Series Code: BOLS
Program Code: BOLS000109S
00:03 #S057 - Love Hurts, But Love Heals (Part 2)
00:19 Welcome to the Breath of Life 00:21 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell. 00:25 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue part 00:29 two of the powerful message titled Love Hurts, 00:33 But Love Heals. 00:34 Now let's hear more from the word of God. 00:38 In other words, 00:39 I need yall to understand that God has created 00:43 and He's going to do that for somebody. 00:44 He creates a divine intersection 00:49 so that God literally ordains exactly 00:53 what time Ruth is going to land in the field. 00:57 He ordains what role she's going to be in. 01:01 It is ordained that she happens to wind up in the field 01:04 that Boaz has ownership of God ordains that all, 01:09 but goes back home so that Boaz doesn't see two women. 01:13 He just sees one. 01:15 And I need you to know 01:16 that God has ordained Boaz in steps as well. 01:19 God has ordained that he came home a day early 01:22 and not a day later. 01:23 God ordained that somebody talked 01:25 his head off on the journey 01:27 so that he wouldn't get there too soon. 01:29 God ordained 01:30 when he would get thirsty and have to stop for water. 01:33 God had ordained when he would get to the field. 01:37 And I need you to see the providential hand of God. 01:40 Moving Naomi. And moving Boaz. 01:43 So that when he looked down, I'll three. 01:48 She just happened 01:49 to be there right when he showed up. 01:52 And what I'm saying to somebody today, friends of mine, 01:55 is that God still creates divine intersections. 02:00 I need somebody that is looking to be married 02:02 one day to understand that God is ordering your stuff. 02:06 So I have anybody that believes that today 02:08 that God is already his steps, are her steps, 02:11 and that God is going to create a construct 02:14 that is outside of your own devices devising. 02:16 So that run day, right at the library, 02:19 right at the snack bar, right here in Sabbath school, 02:23 you won't run into your Boaz or your Ruth 02:26 in a way that you could not cook it up. 02:29 I see. 02:31 This is why I need somebody to catch this. Ladies. 02:32 I need you to catch this about Ruth. 02:34 See, Ruth. 02:36 She's just seeking. 02:38 She's not serving. 02:40 Okay. 02:41 In other words, Ruth is not with her cell phone 02:45 taking a bunch of pictures to post on Facebook every day. 02:50 Ruth in trying on 02:51 18 dresses a day so she can get notice. 02:54 Ruth is not running around pulling her skirt up 02:57 and putting her cleavage out 02:58 and becoming a desperate thirst trap 03:02 in order to get noticed. Why? 03:04 Because she realizes her value in Jesus Christ. 03:08 And what I'm saying to somebody today, you got to be careful 03:12 about putting out desperate energy. 03:16 In other words, 03:17 I need you to know that even when you have good character, 03:20 if you put out desperate energy, it's going to be unattractive 03:25 to those that you're ultimately trying to win. 03:29 I need somebody to understand that people can tell 03:32 when you want to partner or when you want and a donor. 03:39 He can tell 03:41 when you want a partner or whether you want an accessory. 03:44 In other words, I need you to realize, friends, 03:46 that man, 03:47 when you're getting to desperate 03:49 it literally 03:50 anybody ever tried to hold on tight to a wet bar of soap? 03:54 And the more you cling 03:56 to it, the harder it is to hold on to. 04:00 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 04:02 I need you to get beloved that sometimes 04:04 you've simply got to stand back and let God be God 04:08 over your life. 04:09 You are hearing the pastor today, friends. 04:11 I need you to understand that your steps and your stops 04:14 have been ordered by God. 04:16 I need you to know that God didn't 04:17 bring you to Oakwood at this time for no reason. 04:20 You didn't wind up in Huntsville in this season for no reason. 04:23 I need you to know that you are the result 04:25 of divine providence. 04:27 And as long as you stay in the steps 04:29 that I've ordered by God 04:32 and what you find and tell me. 04:34 Help me if I'm telling the truth. 04:36 Sometimes you'll find the one when you finally stop looking. 04:41 No, no, no. 04:42 I need you to know that this is the key. 04:44 This is the key. Just be about your business. 04:47 Just go about your father's work. 04:49 Go ahead and get on that dean's list. 04:51 Become the most spiritual woman you can be. 04:53 Become the most spiritual man you can be. 04:55 Discover the calling that God has for you. 04:58 Because I need you to realize this about God. 05:00 That God has some unique parts that are dangerous for you. 05:04 And on that path, 05:06 he has everything that will bring you love 05:09 and fulfillment, joy and completion. 05:14 And see, that's why I said last week, you got to be careful 05:16 about always holding on to a backup plan, 05:21 because your backup plan will make you miss God's 05:23 original plan. 05:25 And so I need you 05:26 to understand, this is about God because he got done. 05:28 Just punish you because of your disobedience. 05:31 But the one result of disobedience is 05:34 you have to wait longer than you should. 05:36 Oh, God. 05:38 So let's just say we're on the path 05:40 that God has ordained for you. 05:42 And let's suggest that on this path, God has ordained for you 05:45 to meet your Boaz and your roof at this spot on the timeline. 05:49 But I need you to understand 05:50 that if you spend too much with the wrong man or woman, 05:55 God is not going to give them to somebody else. 05:59 But guess what? 05:59 He knows that if he gives them to you 06:02 while you're still holding on 06:04 to somebody else, you won't even be able 06:06 to recognize them when they show up. 06:08 So then, even though 06:10 you are supposed to meet them when you turn 23 or 24 or 25, 06:14 because you spent all your early twenties with Shaquanda 06:20 or Pookie, 06:22 what God now has to do is push the timeline back. 06:27 And the one you were supposed to marry at 27, 06:32 you don't meet him or her to your 29. 06:35 And if you disobey too long, God, reassign them 06:41 to somebody who's gonna obey his word. 06:45 I hear me today, friends. 06:48 And what I'm saying to somebody today is that you find a whole 06:51 lot more joy if you stop chasing 06:55 and just start becoming. 06:58 I need you to understand that if you just focus on becoming 07:01 the man or woman that God has ordained, true to be. 07:04 Because I need you to get this critical truth. 07:06 See, there are some of us that are praying to be wives 07:09 when we ain't wife material yet. 07:12 No, no. 07:13 You pray for 07:14 God to give you a wife 07:15 when you ain't got no husband traits in you. 07:18 And I need you to understand, because by the time you get 07:21 to a wedding day, a wedding doesn't make you a wife. 07:26 A wedding 07:27 just confirms you as one. 07:30 A wedding doesn't make you a husband. 07:32 A wedding just confirms you as a husband. 07:35 In other words, 07:36 those inner traits or those inner virtues 07:38 have to grow and ripen to a point. 07:41 And the wedding is simply the outward confirmation 07:44 of who God has grown you to be on the inside. 07:47 And so I need you to know, 07:49 listen, just be about your grades. 07:50 Just be about your anointing, be about your purpose. 07:53 And in due time, 07:54 God will give you what you stand in need of. 07:56 Can and should say, man. 07:58 So go back with me, if you don't mind. To Ruth. 08:00 Chapter two. 08:01 I want you to look quickly at verse number five. 08:03 There are some things I need you to see. 08:04 There's a harsh truth 08:05 I'm about to share with you, but it's the truth anyhow. 08:07 So Boaz said to his servant, 08:09 who is in charge of the Reapers, whose woman is this? 08:11 What is he doing? 08:12 He's gathering information. 08:16 Oh, y'all, y'all acting brand new. 08:19 So the servant who 08:20 is in charge, the rebels, say it is the young mobile woman 08:22 who came back to Naomi 08:24 from the country of to the country of Moab. 08:28 Then look here with me in verse number eight. 08:31 Then Boaz said through, you will listen, my daughter will not. 08:34 Will you not do not glean in another man's field, nor 08:39 go from here, but stay, mother, stay close by the young women. 08:44 Are you all catching this today, friends? 08:46 All right, so I need you to notice something. 08:48 Third thing this teaches is that repeat nation 08:51 matters. 08:57 See, I need you to notice something. 09:00 Notice how much of Ruth history 09:03 Boaz already knows 09:07 before he even steps to her. 09:09 He first finds out if she's connected to somebody else, 09:13 but then notices this like. 09:14 Man, listen, Aden already told me 09:16 all of the stuff that you've done 09:18 for your mother in law since the death of your husband. 09:21 In other words, he's already gathered 09:23 a whole lot of detail before he ever stepped to her. 09:27 In other words, all her beauty could do is get her noticed. 09:33 It was what was understood about her character 09:35 through the community that gets her approach. 09:37 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying today? 09:40 And see, 09:41 I need somebody to understand this about reputation 09:43 because your reputation determines who approaches you 09:47 or who receives you. 09:49 See are some folk that have made up their mind 09:51 about who who ain't never talked to you, 09:53 but they've gathered information about you. 09:57 Okay. 09:59 How many of us understand that reputation doesn't follow 10:02 you where you're going. 10:04 It beats you where you're headed. 10:08 So you win this heart. Man, this is hard truth. 10:11 Because we in this culture, man. Well, my past is the past. 10:13 And what happened yesterday, it don't matter. 10:14 No, the devil is a lie. 10:15 It matters to somebody. 10:18 And that's why, brother and sister, 10:20 you need to be careful 10:21 how you handle yourself 10:22 while you're here at Oakwood in college. 10:24 You need to be careful 10:25 how you manage your life in this little, small 10:27 black heaven, this world 10:30 where 10:31 everybody knows everybody and everybody's related 10:33 to everybody and everybody's connected to everybody. 10:36 And the truth is, it doesn't matter 10:38 how many different cities you move to. 10:39 Social media makes the world very small. 10:41 Somebody can always be friend, somebody who's friends 10:44 with you and friends with them 10:47 are you hear what I'm saying? 10:49 So they're going to be folks that are going to make decisions 10:52 about your future potential based upon your past behavior. 10:56 And it's funny because most people are guarded, 10:58 too guarded when it comes to love. 10:59 So they don't ask around, am I telling the truth? 11:02 I mean, so they're going to be times 11:04 when that brother is a careful hunter, 11:05 even though he's observed you, 11:07 he notices that you got it going. 11:08 Oh, man, he knows that you got the one, 11:11 but sometimes before he even steps, 11:13 if he's serious, he's going to do some homework 11:15 and some reconnaissance. 11:18 There's going to be some time when you step to her brothers. 11:20 All right. She may entertain you. She may flirt a little bit. 11:23 But before she gives her heart to you, she's going to begin 11:27 asking people about your family, about your friends, 11:31 about your yesterday, about who you are as a person. 11:35 Are you hear what I'm saying? 11:37 It's crazy because like, you know, this pastor, Angley, 11:39 like one of my goals is to not know certain things 11:45 and every zombie will know because people, 11:46 they'll ask me, they like your past. 11:48 You think about him, what you think about her. 11:51 It's crazy because like, man, when I don't want to 11:52 because I don't want to be a blocker for nobody. 11:54 I want to black love. 11:57 So I have to tell you to find creative ways 12:01 to tell people to keep 12:02 on moving. All. 12:06 So, Pastor, do you think, you know, 12:08 should I stay in relationship with him? 12:09 If you hear me quote Philippians three, 12:14 put those things which are in the past behind 12:16 and reach forward to those things that are before 12:18 you know what I'm saying. 12:20 Know there'll be times where if it's a good, 12:22 good young leader or a good young man, 12:23 I'll say to them, What would Jesus say to Judas? 12:26 What they'll do is do quickly. 12:27 Are you are hearing what I'm saying? 12:29 I mean, if it's the wrong one, I'll send in the book of John 12:31 that one little Texas says Jesus wept. 12:33 That's all you need to know. 12:35 That's all you need to know. 12:36 I mean, I don't want a black I don't want to endorse. 12:38 I don't want to curse. 12:39 But, man, the truth is, I can't lie to nobody. 12:42 I know what I'm saying. 12:45 I see. 12:46 The reason you need to do it prayerfully is 12:48 because in many instances, kind of the best predictor 12:51 of future behavior is past behavior, 12:55 not historic past, 12:58 but your recent past. 13:01 Because what we want to do 13:02 is we want to just 13:03 turn the page on yesterday like it ain't never happened, 13:06 but yesterday still has some DNA on us. 13:08 Come on and say, man. 13:10 All right, so, man, you say, oh, it's the past. 13:12 But but she's going to need to know 13:15 not just how you are promising to treat her, 13:17 but how have you treated 13:19 every other woman you've had interactions with? 13:22 Do they all end in the same way with bitterness and resentment 13:25 and heartbreak and scorn? 13:27 In other words, that pass is going to inform 13:29 something about you. 13:30 In other words, brother, when you're doing your research, 13:33 you don't want to just see if she's nice to you. 13:36 You want to see if she's generally nice to everybody. 13:40 In other words, if she's just sweet to you 13:42 and nasty to everybody else, understand that one day 13:46 that nastiness is going to get aimed in your direction. 13:53 And so that's why is crazy. 13:54 Every now and then you've got to do a relational carfax 14:02 Yeah, you know how it is. 14:03 When you buy a car, you don't just go get it 14:04 and do a test drive. 14:05 You want to get the history of that car. 14:07 You know what I'm talking about today? 14:08 You want to understand why it's had so many owners. 14:11 You want to know why, how many accidents it's been in. 14:15 You want to know 14:16 if the mileage on the odometer is the actual mileage. 14:18 You want to know, man, why is that? 14:20 People get keep getting rid of this car 14:22 because there's something about its past that says something 14:25 about how it may perform. 14:27 And there are some of you 14:28 that before 14:29 you plunge headlong, you need to do a relational carfax. 14:32 You need to figure out why he's been in so many crashes. 14:36 You need to see how many miles that person has on them. 14:39 You need to see why 14:40 so many people are trading him or her away. 14:43 And it's not to say 14:45 that they're not a person that you should not entertain, 14:48 but I need you to be informed before you purchase, 14:53 because I need you to get this thing about love. 14:55 What we say is that love is blind. 14:57 No, it ain't. 14:59 No matter what that show tells you all on Netflix. 15:03 Hey, man, infatuation is blind, 15:09 but love has 2020 vision. 15:13 So you see infatuation, man. 15:14 It's so caught up, it's so blind, it's so many lustful 15:18 overlooks obvious things 15:20 and see the problem with the person 15:21 whose relationship is driven by infatuation. 15:24 What happens is when they finally get married 15:26 and the infatuation wears off, they wake up and say, 15:29 Oh man, they changed. 15:32 No, they didn't change. 15:35 That's kind of who they are. 15:37 But love sees it 15:40 all, sees the good, sees the not so good. 15:44 And it makes a choice to say, for better or worse, rich 15:48 or poor, sickness and health till death do us part and see. 15:51 And that's why, in order to avoid infatuation, 15:53 one of the things you 15:55 actually need to do is you need to date with oversight. 15:57 Oh, help me, Holy Spirit. 16:00 Every now 16:00 and then, you need 16:01 somebody who is not all up in their feelings with that person, 16:05 who ain't got who has some objectivity, who's 16:07 not connected, that can help you see what you can't see. 16:11 All right, you know, I can bring new. 16:12 Okay, 16:13 if you have to hide the relationship from everybody 16:16 spiritual in your life, 16:17 you need to cancel that joint this afternoon. 16:21 And in other words, I'm going like, man, 16:22 I'm just at a stage in phase in life, man. 16:25 I've got a bunch of nieces, most of my family, 16:27 you know, in my family they're females. 16:29 And it's crazy because when they bring home 16:31 somebody, man, 16:32 I can smell a loser before he even gets in the door. 16:35 I can see the joint a mile away from the way he will 16:38 or won't look me in the eyes the way he responds 16:41 to certain questions. 16:42 I need you to know you need somebody 16:44 that's a little further from the situation. 16:47 Do me a real quick favor. Quick experiment. 16:48 Take your hand. 16:49 Put it right here on the tip of your nose. 16:51 Look at your hand real quick. 16:53 Look at your hand. He wanted to be a nose. 16:55 Now, do me a favor. 16:56 Study it now. 16:58 Put it away. About ten inches. 17:00 Could you see it better when it was close 17:03 or when it was further away? 17:06 And see, the reason 17:07 we get deceived is because we're looking like this. 17:11 And you need somebody that's got some distance 17:14 from the situation 17:15 who is able to see what you cannot see and see. 17:19 They're not making the choice for you. 17:21 But sometimes, man, God will raise up the spiritual 17:25 antennas of godly people who love you 17:30 so that they're going to be times 17:31 when you're in the wrong relationship. 17:32 Young brother, young sister, 17:33 your mom and dad won't be able to sleep at night. 17:36 God is calling them into deep prayer and deep intercession 17:39 because the Spirit will put something in them 17:42 that lets you know that something ain't right. 17:46 Are hear me today, Prince, for thing 17:50 this story teaches us is that when somebody's serious, 17:53 they don't leave it up to chance. 17:56 They'll catch this seriously. 17:58 But don't leave it up to chance. 17:59 I In other words, I need you to catch this. 18:01 Notice what Boaz says. 18:04 He's like, Don't go glean in 18:06 no other man's field. 18:10 He's like, I got everything you need right here. 18:13 He's like, Don't even get well. 18:15 Water from another man's well, I got all the water you need 18:19 right here on this land. 18:20 In other words, what your boy Boaz did 18:22 after he had gathered his information, 18:25 after he had come to some conclusions. 18:27 I need you to know he doesn't just step the route 18:29 with ambitions. 18:30 He's got a plan, 18:31 and that brother makes his intentions known. 18:37 So I need somebody to understand this about it. 18:39 And let me just say this. Assistance. 18:40 I need to know when a brother is serious about you, 18:44 he ain't going to be 18:44 like, Well, let's just see what happens 18:50 here. 18:51 Going to be like, 18:51 well, well, 18:52 you know, let's, you know, 18:53 just one day we'll just happen to run into each other. 18:55 If he's serious, he's going to be like, 18:56 Well, let's just stay in an open relationship. 19:00 I need to know when that brother is serious about that thing. 19:03 He is going to literally dig a trench around you, 19:07 put a barricade around you. 19:09 His language is going to be clear. 19:11 There'll be no ambivalence. 19:13 He's going to talk and certainties and sureties. 19:16 He's going to make sure 19:17 that, you know, are you hear what I'm saying? 19:21 And in other words, 19:22 there are times where we deceive ourselves 19:24 because you sitting there by the phone 19:25 waiting for him to call. 19:27 No, y'all. Worse waiting on him. The text. 19:31 No, real man, don't text. 19:34 We open our mouths, we talk, 19:38 we claim territory, we make our intentions known. 19:43 I hear what I'm saying today. 19:47 This crazy man. 19:48 I think I told you the story last year 19:49 when I first started dating my wife. 19:51 We were both I was in grad school and Andrew, 19:53 she was an undergrad, 19:54 you know, we had been friends for a little while. 19:56 And it's crazy 19:57 because now 19:58 when I was getting ready to be serious, man, 19:59 I wanted to make sure that she understood where I was. 20:03 I remember like our house, you know, I said last year 20:04 our house off campus was like, 20:05 you know, kind of like the place of social engagement. 20:09 So sometimes the undergrads would come to our house 20:10 and kick it. 20:11 So I remember one of my friends 20:12 was coming up for the weekend come. 20:13 He wanted to meet some young ladies 20:15 are there at Andrew's and it's crazy 20:17 because it means, you know, we weren't even talking, man. 20:19 This show was very arrogant. It presumptuous of me. 20:23 But I told the brother that when you get here, 20:24 I need you to know I said it just like, man, God told Adam. 20:27 I said, you can have any tree that's in the garden. 20:32 I know this. 20:33 Is this a little Midwest? 20:34 I think you can pick from any tree 20:36 that's in the garden but the one. 20:38 Gianna Elise. 20:39 Norman Don't look at it or touch it 20:44 lest she die. 20:45 Y'all not hear what I'm saying today. 20:49 Like I had to make my intentions known. 20:50 In fact, like my wife and I, we, you know, 20:52 most of our relationship was long distance. 20:54 We we got together officially, probably about a month 20:57 before I left Andrew's. 20:58 But I need you to know, when it was time for me to leave. 21:00 I didn't flip a coin. I didn't leave it up in the air. 21:03 I begin to communicate my vision for my life. 21:06 And where I saw her fitting into it, 21:09 I said, I'll be living in Mississippi. 21:11 We can meet here. 21:12 This is how often I'll come here. 21:14 We can meet in Nashville, spend time 21:15 with your parents on the cell phone. 21:17 There was no ambivalence about it. 21:20 I made the intention clear. 21:22 And what I'm saying is, Brother, 21:23 when you serious about that thing, 21:24 you're going to kind of make your intentions clear. 21:27 And I need you to know this. 21:28 When he's serious, you ain't got to guess. 21:31 You're not the way for him to call. 21:34 You ain't going to have to track him down for a second date. 21:39 Oh, you're not hearing me. 21:41 No, no, no. He. 21:41 He is gold moon. 21:43 Listen, when he's serious, 21:44 he'll move heaven and earth to be where you are. 21:49 He'll make it start raining. 21:50 Just make sure you come inside the dorm 21:52 because he's waiting there. 21:54 No, no. 21:55 What I'm saying is when it when they're serious 21:56 with these serious brothers, I need you to know that man. 21:59 She's not going to be desperate. She's not gonna overwhelm you. 22:01 She's not going to be clingy. 22:02 But guess what? 22:03 She's going to make herself visible. 22:07 She's going to make sure you see her. 22:10 She's going to be where you have access and you got to act. 22:13 Wow, the door is still open. 22:15 Can the church say, man? All right, so. 22:17 So I need somebody. No friends of mine. 22:19 That that that sometimes we kind of leave things to chance. 22:25 There's a time for you to act on what it is that God is saying. 22:28 Are you are. Hear what I'm saying today, friends. 22:30 And see, the thing I love about the story of Ruth 22:33 is that even though she has suffered great loss, 22:37 God uses sometimes heart break 22:45 to introduce us to the heart. 22:47 Fix her. 22:51 I don't know. 22:52 Maybe there was another way 22:53 that Ruth would have come to be a part of the family of God in 22:57 this way. 22:58 But I need you to understand that through 22:59 this very painful story of loss, 23:01 and when you read the story, it's 23:03 not going to really make you tingle. 23:04 There are some cultural norms that don't necessarily align 23:07 with the values that we have in our time. 23:10 But I need you to know 23:11 that even those that she suffers heartbreak 23:13 and they only suffers heartbreak, theirs 23:16 is because of that. 23:17 Somebody else has heartbreak for a different reason. 23:20 But I need somebody to understand 23:22 this critical truth that Romans 828 does not lie, 23:25 that all things work together for good to them, that love 23:30 the Lord and are called according to His purpose. 23:34 So God ordains it in such a way 23:37 that Ruth hooks up with my man Boaz. 23:39 Boaz takes her to be his wife 23:42 and understand that Ruth and Boaz have a baby name. 23:45 All bad, all bad has a son named Jesse. 23:50 Jesse has a son named David. 23:53 And 22 generations, through the lineage of 23:56 David comes a child named Jesus. 23:59 And they call him Jesus Boy. 24:02 He will save his people from their sins. 24:07 Are y'all catching this? 24:09 And it was through painful heart break 24:13 that she experiences divine restoration 24:17 and see ultimately gets connected in 24:21 an immovable way to the lineage of Jesus Christ. 24:26 And it's amazing because Boaz becomes 24:28 what was known in that culture as a kinsman redeemer, 24:32 and he was a forerunner of Jesus Christ 24:35 who takes the one who has been left aside, 24:37 the one that had no support, the one that had no 24:41 particular way of survival. 24:43 And he stands with her and she experiences wholeness 24:47 and renewal and redemption in her 24:50 relationship to her kinsman redeemer. 24:54 And I want to just say to somebody today, 24:56 just this message of hope. 24:57 I pray that you're finding encouragement, 24:59 even if it's not your time to start dating again 25:02 or entertaining somebody else again. 25:04 I need somebody to know that even though 25:07 the marriage or relationship ended, guess what? 25:10 Your life is still supposed to go on. 25:13 Let me just say to somebody, 25:15 let me just say to that person 25:16 who had somebody break up with you last semester, 25:19 I mean, you all feel in a certain way 25:21 because of rejection. 25:22 You've heard me say, I think you realize that sometimes 25:25 rejection is just God's direction. 25:31 Rejection is just divine redirection. 25:35 Man There going to be a day. 25:36 Man Probably about 12. 25:38 Alumnus From that, yeah, 25:41 you're going to see him with a bald spot. 25:45 You're going to see her. She's even meaner than she is now. 25:49 And you can praise God right in the middle of the von 25:51 Braun and church going to be over 25:57 because God was and it's not that he or she is bad. 26:00 They just are not for you 26:03 because God use the redirection to redirect you. 26:07 I do need to say this because again, 26:09 I'm not for judging people for their past. 26:12 I'm anti that in every way. 26:14 But I do need you 26:15 to be careful, young people, about your reputation. 26:19 You need to be careful how you handle yourself. 26:21 You don't even know me because you're praying for this 26:24 spiritual, godly man who is like about serious things. 26:28 But man, you know, it's crazy, because every now and then, 26:30 you know, I'll be up late, late at night. 26:33 It's crazy because some of y'all turn up 26:34 big time on social media late at night, 26:38 y'all 26:39 possibly that's I wouldn't post at any other time 26:42 but when you go on a cursing 26:43 twerking tirade, 26:47 he might be saying, I don't know if that's my wife 26:52 when she sees you, man, you in the club 26:54 and you acting out foolish and you doing this 26:56 that in the third. 26:57 I mean, she she 26:58 she may be disqualifying you because of how 27:00 you handling yourself. 27:02 Don't let yourself get passed around to him and her and 27:04 and all the other. 27:05 Because I need, you 27:06 know, it's a small world and there is somebody 27:09 that's going to be comfortable with your history. 27:10 But what I'm saying is you don't want to disqualify yourself, 27:15 assuming that everything that happens at 27:17 Oakwood stays at Oakwood. 27:21 No, I don't know. It don't. 27:24 I need somebody to understand this fundamental truth 27:27 that men the same way 27:28 God ordained 27:29 truth and bold steps that God is ordering your steps 27:32 that God has moved you here, that he's growing you 27:35 spiritually. 27:36 He's developing your work ethic, 27:37 your character, your prayer life. 27:39 He's put you through situations 27:40 that your peers are not going through 27:42 that are designed to mature you and growing you. 27:45 And guess what? 27:46 They are literally developing wife traits, husband 27:48 traits and ways that you could not even see coming. 27:52 But more than anything else, I need you to know 27:54 that there is a redeemer in Jesus Christ who sees you. 27:58 Who cares about you, 28:00 who knows you, 28:01 and he wants to restore you in any and every way. 28:03 If God's Word was a blessing to me, hear you say Amen today. 28:06 (Breath Of Life Music) |
Revised 2024-02-28