? (Theme Song) ? ? Jesus is worthy oh yes, ? 00:00:03.76\00:00:11.86 ? he's worthy worthy of all... ? ? all the praise. ? 00:00:11.86\00:00:19.96 So then, dust plus breath equals living what? 00:00:19.96\00:00:25.83 Aud.: Soul. 00:00:25.83\00:00:27.30 PB: If you have dust but don't have breath, do you have 00:00:27.30\00:00:30.10 a living soul? 00:00:30.10\00:00:31.10 Aud.: No. 00:00:31.10\00:00:32.10 PB: No. 00:00:32.10\00:00:33.10 If you don't have dust, but you do have breath, do you have a 00:00:33.10\00:00:35.10 living soul? 00:00:35.10\00:00:36.10 Aud.: No. 00:00:36.10\00:00:37.10 PB: No, because you need dust plus what, everybody? 00:00:37.10\00:00:39.10 Aud.: Breath. 00:00:39.10\00:00:40.10 PB: Breath. 00:00:40.10\00:00:41.23 Now, God formed man of the dust of the ground and made a body, 00:00:41.23\00:00:44.40 combining breath and body man became a living soul. 00:00:44.40\00:00:49.20 Now, that's what happens when a man is created. 00:00:49.20\00:00:53.83 What happens then when a man dies? 00:00:53.83\00:00:56.86 What is then the reverse of life? 00:00:56.86\00:01:02.46 Dust plus breath equals living soul. 00:01:02.46\00:01:05.73 What happens then to a man when a man dies? 00:01:05.73\00:01:09.63 Go to Ecclesiastes chapter 12, what does the Word of God say? 00:01:09.63\00:01:14.76 Ecclesiastes chapter 12, and we're going to verse 00:01:14.76\00:01:19.03 number 7. Ecclesiastes chapter 12, and we're going 00:01:19.03\00:01:23.83 to verse number 7. 00:01:23.83\00:01:27.40 Ecclesiastes chapter 12, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of 00:01:27.40\00:01:31.80 Solomon, Ecclesiastes 12, verse number 7. 00:01:31.80\00:01:36.93 The Word of God is clear to us tonight. 00:01:36.93\00:01:39.53 It says in Ecclesiastes 12:7. 00:01:39.53\00:01:40.96 If you have it, let me hear you say amen. 00:01:40.96\00:01:42.96 The Word says, Ecclesiastes 12:7, "Then shall the dust 00:01:42.96\00:01:45.83 return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return 00:01:45.83\00:01:49.56 unto," whom, everybody? 00:01:49.56\00:01:50.56 Aud.: God. 00:01:50.56\00:01:51.56 PB: Unto whom, everybody? 00:01:51.56\00:01:52.56 Aud.: God. 00:01:52.56\00:01:53.56 PB: God, who gave it. 00:01:53.56\00:01:54.56 So, when a person dies, the body returns to what? 00:01:54.56\00:01:57.83 Aud.: Dust. 00:01:57.83\00:01:59.00 PB: The body returns to dust. 00:01:59.00\00:02:00.56 Not only does the body return to dust, the second part of 00:02:00.56\00:02:03.83 that is the spirit returns to whom? 00:02:03.83\00:02:06.76 Aud.: God. 00:02:06.76\00:02:07.76 PB: God. 00:02:07.76\00:02:08.76 All right, so then, dust of the ground, breath of life, living 00:02:08.76\00:02:11.16 soul. 00:02:11.16\00:02:12.16 When a person dies, the body returns to what? 00:02:12.16\00:02:14.90 Aud.: Dust. 00:02:14.90\00:02:15.90 PB: The dust. 00:02:15.90\00:02:16.90 The breath, or the spirit, returns to whom? 00:02:16.90\00:02:19.66 Aud.: God. 00:02:19.66\00:02:20.66 PB: And the soul no longer exists. 00:02:20.66\00:02:23.23 Because remember, we said, you have to have dust plus breath 00:02:23.23\00:02:26.73 in order to have a living soul. 00:02:26.73\00:02:28.10 So some people are trying to take it literally and they say 00:02:28.10\00:02:30.20 well, Pastor Byrd, I hear you. 00:02:30.20\00:02:31.83 Dust plus breath equals a living soul. 00:02:31.83\00:02:34.00 The body returns to dust, spirit returns to God, but how 00:02:34.00\00:02:36.96 do we know the spirit and the soul are not one and the same? 00:02:36.96\00:02:40.96 Because you're saying the spirit returns to God. 00:02:40.96\00:02:43.66 How do we know that the spirit is not the soul? 00:02:43.66\00:02:48.06 How do we know that the spirit is actually the breath? 00:02:48.06\00:02:51.93 Now, remember Genesis 2:7. 00:02:51.93\00:02:52.93 "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and 00:02:52.93\00:02:56.40 breathed" into its what, everybody? 00:02:56.40\00:02:58.40 Aud.: Life. 00:02:58.40\00:02:59.40 PB: The breath of what? 00:02:59.40\00:03:00.46 Aud.: Life. 00:03:00.46\00:03:01.46 PB: Man became a living soul. 00:03:01.46\00:03:02.46 We're saying, the Bible said, dust body, breath spirit. 00:03:02.46\00:03:07.33 Body returning to dust, spirit returning to God. 00:03:07.33\00:03:10.73 But we've got to make sure that the spirit and the soul are not 00:03:10.73\00:03:13.60 the same. 00:03:13.60\00:03:14.60 So how do we know? 00:03:14.60\00:03:15.60 Go to the book of Job. 00:03:15.60\00:03:17.60 Job, let the Bible speak for itself. 00:03:19.13\00:03:22.46 Job chapter 27, verse number 3. 00:03:22.46\00:03:26.40 Job, chapter 27, verse number 3. 00:03:26.40\00:03:34.03 The Bible is very clear, the Word says, "All the while my 00:03:34.03\00:03:38.06 breath is in me, and the spirit of," whom, everybody? 00:03:38.06\00:03:41.13 Aud.: God. 00:03:41.13\00:03:42.13 PB: Come on, the spirit of whom, everybody? 00:03:42.13\00:03:44.13 Aud.: God. 00:03:44.13\00:03:45.13 PB: "Is in my," what? 00:03:45.13\00:03:46.13 Aud.: Nostrils. 00:03:46.13\00:03:47.13 PB: Nostrils. 00:03:47.13\00:03:48.13 The spirit of God is in my, what? 00:03:48.13\00:03:50.13 Aud.: Nostrils. 00:03:50.13\00:03:51.13 PB: So then, the spirit of God, the breath of God, 00:03:51.13\00:03:53.33 is synonymous. 00:03:53.33\00:03:54.33 Not the spirit and the soul, but the spirit and the breath. 00:03:54.33\00:03:58.16 When a person dies, the body returns to what? 00:03:58.16\00:04:01.53 Aud.: Dust. 00:04:01.53\00:04:02.53 PB: Dust. 00:04:02.53\00:04:03.53 The spirit or the breath returns to whom? 00:04:03.53\00:04:05.53 Aud.: God. 00:04:05.53\00:04:06.53 PB: And then the soul ceases to exist because you can't have a 00:04:06.53\00:04:09.56 soul without the dust of the ground and the breath of life 00:04:09.56\00:04:13.33 in order to make a living soul. 00:04:13.33\00:04:15.30 This makes sense, because God formed man of dust and breathed 00:04:15.30\00:04:20.33 into his nostrils breath. 00:04:20.33\00:04:22.20 The biblical definition for soul is body plus breath equals 00:04:22.20\00:04:26.86 living soul. 00:04:26.86\00:04:27.86 A living, breathing being is the soul. 00:04:27.86\00:04:31.36 The Bible then is trying to tell us tonight, in the text, 00:04:31.36\00:04:34.80 it is saying that we are souls. 00:04:34.80\00:04:37.90 The truth is we don't have souls, but we are souls. 00:04:37.90\00:04:46.60 The confusion that many people think is that we have a soul. 00:04:46.60\00:04:50.53 We don't have a soul, we are a soul. 00:04:50.53\00:04:54.53 When a person dies, the body returns to dust, spirit returns 00:04:54.53\00:04:58.76 to God, and the soul ceases to exist 'cause we don't have it, 00:04:58.76\00:05:03.36 we are it. 00:05:03.36\00:05:04.36 [Aud. 00:05:04.36\00:05:05.86 reaction] PB: Now, the Bible goes on. 00:05:05.86\00:05:10.46 Ezekiel, chapter 18, verse number 4, it says then, that 00:05:10.46\00:05:14.46 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." 00:05:14.46\00:05:18.90 Now, the reality is, Romans 6 teaches that "All have sinned 00:05:18.90\00:05:23.53 and come short of the glory of God," which means, I don't care 00:05:23.53\00:05:27.46 if you have your suit on tonight, I don't care if you 00:05:27.46\00:05:29.46 have a dress on tonight, I don't care if you look good for 00:05:29.46\00:05:31.46 an outside world. 00:05:31.46\00:05:32.46 Friends of mine, all of us are sinners. 00:05:32.46\00:05:35.33 [Aud. 00:05:35.33\00:05:36.33 reaction] PB: All of us have done wrong. 00:05:36.33\00:05:38.46 We try to point out sin. 00:05:38.46\00:05:39.96 This is red sin, this is white sin, this is black sin, this is 00:05:39.96\00:05:43.50 little sin. 00:05:43.50\00:05:44.50 Sin is sin. 00:05:44.50\00:05:46.46 Everybody up in here is an ex-something. 00:05:46.46\00:05:49.50 [Aud. 00:05:49.50\00:05:51.50 reaction] PB: All of us have sinned, so all of us if it 00:05:51.50\00:05:56.20 weren't for the grace of God, where would we be? 00:05:56.20\00:05:59.66 For all of us, if it hath not been for the Lord on my side, 00:05:59.66\00:06:05.00 then tell me where would I be? 00:06:05.00\00:06:06.66 It then goes on to point out in Ecclesiastes 12, so the living 00:06:06.66\00:06:10.03 know that they shall die. 00:06:10.03\00:06:11.20 The living have to know that they're going to die, because 00:06:11.20\00:06:14.03 all that have sinned have come short of the glory of God, and 00:06:14.03\00:06:17.20 the soul that sinneth, it's going to what? 00:06:17.20\00:06:19.93 Die. 00:06:19.93\00:06:20.93 The body returns to dust, spirit returns to God, soul 00:06:20.93\00:06:29.56 ceases to exist. 00:06:29.56\00:06:32.13 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. 00:06:32.13\00:06:34.96 All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. 00:06:34.96\00:06:40.56 I've gone through all of this to tell you one simple thing: 00:06:40.56\00:06:47.43 Dead people are dead. 00:06:47.43\00:06:50.96 [Aud. 00:06:50.96\00:06:53.53 reaction] PB: Dead people are not in heaven, because if they 00:06:53.53\00:06:58.50 were in heaven, who would Jesus be coming back to get? 00:06:58.50\00:07:02.50 Dead people are dead. 00:07:02.50\00:07:06.00 Dead people are not walking up and down the earth. 00:07:06.00\00:07:09.56 Why? 00:07:09.56\00:07:10.56 Because the body returns to dust. 00:07:10.56\00:07:13.16 The spirit returns to God. 00:07:13.16\00:07:16.33 The soul ceases to what? 00:07:16.33\00:07:17.80 Aud.: Exist. 00:07:17.80\00:07:18.80 PB: We don't have souls, because we are souls. 00:07:18.80\00:07:24.20 Dead people are what, everybody? 00:07:24.20\00:07:28.20 Aud.: Dead. 00:07:28.20\00:07:29.20 PB: Come on, dead people are what? 00:07:29.20\00:07:31.36 Aud.: Dead. 00:07:31.36\00:07:32.36 PB: Go to Job 7. 00:07:32.36\00:07:33.36 Look at Job 7, verse number 9. 00:07:33.36\00:07:35.60 To prove to you dead people are dead. 00:07:35.60\00:07:37.76 Let's get what the Word of God says. 00:07:37.76\00:07:39.76 Job chapter 7, verse number 9. 00:07:39.76\00:07:41.43 Job chapter 7, and verse number 9. 00:07:41.43\00:07:46.10 The Word of God says to us in Job chapter 7, verse number 9. 00:07:46.10\00:07:49.30 The Word says, "As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away: so 00:07:49.30\00:07:52.93 he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more." 00:07:52.93\00:07:55.96 Verse 10, "He shall return no more to his house, neither 00:07:55.96\00:07:59.80 shall his place know him any more." 00:07:59.80\00:08:02.86 Which means then, that dead people do not go back and haunt 00:08:02.86\00:08:05.90 their houses. 00:08:05.90\00:08:06.90 [Aud. 00:08:06.90\00:08:09.20 reaction] PB: Well, Mama was talking to me. 00:08:09.20\00:08:12.06 No, she was not. 00:08:12.06\00:08:13.06 Gramma was talking to me. 00:08:13.06\00:08:15.23 No, she was not. 00:08:15.23\00:08:17.26 Daddy was looking down on me. 00:08:17.26\00:08:18.56 No, he was not. 00:08:18.56\00:08:19.90 I had a dream and saw them alive last night. 00:08:19.90\00:08:22.90 No, you did not. 00:08:22.90\00:08:24.66 The dead are dead. 00:08:24.66\00:08:26.50 Dead people can't go back and haunt houses. 00:08:26.50\00:08:29.16 But we've got this crazy TV show coming on now. 00:08:29.16\00:08:32.76 Talking about people that are dead, now I saw them. 00:08:32.76\00:08:35.70 You didn't see anything. 00:08:35.70\00:08:36.70 You ate a full meal before you went to bed, and now you're 00:08:36.70\00:08:39.06 dreaming stuff in your head. 00:08:39.06\00:08:42.10 [Aud. reaction] PB: Dead people are what, 00:08:42.10\00:08:44.20 everybody? 00:08:44.20\00:08:45.20 Aud.: Dead. 00:08:45.20\00:08:46.20 PB: Now get some more. 00:08:46.20\00:08:49.20 Go to Job 14. 00:08:49.20\00:08:50.20 And go to verse number 14. 00:08:50.20\00:08:52.13 Job chapter 14, and go to verse number 12 and then we're going 00:08:52.13\00:08:56.10 to read 12 and 21. 00:08:56.10\00:08:57.13 Job chapter 14, verse number 12, the Word of God 00:08:57.13\00:09:00.33 says to us tonight. 00:09:00.33\00:09:01.33 Job chapter 14, verse number 12. 00:09:01.33\00:09:03.63 "So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no 00:09:03.63\00:09:07.03 more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep." 00:09:07.03\00:09:09.66 Everybody say sleep. 00:09:09.66\00:09:10.76 Aud.: Sleep. 00:09:10.76\00:09:22.86 Job chapter 14, verse number PB: Verse 21, "His sons come to 00:09:22.86\00:09:31.86 honour, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low, but 00:09:31.86\00:09:33.86 he perceiveth it not of them." 00:09:33.86\00:09:34.86 Dead people do not know what their loved ones on earth are 00:09:34.86\00:09:36.86 doing. 00:09:36.86\00:09:37.86 Because dead people are what, everybody? 00:09:37.86\00:09:39.86 Aud.: Dead. 00:09:39.86\00:09:40.86 PB: Think about it, folks. 00:09:40.86\00:09:41.86 Why would God, a loving God that we serve, allow our loved 00:09:41.86\00:09:43.86 ones who have died in Him to be in heaven, looking down on us 00:09:43.86\00:09:45.86 going through all the mess we go through. 00:09:45.86\00:09:47.86 Why would God do that? 00:09:47.86\00:09:48.86 God would not want to do that. 00:09:48.86\00:09:49.86 We serve a loving God. 00:09:49.86\00:09:50.86 Dead people do not know what we are doing. 00:09:50.86\00:09:52.86 Let's get some more, go to the book of Psalms. 00:09:52.86\00:09:54.86 What book of Psalms? 00:09:54.86\00:09:55.86 Psalm 6. 00:09:55.86\00:09:56.86 Psalm what, everybody? 00:09:56.86\00:09:57.86 Aud.: Six. 00:09:57.86\00:09:58.86 PB: Go to Psalm 6, and go to Psalm 6, and we're going 00:09:58.86\00:10:00.86 to verse number 5. 00:10:00.86\00:10:01.86 Psalm 6:5, the Word of God says to us tonight in Psalm 6, 00:10:01.86\00:10:03.86 verse 5. 00:10:03.86\00:10:04.86 The Word says, Psalm 6:5, "For in death there is no 00:10:04.86\00:10:06.86 remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall 00:10:06.86\00:10:08.86 give thee thanks?" 00:10:08.86\00:10:09.86 Which means, you'd better tell people thank-you now, 'cause 00:10:09.86\00:10:11.86 when you're dead, you're dead. 00:10:11.86\00:10:12.86 Dead people do not remember, nor do they give thanks, 00:10:12.86\00:10:15.40 because dead people are what, everybody? 00:10:15.40\00:10:17.40 Aud.: Dead. 00:10:17.40\00:10:18.40 PB: Let's get some more. 00:10:18.40\00:10:19.40 Go to Psalm 115. 00:10:19.40\00:10:20.40 Psalm 115. 00:10:20.40\00:10:21.40 And we're going to Psalm 115, to verse number 17. 00:10:21.40\00:10:24.80 Psalm 115 to verse number 17. 00:10:24.80\00:10:27.10 The Word of God says in Psalm 115, verse number 17, "The dead 00:10:27.10\00:10:31.96 praise not the" what? 00:10:31.96\00:10:33.46 Aud.: Lord. 00:10:33.46\00:10:34.46 PB: "Neither any that go down into" what? 00:10:34.46\00:10:37.36 Aud.: Silence. 00:10:37.36\00:10:38.36 PB: The dead do not, they cannot praise God, because 00:10:38.36\00:10:41.40 the dead are what, everybody? 00:10:41.40\00:10:42.40 Aud.: Dead. 00:10:42.40\00:10:43.40 PB: Let's go to Psalm 146. 00:10:43.40\00:10:44.40 Psalm 146, know what you believe, know why you believe 00:10:44.40\00:10:48.23 it, know where it's found. 00:10:48.23\00:10:49.23 Psalm 146, verse number 4. 00:10:49.23\00:10:51.53 Psalm 146, verse number 4. 00:10:51.53\00:10:53.96 The Word of God says, "His breath goeth forth, he 00:10:53.96\00:10:57.36 returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish." 00:10:57.36\00:11:01.40 His thoughts do what, everybody? 00:11:01.40\00:11:03.50 Aud.: Perish. 00:11:03.50\00:11:04.50 PB: His thoughts do what, everybody? 00:11:04.50\00:11:06.50 Aud.: Perish. 00:11:06.50\00:11:07.50 PB: They perish. 00:11:07.50\00:11:08.50 Dead people do not haunt houses. 00:11:08.50\00:11:10.50 Dead people do not know what their loved ones are doing. 00:11:10.50\00:11:12.50 Dead people do not give thanks. 00:11:12.50\00:11:13.50 Dead people do not give God praise. 00:11:13.50\00:11:15.50 Dead people can no longer think, because dead people 00:11:15.50\00:11:17.90 are what, everybody? 00:11:17.90\00:11:18.90 Aud.: Dead. 00:11:18.90\00:11:19.90 PB: Now how does this all work together? 00:11:19.90\00:11:24.23 How does this all come together? 00:11:24.23\00:11:27.00 Remember, at Jesus' second coming, four primary 00:11:27.00\00:11:31.36 groups of people. 00:11:31.36\00:11:32.70 The Bible teaches of two resurrections. 00:11:32.70\00:11:35.23 At His second coming, the first resurrection, the dead 00:11:35.23\00:11:38.90 in Christ rise first. 00:11:38.90\00:11:41.00 The Bible teaches that the righteous living 00:11:41.00\00:11:42.96 are caught up to meet the Lord in the air. 00:11:42.96\00:11:45.03 The wicked living die at the brightness 00:11:45.03\00:11:46.93 of His coming, and the wicked dead remain dead 00:11:46.93\00:11:48.60 for 1,000 years. 00:11:48.60\00:11:49.93 At the end of the 1,000 years, there's a resurrection 00:11:49.93\00:11:53.63 of the wicked. 00:11:53.63\00:11:54.63 At His first coming, Jesus comes to save His people. 00:11:54.63\00:11:57.53 At His second coming, Jesus is coming to get His people. 00:11:57.53\00:12:01.66 At His third coming, Jesus is coming back with his people. 00:12:01.66\00:12:06.13 But the devil is a liar. 00:12:06.13\00:12:07.70 There is no truth in the devil. 00:12:07.70\00:12:10.56 He wants us to think that dead people are alive and they can 00:12:10.56\00:12:14.33 be contacted. 00:12:14.33\00:12:15.33 For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know 00:12:15.33\00:12:18.20 not anything. 00:12:18.20\00:12:19.26 Which means because the dead are dead, leave Ouija boards, 00:12:19.26\00:12:23.16 voodoo, and crazy spirits alone. 00:12:23.16\00:12:30.66 Well, if I just do this with this Ouija board or do that, 00:12:30.66\00:12:34.80 I will speak to my mama, who's dead. 00:12:34.80\00:12:37.06 No! 00:12:37.06\00:12:38.06 Leave it alone! 00:12:38.06\00:12:39.06 If you plan with fire, you're going to get burned. 00:12:39.06\00:12:42.33 The Bible is clear in Isaiah 8:20, "To the law and to 00:12:42.33\00:12:46.60 the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, 00:12:46.60\00:12:50.16 it is because there is no light in them." 00:12:50.16\00:12:53.13 Let me tell you something, friends of mine. 00:12:53.13\00:12:55.73 Satan knows the Bible better than you. 00:12:55.73\00:12:58.33 Satan can quote Scripture better than you. 00:12:58.33\00:13:00.63 Satan can preach better than you. 00:13:00.63\00:13:03.20 Satan can teach better than you. 00:13:03.20\00:13:05.70 If Satan will tempt Jesus, you'd better believe 00:13:05.70\00:13:08.53 he will try and tempt you. 00:13:08.53\00:13:09.66 [Aud. reaction] PB: Satan will transform himself 00:13:09.66\00:13:11.73 into an angel of light. 00:13:11.73\00:13:14.03 Let me be clear. 00:13:14.03\00:13:15.03 Satan's not in a red suit. 00:13:15.03\00:13:16.46 Satan does not have horns. 00:13:16.46\00:13:17.66 Satan does not have a tail. 00:13:17.66\00:13:19.33 Satan does not have a pitchfork. 00:13:19.33\00:13:21.83 Let me be clear, some of you work for the devil. 00:13:21.83\00:13:24.70 Some of you live with the devil. 00:13:24.70\00:13:29.93 Satan will transform himself into an angel of light, making 00:13:29.93\00:13:33.83 himself appear as a minister. 00:13:33.83\00:13:36.13 And if you're not careful, Satan will deceive you 00:13:36.13\00:13:38.76 on the Word. 00:13:38.76\00:13:39.76 Satan will deceive you on life. 00:13:39.76\00:13:41.13 Satan will deceive you on death. 00:13:41.13\00:13:43.50 Satan will deceive you on resurrection power, making you 00:13:43.50\00:13:46.13 think he has the power to resurrect somebody. 00:13:46.13\00:13:49.10 But Satan cannot resurrect anybody. 00:13:49.10\00:13:52.63 Only Jesus can give life. 00:13:52.63\00:13:54.63 Only Jesus can save life. 00:13:54.63\00:13:57.36 Jesus said, "I have come that you might have life, that you 00:13:57.36\00:14:00.43 might have it abundantly. 00:14:00.43\00:14:02.10 I am the resurrection and the life." 00:14:02.10\00:14:05.16 Understand, Jesus is saying, I have given you life. 00:14:05.16\00:14:08.73 Satan, oh he had defeated Jesus at Calvary. 00:14:08.73\00:14:13.26 He thought he had defeated him. 00:14:13.26\00:14:15.16 But I'm so glad that on the third appointed day, 00:14:15.16\00:14:21.76 Jesus got up with all power in His hands. 00:14:21.76\00:14:28.26 Power over life, power over death, power over hell 00:14:28.26\00:14:32.06 and the grave, and Jesus, my friends, 00:14:32.06\00:14:35.60 He got up that day. 00:14:35.60\00:14:36.03 And because He lives, we can live. 00:14:36.03\00:14:40.86 Because He got up, we can get up one day. 00:14:40.86\00:14:45.30 I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today. 00:14:45.30\00:14:50.60 I know that He is living, whatever men may say. 00:14:50.60\00:14:53.46 I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer. 00:14:53.46\00:14:56.43 And just the time I need Him, Jesus is always near. 00:14:56.43\00:15:01.30 Behold, I show you a mystery. 00:15:01.30\00:15:03.33 The day is coming that we shall not all sleep, but the Bible 00:15:03.33\00:15:07.13 says we shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an 00:15:07.13\00:15:10.46 eye, that one day this mortal will put on immortality and 00:15:10.46\00:15:13.80 this corruptible will put on incorruption and death is going 00:15:13.80\00:15:16.96 to be swallowed up in victory. 00:15:16.96\00:15:18.66 Victory is mine. 00:15:18.66\00:15:19.66 Victory is mine. 00:15:19.66\00:15:20.66 Victory today is mine. 00:15:20.66\00:15:24.76 I told Satan, get thee behind. 00:15:24.76\00:15:27.50 Victory, today is mine. 00:15:27.50\00:15:30.76 Understand that when we die in the Lord, it's not a period. 00:15:30.76\00:15:35.86 It's only a comma in the story of life, 'cause one day the dead 00:15:35.86\00:15:39.66 in Christ are going to rise first. 00:15:39.66\00:15:42.36 When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that's going 00:15:42.36\00:15:47.10 to be. 00:15:47.10\00:15:48.10 When we all see Jesus, we're going to sing and shout 00:15:48.10\00:15:51.73 the victory. 00:15:51.73\00:15:52.73 There'll be no more death, no more crying, no more sickness, 00:15:52.73\00:15:56.03 no more pain. 00:15:56.03\00:15:57.16 Lord, You're worthy of all of our glory. 00:15:57.16\00:15:59.66 Worthy of all of the honor and the praise. 00:15:59.66\00:16:04.43 Understand, the devil is a liar. 00:16:04.43\00:16:08.63 The devil is nervous. 00:16:08.63\00:16:12.03 The devil knows he hath but a short time. 00:16:12.03\00:16:17.43 And he knows this because Jesus is coming back. 00:16:17.43\00:16:25.66 Don't let Satan punk you out. 00:16:25.66\00:16:32.53 Don't let Satan lie to you. 00:16:32.53\00:16:37.60 Let me tell you something, friends of mine. 00:16:37.60\00:16:40.26 If you're going to go to church, you're going to sing 00:16:40.26\00:16:42.26 and you're going to sweat. 00:16:42.26\00:16:44.86 And you're going to go through all of this, you'd better learn 00:16:44.86\00:16:48.03 how to worship God in Spirit and in truth. 00:16:48.03\00:16:55.16 Spirit and in truth. 00:16:55.16\00:17:00.73 Who told you that when you die you're going straight 00:17:00.73\00:17:04.60 to heaven? 00:17:04.60\00:17:05.60 Who told you that? 00:17:05.60\00:17:10.03 Where did you read that? 00:17:10.03\00:17:12.03 If Satan will deceive Adam and Eve on fruit, 00:17:14.90\00:17:16.56 don't you know he'll deceive you on death? 00:17:16.56\00:17:23.10 If Satan will seek even to deceive the Lord Jesus. 00:17:25.90\00:17:29.10 Just jump. 00:17:29.10\00:17:31.56 I'll give You all of this. 00:17:31.56\00:17:33.66 Jump from this pinnacle, I'll give You all of this. 00:17:33.66\00:17:36.26 The unmitigated gall of Satan. 00:17:36.26\00:17:38.30 He's going to tell Jesus what he can give Jesus, and Jesus 00:17:38.30\00:17:41.20 owns everything in the first place. 00:17:41.20\00:17:43.36 But if he will deceive Adam and Eve and seek to deceive 00:17:43.36\00:17:50.46 the Lord Jesus, how much more will he deceive you and me? 00:17:50.46\00:17:57.36 Tonight, before we go to the screen, 00:17:57.36\00:18:00.53 don't be mad at Pastor Byrd. 00:18:00.53\00:18:04.63 Oh, he's preaching that stuff that's different. 00:18:04.63\00:18:06.63 That's new. 00:18:06.63\00:18:07.63 I've never heard that before, Pastor Byrd. 00:18:07.63\00:18:09.63 You ought to be glad that God spoke to you through His Word, 00:18:09.63\00:18:12.03 and has shown you His truth from His Word. 00:18:12.03\00:18:18.06 Let me tell you why I get excited about this subject. 00:18:18.06\00:18:21.90 I get excited about this subject because I realize that 00:18:21.90\00:18:26.06 troubles don't last always. 00:18:26.06\00:18:27.93 I get excited about this service and this subject 00:18:27.93\00:18:31.23 because weeping may endure for a night but joy comes 00:18:31.23\00:18:34.23 in the morning. 00:18:34.23\00:18:35.23 I get excited because I know if I should die on this earth, 00:18:35.23\00:18:36.60 the next voice I'm going to hear. 00:18:36.60\00:18:43.26 The sound of the very next voice I'm going to hear 00:18:43.26\00:18:47.86 is the sound of my Jesus. 00:18:47.86\00:18:50.03 And He's going to say, well done, thou good and faithful 00:18:50.03\00:18:53.80 servant. 00:18:53.80\00:18:54.80 Enter now into the joy of thy Lord. 00:18:54.80\00:18:57.66 There are a lot of good voices out there, but I want to hear 00:18:57.66\00:18:59.66 the voice of Jesus. 00:18:59.66\00:19:00.73 I want to hear the voice of the One who died for me. 00:19:00.73\00:19:02.83 The One who bled for me. 00:19:02.83\00:19:04.33 The One who hung for me. 00:19:04.33\00:19:05.60 The One who is coming back to get me, if I die on this earth. 00:19:05.60\00:19:09.90 Good news. 00:19:09.90\00:19:11.23 May the next voice I hear be the voice of Jesus. 00:19:11.23\00:19:18.70 Dust plus breath equals living soul. 00:19:18.70\00:19:23.06 When a person dies, the body returns to what? 00:19:23.06\00:19:28.83 Dust. 00:19:28.83\00:19:29.83 The spirit returns to who? 00:19:29.83\00:19:32.90 God. 00:19:32.90\00:19:33.90 The soul ceases to what, everybody? 00:19:33.90\00:19:36.80 Aud.: Exist. 00:19:36.80\00:19:37.80 PB: If people went straight to heaven, there would be 00:19:37.80\00:19:39.80 no one to rise first. 00:19:39.80\00:19:40.80 The reality is, we don't have souls. 00:19:40.80\00:19:46.56 We are souls. 00:19:46.56\00:19:49.93 The soul that sinneth it shall die. 00:19:49.93\00:19:54.60 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God 00:19:54.60\00:19:58.80 is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 00:19:58.80\00:20:03.30 Quickly I've got a couple of slides for you. 00:20:03.30\00:20:05.53 Let's go to the screen. 00:20:05.53\00:20:06.73 The Word says, sanctify them through Thy truth. 00:20:06.73\00:20:11.76 Thy Word is what, everybody? 00:20:11.76\00:20:13.96 Thy Word is what, everybody? 00:20:13.96\00:20:16.96 God's truth is full of what? 00:20:16.96\00:20:20.66 Because God's truth can do what, everybody? 00:20:20.66\00:20:23.40 It will set you free. 00:20:23.40\00:20:24.60 If God said it, whether or not it's popular or not, if God 00:20:24.60\00:20:28.26 said it, that what, everybody? 00:20:28.26\00:20:29.36 That settles it. 00:20:29.36\00:20:30.76 That settles it. 00:20:30.76\00:20:31.93 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground; 00:20:31.93\00:20:34.03 breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. 00:20:34.03\00:20:36.70 Man became a living what, everybody? 00:20:36.70\00:20:38.70 Dust plus what, breath, equals living what? 00:20:38.70\00:20:40.70 Come one, dust plus what? 00:20:40.70\00:20:41.70 Equals living what, everybody? 00:20:41.70\00:20:43.96 Aud.: Soul. 00:20:43.96\00:20:45.93 PB: Then the dust will return to the earth as it was. 00:20:45.93\00:20:50.03 The spirit will return to God, who gave it. 00:20:50.03\00:20:52.96 Behold, all souls are mine. 00:20:52.96\00:20:54.23 At the soul of the Fathers, also the soul of the Son, 00:20:54.23\00:20:58.13 is mine. 00:20:58.13\00:20:59.13 The soul that senteth, it shall what, everybody? 00:20:59.13\00:21:01.96 It shall what, everybody? 00:21:01.96\00:21:03.63 Marvel not at this, the hour is coming into which all 00:21:03.63\00:21:06.53 that in the graves shall hear His what? 00:21:06.53\00:21:09.90 And that shall come forth, they that have done good 00:21:09.90\00:21:12.13 unto the resurrection of life, and they 00:21:12.13\00:21:14.26 that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation. 00:21:14.26\00:21:16.90 For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with 00:21:16.90\00:21:20.93 a shout, with the voice of the archangel, the trump of God. 00:21:20.93\00:21:25.43 And the dead in Christ shall rise first. 00:21:25.43\00:21:29.43 Then we which are alive who remain shall be caught up 00:21:29.43\00:21:31.36 together with Him in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. 00:21:31.36\00:21:33.43 And so shall we ever be with the Lord. 00:21:33.43\00:21:37.03 Wherefore, comfort one another with these words. 00:21:37.03\00:21:40.06 So you will never be the same again. 00:21:40.06\00:21:44.16 You will go to a funeral, and somebody's going to be putting 00:21:44.16\00:21:49.10 the deceased in heaven. 00:21:49.10\00:21:50.23 And you're going to remember what we studied and preached 00:21:50.23\00:21:53.66 here at the revival. 00:21:53.66\00:21:54.93 And you're going to remember no, they're not in heaven, 00:21:54.93\00:21:57.33 they're just sleeping. 00:21:57.33\00:21:58.33 Awaiting the voice of the Lifegiver, Jesus Christ. 00:21:58.33\00:22:01.10 At His second coming, the dead in Christ, at that time are 00:22:01.10\00:22:04.56 going to rise first. 00:22:04.56\00:22:05.86 And we ought to comfort one another with these words. 00:22:05.86\00:22:09.90 At Jesus' second coming there are four groups of people: the 00:22:09.90\00:22:12.60 righteous dead rise first. 00:22:12.60\00:22:14.20 The righteous living, caught up to meet the Lord. 00:22:14.20\00:22:16.20 Wicked living die at the brightness of His coming, 00:22:16.20\00:22:18.20 wicked dead remain what, everybody? 00:22:18.20\00:22:20.26 Aud.: Dead. 00:22:20.26\00:22:21.26 PB: If all the righteous went to heaven when they died, they 00:22:21.26\00:22:23.26 who would Jesus be coming back to get at His second coming? 00:22:23.26\00:22:26.66 There would be no one for Him to come back and get. 00:22:26.66\00:22:30.86 Because the righteous do not go to heaven at death, because if 00:22:30.86\00:22:34.16 they did there would be no one for Jesus to come and get. 00:22:34.16\00:22:36.53 Satan wants to deceive people into thinking that dead people 00:22:36.53\00:22:39.73 are alive and can be contacted. 00:22:39.73\00:22:41.96 But dead people are dead. 00:22:41.96\00:22:43.46 They do not know a thing. 00:22:43.46\00:22:45.53 For the living know that they shall what? 00:22:45.53\00:22:47.86 Die. 00:22:47.86\00:22:48.86 But the dead know not what, everybody? 00:22:48.86\00:22:50.86 And they have no more reward, for the memory of them is 00:22:50.86\00:22:53.80 forgotten. 00:22:53.80\00:22:54.80 Their love, their hatred, their envy, have no perished. 00:22:54.80\00:22:57.43 Nevermore will they share a thing that is done under the 00:22:57.43\00:23:01.23 sun. 00:23:01.23\00:23:02.23 His breath goeth forth. 00:23:02.23\00:23:03.23 He returneth to his earth. 00:23:03.23\00:23:04.46 In that very day his thoughts shall perish. 00:23:04.46\00:23:07.56 So dead people are dead. 00:23:07.56\00:23:10.66 We've got to leave astrologists, fortune tellers, 00:23:10.66\00:23:14.26 palm readers, sorcerers, horoscopes, psychics. 00:23:14.26\00:23:17.96 We've got to leave them alone. 00:23:17.96\00:23:19.33 Come on, say amen. 00:23:19.33\00:23:20.63 Come on, say amen. 00:23:20.63\00:23:22.66 Aud.: Amen. 00:23:22.66\00:23:23.66 PB: People tell you well, this is where your lifeline is. 00:23:23.66\00:23:25.86 All they're doing is looking at some veins, guessing which way 00:23:25.86\00:23:28.33 your veins are going. 00:23:28.33\00:23:29.33 I remember the Jamaican lady. 00:23:29.33\00:23:32.70 What's her name? 00:23:32.70\00:23:33.70 Cleo. 00:23:33.70\00:23:34.70 Some of you all remember Cleo. 00:23:34.70\00:23:36.10 Cleo! 00:23:36.10\00:23:39.33 Cleo used to come on late at night. 00:23:39.33\00:23:42.03 Cleo went out of business because Cleo was a fraud. 00:23:42.03\00:23:44.66 Come on, say amen! 00:23:44.66\00:23:45.83 "And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have 00:23:45.83\00:23:48.26 familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that 00:23:48.26\00:23:50.96 mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? 00:23:50.96\00:23:52.96 for the living to the dead? 00:23:52.96\00:23:54.23 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not 00:23:54.23\00:23:57.20 according to this word, it is because there is no," what in 00:23:57.20\00:24:00.16 them, everybody? 00:24:00.16\00:24:01.16 Aud.: Light. 00:24:01.16\00:24:02.16 PB: They can be a good person. 00:24:02.16\00:24:03.16 They can be a nice person. 00:24:03.16\00:24:04.70 They can be a kind person. 00:24:04.70\00:24:06.23 But if they're not speaking according to the Word of God, 00:24:06.23\00:24:09.26 there is no light in them. 00:24:09.26\00:24:10.73 Therefore to them that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, 00:24:10.73\00:24:18.06 to him it is what? 00:24:18.06\00:24:21.13 Tonight, we've been here three nights. 00:24:21.13\00:24:25.16 When it comes to the second coming of Jesus, when it comes 00:24:25.16\00:24:31.00 to the millennium, when it comes to the state of the dead, 00:24:31.00\00:24:36.93 who are you going to follow? 00:24:36.93\00:24:40.13 Are you going to follow popularity? 00:24:40.13\00:24:43.80 Are you going to follow tradition? 00:24:43.80\00:24:47.00 Who are you going to follow? 00:24:47.00\00:24:49.73 Who are you going to obey? 00:24:49.73\00:24:52.93 As Peter and the other apostles had said we ought to obey God 00:24:52.93\00:24:57.63 rather than men. 00:24:57.63\00:24:59.90 But be ye doers of the word not hearers only, deceiving your 00:24:59.90\00:25:06.90 own selves. 00:25:06.90\00:25:07.90 Got a lot of folk that want to hear the word and they want to 00:25:07.90\00:25:09.90 read the word, but you've got to do the word. 00:25:09.90\00:25:12.23 You've got to do the word, it's more than just hearing. 00:25:12.23\00:25:15.66 You've got to do it. 00:25:15.66\00:25:17.13 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:25:17.13\00:25:19.13 You've got to do the word. 00:25:19.13\00:25:20.13 For if we sin willfully, after we have received the knowledge 00:25:20.13\00:25:23.73 of truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins. 00:25:23.73\00:25:27.90 That means you know what's right but you refuse to do 00:25:27.90\00:25:31.83 what's right. 00:25:31.83\00:25:32.83 Then you ask God to cover your sins. 00:25:32.83\00:25:34.83 How can you ask God to cover what you're not willing to live 00:25:34.83\00:25:36.83 and do your own self? 00:25:36.83\00:25:37.83 Don't ask God to do what you're not willing to do for yourself, 00:25:37.83\00:25:40.60 but blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may 00:25:40.60\00:25:43.20 have the right to the Tree of Life and may enter in through 00:25:43.20\00:25:46.13 the gates into the city. 00:25:46.13\00:25:48.23 Friends of mine, Jesus is coming back. 00:25:48.23\00:25:51.63 But Jesus is coming back for a people who are in love with 00:25:51.63\00:25:55.16 Him. 00:25:55.16\00:25:56.16 Jesus is coming back for a people who are not only in love 00:25:56.16\00:25:58.23 with Him, but people who are willing to follow Him, come 00:25:58.23\00:26:01.43 what may. 00:26:01.43\00:26:02.43 You've got to forget what the world says and do what God 00:26:02.43\00:26:06.30 says. 00:26:06.30\00:26:07.30 God loves you. 00:26:07.30\00:26:10.03 God died for you. 00:26:10.03\00:26:12.03 And one day soon, God is coming back to get you. 00:26:12.03\00:26:19.93 >: It's an age-old question: What happens after we die? 00:26:19.93\00:26:23.66 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "What the Bible 00:26:23.66\00:26:26.43 Says About Death." 00:26:26.43\00:26:27.96 This little book peels back the theories the world has on 00:26:27.96\00:26:30.93 the afterlife and carefully explains what's accurate based 00:26:30.93\00:26:34.33 on a source we can really rely on, God's Word. 00:26:34.33\00:26:38.26 Discover what the Bible says about the soul, human nature, 00:26:38.26\00:26:41.50 talking to the dead, the coming millennium, the resurrection, 00:26:41.50\00:26:45.43 and hell. 00:26:45.43\00:26:46.43 "What the Bible Says About Death" is yours for a gift of 00:26:46.43\00:26:49.00 $5 or more. 00:26:49.00\00:26:50.00 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:26:50.00\00:26:55.90 That's 877-265-6333. 00:26:55.90\00:26:58.36 Please have your credit card ready when you call. 00:26:58.36\00:27:00.83 Or, you may write to us to request your copy. 00:27:00.83\00:27:03.13 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 00:27:03.13\00:27:05.53 Newbury Park, CA 91319. 00:27:05.53\00:27:10.93 Find comfort in what's to come after we pass from this world 00:27:10.93\00:27:14.46 to the next. 00:27:14.46\00:27:15.96 Get your copy of ""What the Bible Says About Death" today. 00:27:15.96\00:27:19.93 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching 00:27:20.83\00:27:22.90 Breath of Life today. 00:27:22.90\00:27:24.53 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry 00:27:24.53\00:27:27.26 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world. 00:27:27.26\00:27:31.40 In order for Breath of Life to continue in ministry 00:27:31.40\00:27:34.73 we need you. 00:27:34.73\00:27:35.80 We need your prayers, we need your support. 00:27:35.80\00:27:38.86 We want you to know that any and all donations, small 00:27:38.86\00:27:41.33 or great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated. 00:27:41.33\00:27:45.66 To contact us or to make your donations, please feel free to 00:27:45.66\00:27:48.76 give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:27:48.76\00:27:54.33 That's 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:27:54.33\00:28:00.26 Or, you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 00:28:00.26\00:28:03.40 Newbury Park, CA 91319. 00:28:03.40\00:28:09.63 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319. 00:28:09.63\00:28:14.73 Or log onto our website at www.BreathofLife.tv. 00:28:14.73\00:28:20.46 PB: What happens to a person when they die? 00:28:21.43\00:28:25.46 What really is death? 00:28:25.46\00:28:26.46