wasn't the devil, it just you know I choose. 00:15:58.21\00:16:00.13 Yeah that's true you have a choice devil 00:16:00.14\00:16:02.71 can't make you do anything. He just tempts 00:16:02.72\00:16:05.60 you and the flesh sometimes wants to do 00:16:05.61\00:16:08.43 these things and so we make wrong choices 00:16:08.44\00:16:11.36 and wrong decision, the devil doesn't care 00:16:11.37\00:16:13.47 as long as we're disobedient to 00:16:13.48\00:16:16.37 God's word. So there is something to say 00:16:16.38\00:16:19.27 about obedience, in the world we live in, 00:16:19.28\00:16:21.84 they start crying foul when you say 00:16:21.85\00:16:24.31 we need to be obedient to God's rules, 00:16:24.32\00:16:26.75 his regulations, his law. Why? Why is it that 00:16:26.76\00:16:33.55 we have such problem? As the Bible has said, 00:16:33.56\00:16:37.32 the accusing power of Satan he has that 00:16:37.33\00:16:40.51 he is Accuser of the Brethren, 00:16:40.52\00:16:41.85 but how can it be broken. Oh it's simple 00:16:41.86\00:16:45.29 Bible passage, I'm going to turn my Bible, 00:16:45.30\00:16:47.10 and you do it too if you, in the 00:16:47.11\00:16:48.28 New Testament in the Book of John. 00:16:48.29\00:16:50.30 This is probably the most quoted 00:16:50.31\00:16:52.16 in the Bible, but how much sense it makes 00:16:52.17\00:16:55.16 and how that it answers the question that 00:16:55.17\00:16:58.05 we're talking about here. In the Book of 00:16:58.06\00:17:00.14 John we're going to go to chapter 3. 00:17:00.15\00:17:02.35 John chapter 3, there are several verses 00:17:02.36\00:17:05.33 but I'm just, because of time we're just gonna 00:17:05.34\00:17:07.12 concentrate just on a couple. John 3, 00:17:07.13\00:17:09.45 the Bible says here in verses 14 and so on, 00:17:09.46\00:17:12.73 it says, as Moses lifted up the serpent 00:17:12.74\00:17:16.16 in the wilderness, even so the Son of Man 00:17:16.17\00:17:19.81 must be lifted up, then the Bible goes on to say 00:17:19.82\00:17:24.17 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish 00:17:24.18\00:17:27.54 but have eternal life. And then probably 00:17:27.55\00:17:30.70 the most passage, scripture that everybody 00:17:30.71\00:17:33.93 knows. John 3 what? You see it written on side 00:17:33.94\00:17:37.60 of the road in different places, 00:17:37.61\00:17:38.69 many license plates, John 3:16, 00:17:38.70\00:17:41.38 'cause we're talking about the accusing power 00:17:41.39\00:17:44.23 of the devil has to be broken, 00:17:44.24\00:17:46.12 how can it be broken. Something you can do 00:17:46.13\00:17:48.07 something that you could pay for, 00:17:48.08\00:17:49.18 something you can get, no here it is. 00:17:49.19\00:17:50.90 "For God so loved the world that he gave 00:17:52.07\00:17:54.07 his only begotten Son, that whosoever 00:17:54.08\00:17:56.37 believeth in him should not perish, 00:17:56.38\00:17:59.23 but have everlasting life."There is no way 00:17:59.24\00:18:04.35 to break the power of Satan other than 00:18:04.36\00:18:07.63 the name of Jesus. This is where its at 00:18:07.64\00:18:11.01 and the devil doesn't want us to behold Jesus, 00:18:11.02\00:18:13.75 because he knows that breaks his back, 00:18:13.76\00:18:15.94 that breaks his power, whosoever, anyone who 00:18:15.95\00:18:22.28 believes in me shall not perish but have 00:18:22.29\00:18:23.97 everlasting life and in believing in him 00:18:23.98\00:18:26.83 we also willing to be what? Obedient to him 00:18:26.84\00:18:30.73 not just say why you say I just believe 00:18:30.74\00:18:33.06 now the Bible says, the devil believe 00:18:33.07\00:18:34.71 and tremble, they're not going to heaven. 00:18:34.72\00:18:36.48 Don't think you're going to go to heaven 00:18:36.49\00:18:38.30 in disobedience and just by believing, 00:18:38.31\00:18:40.34 it's a word that denotes that we need to be 00:18:41.28\00:18:43.35 some action involved in believing Him, 00:18:43.36\00:18:46.92 that we need to follow him and be obedient 00:18:46.93\00:18:49.22 to him. If you're jotting them down, 00:18:49.23\00:18:51.92 read Galatians 6:14 and also Hebrews 9:22, 00:18:51.93\00:18:56.37 because it gives the answer of the power 00:18:56.38\00:18:59.34 that can break the enemy that has broken him 00:18:59.35\00:19:01.97 and certainly that is Jesus Christ, 00:19:01.98\00:19:04.53 that's encouraging. If we just dissect 00:19:04.54\00:19:07.11 just a little bit, if you let me do that, 00:19:07.12\00:19:09.50 John 3:14, said Moses lifted up what? 00:19:09.51\00:19:13.49 The serpent in the wilderness. 00:19:13.50\00:19:15.54 Remember that the death of Jesus Christ 00:19:16.63\00:19:19.02 on the cross, what happened to the enemy, 00:19:19.03\00:19:21.35 was his power broken, we have to realize that 00:19:22.55\00:19:27.29 Calvary as we see Calvary the Cross of 00:19:27.30\00:19:29.23 Calvary is our only hope in this world. 00:19:29.24\00:19:32.51 This is our only hope is the Cross of Calvary 00:19:34.10\00:19:36.89 and its theme is so great and so that 00:19:36.90\00:19:41.10 we can't even comprehend its going to be our 00:19:41.11\00:19:43.55 theme through the ceaseless ages as the 00:19:43.56\00:19:45.46 Cross of Calvary. We'll be learning 00:19:45.47\00:19:47.96 more and more and more and more than a 1000s 00:19:47.97\00:19:49.98 and millions of years, we still never feel 00:19:49.99\00:19:52.58 eons of times, never ever really 00:19:52.59\00:19:54.55 oh we understand all there is to know 00:19:54.56\00:19:56.36 about Calvary that's how great. 00:19:56.37\00:19:59.27 Oh! You think you know what Calvary 00:19:59.28\00:20:01.19 because someone was nailed to a cross. 00:20:01.20\00:20:02.55 You don't realize, I do not realize 00:20:02.56\00:20:04.35 what was given up, what Jesus gave up 00:20:04.36\00:20:06.82 in the courts of heaven to come down here 00:20:06.83\00:20:09.01 and to live this life among men, to be a man. 00:20:09.02\00:20:11.21 Go through all the tests and the trials 00:20:11.22\00:20:15.81 and the devils, demons of hell everyone of them 00:20:15.82\00:20:18.22 was against him. So thankful he was 00:20:18.23\00:20:20.85 victorious, because I failed 00:20:20.86\00:20:22.15 and I need somebody victorious, 00:20:22.16\00:20:23.79 only Jesus could be that for me how about you? 00:20:23.80\00:20:25.86 His answer John 3:15 we simply said whosoever 00:20:25.87\00:20:30.98 believe in him should not perish, 00:20:30.99\00:20:32.50 so we must realize as Christ died upon 00:20:33.57\00:20:35.40 the cross the destruction of the enemy 00:20:35.41\00:20:37.90 was made sure. When Jesus died what? 00:20:37.91\00:20:40.46 The destruction of the enemy was made sure. 00:20:40.47\00:20:43.73 There is no use to doubt and say well I'm 00:20:43.74\00:20:45.40 not sure what took place, it was they say, 00:20:45.41\00:20:47.55 nail in the coffin of the devil. 00:20:47.56\00:20:48.98 Jesus died upon the cross, he died for 00:20:50.37\00:20:52.68 my sins, how about yours. His blood 00:20:52.69\00:20:54.99 was shed so that it might be whiter than 00:20:55.00\00:20:57.19 snow Praise God for that and some good news 00:20:57.20\00:21:01.11 that atonement will never ever need to be 00:21:01.12\00:21:03.65 repeated again. Once is appoint at the time. 00:21:03.66\00:21:07.29 One time to die on the Cross of Calvary 00:21:07.30\00:21:09.65 and friends that's it. He's our security 00:21:09.66\00:21:13.21 not only in this life but in the life to come. 00:21:13.22\00:21:16.33 Is he your security today, are you really 00:21:16.34\00:21:19.39 banking and counting on him. 00:21:19.40\00:21:20.82 All we need to do is look to the Lamb of God, 00:21:21.87\00:21:26.33 by looking to the Lamb of God we break 00:21:26.34\00:21:28.94 the power of the enemy, but too often 00:21:28.95\00:21:32.08 we are looking around at ourselves 00:21:32.09\00:21:33.39 and other people who can help me 00:21:33.40\00:21:34.70 what can this, what can this be, 00:21:34.71\00:21:36.04 we need to look to the Lamb of God. 00:21:36.05\00:21:38.27 Why? Because we just read, God 00:21:39.16\00:21:40.68 so loved the world that he gave his 00:21:40.69\00:21:43.73 only big answer through the cross 00:21:43.74\00:21:45.75 so we are talking about here because 00:21:45.76\00:21:48.47 if we don't break the whole of the enemy, 00:21:48.48\00:21:50.21 he's gonna break you. He is gonna break me, 00:21:50.22\00:21:52.33 he is trying to break the world. 00:21:52.34\00:21:53.84 Even though he knows he is defeated 00:21:53.85\00:21:55.75 he is going to take down as many as he 00:21:55.76\00:21:57.09 possibly can. Cross of Calvary we can 00:21:57.10\00:22:02.66 understand that our heavenly Father loves us 00:22:02.67\00:22:05.76 with an infinite and everlasting love. 00:22:05.77\00:22:08.42 Not only Jesus came down here 00:22:08.43\00:22:11.09 and suffered but God suffered with his son. 00:22:11.10\00:22:13.37 You know what the accusations was in 00:22:14.07\00:22:16.27 heaven against God, your enemy is saying 00:22:16.28\00:22:20.93 you know what God doesn't know what 00:22:20.94\00:22:23.08 it's like to be selfless, he doesn't 00:22:23.09\00:22:26.17 have to sacrifice anything, he doesn't 00:22:26.18\00:22:28.47 give up anything. Because the devil 00:22:28.48\00:22:33.72 is not only the Accuser of the Brethren 00:22:33.73\00:22:35.31 but he is the accuser of God. 00:22:35.32\00:22:36.94 You say well how does, how did this. 00:22:38.14\00:22:40.13 As we see in John 3:16 we can see very callous 00:22:40.14\00:22:44.56 words that God was challenged by the enemy 00:22:44.57\00:22:47.98 to give up what? To give up his son. 00:22:47.99\00:22:51.28 God so loved the world that he gave up his son, 00:22:53.07\00:22:55.97 same cause giving up Jesus, 00:22:56.91\00:22:59.14 God had to be willing that was a selfless act. 00:22:59.15\00:23:02.66 Mankind was challenged 'cause Jesus said 00:23:05.03\00:23:07.68 to his disciples in Matthew 16:24, 00:23:07.69\00:23:11.06 he said, if any man will come after me, 00:23:11.07\00:23:13.80 do what, let him deny himself, 00:23:13.81\00:23:16.22 and take up his cross, and do what, 00:23:16.23\00:23:18.14 and follow me. First thing he says 00:23:18.15\00:23:20.31 that you have to deny yourself. 00:23:20.32\00:23:21.98 The devil tells you that you don't have to deny 00:23:21.99\00:23:24.04 yourself. You can have what you want, 00:23:24.05\00:23:26.37 you can go where you want, you can do 00:23:26.38\00:23:28.06 what you want, you can say what you want, 00:23:28.07\00:23:30.07 you can run with this group, you can, 00:23:30.08\00:23:31.86 oh that's a lie of the devil. 00:23:31.87\00:23:33.44 It's a big lie of the devil and you know 00:23:34.38\00:23:37.06 what because we like that, little bit of 00:23:37.07\00:23:39.86 independence that we can come and go, 00:23:39.87\00:23:41.61 as we you know, children you know at home, 00:23:41.62\00:23:45.20 they can't wait till they get a certain age 00:23:45.21\00:23:46.55 so they can get a life and make 00:23:46.56\00:23:49.01 their own decisions. They can't wait 00:23:49.02\00:23:51.83 to get out, now be careful here you know 00:23:51.84\00:23:53.78 I can't wait to get out and make a mess 00:23:53.79\00:23:55.12 of things. Why? Because I did it, 00:23:55.13\00:23:57.58 you probably did it. We want to get out 00:23:57.59\00:24:00.83 on our own to be able to say Oh! Boy, 00:24:00.84\00:24:03.16 one guy tell me one time, I can't wait till 00:24:03.17\00:24:06.17 I get 18 or so I leave the house 00:24:06.18\00:24:08.57 and then I will, I'll go to bed any time 00:24:08.58\00:24:12.01 I want to. Oh! Come on now, 00:24:12.02\00:24:15.77 surely life has more important things 00:24:15.78\00:24:17.31 than that. What was his thought, 00:24:17.32\00:24:20.51 I can go to bed when I want to 00:24:20.52\00:24:22.33 and so we see here that if Jesus challenges 00:24:24.50\00:24:27.22 if any man will come after me the first thing 00:24:27.23\00:24:30.26 he says is you must deny yourself. 00:24:30.27\00:24:32.89 So Jesus said to me Kenny, you go, 00:24:33.78\00:24:36.48 if heaven's going to be your home, 00:24:36.49\00:24:38.26 you're gonna have to deny, deny self. 00:24:38.27\00:24:41.95 And so the enemy says no you don't have to worry 00:24:44.12\00:24:46.68 about that he says why, Kenny, 00:24:46.69\00:24:49.07 why should you deny yourself, 00:24:49.08\00:24:50.42 the Father is not denying his self 00:24:50.43\00:24:52.29 and if Father doesn't deny his self 00:24:53.12\00:24:54.85 why should you deny yourself? 00:24:54.86\00:24:56.23 He's doing everything he wants, 00:24:57.37\00:24:58.84 oh boy in this passage we can sure see that 00:25:00.11\00:25:03.03 the Father denied himself when 00:25:03.04\00:25:04.71 he was willing to give what? 00:25:04.72\00:25:05.98 To give his son. Manuscript 2 in 1903, 00:25:05.99\00:25:14.09 now this is, just this is just solid, 00:25:14.10\00:25:16.46 this is good. You know what, 00:25:16.47\00:25:20.73 because we find this in and around those who are 00:25:20.74\00:25:24.28 working for Jesus. Now when the shoe 00:25:24.29\00:25:28.23 fits you wear it. The shoe fits 00:25:28.24\00:25:32.85 I need to wear it, those who bring self 00:25:32.86\00:25:37.72 into the work can not be trusted. 00:25:37.73\00:25:42.80 Those who what? We just been doing some study 00:25:43.63\00:25:46.69 on that as you will know talking about 00:25:46.70\00:25:48.56 trusting in God, those who bring 00:25:48.57\00:25:51.34 self into what? His work cannot be trusted. 00:25:51.35\00:25:55.71 There is too much of self, too much of I, 00:25:57.41\00:25:59.19 too much of he, too much this person 00:25:59.20\00:26:01.25 and that person did this and we did, 00:26:01.26\00:26:02.73 you didn't do anything. It was God working 00:26:02.74\00:26:06.29 in you and through you. He opened the doors, 00:26:06.30\00:26:09.08 he paved the way, he made it possible, 00:26:09.09\00:26:11.93 we need you to quit saying well he did, 00:26:11.94\00:26:14.33 she did, they did, this group did, 00:26:14.34\00:26:16.81 somebody else did over here. 00:26:16.82\00:26:18.55 He did it all, the song says all to him I owe. 00:26:18.56\00:26:24.42 No doors could be open up unless God opens 00:26:25.11\00:26:27.51 the door, because the enemy will close them, 00:26:27.52\00:26:28.78 he's stronger than we are, but we have a power 00:26:28.79\00:26:30.54 inside of us. This is important that 00:26:30.55\00:26:32.67 we know this, nothing is impossible 00:26:32.68\00:26:34.85 in the work of God and yet if we bring 00:26:34.86\00:26:38.93 self into it, well the ministry is really 00:26:38.94\00:26:44.03 flourishing because I'm in it. 00:26:44.04\00:26:45.97 You need to get out, its not flourishing 00:26:45.98\00:26:50.78 the way it should maybe because 00:26:50.79\00:26:52.03 you are still in it. I just want you to think 00:26:52.04\00:26:54.53 a little bit here well God blessed 00:26:54.54\00:26:57.28 I'm in this position, he blessed in spite 00:26:57.29\00:27:01.40 of your pathetic message you made, I made. 00:27:01.41\00:27:03.91 See we have to come to grips with these things 00:27:05.39\00:27:07.32 we can't be trusted inspiration says 00:27:07.33\00:27:10.22 if they would lose here's hope, 00:27:11.14\00:27:13.68 here's hope, here's encouragement, 00:27:13.69\00:27:15.51 if they would lose sight of self, 00:27:15.52\00:27:18.72 focus upon Christ their effort then would be 00:27:20.44\00:27:25.04 a value to his cause. See regardless of what 00:27:25.05\00:27:28.55 people say oh! This is big, this is great, 00:27:28.56\00:27:30.42 great things are happening, 00:27:30.43\00:27:31.54 God he doesn't even approve it, 00:27:31.55\00:27:33.76 if self is in the work. As many times 00:27:33.77\00:27:37.86 as we've studied before and you have studied, 00:27:37.87\00:27:39.65 as Israel, they won battles and pretty soon 00:27:39.66\00:27:43.40 the next day we did it all, next battle 00:27:43.41\00:27:46.89 they went into they were defeated 00:27:46.90\00:27:48.41 they were mopped up on. Did it have to be 00:27:48.42\00:27:51.70 that way, but God says I will accept 00:27:51.71\00:27:55.19 your ministry, your work if self was out of it 00:27:55.20\00:27:59.42 and you rely totally upon me. 00:27:59.43\00:28:02.17 Self denial, humility of mine, nobility of 00:28:02.18\00:28:06.56 purpose marked the savior's life. 00:28:06.57\00:28:09.20 We are to imitate Jesus, not some ministry, 00:28:10.03\00:28:13.90 not some pastor, not some preacher, 00:28:13.91\00:28:15.78 not some evangelist, oh! I want to be like him, 00:28:15.79\00:28:18.41 no I don't want to be like any earthly man. 00:28:18.42\00:28:20.23 My goal it is to be like what? 00:28:21.08\00:28:22.56 It is to be like Jesus. It seem like 00:28:22.57\00:28:24.32 such a far cry, makes your heart just ache 00:28:24.33\00:28:27.31 sometime and hurt because we're so weak 00:28:27.32\00:28:28.86 and so vacillating, but don't get discouraged, 00:28:28.87\00:28:31.51 keep your eyes on Jesus. When you make a mistake 00:28:31.52\00:28:34.73 go to God and say, I made this mistake, 00:28:34.74\00:28:36.64 I said this, I thought this I should have done, 00:28:36.65\00:28:38.55 God forgive me. Help me to be strong, 00:28:38.56\00:28:40.54 in the ministry we think well we're being blessed 00:28:40.55\00:28:43.07 because I'm in it oh! Get yourself out of it 00:28:43.08\00:28:45.07 and watch what God can do. Here behold 00:28:45.08\00:28:47.33 the lamb, we want to do that, 00:28:47.34\00:28:48.31 we need to do that, we desire to do that, 00:28:48.32\00:28:50.13 has nothing to do with us. We're saying 00:28:50.14\00:28:52.68 walls torn down, we're seeing petitions 00:28:52.69\00:28:55.73 that are broken, we're seeing the hand of God 00:28:55.74\00:28:58.90 work mildly in spite of us, in spite of 00:28:58.91\00:29:02.92 other people, people that should be maybe 00:29:02.93\00:29:05.24 shouldering up with you, people that should be an 00:29:05.25\00:29:07.36 encouragement with you, people they should be 00:29:07.37\00:29:09.03 praying with. They're trying to discourage 00:29:09.04\00:29:12.93 other people, they're causing a stain 00:29:12.94\00:29:16.33 in the cause of of Christ. They're causing 00:29:16.34\00:29:18.82 a commotion in the world when God's last day 00:29:18.83\00:29:21.14 moment should be shoulder to shoulder, 00:29:21.15\00:29:23.94 working together for the cause of Christ. 00:29:23.95\00:29:25.71 Up on that pillar, that platform of truth. 00:29:25.72\00:29:28.66 Most important is that we have the 00:29:31.66\00:29:33.57 unity of spirit, but self has to go 00:29:33.58\00:29:38.72 in the work. So, let's answer 00:29:38.73\00:29:42.49 the question a little, maybe a little 00:29:42.50\00:29:43.92 clearer for us, can there be any self denial 00:29:43.93\00:29:48.07 with God, we've somewhat answered that, 00:29:48.08\00:29:50.06 but can there be any self denial with God. 00:29:50.07\00:29:52.21 Must there be, if so how can we prove it. 00:29:52.99\00:29:57.82 Oh! You say well I never thought of that before, 00:30:00.17\00:30:02.30 there must be self denial with God. 00:30:02.31\00:30:04.83 Jesus asked me to deny self, 00:30:04.84\00:30:06.79 he denied self while it was him, well how about 00:30:07.92\00:30:10.16 the Father. Devil said well, 00:30:10.17\00:30:12.80 the Father is not going to, the answer is simple 00:30:12.81\00:30:14.97 that's right you are the answer we have been 00:30:16.79\00:30:18.39 talking about, the cross, the cross proves 00:30:18.40\00:30:22.71 beyond a shadow of a doubt at this point, 00:30:22.72\00:30:24.83 no questions asked about it as Christ 00:30:24.84\00:30:28.75 hung upon the cross, giving himself 00:30:28.76\00:30:32.08 for the sins of the world because 00:30:32.09\00:30:35.67 the Bible says he loved us with an 00:30:35.68\00:30:38.02 everlasting love. He loved mankind, 00:30:38.03\00:30:40.84 God had in his son denied himself I hope 00:30:40.85\00:30:47.23 you got that. God had in his son denied 00:30:47.24\00:30:52.44 himself you say well I don't get it. 00:30:52.45\00:30:54.82 Why because Christ was God, 00:30:55.71\00:31:00.31 condescending coming down to this world, 00:31:02.19\00:31:04.99 coming down in the flesh, he assumed 00:31:05.00\00:31:07.92 humanity, the Bible was clear on that 00:31:07.93\00:31:09.98 and he became obedient unto death 00:31:09.99\00:31:12.33 and sure, yes, did God deny self? 00:31:12.34\00:31:14.46 Absolutely he did. God denied himself 00:31:14.47\00:31:18.80 and his son Jesus as he hung upon the cross oh! 00:31:18.81\00:31:21.12 How much painful that must have been, 00:31:21.13\00:31:22.46 how heaven must have wept, 00:31:22.47\00:31:24.09 and how we take it so lightly. 00:31:25.99\00:31:27.96 What a cost, for somebody as miserable 00:31:29.88\00:31:34.16 and we came vacillating as a human race. 00:31:34.17\00:31:36.12 I take it serious when the Bible said 00:31:37.80\00:31:39.65 there is non good, no not one. 00:31:39.66\00:31:42.07 You see because if you say well 00:31:43.56\00:31:45.63 we're righteous, you're righteous 00:31:45.64\00:31:47.60 because of the robe of righteousness 00:31:47.61\00:31:49.31 he gives to you when you repent. 00:31:49.32\00:31:50.75 Yeah but they've done good deeds over here, 00:31:51.72\00:31:53.50 no good deeds have you done. 00:31:53.51\00:31:55.81 No good deeds ever. You think anything good 00:31:56.35\00:31:58.28 comes out well its Jesus coming out. 00:31:58.29\00:32:00.43 It's all about him, why not give him 00:32:00.44\00:32:02.77 all the credit, and all the praise. 00:32:02.78\00:32:04.84 Self denying God, self denying His son 00:32:04.85\00:32:08.51 and He says, I want you first of all to deny 00:32:08.52\00:32:10.69 self, take up the cross because you 00:32:10.70\00:32:12.72 will never take up the Cross of Calvary 00:32:12.73\00:32:14.94 unless you're willing to deny yourself first 00:32:14.95\00:32:16.92 because I'm telling that there are some 00:32:16.93\00:32:18.73 difficulties lying in there in the path 00:32:18.74\00:32:20.25 and that cross is there I find in that 00:32:20.26\00:32:22.77 directions I go in life, there is a cross 00:32:22.78\00:32:24.67 just before me. Sometimes I chose to go 00:32:24.68\00:32:27.32 I wanna go around that cross because 00:32:27.33\00:32:28.69 I don't want to endure because it means 00:32:28.70\00:32:30.43 I can't do what I've been wanting to do, 00:32:30.44\00:32:32.29 or its going to change my life and I had to go 00:32:32.30\00:32:34.68 around it and so I tried to get over here 00:32:34.69\00:32:36.43 and then all of sudden it stood in front of 00:32:36.44\00:32:38.49 me again. I'm going to have to come to grips 00:32:38.50\00:32:41.55 with that because that's the way to heaven 00:32:41.56\00:32:43.13 for me, how about you. You can't get around it, 00:32:43.14\00:32:47.05 you can't change it, God will put it there again 00:32:47.06\00:32:49.04 until you finally say I don't want it anymore 00:32:49.05\00:32:50.93 oh! Friend then you're hopeless, 00:32:51.78\00:32:53.78 you're a hopeless cause. God's encouraging 00:32:53.79\00:32:57.58 his people today, Calvary has silenced 00:32:57.59\00:33:03.12 the answer to the question the charge is 00:33:03.13\00:33:05.93 self denial possible with God. 00:33:05.94\00:33:08.56 Was it impossible to God no, 00:33:11.59\00:33:14.12 because the devil said if it was not possible 00:33:15.89\00:33:19.22 for God then it would not be essential for us. 00:33:19.23\00:33:23.55 Isn't that interesting, whatever Jesus has said, 00:33:25.43\00:33:28.92 deny self take up, the devil's 00:33:28.93\00:33:31.27 counterfeit is what. Well you don't have 00:33:31.28\00:33:33.55 to be self denial, you hear people in there, 00:33:33.56\00:33:37.45 they committed crime, just doing all 00:33:37.46\00:33:38.82 kind of things in the world. For instance, 00:33:38.83\00:33:40.61 well I never got this when I was growing up, 00:33:40.62\00:33:43.50 I never had that everybody was 00:33:43.51\00:33:45.45 ugly to me, everybody that may be true 00:33:45.46\00:33:47.61 but if you invite Jesus into your heart 00:33:47.62\00:33:50.43 into your life, all of those old things 00:33:50.44\00:33:52.86 become new you're a changed individual. 00:33:52.87\00:33:55.10 I've often said, you say well I was born 00:33:55.11\00:33:57.62 this way, well you know what, 00:33:57.63\00:33:58.81 you need to be born again then. 00:33:58.82\00:34:00.04 Why because you start to love those things 00:34:05.65\00:34:08.06 that you hated and the things that you, 00:34:08.07\00:34:09.49 you know you hated, you began to love 00:34:09.50\00:34:11.94 and things you love you begin to hate 00:34:11.95\00:34:13.38 and your life just changes totally, 00:34:13.39\00:34:15.58 when you fall in love with Jesus Christ 00:34:16.46\00:34:18.51 and have that peace that passes all 00:34:18.52\00:34:19.78 understanding. Reading a little book called 00:34:19.79\00:34:22.85 9 Testimonies 183 I made this comment, 00:34:22.86\00:34:25.43 Everyone who enters the pearly gates, 00:34:25.44\00:34:28.50 see I get excited about that because it talked 00:34:28.51\00:34:31.02 about the pearly gates, talking about 00:34:31.03\00:34:33.04 going to heaven. So, I want you to be excited 00:34:33.05\00:34:35.90 about that too. You know I just can't say 00:34:35.91\00:34:39.16 well you're getting a little excited 00:34:39.17\00:34:40.14 about that, you know I just cannot 00:34:40.15\00:34:41.60 stand up here and say now when we enter 00:34:41.61\00:34:43.50 the pearly gate. That maybe alright for 00:34:43.51\00:34:45.30 somebody else, that's not my character, 00:34:45.31\00:34:47.14 if you're going to enter the pearly gates 00:34:47.15\00:34:49.81 of the city of God, you will enter into the city 00:34:49.82\00:34:53.03 of God as a conqueror. That's beautiful, 00:34:53.04\00:34:57.51 everyone, every individual who enters 00:34:57.52\00:35:00.16 the pearly gates of God will enter 00:35:00.17\00:35:02.28 in as a conqueror. Oh I hope 00:35:02.29\00:35:04.77 you're excited about that. 00:35:04.78\00:35:06.46 Now let me just finish with this, 00:35:07.92\00:35:10.93 this part I want you to listen carefully. 00:35:12.07\00:35:13.72 Though you say well I've repeat it twice, 00:35:15.02\00:35:16.53 I may repeat it three times, 00:35:16.54\00:35:17.72 in fact I may just go till time runs out 00:35:17.73\00:35:19.50 because I'm excited about this. 00:35:19.51\00:35:20.92 Everyone who enters the city of God will enter 00:35:21.73\00:35:23.60 as a what? As a conqueror, 00:35:23.61\00:35:26.39 Praise God for that. Now his greatest conquest 00:35:26.40\00:35:31.80 will have been, come on in here, 00:35:33.32\00:35:35.36 the greatest conquest that 00:35:36.70\00:35:38.52 he has had is over himself, is over self. 00:35:38.53\00:35:44.15 I'm talking about the enemy, 00:35:46.80\00:35:47.77 is one I'm talking about, you go to heaven 00:35:47.78\00:35:50.81 you're going as the conqueror, 00:35:50.82\00:35:52.65 and the biggest conquest and the biggest 00:35:53.13\00:35:54.99 victory that you're going to have is over self. 00:35:55.00\00:35:58.82 That's why Jesus, that's why he said it first, 00:35:59.69\00:36:02.14 deny self. I know you're willing to do that today, 00:36:02.98\00:36:07.03 victory over self, victory over sin, 00:36:07.62\00:36:10.95 what a struggle. I think of my whole life, 00:36:11.67\00:36:15.97 if somebody is thinking about yours today 00:36:15.98\00:36:17.48 how painful it is at times. How discouraging, why? 00:36:17.49\00:36:25.59 Oh because we see our deformities in 00:36:28.16\00:36:31.89 our characters, we don't like to see those 00:36:31.90\00:36:34.68 deformities, we don't like to see why 00:36:34.69\00:36:35.91 we need some changes and then what happens, 00:36:35.92\00:36:39.16 when we get discouraged here's what happens. 00:36:39.17\00:36:40.90 Now look to Jesus I see some deformities 00:36:40.91\00:36:43.22 in me that need to be changed, 00:36:43.23\00:36:45.15 and then I start looking at those deformities 00:36:46.28\00:36:48.20 and I keep looking at those deformities 00:36:48.74\00:36:50.74 and I keep looking at them, I keep focusing 00:36:50.75\00:36:53.11 on them and presume I say there is no 00:36:53.12\00:36:54.62 help for me, what is the problem here. 00:36:54.63\00:36:57.69 Once we see those deformities we must take 00:37:00.29\00:37:02.48 our eyes off of what? Good self and begin 00:37:02.49\00:37:05.60 to look to Jesus who is the remedy for these 00:37:05.61\00:37:09.72 deformities. He is the victor, 00:37:09.73\00:37:12.22 he gives power to gain the victory. 00:37:12.88\00:37:14.91 I hear people say oh! I read the Bible 00:37:15.37\00:37:17.54 and listen here, be careful, reading the Bible 00:37:17.55\00:37:20.45 it depresses me. I read spirit of prophecy 00:37:20.46\00:37:24.22 books oh! I get depressed, why? 00:37:24.23\00:37:26.06 Because I see so many things wrong with me, 00:37:27.74\00:37:29.88 well start praising God, see something wrong 00:37:30.32\00:37:32.57 is not going to go heaven but you're not 00:37:32.58\00:37:34.45 to keep looking at those things, 00:37:34.46\00:37:36.12 you are to submit them to Jesus Christ. 00:37:36.13\00:37:38.75 He will give you the victory over 00:37:39.99\00:37:41.79 those things, don't be afraid of those things. 00:37:41.80\00:37:45.17 Thank you Lord for showing me, 00:37:45.76\00:37:48.11 see we're born again Christian when new truth 00:37:48.74\00:37:51.55 is given to them, they're gonna cry out oh! 00:37:51.56\00:37:54.92 This is good. This is good, I was believing 00:37:54.93\00:37:58.60 something over here the Bible really teaches 00:37:58.61\00:38:00.40 something different, I'm thankful for that, 00:38:00.41\00:38:02.83 thank you Lord and so was our deformities 00:38:02.84\00:38:05.91 and our pits and our character exposed, 00:38:05.92\00:38:08.72 we need to be thanking God for that. 00:38:08.73\00:38:10.30 Don't make it so painful, all you do is dwell 00:38:11.76\00:38:13.47 on those things, well on Jesus Christ 00:38:13.48\00:38:15.22 if I be lifted up draw them all to me. 00:38:15.23\00:38:17.80 We need to be breaking the power of the 00:38:18.56\00:38:20.65 enemy and that is simply by, simply looking 00:38:20.66\00:38:23.21 to Jesus who is the author and the finish 00:38:23.22\00:38:26.02 of our faith. Are you looking to him today, 00:38:26.03\00:38:28.00 or you sitting around being mourning because 00:38:28.01\00:38:29.83 you don't have what you want. 00:38:29.84\00:38:31.02 I do, I hope I'm stirring you up, 00:38:35.40\00:38:36.86 I want you to get excited, just prove it 00:38:38.36\00:38:41.43 from the word of God, just prove 00:38:41.44\00:38:43.29 what I'm talking about. Here is the simple 00:38:43.30\00:38:46.49 answer you don't have to go to the doctor, 00:38:46.50\00:38:48.95 you don't have to have medication, 00:38:48.96\00:38:50.31 you don't have to be set yourself away 00:38:50.32\00:38:52.24 from everybody for six months. 00:38:52.25\00:38:53.44 You take your mind off of self, 00:38:55.10\00:38:56.56 and begin to look to Jesus, begin to get 00:38:56.57\00:38:58.30 in his word, spend sometime praying, 00:38:58.31\00:39:00.12 start doing something for somebody else 00:39:00.13\00:39:01.97 beside yourself or you watch your life change 00:39:01.98\00:39:04.50 it will change. Everyone of us can go 00:39:04.51\00:39:07.47 in a corner and sit down, throw up our hands 00:39:07.48\00:39:09.02 and scream, we choose not to do that, 00:39:09.03\00:39:12.44 don't you. Today you're going to say, 00:39:12.45\00:39:13.61 that's my last day of sitting in the corner 00:39:13.62\00:39:15.31 screaming and crying. I'm committing myself 00:39:15.32\00:39:18.17 to Jesus, I'm going to look him out, 00:39:18.18\00:39:19.42 I've got deformities, things are not 00:39:19.43\00:39:20.51 going well, but God's gonna help me. 00:39:20.52\00:39:24.08 I'm gonna cast my care on him. 00:39:25.39\00:39:27.56 Why don't you do that today, it all that takes 00:39:29.03\00:39:31.35 that's right, God I need some help. 00:39:31.36\00:39:32.70 Deformities of character is just too much, 00:39:33.08\00:39:34.82 I got so many things but God you can help me, 00:39:34.83\00:39:36.88 be what I need to be. I want to repopulate heaven. 00:39:36.89\00:39:39.63 Let me ask you a question. 00:39:42.02\00:39:42.99 How is the only way that Satan can obtain 00:39:43.30\00:39:46.30 power over mankind. And I'm gonna hurry 00:39:46.31\00:39:48.45 right along here now. How is the only way 00:39:48.46\00:39:52.75 that Satan can gain power over mankind. 00:39:52.76\00:39:56.76 Now that's covering a lot here isn't it, 00:39:57.20\00:39:59.63 you want to know that don't you. 00:40:00.14\00:40:01.61 How is the only, how can he do this. 00:40:02.05\00:40:04.36 I read this in 5 Testimonies, 470, 00:40:04.96\00:40:07.24 it says only way the devil can do is only 00:40:07.25\00:40:10.87 through the transgression of God's law can he have 00:40:10.88\00:40:15.22 power over them or over us. 00:40:15.23\00:40:17.74 The only way the devil can have power 00:40:19.05\00:40:20.80 over me and over you is if he gets us to 00:40:20.81\00:40:24.24 transgress his Ten Commandment law 00:40:24.25\00:40:27.61 that's why the world, the religious world 00:40:27.62\00:40:29.92 is teaching you don't had to keep them 00:40:29.93\00:40:31.03 anymore, devil's working isn't he. 00:40:31.04\00:40:32.79 Because he knows he can get you to transgress 00:40:35.31\00:40:37.18 those and you know you transgress, 00:40:37.19\00:40:38.54 he's got you, he's got you in his power, 00:40:38.55\00:40:40.61 got you in the grasp, but he's never gonna 00:40:40.62\00:40:42.95 let you go, unless God comes into heart 00:40:42.96\00:40:45.16 and your life. The only one that can free 00:40:45.17\00:40:47.26 you from that grip is yeah but God's law 00:40:47.27\00:40:50.64 we're talking about sin, 00:40:50.98\00:40:51.95 sin separates us from God? Sin separates us 00:40:52.61\00:40:57.42 from God and separation from God you see 00:40:57.43\00:41:02.38 that the enemy can come in and what 00:41:02.39\00:41:04.44 does he do. He started separating from God, 00:41:04.45\00:41:07.59 the enemy comes in, he sets up shop, 00:41:08.02\00:41:09.83 in other words he says I'm coming in, 00:41:11.23\00:41:12.51 I'm gonna stay in here. I'm not gonna 00:41:12.52\00:41:15.12 let him go by sin, they understand what 00:41:15.13\00:41:18.54 it is they're doing wrong and I've set up 00:41:18.55\00:41:20.44 shop and I'm going to stay. 00:41:20.45\00:41:21.92 He plans on staying for life and you know 00:41:22.32\00:41:25.60 what he says, I have a right, does the enemy 00:41:25.61\00:41:29.08 have a right. Yeah, if you know 00:41:29.09\00:41:30.95 you've been sinning, that's exactly right. 00:41:30.96\00:41:32.55 You know that's the right thing to do 00:41:32.56\00:41:34.25 and you're doing just the opposite, 00:41:34.26\00:41:35.80 he has the right to come in and set up shop. 00:41:35.81\00:41:37.96 And he's going to use you like an old dirty 00:41:38.80\00:41:40.98 dish rag. Anyway he wants to use you, 00:41:40.99\00:41:43.80 now must get down to the nitty gritty. 00:41:47.13\00:41:50.69 First John 3:4, the Bible says this, 00:41:50.70\00:41:52.57 Whosoever commit sin transgresseth what? 00:41:53.23\00:41:56.57 The law, for sin is the transgression of God's law. 00:41:57.00\00:42:01.67 Please pay special attention to this, 00:42:03.00\00:42:05.49 Whosoever committed what? Sin, whosoever 00:42:06.04\00:42:10.48 committed sin, transgresseth the what? 00:42:10.49\00:42:12.52 The law: This is the only biblical definition 00:42:12.93\00:42:18.67 of what sin is. Remember sin separates us, 00:42:18.68\00:42:21.82 sin gets the biblical right to come 00:42:22.19\00:42:23.54 and set up shop. 00:42:23.55\00:42:24.56 That's funny how religious leaders in the world, 00:42:24.92\00:42:26.97 they don't want to talk about sin as a 00:42:26.98\00:42:28.79 transgression of God's love, you know 00:42:28.80\00:42:30.37 why they can't, because they're saying God's law 00:42:30.38\00:42:32.72 is done away with. How can you get the 00:42:32.73\00:42:35.99 only biblical definition of what sin is, 00:42:36.00\00:42:38.13 but yet the preachers have the audacity 00:42:38.50\00:42:40.40 to get into the pulpit and what they do. 00:42:40.41\00:42:41.73 Oh I tell you, well sins got to go, 00:42:42.36\00:42:43.82 we've got to go, that's true but dear 00:42:43.83\00:42:45.99 friends what is sin? It's a transgression 00:42:46.00\00:42:48.28 of God's love, you can't say sins got to go 00:42:48.29\00:42:50.09 and God's law is gone. 00:42:50.10\00:42:51.41 There is no harmony there, I say wow boy 00:42:53.28\00:42:57.62 you know, First John 3:8, the Bible says, 00:42:57.63\00:43:00.81 He that. Oh oh, now some of you are not 00:43:00.82\00:43:02.87 going to get this. He that committeth sin 00:43:02.88\00:43:05.78 is of the devil; he that committeth sin 00:43:05.79\00:43:11.36 is of the devil, for the devil sinneth 00:43:11.37\00:43:15.72 from what good, from the beginning. 00:43:16.08\00:43:19.35 And for this purpose the Son of God 00:43:20.18\00:43:22.25 was manifested, that he might destroy 00:43:22.26\00:43:24.89 the works of the devil. Why did Jesus have 00:43:24.90\00:43:29.23 to come down here? To do what? 00:43:29.24\00:43:31.51 Good, that's exactly. Son of man was manifested 00:43:32.09\00:43:35.75 that he might destroy the works of the devil, 00:43:35.76\00:43:38.37 all for what? For sin. Sin is the transgression 00:43:38.38\00:43:41.40 of God's law. Friend, it just makes good 00:43:41.41\00:43:44.06 sense to me, how about you, 00:43:44.07\00:43:45.42 lets weight it out here. It makes good sense 00:43:45.43\00:43:49.47 to realize you know if God's love is still binding. 00:43:49.48\00:43:52.97 It was binding when Jesus came, 00:43:54.53\00:43:56.10 it's binding when he was dead and resurrected 00:43:56.11\00:43:58.45 and went back to heaven and still is because 00:43:58.46\00:44:00.24 sin is still an issue. You wouldn't know 00:44:00.25\00:44:02.54 what sin is if it wasn't for the love. 00:44:02.55\00:44:03.92 And Jesus died on the cross for what? 00:44:06.36\00:44:08.53 Good, transgression, right, somebody, 00:44:09.50\00:44:13.71 they broke the law, we did. Jesus didn't 00:44:13.72\00:44:16.83 but we broke God's law, if his law could 00:44:16.90\00:44:19.88 have been changed, those Ten Commandments, 00:44:19.89\00:44:21.81 Christ would not have had to die on Calvary. 00:44:21.82\00:44:24.57 There is no way he would have to die, 00:44:25.15\00:44:26.78 if God could change that but he couldn't change. 00:44:27.13\00:44:29.15 What went out of his mouth 00:44:31.67\00:44:32.64 he cannot change or alter. 00:44:32.65\00:44:33.72 And so Jesus came down here to die showing 00:44:35.19\00:44:37.11 that you cannot do away with God's 00:44:37.12\00:44:39.03 Ten Commandments and I mean all ten of them. 00:44:39.04\00:44:40.84 You say wow! Boy, I tell you I don't know. 00:44:41.85\00:44:44.05 We need a savior because we've broken God's law. 00:44:46.12\00:44:48.81 We need Jesus Christ, this is gonna break 00:44:51.99\00:44:53.87 the power of the enemy because it could not 00:44:53.88\00:44:58.94 be changed, it demanded the death of 00:44:58.95\00:45:01.42 Jesus Christ. Why? Bible is clear Romans 6:23 00:45:01.43\00:45:04.66 the wages of sin is what? The wages of sin 00:45:04.67\00:45:07.45 is death, without the shedding of blood 00:45:07.46\00:45:10.44 there could be what? Good, no remission of sin. 00:45:10.45\00:45:12.73 Jesus had to again what, because of the 00:45:13.31\00:45:15.03 Ten Commandment law we transgresseth it, 00:45:15.04\00:45:17.91 he had to come, he had to prepare a way 00:45:17.92\00:45:20.19 because there was no hope for us, 00:45:20.20\00:45:21.65 without we're helpless. You remember us talking 00:45:21.66\00:45:23.72 about that, we're helpless without Jesus. 00:45:23.73\00:45:25.48 I think people had the, may I say audacity, 00:45:26.66\00:45:29.46 may be the confusion, may be not even realizing 00:45:30.11\00:45:33.26 or knowing. People say well we know Adventist 00:45:33.27\00:45:36.99 folks while they think they're safe by keeping 00:45:37.00\00:45:39.32 God's law, that's not true. 00:45:39.33\00:45:40.52 God's Ten Commandment law does not save 00:45:40.98\00:45:43.75 you by keeping it. God's Ten Commandment 00:45:43.91\00:45:46.10 law points what sin is, have you read 00:45:46.11\00:45:49.12 that lately, Romans 3:20, well try that one 00:45:49.13\00:45:52.33 and then try Romans 7:7, it's for what, 00:45:52.34\00:45:58.18 by the law is the knowledge of sin. 00:45:58.19\00:46:02.33 Wow, so the law then just tells me what, 00:46:04.51\00:46:07.39 Ten Commandments, what sin is, 00:46:07.73\00:46:09.16 and it's very interesting here as you read 00:46:10.47\00:46:12.25 Romans 4:15 and also Romans 5:13, 00:46:12.26\00:46:16.39 it tells us that sin is not imputed then 00:46:16.83\00:46:20.20 it goes to saying, listen very carefully, 00:46:20.21\00:46:21.61 where no law is, there is no transgression. 00:46:21.62\00:46:24.92 So, if the law is done away with then 00:46:25.35\00:46:28.25 there is no transgression. You may do as you want to. 00:46:28.26\00:46:31.47 Now, are you saying the law is done away with, 00:46:32.20\00:46:34.14 people saying that we're on the law. 00:46:34.15\00:46:35.36 Well you're not on the law until you break 00:46:36.10\00:46:37.44 it then you are. If there is no law then 00:46:37.45\00:46:40.61 there is no sin and it pertains to all ten, 00:46:40.62\00:46:43.62 do you believe that? Sure, it does, 00:46:43.63\00:46:45.14 remember its all or nothing. You say well 00:46:45.64\00:46:47.97 I'm not so sure about that. How about 00:46:47.98\00:46:50.02 James 2:10, Bible is very clear, 00:46:50.03\00:46:52.44 For whosoever shall keep the whole law 00:46:52.45\00:46:54.10 and yet offend in one point, 00:46:54.11\00:46:56.28 he is guilty of all. And some people 00:46:56.29\00:47:00.63 make excuses, well we're not sure what 00:47:00.64\00:47:02.37 to talk about. Verse 11 talks about killing, 00:47:02.38\00:47:05.13 it talks about adultery, you think it's not talking 00:47:05.14\00:47:07.79 about the Ten Commandments 00:47:07.80\00:47:08.77 yes it is, Verse 12 says this. 00:47:08.78\00:47:10.18 So speak ye and so do, as they that shall be 00:47:10.88\00:47:14.91 judged by the law of liberty. 00:47:14.92\00:47:16.89 Why is it that the world says oh! Keeping 00:47:17.31\00:47:20.06 the Ten Commandments its just as, like the bondage, 00:47:20.07\00:47:22.07 it just puts me in bondage. 00:47:22.08\00:47:23.56 The devil's got you in bondage, 00:47:24.09\00:47:25.96 the devil binds you up, not Jesus. 00:47:26.38\00:47:28.60 My Bible I read here it says here you shall be 00:47:28.99\00:47:31.71 so speak ye and so do as they that will be 00:47:31.72\00:47:35.41 judged by the perfect law of liberty. 00:47:35.42\00:47:37.64 It's the law of liberty, it points out what sin is, 00:47:38.56\00:47:41.59 it doesn't cure me from that but it drives me 00:47:41.60\00:47:43.76 to Jesus and I can ask him for forgiveness, 00:47:43.77\00:47:47.04 then this is so simple as we look at it, 00:47:48.07\00:47:50.73 we study it. It's a sure thing today, 00:47:50.74\00:47:54.45 we're not saved by keeping the law. 00:47:54.46\00:47:57.62 The law simply identifies or points out what sin is, 00:47:59.61\00:48:03.91 that's all. You can't do away with that 00:48:03.92\00:48:07.91 we would know what sin, we wouldn't know 00:48:07.92\00:48:09.62 right or wrong and that's why the country's 00:48:09.63\00:48:11.55 in the mess that it's in, because they keep 00:48:11.56\00:48:14.32 trying to shove it out, we don't know, 00:48:14.33\00:48:15.62 we don't know what's wrong. 00:48:15.63\00:48:16.60 It's very simple, we have problems in this country, 00:48:16.61\00:48:19.36 big time problems because we're trying to take 00:48:19.37\00:48:21.77 God's love away from it. Ten little precept, 00:48:21.78\00:48:24.15 ten little gas. Thou shall, thou shall not, 00:48:24.16\00:48:27.39 and we won't heed them why? 00:48:28.63\00:48:29.70 Because the devil doesn't want us to, 00:48:29.71\00:48:30.81 because the only way that the enemy can get 00:48:33.23\00:48:34.75 to us is get to what? Get us to transgress 00:48:34.76\00:48:37.35 God's love or sin. 00:48:37.36\00:48:39.83 We're talking about breaking the power 00:48:42.63\00:48:44.15 of the enemy here. 00:48:44.16\00:48:45.45 Purpose of the law shows that we miss 00:48:48.51\00:48:50.51 the mark and if you miss the mark then 00:48:50.52\00:48:52.98 we need to comeback and ask God for what? 00:48:52.99\00:48:54.50 For help. Drives us to the cross, 00:48:54.51\00:48:58.41 that we may ask for forgiveness 00:48:59.56\00:49:01.80 and for grace and for those who are saying 00:49:01.81\00:49:04.30 you know biblical definition, let's do that 00:49:04.31\00:49:07.30 shall we, Ephesians 2:8, the Bible says, 00:49:07.31\00:49:09.43 For by grace are ye saved through faith; 00:49:09.44\00:49:13.45 and that not of yourself, it is a gift. 00:49:13.46\00:49:17.36 I understand that we are saved, what. 00:49:18.46\00:49:19.98 We're not keeping some law, 00:49:19.99\00:49:21.75 which simply points out what sin is. 00:49:22.09\00:49:23.63 I'm saved by grace through faith 00:49:23.64\00:49:25.59 and it is a gift of God. Somebody say oh good, 00:49:25.60\00:49:28.36 see we got it now, before you just jump 00:49:28.37\00:49:31.30 on your high horse and try galloping away, 00:49:31.31\00:49:33.68 what are we going to do with this grace thing. 00:49:34.08\00:49:37.66 Praise God for it, grace is not a license to do 00:49:38.12\00:49:41.51 what to sin, it never has been, it never will be. 00:49:41.52\00:49:45.46 It's not an excuse, grace is an excuse for 00:49:47.06\00:49:50.46 a lot people to say great, 00:49:50.47\00:49:51.73 so we don't had to keep God's 00:49:51.74\00:49:52.87 Ten Commandments anymore. 00:49:52.88\00:49:54.19 You're using grace as an excuse. 00:49:54.69\00:49:56.22 It's that what the Bible teaches, 00:49:56.83\00:49:58.31 lets balance it shall we with scripture. 00:50:00.45\00:50:02.51 Some will say well we live by faith, 00:50:05.60\00:50:07.35 good Praise God, those who say that 00:50:08.26\00:50:12.24 we live by faith and they want to use 00:50:12.25\00:50:15.56 it as excuse to not keep God's law, 00:50:15.57\00:50:17.74 what do we do with Roman's 3:31, 00:50:17.75\00:50:19.56 it says, do we make void the law through faith? 00:50:20.69\00:50:22.99 God forbid, we establish the law. 00:50:23.86\00:50:26.34 That's clear and that's simple those who say 00:50:26.35\00:50:28.88 well we're living by faith, now we're not 00:50:28.89\00:50:30.29 underneath no law, do we make avoid the law 00:50:30.30\00:50:32.69 through faith, God forbid we establish it. 00:50:32.70\00:50:34.71 Didn't say done away with, they say 00:50:34.72\00:50:35.79 we establish it. Now those who are saying 00:50:35.80\00:50:38.68 well we live under grace, we're in New Testament, 00:50:38.69\00:50:40.54 Praise God for that, that's right, it's grace, 00:50:40.55\00:50:42.34 but we use it as an excuse its not going 00:50:42.76\00:50:47.86 to be accountable to God because he encourages 00:50:47.87\00:50:51.54 us to keep it by His grace and His strength. 00:50:51.55\00:50:53.56 What do we do with Romans 6:1-2, 00:50:53.57\00:50:55.91 what shall we say then? Shall we continue and sin, 00:50:55.92\00:50:58.95 that grace may abound? God forbid. 00:50:58.96\00:51:02.14 How shall we that are dead to sin live 00:51:02.15\00:51:05.02 any longer therein? Praise God for grace 00:51:05.03\00:51:08.72 dear friends, but its not a license to sin, 00:51:08.73\00:51:10.49 doesn't mean we can go about doing anything, 00:51:10.98\00:51:12.66 breaking God's law at all, 00:51:12.67\00:51:13.78 it wasn't for his grace none of us will make it 00:51:13.79\00:51:15.48 to the kingdom of God. How about Romans 6:15, 00:51:15.49\00:51:18.49 what then shall we sin, because we are not 00:51:19.05\00:51:21.38 under the law, but under grace? God forbid. 00:51:21.39\00:51:25.26 See while we're coming up with some of 00:51:26.76\00:51:28.21 these thoughts, last few minutes that we have 00:51:28.22\00:51:32.41 here I just want to think and go through 00:51:32.42\00:51:34.03 some passages real quickly here because remember 00:51:34.40\00:51:37.03 sin is the issue, the only way that the devil 00:51:37.04\00:51:39.35 can get a choke hold around you and keep it 00:51:39.36\00:51:41.97 there is if he gets you to transgress 00:51:41.98\00:51:43.97 God's Ten Commandant law and the best way 00:51:43.98\00:51:46.04 the devil says I'll get the people to think 00:51:46.05\00:51:47.81 that it's done away with, you don't have to 00:51:47.82\00:51:49.19 worry about it. The Bible does not teach that, 00:51:49.20\00:51:51.42 not even close to that. Roman 7:7 says, 00:51:51.84\00:51:56.08 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? 00:51:56.09\00:51:59.00 God forbid. Is the law sin? No, God forbid. 00:52:00.15\00:52:04.05 Roman 7:12, The law is holy, and the 00:52:04.66\00:52:08.65 commandment holy, just, and good. 00:52:08.66\00:52:11.27 How brothers, sisters how are we gonna 00:52:11.91\00:52:13.96 fight this, how are we gonna fight it when 00:52:13.97\00:52:16.55 something is that clear and clear cut so 00:52:16.56\00:52:19.17 the law is holy the Commandment is holy, 00:52:19.18\00:52:21.52 it's just and it's good, please think about 00:52:21.53\00:52:25.78 that with me, its just, its holy and it is good. 00:52:25.79\00:52:28.76 How about Romans 7:14, the Bible says, 00:52:29.47\00:52:31.46 For we know that the law is spiritual, 00:52:31.47\00:52:34.55 the law is what? Good, the law is spiritual. 00:52:35.33\00:52:39.27 If the law is spiritual then how can it be done 00:52:39.78\00:52:42.70 away with, is it good for us, 00:52:42.71\00:52:44.45 is it not good for us. If its spiritual 00:52:44.46\00:52:47.57 dear friends, spiritual things are spiritually 00:52:47.58\00:52:49.47 discerned, its got to be good for us. 00:52:49.48\00:52:51.43 Romans 7:22 the Bible says, 00:52:53.13\00:52:54.81 For I delight in the law of God after the 00:52:54.82\00:52:58.34 inward man. Oh! I'm just wanting you to think here, 00:52:58.35\00:53:01.42 it's too easily the devil has to toss out 00:53:01.43\00:53:03.39 that which God has demanded that 00:53:03.40\00:53:05.08 we be obedient, and he'll give us the grace 00:53:05.09\00:53:07.52 and the strength. Romans 8:6, 00:53:07.53\00:53:11.36 says to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 00:53:11.95\00:53:16.47 We just read but we know that the law is what, 00:53:17.09\00:53:19.33 the law is spiritual and then to be spiritually 00:53:19.34\00:53:22.85 minded is life and peace, not death. 00:53:22.86\00:53:25.31 You want to be spiritual minded, you want peace 00:53:27.29\00:53:29.12 in this life, you want some happiness 00:53:29.13\00:53:30.94 and people say well we don't have to worry 00:53:33.20\00:53:34.60 about all. Look, you want the Holy Spirit, 00:53:34.61\00:53:36.75 hey people, well we have the Holy Spirit, 00:53:36.76\00:53:38.31 we have the Holy Spirit Acts 5:32, 00:53:38.32\00:53:41.43 says the Holy Spirit is given to those 00:53:41.44\00:53:43.78 who obey him. If you're being disobedient, 00:53:43.79\00:53:47.28 you don't have the Holy Spirit, you may have 00:53:47.29\00:53:48.61 another spirit, why? Because the Bible is clear, 00:53:48.62\00:53:51.02 Holy Spirit is given to those who obey him. 00:53:51.03\00:53:54.53 Well that makes sense doesn't it. 00:53:55.04\00:53:56.56 I want it to make sense to you, 00:53:56.57\00:53:57.54 it's just not something that's passed out 00:53:58.29\00:53:59.91 without any thought. God says if you be obedient 00:53:59.92\00:54:03.33 my laws, up, up, get that spirit. 00:54:03.87\00:54:06.66 Spiritual things, spiritual discerned. 00:54:07.45\00:54:09.63 The Romans 8:14 the Bible says, 00:54:10.55\00:54:12.30 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, 00:54:12.31\00:54:15.01 they are sons of God. You want to be a son 00:54:15.02\00:54:18.28 and daughter of God today, I do. 00:54:18.29\00:54:19.85 As many as are what? Led by the spirit. 00:54:20.73\00:54:23.52 Spiritually minded, the law is spiritual, 00:54:26.77\00:54:29.98 I'm carnal, I need some help, how about you? 00:54:31.51\00:54:34.28 Are you under a bondage today you want 00:54:37.91\00:54:39.91 to get out from that, there is only one remedy 00:54:39.92\00:54:42.02 and that's Jesus Christ. You want to break 00:54:42.03\00:54:45.31 that choke hold that devil has on you through some, 00:54:45.32\00:54:47.54 it could be appetite, it could be eyes, 00:54:47.55\00:54:49.98 it could be the ears, it could be we lack 00:54:49.99\00:54:51.62 a desire to spend some time with Jesus, 00:54:51.63\00:54:53.48 we spend time on everything else 00:54:53.49\00:54:54.92 but things of Jesus, heaven knows 00:54:54.93\00:54:57.11 those things. You might fool the church members, 00:54:57.12\00:55:00.69 you're not fooling God. 00:55:00.70\00:55:01.67 How do you spend the time, most of your energy? 00:55:03.18\00:55:05.06 God's going to give you that grace, 00:55:07.80\00:55:09.05 he's going to give you that help that you need 00:55:09.06\00:55:11.52 and Jesus simply made it so simple as we 00:55:11.53\00:55:13.55 close today, so simple John 14:15 he said, 00:55:13.56\00:55:17.17 if you, good, if you love me, 00:55:17.18\00:55:20.51 keep my commandments. Do you love Jesus today, 00:55:21.24\00:55:25.33 if you want to break the power of the enemy 00:55:26.86\00:55:29.69 and the enemy says, I'm gonna break them 00:55:30.38\00:55:32.72 because I'm gonna give them to not worry 00:55:32.73\00:55:34.42 about God's love. That's his hold on us; 00:55:34.43\00:55:37.86 once we recognize it we can have freedom. 00:55:37.87\00:55:40.57 God help us, we break one, we go to him 00:55:40.58\00:55:43.42 and for forgiveness and he is willing and just, 00:55:43.43\00:55:46.05 he needs to forgive us of our sins, 00:55:46.06\00:55:47.76 cleanse us from all unrighteous. 00:55:47.77\00:55:49.60 Why don't we pray about it today. 00:55:49.61\00:55:50.86 I want to give food for thought, 00:55:51.24\00:55:52.46 I want just agitate you in a good spiritual way, 00:55:52.47\00:55:54.88 you'll get the Bible out and you begin 00:55:54.89\00:55:56.32 to really check, but we're going to pray right 00:55:56.33\00:55:57.86 now that God will give you that desire. 00:55:57.87\00:55:59.53 Shall we do that before we close. 00:55:59.54\00:56:01.01 Merciful Father in heaven, thank you for your 00:56:01.33\00:56:02.97 sweet Holy Spirit. Bless we pray, 00:56:02.98\00:56:05.48 those who are looking and searching for 00:56:05.85\00:56:07.54 truth may they find it, in Jesus name, Amen. 00:56:07.55\00:56:10.57 Until next time we look forward to spending 00:56:12.22\00:56:14.09 every opportunity we get with you please continue, 00:56:14.84\00:56:18.09 you have card you know some of you want 00:56:18.10\00:56:19.36 to send us a card, comment or question 00:56:19.37\00:56:21.02 whatever might be send to the address that 00:56:21.03\00:56:23.26 you see on the screen. We are gonna look 00:56:23.27\00:56:24.56 forward to visiting with you and don't forget 00:56:24.57\00:56:27.08 to support this station and also Behold 00:56:27.09\00:56:29.02 the Lamb Ministries. We appreciate it very much. 00:56:29.03\00:56:30.67 Look forward to seeing you next time. 00:56:30.68\00:56:32.68 Welcome back friends, breaking the power 00:56:34.58\00:56:37.47 of the enemy. The devil has absolutely 00:56:37.48\00:56:40.11 no power over an obedient soul whose trust, 00:56:40.12\00:56:43.77 faith and strength all comes from the Lord God 00:56:43.78\00:56:46.88 of heaven. Christ is pleading for us, 00:56:46.89\00:56:49.67 he's bleeding for us to become one with him. 00:56:49.68\00:56:52.64 To submit our wills to Him, follow Him, 00:56:52.65\00:56:56.49 trust Him, love Him and he will direct our paths. 00:56:56.50\00:57:01.41 God wants to become your best friend 00:57:01.42\00:57:03.77 in all areas of your life but how can you 00:57:03.78\00:57:07.08 be His best friend without spending 00:57:07.09\00:57:09.28 time with him. You can't, so please 00:57:09.29\00:57:12.80 make a decision right here, 00:57:12.81\00:57:14.74 right now to make him first and last of everyday. 00:57:14.75\00:57:19.50 Pray and study before you begin anything else 00:57:19.51\00:57:22.67 each day, you'll be so glad that you did 00:57:22.68\00:57:25.46 and we want to help you in your study. 00:57:25.47\00:57:28.01 We'll be glad to send you this message 00:57:28.02\00:57:31.20 so that you can continue to be blessed 00:57:31.21\00:57:33.67 by the word of God. We only ask that you 00:57:33.68\00:57:36.48 consider giving a small donation of 00:57:36.49\00:57:38.58 just $8 or more. You may write us 00:57:38.59\00:57:41.38 at Behold the Lamb Ministries, 00:57:41.39\00:57:43.44 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948, 00:57:43.45\00:57:48.51 or call us at central standard time here 00:57:48.52\00:57:51.05 in the United States at 618-942-5044, 00:57:51.06\00:57:56.48 or email us at BeholdThe LambMinistries@Yahoo.com 00:57:56.49\00:58:02.04 and as always you may visit us on the web 00:58:02.05\00:58:04.39 at beholdthelamb ministries.com. 00:58:04.40\00:58:07.68 Until next time, may the God of heaven 00:58:07.69\00:58:10.81 richly bless you and yours. 00:58:10.82\00:58:13.29