The Bible or Tradition

Lessons from Two Builders

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: BOT

Program Code: BOT000010

00:30 One of the most memorable parables that Jesus told was the
00:33 famous parable of the man who built his house upon the rock,
00:37 and the man who built his house upon the sand.
00:41 And that is the parable that we are going to study today,
00:45 as we conclude this series on The Bible Or Tradition.
00:50 However, before we do we want to ask for the Lord to be
00:54 present to guide our thoughts.
00:56 And so I invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray.
00:59 Father in heaven, we come before Your throne this evening to
01:02 thank You, first of all, for having been with us
01:04 so far in this series.
01:07 And now as we conclude this series we ask for the presence
01:11 of Your Holy Spirit, for we know that only the Spirit
01:15 who inspired Scripture, is able to come and explain it to us.
01:19 Help us to understand the meaning of this parable,
01:22 and how it applies to our own personal walk with Jesus.
01:26 We thank You for the promise of Your presence,
01:29 and thank You for hearing our prayer,
01:31 for we ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:35 Well do I remember when I was a child in the Primary division
01:40 of Sabbath School, singing that little chorus about
01:43 the man who built his house upon the rock.
01:46 And when the winds blew, and the rain came, the house stood firm,
01:51 because it was built on the rock.
01:53 But my favorite part of the song was when I had to sing
01:57 about the foolish man; the foolish man who built
01:59 his house upon the sand.
02:01 And my favorite part was where you got to the end of the chorus
02:04 and you said that the house on the sand fell flat.
02:08 And I really enjoyed clapping my hands together that that
02:11 house had fallen because it was built on the sand.
02:14 But, you know, as I think back I can't remember any of my
02:20 teachers explaining what the parable meant.
02:23 Yes, it was a lot of fun singing it, but what does it mean for
02:28 the wise man to build his house upon the rock,
02:31 and the foolish man to build his house upon the sand?
02:34 Well, in our study today we are going to interpret the meaning
02:38 of this parable as it's related to the series that we have
02:42 been studying here the last several sessions.
02:44 So first of all lets read the parable as it is found in
02:50 Matthew 7:24-27, Matthew 7: 24-27.
02:57 Here Jesus is speaking and He says:
03:27 Now comes the other side of the coin.
03:50 Now this parable contains many symbols.
03:54 And when we interpret each individual symbol
03:57 and put them together, we will know what Christ wanted
04:01 to teach through this parable.
04:02 Now what are some of the symbols that we find here?
04:05 First of all we have a wise man.
04:07 That's a symbol.
04:08 We have a foolish man.
04:10 That is also a symbol.
04:11 We have the symbol of a house.
04:14 The rock is a symbol.
04:16 The sand is a symbol.
04:19 The act of building is a symbolic act.
04:22 The winds and the floods are symbolic.
04:25 And the great fall of the house that was built on the sand
04:29 also represents something very important.
04:33 Now the parable of the men who build their houses on the rock,
04:38 and on the sand is actually the conclusion of the
04:41 sermon on the mount.
04:42 In other words, this parable concludes the famous
04:46 sermon on the mount that Jesus told.
04:48 In the book Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, page 147,
04:53 we find this statement:
05:09 So basically, the purpose of this parable is that Jesus is
05:13 teaching that everything that He's said in the sermon on the
05:17 mount should be put into practice.
05:19 The purpose of the parable is to teach people to put into
05:22 practice what Jesus said in the sermon on the mount.
05:26 Now Adam Clarke, the great commentator, had something very
05:30 interesting to say about this parable.
05:33 This is what he says:
05:39 By the way, he was not a Seventh-day Adventist.
05:54 But now notice:
06:12 After all, is it a very easy thing to turn the other cheek?
06:17 Is it a very easy thing to carry something two miles when
06:23 somebody asked you to carry it only one?
06:25 Is it real easy to give up our coat when somebody
06:29 asks for our shirt?
06:30 That goes far beyond the obligations of
06:34 the ten commandments.
06:35 And so what Adam Clarke is saying is that the old is not
06:39 abolished, but it is intensified in the sermon on the mount.
06:44 Now what is the geographical setting of this parable?
06:48 I found this statement in Thoughts From
06:52 the Mount of Blessing, pages 147 and 148,
06:55 that will help us understand the geographical
06:57 setting of this parable.
06:59 This is the way it reads:
08:32 So now you can visualize that as Jesus was telling this parable,
08:37 the people were sitting there and they knew that what Jesus
08:41 was talking about was true, because they had seen it
08:44 with their own eyes.
08:46 Now, first of all, we want to determine what is represented
08:50 by the rock that the wise man built his house upon.
08:54 Well, the Bible tells us clearly what the rock represents.
08:58 Lets notice Deuteronomy 32:4.
09:02 In this series we're talking about the Bible or tradition,
09:05 right? So lets notice what the rock represents here.
09:09 It says in Deuteronomy 32:4, this is the testimony of Moses
09:13 who is writing Deuteronomy, of course,
09:16 inspired by God's Holy Spirit.
09:17 Here Moses, speaking about the Lord says:
09:37 So the rock is a person, right?
09:39 Did you notice the number of times that the personal pronoun
09:43 is used? His, his, God, he, in other words the rock
09:50 represents a person.
09:52 Notice also 2 Samuel 22:2, 3, 2 Samuel 22:2, 3.
10:00 This is David, the psalmist, who is saying this.
10:22 So the psalmist also says that the Lord is his rock.
10:27 In other words, the rock represents a person.
10:30 Now the question is, which person does it represent?
10:34 Well, the fact is here it says that it represents God.
10:37 But we know that there is God the Father, and God the Son.
10:41 So the question is, which of the two individuals
10:44 is being spoken of here?
10:46 We don't have to guess.
10:47 Go with me to 1 Corinthians 10: 1-4, 1 Corinthians 10:1-4.
10:54 Here the Apostle Paul is reminiscing about some events
10:57 in the history of Israel.
10:58 And this is what he says:
11:26 So what does the rock represent?
11:29 It is a person; it is God.
11:31 But specifically, what person? Jesus Christ!
11:35 The rock represents none other than Jesus Christ.
11:38 1 Corinthians 3:11 tells us that the foundation of
11:43 the rock is Jesus, and there is no other foundation.
11:46 This is how it reads:
11:48 The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:11:
12:01 How many true foundations are there? only one: Jesus Christ.
12:06 Now the question is, what is represented by the house?
12:11 We know what the rock represents.
12:13 Building on the rock means, represents, building on Christ.
12:17 But the question is, what is meant by the house?
12:20 There are four answers to this question.
12:23 1. The house can represent an individual,
12:28 a member of the church.
12:30 Notice Matthew 12:43, 44.
12:34 It has an individual application.
12:36 Matthew 12:43, 44. It says:
12:43 Notice, out of a man, an individual.
12:53 So the man is called a what? a house. So it says:
13:03 And that is from the man from which I came.
13:09 So the first application of the house is that it
13:12 represents a person.
13:14 It represents an individual.
13:16 Now there's a second meaning to the word house,
13:19 and that is the family unit.
13:21 The family, not an individual, but the family.
13:24 Notice Psalm 127:1 and we will also read verse 3, Psalm 127:1,
13:32 and then we'll jump to verse 3. It says:
13:41 Now what was the psalmist talking about here when he says,
13:48 Well, verse 3 explains that it's talking about the family.
13:52 It says there:
13:59 So, secondly, the house represents the family.
14:03 So it can represent an individual,
14:05 it can represent the family.
14:07 3. On a broader scale, the house can represent the entire
14:13 nation of Israel; the entirety of God's people.
14:18 Notice Jeremiah 18:6, Jeremiah 18:6.
14:25 Here Jeremiah says:
14:42 So the house can represent the entirety of God's people
14:46 in the Old Testament.
14:48 It can represent God's Israel.
14:51 4. The house can also represent the Christian church.
14:56 You say, Really? Absolutely!
14:59 In fact the Old Testament tells us very clearly that the temple
15:05 is the house of God.
15:07 And you find this in many texts in the Old Testament.
15:09 You know, there were so many of them that I decided not even
15:12 to put one in the material.
15:13 Because you can look up the expression in a Concordance,
15:16 house of God, and you'll find that the temple is referred to
15:19 that time and again in the Old Testament.
15:22 But now I want to ask the question, What is God's house
15:27 in the New Testament?
15:28 In the Old Testament it was the temple,
15:30 but what is God's temple today?
15:32 God's temple today is us individually,
15:35 but it also represents the church.
15:38 Notice 1 Timothy 3:14, 15, 1 Timothy 3:14, 15.
15:48 Here the Apostle Paul says:
16:13 So you'll notice here that the Christian church is also called
16:18 the what? It is also called the house.
16:21 So the house represents four things:
16:23 1. The individual.
16:25 2. The family unit.
16:28 3. God's Old Testament people.
16:31 And in the 4th place: God's New Testament people,
16:34 the Christian church.
16:36 Let me ask you, must we be built upon the rock individually? Yes.
16:41 Must the family be built upon Jesus Christ, the Rock? Yes.
16:45 Was Old Testament Israel built upon the rock? Absolutely!
16:50 They were built upon the Lord.
16:52 What about the church?
16:53 Is it supposed to also be built upon the Rock, Jesus Christ?
16:57 Absolutely! Now do you know what the sad thing is?
17:00 The Roman Catholic Church says, No, the rock is not Jesus;
17:05 the rock is Peter.
17:07 And they use Matthew 16:18 where it says,
17:13 where Jesus is speaking:
17:19 The word Peter means a pebble.
17:21 You are a pebble, a moveable stone, a small stone.
17:25 You are petros, Peter, a pebble.
17:36 Which we already know is the house of God.
17:41 That is the grave.
17:45 And the Roman Catholic Church basically interprets this as
17:48 saying, Jesus is saying to Peter, You are Peter, and upon
17:52 this rock I will build my church.
17:54 But really what Jesus is saying is, You are Peter, and upon this
18:00 Rock I will build My church.
18:02 Do you know that there is not a single text in the Bible
18:06 that says that the rock is a human being, a man,
18:09 a mere man? There is not one in all of the Bible!
18:13 In all of the Bible the rock is always the Lord,
18:17 without exception.
18:18 So you say, Why did Jesus say, you are Peter and upon this rock
18:23 I will build My church?
18:24 Well, that was a way of Jesus speaking.
18:26 Notice John 2:19 where you have a similar way of speaking
18:30 on the part of Jesus.
18:32 You know, Jesus made this statement that
18:34 really riled the Jews.
18:36 It says there in John 2:19:
18:50 To what was Jesus referring when He says,
18:52 Destroy this temple?
18:54 He was referring to Himself.
18:56 So when Jesus uses the expression, upon this Rock
19:00 I will build My church, it's the same as Jesus saying,
19:03 this, destroy this temple, and in three days
19:08 I will raise it up.
19:09 Jesus was making a contrast.
19:10 He was saying, Peter, you're a little pebble.
19:13 You're petros, a movable, unstable pebble.
19:18 But upon this Petra, upon this Rock, I will build My church.
19:23 It is inconceivable, folks, that the church would be able to
19:27 withstand the gates of the grave if it was built upon
19:30 a mere human being.
19:32 It would be impossible for the church to be able to stand.
19:36 Now the question is, How do we build upon the rock?
19:39 Yeah, we know that the rock represents Christ,
19:42 and that we're supposed to build upon Christ.
19:44 But what does it mean to build upon Christ?
19:47 How can you build upon a person?
19:49 The answer is found in the parable.
19:52 Do you remember that the parable said,
19:54 Therefore whoever... Listen carefully.
19:58 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them,
20:04 I will liken him to a wise man who built his
20:07 house upon the rock.
20:08 So how do you build upon the rock?
20:11 By hearing what?
20:14 By hearing the sayings of Jesus, and doing them.
20:18 Where do we find the sayings of Jesus?
20:21 We find the sayings of Jesus in His Holy Word.
20:26 Now do you know what's interesting?
20:27 The word, sayings, that is used there in the parable,
20:31 is the identical word that is used in John 1 where it says,
20:35 In the beginning was the Word.
20:37 It's the Greek word logos.
20:41 And in John 1, logos applies to whom? to Jesus!
20:46 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
20:49 and the Word was God, referring to Jesus.
20:53 So Jesus here says, in the plural, Whoever hears these
20:57 logo of Mine, these words of Mine.
20:59 Because the Word is speaking the words, and does them.
21:02 He says, that's what it means to build upon the rock.
21:07 In other words, as we assimilate God's message
21:11 from His Holy Word, we are building upon Jesus Christ.
21:16 As we study His Word, as it goes through our eyes,
21:20 and through our ears, it becomes part and parcel
21:24 of our very being.
21:26 That's what Jesus meant when He said that we need to eat
21:31 His flesh, and we need to drink His blood.
21:33 You know, the Roman Catholic Church says, See, you know,
21:36 in the Mass, you know, the priest is really drinking
21:38 the real blood of Jesus.
21:39 And people in the host are eating the real flesh of Jesus.
21:42 They totally have missed the point.
21:45 Jesus becomes part and parcel of you, not literally by
21:50 drinking His blood, and eating His flesh.
21:52 Because Jesus explained what it means for Jesus to become
21:56 part and parcel of us.
21:57 In John 6:63 the Lord Jesus says:
22:08 In other words, eating my flesh would profit nothing.
22:11 And then He says:
22:21 So how do we build upon Jesus Christ, the person, the Rock?
22:25 We build upon Jesus by hearing His words and doing them;
22:30 by partaking of Jesus spiritually, by allowing Him
22:34 to come, through Scripture, into our eyes, and into our ears.
22:38 He becomes part and parcel of us, and we are building
22:42 upon Him, the Rock.
22:44 In Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, pages 148, 149,
22:48 Ellen White makes this profound statement.
23:07 What is that a reference to? whoever builds on what?
23:10 on them. What does them mean?
23:12 On His what? on His Words.
23:31 Does this leave any room for building upon
23:34 the traditions of men? Absolutely not!
23:37 It is building upon the Word of God that will help
23:41 God's people stand firm.
23:43 Notice Ephesians 2:19, 20, where we find an additional
23:49 explanation of what it means to build upon the rock.
23:53 Ephesians 2:19. The Apostle Paul says:
24:05 What? Ah, there you have the idea of the house again.
24:10 That's the church, right?
24:12 We already read 1 Timothy that this is the church.
24:14 And so it says:
24:21 And then notice what the foundations are.
24:23 We're talking about spiritual foundations.
24:29 How can we build on the apostles and prophets?
24:32 Only by reading what they wrote, right?
24:35 Because the apostles and prophets are dead.
24:37 We can't build upon them as people, but we can build
24:41 upon what they taught.
24:42 And notice who is the chief cornerstone of this structure?
24:45 Ah, it says:
24:52 Is any human being, mere human being the cornerstone?
24:56 Absolutely not! Building upon the rock means building upon
25:02 the chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ,
25:05 through assimilating His Holy Word.
25:08 We find in Mount of Blessings, page 150, this remarkable
25:13 statement. And I want to emphasize one
25:15 particular point here. Notice:
25:22 You know that the Apostle Peter says that Jesus
25:25 is the living stone.
25:26 He's not just a dead stone.
25:28 He is a living stone.
25:30 And now notice what she continues saying:
25:34 Of course, through His Word.
25:40 So because He is a living stone, when we build upon Jesus,
25:45 His life comes into us, because we are building upon the stone.
25:49 Notice:
25:56 And then she quotes:
26:09 Now this is a remarkable statement:
26:26 In other words when we build upon God's holy word,
26:29 His written word, the life of the word comes into us,
26:33 and we become living stones, built upon the stone
26:37 of God's holy word.
26:39 How can we be sure that we're building upon Christ?
26:43 Luke 6:47, 48 answers that question. It says there:
26:49 Notice the individual.
27:07 What? Oh, did Jesus say we're supposed to
27:10 dig deep into the word?
27:12 Oh, to find the treasure you have to dig deep.
27:14 And so it says:
27:22 In Mount of Blessing, page 146, we find this statement:
27:38 And on page 149 the writer continues saying:
27:57 Folks, holiness is not going to church and rolling in the isles,
28:02 and laughing in the spirit, and speaking in tongues,
28:05 and having miraculous healings.
28:08 That is not holiness.
28:09 I know it's called the holiness movement,
28:12 but holiness is not that.
28:15 What is holiness then?
29:11 So what does it mean to build upon the rock?
29:13 It means to hear the words of Jesus.
29:16 It means to read the words of Jesus as they're
29:18 found in His Holy Word.
29:20 And it means not only to hear them and say,
29:22 Oh, this is beautiful, but to do them.
29:25 That's what it means to build upon the rock.
29:28 Studying the written word of God, and making it part
29:32 and parcel of our lives.
29:33 The Bible warns against the idea of hearing and not doing.
29:37 Notice Romans 2:13, Romans 2:13.
29:43 The Apostle Paul says:
29:54 And some people say, Okay, so you're saved because
29:57 you do right things.
29:58 No, you're not saved because you do right things,
30:01 you're saved, and as a result you do right things.
30:04 You're not saved by your works, your works reveal if you have
30:08 true faith. In other words, you know, there's so many Christians
30:13 that say, Oh, I'm saved!
30:14 You know, Jesus is my Savior, and they live the same
30:17 as they lived before they came to Christ.
30:19 Their works deny that they truly are followers of Jesus.
30:24 They are hearers of the word, but they are not
30:27 doers of the word.
30:28 In 1 John 3:18 we find the Apostle John,
30:35 the beloved disciple saying:
30:45 Now the question is, what is truth?
30:47 If we're supposed to, according to John, we're supposed to love
30:51 not in word, but we're to love in deed and in truth,
30:54 we need to find out what truth is.
30:56 Well, in John 17:17 we find this statement,
31:02 this short statement that Jesus made:
31:10 So what does it mean to build upon Jesus?
31:13 It means to build upon His word.
31:16 It means studying His word, reading His word,
31:19 letting the word come in through our eyes and through our ears,
31:22 into our heart, and transforming and changing our lives;
31:26 doing the word. And that way we are building upon the rock.
31:31 What happens when we simply follow the sayings of a church,
31:34 or the sayings of a man?
31:36 There is no power, because we're not building upon the rock,
31:40 upon the stone. By the way, do you know that acceptance,
31:44 or rejection of the truth at the end of time is going
31:47 to be the big test?
31:48 You know, in our last study we read 2 Thessalonians 2:9-14.
31:54 Lets read that again, and notice how important the truth is;
31:57 building upon the truth, which is God's Holy Word.
32:01 It's speaking about the coming of the antichrist, and it says:
32:17 Why do they perish?
32:23 And what is the truth?
32:24 God's word is truth.
32:30 Do you have to receive the love of the truth
32:32 in order to be saved? Absolutely!
32:34 Notice what it continues saying in verse 11:
32:40 Some people say, You mean God is going to delude people? No!
32:43 You see, in the Bible what God allows is attributed to God.
32:49 But these people simply said, I don't want the truth.
32:52 And so God says, You don't want the truth.
32:54 You would rather have the traditions of men.
32:56 I step back. I give you freedom of choice.
32:58 Not a problem! And then the strong delusion comes upon them.
33:02 Because the protection of God is no longer with them.
33:05 And so it continues saying here in verse 11:
33:13 And we notice that the lie means the counterfeit
33:16 second coming of Christ.
33:17 The devil's going to counterfeit the second coming of Christ.
33:26 And His word is truth, by the way folks.
33:31 And then the Apostle Paul becomes positive. He says:
33:48 Is truth the testing issue at the end of time?
33:53 It most certainly is.
33:54 And God's word is truth.
33:57 The big test is going to be the traditions of men versus
34:01 the simple, clear word of God.
34:04 Matthew 7:21, 22. Notice that this comes immediately before
34:14 the parable that we're studying.
34:15 So we have to look at these verses, because they come
34:19 immediately before the parable.
34:20 Now notice what Matthew 7:21, 22 has to say:
34:38 Does that have any relationship to the parable? Yeah!
34:41 Whoever hears these words of mine and does them,
34:44 is the one who builds upon the rock.
34:46 Are there going to be some individuals who hear
34:48 but don't do? Absolutely! Notice, it says:
34:59 Now the question is, what is the will of the Father in heaven?
35:02 Well, lets go to 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8.
35:06 We want to know what the will of God is, because clearly Jesus
35:10 had said here that he who does the will of the Father
35:14 is going to enter the kingdom of heaven.
35:17 So we want to know what the will of the Father is.
35:19 Notice 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8.
35:38 Does that have to do with behavior?
35:40 Whenever the Bible uses the word walk it means behavior.
35:46 It means conduct. So it says:
35:59 Now notice what the will of God is.
36:06 That means that you become holy.
36:51 Does the will of God have anything to do with living
36:56 a sanctified and holy life, with walking, and with pleasing God?
37:02 Absolutely! So we notice that there are some people
37:05 that are going to say Lord, Lord, but they're not going
37:08 to do the will of the Father who is in heaven.
37:10 And the will of God is that we be holy, and sanctified.
37:14 That we abandon the uncleanness that we had before we
37:17 came to Jesus Christ.
37:18 Wait just a minute!
37:21 Those individuals who say Lord, Lord, are going to have
37:24 miracles in their midst, so they must be of God, right?
37:28 Notice Matthew 7:22.
37:43 Are these individuals who claim to be Christians? Absolutely!
37:47 But they say, Lord, Lord, but they don't do
37:50 the will of the Father.
37:51 And the will of the Father is our sanctification.
37:53 And sanctification is based upon God's holy word.
37:57 Now some people say, Well, Pastor Bohr, but, you know,
38:01 these people when they did the miracles, and these people when
38:04 they cast out demons, and when they prophesied, you know,
38:07 they were in a good relationship with Christ,
38:09 and then later they went astray.
38:11 No, they were never on the side of Jesus.
38:15 And you say, How do we know that?
38:17 Notice Matthew 7:23.
38:32 Now we'll come back to that in a moment.
38:35 There's a statement I want to read just before this,
38:37 in Mount of Blessing, page 146.
38:40 Because today the Christian world is captivated by the
38:43 spectacular, the supernatural, and signs and wonders.
38:47 That is the in thing these days; that which appeals to the
38:50 feelings and the emotions.
38:52 Notice this remarkable statement from
38:54 Mount of Blessings, page 146:
39:28 In other words, to build upon signs, and wonders,
39:33 and feelings, and emotions, and music, and having a good time,
39:37 and rolling in the isles, and laughing in the Spirit.
39:39 And if you're not obeying the word of God you're saying,
39:42 Lord, Lord, but you're not building upon the rock
39:46 of God's Holy Word.
39:48 Now is building a difficult work?
39:51 Remember that we read this statement from Mount of Blessing
39:54 about how difficult it was to build this house among the
39:57 rocks? Well, let me read you from Mount of Blessings,
40:00 page 147. Ellen White speaks about these houses that were
40:04 built upon the rock in his time. It says:
40:25 Building was a difficult work.
40:27 Let me ask you, is building upon God's word, building a character
40:32 upon God's word, building a church upon God's word,
40:35 many times a very difficult work? Yes it is.
40:39 In the book, Child Guidance, page 164, we find this
40:44 statement about the difficulty of building a character,
40:47 because the house represents our individual character,
40:50 and it represents the church.
40:52 This is what the writer says:
41:02 Because we all take steps in the wrong direction, right?
41:05 And if we took a wrong step, we say, Oh no, I blew it!
41:09 No! Well, we did blow it.
41:11 But that's not what determines character.
41:14 What is it that determines character? Notice:
41:48 It takes work, hard work to build upon the rock,
41:52 because you have to open the Scriptures.
41:54 You have to study the Scriptures.
41:55 You have to search the Scriptures.
41:57 And then you have to pray and say, Lord, help me to live in
42:00 harmony with this.
42:01 And we have to go against the natural tendencies of our
42:04 evil, sinful characters.
42:06 Now lets talk about what it means to build upon the sand.
42:10 Now if building upon the rock means hearing the words of
42:16 Jesus, and obeying what is written in the word,
42:20 then what must it mean to build upon the sand?
42:24 Well, Jesus explains it.
42:25 He says everyone who hears these sayings of mine
42:29 and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built
42:34 his house upon what? who built his house upon the sand.
42:39 Lets take one specific instance that we've been dealing with
42:44 during this series.
42:45 Is the word of God absolutely crystal clear that the day of
42:49 worship that God has established for Christians
42:52 is the holy Sabbath? the seventh day Sabbath?
42:54 Is that very clear?
42:56 So when you go to the word, and you read the clarity of
42:59 the word, you say, Okay Lord, you say that I'm supposed to
43:02 keep the Sabbath. Well, you know, I work on Sabbath.
43:05 I'm going to lose my job.
43:06 But it's more important to build upon the rock;
43:08 to build upon Your word.
43:09 Well, I'm worried about what my relatives might say;
43:12 what my friends might say.
43:13 No, but I've got to build upon the rock.
43:15 Oh, but what is my priest or my minister going to say?
43:18 They teach that Sunday is the day of rest.
43:20 No, but I've got to build upon the rock.
43:22 I've got to practice what I'm reading.
43:25 That's what it means to build upon the rock.
43:28 But what do many Christians do?
43:30 They can read it in Scripture.
43:32 It's very clear that the seventh day is the Sabbath.
43:34 But they say, I hear it, but I don't do it.
43:38 And that happens in many areas of life.
43:42 So what is meant by building upon the sand?
43:45 Well, let me read you a statement that we find,
43:49 once again, in The Mount of Blessings.
44:01 Did you catch that?
44:33 You know, when Jesus finished this parable, He contrasted
44:38 what it means to build on the rock, and what it means
44:41 to build on the sand.
44:42 Notice Matthew 7:28, 29.
44:46 When Jesus finished His parable, and the sermon on the Mount,
44:49 two groups are contrasted here by Matthew.
44:53 Notice Matthew 7:28.
45:04 What? Why do you suppose they were astonished at His teaching?
45:08 We've studied this before.
45:11 Why were they astonished at His teaching?
45:13 Because Jesus based His teaching on what? on the written word.
45:19 He didn't speculate.
45:20 He didn't philosophize.
45:23 He didn't conjecture.
45:24 He didn't quote the Rabbi's.
45:26 He had the authority.
45:28 He always faced every issue with the written word.
45:33 And so it says here:
45:45 What was the foundation upon which the scribes built?
45:49 the sand. That's why Jesus did not teach like the scribes.
45:54 What is being contrasted here is building upon the rock
45:58 with authority, and building upon the sand, which the scribes
46:03 were doing because they depended on the writings of human beings
46:07 instead of depending on the written word of God.
46:10 Now we still need to talk about the winds, and we need to talk
46:15 about the floods, and the storm.
46:17 What is represented by the winds in this parable that
46:22 beat upon the house?
46:23 Revelation 7:1, 2 provides the answer.
46:28 Revelation 7:1, 2.
46:43 What does that mean that they were holding the winds?
46:47 Well, those winds are the winds of strife.
46:49 What's going to happen when the angels release the winds?
46:54 We're going to have the time of trouble such as never was
46:57 in the history of the world, since there was a nation,
47:00 the Bible says. A time of trouble, which is called the
47:04 time of Jacob's trouble.
47:05 A time of severe anguish.
47:07 That is what is represented by the releasing of the winds.
47:12 And the winds are going to beat against every single individual.
47:16 And those who have built upon the solid foundation of God's
47:20 word, the winds will not blow them away, the winds of strife.
47:25 But those who have built upon the sand of human opinions,
47:28 the winds will blow them away.
47:31 The Apostle Paul also spoke about what it means to speak
47:35 of winds. In Ephesians 4:14, 15, the Apostle Paul says:
47:48 So the winds not only represent strife, but they also represent
47:53 different winds of doctrine that are blowing.
47:55 Are people blown away by winds of false doctrine today?
48:00 Absolutely! So he says that:
48:14 What? Here's the contrast.
48:23 Do you see the contrast between the truth and the winds?
48:27 James 1:7 adds a detail about what the winds represent.
48:32 When we pray.
48:37 In other words, we are to trust the word of God.
48:40 We are to have faith in the word of God with no doubt.
48:43 And then he says:
48:52 Now what is represented by the floods?
48:55 The floods, folks, represent persecution.
48:59 Notice Revelation 12:15, Revelation 12:15. It says:
49:15 Which represents the church.
49:23 This is speaking about the final persecution that is going to
49:27 come upon God's people.
49:28 Are there going to be a people that will not be affected by
49:32 the winds of false doctrine, by the winds of doubt,
49:35 by the winds of strife?
49:36 That will not be affected when the floods of persecution come,
49:40 are those who are going to be firm, and going to remain
49:44 solid in the Lord? Yes.
49:46 Those who have built upon the rock of God's written holy word.
49:51 Now what particular time is this speaking about,
49:56 where it speaks about floods, and it speaks about winds?
50:00 We find in Mount of Blessings, page 152, this statement:
50:17 That's talking about the great tribulation.
50:25 Which is God's written word.
50:27 We find in Great Controversy, 593, 594 what our only
50:32 protection will be in this time of severe crisis when the winds
50:36 are blowing, and when the floods of persecution come,
50:40 and when the storm breaks out we are told what will be
50:43 our only protection.
50:44 The Great Controversy, 593, says:
51:17 Do you know what is represented by the fall of the house
51:20 that is built on the sand?
51:21 We noticed that the church is represented by the house, right?
51:26 Have you ever read in Revelation 18, as well as chapter 14,
51:32 where it speaks about Babylon the great has what? has fallen,
51:37 has fallen. Why does Babylon fall at the end of time?
51:41 Babylon falls because it is built upon the foundation
51:45 of human tradition.
51:46 It is built upon the sands; the moveable sands.
51:51 And so Babylon will have a great fall.
51:54 It says that Babylon will have a great fall.
51:57 Just like the parable says that the house when it fell,
52:01 it was a great fall.
52:03 Now at the end of time there's going to be a worldwide system,
52:07 and we're seeing the formation of that worldwide system today.
52:11 Some call it the New World Order.
52:14 It's a system based on human greatness, and human prowess,
52:19 and human wisdom, and human ideas, very similar to what
52:24 happened at the tower of Babel, where God had said,
52:27 disperse over the earth.
52:29 And they all gathered together in rebellion against God.
52:32 We find this statement in The Patriarchs and Prophets, 117,
52:35 118, where Ellen White is talking about what happened at
52:38 the tower of Babel, speaking about the
52:41 plain where they built:
53:37 Now lets notice the application that is given to this
53:40 in Patriarchs and Prophets, 123 and 124.
53:44 This is the application to our time.
53:53 That's people who have no faith.
53:56 There are Christian infidels who are Christians,
54:00 but they don't believe in the Bible story of creation,
54:02 for example. So she says:
54:36 And now she's going to talk about the professedly
54:40 Christian world. It's not only unbelievers. She says:
55:47 So what does it mean to build upon the sand?
55:50 It means to build upon the deductions of science.
55:53 It means to build upon the traditions of men.
55:56 It means to build upon the ideas of the great men of the earth,
56:01 of the theologians, and the scholars, independently of what
56:05 God's holy word says.
56:07 I'm not saying that it's wrong to read the works of scholars,
56:11 but we must compare them with the unerring standard;
56:14 the standard of God's written word.
56:16 We must check out every tradition, every practice and
56:19 make sure that it is based on the eternal word of a holy God.
56:23 And God makes a wonderful promise to those who build
56:28 upon the rock, who build upon the word of God,
56:31 and not upon the traditions of men.
56:33 Psalm 27:5, we have this beautiful promise.
56:38 I love it! It says:
56:55 That is a promise for the time of trouble.
56:58 God's people who dwell upon His word, no matter what the winds,
57:02 no matter what the floods, no matter what the storm,
57:05 no matter what the tempest, no matter what comes.
57:08 Those who build upon Jesus Christ, as He is found upon His
57:12 word, will eventually end up living eternally
57:16 with Jesus in the kingdom.
57:19 So lets be those who build upon the solid foundation
57:24 of Jesus and His word.


Revised 2014-12-23