The Bible or Tradition

Sunday's Shaky Foundation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: BOT

Program Code: BOT000008

00:30 Well, thank you once again for coming to the series,
00:33 The Bible Or Tradition.
00:35 The Title of our study today is, Sunday's Shaky Foundation.
00:41 This is number 8 in this series that is composed
00:45 of 10 presentations.
00:47 However, before we study we want to ask
00:50 for the Lord's guidance.
00:52 Never should God's Word be opened without prayer.
00:55 And so I invite you, along with me, to bow your heads reverently
00:59 as we ask for the Lord's presence.
01:01 Our Father and our God, what a privilege it is to come into
01:05 Your presence to hear Your voice speaking to us directly,
01:10 and personally through the ministry of Your Word.
01:12 We ask Father that that Word, through the influence of the
01:16 Holy Spirit, will speak to our minds and hearts.
01:19 I ask Lord that You will give us willing hearts to understand,
01:24 to receive, and to live in harmony with
01:27 what You reveal to us.
01:28 We thank You Father for hearing our prayer, because we ask this
01:32 in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
01:37 Practically every Christian church in the world celebrates
01:45 its worship service on Sunday morning.
01:49 Now if you ask members of these churches why they go to church
01:55 on Sunday, they will tell you the reason is because Jesus
02:00 resurrected on Sunday, the first day of the week.
02:03 But the big question that we need to ask is this:
02:07 is this reason for keeping Sunday in harmony with what
02:12 we find in the Holy Scriptures?
02:15 Scripture should be our guide.
02:18 The written Scriptures should be our guide.
02:21 And so what we're going to study today are the eight
02:25 texts in the New Testament that mention
02:28 the first day of the week.
02:30 Now if we're going to find any justification for the observance
02:34 of the first day of the week, we have to find that evidence
02:37 in one of these eight texts.
02:38 Because if we can't then there is no other place to look.
02:42 Because this is all of the evidence that we have
02:45 contained in the New Testament.
02:47 And so there are only eight references in the New Testament
02:50 that use the expression, the first day of the week.
02:54 Now it's important to realize that the word Sunday does
02:58 not appear in the New Testament.
02:59 You know, the names of the days, as we know them today,
03:04 are really planetary names.
03:06 For example, Sunday is the day of the sun.
03:10 Monday is moon day.
03:13 In other words, the names are planetary names.
03:15 In Bible times the days were numbered.
03:19 The only day that technically has a name in Scripture
03:23 is the Sabbath, the seventh day.
03:25 All of the other days are numbered with reference to
03:29 the seventh day Sabbath.
03:31 So we are going to study all eight references
03:34 to the first day of the week.
03:35 And to each reference we are going to ask three questions:
03:40 First of all we're going to ask if that Bible verse says
03:45 anywhere that the first day of the week is holy.
03:47 The second question that we're going to ask is whether that
03:51 text tells us that we're supposed to attend church
03:54 on the first day of the week.
03:55 And the third question that we're going to ask is whether
03:59 this particular text tells us that we're supposed to keep
04:03 the first day of the week in honor of the
04:05 resurrection of Jesus Christ.
04:07 So we are going to ask each of the eight texts
04:10 these three questions.
04:11 First question: does the text say that the first day
04:16 of the week is holy?
04:17 Second question: does the text tell us we're supposed to attend
04:21 church on the first day of the week?
04:23 And the third question: is there anything in the text that says
04:26 that we're supposed to keep the first day of the week
04:28 in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
04:31 And then at the end of our study we are going to take a look
04:35 at another verse that doesn't mention the first day
04:38 of the week, but it is used by those who defend Sunday.
04:41 And that is Revelation 1:10 where John says that he
04:46 was in the Spirit on the day of the Lord,
04:48 or on the Lord's day.
04:49 And so we're going to take a look at that text,
04:51 which doesn't mention the first day of the week,
04:54 but is used by Sunday advocates to defend the observance
04:58 of Sunday as the day of rest.
05:00 Now let's go to our first text.
05:02 Our first text is found in Matthew 28:1, Matthew 28:1.
05:08 Notice what the Bible text simply says.
05:13 Lets not inject into the text what is not there.
05:15 Lets take what the text says.
05:28 And then if you continue reading it says that they came to the
05:33 tomb, and the tomb at this point was empty.
05:36 Now the question we need to ask of this particular text is
05:41 this: Is there anything in this verse to suggest that the first
05:45 day of the week is holy? Absolutely not!
05:48 Is there anything in the text that says we're supposed to
05:52 go to church on the first day of the week? Absolutely not!
05:55 Is there anything in the text that says that we're supposed
05:58 to honor the resurrection of Christ by observing Sunday
06:02 as the day of worship? Absolutely not!
06:04 What you have here is simply a statement of fact.
06:08 Jesus resurrected the first day of the week.
06:12 And, by the way, this text makes it very, very clear that Sunday
06:17 is not the Sabbath.
06:19 Because the text clearly says, Now after the Sabbath,
06:23 as the first day of the week began to dawn.
06:26 So Sunday cannot be called the Sabbath, because Sunday is
06:30 the day after the Sabbath.
06:32 So what European calendars do, you know, they craftily say
06:37 that the week begins on Monday.
06:39 And, of course, if you begin the week on Monday on your calendar,
06:43 then the seventh day is what day?
06:46 The seventh day is Sunday, but it doesn't square
06:50 with the Bible evidence.
06:51 Because the Bible tells us very clearly that the seventh day
06:55 is the Sabbath, not the first day of the week.
06:59 Because the first day of the week is the day after the
07:02 Sabbath, according to this specific text.
07:04 So let's go to text number 2.
07:07 Text number 2 mentions the first day of the week is Mark 16:1, 2.
07:14 It says there:
07:38 Now let's ask our three questions of this text.
07:40 Is there anything in these two verses that would suggest
07:44 that Sunday, or the first day of the week, is holy? Nothing!
07:48 Is there anything to suggest that it's the new day when
07:52 we're supposed to go to church? Absolutely not!
07:54 Is there anything in the text that says that we're supposed
07:58 to go to church on Sunday to honor the
08:00 resurrection of Jesus Christ? Absolutely not!
08:03 Now did you notice in this text, once again,
08:06 that Sunday is not the Sabbath?
08:08 Because it says in verse 2, Very early in the morning
08:13 of the first day of the week they came to the tomb
08:15 when the sun had risen.
08:17 And the previous verse, verse 1, says, Now when the Sabbath
08:20 was what? Now when the Sabbath was past.
08:24 So Sunday is not the Sabbath any way you look at it.
08:28 Sunday is the first day of the week,
08:30 and the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week.
08:33 If you read the text as it is there written, there's no doubt
08:39 whatsoever that the Sabbath is the seventh day,
08:42 and Sunday is the first day.
08:44 And there's no evidence that the first day
08:46 of the week is holy.
08:47 No evidence that we're supposed to go to church
08:49 on the first day of the week.
08:50 No evidence whatsoever that we're to keep Sunday
08:53 in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
08:56 Now lets go to text number 3.
08:59 Text number 3 is found in Mark 16:9, Mark 16:9. It says here:
09:18 So lets ask the three questions.
09:20 And you're going to be kind of tired after the lecture
09:24 with these same three questions all the time,
09:26 but I want to make a point.
09:28 That's the reason why I'm asking these three questions,
09:30 because I want to make a point.
09:32 And I want the point to remain there to lodge in our psyche,
09:36 if you please. So the question is, Is there anything
09:40 in Mark 16:9 that would suggest that the first day
09:44 of the week is holy? No!
09:46 Is there anything in this text that says that we're supposed
09:49 to go to church on the first day of the week? Absolutely not!
09:53 Is there anything in the text that says that we're supposed
09:56 to keep the first day of the week in honor of the
09:58 resurrection of Jesus Christ? No!
10:01 The text simply makes a statement of fact.
10:04 It says that Jesus resurrected the first day of the week.
10:07 So to say that we're supposed to go to church because Jesus
10:11 resurrected, is an assumption that we're adding to the text,
10:14 which is not found there in the verse.
10:18 Now lets go to text number 4.
10:21 John 20:1, 2, John 20:1, 2. It says:
10:53 So reading verse 1 again now: the first day of the week
10:56 Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark,
11:00 and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb.
11:02 Question: Is there anything in this text to suggest that the
11:06 first day of the week is holy? Absolutely not!
11:09 Is there anything in the text to indicate that we're supposed
11:13 to go to church on Sunday, or the first day of the week?
11:15 Absolutely not! Is there anything in the text that would
11:19 suggest that we're to honor the resurrection of Jesus Christ
11:22 by keeping Sunday as the day in honor of the
11:26 resurrection of Jesus?
11:27 Absolutely nothing in the text.
11:30 Incidentally, there's something very interesting, and that is
11:34 that the book of John is being written about sixty years
11:39 after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
11:41 So, you know, it's telling the story of when Jesus resurrected,
11:45 but it's being written sixty years later.
11:47 And yet even though it's being written sixty years later,
11:50 John does not call the first day of the week the Lord's day.
11:55 And he does not attribute any holiness to the day.
11:59 Sixty years later he simply makes a statement of fact.
12:03 If Sunday was the day of worship he would have probably called it
12:06 the Lord's day, and he probably would have said it's holy,
12:09 and people have been going to church to honor the resurrection
12:12 of Christ. Absolutely nothing!
12:14 Even though he's writing sixty years after the resurrection
12:17 of Christ, he does not call it the Lord's day, and he does not
12:20 say it's holy. He does not say you're supposed to go to church
12:23 on that day. He doesn't say that you're supposed to keep it
12:27 in honor of the resurrection of Christ.
12:29 He simply makes a statement of fact.
12:33 Now lets go to text number 5.
12:35 It's found in Luke 24:1, Luke 24:1.
12:41 And I'm going to go a little earlier.
12:43 I'm going to go to chapter 23, beginning with verse 53,
12:48 so that we can catch the context.
12:50 And what I want you to see here is the sequence of days.
12:53 There are three days here: Friday, Sabbath, and Sunday,
12:57 or the sixth day, the seventh day, and the first day.
13:00 Lets notice the sequence, beginning at
13:02 verse 53 of chapter 23.
13:06 That is Joseph of Arimathea.
13:09 Took His body down.
13:20 Now notice what day that was when Joseph of Arimathea
13:24 asked for the body of Jesus.
13:29 And the reason it's called the Preparation is because
13:32 in Exodus 16 God said, What you're going to prepare,
13:35 prepare it today. That's probably where the word
13:38 preparation comes from.
13:39 But anyway, it says, That day, Friday,...
13:44 So what was the next day going to be?
13:46 The next day was going to be the Sabbath.
13:49 It continues saying in verse 55:
14:02 And they rested on Sunday according to the commandment.
14:05 That's not what it says! It says:
14:12 Let me ask you, was the commandment still binding
14:16 after the death of Christ?
14:17 This is the fourth commandment!
14:19 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
14:20 The women are keeping the Sabbath.
14:22 So if Jesus had intended them to keep the first day
14:25 of the week, and had taught His disciples to do that,
14:27 why are the women keeping the Sabbath?
14:29 Furthermore, you know what's interesting,
14:31 is that the gospel of Luke is being written about thirty years
14:35 after the resurrection of Christ.
14:36 And even though this is being written about thirty years
14:40 after the resurrection of Christ, Luke still tells us
14:44 that the women kept the Holy Sabbath.
14:48 And so it continues saying there, once again verse 55:
15:05 Now how many days do we have so far?
15:07 We have the Preparation, which is Friday, when Joseph asked
15:11 for the body of Jesus; then they rested the Sabbath day,
15:14 according to the commandment.
15:15 And now notice chapter 24 and verse 1.
15:18 This is text number 5 that mentions the
15:20 first day of the week.
15:37 So do you notice the sequence of days
15:40 that we have in this passage?
15:41 What day did Jesus die?
15:43 He died on Friday.
15:45 Which day did Jesus rest in the tomb, and the women
15:48 rest outside the tomb?
15:50 On the Sabbath, according to the commandment.
15:52 And which day did Jesus resurrect?
15:54 He resurrected on the first day of the week.
15:57 So let me ask you something, is Sunday the Sabbath?
16:01 Sunday is the day after the Sabbath
16:03 according to this passage.
16:05 Sunday is not the Sabbath.
16:07 So to say that the Christian day of worship,
16:12 the Christian Sabbath is Sunday, is a contradiction,
16:16 because Sunday cannot be the Sabbath.
16:18 The Sabbath is the seventh day, and Sunday is the first day
16:22 of the week, according to this sequence.
16:25 Now let's ask the three questions of this text number 5.
16:28 Is there anything in this text that says that the first day of
16:32 the week is holy? Absolutely nothing!
16:35 Is there anything in the text to suggest that people should
16:38 go to church on the first day of the week? Absolutely not!
16:41 Is there anything in the text that would suggest that we are
16:46 supposed to honor the resurrection of Jesus Christ
16:50 by the observance of the first day of the week?
16:52 Absolutely nothing!
16:54 The text simply makes a statement of fact.
16:57 It says, Now on the first day of the week, very early in the
17:00 morning, they, and certain other women with them,
17:03 came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had
17:05 prepared. And then verse 2.
17:07 But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb.
17:09 That's all it says.
17:10 Now, by the way, Luke is known as a very meticulous historian.
17:15 Luke, besides being a physician, he was a historian.
17:19 He says at the beginning of his book that he investigated
17:22 carefully all of the sources.
17:24 And it's interesting that he says in Luke 1:1-3, he says:
17:40 Now if Sunday was the day of worship,
17:43 how did that escape his attention,
17:45 being a careful historian?
17:48 It just doesn't jive.
17:51 It doesn't make any sense to say that Luke would have
17:54 forgotten, writing thirty years later,
17:56 investigating the sources.
17:57 And if Sunday was the day of worship, that he would not even
18:00 mention that Sunday was the day of worship,
18:03 particularly when it says that Luke:
18:15 ...concerning what Jesus had done.
18:17 Now lets go to text number six.
18:20 John 20:19, John 20:19. It says there:
18:39 To celebrate the resurrection.
18:41 That's not what it says, right?
18:44 Sometimes I'll read wrong to make sure that you're just
18:46 following along. You know, because people, you know,
18:49 the preacher will say something and everybody will say Amen,
18:51 and they don't check it out for themselves in the Bible.
18:54 You need to check out Scripture for yourself.
18:56 Don't just take what your religious leaders say,
18:59 now matter how much you respect them.
19:00 I don't want you to accept what I say unless it's in harmony
19:04 with Scripture. Then accept it. So it says:
19:14 Why were they assembled there?
19:15 To celebrate Sunday as the resurrection?
19:17 Because it was holy?
19:18 Because it was the day now to assemble to have church?
19:20 No. It says they were there for what? for fear of the Jews.
19:31 Now do you know the way some people use this text?
19:33 They argue like this: They say the disciples were gathered
19:39 together there in the upper room, on the first day of the
19:43 week, to celebrate communion.
19:46 And they were celebrating communion in order to
19:51 commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
19:54 And Jesus Christ joined them for the celebration.
19:57 Thus we are to follow the example of the disciples
20:01 who were gathered together.
20:03 We also are supposed to gather together on the first day of the
20:07 week. And we are supposed to celebrate communion
20:09 in honor of the resurrection of Christ.
20:12 Now this argument has several flaws,
20:17 and let me share those flaws with you.
20:19 1. A simple reading of the text tells us why they
20:24 were gathered there.
20:25 A simple reading of the text says that they were gathered
20:29 there for fear of the Jews.
20:31 They were not gathered there to celebrate Sunday
20:34 in honor of the resurrection.
20:35 It says very clearly they were gathered there
20:38 for fear of the Jews.
20:40 Furthermore, Jesus could not have joined them
20:43 for the celebration of communion,
20:46 supposedly, in honor of the resurrection.
20:48 And you say, Why not? It's very simple.
20:52 You see, the day before Jesus died on the cross,
20:54 which was on Thursday, He gathered with His disciples
20:57 in the upper room.
20:58 And He said something very interesting.
21:00 He said to them, that He would not drink of this fruit
21:04 of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you
21:08 in My Father's kingdom.
21:09 So how could Jesus be celebrating communion with them
21:13 if He said, I'm not going to drink this grape juice anymore
21:16 until we enter the kingdom.
21:18 That was no celebration of communion.
21:20 Furthermore the Bible tells us what they ate.
21:23 They did eat the communion bread and drink the grape juice.
21:27 The Bible tells us in Luke 24:36-43 that Jesus ate
21:36 a piece of fish and a honeycomb.
21:39 So I suppose that from now on when we celebrate communion,
21:42 we're supposed to eat a piece of a fish, and we're supposed
21:45 to eat a honeycomb to celebrate communion.
21:47 It tells us what Jesus ate, and it wasn't the grape juice,
21:52 and it wasn't the supposed bread.
21:56 Furthermore it's important to realize that communion does not
22:00 commemorate the resurrection of Christ.
22:02 Communion commemorates the death of Jesus Christ.
22:06 The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:26,
22:09 that when we celebrate the communion, when we eat the
22:12 bread, and we drink the grape juice,
22:14 we announce His death until He comes.
22:17 In other words, it's not His resurrection that is
22:20 commemorated by the communion service, it is the death
22:24 of Christ that is commemorated as the important
22:29 event of His death.
22:31 Now some people say, well, but what about the expression
22:34 breaking bread? See, they broke bread, so that has to mean
22:37 that they had communion.
22:38 The fact is, folks, that the expression, breaking bread,
22:42 is used to describe a common meal.
22:44 Notice Acts 2, Acts 2:46, 47, Acts 2:46, 47. Here it says:
23:04 church. No, no, no, it says...
23:15 ...communion bread. No, it says they ate their what?
23:27 So the expression, breaking bread,
23:29 doesn't always refer to communion.
23:31 If they were gathered to break bread, it could mean that they
23:35 simply were going to partake of the common everyday meal,
23:39 as they did, it says here, from day to day, from house to house,
23:43 they ate their food with gladness of heart.
23:47 Furthermore it's interesting that Jesus actually instituted
23:51 communion on Thursday night.
23:52 Notice what it says in 1 Corinthians 11,
23:56 and beginning with verse 23, 1 Corinthians 11:23.
24:00 Here the Apostle Paul is reminiscing about the
24:03 establishment of communion, and he says this:
24:14 Now what night was Jesus betrayed?
24:16 Thursday night. Yes.
24:38 So when did Jesus institute communion?
24:41 Listen folks, if Jesus had wanted the disciples to believe
24:45 that the celebration of communion would commemorate
24:48 the resurrection, why did He establish it on Thursday
24:51 and not on Sunday night?
24:53 The fact is that the day in which communion is to be
24:58 celebrated, the Apostle Paul says, When you gather together
25:01 to celebrate communion.
25:02 He does not specify, or establish a specific day.
25:06 Now, some people use a psychological argument.
25:10 They'll say, listen, Jesus resurrected on the first day
25:17 of the week, and His followers were overjoyed because
25:22 it was the day when Jesus resurrected.
25:24 But on Sabbath they were sad and long faced.
25:27 So, you see, the Sabbath is a sad day,
25:30 whereas Sunday is a happy day.
25:33 And so people, you know, they'll go to church and they'll hear
25:36 their preachers say this, and they'll say, Amen, Hallelujah!
25:39 And they don't even think about looking at what
25:41 the Bible has to say.
25:42 The fact is, at first sight it might appear that this
25:46 psychological argument makes sense, because you say,
25:49 Well, yeh, the Sabbath was a sad day; the disciples were crying,
25:51 the women were crying.
25:53 Sunday, supposedly, was a happy day because Jesus had
25:56 resurrected. There are two problems with this idea:
25:59 First of all it was not God's fault that they were sad.
26:03 Had Jesus told them on multiple occasions that He was
26:07 going to go to Jerusalem, they were going to mistreat Him,
26:10 and He was going to resurrect the third day?
26:12 He told them repeatedly during His ministry,
26:14 particularly the last six months of His ministry,
26:17 and yet they did not believe.
26:18 Let me ask you, how would they have felt if they had believed
26:22 what Jesus said? What would that Sabbath have been like?
26:25 It would have been a Sabbath of joyful expectation.
26:29 They would have said, Hey, Jesus on the cross said,
26:32 It is finished! We now have a perfect life,
26:35 and a death for sin.
26:36 He has brought about salvation!
26:39 Praise the Lord! And tomorrow we are going to see Him
26:43 resting in the tomb now.
26:44 And tomorrow He's going to resurrect!
26:46 It would have been a day of joyous expectancy.
26:48 It was not God's purpose that the Sabbath be a sad day.
26:52 It was God's purpose that the Sabbath be a happy day;
26:54 that they would rest outside the tomb,
26:57 while Jesus was resting in the tomb.
26:59 But the greatest blow, and the second reason why this
27:02 psychological argument doesn't hold water, is the fact
27:06 that on the first day of the week the disciples
27:08 did not believe that Jesus had resurrected, until Sunday night
27:13 when He appeared to them.
27:14 So how could they be happy, all happy on Sunday,
27:16 because Jesus had resurrected?
27:18 Sunday evening they didn't believe He had resurrected.
27:20 Let's read it. Notice Luke 24: 9-11, Luke 24:9-11. It says:
27:28 That is the women who came to the tomb.
27:46 What? to the apostles.
27:51 So this is on Sunday morning.
27:54 The women come back and they tell the disciples,
27:56 Hey, Jesus has resurrected!
27:58 They say, Yeh, right!
28:00 So how could they be filled with joy if they didn't believe
28:03 Jesus had resurrected?
28:04 And that evening they still didn't believe.
28:06 Notice Mark 16:10-13, Mark 16:10-13.
28:12 That is Mary Magdalene.
28:27 This is, by the way, late on Sunday afternoon.
28:30 Remember the two disciples that went on the road to Emmaus?
28:32 It says:
28:38 That's Sunday, late afternoon.
28:43 This is Sunday evening.
28:47 So how was Sunday a joyful happy day if they didn't even
28:51 believe that Jesus had resurrected?
28:53 Are you with me? So we need to be careful about arguments
28:58 based on human reason.
28:59 They might appear to be rational.
29:02 They might appear to make sense, but we need to check
29:05 and see if they are Biblical.
29:07 Now the question is, does this text that we just looked at,
29:12 text number 6 in the sequence, tell us that the first day
29:16 of the week is holy? No.
29:18 Does it say we're supposed to go to church on the
29:20 first day of the week? No.
29:21 They were there for fear of the Jews.
29:23 Does it say we're supposed to honor the resurrection of Christ
29:26 by keeping the first day of the week? Absolutely not!
29:29 We're running out of options here.
29:33 Now lets go to the next text, number 7 in this series.
29:37 We've studied six so far.
29:39 We found no smoking gun.
29:41 We haven't found any hint that the first day
29:45 of the week is holy.
29:46 They were supposed to keep it in honor of the resurrection,
29:49 or were supposed to go to church on the
29:50 first day of the week.
29:51 But somebody says, Ah, 1 Corinthians 16:1, 2.
29:55 There's the text that says we're supposed to go to church
29:58 on the first day of the week to honor the resurrection
30:00 of Jesus Christ. Let's read 1 Corinthians 16:1, 2.
30:24 Now we need to understand what the purpose of this offering was
30:28 of this money that was set aside.
30:30 Romans 15:25-28 says that there was great poverty in Jerusalem.
30:35 And so the Apostle Paul went throughout all of the churches
30:38 telling the people to set aside a certain sum of money
30:41 so that when he would come, he would pick up all of the
30:44 money and take it to Jerusalem, to help the needy
30:46 saints in Jerusalem.
30:48 Now the question is, is this speaking about a regular
30:52 church gathering on the first day of the week?
30:54 Does this text say that the first day of the week is holy?
30:58 Does this say that the first day of the week Jesus resurrected,
31:01 and we're supposed to honor Him because He resurrected?
31:04 The resurrection isn't even mentioned.
31:06 Is this a regular Sabbath observance where people are
31:09 going to church to honor the resurrection of Christ?
31:12 Absolutely not! In fact, when you read the versions of the
31:15 Bible you'll find that what they emphasize and underline,
31:19 is that this is an act that is taking place at people's homes.
31:22 They're not going to church to deposit the money.
31:25 They're setting aside the money at home.
31:28 So the question is, if they're setting aside the money at home,
31:31 why would they do that at home if they were
31:33 going to go to church?
31:34 Now I want you to notice here different Bible versions,
31:38 and how the Bible versions translate this text.
31:41 I just read where it says, On the first day of the week
31:44 let each one of you lay something aside, storing it up,
31:47 as he may prosper.
31:49 That's the New King James.
31:51 Lets read some other versions.
31:52 This is the King James Version.
31:54 It says, Upon the first day of the week...
31:59 That's a personal thing.
32:05 The NIV says:
32:19 The New American Standard Bible says:
32:31 The English Standard Version says:
32:42 The New International Readers Version says:
32:48 Why would they put it away if they were going to church?
32:59 Well, if they picked up the offering in the church,
33:02 you know, why would he even mention about picking
33:04 up an offering when he came?
33:07 The New Revised Standard Version says:
33:17 The Waymouth Version says:
33:33 Wutst Version says:
33:53 And the Greek Text literally says: Let each of you store
33:58 up by himself. Folks, it is not honest to the text of Scripture
34:04 to use this text to prove that Sunday is Christ's new holy day.
34:09 It is not fair to use this text to say that Sunday was a regular
34:15 gathering day for the church.
34:17 This is a private setting aside of money in the home.
34:22 It's not a meeting that is taking place at the church.
34:25 And yet the famous Bible Commentator, Adam Clarke,
34:30 had this to say. Notice how he injects his own meaning
34:34 into the text. He says:
34:53 Well, now you've gone beyond Corinth to Galatia.
34:55 And then he says:
35:06 Where is that in the text? Nowhere!
35:10 It's his preconceived notion that he is
35:12 reading into the text.
35:14 Now Albert Barnes was closer to the meaning of the text.
35:18 He was more honest.
35:19 Notice what he says:
36:05 Is there anything that would even faintly suggest,
36:10 in this text, that Sunday is holy? No!
36:13 Is there anything to suggest that this was something that was
36:16 taking place at church? Absolutely not!
36:19 Is there any reference even to the resurrection of Christ,
36:22 or honoring the resurrection of Christ? Not at all!
36:25 That is reading into the text what is not there;
36:30 what the writer did not put there under the inspiration
36:34 of the Holy Spirit.
36:35 Now lets go to the last text, which is most frequently used.
36:40 Text number 8, Acts 20:7, although we're going to read
36:45 verses 7-11. This is a meeting that is taking place at Troas.
36:51 And I read from Acts 20:7.
37:01 See, there's the expression to break bread,
37:03 so they're there to celebrate communion, right?
37:05 Well, actually I think what this is talking about
37:08 is having a potluck rather. So it says:
37:16 Now this is going to give us the reason for the meeting.
37:27 We'll make some comments about this later on.
37:31 Lets finish reading.
37:41 Huh, thankfully, people don't normally go to sleep
37:44 during my sermons. So verse 9 says:
38:06 Now notice this. This is not a communion service.
38:09 Notice who it was that ate. It says:
38:17 It doesn't say they.
38:18 The Apostle Paul, after speaking a long time, it says:
38:23 And, by the way, it says when he...
38:34 What was the purpose of this meeting?
38:36 This meeting was a farewell meeting for the Apostle Paul,
38:41 because the Apostle Paul was going to depart on the next day.
38:44 It did take place on the first day of the week.
38:48 But it took place on the dark portion of the
38:51 first day of the week, because this is an evening meeting.
38:53 It's a night meeting isn't it?
38:55 So let me ask you this, when would the evening of
38:59 the first day of the week be?
39:00 Listen folks, in Genesis it says that the dark portion
39:04 of the day comes first, and then the light portion.
39:06 It was the evening and the morning of the first day.
39:09 The evening and the morning of the second day, and so on.
39:12 So the dark portion is the evening, and the light portion
39:17 is the morning, or the day.
39:19 So what would the first day of the week be if it was the
39:23 dark portion? It would be what we call what?
39:25 What we call Saturday night.
39:27 This was a Saturday night meeting.
39:29 Because as soon as the sun sets on a day, and the dark portion
39:37 begins, that's the dark portion of the next day.
39:40 Are you understanding what I am saying?
39:41 So if this takes place on the first day of the week,
39:44 this is the dark portion of the first day, which is what we
39:47 would call what? We would call this Saturday night.
39:51 By the way, this was an out of the ordinary meeting.
39:55 Notice the reason.
39:57 We already read it, but lets read some additional verses.
39:59 Acts 20:7, and then we'll read verse 25, and then we'll read
40:04 verses 36-38. Acts 20:7.
40:14 There's the explanation of the meeting.
40:21 And then verse 25.
40:24 The Apostle Paul is speaking here.
40:33 Because Paul knew that he was about to be killed.
40:38 He was about to be beheaded in Rome. And so it says:
40:44 Verse 36.
40:50 Verse 37.
41:07 What was the purpose of this meeting?
41:09 Was this a regular meeting?
41:10 Did Christians regularly meet all Saturday night?
41:13 Of course not. You know, if you want to find justification here
41:18 for anything, you would have to say that your worship service
41:21 has to be all Saturday night until daybreak.
41:25 But, of course, no church would be willing to say that
41:29 that's exactly what the text means.
41:31 Now, by the way, I've had similar experiences to this.
41:34 I remember when I taught theology
41:36 in the country of Columbia.
41:37 I was invited to go to this church that was in a tropical
41:42 rain forest in Columbia.
41:44 You know, you had to take a small plane.
41:47 And as it was landing it looked like you were going to land
41:51 on top of the trees.
41:52 And then suddenly there appeared the landing strip.
41:55 And ministers could not visit there very frequently because
42:00 there was no way of getting there except by flying.
42:02 And so whenever a minister came, every three or four months,
42:06 the people were anxious to hear the minister preach.
42:08 And so when I went there I preached my sermon from eleven
42:14 till about twelve, and when I finished my sermon
42:17 the people said, Are you already finished?
42:20 I said, Yeh, that's my sermon.
42:21 They said, Oh no, no, no, you've got to preach again.
42:23 So I had several sermons, so I got up and I preached
42:27 another sermon; probably about an hour.
42:29 And I finished that sermon, and I said, Okay,
42:32 I preached the second.
42:33 They said, Oh no, you've got to preach again.
42:35 And so I preached till three o'clock in the afternoon.
42:38 And then they broke up the meeting because they
42:43 wanted me to go and eat.
42:44 And so that evening at six o'clock I started preaching.
42:48 And, believe it or not, there were people there.
42:50 There were actually lights, not only inside the church,
42:54 but people had flashlights outside.
42:55 There were people hanging out the doors,
42:58 hanging out the windows.
42:59 I mean it was totally packed, inside and out.
43:01 And so I preached, and preached, and preached,
43:04 until three o'clock in the morning.
43:05 Because I was going to leave the next morning.
43:08 Now does this mean that this happened every single week,
43:11 every single Sabbath? Of course not!
43:14 It's exactly what happened in Acts 20.
43:17 The Apostle Paul had preached on Sabbath,
43:19 and the people were so excited.
43:21 They knew that they weren't going to see him anymore.
43:23 So they said, Hey, let's meet this evening,
43:25 and lets continue the meeting, because you're going to
43:27 be leaving tomorrow.
43:28 And the Apostle Paul started preaching, and preaching,
43:31 and then he had to stop.
43:32 It says that he had to stop, and he had to go eat.
43:34 And then it says that he stood up again
43:36 and he preached until daybreak.
43:38 And the next day, which would be Sunday, by the way,
43:40 he traveled thirty-five miles to Assos to take a ship.
43:43 So why wasn't he in church on Sunday, if people were going
43:47 to church on Sunday?
43:48 It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
43:51 There's no justification here for the observance of Sunday
43:55 as the day of rest.
43:56 Let me ask you, does Acts 20 say that the first day
43:59 of the week is holy? Absolutely not!
44:02 Does it say that we're supposed to go to church on a regular
44:06 basis on the first day of the week? Absolutely not!
44:09 Does it say that we're supposed to honor
44:11 the resurrection of Jesus?
44:12 It doesn't even mention the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
44:16 That is something that people inject into the text.
44:19 If you want to know what the book of Acts says about the day
44:22 of worship, all you have to do is read all of the other verses
44:25 in Acts that tell us which is God's day of worship.
44:27 Lets notice these texts.
44:29 Acts 13, Acts 13:14, 42, 44. It says:
44:43 Sunday and sat down. No, no, no, that's not what it says. It says
44:59 When was the preaching service?
45:00 On Sabbath! Notice verse 43.
45:20 According to the book of Acts, which day was the day
45:23 that they were keeping? The Sabbath!
45:24 Notice Acts 16:13. Because some people say, well, that's because
45:28 there were Jews in the synagogue.
45:30 And so the disciples, you know, the Apostle Paul,
45:32 they would go to the synagogue because they knew that the
45:34 Jews would be there.
45:35 Well, the fact is that the text says that the Gentiles also
45:38 asked that the Apostle Paul speak to them the next Sabbath.
45:41 But also notice in Acts 16:13 that there's an outdoor meeting.
45:46 It says:
45:56 Which day did the Apostle Paul meet with the women?
46:00 It was on the Sabbath day.
46:02 Notice Acts 17:2. It says:
46:15 And then notice Acts 18:4. It says:
46:29 Which was the day of worship according to the book of Acts?
46:33 It's the Sabbath. So to take Acts 20,
46:36 which is an extraordinary meeting, and to inject Sunday
46:40 into that text is not an honest study of Holy Scripture.
46:45 Now we need to take a look.
46:49 We've taken a look at all eight texts.
46:51 There's no evidence in any of these texts that Sunday is to be
46:55 kept in honor of the resurrection;
46:58 that we're supposed to go to church on Sunday;
47:00 that Sunday is holy above other days.
47:03 There simply is no evidence.
47:04 So lets go to Revelation 1:10, Revelation 1:10.
47:09 Somebody might say, Well, Pastor Bohr,
47:11 there's evidence in Revelation 1:10, so lets read that verse.
47:14 Lets begin, actually, in verse 10, and we'll
47:18 continue with verse 11. It says:
47:22 This is when John receives his vision.
47:43 So here it mentions the Lord's day.
47:46 So the question is, How do you determine
47:48 which is the Lord's day?
47:50 Some modern versions say that he was in the Spirit on Sunday.
47:55 Because the early church fathers said that the
47:58 Lord's day was Sunday.
47:59 And so what is your standard for determining what
48:02 what is the Lord's day?
48:03 Is it Tertellion? Is it origin?
48:06 Is it Barnabas?
48:08 Is it some Post Apostolic authority?
48:12 Or should we allow the Bible to tell us what is the Lord's day?
48:15 We should allow the Bible to do it.
48:17 We should allow Scripture to interpret Scripture.
48:21 Twenty-three times in the Bible we are told clearly
48:24 that the Lord's day is the Holy Sabbath.
48:27 Let me give you three examples: two from the Old Testament,
48:29 and one from the New.
48:30 Exodus 20:8, 9.
48:41 Jews. No!
48:45 So who's day is the Sabbath?
48:47 It's the Lord's day!
48:49 Notice Isaiah 58:13, 14. It says:
48:57 God is speaking here.
49:14 And somebody might say, Well, that's Old Testament.
49:17 Well, lets notice what Mark 2: 27, 28 has to say.
49:29 Sunday. No! It says:
49:36 So which is the Lord's day?
49:39 The Lord's day is the Sabbath, if you allow the Bible
49:42 to explain itself.
49:43 The problem is people take tradition, and what the
49:47 preachers say, and what the priests say,
49:48 and they inject that into the Bible.
49:50 And they accept a human authority instead of accepting
49:53 the authority of the Holy Word of God.
49:56 Now, in order to woo Protestants the Roman Catholic Church
50:01 has become craftier.
50:02 John Paul II wrote an apostolic letter called Dies Domini,
50:07 where he made a valiant effort to prove from the New Testament,
50:11 that Sunday is the day that we're supposed to keep.
50:14 If you read Dies Domini, you're going to find that all of his
50:18 arguments are based on human reason and conjecture.
50:21 He does not use the Bible as his standard.
50:24 Nowhere are we told that Sunday is holy; that we're to honor
50:29 His resurrection on that day, or that we are supposed
50:32 to attend church on that day.
50:33 And, by the way, in his apostolic letter he quotes
50:37 212 scholars, church councils, creeds, and church fathers,
50:45 to try and bolster his weak Biblical case.
50:47 He's making of none effect the Word of God.
50:51 Incidentally, in paragraphs 20 and 21 of Dies Domini,
50:56 John Paul II lists a series of events that took place
51:00 on the first day of the week to impress people that the first
51:03 day of the week is the key day.
51:05 For example, he says that Jesus met with two of His disciples
51:09 on the Road to Emmaus on the first day.
51:12 And then He appeared to the eleven apostles
51:14 in the upper room on the first day.
51:17 And then, a week later He appeared to the apostles
51:19 again on the first day.
51:21 And then fifty days later, on the first day,
51:24 the church was established.
51:26 On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out
51:29 on the first day he says.
51:30 The first proclamation of the gospel took place
51:33 on the first day; Peter preaching.
51:34 The first baptisms took place on the first day.
51:37 So he's making a list of all of these things that took
51:39 place on the first day.
51:40 And he's saying, See, the first day is the significant day.
51:44 And he even uses, in his pastoral letter, the text that
51:48 Protestants have commonly used: 1 Corinthians 16:1, 2,
51:52 Acts 20:7-9, and Revelation 1:10 to try to prove
51:57 that Sunday is the day of worship, because he knows
52:00 that Protestants don't accept tradition.
52:02 And so he says, I have to present a Biblical scenario
52:06 for the observance of Sunday as the day of rest.
52:09 And you say, Well, why did Jesus resurrect on Sunday?
52:14 Do you know why? Because the story of the manna in the book
52:19 of Exodus 16 tells us very clearly that Jesus had to rest
52:23 in the tomb on the Sabbath, and that as He rested in the
52:28 tomb His body would see no corruption.
52:30 So because Jesus had to fulfill the manna episode of resting
52:37 in the tomb on Sabbath, and His body seeing no corruption,
52:40 He would have to resurrect on the first day of the week,
52:42 if He had to rest in the tomb on Sabbath.
52:44 So the important day is not the day He resurrected,
52:48 the important day is the day that He rested
52:50 from His works of redemption, like at creation He rested
52:54 the seventh day from His works of creation.
52:56 So if Jesus rested in the tomb on Sabbath,
52:59 of course He's going to resurrect on Sunday.
53:01 But it's not because Sunday is holy,
53:03 it is because the Sabbath is holy.
53:06 And in paragraph 14, John Paul II says...
53:12 Listen to this. Where is this in the Bible? He says:
53:30 Where does he get that in the Bible?
53:33 Where in the Bible does it say that God blessed the first day
53:38 of the week and made it holy?
53:39 Where does it say that God set it apart from
53:41 all of the other days?
53:43 Where does it say, in the Bible, that Sunday is the Lord's day?
53:46 Nowhere! Do you know, if you read Dies Domini carefully
53:51 you're going to discover what is the real authority
53:54 that John Paul II is using.
53:56 Let me read you some paragraphs from Dies Domini.
54:00 You'll see where he's really getting his basis for saying
54:03 that Sunday is the day of rest.
54:05 In paragraph 6, this is on page 14.
54:10 Paragraph 6 it says:
54:21 And then he says:
54:28 Paragraph 18 says:
54:32 Now listen carefully.
54:41 Who made the day a festive day? Christians, he says.
54:45 Paragraph 27, he says:
54:54 In paragraph 63, listen to this. He says:
55:10 Who thought that they had the authority? Christians, he says,
55:13 not Scripture. And in paragraph 81 he says:
55:29 And you now what's interesting?
55:30 In his pastoral letter he says that the Sabbath was a Jewish
55:36 institution that is changed in the new dispensation.
55:40 But you look at the Roman Catholic Church,
55:43 it's like a continuing Judaism.
55:45 They have temples, altars, incense, vestments, chalices,
55:51 candles, as if the old dispensation
55:54 had never come to an end.
55:55 And yet the Sabbath, which God says that we're supposed to keep
56:01 in honor of creation, before there was a Jew,
56:03 before there was any sin; the Roman Catholic Church says,
56:05 No, we don't apply that in our time.
56:09 So the question is, where does all of this observance
56:13 of Sunday come from?
56:15 Mark 7 we read:
56:37 Sunday is a commandment of men folks.
56:40 And to keep Sunday is vain worship according to Jesus.
56:44 And then He says:
57:01 And He was referring here to the commandment that says,
57:04 Honor your father and your mother.
57:05 But the Roman Catholic Church does the same thing
57:08 with the Holy Sabbath.
57:09 So do we have any evidence in Scripture that the day
57:12 of worship has been changed? No!
57:14 The only authority is the tradition of the church.


Revised 2014-12-18