Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000153S

00:06 #S079 - “Just Live It ” (Part 2)
00:20 Welcome to The Breath of Life
00:21 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
00:25 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue
00:29 part two of the powerful message “Just live it”
00:33 Now let's go deeper into the word of God.
00:36 You need to be radically generous into two areas.
00:40 First, you need to be radically generous
00:43 and giving to the calls of God through your tithe and offering.
00:46 But better yet,
00:47 you need to be radically generous and also sharing
00:51 and being a blessing to your fellow man.
00:54 In fact,
00:55 I need somebody to know
00:56 that those that are the most abundant in their harvest
01:01 are those that are the most abundant in their sowing
01:06 and see, the problem is that we have allowed
01:09 the religion of Jesus to be made selfish
01:14 because we
01:15 approach Jesus with a consumers mentality.
01:19 In fact, I mean, real talk.
01:21 Look at the way we talk in contemporary times.
01:26 Look at the vernacular
01:27 that has emerged when Jesus made it clear
01:31 that if you want to be great, you got to become a what?
01:34 You got to become a servant, not a consumer.
01:37 I hear what I'm saying.
01:38 So that in the church, when when church gets good,
01:41 what we say is, I receive that.
01:44 We don't say I give that.
01:47 Oh, you're all quiet today.
01:48 We say, Pastor, I claim that.
01:52 We don't say Pastor. I share that.
01:55 We say, Pastor, I want to receive the overflow.
02:00 But we never say, I want to pour in the overflow
02:03 because we approach it like consumers.
02:08 But Jesus says that if you want to receive an abundance,
02:12 you've got to have a givers mentality
02:15 because Jesus says, give and this shall be given unto you
02:19 good measure.
02:20 And God
02:21 says, I'm not going give it back in the same way you gave it.
02:25 God says, I'm going to multiply the blessing so that it comes.
02:28 That pressed down, shaken together and running,
02:32 oh, with a church that today.
02:35 Listen, there's a real talk.
02:36 I mean, this literally happened just a couple of weeks ago,
02:38 October the first.
02:39 I was going down by the map coast on Memorial Parkway.
02:43 And and while I'm there getting gas, there is this lady
02:46 who is who is looking for somebody to assist her
02:49 with getting money for her car.
02:51 Our gas.
02:52 Now, I don't always do this smart,
02:53 but I pray for discernment
02:57 and understanding on how I am supposed to move.
03:00 And so I felt impressed to give
03:01 because I believe what
03:03 Hebrews say is
03:04 that sometimes you've got to entertain strangers,
03:08 because sometimes you entertain angels on a way.
03:11 And it's crazy Baptists.
03:13 Because that day
03:14 I just give $30 to help her get her tank filled up.
03:19 I didn't give her a track or any literature.
03:21 I just wanted to meet the need that she had.
03:24 She went her way.
03:25 And it's crazy that before I even left the parking lot,
03:29 I heard the Sound of Cash app.
03:32 And because it was October one, I had a member
03:35 from like 12 years ago for a pastor
03:38 appreciation month sent an amount of $300.
03:43 Are not hearing me today.
03:44 In other words, I gave $30,
03:48 got multiplied at times, came
03:51 and sold it right back into my bosom.
03:55 But he didn't just give like you gave it.
04:00 But God says, I'll give it dress down, shaking together
04:05 and running over
04:07 and see the word I want to say to somebody today
04:10 is instead of saying, Lord, give me a blessing,
04:13 prayed Lord, make me a blessing.
04:17 In other words, don't just look to receive a blessing.
04:21 Look to be a blessing.
04:23 And when you look to be a blessing,
04:26 blessings will come looking for you.
04:28 Let me appreciate all of this.
04:29 I don't just want to receive a blessing.
04:33 Look, to be a blessing.
04:35 And when you look to be a blessings,
04:38 blessings will come looking for you.
04:41 And so, so, so, in the words of Ethan Hunt,
04:44 your mission, should you choose to accept you
04:48 when you leave this service today, I want you to go
04:53 and find somebody to be a blessing to.
04:56 Oh, God.
04:57 I see.
04:58 See, when I saw my money, y'all was all standing up.
05:01 But now I'm saying to be a blessing.
05:04 We can't get no amen in the church.
05:06 So. So I want you to find a young person to bless.
05:10 I want you to find a young family to bless.
05:13 I want you to find a ministry to bless.
05:16 I want you to find something to sew in to.
05:19 Because I need you to know that the greatest
05:22 blessings it's not in what you receive is similar to give.
05:27 Now. Now, the one thing I do want to pause to say
05:29 is, is I want to kind of steer us away from the belief
05:32 that I give in order to receive.
05:36 No, no.
05:37 How many of us know who helped me, Lord?
05:39 How many of us realize that giving
05:41 is its own blessing?
05:44 See, only those that have faith know what I'm talking about.
05:48 See, some of us won't stop until we see reciprocation.
05:52 But how many of us know that the greatest blessing is not?
05:55 When I receive by it is that God has blessed me so much.
06:00 I know that God has blessed me with enough.
06:04 Oh God, he's blessed you with enough
06:08 that you can give it and don't miss it.
06:10 Oh, God, no, no.
06:12 You're not blessed when you receive it.
06:14 But some can give close and won't miss it.
06:18 Some can give money and you won't miss it.
06:21 Some can give food and you won't miss it.
06:25 If there is anybody that can give
06:27 and you won't miss it, you are a gift.
06:28 Got a praise, are y'all hear what I'm saying?
06:36 Somebody can rob half your closet
06:38 and you won't even know
06:40 somebody can take food
06:41 out of your fridge and you wouldn't miss it.
06:43 That's how blessed we actually are.
06:47 And see, I love with Jesus, says Matthew.
06:48 Since Luke's 16th birthday, he says, if you give doctrines,
06:53 it will be giving back to you.
06:54 Good measure, press down, shaking together, running over
06:58 so that men will fill up your bosom, the Bible says.
07:01 Now, the reason I'm saying this is because
07:02 we don't give in order to get.
07:03 In fact, I literally saw this.
07:05 I never really understood what he meant
07:06 until we were in the Holy Land.
07:08 A year ago I saw this actually at one of the local swap meet
07:12 when the ladies went in to get goods and groceries.
07:16 They don't always go in with just grocery bags.
07:19 But what some of the ladies would do
07:20 is they would wear a robe that had a girdle
07:23 both in the back and in the front.
07:27 And so they didn't necessarily just fill up their grocery bags,
07:31 but what they would do is they would put the goods inside
07:33 of this, girded a robe they were wearing,
07:37 so all the groceries would fill up their bosom
07:41 and literally some times when they've received a lot,
07:45 their bosom would be over
07:49 overflowing.
07:50 Now, what am I saying to the church?
07:52 Cause you don't give in order to get.
07:56 Because what Jesus is saying is that men are not just
07:59 going to pour into your financial bosom,
08:02 but he is talking about the bosom of your soul.
08:06 He's talking about the bosom of your heart.
08:10 You see, the greatest blessing is not just
08:13 when I give and God fills my pocket.
08:17 The greatest blessing is when I give and God
08:20 fills my heart and he fills my soul
08:24 and he fills my spirit where it's overflowing.
08:28 And I can't contain my contentment or my joy,
08:34 because the best part of giving is the blessed thing
08:39 that God puts in your soul, not in your pocketbook.
08:43 I hear what I'm saying today. CHURCH
08:45 And it's
08:46 funny because the word says here, I want you to see this.
08:50 Jesus goes on here in verse 39, y'all sit with me church.
08:54 So he says in verse 39, he spoke a parable to them
08:57 saying, Can the blind lead the blind?
08:59 Would they both not fall into the ditch?
09:01 And he says a disciple is not above his teacher,
09:03 but everyone who is perfectly trained is going to do what
09:08 he's going to be like, his teacher said today.
09:12 Church.
09:13 All right.
09:14 Third thing that this teaches us is that everything you learned
09:17 in church didn't come from Jesus.
09:26 Let me say it again.
09:29 Everything you learned in church
09:32 didn't come from Jesus.
09:35 It's only because when you look at this text
09:36 where Jesus is talking about judging, right, and condemning,
09:41 but then you have interspersed between the top and the bottom.
09:45 This dialog about following blind guides
09:48 and he talks about how a teacher,
09:49 a disciple is never going to be greater
09:51 than the one who is teaching him.
09:53 And it almost feels like it is out of sorts,
09:56 as if it does not belong.
09:58 But. But, but.
09:59 But, Mark,
10:00 what Jesus is trying to say, the reason there is a critical
10:05 and judgmental spirit that lives inside of the church,
10:08 that the spirit of judgment does not come from Jesus.
10:13 It comes from your tradition and what Christ is helping.
10:18 The the Jewish Church of the Day understand is that many of
10:23 the things you call sacred don't come from God.
10:28 They've just been passed down with such consistency
10:32 that because it's been happening a long time,
10:35 you think it must come from Jehovah.
10:39 And he says it is the equivalent of blind guides,
10:43 leading blind people and all generations.
10:47 Wind up in the ditch
10:51 and see.
10:52 That's why Jesus had to come.
10:55 Right. Okay. You are missing it.
10:57 See, some of us think the only reason Jesus came
11:00 was so that He could die on the cross.
11:03 If all Jesus had to do was die on the cross,
11:06 he could have showed up as a 30 year old.
11:09 Went to the cross the next day and rose on the third day.
11:13 But the reason, Robert, that Jesus lived for 30 years
11:17 plus is to show the world what the invisible God was like.
11:23 He says, I set the Jewish nation.
11:25 I sent the scribes.
11:26 I sent the Pharisees.
11:28 I sent the prophets.
11:29 But they but my character is so bad
11:34 that I going to come in person
11:37 to show the world what God is actually like.
11:42 And He's making it clear that there are just certain
11:45 things that have just been passed down
11:49 and accepted as truth.
11:51 Do you realize in ancient Judaism
11:53 they had all these various lines of delineation
11:57 where they would apply judgment
11:59 based upon things that had no kingdom value?
12:03 They would judge you based upon how many steps you
12:06 took on the Sabbath day
12:09 that that
12:10 you would be condemned based upon whether or not
12:12 you wash your hands before you ate a meal.
12:16 And that is why Jesus says, Man, this people
12:19 worship me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
12:23 Because you teach as doctrine the commandments of man,
12:27 and because you see these things practiced
12:30 with such consistency for so long
12:34 that you think they came from me.
12:37 And see, the thing I need somebody to understand
12:40 is that the same way that there was a spirit
12:43 of criticism and judgment that invaded the ancient church,
12:46 there is a spirit of judgment that invades,
12:49 not just not this one, but many of our churches,
12:54 because there are certain things that we've just been seeing
12:57 happen for so long
13:00 that we've assigned godliness to it.
13:03 And God is saying, Is everything you got in church
13:06 didn't come from me.
13:09 In fact, I've seen this firsthand
13:12 with the sister that is most adamant
13:16 that the young girl who gets pregnant gets disfellowshipped
13:20 is the same sister that 30 years earlier got pregnant
13:24 and somebody else disfellowshipped her.
13:28 And because that example was all that she knew, she felt
13:32 she had to pass it down and exact it on somebody else.
13:37 Y'all not hear me today?
13:39 And Jesus is saying that didn't come from me.
13:42 That just came from your tradition.
13:45 Do you realize that in our church
13:46 there is a line where we judge people based upon them?
13:50 Eating meat are not eating meat.
13:53 When your savior Jesus, a lamb and fish every day of his life
13:58 and Jesus says it is not what goes in that defiles,
14:03 but it's what comes out that defiles.
14:05 In other words, I'm for the health message.
14:08 But health makes you healthy, not holy.
14:10 All y'all not hear me today.
14:12 And other words, I've seen enough vegan devils
14:16 and plant based devils to realize that
14:19 this parent does not come with your diet.
14:24 Oh, God.
14:27 See, some of us grew up under that joke
14:30 where they told you that if you go to a movie or a club,
14:35 that your angel stays outside and doesn't go in with you.
14:40 But how many can testify that
14:42 the only reason you got old
14:46 is because the angels stayed
14:50 with you
14:52 in the foolishness of your youth?
14:56 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying today?
14:58 Church
14:59 Everything you got in
15:01 church, one from God.
15:05 You know what's crazy?
15:06 We even judge one another
15:09 by the things that we go through.
15:12 How many of us know all jokes?
15:13 Friends. They dare.
15:17 So that what we do is we
15:18 assign judgment based on the adversity people go through.
15:23 There are some of us.
15:24 We won't say it out loud, but we believe bad
15:26 things are happening because bad things are hitting.
15:30 So so we won't say it out loud.
15:32 But you think
15:34 if there was living right, that wouldn't be happening to them?
15:37 We won't say it out loud, but we think that they kids
15:39 will still be in the church if they weren't doing such
15:41 and such behind closed doors.
15:42 We we think to ourselves they wouldn't be sick
15:46 if they were walking more rightly unto the Lord.
15:49 And we believe that every bad thing
15:51 is the result of a bad habit.
15:52 But did not Jesus say that I'm going to cause the rain to fall
15:56 and the just and the unjust and I'm going to make the sun
16:00 rise on the evil and on the good.
16:03 Where in the Bible did it say that if you live godly,
16:07 every day is going to be harvest break through and deliverance?
16:10 But the Bible says
16:11 many aren't the afflictions of the righteous,
16:16 but the Lord delivers them from them all.
16:19 And judgment is when you assign a cause
16:23 for somebody else's suffering.
16:26 When you don't even know the story, you are.
16:29 Y'all hearing what I'm saying today?
16:31 Church And what I am coming against in the name of the Risen
16:35 Savior is the spirit of judgment,
16:38 the spirit of criticism, the spirit of condemnation.
16:44 And I'm saying we've got to let the Scriptures be our God
16:47 natural upbringing, not your tradition,
16:51 not the way you received it, not how you are raised.
16:54 Jesus has to be our compass.
16:58 Are you out here in the word today?
16:59 Church.
17:02 You are mad today,
17:04 said young.
17:05 Mad. I might as well go all the way in with this thing.
17:09 The last thing this teaches
17:12 you can't preach
17:13 what you don't practice.
17:19 So, Morgan, you know what Jesus says?
17:22 I mean, it's kind of crazy.
17:24 I mean, Jesus was as cool as the other side of the pillow.
17:27 I mean, he was he says, how are you going
17:31 to try to get the speck
17:34 out of your brother's high?
17:36 But you can't see that big wood like
17:41 that stuck in your own high.
17:44 In other words, you realize what Jesus doing.
17:47 He's actually using sarcasm and hyperbole.
17:52 He's actually trying to paint them
17:55 into understanding the truth.
17:56 He says, How are you going to try to get the point
17:58 out of your brother's eye, which was the equivalent of a
18:02 a particle and salt dust?
18:05 How are you gonna go picking that out of their eye?
18:09 But you miss
18:12 what's in your own eye.
18:15 Now, let me just pause and say this,
18:16 because there's some of us that misread this, because Jesus
18:19 is not saying that you can't correct your brother,
18:24 but he's saying you actually become ineligible
18:27 to correct
18:30 when you practice
18:31 in the same thing or something worse.
18:36 Are y'all hear what I'm saying to the church now?
18:37 Again, I am not anti.
18:39 I am not anti correction in the body of Christ
18:42 because correction is love.
18:44 Correction is mercy.
18:46 Correction is sometimes necessary.
18:49 Can I say to my young people.
18:50 Everybody that corrects you is not hating on you.
18:53 Everybody that corrects you is not against you.
18:56 But there are some gray haired saints
18:57 that have been down that road.
18:59 They know where it's going to end
19:01 and they don't want to see you suffer in the same way
19:05 they have suffered.
19:09 I hear what I'm saying,
19:10 but I do want to say to those who are a little gray,
19:13 you can't have correction without connection.
19:18 See, y'all get mad.
19:19 We all hear me preach like this.
19:21 I said all the past to say no, you can't run around.
19:23 You can't say nothing to these young people.
19:25 That's not what I'm saying.
19:26 I'm saying start by saying something different
19:29 then what's wrong with them?
19:30 Tell them I'm glad to see you in church.
19:34 Tell them I'm proud that you're serving the Lord.
19:36 Tell them I'm glad that you're getting.
19:37 And education.
19:38 You can say something to them.
19:41 But how many of us know everything you say
19:44 doesn't need to be a correction or criticism about
19:46 what's a where or about what you have on
19:49 or about when you came late to church?
19:51 I'm just glad it's in the house
19:57 of the living God.
19:58 Are you are hear what I'm saying today?
20:01 So Jesus
20:02 is I mean, essentially this I'm done.
20:05 He says, I need you to sweep around your own front door
20:10 before you try to sweep around my.
20:12 Now, let me just say something about a toxic church
20:16 versus a healthy church
20:20 and a healthy church.
20:21 Sinners focus on themselves.
20:25 In a toxic church, sinners
20:27 focus on the sinners.
20:31 Now, no, let me say it again.
20:32 In a toxic church, sinners focus on other sinners.
20:37 But in healthy church, sinners focus on themselves.
20:42 And see,
20:43 this is what I've been trying to say for the last 30 minutes.
20:45 Your listen.
20:47 Oh, God.
20:49 Am I telling the truth?
20:50 No. Maybe it's just me.
20:53 I'm so jacked up
20:57 that I hardly got no time
21:01 to be focusing on nobody else.
21:05 I got too
21:06 many deficits in my own life
21:11 to be worried about what somebody else is doing.
21:14 And this is how, you know, you getting close to the Lord.
21:17 I love with the service having to run the church.
21:19 She literally say it's the closer you get to Jesus,
21:23 the more faulty you appear in your own eyes.
21:29 See the evidence that you are getting close to Jesus
21:33 is that you shift your focus from what they're doing wrong,
21:37 and when they fall short and what they're not doing right.
21:40 But when I'm close to Jesus, I see myself
21:43 with such clarity
21:48 that, like I say, I envision where He sees the Lord.
21:51 We declare unclean, unclean.
21:55 I'm an unclean man.
21:56 I come from unclean lips and my eyes have seen the Lord.
22:03 So that when you really get close to the Lord,
22:07 you stop singing.
22:09 It's them.
22:11 It's them, it's them, oh Lord.
22:15 And you start saying, Lord, it's me,
22:18 it's me, it's me.
22:21 Oh, Lord.
22:22 Standing in the need of prayer.
22:26 You know what, Jesus?
22:27 He's just like, See, my problem is not
22:31 your correction, he says.
22:32 My problem, he says, is your hypocrisy.
22:38 See? See, the problem with the religion of Judaism
22:41 is that too often
22:43 people would adjust based on
22:46 who sees
22:49 it was rooted in behavior modification.
22:53 So that I'm spiritual when the spiritual around.
22:58 But I can change outfits
23:01 and I can get slimy based on the crowd
23:04 that's viewing
23:07 the scene.
23:08 That's why I love what Paul says.
23:09 He says, you got he says, put he on the Lord
23:14 Jesus Christ.
23:17 See, we got to get to a place where we realize that Christ
23:21 is like on a verse in a movie, Men in Black,
23:24 we see that we're like Agent J.
23:27 When he gave me something,
23:28 he says, When you put this on, you've got to be committed.
23:30 Because he said, It's the last suit.
23:31 You go everywhere and it's not.
23:34 When you accept the Lord Jesus Christ when you put him
23:37 on, it's the last outfit you gonna ever put on
23:44 this.
23:44 I'm my oldest son.
23:45 He was in preschool over here, the Kdl.
23:48 And I remember going over to the side of him
23:51 and one of the other kids was having this deep,
23:53 metaphysical, philosophical conversation.
23:58 And they were having a debate, Tim, about who was stronger,
24:02 Superman or me.
24:06 And it's funny
24:07 because this is at the height of the Marvel
24:08 kind of boom, and they go back and forth
24:10 one another and the boys, just like man
24:12 and woman, is the strongest because,
24:14 you know, he is able to fly into outer space.
24:16 My son was like, Superman could go in outer space.
24:18 And then other boys like Iron Man has all these weapons.
24:22 And my son was like, Superman could see through
24:24 LED and
24:25 and the other boy was like, you know, Iron
24:26 Man is able to get his suit, like, in the middle of the air.
24:29 And he was just like Superman was able to fly.
24:32 And then the boy tried to pull out his Trump car.
24:35 He was just like, man, Iron Man has a suit
24:37 that is made of vibranium that he can put on and put off.
24:42 But my son had the trump card, he says.
24:43 Superman is the man of Steel Heenan put on steel.
24:47 Steel is his scam.
24:51 And what I'm saying to somebody today,
24:53 the one that always has an outfit will never be
24:57 as strong as the one that has it as a part of their being.
25:02 And what I'm saying to somebody today,
25:04 your Christianity cannot be an outfit that you change based
25:09 upon the occasion, but I want my religion to be strong. And
25:15 that goes with me early in the morning
25:17 and the late watches of the night.
25:19 I wear it during the middle of the week
25:21 and I carry it on the weekend as well,
25:24 because I need you to know the God's saving power
25:29 it is not just about how
25:32 well we can be forgiving.
25:35 You know what the gospel is.
25:36 It's not about how well you can be forgiving.
25:39 It is about how thoroughly you can be
25:41 transformed.
25:45 I don't want to just have my sins purged in the heavenly.
25:51 I wanna live it down here on the earthly.
25:55 I want the Spirit of God to live inside of me.
25:58 I want all of His promises which are ye
26:01 and amen to be realized in my daily living.
26:04 And I need somebody to understand that
26:06 I am not entitled to standard.
26:08 But I need us to know that the highest standard,
26:10 it is not spoken, it is not written.
26:12 But how you stand
26:15 is way that we live.
26:19 Hello, I'm Pastor Debleaire
26:21 Snell, speaker director for The Breath of Life
26:24 Television Ministry.
26:25 This ministry was established to take the Gospel of Jesus
26:29 Christ throughout North America and across the globe.
26:33 My goal is to make Jesus Christ
26:36 known through the preaching of the Word.
26:40 I need you to know that we need your financial partnership
26:43 in order to make sure that the Gospel can go into every hill,
26:48 into every rural county, and into every inner city.
26:52 And we can only take the gospel as far as the gifts
26:55 that you lend to us.
26:57 We thank you for your financial partnership in the past,
27:01 and I'm asking that you continue to be a financial partner
27:05 with this ministry going forward.
27:07 Here are some ways you can give.
27:09 You can give online at our website
27:12 at www.breathoflife.TV.
27:15 You can send your gift by mail to Breath of Life.
27:18 P.O. Box 5960.
27:20 Huntsville, Alabama 35814.
27:23 You can call the office at (256)929-6460.
27:29 Or you can text the phrase GIVE2BOLTV to (188)364-GIVE
27:36 or the easiest thing is through cashapp at $BreathoflifeTV.
27:42 I want you to know that every dime
27:44 that you give goes right back into the ministry
27:48 so that we can enlarge our reach
27:52 and make sure that the entire world knows that
27:55 Jesus saves and that Jesus Christ is coming again.
27:59 God bless you, and we thank you for your generosity to
28:02 the Breath of Life Ministry


Revised 2025-01-04