The Bible or Tradition

The Acid Test

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: BOT

Program Code: BOT000009

00:30 Well, I can hardly believe that we are at lecture number nine
00:35 in the series, The Bible Or Tradition.
00:38 Once again, I want to thank you all for coming out
00:41 for lecture number nine, which is titled, The Acid Test.
00:45 Before we study the Word of God, we want to pray,
00:48 to ask for the Lord's presence.
00:50 So I invite you to bow your heads with me as we ask
00:53 God to be with us.
00:54 Father in heaven, we thank You so much for Your Holy Word.
01:00 We realize that it would be a terrible thing to live in this
01:03 world without any divine guidance.
01:06 We wouldn't be able to explain or understand
01:09 anything that's happening.
01:10 We thank You that in Your Word you have shown us clearly
01:15 what is happening, and what will soon
01:17 take place in this world.
01:18 We thank You for Your Word, which is a sure guide,
01:22 and we ask that as we study that Word this evening,
01:25 that Your Holy Spirit will be present with us to help us
01:28 understand that which You have for us.
01:31 And we thank You for hearing our prayer, for we ask it in
01:34 Jesus' name, Amen.
01:36 In December of 2010 I held a series of meetings
01:44 in Karlsruhe, Germany.
01:48 About ten years earlier, I had held a series of meetings
01:53 in the same city, actually in the same church.
01:56 And unbeknownst to me, a non-Adventist, who attended the
02:03 first series of meetings, also attended the second series
02:07 of meetings as well.
02:09 During the second series of meetings, on a Wednesday
02:12 evening, the meetings started on a Sunday night,
02:15 he came up to me and he pointed at a handbill and he said,
02:22 When are you going to talk about this topic?
02:25 And he pointed to a section in the handbill that said,
02:29 What happens when a person dies?
02:31 Now it just so happens that the pastor of the church had placed
02:36 in that handbill that I was going to speak about
02:40 the state of the dead.
02:42 But I did not give him that topic, and so he simply put it
02:46 in there to attract the attention of the general public.
02:49 And so I told this gentleman that I was not going to speak
02:54 on that specific subject, but that if he wished,
02:57 I would be glad to come to his house and explain to him
03:02 what happens when a person dies.
03:04 And so we set up an appointment for two days later.
03:09 And in the privacy of his home the pastor and I met this
03:14 gentleman at the kitchen table.
03:17 Now as we got acquainted, he shared with us that his wife
03:23 had been a Jehovah's Witness for many, many years.
03:27 And he had been attending the Kingdom Hall of the
03:31 Jehovah's Witnesses with her for those many years.
03:34 But he had never actually become a member of the Kingdom Hall
03:38 of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
03:40 At some point he told us that he and his wife had a falling out
03:46 with one of the elders of the church of the Kingdom Hall,
03:50 and so they quit attending church.
03:53 Now it's very important for us to realize, as I continue
03:58 telling this story, that the Jehovah's Witnesses believe
04:02 very similar to Seventh-day Adventists when it comes
04:04 to the state of the dead.
04:05 The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the dead know not anything
04:10 until the resurrection.
04:11 In other words, they believe on the state of the dead
04:14 just like Seventh-day Adventists do.
04:16 And so as we talked there at his table, he was telling us
04:22 the story about what had happened to his wife.
04:25 It just so happens that five months before we arrived
04:28 at his house, his wife had passed away after a
04:33 devastating bout with cancer.
04:35 They had been married for a period of twenty-two years,
04:39 and he was disconsolate.
04:41 In fact, as we sat there at the kitchen table,
04:44 he cried his eyes out, because he missed her so much.
04:49 Now as we sat there at the kitchen table, this gentleman
04:54 told us that after his devastating loss of his wife
04:58 five months earlier, he had searched for literature to help
05:03 him with his grief that he was suffering.
05:06 And through the recommendation of a friend, he came across
05:10 the publications of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross,
05:15 a Swiss Psychiatrist, world renowned in her time.
05:20 Now Kubler-Ross's extensive work with the terminally ill
05:26 had led her to write a very famous book,
05:29 and that book is called, On Death and Dying,
05:32 which was published in the year 1969.
05:35 In this work she spoke about five stages of grief
05:40 that the terminally ill go through.
05:42 And those five stages are: denial, anger, bargaining,
05:47 depression, and finally acceptance.
05:50 And she showed that most everybody goes through
05:53 these five stages, not necessarily everyone in the
05:57 same order, but everybody experiences, in one sense or
06:01 another these stages.
06:04 Now I remember that I had the privilege of listening to
06:08 Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in 1972, speak at a nursing symposium
06:14 at Andrews University, where I was going to school at the time.
06:18 Now in the late 1970's Kubler-Ross became interested
06:23 in out-of-body experiences, and spiritualism.
06:27 In fact, she began experimenting with the possibility
06:32 of communicating with the dead.
06:34 She came to believe that reincarnation is compatible
06:39 with Christian doctrine.
06:41 Now as we spoke with this 72 year old gentleman, he described
06:47 how Kubler-Ross's works had become a great comfort to him
06:52 in his time of grief.
06:53 He told us that he now believed that when a person died
06:57 they would go through a dark tunnel.
06:59 And after going through the dark tunnel, they would come out
07:02 on the other side in a glorious realm of light, where everything
07:07 was peace, and everything was love.
07:10 He also told us that his dead wife had appeared to his friend.
07:15 And, according to the friend, she had the same appearance,
07:19 and spoke in the same voice, and relayed a message to him
07:24 that she was in a better place, and she was enjoying the bliss
07:29 of heaven. Now what was our response?
07:32 We knew that we had our work cut out for us.
07:36 And so I formulated a question to this gentleman.
07:42 I said, More than anything, I assume that you would want
07:46 to know that your wife is doing well,
07:49 and that she's in a better place.
07:51 Is that true? He says, Of course, that's true!
07:54 Then we showed him, in the Bible, how God had said
08:00 to Adam and Eve, that if they ate from the tree
08:02 they would surely die, and how the devil had said that if they
08:06 ate from the tree they would not surely die,
08:09 but that they would live forever.
08:11 We also shared with him the story of the witch of Endor
08:15 to show Biblically that the devil can disguise himself
08:20 as departed individuals to try and deceive those who are alive.
08:25 And we read 2 Corinthians 11, where it says that the devil
08:29 disguises himself even as an angel of light.
08:34 And then I personally presented to him a hypothetical case.
08:38 I said, What if your wife suddenly appeared in
08:42 that doorway over there?
08:44 Lets suppose that she speaks with the same voice,
08:47 she looks the same, and she remembers details of the
08:52 times that you spent together, and she tells you that she
08:56 misses you, but that she's in a better place.
08:59 Would you believe that this is your wife because you
09:03 desperately miss her, and you would like to be with her?
09:07 Would you follow the testimony of your eyes, and your ears,
09:12 and your heart, and your feelings, and believe that that
09:14 is your wife because she appears to be identical to what she was
09:19 during the time that she was alive?
09:22 This would be a most trying experience.
09:25 Your eyes, your heart, your mind, your feelings,
09:31 all tell you that this is your wife.
09:34 Would you have the courage to look at that being
09:39 that is appearing before you, and to say, My heart says that
09:43 you're my wife. My eyes tell me you're my wife.
09:46 My ears tell me you're my wife.
09:48 My feelings tell me that you are my wife.
09:51 But the Bible says, The living know that they will die,
09:55 but the dead know nothing.
09:57 Would you be willing to go by what the Bible says,
10:01 rather than following the testimony of your senses,
10:04 and your emotions, and your feelings?
10:07 Well, his eyes opened wide.
10:10 And for what seemed to be an eternity,
10:13 there was a period of silence.
10:16 We prayed with him, ended the meeting,
10:21 and this was on a Wednesday evening.
10:24 The meetings ended on Saturday night.
10:26 And he never came back to any of the meetings.
10:30 I've often wondered what happened to this gentleman.
10:34 I've wondered whether the contact that we made with him
10:39 was productive, in the sense of leading him to think about
10:44 what we had said to him.
10:46 Because, remember, he had attended the
10:48 Kingdom Hall with his wife.
10:50 And the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the
10:53 dead know nothing.
10:54 And so we were simply presenting the Biblical scenario of what
10:59 happens when a person dies.
11:01 And so I wondered, did this man perhaps after a period of
11:08 reflection and thought, come to the conclusion that that was not
11:13 his wife that was talking to his friend?
11:15 Did he reach the conclusion that the dead know nothing?
11:20 Now the traditional acid test.
11:23 You've heard of the acid test, right?
11:26 That's an expression that we use.
11:28 The traditional acid test is used to determine if a precious
11:33 metal is gold, for example, or not.
11:36 And how do you determine if a precious metal is gold?
11:40 Well, what you do is you take a small drop of a strong acid,
11:45 such as nitric acid, and you put a few drops on the surface
11:51 of the metal. Now most metals that are not precious,
11:55 they will fizzle. In other words, they will bubble,
12:00 or fizzle. But when you put nitric acid on gold,
12:04 it doesn't fizzle at all.
12:06 And this is a test that can be applied to a metal to determine
12:11 whether it is gold, or it is not gold.
12:14 It is an inexpensive, decisive, immediate, and simple test
12:20 to distinguish what might appear to be gold,
12:23 from that which is truly gold.
12:26 You see, you can't rely on people telling you
12:30 that the metal is gold.
12:31 You can't rely on the idea that the metal looks like gold.
12:36 You can't rely on tasting the gold.
12:39 Have you ever noticed that people sometimes,
12:41 you know, they bite the gold?
12:43 I don't know if they're able to determine
12:44 it's gold by biting it.
12:46 But, anyway, that is not the way in which you should
12:50 determine whether a metal is a precious
12:53 metal of gold or not.
12:55 You can't go by your hunches.
12:57 You can't go by your feelings.
12:59 You can't go by what your senses say.
13:02 You must apply an external test that will give you absolute
13:07 certainty that that is really gold.
13:10 If you don't, you might just purchase fools gold.
13:16 And you know fools gold is actually counterfeit gold.
13:22 It has absolutely no value.
13:24 Now the Bible tells us that the devil is going to attempt
13:28 to deceive the world at the end of time, by getting them
13:32 to follow their senses, their feelings, their emotions,
13:36 and their ears, instead of following what God
13:40 says in His Holy Word.
13:41 Lets read several verses in Scripture where we are told that
13:45 the devil is going to attempt to deceive the whole world
13:48 with signs and wonders that appeal to the senses,
13:53 and to the feelings and the emotions.
13:56 Lets begin with Matthew 24: 23-25, Matthew 24:23-25.
14:04 Here Jesus is speaking about end time events, and He says this:
14:25 What is the purpose of the great signs and wonders?
14:33 And then Jesus says:
14:37 In other words Jesus is saying, I've told you this beforehand
14:41 so that you will not be what? so that you will not be deceived.
14:44 The devil is planning to perform great signs and wonders.
14:48 Among those signs and wonders is what is called spiritualism.
14:53 Notice also Revelation 16:13, 14, where we are told that the
14:58 devil is going to use signs and wonders to gather the whole
15:01 world on his side in the final controversy.
15:04 It says there in Revelation 16:13:
15:25 And what is the purpose of these signs? It is to what?
15:34 It is to gather them against the government of God,
15:38 and against God's people.
15:39 So we're told that this three-fold union: the dragon,
15:44 the beast, and the false prophet,
15:45 which we're not going to study in this particular series;
15:49 we've studied in other series.
15:50 They are going to perform signs and wonders, with the intent of
15:55 deceiving the human race, and gathering everyone
15:58 on the devil's side.
15:59 And then, of course, we have Matthew 7:21-23.
16:03 You might be saying, Well, these are going to be secular people
16:05 that are going to be doing these signs and wonders.
16:07 You know, they're not religious people.
16:09 They certainly cannot be Christians.
16:11 Are they Christians?
16:13 Notice what we find in Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 7:21-23.
16:19 Here Jesus is speaking. It says:
16:33 Are these Christians that Jesus is talking about? Sure!
16:37 Because a non-Christian would not call Jesus Lord, Lord.
16:41 Now notice what it continues saying in verse 22.
16:51 Are these people who claim the name of Jesus? Yes! Notice:
17:05 These are supposed Christians.
17:16 Or it could be translated, You transgressors of the law.
17:20 So you have here Christians, in the end time, that are going to
17:24 be prophesying, they're going to be casting out demons,
17:27 they're going to be performing signs and wonders.
17:31 And so people are going to say, Oh, this certainly
17:34 has to be from God.
17:35 But Jesus says, I never knew them.
17:38 Because they practiced what? lawlessness.
17:42 In other words, they were transgressors of God's Holy Law,
17:46 the ten commandments.
17:47 So the big question that we need to ask is this, How can we keep
17:52 from being deceived in this final conflict?
17:55 The answer, folks, is that we need a detector outside
18:01 ourselves that can show us what is true and what is false.
18:05 We need an external standard outside of us in order to
18:10 determine what is right, what is wrong, what is true,
18:14 and what is false, what is genuine,
18:17 and what is a counterfeit.
18:19 You cannot trust anything inside of you.
18:21 You cannot trust your eyes.
18:23 You cannot trust your ears.
18:24 You cannot trust your touch.
18:26 You cannot trust your feelings, your heart, your emotions,
18:30 your intuitions. None of that can you trust;
18:33 no internal standards.
18:35 We have to have an external standard like nitric acid,
18:39 to test things to find out if they are really of God.
18:43 Our only safeguard, folks, at the end of time will be the same
18:48 safeguard that God gave Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
18:52 You see, the devil is going to do at the end time what he did
18:55 at the very beginning.
18:56 There is nothing new under the sun!
18:58 So we need to go back to the beginning to understand how
19:02 the devil deceived Adam and Eve.
19:04 And then we'll know how the devil is going to attempt to
19:06 deceive the world at the end of time, because the devil said
19:09 that it worked back then, so why won't it work again?
19:12 So I want you to go with me to Genesis 2:15-17,
19:18 Genesis 2:15-17.
19:44 Now who is setting the standard here?
19:48 Who is telling Adam and Eve what is right and what is wrong?
19:51 Is it their heart?
19:52 Is it their eyes? Is it their ears?
19:55 Or is it an external source, God saying, This is right,
19:58 and this is wrong?
19:59 Eating from all of the trees, that's right.
20:01 Eating from this tree would be sin.
20:03 It would be wrong.
20:04 The standard is not inside them to know what good and evil are,
20:10 it is a standard outside of them.
20:12 God is the One who is giving them the rule.
20:16 He's saying, Obey My Word.
20:19 But then the devil comes to Eve.
20:22 And then, later, we're going to notice that he comes to Adam.
20:25 Lets go to Genesis 3:1-6, Genesis 3:1-6.
20:30 We're going to find that the devil used five methods at the
20:35 beginning to lead Adam and Eve astray from God.
20:39 You know, God had spoken.
20:40 Was this a simple test?
20:42 Was it a test that was easy to understand? Yeah!
20:45 God said, His Word was, Don't eat from the tree.
20:48 Adam and Eve simply should have said, Well, eating from the
20:52 tree is wrong, and so we'll just eat from the other trees.
20:55 They should have obeyed the external
20:57 standard that God had set.
20:58 But now notice Genesis 3:1.
21:11 Question, do serpents speak? Of course not!
21:16 Would it be a miracle for a serpent to speak? Of course!
21:20 The devil is using a serpent, and apparently giving it
21:26 the quality of speech.
21:28 But really the devil is using ventriloquism.
21:31 This is the first ventriloquist of history.
21:34 But he's performing a counterfeit miracle,
21:37 because an animal is speaking; a serpent is speaking.
21:41 So the first method of the devil is to
21:43 perform counterfeit miracles.
21:45 Now notice what it continues saying.
21:54 Now is he going to quote God now?
21:56 Is he going to quote what God said? Yes.
21:59 Actually, he's going to misquote God's Word.
22:01 The second method that the devil uses is to misquote God's Word.
22:07 He doesn't quote it the way God said it.
22:09 His purpose is to misquote the Word.
22:12 Notice what it continues saying:
22:24 Is that what God had said? No.
22:28 But is the serpent claiming to quote God?
22:30 He's claiming to quote God, but he's misquoting God.
22:34 Do you think the devil is going to use misquoting God's
22:37 Holy Word, and changing God's Word at the end of
22:40 time to deceive? Absolutely!
22:42 Now, do you know the reason why the devil misquoted God?
22:45 Because he knew that Eve was going to correct it.
22:48 He wanted to start a conversation.
22:50 See, when somebody mentions something that you know
22:54 is wrong, what is your first reaction?
22:55 You say, No, no, no, no, that's not what He said.
22:58 And so the devil knows that if he misquotes God's Word,
23:02 immediately Eve is going to say, That's not what God said.
23:05 And then you would have the beginning of a what?
23:08 of a conversation.
23:10 And the serpent, the devil, wanted to converse with Eve
23:13 because he knew that if he could converse with Eve,
23:16 he would be able to get into her head.
23:18 Now notice then, first method the devil uses is
23:22 a counterfeit miracle.
23:23 Second method he uses is to quote God's Word,
23:26 but he misquotes God's Word.
23:28 Now the third method that the devil uses is
23:32 the most trying of all.
23:33 Lets go once again to Genesis 3:1.
23:46 And now comes the correction from the woman.
24:01 And now she adds to God's Word, because she's trying to defend
24:05 the honor of God. So she says:
24:13 And it says in Patriarchs and Prophets that when she said that
24:16 the serpent plucked the fruit and put it into her hand
24:19 and said, Are you dead?
24:20 Because she said that God had said that if she touched it,
24:25 she would die. God had not said that they couldn't touch it.
24:27 God said that they could not what?
24:30 that they could not eat it.
24:31 And so now we notice the third method that the devil used.
24:36 Verse 4.
24:44 Now lets think a little bit about what the serpent
24:47 is saying to the woman.
24:49 What is the serpent saying about God?
24:51 God is a what? God is a liar.
24:56 What do you suppose the first thought of Eve was?
24:59 God is a liar. So why did He lie? Right?
25:04 Wouldn't that be the question in her mind?
25:06 See the devil is planting the question.
25:08 See, you're not going to die.
25:10 And so Eve now is thinking, okay, if we're not going to die,
25:14 then why did God tell us that we were going to die?
25:17 I want to know! And so now you have the third method.
25:22 The devil is now going to play games.
25:24 He's going to lead her, he's going to lead her to reason
25:27 independently of God.
25:28 He's going to try and explain things that God
25:32 had not explained.
25:33 God didn't say why they couldn't eat from the tree.
25:35 He simply said, Don't eat!
25:37 He didn't say that the tree has, the fruit is poison,
25:40 or anything. God said simply, Don't eat.
25:43 God gave no explanations.
25:44 So the devil says, I'm going to give you an explanation.
25:46 And notice what he says.
25:49 Verse 5.
25:52 I'm going to give you the reason now.
26:00 In other words, God wants you to be what?
26:03 He wants you to be blind.
26:05 You're blind! He wants blind service.
26:08 He didn't explain things to you, did He?
26:09 And what is happening with Eve's mind?
26:12 Her mind is working overtime.
26:15 Her reasoning powers are working overtime.
26:18 And she says, I want to know more.
26:19 What has God been hiding from us?
26:22 God knows something that He doesn't want us to know.
26:26 He wants us to be blind!
26:27 What is it? is what her reasoning powers are screaming.
26:30 So it says in verse 5:
26:42 What is the devil telling Eve?
26:45 He's saying, Eve, and he's hinting at this.
26:50 He's saying, Eve, do you know how God became God?
26:53 By eating from the fruit of this tree, He got His powers.
26:58 But after He ate from the tree, and He discovered that this tree
27:02 makes a person God, He didn't want any rivals.
27:06 He didn't want any competition.
27:07 And so from that point on He told everyone that if they ate
27:13 from the tree, they were going to die.
27:14 But God's concern was not that they were going to die,
27:17 God's concern was that He would have some rivals
27:20 just like Him. Are you following me or not?
27:23 In other words, Eve is now saying, Ah ha!
27:27 Now I have my reason!
27:28 God didn't say why we shouldn't eat from the tree.
27:32 Now I know! God is selfish!
27:33 God is lying to us.
27:35 God wants us to be blind.
27:36 God doesn't want us to be like Him!
27:40 Are you following me?
27:42 And so what is the devil doing?
27:45 He's leading Eve to reason, and to use her logic
27:49 independently of God.
27:50 But now notice the devil says that she is going to be like
27:54 God in a certain way.
27:55 Let me ask you, who defines good and evil?
27:58 Where do we get our definition of good and evil?
28:01 Is that something that you find in your heart,
28:02 and in your brain?
28:04 Your brain tells you what's good and evil.
28:05 Your heart tells you what's good and evil.
28:07 You can determine what's good and evil.
28:09 No, no, no, no! Who defines good and evil?
28:11 God did. He said, You eat from all of the trees; that's good.
28:15 Not from this tree; that's evil if you eat from this tree.
28:18 God defined good and evil.
28:19 It's a source outside of us that defines good and evil.
28:24 But what does the devil say to Eve?
28:27 He says, You will be like God, knowing good and evil.
28:30 In other words, you don't have to depend on God to know
28:33 what is good, and what is evil.
28:35 You can know that on your own because you will be God.
28:39 So the third method that the devil is using is he's playing
28:44 mental games with Eve.
28:45 He's possessing her reasoning powers.
28:48 He's using logic so that she'll follow her logic
28:51 instead of following the Word of God.
28:52 And then I want you to notice what the fourth method
28:55 that the devil uses.
28:56 It says in verse 6:
29:00 Are her eyes involved? Yes.
29:02 Were her ears involved to this point? Yes. So it says:
29:10 What sense is involved there?
29:12 Her taste. That's right!
29:22 What sense is being involved there? Her touch.
29:29 So what is the devil using?
29:31 He's leading Eve to follow the testimony of her what?
29:34 of her senses. Of her senses.
29:39 And then I want you to notice the last method
29:42 that the devil uses.
29:43 In verse 6, at the end of the verse it says:
29:52 Let me ask you, does the devil use other people
29:55 to lead other people astray? Absolutely!
29:58 And so the devil used five methods:
30:00 1. A counterfeit miracle.
30:03 2. A misuse of Scripture.
30:05 3. A perversion of human reason.
30:08 4. Leading people to follow the testimony of their senses.
30:12 5. Use another person to lead a person into sin.
30:18 Let me ask you, what was the only protection for Eve,
30:21 and for Adam at that point?
30:23 Their only protection was to do what God said in His Word.
30:28 In other words, it was to ignore all of those things and to say,
30:33 God said that we should not eat.
30:36 And we live by every word that proceeds out
30:40 of the mouth of God.
30:41 Is the devil going to use these same methods at the end of time?
30:45 You'd better believe he is!
30:47 Is the devil going to use miracles? Yes, he is.
30:51 Is he going to misuse Scripture?
30:54 Is he going to lead people to misuse Scripture,
30:56 to twist the Scriptures, to add and to take away from Scripture?
31:00 Absolutely! Is the devil going to lead people to follow their
31:03 reasoning powers, their logic? Yes, he is.
31:06 Is he going to lead people to follow the testimony of their
31:09 senses: what they see, what they feel, what they hear,
31:11 their taste? Absolutely!
31:13 And is he going to lead people to lead other people astray?
31:16 He most certainly is.
31:18 The same methods that worked at the beginning,
31:21 the devil is going to use at the end.
31:24 Now the great detector, in other words, that God has given us,
31:29 is His Word; pure and simple.
31:33 And yet today people accept all kinds of authorities
31:38 in place of the Bible.
31:39 Things such as science, philosophy, feelings, emotions,
31:45 signs and wonders, tradition, what others say
31:50 among other things; all sorts of standards other than the clear,
31:56 simple Word of God.
31:58 And, by the way, some of our own theologians
32:01 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church today are saying that
32:04 the Bible was fine for a pre-scientific
32:07 simplistic society.
32:09 But today we have far more light, and we're far more
32:12 educated than those individuals who wrote Scripture.
32:16 Ellen White made this sobering statement about what our source
32:21 of authority should be.
32:22 In The Great Controversy, page 595, she says:
33:10 Jesus faced Satan's attacks in the wilderness by it is written.
33:15 He did not follow His feelings, His emotions, His appetite,
33:19 His senses. He simply said, I live by every word that proceeds
33:23 out of the mouth of God.
33:25 In The Great Controversy, page 593, Ellen White expresses
33:30 what the final delusion will involve. She says:
33:42 Listen carefully to this now.
34:03 So what is our source of authority at the end?
34:07 It is God's written Word, pure and simple.
34:13 A thus saith the Lord.
34:15 Now one of the doctrines that we especially need to uphold from
34:20 Scripture is the doctrine of the state of the dead.
34:23 Isaiah 8:19 is a very well known verse
34:29 among Seventh-day Adventists. It says:
34:39 We're very well acquainted with that particular verse.
34:42 But have you read verse 19, the verse that
34:44 comes immediately before?
34:45 Why does it say, to the law and to the testimony?
34:48 Who is referred to when it says, If they do not speak according
34:53 to this word there's no light in them?
34:55 Actually, lets read verse 19, and see who they are.
34:59 It says in verse 19:
35:10 What are mediums? People who claim to be able to
35:14 communicate with what?
35:15 With the dead, that's right.
35:31 And then you have that verse, to the law and to the testimony.
35:35 If they speak not according to this word, it is because
35:39 there is no light in them.
35:40 Now the law would be the writings of Moses at this point.
35:44 And the testimony would be the writings of the prophets
35:47 that have written up to that point.
35:48 Because the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.
35:52 So what Isaiah is saying is that everything needs to be tested
35:56 by the written Word of God.
36:00 Now there are two doctrines that are corollaries
36:04 among apostate churches today.
36:07 The first of these is the immortality of the soul,
36:10 and the second is spiritualism.
36:13 These two doctrines are interconnected.
36:16 It used to be that Christian churches believed in the
36:20 immortality of the soul, but they rejected the idea
36:24 that the dead can communicate with the living.
36:26 But this has changed in recent years.
36:29 It was only a matter of time until churches went from
36:34 point A to point B; from the idea of the immortality of the
36:37 soul, to the possibility that the dead can
36:40 communicate with the living.
36:42 There are notable Christian leaders today who believe in
36:47 OBE's, that is out of body experiences, as proof
36:51 that there is life after death.
36:53 And there are those who believe in NDE's,
36:56 which is near death experiences.
36:58 And they use this as proof that really it is possible
37:03 for the dead to communicate with the living.
37:06 They also use evidence from parapsychology, that so-called
37:11 science which supposedly has proven that there is something
37:16 communicating from the netherworld with those who
37:19 live in this world.
37:20 And, incidentally, you know that most people in the world
37:23 today believe that angels are the spirits
37:25 of departed relatives who have died.
37:28 The Bible tells us that the angels existed before
37:31 the creation of the world.
37:32 They are not the spirits of the dead that come
37:35 back to this world.
37:36 The Bible tells us that the angels were created by God
37:39 before human beings.
37:40 And yet in the Christian world today, the idea is that the
37:44 angels are human beings that died, and their spirits are
37:48 coming back to help us here on this earth.
37:50 The Bible is clear on the state of the dead.
37:53 For example, Psalm 146:3, 4 says:
38:04 That is when you cease to breathe.
38:11 The King James Version says his what? his thoughts perish.
38:15 There's no thinking, in other words, when a person dies.
38:19 Ecclesiastes 9:5 says:
38:25 everything. No, it says:
38:34 Their memory is forgotten.
38:49 And some Christians, they'll say, Well, what about those
38:52 texts that speak about being absent from the body,
38:54 and present with the Lord, and the rich man and Lazarus?
38:58 Doesn't that prove that there's life after a person dies,
39:01 and during the interim of death?
39:03 Well folks, I wish I had time to go into all of those texts.
39:07 Fortunately, at Secrets Unsealed we've produced a whole series
39:11 called Misunderstood Texts On the State Of the Dead.
39:13 There are twelve presentations where we take all of these
39:16 texts, and we show that they are not teaching what most
39:19 Christians think that they are teaching.
39:21 We study them carefully within their context.
39:24 Now the question is, how can we detect a counterfeit?
39:28 The answer, folks, is very simple.
39:31 The only way that we can detect a counterfeit is by
39:34 knowing the genuine.
39:35 How can you detect a counterfeit $100 bill?
39:40 Do you have to know what the genuine $100 bill looks like
39:45 to detect a counterfeit? Of course.
39:47 How many of you have ever seen a counterfeit $4 bill?
39:51 Anybody ever seen a counterfeit $4 bill?
39:54 Oh, just think how much money counterfeiters could make
39:57 if they had a counterfeit $4 bill.
39:59 Why isn't there a counterfeit $4 bill?
40:02 Because there's not a genuine $4 bill.
40:05 You see the genius of the counterfeiters is to copy
40:09 the genuine as closely as possible in order to deceive,
40:13 isn't it? And so what is our protection when it comes to
40:17 detecting a counterfeit?
40:18 You have to know the genuine in order to be able
40:22 to detect a counterfeit.
40:25 In the book Early Writings, pages 87 and 88, Ellen White has
40:31 this remarkable statement. She says:
40:34 That's God's people, by the way.
41:01 We've been talking about that. Right?
41:05 Let me ask you, if you believe that the dead aren't dead,
41:08 and that they can communicate with the living, will you accept
41:11 what they say as being true? Most likely, Yes.
41:14 And then, notice what she continues saying:
41:28 What is our protection?
41:58 What will be the only protection for God's people?
42:00 trusting in God's written word.
42:04 Let me read two or three other statements from this remarkable
42:09 author. And by the way, modern spiritualism originated
42:12 in the times of Ellen White, in 1848 in Rochester, New York.
42:18 That is the official beginning of spiritualism.
42:20 So she knew very well what she was talking about.
42:23 The Great Controversy, page 552, speaking about
42:26 the devil, she says:
42:34 The counterfeit is what?
42:36 What is a perfect counterfeit?
42:38 It's when the government can't even distinguish a counterfeit
42:41 $100 bill from a genuine one.
43:04 In Signs of the Times, August 26, 1889 she says:
43:20 See, it will appeal to their emotions, and their feelings,
43:23 is what she's saying.
43:56 In the book Maranatha, page 209, she continues saying:
44:02 That is apostate Christianity.
44:37 Now do you know what the devil's capstone
44:40 of deception is going to be?
44:41 He is going to counterfeit the second coming of Christ.
44:45 And for those who depend on their feelings, on their senses,
44:51 on Biblical arguments that others provide,
44:55 on their emotions.
44:56 They will be deceived by this counterfeit
45:00 second coming of Satan.
45:02 And you say, where does the Bible say that the devil
45:04 is going to counterfeit the second coming of Christ?
45:08 Lets go to 2 Thessalonians 2: 1, 2, and then we'll go
45:11 to verses 9-12, 2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2.
45:18 Now brethren, concerning the coming.
45:20 That's a very interesting word.
45:22 It's the word parusia. Remember that.
45:30 Is Jesus going to gather to us, or are we
45:32 going to gather to Him?
45:33 Our gathering together to Him, not Him to us, us to Him.
45:50 In other words, the Apostle Paul is saying,
45:51 Jesus hasn't come yet.
45:53 That's what he's writing.
45:54 And then he goes on in verses 9 through 12,
45:58 to explain that the devil is going to counterfeit
46:01 the coming of Christ.
46:02 Now notice what it says in verse 9.
46:06 Do you know what that word, coming, there is?
46:08 It's the word parusia.
46:10 So is the antichrist also going to have a coming? Yes!
46:16 Is it going to be before the coming of Jesus? Absolutely!
46:21 So it says, The coming of the...
46:26 And what is he going to come with?
46:40 What? What is our only protection?
46:52 Now, listen carefully.
46:54 It's not a lie, in the Greek it is that they should believe
46:58 the lie. And you say, what lie is this talking about?
47:00 What has the Apostle Paul been talking about?
47:04 He's been talking about the counterfeit coming
47:07 of the lawless one who will perform signs and wonders.
47:10 That is the lie that will be accepted by those who don't
47:13 receive the truth.
47:14 So it says in verse 11:
47:29 How important is it to follow the truth, to accept the truth,
47:33 and to live by the truth?
47:35 It's a matter of life and death folks.
47:37 And, by the way, do you know where the truth is found?
47:41 Sanctify them through Your truth; Your Word is truth,
47:45 is what Jesus said.
47:46 The Word of God, the written Word of God is truth.
47:49 We cannot trust the traditions of men as being truth.
47:52 We must compare all of the traditions that men have
47:56 with what God says in His Holy Word.
48:00 By the way, Jesus also said that Satan was going to try
48:05 to counterfeit His coming.
48:08 Notice Matthew 24:23, 27:
48:22 What? We just read that in 2 Thessalonians 2.
48:29 And then Jesus says:
48:49 Is Jesus coming to this earth to settle down here? No!
48:55 We are going to gather to Him.
48:57 He is not going to gather to us.
49:00 So what if a majestic being appears all over the world,
49:05 you know, and he performs miracles, and signs,
49:07 and wonders, and he's dazzling, and he speaks beautiful words,
49:11 and he says that Sunday is the day that we're supposed to keep?
49:14 How many people would be deceived?
49:15 Probably most of the world.
49:17 Because they would not compare what this individual teaches,
49:22 with what the Word of God says.
49:24 Ellen White, in Signs of the Times, May 18, 1882,
49:28 referring to this strong delusion that God is going to
49:31 send. It's not actually God that sends it, God simply removes
49:35 His presence, and as a result they're deluded
49:37 by what they chose. She says this:
50:34 Does the Bible tell us how Jesus will come?
50:37 The Bible tells us very clearly how Jesus will come.
50:42 Is it important to know how Jesus will come?
50:44 You'd better believe it!
50:45 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, we're told how Jesus is going to come.
50:51 Jesus is not going to touch this earth when He comes.
50:53 But do you know, most every Christian in the world believes
50:55 that when Jesus Comes, He's going to settle here
50:58 in this earth for a thousand years.
51:00 The millennium is going to be here on earth they believe.
51:03 So they'll be ready to accept the overmastering delusion
51:06 of the devil when the devil appears disguised as Christ.
51:09 Because they're expecting Christ to come all the way
51:12 to the earth, and to spend a thousand years here.
51:14 Notice 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18:
51:37 Ah, there it is!
51:41 That is those who died and resurrected.
51:51 Did Jesus promise to take His people to heaven? Yes!
51:54 Jesus said, In My Father's house are many mansions.
51:56 I go to prepare a place for you.
51:58 So when Jesus comes again, He's going to take
52:01 His people to heaven.
52:02 He's not going to come down to the earth.
52:03 His feet are not going to touch the earth.
52:05 Notice Matthew 24:31, Matthew 24:31.
52:11 Notice this is a very important verse, because it tells us that
52:14 Jesus is not going to come to this earth, and then He's going
52:17 to spend a thousand years here on earth.
52:20 It says there in Matthew 24:31, at the conclusion
52:23 of the second coming:
52:28 What is He going to do?
52:41 So is Jesus going to come all the way down to the earth,
52:44 and, you know, everybody's going to come to Him?
52:46 No, no, no! It says here that Jesus is going to
52:48 be above the earth.
52:50 He's going to send His angels, and His angels will gather
52:52 the people, and they will be caught up,
52:54 as we read in 1 Thessalonians 4, in the air to meet the Lord
52:58 in the air. Now in conclusion, let me just read you
53:01 how Ellen White describes this counterfeit second coming
53:05 of Satan. It's amazing!
53:08 It's found in The Great Controversy, page 625. She says:
53:30 Notice, that's to your eyes, right?
53:52 You just read Revelation 1: 13-15.
53:55 It says his face shines like the sun, and his legs are
53:59 like burnished bronze.
54:01 You know, and he's clothed in a white robe of light.
54:05 That's the way the devil's going to look!
54:07 Just like the description of Jesus in Revelation 1.
54:10 She continues saying:
54:27 Because they're expecting Him to come all the way down
54:28 to the earth, folks.
54:41 Now notice, He's not going to say, I AM THE CHRIST!
54:44 No, He's going to speak beautiful words like Jesus,
54:47 in a soft voice. It says:
55:37 Why not?
55:57 Two ways in which people are going to know
55:59 that this is not Christ; it's not by their feelings,
56:03 or emotions, or their eyes, or their ears, or what people say.
56:07 There are two ways in which you're going to know
56:09 that this is not Christ:
56:10 1. Because the way in which he comes is not the way in which
56:15 the Bible says Jesus is going to come.
56:16 This individual will appear in different parts of the earth.
56:19 The Bible says that every eye will see Jesus simultaneously.
56:23 This individual will walk upon the earth.
56:26 The Bible says that Jesus will stay in the air.
56:29 He will not touch the earth.
56:30 And furthermore, the teachings of this false Christ
56:34 are not in harmony with the Word of God.
56:36 He's going to say, Sunday is the day that we're supposed to keep,
56:40 when the Bible says that the seventh day is the Sabbath
56:43 of the Lord your God.
56:44 So, folks, what will be the only protection for God's people
56:49 at the end of time?
56:50 It will be implicit trust in the written Word of God,
56:56 as it appears in the Bible.
56:58 Ellen White, in the book, Christ Triumphant, page 331,
57:02 had this to say:
57:11 The Word of God, a thus saith the Lord,
57:16 it is written, as Jesus told the devil three times
57:20 in the wilderness, will be the only protection
57:23 for God's people; not traditions, feelings,
57:25 and emotions, but what God has said.


Revised 2014-12-17