Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL181206A

00:04 coming to you from the Seventh Day Adventist Church at Oakwood University in Huntsville Alabama
00:09 featuring Dr. Carlton P. Byrd with Grammy award winning artist, Fred Hammond,
00:16 Grammy award winning artist, Sandi Patty
00:19 and the internationally renowned Oakwood University Aeolians concert choir under the direction of Dr. Jason Ferdinand.
00:27 [choir music]
00:32 Joy to the world, the Lord is come
00:36 Let earth receive her King
00:43 Let every heart prepare Him room
00:47 And Heaven and nature sing
00:52 And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing
00:56 [Orchestra Plays]
01:03 Joy to the world, the Lord is come
01:12 Joy to the world, the Lord is come
01:21 Joy to the Earth, the Savior reigns!
01:25 Let men their songs employ
01:29 While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
01:34 Repeat the sounding joy
01:38 Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy
01:46 [Orchestra Plays]
01:55 No more let sins and sorrows grow,
02:00 Nor thorns infest the ground;
02:04 He comes to make His blessings flow
02:09 Far as the curse is found,
02:11 Far as the curse is found,
02:13 Far as, far as, the curse is found.
02:19 Joy to the world, the Lord is come
02:29 Let the Earth, receive her King
02:37 [Orchestra Plays]
02:43 He rules the world with truth and grace
02:51 And makes the nations prove
03:00 The glories of His righteousness
03:08 And wonders of His love
03:13 And wonders of His love
03:17 And wonder wonders of His love
03:27 The Lord is come
03:32 Joy to the world
03:41 [Congregation: claps]
03:47 Dr. Byrd: Our theme for this holiday special is, The Promise. Everybody say, The Promise.
03:53 [Congregation: The Promise.]
03:55 Now, we all know what a promise is.
03:59 Promise is an assurance that someone would do a specific thing or a guarantee that a specific thing is going to happen.
04:09 Now, we know people make promises everyday. We also know that people break promises everyday.
04:19 So some good advice about making promises is this.
04:24 Don't lie. Don't cheat and don't make promises you can't keep. Do I have a witness in this place?
04:31 [Congregation: Amen [claps]
04:35 But what I love, what I love about the Lord is this.
04:39 When God makes a promise, God's good for it.
04:43 Now, the Bible is full of promises and the first promise God makes in the Bible is in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15.
04:49 The Bible says, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
04:54 and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
04:57 Now, let me quickly give you the context for this first promise. Now, remember, women are more relational than men.
05:08 Let me say that again. Women are more relational then men. Would you agree with that?
05:14 [Congregation: Yes.]
05:16 Alright and so Eve, being the relational creature that she is and Satan being the clever creature that he is,
05:23 he goes after her instead of Adam because he knows he can connect easier with her than he can with him.
05:32 She really didn't know God's command word for word. So she replies to Satan.
05:38 We can eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, we just can't eat from the one in the middle of the garden.
05:43 In fact -- she says -- we can't touch it because if we do we're going to die."
05:49 God's command never said anything about touching. It just said something about eating.
05:55 That's why we can't believe everything we hear. Satan says, "If you eat it, you won't die.
06:03 Your eyes will be opened and you will now know good from evil.
06:05 You will know God as God knows and you should be like God and there's nothing wrong with being like God."
06:11 This is what he tells Eve. So in her attempt to be like God, in her attempt to be spiritual,
06:18 in her attempt to think she's doing something good, Eve is deceived and Eve messes up.
06:24 Well, let's not be too hard on Eve. Don't be too hard on the woman.
06:29 It wasn't Eve by herself that brought the fall of man.
06:32 Adam without deception, knowingly commits himself to her and becomes a partaker of the fruit.
06:40 When Adam takes the fruit, all of us fall in Adam not Eve because Adam knew what he was doing.
06:48 But Adam was so in love with Eve. Eve was what God had given him to have. So Adam then didn't have to go looking.
06:59 Adam didn't have to go pick. Adam didn't have to court. So Adam didn't have to go date. She was the right one.
07:08 Eve was exactly what God had created for him. So now, Adam has to make a decision.
07:14 Do I stay with the gift or the giver? Do I stay with creation or the creator?
07:24 And because he chooses to be with her rather than to be with God,
07:27 he chooses death and that choice brings about the fall of men and because he fell we all have fallen.
07:33 So now, Satan thinks he's won. He think he's defeated God. He thinks it's over. Check, mate.
07:45 But what Satan didn't know was that God had already puts a clause in the creation contract that just in case
07:54 -- oh I serve a just in case God
07:56 -- just in case, for Adam and Eve messed up, God said, "I've already worked out a redemption plan."
08:04 You see, I've learned in my life, God never sets you up to mess you up. God never puts you in a position to mess up.
08:12 It may have been your choice but God always has a way of a state. Does somebody know what I'm talking about?
08:18 [Congregation: Amen]
08:20 So even if you don't choose the right way, God says, "Look, don't worry about it.
08:22 I've got to redemptive clause. Just in case they mess up, my grace is sufficient.
08:30 Before the foundation of the world, God knew that we have some choices to make but just in case,
08:39 just in case we made a wrong choice, He wanted us to know that He already had a redemptive plan in place.
08:46 The promise says, a virgin shall be with the child and she shall bring forth the son.
08:54 Now, she'll call His name, Jesus, for He shalt save His people from their sins."
08:58 In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word became flesh.
09:08 Jesus who created flesh became flesh when God reverse the beginning
09:14 and He took a motherless woman from the body of a man in creation
09:17 but then He took fatherless man from the body of a woman in redemption.
09:22 Genesis 3:15, is the first promise of the first coming of Jesus and the second coming of Jesus.
09:30 The promise He says, "I have to put in enmity between being a woman."
09:34 When God talks about enmity, well, He talks about crushing head and bruise in heel,
09:37 He's talking about the first coming at Calvary and the second coming of Jesus Christ.
09:41 He's talking about immediate victory at Calvary and ultimate triumph at the second coming.
09:47 When God tells Satan that the seed will crush your head,
09:51 He's telling Satan in the end, "Christ is going to triumph over you."
09:55 When God says, "Satan will bruise his heel, He's saying the woman is going to have seed;
10:00 the woman is going to have to die, which means Jesus would have to die.
10:05 His blood would have to be saved, but He will triumph. He will triumph. He will triumph and I'm so glad.
10:19 Troubles don't last always. I'm so glad that we've been made to a forth night but joy comes in the morning time.
10:27 So don't wait till the band is over.
10:29 Shout now. Don't worry about hurricanes. Shout now. Don't worry about church shootings.
10:36 Shout now. Don't worry about North Korea. Shout now. Don't worry about cancer in your body. Shout now.
10:46 Don't worry about fake friends, jealous colleagues, envious haters. My haters are my elevators. Shout now.
11:01 Satan has already been defeated. Satan will be crushed. If God before us, who can be against us.
11:15 No weapon form against us will prosper.
11:18 [Music]
11:29 The shepherds found King Jesus
11:33 In lowly Bethlehem
11:36 They saw a mighty Savior
11:40 They saw a humble Lamb
11:48 Go, tell it on the mountain
11:52 Over the hills and everywhere
11:56 Go, tell it on the mountain
11:59 Jesus Christ is born
12:03 Go, tell it on the mountain
12:06 Over the hills and everywhere
12:10 Go, tell it on the mountain,
12:13 Jesus Christ is born
12:15 The wise men saw the young child
12:18 And the star above so bright
12:22 They knew they'd seen the Savior
12:25 The one to bring us life
12:35 Go, tell it on the mountain
12:38 Over the hills and everywhere
12:42 Go, tell it on the mountain
12:45 Jesus Christ is born
12:49 Go, tell it on the mountain
12:52 Over the hills and everywhere
12:56 Go, tell it on the mountain,
12:59 Jesus Christ is born
13:01 The blessed celebration
13:04 And the heavens fill the earth
13:08 And was the angels singing
13:11 Telling of the Savior's birth
13:19 Go, tell it on the mountain
13:24 Over the hills and everywhere
13:28 Go, tell it on the mountain
13:31 That Jesus Christ is born
13:35 Go, tell it on the mountain
13:38 Over the hills and everywhere
13:42 Go, tell it on the mountain
13:45 Jesus Christ is born
13:48 Join in one and all
13:52 Tell of the Savior's birth
13:55 Join in the angel's verse
13:59 Good will and peace on Earth
14:02 Go tell them one and all
14:05 Tell of the Savior's birth
14:09 Join in the angel's chorus
14:13 Good will, peace on Earth
14:16 Go tell them one and all
14:20 Tell of the Savior's birth
14:23 Join in the angel's chorus
14:26 Good will, peace on Earth
14:30 Go tell them one and all
14:34 GO tell them, GO tell them
14:40 Jesus Christ is born
14:50 [Congregation: claps]
15:03 Sing a song of gladness and cheer
15:07 For the time of Christmas is here
15:12 Look around about you and see
15:16 What a world of wonder
15:18 This world can be
15:21 Sing a Christmas carol
15:23 Sing a Christmas carol
15:26 Sing a Christmas carol like the children do
15:31 And enjoy the beauty
15:34 All the joy and beauty
15:36 That a merry Christmas can bring to you
15:41 Come Let us worship the King
15:44 Jesus the Savior is born
15:46 For the Lord is great and grealy to be praised
15:54 in all the Earth let us worship
15:59 O come to the place
16:01 Where the holy Child is laid
16:05 O come let us see the new born King
16:11 For He is our God
16:13 And greatly to be praised
16:16 Come let us worship the King
16:22 Come let us worship the King
16:25 Jesus the Savior is born
16:28 For the Lord will reign over all the earth
16:34 Come let us worship the King
16:37 Jesus the Savior is born
16:40 For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised
16:47 In all the earth
16:50 Let us worship the King
16:58 The Savior has come
17:01 Let all the creation sing
17:05 The mountains ring out with angelic praise
17:11 The heavens rejoice
17:13 For the earth receives her King
17:16 Come let us worship the King
17:22 Come let us worship the King
17:25 Jesus the Savior is born
17:28 For the Lord will reign over all the earth
17:34 Come let us worship the King
17:37 Jesus the Savior is born
17:40 For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised
17:47 In all the earth
17:50 Let us worship the King
17:55 Come let us worship the King
17:58 Jesus the Savior is born
18:00 For the Lord will reign over all the earth
18:07 Come let us worship the King
18:09 Jesus the Savior is born
18:13 For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised
18:20 In all the earth
18:23 Let us worship the King
18:31 Come let us worship the King
18:33 Jesus the Savior is born
18:37 Come let us worship the King
18:39 In all the earth
18:40 Come let us worship the King
18:50 [Congregation: claps]
18:57 At Christmas time, promises are plenteous and profuse. Promises of gifts parents are going to buy their children.
19:06 Promises of gifts husband are going to buy their wives. Promises of gifts wives are going to buy their husbands.
19:14 The holidays are full of promises but these promises are not based in the second.
19:21 These promises all have their origins in the spiritual.
19:25 You see, God, didn't waste any time to tell us, that Christmas was coming.
19:30 He told us about Jesus coming in the very first book of the Bible.
19:34 So that means, He didn't wait to Deuteronomy, He didn't wait to Malachi. He didn't wait to Revelation. No.
19:39 God made His first promise in His first book, Genesis.
19:44 Then after His first promises in Genesis 3:15 the Old Testament continue with another promise found in Isaiah 9:6,
19:52 "For unto us a Child is born.
19:56 Unto us a Son is given. The government shall be upon His shoulder and His name shall be called,
20:04 Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
20:13 Now, don't forget the first promise in Genesis 3:15,
20:17 where God says to Satan that the whole key to His crushing Satan is that a man child would have to be born.
20:25 Now, friends, think about it.
20:28 If you were Satan and God just told you that a child being born would be His key to defeating you
20:37 and you want to prevent God from crushing you, what would you do?
20:43 You would do all in your power to prevent this child from coming into the world.
20:51 That's why Herod ordered the killing of all the male babies under the age of two.
20:54 That's why Mary and Joseph had to flee and Jesus was born in itinerancy in a stable in Bethlehem.
21:00 That's why Satan has continuously, try to use people, nations, kingdoms, institutions
21:06 and events as his means of trying to prevent Jesus from coming in the world.
21:12 But I believe somebody knows, no devil in hell can stop what God has willed for your life.
21:20 What God has for me, it is for me. [Congregation: Amen.]
21:28 Dr. Byrd: When this child that Isaiah is prophesying about comes, he would come with power.
21:34 Power that is described in scripture as overcoming power. Wonder working power. Breaking through power.
21:44 Jesus is full of power. He is Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father.
21:56 I love all of these adjectives that describe Jesus. But let's look at the third one in particular.
22:03 My God, Jesus is the Son of God but Jesus is also God.
22:11 Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
22:14 In Genesis 1:26 and God said, "Let us make man in our image after our likeness."
22:19 Born into the fact that there's plurality in the God head.
22:22 Three in one because God didn't say, "And let me make man, but let us make man."
22:27 When we look at history, we see the mighty acts of God. What am I talking about? Look at Jesus birth.
22:34 People had to know that He would be a Mighty God
22:37 because he's the only one in earth's history that had one human parent and one divine parents.
22:44 So He inherited both the nature of God and the nature of man.
22:49 Two natures harmonized but never completely blended.
22:53 In His divinity, He's God's way to man. In His humanity, he's man's way back on up to God.
23:00 But what then about His teen years?
23:03 He's the only one that can speak with authority among the preachers, teachers and theologians of His day
23:07 and he left them all astonished. What about His miracles?
23:12 I'm thinking about three Hebrew boys in a fiery furnace.
23:16 They're on death row. They are about to experience capital punishment.
23:22 When there sentence has been given to them, they're about to be executed.
23:26 They're about to be killed. The government have to watch to make sure the execution has been completed.
23:31 But when He gets there, He sees that there are still three boys,
23:36 not three boys but there's a fourth individual in the fiery furnace.
23:41 He said, "One looks like the Son of God." Oh but don't stop there.
23:48 What about the story of Lazarus in John chapter 11.
23:51 Lazarus is deathly ill. Mary and Martha, summons Jesus, "Come to see about our brother."
23:56 But Jesus is busy in ministry. Lazarus dies. Four days passed. Then Jesus get to the house.
24:03 Martha says, "Jesus, you're too late. If only you had been here, Lazarus wouldn't have died."
24:10 Jesus said, "Hold up, Wait a minute. Don't you know who I am?
24:18 I am the Mighty God. I am the resurrection and the light.
24:24 Jesus says, "Lazarus, come forth," and lungs that had no air, fill up again.
24:32 A heart that was steel started to beat again.
24:35 Flesh that had turned gray becomes rosy again. Eyes that had rolled back become bright again.
24:42 He's a Mighty God. But what about His death?
24:46 The Romans conspired against Jesus making up all this stuff about Jesus.
24:50 They killed Jesus. When they killed him, they thought they were finished with Him.
24:54 But on the third appointed day, Jesus got up with all power in His hands.
25:02 It's called resurrection power because that's what a Mighty God does.
25:08 Why is the resurrection so important in the life of the Christian? I'll tell you why.
25:11 It's not because He got up but because He got up one day.
25:16 The dead in Christ one day, they're going to get up because He lives.
25:21 We live today. He is a mighty God. He reverses the irreversible. He fixes the unfixable.
25:28 He does the undoable. He beats the unbeatable. He saves the unsavable. He's a mighty God.
25:35 A miracle working God. A Satan defeating God. A circumstance changing God. An overcoming God.
25:44 A heart fixing God. A bill paying God. A mighty God in Genesis 3. "Adam, our forefather messed up."
25:54 But I'm so glad that in first Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul says, "There's another Adam.
26:03 There's a second Adam and His name, His name, His name is Jesus.
26:13 Generations makes us the sons of the first Adam but regeneration acknowledges us as the sons of the second Adam.
26:22 In our first birth, we come under the fatherhood of the fallen one,
26:27 but in our second birth, we enter into the fatherhood of the innocent one.
26:31 In our first fatherhood, we were the image of the earthly,
26:35 but in our second fatherhood we received the image of the heavenly.
26:40 Through our relationship to the first Adam, we become corrupt and weak.
26:45 Our bodies are subject to the grave and corruption but through our relationship with the second Adam,
26:52 one day, this mortal would put on immortality.
26:57 This corruptible, will put on incorruption.
27:01 Death is going to be swallowed up in victory for the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout.
27:11 With the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ are going to rise first.
27:15 Then we, which are alive remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
27:19 and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
27:21 Jesus is the second Adam and Isaiah gave us a promise that this second Adam would save us from sin. Why?
27:31 He's Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. He's the Prince of Peace.
27:45 "And she shall bring forth a son, thou shalt call his name Jesus.
27:52 For He shalt save His people from their sins.
27:59 [Congregation: claps]
28:02 [Music]
28:05 We hope you have been blessed by this program.
28:08 Please tune in next week for the conclusion of Breath of Life's “The Promise.”
28:16 [END]
28:18 For your donation of $25 or more
28:20 we will send you a copy of “The Promise” on DVD.
28:23 To give, visit our website at
28:27 Or call us toll free at (877)265-6333.
28:32 He was born in a manger
28:34 surrounded by cattle and oxen, nestled in hay.
28:37 Yet, he was born a king.
28:40 Breath of Life Television Ministries, in partnership with the Interfaith Broadcasting Commission, presents
28:44 Kirk Franklin, Shelea Frazier, and Dr. Carlton P. Byrd in
28:49 King of Kings, a network television Christmas special on ABC.
28:53 Experience the Nativity story like you never have before.
28:55 King of Kings on ABC. Christmas Day!
28:58 Check your local station for listings and times or visit


Revised 2018-12-06